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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 186 KB, 850x1280, 1428005476401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8504825 No.8504825 [Reply] [Original]

do you have any pictures that show how this type of hair is structured like?
i have no clue what parts of it are supposed to be long and what parts are shorter.
not only this one, but i would also like to get more info about hair in general i guess.

>> No.8505215

Layered short bob, probably styled with a razor? Try taking this picture to a good hairdresser.

>> No.8505336

I accidentally bought a white booster as dye, can I use it to dye my hair (which is already really bleached)?

>> No.8506046

I'd like more pics of short hair.
I'm growing out a pixy cut into a short bob or something. need cute ideas and pics to bring to the hairdresser.

>> No.8506170
File: 409 KB, 1315x603, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What can I do to make my hair cute? Been growing it out for almost 2 and a half years and haven't gone to a hairdresser during all this time, I feel it really shows (will go soon, definitely need to cut ends). I wish my waves/curls were less messy, I hate them but for some reason people like my hair even though it's thick and damaged and frizzes up easily.

I've seen some videos and pics of people's hair before and after Olaplex and I really think it's the best thing I can use to fix my hair, but I'm scared it will straighten it too much ;_;

>> No.8506225

We have the same kind of hair. After you wash it put it into two dutch braids and let it dry naturally(yeah i know, it takes a day or two) and when you take them out your curls are nice and tight. When they start go get loose and dat frizz starts to kick in put a bit of hair oil in and they're good again.

>> No.8506248

I'll have to learn how to do braids then~ Will try it next time, hope it doesn't break hair too much (they should be kinda loose braids, right?). Thank you!

>> No.8506261

You get better results with a tight braid

>> No.8506327
File: 50 KB, 650x366, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got ya anon, I started growing my hair from a razored pixie six months ago. It's a bit longer than pic related now.
The trick is to never ever EVER let them thin your layers while it grows. My last hairdresser kept cutting into the layers and overblending the bangs with the sides. It led to an awkward asymmetry and took forever to grow out. I've gotten more healthy length in the past month than I ever did with that bitch.
Commencing mini-dump of kawaii short cuts for you

>> No.8506335

thank you anon. We don't get enough short haircuts in most hair threads.

>> No.8506359
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Sorry for the wait, I was on a call

>> No.8506362
File: 102 KB, 534x790, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love fluffy bobs like this the most if you couldnt tell lol

>> No.8506366
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>> No.8506376
File: 58 KB, 370x494, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love layered looks like pic related but my super thick hair tends to look like a lion's mane in a short layered cut orz

>> No.8506377
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>> No.8506381
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>> No.8506390
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>> No.8506399
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I'll end it here. Hope some of these help, anon!

>> No.8506418
File: 20 KB, 480x640, 1420815717746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have short cuts for curly hair? I can obviously google it, I just like to have input from others, especially seagulls

Pic related is similar to my hair only it's longer and healthier. I want to grow my mane out long and wild (it's so cute with mori) but I need to take better care of it as it grows and since it's going to take so long to grow out, I want to have short hair while I'm still young and before I dedicate all of that time to having it really long.

>> No.8506435

Personal experience: don't. It looks very cute while pixie-lenght, but when it starts growing, it becomes a cloud on your head. Quite literally. It only looks good when you take the precious 3 hours to style it and it takes a few minutes in a humid environment to ruin fucking everything.
I had to chop off my hair because of a poor straightening job and it's taking forever to grow. It's already at shoulder lenght, but because of shrinkage, it's just become a bigger cloud. I can't even tie it.
But that's your call. I can post a picture of my hair if you'd like.

>> No.8506452

>cloud hair
sounds awesome. I'd love to see the 70's fro make a comeback

>> No.8506465

This does not relate to cosplay or egl and should be in /fa/.

>> No.8506469

fuck off. We've had these threads for years.

>> No.8506470

Not really. Not everyone can or need to wear wigs, and it's nice to know how to incorporate their real hair into j-fash with proper care and styling.

>> No.8506471

Anon would you mind showing pictures of your hair?I have hair kind of similar to the pic and it's about hip length when straightened. If it's the same texture as the picture you posted, you may not experience the same shrinkage as >>8506435 but pictures would help

>> No.8506545

You've been here for years but never read the sticky? Wow.

Anyways, you'd get much better advice in a different board.

>> No.8506549

you don't /thread your own comment you fucking summerfag

>> No.8506550

I've been here since before the sticky.
Fuck the sticky. /fa/ knows fa.

>> No.8506553

Yeah sure, let the men from /fa/ tell me how to tame my curls

>> No.8506557

Let's not have a fight about common ongoing threads like hair threads. They're a common part of /cgl/ because, guess what, hairstyles are a part of jfashion! You're not going to get jfash hair advice (or female hair advice in general aside from "omg!!! fatty!!") from somewhere like /fa/.

Gosh you guys are just like the kids on /x/ who scream "how is this paranormal?" in spooky mystery threads

>> No.8506680
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>> No.8506842

Fuck off.

>> No.8506949

God Tier Genes.

>> No.8506973

They're right tho

>> No.8507287

nice samefag

>> No.8510265
File: 219 KB, 288x409, H1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk if this is what you want to hear, but you'd look cute with chin-length hair.

>> No.8510796

I'm not sure, long hair helps me hide my kinda thick neck and makes my shoulders look smaller. Also when I had it that length and it lacked the weight of long hair it was really poofy sadly (probably due to a bad combination of products though).

Anyway, I'll try to tie it up like that pic when I have time, I like how it looks. Thank you~

>> No.8510826

>it becomes a cloud on your head. Quite literally.
Woah, I'm so envious of people with curly hair. I'd love to have a literal cloud on my head, but unfortunately, my sister got all the good genes. Then again, it would probably suck if the cloud ever decided to rain, or even hail for that matter, so I guess I might as well enjoy my pin-straight locks.

>> No.8510828

They are right anon. Also you can't /thread a "hair general". Good grief.

>> No.8511302
File: 135 KB, 857x1224, IMG_20150721_101934_20150721_103431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted this in a /fa/ hair thread a while back but surprise, surprise, they weren't very helpful.

Long story short, my hair's falling out and while I'm taking a bunch of supplements to stop it ( collagen/gelatin, iodine, iron, vitamin D, lycopene, etc), I'm reaaaally getting sick of dealing with it at this length. Crazy shedding and visible thinning is starting to drive me nuts, especially since it's been getting harder and harder to cover up. I'd be okay with shaving it all off eventually, but before I take the extreme option I just want to cut it a bit shorter with lots of layers to fake some volume. Pic related is what it looks like now, which is pretty gross to be honest.

What are some short hairstyles that don't take a lot of hair to pull off? Stuff like >>8504825 is super cute, but it seems like you'd have to have thick hair to not have it look awkward.

>> No.8511546

Yeah, /fa/ is not very useful.

Don't really know about hairstyles, but did you go to a dermatologist? Have you checked hormone levels? Have you tried biotin and/or zinc (and B12 if you're vegan)? Birth control pills? Topical ketoconazole? How are your nails? Has somebody else in your family lost hair at a young age?

Hair loss is not necessarily a lack of something in your diet, it's a symptom of so many things, from stress to cancer. A good dermatologist could really help a lot, an endocrinologist too.

>> No.8511690

Yep, already been to two dermatologists (and one of them even specialized in hair loss) and even got a scalp biopsy, but the end result was basically LOLIDUNNO TAKE ROGAINE. That's pretty fishy, considering I haven't got any family history of this stuff, was already taking biotin and B12, and my nails were fine. Hell, my hair is still getting longer normally - it's just I'm losing more hairs than I should be.

Haven't tried ketoconazole yet, but I'll look into that.

>> No.8511743

probably a stupid question, but how do you style your hair like this? I have straight hair about this length but it just sticks to my head and looks really flat. when I try drying using a rolling brush it doesnt make a difference, and my hair just ends up sticking to my head like its glued. any tips?

>> No.8511746

Damn, that sucks. I had a similar problem and even had scalp pain for several months, but ketoconazole 2% shampoo (which I started using for dandruff but it grows hair too) with birth control pills helped me and hair is growing again, healthy and nice. Pain is totally gone too.

Hope you find a solution eventually~ Good luck.

>> No.8511759

Could be Thyroid problems, any other symptoms?

>> No.8511773

Thanks for the tips and support anon, I'll certainly try my best.

I did an iodine patch test recently, and according to that I've very likely got an iodine deficiency. Other than that, I'm not really sure what other symptoms I should be looking for.

>> No.8511774
File: 486 KB, 700x815, w16-Cosplay-Harajuku-shibuya-Long-Taro-font-b-Milk-b-font-font-b-Tea-b-font.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is a haircolor I really want for myself, and I'm wondering what is the best way to achieve and maintain such a color?
My current hair is home dyed to dark brown/black so obviously first step would be bleaching with olaplex so I don't ruin the hair. But I was thinking if I just went to a salon and asked for a light ashy brown, then used a purple color mask/toner on it? Would it turn out purpleish light brown? As for upkeep I'd probably have to keep using purple color masks?

>> No.8511791
File: 74 KB, 600x449, vibrant_purple_daily_med_blonde_grande.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theres a company called overtone that makes special conditioners and shampoos for dyed hair. this is their vibrant purple conditioner on only lightly bleached hair.

>> No.8511799

Oh wow that's great! Just what I was looking for, thanks a lot!

>> No.8511891
File: 103 KB, 601x802, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had this problem for a while, anon. I wasn't sure what to do because ever since I bleached, my once-massive lion hair just wanted to limp out.
My process is now to first use a leave-in conditioner for moisture and a heat-reactant volumizer. I blowdry it upside down for juuust long enough to shape the roots at a different angle then use a roundbrush. Just make sure to always aim UNDER, not OVER with your hair or you can make it deflate again. Lower heat to medium when it's gone from wet to damp. Takes a while but it's effective and won't dry it out.

If you find it's still too flat when it's dry try using a curling iron under the top layers to give it a bit more mass. Again, the rule is under and out, not over and down. You want the roots to have more volume and to stop aimig towards the scalp. You can finish it off with a light styling cream to give it texture, but nothing too heavy.

Pic related is my "basic" style now, just with the hair dryer. It keeps a reasonable amount of fluff all day, even with my love affair with headbands and hats weighing some of the pieces down. It's not the supermassive lion's mane it was before I started bleaching but at least it's got a bit of shape with a little bit of work.

>> No.8511947

Anon you are a godsend, thanks so much for that. And damn, does bleach really affect your hair texture that much? The only time I tried it, my hair got all nasty and frizzy but I thought that was just a product of me being fourteen years old and a complete ignoramus when it came to hair styling.

>> No.8511955

thank you for taking the time to type this up anon. I really appreciate it

I will look into the products you mentioned. The whole process sounds exhausting to be honest lol but if it lets me go out in casual without wearing a wig every time its definitely worth it.

Your hair looks so nice in that photo!

>> No.8512100

I started using Lush's American Cream conditioner recently and I'm in love! It makes my hair super soft and the smell is phenomenal, staying in my hair for a few days afterwards.

However... I bought the small bottle of it earlier this month, and although I don't wash my hair that much I'm nearly halfway through it which simply won't do. The product is very thick so you really do have to use quite a bit to get it to cover the length of your hair if it's long.

So seagulls, I guess I'm wondering are there any other conditioners which smell of strawberry milkshakes, and preferably aren't as thick?

>> No.8512153
File: 235 KB, 670x377, 280_150615104647_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the name of this hairstyle so I can grow my hair to get my stylist to cut it like that? I'm a guy btw.

>> No.8512160
File: 55 KB, 300x250, 1437946570563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comb over.

>> No.8512167

I've been using The Face Shop's Keratin intensive conditioner. It's awesome and you don't have to use a ton to get coverage. I use it outside of the shower and rinse it at night. If you use something like that in tandem, or use Lush's as a leave in in the same vein as what I do, you won't have to use as much of it.

>> No.8512180

The Donald Trump female ver.

>> No.8512227
File: 111 KB, 600x800, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

awww thank you! I love my hair so much, and this is coming from someone who used to resent their hair more than anything.
The secret is to bleach in doses. It's been a year and a half since I started this process, and about six months of it was awkward lifting and deep conditioning from almost-black to garbage dishwater blonde, then a brassy dark blonde and finally the white-blonde I have now. I think it was about a month ago when my stylist and I finally worked my hair up to what I've been wanting since I started the process, and with lots of attention, conditioning and only twice/week washings with a purple shampoo it's gotten really soft and smooth. (: I used to hate my hair, razor it a lot, cut it all off...but now I love it soooo much and I'm so proud of it.
Here's a pic of what my hair used to be to give you some perspective. Sorry I used to be super 3edgy5me lol. Either way plenty of patience and a bit of extra work can give you a beautiful, healthy color.

>> No.8514164

in another thread someone mentioned not washing their hair everyday and it got me thinking.

Do you guys wash your hair everyday? If not, why not and what are the benefits of not washing your hair everyday? How often should one wash their hair?

>> No.8514183

>Do you guys wash your hair everyday?
Nope, I do it thrice or twice a week, whenever the hair needs it.

I'm not really an expert but I've read that it does less damage, your hair dries less, you waste less water and money in products and other stuff.

Wash it when it's feels dirty.

>> No.8514221

Wash it 2-3 times a week anon, less if you have problems with it drying out.
Washing it daily can cause your scalp to build up oils faster to replace the natural oils you wash out, making it oilier after one day than the hair of a person who doesn't wash it daily. Backing off will make your hair a bit greasy at first but after a while your hair starts building up its natural oils again and you'll find your scalp and hair are much healthier, because you're not having to rebuild all those oils on a daily basis.
Some people don't use shampoo at all and use some kind of baking soda mix, but I've never tried that so I can't vouch for it. It's supposed to be really good for your hair.

>> No.8514784

I wash my hair every day, and started against many suggestions when I was younger because it gets disgusting after a day. You're not supposed to, and my mom and sister have both stopped washing daily and using dry shampoo instead, but I find dry shampoo doesn't reduce my oiliness at all, and only makes my hair look like it's less oily for ~30 minutes. I'm just oily in general though, my skin has problems with it too.

>> No.8514878
File: 18 KB, 410x547, ew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think bangs would go well with my face? I really want to cut my bangs straight across because I love the way up-dos look with a fringe. Opinions?

>> No.8514907

Probably, a fringe looks good on most faces. The only thing to be careful with your hair is it seems to be wavy, so unless you're down for straightening it every day, it might get annoying.

>> No.8514912

I already straighten/curl my hair almost every day, so no big deal there. Thanks!

>> No.8514998
File: 76 KB, 706x706, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two things:
>want a new style but also want to grow my hair out
>should I get bangs?

And more important
>getting married
>going for romantic vintage feel
>strapless lace fit & flare
>suggestions for updos?
Thanks captcha for making me pick out wedding cakes

>> No.8515037

I think you'd look really cute with bangs! Maybe try bangs and go about 6 inches shorter.

>> No.8515214


I recently got my hair cut like this. I still don't know how the fuck it works.

>> No.8516033

If I straighten my curly hair will it naturally go back to the same curliness after a while? I love my current hair but I want to experiment a little, and I'm afraid it won't look like it does now again.

>> No.8516333

Have a scroll through these:

I'm shit at hairstyling but this one always looks lovely:

>> No.8516367

If you just use a straightener and avoid dehydrating your hair it'll bounce right back after a shower. My hair is super curly and if I dry it with a round brush and use a straightener it'll stay straight all day.

>> No.8516381

It will bounce back, just make sure to use some sort of heat protectant and your curl pattern should be fine.

>> No.8516539

I need this!

>> No.8516543

Does anyone know how long this stays in? Has anyone actually tried it?

>> No.8516661

2 hours

>> No.8519224

iris j. and others on youtube have a ton of recommendations on various vintage/romantic wedding updos

>> No.8519237

thanks for your inputs, I am going to try to cut down washing to a few times per week and see how it goes.

>> No.8521484

>cut hair short like OP
>just got into otome
>hate wearing wigs
>tfw look stupid

good thing i love hats

>> No.8521557

fellow square face owners, what is flattering? i am new to this business.

>> No.8521810

different bleach anon here
Yes, bleach completely changes your hair texture. My hair now is extremely different from what I had before. I used to have very strong, thick, healthy, silky hair. I could never put it up in a high ponytail because it was both too heavy and silky that the tie would just slide right off in a matter of minutes. Since bleaching, my hair has become much more textured, which I actually love - I can style it easily and it will hold. Although individual strands have become thinner (much thinner), my hair looks more voluminous thanks to the texture.

Bleach does frizz/fry your hair; you DO need to be careful and do it slowly like >>8512227 suggested. Deep conditioning is essential to keep your hair from being too dry and breaking apart like straw. While my current hair is soft and not unpleasant to the touch, it definitely is not silky like my virgin hair.

For reference, I went from asian-black to white-blonde over the span of 3-4 months, and have been maintaining this level for 3 months now.

>> No.8522232

I'd go with a softer upward curved bang. A straight bang will be too harsh on your face.
You on the other hand would look best with straight bangs

>> No.8522286
File: 130 KB, 264x300, 9898.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You kidding me? That hairstyle would look cute as shit with otome anon. Think cute 60s mod look. I especially love how short and pixie hair look with Alice bands.

>> No.8522291

really? I would think it would be the other way around..

As a general rule, I don't think straight blunt bags are actually flattering on longer faces (when the length comes from the lower part of the face rather than the forehead).

>> No.8522320

Any recommendations for good at home straightening/keratin stuff?

>> No.8522950
File: 2.08 MB, 2000x2000, Plz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need some serious concrit here. This is my hair without any heat products. Does it look okay? Should I use some styling products in it? Should it be cut differently? I'm due for a cut mid-August and was just planning to trim the ends and layers. I want to fix the "poof" and the sort of waves.

Here's the products I use in case anything should be swapped out for better results:
Shampoo - Garnier (can't remember specifics but it's part of their new clean line?)
Conditioner - Healthy Sexy Hair
Detangler - Galvin & Galvin London Kids (smells awesome and was on clearance)
Leave-in Conditioner - Aphogee ProVitamin
Hair Serum - Coolway Glow Oil Treatment

I've had problems with small flakes and itchy scalp and the Garnier has helped but hasn't cured. I've tried Tgel and it felt like my scalp burned and I think it made me hair more brown. I was recommended Vichy Dercos shampoo which I will be purchasing very soon.

>> No.8522960

Huh, your hair looks frizzier the longer it is; have you ever heat-treated it? How often do you trim off your split ends?

>> No.8522971

I suggest you start treating it with coconut oil, placenta, or some other super rich hair nutrient product like The Face Shop's keratin conditioner. If after you treat it, you can squeeze your ends and feel/hear that it's crunchy, you need to cut it.

>> No.8522997

Also, I'm
Pardon me, I'm drunk, I meant to also say, that you need to get a shampoo and general conditioner that doesn't have laurelates, (sodium lauryl sulfate). It strips out your natural moisture to be replaced with a conditioning product's moisturizers, it's really bad for your hair and makes you over produce oil which in turn makes you want to wash more, which fucks it up more.
Trader Joes sells Tea Tree Tingle stuff, it's great, and it doesn't have that crap. I buy it cause I live right next to one and it's cheap enough.
I don't know about the rest of your products though. Just avoid the lauryls and wash your hair less.

>> No.8523143

It does look frizzier towards the bottom! No I haven't heat treated it before. I get it trimmed every 4 months and within that time I use heat products maybe twice.

I have tried coconut oil but I think I'm doing it wrong: I warm it up to a liquid, let it sit for 15 minutes, then wash normally but once it air dries it looks greasy. I have to wash it again the next day for it to look shiny.
Second ingredient of the Garnier shampoo was Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate but no sulfates nor laurelates in the Healthy Sexy Hair conditioner. I don't have a Trader Joe's around but I was recommended Paul Mitchell's Tea Tree shampoo; would that be a good option? I wash my hair every 2 days but sometimes I'll wash a day earlier if my scalp feels "tight" and itchy.

>> No.8523151

Does anyone use any nice razors for shaving your head? I'm currently using a ladies regular razor, but might switch over to a men's razor, since they're built stronger

>> No.8524912

Is it true that the best cut for thin hair is a blunt cut instead of layered? My hair is fluffy but thin, and layers haven't worked for me

>> No.8524953

It depends on how the layers are cut. Long layers that move and float up a bit give volume, layers that are used to take out volume...don't.

>> No.8525041

I just got my hair cut. Still a little nervous about how it looks but, I've never been able to do anything with my hair in the first place.
Having it shorter is gonna make care 100 times easier. Normally it just grows back quick and becomes the lion's mane it usually is, but having it short for a bit is kinda nice, especially during the summer. Very thick, natural waves though. Layers do nothing to help.

>> No.8525130

my hair is a lot better now that i dont wash it daily,instead 2~3 times a week. for reference, i began homeschooling in 2012 and cut off all my hair then. it was fluffy, frizzy, wavy from stress/the elements/washing daily. now that im about to graduate eventually (i am behind and i should have already) it is near halfway down my back and silky smooth basically, and wavy-ish. i use the deep moisturizing mane n tail shampoo/conditioner (conditioner only on the bottom half of my hair) and 10,000mcg biotin. i get disgusting though, so its a good thing i dont go out. i have oily/dandruff-y hair, so i look gross, but my hair is nice (when clean!) so it has pros and cons. but whenever i get a job/head off to college ill probably end up with fluff hair again, so it is disappointing.

>> No.8525305

I wash mine every second day. I used to go a week without washing when I wore it in a ponytail everyday, now I wear it out so grease is pretty obvious.

One thing that has worked WONDERS for me is not using conditioner anymore, since I noticed I'd have a lot of hairfall when I ran my hands through it in the shower. I don't really use much product in my hair to begin with, and now I only use shampoo and sometimes some hair oil serum if it's getting a little frizzy. My hair has never felt this soft before, it's amazing. It feels so much healthier, I don't know why I have never done this before

>> No.8525349

It depends on how long it is and how you style it. Mine's about shoulder length and I normally clip the front part back from my face, so I just get a blunt cut. If I wore it out more often, I'd probably go with layers

>> No.8526077

I really want to dye my hair pastel, but I have no idea what will look good. My skin is warm olive and looks orange half of the time...

>> No.8526176

Mint. You're probably an autumn, so pastels will look shit, but the slight bit of yellow in mint will make it look a bit less terrible.

>> No.8526187
File: 15 KB, 236x316, 5708ff381f7fa6a2c0c629ef936f8a2d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to get a short haircut thats around mid neck length because my hair is thick and I pretty much die when it's hot out but the problem is my face is round and wide so I don't know what will suit me. My hairdresser isn't much help because she pretty much shrugs whenever I ask for her input and when she did advise me, she gave me a bob cut that looked horrendous. Does anyone have any suggestions? Would something like the picture be decent or a big mistake?

>> No.8526525

dry shampoo is your friend on your greasy days, anon!

>> No.8526555
File: 210 KB, 735x807, IMG_20150802_195408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any suggestions for a short cut on my face shape? Also looking for suggestions for the bangs. Getting bored of the same bangs, my hair is pretty long so I'm open to anything sorter than neck length really.

>> No.8526825
File: 40 KB, 369x494, 2013-Japanese-Wavy-Hairstyle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic is my dream cut. i've always had long, straight brown hair but i /never/ wear it down, just in a bun or a ponytail. i'm thinking of going to a professional salon to get it done. i have an oval face and i wear thick, squarish glasses. should i just go for it? i'm worried that it'll go terribly wrong and i won't be able to just throw it into a bun

>> No.8526883
File: 47 KB, 370x496, 8787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think something like this would be totally cute on you

>> No.8526891

A new hairdresser.

>> No.8526893
File: 29 KB, 369x495, Cute-Japanese-Bob-Hairstyle-2013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A style like that would likely emphasise the width of your face since the volume is concentrated at the sides.

A variation of a similar cut would be something like pic related which narrows the sides of the face using front falling layers.

>> No.8526910
File: 17 KB, 327x380, easy-japanese-hairstyles-for-women.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ditto new hairdresser as well

>> No.8527161

i tried a dry shampoo (i think dove or something, in a white spray can) before, but i didnt really like it. it left white residue in my hair even after i brushed it and didnt really help? it felt powdery AND greasy. not for me. but perhaps ill try a different kind.

>> No.8527500
File: 34 KB, 377x567, daf42f70606908918d5b85650d56e834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldnt find any pictures of yellow in mint....but pic related, would that work? I guess my skin is similar (it tends to look different under different lighting)

>> No.8529521

Okay anons I kinda messed up
I have bleached hair and today I kinda messed around with some old hair dye I found in my fridge
I mixed a little bit of manic panic blue with a lot of conditioner
I was just playing around really, not really expecting anything in particular
Anyways, it ended up like really bright turquoise, and it was a bit too vibrant for my taste
Does anyone know how to fade the color quicker? Or any other ways to make color less vibrant?
I feel like I kinda look like tumblrtard atm...

>> No.8529856
File: 110 KB, 732x1023, hayden-panettiere-netflix_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also have a round face. Whatever you do, do not get blunt bangs. I would suggest a long bob with side bangs like this instead.

>> No.8529879
File: 41 KB, 248x312, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope this is the relevant thread for my question: what do I ask for to get my hair cut like this? They call it a skinhead cut in the manga, but it looks a bit longer than that.

>> No.8530123

A few weeks ago I got my hair chopped off after getting the opinion of a few gulls. I'm starting to get to the stage where my hair is awkwardly poofy, and I'm not too sure how to go about styling it to make it look less awkward. My Dove hairspray doesn't do much of anything when I try to keep my hair tousled/styled. Any recommended styling products or different ways of styling for short stubborn hair?

Also, would anyone happen to know some ways to encourage faster hair growth?


>> No.8530127
File: 641 KB, 1516x2016, hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropped my picture!

>> No.8530160

You need to try the Curly Girl Method sometime! I see so much potential here!!

>> No.8530209
File: 306 KB, 640x305, hair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes it does anon, for reference, the right is after 1-2 bleaches (the blonde) and the redish pink colour is after 4-5 bleaches

>> No.8530212
File: 55 KB, 500x280, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> has black as night Asian hair
> tfw just getting it lightened and toned at a hair salon would cost somewhere between $80-$100, not even including coloring
> my only hope is wigs if I ever feel like changing my hair color
> sigh

>> No.8530256

Ah man! I read into it and it's like no-poo, which I tried for a week but gave up because I couldn't figure out the baking soda. I've been wanting to cut out shampoo and just use dry shampoo but I think I'll try the Curly Girl method first.Thanks! I'll post pics eventually if it helps!

>> No.8530267

I have short hair and I use this dry shampoo/texturizer spray to mess my hair up. I used to use paste texturizer but I hate how it feels in my hair.

>> No.8530308

... literally a buzz cut with dark hair. You can ask for a higher number if you want
Literally the easiest/ most standard hairstyle jfc go to fa weeb

>> No.8530366


>> No.8530393
File: 38 KB, 599x398, buns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been looking for a hairstyle that hides my square jawline and still looks stylish. Pic related is me. Any ideas?

>> No.8532153
File: 137 KB, 420x560, square-face-hairstyles-keira-knightley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anything with front layers that fall forward
just past the jawline, like you can see here >>8526893 >>8526910

variations of the a line bob (pic related) are also an excellent choice

>> No.8532171

there is hope for you anon. Just use this method:


>> No.8532178

not sure if this is helpful but if you can grow it out a bit to more to resemble the OP pic, I think it would suit you wonderfully, it's also the kind of style that looks ok as it grows out too.

>> No.8533739

This is probably a dumb question, but how do you even get big curls like in >>8526825 when your hair is that short? My hair brushes my shoulders and whenever I try to curl the hair by the base of my skull (the shorter pieces) I always end up burning myself with the iron.

>> No.8533741

Try curling with a straightener instead, I use a straightener instead of a curling iron to curl my fringe so I don't burn my forehead.

>> No.8536875

If you wear your hair up all the time I really don't think this cut will suit you. Short hair is so much harder to manage since it's always in your face. I've had this exact cut and the bangs are a pain in the ass.

>> No.8536897

Contrary to popular belief coconut oil does nothing for the moisture and health of your hair. Coconut oil merely sits on top of the hair, it does not penetrate the cuticles and make it healthier. At best coconut oil protects the hair from heat damage and you don't even use heat products. If you want something that will make your hair shiny and improve your hair then I'd suggest jojoba oil. It doesn't greasify your scalp either.

Source: Hairdresser from Aveda nearly bitch- slapped me when I told her about my homemade coconut hair masks.

>> No.8536914



>> No.8536980

Try to have a pro do it and if you must do it on your own, use 20 volume developer because 40 (what the idiots at Sally's recommend) will trash your hair.

>> No.8536982
File: 388 KB, 1920x1080, kamikaze-girls-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please get it cut a bit. Ask your hairdresser for long round layers if you want to preserve length but have your hair be a lot nicer.

>> No.8537006

I can see that happening. I'm currently going to an Aveda school and they're VERY black and white about what is shit and what isn't. One of my instructors nearly had a fit when she found out I allow my boyfriend to use drugstore shampoo and dumped a huge amount of samples for me to give him. The botanical treatments are fantastic though and so is the color. They may not outright tell you this, but it's all customizable.

>> No.8537009

I'm due for a cut soon and usually get long layers. What's different about long round layers? Are they just shorter on the sides than the middle?

>> No.8537017
File: 20 KB, 300x345, short-haircut-2009-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pixie cut like this image
>want curly hair but have picket straight hair
>have done perms before, my hair cannot hold a perm more than a week before going straight
>live in state with 100% humidity

I just want gorgeous curls dammit.

>> No.8537021

>opposite problem
>rather curly brown hair
>would like pixie cut as pictured
>can't even straighten my hair well as it fluffs up enormously

>> No.8537029

It's always the grass is greener with hair. My hair is so straight and exceptionally limp because it is very fine. I keep it short because when it was long it was like a big limp noodle.

>> No.8537055
File: 12 KB, 236x314, 4ac7d89a6594e01c5e8028e65a694248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's that cut that a lot of celebrities get because it's really flattering. It frames your face more and looks a lot nicer than a blunt cut.

>> No.8537556

I have long, thin hair without bangs. Is there any updos which would fit ouji (for casual look)?

>> No.8537967

I just got my hair cut and she cut it way too short. I got a pixie instead of a bob. It's not cute. I have curly/fluffy hair and I can't straighten it now, so it's just so fluffy and wave esp in the back. It fluffs up on top too, and I have a bunch of cowlicks. My bangs are riculously short now, they come halfway down my forehead. My hair is bright pink and I look like a boy. Is there any saving me?

>> No.8537978

Post pic

>> No.8537989 [DELETED] 
File: 264 KB, 640x480, jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8537997
File: 310 KB, 640x480, fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8538028

It's cute but I don't see how anyone could have thought this was gonna be a bob.

>> No.8538035

she cut it to the length i wanted it and then she said she was gonna texturize it at cut off at least another 2 inches + layering

>> No.8538221
File: 41 KB, 325x609, short hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks cute IMO, doesn't look like boy hair at all, but it sucks that you asked for a bob and got a pixie...

I just got mine cut short too due to royally fucking up my last bleach job. Depending on how I style it and what I wear, I either look like a boy or like a lesbian (thanks, asian face). I just keep reminding myself that hair grows back...

>> No.8538259
File: 75 KB, 520x685, Celebrity-Short-Hairstyles-for-2014-Cute-Short-Pixie-Cut-with-Long-Bangs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this cut on you anon, I do think slightly shorter, more styled bangs might be more flattering though. As it stands it has a slight emo comb-over thing going on.

>> No.8538344
File: 15 KB, 225x300, f3dd88ba1b6ee9526ae4c5af5dc21d6c-225x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I say grow out the bangs a bit more and do pic related

>> No.8538382

Have you had a recent serious illness? I got hospitalised with blood poisoning, and several months after leaving the hospital cured, I was shedding like a parrot in moult.

>> No.8538872
File: 166 KB, 480x272, ManDrinkingAlone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to get this haircut.
i'm a faggot with social anxiety, i cut my own hair, going to a hair saloon or whatever, is just out of the question.
i have thick curly dark hair, but i don't know how to shape it like this(just like op, i don't know which parts are supposed to be longer and that..) pls help.

>> No.8538915

Yeah sure anon, that's why they've used it for centuries in Asia, because it doesn't work...

>it does wonders to my hair. just saying.

>> No.8539371
File: 428 KB, 849x849, 2015-08-08 00.32.42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, it's actually starting to grow on me and I'm being more careful with my makeup and what clothes I wear.
>slight emo comb-over thing
I'm into that aesthetic so this is a compliment for me.

>> No.8539515

Hi, I'm in need of help finding a black hime wig. Like the older glw princess one, but their current one is too loose of a curl. I'd like a smaller bump rather than a big one.

>> No.8541939
File: 90 KB, 450x692, Katie-Holmes-Awesome-Wavy-Bob-Cut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey! I'm wondering about tips on getting wavier hair?
I used to have great thick almost afro like curls, that were ginger to boot! But as I got older my hair remained thick and just got flatter, I keep it short so its less heavy but it still keeps being flat and textureless!
I want to avoid heat products for the sake of my hair, I bleached it last year and allthough the bleach has grown out for the most part I would lke to avoid any further damage.
I would love tips on keeping hair naturally wavy or textured, I use lush salt spray and the plat method but by lunch-midday my hair will be flat again!

My goal would be something like pic related, not as clean ofcourse as that is hard to aqquire without heat products.

>> No.8541971

Try wig thread if it's still up

>> No.8544123

Ah okay. I'll look into it! I've been trying the curly girl method and I'm getting some waves but I don't think I have the right products just yet. I bet with the long round layers my waves will look nicer than with the blunt layers I currently have (had).

>> No.8544128

just sounds like shilling to me

>> No.8544474

Go to bed with your hair slightly wet wrapped in curlers, my friend with the straightest limp hair tried that and it worked really well for her

>> No.8544588

Yep, did some proper tests and turns out I've got hypothyroidism, which I'm now on meds for.

The good news is I've got tons of baby hairs regrowing now, but the bad news is they're only a couple of millimeters at their longest.

Would it be better to just ride it out and have a shorter layer underneath for a while, or wait a month or so and crop off all my longer hair so everything grows out evenly? It's at a long bob right now, but my hair grows quickly so I'm worried it'll start looking awkward soon.

>> No.8544599

Coconut oil is high in protein, which your hair also needs. You're right that it doesn't moisturize, but it's an occulent, which means it'll seal in the moisture that's already there (as well as keeping any outside moisture out).

Also, that hairdresser from Aveda sounds like a bitch. Coconut oil is really good for your hair, assuming that's what it needs, otherwise it wouldn't have been used for centuries.

>> No.8544738

Congratulations! If you're getting married in less than six months, hold off on the bangs or get long bangs you can disguise by sweeping up and back if you hate it. For an updo, I love the idea of tiny braids in a low messy bun, with a flower or two hiding in there.

>> No.8544824

I have fine hair that grows quite slowly and have a wide round face, am i cursed for cute hairstyles that look good? Its currently an inch below my chin in a plain bob, no layers. Its seems no matter what i do with it it always looks flat

>> No.8545088

For anyone who's experienced breakage due to dry hair, how long did it take for its condition to improve after attempting to treat it?

>> No.8545159

can someone help explain to me using 20 volume developer to bleach your hair?
I have medium - light brown hair and i plan on bringing it to platinum blonde or as close as I can so I can go silver
I'm worried about damage as anyone would be and I hear 20 volume is the safest even though it could take more than one application
is it true that it's safer to use 20 volume with waiting periods in between? i know it's still going to cause some damage because it's bleach but is the amount of damage significantly less?
i just wanna know more about this in general, i tried googling some stuff but i didn't get any exact answers

>> No.8545256

This might be a stupid question but does bleaching and dying slow down hair growth?

I cut my hair into a pixie in January of 2014. I bleached it for the first time ever in May 2014, dyed it black over summer, and then bleached and dyed several times throughout September-November 2014. Right now, well over a year later, my hair is barely past my chin! But I remember last time I got a pixie cut, it was down to my chest in 2 years.

Am I just being paranoid or did I really fuck up my hair?

>> No.8545276

you might just be paranoid. It slows as you get older too.

>> No.8545316

It doesn't slow down the growth itself, but the damage does, over time, reduce the length of your hair via split ends or breakage.

>> No.8545472
File: 873 KB, 1920x1080, vlcsnap-2012-03-06-18h39m49s77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kinda want to try out getting a short hair cut, maybe like pic related or >>8506376
but I'm afraid that it's going to look awful or I'll regret it and miss my long hair.
> tfw hair goes down to my hips
> really like my hair but also want to try having it short
> Was told by my dad once that my hair might not be curly anymore if I have it cut
> Too much of a pussy to ever get my hair cut probs

Any help reassuring me that my hair can just grow back to normal or is it actually true that people can loose their curls over time or after having short hair and letting it grow long again?

>> No.8545488

Ah another person with hypothyroidism! Welcome to the club anon.

>> No.8545516

So I have got some serious split end issues. They keep coming back worse and worse it seems and nothing I've done to remedy it seems to help. Am I fucked?

I didn't ever have bad split ends this bad until after I bleached my hair, but I haven't bleached my hair in well over a year and some months, but even reducing how much I use blowdrying and straightening, I can get like half an inch of severely damaged ends within a few months of a hair cut. I'm trying not to cut my hair much to grow it out, and I feel like the split ends are really hampering my progress.

I dye my hair a darker shade every couple of months, use heavier 'moisturizing' products and sometimes treat it with oils/treatments when I have a day where I don't mind lounging in greasy product to let it heal up. Did I just fuck up my hair from the bleach even though I think it's all pretty much grown out from then? Is there some damage I could have done to the overall health of my hair?

I'm also shedding a LOT... Not thinning but just losing a lot of hair when I bathe, when I brush my hair, whenever I take it down from a bun or ponytail... I'm just at a loss. Did I somehow anger the beast?

>> No.8545571

*also joins the club* I hate this illness.

>> No.8546830
File: 46 KB, 1000x1000, ophelia-chic-vintage-1950s-cotton-candy-swing-jive-dress-p772-8918_image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gulls, i need help. what are some hairstyles and tutorials for long, curly hair that would go with a 50's inspired dress?

>pic related - the dress in question
>also its not me wearing it, its me mum's.
>pls no bully

>> No.8546839

>bleached hair
>dye it every couple of months
>'gee, why do I get these split ends'?

>> No.8546842

You cant fix hair. So all the damage you did when you bleached it will be there until you cut that part out.

>> No.8546858

Split ends don't inhibit hair growth, it's dead as soon as it leaves your scalp. It's simple an illusion. Because of this, hair can't 'heal' either, it can simply be coated. Shedding a lot may be due to your hair growth cycle or again be an illusion due to longer hair. I personally do not find split ends to be that bad on my hair and actually kind of like the fading/ thinning out look it gives at the ends. Fairy tale ends isn't it? The only advice I can give for hair growth is don't cut it, and don't be anorexic/ malnourished. Also it is inadvisable to do strong bleachings but I take mine up a shade and it's fine. I have rather long wavy hair I get complimented on a lot, which I wasn't used to as straight hair was the ideal growing up.

>> No.8546860


Of course if it's extremely frazzled straw hair from a LOT of bleaching (eg. if you took dark brown hair to pale blonde) you should cut it.

>> No.8546864

My hair actually gets more of a curl when it's short than when i've let it grow out. Every few years i decide to grow it out again and none of the three or so times have shown a loss of curl to my hair so that sounds p bull shit.

>> No.8546873

Well duh... I thought that was common knowledge. Curliness/ waviness is determined by some chemical bond in your hair... I forgot what it was. Cutting it will not cut out the actual curls, if anything it will make your hair curlier as you don't have the weight of the extra hair holding it down! That's why girls with frizzy/ curly hair complain about never getting to cut their hair short, as they claim it will become like an afro.

>> No.8546898
File: 122 KB, 858x993, early1960s-look.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm no massive retro fashion expert or anything but the style looks more late 50s or early 60s to me because of the clean lines. I think for this reason, a more late 50s, early 60s hairstyle like pic related would be a good pairing.

You need to be careful when you go searching for '50s' hairstyles etc as a lot of typically 40s hairstyles seem to get lumped in with them as well. Of course there are always grey areas where new trends emerge but avoid anything that typifies a particular era ('victory rolls' as seen mostly in the 40s for example).

>> No.8546964

I had a really similar experience with bleaching and dying hair! Except that I bleached it way more than once, so maybe you just have delicate hair.

First off, I would definitely suggest cutting a few inches off. I know it'll hurt because you're growing it out, but there's no point in keeping that part of the hair if it's just unsightly and giving you trouble. Dying it shouldn't be a problem if you're using a good, relatively moisturizing dye and not some sketchy drugstore box or something really harsh and powerful.

I would also suggest washing your hair (and getting it wet in general) as little as possible, even if you have greasy hair. For a few months I just let it get greasy for 2-3 days before washing it gently, and now that it's starting to get healthy again I wash it every other day with more conditioner than shampoo. Treatments and oils can only help so much!

>> No.8547005

This. I wash my hair once a week and it's really healthy despite my dyeing it.
I've also switched to co-washing and trimmed the frizzy ends. I dye it only one shade lighter and use very little bleach.

When your ends get damaged they start to tangle more, which leads to further breakage.

I'd also suggest using only a wide-toothed comb and air-drying your hair. Keep in mind that if it's thick it'll take forever to dry so you might have to blow-dry it if you're in a hurry.

>> No.8547277

>some chemical bond in your hair.
It's keratin, anon. It's one of the pieces of information that stuck with me the most during organic chemistry for some reason.

>> No.8547320

>Split ends don't inhibit hair growth
If the split is bad enough and isn't dealt with properly, it could travel up the shaft and cause breakage/thinning.

>> No.8547758

They don't inhibit the growth pattern but because split and damaged hair is more prone to keep splitting up the shaft and breaking off, often the net effect of not trimming them is that the hairs will continue to break off at that level. Doesn't mean you can't grow your hair but it makes it difficult if it's breaking off at roughly the same rate that it's growing...
Fairy tale ends is where the hair naturally thins out due to the terminal length of each strand being different/natural hair fall, not the scraggly split end look. I would suggest doing a search and destroy and trimming your hair just above the splits to stop it splitting further

>> No.8547796

What happens is that you get breakage that slowly takes off length, that's why cutting your hair makes it seem like it's growing faster.

>> No.8547916


The bleached part of my hair has long since been cut off and grown out. But even before I bleached my hair and with my non-bleached future hairs of today, there's a big difference in the amount of breakage I'm seeing.

I was told dying my natural hair without processing it wasn't supposed to cause the damage I saw back when my hair was bleached. So that's why I don't connect dying my hair to split ends-- I'm not bleaching it first. If there's some kind of information on exactly what dye does as opposed to thing that process/remove color I'd be happy to learn more and stop dying my hair if it's an issue. But before I bleached my hair I dyed it just as much... and like I said, no issues then.

This is approximately what I was doing... I did go ahead and cut all the split ends off and was bummed about my length but at least it's not breaking off in chunks when I brush it now.

I do try to wash only once a week and let my hair do it's thing, also use dry shampoo when it's really intolerably greasy. I've noticed my hair has gotten to a lot better texture and thickness just by reducing how much I wash, but I usually go overboard and shampoo twice, then condition once (but leave it in a bit while I take care of other bathing stuff). I may change the intensity of shampooing and see how that goes, thanks.

>> No.8547958

Your hair seeming like it's shedding more than usual is probably just from not washing so much. Assuming you're like me and don't brush it much/at all between washes. All the hair falling out isn't being removed so on your wash day it looks like a disaster in the tub.

Agree with the other anon on the shampoo thing. I use a small amount of shampoo only on my scalp. Then I do a round of conditioner, pretend it's shampoo and use it to clean my hair a bit more, wash out, and let another round of conditioner sit. Occasionally I do a full shampoo if I feel build up but it doesn't happen very often.

>> No.8547986

I know hair is made of keratin, something else determined curliness. It's what perming breaks.

>> No.8548015

Are you taking about the disulfide bonds attached to keratin then? The more disulfide bonds a hair has the curlier (more coiled) it is.

>> No.8548076
File: 368 KB, 1280x1760, 1438762007083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8549015

It will probably take a few years to grow it back, and the "in between" lengths, even it's not long and not short, can be pretty uncomfortable and annoying.
I still think you should try it though. If you never try it you'll probably regret it in the end
That's just my opinion anyway

>> No.8549361

What are the best hair dyes that you have used? I bleached my hair pale blonde and dyed it gray, it looked awesome until the second wash. I also want to try other colors!

>> No.8549371

I'm quite happy with the Garnier Olias they have now. Ammonia-free too.

We got this new Natural&Easy brand that's American or something and it's absolute shite.

>> No.8549441

I've tried using argan and coconut oil in my hair and it just makes it really really frizzy. My hair is super straight, thin, and fine and ive never dyed it. Is there something else I should be using instead,?

>> No.8549553

She was shilling you, hun. That's how they sell more products. You seriously took the word of one hair dresser and tote it as fact? Lol how gullible can you be?

Source: hundreds of years of use on Asian and African-American hair for health

>> No.8549566

Those oils are better suited for thicker, more coarse hair types. Thin, fine hair, especially if it tends to get rather oily, is not the best candidate.

>> No.8549614

Aveda does give good info on hair, though. I think it was less shilling and more "this is what they beat into me so now I'm telling you". She made a sound argument. At room temperature the oil is solid it doesn't penetrate the hair. Coconut oil is good for a lot of things but there are better oils out there that won't clog your scalp. Although I will admit coconut oil does pretty well in curly or black hair.

>> No.8549685

Very true. I might be biased, as I live in mostly warm climates. My coconut oil is consistently in oil form, and does wonders for my hair.

>> No.8549702

Coconut oil helps me immensely and I live in like Northern Europe.

>> No.8549717
File: 136 KB, 557x678, hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have immense hair colour problems and have had so all my life.
I have ridiculously pale, cool skin and dark green eyes.
Everything I read online is contradictory.
I just want to dye my hair a colour that makes me look less sick.
Is there really no hope?

Pic related. Hair is only messy because of 10 roller coaster rides but this is one of the only pictures I have with natural lighting.

>> No.8549720

Try a cool shade of blonde?

>> No.8549736

How would I go from red to an ashy blonde?
Wouldn't I just end up with strawberry blonde?

>> No.8549754

And I'm really not saying to not use coconut oil but there are a lot of people that just blindly use it because it's natural and sounds like it'd be good. I have typical Mexican hair that's thick and dry and coconut oil just doesn't do it for me. It made my hair feel waxy, and flat and I never saw a difference in health once rinsed out but because of all the pinterest diys swearing by it I still used it. Now I use an assortment of oils and fruits and my hair is the best it's ever been.

>> No.8549759

Like everyone else? Red pigments are present in darker hair too, that's why when you bleach it it goes orange before it gets yellow.

>> No.8549775

My hair is cut like that, anon, and the stylist said she just took a razor and cut all of it to the same length (looks like about 3 or 4" there) You can part it anywhere and push it in any direction and it'll lay and look layered like that.

>> No.8549785

My hair actually gets curly/wavy when it's longer, but when it's short it's stick-straight. It all depends on the hair.

>> No.8549824

i want a wig this color

>> No.8549992

>assortment of oils and fruits
Mind sharing what you use and for what purpose? Coconut oil didn't work for me so I'm looking for an alternative. I just received some argan oil in my ipsy bag but have yet to try it out.

>> No.8550081

Jojoba, castor, olive, and almond oil. I use tea tree sometimes to just to make it feel fresher. For hair masks I just use avocado and banana. I want to invest in some Argon oil but just haven't got around to getting it.

>> No.8550106
File: 53 KB, 293x473, ChristinaH.mh.042313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But your hair color is beautiful anon, just go full Christina Hendricks and embrace.

If you naturally have red or reddish hair with pink/rosy skin, going for ash blonde is probably not a good idea, you'd probably be best with strawberry blonde to lighter reddish brunette shades.

>> No.8550184

A lot of people just use it not realizing that their problem is moisture, not protein.

This is a good example of what I'm talking about. A lot of people seem to think all oils are created equal, but the majority of what you listed are moisturizing instead of being protein-rich.

>> No.8550200

Like I said my hair is thick and dry. What my hair needs is moisture for elasticity. I only break my hair through brushing and ponytails. I don't dye it or use heat, either. Protein is for damaged hair, moisture is for up keep.

>> No.8550215

Holy shit anon, that's your natural color? It looks gorgeous, leave it alone! Pale skin and red hair and green eyes is a beautiful combination. Rather than changing your hair, I'd suggest finding a makeup pallet that compliments you better.

>> No.8550395

I was just using your posts as an example. I've seen a lot of girls use coconut oil when they really just needed something moisturizing.

>> No.8550441

*joins too*

>> No.8551907

So I just read about this illness on Wikipedia out of curiosity and some of the symptoms seemed kinda familiar to me, like depression, crying easily, bad memory and mentally slower among other stuff
Is it worth getting tested? Or am I just reading too much into the whole situation?

>> No.8552691

I'm in the same boat myself (don't fit the bill exactly, though) and I figured I might as well look into it. Probably next week or something.

>> No.8552870

Good God that's some kawaii hair.

>> No.8555369
File: 255 KB, 960x960, IMG_1237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my hair hit my ass finally and now i cant do anything with it but braid it and call it a day

any suggestions for a hairstyle? i dont want super short but definitely shorter than waist length now

>> No.8555389
File: 18 KB, 236x443, 5f4d79f1ad2fb0b987d8a1fec5d3b592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nooooooo don't cut it much shorter anon (ok, it's ultimately up to you but still, noooo).

Consider going to a good hairdresser that knows how to make the most of extra long hair by adding long layers that help add dimension to prevent the 'lank' look.

Your hair color and condition look lovely anon, why not embrace the length? Not to mention you have the perfect face shape for very long hair.

Check out fannyrosie on tumblr for long hair inspiration and styling as well.

>> No.8555457

I love how it looks other than the split ends (I'm gonna need a trim no matter what) but spending forever brushing it after leaving it down is what's killing me
I'm curious if bangs would be a good idea though, even if i keep it long.

>> No.8555486

you look great without bangs, if you want a change, perhaps consider clip-in bangs. You should be able to find your shade without too much trouble.

Overnight waves is a great way to wear long hair and you shouldn't need to brush it throughout the day.


there are loads of variations around too.

>> No.8555830

Your hair is dead. It doesn't absorb protein.

>> No.8556551

You can do plenty, anon!
There are so many buns, braids and half-ups you can do with your length

>> No.8556680

Beauty school anon here! 20 volume is basically one of the best developers because it doesn't blast open your cuticle and rip out the color like 40 volume. It more coaxes the color out, we just did an experiment with the developers here at school, and the 20 vol took out just as much color as the 40 did for the full processing time. Make sure to wait AT MINIMUM 48 hours between bleaching because you can do some serious damage to your scalp. Get your color and developer from Sally's separate because the box kits are really damaging. Also, do a protein treatment after and possibly a moisture mask. A lot of times at Sally's they have buy a color, get a developer free sale and it's awesome. I really like the One n Only Argan brand from there and the crazy colors are great from them too.

>> No.8556709
File: 502 KB, 1000x1400, IMG_9779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i actually really like your hair as is. if i were you i might do something like jiyeon here and give it a little layer though. the long hair does suit your face shape imo, i recently tried to grow my bangs out to get a similar look like you have and realized i look fuck ugly without them so here's to another 80 years of trimming bangs and crying

>> No.8556717

I'm kind of in the same boat anon - I had been trimming my fringe for years and only found out a year ago that I look like shit with them.

>> No.8556720

with it* argh

>> No.8559217
File: 106 KB, 337x300, 1407105599835.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreeing with the other anons. Your hair is great! I'd also suggest trying a warmer make-up palette if you find yourself looking sickly.

>> No.8559263

i think you look stunning and the hair color is gorg

>> No.8559724
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Pic stolen from CoF thread.

How do you curl bangs all fluffy like this? When I type in "curl bangs" "curl bangs under" "cute bangs" all I get is tutorials for side-bangs and the like. Any links or tips? Thanks in advance!

>> No.8559794 [DELETED] 
File: 1.35 MB, 1046x1072, I swear all these pictures are of me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the past few years I've been experimenting with different hair lengths and hair colours to find the one that frames my face better. According to my friends my face completely changes with each hair change and I still don't know which one fits the best. What do you gulls think? Sorry for the shitty posing, my face looks like shit if it isn't from an angle.

>> No.8559801

Just a round brush and hairdryer, anon. Depending on thin/thick your hair is anyway. Just brush your bangs out from underneath with the round brush, but dont brush all the way through. Spin the brush while you blow dry. Works wonders on my bangs, but I have really thin hair. I'm not too sure how it'd work with someone who has thicker hair.

>> No.8559805

Use a large-barrel curling iron to get this look, or large curlers.
Some of it has to do with hair thickness and how thick the bangs are, I have a really low forehead so I use my bangs to hide it, which gives them a lot of volume.

>> No.8559824
File: 142 KB, 500x500, tumblr_mmy57yYdYu1qabjdeo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blow dry the roots upwards, and then do the rest with a medium sized round brush. i finish mine of with a quick run over with the straightener to smooth it out and give the ends a bit of shape - i have quite thick hair and a pretty full fringe so it goes a little fluffy if i just blow dry it

>> No.8559873
File: 1.96 MB, 268x310, tumblr_nq7h82Hk8J1u5377go1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey gulls. i impulsively cut my hair a few days ago, but i did a pretty shite job on the back and sides, so i was thinking it'd be a pretty good excuse to grab the scissors again and copy ruby rose, like i've always wanted to. any tips on how to do this style?

>> No.8559882

I have very thick, very dark hair that I've been trying to grow for the last few years after having it in a crop/pixie for about 5 years. As such I don't really know what to do with it. It's now finally past my collarbone and looks really unkempt, but I finally have enough hair to get a nice haircut.
I also wear glasses (non-hipster, cateyed in a rose-coloured mirror finish).
To match my super dark hair I have strong, super dark eyebrows which I'm trying to grow back after overplucking.
My face shape is oval so apparently I should be fine with any haircut.

I would love to have a graphic / straight fringe cut in, but the last time I had this done they gave me a really sleek look that just looked like Lego hair. However it definitely made me look a lot younger so I'd like to get it back. I've had side-swept bangs before which looked nice, but I'd additionally love to do a bleach/dye to a dark silver colour and I'm not sure it works so well with the strong haircut to. I've wanted the colour for a few years but didn't feel I could pull off how pretty it is with such short hair.

Does anyone here wear glasses and has successfully pulled off a graphic bang? Do you have photos of it looking cute?

>> No.8559883

see a hairdresser

>> No.8559884

>problem glasses

>> No.8559886
File: 100 KB, 600x366, comic-book-bang-hi[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>graphic bang

>> No.8559887

but i need to save textbook money

>> No.8559888

A haircut is about $18. You can find coupons online usually. If you want to even it out, go out and buy a trimmer. I have a nice cordless conair; it was about $30 or so.

>don't go cutting your hair unless you have practice

>> No.8559889

I love that color

>> No.8559892

They're only a gentle cateye, and they suit my face, my eyeshape and my eyebrow shape. Just because they don't suit some people doesn't mean they don't suit everyone - hipster glasses look terrible on me and they seem quite ubiquitous.

>> No.8559894

I learned how to cut my hair by cutting my own hair. The only real fuck up I made was accidentally cutting one of my eyebrows along with my bangs. Penciled that shit in extra hard for a while.

>> No.8559901

Angled bob with side bangs. Strong brows + glasses + bangs is gonna be too much

>> No.8559911

What you're describing sounds very rockabilly and I don't think that's what you want

>> No.8559936

Yeah, I've done that before when I was growing my hair, it just makes me look like someone's mum. It doesn't look bad at all, just makes me look older than I am really.
I actually think it's my eyebrows fucking up the rest of the face, so maybe I ought to get them shaped by a professional before deciding on the next steps. I might not hate my forehead and want to cover them once they're normal.

No, not really. I'm not one for tending to bettie paige bangs - after so long of having easycare short hair it's hard work learning how to best use irons and dryers! I was thinking of Zooey Deschanel or similar.

>> No.8560006

Asymmetrical bob, then

>> No.8560238

you sound like youre just really insecure and struggling way too hard to be young or cool.
ditch the quirky glasses, and get a standard black oval frame. wear your hair however you like.
im sure you look fine. don't be such a tryhard

>> No.8560271

tfw exactly the same situation except thick, black, long hair

>> No.8560335

any tips on how to get semi-permanent dye out of hair?
I had to dye my mid/dark brown hair black for a con just over a month ago and the dye isn't coming out very well.
I normally dye my hair dark dark brown (but not black) and it fades to just~ dark brown in a few washes. Thats perm dye.

Now this semi stuff is just not shifting well, and I have roots now and I don't want to dye them black, as I want rid of the black.
I've tried washing my hair with kitchen washing up liquid as that normally brings out dye, but nothing. It's not just got a brown tint to it.

Am I just going to have to bite the bullet and strip all dye out and start again, or does anyone have any cheaper and less harsh methods?

>> No.8560400
File: 360 KB, 720x1280, WP_20150216_004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts guys? I wanted an opinion from someone not related to me, or a friend. I've been having fun with my hair since I cut most of it off to donate to Locks of Love. I've colored it, and found it holds curls now. But I'm not sure if it's very flattering on me.

Once the color has grown out enough, I think I might steal OP's image and take it to the hair stylist. Now that my hair has gotten thicker I think it'll hold the style, but I'm not sure if my face works with it.

Help is appreciated. I'm useless when it comes to styling myself.

>> No.8560405


>> No.8560492

Not meaning to be rude, but both the color and the curls in that length look really unflattering on you..
And the glasses kinda ages you
You're pretty otherwise

>> No.8560501

>Locks of Love
gull why

>> No.8560552

Pretty? Eh. I know you're trying to be nice to soften the blow of your opinions, but

I agree with you completely. This length was never a goal, it's just what I had left after the donation.
As to the glasses, they'll be getting replaced soon enough. I wanted to try something cat-eye-esque, but they never look right on my round face. I thought my present glasses would be a good compromise. A decision I instantly regretted.

My hair grows fast, I wanted to lose some length, so: why not?

I honestly have no idea what this means.

>> No.8560667

You're cute, anon! The cut/texture/color of your hair plus the heavier frame for glasses is too much though, imo. It's a lot going on--you also have really pretty eyes but they don't stand out.

A skinnier frame for glasses and either a larger/looser curl or different color would be my suggestion. I personally love burgundy hair with your eye color (I had it for a while, myself) and it's less maintenance than the aqua.

>> No.8560671

I think the 'gull why' was more referencing the choice of Locks of Love--there are better places to donate to...just fyi if you do it again, google has a list and the whole reason behind me saying this

>> No.8560698

this is not a good look for you

>> No.8560747

Jesus christ, your hair is in terrible shape. I don't even have to zoom in to see all the fading, breakage, and damage. Get a cover job stat.
Also that color really just doesn't suit you at all. Try for something a bit less tumblr next time; and if you're going to go unnatural colors, get it professionally done by a color specialist.

>> No.8560751

Stop using shampoos with sulfates and wash less. Dyes fade horribly with sulfate shampoos.

>> No.8560912

Suck it up and go to a salon.

>> No.8561066
File: 179 KB, 722x872, 7827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really think the hairstyle in the related pic (blonde left) in a natural redhead type shade (right) would really suit you. Glasses-wise, maybe try something a little more oval and less bold in design - you could give them a go to see if you prefer the style on you at least.

You have really pretty features and I think the cut and color would really help to frame your face and make the most of them.

>> No.8561096

getting a pixie like OP's would be a nightmare of upkeep for you since your hair is so curly. Unless you're willing to blow dry and try to straighten really short hair every day, don't do it .

>> No.8561138

I've had social anxiety for a long time, so I feel your pain anon
But honestly you can't let it keep you from doing everyday things, then you kinda sound like those special snowflakes on tumblr who ask for donations because they can't work because of their "crippling anxiety problems"
I've seen different psychiatrists for years, but even after a couple of months with help from a good one, I could manage going outside (with effort, sure, but it wasn't impossible)
Also, look into meds
There are antidepressants that also help against anxiety overall, and other meds that you can take about 30 mins before a stressful situation that make you calm and relaxed

>> No.8561197

Honestly op? Wire-framed glasses look good on no one, they age you like crazy.
Personally I think that dying your hair a natural color would be much better a dark blonde or a red-ish brown would look nice. Maybe go to a stylist and have them thin out your hair because it's very bulky at your cheeks, therefore making your face seem bigger and I'm guessing you don't want that. As for the glasses a more classic cat eye would fit your face better, avoid anything that's squared off on the bottom.

>> No.8561401


That July 24th front shot is adorable! Keep it short, anon, its too cute on you!

>> No.8561446


I don't think it probably looks as bad as you think it does. Since you're stuck with it for at least a bit either way, just embrace it! Play around with different pomades for cute tousled hair, become best friends with bobby pins and see what kind of craziness you can come up with. Might as well enjoy it while ya got it, might end up loving it.

>> No.8561453

I just got my hair cut into a long bob today and was forever upset that i couldn't figure out how to do this. You are sent from the sky above, anon.

>> No.8561463


It would be pretty unusual to have it inhibit the actual growth, but what it absolutely will do is weaken/thing/break/etc etc the hairs themselves. So it keeps coming out of your head at the same rate it always has, it just also breaks off fairly easily at the ends, so it looks like its not growing.

>> No.8561624
File: 1.82 MB, 2000x2000, 2015-08-17 21.11.54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me again. I've been doing the curly girl method and maybe I'm just at the in-between phase but I'm not seeing much improvement. I'm using and doing as follows:
>wash scalp with V05 Clarifying Conditioner
>massage in with finger tips then rinse
>wash rest of hair with Healthy Sexy Hair Conditioner
>comb with wide-tooth comb starting at ends
>let sit for 5 minutes then rinse with cold water
>wrap hair in old t-shirt until damp
>comb with wide-tooth comb

I don't have any curling products but I'm expecting one in the mail soon. My scalp is starting to look greasy so maybe I need a light sulfate-free shampoo once a week.

>> No.8562360

This will fuck your hair a little, but wash it with dishwashing liquid. Strips out colour like nobody's business

>> No.8562368

Your hair looks better here, if you cant see the difference compare it to your old picture. Some things you cannot change, like if your hair is prone to being fizzy then it will happen. I dont know what curling products you want to get but it depends on the curls. Rollers are easy to get but you need to set them, rag curls you can do with a stuff around your house, different types of braids can help too.

>> No.8562393

Probably right anon. I still stand by the cut (if anon doesn’t have super curly hair naturally) and color recommendation though.

>> No.8562562

>fading, breakage, and damage
fading sure, but have you never seen curly haired girls irl? Just looks frizzy, which is normal for curlies.

>> No.8562583

Your hair looks way better here but you should definitely cut off about five inches for hair health reasons. The bottom part of your hair is just frizzed out.

>> No.8562837

It's normal if they don't know how to take care of their curls. Anon should probably look into the Curly Girl method.

>> No.8562911

Idk, your hair looks more 'wavy' than curly to me. Probably that's why it's not working how you're expecting to?

>> No.8563039

Well that's comforting! I guess it's hard for me to notice since I look at it all day. I don't want to waste a lot of money on products just yet so I'm still researching all what I'm looking for. I'm leaning more towards the Herbal Essence curling mousse since my friend uses it with great results but I'm just waiting for it to go on sale.

Yeah it's definitely wavey. I read that some "wavies" tend to have more moisture than "curlies" and therefore requires less conditioner on the scalp. I guess I was expecting it to be consistent waves instead of just waves towards the middle.

>> No.8563235


it might be an excess of testosterone in your system? excess testosterone in females provokes from acne, greasy skin, hair loss to hirsutism.

if it's not that, it might be a damaged scalp: does it itch and flake? i had that problem when i switched shampoos, then i discovered that i messed up my scalp and it was filled with scabs and dandruff... i got myself a la roche-posay shampoo (Kerium for damaged skin and dandruff) and that fixed my damaged scalp and hair-loss problem.

i swear by vichy's dercos shampoos now. they're amazing.

>> No.8563261

she posted afterwards saying it was a thyroid issue

>> No.8563318
File: 166 KB, 640x521, AllByItself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the help everyone. It means alot.

I'll definitely look into other organizations. I just used the organization affiliated with the salon I went to. I'm not married to it.

How is a color 'tumblr'? Is it just that everyone is tired of seeing blue? And I wouldn't spend the money having it done professionally. It was just me playing with it for the few months it'll be like this. Another few weeks and I'll be cutting it off to start growing out to donate again. Nothing to be so serious about.

I'll keep your suggestions in mind, thanks!

Sorry I wasn't as clear. At best, my hair is wavy. I put the curls in. I was just playing with it. My hair has never held a curl in my life, so when I realized it would now, I jumped to try it out. I twisted it while it was wet and after it dried, got those for a few days.

Leaving my hair to it's own devices warrants slight waves.

>> No.8564515

>How is a color 'tumblr'?
By being a colour that edgy SJW feminists use to dye their dyke genderspecial hair.

>> No.8564538
File: 22 KB, 280x420, tumblr_nso6y8y4dj1ro5bwro3_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know how to do this hairstyle?

>> No.8564672

Does anyone know what to do with my hair?
I'd like to look more done up for lolita, but I have tailbone length ginger hair that won't hold a curl.
I don't use heat or hairspray, and I'm not willing to cut a fringe (although I do have a clip in one coming in the post, we'll see if it's at all like my actual colour when it arrives), or to cut my hair shorter or backcomb it.
And yeah, I know I'm really picky about it, but I have about 90cm of hair and it's my natural ginger.
I've been having huge problems finding hairstyles that are do able without heat and with my length hair. Most 'long' hair tutorials are by people who don't even have waist length hair.
I'm just really sad, I spent ages curling my hair, and by the time I actually arrived at the event it was flat with odd bumps, and I looked a mess.
I mostly wear classic, if that's relevant.
I can plait/braid and french plait, but I can't do things like crown braids.
It's natural texture is mostly straight, and it's medium thickness with a taper for the last half foot or so (I'm trying to grow that out).

>> No.8564693

Those are victory curls.

>> No.8564736

Look at Fannie Rosie or that one indie designer from like Austria or something for inspiration. They both have really long hair. I think they make curls by braiding it when it's damp and letting it dry

>> No.8564756

google thelonghaircommunity, there's plenty of stuff you can do, really intricate braids and buns. just because you don't know how doesn't mean it can't be done.

also long can mean anything from mid back length to calf length, your bitching seems pointless. having hair that long is impractical and has been since the 1920s, so you shouldn't be surprised few people cater to your niche style.

>> No.8564794

As far as I can tell hers is always curled when she wears lolita.
Plaiting then drying makes waves not curls, and my hair will kind of hold braid waves, but curls need to be done with rags or rollers, and my hair takes about 48 hours to dry when I do that, and then deflates in 1-2 hours.

>> No.8564805

I'm a regular LHCer, and I use stick buns, braided buns etc on a daily basis, but they're all pulled back and I look like a librarian (the glasses don't help). Pulled back hair + headbow? Nope. If it's an LHC style, with the exception of crown/heidi braids, I can do it, and probably wear it at least once a month. But non of them look right with lolita.
I wasn't bitching, I was just commenting on the lack of standardised terminology for hair length. Sorry if it came across that way.
LOL, impractical? I spend less time on my hair and am less bothered by it on a daily basis than literally every other girl I know. I spend 5-10 mins on it MAX every day, and it's never in my way.
Nich is fine, totally unsearchable nice is annoying, which is why I was asking for help.

>> No.8564822

>the lack of standardised terminology for hair length
There is a standard though?
Just say 'tailbone length' or 'classic length' or whatever. It's not a fucking empirical science to warrant exact inch by inch measurements.

Are you one of those entitled LHCers who shitpost on here and calls anything that isn't as long as their own hair 'short' and people with bobs and pixies 'dykes'? If so, get that stick out of your arse.

And if you browse LHC without knowing about so many gorgeous half-ups and intricate braided hairstyles, you aren't looking hard enough.

Your posts just come off as
>Look at me! I have arse-length NATURAL GINGER hair! Give me attention! Have I mentioned that it's NATURAL and GINGER?

Go back to your commune, seriously.

>> No.8564861

I've never actually seen things like 'classic' length used outside of LHC. And hairstyle vids never use descriptors beyond 'long' which means that I have to click through 20 vids of people with shoulder length hair just to find like 3 with waist length.
It doesn't need to be an empirical science, but some idea of whether they mean 'this style will fail on anything longer than shoulder' and 'lol not unless you can sit on it' by 'x style for long hair' would be pretty helpful IMO.
No, I'm not, FFS. I think you're projecting or something, seriously. You seem to really have fixated on this? I've re-read my post and literally the only thing I can see that might indicate that kind of attitude is me saying 'long'. to clarify, I the ' ' is me trying to indicate it as a quoted thing, not sarcasm, although I can see how you might have been confused there, tone is hard on the internet.
And no, I'm a goddamm LESBIAN not a homophobic bitch.

Half up = FRONT PULLED BACK which seems pretty universally to be considered unlolita.
Plenty of intricate braided BUNS, and crown braids and heidi braids, which I already mentioned I can't do.

I think you're really reading into things too much. I was just trying to make it clear that I wan't going to cut it and don't want to damage it , because literally every time I've seen people ask about stuff like this it's been 'cut a fringe!' 'cut it!' 'fry it with heat!' 'backcomb it!'

Look, it seems like you've had some bad interactions with other LHCers, but please bear in mind that I have never posted on CGL before and I am therefore not them. I'm sorry if I came across that way, getting to a point where I don't hate my hair has been a bit of a journey for me, and I still have a bit of a defiant attitude after so many years of 'omg I would never date a ginger' and literal strangers telling me I should dye my hair.

I don't want attention, I wanted ADVICE. Relevant to me. Please calm down, k?

>> No.8564947

>Half up = FRONT PULLED BACK which seems pretty universally to be considered unlolita.
I've done some nice half-up-do's that worked well with lolita.

>which I already mentioned I can't do
Try harder and practice, only way to be able to do it, otherwise get someone else to do it for you. If vision is your problem, invest in a standing mirror and bring it in when you need it.

>> No.8564950

thank you!

>> No.8565017


Is your hair super healthy? You said you don't use heat/hairspray/backcomb etc which would damage it but is it healthy in its natural state? I mean, youre pretty much unwilling to do anything to it, hair magic doesn't exist so just keep it shiny and healthy (and cut off the scraggly end).

>> No.8565067

If I want to go to blonde from red is there a higher chance of ending up with yellow hair?
Did anyone on here do that before?

>> No.8565113

Um, no. Front pulled back doesn't mean unlolita. If it's the lack of volume that happens when you pull it back, Dutch braids are not that much of a stretch to do if you know how to French braid and you can always pin braids up around your head even if you can't crown braid. It sounds like you just have no imagination or are really dumb when it comes to doing hair

>> No.8565117

we can't help you if you're retarded

>> No.8565332

There are tuts with people with long hair but you have to be willing to do shit. Youtube and google is your friend, a well known one is torrinpaige but any tut can be modified for longer hair you just need to think about the practical stuff of the hairstyle and adjust. There also are many historical tuts that were made for people with long ass hair and even if the girl in the tut has shoulder length it isnt imposible to do it on your hair. You may a lot of excuses and you dont seem to want to try out stuff. I have classic length hair and I can do a lot with it, but I also go and set it up the day before if I need to.

Most ways to curl without heat will take time because you get the hair wet and set it. Deal with it. If you want to speed it up you have to use heat, I usually end up blowdrying anything that didnt dry the next day when I need to, it isnt a big deal to do that now and then and if you care a lot just use heat protection sprays.

Half up is not always pulling your hair fully back, and you can do it in a way that is suitable for lolita. Try to do things where you arent doing a tight bun but are leaving it a bit looser and giving it volume. A classic half up with your rest of your hair out and a cute clip to put in the back works fine with lolita,

No one is going to hold your hand through the internet, and especially not on 4chan. Lurk more and learn how the site works and how people respond so you fit in better, as it is obvious you are new to lolita and new to 4chan and probably new to doing shit to your hair with how little you know. Research shit.

Bleaching in general is going to take you to a yellow blond. I dont know if your red is natural or not but that will affect how the bleach works and how hard it is to get out the red. If you have dyed red hair, try washing that out first, but brassiness is normal. You ususally just tone it out with a toner.

>> No.8565347

Hey anons, I'm going to get my hair cut in the next few days. Right now it's waist length, no layers or anything.
My face is roughly a mix of Zooey Deschanel and mila kunis, so big eyes and very round face.
I also have glasses similar to ZD's.

I kinda want a fringe, but I know a blunt full fringe won't suit, as it's too harsh on a round face and will clash with the glasses. So what sort of fringe?

I'm also going to get split ends trimmed and layers though my hair so that I can curl it and give it more volume, as right now if I do anything, it weighs itself down in a few hours.

>> No.8565487

Do you have any pics?
I have practiced. I have a mirror arrangement so I can see the back of my head, I can lace braid etc, but over a month of daily practice got me nowhere with crown braids. And Heidi braids will probably work with a bit more length, but at the moment the taper makes them look odd. The problem is most likely my fine motor control issues.

>> No.8565494

Ehhh... The 12 inches or so closest to my scalp is very healthy, with the rest I'm still growing out hairdryer damage.
It looks OK, and it's well looked after, but there's not much you can do about damage. >>8565113

>> No.8565508

I've seen people get shredded on here for wearing a headbow over pulled back hair and no fringe.
I can Dutch braid fine, but I don't see how that helps.
If it's pulled back, then it's flat, surely. Like, that's what pulled back means.
That's Heidi braids, which look silly because my ends taper, or if I position the start of the plait differently, I get the braids awkwardly finishing in the back of my head.and two teeny braid ends bobby pinned to the back of my head is epicly stupid looking.
Seriously, I have tried most of this, the only technique I've found I actually can't do is the angling on crown braids. Its not that I'm really bad at plaiting. I'm quite happy with shit like four strand lace braids.

>> No.8565525

Yes, I know torrinpaige. Which of her tuts do you think would work for lolita?

I'm happy to try stuff, but I'm not looking for general long hair shit, because I already know it. I'm trying to find lolita appropriate long hair things. And I keep getting linked to the most basic long hair stuff possible. I'm asking for lolita knowledge. Not another list of buns.
I'm aware curling takes time, but bone dry curls still deflate. I wouldn't mind doing things like taking Friday off work to curl my hair or using a dryer if I would still have curls by the time I arrive at the meet.
Do you have a PIC of what this might look like? Or could you vaguely describe it at least? Bc the weight of a half up will pull it back even if I don't comb it back.
Before I posted this I spent six weeks trying to find stuff. This isn't lack of research. You just keep assuming I don't know basic hair stuff, ffs, I sleep in Elizabethan hair taping.

>> No.8565556
File: 48 KB, 517x285, unnamed (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it's pulled into a dutch braid, the braided area creates volume which is what most people need a bit of to wear hair accessories and not look weird. Pic semi related although it is a fishtail - I could see this done with dutch braids and rose hair clips for a classic outfit. With heidi braids most people only need bsl hair to get the crossover at the front, so your issue is probably that you need to hide the tapering part of the braid better, maybe fluff the full part of the braid a bit and actually turn the tapered part into a teeny bun to tuck under the start of the braid rather than bringing them the whole way back (if they fit in a bobby pin I'm guessing that the bun from it will fit under the fuller end of the braid)

I think you have two issues - one is your own lack of ability to troubleshoot creatively and the other is that you don't quite have a sense of the lolita aesthetic and what works for it, hence why you're needing spoonfeeding, and cgl is really not the board for that.

>> No.8565584
File: 212 KB, 500x749, tumblr_nmc7f6xUEk1rkrfxxo1_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For torrin paige I would look at any of her more historical/show stuff or even just the older stuff like the waterfall if you can do it. The big thing about her is how she does it, she looks at the style, alters it to her hair length and recreates it as needed. She adds things for her to pull it off, and that is what you need to get from her instead of just watching her without any more thought. Her process is more important than a specific tutorial. You dont seem to know basic hair stuff because you are asking basic hair stuff. How can you not know how a half up looks like? How do you not know how to place the hair that is not in the updo part on your shoulders so it isnt all in the back? Google a half updo.

Being into lolita requires you to think for yourself and figure out what works for you. I have wavy/curly hair, so I know that curls is stuff I can do easily, and so I do it. If you dont think that works for your hair, dont do it. Take advantage of your hair not being curly to make nice braids. The easiest shit you can do is to have a nice braid that you put to one side on your shoulder. You can do fancier stuff like fishtail, 4 stranded, adding a strand of ribbon or pearls, whatever. Buns are fine, so is putting a braid into a bun. You do not 'need' bangs if you dont think they suit you.

I highly reccomend looking at fanny rose and louvrainne, both are on tumblr. Pic is from the latter, this is her putting her knee length hair up in braids, and she has no bangs. Fanny's hair is shorter and does more curls but she has natural straight hair and does a lot of half up dos or full updos. Both do classic.

>> No.8565590

Huh. Totally used the wrong picture. This hairstyle would work though and the rest of my points still stand.

>> No.8565591
File: 68 KB, 540x960, 7-26-15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, gulls! I'm trying to grow out my hair from very-short to less-short. However, I used to have one of those shaved on all sides, longer on the top cuts (hitler youth cut, which is a really embarrassing name to tell people imo). So now my hair is at a really awkward, in-between stage.

I was wondering:
- What cuts do you recommend? I was thinking something cute and fluffy with a fringe like >>8506376 & >>8526825
- Is there anything I can do to make my hair look less awkward while I'm growing it out? Is there a trim I can ask for, or a way to style it? Right now, I just kind of push it out of my face and look like a hipstery boy (like in the picture).

I don't really use products or heat tools on it at the moment; it just dries, and sometimes I put baby powder in my hair to make it smell nice - I want to change my routine though, since I'm just starting to learn more about hair care! Any advice is appreciated. I just started some hair / nails / skin supplements, and my sister has a lot of leave-in conditioners I'm probably going to start using.

>> No.8565600
File: 48 KB, 250x375, tumblr_nsqdyxi2Hu1qecu65o2_250[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is probably not a proper half updo as I think she usually just pins sections up a bit randomly but you can see how the front section is pulled up, but the rest of her hair is pushed to her shoulder for the picture. Her curls are rag curls, her 'bangs' are not real bangs but how she pins the other side up to imitate bangs.

>> No.8566347

Look into using pomades and wax. It doesn't look like you have quite enough length on the sides for the styles you want so I'd ask to get it cut into
a long pixie and keep the front neat while you transition it into something like >>8506376

>> No.8567381
File: 37 KB, 320x400, short fringe bangs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, it's definitely not long enough yet! It needs to grow out, but I was also asking if those styles would look cute with my face shape. I'd really like a horizontal fringe, but I want to make sure I'm not just projecting what looks good on other people onto what I think looks good on me, if that makes sense?

I'm not sure what would look best! There's the bangs on >>8506376 , but I also kind of like the bangs like pic related that are sometimes popular in mori. I guess the main difference is length, and slight layering?

But yes, I'll look into some pomades and wax! And I figured I might need to trim it to a pixie for now, but I just kind of wanted to hear it from someone else because I'm so hesitant to get it cut shorter when I'm already trying to grow it out, heh. Do you think something similar to >>8522286 or >>8504825 would be a good transitioning step?

>> No.8569313

>/threading your own post
that's not how it works