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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8642034 No.8642034 [Reply] [Original]

Picking up from the last UK thread, particularly about Tabitha Lyons’ Patreon, speaking as somebody who used to be friends with her. I’m not going to get too personal with Tabs but I think people deserve to hear some home truths about her.

There was a lot of discussion in that thread about Tabs’ business nous and also, once again, her qualifications for judging cosplay comps. As far as judging’s concerned, some of the commenters are spot-on. She doesn’t make her own costumes from start to end and is open about that nowadays (she used to be more elusive about it but she’s more honest now). She does know what a good costume looks like though and it’s undeniable that she’s got a massive presence on Facebook, Twitter, Twitch etc. She’s got a lot of experience judging now, so for con organisers, she ticks all the boxes. She’ll pull in the punters and make them money and that’s all that counts ultimately.

As for the Patreon thing, I’ve no doubt that Tabs will get a fair bit of support, it’s not going to be a total bust. You can criticise her milestones etc. but she’ll work that out over time. She’s new to this thing, probably only going on what Andrew Dobell has to tell her. In fact, I bet her Patreon account was his idea in the first place.

>> No.8642041
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Only Tabitha care about Tabitha.

>> No.8642090

Opening poster here again.

What people need to understand is that Tabs is all about the cold, hard cash nowadays. Didn’t used to be the case, she used to have an active deviantART account and interact much more with her fans but the Artyfakes and Tabitha Lyons brands have gained momentum since then, and I think Tabs is now where she’s wanted to be for the past 3 years. Any pretence of her being an artist has been left in the dust. Tabitha Lyons has a big group of friends in cosplay circles and no enemies of note but otherwise, she’s only interested in people who can make her money. I’ve heard a lot about people meeting her at cons and she’s really nice to them but has no interest in talking to them afterwards unless they throw a few Likes her way. She never used to charge for con appearances but she does now. The sad thing is that Tabs used to have a big bunch of friends in our neck of the woods in Norwich but she’s brushed them all aside now in the name of business. Hell, she even ditched her boyfriend Chris because he got himself a full-time job and couldn’t use his own business to promote her.

Tabs isn’t a bad person by any stretch, in fact she’s very insecure, and I don’t hold her success against her. She has, however, developed into a canny and astute businesswoman and that’s all she cares about nowadays. Good luck to her and all that, and it’s pointless moaning about her, she’s not going away from judging comps.

>> No.8642096

Thanks for your insight anon, what you've said makes alot of sense, I've never really got from her that she cosplays for fun or as a hobbie.

>> No.8642123

Astute businesswoman? That's the funniest shit I've ever heard. She's just desperate.

>> No.8642144


To Tabitha, cosplay is an income stream, nothing more, nothing less. She used to say that she always wanted to be a dancer and she was a cheerleader when she was younger as well but those two didn't pan out as a career. She's big time into LARP and tried cosplay out because it tied into LARP and she's lucky to have become a big fish in that area. Actually, at the pub at weekends, she used to laugh at some of the sad sacks who follow her on Twitter or who come up to her at conventions.


Desperate maybe but she's making money at the end of the day. That's all that matters to her. She doesn't give a crap about opinions on egl. She visited here once awhile ago but as soon as she saw the comments, she got upset and said she'd never come on here again.

>> No.8642254

why the fuck did you pick such a irrelevant photo for the thread?!

>> No.8642436

As for her dumping her boyfriend Chris, I heard she said it was the other way around. Funny that. I also heard she was back together with him now.

>> No.8642592


Well, of course she'd say that. I'm out of the loop now though.

>> No.8642659

Making money? Artyfakes had to fire everyone because business was so bad. She made a Patreon because she's 'too skint' to make any cosplays. You really think she'd be trying all these half baked money making schemes if she was doing well for herself?

>> No.8642681

Moving to uk next year! Which cons should I go to? Which cons to avoid? Oh and why!

>> No.8642692

avoid sunnycon

>> No.8642696

Has she ever had a real job, you know, in the real world?

>> No.8642730

As long as her dad doesn't go bankrupt, she's set for life.

>> No.8642734


She'll do OK off Patreon, you watch. If a creepy middle-aged man with few 'fans' like Andrew Dobell can make money off Patreon, Tabs'll be raking it in. 'Team Tabby' will dig deep, mark my words.

I'll laugh my fucking arse off if her Patreon goes tits-up, mind

>> No.8642750

Two people are pledging 50 bucks or more per month. That's fucking ridic. Some people have more money than sense. These people understand they won't get to shag Tabby, right?

>> No.8642786

b-but £1000 prize....

>> No.8642806

They don't understand and I hear she leads her regular donaters on to keep them giving her money and gifts

>> No.8642959

Me too, anon! Or there's a good chance anyway. I'm probably moving to the outskirts of London. Anyone know if MCM is considered to be a good con?

>> No.8643038
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It's more of a big meet up for con friends. That's its only redeeming quality. Overcrowded as fuck.

>> No.8643327

Wow, that's crazy. Do decent cosplayers attend at least, or is it mostly weebs? I'll be moving over by myself, so it'd be nice to make some new cosplay friends.

>> No.8643393

There's a fair few good cosplays but most people at MCM aren't die hard cosplayers.

also go bak 2 ur own cuntry u mug

>> No.8643473

Don't worry, I plan to. I'm just heading over for a 1-2 year work and travel adventure. You guys are lucky, being close to all the good places. I don't think I could live in that cold weather forever though.

>> No.8643993

>good places
Go on...

>> No.8644069

Where are you anons coming from? Maybe we could have a meet?

>> No.8644147

It's gone down to £600 this year mate

>> No.8644222

That's still more than most competitions and you've actually got a chance of them actually giving out the prize to the winner...

>> No.8644470

Yeah but you have to stay for both days and be at their losing ceremony to get the prize.

Plus they've got that dumb rule that it can't have been entered into any other competition before.

So unless you're local, you'll probably spend half of that on travel, accom, tickets and a new costume.

>> No.8644507

>dumb rule
Loads of US competitions have this. It's so you don't have people wearing the same costumes to win over and over again. We've got a few of those types here.

>> No.8644509

The no-other contest rule is pretty standard in a lot of places tbf. And hey, if i could get my travel/accom/tickets and costume paid for by going to a contest I'm sure I was going to win and did so, I'd hardly complain. Free convention + costume is pretty dope.

>> No.8644539


>> No.8644595
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Anyone going to PlayExpo the weekend after this one? They have David Prowse going which is pretty cool, but I'm mainly going for the games.

>> No.8644603

Would you rather see a brand new costume win or the same costumes that have been winning for a year?

>> No.8644615

Not even that. 1st is £400 and second is £200

Sunnycon hype is dying. tbh if I magically won 1st it would hardly cover costume costs and other money for the con.
That is if I made a costume worthy of winning, even though Sunnycon4's winner wouldn't even be a runner up at most cons

>> No.8644652

It's a dumb rule cause it's the only con in the UK who has that rule. Although LFCC used to not allow previous LFCC winners enter the same costume again (fair enough).

Honestly on the point of a costume getting multiple prizes...well that's not just down to that person. It's down to whoever else enters. If nothing better enters there's no reason a costume can't win more than once.

This hobby is expensive. Asking people to churn out new costume after new costume for rules like that when there's very few events left in the UK...in the US there are many more events, makes more sense because you could wear a costume lots of places.

>> No.8644655

MCM doesn't allow people to re-enter the same costume at all.

>> No.8644673

Just counting MCM+Showmasters (Just the FCC style ones)+Animeleague gets you 20+ conventions.
Then you get the university club style ones, the Local ones, other Gaming cons, OTHER cons that Showmasters runs (The fandom specific ones), Then there is rouge events too, and many many others.
I would go on but I've made my point.
When was the last weekend where there was no con? Not counting Christmas-Newyear

>> No.8644746

But anon was talking about cosplay. Take out all the cons where cosplay isn't really encouraged and then take out the ones where they don't have cosplay competitions and you're not actually left with all that many cons. Even Hyper Japan got rid of the ECG and WCS prelims, along with making their masquerade non-competitive and HJ is one of the bigger cons in the country.

>> No.8644761

MCM is a shit 'con' and always has been. Everybody knows this. But we all go because the one year you don't go is the one year something cool happens. MCM is mostly a big dealers' hall and the main purpose is it's an excuse and a central location to meet up with friends and show off whatever you've been working on for the last half of the year. Most cosplay used to happen outside, with people who didn't buy tickets, and it is only recently that MCM has cracked down on that.

Do not go to MCM if all you want is cosplay. Do not go to MCM if you're expection a convention. It's a trade show, it's a dealers' hall, it's a mini game and comic expo. It's not a convention and cosplay is at the bottom of their priority list.

>> No.8644768

>What people need to understand is that Tabs is all about the cold, hard cash nowadays.

This is the same for most of that circlejerk, not just Tabitha. Tabitha is just copying KJ. Look at how she's now picked up playing League on Twitch as well.

Nigri worked out there was money to be made here.
Yaya and KJ copied Nigri.
US circlejerk copies Yaya, UK circlejerk copies KJ.

That's just the way it's gonna be now. Whole lot of people looking at cosplay as a kind of half-assed easy modelling career or a way to exploit their bodies for quick cash without the stigma of porn or stripping. Why put in effort when you can buy a padded bra or boob implants, pretend to play a computer game and make the same living? That's what our hobby is now. That's how it is perceived by the mainstream. That's how it's gonna be for years to come. The people like Laura and Lex aren't interested in making a big splash and taking over the mainstream view. They don't want fame so the public won't see them. It's the Nigri boobtrain forever.

>> No.8644818


>> No.8645532


S'what I've been saying for ages. Tabitha couldn't cut it as a model, so she went for cosplay instead. It's a sign of the times that she's got all those Likes on Facebook, Twitch followers etc. but she can't string together the money to sort out a new costume by herself.

Tabitha's also made it clear that she'd be on Twitch in her Red Sonja bikini every night but they've got rules about that kind of thing, which winds her up.

>> No.8645814

I've heard from an acquaintance that apparently Kita are having issues with the Hilton and as a result, Kita 2016 could be cancelled. Though this guy has been known to stretch the truth and has no evidence to support these claims, I don't suppose anyone here knows anything about the situation?

>> No.8645822
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Would not be surprised.

Excite for potential change/drama.

>> No.8645898

>inb4 they have to rent out the Shitania Hotel in Nottingham as a last resort

It has been a rumor nearly every year that Kita has had problems with the Hilton, and it has still managed to run every year.
Granted, this year had more health related drama than usual, but I'm honestly not that worried about this.

>> No.8646033

Purely from the POV of a place to showcase your costume both on stage and off (mostly on) and/or perform it is much less.

I know there are many who just like to wear costume. Take photos, do meets. But being able to do performances and competitions is also a big appeal for cosplay. Lots of angles to this hobby.

But very few opportunity to exercise them.

With more competitions where origin of cosplay (West vs. Japan) is important, also makes it hard to wear same cosplay more than once, even if it is with new skit.

Like what >>8644768 and >>8645532 are talking about. Unless you aim to take good photos because you like making art, or make videos/covers. or competition, this is only other use for cosplay.

The hobby is dieing in the UK.

>> No.8646038

Well at the closing ceremony Kita announced dates for April at the Hilton.

Last year when Kita announced it's dates you could book them with the Hilton for what tallied to roughly the same as the Kita discount with the year's advance. This time if you tried to book those dates the prices were astronomical. At least by con standards. Not so much by the Hilton.

And there's been no whisper of those dates on any of Kita's social media. Considering most of the Spring cons (Minami and AmeChibi last year) would be gearing up around now to open registration an given Kita's usual advertising campeign you'd think something would have started? Especially since Ame reg and rooms are out the way.

Fair enough they may be waiting for their potential attendees to save up their pennies.

But given the dressing down recieved at the masquerade there's good evidence to advocate a change in location for Kita.

>> No.8646108

What should I expect from Play next weekend?

>> No.8646111

If you like games. There's literally every kind. It's fun the first time so long as you go try stuff.

Otherwise shit.

>> No.8646125

I'm kind of intrigued by the cosplay murder mystery thing but I love cheesy shit like that.

>> No.8646130
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Lots and lots of video games

>> No.8646168

I just want Laura to marry me is that too much to ask!

>> No.8646252
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I can't blame you, I am so shamelessly gay for Laura it's tragic.

>> No.8646301

Also first time at Play. What's the Cosplay like?

>> No.8646312


If I was Hilton I would want Kitacon banned. Hiltons are meant to be a 5 star hotel but just full of weebs drinking too much beer and needing an ambulance. Those ambulances could have been used for someone who needed saving not someone who drank too much apple sours shots

>> No.8646317
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It's average. You might see 5-6 decent ones

Anyway, anyone want to have a small meet? I'm there Sunday if anyone wants to go for a bite to eat in the Trafford Centre

>> No.8646968

Kill yourself or stop posting

>> No.8647337

Bit of an over reaction to a crush

>> No.8647494

I'm 99% sure this is Laura self posting to try and stay relevant.

>> No.8647528

Nope anon that posted >>8646168 here, Laura's always been a topic for years it's one of the standards of britfag threads

>> No.8647529

Which other cons are held at hiltons?

>> No.8647539

Rouge events have some there.

>> No.8647632

Discworld con used to be held there, and I think a furry con is/was held there

>> No.8647646

Is it that the events are shit or the hiltons are?

>> No.8647667

>self posting
>stay relevant
top kek. You fucking newfag.

>> No.8647769

Oooh, some actual goss for once. This thread needed livening up. I wouldn't be surprised if something like this was going on, they're leaving it really late to open reg. I know it's Kita and they're pretty much guaranteed to sell out in an hour, but it still seems a little risky to open reg less than six months before your event. We're at about the six month mark now.

>> No.8648557

Maybe they're still trying to find a new venue?

>> No.8648573

Maybe. I just hope they don't end up changing the date, that's the only weekend I can do in April.

>> No.8648692

Laura is far behind most of the UK Cosplayers as she has never been able to get close to their popularity. She has skills but she could learn a lot from others in how to be more relevant and create more popular cosplays and photoshoots.

>> No.8648700

But it raises an interesting point. Would you rather be known for your skills and achievements or just 'be known of' like Eevee Cosplay? Like Pixyteri and Peacock Feather and KJ?

Yaya at least has construction and to be fair to JNig she puts out great photographic content even if she's basically a vessel for combining the skills of others.

>> No.8648745

Laura has an actual career in the film industry, she's never been interested in being a popular cosplayer she does it for the love of it like most of us who started this 10+ years ago

>> No.8648764

I'd rather just be known for skill and enjoy what I'm doing rather than selling out personally. However there's nothing wrong with people like KJ and Tabitha doing popular things to get noticed it's the choice they've made. Everyone cosplays for their own reasons

>> No.8648971

Laura has the most experience out of any UK cosplayer at WCS and ECG. She also has by far the most success. Laura's cosplaying helped land her a job with Artem and now she's gone freelance and is in constant demand.

No, nobody buys prints of her to masturbate over like they do with KJ and Tabitha. And no, she can't demand cons pay her excessive guest fees like KJ and Nigri. But she actually leads more advanced panels for conventions and is the only cosplayer in the world to turn their skills into a bonafide special effects, prop and costuming career.

If Laura wanted to go the Tabitha/KJ route she totally could have done by now. She's so much better looking and in much better shape than any of that crowd. She's got more money than any of them. She could hire better photographers, better studios, she's got access to better materials and more staff. She could buy a bombshell bra like Tabitha or a boob job like KJ. But she never has done any of that. She's had every chance and not done any of it. So that should tell you it's not what she wants.

She's actually living the dream and she did it on her own terms and if you think that puts her anywhere other than a mile ahead of every other UK cosplayer then you're fucking delusional.

>> No.8649142

Christ. Nobody actually cares. Sounds like self post.

>> No.8649159

which Laura is everyone even talking about?

>> No.8649164
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The one no one cares about.

>> No.8649203
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>> No.8649315

I've seen a few posts on cgl about her which scream selfpost. On this thread and a few others.
Maybe she's figured out >>8649164 is right and is trying to get attention by getting traffic from /cgl/ on her page.

>> No.8649387

>Nobody actually cares.
Tell that to the constant posts about her in every Brit thread for the last five years.

If someone says just 'Laura' they mean Laura Sindall, aka Sands. We always use surnames or aliases for the other Lauras.

The newest of newfags.

>> No.8649461

Not many people care or know who she is other than the odd girl crush on here. If she was more famous there would be loads of bitching about her about how she is just using Cosplay but she is low down the list of UK cosplayers and her Cosplays are boring so not many take any notice

>> No.8649517

This. Why the fuck are we circlejerking over people?

Everyone should post cosplays they're doing in the future

>> No.8649595

A lot of the old guard still visit these boards and she's well known amongst them and has been posted on here for years it's nothing new or her trying to stay relevant, if anything she's probably trying to actively not be relevant anymore as it would be detrimental to her career

>> No.8649600

She's well known amongst us oldfags that still visit

>> No.8649608
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>> No.8649632

Someone's got anger issues

>> No.8649648
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I will fuck you sideways.

>> No.8649795

>If she was more famous there would be loads of bitching about her about how she is just using Cosplay
That's never been true, even when she was representing the UK at WCS and people like Yaya and Kamui were going to her for advice. Other than being stupid good at making stuff, the one trait Laura is best known for is being super nice to everybody and totally drama-free.

The 'famous' UK cosplayers get bitched about because that's mostly all they have. Drama and fighting and gossip is what they're best known for. Nobody talks about how good KJ's construction is because her construction game is newb-tier. Nobody talks about how nice Tabs is because everybody knows she's just in this for the money and doesn't give a fuck about anybody. People talk about how great Laura is because that's actually a quality she has. Everybody likes her because she's Just That Good.

Like >>8649595 says, the oldfags still come on here and they're the ones who hold Laura in the highest regard. You newfags likely don't know her so well because by the time you came along she was already done. She has a full time career living her dream, she has nothing to gain from promoting herself as any kind of 4chan darling and if anything being talked about on here would be harmful to her career at worst or simply do nothing at best. Claiming she selfposts makes literally no sense. KJ, Tabs, Stacy, Valentine, they all selfpost. Laura and Lex, nope.

>> No.8649906
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>> No.8649914

>is the only cosplayer in the world to turn their skills into a bonafide special effects, prop and costuming career.

Lol. I know of at least 2 others, they're just not drama whores who brag to the cosplay community about their success.

>> No.8650225
File: 1.05 MB, 1026x1831, 2015-10-05 04.23.16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit this girl's been a goldmine of cringe recently

>> No.8650383


>> No.8650875
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>> No.8650877

Is this a joke page?

>> No.8650926

Self proclaimed singer. Claiming she's been invited to events to perform....

>> No.8650933

Isn't she one of Mike Towers's cronies?

>> No.8651023

I wonder if she is as versitile a singer?

>> No.8651111

Seen her at AL cons and once at MCM singing to a mostly empty audience of chairs. She does not sing well...

>> No.8651139

Everyone quotes "the old guard" so often in UK threads. Who the fuck are considered the old guard?

>> No.8651233

OH MY GOD ITS HER THE LARA CROFT ELSA. Her butt in those pics still haunts me

>> No.8651239
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Lara Croft Elsa.

>> No.8651300
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I blocked her out of my memory, then I remembered I had this..

>> No.8651308
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>> No.8651317

>that poor businessman in the back who has no idea what's going on

>> No.8651322

What a weird fucking mashup. idgi there's no connection between those two fandoms and it's so unflattering on her body. Just why whywhywhy

>> No.8651337

Atari Jon Snow looks on ashamed.
The White Walkers have won.

>> No.8651340

The wonky lacing always bothers me a lot.

>> No.8651555
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this just appeared on my facebook feed...

>> No.8651783
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>> No.8652486

Good point. Tabs has tried to make inroads into the mainstream with stuff like that Sky 1 geek programme but without cosplay, all she has is her job working for her dad. If Artyfakes ever went under, she'd be off to MacDonalds lickety split. Some 'cosplay queen'.

>> No.8652762

>When Artyfakes goes under, she'll be off to the strip club lickety split.

Fixed that typo 4u

>> No.8652868

It's funny speaking of how Laura goes about things compared to Tabs and KJ and I just saw their latest selfies and Laura is proudly showing off how veiny and flawed her skin is and talking about the things she's working on while Tabs and KJ both have their makeup guns set to whore with nothing to add but begging for validation. It's like a perfect microcosm of UK cosplay. For everyone one person getting shit done there's two tryhard basic bitches.

>> No.8652960
File: 89 KB, 1158x2048, 12045562_1036452933054088_8980653273434050765_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Andrew Dobell just posted this...

>> No.8652986

Are you going to post about how much you worship her everytime Laura posts a selfie? This is either a self post or a stalker. Either way it's cringey as fuck and no one gives a shit.

>> No.8653003

So now Tabs has moved on to selling her own shit, he's moved on to KJ. Figures.

I can't decide if I like her boob job or not. Every photo switches between looking like she got them comically big and then the next photo they look really good as far as implants go. Good for her, I guess. She's gonna make a lot of neckbeards very happy.

>> No.8653005
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Not even the same person so good luck with that.

She posted this one just now too. Good time to like white chicks with huge tits.

>> No.8653097

I don't know what all the fuss is about. I have read some moaning about her being an asute business woman. If you want to make it in cosplay you would have to be. You cannot take prisoners in such a business because you have to survive. commenting about her social life is petty because you do not know what happened in closed doors.

As for her ability to judge simply because she doesn't fully make her cosplays, cosplay is not all about the costume. It is also about the performance and stage presence whilst performing in your cosplay. I am sure she is more than qualified to judge on that basis and I am sure she never judges on her own so there is likely another judge who can cover the technicalities of sewing, prop making etc...

Get off her back and deal with the fact that she is a big name and therefore will bring people to an event. After all the cons are businesses to and they bring in big names to please you as attendees!

That is all thank you and good night ;)

>> No.8653127

When has Tabs ever performed a cosplay skit? She has no experience of the performance side of cosplay either. And no, 'dancing' doesn't count.

>> No.8653156

Because there are no cosplayers that have done good skits and still make their own costumes?
>That is all thank you and good night ;)
Good job making it obvious you came on here to defend yourself.

>> No.8653174

Tabs. You are fucking dumb.

>> No.8653182

What do people think of Tobininjafox? A friend recommended him to me, and his photos look alright to me, but is he a creeper or actually professional, does anyone know?

>> No.8653258


Haha that's one of the more stupid rumors I've heard in a while. Thanks for that I needed a good laugh.

>> No.8653307
File: 35 KB, 718x355, 12106890_629134670560398_4465025043547232913_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish she would change her facial expression just once. These are some of the most boring prints I have ever seen.

>> No.8653313

I get where you're coming from, but to be fair, those are all quite serious characters, and most people's expressions don't vary too much within one emotion. But yeah, they are a bit boring.

>> No.8653408

I am so glad someone else thinks so too!! For so many years she has had the EXACT same face and makeup in every single costume basically and it totally irks me - she looks so dead inside.

>> No.8653444

She looks bored out of her mind. Who is this? Recognise her but can't think of her name.

>> No.8653448

absolutely lovely guy, ive worked with him before quite a few times, not a creeper whatsoever, him and his partner offered me a cup of tea during our shoot because i was cold. couldn't fault him.

>> No.8653507

Agree with previous anon. Shot me spontaneously once, good photographer and a nice guy, definitely not a creeper.

>> No.8653523


Alias. I'm kinda in agreement about the facial expression as it's kinda the same in every photo regardless of character but she does have one of the nicest smiles

>> No.8653595

Bottom left photo is just underwear and stockings

>> No.8653631

Just like 95% of UK cosplay then.

>> No.8653785


Good cosplayers and good skits are two things that don't intermingle in the UK. Mostly because we don't have either when compared with other countries.

>> No.8654134

Sounds like a vendetta. You post the same thing in every thread.

>> No.8654142

You can say the exact same thing about any other cosplayer.

>> No.8654170

Most skits are boring and dull to watch. If the audience isn't in on your fandom jokes it will always fall flat.

>> No.8654336
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>> No.8654360

Thank you, always good to check, I'll probably book a shoot with him in future. Cheers!

>> No.8654363

I dunno ... don't think that was Tabs. She avoids this place like the plague because it's the only place where she gets any hate nowadays. Also, Tabs wears her heart on her sleeve in BIG FUCKING LETTERS. If anyone ever upsets her with a trollish comment, she normally posts it on all over social media so that TEAM TABBEH can jump to her defence. There's no sign of that happening with this thread, it's self-pimping business as usual.

>> No.8654396

Several of her disciples post on here though. Mods of her channel, usually.

>> No.8654410

Makes sense. Tabs wouldn't have put together a response as measured and sophisticated as the one further up.

>> No.8654412

But if any of her mods ARE lurking here...


>> No.8654432

Standard. Tabs' and KJ's mods are all creepers. They suck up and will whiteknight until the end of the time but you know the moment they have a minute alone they're on here or jerking over prints.

>> No.8654474

Only place she gets hate? You've clearly never been to a British Larp event.

>> No.8654565

So can we laugh at this?


>> No.8654592

You're right. More info, please!

>> No.8654596

Tabs has pretty much given up LARP now, right? She just makes the weapons.

>> No.8654623
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>> No.8654647

So what's everyone working on for MCM this month?

>> No.8654650

doesnt mean she isnt bitched about all the time.

>> No.8654749
File: 56 KB, 231x200, yuriyuritears.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't afford to cosplay anything I want to cosplay.

>> No.8654784

Durarara cosplay on friday
League of Legends on Saturday
Angel Beats on Sunday

apparently for two of these days i am very very behind on anime.

>> No.8654785

Does anyone on here still use Cosplay Island? Feels sometimes like it's just me and that one girl who is constantly posting/commenting.

>> No.8654813

Too poor this year... maybe in May

>> No.8654861


This shit is painful. They're the reason I will never visit Hyper Japan again. Them and some fat white girl, also dressed as a maid, "performing" on stage who ran off mid-performance because she was autistic or needed to vomit.

It's fucking embarrassing to witness. It's like the Tim and Eric version of anime.

>> No.8654872

Me and some friends may be doing Durarara but I don't know which day. I'm just going to be rewearing my old Celty costume because I am also poor. Otherwise I'm doing a female Revolver Ocelot. I have my Aigis costume but I don't think it's waterproof.

>> No.8654903

I'm incredibly poor, lazy and distracted lately, so I'm just doing a Left 4 Dead Hunter. because it's easy mode and there's usually other Valve cosplayers I can take some pictures with.

>> No.8654906

im working on celty at the moment! the helmet is proving to be a challenge massively.. ahh i did meryl not so long ago for the MGS midnight release! hopefully it wont be too rainy..

>> No.8655012

Wait, what are you talking about?

>> No.8655061

Aren't you thinking of Rosa Tea Maid Cafe??

>> No.8655237

I meant these guys, I don't know how I fucked up the quote that badly.

>> No.8655475
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>Almost picked up everything for a Schroedinger cosplay
>Friend I was supposed to be staying with backed out due to other commitments

Guess I will just wear it next year

>> No.8656114

What would gulls like to see in skits? No in-jokes, I get that much. I'm considering competing and performing and wondered if you have any dos/don'ts.

>> No.8656276

No voice acting.

>> No.8656283

This. Very few people can make a voice acted skit sound good. If you insist on doing a mimed skit, use existing voice clips, please.

>> No.8657021

As short as possible

>> No.8657476

>Angel Beats on sunday
I'm gonna cosplaying yui that day! Perhaps I'll see you about.

>> No.8657555

My usual con friends have had a ton of bad shit happen in the last month, so it looks like I'm going to MCM alone. I'm gonna feel like such a weirdo. More so than usual I mean.

>> No.8657561

You'll find people. Sometimes I've met people and things didn't work out, sometimes I've found them year after year and they don't mind chilling with you. Bring a handheld like a DS to keep you entertained. I've been twice a year for 8 years and this October is actually the first time I'm missing it

>> No.8657846

anyone at play expo this weekend? it is any good?

>> No.8658353

If you have basic socialising skills you can join a random group or form one in the evening when others are more sociable.

That is more or less my plan as I'm generally a loner who manages to join a group and enjoy the evening.

>> No.8658663

Its not on till 10am tomorrow how are we supposed to know

>> No.8661027

Are any of the cosplay bints doing anything interesting or shitty yet?

>> No.8661122
File: 1.13 MB, 1944x2592, IMG_20151011_154341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was alright

Space Marine came second to a Princess Zelda with a decently made dress.

tbh I'm pretty sure WH40K cosplays are automatically demoted for being too good for winning every masquerade they enter.

>> No.8661341

Or maybe the armour designs are just considered too simple. Other than the prop and the back piece, there really isn't much detail on the costume, they're basic armour shapes with a paintjob that just consists of black with silver on the edges. It just looks impressive because the scale of the armour is so huge.

Nothing against WH40K cosplays, I'm just not surprised that they never win in competitions.

>> No.8661366

They clearly hadn't seen this 'winning' costume up close it was a pile of unfinished shit that had no place winning an award over some of the other costumes.

>> No.8661393

Who were the judges? A lot of cons don't have time for pre-judging so as long as the costume looks good from a distance it can win.

>> No.8661399

WTF are those proportions? That suit is way too small compared to his head.

>> No.8661550

Just don't, there has never been a good UK skit. Save us all the pain of your inevitable lack lustre performance.

>> No.8661798

Demora Fairy, Enveyous and Capt Amelia. They spent half an hour before the masq going down the entrants queue and talking to them about their costumes

>> No.8662083

The winning costume, the zelda, was completely hand sewn and completely finished. I don't think you've seen the winning costume up close by the sounds of it.

Whilst I didn't see that war hammer cosplayer I do know most of the others don't finish their edges, prime or scale very well. That's why they don't tend to win anymore. Just because its big it doesn't make it well made.

>> No.8662521

trash judging trash. classic.

>> No.8662603

Space Marines, sure. Other Games Workshop characters have way more hard to replicate detail than any anime, comic or videogame design. Even Sisters Of Battle and Dark Angels at least have a little more to them than regular Space Marines. If you saw more people trying to do Eldar, regular or dark, or a proper Inquisitor or some High Elves or somehow a Lizardman, you'd think every differently about warhammer cosplay.

>> No.8662605
File: 39 KB, 900x900, angry_pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not attending mcm for the first time in 6 years
>they're fucking airing the love live movie

>> No.8662625

I didn't intend to spend much time inside on the Saturday, now I'm debating on if I want to fight the crowds to watch the damn movie

>> No.8662658

I was talking about the space marine. Zelda deserved to win, space marine didn't

>> No.8662669

Sorry, don't know much about Warhammer so I pretty much just meant Space Marines in my original comment.

>> No.8662728
File: 321 KB, 1920x1080, NG+.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucks sake

>> No.8662746

I saw the space marine during the day and it wasn't well finished at all and even the paint job wasn't particularly neat. I don't even think it should have placed, let alone that close to the top. You can't rely on the size of a costume to win it for you when it's poor quality work. I'm glad zelda won.

>> No.8662792

The fuck is with the mystery films? It's a really shitty way to sell an event.

>> No.8662818

Yeah I don't really wanna spend £20 on top of an already expensive event to watch films I'll be able to watch for free streaming soon enough.

Spend the £20 drinking with friends instead. Sorted.

>> No.8662858

Need a certain janitor tripfag in here to ruin this boring thread. Bump limit is approaching.

>> No.8662971

Who ever would you be referring to?

>> No.8665017
File: 314 KB, 1000x996, 895189501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's fair enough. Space Marines are the default easy-to-win army and the one that has the biggest profit margin on it, so it's in GW's interest to promote it the most and nobody sees anything else.

Like I say, it's a shame because there's so much more to offer from those worlds and nobody even attempts any of it.

>> No.8665190

The UK ECG prelim solo winner had a WH cosplay I remember.

>> No.8667197

Predictions for MCM? I bet there will be SS Harley's everywhere.

>> No.8667298
File: 210 KB, 1167x1280, goatmum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna be some shitty undertale costumes

>> No.8667303

Lots of LoL. And lots of girls who previously hated on LoL cosplayers cosplaying LoL and selling out for the attention.

>> No.8667446

Kitacon has gone a bit silent, what's happened?

>> No.8667447
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Let's hope there's some Muffet cosplayers at least

>> No.8667590

From what I've seen on the MCM group a shit ton of dragon age and assassins creed

>> No.8668264

I really don't think it's going to run. They're leaving it hella late to open reg, less than six months now.

>> No.8668292

You say that but Minami running beforehand in March hasn't open reg either

>> No.8668393

Birds of truth are attending as they are going to a special V.I.P afterparty for the launch of the newest Assassins Creed game.

>> No.8668424

Is that fat guy in the group going?

>> No.8668464

There's a fairly impressive dragon age group going

>> No.8668518

If I had the body I'd cosplay Dark Eldar in a heartbeat, start off with something simple like Lelith and then work up to a fully armoured outfit
>tfw just your average podgy Brit

>> No.8668535

So Tabitha Lyons was on Judge Rinder today and what a car crash that was

>> No.8668560

Did she scam someone?

>> No.8668588


Second case, enjoy seagulls.

>> No.8668595

Vanilla from Nekopara, Miia from Monmusu and Tenryuu from Kancolle. They'll all likely be shit because I've had three weeks to work on them plus another cosplay, but I don't really care this time around, I don't go to MCM for quality cosplay anymore. I'm counting these cosplays as decent practice whilst getting my kawaii desu anime waifu fix.

>> No.8668620


>> No.8668626

Can't skip through. Roughly how long into it?

>> No.8668629

What is she tying to be? A model, cosplayers, actress? Because she's average at all of them.
Might be time to sign on the dole or get a real job Tabs.

>> No.8668669

I'm betting she made the appearance in order to build her reputation and sales.

>> No.8668696
File: 1.22 MB, 230x268, clap.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this fucking genius right here, girls!

>> No.8668805

I'm cosplaying from MonMusu too, I'll keep an eye out for you! Which day are you cosplaying Miia?

>> No.8668810


Checked the artyfakes site and that dragon prop they're still unable to sell now says 'As Seen on TV' those cheeky fuckers

>> No.8668852

Kelly Jean's done an interview and it's the first time I've seen her show some personality. Why don't we get this KJ at conventions?


Also confirms her plastic surgery. So obvious in this.

>> No.8668890

The huge dragon that was meant to be her ultimate dream costume? yeah ok, so much so that you wanted to sell it as soon as it was finished.

>> No.8668891

its called a fake publicity personality, I've met her irl a couple of times and she's really dull

>> No.8669007

Gotta admit she's a good actress. Ever seen her pretend to care about cosplay, crafting or anything? She's pretty good at it.

But this TV stunt for attention is pathetic.

>> No.8669047

That's not even her real voice man, she's somehow magically acquired an American accent. It's all a persona trying to be Nigri.

Some of those modelling shots were really nice though, she actually looked genuine and not bored for once. Should just give up on pretending to be a gamer gurrrrrl and go into catalog modelling, imo.

>> No.8669082

She's so fake...this is painful to watch.

>> No.8669179

>catalog modelling
Can't do that with her new jugs. Clothing lines and magazines usually want Bs and rarely even go for a full C, let alone a smaller D which is what she was pre-op. She's now easily a 34D if not larger, some NYCC photos showed she's bigger than Nigri now. Nigri's a 34D so KJ must at least be equalling that, maybe she pads more in addition or maybe they're just plain bigger.

It's bad luck for her that lads mags and page 3 have started to die off and babestation reduced their pay, because she sure could make a lot of money doing that kind of modelling if this was 5 years ago and those markets were still paying out. I give it 12 months before we see her doing full nude modelling for some site. Isn't she shooting with Andrew Dobell these days? He gets everybody naked.

>> No.8669202

>not papi
shit taste tbh fam

>> No.8669251

Someone on lolcows just blew Kelly wide open and it's amazing. I knew she was into some shit but I had no idea how much and how far it went. Recommend seagulls check it out before the mods baleet everything.

>> No.8669312

Saying what?

>> No.8669314

They basically posted a rambling roundup of accusations, mostly stuff I've heard before but it's interesting in its completeness, even if it's potentially not entirely true.

>> No.8669317
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And with this

>> No.8669333
File: 1.94 MB, 1804x1968, sz bingo 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted in the video thread, thought you guys might find it amusing.

>> No.8669349

Well good for her, it looks like she makes money off her boobs anyway. Why is it shameful that she decided to make them better?

>> No.8669360

can we please see sz bingo 1?

>> No.8669379

Seconding would live to see the other one

>> No.8669389

This. Some of it seems sketchy, some of it is definitely accurate, some of it I've never heard of before but sounds in keeping with the parts we do know are true.

From what I can tell, people are just mad that she's denying it. Same deal as Nigri and Yaya.

>> No.8669453

This is hard to watch...

>> No.8669459

Oh god what a cringe fest.

>> No.8669573

Fuck man. Suing your Pa on daytime ITV in a frivolous case in front of a smug arsehole who is belittling you, your company, your fanbase and entire hobby.

She should have stuck to just getting her tits out for Patreon money.

>> No.8669900

Publicly going on TV and saying how much the dragon cost and that you can't sell it even under profit is an odd business move

>> No.8670045

She doesn't have any real friends to tell her doing this kind of thing probably isn't a great idea

>> No.8670066
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>> No.8670081

Is anyone friends with her in the uk scene? She seems pretty alienated from the rest of them

>> No.8670098

Kelly Jean, who of course is also alienated from the rest. Sneaky Zebra like Tabby well enough but they aren't really friends like proper friends. She used to be BFFs with Stacy but I think that ended once Tabby started being one of those tits-out game broadcasters.

>> No.8670145

We used to be friends before she became fame hungry, she ditched everyone that wouldnt get her likes.

>> No.8670552
File: 502 KB, 793x904, sz bingo 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't actually make another one, 1 was just the photos copy pasted. But I made an expanded version for you gulls. Some of the cosplayers are a bit of a stretch, though. Enjoy.

>> No.8670720
File: 20 KB, 652x149, oh dear oh deary dear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh dear

>> No.8670940

Chances are she won't even make it to TV, most applicants don't. If she doesn't it'll be lols and if she does it'll be lols, we win either way.

>> No.8672639

So mcm next week. What we looking forward to seeing? Any drama brewing?

>> No.8672758

Nothing to look forward to, it's MCM and October MCM at that.

Only cosplay I've seen getting any hype is Laura's Assassin's Creed gear because of course whatever Laura does is hyped.

Only drama I've seen is KJ and Stacy are both going and that's a guaranteed fight. Attached to that it looks like Seb might be attending so we get a 3-way brawl.

>> No.8673466

I would pay good money to see them go at it

>> No.8673506

Her Evie is getting understandably hyped - its stunning

>> No.8673519

Tbh I'm just waiting for Goodsmile to announce what they're bringing along. I've actually in a position where I can afford some cute merch this year, I'm gonna let my inner Weeb do the shopping.
Other than that there's nothing really grabbing my interest, especially not cosplay wise? I've a friend who wants to watch EuroCosplay, I might drop in on that with her

>> No.8673629

Go at it or go at 'it'?

>> No.8673629,1 [INTERNAL] 

What about Liam Spooner?

>> No.8673629,2 [INTERNAL] 

gotta go fast
more like gotta go fast out of expo
he broke my prop at the last mcm
he tried to sing at hyper japan
which resulted into me getting cancer and autism i now have to with these terrible diseases

>> No.8673717
File: 446 KB, 500x211, 105965896131.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have actual cosplay ive actually worked on (with props) set out for next year... but i've been ill and busy, so my plans for mcm next weekend are matching closet cosplays with my boyfriend and my friend's webcomic.

>> No.8673790

Looking forward to the EuroCosplay finals. Gonna actually try and get a seat this year. It was packed last Oct.

>> No.8673889

Same, I'm really hoping they'll have the Solid Snake nendoroid. They had it at a couple of cons recently so fingers crossed

>> No.8674058

So apparently Showmasters have dropped Costume and Play from all future events (even ones in a week's time) and are now organising all cosplay shit from in house. This should be a trainwreck lol

>> No.8674072


They kept inviting shitty cosplayers to be their guests.

>> No.8674083

This is an improvement. Showmasters has some sway, more money and this shows they're willing to put int he extra work of organising it themselves instead of farming it out to a shitty circlejerk to ruin in their name.

>> No.8674120

So who would you invite?

The UK con scene doesn't seem to be very big on inviting international cosplayers to be judges so they don't have much choice.

>> No.8674139

Isn't that run by Jess who was Michael Towers cronie at Animeleague and everyone hates?

>> No.8674164

they're still farming it out to a shitty circlejerk. the new guys are called dark cleo productions and they specialise in boardgames. good luck, nerds.

>> No.8674202

Is there going to be a /cgl/ meet at MCM? I'm going to assume there won't be, and I'll just to be able to tell who there browses this board from the look of hatred in their eyes.

>> No.8674229

>MCM has cracked down on that.
Really? Are they kicking people from the steps in front if they aren't paying for a ticket or something?

It does fairly well in terms of cosplay so I have to disagree with you here. Most people I see there are cosplayers and they seem to always have either half or a full hall opened for people to meet (and the front plaza, too) which makes it pretty community-based in that respect. Maybe I'm biased because I hate tiny cons and prefer the atmosphere and feel of big conventions and bustling hallways.

>> No.8674243

Look for the group on the steps that are a mix of college dropout-esque smokers, bored and stiff-sitting lolitas, and cosplayers with vastly superior wigs.

We'll hook you up.

>> No.8674274

Will I be stabbed/beaten up if my cosplay is normie shit tier?

>> No.8674282
File: 26 KB, 540x304, snek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sunday morning anon! Who are you cosplaying and when?
u fukn wot m9

>> No.8674300

Nah, most of our cosplays are normally normie shit tier too. We welcome all.

>> No.8674305

me and two other friends are doing a little life is strange cosplay group for the saturday.

>inb4 shit taste
>game means a lot to me and tbh i'm just really happy that we all like something enough to cosplay from it

>> No.8674327


>> No.8674353

>Really? Are they kicking people from the steps in front if they aren't paying for a ticket or something?
Yes, they started checking people for tickets out front. You're only 'safe' on the approach to the centre from the tube and on hotel grounds. Everything else is owned by the ExCel and they have staff wandering around outside making sure people aren't loserconning. You could probably evade them for a while, but it would be a pain to bother to do for the sake of sitting on some random stairs. Buy a cheap day ticket or just don't go, there are a million cooler places to be in London if you don't care about going to MCM itself.

>> No.8674363

Did you go in May? I heard they changed the entrance for tickets to some big ramp. Is that true?

>> No.8675065

Smith on the Saturday. That's a shame, I was hoping it'd be the same day so I could keep an eye out for you and maybe get some pictures together.

>> No.8675079

Why not just switch your costume days?
You can't pass up on grouping with a Miia

>> No.8675091

Ehhh, I'm only getting a ticket for the Sunday and I'd rather do my shopping and stuff when I'm not cosplaying. Especially cosplaying an ecchi character with a short skirt, I think my chances of getting groped are pretty high, and breaking a guy's wrist for grabbing my arse wouldn't be fantastic for my career. MonMusu's getting popular, so hopefully I'll get a chance to group up with other cosplayers at one of next year's cons.

>> No.8675357


Funny, more and more people are saying that these days. And still her supporters don't say she's changed. I suppose there's Natasha Mackenzie at least.

Oy, just watched that vid. That was harsh. Still, any publicity, right, Tabs?

>> No.8675382

Tabby hasn't advertised this show on her page but she was asked about it. She hasn't watched the show yet apparently but was already talking about negative feedback coming from 'dicks'. You've gotta ask yourself why Tabby keeps putting herself out there when she can't handle any criticism. Makes you wonder who the real dick is.

>> No.8675429

Any publicity is good publicity.

Except the kind that makes you, your dad, your business, your profession and your fans look stupid.

>> No.8675571


No-one ever accused Tabby of being long on brains.

In Tabby's eyes, that's good publicity too ... but nobody's allowed to criticise her. Hate to say it but at the end of the day, she's nothing more than a stupid little girl. She's never had a real job and people are falling over themselves to praise her. She's turned into a bit of an arsehole recently though, slow to give anyone else credit and throwing a hissy fit at any criticism. Sucks that she gets the gigs representing UK cosplay.

>> No.8675613
File: 295 KB, 1152x665, sgm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8675628

>not meeting on seagull lane

why even live?

>> No.8675631

Because it's nothing but delivery bays.

>> No.8675680

Yeah so the back end of the hotels is much better.

>She's never had a real job and people are falling over themselves to praise her.

Same can be said for nine out of ten of our cosplayers and most US cosplayers as well. When was the last time you heard of any of the usual guests and big names having worked a real job for a day? Make a Facebook page, post some cleavage once in a while and let the yes-men neckbeards pay your rent.

>> No.8675712

>our cosplayers
How many UK cosplayers not including Tabitha, KJ or SR manage to sell more than 5 prints a month?

Literally every single cosplayer minus the top 5 in the world has a job outside of the hobby. Stella Chu lives in a tiny flat with her husband, has 630k likes on her page and still has to have a job. Cosplay doesn't bring in the money as well as people think.

>> No.8675760

I'm not cool, but I'm visiting all the way from Denmark, can I still come?

>> No.8675784

you're only cool if you can bring weed

>> No.8675790


>> No.8675792

I don't think I can manage to get it through airport security, I'm sorry

>> No.8675839

There's enough. More now that doing things like selling prints and going to conventions doesn't matter. Anybody can buy a push-up bra, play League of Legends and live off the money their neckbeards give them. Especially when you think about how many are still living at home with their parents covering their asses. Look at the ones you mentioned, even. Tabby, KJ, Stacy, all three don't turn up to many things or do much for conventions any more.

>> No.8675891

And yet Tabby can't afford to put together a new costume, so Patreon. She can't be doing that well.

>> No.8675914

Give examples of UK cosplayers then? Barely any UK cosplayers have more than 10K likes. Their fan bases aren't big enough to a decent income even if they did stream LoL.

>> No.8675961

She can afford, but why use your own money when you can use the money of neckbeards? Remember when KJ was begging for hundreds of pounds to visit Tabby and take a class at Artyfakes when they live about an hour's train away and Tabby got her in for free? These girls don't register that they should have to pay for anything themselves. In their minds they are owed the money and other people paying for them is what should be happening and is totally normal and how the world works.

Except it's not and it isn't.

Off the top of my head at the moment, Chiquitita and Kerraldine.
I wouldn't use Likes as a measure for anything. If you compare how many FB likes, Twitter followers, Instagram followers and Twitch followers any of these girls have, the numbers are all over the place. People with 2x as many Twitch followers as Twitter followers, or 4x as many instagram followers as FB likes. Cosplay is too weird a mash up of interests with no one social media base. KJ has 10% the FB likes as Nigri but 70% of the twitch followers.

Then you've got Laura with 7k likes but more acclaim and more success than any other UK cosplayer.

>> No.8676059

Chiqutita and Kerraldine have lots of likes but dont have stupid wish lists or patreon crap. they both work for their dollar. They are pretty enough to ask for money but they don't. Gotta respect them more than SR KJ

>> No.8676074

Does anyone need somewhere to stay on the Saturday night of MCM? I have a twin room at ibis Docklands and my friend dropped out. I promise I'm not a psychopath/Jew/Liam Spooner.

>> No.8676094

She was at the crappy AL con in Cardiff. Shit was awful.

>> No.8676098

Cardiff is going to be the same. Won't be able to swing a cat without hitting a Harley or fucking retarded Deadpool crossover.

>> No.8676100

When's the last time Chiquitita made anything? She's dumb as shit and barely makes any costumes anymore. You're kidding yourself if you think anyone respects her.

>> No.8676108

That Kerraldine is just as hopeless. She cried over getting loads of attention when she first cosplayed but never deleted her page or stopped attention seeking. Her costumes are simple and average at best.

>> No.8676109

Would recommend not going if it is the same idiots from 2-3 years back.

Also you should not give them your phone number unless you want to get dragged into a drama.

Only other bit of info I can give is that there is a statue of Vulcan there on the area specified on the map the last time I was at the docks or the Excel area.

>> No.8676113

Sounds good for a party if it is too cold outside.

>> No.8676116

Who was there 2-3 years back?

>> No.8676118

Her Tinkerbell was literally crap. Seen better Halloween costumes.

>> No.8676123

The wings were commissioned apparently

>> No.8676125

I was going to say, shes hardly relevant anymore, she only gets invited to cons because she knows people

>> No.8676128

Not everyone. Just a few. I remember faces better than names unfortunately.

Idiots who thought they owned the party and could have their way.

There were a few dramas about them.

I remember a great thread dramu in Oct 2012 and year later or maybe May 2013 there was also another entertaining dramu both on thread and in person.

>> No.8676139

>What is a wig?

>> No.8676140

You make it sound like she's some old hand who retired. She's only been turning up for the last couple of years and she's more regular at cons than anybody else now. Shit costumes but you can't claim she doesn't have a fanbase and she's not always around.

>> No.8676146

I wonder what she's going to do when she runs out of characters that have skintight spandex bodysuits and blonde hair?

>> No.8676148

Male characters if she hasn't exploited that yet?

>> No.8676157

pls give me your money and sleep in my room

>> No.8676160

When was the last time she made anything that anyonw cared about? she doesn't even wear a wig.

Didn't say she was retired, but she hardly cosplays either

>> No.8676180

Irrelevant. KJ and Tabby and Stacy haven't made shit anybody cares about and frequently turn up to conventions in street clothes and people are still queueing to meet them and buy 20p prints with a £15 mark up. 'Hardly cosplays' has nothing to do with the method and viability of draining the betas' wallets.

>> No.8676186

Bit harsh. Never in any drama and seems to keep to herself other than is friends with Tabby which seems to get people hate

>> No.8676188

I havent seen Stacey in yonks, Tabby just re wears, to me relevant cosplayers are and cons making new cosplays all the time.
Just because they have a "big" following online doesn't mean they have much of one irl at a con

>> No.8676199

Most of their likes are bought. They all shot up by thousands over the same period

>> No.8676216

How much? And is it just Sat night (no Friday night?)

>> No.8676235

Nope, no Friday night. Gonna have to be like £60.

>> No.8676236


This. They don't even try to hide it. Stacey supposedly has >15k twitter followers but barely gets any favourites. Artyfakes FB increased over night.

>> No.8676239
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You're on.
Give me an e-mail or contact and we can talk there.

>> No.8676250

You can literally go on Twitter Audit and get an estimate of how many real / spam accounts are following any account. This accusation is just lazy.


>> No.8676251
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let's do this thing

>> No.8676262

Can I join your room briefly during the night for a party of sorts? You know get wasted, throw up all over the place, forget about it and be ready for Saturday to do the same thing again.

The usual thing you know.

>> No.8676268
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Depends on what the host wants

>> No.8676272

Is there something like this for facebook? I don't think they bought Twitter followers but their Facebook pages seemed to add 100k likes over a couple of weeks

>> No.8676275

Well shit, I should've seen this sooner

>> No.8676304

Not that I've found unfortunately. But the same thing happened to a lot of American girls too - something to do with when Facebook added the 'Suggested Pages' feature.

>> No.8676308

Host here. I've never been to a party. I've never been drunk or high. We can play Tiddlywinks, if that's your thing.

>> No.8676316


Oh, Tabby is always in demand at cons ... but mainly to sad, single nerds who want to toss over her prints. She knows her audience and she markets herself at them aggressively ... just check out her latest costumes, Slave Leia, Vampirella etc. I've no problem with cosplayers showing skin but that's all Tabs does. She's a one-trick pony ... and honestly, I didn't think she looked all that in the Judge Rinder show. All forehead, funny teeth and tons of make-up covering up some surprisingly not-great skin.

>> No.8676319

Tiddlywinks oh dear now things just got serious.

So how shall it be played? Unofficial Tournament?

>> No.8676324
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Can I tiddel your wink?

>> No.8676326


Wonder how much Tabby makes? Somebody on here recently said she's now charging £250 per appearance plus expenses. On the Judge Rinder show, Nic Artyfakes said she might get a £800 bonus from a good con appearance. It's hard to believe she can't afford new costumes, especially with the Artyfakes machine behind her.

>> No.8676330
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Going to do a longshot, anyone have a Saturday or Weekend ticket they're willing to sell?

>> No.8676332

I don't believe that. She'll turn up to the opening of an envelope if it means she gets the title of guest.

>> No.8676333

She's upped it to £300/day, overheard her at PlayExpo

>> No.8676334

No you got it wrong. The game. Very competitive. More addictive than drugs and alcohol.
More likely to cause fights and higher escalation of violence, brutalities, fatalities, etc.

Still a great game.

>> No.8676338

I prefer lightning round style. Bring your own Tiddlys, we'll supply the winks.
Depends. Can you handle the heat?

>> No.8676344
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I can handle more than heat bb

>> No.8676352

Play me like one of your fiddles.

>> No.8676355

Of course she can afford new costumes. But like anon said before, why pay yourself if a bunch of lonely nerds will foot the bill?

It's worth highlighting that since she increased her con fee she hasn't been at as many cons. Few places will pay that much for her. Same goes for KJ who can't get a UK con to pay for her and she won't pay for herself. This is why they've begun moving to international cons. Events run in other countries get more desperate and so will pay for a B-tier cosplayer. KJ tweeted she traded her NYCC guest fee for them paying her air fare to LA, so that gives you some idea of how much she is charging.

Like it or not, these girls are making bank off of horny neckbeards and they probably won't be stopping any time soon.

You obviously don't go to many cons if you think they don't get hordes of people at their tables. Stacey, Tabs and KJ all draw similar crowds as actual actors and voice actors who show up and bigger crowds than any comic or manga artist. It doesn't matter what they wear. It doesn't matter if it's old or if it's crap or not even a costume at all. There is a crazy fucktonne number of people who will queue to buy a photo of Stacey, get a hoverhand picture with Tabby and scope a look down KJ's top. Never underestimate the draw a bit of T&A has.

>> No.8676356

All talk but cant walk the walk.
See you at MCM.
Also how shall we meet?

>> No.8676361

Behind the sheds at 3, bring your gang, I'll bring mine

>> No.8676381


>> No.8676404

Basic hair and the nose. So much makeup but nothing going on with her eyes or lips like most girls do.

>> No.8676996

Well you cleary havent been either, Ive sat at guesting tables while theyve been there. MCM May Jnig got the line, didn't see a single person go to Jnig.
Yes Tabby had a swarm, but everyone takes photos and leaves.
Stacey well last time I saw her was a while ago, and only a few people visited, Ive also heard shes to ill to attend, claiming benefits and on twitch making..well not much money

>> No.8676999

*Go to KJ

>> No.8677124

She looked blank that whole show and didn't really say anything except 'Correct'. For someone who does so many panels, she showed zero public speaking skills. Her dad was better but he still looked like a deer in the headlights ... had a 'what the fuck am I doing here?' expression throughout. And that bit at the end where they pretended to argue after they left the 'court'? Lame. Tabby is a fucking pathetic actress.

I got some laughs out of the programme though. Tabby is 'Marketing Director' and has a 'Marketing Department'? Her marketing dept. is her computer. We saw how two-faced she is as well ... she was all over that damn dragon when it was made but now she's saying it sucks. Lesson is don't ever believe Tabby when she's bigging something up.

>> No.8677167

Nobody went to KJ? May's MCM is how she paid for her boob job. She was complaining for a week afterwards because she hadn't expected to sell out of so many of her prints and she doesn't like going to get another batch made. That line was only 60/40 in Nigri's favour.

>> No.8677169

I imagine her marketing department is the nearest Ann Summers and the only direction she cares about is 'up'.

>> No.8677207

I remember Kelly begging people on twitter to make sure to come straight to the front if they only wanted to see her.
People were there to see Jnig. She apparently pulled a hiss fit in front of everyone and Jnig at some point at the table. It was awkward.

>> No.8677225

This is my first MCM. What do I need to keep an eye out for? How shit are meetups? Are glomping and Homestuck as bad as I hear?

>> No.8677254

I was at the cosplay desk opposite them all weekend and not once did I see anything resembling a 'hiss fit'. The only drama was they both turned up late, some people were annoyed Nigri wasn't in costume on one of the days and her parents were ordering people into line more than actual security was. KJ was signing photos constantly and I didn't see anything kick off. KJ even bought her tog along for a while and that's rare because Nigri's parents never lets togs hang around her tables. Considering they are still pretty much gay for each other I don't believe for one second that there is or was any awkwardness.

>> No.8677259

What cosplay table? Jess was positioned with the other celeb signings. You're talking shit. Kelly, no one cares about you. Jog on.

>> No.8677296

homestucks can be hit and miss. ive been part of the group for the past few expos and a lot of them keep to themselves outside and are well organised, you're more likely to get a straggler 13 year old try and take a bazillion photos with you if anything and pester you.

>> No.8677301

Bring your own water and lunch, unless you want to spend £8 on a burger after waiting in line for 40 mins inside.

Also there's a Tesco Express down the road opposite the ExCel entrance, you'll usually see a lot of cosplayers walking that way so grab some cheap food/drink from there before it all sells out.

Depends which meetups you go to. Cosplay series meetups are usually fun and you can make a bunch of friends with small talk.

Also, crowds. Good luck.

>> No.8677319

Is there going to be any sweet sweet drama at the seagull meet?

>> No.8677338

They were literally 10 feet from the masq registration and costume repair desk. They were on a totally different wall to the other guests. What the fuck are you even on about you fucking jackanape.

>> No.8677353

only if the two groups meet up again
which is very unlikely

>> No.8677365

Think you anons are talking about two different cons. Oct 14 Nigri's table was right next to the cosplay desk but in May 15 her table was with all the other celebs.

>> No.8677405

May 15 is when Kelly begged for people to come to the front/got upset

>> No.8677708

Which sheds? Also I will alone and will need the room host to provide the winks for us.

I got my Tiddlys, do you?
To answer the foreseen question, yes it just got real.

>> No.8677725

>What do I need to keep an eye out for?
If you are going the Friday get the merchandise you want while you still can as it will be gone very quick on Saturday.

There are also good guests who turn up.
My favourite to date was Rooster Teeth.

>How shit are meetups?
Can be good if the group is good and you get along with the people in the group too.

Seagulls meet had a few too many dramas and got shit quick for me as some thought I was not "cool" and were looking to kick me.

Just a few people who got a bit too elitist in reality and they did suffer for it eventually which is why it is been a while since they had a meet on here.

I met a good facebook group which was initially randoms at first but some are now regulars.

I personally couldn't recommend more that more fun could be had meeting randoms outside during the evening and joining or forming a group on that night.
For me that was how I met the facebook group that I like.
You would need some social skills or confidence for this though.

>Are glomping and Homestuck as bad as I hear?
Retards, yes, and Liam Spooner is a known example but by far not the worst even though it is better to keep him away from your party or group meet.

There are homestucks too and they vary a lot, but there are always ones you want to avoid.
Saying that for my experience most of the homestucks I met from randoms during the evenings were cool and have been with the groups I joined in with.

>> No.8677862

Where? I just searched her facebook page and her twitter from that weekend and there is nothing about this at all.

>> No.8677888

I find many of the attention whores delete their shit posts from facebook, especially if they are shit enough to be mentioned later on.
We sometimes get screencaps on here of posts which no longer exist.

>> No.8677957

What are peoples thoughts on LSCC? Just seen D-Piddy and Vampy are going and would love to attend but don't know what cosplay is really like at the show?!?!?

>> No.8677997

Less hyped and not as popular as MCM which is good for togs.

I didn't have to comprise as much for taking photos as I normally would given there was less people than there would be at MCM.

Most cosplay or costumes were more for marvel and comics than anime and manga for obvious reasons, but there were cosplayers around and I did take some photos of them.

I can't be 100% for overall turn up as I haven't been going to them for long but the last few I went there had been turn ups from known popular cosplayers and others.

It is worth seeing at least once to make up your mind.

For me personally I didn't buy much merch and the tog aspect was the big plus.

>> No.8678055

LSCC seems to be the only UK con that knows what organisation is. I've never really heard people say negative things about it. It's my favourite con and this is coming from someone who likes anime and games more than comics.

Cosplay wise.. They seem to be the only UK con bringing in the bigger cosplay names. They actually listen to feedback which is why the cosplay guest list is so big for 2016.

There aren't as many cosplayers as at mcm obviously but it's a good for doing shoots because there aren't as many people and photogs are happy to spend some time taking a few pictures. A lot of people bring big cosplays because of the competition too.

>> No.8678625
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Anyone know what this is about?

>> No.8678651

Sounds like they're attention whoring or just making shit up to avoid committing to anything.

>> No.8678708

I know there was a whole thing in the CFCC Facebook group that got deleted. Some guy asked a simple question about the masquerade and it escalated into something else. She's well known for her dramatics.

>> No.8678740

No one has sent her threats or was mean to her on the CFCC thread that got deleted. She's making shit up like she does ALL the time.

>> No.8678742

She's batshit crazy anyway. They really are scraping the barrel for guests.

>> No.8678782

Ha, really? I only heard second hand what happened, didn't see it myself. Typical of her.

>> No.8678826

Any floor plan for MCM yet?

>> No.8679113

>Accepts role to lead anti-bullying campaign
>Immediately bails because of bullying
top kek

>> No.8679142
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A true role model.

>> No.8679373

So I've been approached by that Creative Edge guy to do a shoot and he seems real sketchy. I watched a behind the scenes video on his facebook page and he's touching the models and every photo he has on his page is boobs front and center, ass second and everything else covered with photoshop. I'm thinking I won't want to work with him but can seagulls give me a quick fill-in on him anyway. Is he well regarded actually? Does his page maybe simply paint him in a poorer light?

>> No.8679402

No. He's a creep and his composites are atrocious.

>> No.8679403

Might as well just post nudes on your facebook page then go fuck one of your friends dads.

>> No.8679435

He did photos of Kerry that don't have any ass or boobs. I guess it depends what he wants to shoot? Why don't you send Kerry a message and ask her if he was okay?

>> No.8679447

But he did publicly ask Kerry if she'd like to do 'sexy' photos like Tabs. So much ewwwwwwwww

>> No.8679449

>can't attend MCM because of work
>suddenly have Sunday off
>going to cost £45 roughly for ticket and to get up to London
>will spend most of day on a train/queuing
>seeing my con friends a month later at HJ
>£45 could buy a fair amount of xmas presents and will be an extra £45 to spend at HJ
>still kind of sad I'm not going
Reassure me MCM's not worth it, gulls. Remind me how shit it is.

>> No.8679458

Okay well sounds like I definitely want to stay clear, thanks seagulls.

>> No.8679463
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I'm feeling the same. Not worth going for that line.
There's always May, anon. There's always May.

>> No.8679548


>been looking forward to MCM for ages
>arranging to see uni friends and others at it
>gonna be great
>sudden dry spell of no work, literally cannot afford the last parts of my costume, or a ticket for MCM, let alone a ticket for friday and saturday

Im more disappointed than I'd expect to me considering it's MCM.

>There's always May.
Telling myself this.

>> No.8679565

New thread


>> No.8679816

Meh she probably gets asked because she lives there