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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 64 KB, 388x580, 3c5f741ba767571618864edb63702d19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8672272 No.8672272 [Reply] [Original]

Post pictures and discuss

I'm thinking about adding some Kimono Hime magazines to an order I have sitting at my SS. Are they any good just for the pictures?

>> No.8672282
File: 114 KB, 640x480, 20150914n 064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yaaaas, kimono thread !

I'm starting to get into more traditional patterns and woven fabric, any good book/magazine for that style ?

(I would kill for pic related)

>> No.8672287
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weave porn for you

>> No.8672295
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>> No.8672299
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>> No.8672301
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>> No.8672303
File: 95 KB, 500x750, hakama3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got my eye on this perfect vintage haori on ebay to start my descent into wearing this stuff casually. Fingers crossed.

>> No.8672306
File: 58 KB, 237x340, yukatamizutama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Though I had more. Oh well.
I kind of regret not getting pic related at Uniclo this summer

>> No.8672309
File: 21 KB, 640x480, 11698633_10105995030941799_1800478043010628419_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hakama but no fake collar
Abiba dear, please

>> No.8672316
File: 230 KB, 600x900, 130729-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does it seem like a formal outfit to you? Cause it looks like a casual vintage blend to me.

>> No.8672320
File: 84 KB, 960x720, 1437514783790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nop, but hakama is only worn with kimono, not ever with yukata, so apart from sportswear styling you're supposed to have an under kimono, or at least fake it with a collar.

>> No.8672321
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>> No.8672324
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>> No.8672326
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>> No.8672329

That vintage look is so good.

>> No.8672330
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I wonder how many gulls outside of Japan actually wear kimono. There's plenty of lolitas on IG, but they almost never post outfits.

>> No.8672333
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>> No.8672337
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>> No.8672339
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Feel free to argue that it doesn't work conceptually. But arguing that this isn't how it's traditionally done doesn't seem right to me if you want to consider it a living fashion.

>> No.8672340
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>> No.8672341
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>> No.8672342
File: 126 KB, 720x960, 10436337_10152611683238031_7959004444018317099_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, since it's obviously vintage inspired and respect all the other "rules" of the school-girl style hakama, it doesn't make sense.

>> No.8672345
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I love Double Maison stuff so much.

>> No.8672346
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>> No.8672351
File: 78 KB, 405x540, dm1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The "vintage" part is the early 20th century European influence. Shoes, hat, bag, hair, umbrella.

>> No.8672352
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>> No.8672357
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As well as the natural colors used, yes. That and the really rough type of fabric used on the hakama. The outfit could really be a 30's out-of-town teacher outfit for example. The overall design is definitely really vintage, that's why the absence of collar feels weird to me.

>> No.8672369
File: 53 KB, 500x690, efbd741253f79a8c31d005d02d777119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's why it feels really natural to me. I can see where you're coming from though.

>> No.8672374
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I'm all for more masculine styling though, I really like the knot she used

>> No.8672377
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>> No.8672378
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>> No.8672380
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>> No.8672382
File: 358 KB, 540x720, 1403207041407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kyary Pamyu Pamyu's furisode for her 20th birthday was...modern to say the least.

>> No.8672386
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>> No.8672387
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Pretty much yes.

>> No.8672393
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I like how the model looks like a scared rabbit herself.

>> No.8672403
File: 306 KB, 640x900, mamechiyo-spring-kimono-yellow-green.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Booting with a few

>> No.8672404
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>> No.8672405
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>> No.8672406
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>> No.8672407
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>> No.8672409

So before this becomes a complete picture spam. Is there a name for the sort of vintage style seen here >>8672303? I've heard it brought up together with steampunk because of the same time period. And I'm pretty sure there was a name for it.

>> No.8672410
File: 161 KB, 768x1024, http%3A%2F%2F41.media.tumblr.com%2Fc640011205cab9c99b0bd331c547cb76%2Ftumblr_nhypzhUDfw1qjy5c1o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8672413

Taisho roman ?

And people don't seem that interested in discussion in any kimono thread ever.

>> No.8672416
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>> No.8672425
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>> No.8672427
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>> No.8672428
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>> No.8672429
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Cats for cat people

>> No.8672432
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>> No.8672434
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>> No.8672435

Question: if I wanted to make my own kimono, where could I get the fabric? I hear that kimono silk is different from the one sold here in the west.

>> No.8672437
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>> No.8672439
File: 64 KB, 460x690, 1437354988362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a few etsy/ebay shops that sell kimono fabric cheaply. These shops are based in Japan, and sell the fabric they find in temple yard sales.

>> No.8672445
File: 60 KB, 388x580, 1437369252753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the last one.

>> No.8672446
File: 52 KB, 500x649, tumblr_nt4zsedYkY1sd87t7o4_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, that wasn't really criticism. I know there isn't much to talk about.

>Taisho roman
Kinda? All of this looks very fancy and feminine (romantic?) though compared to what I'm thinking of.

>> No.8672447

Thanks! Any search term that I could use to make it easy? "Kimono fabric" seems a bit weird

Sorry I don't have any pictures to contribute

>> No.8672451

As >>8672439 said, you can find kimono bolts on Ebay. You can also find karinui (unsewn but pre-cut kimono held together by basting stitches ) which are pretty good for practice too.

>> No.8672453

I think this seller has fabric too that you could use.

>> No.8672456

This is the one I was thinking of! Have fun!

>> No.8672463

Thanks everyone!

>> No.8672478
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>> No.8673056
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>mfw I was unfriended on Facebook last night.
>By a middle-upper class white guy.
>For 'cultural appropriation.'
>For wearing haori.

>> No.8673068

I have a few that I love the print of but I don't think I'll wear again. Do you think I'll be able to sell it? They're the thicker yukatas

>> No.8673071


>> No.8673084

Why do so many people think that kimono is some super sacred formalwear only worn during 2spoopy ancient Japanese ceremonies?

If I have one more person ask "But, like, where would THEY wear this?" because they're expecting me to tell them about some kind of fucking tea ceremony or something I'm going to have an aneurysm.

Where do you wear pants, fuckwit?

>> No.8673109

So this guy told you why he was unfriending you as well?

>> No.8673149
File: 47 KB, 547x448, il_570xN.373762513_4lb5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every once in a while ill stumble upon sheer haori jackets, and theyre always in darker colors and sometimes have pretty patterns on them. are they just for fun? are they only for men? ive googled about it but nothing really comes up.

>> No.8673160

They're for wearing during warmer weather over unlined kimono (which are also often semi-sheer, but underlayers keep you modestly dressed). The nice, silk one are best for actually keeping cool. But I've encountered some poly ones before, and they'll make you sweat like a pig.

>> No.8673164

Oh. And no, not always for men. I have a lovely one with momiji/maple motif that's a deep purple colour, and has the appropriate female sleeve construction.

>> No.8673169

Thank you! I noticed some with more feminine sleeves but almost all of them were for men so I got worried. They're so elegant though, I'll probably end up getting one.

>> No.8673177

There's lots of places to sell easily.
- local cosplay groups on Facebook. Weebs love that shit and pay lots for it
- craigslist
- kimono action/market on facebook
- sell it to cgl on bst thread

>> No.8673194

I'm not that knowledgeable in the pricing. What is the average price for a thicker yukata?

>> No.8673259

Depends on the pattern and the public. Modern garish patterns can be sold to weeb for 50$ pretty easily, more vintage patterns could go around 20-30$ on kimono groups. If you wanna make big bucks sells to the weeb, really.

>> No.8673260

Because they're pretty sure that it's impossible to wear by yourself. Everytime someone ask me if it's hard to dress up, I just tell them that's not harder than tying shoe lace or buttoning up clothes. Just because you don't know how doesn't make it hard.

>> No.8673292

Yes. Because he was 'offended and disgusted by my behavior.'

>> No.8673295

I'm offended and disgusted by his mere existence.

>> No.8673308

I like seeing what happens when people like him actually decide to visit other cultures.

"Here you go, this is our traditional dress for this event and yours is-"
>"Oh no I will not wear that!"
"Wh... What?"
"I, but, this is what you wear when you-"
"whaattt the fuck? Why did we ever let white people into this country..."

>> No.8673309


>sharing a culture and genuinely enjoying it it racist
How ?

>> No.8673317

I dunno man, cultural appropriation is a thing, and it is a problem, but some people seem to take even looking at someone from another culture as OMG YOU RACIST STOP APPROPRIATING THEM!

A list of things I have seen someone call cultural appropriation (on the internet):
>Drinking green tea
>Drinking green tea from a japanese tea cup (separate incident)
>Eating ethiopian food
>Wearing a yukata, while in japan, while at an onsen... an expensive onsen
>Going to china town
>Learning a different language
>Buying cutsy tourist crap that says things like "ALOHA!"
>etc. etc.

>> No.8673324

Oh my god I just remembered, the ethiopian food thing wasn't just about eating the food, it was HOW they were eating the food. The correct way, with their hands. I don't remember exactly how it was said, but they implied that eating it with your hands if you were not ethiopian was somehow making fun of the poor and there was something about how ethiopians were starving and how dare they eat their food (the person was at a restaurant in New York). I really should have screen capped it but I didn't for whatever reason and now it is lost, it was on tumblr of course. I hope I come across it again...

>> No.8673340

...wow. Eating with your hand if you're invited to fo it is like perfectly normal. My family is from Africa and on "normal" gathering we don't eat with our hand, but some foods are meant to be eaten that way and using fork and knife would be stupid. Do people think chopsticks are cultural appropriation too ?

>> No.8673345

I have no doubt in my mind that there are some people who do... I may have gotten drunk and browsed the sjw and cultural appropriation tags on tumblr a few times. I have seen some things.

>Click all the skateboards
>OK *clicks all the skateboards*
>It doesn't work.
>Keep clicking the button
>then notice one of the skateboards looks a little different, almost like a long board
>unclick that
>it works

Fucking captcha, a month ago you told me pizza was a fucking pasta, MAKE UP YOUR DAMNED MIND.

>> No.8673385

You could link him to all those articles and videos about Japanese people saying they appreciate if their traditional garments don't die out and are actually worn by people.

>> No.8673403
File: 98 KB, 300x589, kimonohimeyukata.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personal opinion from a Japanese guy:
>When is it okay for foreigners to wear a kimono?

Article from The Japan Times about how this SJW talk is killing the kimono as fashion and no one wants that:
>Cultural appropriation is the beginning of new creativity. Even if it includes some misunderstanding, it creates something new.

Article that leans more towards appropriation but mentions a lot of different perspectives:
> When you ossify it, you in some way imbue it with a kind of power, but you also suck the life right out of it. When you don’t allow it to change anymore, it ceases to be a vibrant part of society.

>> No.8673469

There's a place where I can find pictures from coming of age ceremony archery ?
It's just so beautiful.

>> No.8673655

I found most of mine on Flickr, I can search around for you. I'll be back.

>> No.8673659

I found the page. It has hundreds of pages, but this page in particular has a few.
Once you find one you can see how they tag the image, and then search again.


>> No.8673662

When I was a 13 year old weeb I use to search ebay for the perfect kimono (furisode? I forget the different names) for my wedding. Back then I didn't realize how stupid I would look as a white murikan decked out in a kimono on my wedding day.

I think if I ever traveled to Japan and was given the opportunity to wear one I would.. as long as it is in a respectful situation

>> No.8673684
File: 30 KB, 408x588, 556554df.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're worried about disrespecting Asian Americans and you're white. Give up right now.

>> No.8673693

I dunno what you're worried at considering stuff like lolita and a huge amount of japanese culture nowadays has a strong western influence, and they're not the least bit worried in disrespecting white people.

>> No.8673704

Please see >>8673403

And for the record, I have three friends who married Japanese spouses (two men, one woman). All three had double ceremonies and wore traditional Japanese wedding-wear in one and western-style clothes in the other, regardless of their heritages (one of the guys is Taiwanese, the other two were both white as white Americans can get).

>> No.8673705

hnnnrrgh I want a watermelon obi so bad.

>> No.8673714

Ho my.
All my thanks to you kind anon.

>> No.8673876
File: 385 KB, 632x964, Yukata_closeup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I ask advice in this thread? I'm not really experienced with kimono and yukata, but I own this yukata, pic related. The obi I was wearing with it was borrowed from a friend and one of those heavy firm obi's that are supposed to go with kimono rather than yukata I think.
So irl, the yukata is very dark blue with white and pastel pink butterflies. I've been trying to find a good obi to go with it, maybe even fabric to make one myself, but what colour and pattern would be good? I have no idea where to start... I have more pictures if necessary.

>> No.8673911
File: 65 KB, 460x813, 57d2fb4bb627cc2d4c5c16c02b761815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know good accessory sellers? I'm thinking of bags and flowers.

Also some inspiration for any male lurkers from /fa/.

>> No.8673913
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>> No.8673918
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>> No.8673929
File: 105 KB, 736x1345, efa9c7009945acfd05a6576d01533299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't help put see this as a Watership Down motif and it's amazing.

>> No.8673943
File: 67 KB, 350x526, meta kimono.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope it's ok to post a question about matching obis to kimono/yukata.
I recently bought a yukata (pic related). The print is a very opaque pink and red with some white accents. The seller didn't include the obi in the pic tho. Instead she gave me one that's solid red on one side, and solid green on the other, which is fine but IMO doesn't go with the yukata.
My question is: can I get some suggestions of what kind of obi (pattern or color-wise) would make a good match for this yukata? Pic to help guide me would be fantastic.

>> No.8673989

I don't know much about this but going from what I've seen in this thread and elsewhere this obi is a bad match, because you'd probably want contrast.

>> No.8674008

Yea I understand. I'm just not sure what color/pattern I should go for to make that contrast but not be a total eye sore. Maybe solid white/cream?? What mystifies me is how Japanese people can put together a kimono/yukata outfit with totally clashing patterns/colors and somehow it doesnt look like a hot mess but when I do I look like I got dressed in the dark??

>> No.8674021

If you're completely clueless about complementary colors and such try this tool:


Here's the colors taken from the yukata as example:
(different color palette modes too).

>> No.8674180


Oh sweet! I might try the peach color in one of the palettes. Thank you for the tool!

>> No.8675076
File: 160 KB, 500x751, YOSHIKIMONO_16ss_12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my fav from the yoshikimono collection

>> No.8675485

Has anyone worn yukata to conventions, especially in the summer? I go to one in late May when it's humid and hot as hell but I haven't seen anyone in yukata in a few years despite there being a traditional Japanese wear seller in the dealers room (no idea what his prices are).

So I was wondering if maybe that whole thing just died out or it's too impractical or something? I wanted to do a yukata festival version of a character I'm cosplaying. He does have some yukata official art of himself but I wanted to do something original and based on his iconic color design. I've only ever worn a women's kimono before so I'm not even sure where to start with mens yukata since that's got a smaller belt and wears differently.

So.. good idea or no? Also general mens yukata help? Especially where to shop.

>> No.8675641
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bumping with some unusual stuff

>> No.8675651
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>> No.8675653
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>> No.8675660
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>> No.8675662
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>> No.8675665
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>> No.8675668
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>> No.8675670
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>> No.8675671
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>> No.8675672
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>> No.8675675
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>> No.8675676
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>> No.8675678
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>> No.8675681
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>> No.8675686

Wow that's a vibrant print.

>> No.8675848
File: 485 KB, 600x437, CPQxsP1UcAEihVi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is fucking amazing.

>> No.8675853
File: 1.71 MB, 1200x1224, 0032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From here btw:
Great unique designs.

>> No.8675864
File: 680 KB, 600x900, KC81702.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is actually based on a German tank I believe. The obi is the Eisernes Kreuz and tank number. There's others based on camo, some dazzle camouflage (from ships).

>> No.8675876
File: 535 KB, 600x900, KC81707c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Better link, sorry.

The dazzle camo.

>> No.8675919

That's incredible

>> No.8675990
File: 1.06 MB, 1065x897, soft-kimono.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, some of outfits from the Yoshikimono were either really nice/normal looking or really "intense" looking (which isn't to say that I don't like them, but I'd have trouble finding an appropriate time to wear them).

Nice obi prints. I wonder if there's anymore horror themed prints like this?

That's gorgeous!

Thanks for the link. I'm falling in love with all of these kimonos & colors. There's this one particular kimono that caught my eye & reminded me of one of my favorite albums.

>> No.8676407
File: 329 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_nhcitcdbak1r2u4vxo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope I can make this an everyday look for me soon. I think it's a really cute mix.

>> No.8676411

/r/ing gal in kimono.

>> No.8676448

Does this girl have a blog? I dig her style

>> No.8676451
File: 73 KB, 480x640, tumblr_lynlysApSe1qgu8e2o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8676453
File: 36 KB, 467x700, tumblr_l6qg06pqyj1qd3w72o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8676456
File: 215 KB, 500x333, tumblr_lpd5m829611qd3w72o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8676458
File: 60 KB, 500x500, tumblr_l6ohcqRquk1qd3w72o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8676461
File: 36 KB, 362x540, tumblr_l6p6u3cXkU1qd3w72o1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8676468
File: 100 KB, 431x575, tumblr_l6pcaxWN4h1qd3w72o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8676480

I feel like darker colors can with with a lot of things. If you are able to try to hold the yukata up to obi colors and see what matches well

>> No.8676482
File: 99 KB, 393x700, tumblr_l2bbegXMwZ1qbofbeo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and that seems to be all i got, sorry

>> No.8676488

thanks anon you're wonderful!

>> No.8676907
File: 183 KB, 1280x835, tumblr_ns1j8qdkuA1r2u4vxo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dentelle-rubans on tumblr. She made a nice breakdown of her kimono evolution on her blogspot too, I'm trying to find it atm.

>> No.8678452
File: 36 KB, 316x420, yoshiki0141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's because Yoshiki the designer is always going for an edgy style. The normal ones I think you can wear regularly and it wouldn't be too much but the edgier ones, i think there must be a way to incorporating pieces to them that makes them more comfortable to wear.
>the designer when he was young.

>> No.8682045

i dont get why the military belt. seems really out of place

>> No.8682136

I love the drape of the coat, may I ask what it's called? It reminds me of some Poiret coat designs.

>> No.8682145

nevermind i figured it out

>> No.8682232

I think a white obi would be nice, since there's a bit of white on the mirrors in the print

>> No.8682235
File: 18 KB, 205x519, OK026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a school uniform. They tend to have military influences back then.

>> No.8682237
File: 194 KB, 481x640, 1440875058667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have just pics or know where to get subtle-but-insteresting yukata/kimono? Nothing too feminine/fancy but not as plain as traditional male ones, something like pic related?

>> No.8682242

On ebay as mentioned before. There's lots of Japanese based stores who sell used ones who will have what you're looking for.

>> No.8682250

I'm looking for more modern designs and don't really want to shop from ebay since the USD/AUD exchange rate kills me. I'll check it out anyway for inspo though, thanks.

>> No.8682286



>> No.8682533

w2c something like this? Is the skirt and top one piece? blouse, shoes, socks i got covered. Google gave me archive links with no source.

I love this style, I need something more traditional to wear on new years- this looks like the perfect blend!

>> No.8682537

What are some good shops for women's hakama?

Or even a reliable pattern, I just really want a cute pair.

>> No.8682647


This place is selling a gorgeous blue one for 10$.

Also has super nice obi.

>> No.8682649

Not sure if you are still lurking the thread but >>8672435
Look at this >>8682647

>> No.8682658

The teal pair are super cute too, thank you anon!

>> No.8682799

Google image search found a pinterest link that goes to the original tumblr post:

>Blouse, skirt: Innocent World
>Underskirt: Milky Ange
>Boots: Baby the Stars Shine Bright
>Socks: Metamorphose
>Kimono, obi, obijime: various Rakuten shops (Probably So-Bien)
>Accessories: Charming Charlie’s, TaoBao (Qian Se Bride), handmade

>> No.8682871

Yep no problem!

>> No.8682963 [DELETED] 


One thing I'll warn you about Sou is their colors aren't always accurate. I bought a kimono that the picture made look like grey and it turned out to be charcoal. Most of their photos are brightened and may not be the correct color, so beware if you buy.

The prices are so low that it might be worth it, though I'd suggest maybe only buying one of the kitsuke pieces there and trying to buy the others from places like Ichiroya or other sellers that have better color accuracy for their photos.

>> No.8682965 [DELETED] 


*Made the kimono look light grey.

Sorry for the typo.

>> No.8682970


One thing I'll warn you about Sou is their colors aren't always accurate. I bought a kimono that appeared to be light grey with light yellow and pink yabane in the photo. When I received the kimono, it turned out to be charcoal with much more taupey-cream and red yabane. Still a lovely kimono, but it threw off the color scheme and the obi I bought for it no longer works. Most of their photos are brightened and may not be the correct color, so beware if you buy.

The prices are so low that it might be worth it, though I'd suggest maybe only buying one of the kitsuke pieces there and trying to buy the others from places like Ichiroya or other sellers that have better color accuracy for their photos.

>> No.8683120

Thanks for letting me know!!!