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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8490934 No.8490934 [Reply] [Original]

What does /cgl/ think about lolita coords that rely heavily on a theme? Do you have any favorite OTT themed coords? Have any of you started planning for Halloween yet? Halloween is all about the themes.

>> No.8490942
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>> No.8491001

I started planning, i thought it was too early lol but most of my stuff is either taobao,ebay, or aliexpress so I want to have some wiggle room for time management just in case something doesnt come in time/looks bad.
I love halloween coords, themed ones are even better. But to be honest most OTT outfits, even if it doesnt have a theme like witch or sailor, looks like an awesome costume to "normies" if you're not doing lolita specific meetups for the day. Either way, halloween is the best day to go bananas on a coord in my opinion.

>> No.8491054
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Looking for some opinions.

I've been trying to come up with something cute for Halloween. Last year it was cold and rainy, so I was thinking of making a comfy hooded jacket, but I'm not too sure if I should make open sleeved or just go with giant bear paws. Ideas or suggestions?

>> No.8491055

I was thinking of doing a really costume-y coord with my BTSSB Wiz Me Over The Rainbow JSK in blue.

>> No.8491551
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I have a few themed coordinates. I'm a fan of them, but I cosplay so I'm biased to inspired stuff.

>> No.8491555
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Giant bear paws sound adorable anon. If it's fluffy or something, even better.

>> No.8491559
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>> No.8491565
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>> No.8491570
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>> No.8491576
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>> No.8491621

I like this but
Seriously, what the fuck

>> No.8491993
File: 126 KB, 635x960, 10968585_1024295004253933_5453076760847090894_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lord of the rings coord

>> No.8491999

>not captioning it coord of the rings

>> No.8492036
File: 104 KB, 447x711, 988886_1451750905065562_5129229353346176728_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like the way her put the sari on coord

>> No.8492076

God this is so gorgeous. Love it every time I see it.

>> No.8492126

This looks like shit. She looks like a potato.

>> No.8492141

I have an idea for a Halloween coord but not sure how to execute it or if others would get it. It's been something I've been thinking about for a few years I've just never really thought further than the idea. I'd like to do a Charlotte Sometimes themed coord (Penelope Farmer novel). Knowing me though I'll probably just do a witch coord again.

>> No.8492147

potatoes can look pretty damn good sometimes, you know?

maybe find better descriptive words

>> No.8492150

Like salty?
Salty potatoes can also be good sometimes.

>> No.8492158
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>> No.8492160
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>> No.8492161

I wish she had of the done the eye makeup too!

>> No.8492184

Good one anon, but no.

>> No.8492190
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>> No.8492214

I actually really like this. Does she have a tumblr or other blog?

>> No.8492232

i found her on facebook, her name is Lais Gonçalves

>> No.8492237
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>When a cosplayer tries to loli.

Although honestly, her coords are normally nice. I have no idea what this clusterfuck is about.

>> No.8492268

I'm not the girl you posted but this photo was from a small OTT meet and it was encouraged to dress as OTT as you wish as it's often not possible to wear OTT for most of the comms meets. She looked fantastic and even more so in person just like everyone who attended the meet.

>> No.8492270
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>> No.8492278
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>> No.8492298
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>> No.8492339

Absolutely nothing about it is lolita, though.

>> No.8492366

lolita skirt, lolita blouse, lolita socks, lolita shoes, petticoat, right shape, outfit is a bit wonky and ott but is still recognizably lolita

>> No.8492414

OTT Alice themed coords are usually so euuuggh but damn I fucking love the chess piece crown and the disheveled cards in her hair (and the tiny cheek one). Any pics of the full outfit?

>> No.8492510

Is self-posting encouraged in this thread?

>> No.8492527

it looks like she's charging or something like that

>> No.8492529

I am about to cry this is stunning oh gosh

>> No.8492530

>no signature eyelash
>no eyeball accessories.
pft. try again anon.

>> No.8492800

It was instantly recognizable to me.

>> No.8492842

This is perfect, I'd love the one fake eyelash though!

Almost everytime my boyfriend carries my BTSSB black parasol he always pretend to be Alex. I guess he just loves A Clockwork Orange.

>> No.8492846


no to you too

>> No.8492877

Look very closely at her left eye. I'm pretty sure the eyelash is there, just very very hard to see.

>> No.8492967

cringe is real

That wrinkled skirt. Purple? why? nothing related really.

>> No.8494045


>> No.8494065
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it's the first time i see an guy doing OTT

>> No.8494122

Bunny with a stick up it's ass.

>> No.8494164

This is perfection.

>> No.8494506
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>> No.8494513
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>> No.8494568

I really want to do a Marie Antoinette coordinate with one of those chokers that looks like a sliced neck. I know it would be tacky and I would save it for Halloween but still...

>> No.8494579

>Antoinette OP in coming in September
>no Halloween costume/coord ideas yet

Don't tempt me anon...

>> No.8494791

from the thumbnail i thought the ceiling lines were some weird madonna crown

>> No.8494800


>beautiful OP with tacky costume idea

Normally I'd be against these things, but I have to admit, you have some flair. Please post pics if you execute this.

>> No.8494979

What is going on here lol