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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8490333 No.8490333 [Reply] [Original]

"I have to use Party City wigs. I'm on a tight budget and cosplay wigs are way too expensive."

"Styling wigs? It's physically impossible to make a wig look Goku's hair."

"Well it *is* cosplay, so your sword doesn't have to be 100% accurate."

"What's wrong with closet cosplay? The point of cosplaying is to have fun, not to look just like the character."

"I don't have own anything that looks like that character, so I'll have borrow some things from my friends. Do you have anything in your closet I can use?"

"It's okay, you don't have to make me a hat, I'll just use this old beanie I have lying around. You'll do it for free as a birthday present? Really, it's okay, you don't have to waste your time on me."

>> No.8490335

This is all stuff I heard within the past week, btw.

>> No.8490341

Lolita edition:
"I don't want to wear a blouse (under my jsk)/can't afford one"
"Can I use (item not appropriate for lolita" in my coord?"
"Everything is offbrand!"
"No concrit please!"
"Why is everything so expensive?"
"There's nothing wrong with replicas"
"But I don't want to wear a petticoat"
"There are no rules in lolita, it's about being yourself"
"Lolitas are so mean!"
"What do you mean my makeup isn't appropriate?"

>> No.8490345

>The point of cosplaying is to have fun, not to look just like the character.
Well, what IS wrong with cosplaying for fun? If I'm going to dress up as a cartoon character I've decided to at least do it well but nothing makes me cringe as hard as people who try to be elitist about their attention whoring hobby.

Also, closet cosplay is a lot more respectable than just ordering the costume.

>> No.8490346

Not even a lolita, but the "no rules in lolita" comment rustled my jimmies a bit. It's just as annoying when cosplayers think that.

>> No.8490351

Because many closet and 'just for fun' cosplayers then whine that they don't get recognized, photographed, complimented like the people in nicely made or even bought cosplay do.

>> No.8490359

Lately it seems the no blouse and no petti are coming also from those who know better, just from laziness or posting their Normalfag coords that use a lolita piece. Which I don't like.

The hardest thing to reply to is character X doesn't wear glasses but friend cosplaying character doesn't want to or can't wear contacts and has very noticible glasses.

What gets me most? Shitty shoes. "I'm not going to buy a pair of shoes just for cosplay" and then they don't make covers, just wear ratty sneakers.

>> No.8490361

Esp when lolita is a fashion w/ very clear-cut styling rules, at least for the basic look and silhouette.

>> No.8490362

Cosplay is an art form, so no shit people are going to pick apart those who are lazy about it. Part of the fun of cosplay is the making of the cosplay itself, and what's wrong with liking the attention that follows? And like >>8490351 said, closet cosplayers tend to whine when no one pays attention to their shit "costumes".

>Also, closet cosplay is a lot more respectable than just ordering the costume.

I'd much rather see someone buy a mediocre cosplay off one of those generic cosplay sites than buy an oversized t-shirt, wrap a belt around it and call it a Link cosplay. It is also possible to commission a well made cosplay by someone skilled, too.

>> No.8490370

Looks like someone was posted in the bad cosplay thread and feels assblasted about it...

>> No.8490374

>"I'm not going to buy a pair of shoes just for cosplay"
Ugh, this so much. A lot of the time when people say this they elaborate saying W-WELL ONE TIME I BOUGHT MADOKA SHOES OFF EBAY AND THEY WERE SUPER UNCOMFORTABLE!! like of course you're wearing cheap taobao shit, look for lolita shoes or modify a pair of real shoes. Hell, if you're willing to pay a super high price Spreepicky has a pair of shoes that are literally perfect for her, go for them instead.

>> No.8490375

The "no rules in lolita! be yourself uwu!!" attitude has created a new generation of itas, tumblr itas.
classic itas
>black and white milanoob dress
>cat ears
>greasy, unstyled hair
>no makeup
>raschel lace
>striped socks
>maid elements
>body odor
tumblr itas/second generation itas
>bodyline dress (usually squirrel party or antique clock) or
>oojia ap replica or
>sugary carnival, milky planet, or some other popular super sweet print
>cheap pastel wig that doesn't match the coord
>skeleton tights
>those fake cat knee socks
>gothic makeup (black lips, heavy eyeliner, the whole thing)
>failed attempt at combining sweet and gothic (bittersweet or some bs like that)
>"pastel goth"/"creepy cute"
>failed attempt at OTT sweet
>attempt to combine cult party kei and lolita when they don't understand either
>i love LACE sign

>> No.8490381

'How do I dye 'x' (usually something you can get in that exact color, but their color theory won't work)

>> No.8490387

OP here, I'm just now realizing I made all these typos. Sorry about that.

That's what I get for staying up all night.

>> No.8490392

Spreepicky is the same cheap taobao shit at a huge markup.

>> No.8490393

>"The other Lolitas were mean and honestly they should have been lovely. That's what this fashion is all about."

Legitimately heard this at a meet being said by somebody who was perfectly serious. I'm just glad I managed to not burst into laughter at the table.

>> No.8490396
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I hate this attitude that because lolita is a hyper-feminine fashion, we're supposed to be demure and polite. It's a fashion, not an attitude. Lolitas are people. And people are mean. Get over it
And honestly half the time they aren't being mean, they're telling some noob that they aren't following the rules and then the noob flips out and refuses to take concrit

>> No.8490398
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OK that was the wrong photo but oh well

>> No.8490399

More of a shit amateurs do, but I was at a small local con a while ago and there were some girls with incredible coords... But no petticoat. And they tended to pose like a wet rag. If you want to shell out the cash for perfect burando head to toe, wear it well please

>> No.8490401

I was trying to explain to my bf why I was going to the trouble of making a skirt when 'you can buy one just like it in H&M!'

He just didn't understand that cosplay isn't just about the end product, it's also about making something yourself.

>> No.8490410

You sound elitist

>> No.8490415

You sound like a shitty cosplayer.

>> No.8490418

/r/ing 'but lolitas are ment to be lovelies :(' meme

>> No.8490419

I'm just saying, a lot of the intermediate cosplayers I know would rather spend 15 on a skirt than make one for more money and more time, so then they can focus on the more difficult parts of the cosplay like crafting the accessories and doing the intricate details.

If you look down on someone for buying a skirt for their cosplay while the rest is handmade by them than you are an elitist, my friend.

>> No.8490420

Sorry I enjoy crafting more than throwing on a bunch of charity-shop finds and a party city wig and then whining because nobody takes my picture.

>> No.8490422

Oh, it wasn't a regular skirt. The one he was talking about didn't use the same material, so it was pretty inaccurate.

>> No.8490425

Not even that anon, but what if some people enjoy making things rather than buying them? And what if that skirt isn't accurate, just vaguely resembles it and is made of cheap-ass H&M fabric?

If somebody wants to find a skirt that's accurate to the character, then more power to them. But wanting to make your own is not elitist, you dumb shit.

>> No.8490430

I get this all the time with lolita, too.
>making box-pleated lolita skirt in all black velvet
>"lol anon u kno u can just buy black skirts at H&M/Zara/whereever, rite??"
>box-pleated skirts with enough volume to hold a petticoat
>made of good quality velvet

>> No.8490435

Don't worry anon, you aren't cringing at them nearly as badly as people are cringing at you and your half-assed attempt at looking like animu "for fun". :^)

>> No.8490455

I made a secret to BtB ages ago about it. I apologise for my past self behaviour.

>> No.8490478

>The hardest thing to reply to is character X doesn't wear glasses but friend cosplaying character doesn't want to or can't wear contacts and has very noticible glasses.

Isn't the easy solution to this to just take off the glasses for photos?

>> No.8490481

The phrase "bueno, bonito y barato" (good, pretty and cheap) for both cosplay and lolita. Both are expensive hobbies, if you have a budget of $50 you are going to look like shit.

>> No.8490519

OP here, that's pretty much the case for one of the guys I mentioned in my first post, the closet cosplayer. His mom gives him $40 bucks a week to spend on whatever and he doesn't know the concept of saving up, which is why he turns to party city shit and using whatever clothes he has on hand.

The saddest part is that he's trying to become cosfamous, and even created a fan page for himself. The cringe is real.

>> No.8490541

But anon wasn't looking down on anyone. She just said she wanted to make things herself, so why the knotted panties? If a cosplayer would rather spend money on a skirt instead of making it, then good for them. There are other cosplays who would rather make it themselves, it's not really being an elitist.

>> No.8490557

Assuming he's you're friend, don't you think the right thing to do would be to stop him from embarrassing himself, rather than talking shit about him on 4chan?

>> No.8490590

He's not really my friend, just someone I have to put up with because he's best friends with one of my closest friends. Also, it's not like I'm doxing him or posting pictures.

>> No.8490595

"I want to cosplay (elaborate character) but I've never cosplayed before. I'm on a really tight budget so I need to make everything but I don't really know how to craft or sew. What do? "
(Also, con is in a month)

What do you even begin to tell people like this?

>> No.8490600

"Good luck with that."

>> No.8490602

I think it's more good, cheap or fast, pick two, for cosplay. You CAN make a cosplay for $50 that's good but it will take a long time to wait for the best fabric or supply sales or carefully craft props from wood, foaming and foam core.

>> No.8490604

I always tell them to start with a simpler character from the series and work their way up to making more complicated costumes. If they get butthurt and refuse to cosplay another character, I just ignore. Those people are bound to fail, and hey, at least we have more content for the bad cosplay threads.

>> No.8490609

What the hell is wrong with using regular clothes for cosplay when a good chunk of characters you cosplay as wear regular clothes?

>> No.8490612

"That person was trying to sell art prints for (some normal amount). That's so overpriced for something they didn't even hand make."
"I'm a guy, I don't need makeup."
"I don't own a full suit so I'll just wear my black jeans."
"Wigs are uncomfortable, I'm just going to spray dye my hair."

>> No.8490619

>a good chunk
This varies from person to person.

If the character wears normal clothes like T-shirts, jeans, leggings, etc. that look store-bought or that only need a small amount of modifying, then it might be better to just buy them instead of hand-making.

But if you closet cosplay a character with clothes that are really intricate and complicated that you would not be able to find in a store, then you're going to look like a dumbass.

>> No.8490620

The difference is that the other phrase means it has to be ALL three.

>> No.8490630

Sometimes this works but other times is looks weird. Like when AoT exploded a lot of people were buying random brown jackets and when they put the groups together no one matched even though it's a uniform.

>> No.8490633

It's alright - honestly I just wanted to see the meme again. It hasn't been posted in so long, and I'm wondering if I'll ever see it again.

>> No.8490636

Do a panel on lolita. Spend some time explaining why you should avoid milanoo, and be extremely careful on ebay. Show examples.
Someone still says "I was just going to get something off Milanoo"

"I don't like to wear makeup."
Sorry but I equate wearing makeup as a part of dressing up be it in a niche fashion or everyday wear. If you don't have some strange allergy that prevents you from wearing it, you should have at least some minimal makeup on.

"But I don't want to spend $400 on a dress so I wear replicas"
"I can't wear anything but replicas because I'm plus sized."

>The hardest thing to reply to is character X doesn't wear glasses but friend cosplaying character doesn't want to or can't wear contacts and has very noticible glasses.
Making one of my dream cosplays now. I would love to be able to get contacts so that my eye color is the same as the character's. I have so many vision problems that wearing contacts is impossible. I'll probably end up ordering some cheaper glasses online that will go with it when wearing the costume and then take them off for photos.

I hate it when people stop me and tell me x-character doesn't wear glasses. Tell me something I don't know. I take them off for photos every time. I need to be able to see and would not like to have my convention ruined because of migraines from not wearing my glasses all day.

>> No.8490639

new to cosplay here -- where's a good place to find people to commission? i lack sewing skills

>> No.8490640

Group of friends trying to put together a cosplay group. Everyone has funds, resources or skills except 1, who has no money or skills but still wants to be part, buy cheap materials and be coached through making their costume. We don't really want to but she'll be butthurt and feel left out if we don't. What do you advise?

>> No.8490656

Short, fat chicks wanting to crossplay tall, willowy bishounen characters.
"I hope I can pass..."

>> No.8490658

Well what characters are you planning to cosplay?

Some Taobao shops sell really good premade costumes from what I've heard. I've never purchased a cosplay from there myself but you could check out the Taobao threads and see what those anons have to say.

>> No.8490663

See that's the problem. The term "closet cosplay" does not distinct between cosplayers who pass off normal clothes to pull off specialized outfits vs cosplayers who use normal clothes as the character uses normal clothes. Say I'm going as Shinji Ikari, I sure as hell am not gonna bust my ass off to sew his two shirts.

>> No.8490664

It was forever ago and I wish I can caps. Coscoms Ace Attorney thread someone said "I'm 5' 2" and 170 lbs. If I put on a suit for Miles Edgeworth I'm hoping my fluff will look like muscle."

>> No.8490681

this shit is busting me up
>involved in weeaboo culture
>thinking you're better than someone because they aren't dressed as well as you want
>whining when other weeaboos do this shit for fun and not because they're human garbage
it's just like people who go vegan for the soul purpose of feeling better than someone else, makes you wonder what you guys act like around actual people irl

>> No.8490682
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>Say I'm going as Shinji Ikari, I sure as hell am not gonna bust my ass off to sew his two shirts.
Then don't. But it's not exactly "closet" cosplaying when you have to go out and buy the specific items because you don't own them, that's called buying cosplay. If someone closet cosplayed that character without owning that shirt, they'd probably just throw on a white T-shirt from their closet and call it a day.

But backtrack to when I quoted this:
>"I don't have own anything that looks like that character, so I'll have borrow some things from my friends. Do you have anything in your closet I can use?"
Picture related is the character he was talking about. See what I mean?

>> No.8490723

> girl ask when she can get 'a lolita dress'
> "oh anon you can just get your local seamstress to sew you that!

Goes double if the girl gives an example of a dress with a print.

>> No.8490725

what you mean you don't have anything like that laying around in your wardrobe


>> No.8490736


In all seriousness tho, I have a black blazer and black sweatpants that he would have used, but I chose to say no.

>> No.8490765

lolita has clear cut rules and if noobs refuse to follow them, we'll come after them

>> No.8490772

You don't have an extra pair of those shoes?

And you call yourself a cosplayer...

>> No.8490778

>"I don't like to wear makeup."
This, but for cosplay. Foundation, probably some powder or something, and eyeliner at a minimum. Please.

>> No.8490817

I've really stopped caring about "amateur" cosplayers as long as they aren't running around fishing for compliments in their hottopic misa getup. Cosplay should be fun, but yeah don't go acting high and mighty if you clearly put no effort into it.

What bugs the living hell out of me is when people go to the trouble to sew and make their cosplays and half ass it. If you're going to go buy fabric and go to all that effort in the first place would it kill you to buy a wig instead of trying to make your poorly dyed manic panic hair work?
A girl I know did Howl once and made his jacket from scratch. Except it was completely the wrong colors and she didn't use a wig because "lol my hair is straight and blonde already" yeah and it's also way too long and thin as hell

>> No.8490840

>"How do I cosplay character X? Any tips are appreciated!"

>> No.8490856

Found the newfag.

>> No.8490870

I hear this argument a lot on /cgl/ but most shitty cosplayers I see genuinely are just having fun and don't whine about attention at all.

>> No.8490956

"You're gonna need it, believe me."

>> No.8490970
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>it's just like people who go vegan for the soul purpose
>soul purpose

>> No.8491088

When it comes to shitty cosplayers irl that you actually see at cons, I agree. But there are a lot of people on Facebook and Tumblr especially who will post their closet cosplay and legitimately lash out at people who give criticism.

But I actually did have a shitty irl experience with a cosplayer kind of like that.
>Girl who has been closet cosplaying the same character at every con for the past 4 years
>Always recognize her because she's always the same character and has a distinct face + never wears a wig
>She approaches me this year but not wearing her usual costumes
>Gets excited I'm cosplaying something slightly obscure but she points out I missed a small detail
>Laugh and brush it off, it was a really small detail I didn't think anyone would care about
>Try to make conversation and say "You usually cosplay ___ right? I used to be in the same fandom and I've seen you around as ___ a lot."
>She gets kind of offended
>"Yeah, I'm cosplaying him right now? You couldn't tell??"
>She is dressed completely normal except for a t-shirt vaguely related to her character
>She wasn't joking

>> No.8491099

> showing a friend of mine Lolita
> talking about taobao and how you can get really nice dresses for 50-60 dollars
> "eh that's too expensive for my tastes"
> wears fuckin expensive Macy's brands - Kenneth Cole, Calvin Klein all the time

I love this guy but srs you spend 60 dollars on a plain white dress shirt that was made in China anyway, when I can order straight from China and have a nice, simple co-ord

>> No.8491188


God, I have too many weeb cringe stories from that place and from Claires. Macy's doesn't even have cute stuff, the best they get is Kate Spade online returns and when Betsy Johnson isn't swamped with ugly quirky crap.

>> No.8491274

If I have nothing better to do, I tell them exactly how to do it right with no shortcuts.

>"B-b-but I don't know how to do any of that, anon!!"

While there have been exceptions, I usually end up crushing dreams. Oh well. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.8491288

Many commissioners have Facebook pages, and there's also a large Facebook group specifically for finding them and reading reviews of commissions.

>> No.8491324

>black sweatpants and blazer
>character's clothes are not constructed or shaped that way
>pants aren't even black

Pray for your friend, Anon. He is so very lost.

>> No.8491328


>"B-but I don't know how to do any of that"

Do these people think good cosplayers are miraculously born with knowledge and experience ? If I don't know how to do something, I look it up and do a few trial runs.

>> No.8491338

I kek'd.

>> No.8491379

Right?? I have seen some people get so buttmad when they go fishing for non-existent magically cheap/easy solutions and get none of that from cosplayers who give them honest answers and just want to help.

>really terrible Captain Planet cosplayer
>member of cosplay advice group
>was rude to people who gave him solid advice
>honestly thought people were trolling him because the advice was "too hard" for him
>what advice, you ask?
>"buy red gloves instead of dyeing the zentai suit's hands, or make red gloves w/ a pattern"
>other stuff like that
>nope, clearly just trolls!

He has since ragequit the group but whenever I think of lazy "cosplayers" who don't want to learn anything, I think of him.

>> No.8491410

I won't ask for her name or even what she cosplays, but can you reveal the con(s) she frequents?

I might know who you're talking about and I want to see if I'm right.

(If you do feel comfortable revealing the character, tho, I won't stop you.)

>> No.8491416

Almost every cosplayer with below-average skills on deviantART is just like that.

When I was younger I used to go around DA, find shitty or mediocre cosplayers, and give them concrit as a form of trolling. I kinda outgrew my "le epic trol" phase but man that was the easiest way to induce assrage and have your page flamed.

>> No.8491424

Dallas cons, the character she cosplays is from Hetalia

>> No.8491438

The person I suspected also cosplays Hetalia, but as far as I know she sticks to East Coast cons.

>> No.8491494

This thread should have been titled "Shit Men Say".

>> No.8491497

What can't non-glasses wearers understand about glasses being essential medical gear? It's like telling an injured person to go without his cast or crutches the entire con because IT'S INACCURATE TO THE CHARACTER HURRR

We literally just had a thread about glasses in lolita, too.

>> No.8491538

it's because they think "just wear contacts!" as if they magically solve everything.

>> No.8491592

without realizing that not everyone can wear contacts.

>> No.8491614
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>hey guys i need a cheap costume to wear to a party this weekend can u help? heres a pic of me
>5 billion of these threads right before Halloween

>> No.8491623

Oh, I'm thinking of several now.
>was part of the TX hetalia scene a few years ago

>> No.8491631

> "Well it *is* cosplay, so your sword doesn't have to be 100% accurate."

My mom says this all the time whenever I'm working on my cosplay, and when I tell her otherwise, she'll get angry and say, "It's not like people are gonna be analyzing your costume with a magnifying glass!"

>> No.8492856

Ahahahahahaha you autismal nerds make me laugh so hard. It must suck that these 'amateurs' probably have way more fun than you with way less effort because they're not elitist cunts.

>> No.8492865
File: 81 KB, 500x588, d4cc804dc89c2d73bfe00694d51f0bcd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey anon you sew right
>I need you to help me with my Rapunzel costume for Halloween next week
>it needs to look like this
>thanks in advance

yeah man crying about bad decisions, wasted material and ugly pictures is so awesome, I really miss that about being an obnoxious newbie

>> No.8493196

Same with my grandma. She sews and I told her I was going to work on a new costume, for a character who wears form-fitted khaki pants. After showing her a picture she went upstairs and brought down a big piece of dark brown corduroy that she uses for doll clothes and told me I could use that, and when I explained to her that it wasn't the right color or material she got defensive and couldn't comprehend why I wanted it to be accurate, even after I explained in depth.

>> No.8493204

My mom fucking tells me every single time I mention cosplay that I should ask my grandma to make it because she was a seamstress.

This is after when my mom got re-married, my grandma made the dress and refused to make it look how my mom wanted it, so she was in tears on her wedding dress with a dress (admittedly pretty) she hated.

>> No.8493207

>Can I borrow one of your costumes? I didn't have time to finish my own.
Fuck no.

>> No.8493218

I don't understand what it is with noobs and accuracy. They all seem to have it in their heads that accuracy is for elitists and get really defensive when told otherwise.

Like sure, if you wanna look like shit that's your business, but don't put down the people who enjoy making accurate costumes and would rather look good.

>> No.8493220

so many times
no you can't you lazy cunt, buy/make your own/learn to plan better

>> No.8493221

I feel like I would be willing to lend a close friend a costume, if it weren't for the countless horror stories being passed around about friends damaging/pulling apart the costumes.

>> No.8493223

Yeah, see here's the thing. If your close friend accidentally breaks something on your costume you're gonna be mad. It might even make you not friends anymore.

So y'know, better not to lend any cosplays to anyone. I'll gladly help anyone with making the costume but no, I'm not gonna lend any of my cosplays.

>> No.8493228

"I want to cosplay "this character" but I don't know how to sew and I don't have money. Would you make it for me. Kay thanks"

Hate this so much.

>> No.8493246

Not everyone can be a skilled artisan, but everyone has a place in the hierarchy. Hell, you should be glad that there's a pleb caste of shitty cosplayers to make your mastercraft outfits look that much better.

Some of them handle it poorly if they're trying to pawn the work off or burden others with it, but if you're trashing "closet cosplay" for no other reason than your home-made stuff looks better, that only makes you a bully. There's plenty of shitty behavior on both sides.

>"I want to cosplay "this character" but I don't know how to sew and I don't have money. Would you make it for me. Kay thanks"

No different than people who ask their mechanic friends to fix their car and do their oil changes. In other words, yes they are scum. If you're not content to simply ignore it, say you'll charge them for the work. Hell, use that car analogy to explain it to them.

You could even view making cosplay for other people as an advertising opportunity, if that means anything to you.

Some people can't be helped.

>> No.8493263

Holy fuck people ask you the craziest shit once they know you can sew

>Anon you're so good at sewing and I can't but I need a dress that looks exactly like this I need it next week and you will do it for free because we are friends!!!1!!

Shit we are not your personal seamstresses we have lives too

>> No.8493285

"I want to buy this JSK"
"But your bust measurement is over 100cm and the max is 96..."
"They'll fit. I'll make them fit."

I'm so tired of the dumbasses in my comm.

>> No.8493389

Prints like Milk Planet CAN look great though, just when done right. And I have occasionally seen very gothic makeup look great, but it has to be very well done. But oh god, the cat/skeleton tights... I don't want to see another pair of either again in my life.

>> No.8493404

I will admit that I sometimes don't wear makeup with my lolita, or I do very minimal makeup. I wear lolita any time I leave the house, and my skin is good but extremely sensitive to anything I put on it. If I'm going to a big meet or something then I'll do a full face of makeup, but a lot of the time I'm not bothered, especially if I'm wearing say, a toned-down classic outfit.

>> No.8493405

>anon can I borrow one of your bothers shirts? I want to cosplay Chii but don't have a guys shirt that would cover my knees

Sure. Let me just phone my brother two states away to see if he'll mail me a shirt for ya.

>> No.8493406

Yet no one gives much concrit to chicks doing this except here even though we all agree it looks terrible. The measuring tapes don't lie, people! Your coord can be all brand with everything else on point but if it's too small then you are going to look like a fat baby stuffed into your dress.
I have a couple of 'fat dresses' for times when I'm bloated and they are life-savers.

And for the deluded 'but mah bewbs' chicks? Here is some news: Boob tissue is mostly fat so if you lose a bit all over, chances are you CAN shave an inch or two off of your funbags too.

>> No.8493410

lmao this bugs me.
idk what op is doing (and she already said the hm skirt wasn't good enough, but w/e). but some cosplays that are really basic might just be a skirt and a shirt. if people dont sew that shit, then there's nothing else they can do to claim they made the cosplay. so sometimes it is necessary to sew a black pencil skirt, ect, to claim your cosplay as your own.

>> No.8493411

Gaaah. My mom is the same 'You need to stop being such a perfectionist'.

>> No.8493422

get someone to offer to make her costume with good material or tell her shes out. my friend wanted to be in our sailor moon group and i told her she either pay for a commission or she's out (because she wanted to buy cheap fabric and an aliexpress wig and i was like, nuhuh). she somehow managed to "find" the money as soon as she knew she wouldn't be included if she brought a shit cosplay.

>> No.8493429

I expect this will be the same situation but she's such a pissbaby, she'll whine the whole time. Yet she buys all kinds of snacks so I know she's got some kind of allowance as a live-at-home NEET at 19. Guess it's time to get tough with her though, I don't want the group ruined by some cheap shit she comes up with last minute.

>> No.8493449

>I know this coord is awful I don't have anything that goes with this dress yet
Then don't fucking wear it until you do? Or at least don't post it, cause now you're ita threads fodder
>B-but I'm scared to cut my wig!
I heard that side-swept fringe is the hottest trend among the preteens at the local con, you'll fit right in
>Wig is a must, lolita just won't look right with natural hair
"I've never delved deeper than Angelic Pretty tag on tumblr"
>White/black goes with everything
No it doesn't
>You went drinking after a meet?! That's what all those trashy sluts are supposed to do, not lolitas!
We'll talk again when you're 21

>> No.8493456

> I know this is not exactly lolita but...
> I know this breaks some lolita rules but...
> I know I still need x for my coord but...
> I know I'll probably get shit for this but...

Nope, stop right there.
Don't post it in a lolita group or tag it lolita.
Otherwise don't cry when you get told.
And you will get told.

>> No.8493460

Mostly this. But there are times when natural hair won't do. So the best thing for noobs would be to encourage them to buy a good quality wig in a natural color (and for gods sake, NO FUCKING SPLIT COLOR TWINTAILS WITH SHITTY SIDESWEPT BANGS)

>> No.8493470

I'd rather see a noob with a natural hair braid crown (or other simple acceptable natural hair style) and proper petti and shoes first. I see too many noobs run to buy a wig or ask about lenses when they don't even have a petticoat or 2 coords yet.

>> No.8493482

way back when I was just starting cons with my friends we'd switch costumes just for fun. Later found out said friend was talking shit on some of the finished hems and stitching.
Her next costume was a fucking last minute t-shirt tunic Link. I'm still mad about it to this day because she still cops out on her costumes getting finished while mine are serged.

I've got a another friend who is a sewing noobie, but he's wonderful with wigs. So I gladly help with the sewing and he does my wigs...but then he did my Noodle wig...One side looks good, but the other is so choppy and rushed and it shows really bad. Probably gonna make him fix it.

>> No.8493504

I fucking hate when people get offended over concrit online.

Don't fucking post pictures on the internet if you can't handle criticism/only want asspats.

>> No.8493563

Maybe it's an unpopular opinion, but I feel like ever since wigs became commonplace in lolita people (especially newcomers) became IDK, lazier? Less creative? They won't even try to do any fun hairdos anymore, it's always either limp streaks of natural hair or the standard twin tail/princess wig. Sometimes rhapsody.

I've always admired lolitas with beautiful real hair, it's just far more distinct and interesting than the same plastic everyone wears. Sure you can do fun creative stuff with wigs too, but be honest, who actually does?

>> No.8493579

It takes practice, effort, pins, products. People are lazy, cheap, etc. I'm guilty of it and so I just got a great cut for lolita that works well with my natural texture and requires minimal styling to look nice. I wear wigs sometimes still but use my own hair a lot more. I admire updos and should practice them more, I admit.

>> No.8493586

i wish i could do fancier hair styles with lolita but my face looks awful when i'm not framing it with hair on the sides of my face, so i have no idea what to do other than just plain jane long hair with curls. i have no idea how to put up my hair up but still cover the sides of my face. its pretty unfortunate considering my natural hair is down to my hips, it would probably be nice for up dos.

>> No.8493591

Clip in extension pieces to make some side-bangs to frame your face, maybe? Assuming you don't want to cut in some layers or side-bangs in your real hair.

>> No.8493603
File: 272 KB, 650x1010, tumblr_nqc63a20hY1tykkceo8_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have side pieces like in the pic, but i find it doesnt really help. maybe my hair is too flat or something.

>> No.8493614

Try spiral curling them for some side volume. Maybe braid or wave or crimp the main sections so they aren't straight, then do an updo or try a half-updo with curls cascading down the other side.

>> No.8493623

Maybe you could try a hime cut?

Though honestly healthy, shiny hair is already a win to me, even when simply left loose. Just look at Sapphira or Fairy Emily.

>> No.8493652
File: 63 KB, 720x960, 11200803_1030630213614739_751302153563933684_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This print is nice!!!!111!!!

no it looks like my ugly couch.

>> No.8493684

>omg I found the PERFECT fabric for a handmade lolita dress!
It's always children's linen or puke colored floral.

>> No.8493695

It's actually a sheet or a curtain, look at the hem across the bottom.

>> No.8493705

I know that. it looks like the pattern on the couch i have

>> No.8493708

>70s roadside motel sofa-kei
Also you need to get a new couch. Love yourself.

>> No.8493719

it was a free couch man. we'll get a new one when we move.

>> No.8493764

Fucking this, 90% of male cosplayers I meet refuse to wear makeup because "guys don't wear makeup"...

And yeah, unless you get lucky and have hair that matches a character, then buy a wig, wigs suck, they are uncomfortable, but that is all part of cosplay.

>> No.8493903
File: 78 KB, 569x854, 10429406_698337186931443_5998982307522295454_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wah i can't make your cosplay on time
wah i spent your money making my own stuff
wah 2 years isn't enough time to finish a peice
wah people disputed paypal because i didn't make their stuff
wah im bankrupt, closing my shit shop, and being bullied

>> No.8494497

I have cosplayed before going into lolita and was a decent cosplayer so when my friends got into their weeb phases and asked me for help I have heard the most stupidest things:

>Can just smear eyeline on my eye bags to look like L?
>Wahh wigs are uncomfortable but I want to be sailor moon
Friend has long hair that is thin as fuck but its a dirty blonde and she smells so fucking bad all the time, has no bangs , cosplays her, gets mad when a sailor moon group didn't want her to be in their group pic when they had their own Sailor Moon.
gets mad when a better Junko shows up for cosplay group photo and ppl asks her for pics

>Omg I hate when ppl judge me from cosplaying a character just cause I don't know anything about her :(((( COSPLAY IS ABOUT FUN YOU DON'T NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THE CHARACTER FROM THE GAMES AND ANIME/MANGA TO HAVE FUN BEING THEM!!! :"(((((

I hate that girl so much cause she thinks she's an elite cosplayer cause 5 ppl liked her cosplays (all of them were just her friends). She also has huge boobs (I think they are almost to DDD) but refuses to use a binder or minimizer to reduce her bust for all her cosplays that has flat chest characters and her Junko was a hot mess with her boobs. Too tight bra, just a plain red bra with cheap white lace, shirt and cardigan was way too small on her and just made her look fat.

What's worst about this girl is when ppl tell her to shower to remove her bad smell and jokes around calling it "cat weed smell" Like baby please no.

>> No.8494509

Then I have others tell me
>I wanna cosplay Rose form Steven Universe but I am just gonna use a summer dress!
>No one took my pic at AX! I WAS A PERFECT ROSE
said person had a white wedding dress from ross with a pink wig
>I don't want to do body paint! It's too much work!
>I don'y have to wear make-up, that's for sluts only
Why the fuck are you cosplaying then?!
>I know x character wears only armor in the anime but I am going to wear a T-shirt with his face on it with vans and black skinny jeans and wear a wig and be a skater version from him!
character was from Berserk so it made me cry so much

>I have to buy a 5 dollar halloween costume wig for my cosplay!
Tell said person that it's too shiny and cheap
>WELL it will make it look like my hair is healthy then!!!
>Why can't I just cosplay a character with a wig and my normal clothing :'((?!
>Hey anon, can I borrow your old cosplays that you no longer use? Can I have them instead?
>I want to do a lolita cosplay verison of Dramatical Murder! Tehehe it will be cute
>Why can't I just use a green shirt from Ross and a brown belt for Link?! It doesn't have look professional!!
>Wahh everyone looks better than me!
Like no shit man, you look like crap.

>> No.8494524

>consciously take short cuts and leave out critical parts when assembling their outfits
>are somehow confused when no one wants to photograph them

You have some summer-ass friends, anon.

>> No.8494530
File: 63 KB, 704x480, cleanse it with fire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know I do, but we are all 18+ and they are still in their 2005 weeb phase. They might never grow out of it and it makes me weep.

Pic related cause that's how I feel when I see their cosplays.

>> No.8494560
File: 69 KB, 500x375, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8494561

>we'd switch costumes just for fun

Man oh man I am WAY too paranoid to ever do this. I would be worried sick the entire con that my hard work (since I make my own cosplays) would be the victim of some kind of terrible accident when I'm not watching.

That, and I refuse to wear anything to a con that I didn't make. It's a personal psychological thing; I have more fun at cons wearing my work and I have literal nightmares about losing my cosplay or leaving it at home.

I think I'm in way too deep.

>> No.8494767

well back then it was just simple stuff for fun that was just crap quality like homestuck crap. Now a days I wouldn't let her trade with me ever. Like even simple stuff like our Splatoon stuff I wouldn't switch around.

>> No.8494780

What happened here?

>> No.8494793

>Your armored cosplays are so good Anon, why do you never wear them to our halloween parties?
Because you fucksticks always break my shit and we're all gonna drink anyways. The possibility of winning a stupid bar contest isn't worth the potential damage to my stuff.

Fortunately none of them have cosfamous delusions.

>> No.8494802


Top kek

>> No.8494814

Which costumer is this?

>> No.8496013

You should find new friends.

>> No.8496023

I don't have a problem with cosplaying an actual lolita from a manga, anime or game. But why try to come shit up our fashion with your costume shit? This gets to me, I admit. I don't want to go out in public and have tea or shop or see a movie or go to a club with a badly dressed weeaboo in cat ears when I've spent hundreds of dollars on my coordinate and a couple of hours getting ready.

>> No.8496082


I wear glasses. I have never cosplayed a character with glasses. You remove them for pictures.

>> No.8496350

*starts a gofundme
>Help me make my first cosplay!

Also, on that note: the same chick who was asking for money to go to Acen this year is now asking for $5,000 to start her own book.

>> No.8496353

http://www.gofundme dot com backslash zvmbec

>> No.8496385

"How do I dye a black wig white?"


Also the notion that if you're going to a con, you're legally required to cosplay or something. So many people I've invited to cons are lke "Oh no what should I cosplay, tell me what to cosplay." A month or less before the con. It gets annoying telling them over and over again that they don't actually need to cosplay, rushed cosplays are always a stressful mess, and I can't tell them what to cosplay.

Yeah I don't get this either. I've got a really bad irregular astigmatism, and my glasses are -19.00/-18.50. I'm able to wear contacts but they're significantly weaker than my glasses and bother my eyes after a few hours of wear. Before I got them, I would either have a non-cosplaying friend hold my glasses for me, or I'd create some form of storage in my cosplay so I could hold them. Like when I did Yoko, the front of the scope on the rifle came off so I could stick them in there.

People complain about summer, Halloween is way worse in my opinion. Even when people use the Halloween thread, it still gets pretty bad, especially when people start asking how to make a quality costume for dirt cheap just because "its only for Halloween".

>> No.8496433

>what should I cosplay, tell me what to cosplay
Oh god, this hit a nerve, now I need to rant. WHY can't people think for themselves? This isn't just for cosplay but also just halloween costumes. I have this friend who want me to plan all her halloween costumes because "anon, that's your thing! you're so good at it" and then don't even want to listen to my suggestions. OH! You want to be sexy AND not have your face visible but you don't want to wear a mask?? idk why don't you just put a fucking sack over your head then.

>> No.8496914

>use low quality materials
>rips and tears everywhere at the end of con

>> No.8496960

Oh god the whole "I N-E-E-D TO COSPLAY" thing is so annoying. There are some people who literally thing you can't go to a convention without being in cosplay, it's weird. At the same time, I guess I sort of understand wanting to be in cosplay. When I was taken to my first convention, I just wore regular clothes the first 2 days but by the time I left the con Saturday night I knew I wanted to join in on the fun so I put together this super crappy, totally unrecognizeable "cosplay" of a transylvanian from RHPS - you know, the people in the suits and sunglasses doing the time warp? At that time those little mini hats were a hot ticket item being sold at the con (I think this was Anime Boston 2009) and my friend bought one so I just borrowed my dad's nice jacket, borrowed my friend's hat, put on a pair of heart-shaped sunglasses and went to the con on Sunday. I remember even being kinda "awww" that no one recognized me, god. I was 13 or 14 at the time. At the same time I knew it was kind of 1. a niche thing anyways 2. very hastily put together, so I did something else the next year that was actually recognizable.

wow sorry about the ramble...anyways yeah it's annoying but I guess it comes from a place of wanting to have fun...I do get annoyed when people put together a last-minute cosplay though and then grumble about how no one is taking their picture. If you're gonna throw together a crappy cosplay for shits and giggles and just have fun then whatever but don't put minimal effort into something and complain when you aren't being recognized for it.

>> No.8497049

"Cosplay is about fun! You can cosplay literally anyone regardless of your gender/body type/face structure/weight!"

"Should I buy a cosplay from [insert american site known for scams here] or [another american site known for scams]?"

"I don't like using wigs for cosplay XD"

"Ugh I can't believe this KH Sora wig I bought didn't come styled like it was in the stock photo"

"There's no way this costume/prop should cost more than $50!"

>> No.8497064

People who come up with the excuse "But we all started somewhere anon!" yet make no effort to improve, even after 2 or 3 years.

>> No.8498424

What if the OP is a man?

>> No.8498748

Lolitas can be super sensitive to being told that their shit don't fit, especially when it's because they're too big. Brand dresses are associated with status so when you tell someone that they "can't" wear a dress (even if it's an objective observation) it can be interpreted as that you're telling them they're somehow undeserving to be a lolita or whatever. I've told a girl that an OP I was selling would not fit with her measurements and she reacted like I told her she would never be cute and could only wear potato sacks for the rest of her life. All I did was point out there's a pretty big difference between 65 and 85 cm because I didn't want her to end up disappointed. People are weird.

>> No.8499288

did she still buy it or just get mad at you and flounce?

>> No.8500091

The amount of shit somebody should get for closet cosplay, low-rent wigs, cut corners, etc., depends entirely on their attitude. If somebody has a shitty outfit but doesn't mind not getting attention and gives proper respect to people who actually put effort into their cosplay, then that's fine. The worst ones are the brats who swaddle themselves in broadcloth and hot glue and expect to have positive attention lavished upon them on the same level as a professional seamstress. Unfortunately the latter are much more common in my experience than the former.

>> No.8500110

>buy this thing for me cause i dont want to use my card online!

>> No.8502791

>>Hey anon, can I borrow your old cosplays that you no longer use? Can I have them instead?

This so much. Especially when they hint at specific things they want. Make/get your own or pay me and I'll make one for you, but this one is mine.

>> No.8502802

I never understand this. I'm 5'10 with a 100+cm bust, so obviously I don't fit into brand. I don't understand why a girl my size would spend $300-500 to cram herself into something that doesn't even fit her. If I'm gonna be dropping that kind of money on a dress, it better as hell fit me. If that means no brand, then oh well. I'll look better in large/custom size offbrand dress than squeezed into an obviously too small brand dress.

>> No.8503341

I don't understand why don't more girls tailor their shit. A good seamstress probably could add an inch without visibly altering the dress. Hell, I'd rather you completely replace the original shirring panel with a plain colored one or even rebuild the bodice, if that'll prevent you from looking like a stuffed sausage.

I suspect no one dares touch their precious burando because of resale value and prospects, but I just don't get this mindset. If you get a car already expecting to sell it after a year you'll be too scared to ever use it. It's just wasted money and no gain. Buy shit to enjoy it.
But then again, I don't chase the current hottest items and only drop big bucks on stuff I know I could still wear in a few years. That way tailoring really is an investment.

>> No.8503350

Not everyone who cosplays is super-dedicaded to it though.
Like, I'm mostly wearing lolita and have other hobbies as well. I only cosplay with friends or my sisters to cons once or twice a year, just to have some fun and get the "con feeling". Of course I don't want to look like shit so we all try our best to make our cosplays as look good as possible (within our budget), but I don't want to spend 500 bucks on a costume I'll wear to a con and neither do I want to waste too much time practicing sewing/crafting.

>> No.8503364

Well they might want to take it to a seamstress.

>> No.8503408

I'm going to do this. A couple of things that I have and a few more I really want won't fit me because tall/long torso. I'm not fat and I don't have big boobs so nothing I can do. The damn waists just sit too high. It looks terrible. I can mostly make due with JSK and I wear a lot of skirts with underskirt and they look good. But these have a fairly plain bodice in a fabric that is pretty easy to match so I'm having those suckers rebuilt with a new and longer bodice. Re-attach the skirt and sleeves and hells yeah. Good fit, no more high waisted shit.

>> No.8503414

Omg, those tumblr trendy tights! They need to gtfo forever. Someone should make an ita polyvore. 'Things itas commonly wear'
Antique clock
Fake Baby Clock Bag worn cross body style
Cat tights or gun tights
Creepers or ballet flats
Pastel twin tail wig
Gothy makeup
Maid headdress, possibly with cat ears


>> No.8503417

Things to get: Throwaway Visa card. PayPal. A life. Even if you live in a major city, if you cosplay or do any kind of alt fashion or have a collection of most any kind, you'll need to buy things online.

>> No.8503433

That's not what they usually mean when they say that. And they are deluded they can stretch it or squish themselves somehow and don't realize they need to be decently under the max measurement of a dress for ease of wear and often to even get it on. Their waist might be just under the max but if that part also needs to go past a monstrous bust and has no zip (common with AP 1/2 shirred JSK) then I doubt it's going to fit.

That's why I just go by Lolibrary measurement and tell them my measurements and give a worn pix if they want to knows 'how it fits' but I will not take/give them maxed, stretched measurements.

>> No.8503614

first year Fatty here with 3grand wardrobe all brand, I can give you my perspective? I have a binge eating disorder yet lolita is my hope. I buy all my dream dresses and put them in my wardrobe as motivation to get better and fit into them. When I feel like commiting suicide, binging, burning or purging I go into my wardrobe and feel the pretty lace, look at the beautiful prints and tell myself I am worth them. Though I don't wear them

>> No.8503629

...don't wear them yet.
I hope you are in therapy, Anon.
Eating disorders are so wretched, aren't they?
Good luck.
And I'm glad you have those dresses.

>> No.8503639

Please be careful fatty-chan I had BED and lolita pushed me halfway into anorexia. I did NOT need to be focusing on clothes sizes at that stage in my life.

>> No.8503651

I used to be, but I stopped going, I've been gone so long I feel to anxious.
Thank you for the luck it does feel terrible but I'm working on it. My binges are only 500 cals now!
I'm not going to wear them till I reach my goal weight.

>> No.8503725

Every thread I go to, there is an active discussion about eating disorders and people complaining
Holy fuck

>> No.8503774

have you never been on /cgl? we're 90% bitching 5% sob stories and 5% people actually looking for help