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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8503856 No.8503856 [Reply] [Original]

vendetta welcome

>> No.8503885
File: 383 KB, 500x245, Im-so-jealous-Community-GIF.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two sisters in my comm. They're skinnier than me and have a fair amount of disposable income to spend on brand (which I don't have), and entered the fashion about the same time as me. Their actual coord skills, as well as hair and make-up skills, are frankly messy and shit. But they're being fawned over by the whole comm and I'm sat in a corner jealous and salty as hell.

I have nothing against them as people, but they also act as if they've been into the fashion for years, trying to give tips to newbies when their own skills still need a lot of work and that annoys me.

>> No.8503903

which comm are you from ?

>> No.8503906

You sound so, so petty

>> No.8503922

at least she realises it. Also this is what a vent thread is for anon, being petty and salty

>> No.8503931

There's a chick in my comm... 16, pretty, coords very well. Rich, RICH parents. Buy her all the brand she wants. Which was fine... until she started looking down on people who can't afford as much. "It's not THAT expensive!!" she exclaims. Most of our comm owns brand, but we don't have a TON of disposable income as we are all out on our own (except her) and paying bills, so we can't just drop hundreds sometimes. She really just doesn't get it. I'm tired of her spoiled ass. She looks at people like they're weird when they say they can't afford an upcoming release. "But can't you just save up?" She's genuinely clueless. We do have other members in our comm with more disposable income (adults), but they understand the struggle and don't act snooty about having it.

I'd say I can't wait until she goes out on her own and discovers the struggle, but I doubt she'll ever know struggle. Her parents will probably support her completely and still provide her a luxurious lifestyle until she can do it herself.

>> No.8503942

A lot of people have petty feelings, more than you think. The difference is there isn't an anonymous forum where everyone goes to confess them.

>> No.8503947 [DELETED] 

My mother had a hard upbringing because her dad died very early, and my gran is very strict, so she got away from home and start working before she was even 18. Now, I've loved jfash for a long while, had my weeb phase, had my ita phase. Now that, according to her, It's none of her damn business what I wear, she keeps belittling me for liking Lolita and Fairy Kei. She says those clothes are stupid as fuck and that I'll never ever be taken seriously because I "obviously" want to be a child forever, while calling me an old hag for dressing modestly -- nothing extreme, just no cleavage, no short shorts etc -- not wanting to go after guys and waiting for a nice guy instead of partying and "missing all the fun". She buys me a fucking swimsuit that has less than a square yard of fabric that cost 75 fucking bucks but won't let me buy 5 yds of nice, soft fabric to make jfash pieces. With my fucking earned money.
This is why I tell absolutely nothing to her anymore.

>tl;dr moms that want to be hip by pushing their daughters into an awkward lifestyle. It may not be awkward to my former classmates, but it is for me.

Shut the fuck up, this is a vent thread, not a judge-me-for-having-pride thread.

>> No.8503986

If shit could stop falling off my brand after taking it out of the packaging the brand sent it to me in that would be most excellent. It's pretty bad when I make shitty cosplays but can attach buttons and beads more securely than how they were sent to me.

>> No.8504033

I hate that people like Ahripop get more attention than me.
I make my own cosplays, self promo the shit out of my pages, and don't have to shoop my face to koreaboo hell and back to look cute, yet I have less than 1k followers on instagram.
Probs don't market myself well enough. Oh well.

>> No.8504078

What's the appeal? I never understood why anyone would care about inatagram followers since I personally don't use it. Maybe youtube...

>> No.8504082

>and don't have to shoop my face to koreaboo hell and back to look cute
you seem to :^)

>> No.8504083

regardless of which social media site you use, followers are still followers. people who use ig are bound to want ig followers, tumblr users want tumblr followers, etc.

>> No.8504090

My fucking epicanthic folds, it makes my eyes look super wide set and there's a lot of makeup styles I can't try due to them. I'd rather have single eyelids than them, at least that's fixable with glue.

I get so upset when I flip through jfash magazines and see models with huge eyes.

>> No.8504091

Actually, I recognize my petty feelings and stop myself from having petty thoughts. And no, I am happy with myself enough to not be butthurt that someone is prettier/richer than me, so I certainly wouldn't feel petty about something like this.

>> No.8504097

Does your arm hurt from giving yourself so many asspats?

>> No.8504101

Nope :) But your butt seems to

>> No.8504102

But you HAVE petty thoughts, twat. You're no better than anyone else.

>> No.8504104
File: 61 KB, 640x480, mfwreadingthispost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I don't do petty things"
>replies pettily on an anonymous image board

>> No.8504106

I am, actually, because I don't QQ about it on an anonymous Belgian cow enthusiast imageboard

>> No.8504109

I am 100% chill as a cucumber, as a matter of fact

>> No.8504111

Such a witty comeback. Damn.

>> No.8504116

>because I don't QQ about it on an anonymous Belgian cow enthusiast imageboard
you mean like right now?

>> No.8504119

So instead you're condescending?

>> No.8504129

Eh, I think it's easier and more fun being ig famous than youtube famous. You don't have to shoot and edit videos, worry about what to say or how your voice is going to sound saying it, or any of that shit that comes along with being a youtube personality. You just need to take good pictures and tag them appropriately and you'll get ig followers. That's my opinion tho

>> No.8504134

not lolita related, but good god. anime boston shut down their rave due to an incident that happened in 2012. after that, they tried to host it again, twice, but just couldn't find the resources to do it - mostly meaning a location close enough to the con (since the hotel didn't want to have anything to do with the rave anymore, understandable so since due to the incident the hotel lost their entertainment license for a year i think), that wasn't too out of budget, that could be large enough to host the amount of people that wanted to go since part of their issue was overcrowding (but mostly because someone had a medical issue, popo came, found drugs, then saw overcrowding, etc)

anyways this past con they had an announcement making it clear that though they tried to find another way to host the rave it just wasn't going to be able to happen for the foreseeable future. now people on FB are complaining and trying to figure out stupid ways to host the dance and it's just like...dude, it's not happening, get over it. people have been complaining about no rave since 2013 and it's so annoying. if you want to find a way to host it off-site somewhere go for it but people are trying to be like, let's do a kickstarter! let's sign up for a panel and host it in a panel room! uh okay good luck with that. sounds like it'd be a disorganized shitfest. makes me glad that anime boston is run by, for the most part, competent staff.

>> No.8504140

in some other thread recently a gull suggested adding tons of tags in the first comment of a picture to drive up traffic, and then deleting it (instead of just tagging the picture itself) and i've found it to be super effective, you should try it out

>> No.8504142

definitely not petty if you're on 4chan making petty comebacks to people in a vent thread, not petty at all

>> No.8504146

What was the incident? It must have been pretty bad to lose a hotel its entertainment license for an entire year.

I can see why you'd be irritated with the people on FB right now though, that sounds pretty annoying.

>> No.8504150

Okay, my vent is just even with lifting and eating less my arms aren't getting any smaller, they're just getting more defined and muscle-y. And that would be fine if I weren't specifically trying to get my arms thinner to fit into OPs, but ugh god why can't I just have waif arms instead of muscley ones, ughhhh

>> No.8504170

they're just comebacks love, stop projecting
thanks :)

>> No.8504171

it was kind of like, a whole mess of things.

what initially started it was someone started having a medical emergency - a seizure perhaps? - possibly due to drugs (+ were underage and that always makes it worse). person may or may not have been underage, and I have no idea what happened because I don't think AB is able to tell people exact details (understandable), but there are rumors that someone died??? or at least were very seriously hurt. when the cops and paras came in to handle this situation, they found people who had snuck drugs in and also had concerns about overcrowding issues. (which is why the 'host it in a panel room!!!' idea is so stupid. besides the fact that they would see that panel submission and veto it immediately, even the largest panel room wouldn't fit everyone who wanted to go, the rave was hosted in like 2 giant ball rooms)

so basically, cops come, find a million different things wrong, shut the rave down, hotel is reasonably pissed, hotel loses entertainment license (although I can't remember if that also was a rumor or something someone was able to confirm), AB obviously wants to keep a good relationship with the hotel since the hotel houses a bunch of panel rooms and is the hotel connected directly to the convention center. I think they were smart about it in not trying to push the issue and they were nice enough to try and find other venues to host it but they ran into issues with trying to get licensing from the city, trying to get enough police detail, and like I mentioned trying to find a venue big enough and close enough to the con that wasn't way out of budget (or else they'd be spending less money on actual important aspects of the con)

I guess I'm biased because I was never into the rave in the first place but it's annoying when the con has been pretty clear and upfront about their decisions and people keep trying to pester them about it. I don't get why people act like it's such a big/sad loss that there's no rave.

>> No.8504173

I am right there with you rn. Lets hug it out w/ our big beefy arms.

>> No.8504176
File: 59 KB, 474x475, mad as hell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this so fucking embarassing, please stop. if you really weren't petty you wouldn't keep replying like this. turn the computer off. eat a snack. start a business. suck a dick. get a job.

>> No.8504182

Here's your reply :*

>> No.8504189

Get one of those bots that will automatically like pictures on specific hashtags i.e. #cosplay. I've gained some followers from it

>> No.8504192

There's this one girl in my comm who I swear to god is secretly competing with me.
I've always been active online with things like CoF and rufflechat. I like to be well educated in what's coming, what's in, and what's out. It's just part of the fun of being in lolita.
We've been planning meets together but for some reason she gets all the recognition for it? Probably because 90% of the audience are her friends.
Anyway, I always post my coords on CoF and suddenly she started doing it too (okay I know that doesn't sound like competing, but wait). I'd always end up getting a lot of likes even though her coords are supposedly "better" since people vote her to be best dressed. I have had my picture reposted a few times from noteworthy accounts, and suddenly she started using my tags and started screencapping her reblogs saying "omg I can't believe ____ posted my photo!!!"
Suddenly I noticed she started always messaging me showing off what she just bought. I was like...ookay? Good for you dude. Then her wishlist changed from being devoted to one style, and now suddenly it's all about another (which is my style). But it's not the crossover that concerned me, it was the fact that almost all the dresses on there are from MY wishlist and she's asked people for help "finding them asap."

She always asks me if I'm buying something, if I'm waiting for something in the mail. So at this point, I tell her nothing. I don't even post when I get a new dress anymore.

Just waiting for that wardrobe post to be like "yeah, while you were buying filler pieces to fluff up your wardrobe, I was buying DREAM pieces. Quality over quantity'"

I just feel like this person who was once my friend was actually this pathetic little girl who just needed to find someone she could size up/attempt to one up in order to make herself feel better.

>> No.8504193

yeah if you want followers you definitely need to interact with people. hashtags will get you some likes and a few followers, but if you want to be more successful in the self promotion aspect definitely interacting with people helps. leaving comments like "I'm going to that con too, it's a lot of fun!" or like complimenting the person or whatever.

>> No.8504197

Goddamn I hate parents like this. Mine are rich enough to pay for my college out of pocket, but I still had to get a shitty job in a movie theater in high school to pay for stuff I wanted so i wouldn't grow up a spoiled jerk.

>> No.8504247

A friend of mine got me into Lolita

I've been constantly trying to impress her, I buy her things, I agree to do a partner cosplay with her, I talk to her often, I am always there for her when she needs help, I commissioned her so she would have money, I give her rides to meets and stuff even

She always blows me off and it pisses my friends off how she treats me

>> No.8504251

You're making yourself too available and opening yourself up to being taken advantage of. What do you see in this person anyway that's so important?
I'm not saying freak out on her, but don't buy her shit or give her rides if she doesn't really care about you.

>> No.8504254

She's treated me nicely in the past

I'm always too nice to people, I pay for people's gas, food, pizza, ice skating, admission, etc. I always buy things for friends, hoping that one day, they'll do the same for me.
But they never do

>> No.8504264

You're a doormat. That's why people hang out with you. Because they know you'll give them things.

>> No.8504267

I guess this is part of your problem, then. just because she treats you nicely, doesn't mean anything if she can't treat you nicely back.

invest your time in to your other friends or other new people more worthy of your time and attention. you've tried to be friends with this girl, but she's shown that she isn't interested in reciprocating. you don't need to make a big deal out of it, but I would lessen the attention you spend on her and move on to other people, just stick to pleasantries from now on. it sucks, but friends don't treat friends like a nuissance. if she wants to become better friends she will reach out to you, but no use in wasting energy on her if she's just going to blow you off and take advantage of you all the time.

>> No.8504272

You poor thing.

>> No.8504274

I figured as much

Thanks for the help anon, I have a few other friends who do this too. They offer to pay, but I always insist. Should I just let them pay for their food? I feel bad, but I always don't have the money. I spend all my gas money on friends

>> No.8504275
File: 578 KB, 677x945, cgl-tan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love /cgl/

>> No.8504283

I used to be like you anon, but >>8504264 is right. Become less available for things like car rides, food, and a good time and watch how many people suddenly drop off your radar. When I did it, it was really fucking horrible. I realized that the only reason why people hung out with me for years was because there was always something in it for them.
I don't believe people did it on purpose. However as time goes on people become used to the idea of you being the giver knowing that you likely won't stop.

>> No.8504285

Oh god I know a girl just like that. When I told her my family never goes on a vacation she looked at me as if we must live in a cardboard box on the street.

Public transport is expensive and she pretty much said "If it's so expensive why don't you guys just by an all-round year pass?" which left everyone at that moment without a word to say because those are obviously the most expensive type one can get.

To this day it amazes me how little someone can know about general finance and just things everyone should be aware of.

>> No.8504287

I'm so fucking pissed at my community. Less than a quarter of the members ever respond to anything in our group, and people flake out literally an hour before a meetup. There have been meetups where twelve peoples said they would come, and four people attend on the day. I try to do as I can to make it easier for people to come to meet-ups, such as keeping meet-up costs (entrance fees to places and lunch prices) low outside of special occasions, but nothing works, and nobody seems willing to suggest anything or help. I feel like every time I go out of my way to organize a really fun, different meetup, everyone either ignores it or flakes out. It really makes me yearn for the lone lolita life sometimes.

>> No.8504289

Thank you anon, I'll likely start doing this. I can make new Lolita friends and whatnot

>> No.8504293
File: 217 KB, 500x388, tumblr_lb0x0i4I131qzgc1qo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright here goes.
I'm tired. I'm so very tired. Tired of my fucking face. Of my fucking nose. My fucking thick ass shit glasses. My shitty, frizzy, disgusting hair. My hairy arms. My huge ass feet.
Tired of forcing myself to accept who I am and learn to love myself, which I just don't. I'm not cute or hot. I'm the plainest average you'll fucking see. You know that trope "she cleans up nicely"? Nope. I become a wallflower in the single moment I stop talking, even if I'm wearing the fanciest trendiest shit around and full-on caked up make-up. I thought hey, I can turn that game around, look at those Lolitas. They're so beautiful. But nope. Even looking at the ita threads makes me feel bad because I know they look better than me. The girl with the bedsheet skirt? Great hair. The girl with the filthy home? She definetly has more confidence than me.
People that compliment me make me uncomfortable, because I may say 'thank you' but I don't believe shit.
I'm 2kg away from my weight loss goal.
I've finally left behind my shitty puberty with shitty acne.
I have many more resources to beauty and skincare and fashion than I had 10 years ago.
But why bother?
Why bother when people that are seemingly more "unfortunate-looking" than me are happier? Have nice lives? Have loving SO's? Have more friends?
I can't think of unfortunate looks without thinking at myself, so that statement is pure bullshit.

>tl;dr maximum degree self-loathing

>> No.8504299

I'm not really sure what to say to make you feel better, anon, but I hope things look up for you soon. Have you spoken to a counsellor or anything like that?

>> No.8504306

This is a fucking vent thread
You don't just feel a certain way and then tell yourself to stop feeling a certain way. That's how school shootings happen.

>> No.8504312

you only are obligated to take care of yourself. the more you insist to pay for your friends, the more you enable some (if not all) of them to walk all over you. let them pay for their own stuff. it's fine to pay for your friends, but just do it once in a while - in your case, maybe next time only let them do it if they've done something nice for you, like paid for you instead, got you a nice gift, helped you out around the house, etc. especially if you don't always have the money. next time, just say you want to go dutch or something.

i think your major problem here is hoping that everyone will be nice to you back if you do nice things for them...you should always be nice to people, for sure, but people also suck and will take advantage of you, which is what's happening right now.

>> No.8504316

>movie theatre job
Oh god Anon I currently work at a theatre trying while in limbo after college. I know all yourn feels.

I have a friend who seriously rustles my jimmies everytime they announce a new cosplay or do anything really. They draw really bad art (while claiming to want to be animator despite their serious NEET status aside from no skills and literally drawing the same thing from the same angle over and over) and put together awful closet cosplay that they use to make cosplay rp/ask blogs on tumblr. For months they were obsessed with Foxy from FNAF now they are obsessed with Marie from Splatoon. They do make up tests that look like someone slapped them in the eye with black paint and have next to no sewing skills but claim they are a great cosplayer and everyone likes their shit. The straw that broke the camel's back for me was when they started saying they were Marie kin. I dismantled that in one fell swoop by telling them they were childish as fuck.

>> No.8504318

>went to fashion thread to post
>anons are shitposting other posters who contributed
>decide not to post
>hate how we can never have fashion threads on this board without people shitposting in it

For fuck's sake, no girls allowed on /fa/ so can we at least make do with what we can get on here instead of shitposting each other? I understand not liking someone else's tastes but there's not reason to comeback with nasty one liners that have nothing to do with critique and are clearly out to troll the other person.
>inb4 hork hork tumblr!
It's annoying, not funny. Basic bitches stop.

Also OT:
>58 year old mother just discovered internet
>sends me meme videos of funny cats
>texts me asking how to use facebook and signing into her email
God damn it.

>> No.8504326

Nice girls finish last.

>> No.8504327

There's a girl in my community that claims to be a cosplay judge at DragonCon. She constantly talks about she has the most amazing costumes, is the prettiest and most talented cosplayer in our state, and says that she is going to be a Japanese model.

On top all of this, she has accused every male in our community as having raped her. Ohayocon? Gang raped. Otakon? Raped in back of car. Youmacon? Raped after the formal. Local tiny con that less than 200 people attend? Groped all day long because she was too popular for the con. She has never pressed charges on these claims, despite her mother being a higher up in the police force. This is a fact that everyone knows because she constantly yells it at everyone who wrongs her.

She was promoted into the Vice President position of her University's anime club, but lost the position after threatening to kill herself when she had to do a little bit of work. She said that everyone ganged up on her and targeted her for no reason, and that was why they forced her to give up the position. She was set to graduate two years ago, but keeps flunking classes and can't graduate. Her parents pay for everything, including her shitty commissioned costumes, rent, tuition, and con passes/trips.

She has ruined the social standings of so many people.


Wait for it

She used to do fatporn.

Like A LOT of fat porn


Less raunchy clips are all over youtube, plus other stuff on porn sites. She was 5'1" and weighed 250 pounds, but now she weighs about 100. She denies ever being fat. She lost all of the weight over the course of a year due to a strong pain killer she was prescribed that is just straight up amphetamines (that she doesn't need. She likes to get hammered on it to.).

She's ruined so many people's lives by making false accusations that we can PROVE are false. I don't have it in me to release the shitloads of fat, stuffer porn she did even though it would ruin her life like she did to others.

>> No.8504336

Why are you doing all this? Trying to get in her pants or something? I'm confused. Why are you acting like a sugardaddy (mama?)

>> No.8504347

>Why bother when people that are seemingly more "unfortunate-looking" than me are happier? Have nice lives? Have loving SO's? Have more friends?
Because they actually are happy and confident. No one likes hanging out with a whiny bummer that you constantly have to prop up. Especially when that whiny, spineless bummer is actually cute/well dressed/nicely groomed as you sound like because it makes them feel shlubby, like "if she think she's awful how do I look to other people?"
go to therapy and learn how to be happy with yourself.

>> No.8504352

unfortunately the only path to slimmer arms is to get rid of tissue there by cutting and for some people getting to that point is dangerous.

>> No.8504355

God fucking damnit I hate usps

>> No.8504356

Actually if you buy a year-round pass it ends up being cheaper per ride, you just have to pony up a lot of cash straight away. She was kinda right.

>> No.8504359

The thing is, she was acting like everyone could just put down that amount of money. She was genuinely surprised when she realized that this was a lot of money for most people.

>> No.8504361

Not sure what kind of year round pass this is; if it's something like UK's National Rail card then it's a good deal but if it's a commuter pass sort of thing then you have to ride quite frequently for it to pay off.

>> No.8504362

Could it possibly be that she really, really looks up to you and loves your tastes?

She may be taking ideas from you and thinking it's "inspiration" and actually is not realizing that almost all of her ideas are coming from just one source. That she gets more likes than you could just be that she happens to have more people who are following her, and this is neither her fault nor yours.

I'm not trying to discredit your feelings of annoyance. Believe me, I'd be a little annoyed, if not a little creeped out. I just wonder if she's doing it not to upstage you, but rather is doing it in trust/admiration of your taste.

I can just imagine two second-graders where one copycats the other's clothes constantly because she wants to be closer to her or be more like her, but is too socially clueless to realize she's genuinely skeeving the other out.

Maybe for a short while (say three months) you could try distancing yourself from her, and just not post lolita stuff like wishlists/new buys/photos where she can see them online. Then see if her wardrobe or buying habits change in that interim (or another possibility, she slows down or stops altogether). If she keeps buying or posting during that interim, she may be forced to get sources of inspiration not from you. Then after that period you can start posting, and see if she goes back to her old ways.

This honestly sounds kind of cute, and possibly a powerful tool for evil in your hands. If she's doing this maliciously, you might be able to play some mind games with her.

Just think: after a three-month online disappearance, you begin posting with half your wardrobe (or better, your entire main substyle) completely overhauled. She'd go through sweat, tears, and a lot of money just to "catch up" with you once more. Throw in some photos of tacky, cheap accessories in for extra measure.

>> No.8504363
File: 123 KB, 511x473, 1436071866218.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've recently cut off a friendship with my "best friend" of about 3 years. I felt bad about it but to be honest, now that I'm reflecting, she deserved it. I was the one who got her into cosplay, yet she would consistently talk about how much better she was then me at it, bragging about the quality of her costumes (that were made mostly by other people) and just generally shitting on me whenever I was proud of work I'd done. I was extremely suicidal for about a month back a year ago, and she entirely avoided me this time, going so far as to block me when I would ask for help. Yet, she would be fine with contacting me to ask about stupid shit like what wig she should buy, etc. She became obsessed with being "instagram famous" and started doing like shit tons of follow for follows. I mentioned very offhandedly that it was annoying and she vagueposted about me and called me toxic for /months/ after. Our friendship finally ended when she stole money from a mutual friend for a costume she never ended up making, and started shit talking me and my cosplays very publicly with other members of our mutual friend group.
After I very politely cut her off, she's continued to post call out posts and name drops, saying that I was physically and sexually abusive (???what) and that I was emotionally manipulative and ignorant of her feelings.
I know that it's petty of me to still be angry at her, but I'm losing some of my friends because of outright lies on her part, and even though I really don't want to partake in this, I'm insanely tempted to send everyone the records of conversations where she bullied me/mocked me, etc. I want to see her lose what she's taken from me.

>> No.8504365

she sounds like tumblr incarnate

>> No.8504366

iktf anon
My comm is the same way, people won't put in even the tiniest amount of effort yet whine and expect everything to cater to them.

>> No.8504369

I just realised how that sounded... I meant cutting calories, not cutting it off or something.

>> No.8504375

You're entirely right to get out of there, anon, good for you. I lost a "best friend" of about six years a while ago and it hurt like hell, but she was honestly toxic as fuck and would always put me down and make me feel bad about myself.

If friends are stupid enough to believe any lies she's spread, I hope you fall into some new friends soon.

>> No.8504381

Yeeeah I was like... "Self-harm, wut? Well this is /cgl/..."

>> No.8504382

Sounds like in the beginning she looked up to you and admired your style but went crazy and is now trying to be you. I'd have little to do with her, she's the scary kind of crazy.
I have a friend like you, only when we get him things he doesn't accept. Its to the point where we feel held hostage because our group genuinely likes his company but not being able to pay him back is killing the mood because he'll literally put you in a headlock to pay for something else if you pay for something of his. At least you're not like that.

>> No.8504387

if she was 250 and is now 100 but lost all of it in one year, she HAS to have extra saggy skin... unless her parents paid for surgery to get rid of that too...

>> No.8504388

this is why I never believe people who chat shit about others whilst using buzzwords like 'toxic', 'abusive' or 'emotionally manipulative'. That's tumblr-speak for 'waaah, meanie-pants!'

>> No.8504393

The only thing I really want to vent about is really petty, I know. But I'm jealous because even though I'm an adult with a master's degree and a full-time job, I can only afford brand if I save up or do PPs. Also, despite my age, my parents hate lolita fashion, and it irks me that I lack their support in something I really love when most of my paychecks go towards bills and rent, etc. It's like they always have to find something about me to get angry about or whatever.

But I guess I'm honestly super jealous of girls who are accepted by their families as lolitas and who don't have any other financial obligations. It's like...I've worked so hard to get where I am and I feel like I /deserve/ more stuff than people who don't lift a finger to do anything and are pampered constantly.

I sound so whiny, but idk idgaf. I'm tired of being tired all the time and having to build my wardrobe so slowly.

I know I'm butthurt, it's true.

>> No.8504398

at the same time you have to use passes frequently enough for them to be worth it. in boston commuter rail passes are over $200 a month. the train rides are sort of costly for me to take into the city, but I definitely don't go into the city enough for something like that to be worth it. if I had a job and commuted daily, then sure.

>> No.8504407

Yikes. Yeah after a situation like that, it's reasonable that the hotel would want to distance itself from doing that again.

We could arm wrestle.

>> No.8504412

>It's like...I've worked so hard to get where I am and I feel like I /deserve/ more stuff than people who don't lift a finger to do anything and are pampered constantly.
Well that's the thing anon, instead of thinking 'why me', why not say 'why not me?'
Life's been a lot better for me since I realized that nobody really deserves anything. Had the roles been reversed, they'd say the exact same thing about you.
Just take comfort in the fact that you're developing valuable, applicable skills while they're sitting on their ass. Daddy's money isn't forever, ask all the photography/fashion school graduates in my city.

>> No.8504415

She just looks kinda frumpy now. Is it frowned upon to post her cosplay pics in a vent thread? They're pretty bad.

>> No.8504416

Some ex scene girls I know are recently getting into jfashion, anime and cosplay things, and its just weird and annoying because you can obviously tell they're jumping on the bandwagon.
One of them distinctly said they hate anime, and would intentionally speak "ghetto" because it was the cool thing at the time but now geek culture is cool so of course they're now riding on that.
At least their instagrams and cosplays are cringeworthy and good for entertainment

>> No.8504419

I think she meant she hated parents who didn't do what hers did. But okay.

Don't insist so much about paying. At some point it goes from being a nice surprise to have someone pay for you to being something you expect of them every time you hang out.

>> No.8504425

That's hilarious because a lot of people now are completely done and sick of "geek culture". I love seeing bandwagoners like this still trying when the wagon's long gone.

>> No.8504428

I will never feel sorry for stupid fucking lolitas/cosplayers who blow all of their money on dumb shit and they complain about how they have to starve or can't afford their bills. Was the prop commission worth it, sweetie? Was it worth not having food money and missing your rent for the third time in a row? Fucking man children and stupid ass girls who think having a dream dress is more important than their necessities. I don't want to see even ONE complaint from anyone who does this because you're stupid and need to learn how to be an adult rather than acting like an 8 year old who just got their allowance and goes straight to the candy store. Dumb bitches.

>> No.8504434


>> No.8504435

>She lost all of the weight over the course of a year due to a strong pain killer she was prescribed that is just straight up amphetamines (

I can't think of any pain killers that contain amphetamine... She probably just got an adderol prescription. Most pain medicine makes you gain weight, tbh.

>> No.8504437

Fucking this.
On the flip side, I can't abide people who complain that brand is "too expensive", but who will drop huge bucks on alcohol, cigarettes, and eating out. You're not poor, you're stupid and bad at budgeting.

>> No.8504439

yeah, this is the worst.

the chick I know like this also begs for money and free things on twitter constantly and brags about it. meanwhile her dad is going through his second divorce and she keeps getting income from her billion stepparents

>> No.8504447

Oh god one of my pet peeves is people who set up like gofundme or some shit to just get donations? One of my friends had like the cheapest rent in town, two jobs, and could totally pay for whatever she wanted but still put one up so other people could "fund her summer abroad" like I would be so embarrassed doing that.

>> No.8504448

do it

>> No.8504451

do eet

>> No.8504452

I really really really hate this one cosplayer who got popular off of a super inaccurate cosplay all because of tits. No, its not Jnig. Im salty and frustrated as hell because I was first, but along comes Tits McGee and suddenly she is all anyone talks about when this cosplay is referenced. Mine is even more accurate too and Ill be damned that I don't look like a badger who has been punched in the face and is using photoshop to fix it like she is.

>> No.8504453
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>> No.8504455

I broke up with someone who cheated on me, but I wanted to be petty and hurt them so I stayed in contact, knowing they would try to win me back. I'm doing all the couple cosplays and coords I had planned with them with other people, knowing that even if it doesn't actually hurt them, it'll at least annoy them. But I'm not sure if it was worth it. I know that if I had completely cut contact, my feelings would've faded, but talking to them reminds me of why I liked them and almost makes me regret breaking up. It's my own fault for trying to get some kind of revenge on them, but I don't know what to do anymore.

>> No.8504458

Some people have no sense of shame.
tumblrettes are notorious about this
>fund my HRT!
>donate so my poor cancer-ridden cat can live!
meanwhile they post hauls of stuff from kawaii taobao resellers and excuse it with 'but I gotta treat myself! I'm depressed!'

>> No.8504462


It could have been her adderall prescription too (she talked about that a lot too). I heard it was one of her pain meds, but who knows. My bad for the error.

>> No.8504467

notorious FOR this*
shit, I've just eaten so I can't even excuse it on hunger.

>> No.8504471
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>> No.8504472

it honestly just blows my mind how people can be so selfish and lacking in self-awareness. sometimes I wonder if they're the unusual one or I am.

yup, everybody has a patreon for making blog posts or gofundme or something these days.

that transwoman starting an indiegogo for SRS and lying by saying it was for treating life-threatening injuries from a car accident was super scummy.

holy shit

>> No.8504474

Maybe now's the time to cut contact, anon, and maybe sell the couple cosplays you'd had or rework your coords in other ways. You need to do what's best for you now, regardless of what you did in the past. I think we're all a bit bitter after a breakup, but now you realize that and can move on.

>> No.8504475

the only way to combat it is to give constructive, nonbitchy feedback and outright ignore shitposting.

/fa/ is no better last i hung around there. the shitposting knows no gender distinction.

>> No.8504478
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>> No.8504480

I have lost two of my best cosplay friends to League of Legends. We used to be such good friends and since they started playing it, it is impossible to get them to talk about anything else, or cosplay anything else. they spend all their spare time playing it and I was so left out of conversations, parties etc, I just gave up. It makes me really sad that I lost my friends, but they have changed so much, its scary. They are completely obessesed and I don't think it is healthy.

>> No.8504482

oh my god

>> No.8504483

To them, most stuff looks ugly anyway.
And even if there ARE girl/makeup threads, most people just shitpost, post models or random memechrome chinks, or like 'stuff I want my girlfriend to wear' which is usually tryhard Tumblrcore or slutty clubwear

>> No.8504485

same with one of my friends and Dota. it's all she does anymore and she's starting to spend money on it which worries me even more, valve loves their gambling in F2P games.

>> No.8504487
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I think this picture makes it even better.

>> No.8504490

I always thought these kinds of stories were false, but it actually happened with my best friend this year. We live in the same place for college, and sometimes if we weren't studying, at college, or with other friends, we'd watch stuff, look up funny shit on the internet, or just chat, but he just played LoL this year, all year.
From about October last year he was a lost cause. I couldn't talk to him without him talking about League. He stopped going out. He stopped going to college. He's back home from our place for the summer, and probably still playing League.

The worst part? I introduced him to it. I can't even bring myself to play anymore. I used to play maybe once or twice a week, just for fun, never ranked or anything serious, but I just can't enjoy it because he started taking the game so seriously, more seriously than showering and buying groceries.

>> No.8504491

I always lose my friends to dumb shite
First it was Tumblr/SJWitis
Then my boyfriend to online shooters
Then more of my friends to fucking anime

>> No.8504498

Budgeting isn't even that hard. Do people realize that if you throw a few dollars here, it isn't just a few dollars when you do it EVERY DAY? Cigs are like, $6 a pack here at least. If you smoke a pack a day, that's $42 a week. You could be buying yourself a brand dress every 1-2 months, but no. Your budgeting is shit and you should stop complaining or start sucking dick for your AP.

>> No.8504499

That's what my significant other said too. That maybe I just opened her eyes to a different part of the fashion. I just can't help but feel like she's trying to steal my wardrobe lol. I've started not posting what I'm buying, or what I'm trying to buy in the future. I'll try the 3 month thing, that sounds like an interesting social experiment. Maybe throw in some random fugly bittersweet pieces into my wishlist and see if she'll take the bait.

I know it isn't either of our faults that I get more likes on CoF, but I wish she wouldn't keep trying to do all the things I do with my coords. If she wants me to help her, I'd be happy to! I thought we were friends like that cause we used to do that but not anymore. Now when I ask if she's planned her outfit she tells me it's a secret/surprise? But yet she wants to see mine.

Idk, maybe I'm just being hyper sensitive. Still freaky though! I'm just gonna take a few steps to the left and start shutting her out. It doesn't help that some of the things I've confided in her (outside of lolita) have magically ended their way up on cgl to help drag my fucking name through the mud.

>> No.8504501

I'm losing my friends to sjw as well, or rather right now I see shit crawling into my social circle online.

Take this whole VMA bullshit going on right now, suddenly there's several people I'm friends with talking about how Nicki Minaj is a fucking goddess who can do no wrong and while I can live with their opinion, I know for a fact if i made mine clear I'd get boo'd away.

It happened once. I said racism against white people happens and within 10 minutes and I had 2 people telling me how wrong I was and how I should feel bad.
Best part was the not so subtle post one made after that "lmao I hate having to educate white people"

>> No.8504503

Her name is Audrey Mae. She's a serious fucking attention whore. She fat shames cosplayers at conventions and then posts about how she promotes cosplay equality for everyone. Ha.
She told a friend of mine that she'd let him rape her in her car. Like, what the fuck.

>> No.8504504

Her name's Audrey Mae. 'Queen Satsuki' used to be her cosplay page.

>> No.8504506

one of my friends is getting a terrible degree and drowning in student loans, and smokes several bowls of weed and cigarettes a day and complains about money problems and I just want to tear my hair out.

that whole drama is such a trainwreck. I'm seeing people go "Tidal failed because a black man founded it and people are racist!!" and people being complete snobs about twitter drama. honestly there are times I'm glad I grew up in a politically incorrect backwater.

>> No.8504508
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Thank you for delivering, anon.

>> No.8504511

You basically will get banned for your vendetta post now. Good job following other people's pressure, anon.

>> No.8504512

I got told I sound like Nigel Farage when I said how our country can't afford all the benefits AND the migrants...
Their reply was on the same level as 'just print more money lol'

Furthermore, I got chewed out for saying people are allowed to have preferences with regards to weight, race and number of sexual partners.

Nowadays it seems that you can't even accidentally offend anyone (unless they're white Eastern Europeans) or else you get handed the Hitler card and told to sit in the corner and think about what you've done.

>> No.8504522

Fuck you. People like you are the reason why threads like this go awry so quickly. Gulls come here to vent, to get stuff outa their chest without hearing always the same response they'd get from friends and relatives "you'll be fine", NOT to ask for opinions unless fucking stated. You are a huge twat.
>No one likes hanging out with a whiny bummer that you constantly have to prop up
Do you think I want this? Do you seriously think I want to feel like shit all the time? I suggest that you STOP responding to posts with such a condescending attitude. Again, I was fucking venting. Getting stuff out of my chest. Have you ever heard of "lending an ear"? Most people that come here to vent just need to say shit they've been swallowing for a while. So fuck you. Fuck you so much.

>inb4 being this mad

>> No.8504526

>one of my friends is getting a terrible degree
Oh god this. People who aren't talented AT ALL and get into a really shitty or mediocre art school, graduate with mediocre grades and then whinge how 'in TODAY's economy young people have to do so many things to get a job! Waaaah! Why won't anyone hire me?!'

>> No.8504527

I feel you anon, sometimes I see so many off handed comments on 'lmao white people' that I'm not sure where the joke ends and if they're actually looking down on white people.

Also most of those posts are made by middle-class Asian-Americans which is the icing on the cake, because the worst racism they seem to have experienced is "where are you from?" or 'what asian are you?"

I saw a re-cap post because I'm otherwise not too interested in it, and all I got from it was that it felt like I watched the twitter version of "a white girl got something a black woman could have had, RACISM"

>> No.8504530

Eh, I'm not on /cgl/ very often anyways.

I'm happy you know who she is. She's a legitimately horrible person. If that guy touched her I'm sure it would end in a rape accusation, just like all of her past boyfriends. I feel bad for her current boyfriend now. He looks nice.

Her last boyfriend is sitting in jail right now due to a claim that he hit her or something. It never happened.

Now you know something fun about her :)

>> No.8504532

>mfw I sound like this

I'm actually glad I go on cgl sometimes to chill myself the fuck out. I'm mostly on tumblr for fashion and cute shit, but wow it's seeping into my head all the same.

>> No.8504538

Like what exactly? Like me the poster or the people I'm describing?

>> No.8504541

>where are you from?" or 'what asian are you?"
ah yes, the 'I'm not your China doll! QQ'.
Poor babby.
I've heard those same SJWs flat-out tell a Serbian girl she should go home because 'her people killed innocent Muslims'. Yes, I'm sure a 19 year old 5' skinny white girl butchers Muslims in a foreign country for sport on the daily. Poor girl already got all kinds of comments but nobody says anything because she's white. Now the Russian students are getting shit on as well.

>> No.8504542

They gave you the best advice we can, which is to speak with a professional. Their opinions are pretty much the common ones. Being around people who constantly self hate can be exhausting, especially when you can see how wrong they are, and they aren't seeking the help they really need. Good luck, anon.

>> No.8504543

The people you're describing.

>> No.8504546

You need actual medication, anon. No shade, I'm serious. These thoughts aren't normal and you need to talk to your doctor about this asap.

>> No.8504552

Take a break from tumblr.

Damn that sounds horrible. Also the whole 'china doll' thing is so amusing because you never hear them complain when a white person gets stared at in Japan or told random ass shit because then it's 'okay'

>> No.8504553

Stop following people like that. Tumblr is an echo chamber full of self-hating, self-victimising angry teenagers. The sooner you stop associating with people like that, the happier you'll be.

>> No.8504554

oh man the headlines I see out of Britain are downright frightening sometimes. I feel for you anon.

basically Nicki Minaj didn't get her Anaconda video nominated for Video of the Year and cried racism despite 3/5 of the nominees being black and then twitter started being twitter.

oh my god I have no idea what it is with SJWs and defending Muslims to the point of absurdity. I was speechless at one point when a self-proclaimed feminist started telling me why Muslim gangs kidnapping, raping, and even murdering poor girls in Britain is really the patriarchy's fault and not a real problem

>> No.8504566

Yeah, I try using tumblr savior to filter most of the batshit stuff. I don't mind seeing posts about reasonable stuff, but it's gotten into my head at this point.

I think I need to cull my follow list and get off there for a while.

>> No.8504568

I don't even know who's triggering whom anymore. At least I'm not Swedish.

>> No.8504571

The worst part is I can't even say that I think Nicki's opinion on it is shit because then I know I'd get a bunch of angry people at me.

It'll do you great, trust me. Until late last year going on tumblr and looking at my dash just made me angry because despite unfollowing I'd still get random SJW posts on it.

Then I deleted everything, didn't touch it for two weeks, went back and strictly followed those that didn't post anything like that. And if they do, it's one post and then unfollowing. I don't have time to see my dash suddenly getting hate posts again.

>> No.8504572

>At least I'm not Swedish.
I can't get over the fact that Swedish liberals are protesting a gay pride parade because it's offensive to Muslims. like.... are we finally in too deep now?

>> No.8504577
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Oh we're way past that point

>> No.8504581

dropped link, oops

>> No.8504583

So, guys. Do I spend my money on brand or going on trips to big tea parties around Europe? It's either one or the other, because I can only do so much with my budget. And it makes me sad. I have a decent-paying job, but seem to not earn nearly enough as all the other people I know, who seem to have humongous closets AND can still afford to travel around. I feel so poor and jelly. How do they do it? Rich husbands?

>> No.8504584

Grinds my gear that there's no livestream/thread dedicated for the Nordic cosplay championship 2015 that's live right now.

>> No.8504590
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This. Recently a lot of coswhores I know in my comm straight up became strippers, so now they pander with geek shit and get upset when noone cares. It gets cringeworthy real quick when you know they're just after your money. Do they hear themselves? They're like advertisements that won't shut up about themselves and their geek love which is obviously as fake as their tits. It's easy to "love" something that makes you thousands while you sit on your ass and camwhore all day.

>> No.8504592

Saving, jobs, foregoing certain luxuries to afford others. Many of those girls' only hobby is lolita.

>> No.8504597

poe's law and all but that story's fake. that said i wouldn't be surprised to be seeing it in a real headline soon enough.

>This Is That is a current affairs program that doesn't just talk about the issues, it fabricates them. Nothing is off limits--politics, business, culture, justice, science, religion--if it is relevant to Canadians, we'll find out the "This" and the "That" of the story.
>Each week, hosts Pat Kelly and Peter Oldring introduce you to the voices and stories that give this country character in this 100% improvised, satirical send-up of public radio.

>> No.8504600

They had over 20 ambulances called one year because security wasn't doing its job. The EMTs were ripshit about it.

>> No.8504611

Sometimes I feel like buying brand is the only thing keeping me alive. I'm burnt out a school; the only thing I think I've learned after two years is how to hate my major. I ditched all my hobbies in an effort to keep my grades up, but even now that I have more free time, I don't really feel like getting back into them. I've been hunting for jobs/internships, but I'm not too hopeful. I have no idea what I'm going to do with my life except suffer through grad school so that I can get a job where I can afford lots of brand. Shopping is pretty much the only thing I enjoy anymore.

>> No.8504620 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8504641

Am I not allowed to buy things for my friends? I have a job, she doesn't, I bought her dinner a few times and some makeup, I don't see her often, that's all

>> No.8504644
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Aaaah, okay. Thank god.
I've been spoilt by our own lovely brand of yellow journalism so this one just seemed too tame to be fabricated.

>> No.8504649

>calls you cute, well dressed, and nicely groomed
I'm seeing why you don't have any friends anon
but I'm sorry you hate yourself. you really should go talk to someone.

>> No.8504674

experiences last longer than material gains.


>> No.8504681

>tfw had adorable cgl-related story when i met my partner to share on the significant other thread
>fucker dumps me
>reminded of this fact whenever the thread appears
>pisses me off like hell like a bitter, bitter old woman

>> No.8504682

after a shit ton of recent drama and the amount of bullshit being thrown at me, i've honestly lost most of my desire to wear lolita, but at the same time i feel like an idiot for losing interest for such a retarded reason.

>> No.8504692

I think >>8504592 is right for the most part. Also maybe they have particularly good jobs, or are better about asking for raises/promotions on the job than you are--I know I used to be awful at that but got over my fear and now I make more money. Budgeting definitely helps, especially with travel. If you book well in advance for flights and hotels, and learn the tricks to traveling on a budget, it's much less expensive.

>> No.8504728

Burando lasts longer than tea and strangers. And you can also sell it if you need money for an experience.

>> No.8504729

Anon, people will not be kind to you if you hate yourself. They will get tired of your behavior no matter how much they love you. I used to be a life-of-the-party kind of person before anxiety and depression and all that jazz happened to me. I am seeing a therapist now and people still tell me I should be 'trying harder' like they seriously expect me to solve my self-confidence issues in a month or so. It's shitty but it's the truth.

But you need to do things for yourself. I get you. The nose. The body hair. The self-loathing. Believe me, I get you, but you gotta fight this. Don't compare yourself to other people, try to get help and start comparing your current self to your past self. See the improvement. It will be there. It's already there. You're losing weight, your acne and your puberty are a thing of the past. You *are* doing better. You just need extra help.

Sorry for the tl;dr, just wanted to let you know you can solve this.

>> No.8504746

Exactly. It's not fair, but people are allowed to choose who they want to hang out with. I used to have the same problem, being sad and depressed with my friends avoiding me left and right because I had been sad and depressed, which only made me more sad and you get the point. But sometimes you've got to fake it till you make it.

>> No.8504765

My parents spoiled the shit out of me growing up but I'm pretty sure I'm not a jerk. When I was still living with them people always assumed I was there to take care of them while in reality they have no problem taking care of themselves, they just like spoiling me. I also know people who grew up similarly to you but turned into spoiled lazy brats the moment they got a significant other with disposable income.
Most of it's in the upbringing but some of it is personality, too.

>> No.8504767

Buying dinner for her is not weird. Buying makeup and other things is weird unless it's christmas or a birthday.

>> No.8504769

I'm so pissed off with Lockshop and their business practice but I can't say shit because of Choke's massive fanbase, and I used to be part of it. As a customer I shouldn't have to wait six weeks for a wig that had supposedly been shipped from their supplier, with her not saying anything about the shipping times. Apparently customs held onto the packages when the wholesaler shipped to her which, fair, but holy shit make an announcement on the fb page, I saw tons of other girls asking about it and getting annoyed. She needs to be way more transparent and not rely on her standing in the community for everything to be fine.

>> No.8504780

That's such a shame, and I'm almost glad I'm weaning myself off wearing wigs so much because Lockshop is the only shop worth buying from for the quality anymore imo. I wouldn't touch GLW with a long stick.
I wish MintyMix still sold wigs.

>> No.8504781

Her fanbase has become smaller after the whole John thing

>> No.8504788

I'm this way with cosplay. Most don't do it for the fandom anymore anyways so what's the point? Every coswhore defends this by saying it's just fun to dress up with friends. Friends of course being other models only interested in advertising their own business while attending only photoshoots. The same anons who are whining about needing to buy more likes for their dying fanpages. Cosplay is dead. Tata Han was right. Anime conventions have turned into fetish conventions with idol cpmpetitions. Thanks Japan. Just what we need. More useless celebrities making bank off artists and virgins.

>> No.8504794

I used to know this guy who, whenever his conversation partner wasn't paying intense attention to him and smiling like a Stepford wife, would loudly whine "DO YOU HATE ME? DO YOU THINK I'M ANNOYING?!??!"
After the umpteenth time of returning from the loo to have him whine at me about how I took too long and must be avoiding him I almost shouted YES back at him. And now I am indeed avoiding him.

>> No.8504811

A fucking retard in my comm who is infamous for stupidity is complaining that she can't bring food along to a meet at a goddamn pub. Because of this she's decided that everyone should pay $10 to afford a plate of snacks (instead of, you know, people who want to eat just eating from the pub menu...) I wish she would just stop organising things because everything she touches turns to shit and she's the dumbest person in our comm by a mile.

>> No.8504833

are people genuinely willing to pay $10? Because holy shit pub grub is way cheaper than that, she must be mad stupid

>> No.8504835
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3/5? You figure she would compromise

>> No.8504839


Is this her? I think I heard something about this earlier.

>> No.8504857

Really? Did people actually side with John?

>> No.8504866

I've been dealing with BED and depression for years and have wildly fluctuating weight because of it. It makes buying clothes so fucking hard because I tend to buy "thin clothes" and have them hang in my closet while I gain and lose the same 5 lbs all over again. I've recently started therapy for my depression and lost 10lbs, but I feel fatter and uglier than ever, and although my binges have gone back, I'm thinking about food and what to eat 24/7. I don't want to deal with this shit anymore.

>> No.8504872


>> No.8504877

How about you give the port to someone else.
And agree to let them ruin her life for your comm.

You win
Your comm wins
She loses.

>> No.8504888

>on instagram jfashion tag
>scrolling looking for some cute but not lolita fashion stuff
>wait is that
>opens profile
>it's a girl who was really mean to me in high school in a variety of ways a year ago
>cue ugly crying because bad memories and she was now cuter and into jfashion
>stop going on that tag, just stick to lolitafashion tag
>she starts showing up there too and it freaks me out every time
>get paranoid that her stuff looks like mine, is she looking at my profile?
>delete instagram
>just use tumblr
>start seeing her in lolita tags
>block her and don't go in the tags
>see her on my dash wtf
>aparently when you block someone, they can't contact you (that wasn't a problem anyways) but they're stuff can still show up on your dashboard
>delete tumblr
>a year later /cgl/ is my only friend
It's been two years since I've seen her and I would have been long over it if it weren't for this shit. I gave her one of my GLB as an olive branch one time, and the more time I've spent crying about it, the more I realized she didn't deserve it. And to think that maybe that convinced her to start lolita really makes me regret it. This was my one thing and now this.
If she's on /cgl/, too, I'm probably going to kill myself.

>> No.8504889
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>She fat shames cosplayers at conventions

Ex fatties are always the worst body shamers IMO. It's because the majority of them still resent their body image and take their weight issues out on others. It goes for non-fatties too who lost a little weight, but it's the most hypocritical when it comes from someone who used to be fat.

>> No.8504900

I think a lot of it's the upbringing. My parents were fine with buying me expensive gifts on special occasions, including brand, but they were pretty strict otherwise. No video games/internet until my homework was done, I was grounded if I got less than an A- on my report card, I had to play at least 1 sport per school year, participate in girl scouts, and go to church every Sunday. A lot of my high school friends used to tease me/complain about my parents being too strict, but I'm actually really thankful for my upbringing. I was taught to enjoy or at least take pride in hard work, and I'm still in school right now, but I feel like that'll get me far later on in life.

To keep the thread on topic, my gripe is that people automatically assume you're a spoiled brat if you haven't done something to earn all your brand. I can understand where that comes from, but I don't really get why people are so self-righteous about working for their wardrobes. In my opinion there's nothing wrong with being given gifts as long as you are humble about it and understand that not everyone is that fortunate. I just want to befriend other lolitas online, but I'm afraid to share coordinates/wardrobe posts online because I've seen people get really salty over even medium sized wardrobes.

>> No.8504905

You sound pathetic

>> No.8504911

>grounded if I got less than an A- on my report card
I have news for you, your parents have issues.

>> No.8504912

It really is that way. When some fatties lose weight they'll start to preach how 'easy' it is for everyone to just lose weight and 'omg don't complain' and just feel general superiority over others.

>> No.8504917

Nah, it sounds like anon needs to start shooping her face to hell and back because she's a salty fat cunt who looks like a foot.

>> No.8504924

I know. So many former fatties turn into '"""""fierce mean girl biatches"""""" because of their lack of self-esteem. Many of them shit all over guys who like them because of it too. I mean it's justified if the guys in questions are players/PUAs/douchebags but most of the time they're just average dudes

>> No.8504930

My mother is always making comments on my appearance regarding my clothing, hair or weight, etc. She was very controlling of my appearance growing up as well, which I can understand.

What makes it a lot easier is that I live in another country now... haha.

But really, you need to learn to disregard what people think of your style or your choices. You're an adult, it's your money, you can do what you want whether people you care about like it or not. My mother realises this, even though it might be hard for her not to express her opinion, she still understands that if I like something, that's just how it is. I'm thinking deep down, your parents are much the same and will support you no matter what.

>> No.8504932

OR newly gained confidence

>> No.8504934

There's this girl in my comm who got me drunk at a con and did a lot of really gross sexual things to me while I was passed out, knowing that I'm asexual and not interested. But everyone loves her because she's overweight and "so brave for doing lolita and having confidence". I've told a couple other people in my comm about her but no one will believe me and I have to see her ugly face all the time. I want to kill myself.

>> No.8504936

>acting like it's because of the ex-fatties' self esteem
>acting like it's not because the ex-fatties actually went through the weightloss process and realized it wasn't as hard as everyone makes it out to be
Fatties actually believe this.

>> No.8504943

I lost my best friend of 7 years to League, shit sucks. He's been rooming with my partner and I, and we're seriously thinking we'll have to kick him out soon. As soon as he started playing League he went from very tidy and hygenic to never picking up after himself or doing laundry or showering because he can't tear himself away from the game for 5 minutes. We've tried talking to him many times but it hasn't sunk in and I'm tired of living with the smell of BO.

>> No.8504946

I used to be this way when I lost weight.
Half of it was me wanting to feel like I accomplished something that others couldn't, and the other half was taking out on others what thinner people had done to me for so many years.

I got my shit in order these days and try not to judge, but it was really hard to shake that attitude at first.

>Many of them shit all over guys who like them because of it too.
I agree but at the same time some dudes fucking deserved it.
I had one guy who straight-up told me when I was fat that "I'd be pretty if I lost weight" when I never asked him, and fucked anyone else he could grub. Then when I lost the weight he came crawling back to me and I put him in his fucking place. There are people who seriously defended him. There's a difference between having quiet standards and purposefully trying to make someone like me feel like shit and presuming I wanted his sorry ass to begin with.

Idk, I'm glad I'm dating someone who likes me for my personality. It takes a load of pressure off me about looks.

>> No.8504948

>angry ex fattie spotted
Calm down sis, calm down.

>> No.8504949

Well sure, but I mean guys who see them for the first time and have no idea they used to be fat.

>> No.8504952

Yeah, I understand what you mean.

Honestly when I got back into the dating scene showing pictures of when I used to be obese was really uncomfortable. It's like having a dirty past that everyone can see.

>> No.8504954

>not because the ex-fatties actually went through the weightloss process and realized it wasn't as hard as everyone makes it out to be

I'd love to meet the lying bitch who's lost 50+ pounds and said it was easy as pie.

>> No.8504955

Aww that sucks. :(
I watched pretty much the same thing happen to a friend of a close friend. He went from a genuinely nice, social, smart, and athletic guy turn into a NEET hiki who showered once a week.
I'm sorry that that happened to you, anon. Especially since he's been a friend of yours for so long.

>> No.8504961

Ugh, my best friend smokes a pack or so a week, smokes weed everyday, eats out for every meal, likes to drink, buys coffee all the time and complains she can't save money. I'm just glad I don't have the same vices, but I do worry about her.

>> No.8504972

I am neither angry nor an ex fattie. I'm friends with some of the latter though.
>lying bitch
Here's your angry one. Also I don't think anyone will claim that losing weight is super easy, just that it's not as impossibly hard as fat communities/friend groups like to make it out to be. Let's face it, fat people hang out with other fat people and they tend to enable one another.

If anything from what I've seen ex-fats get angry and bitter when their fat friend circle starts to shun and shame them for losing weight and "not loving their body".

>> No.8504979

Jesus christ that's her in all of her fat glory. She was huge.

I have no idea who to give her old screen name and stuff too. How against the rules is it to post it here and then let it be fair game?

I really, really want to post it, but I'm scared she's going to slap me with a lawsuit or something stupid. I know that it's the last thing in the world that she would ever want someone to see, most importantly her parents. They provide EVERYTHING for her and would cut it off in a second if they found out.

>> No.8504984

I've actually had that happen to me. My friends aren't hugely overweight, but they seemed almost insulted that I'd want to lose weight.

In the end, I lost about three stone and felt amazing. I didn't look exactly as I imagined but I'm still very happy, but I still get the occasional snide comment, telling me that I have it easier than them because I'm skinny or some shit like that. It's unbelievable.

>> No.8504987

yup, so many of my friends are like that. one of them just buys weed constantly and says she doesn't have any money when we go to cheap places like Applebee's or Chili's and won't even come and just get water. I'm kind of unintentionally straightedge and I feel self-conscious about it at times but I definitely like not having more money sinks.

>> No.8504991

>just that it's not as impossibly hard as fat communities/friend groups like to make it out to be

Um no, but people generally do make complete 180 lifestyle changes and have to develop routines, which can be challenging, and yes, is difficult for people who don't know where to start.

Fatties hang out with other fatties because people like to belong. So of course when the group has an "identity" they're going to point out when someone begins to deviate. My thin friends do the same when one of us starts to gain weight or gets a bit of muscle. Secure people don't care.

>> No.8504998

Honestly anon you're not alone. No fewer than three of my friends are ex-fats and they all went through the same shit, all with different friend groups. Lots of snide little "ooh you're losing SO MUCH weight, that's not healthy!" and "ha ha, you think you're too good for us now don't you! lol jk!" comments left on my friends' facebook pages. It was enraging.

>> No.8504999

People have posted personal shit all the time. Stop being so newfag and give us the goods already. Noone likes a tease.

>> No.8505007

I feel really awkward about this too because I want to lose weight for cosplays but my heavier husband gets offended when I try and watches me eat shit like a hawk. It's uncomfortable about how insecure he gets when I just want to feel pretty.

>> No.8505010

Thanks, I know that's the case. I don't have a problem spending my money on lolita and I don't care if they like it or not, but it'd still be nice for them to go "oh that's really pretty/cute/etc" instead of automatically jumping to "YOU LOOK STUPID" bc they don't seem to realize that there are various styles of the fashion and they don't really want to /try and realize that.

>> No.8505015

Sorry, I have't been on 4chan since before the mod drama stuff. I just wanted to play it safe instead of getting a permaban.

Audrey Mae Fettig
Screenname: Cambria
Mostly used site was Stuffer31

You can find her stuff everywhere though. Stuffer31's had video previews too.

>> No.8505030

I'm really salty about all the shitty fire emblem cosplay I'm forced to look at. Especially the Tharja cosplayers and "lol first" IF cosplayers. In every handful there's only one that isn't actual shit.

>> No.8505031

> Had the Harajuku walk/festival
> I always knew our comm has lots of itas but not THIS many
> Out of 20 people only 5 aren't itas
> At least it means I was one of the best dressed lolitas there.
> Also got complimented a ton by one of the founders of my comm.

> Few new people joined our comm after the walk
> "Would you compare Bodyline to Angelic Pretty quality?"
> "What do you think of replicas?"
> Gonna be a long summer.

Also first time seeing the gyaru comm here and they all looked so beautiful and polished... I feel jealous of their comm.

>> No.8505034

Holy shit, what a nutjob. Don't tell your comm tell the fucking police or some sort of 'call out' tumblr who will at least ruin her online rep if nothing else.

>> No.8505036

>tfw there will never be a good cosplay of your husbando
>tfw only girls cosplay Inigo

>> No.8505038

Kill her

sage in email field

>> No.8505042

Anon, please talk to someone with authority about this. If you can go to the police I recommend it. Talk to someone you trust and get them to help you through it. What a cunt. I hope she gets kicked out of everything.

>> No.8505044

>but I'm afraid to share coordinates/wardrobe posts online because I've seen people get really salty over even medium sized wardrobes.
really? last time there was a wardrobe thread because of all the wardrobe posts, I remember the largest ones (like pyro_42's, which was rather amazing) being fawned over.

>> No.8505050

>"ha ha, you think you're too good for us now don't you! lol jk!"
this is also true for ex-poorfags.

>> No.8505052

Anon, watch Evanelion

>> No.8505055

tell him to eat a dick if he's so hungry for asspats

>> No.8505057

Which comm is this? Pics?

>> No.8505118 [DELETED] 

Harder to do when he buy/does everything for you aggressively. I'm trying to break the cycle to get my independence back but fuck he doesn't make it easy. Anytime I bring up eating less or healthy food it's like a trigger scenario. He was made fun of for his weight gain so maybe that's why? Food makes him so fucking happy though because he's a cook. If I'm fat too he feels more comfortable with himself, I can't live without him either so whatever. Chubster for life. Wasn't meant to be a cosplayer I guess.

>> No.8505121
File: 69 KB, 1280x720, DanMachi_01_Bell_Cranell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>First time at a con, Anime North with cousin
>Went for the Sunday in a milsurp IJA
>Had tons of fun
>plan to make my own cosplay next year (Bell from Danmachi)
>Invited by cousin for Atomic Lolipop
>Say no because work
>Fast forward to this week
>friend who has never been to a con before and cousin ask me to go to Unplugged
>Say no, I got work and if I wanted to go I would go in cosplay
>They continually coerce me into go despite stating my reasons
>Reason 1: I have work
>Reason 2: Even if I do have Friday off, I would want to go to all 3 days instead of just one
>Reason 3: I want to go in cosplay because I'm getting into the hobby and I'm passionate about it. I don't want to blend in the background as a normie
>Clearly state the reason multiple times
>They keep telling me to go and I'm giving no reasons
>ask me what I would cosplay as if I did have cosplay
>Said I'd go as Bell from Danmachi (In his upgraded armour, not his noob clothes in the beginning)
>"lol Anon that's so easy to make XD"
>Tell them it would be my first time making my own cosplay and I need to plan it and buy materials. I wouldn't make in time unless I want it to look like utter shit
>"lol whatever Anon you can make it all in a day it looks so ease"
>Attempting to hold in my inner rage

Are my reasons unreasonable and autistic or something? I clearly told them my fucking reasons so many times. I got work, and I want to go in cosplay, because I WANT to not because someone is telling me to. I don't want to blend in the background as a normie and I want try out making cosplay, as it became a new interest of my after AN, but I'm just not ready yet.

>inb4 blog

>> No.8505140

Sounds reasonable. Real life > cons.

>> No.8505141

Sadly I can't post pictures because my comm is pretty small and strict about 4chan stuff.
Here's a rundown of the itas:
dark skinned girl in sweet lolita with a yellow halloween wig that doesn't even fit right.
No blouse-chan
Sleeveless blouse and stripper heels classic lolita
Guy who borrows dresses and has none of his own, pairs them with thrift store finds.
Cosplayer girl who always comes in the same sleeveless not lolita at all dress and white contact lenses
Bodyline L438-chan
14 year old who somehow got hold of a classic milanoo tier B&W lace monster
Squirrel party + cat ears

>> No.8505158

>but people generally do make complete 180 lifestyle changes and have to develop routines

Bullshit. I just ate below my TDEE and used My Fitness Pal until I got sense for what was very calorie dense and what wasn't. While I do eat slightly healthier it doesn't mean I starved myself on kale or something. I had icecream, pizzas, hamburgers. I only ate less of that stuff. Stop at 2 slices of pizza, order that huge burger but don't get sides, and so on.

It just takes time, and people are easily discouraged. Was a gluttonous fridge raider for years, It's simply a mind state that you enter. Once you're determined it's a matter of time. I decided to do it mostly on a whim but I really did want to stop being fat. I'm more or less a loser, and as cliche as it sounds, even I was able to do it by just sticking with it. Or in other words, you gotta do what you gotta do (but what you gotta do isn't as hard as the fitness industry would have you believe, so Google the basics)

>> No.8505167

>quoted text is speaking in generalities

You bitches need to learn to read before you TL;DR. No1curr

>> No.8505177

I think you should post the records where she bullied and mocked you, but that's just this one seagull's opinion.

>> No.8505182


But those generalities are wrong. My 'specific situation' is the actual general/normal/basic situation for people who succeed.

>> No.8505186

>My 'specific situation' is the actual general/normal/basic situation for people who succeed.

>> No.8505187

I call bullshit.
No one is THAT much of a fucking doormat.

>> No.8505198

Go to the fucking police, if they don't do anything, I dunno, go anonymously on some secret ~callout~ tumblr to name and shame the bitch.

>> No.8505202
File: 49 KB, 395x610, 1434819289585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It happens to men quite often. Fat chicks get them drunk and rape them. Who are they going to tell they got raped by a whale? Nobody. I can see it happening to a girl that put their trust in someone they shouldn't have.
There are some fat girls that are alright, even more that I like, but some you can only trust as far as you can toss them.

>> No.8505203

This actually happened to me almost. My best friend transferred to my college and met all my friends. She lived with the group of guy friends in their building and one of them became her boy friend. Suddenly she is playing League and I literally never see her. I actually confronted her and now it is a little better but still that and joining their DnD stuff...

>> No.8505205

Anon who lost weight earlier. My situation was a lot more challenging because I had to reverse years of brainwashing and physical changes that being obese had done to my body and mind.

You say all you had to do was eat less.
I had to essentially relearn how to eat and then suffer months from feeling "starved" and hunger panged because my body didn't know how to react to eating significantly less.
I had to learn that consuming caloric drinks was not normal healthy behavior and that drinking water significantly cut my calories. I had to learn to eat food that made me feel fuller, and that food wasn't the food I was used to eating like carbs and sugars.
And at the end of the day, I still felt hungry. Even though I was doing everything right my fat body screamed that I was doing shit wrong.

It fucking sucked for me. And what made it worse was people like you who balked about how "easy" losing weight was and it made me feel like I was even more of an alien. It was complicated and took a shitload of time to even get the process to normalcy. Then I still had months of weight gain and setbacks. So no, your experience is just that--your experience. It is not the norm.

>> No.8505209

And here I thought all you had to worry about with a whale was them breaking a bone or suffocating you with accidental sitting. My friend got her guinea pig literally squished to death because a whale didn't look before beaching herself on her sofa. Poor thing never saw that blue ass coming.

>> No.8505210

Holy shit, that's what happened with my ex gf. What is in the water? I played it, but I never got that much into it. Bitch had like 4 mule accounts by the time we split up.

>> No.8505214

>shitty pet owners not keeping tabs on their pets and expecting others to look after them

>> No.8505232

>your body burns X calories a day simply by existing
>X is higher if you weigh more
>therefore, if you eat below X (calorie deficit) you will lose weight
>the opposite is also true, to gain weight you eat above X

This is simplest form of dieting, making it the easiest to stick with. It works for the most part. So, what you're telling me is that people who succeed are generally fad dieters?

I can just as well say you are not the norm. I was obese too, from childhood. I was also borderline addicted to soda. Tea and gorging myself on water got me through the first month until nighttime hunger pangs stopped.

Even so, most people are nowhere near my old (or your?) level. Just a little above skinnyfat or close to officially obese but not quite. People who let themselves go.

>> No.8505235

Sounds like you're getting played tbh.

>> No.8505238

I moved to a new town and got a new job to get away from my insane parents. I love the city and the job is perfect. Except my old job could pay for a new wardrobe and then some. I would have moved to a different house in my old town except my mom would try everything to drag me home. I take my sanity over my wardrobe any day but I miss having money for frills.

>> No.8505241

it's hard to pinpoint what makes MOBAs so addictive. from an outside perspective, there's a lot of investment in a single match while dropping a significant amount of the responsibility from the RTS genre. the 5v5 format is both conducive to playing with friends, lowers personal responsibility even further, and also makes it easy to get angry at the game, which for some people gets them to play even more to 'make up' for that lost game. in cases like dota there's outright gambling too for cosmetics, and valve's fans have shown an unhealthy penchant for arbitrary cosmetics based on certain items that were accepted with no backlash in TF2.

rest assured someone else has explained this far more eloquently than me, but there is a very large segment of PC gamers that have a very high demand for this sort of game with extremely high time investments despite being casual on the surface, online focus, etc. you can make a solid argument that the casual playerbase for WoW has slowly moved onto MOBAs since Cataclysm or so.

>> No.8505245

>Just a little above skinnyfat or close to officially obese but not quite.

What are you on about?
The obesity rates for US, UK, Mexico, NZ, and Canada are quite alarming. Obviously more people are having a hard time losing weight than you realize.

>> No.8505259

This is what I suspect as well. I've never been fat but I remember talking to a male ex-fatty who said he has no respect for fat people for that reason.

>> No.8505265

my comm has a three strike rule. if you RSVP and don't show up, that's a strike. get three of them and you're out of the comm.

>> No.8505275

So there is this girl who is my comm who I was sort told to friend (a mutual friend sent me a message saying that this other girl moved and wanted to friend some of the lolitas). Suddenly all I see is her shitting post all over my facebook. She thinks she is a model and has fans and takes fan pictures of their names on paper hanging out of her mouth. Her photos are so filtered white it looks like she has a nose. She makes handmade lolita which are actually not that badly constructed but are made with such low quality material and suddenly become a mod for the com. I just really want to post all of her stupid shit on btb and cgl but i have a feeling she might know it is me... I think i may finally do it with her overreaction of someone criticizing her cherry dress (if anyone saw that on here) by quitting the facebook group and saying they are all bullies and starting a group called "Lolita is for everyone".

>> No.8505281

The work one is undisputable, it should have ended at that. The second one is understandable because you may feel like you are wasting time. The third one can seem kinda vain but over all they should have dropped it.

>> No.8505283

For starters, obese doesn't always mean extremely rotund individuals. Just as many of these obese people can pass off a chubby or even "normal" until you see them in a bathing suit for the latter. They're officially obese, but not what people imagine most obese individuals to be like. This is due to the way BMI works in the US, not sure about the other nations but it can't be that far off. Many of these folks are just plain old fat and even most obese people aren't THAT addicted to food but put on the pounds over the years.

Most from my experience don't even attempt a diet and are mostly complacent about their weight. Many who do will not get the basics and instead of simply eating less of the foods they already eat they'll do a 180 (really the opposite of what you want to do.) for a few weeks if they do try. Will likely drop it because 180s are a pain, and they're also unnecessary. Then you have the fitness industry telling you to activate your almonds, and to only buy organic foods, be vegan/paleo/keto/whatever. People will try those, get frustrated/feel like shit having to go through these hoops and drop it as well.

Maybe it's not "easy" (it's tedious, at first, I can agree to that. But not torturous) but it's not as hard as people make it out to be.

>> No.8505297

Ok, I have gotten that deep with a game. Mine just had a smaller player base and shittier graphics.
>HnH no lyfe

>> No.8505299

The term you're looking for is 'overweight'

>> No.8505302

>activate your almonds
the fuck is that

>> No.8505305

>tfw used to be addicted to runescape
those were dark times

>> No.8505307
File: 88 KB, 780x585, w4zmCHE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one knows.

>> No.8505310

Ooooh! Sprouted. Sprouted almonds.

>> No.8505311

Links to said videos please? I can't find anything just by searching her name

>> No.8505319

>180s are unnecessary
If you told an obesechan to completely replace their beverages with water, stop eating carbs like pizza and fried starches, and to reduce their portion sizes by a third and exercise 5 times a week for 30 minutes minimally, they would consider that a 180. And those changes are extremely necessary to diet and lifestyle changes.

Stop arguing with me and stop telling me my experience doesn't count because you have preconceived notions about diet industry shilling and chronic complainers.

A stupid /ck/ meme.

>> No.8505324

I agree. A 100lbs person could've sat on it and it still wouldn't have made it.

>> No.8505330

I dated and still after breaking up have a stalker.

>> No.8505333

Haven and Hearth is worse, I'd say. The cold war never ended, it just continued on the falsely adorable sandbox open pvp hell that I used to be a poopsocky no-lifer for. Dark times.

>> No.8505375

>to completely replace their beverages with water

Helps immensely, not needed if you know how much calories you're putting in yourself when drinking said beverages.

>stop eating carbs like pizza and fried starches

How about eating 2 instead of 4 slices instead of cutting it out entirely?

>and exercise 5 times a week for 30 minutes minimally

Very helpful, but not necessary. At least when it comes to mere weightloss instead of general health. It will speed things up, but you're not going to lose progress if you don't do it.

>and stop telling me my experience doesn't count

Right back at you, and my experience doesn't?

>preconceived notions about diet industry shilling

I don't hate the diet industry but they do, in fact, make things worse for a lot of people. This is admittedly because they also promote good health, and that does require 180s. The truth is that losing weight and being mostly healthy can be mutually exclusive things. If you >just< want to lose weight then you can do it a lot more comfortably than they would have you believe.

>chronic complainers.

Nah, I didn't really bring them up. My point is that you don't need a 180 (crash dieting) and people over-complicate it which often sets themselves up for failure. I then went on to state that since it was a simple method, it's the one mostly likely to succeed. In long term I should add, because it's mainly someone's old habits toned down by about 15-25%. Like the reverse of someone putting on the pounds in middle age. That's it.

And in the following post I stated that your average overweight and even obese individual isn't on the level that they pretty much drink beverages exclusively. Which is what you told me you did.

Averages, we're talking about averages here.

>> No.8505380





There are more if you search any combination of Cambria and Fat. Most of the clips on Stuffer 31 are behind a paywall, but you can preview them (and they're fucking hilarious). I archived a lot of these pages just in case. I hate this bitch, I'm so happy all of these exist.

Why would you ever make enemies who hate your guts when the internet is filled with your fatporn?

>> No.8505402

I definitely considered it when it happened but it's been quite a few months now, and I'm not a minor or anything. There's no proof against her. No evidence. Nothing but my word. And I just don't want to waste my time in court only to get my case thrown out due to lack of evidence. I may call her out eventually. It's just kinda scary.

>> No.8505410

Can i be your friend?

>> No.8505411

A lolita who I sold a dress to a year ago and friended me just made a big anti-GMO post. She is now unfriended.

I haven't found an anti-GMOer who actually knows what GMO means and they end up sounding like "IT'S GENETICALLY MODIFIED, THAT MEANS IT'S POISON AND THEY'RE MAKING IT UNHEALTHY"

I really should start selling "all organic compound" labelled food and snacks, which they will buy because "it's organic and organic means healthy!!!"

>> No.8505418


>> No.8505419

>my experience doesn't
You're the one saying your experience is the norm and argued against someone who used generalities. I don't understand why you're pitching a fuss.

>> No.8505423

>not drinking caloric drinks
>reducing intake
>exercising regularly
>avoiding carbs and sugars
That's "crash dieting" to you? Don't you know the diffetence between changing habits and crash dieting? You sound more like a meatheaded fitizen by the post. Stoppp.

>> No.8505425

>wear normalfag clothes
>feel bad and bored with life, hate every second
>wear casual j-fash
>harassed by teenagers

you just cant win

also i need to lose weight and all my self-control has evaporated and im struggling to even just maintain

>> No.8505432

My boyfriend was really into league when we started dating (like he was/is diamond really into league) but I fortunately got him to cut back on it when I'm around because him being angry at the game makes me uncomfortable. I feel like a goddamn wizard. I'm sorry you had the opposite experience. League sucks.

My thing I need to get off my chest is that it turns out that one of my ex friends is totally the type of person to ditch a friend she's known for years over a guy she just met. I'm bitter as fuck, but I at least get the vindictive joy of knowing that all our mutual friends like me better so soon she'll be stuck with her gaggle of only-her friends, half of which she doesn't like and the other half of which live in a different state. So fuck her, now the only thing left to do is stop having sadness pangs when she's not around.

>> No.8505436

And it pretty much is. People will stick to the least complicated things. If you stick with something you'll succeed. So it's often the average path of success due to minimal effort. That's as uncomplicated as it gets. I don't know why that has to even be disputed.

>I don't understand why you're pitching a fuss.

I'm not. Or at least, I wasn't. The initial post was to say that those generalities are exaggerated and that said generalities should be toned down in the general public.
>That's "crash dieting" to you?

No. Far from it, but you can do even less than that. A lot of people think you need to do even more than what you listed. Which is why I called bullshit on the 180s. You know? The post I originally replied to that said you generally need to do 180s?

>> No.8505438

>You sound more like a meatheaded fitizen by the post
No, she sounds like every other dumb seagull who claims to know anything about dieting and weightloss. At least /fit/ knows enough about nutrition and the difference between crash diets and lifestyle changes.

>> No.8505442

At this point, you should stop lifting. If your muscles are showing, it means that you lost enough fat in your arms.
(Muscles are show if your body fat is below a certain point)
You only need to stop lifting so that the muscles lose power and become smaller.

>> No.8505532

I don't see her often, typically only at meets and cons, she saw her favorite lip gloss at a store, and I bought it for her, that's all

I'm aware, I'm going to tone things down with her and see if she drops off radar

>> No.8505539

>had long mid-back length hair
>wanted to donate it all
>cut it all to a pixie cut
>everyone hated it so much
>mom hated it and wished I wouldn't have cut it off
>'mom, it's easier for me to wear a wig cap now too! And it's easier for me to take care of!'
>she grew to like it
>fast forward a year and a half
>shaved almost all of it off for a cosplay
>friends are okay with it
>mom learns to deal
>grandpa being really rude and saying offensive things
>dad saying things like 'you could totally do that sort of hair style if you would just grow it back out again!'

I am not growing it out for a while, I like my hair this short
>mfw it's cool to look at the progression of my my 5+ haircuts in 2 years

>> No.8505569
File: 2.23 MB, 320x240, VERia8A.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could change my friend circle. The ones I love seeing are too far away for us to meet regularly and I work all the time, to make things worse. We'd hang around and talk about lolita, go out whenever, and have a ton of fun.

Meanwhile, the friends that are closer to me have been annoying the shit out of me because of their childish ways (passive aggressive to the max, flaky, and overall immature for their age). I don't feel like I can connect with them at all anymore, and it's shitty because I still like them to a degree, but I've begun to turn into a recluse. I just want more chill friends that I can go out in lolita / talk about whatever with that I can see more often.

>> No.8505612

>bought dream print from Yahoo Auctions
>skirt arrives, so excited
>but it looks different from stock photos
>know replicas of this print don't exist
>looks at cleaning tag
>says 'SAMPLE'
>seller didn't mention this at all

I mean, it's better than accidentally buying a replica, but still.

>> No.8505626

I would contact the seller, that's frustrating

>> No.8505657

I just loathe this girl so much. The first time I met her we stopped at her apartment, but I knew about her previously from some very unsightly "cosplay" of some kind of BSDM cat at a con a few years back. Her apartment looks like white trash central basically, no back on the toilet bowl, the bathroom was covered in pubes, everything was layered with mold and grease, her cat litter box was in the middle of the apartment and it looked like it hadn't been cleaned in years. Literally the ENTIRE rug was covered in dirt, tiny fabric scraps and god knows what else.

She's pretty much known for attentionwhoring, since almost all of her cosplays are basically a bikini, or even less. If it explains anything to you, she's done MeMeMe! fansigns for men while spreading her legs basically. I didn't really care that much about her until she announced that she was planning on doing a Love Live group, and of all the characters she chose Nico. Literally the smallest chested, non sexual character, and internally I just know she's going to find a way to put her boobs out there to get attention. I think we all have one character that we get upset about when they're not done right or displayed wrong, and that's Nico for me. I am going to cringe so fucking hard when she finishes, and I'm just really disappointed my favorite character is probably going to be soiled by a Jessica Nigri mime. I'm being salty as fuck and I'll admit it, but I just really needed to get this off my chest.

>> No.8505673

This is a simple vent, but I'll put it out there. I am too anxious and nervous to start lolita fashion. I'm moving to a new town, and I already do cosplay and love it. But something about even a small investment in such a fashion and actually wearing it scares me. I fear my parents will disapprove, I won't have occasions to wear it because its hard for me to get to meets, I fear that I will buy a bunch of stuff for it and only wear it once and let it gather dust in the closet. This makes me feel I should start with a simpler j-fashion or work my way into it a little, but that scares me too. I shop lace market, egl sales, BST here, mbok, and YJ all the time and watch brand releases, and I see great deals that I just pass up on because I'm such a weenie. I see dresses that are gorgeous and pretty cheap on taobao, but I don't have the guts to get a major order from China. I worry too much about my parents' and cultures' approval. I'm sure my friends would be cool with it. It just hard when anxiety and depression that is a real serious issue creeps into things like hobbies.

>> No.8505698

I am in the exact same boat as you anon good luck

>> No.8505701

Depends on how tough your school is and how good of a student you are. That's borderline issue-y but depends on the situation

>> No.8505712

This bitch I got back stabbed by years ago died recently. For some reason it makes me really sad. I didn't go to get funeral cuz it would have been awk, but I think about her a lot. I guess I lack closure or something to my hate....

>> No.8505713


I had no idea about her, wow. Things make a little more sense now though. I'm glad I'm nowhere near Ohio now.

>> No.8505748

I still don't know what that is. Are they growing?

>> No.8505756


you soak them in water for a while to supposedly break down certain enzymes and make them easier to digest. no research has been done to prove or disprove this idea.

source: 5 seconds of googling just now. you're welcome.

>> No.8505776

Teenagers harass you? Cunt punt the little mallrats.

>> No.8505777

I don't think i know how to have fun anymore. Everything I do just feels like I'm going through the motions. I can't relate to anyone, nothing feels good and I don't know what to do with myself or how to connect with anyone. I can fake my way through a conversation and smile, but I just want to leave. I can't bond with anyone but I crave a meaningful relationship. I don't know what to do with myself.

>> No.8505780

>tfw kissless virgin
>meet cute guy while studying abroad
>hit it off
>things get really intense emotionally
>he has a gf
>try to back off, but fails
>tell each other secrets, share childhood memories, inside jokes, etc. for hours
>go sightseeing together every day, go to restaurants, and then chat late into the night
>did I mention he has a gf
>return from study abroad
>hardly talks to me
>was this considered emotionally cheating...?

Welp, I sort of deserve it. I'm just sort of annoyed at all of us right now.

>> No.8505787

Oh poor you, you had to voluntarily socialize on the internet.

Thanks for the info I guess.

>> No.8505799

There is a cosplayer and she hates me for the stupiest reason ever.
I said on facebook that I don't like Jnig and she attacked me like I said I don't like her. A con a half year after the incident, she only looked at me like she wished me dead. Before the incident we even cosplayed together.
I really don't know why she acts like this.

She always was a really nice and good cosplayer (her costumes are 100 times better than Jnigs) but she starts to act like Jnig 2.0.
Lucky for me, she lives in another country and see her only once a year.

>> No.8505802

I always ask people if they are getting something in the mail if I can't think of another subject and I'm genuinely interested. I love to see people's faces of excitement when they talk about their dream items in the mail!

>> No.8505814

>I really don't know why she acts like this.
>she starts to act like Jnig 2.0.

Well there you go.

>> No.8505825

>dad saying things like 'you could totally do that sort of hair style if you would just grow it back out again!'

Ugh, fuck hate it when parents do that shit. I know more about what I need to do with my natural hair for a cosplay than you do. My mom was the same way originally, I wanted to get a mohawk and she tried giving me some weird little fauxhawk which didn't look anything the character I was doing.

>> No.8505847

He continuously drops hints about growing it back out, and I told him that I'm perfectly happy with the way that it looks right now

Parents need to back off sometimes

>> No.8505871

fuck off back to reddit this place is 18+ only

>> No.8505885

I am what you consider a hobo lolita i dont own any brand or off brand i only own loliable clothing, so the fact that i can bearly even afford bodyline makes me cringe not because its bodyline but because of what i always tend to do with my money i usually alwayd end up giving my parents every single cent i have i dont regret it i just wish i could give them half and keep the rest but foe some reason keeping some for myself makes me feeling extreamly guilty and that pisses me off

>> No.8505886

I ordered through FromJapan, so I don't know if contacting them would help me very much, but I'll try. Thanks for the advice!

>> No.8505889

Please excuse my shitty ass grammar i just really needed to let some stuff out

>> No.8505902

Ok here goes. If i have shitty grammar; please excuse it.
There's this annoying girl at my comm and she was a pretty good friend with me. However we stop talking to each other for a while now. She's home school all the way up to college so whenever she had an issue socially she use that as her excuse. Her household is also very religious. She used to have a lot of friend but they slowly stop talking to her because of the shit she says. She would often say judgmental stuffs but doesn't realize it.
Last December she wanted to make a meet up but she didn't know what she was doing so she just made an event on fb and it turns out over 200+ people wanted to go. She ended up canceled the meet because the venue was like 4k. She has a fit about it because the comm mod wasn't "helping her" so for the rest of the year up until lolita day she said she quit the comm. She even wanted to go to my comm which is significantly smaller in number.
Fast forward to this year lolita day. She ask me to help her out with buttons for the meet.
>I had finals with printing and math class so i did what i could.
It ended up she couldn't pressed the button that i design because she didn't have enough materials and "it wouldn't be on time". She made it clear that she no longer interest in making buttons or contributing for the event. So I also took off my art. When i arrive at the event i saw her stuffs all over the place. She offers to draw a chibi of everyone's coord in order to promote her art page. The sad thing is that her art is weird but everyone loves it anyways because she's suddenly friend with the mod again. (cont)

>> No.8505903

It annoys me to no end that she would turn 180 and act like she's the victim. She's coddled so i guess she doesn't know what having a job and going to shcool is like.

>> No.8505905

I can totally relate to you i too have been treated pretty shitty in my friendships

>> No.8505919
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Well played, Carlos, you son of a bitch.

>> No.8505928

My comm has a pair of sisters who fit the brand description and are skinny, but not much else. Still I'm curious if it is about them.

>> No.8505959

We have a somewhat tumblr famous chick in my comm and she's the biggest shitstirrer that just reeks of autism. Our comm is always quite peaceful until she starts acting out AGAIN, and claims she's getting bullied when people tell her to get her fucking act together.

She never talks about ANYTHING but herself, and people outside of lolita thinks she's well-liked in our comm despite her being hated in pretty much ANY hobby she touches so our comm is getting side-eyed like fuck, while we all are actually just tolerating her because we don't want any unnecessary drama.

I just want to fucking punch her smug face

>> No.8506015

Sorry you were raised by wolves, anon

>> No.8506020

Tell him to work out then too. Its not bad wanting to live longer and healthier. He should be grateful you are wanting to extend your life and marriage.

>> No.8506049
File: 4 KB, 132x136, no quiero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking cosplayers who constantly switch plans or drop cosplays or pick up cosplays 3 days before the con because it's the new trend or because they can't fucking control their own urges.
I don't know why but it just pisses me off so much.

>> No.8506052

Maybe a change of scenery? Take a mini vacay to another city or something.

>> No.8506053

Yes it is emotionally cheating and you should have backed off. Don't horn in on other peoples relationships.

>> No.8506063

My temporary roommates are pissing me the fuck off.
>leaves clean dishes in the sink and gets mad when I don't know they are clean because who the fuck leaves clean dishes next to dirty dishes in sink
>doesn't wash the outside of said dishes so there are finger prints and lipstick/lipmarks on bowls and glasses
>doesn't take wash out of wash so I basically have to wash around THEIR schedule
>live in area where recycling is hella picky and they STILL don't take labels off of cans and wash out bottles like we have been asked to do so we get our trash refused constantly
>guy leaves underwear in the bathroom and girl just picks it up with my SOs underwear and washes it together…

Trying to be a nice person by helping them out but I've reached my limit.

>> No.8506071

>girl I like doesn't want kids
>I do
>It can never happen because this is something that neither of us will change our minds about

It infuriates and saddens me at the same time, now I just feel numb. I just want to lie down and I want things to change, because I just don't know what to do anymore.

Something similar has happened to me before but it was regarding another topic just as important.

Every other goal I set, I achieve, but being happy just outright fucking eludes me.

>> No.8506094

guuuurl i know that shitty roommate feel

My former roommate never cleaned anything, dishes would sit out for weeks before someone else in the apartment would clean it

>> No.8506119
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>Have an angelic pretty dress I ask my mum not to wash when she offers because I am scared it will run
>Next day I receive a text while I am out at noon.
>Hi, I washed your dress, the red didn't bleed! It looks perfect! :-) XXX
>bit annoyed because I asked her not to but whatever, reply cool thanks.
>get home that night at 8pm after work.
>My dress is out on the fucking line, we live in a rural area and there are a fuck load of trees around and birds ect, it's been raining buckets.
>get inside to put my stuff down so I can go get the dress off the line
>ask mum why she would leave the dress out there in the rain and wind when I was too scared to even wash it in the machine.
>Oh sorry anon I forgot about it
>Go get dress and headbow off line
>they are completely soaked through
>ask mum why she would even hang them outside when we have drying racks inside
>I thought the wind would iron them for you anon.
>I am beyond butt flustered by try to keep my chill because I know she was at least trying to do the right thing even though I explicitly asked her not to.
>The headbow now has a small green stain on the stark white lace and the ribbon trim is all warped on the dress like the dress underneath has shrunk and looks cheap as hell
>the next day she asks me why I look upset
>try to avoid the question because I know she will get mad if she knows I am upset with her
>she asks if I am still upset about the dress like she can't believe it
>she then starts yelling at me and telling me the ribbon is messed up because I brought it inside to dry and then when I leave complains loudly about how she just tried to do things nice and doesn't get any appreciation for it
>am beyond butt flustered because when I ask her to do things she always complains or doesn't and will only do 'nice' things when it suits her
I will hopefully be able to iron the puckers out but I don't even feel like going to the meet because I would have to ask her to drive me to the train station

>> No.8506123

Yeah nah anon. She was purposefully trying to destroy that dress.

Why the hell would she "wash," or rather soak, a headbow? And then not take them off the line when it looks like shit outside?
Damn that's not even a petty feel, that's just you being upset at blatant disregard for your property.

>> No.8506127

I don't think she was actually trying to destroy it, the headbow has yellowing on the lace. She had left throughout the day to go shopping and she said she hadn't been home for long before I got there. It just got me so angry, she does stuff like this quite often and it really gets to me, I have spent the majority of tonight crying because I'm so upset about my dress, the ribbon on the bodice is so jacked up I don't think I will be able to fix it even if I am able to iron around the buttons. I just don't understand parents need to yell at you or make you feel worse when you are obviously already very upset over something.

>> No.8506129

How old are you?

>> No.8506132

I'm 18 but still completing my final year of highschool and I am not in a financial situation to move out if that's what you are getting at. I assume you are just thinking I am a 14 year old because I am having a cry over parents trying to be nice.

>> No.8506140

Are you the anon who is forced to move out because your parents are moving into a mobile home?

>> No.8506146
File: 90 KB, 500x377, this shit upsets me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thread is autosage anyway so let me get this off my chest:
>state is raising minimum wage for fast food workers only in franchises who have more than 30 restaurant locations to $15/hr
>all the dumb whores who never went to school, never worked before, etc. are rejoicing this as a win for fucking equality
>even though all these businesses will do is cut their hours even more to save on shit like bennies and justify that by saying that they at least get paid more
>meanwhile important professions like nursing, emergency services, teaching, and social work still get paid less than that hourly amount usually $9-13/hr
>governor promises wage increase for everyone
>maybe by 2021
>yet somehow those fucking fast foodies deserve it more
>it's a fucking disgrace

Me and my friends wants to earn more for our hobbies, god damn it. You know, because we actually worked our way up from minimum wage jobs and went to school to train a skill.

>> No.8506152

No not at all.

>> No.8506203

> mom only willing to help you when you really don't want help
> pulls the "no one appreciates me" card when she fucks up by doing something you warned her not to multiple times
> to top it off she blames you for it

I know that exact feel anon. Thank god my mom never touches my lolita stuff.

>> No.8506273

>>meanwhile important professions like nursing, emergency services still get paid less than that hourly amount usually $9-13/hr

Lol no they don't, I can guarantee you they make more than that in NY where that bill past. Also there's something called the "cost of living" and it's different between states you should look it up before you say something like this irl and embarrass yourself.

>> No.8506284

You're delusional. There's been social work jobs at county offices around here who get an hourly wage of $11.
EMTs I know have complained that they don't make over $15 an hour.
And most nurses I'm friends with don't make a salaried wage and are typically around the same. Uncertified care workers don't have a hope in hell.
New teachers certainly aren't making that.

You fucking tool.

>> No.8506328


>> No.8506454

>EMTs I know have complained that they don't make over $15 an hour.
In NY?

Because the average wage for a CNA in NY (aka minimally licensed housekeeper / caretaker) makes an average of $17. Based on that, nurses would be making around $26 an hour, full parametics (not starting bls babies) a little less at like $23 is probably. I don't know anything about social work or teaching but I know for a fact that the rest of your numbers are complete horseshit.

No you're a tool, quit being a little bitch because good things are happening for other people. You being upset at seeing other people make a few more dollars than they used to is the same logic used to keep ALL low earning jobs down. You're pathetic.

>> No.8506560

I really should have. I didn't try hard enough...I'm really beating myself up about this tbh

>> No.8506581

>"average" EMT salary
You are such a fool. Much like nurses (who, like I said are not always registered at that) work for private companies. The company decides what they are paid, not the state. Your "average" is just that, an average so it doesn't account for everyone. So blow that one out your ass.
>I don't know anything about social work or teaching
Damn right you fucking don't.

No they're not. Holy fuck you're dumb.
Don't you get it? It's menial labor, all a company like McDick's has to do is cut peoples' hours ("Oh you're getting 15 hours a week? Well good thing you get paid that $15/hr") and/or fire people to make up for the losses for their higher payroll. It won't solve shit.
And you better watch out, because in Australia McDick's already testing automated machines that take people's orders so front house isn't as essential.

You're a tool who thinks that raising minimum wage for one group of people, for no good reason, is going to do jack shit or lower the cost of living for NY state. No wonder hard-working people who don't live on welfare are getting the fuck out of there.

>> No.8506601

My friend is a bad cosplayer. She refuses to to use wigs and edits her hair and eye colour with photoshop.
I'm so paranoid I'll one day see her on here.
I've told her multiple times that wigs are the best way to go but she just continues to be lazy and shop her pics.
I hate having to keep these feelings to myself.

>> No.8506634

>Much like nurses (who, like I said are not always registered
You realize there is no such thing as an unregistered or unlicensed nurse right? You NEED to have a license to legally call yourself a nurse in 90% of states including NY. Same with CNA. But don't mind me, continue yelling about stuff you are completely ignorant about!

You are really delusional. Have a nice day and don't try to educate yourself!

>> No.8506651

>has never heard of nursing aides or assistants who don't need cert
>many refer to themselves as nurses regardless
Lmao. Bye basic bitch. Love how you couldn't even rebuttal the other points.

>> No.8506832


A nursing aide and an assistant to a nurse is not a nurse, because they didn't get certification.

You realize that'd be sort of like an intern at an engineering firm calling themselves an engineer, and complaining about not getting paid an engineer's salary?

You're not ignorant, no, but you are not in fact arguing what you said you were arguing in the first place.

Nurses, ACTUAL nurses, not just people who call themselves one, are certified and make significantly more than what you said.

Nursing aides and assistants are uncertified labor, so of COURSE they're going to be making less.

You can't say "Oh, nurses make so little money" then, when it's pointed out that they make a significant amount, turn around and say "Oh, well no I mean nursing aides who call themselves nurses make so little money."

That would be because they are not, in fact, the profession you were arguing about, even if they pretend to be one.

This is where the confusion lay, not because one person was wrong or ignorant, but because your definition of a nurse was "anybody who works in a nurse-like profession and calls themselves a nurse" and his definition of a nurse is "a certified nurse practitioner"

Which make different amounts of money, not from prejudice, bureaucracy, or social iinjustice, but because they are in fact different jobs with different levels of training.

My friend works in a sandwich shop, and even if he called himself a Chef, it wouldn't make him one, because he's just a sandwich grunt, at most you could call him a line cook, although his duties are more in line with a prep cook.

>> No.8507004

Lol. Thought you left?

Anyway, nice TL;DR. I see you still can't address the original points and instead strawman over "nurse" semantics.
Better hurry up and have the last word hunny, you got about two more hours until this thread kabooms for good.

>> No.8507068

I totally agree. Even nursing assistants / aids (cna's) do need licenses in almost ever state, hence "certified nursing assistant," so there is no such thing as a uncertified nursing assistant though which just means that the person you're responding too doesn't know what she's talking about.

So more accurate is someone complaining that they don't make a nurse's salary when they don't have any medical qualifications, they are actually just a janitor in a hospital.

That wasn't me haha but someone else. It's not just nursing semantics btw, it's very relevant because it shows first hand that you have literally no idea what you're talking about.

Those fast food workers rallied, protested, and risked their jobs and got their pay raise and they deserve it. Your "Unlicensed Nurse / EMT" friends don't get paid anything because they're not legitimate licensed medical professional which means they are illegally using those protected titles and honestly deserve to be thrown in jail for it. Sorry but I can't charge people my services as a doctor and get $200 dollars an hour because I own a few bandaids, it's not the way life works.

>> No.8507242

I do appreciate that she tries to help but my SO has the attitude of "if you're gonna do it at all, do it right" and I agree with him. I don't mind washing dishes but washing them twice as much is not something I should be doing in the first place. And her SO doesn't do ANYTHING until we ask him to and even then he takes his sweet ass time. We refer to them as our kids jokingly because this must be what parenting feels like. Frustrating as hell.

>> No.8507252

I know this isn't the easiest thing to do, but the way I see it you got 2 choices. Either leave her and look for someone who does want kids (its not a crazy weird question when going on dates to ask about someones future plans) or you can deal with the fact that she isn't gonna budge (or maybe just stay with her hoping she will change her mind). Either way good luck friend. You can always adopt if childbirth makes her afraid.

>> No.8507296

I'm a ftm and I get really nervous cosplaying males at cons, hell even when I'm in normal clothes I get nervous. I don't want to be called a "fakeboi" and I feel like that's going to happen because my face is still a bit feminine, even after some hormone treatment. It's to the point that my voice cracks when I correct people on my pronouns.

>> No.8507405

Golden Rule. Don't want it done to you, don't do it to someone else.

Just learn your lesson and don't do it again, so then you won't have to feel this way.
>i am projecting pretty damn hard because I emotionally cheated on my SO too and I don't want to see other people fall into that trap

>> No.8507431

You kind of have to just take the plunge, anon. If it helps at all lolita is an easy fashion to have a small amount of commitment to, since it keeps resale value. If you find great deals all the time, you can buy it and if you ever feel like it's not for you anymore, you can probably sell it off for the same price. I hope you're able to do it!

>> No.8507565

Thanks anon. I think I'm gotta wait to get my 300$ hoy grail dream dress and get a cute gingham dress that is easier to coord (and its under 100$)

>> No.8507744

There's a girl im my community who just uses other people to get something out of them. Wether it's getting free photoshoots or groups with people who are popular, it keeps happening, it's really disgusting and I wish she would do something herself for once.

>> No.8507822

Everything is free game in vendetta thread. Just be grateful it's pretty much contained all here. Don't like it, hide thread

>> No.8507859

Thanks, anon. I think I've learned my lesson, now I need to move on.

>> No.8508549


Vent thread, you came just in time.

>be 14 yr old and drew lots of manga comics
>Mum with schizophrenia & anger problems tore up everything to pieces.
>She destroyed the only escape & happiness I had
>Fast forward present time, parents are visiting from out of town. Her temperament has deteriorated since then.
>Remembered what she did in the past (plus beatings) and packed up my lolita to a safe house. Just in case.
>Parents arrived. Mum never lasted a day and got physically attacked by her. Told her to leave.
>Collected my lolita wardrobe, feeling a little numb. I've had it.
>Nothing bad happened to something I loved for a change.
>Lolita keeps me smiling.
>Abusive Mum can go forth and multiply.

>> No.8509573

>muh pronouns

You people are the worst.

>> No.8509881

I'm so sick of living in this politically correct era, it is making me really sick of humanity.
I wish Steven Universe cosplayers, Homestuck cosplayers, and furries would leave anime conventions forever. All three communities are filled with eyesores and unnecessary drama.
Steampunk has nothing to do with anime and its community is cringeworthy.
I hate the artstyle of games like League of Legends, DOTA2, Hearthstone, etc. It looks like Deviantart tryhard vomit.
Rule 63 cosplays are never good, just pick a different character if you don't want to crossplay.
Mermaids are overrated.
Emo/Scene needs to stay dead, it was never attractive.
Pokemon and MLP are dying and this pleases me.

>> No.8510769

A girl I dislike is on the poster for a con I really want to go to and I'm going to have to see her everywhere in the lead up to the event and the actual event. Makes me sad.