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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8476216 No.8476216 [Reply] [Original]

Confessions thread. Remember to keep it /cgl/ related.

I've become such a terrible, pathetic person since high school. I put so much of my self worth in how much brand I own and how well I can coord, that I've deluded myself into thinking money was all I needed to be happy with myself, even if I was a bitter cruel bitch. I spend way too much time on here, bitching about people I don't even know and pretending I'm different people to stir up shit. Instead of bettering my own life, I read about lolcows and their drama to feel better about myself. I've created so much fake, but legendary drama on this site in the years I've been frequenting it. There's so many things I've made up that people still talk about to this day, like it's fact.

>> No.8476236

Can you elude to any of the legendary drama you were involved in, anon?

>> No.8476240

Somebody on /cgl/ mentioned Tumblr's "shoplifting fandom" and I'm impressionable enough that I researched it exhaustively and became fascinated. Now I want to actually shoplift things so I can afford lolita more often.

>> No.8476249

No, because then it would no longer be legendary. I want it to remain in infamy.
Don't, it's so not worth it. Prison is not kawaii.

>> No.8476255

A lot of people think cgl is a negative place, but I realized that all these years I needed a bit of negativity to snap me out of my deluded bubble that my family brainwashed me into. I had serious health problems all these years and now I've finally moved to an area where I can get help for them. I also realized I had a narcissist parent who held me back from getting help too.

>had cystic acne for years and now I'm finally getting accutane after years of trying antibiotics and topicals
My mom always convinced me that "it would go away with age" or claim I was just "dirty" PT-style. But she got diagnosed with cystic acne and rosacea, and she's almost 60 and she still gets acne and has horrible scarring. I have scars too but at least I have a chance to prevent more now and get peels further down the road so I won't look worse.
I've always heard the platitude "don't pay attention to people who judge you for skin," but holy shit they do. They think if you're oily you don't bathe and don't take care of yourself; and then if you're caught without makeup you're sick or tired. People do judge for looks and I'm grateful that I have the opportunity to get help for one of the worst ones that I can't help without medical intervention.

I'd talk about more of the shit I've had to change but it would be TL;DR. Cgl made me see the light, see what people are thinking that they can't say irl.

>> No.8476288

Shoplifting... fandom? That's a thing? ....wow.

>> No.8476289

I get a kick out of owning others' dream dresses. Of course, they're on my wishlist, too, but I feel a surge of pride in my wardrobe when I see dresses I own on others' wishlists. I lurk in the dream dress threads because the anons here have good taste and if I see something I like on their wishlists, I add it to mine. Some people might say this is bitchy, but IMO dream dresses are first come, first serve.

>> No.8476296

I actually laughed at this. That's some autistic smugness you got there.

>> No.8476324

It's actually a paranoia of mine.
>tfw friends and acquaintances might secretly be resenting me even if they don't outwardly show it because I have something they want
It's a natural human response too, so I can't even blame them for feeling envious. But it does make me feel bad that they can't have theirs too.

>> No.8476448

I am the same way!! I get a high when I buy someone else's dream dress, and I always celebrate with a glass of wine. Something about owning dresses that other people want REALLY BAD, just makes me feel soo good.

>> No.8476476

>women are jealous, bitter sociopaths

>> No.8476517

>implying all women do this
>holding /cgl/ as the standard of all women
>implying the men of 4chan are any better
>implying men (especially on 4chan) never thrive on feeling superior to each other
I was amused.

>> No.8476537

Because it's not like the majority of most male-oriented things throughout history have been driven around competition or anything. Oh wait.

>> No.8476540

Dat bait, tho. Silly male virgins.

>> No.8476541

>women are all x bait

this is only the 19th time today I've seen this shit

>> No.8476560

My dirty little lolita secret is that I will watch "WTB dream dress" posts of FB for dresses I want and if anyone posts a Lacemarket/whatever link to the dress I'll snap it up before the original poster can.
I'm a monster but it's so satisfying seeing all my pretty dresses together.

>> No.8476570

>male-oriented things
>improving one's self and helping others improve
>good-hearted sportsmanship

>female-oriented things
>putting each other down for the sake of it
>cut-throat attitude even towards supposed friends
>nobody can be special but me

>> No.8476578

>I have never spoken to a woman with female friends in my life and learned everything I know about them from movies

>> No.8476583

0/10 back to /r9k/ you go, friend

[spoilersoncgl]and don't come back[/nospoilerslol]

>> No.8476588

I started looking into all that during the lolcow doxing spree. The only problem is I'm a dirt poor black girl and most of them are wealthy whites and Asians and can get away with it...

When I was in high school, this white girl I used to shop with would use me as a distraction (the shop people always followed me and ignored her) while she got upwards of $500+ dollars from every store we went to. I didn't try to, nor did I ask for anything she stole. she got caught a while after I stopped going with her because I was tired of her bullshit lol regardless, now I'm wishing I could have a team like that or something. I just hate being poor. I hate being looked at like shit because I use food stamps when a year before last, I starved myself for 6 months because I was too ashamed to apply for food stamps for that exact reason...

My confession is that I'm obsessed with cgl and cosplay, but I've never felt good enough to cosplay myself. I even lost weight for the sole reason to cosplay, but I feel just as fat at 125 that I did at 220. I can't see a difference, and I keep buying clothes in my old size because it looks like it fits, but then my friends tell me I look like I'm drowning in my clothes. I just want to cosplay, but whenever I sew anything and try to wear it, I feel like I'm too disgusting and can't do it. And then I come on here and see people getting torn apart for the smallest parts of their costume being off, their nose being too big, being too brown or too pale, and I feel like I'll never do it. I've been trying to get into this since I was 18. I'm 22 now and I'm still just as scared and fat as I was back then. I am pathetic.

>> No.8476589

What movies would even give that impression? Every pair or group of female friends I've been at the least acquainted with acts like this. They all despise each other and try to put each other down to make themselves look good.

>> No.8476591

>forgetting things like needless wars and "who has the bigger fandom dick" pissing contests
>implying guys don't back stab each other
As someone with mostly guy friends my entire life, I can tell you right now, you're either trolling or know jack shit about the real world. I know very few guys that didn't fuck or try to fuck a friend's girlfriend and feel like a boss for "winning" her in the event they succeeded.

>> No.8476595

I've never had any drama with female friends since age 19. Before that it was crazy drama, but my guy friends weren't really all that much better. A little better, but not by enough for me to think drama is a girl thing.

>> No.8476600
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Backstabbing is shamed by men and spawns phrases like "bros before hoes" and whatnot. This is what you get on the women's side.

>> No.8476601

Anon you sound like you need to get some counseling for that horrid self-image

>> No.8476606

My confession is that I used all of my graduation money on figures, lolita, and jfashion. My wardrobe pretty much doubled in size, and I really like what I bought, but I do feel a bit guilty.

>> No.8476612

You must have pretty shitty friends then. As someone with mostly guy friends my entire life, I can tell you right that all of my dude friends think that shit is trashy, bros before hoes and all that. You always have your bro's back, you don't turn dating or friendshp into a competition, that's stupid.

>> No.8476619

My confession is I really want to cosplay just once to sort of see what it's like, but I can't sew so I'd have to commission and I'm scared my cosplayer friends will judge me or laugh at me behind my back.

>> No.8476621

it's almost as if... people aren't always the same. What a shocker.

Not all girls are backstabbing cunts and not all guys like to fuck over their bros.

Why do people always talk in extremes?

>> No.8476623

>implying girls don't also have a strict code against this shit
>take shitty cringeworthy articles aimed at women
I don't see what you think that proves? On Reddit you have shit like mass groups dedicated to posting creep shots and telling men why they shouldn't feel bad about the sexual assaults they've committed. It's far from the only example. Does that mean all men are rapist creepers, taking pictures of women when they least expect it? Both genders have fucked up articles aimed at them.

Also, most of the guys I've ever known to say "bros before hoes" at some point in their lives let a girl get between a seemingly great friendship. You can act like guy have more loyalty all you want, but the reality is many male friendships are shaken the moment they both fall for the same girl.

>> No.8476625

What's it seriously like to think womankind is the devil, yet want to fuck it? You're really gay acting.

>> No.8476629

Aaaaaand the thread was derailed.

>> No.8476630

Gays don't turn to misogyny to ease sexual frustration, they love women.

>> No.8476634

I think I should just leave /cgl/ altogether like right now. It would make me a much better person.

>> No.8476638
File: 30 KB, 661x438, actual advice to get a man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying girls don't also have a strict code against this shit
That's what I am implying, they don't. It's never mentioned and it's never seen in practice or even theory.

>> No.8476646

>this white girl I used to shop with would use me as a distraction (the shop people always followed me and ignored her) while she got upwards of $500+ dollars from every store we went to

Well in fairness, you were an accessory. The store associates suspected you of being involved in a shoplifting scheme, and they were correct.

Get some counseling. Sounds like you got a lot of self-loathing.

>> No.8476652

> actual advice to get a man
> not clickbait written by someone mentally 14 y.o.

Of course it's never mentioned, the media paints women as catty bitches who fight with other women. After 16 years though, most girls realize that that's a bunch of bull. Backstabbing is a shitty thing to do, period. If you've never seen girls support each other, either you haven't hung out with many girls or you're hanging out with a bunch of preteens.

>> No.8476668

I have seen girls support each other, in their 20's. Then literally the next week one hates the other for seemingly no reason and after a brief period of ignoring each other their friendship collapses.

>> No.8476674

The same thing happens to men.
A couple of my bf's friends have been that way, they fight over retarded shit too instead of fashion and looks it's video games and craftsmanship. There's hardly a difference. Catty people exist in both genders so long as there's competitiveness.

>> No.8476677

I still love pastel OTT sweet lolita and I feel like people in my comm look down on it because classic/Gothic and very toned down sweet afe more popular. Don't get me wrong, I love Gothic and a more toned down sweet style as well, but pastel vomit OTT was what brought me into the fashion and I don't leave it behind even if everyone else has.

>> No.8476690

Sometimes I feel like I"ll never be able to truly dress the way I want to because I'm so tall. I'm 6ft and I adore elaborate lolita dresses that would fall under hime territory. But they're all OPs and I could never wear those without it looking wonky because the proportions are off.

Even general cute jfash feels impossible because the best items are all made for girls that are 5'5ft at most.

>> No.8476696

I probably do. It seems like such a stupid thing to get counseling for. "So, were you assaulted, or abused, or etc.?" "Lol nope just bad self image." I feel like I'd get laughed out of the office.

True. But that's why I stopped dealing with her. I didn't have any friends and put up with her because idk I was lonely, I guess. I'm slightly better now, and I don't let people take advantage of me.

I just want to go to cons with my friends and actually cosplay. I feel like I shouldn't even have this many issues about it, this is teenaged kid insecurity, and I'm supposed to be over this. I felt shitty before because I was fat. I'm not fat anymore, and I still feel shitty and fat, and it's still keeping me from having fun. I feel like no counselor is going to take my whining seriously.

Lol Fedora-kun, pls read >>8476652 and calm down. I've seen men do worse. But I'm not saying all men are evil because I'm over the age of 14 and I know that generalizations based on media stereotypes are silly.

>> No.8476698

I've improved so much because of cgl. Seeing people on here have such lovely coords inspires me to become a better Lolita.

I've found several dream dresses on here and coord ideas.

Even though I'm not well liked around here, I appreciate all the help that people have given me.

>> No.8476702

Seconded, it just feels more "right" to me in terms of personal style, idk. I just can't bring myself to wear classic or Gothic or tone things down and if haters gonna hate then so be it at least I'll feel cute.

>> No.8476704

You wouldn't get laughed out of the office, not all people who have extreme self image issues went through a form of abuse or trauma. Sometimes it just happens. Please don't feel like you shouldn't go because you should never go with the idea of 'my issue isn't bad because someone else has it worse'

>> No.8476705

It is not a stupid thing to get counselling for. Untangling poor self-image is a very complex process, regardless of the 'why' or 'how'. I'd argue it's more imperative to get help if you can't pin down the exact cause (such as abuse), at least those people have a tangible starting point for why they feel the way they do. Having it be a nebulous feeling of "i am shit" is much harder to manage on your own.

Please get well soon.

>> No.8476725

>Why do people always talk in extremes?
Cause it's not as interesting to point out that there are two sides to things.

>> No.8476733

>I feel like no counselor is going to take my whining seriously.
They have to take it seriously anon, it's their job, you're paying then to.

>> No.8476759

Same. I already feel awkward at meets because I feel like the only pastel vomit sweet lolita there. I'm also older and seeing late teens/early 20's switching to those styles makes me feel even more out of place. Might end up just becoming a lone lolita.

>> No.8476802
File: 121 KB, 950x683, alicia-coutts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I FEEL YOU. Holy shit do I feel you. I'm huge.

I've spent most of my childhood and teen years in swimming clubs. Because of that, I'm huge AND muscular. Wide back. Huge arms. No waist. Normie clothes don't fit me well, let alone clothes made for delicate ladies. This is kinda part of why I hate myself so much. Wanting to find a substyle that caters to a wider range of body types is futile, even western branches only turn their heads to skinny, short girls.
That's why I'm giving up on j-fashion, coming here to lurk a bit and hate myself. I gave up on wearing nice clothes, they are now treasures in my wardrobe. Even my precious, carefully tailored Lolita pieces. They're kept separate from baggy pants and men's band t-shirts. Even after I lost over 20kg I hide myself.
Now I'm weaning off CGL, until I'm less not-ok with all this ordeal, while making sure all of my fucking belongings are so cute and lovely that you'd never expect a lady this strong and scary to own.
I've been called scary once by one of my students.

TL;DR another post of self-loathing in this thread.

>> No.8476813
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years ago I posted a secret that inflamed the wrath of the biggest drama queen in the comm. after a big stupid drama bomb debacle, she was quietly asked to leave for an indefinite amount of time. now she's come back and is being a bigger bitch than ever. she roped in some newbies and treated them like shit for months until they finally had it and abandoned her. she has whined and complained like it's not her fault and is playing the victim. hopefully someone else will do something to spur her to leave again, she is the biggest cunt in the entire comm, she's rude and egotistical but since she acts nice in person nobody can do anything even though nobody likes her. it's shitty too because I can't make another secret. the comm would blame it on her ex-friends and she would play victim even harder, and maybe try to get the mods to play witch hunt and ban her ex-friends. this is just a big mess and it's really maddening to watch her ex-friends worry about going to meetups with her. all she does is shit-talk and gossip about them to other people, but they're just trying to avoid her and not incur her wrath.

>> No.8476818

long dresses are getting popular now, you're actually getting interested in jfash at a good time. if you do your research it's definitely not impossible. in fact it would be easier now than it's ever been to find big, long, elaborate dresses, especially with the popularity of custom sizing and taobao brands.

>> No.8476822

I really hate how even in western brands there's so little for taller girls. I mean I live in the country with averagely the tallest people in the world, and it's still a struggle to find a dress that either isn't floor length or can't cover my butt.

Let's start a support group anon, it's impossible to find cute clothing when tall.

>> No.8476827

the issue isn't even the length of the dresses though, I'm glad some brands are releasing longer dresses but I have a long torso so those bodices will look awkward as shit on me regardless.
At least I"m glad some taobao brands to custom sizing.

>> No.8476829

Lolita and cosplay makes me hate myself. I want to leave them but I can't, I love them. I judge myself and my flaws everyday... My hairy arms and belly, small bump on my nose, double chin, play-doh face, unproportionate body, dead fish eyes. Ugh.

>> No.8476834

you sound overly critical of yourself. if it's any consolation there's definitely at least a few men (or women) who find you attractive, not to mention the chances of you being among the worst cosplay is very low statistically.

>> No.8476839

Most of the clothing production comes from Asian countries. It's usually cheaper. That's why you have the same size of a certain big brand in Australia and US (for example). Local brands, however, tend to cater to their country's average and may fit better.

Also what >>8476827 said. Bodices that become empire-waisted train wrecks.

>> No.8476850

Yeah I know probably I'm not the worst but I will never be the "queen" either. Just thinking that makes everything look meaningless.
I feel like I am the consolation prize myself. My friends? They cannot be friends with best cosplayer, so they have me to talk! My bf? He cannot catch the cutest lolita girl, so he has me instead!

>> No.8476853

No one is perfect and everyone has flaws, stop looking at overly photoshopped cosplayers and lolitas on the internet and get out in the real world.

>> No.8476860

don't get delusions of grandeur of being in a tiny minority. you're wrong about your friends and assume too much about your bf. friends rarely bond purely over looks and it's more likely you're settling for your bf than him settling for you.

>> No.8476861

Nah... Most lolitas and cosplayers I know personally look flawless too. Real world is worse.

>> No.8476878

you underestimate your own looks, overestimate others and don't realize how many men see those beautiful women and don't pay any attention to them because they think they're out of their league

>> No.8476879

There is a girl who I think is in her mid to late twenties who rocks sweet in my comm. Honestly, people dressed well and the way their style makes them happy is enough to make me respect them. I never understood this "I'm going to look down on you because ott sweet is like, sooo 2012!" bullshit.

>> No.8476882

Comm, I fucking love you, our last meetup was a mental health day for me that I really, really needed.
Stay frilly bitches, I hope you don't think I'm annoying.

>> No.8476891

Rocks ott pastel sweet, I mean.

>> No.8476917

I love you gulls, I don't know where you are, I don't know who you are but I love you.

>> No.8476925

I have a personal grudge against normalfag white girls in lolita. I know it's just a fashion, not a secret club, but still. They get everything they want because they already have everything they need, they didn't deal with being an outcast in high school, they get lots of attention for just being not ugly. Of course, it's white weeb girls who are the cringiest, but basic white girls are another kind of annoying. I honestly don't have anyone I particularly dislike, it just seems like a lot of lolitas who are joining these days are like this.
I feel like thanks to the tumblr sjw movement, I can say general hate comments against white people with minimal lashback. But I actually am 1/4 white.

>> No.8476930

>general hate comments against white people

Don't cut yourself on that edge anon

>> No.8476932

if only i didn't have crippling autism
love yourself but don't get an ego, love other people too

>> No.8476935

Gr8 b8

>> No.8476940

I know that feel anon. I got an $800 tax refund that I told myself would go straight to repaying my student loans... and I spent it all on luxury brand stuff and lolita.

>> No.8476946

I'm going to be starting university in October and won't have much funds for lolita over the next four years.
I'm really tempted to do some dirty things like sell my used panties or something but don't know where to do that.

>> No.8476948

Don't feel bad. You graduated, you deserve to spend a little money

>> No.8476955

just google a bit, you have several outlets where dozens of desperate, lonely men will give you their NEETbux for trivial goods and die a slow death after their disappointed parents pass away

>> No.8476984

I feel really wary of posting my personal information online, especially when so many people are ready to dox someone just because she is pretty (not saying I am) and justify it with 'but if she didn't want to be doxxed she shouldn't have posted her info on the internet', when they've been the ones snooping and trying to hack her account and the information they got wasn't public to begin with (or was posted online against their will, such as school records). Here I'm specifically referring to the Victoria Flamel debacle, but that's beside the point.
I used to be bullied in school and online (so it wasn't just one of those 'just get away from the screen nigga' situations) and my would-be stalkers are still trying to find me to this day despite me changing my personal info and deleting everything.
Recently I had to make a separate FB account for college (some work gets shared around on my lecturers' profiles and in the degree groups) and I used a fake name but my real picture (in my defence, I look significantly different from how I used to look like some years ago and I needed people to know who's adding them). I've had no friends but my fucking nan somehow still managed to find me and send me a friend request. Now I'm scared that others have found me as well.

I wanted to make a separate profile for lolita but if I'm that easily recognisable I don't think I should bother.

>> No.8476987 [DELETED] 

>how I used to look*

>> No.8476994

>how I used to look*
>I had no friends*
I don't know how I slipped up, I'm usually so anal about these things

>> No.8477024

Already did, nothing of that kind in my country and I'm unsure if used underclothing like that can even be sent by mail.

>> No.8477036

Right? I'm 5'10 and a size 3 so I'm not horribly tall but my inseam in 36in which is 4in longer than the longest length most stores carry. When stores do carry my size and inseam, short girls buy out the long length so they can hem them to exactly where want them and I'm stuck without long enough pants.


>> No.8477042

where are you from? at that point you might as well see if you could send the panties through mail and then find willing buyers on /r9k/ or elsewhere

>> No.8477046

Oh no anon, bad self esteem is serious business, i have,well had, AWFUL self image like you can't imagine how self loathing i was and i found a good comportementalist to help me (welp maybe that the fact that i was heavily bullied at school did something but in general i hated myself from head to toes) and now i'm getting better and better little by little, don't shoplift, i did that shit at 15, i am a tiny white girl with an angelic face so i got out of it without anything except a serious scolding from parents but i can tell you that it's not worth getting a police report or something fort some little bullshit like this, that will follow you when you apply for jobs and stuff and prison isn't kawaii trust me, had a shoplifter aunt and i heard some shit. Stay safe and get some help quickly. Also ain't nothing wrong with food stamps, if they judge you well middle finger up, fuck them, you need to eat and aren't loaded with money so what?

>> No.8477122

Can't say because the community here is really small and I'm not sure who else is on /cgl/ from there, but middle east.
But yea probably best to find private buyers.

>> No.8477139

>middle east
dude the oil sheikhs do some really kinky shite and pay big money for it, you'd be surprised
ditto for jews

>> No.8477155

I have a closet full of so much brand and so many beautiful dresses and shoes. It's incredible. My confession is that I was diagnosed with pretty severe OCD, anxiety and depression about a year ago and I can't bring myself to put on any of the dresses to wear outside because in my mind I'm just not ready yet to do that. I sit here and lurk and lurk, look up cool groups I could join, plan events and outfits and I know I'll never go to any of them because right now even going outside in a pair of heels is a huge chore I'm still working my way to doing. I keep saying "maybe one day anon!" But I find myself saying that every day for the past couple years.
All I really do now is sit at the computer in all the beautiful clothes and half live a reality I so desperately want.

>> No.8477156

middle east? you have very big opportunities. see >>8477139 there are a lot of very rich sons of oil tycoons and businessmen that casually toss about money to young women. we're talking online strippers getting thousands of dollars in tips, Twitch streamers getting $20k in a single donation. it's not so much a cheap cash flow as it is a primary source of revenue for you.

>> No.8477161

what exactly do you mean by not ready? are you worried about your appearance?

>> No.8477912

I made a bunch of secrets last year about Devon/Akira in order to frame Rosaire. It worked and now Rosaire isn't a lolita anymore.

>> No.8477922

My confession?
Well, it started a few minutes ago but I need to get this off my chest

in the process of doing a poo tbh

>> No.8477943

My mom has OCD and so I can understand a little of the frustration and anxiety you must feel anon. Seriously: get therapy. I know it's scary and hard to get yourself out of you way of thinking but life isn't worth wasting. Enjoy your years while you can! Get help and wear lolita and be the fairytale princess, anon. I believe in you.

>> No.8478017


>you must be over 18 to be here summersquid.

>> No.8478020

You did god's work anon

>> No.8478041

So you think that white people just magically get everything we want and are the centre of our social circles? And that we are automatically pretty due to our skin tone?
This is... worrying to say the least. There is so much wrong with what you just said, stop drinking the SJW propaganda.

>> No.8478062

You mean, you need to get this out of your ass.
> badum tss

>> No.8478064

> muh internalized self-loathing

>> No.8478068

I donno man, most people I see entering lolita are of some level of weeb. Some are better at hiding their power levels than others. Basic white girls don't have time and dedication for this shit. They are all about their uggs, north face hoodies, blending in not standing out, starbucks and from September until January, Pumpkin spice.

Most nerd white girls are used to being nerd white girls, and while many of us have learned to makeup and style ourselves, we're still used to being such huge dweebs and standing out, what's the difference if it's everyday clothing or petticoats and lace?

>> No.8478085


>pumpkin spice

Not going to lie, I'm a huge fucking twinkie because I can't fucking resist Starbuck's coffee tinted sugar drinks.

I sort of agree with the rest of it, but tbh I haven't seen this mysterious 'normie' yet. Maybe because of the major/job I'm in, but most of us are weird and slightly obsessed to an extent. The best I can think of are the so-called 'popular' girls who bullied me in high school, but that was so long ago that I can only really remember it in caricatured memory, so that's not a really good representation at all.

>> No.8478134

My wardrobe had not changed since high school and I am just now starting to acquire new pieces. I've been getting rid of a ton of old stuff and buying all new things, completely revamping my style. I'm buying necklaces and bracelets, bows for my hair and cute, frilly socks. My love for nautical things has just exploded and so much of my clothes are blue or striped or have anchors on them. High heels and sun dresses and so many skirts when all I had prior were sneakers and jeans. I'm so happy to finally be getting my hands on a much cuter, prettier style.

But I feel like I have to justify these clothes. I feel like there's a set limit of clothes for people to have and I'm reaching it (or have gone past it). When I buy a new piece, I feel really excited to wear it with other things, but I also feel like I have to make a list of reasons why I earned it, otherwise I feel like I don't deserve to wear it.

>> No.8478150

I really want to post on CoF to get some concrit on my coords but I don't want them to end up on here. I know that once it's on CoF, it's basically public and free for all but /cgl/ is ruthless.

>> No.8478171

UK anon here

How easy is it to find buyers?

>> No.8478192

not easy, not hard. the UK especially is a breeding ground for lonely, sad men who will gladly spend their NEETbux or minimum wage on random pairs of used panties to find some bleak sense of happiness in their life before hanging themselves before they reach 35. do some research and get an idea of pricing, then start searching for buyers. there is a large British general thread on /r9k/ you could probably start with

>> No.8478210

Same. I wish in general lolita wasn't so ruthless. I'm ironically not too scared of concrit, since I think /cgl/ is pretty level-headed with a dash of salt. It's more like I hate how free-for-all grabbing someone's pic and throwing it up is.
>"But that's like everywhere there's pictures on the internet!"
Not quite. Lolita is small compared to a lot of communities where you have to show your face. I've posted in other communities before and never wound up... anywhere really. You just kind of get lost in a big pool of people which I like.
Similarly, I'm a bit scared of joining my local comm. You can't get lost in it similar to a convention. I just have a real aversion to the spotlight.

>> No.8478219

>derailing beta male

no1curr about you and your crippling view of women. The name of these stupid articles, though.

>> No.8478244

I'm the poster of >>8476925 and seriously why do people reply in threads like these. I know that it was both edgy and stupid, that's why I posted it in an anonymous confession thread and not on my personal blog. Same deal with people who get assblasted on /cgl/ when someone says their opinion is wrong. Shit's anonymous, so even if you win the argument, no one will care unless you identify yourself.

>> No.8478262

>>8478041 everything this anon said.

You've got some severe insecurities if you think being white has anything to do with anything. I know SJWs have made up the boogeyman privilege, but it's just not fucking true. You have some real internalized self-loathing. I don't think you understand you sound sort of like /r9k/ fedoras where they talk about how women are evil and vicious and all against them, when they're really just unkept, disgusting, voids of human beings and no one wants to be around that. The fault is yours, not "theirs", if that makes sense.

>> No.8478321

I don't post to CoF for the exact same reason. I post in other places, but it seems if you post to CoF you're guaranteed to end up here regardless of how well you coord or take concrit.

Maybe I'm just being cynical.

>> No.8478327

I have posted to CoF tons of times and as far as I know have never been posted on here.

>> No.8478395

This sounds like humble brag bait to stir more shit up, honestly.

>> No.8478405

i feel like i can never be accepted among the gulls because of my childish past
why do i even want to be accepted idk..

>> No.8478410

this is just a vague cry for attention right now. you need to elaborate.

>> No.8478570

I've self posted on CGL before in search of comments on my outfit. I usually get ignored or passed over. I just want crits and observations of some sort. Like what's right or wrong with it.

>> No.8478587

I have acne too, but I have pretty bad scarring from high school. What kind of peels do you get and how much do they cost? I've been thinking about getting some myself because makeup just doesn't fill in those holes and indentions from years of acne...

>> No.8478589

It's okay to take breaks from stuff like this. It will get under your skin and make you paranoid as fuck about everything other people are saying instead of simply being a little more self aware.

>> No.8478597

So why is she still allowed in the comm? Why the fuck do people even deal with this shit, if she's being a cunt, don't allow her in. Simple.

>> No.8478606

Post yourself in a nitpick thread with comments about what you think is wrong with your coord and see what people say?

>> No.8478617

This sounds exactly like someone in my comm

>> No.8478652

This you getting bantered lad?

>> No.8478654

no lad but looks like there's some of our slags here waheyy
why aren't they posting in /brit/ though

>> No.8478666

My sole motivation to work is so I can afford lolita. I spend most of my paycheck on it because it's the only thing that I look forward to.
I don't care for my work(sales), but what scares me is that I'll never find something that I feel is worthwhile and engaging work.

I don't know if I'm lazy or burnt out but I contemplate quitting every other day. Buying lolita is just my way of escaping from this I guess.
But the high from receiving a parcel never lasts and so I'm always looking out for the next new thing to buy.
I know it's not healthy, and my wardrobe looks like a hoarder's but I just don't really know how to deal with all of this.

>> No.8478667

Depression is a motherfucker. I'm struggling to find validity and motivation in my life. When I was poor a few years ago I was barely scraping by in life, lost a bunch of weight from not eating well and stress. Now I've got a decent income but more and more stress, put on a lot of weight and can't get rid of it.
Stopped cosplaying because I'm fat, and since that was my main hobby, I don't know what to do with myself.
I work 50+ hours most weeks with only the weekends off, and I can't find time to go to the gym because I'm constantly stressed and exhausted. I want to get in shape and hot before I get too old.

>> No.8478681

I really want to be efamous like Lor, because I believe she actually has done stuff that makes her efame deserved. I always hated kate and jillian with a passion even before the whole lace thing simply because I think I was jealous that they get brand and followers so easily while I'm here too scared to do anything
I want to be a lolita youtuber but I don't have any fancy cameras also, I'm so not recording stuff on my webcam because if I'm going to take a stab at efame, I'm gonna do it the right way

>> No.8478683


the sperglords from /brit/ (British general on /int/) were raiding /cgl/ earlier. Go and chat with them a bit, you might find buyers there

>> No.8478684

also I found them annoying, I did have a legitimate reason for my salt
I feel kinda dumb for feeling this way because I know efame isn't all it seems but heh, I just wanna be loved

>> No.8478843

Anon I have OCD and anxiety and went through depression myself- my advice is: get therapy! You need it, you need it to feel better so you can wear all those beautiful clothes like you deserve. Hell, I get you, right now just going outside is a chore for me. It gets better, I swear it does. I believe in you too, anon.

>> No.8478851

Have you sold before? I have a full time job but wouldn't mind the extra cash.

>> No.8478864

I find it offensive please delete this

>> No.8478866

Hello delet this

>> No.8478867


>> No.8478868

u lookin 4 trouble?

>> No.8478870

>cosplay and "EGL"
>in charge of calling people sperglords

>> No.8478880

Excuses motherfucker.

>> No.8478893

Anon, are you already taking antidepressants and following a therapy? You need to focus on the depression first before you can even start thinking about losing weight, because you are sure to have zero motivation otherwise.
You try dealing with depression, then we talk.

>> No.8479159

I want a brolita for my boyfriend and eventually, a future husband.

I want to spend time cuddling in bed surrounded by dresses and plushies from Japan in a feminine bedroom. We would help each other with makeup, tie our waist ties together, and twin in our dream dresses. We'll dress up in gorgeous Rococo dresses, go on picnics together, and make out from under the tree like beautiful ladies, "but that's forbidden love". I'll fucking peg him in the ass and give me blow jobs from my strap-on. We'll wear beautiful white JSKs from Baby when we get married. Then we'll strip down for a night of rough sex in Agent Provocateur lingerie.

He'll make me a sandwich wearing just an apron. :^)

>> No.8479185

I didn't think much of it at first, but a lot of my friends are starting to grate on me really bad. I really like cosplay, but the shit that goes along with the people in it is pissing me off so much. "LIKE MY FANPAGE, GUYS."

Maybe I'm overreacting but it all seems so tacky and vain.

>> No.8479188

haha tbh

>> No.8479209

I feel this as a cosplayer, I love cosplaying all the cute characters, most of which are much shorter than me (I'm about 6 feet tall).

But I'm starting to get really sick that I can't go one convention without some nerd police telling me I'm too tall to cosplay the character and I should cosplay this character instead because they are much taller :X

I know I shouldn't let stupid stuff like this bother me, but when you hear it all the time it starts to get annoying.

>> No.8479211 [DELETED] 

I'll DDOS your mums pants you little fuckboy haha

>> No.8479227

You have your priorities straight in life anon, I feel like you and I would be great friends.

>> No.8479398

What kind of shit advice
Just post your coord in the coord help thread, worn or laid out, and ask what could bbe improved on, and if you have a certain concern, mention that. You're almost guaranteed some responses.

>> No.8479414

It's actually a great and supportive fandom. It's weird to admit even though I can since this is anon, but I'm very involved in that fandom. I'm not white or asian or any of those stereotypes. I'm mixed, small, and average looking, with an average lifestyle.That is to say, it's not totally up to your looks on how sucessful you can be at it. I've been doing it for three years. What really matters is that you aren't careless and you aren't greedy. Honestly being part of that fandom is like nothing else. It's like you have a secret identity with a secret network of friends who admire and inspire you right back. I don't do it just because lolita is expensive, anon, but it wouldn't be a bad reason to do it. It's extremely high risk and dangerous, and you need to understand and accept that going in. But for most of us, beyond the free loot, that's one of the alluring factors of it.

>> No.8479423

It's actually a great and supportive fandom. It's weird to admit even though I can since this is anon, but I'm very involved in that fandom. I'm not white or asian or any of those stereotypes. I'm mixed, small, and average looking, with an average lifestyle.That is to say, it's not totally up to your looks on how sucessful you can be at it. I've been doing it for three years. What really matters is that you aren't careless and you aren't greedy. Honestly being part of that fandom is like nothing else. It's like you have a secret identity with a secret network of friends who admire and inspire you right back. I don't do it just because lolita is expensive, anon, but it wouldn't be a bad reason to do it. It's extremely high risk and dangerous, and you need to understand and accept that going in. But for most of us, beyond the free loot, that's one of the alluring factors of it.

>> No.8479434

Anyway, for my confession: I'm a shoplifting lolita and it makes me feel like a femme fatale secret spy hero badass.
Hmm this makes me want to do an old fashioned Robber coord now!

>> No.8479478

How many times have you shoplifted and have you ever gotten caught?

>> No.8479479

in the US, yes. you can make a decent amount depending on how much you send out. i charged $20-40 per purchase. follow obvious rules: use a PO box, don't give out your real name, etc.

>> No.8479482

that, but just a lolita, not a brolita

>> No.8479488

nah you're just a dirty little petty thief, get away with your delusions of grandeur
robbery only hurts the shop staff who can lose their jobs when you take stuff
seriously fuck you
but I'm sure you've heard all that before and continue to disregard it

>> No.8479510

I used to be friends with someone whom every time I asked her for coord feedback would nitpick that the clothes I was wearing made me look fatter. I'm honestly glad we don't talk anymore, especially since I'm in ED recovery and don't need that negativity around me.

>> No.8479514
File: 978 KB, 360x202, 1436409761182.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Confession: I'm a poorfag who just happens to have a good credit limit.

>have BA/MA degrees
>been in customer service for years
>trying to get a job with my degrees but no luck
>nobody wants my unexperienced ass with my fancy degrees
>had interviews where they didn't want me because they said I should have career plans for my degrees instead of the job I was interviewing for
>need to join some federal volunteer program to get experience
>it still hurts so bad that I'm unable to get a job on my own
>have still bought dresses with my credit card despite being unemployed and living back at home
>currently at $1600 with no means to pay it
>mfw credit card company just raised it to $2300 because they like suckers who can't pay their amounts back but likey spendy

>> No.8479577

I have a two replica dresses I got as a gifts when I was in high school. I was so new to lolita that I did not even know they were replicas and so I had bought lots of matching accessories for them. They're really cute on and I want to wear them a few times before getting rid of them but I'm scared what my comm will think.

>> No.8479588

thanks for making retail an even shittier place to work.

you are directly hurting the regular people who work in the stores you steal from. corporate takes hours (money) away from stores with high theft to make up for that store's loss in revenue.

how can you live with yourself knowing you are making the lives of people who struggle to get by even worse?

>> No.8479605

lol no

you're a person who hurts people and feels good about it. that's the opposite of a hero.

>> No.8479617

Oh god do people really police you on it? I really want to cosplay cute (idol) characters but there's none. Well there's Kirari from Idolmaster who's officially 6ft tall but yeah.

It sucks because female characters around our height are almost non-existent and the ones that are tall generally aren't anything interesting.

>> No.8479720

I have a "friend" who wants to get into lolita - gothic, specifically. She asked me for advice and I told her the basic stuff and extra tips, and helped her make her first coord and showed her the ins and outs of Taobao. Now I think I regret it.

She's nice enough (albeit having done some really shitty things that aren't relevant and don't warrant mentioning) but she doesn't know enough about quality of items and the other day she asked me whether the lace on her completely non-loliable item was good or bad, which gave me the impression that she intended to use it for lolita somehow. She also takes very bad care of her cosplay wigs and her regular hair is definitely not suitable for lolita. She won't be ita-tier, but probably on the lower end of good, and since everyone knows me as "the lolita", I'm worried that people are gonna think I put the coords together when I don't want to have a hand in her future coordinates. I set her out on a basic one and told her to add accessories and she sees fit but afterwards I'm not responsible for her outfits.

As salty as this sounds, I really regret trying to start her off. I don't like her all that much but I don't hate her, and she's seen me wear lolita so I didn't particularly want to go down the "link to Milanoo, tell to post on a fun-loving, no-hate community called /cgl, drop all contact" route.

What do I do, seagulls?

>> No.8479744

You sound like someone who creates all their problems and then complains about how unfair life is

>> No.8479772

The queen bee of my comm hates me. I can't go to their meets, I can't go to any place where I may eventually find a lolita.

I want her to die so I can take her place

>> No.8479800
File: 225 KB, 362x677, tumblr_nnyexqnRKA1srxd2qo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like you could do with a no-rust-build-up solution, anon...

>> No.8479807

Well I'm sure you know all about me from a paragraph anon, thanks for the input.

>> No.8479834

My confession is that I think my comm is full of itas. One doesn't wear pettis, the other doesn't really wear headdresses , one of them doesn't wear make up at all or does her hair, another is just awful at coordinating.

I love most of them but I'm so embarrassed by how they dress. It's not even about the brand name, it's about knowing the basic foundations of lolita...

>> No.8479859

At first I thought that was Tommy Wiseau

>> No.8479875

I think you should be really careful. I was jobless for a while and was about that much in debt from brand too. I payed it all off and nothing happened, but Jesus is that a lot when you have no means of paying it. I watched some financial related things and one of this one guys principals was "never be in debt". I've lived by it since and it's the best advice I've probably had for money.

Better to be two dollars rich than thousands in debt with everything you want. The red catches up to you somehow, someday, anon. It's pretty crippling and could affect your mental health down the line.

>> No.8479989

I feel this. I'm not showstopper, but I think of myself as pretty average and I'M embarrassed. We have a lot of well dressed people but for every one well dressed person there's about three itas. There's a lot of newbies, too. It gives my comm the reputation of being ita and I hate it. They're all super nice, but I wish a lot of them would put more effort into it. We're also a pretty welcoming comm, so we've had some strange run-ins with a lot of outliers at meets. People who attend one and done who have no interest in wearing the fashion but attend in shitty jfash or casual clothes and just take pics.

At least my comm's overall image and coord skills have improved a lot over the years.

>> No.8479992

my comm is full of poorfags wearing bodyline and offbrand, while i've been building my wardrobe with angelic pretty, alice and the pirates, meta, and soon innocent world. i feel bad for saying it, but i don't think i'll be joining their meets any time soon, even though i wish i could have more lolita friends. i don't want to feel awkward being one of the only ones wearing angelic pretty next to a bunch of girls wearing cheap offbrand and bodyline, and i have terrible anxiety so it'd almost be like having a spotlight on me because i'm wearing burando, which i don't think i'd be able to handle. what sucks royally is the comm 4+ hours away is much larger and better dressed, but i'm rarely there at the time they have events, even though i visit often. plus, i want local lolita friends that aren't 4+ hours away, but that's looking highly unlikely now. it sucks.

>> No.8480065

Yeah pretty much. It's pretty easy to tell the type of person you are based on the fact that you have a useless masters in art and spend money you don't have on clothes. That's not a good combination anon. Even if you end up working in fast food / retail you need to get a job asap.

>> No.8480072

You sound like the type of asshole who thinks they're smarter than they actually are and is likely insecure with themselves.

>> No.8480084

>TFW I have a relationship similar to this
Its great anon I hope you find a qt brolita bf. I would suggest finding a guy who crossplays or something first and get him into Lolita. That's what I did.

>> No.8480087

You sound stuck up anon. Wearing brand doesnt make you better than them.

>> No.8480091

Body dysmorphia is a thing.

Going from a 135-lb-soaking-wet Asian beanpole to a 190-lb (after cut) swole lifter (tfw no Greek god facial aesthetics) didn't do shit for my self esteem issues, until I threw myself back into friendships I had been neglecting. Even now I still have lingering body dysmorphia issues.

You need to do things that make you happy, and do them with friends. It makes a world of difference to your self image.

>> No.8480095

you need to stay by yourself with that attitude

>> No.8480105


>> No.8480146

Fuck you. I used to work at a couple of different stores at malls where teen girls like to shop lift and this shit isn't cute, you're not a hero, please stop doing this. It hurts the stores and the employees. I suggest you getting a retail job at Charlotte Russe, Victoria Secret, Forever 21, Sephora, Ulta, or whatever popular teen girl store is in your area. Not only will having a job there allow you to purchase the things you want with the money you earn (employee discount too) but you too can feel like a "hero" stopping these shop lifting thieves.

>> No.8480158

"Fandom"?? Excuse me, I know tumblr has an obsession with fandom, but that just isn't the right term here. Fandom is something that has to do with media, like being a fan of a character.

Basically, if you can't cosplay from it, it's probably not a "fandom". It's just a community, anon.

Also, for both of you, I think you should get some help with your problem and talk to someone. Klepto is the side effect of something much bigger, if my old high school friends are any indicator. It's basically the same as cutting to feel good, even if it doesn't seem that way. It's a self-destructive habit to alleviate stress in your life. If you don't fix it, the bad habit will "fix" you. You'll get caught eventually, not have any sympathy to said issues, and possibly face a mess of legal issues. Save yourself now before it gets any worse.

>> No.8480166

I'm gonna do my best to get rid of it. I believe you when you say it affects mental health down the line, I kind of already experience it at least with feeling depressed.

I've already taken the card out of my wallet so I won't be tempted to impulse buy anything. And my bf shuns me now if he finds out I buy I anything new.

>> No.8480198

she hasn't done anything severe enough to ban her and after the big blowup with her "friends" she made it seem like it was a "she said, she said" situation instead of her being fucking germany in wwi, aka the aggressor in all this shit, who had been a total cunt to her friends for months before the last straw happened that weekend and they stopped putting up with her bullshit. a few years ago they quietly asked her to leave after she sort of threatened to fight people, but about a year later she came back acting as polite as ever. now nobody wants to do it again because she got into a tangle with one of the mods and the mod doesn't want to deal with her anymore, and none of the other ones know anything about this bitch.

she probably is but i'm honestly just done dealing with her and i feel so bad for her ex-friends but honestly there's nothing to be done and it just sucks

>> No.8480216

I got myself into 8k CC debt. Some of it was lolita. Some was everyday expenses, putting everything on my CC in regular stores and restaurants because I was afraid of having my debit card number stolen and totally fucked over.

I've managed to get it down to under 2k, but I've had to pay 1k in dental, doctor visits and getting new glasses. I wanted to get it paid off two months ago.

It's not worth the stress anon.

>> No.8480219

I wish a lot that my cosplay was more recognized. I don't want to be "cosfamous" or "cospopular" by any means, but it'd mean a lot to have more support for the things I do outside of family and close friends. I put a lot of effort and a lot of time into doing my cosplays, but something about either me or my cosplays just doesn't lend itself to getting recognized. I feel like an awful person when I look at people whose cosplays are "worse" than mine but have more likes or whatever (or average likes and comments) on their facebook pages because I wonder why mine don't get the same kind of feeling.

>> No.8480232

Yeah like I cosplayed Chie at a convention a few months ago, and this really crappy Yosuke cosplayer came up to me and told me I was too tall to be Chie and that I should have done Yukiko instead (I hate Yukiko btw).

I get stuff similar to that at almost every convention I go to...

>> No.8480258
File: 41 KB, 171x189, i_did_not_sign_up_for_this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got into cosplay because I have a crippling cosplay/uniform fetish.
I've made countless amazing friends at cons, taught myself how to sew/make props, traveled around the world and had the time of my life that way,
People tell me how great it is that I'm a male cosplayer that cares about sewing and craftsmanship, but I honestly couldn't care less since the main reason is that I can't get it up outside of cosplay.

>> No.8480276

I have a Milky Planet skirt and I've only worn it once. I love the print to death and it's become a favorite of mine, but I feel like I can't pull it off at all because it's a sweet print. I've never been cute or young looking, so I should be used to this, but I can't help feeling like I can't wear it because of my mongoloid manly looks. I also smile like my muscles are fucking atrophied and retarded, so there's no fucking help for me at all. I just wish I didn't fucking care so much and wear what I want.

I'm far from the type of person to buy an item to use in one outfit, and it's killing me that I'm missing out on so many fun/beautiful outfits/items because it's not "practical". So I'm slowly trying to change that and I still can't break free from it. I've bought and then sold so much in the past month I'm embarassed. I mean, I manage to make a profit so it's not all bad, but I'm ashamed I can't shake my frugalness.

>> No.8480283

I have a therapist I see fairly regularly, but she just had a baby and is now on maternity leave for a few months. I've asked her about whether I could try being medicated for depression but she says she thinks my depression is situational as opposed to chemical, so she doesn't think it would help. We've worked through some of my grief over my grandfather passing away, but mostly I see her for ptsd therapy.
I'll be okay, anon. Some days are worse than others. I'll be able to get back into the gym when the summer is over and my hours drop back down. You seem like a nice person.

>> No.8480292

You sound like that guy from the girls thread on /h/ ..

>> No.8480295

No idea, I'm more of a /d/egenerate.

>> No.8480315


>> No.8480333


>I have hit the wall and now i feel like shit and I can only enjoy myself again by laughing at others

women, utter sociopaths after the wall..and before!

I'm glad men don't age like milk :3

>> No.8480336
File: 78 KB, 400x349, 34900988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>crippling view of women

tell me that when an alpha who's treated you like shit is railing your asshole and you're loving it, honey

>> No.8480349

I've been trolling /r9k/. You guys hate /r9k/ right? It's /cgl/ related because if one of you dates me, that would make /r9k/ super angry.

>> No.8480359

I'm a 6''3 hairy guy.

I've never done anythign cosplay/lolita. I dont even watch anime. The only media I consume is CS:GO and whatever I want to watch on netflix

the truth is i browse /cgl/ because I want to be a cute lolita girl.

I'm not transgender, but fuck am I ever jealous that there are people in this world who were born and can actually wear shit like this

I want to kill myself everyday because I am a male.

>> No.8480367
File: 83 KB, 1600x900, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so desperate to talk to women they come to a female-dominated board and stir shit for the off-chance someone will give them the attention they crave, any attention

>> No.8480368

so you don't want to semi-redeem yourself and set the record straight anonymously, even with the opportunity to do so?

>> No.8480373

Hairy guys can be cute too anon! My bf is the fattest hair ball an he is so cute. Actually he is sleeping right now so I'll go and pet him a bit. He is x10 cuter when he is sleeping.

>> No.8480389

I can't dress like a loli though. I can't be that kind of cute

It hurts alot tbh

>> No.8480393

I started keeping a folder for screenshots of people who praised me.
First screenshot is the guy who praise my trigger discipline on one of my cosplays.

>> No.8480395
File: 1.61 MB, 1669x2500, p23-ladybeard-w-20150426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be like Ladybeard, he is cute as fuck.

>> No.8480397

>I'm glad men don't age like milk :3

Your trips betray you, incel-kun.
>hairs on your backs
Need I say more?

>> No.8480400

Yep, you probably can't go full on loli but you can try adding loli elements to your daily life. Like wearing pink shoes. Styling your hair. Wearing clothes with lace details. These stuff can look great if done right.

>> No.8480412

Can this not be an "I was raped, but..." thread? I hate to be insensitive but I hate men so much already, I just feel disgusted looking at them.

>> No.8480416

Go back to tumblr

>> No.8480418

Lol, they aren't going to 'put you in the spotlight' because you are wearing burando. They will likely think it's weird that you seem so awkward and seem to think you are special. Go to a meet and meet the people. They are what is important in the comm. Potential friends if you can stop looking down your nose, maybe.

>> No.8480419


Anonymous, /people/ are all jealous, bitter psychopaths.

>> No.8480420

Don't respond to bait

>> No.8480423

I don't go to tumblr. Anyone with eyes can see men are pieces of shit. Open up a newspaper. That's literally all you have to do.

>> No.8480428

I feel kinda offended tbh

>> No.8480434


Oh so you're one of the original SJW livejournal crowd.

>> No.8480441

Ok but consider the following.

Be really pretty and smart so you can manipulate them into working for you.

Penises are great.

>> No.8480443

Do you have an argument?

>> No.8480451

>I've never met nearly all of them, but all 3.5 billion members of the species are pieces of shit, unlike I, the superior gender

>> No.8480456

I've been substance abusing since I was 19. Now I try and keep it purely alcohol. I can still put on cosplay and become fairly well known for my looks but I'm afraid to actually get close to anyone. I'm 23 never had close relationship because of my addictions. Drinking and drug use is already sort of a taboo in the cosplay community so I feel ashamed to be truthful with people. But rumors have started spreading. It sucks.

>> No.8480457

Were women the ones oppressing everyone and stripping everybody that wasn't like them of their rights for generations across the entire world? No? Funny that, almost like we're the civilized ones

>> No.8480468

The point is that they supsected anon and not her friend who was actually shoplifting. Don't be obtuse.

>> No.8480471

I bet you hate all white people too.

>> No.8480474

>implying women wouldn't do the same if they were the gender with greater physical might
>implying all males every where "enslaved" a gender always ever
>implying males are held accountable for the attrocites of our ancestors

>> No.8480475


Funny because the white women's suffrage movement did the exact same thing to black women.


>> No.8480482

Meh it's not like I hate all of you, just most. I'm not nearly as bad as most misogynists are. They are brutal. I don't even abuse men or anything like that.

>> No.8480490

fucking hell /r9k/s banter is piss poor and autistic compared to the lads of /brit/

>> No.8480500
File: 193 KB, 640x900, 1436424541740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you anon

if you ever get frustrated with men you can always abuse me to feel better, I wouldn't mind. I promise

>> No.8480505

Well.. they more or less did. Any time men have been given free license to abuse women, they do. Just look at Saudi arabia. I don't see very many men there protesting the conditions there. They get laid, they have power, they couldn't care less. Men throughout history have demonstrated this.
You have no proof women would do the same thing if they were physically stronger. It's a completely meaningless argument. There is more than enough proof of what men do - saying "women would probably be just as bad!" Is not an argument or justification. I don't hear very much about female bodybuilders beating the shit out of their spouses, for example.

>> No.8480511

Is funny how men actually enjoy being abused

>> No.8480518

I try to justify not fully recovering from anorexia by saying this way I'll fit into brand when I finally have enough money to afford it.
>lol will my fat 25 inch waist and 31 inch bust ever fit into brand anyway

>> No.8480521

Yah it's not like a ton of women have BDSM fetishes..

>> No.8480525

Are you saying female on male domestic violence doesn't happen? I was just egging you on because clearly you are a crazy SJW but now I'm kinda mad tbh

>> No.8480526

Actually, it's not as many as men.

>> No.8480537

Is it weird that whenever I want to hurt myself, I use cosplay as an excuse not to? It sounds kind of stupid, but every time I think about making more cuts or burn marks on my skin that would just turn into ugly scars, I picture the next cosplay I'm going to do and think, "Well that wouldn't look very good with the character, those scars would just ruin the entire thing." I've been using that excuse for a while now and am now almost 6 months clean... it's a really stupid coping method and one that I'm embarrassed to tell people (especially my normie friends), but hey, it works.

>> No.8480538

It's significantly less rare and it doesn't matter as much, a girl slapping her bf around isn't going to hurt him, a man can seriously hurt or even kill his girlfriend.

>> No.8480545

Where did I say that? I just said it doesn't happen as much. I'm not an SJW, I actually hate them. I'm a realist. you have to be fucking blind to not see this stuff. It's pretty simple and pretty much any study backs it up. Men commit the vast majority of violent crime, sexual violence and so on. The only people who say they don't are cherry picking MRAS and even the studies they link are usually terrible, or support some other conclusion and they only read the abstract. Same with SJWs.

>> No.8480546

do you have sufficent evidence to enrich these claims?

And so what if it did?

>> No.8480563

>it doesn't matter as much

Right, because men are emotionless machines who are built to have stronger pain tolerance? And men having rampage's who have no control and can risk killing their gf?

Is /cgl/ actually defending domestic violence? Holy shit this board is pathetic. I seriously can't handle this

>> No.8480567

/r9k/ is just as pathetic tbh lad

>> No.8480569

Men often excuse domestic violence by saying women enjoy it or need it in some way. So knowing that men enjoy abuse as much or more certainly makes a difference when dealing with people like that.

>> No.8480580

Men ARE built to have higher pain tolerance, not only that but women are physical weaker. There's no reason they can't just man up and take some slaps or some fists, the odds are totally in their favor. I just saw an article from a few years back of a guy in Britain hitting his girlfriend in the jaw three times so hard she couldn't smile again. THAT'S fucked up, that's what men can do to women. That's domestic violence and assault, a girl can never do the same to a man and so it shouldn't be taken as seriously, it's not even in the same league.

>> No.8480581

R9k has threads like this constantly. So does pol and others. You think the men there give half a shit about stupid women and their feefees?
Know how often I see men sticking up for women here or on those boards? Hint: not very often
Fuck off with your whiteknighting or at least direct it at the actual problem.

>> No.8480597

I've never met someone say women enjoy/need abuse. And if I did, I would be sure to aviod that person and warn everybody I knew, maybe even contact authorities if I had suspicion, like any rational and sane person would.

This isn't the 1950's, this is most definetley not okay and is not treated that way in the western world.

>> No.8480614

Meh, I feel kinda bad for derailing. Males on /cgl/, you're probably okay and I don't really hate you. I just get frustrated sometimes.

>> No.8480618

That doesn't make it OK for ANYONE to hit their S.O. . Why would any normal person touch their loved one? Men are not violent abusive creatures, women are not violent abusive creatures. These are mentally sick people and should not be judged on the basis of gender.

It makes me sick how a person can discriminate an entire gender because of a few individuals who take their emotions out unhealthily to s.o

>> No.8480654

Because men have been doing it for thousands of years with no repercussions, maybe one day a girl needs to teach her man straight to stop being a jackass and rough him up a bit? Like I keep pointing out, he can take it, he's a man, it's not a problem for him like it's a problem for girls. Men are absolutely much more violent and abusive creatures than women, the vast majority of all violent crime is committed by men, virtually all combatants in war across history? Men. They are the barbaric type and as society is finally progressing we can't tolerate that anymore.

>> No.8480663

>They are the barbaric type and as society is finally progressing we can't tolerate that anymore.
I agree, I feel the same way about pakis and niggers

>> No.8480664

A few individuals? Ell oh fucking ell

>> No.8480668

People always try to compare this to racism but, once again, if you pay attention you will notice it's only MALE members of these races that pull this shit. Wow what a coincidence.

>> No.8480675


>> No.8480679

>go to convention
>get tons of photos taken
>get my hopes up that I will find a photo, but tell myself it doesn't matter because it's for fun

>few weeks past
>look through albums and flicker and coxpix
>suddenly super depressed

I mean.. It shouldn't matter to me and usually doesn't, but the fact that I got a lot of photos taken kind of got my hopes up.

>> No.8480701

This was me at c2e2. I got stopped every 10 feet for a photo, but I couldn't find any pictures of myself even after scouring tumblr/instagram/facebook/twitter. Really disappointing, because now the only pictures I have of the finished cosplay are ones that my parents took of me.

>> No.8480719

>Still predominantly male
>still men raping these girls
>still men committing 95% of the shit like:
Wow so a small handful of women are shits, while millions of men in the middle east are raping and enslaving women and children.
You're doing a piss poor job of convincing me. Your one news article means nothing to me out of the dozens I see every day. Men rape children and animals on a daily basis. It's local news barely worth reporting on. When women do it, it's nationwide news. Ever think about why that is?
I even watched a video by CH Sommers - do we need men? The conclusion I drew from it is that we apparently need men to stop the crimes other men commit. Great logic. Stop whiteknighting them and start holding them accountable.

>> No.8480721

Sounds like someone's been brainwashed during their gender studies class.

>> No.8480722

I just have instagram selfies and a photo I asked someone to take of me at AX with my own phone at one of those set up scenes in the gaming hall, but that image is super blurry. Im just so sad..

>> No.8480727

So like, what are you trying to accomplish here? A world without men isn't going to happen in our life time. Pull up your big girl panties and either shit or get off the pot.

>> No.8480744

Seriously, what's with the whiteknighting? You realize if these things were said about women on a male dominant website, few would care? You might get "lol women suck i love dem titties" most men do not give a shit.they also don't give a shit about misandry because it rarely effects them. So why should you? Sheltering men isn't going to help, they need to own up and try to be better on their own.

>> No.8480964

Is it weird that whenever I want to self harm, I use cosplay as an excuse? Like I'll be a wreck and ready to just cut into my skin but then I remember the scars it will leave, and think "But when I cosplay x character, everyone will see the scars and it won't make the costume look good." Using cosplay as a coping method of some sort has made me almost 6 months clean now, that includes not having small relapses at all. I feel really embarrassed to tell my family, few friends (especially the normie ones) my "coping method" but at least it's working I guess.

>> No.8480975

This too is my dream!

We would have the most amazing wardrobe, enjoy tea together every day, and wear matching outfits to meets. Nobody will match our cuteness. Afterwards, we'll cuddle and squish each other's boobs, real or not.

When things go horribly wrong, like us losing out on that dress on y!j, we'd grab macarons and suddenly feel better. Because we're weeb trash, we'll watch animu and complain about the shit subs. And we'll make regular trips to Japan, just because we can.

Oh, but for the wedding, it has to be a white baby JSK / black moitie OP. Has to be.

>> No.8480988

nature is violent? why, no one could have guessed. testosterone has a direct link towards aggressive behavior? mindblown.

>> No.8480995

>I actually kind of like star chan
I wish she hadn't cut all of her hair off though

>> No.8481003

This is my first time visiting this board after I saw someone on /adv/ post abou it.

Man I browse /g/, /m/, /adv/, and rarely /pol/ and this board is so fucking different. It is weird and I don't like it.

>> No.8481006

those boards are all 4chan
this is 4chan for women which means it's tumblr. janitors will delete mean comments

>> No.8481011

That doesn't sound very fun.

>> No.8481033

I am laughing so hard and I don't think that was your original intention. I get that this thread just got derailed by /r9k/ bottom feeders since some beta men got their fee-fees hurt. There's a reason why you can't reproduce or even get sex. You poisonous genes can't be allowed in the gene pool.

>> No.8481038

I feel like we might be in the same comm. somewhere in central US?

>> No.8481078

>taking the bait this hard

>> No.8481108

Okay...? No one is disputing that. The question is what we do with this information in a civilized society. Generally, we lock up and punish violent criminals and are biased against people predisposed to such behaviors. Men refuse to acknowledge this and continually push it off onto races they don't like. They rarely hold themselves accountable and complain about any attempts to do so.

>> No.8481115

Wanna be my gf?

>> No.8481118

You're doing god's work, anon.
Who here /r9k/?
And no, this isn't a raid.
I'm just visiting you lovely ladies :3

>> No.8481146

gr8 b8 m8

>> No.8481152

Any women in doubt, this is what men think of you. I know many of you will argue that it's just /r9k/ and they're fucked up. This isn't the case. Many, many men think this way.

>> No.8481177

stop derailing the thread and go back to your own board pls

>> No.8481179

So not so much a confession but I'm too lazy to make a new cringe thread. Well a bit if a confession because I've been wanting to post this girl on btb and all over cgl. She made a god awful tacky jsk and got negative criticism on it in a lolita sewing group, left and made a new group called lolita is for everyone because of bullying.

>> No.8481187

Sounds good. You should post hey. I'd she's that bad she probably has a lot of haters and won't pick you out

>> No.8481203
File: 225 KB, 1200x1600, FB_IMG_1436942709305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at it

>> No.8481206

This has a lot of potential honestly. She's kind of a lolcow if whatever was said was so bad she made her own group.

>> No.8481219

It wouldn't be a bad idea to pick out just a couple things you can bear to let go of and sell them and/or get an average food service job or something for the time being. Crappy, but at least you'd be able to make some payments before the debt kept piling up.
You can continue to look for a good job as you work.
And maybe seek some counseling for this issue. It's kind of addict behavior, like a shopping addict. It's interfering with your quality of life, so it's time to face it and work on it.

>> No.8481221

Yeah it seems like she is actually good at construction and sewing just has not the best taste and attitude. She also thinks she has fans and models and all her photos are way over filtered (so bright white you can't see her nose). Idk if it is just me who is irrationally annoyed by her or is she that cringe y

>> No.8481228

Another insight into how men act on male forums
Wake up ladies

>> No.8481238

>I love most of them
Maybe try scheduling time to hang out with them one on one, and find ways to incorporate advice.
"Wanna work on our coords for the upcoming meet up together?"
My best friend and I do this and both our coords have improved since we began spending time together. They may come up with some cool ideas you didn't think of, and they will probably be grateful for your advice if they feel like you're really their friend and giving the advice because you care--wording is key so you don't sound like you're harsh and criticizing.

>> No.8481285

I'm so glad I found /cgl/
My eyes are opened!
Women are just as horrible bullies as men.
And I thought only us men go through hell in highschool

>> No.8481314

This is really cute. That side ruffle on the bottom is stupid and feels out of place, but I really like this. I would love if it has more green involved instead of yellow, but Im personally partial to green, and brown, dresses.

>> No.8481338

I actually love this, but more for it's potential and because I border on vintage anyway. The print is sometimes upside-down and sideways, though? I have no idea why she left, though. Clearly it deserves a lot of crit, but she does have some skill.

>> No.8481343


Uhh guys

>those pinched-in bows
>that bodice with no shaping, causing all those wrinkles

These aren't the hallmarks of "good construction". The lack of any kind of shaping on the bodice tells me this girl doesn't know what she's doing.

And then:

>using a rectangle ruffle on the end of a circle skirt
>adding any kind of anything onto the hem of a circle skirt
>that ruffle on the shoulder straps

She really does not know how to put together lolita clothes. Like, at all.

>not even touching on how low end the lace and fabric looks
>Is the print actually sideways?

Guys, seriously, what are you high on?

>> No.8481349

Luckily I don't befriend people like this, but it is extremely tacky and vain. You're not wrong. It comes off super desperate and pathetic.

>> No.8481365

I actually do like Bodyline. Not because they're considered "cheap" brand, but because I find some of their things to be genuinely cute. I really do hope their prices go down one day though so I can start buying things other than their shoes again.

>> No.8481379

Yikes, I dunno I'm not a lolita but if I was a mod of something like that I wouldn't be okay with girls in my comm being threatened by a spoiled brat so I'd handle it swiftly.

>> No.8481384

I'm the same way, anon. Although I don't have that many under my belt, I would like my work to be recognized a little more.

>> No.8481390

Dude, her sewing is clean. People are saying she has potential. Calm your salts. Put them back into the cupboard for a better time.

>> No.8481397

I've done the same anon, its great

>> No.8481411

It's not stupid if it works. It would be stupid if you used it and you cut/burned anyway. Nice job on being clean for that long, anon.

>> No.8481440

I try to help my friends when they come to me for advice on their coords, but I had no idea I'd have to make sure they're wearing a petticoat lol.
I've offered to work together on coords like "hey, did you decide what you're gonna wear?" And then I show them my coord, ask if I can change anything, ans then ask if i can give my advice on theirs. But only 2 people have responded well lol. 1 girl just looks at my coord and is like "omg so pretty!!" And then doesn't show me hers? I'm not a super amazing lolita or anything, but I truly enjoy styling others. I just wish some of them felt more comfortable showing me so I can help them.

I guess I'll keep trying :)?

>> No.8481446

Yeah...maybe it will take a few times hanging out before they feel comfortable. I think eventually it will work out.

>> No.8481449


One of the anons said the construction was good, one said it was cute, and one more professed love for it. So I pointed out all the flaws and then said I cannot understand their feelings of love for this terrible attempt at clothing.

>sewing is clean
Look at the top of the bodice. There's a tube-like shape there, most likely because she didn't bother pressing it before she sewed it down, the fabric shifted and warped and now it doesn't sit straight. That's pretty sloppy, not clean.

Only way I'm seeing "potential" is if she improved a lot, but she already flounced out of the group after con crit, so that goes out the window as well. Seriously where are you seeing potential?

>calling salt
This only works if I'm spewing baseless bile instead of actual facts. Right now everything I'm saying is right and you're the one with nothing to back you up, though.

>> No.8481485

I like this. Stay salty, elitist-chan.

>> No.8481562

Iron Gate confirmed.

>> No.8481575

Anon, have you tried looking at therapeutic exercises you can do? They felt a bit weird to me to be honest, but they helped me build up the courage to go see a real therapist, which lead to me being able to go out and enjoy life.

I'm in the UK and I used moodgym. I don't know if there's a US equivalent but the UK site should work fine.

>> No.8481959

50 Shades of Grey sales would indicate otherwise

>> No.8482082

Is this still a confession thread...?

Nothing big, but I always photoshop my coord pictures so that the colours match properly before I post it to CoF or tumblr. IRL I don't care if my accessories aren't all the exact same shade of cream (as long as they don't clash, yanno) but I've noticed that since doing this my coords have been getting a LOT more likes/notes/reposts/etc. than before. I'm kind of worried about getting called out on it by people who own the same items and know they're not the same shade, though.

>> No.8482086

And most of the men on here are literal neo-nazis
What's your point?

>> No.8482104

These are all valid critiques.
The fabric is too directional for the skirt cut and I do think it's sideways on the tube-shaped bodice (which I don't think is lined or even faced either btw, judging by the wrinkles). She needs to use or at least study some lolita patterns and to look at construction of actual lolita dresses but even her gathering and seam-pressing (ie basics) aren't really up to par yet.

And no, lolita is not actually for everyone, it has a very narrow suitability range due to many factors. Idk why people try to pretend otherwise, it's borderline deluded.

>> No.8482147

IMO everyone can WEAR lolita but not everyone can look good in it. Nobody's going to call the police on a girl wearing lolita despite being old/fat/ugly but she's not going to get the same positive treatment as someone cute. That's just how the world works, and crying about it won't change that.

>> No.8482149

I'm a mixed living in the PH and Korea. My dad's Indian-Kuwaiti and my mom is Korean-Filipino-Spanish so I don't know what the fuck I am. The thing is I look mostly Asian in terms of facial features but I have tan skin, unlike my sister who got the milky skin color of my mother. Being on /cgl/ for too long, I tend to insult tan-skinned Filipino cosplayers whenever I'm in a con because they look awful in bright pink wigs and costumes and their lack of make-up is shitty af. I don't do much cosplay because of this reason: being looked down upon for being tan. I hate my fucking skin, especially since I live in Asia where fair skin=beautiful and rich and dark skin=poor farmer. Don't get me wrong, dark skin is beautiful, just... not on me. I have black/dark/tan friends who are fucking gorgeous, and they can make any cosplay work. I want to cosplay more characters, but I limit myself to only dark-skinned characters (which are very, very few). I know it should be "it's okay to cosplay anyone despite your race, color, etc) but the thing is I laugh at people who try this and fails. I'm scared of failing. I'm scared of looking like shit. I'm a douche and I wish I have more self-esteem sometimes.

>> No.8482169

>so I don't know what the fuck I am
>Don't get me wrong, dark skin is beautiful, just... not on me
It could be beautiful on you too if you aren't cripplingly ugly and learn how to work with it/adapt a style to suit you instead of shoehorning yourself into styles that don't work with your skin tone and features.
See: Kavya and her lovely jewel-toned dresses.
>I'm scared of failing. I'm scared of looking like shit. I'm a douche and I wish I have more self-esteem sometimes.
But that's just it, you let your self-hatred get you down and poison others with it in the process.

There's always a way to make things work, you just don't know how.
Here you go, find your season (I'm willing to bet Spring or Autumn), try makeup that enhances your best features, wear clothes that look good on you, embrace any facial or other quirks you may have and play them up.

>> No.8482173

That's why I think it's ridiculous to perpetuate the hugbox mentality of 'Lolita for all'. Sure, anyone can buy it but fitting, coording, wearing it well, and being accepted don't just come with it, take a decent amount of work and a little luck and implying otherwise is not only inaccurate but a little silly.

>> No.8482174

I'm finally making lolita friends after being in the hobby for 7 years, and now we are thinking of moving to the other side of the country.
Finally have friends that invite me to stuff, and know me, and find me at events.

In all other ways moving would be the best thing for the both of us, but fuck I will miss everyone and have to start at ground 0 yet again.
And that kind of sucks ass.

>> No.8482179

Some might but most don't. As long as you don't say you made it or enter a competition that excludes bought costumes, you are perfectly ok in buying a cosplay and many people do it.

>> No.8482191

I don't give helpful advice to new Lolitas anymore. I feel like it's often just a waste of time in most cases and I'm tired of them trying to evade the rules, make due with loliables, whine about sizes and prices and then throw any cheap thing into a coord in order to wear it faster. I'm not mean, just weary so I just point them to the help groups and weasel out of helping them.

>> No.8482215

Well I know I'm not ugly and I don't like strikingly beautiful either. Thanks for the tip, really, but fashion really isn't my problem. I know how to make my outfits work. I just like cosplay a lot, and I'm bummed I can't cosplay most characters despite being Asian.
Yeah. I'm a Filipina in the PH and I'm a Korean in Korea. Not having a single ethnicity is hard tbh.

>> No.8482219

>don't like
*am not

>> No.8482243

The cosplayers I don't know don't judge on commissioned work (maybe a bit) but reserve their true ire for liars.

>> No.8482657

>Asian girl working on Garnet
>really nervous about posting anything to Tumblr
>inb4 "do it and don't give a shit," just worried about the ire of the "only dark-skinned people are allowed to cosplay Garnet" crowd
>no kind of similar gatekeeping around characters like Pearl (stylised East Asian) or Connie (Indian)
>trying not to go on auto-defence mode because I usually appreciate the SJ side of Tumblr, but not its rabid white-guilt-fuelled witch hunts
>probably going to refrain from making any progress posts and just post the cosplay when it's complete
>still stressing tho

>> No.8483111

domestic violence against men is just as bad as the opposite. perhaps even worse because men dont get the same degree of help dealing with such situations as women. dont generalise the board based on one idiot.

>> No.8483123

Anon, I am proud of you and want to congratulate you on being six months clean! It doesn't matter what the reason is as long as it keeps you from cutting. I used to self harm with a razor which would always clear up within weeks, I never upgraded to a knife because I was afraid of permanent scarring. I know its tough but please keep strong.

>> No.8483592

So you're surprised people are disagreeing with you and pointing out flaws in your argument? Wow, as another anon said, you need to stop drinking the social justice propoganda and think for yourself.

>> No.8483603
File: 203 KB, 500x500, just do it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are going to be butt hurt with no body paint or with body paint, Garnet is sometimes a deep dark red color so you can go with that plus in her new outfit, her skin went more with a red hue.

>> No.8483609

I fucking hate the uguu kawaii culture that seems to come prepackaged with lolita. I'm not into that shit. I'm not into anime, j-pop bands, or cutesy shit. I fucking hate blown cheeks, selfies that look uncanny valley because of the million filters people put on it, and cutesy "this is cute! I am cute! everything is cute!" blogging styles that a lot of lolitas have. I just want to look at cute clothes, not read text that goes "I look so cute today uwu #cute #sparkly #pink." Shut the fuck up.

I also feel I barely participate in the lolita community anymore because of this.

Oh well, at least I have my cute dresses if nothing else in this hobby.

>> No.8483695

I'm glad I'm not the only one.

>> No.8483724

I hate it too but for different reasons. I was drawn in by the elegant side of lolita and also everything princess-like, not to try to look and behave like an infantilized adult. I like some sweeter prints but not the cheap, plastic pre-packaged kawaii that people mostly do when wearing them.

>> No.8483734

I don't even like cute dresses. It's really annoying to me how people pretend everything is about being a kawaii princess in lolita. Victorian fashion isn't princessy, moitie isn't princessy, meta isn't, oldschool isn't, IW isn't.

>> No.8483742

I totally feel you.
I love to sew and spending time on making a nice and finished cosplay that I care about feels so good but then you have the people around you like:

It's honestly super annoying and takes a lot of fun out of the hobby for me. It's like, yeah, we have the same hobby, but at this point I don't think it's for the same reasons. So quit lumping me in with you because I don't care.
>salty af

>> No.8483743


Same. I guess I shouldn't have said 'cute' dresses especially as I was railing against kawaii culture lol. I really prefer VM and MM. I'm not really into pastel vomit either, and these days, the over the top look which apparently includes toys and sceptres as accessories now.

I'm starting to get frustrated because sometimes even the cut of the dress looks too 'cute' and childlike. I've had to sell a lot of IW in my closet not because it didn't fit me, but because things like a lack of good fit in the bodice made the dress look too childlike on me.

I just want to be an elegant Edwardian/Victorian esque lady. But everything seems to be working against me, and this whole kawaii stuff isn't helping.

>> No.8483769

see if you can ask your new friends if they have any contacts in the place you will be moving to?

>> No.8483777

I'd like a separate group for posting about the elegant topics of lolita. I don't 'hate' the kawaii side because it's as much an aspect of lolita as the sophisticated things I love but it's just not my interest. I don't like it when people say JetJ doesn't feel lolita because that and Moitie feel the MOST lolita to me. Lolicate volume 2 will release soon, I can't wait.

>> No.8483949

Most girls in my comm constantly do the whole "lolita is for everyone no matter your budget/body/age/gender/kintype/hairiness ^3^" thing on tumblr and rufflechat but then when badly-dressed newbies join our comm they are completely ignored. Once a girl burst out in tears at a meetup because nobody was acknowledging her existence whatsoever, not even saying hi, and she was being left out of all the pictures. Normally I feel like >>8482191 does about newbies but lately I've been taking some of them under my wing because I feel so bad that the "every1 can b kawaii ^___^" crowd that encouraged them to join in the first place is leaving them hanging. It's really wearing me out. If you're going to treat itas like lepers once they're in your comm, DON'T INVITE THEM INTO YOUR COMM

>> No.8483956

I'm completely out of anime, cosplay and conventions.....but somewhere I kind of wish I was still an annoying, ignorant weeb....life seemed so carefree, easy and fun back then.

>> No.8484032

i lurk cgl because it's full of helpful tips for coords and cosplay, and i believe that both are for everyone no matter their shape, but lately i've been really struggling to not get dragged into the negativity that's so pervasive on here. i'm a bit chubby (au size 12/14, 177cm tall), but scrolling through threads on here make me wonder if people see me in cosplay or lolita and think i'm some kind of landwhale.

>> No.8484174
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One of my friends found out they have autism and now they act like they can't do shit to help themselves because "muh autism" it's really starting to put me on edge with them.
I know they have horrible self esteem and shit but they do literally nothing to help themselves and don't really follow my advice when I try to give them any because "I CAN'T DO IT" is apparently a valid answer to everything.
> keeps saying that I'm better than them at cosplay and everything
> tells them that they could practice and then get better, I've been making my own shit for longer than them
> "No anon I'll always be horrible"

I'm all for supporting my friends the best I can but I'm just getting really tired of this persons bullshit. Also they started acting like they're a super expert on autism now but wouldn't accept when my dad said he had a bit of autism ( a different kind from theirs) and instead insisted on it being photographic memory and not autism.

>> No.8484420

Loads of photographers I know think it's a good idea to take photos of everyone whilst lying on the floor. I'm not a photographer, but anyone with a phone camera knows taking a photo from a low angle can be incredibly unflattering, and usually is, unless you're a supermodel. They all fucking do it. Stand up. Look at the photo and maybe think for a second "does the cosplayer actually look good?". Because if they don't, what are you there for? What are you doing? Why should they come to you again? Please think about your models and what flatters them!

>> No.8485646

yes. pretty sure we're all sick of her bullshit mostly but I'm not going to start anything again.

>> No.8486063
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s/o and I both cosplay (not professionally or anything, just as a hobby)
s/o just started to post pictures that get a decent amount of attention (which, good for them. It feels nice.) And as a person I'm someone who is constantly always "you look cute anon!" And "your cosplay will be great!" Ect. Lots of stuff like that.

I usually only post progress pics while I'm sewing , and that's just me, but I literally get no "you look cute!" Or anything, ever from my s/o. Just them usually talking about their own posts and cosplay when the topic of cosplay is brought up. And it kinda feels bad and gets annoying.

But I don't know if it's justified and I should bring it up, or its just me being annoyed at nothing and acting like a baby who wants attention.
Help me cgl

>> No.8486717

I think if you like everything and are wearing it (and aren't digging yourself into a financial hole), you're fine. It's only sad when people have giant wardrobes and only ever wear the same 10 things.

>> No.8486873

I've been really hurting for lolita money lately and I've been thinking about trying something like this, thoughts?

>> No.8487082

anyone can benefit from counseling. it's not about if a person's life is 'bad enough' to qualify either - it's a lot easier to fix a crack in a wall in time than to build a new wall

i have autistic friends, they'd be pretty pissed off if someone used autism as a defense for their work being shit

>> No.8487880

>a girl can never do the same to a man

not true at all.
besides, I've heard plenty of stories where the woman uses a weapon of some sort