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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 198 KB, 968x774, 11907221_10207702757389614_7221349481315207294_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8586523 No.8586523 [Reply] [Original]

Closet of Frills thread.

Previous thread: >>8578492

>> No.8586626
File: 138 KB, 640x960, a11954684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This does not fit, he looks like a sausage.

>> No.8586654

He has sausage, check his pants.

>> No.8586696
File: 149 KB, 960x960, 11907127_1040780702608050_9100561639976849835_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I missing something? Why are all of the comments on this super positive?

>> No.8586697
File: 112 KB, 960x960, 11960048_1119659874714943_951105439474204201_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the damn socks ruined the coord

>> No.8586699

it's closet of frills, everything is beautiful

>> No.8586703

cute and simple, but those shoes need to go.

>> No.8586715

I think this is cute.

>> No.8586719

I know you hate those socks, anon, but I think they look lovely with that coordinate. This is really beautiful.

>> No.8586720

Just the shoes?

>mismatching pinks on hat and blouse
>hat that is winter/felt hat
>cheap jewelry that doesn't match at all
>that lack of makeup
>those socks

I know the see-through sock thing has become a trend, but they're usually OTK's or they have a lace cuff at the top, but not like this

>> No.8586761
File: 96 KB, 960x960, 11953034_10207788036838977_364167702580190617_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i really liked this

>> No.8586769

ouji/lolita matching twins are my jam.

>> No.8586777
File: 52 KB, 497x677, 11954672_10204637778256527_7524332590890493830_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about no

>> No.8586784

"ma normal hair"


>> No.8586785

Why did her friend/lover have to ruin all the shots? I fucking hate people like that.
>look at me, I'm totes hxc

>> No.8586805
File: 33 KB, 149x151, tumblr hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8586824

It's the shoes that don't go

>> No.8586836

The socks are fine, the shoes are what ruin it for me. They look so big and bulky from this more delicate looking coord. Less bulky and more slender and fancy looking shoes would have made it perfect.

>> No.8586887

>>pink don't match at all
>>hat looks like a last minute random addition
>>sandals with socks
>>could have taken the jewelry box theme and run with it, instead decided to wear a seashell necklace that matches nothing.

The hat + shirt combo could pass with a classic skirt and the colors might look different on my screen than in reality; but still, this is a 4/10 at best nothing to be positive about.

Also shes fat.

>> No.8586942

>Also shes fat.
That's relevant how? Everything fits her. Would you like the coord more if she was thinner?

>> No.8586984

that coord looks like shit. she's fat, it doesnt help. if she was thin it wouldnt save her.

>> No.8587004


She's wearing her skirt too low, too. That's half the problem right there. Her waist is getting lost in the blouse.

>> No.8587014

this is one of my favorite prints and i hate how she wore it. I understand her theme with the jewelry but the seashell bracelet throws off the elegance she's trying to go for, its too clunky. And that cheap hat as well that im guessing she only chose because its pink and then... that legwear... the whole thing is a terrible coord.

>> No.8587027
File: 80 KB, 960x891, 11902531_977216837792_2630578401351913551_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Presenting Anime Midwest's expert on lolita and cosplay!

>> No.8587066

She's adorable, that's why. The coordinate isn't great, but she's been around for a while and a lot of people like her other coordinates.

>> No.8587070

I think what bothers me about this one is how low the skirt is sitting. I feel like the waist should be moved up a few inches.

>> No.8587072
File: 242 KB, 1280x1280, 11890029_10153651335772952_3363199802386278665_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so cute.

>> No.8587078

>top photo is literally just boobs

>> No.8587110

She'd look exactly like my sociology professor if she had pink hair.

>> No.8587125

I liked the coord. She had some reservations, but went ahead and posted the coord.

Maybe you can pull off a coord as good as her's.

>> No.8587129

Looks average. Don't get why people are creaming their bloomers.
>inb4 skin color

>> No.8587136

so she's fat, otherwise she looks fine?

>> No.8587140

I think she just did a good job with the color balance of the coord, and she has legs that OTKs really suit, so that certainly helps.

>> No.8587146

looks self conscious as fuck imo.

>> No.8587164

I love the color balance of this so much
I wish she had a mint headbow, but that's a nickpick

>> No.8587198

This has got to be one of my all-time favourite coords. It just straight up 'feels' good to look at.

I feel like the biggest issue with this is how low the skirt is - It breaks up the silhouette. The bucket hat and sandals/socks also look very kindergarten.

I love something about the socks/boots combination in this.

It's a bit annoying how we only get the shitty coords posted to /cgl/ - But then when good ones are posted (Like OP) nobody comments on them anyway.

>> No.8587213

with one rare exception, i have only posted coords i like. often i am accused of selfposting.

a lot of gulls who are also on facebook have a naughty/nice split where they will say only sweet things in public and only salty things here. it is frustrating for lolitas who ask for concrit bc seagulls cannot figure out tact or criticism in public

>> No.8587264

needs better accessories, a very Basic newb looking coord. its meh at best.
And yes, I can coord better than this. its pretty easy to

>> No.8587285

>But then when good ones are posted (Like OP) nobody comments on them anyway.

Calm down, OP pic was posted in the old thread and it got compliments.

>> No.8587383

The outfit itself is pretty goddamn cute but the fro is not working with the style, it makes her face too mature looking. She would benefit with a nice brown weave with side swept bangs.
Also she needs more pronounced makeup (if she is wearing any at all).

>> No.8587443

OH WELL, who gives a shit about things like fit and color coordination when you're a GUY posting on a page full of THIRSTY women.

>> No.8587451
File: 64 KB, 665x665, 10153646568347848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perfect example of a pretty face and a decent coord that would look better if she lost weight. Poor fattychan.

>> No.8587456

It'd be nice if we could actually see good coords tho. I can't join the comm for myself cause they can probably tell I browse here and they denied my request so this is the only place people like me can even see the stuff from there.

After all, there's an ita thread for bad ugly stuff.

>> No.8587468

>has the perfect type of hair to create double buns
>instead chooses this and no bangs

>> No.8587482

>I can't join the comm for myself cause they can probably tell I browse here and they denied my request so this is the only place people like me can even see the stuff from there.
Hold up, don't you have pictures of yourself in lolita? Have you tried PMing a mod to see why you were declined? Don't jump to conclusions like that, love thyself.

>> No.8587507

Harsh imo, she does well for her size.

>> No.8587520

But this is that girl that cgl went crazy over when she was posted in a comm thread and wanted to ID her

>> No.8587532

Still have no idea who she is. She has no online presence outside of her personal fb and her submissions to that plus size tumblr.

>> No.8587547

this would be 500x cuter with clip-on bangs and a mint hair accessory. pls, I love fluffy hair in lolita, but it looks so normalfag just pulled back like that.
agree that the jacet doesn't fit, but it's a really nice coord otherwise.

>> No.8587551

The photo on the left just looks like an unflattering angle.
I'm not sweet, but I think her coord is pretty simple, but cute, and her face is adorable.
I want her in my comm, she's too cute, and we then can be besties.
> may have been one of the anons who fell in love with her from the comm thread.

>> No.8587562

Whoa, she posted on the draw thread and I didn't finish her drawing, now it's done but I don't know where to find her. She has such a pretty face.

>> No.8587570

Why don't people post the good coords tho? Do you feel bad for the person or is it because it won't get as many responses here?
You can post more than one picture to avoid selfpost accusations
>tfw still not approved and just want to see fresh pictures

>> No.8587578

Agreeing with >>8587551 that the angle is really poor, which would be the photographer's bad. You can tell it was shot from the ground-up, and that angle rarely flatters anyone.

>> No.8587606

Are you on CoF? Maybe just PM her profile and send her the pic that way.

>> No.8587660

Is she wearing a navy dress and black shoes? I'm always confused on if that is an ok thing to do.

>> No.8587772


>> No.8587775

No matter what, when a good coord gets posted here everyone claims self post. It's fucking ridiculous.

>> No.8587786

She probably would rather wear her natural hair than a weave.

>> No.8587790

This is weird. My profile is entirely private with a photo of my cat and I was accepted straight away.

>> No.8587797
File: 718 KB, 2048x1536, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are a couple from near the top of the page.

>> No.8587799
File: 306 KB, 1123x881, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8587801
File: 266 KB, 720x1080, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8587808

I was thinking the same thing. She'd look really cute if she did two puffs instead of just one. Her head looks too sparse atm.

>> No.8587847

dang thanks anon

>> No.8587905

Agreed. She has the perfect hair for it and i am jealous and she fucking blew it.
Aside from the hair she would look better with a mint headbow and better makeup. Otherwise her coord is on point and i love it! Nitpicks make me sad because they are so close to being awesome, but they done fucked up

>> No.8587915

this is simple and lovely
i want to draw it

>> No.8588110

This is so so cute.

>> No.8588115
File: 35 KB, 263x395, rolls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why has no one commented on how the vest/jacket is obviously too small for him? The comments are sickening.

>> No.8588124

Because they're thirsty and CoF asspats any dude that looks remotely normie and not an obese neckbeard or creepy trans

>> No.8588132
File: 92 KB, 640x960, 11895207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just noticed these two were by the same photographer.
Kind of shitty that she got the ugly photo but this one is actually decent.

>> No.8588136

She looks like a little girl at a beauty pageant here

>> No.8588141

I can sorta see it, but at least she didn't get the worst angle treatment to boot. The glw wig bothers me more than anything, it looks so fake.

>> No.8588159

Her boobs look in pain.

>> No.8588192

What socks are these?

>> No.8588193

Because besides some fit issues, the colors are spot on and it actually looks decent? You girls are so fast to toss salt, you're like sumo wrestlers. Jesus christ.

>> No.8588198

Except anon was the only person to say shit after so many asspats on closet of frills. It's a mediocre outfit with no accessorizing, mediocre colour-balancing, and poor fit. It's mediocre at best and definitely not worth the comments it's getting.

>> No.8588201

the white jacket does not mesh well at all.

>> No.8588227

Love this.

>> No.8588230

I don't hate it, it's not a bad casual coord but yeah I have a few nitpicks.
Agree with those saying the skirt is sitting at the wrong point of her waist.
That is actually bothering me too, she is wearing it far too low, probably because if she pulls it up to wear it's supposed to sit the skirt will end up being far too short.
Could have been fixed with an underskirt.

>> No.8588231

Though really ita, I'm more offended by the ugly scruffy hambeast on the left that could really use a wash.

>> No.8588235

Wow you sound salty as fuck, I'm guessing this is a vendetta.
Her coord is fine can't find anything wrong with it.

>> No.8588247

ugly fatty-chan.

>> No.8588248

I really like this. and the lights behind her add something to the photo. Cute.

>> No.8588250

The few times I posted coords I liked they were either nitpicked to shit or got replies like "omg stfu anon she's not that bad" as if I were posting them in the ita thread. I also know a girl who got posted as a good coord and she got upset about it even though she only got compliments, because she's just that uncomfortable with being posted to /cgl/.
That's why I've pretty much stopped posting coords I liked or people I care about.

>> No.8588258

I don't think she looks bad but
>black OP
>black hairband
>black shoes
>black tights
You'd have to be pretty retarded to not be able to pull of something like this. It's still nice, but it's definitely easymode. People who pull off all- or mostly-black coords really well tend to play with textures and subtle patterns rather than just going 100% flat black.

>some fit issues
Dude looks like he can hardly breathe. Rule #1 of dressing well is wear shit that actually fits you. Looking like a stuffed sausage and looking good are very much mutually exclusive.

>> No.8588270


you seem to have a subject in your name field newfag.

>> No.8588271

That's a real shame, too bad this place has such a bad rep. I really liked seeing the good coords that were posted here.

>> No.8588274

meh shit happens.lol

>> No.8588279
File: 442 KB, 2048x1536, 11952702_10207552864920561_1993969585443185552_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this is cute.

>> No.8588281

see >>8587797

>> No.8588283

with 14 prior images in the thread, checking to see what has already been posted is not hard


>> No.8588285
File: 220 KB, 1200x1200, 11875156_10155958466690471_8673490988682565768_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8588287
File: 148 KB, 842x960, 11137112_10207703992903855_4305307318787520250_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8588289

Nouji is the new casual lolita

>> No.8588291
File: 109 KB, 400x400, 62141250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8588298
File: 13 KB, 220x290, Kyary_Pamyu_pamyu_funny_face_BEST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8588304
File: 632 KB, 1536x2048, 11951656_927905180600882_636921259793257277_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8588308
File: 237 KB, 690x1036, 11951495_10153582817774793_8900964428764866553_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8588387

Looks like she spent so much money on the salopette and matching beret that she couldn't afford anything else.

>> No.8588409

Sauce on the dress? This is such a beautiful coord

>> No.8588419

Leif's peony dress.

>> No.8588421

I think it was her friend's or something.

>> No.8588445
File: 286 KB, 1253x849, 1441003151493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was so mad when Lief did this release.
>made Gardenbarries sizing reasonable
>even went to L/XL
>this dress literally only came in one size

>> No.8588501

It's not salty to simply hold men and women to the same standards. He isn't a whale, it should be easy, find something that fits of GTFO.

>> No.8588502


gaping blouses or vests and visible rolls are always shat on.

>> No.8588533
File: 24 KB, 250x250, 1408590897258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed. Why are you bringing up stuff that happened almost 2 months ago? You need to go on a no-salt diet.

>> No.8588564

I had the same thought anon

>> No.8588584

This is so cute

>> No.8588747
File: 74 KB, 540x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything about this is just sad...

>> No.8588863

At least she's pretty.

>> No.8588914

Not according to their listings? The skirt was one size but the dress came in 2 sizes.

>> No.8589033

Take a closer look anon, there wasn't a huge measurement difference.

>> No.8589221

I've posted a coord with the same navy skirt and blouse coorded with black twice and even self posted them but thankfully got nothing but compliments. I guess having a third colour that contrasts with both helps like white/silver.

>> No.8589364

This would've been nicer had she just went with a custom-made bolero that properly fits her proportions, rather than a brand one because she can get it on. Not saying it's a bad thing, but the bolero is intended for a specific set of measurements, custom when it comes to those things is always going to look better. I love and swear by boleros but I rarely find any brand ones that look right on a large bust. Otherwise this is a lovely coord and she's very pretty.

>> No.8589368

The tiny umbrella is what really gets me.

>> No.8589372
File: 18 KB, 342x379, normie bolero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I wrong to like the bolero? I thought boleros were meant to sit at the edge of the bust like that. That's how the normie ones look to me anyway.

>> No.8589412
File: 673 KB, 778x1280, 2015-08-31-21-35-29_deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit they look so old!

>> No.8589416


Those fucking bangs man...

>> No.8589421

Is that photo on CoF? Why did you post a picture from her instagram

>> No.8589423

This isn't even from closet of frills. Take your Kate hate somewhere else for fucks sake, everyone else is tired of this shit. (Inb4 Kate don't even bother tryna make that reach)

>> No.8589425

her wig (I hope it's a wig) looks like scene kid hair

>> No.8589430

Wow, they both look so haggard....

Poor Cadney, how the mighty fall hard.

>> No.8589440

Fuck anon, i thought the same.

>> No.8589443
File: 121 KB, 314x339, pic_detail4dd1be8323d6c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So close.

>> No.8589449
File: 208 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know what this is about? I can't find anything on CoF that seems like this.

>> No.8589459

oh I think I know. I took screencaps just in case things got deleted, should I post?

>> No.8589468


>> No.8589473

There's nothing wrong with posting basic coords to CoF. This is why the new kids think every coord has to be OTT...

>> No.8589478

No, how about you fuck off until you learn how to cgl.

>> No.8589484
File: 63 KB, 491x867, pt1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8589485
File: 29 KB, 501x576, pt2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

think these were it?

>> No.8589487

do her legs seem really out of proportion for her body ?

>> No.8589492

oh, I just looked up the tumblr post and the pictures match. pretty sure it was this then

>> No.8589500

Wow, that's one of the clearest cases of 'being able to dish it out but not take it' that I've ever seen.

>> No.8589501

This is what most lolitas look like without the filters and shoop.

>> No.8589502

I posted a coord photo without specifing if I was okay with concrit, and somebody gave me some (which was polite and something I knew was off originally).
Somehow things got blown entirely out of proportion.

>> No.8589513 [DELETED] 

Holy shit! What happened to Cadney? She looks like she is in her 40's. Poor girl, she is aging really badly.

>> No.8589515

It's like she is trying to play polite police. No one needs you to save them from polite concrit. Worry about yourself and stop projecting. Sorry, stuff like that bothers me a lot.

>> No.8589516

I have that Infanta dress. It's actually a forest green. The shoes still don't match with the way she coordinated everything else, though.

>> No.8589518 [DELETED] 

Quit stirring the Kate and Cadney shit-pot. It's OT and doesn't contribute to this thread in any sense.

>> No.8589523

The green OP was even friendly/receptive to the purple girl's well-meaning concrit, what was the orange/tumblr girl thinking when she stepped in front of the OP saying "SHE DIDNT ASK FOR CONCRIT, YOU MIGHT HURT HER FEELINGS"
And then she runs to Tumblr to cry mistreated cyberbullying victim when she was the one who made a mistake? Then the answer to her question is yes, she should leave CoF and just stay in the tumblr hugbox uwu
If instead of "oh shit, I made a mistake, I understand what I did and here's how I'll improve the next time" a person thinks "everyone is mean and made me look bad because they hate me", they aren't ready for real life yet

>> No.8589528

Seriously. Purple was being passingly sarcastic, not even remotely bitchy, and orange immediately backed out like she had just been called a moronic fucking cunt. Those Tumblr types are about as tough as a fucking infant when they can't hide behind anon and their followers.

>> No.8589531
File: 94 KB, 1200x1200, FB_IMG_1441079878886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's always something off in the way she coords.
No socks, shitty veil placed too far back on her hairline etc.

>> No.8589542

I absolutely love this, it's just visually pleasing for me

>> No.8589573
File: 93 KB, 640x960, FB_IMG_1441081136004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not crazy about the makeup, but I love this coord.

>> No.8589577

She's way bigger than me yet I can barely fit in that JSK... wtf.

>> No.8589588

I think the makeup kinda works because the whole look feels very old-school to me, like something you'd see in an old street snap. I dig it.

>> No.8589597

description says she got it altered. keep up, anon.

>> No.8589598

>/cgl/: Vehemently hates wigs and fake hair with lolita, Tells black girl to wear a weave instead of her nicely maintained natural hair..
Do you know how stupid fake bangs look with an afro?

Her hair looks fine she just needs more accessories.

>> No.8589606

Jfc, if that's "cattiness" she should never step outside into the real world

>> No.8589613

>>/cgl/: Vehemently hates wigs and fake hair with lolita
[citation needed]

>> No.8589614

I'm sorry for your bad taste

>> No.8589616

I adore this look and want those boots.

>> No.8589622

Lol the universe just hates you in particular fam :^)

>> No.8589624

I fail to see a description anywhere in that post, but ok.

>> No.8589626

In fairness she wears this better than her boystyle.

>> No.8589629

Says it on her tumblr submission to gorgeous plus size lolitas, maybe anon confused the two.

>> No.8589635
File: 81 KB, 670x504, 0001s4qk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do you know how stupid fake bangs look with an afro
Okay this is probably bait but these images are all from Japanese fashion magazines, official brand promotions, etc.

>> No.8589638

>Do you know how stupid fake bangs look with an afro?

Protip: They don't.

>> No.8589640

oh shit I did, my bad. but yeah she got it altered from truly darling boutique.

>> No.8589653
File: 680 KB, 500x600, 07081212_559c952b95861[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How new are you? The one she's chosen is meant to sit like pic instead.

Her outfit looks extra boobloafy because the bolero doesn't fit, not to mention the fabric looks so stretched out over her biceps. Other anon is right, a properly fitted bolero and an actually poofy petticoat would go miles to make this better.

>> No.8589654
File: 167 KB, 1080x1085, Screenshot_2015-08-31-22-02-59~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also here's an American girl using her natural hair, her styling is awesome. Sometimes she straightens the bangs, other times she leaves them curled. Either way, it werks and keeps the 5head at bay.

>> No.8589665

>because I think something looks okay it means I'm new

Well, you're out to be hostile. Bye.

>> No.8589670

>actually poofy petticoat
That's not really fair considering her right arm and purse are holding down the petticoat and it's clearly squished. Anons were right, it's just a bad photo.

>> No.8589742

That's just, like, your opinion man

>> No.8589760

Sauce on this? Can't find the name of the bolero when I image search it.

>> No.8589785

Says on the CoF post that it's called Romantic Ribbon. Try that anon. Still on AP's international website iirc.

>> No.8589787


You're certainly new enough not to know what this cut of lolita boleros should look like.

The skirt seems to be curving in on the bottom, that's why I think her petti isn't properly poofy enough. Or maybe it's too short. Eh, maybe you're right, photographer may have found the one angle where a properly poofy skirt somehow looks like it's curving inwards.


It says Angelic Pretty on the photo.

>> No.8589809
File: 100 KB, 960x617, 11824985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry anon, I'm biased because she's in my comm and in the street photos her poof looked normal. Don't know why the other photo made it look so bad, but like an anon said, the angle is horrid. It's looking up her skirt practically.

>> No.8589819


The skirt actually does look better in this photo. All right, agreed on the angle being terrible.

(The bolero still looks too small though. No offence, I'm sure she's a lovely girl. I have zero vendetta, but I also have zero sympathy or bias towards a girl I have never met and don't know, so this is pretty much my opinion purely based on looks, yeah? )

>> No.8589822

Fair enough anon.

>> No.8589849


That unfortunate double chin... I always feel so bad for fatty-chans who put tons of weight on their face. Some larger girls can actually look really pretty as long as their faces are a bit slimmer.

Besides that which she cant help at the moment, I think her coord is fine. Its not OTT but it all matches.

>> No.8589855
File: 23 KB, 480x336, FB_IMG_1441084933304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love this so much!

>> No.8589861

why the fucking gold shoes? why the fucking scepter? this could have been so good and elegant, but damn it, I hate those accessories as much as I hate the fucking criss cross socks.

>> No.8589864

>gorgeous plus size lolitas
should I make a goodplussizedlolitas tumblr because gorgeous plus sized lolitas reblogs pure trash.

>> No.8589865

Hate the gold shoes. This would have looked much nicer with light blue or pink shoes.

>> No.8589867

Scepter AND umbrella? Feels like the cat in the hat when he's juggling all that crap

>> No.8589868

Problem is, I feel like coordinates would be so few and far between...
It's a shame that there's really no good blogs that come to mind for plus size lolitas.

>> No.8589870

even if it didn't have a steady flow of new posts, it could serve as a good reference for people

>> No.8589873

There are threads on here that have older plus sized posts. I'd reverse search them to credit the lolitas and also to keep an eye on their blogs.

I'm sick of seeing fakebois with shitty hair in the plus sized tag. I have crazy hair but I /always/ wear a wig unless it's to one of those 'be ita' meets.

>> No.8589878

Does orange even go here? She looks basic af. No lolita pics of tumblrina to be found on her page.

>> No.8589963
File: 108 KB, 1032x934, 11930936_1000740279977163_4738346034138824281_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's nice to see more old school coords on CoF.

>> No.8589968

looks like all she's got is a bodyline dress. she first wore lolita a month ago according to tumblr.

probably shouldn't bother her, she seems fragile

>> No.8590019

Who's that lady in the middle? She looks gorgeous!

>> No.8590074

dont be fucking twat you ugly cunt

>> No.8590077

She's in the NC comm, that's all I know.

I'm like 80% sure the photographer is this girl with her camera. So she took photos for her friends and vise versa.

I too am in this comm .. well hello anon.

>> No.8590092

cute community. I wish mine wasnt filled with ugly itas. UGH.

>> No.8590093
File: 34 KB, 242x320, tumblr_m06wxwEsXy1r7nuilo1_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is mine in a nutshell

>> No.8590097

its to blown out ><

>> No.8590102

Oh hi Kate.

>> No.8590106

This a cute little meet up. I'm a little salty that I don't have this.
>tfw no qt comm

>> No.8590132

okay slight off topic but why does she look like a combo between Isaki and Venus?

>> No.8590145

agreed, want to see more of her coords.

>> No.8590201
File: 126 KB, 960x960, FB_IMG_1441117720819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually think this is pretty cute and balanced with the blue wig

>> No.8590227

>tfw thin with an unfortunate double chin thanks to genetics..

At least hers will go away with weight loss.

>> No.8590290

this coord is one of the few times i see unnatural hair colors that i like in lolita

>> No.8590321

This is cute but I can't imagine wearing that in the heat!

OTT classic is just as bad as OTT sweet in terms of tackiness

>> No.8590370

Agreed anon, she looks very cute!

>> No.8590465
File: 83 KB, 835x960, 11988365_10155980169655150_401357970997679038_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get that disgusting thing back in your mouth. How do people think that's cute??? She's so ratchet it's sad.

I love this coord but I'm glad someone in the comments also thinks the dress to socks pattern is too samey, I wish it was broken up a bit more

>> No.8590471

meow_tan looks good for once

>> No.8590472

Damn beat me to it anon.

Seriously though what the fuck am I looking at here? I can't even process this.

>> No.8590478


>> No.8590483

The coord would look better if she was thinner because her skirt is too low and I think it's because of her waist size, it really throws the coord off. It wouldn't save the outfit, but it wouldn't look so jarring.

>> No.8590487

I think his coord looks great. Half the outfits girls wear in lolita are a bit too small too, this isn't even as obvious as the too-small dresses everyone wears. I don't think it's a big deal.

>> No.8590494

Yeah she said she borrowed the outfit from her best friend.

>> No.8590498

Has she done anything lol worthy recently? She seems like she's been quiet. I know she's a sjw though.

>> No.8590502

This. They just look normal. People don't have perfectly smooth faces IRL.

>> No.8590504

Double buns, bangs, and a mint headbow would make this look great.
Wow, these two look really nice.

>> No.8590506

I don't follow her so I don't really know. I'm just surprised she threw together a coord and got mom to take her to Waku Waku

>> No.8590511

I love this

>> No.8590512

She had a booth there, that's why she went

>> No.8590517
File: 104 KB, 960x645, 11895975_808613345917845_4604006148480005407_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it just me or is this coord almost looking ageplay-esque?

Giant baby brolita.

>> No.8590524

Selling her caulk ring wares and taobao scalps, no doubt.

>> No.8590525

This might be my fave pic on cof, very pretty! What dress is that?

>> No.8590528

>my fave pic on cof
Your standards weren't really high, were they? Kek

>> No.8590529

That jacket looks like it's in pain. Can he even breathe in that outfit?
Holy shit I love that film so much, I knew the oufit reminded me of something...
She looks okay but her lips and glasses make her look strangely like a turtle. It's a pity, she'd have looked so much better with smaller glasses and lighter lisptick.

>> No.8590534

agree. definitely

>> No.8590537

This has a really otome vibe to it, it's so cute
It looks like she tried lolita and was sidetracked by a very pastel Peggy Carter. It's... not the most heinous thing I've seen, but the tiny scrunched up poofy bit at the waist and the shoes and the limp little bow on the skirt can really only be described as sad.

>> No.8590545

Not as high as yours, Senpai! I bet you have all the latest burando! One day I will be big and flabby, just like you! :*

>> No.8590550

I usually like OTT but this coord bugs me. It's like she threw every single overdone OTT classic trend into one shot and called it a day.
>random scepter
>3f bonnet because of course
>shiny gold bodyline shoes that match not a single other gold item

>> No.8590556

Very good noobchan! But first you gotta get on my level of pretty and stop being a basic uggo :^)
You'll graduate from 6L Bodyline soon!

>> No.8590563

>'don't know if I should leave cof or take it with a grain of salt'
Looks like she took it with the whole damn ocean. What's with the bullshit pity party, anyway? Who the hell actually thinks that a polite discussion is catty cyberbullying? Only from tumblr, smh.

>> No.8590568

Its fancy box by angelic pretty
>it literally says so in her post

>> No.8590570


You guys are cracking me up.

>> No.8590572

Ankle socks in lolita are very hard to pull off. That + tent dress + bonnet makes this coord very ageplay.

>> No.8590578


>> No.8590580

You're assuming I have eyes? I sold them for misty sky... :(

>> No.8590600

Please tell me it doesn't go that high. Omg. There's fatty Chan and then there's human blobs... 0_0

>> No.8590607

Oh, it does, anon.

>> No.8590609

6L goes up to 135cm bust comfortably

>> No.8590641

I thought the same thing. I think it's mostly the shape of the bonnet.

>> No.8590673

I don't like this at all.
It looks incredibly top heavy, seriously lacking in the leg wear department. The shoes are too sweet and completely out of place for this kind of classic coord, and I have no idea why she would think that a Baby scepter would work together.
Let alone looking awkward as fuck holding a scepter AND and an umbrella.
Seriously what was she thinking?
On a side note, I do really enjoy the colour combo she's gone for, minus the tacky gold.

>> No.8590705
File: 106 KB, 540x960, 11953043_10153291552722946_6481279193961489669_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think this need more poof and maybe different shoes (?)
i'm missing some accessories too

>> No.8590715
File: 100 KB, 960x960, 11666286_10100709318668494_8669342603473143710_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one is cute

>> No.8590718
File: 66 KB, 670x665, 11923208_10205088988844336_2287618198559459938_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one was posted today, it's look very cute

>> No.8590719

This just doesn't feel like lolita to me because of the lack of poof. It would be so much better w/ a better petticoat. Otherwise, it's a really beautiful outfit.

>> No.8590724

That girl is cute. I don't love the coord but something about the black and white used that way is still nice. She's like a tuxedo cat.

>> No.8590725

I think a side ponytail is too casual for a dress like this

This is cute, but wigs like that always remind me of the wigs Irish dancers wear

>> No.8590726
File: 83 KB, 960x960, 11895977_718912774920576_7181187620755290550_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8590735
File: 57 KB, 405x720, 11954790_1200288816654714_7102129336448762609_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another cute coord

>> No.8590743

I love this, but I would've gone w/ a darker-colored wig.

>> No.8590750

This really would have been much better with white shoes and no scepter.

>> No.8590757

Christ they look OK if this was two completely unknown lolitas I'd be like whatever. I'm tired of seeing these two everywhere.

>> No.8590781
File: 1.70 MB, 512x384, facepalm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I know who this person is

>> No.8590789

She makes me depressed.

>> No.8590808 [DELETED] 


>trying to look cute

>> No.8590810

Seriously? Fuck outta here with that shit

>> No.8590811

/pol/ pls go

>> No.8590813

fugly and basic.

>> No.8590820

wow wtf

>> No.8590825

If she could find shoes the same colour as the sash, that'd be perfect.

I think the hair works pretty okay. The dress isn't exactly typical lolita stuff, and it's nicely styled, so I'm not that fussed.

I wish that she had a few more accessories overall though. A couple of cute bracelets/some kind of necklace.

>> No.8590828

go away you stupid farty pants.

>> No.8590834



>> No.8590839
File: 109 KB, 960x960, 1425502_10207460106283118_1761784151542440142_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute coord, unnecessary necklace

>> No.8590840

I was waiting for this to be posted. It's really ugly. The reds don't go well with the shades of brown at all, her hair is unkempt, the accessories make no sense in regards to the print on the dress (seriously, cherries and popcorn and lollipops?), and that bag is hideous. seriously where did she find that thing?

>> No.8590841

That's me! I think that's the best comment I've ever gotten, haha. I wanted to wear white OTKs but didn't like any of the options I had. My wardrobe is miniscule. The headbow was also my only option.

>> No.8590845

I think if she tucked the chain under her blouse collar it'd be a little cuter. It just looks like it was thrown on last minute here. Then again I'm a sucker for that brand so I'd want to use it for a lot of coords too.

>> No.8590846

I think it would be improved if the necklace sat under the collar of the blouse, like an accent to the bows. It's a bit jarring where it is now though, yes.

>> No.8590862

I think the necklace works thematically, but like >>8590845 and >>8590846 said, it would look better if the chain was under the collar and shortened a little so it accented the bow at the neckline better. The current placement cuts in to the print too much.

>> No.8590869

I was wondering if that's porphyria-ashden? She's an older gothic lolita who has been quietly around for a little while, I really admire her style.

>> No.8590922


Holy shit that's super fucking cute

>> No.8590954

is this miss-momo-tan from tumblr?

>> No.8590957

i hate the straight bangs with the little orphan annie wig

>> No.8590975

Yeah this is totally not my style usually and I agree this substyle of lolita is something I don't venture on frequently. I appreciate the comments though! I do want to purchase loyal rosette jsk for myself one day.

>> No.8591071

I like the use of white shoes with black socks here...isn't it usually a no no?

>> No.8591076

I guess you meant to say "porphyria-ashenden"? But yeah, it looks like her.

>> No.8591084

lol i don't know about any other anons and i'm not the one who posted that but i always wear those exact shoes with black. i love white shoes with black socks and no one can stop us!!

(i think it looks fine and cute here with white matched in the coord)

>> No.8591092

It could be considered one in traditional fashion, but it looks very cute here. Plus the best thing about alternative fashions is there's a bit of room for experimentation with the old fashion rules

>> No.8591155

Is that purse handmade from an old carpet? Kek

>> No.8591230

Are u Fucking blind?! She's ugly. U have bad taste

>> No.8591242

You have bad spelling. I also think she's cute.

>> No.8591310
File: 35 KB, 312x395, 11224766_10206900353365902_8571215436709395788_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can't feel this is an ouji coord

>> No.8591320

I think it's cute, but maybe more dolly kei? Way better than most people's attempts at unusual ouji.

>> No.8591325

Need a more elegant shoes. This one is too bulky. Girl needs to study Fanny Rosie.

>> No.8591327

Anon, that is in no way dolly kei. Also not ouji, though.
Just a shitty mishmash of random pieces.

>> No.8591341

It's interesting though...more like a boy otome than ouji if that makes sense.

>> No.8591343

I like the shoes+bonnet combo, it looks almost old school

>> No.8591344

I don't normally like sweet but think she coorded very well.

>> No.8591345

Nice !

>> No.8591399

I want to like this, but the length of that cardigan and that beret are killing me.

>> No.8591438

It doesn't look anything like her actually

>> No.8591477
File: 96 KB, 1165x720, FB_IMG_1441166935759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her coord is ok but what's with that ugly face.

>> No.8591487

>she's got my dream bag except I want it in white

>> No.8591492

she been suckin that smurf dick

>> No.8591511


>> No.8591521

Topkek anon

>> No.8591547

Definitely not her.
I wanna know really bad who she is. My goal is to add a Victorian or Edwardian feel to my style and it looks like she managed to do that perfectly.

>> No.8591571

Yeah, you are right, her name is Ruth Ann Foster

>> No.8591663

This, she's so overreacting. No-one was mean to her about it either, geez.
For someone that gives unasked concrit she sure can't take any criticism herself, how fucking ironic.
The girl (from the pic) didn't say she wanted concrit, sensitive little shit could at least have asked first if she wanted concrit or not.
Though I truly believe concrit is important, cause we can all learn from it but that doesn't mean you can go and give it to everyone, unasked.

>> No.8591666

Yeah, something is always off with her.
The hair, that ruins it the most. I like her hair, but not for Lolita.
No legwear which she really needs imo, ugly non-Lolita shoes. Also no accessories apart from the veil.

>> No.8591669

That is one annoying obese ita.

>> No.8591673

I hate the busy legwear trend we've been having for years now.
This would be much nice with plain legwear.
I'm not a fan of the shoes either.
Some accessories wouldn't hurt, a nice necklace and bracelet maybe? Nothing ott cause I kinda like plainness with these type of coords.

>> No.8591721

Have you read the fucking rules on CoF? Yes, you absolutely can give concrit unless they specifically specify that they DONT want it.

>> No.8591723

>CoF poster gently suggests she learn the difference between lolita and regular clothes
>OP says "I don't wear regular clothes"
>Has recieved nothing but ass pats.

>> No.8591753

One of the posters

>finally someone who takes the trouble to be able to wear what she wants to, and not just buy expensive dress from lolita page. I really like this because it is more unique. you look beautiful.

what the flying fuck?

>> No.8591766

I personally like the legwear with this dress, but I feel you on some printed tights/otks being too busy. Sometimes simple is honestly the best way to go.

>> No.8591769

Flying horse or flying fuck?

>> No.8591776

Yeah fuck those bitches who put together coords with items from established lolita brands, thrifting random shit that doesn't even fit a petticoat is definitely the way to go!

>> No.8592145
File: 71 KB, 540x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's back...
I wonder how chewed up the two girls that told her to go elsewhere are gonna get?

>> No.8592174

she has freakish feet... also does she never clean her room or mirror?

>> No.8592240

Looks like it was bahhhleeted from cof, wanted to read the comments but couldn't find it..

>> No.8592255
File: 45 KB, 480x480, mfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf am i looking at

>> No.8592267
File: 18 KB, 400x303, 6a00d8341c1a6753ef014e86649506970d-500wi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8592273

If she deleted it and not a mod, I don't think it was a bawlete. The only comments were a few people telling her CoF isn't to show off her new sewing project.

>> No.8592274

Boobloaf ahoy.
Halfassed coord, clearly not finished.
Dem face shots too hahah, damn girl, stop making a fool out of yourself.
The headdress looks badly executed.

>> No.8592286

How does this not break the "no gratuitous selfies" rule?

>> No.8592287

Really needs to adjust the straps on her salopette. It looks like she extended them all the way to make it knee length but it makes her torso look terrible. Salopettes aren't even usually knee length in photo shoots.

Take off those wristlets and swap for some nice brown shoes and this could be really cute.

>> No.8592328
File: 121 KB, 960x960, 11928735_1001009799922053_4761559454729242815_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like this

>> No.8592331
File: 60 KB, 640x960, 11951967_10153581441230148_7202478991588883144_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those fucking shoes just ruined the coord

>> No.8592397

I actually think it fits? it's not the best but it works.

>> No.8592410

I love you.

>> No.8592587

>bare feet
>next to sharp plug

argh my toes curled reflexively

>> No.8592644

this better be the replica, i mad

>> No.8592649

shoes look bad, blouse looks cheap.
Just because everything is black doesn't mean it's cohesive. Might look better with a better blouse, armwear and a sweeter skirt (considering shoes and purse)

>> No.8592772

It's not a blouse, it's an OP. She's just wearing a corset over it, I think.

>> No.8592822

self post

>> No.8593662

Why the fuck do people still think its ok to have eye shadow all the way to your eyebrows.

>> No.8594069
File: 39 KB, 500x960, 11990657_1201715566512039_5818437218550787573_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this so much, but I just really feel it's not Lolita. Am I the only one? I'm confused cause she's getting so many positive comments. I'm just like :S

>> No.8594409

Is there another fb community I should join? I got rejected too. Probably because I don't like how popular fb is so I rarely post any pictures of myself dressed up

>> No.8595023

The girl who gave concrit is not the one crying, neither is the OP who recieved it.

>> No.8595465

Holy shit dude--so accurate XD