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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8461670 No.8461670 [Reply] [Original]

CoF thread, old one is gone.

>> No.8461676
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>> No.8461682
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>> No.8461683
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>> No.8461686
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>> No.8462889

Fuck yeah hats. Fuck yeah blazers. Fuck yeah this coord.

>> No.8462992

10/10 would makeout with

I am so in love with this coord. I usually hate this dress but it works so well.

>> No.8463002

I love what's been posted to the thread so far! Especially the MBP coord in the OP. I'm not huge on berry prints but that one is cute.

>> No.8463040

I agree with everyone's opinion this coord is cite af.
But it is seriously lacking in the accesory department. This girl's arms are nude and that makes me sad.

>> No.8463060

I want this dress but it would be tragically short on me.

>> No.8463219

thought this was buttcape from the small pic, and then enlarged it.

Even better.

>> No.8463224

Are those shoes lavender ?

>> No.8463272

They look pink to me and my screen.

>> No.8463325

They're probably the Bodyline shoes300 in pink. I have the same ones and they're a slightly off shade of pink.

>> No.8463643

Does it bother anyone else how this dress looks so much like Dream Marine?

>> No.8463955

I personally like it better than dream marine

>> No.8463979

I read this in Regina George's voice.
They looked lavender to me too at first, but I think it's the shadows in combination with the slightly weird shade of pink.

>> No.8464078

love this coord! it's so cute and casual for summer.

>> No.8464102

Which dress is this?

>> No.8464184

The print is so busy it's perfect as-is. More isn't always more.

>> No.8464200
File: 134 KB, 640x960, 1524690_10207183751412954_3807116494347044418_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a big fan of classic but I'm in love with this coord.

>> No.8464465

It's from ToAlice.

She's one of my favorite lolitas! Her handmade is always top notch.

>> No.8464569
File: 88 KB, 960x768, 11143496_10101239278817516_2687352981232681889_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It hurts.

>> No.8464572

I just scrolled past the first time I was looking thru and thought it /was/ Dream Marine til I opened the pic.

>> No.8464580

lmao I thought this was HelloBatty at first

>> No.8464617

She looks like a mouse.

>> No.8464626

It's not ita by technical standards but I still hate it, and I like sweet.

>> No.8464661

I think she's cute actually

>> No.8464667
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>> No.8464671

I think it's the wig. No one looks good in those rainbow vomit twin tails.

>> No.8464675

She said she's new. Not bad for a newbie. Try a different wig tho

>> No.8464693

She look's cute to me, more power to her if she's new.

>> No.8464704
File: 72 KB, 960x640, FB_IMG_1436408867576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When did porn stars get into lolita?

>> No.8464707

That's a man baby.

>> No.8464713

Love those two. Been missing old-styled sweet coords.

Beat me to it. The issue is her cheekbones are too defined.

>> No.8464721

To much makeup. This ain't a night Club honey

>> No.8464753

You sure? She's wearing a denim cut off vest

>> No.8464767

I like this coord actually.

>> No.8464772

Meh. It's ok.

>> No.8464776

Hey, I like this. Looks like a mean princess.

>> No.8464782

See? GOOD mini-hats look good. I'll argue this any day. I love this.

>> No.8464783

I still like it. Sorry.

>> No.8464786

No. Not a fan of the makeup either

>> No.8464803
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>> No.8464808

Ultimate bitch face meme

>> No.8464876

I actually really love this....I hate myself for loving it but I can't help it.
Even with the wig, everything seems to flow so nicely together

>> No.8464881

Jfc. Why.

>> No.8464979

Eh not really. It's pretty cute.

>> No.8464987

This girl is almost managing to make this color combination work, so if she's new I'm actually kind of excited to see where her cording skills go. She could be good.

Her face kinda reminds me of Hello Batty tho

>> No.8464992

Me too. I kind of love the resting bitch face. She'd be great in OTT Hime

>> No.8465046

she's a nice lady and her products are pretty good, but she seriously needs to fix her look and coords. some are great, but this one is a mess

>> No.8465174

Is that a replica?

>> No.8465202
File: 161 KB, 960x960, FB_IMG_1436424834598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty good use of a F21 blouse here.
Would have liked for the socks to be pink as well, but overall I like how summery and wearable her coord is.

>> No.8465203

>those tattoos peeking through the chiffon
welp, there's another look I never knew I loved until now

>> No.8465223

I am so glad this kind of sweet is dying out.

>> No.8465308

It's not quite boobloaf but the way the bodice is forcing her boobs down looks so uncomfortable. I'd say wear a better bra but maybe then it wouldn't fit anymore?

>> No.8465338

The dress seems to fit fine in her closeup shot. What boobloaf are you talking about?

>> No.8465345
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no, that's the real one. it's the 2013 rerelease.
>boy is it fucking summer here

>> No.8465363

Not boobloaf, but in the full body pic you can see her breasts are being forced down against her body by the top of the bodice being too tight.

>> No.8465660

Not a fan of her face....

>> No.8465690
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I love how she coordinated this!

>> No.8465695

Not so keen on the underskirt (weird proportions; not the worst I've seen, but maybe she should pull it up a tiny bit?) or belt (it looks weird against the pointed waist), but do like the simplicity of the outfit against the busier print. The blouse is particularly pretty with the neck/collar bit.

>> No.8465729
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>> No.8465732
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whats sad is that this girl is not new. not a fan of her coord. it looks off.

>> No.8465746

you mean gold shoes?

>> No.8465751

The top half and bottom half look like they belong to two different outfits.

>> No.8465770

>nose ring and black lipstick
>can't dress herself for shit
wow what a surprise

>> No.8465830

Damn straight anon. I love mini-hats - it's the ones that look like they've been taken from little sis's teddy bear and plonked on the side of the head that look stupid.

>> No.8465843

It's not bad but I personally find it kinda meh and nitpick-ish.
The belt just looks so off, doesn't work with the dresses cut at all imo. Not keen on the underskirt or the socks either.

>> No.8465845
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>> No.8465848

I think she's kawaii. I'd like to follow her to see her future coords

>> No.8465850
File: 350 KB, 2048x1412, 10996270_10104433219848767_7498271823304834632_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hmmmm not sure if like?

>> No.8465884

I would change the hair accessory and the bag but she looks nice.

>> No.8465887

Me too anon. I can see how people would like it but it doesn't appeal to me personally at all. It's like candy vomit.

>> No.8465893
File: 565 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_n9o5uu0Bp01tv97ero8_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres some real candy vomit.

>> No.8466231
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I like the pieces separately but together something seems off about this.
Perhaps the makeup and the shoes?

>> No.8466240

The makeup is, without a doubt, the biggest problem. The blue does need to be balanced, though, especially towards the top.

>> No.8466285


The two of you don't even have it right. The sweet pastel candy trend is what >>8465893 posted, the colours are much lighter and fluffier. >>8464569's colours are too dark, it isn't part of "the trend that's dying out".

If anything, >>8464569 would be part of a "mistake trend" for newbies to mistake darker colours for pastels, it goes back all the way to that one Joann's cupcake fabric that every beginning seamstress tried to make lolita stuff from, not realising that the colourways were lime green, bright blue and hot pink instead of mint, sax and pastel pink. Then they'd sit around and wonder why their home made wasn't as good as brand, never realising that the real mistake is using colours that were much too dark instead of real pastels, so the resulting coords look garish instead of sweet and light.

Mind you, no one seems to have noticed except for >>8465893, so I guess the "mistake trend" isn't dying out either.

>> No.8466296

I find it kinda cute

>> No.8466306

that dress is pastel. its darker--but its still sweet. I wouldn't say mistake. Salty.

>> No.8466308

That's Bailey Jay, correct? This makes me happy lol

>> No.8466309

I dont see the big deal. It looks fine to me?
There are so much worse coords to obsess over. She's cute Salty ones.

>> No.8466316
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>> No.8466319

This is cute! I usually hate pastel puke shit but this is pretty adorable.

>> No.8466323

Wouldn't look so bad if she just closed her mouth.

>> No.8466324

The outfit is fine, but that face...

>> No.8466326
File: 39 KB, 540x540, 1511351_831531170287332_7271025810862099937_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Carol Paleari is her name

>> No.8466339
File: 130 KB, 960x960, 11060287_10153568808943738_8892236982583788548_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want that OP

>> No.8466350

Posture! Holy Wow these girls look like the hunchback of Notre dame. Just stand up straight at least for a picture!

>> No.8466355

Better than that Ronald McDonald coord she posted a few months ago.

>> No.8466356

>Hello Batty
GG anon. She saw this now she's posting side-by-side comparisons of her face to HB's.

>> No.8466362

not sure how i feel about the gloves, but i love everything else -- especially the legwear and shoes. also, is her posture weird or is it just me?

that lipstick... why?

>> No.8466375

What are you talking about? Garish borderline-neon pastel vomit bullshit has been popular for years, complete with fugly rainbow wigs. AP doesn't just produce super light pastels.
The girls who dressed like this most often have either left lolita or moved onto other styles.

>> No.8466377


The two referenced a trend that was "dying out". What's the one big trend that was everywhere and then not anymore? No, not candy sweet. Indie brands have tried to make non-pastel sweet dresses, but they often turn out like the pic above -- it looks garish, and here's the key point: they were not popular. It can't be a trend that's dying out if these dresses never sell out and often hang around in the shop for months. Nobody wants them, so how can you say it's a "trend that's dying out"?

The trend that was hugely popular and is now dying out is not "sweet vomit". It's PASTEL sweet vomit. Specifically PASTEL. Think about the super popular sweet vomit prints. Sugary Carnival, yes? Milky Planet, yes? Sugar Pansy? (a floral rather than sweet print), Romantic Rose Letter? Sugar Dream Dome (which isn't a print about sweets either, it's about snowglobes). Every single popular dress has always been PASTEL, because darker/brighter colours don't work as well. THAT is the trend, not "sweet vomit".

I didn't say the dress wasn't sweet. I'm saying they identified the trend wrong. "sweet vomit" was never a hugely popular trend that's now dying out. "PASTEL sweet vomit" is the trend.

>> No.8466384
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>> No.8466387

I like the coord but why does the OP look so short?

>> No.8466394
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>> No.8466397
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>> No.8466400

Not the other anon, but the color is quite saturated in reality. If you compared it with a light mint from AP or even bodyline's soft cream skirt, there would be a very noticeable contrast. It's easy to excuse in pictures with lighting, editing, etc. but the dress really isn't quite what >>8465893 color is.

>> No.8466403

The uneven bangs are killing me.

>> No.8466404

boo those socks are lame. would have been way cuter with black socks with whitexblack sock toppers

>> No.8466405

long legs? kek.

>> No.8466406


..........All I did was point out that the original trend was pastels and not "sweet vomit".

>> No.8466412

It's literally mid thigh... unless they are like 6"+ it shouldn't look that short.

>> No.8466415

Yeah don't know why she went with those. Anything more oldschool or punk or school or British would have been better.

>> No.8466416

but what about Meta?

>> No.8466417


>> No.8466421

good point actually

>> No.8466425


she's got that "stapled-in smile child beauty pageant contestant" look, it's creepy on an adult

>> No.8466426
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>> No.8466435
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>> No.8466437

I love this!

>> No.8466438
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>> No.8466442

screams ita all day long.

>> No.8466480

what a mess

>> No.8466487


What about Meta? It just does it's own thing, it's not gonna follow some pastels trend.


This print, especially this colourway hung around for ages. The pink is so shockingly bright, and half the design elements are too dark while the other half is shockingly neon. Pastels, man. Pastels would have fixed this mess.

>> No.8466491

Its cute, the horns are just too shoehorned in. A simple bow would have made it perf

>> No.8466503

Pluck your eyebrows girl goddamn

>> No.8466512

tbh i do too. the wig is awful (she managed to do like 4 tacky styles in one but couldn't bother cutting the bangs?) but the rest of it is really cute imo

>> No.8466517

they look fine?

>> No.8466538


>> No.8466540

Holy shit, her legs are gorgeous, they go on forever.

>> No.8466543

is that a man?

>> No.8466544

Shitty samefag vendetta? Is that the best you could come up with? Her eyebrows aren't even caterpillar shape.

>> No.8466552

her face could use some work tho.

>> No.8466554

Is she seriously wearing horns just to go to the fucking mall?

>> No.8466555

awww butthurt much

>> No.8466561

yes because an all black coord means you have good taste. no. shitty quality and does not fit her at all.

>> No.8466564
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>> No.8466565
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Not that other anon but I agree, she would look much better if they were reshaped a little bit, maybe some lighter brow mascara, they look super harsh and kinda villainy.
Shitty edit to prove point

>> No.8466570
File: 50 KB, 529x800, 11216711_649028535197228_4512027169281050226_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seriously. just wow.

>> No.8466581
File: 84 KB, 960x720, 11703059_10206045361587594_796210148466912968_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the trash to take out

>> No.8466588

The fuck is with the mask, is it for fashion or purpose?

>> No.8466614

She's so cute, why this entire outfit? And more importantly, why this pose? When will lolitas learn to pose like normal people she looks like she's about to take a whazz.

>> No.8466632

this is hideous

>> No.8466738

saw this girl at AX, she was nice but definitely needs to figure out how to coord cohesively and get some actual lolita items instead of barely 'loliable' things... Not to mention her natural hair looks pretty messy, just taking a straightener to her bangs and figuring out what products to use on her curls would already improve this a bunch.

>> No.8466767

She looks fine anon.

>> No.8466773

Wow that looks so much better. What a difference it makes for her.

>> No.8466809

Those gloves are hideous though

>> No.8466822

There is no boobloaf here. Not even remotely.
the bodice near the straps needs to be altered...I think they're call darts? My Gardenberries does the same thing: it fits my bust but the cut of the bodice isn't designed for anyone larger than like an A or B; it does that gaping thing.

I think she's on the taller side anon. Why else? Camera angle might do it too.

>> No.8467206

Yeah darts would help on the dress but a lot of people are weird when it comes to 'altering' brand.

>> No.8467351

She needs to quit the circle lenses and get a more genuine smile. She's cute af but those are making her uncanny valley.

>> No.8467374

She has a lot of potential. She's just super new.

>> No.8467395

I have a little fabric one with a face on it

>> No.8467399

generic ita look. I doubt she will get better. you need to have some amount of money to excel in lolita. I doubt she has what it takes.

>> No.8467402

It looks so trashy. I think thats a guy?

>> No.8467407

fix your wig girl!

>> No.8467524
File: 102 KB, 969x945, FB_IMG_1436486332792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a fan of the bindi(?) or her makeup

>> No.8467542

pet peeve. hide you fucking nose rings bitches.

>> No.8467556


Eh, lanii does it better imo.

>> No.8467562


It's not /too/ bad, but way too many cheap accessories that look like they came from target and claire's. If she upped the quality and/or uniqueness of each accessory, her coord would be much better.

>> No.8467800

I actually really like this.

>> No.8467826

Whats all this shit about something having happened over this week, or the thing about rules changing? I missed the drama.

>> No.8467832

Sup Maka

>> No.8467844

I dig OTT pastel/sweet, but this is awful.
>you don't need three fucking star clips at once

>> No.8467857

>tfw I have this dress
Well, now i have an idea as to what I'm not going to do

>> No.8467858

God I love this. Super sugary sweet paired with fluffy clown wigs is my kryptonite. I want to see a dozen versions of this girl come pouring out of a tiny, frilly clown car.

>> No.8467870
File: 38 KB, 458x458, 11028365_10206425511453334_4083857069623085448_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next lolita trend: babies?

>> No.8467876

Fuck no
>it's a goddamn meet up not a fucking play date.
>pls leave your babies at home.

>> No.8467890

I think this skirt looks bad on most people.

Her lipstick and her hairstyle are also not the best. That bag is cute as fuck tho

>> No.8467891

check the online lolita comm generals

>> No.8467900

Gloves are better with a shorter sleeved blouse. I think this would look better with more detailed lace tights. These side-print OTKs are kinda clunky. Maybe add in some moitie-blue roses somewhere on her head.

No one's arguing the dress isn't sweet. She's just saying it's not a pastel color, and she's right.

So many head accessories but you can't spring for a petticoat?

>> No.8467902

It's the dress. I think. I sold a few OPs because the shoulders and back were so snug that they pushed my shoulders into that position. They actually made me feel sore after wearing them for a few hours.

People really need to take more than the bust and waist measurements into account.

>> No.8467905

I actually DO wish Meta would tone down the saturation levels on their prints. The new mermaid print would be so great if it was just a little bit less ostentatious, color-wise.

>> No.8467908

Does this girl ever wear anything other than fairy marine in pink?

This maybe would be cute with the shirt tucked in but even then i dunno

Her makeup's okay but I could do without any of the facial jewelry.

>> No.8467909

No, they'd better not bring babies or children to meets, NO! It's bad enough that they have to include their pix and chit-chat about them in the fashion group posts. So I guess the next trend is holding the baby while wearing lolita to get to show it off because that one chick got criticized for posting solo baby? Good luck with that, a lot of us really don't like children and want our fashion group to remain fashion. Not updates of your kid's milestones and firsts. It's a bit desperate to post that 'first ice cream' comment, no one cares. These chicks need to join a mommy scrap booking group or something.

This pix is dumb for a fashion post because the baby lump covers up so much of the outfit. She's just showing off her baby in that one. Not a very good shot for a fashion group. Cut the umbilical cord already, lolita mommies, or go post your little bald midget humans in the lolita mommies group.

>> No.8467913

I'm hoping someone will say something snarky about the baby portrait photo.

>> No.8467940

Whats with all the really shitty 'ero' coords COF is turning out now? Couldnt be arsed to wear a blouse does not ero make.

>> No.8467951
File: 225 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-07-09-19-38-38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't speak for the others, but I'm not same fagging, nor am I Maka (?)

Sorry you can't handle someone having a different opinion than yours. Good luck with that in real life.

>> No.8467953

I honestly don't mind this one nearly as much as others.

She has a picture of her full coordinate alone, and another side one that shows what she was doing that day.

You ladies wouldn't be getting so salty if it were a candid pic of a tea party or whatever.
Calm your tits.

>> No.8467955

Don't really like the underskirt. It needs to be shorter or she needs to fix the shape that's going on.

>> No.8467961

It's "put together" but at the same time it's kind of ugly to look at and a lot of it looks cheap.

Anyway since she's a cosplayer she'll probably milk this all over her page and elsewhere. Looks like she'd already riding on HelloBatty's coattails. Hopefully we get some good drama, but I don't care either way.

>> No.8467967


Anon, why so salty? I don't really care for kids or babies either but as long as she takes care of the kid and it doesn't puke on anyone then I'm not really bothered.
Some members of my comm bring their kids/babies to meets. They bring the kids outdoors if they start crying and it's not disruptive at all.

>> No.8467982

Different anon but babies can't help themselves. I don't believe anyone when they say babies are perfectly quiet and behaved until the parents conveniently exit the room. They screech, coo, make noise, and whine. They're babies, they do that unless they somehow magically stay asleep; typically that doesn't happen within places of talk and commotion.

Babies/kids don't make me salty, but if I had one I wouldn't risk bringing it to meetups and potentially ruffling feathers. It's not everyone else's duty to think everything that my child does is non-disruptive and adorable, and I can't rely on luck and expect my child to be well-behaved.

>> No.8467989

Sounds like the girl has a vendetta. So much salt today.

>> No.8467995

Did you miss that thread?

>> No.8467996

>one post with typical "sup _____" meme
Do you even know what a vendetta is? It's not that.

>> No.8468004


True, I wouldn't bring a baby to a meet either. But I understand that sometimes you end up having to bring your kid with you because there's no one to take care of them at home.
Our comm is not so strict and we all know each other pretty well. I think it just depends.
Obnoxious parents who try to show off their kids/babies are a huge no though.

>> No.8468011


Her eyebrows look OK to me, I think it's more of having the bangs ending where they do in addition to thicker brows that make it seem like too much.

>> No.8468012

>But I understand that sometimes you end up having to bring your kid with you because there's no one to take care of them at home.

No offense but how unprepared, as a parent, do you have to be to find yourself in this kind of situation? Unless your comm is the type of comm who makes fly-by-night meetups the same week, meetups are usually planned weeks in advance. For me that's plenty of time to find a family member, babysitter, or friend to watch my kid for a couple hours at a set date and time.

>> No.8468019
File: 52 KB, 444x287, 1407639096584.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like, Rufflechat? I didn't see anything. Or maybe I'm just being stupid. Please hold my hand and tell me specifically where to look.

>> No.8468024


Shit happens irl anon.
People bail out or family members can fall sick etc.

>> No.8468032

Wow someone is a ridged old hag LOL. Babies aren't for everyone but you don't have to fucking hate on them. You were a baby once, and we waited for you to become an adult before we started hating on you.

>> No.8468036

There's some pregos in here tonight. Fattychans

>> No.8468039

I think dressing up a kid would be super cute. So long as like, if your kid starts crying take them away from the other girls and do your mommy things. The thing that drives me up a wall is babies crying. I can stand it for about 4 minutes. Which should be enough for you to take your kid outside/to the bathroom/whatever you need to do to get it to calm down.

>> No.8468040

Idk my comm is cool with people bringing their children. I've been asked to bring my baby but I'm not going to.
1. Babies throw up, spit up, drool, and have blow outs. I'm not going to risk dealing with any of that in a garment that's dry clean only. Don't care if I sound mean, it's the truth.
2. Brrastfeeding in lolita? I can barely do it in a nursing tank. Not gonna happen.
3. Lolita is MY hobby. It's part of my identity, like being a mom. Just because I had a child, doesn't mean I need to mix all aspects of my life together.

Lolita is my escape, a way to interact with other adults. The babe stays with dad.

>> No.8468041

Elitist bitches hating on another one. The usual.

>> No.8468071

To the people whining about her bringing her baby to a meetup: Here's a shocker, this isn't a meetup photo. This is just her, doing her business around town, with her baby and her fiance. Some people wear lolita for more than just meets and cons. I'm actually in her comm and can confirm the only time I've seen this baby is when she brought it to a convention when it was newborn and she couldn't really leave it with a sitter all day.

Man, you "child-free" hos sound like big babies yourselves.

>> No.8468096

Shouldn't really be bringing a newborn to a convention. Baby has no immunizations, and is going into a crowd of people?
Good choices were made mom.

>> No.8468123

Not brand new newborn, like a month old or so. But let's go ahead and find reasons to be judgey busybody cunts like we always are anyways.

>> No.8468132

>someone else uses clover

>> No.8468133

>a month old or so
Lol wow.

>> No.8468215

>all these lampshade petti shapes

>> No.8468230

She looks like Vexen from the KH games

>> No.8468264


(a) rigid, not ridged

(b) We don't hate babies. We don't even hate them when they grow up. We wait until they grow up, pop up their own baby, and start shoving said babies in everyone's faces, that's when we start hating them. Babies can't help if they're in photos, but we can certainly judge the mother for being an attentionwhore using her baby as a prop.

>> No.8468285

Clearly you don't have kids. Moms can't help but want to show their kids off. They don't use them as props, they're an extension of themselves! They're just proud of what they ruined their bodies for lol. Let them be.

>> No.8468307

jesus keep your mumbie shit off 4chan and go back to your mummy facebook groups.

So by your own logic I can flash my privates because they're technically a extension of myself! It's not a prop! I can't help but show off my privates! Let me be!

>> No.8468331
File: 347 KB, 1365x2048, FB_IMG_1436506673276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Less stupid babytalk, more frills prz.

>> No.8468340

Then guess what? You stay home with the kid. It's not the group's fault, they shouldn't have to be inconvenienced.

>> No.8468348
File: 123 KB, 1305x1794, FB_IMG_1436507027446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't seen this girl in a while, what was her lj username again?

She looks better than she did years ago but her coord still looks off.
That cage skirt doesn't seem to go at all

>> No.8468352

Most of those posts sound like samefagging. Her coord isn't anything special and its been confirmed she lurks here

>> No.8468353


How inconvenienced would be you be if the mom removes the kid from the venue whenever it makes a fuss? Aren't you blowing things way out of proportion here.

>> No.8468355

Eh. I feel like if you're just going to an ice cream place or the mall or something for a small meet, it'd be fine to bring a (well-behaved) child. Anything nice, fancy or planned out is a huge no. Also no kids in sit-down restaurants, that shit is so annoying especially to other people in the restaurant.

>> No.8468357

Let them show their babies off somewhere appropriate, not try to push them into a group for posting fashion. We don't care about babbies first ice cream or babbies cute little dress. It's off topic. The rest of us also have very important things in our lives that we love and are proud of. We don't post them in a lolita fashion group unless they are on-topic.

>> No.8468363

>ero lolita
ugh. ok.

>> No.8468382

Some people are not comfortable around babies. While it's okay to you and me, it makes others extremely uncomfortable.

>> No.8468408

The second photo wasn't even useful for the post, she already says she lacks accessories. The photo isn't clear enough to show good view of hair, makeup and nails and the ice cream and baby cover the dress. But hey, baby.

>> No.8468424

That's the appeal of mini hats, they look like something they've been taken from little sis's teddy bear and plonked on the side of the head. It's cute.

Aristo? Not mini hat appropriate. Ouji? You're allowed to be silly and cute.

>> No.8468437

No, but the baby = accessory was really all that was said. Then she just blabs on more. Did a comment get deleted?

>> No.8468505

SERIOUSLY people, there is nothing wrong with having coord shots with your baby in them. And as long as your comm is okay with babies at regular non fancy meets why couldnt someone bring their kids. Not everyone has the luxury of babysitters, or even family member that live nearby.

>> No.8468545

Wow, I remember her. Shes almost unrecognizable here. Used to wear a lot of sweet and looked awful in it but here she looks pretty cute.

>> No.8468550

I remember her for her weird mish-mash of goth and sweet.

She looks really nice in simpler gothic styles.

>> No.8468557

Wow it has pockets, I hadn't noticed that before.
Now I definitely need this.

>> No.8468559
File: 49 KB, 383x527, 20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mini hats aren't always silly and cute. They are very common in gothic.

>> No.8468568

Looks like the weird-bodice issue Innocent World has - I dont even know what brand the dress is, but for that cut it's unavoidable unless you're an A cup.

Someone should send this to her, as a previous brow-victim I can say that having brows changed slightly makes every day life so much better.

So cute but totally unwearable

>> No.8468577

i still think they look silly and cute in gothic, albeit in a different way.

>> No.8468626


I think the problem is in the second part of your statement:

> Not everyone has the luxury of babysitters, or even family member that live nearby.

This makes it sound like the mother is trying to solve her "no babysitter" problem by dumping it onto the lolita comm -- and nobody likes having someone else's problems just being dumped onto them, even if said problem is cute and the mother wanting to come to a meetup is understandable. Yes, I know that mothers can be allowed to like lolita and to want grown-up interaction, but the whole thing really needs to stop at this part:

>as long as your comm is okay with babies

Meaning, if the comm is not okay with the babies or you think some girls don't like your baby, keep it at home. No babysitter, don't come. Don't make your babysitter problem the lolita comm's problem. In the event that you do need to bring the baby with you, at least post on the meetup page so the girls who don't like babies can opt to avoid the meetup. That way at least you'll know you're meeting friendly girls who are okay with babies, plus it cuts down on the possibilities of being shit-talked on 4chan for bringing babies to a meetup.

>> No.8468702

Wasn't she involved in some drama a while back?

>> No.8468714
File: 115 KB, 535x960, 11218843_10104435316951157_4968952516356147244_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more coords up in here

>> No.8468715
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>> No.8468717
File: 92 KB, 960x732, 11219717_1033079280059304_398441110357691408_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this pains me

>> No.8468762

If you can't afford a babysitter then you can't afford to come to a meet. And why would someone post a seated photo holding a baby in a fashion group when the baby actually obscures most of what she's wearing? If someone posted that shot with something else covering that much of their coord, someone would mention it. But of course you can't because it's her baby.

I'm absolutely glad she's enjoying being frilly with her baby and taking pictures but posting that shot in a group specifically designed to show off and critique fashion isn't on topic. And it does make her look thirsty because when someone shows pictures of their baby or child, they expect to get compliments, talk about it and then there goes the thread. She didn't get any useful concrit at all. There's already at least one group for lolita mothers, right? So they have a whole group for them to post 'baby and me' photos and give and receive their compliments.

As for meets, it should be up to the comm and if even one member objects, then they out-vote a baby because there is easily the option of the baby staying home. Most Lolitas like their meets to be adult me-time with other adults but of course there are always those awkward few who try to drag their child to everything either because they are too cheap for a sitter or because they think their precious should be able to come because why not? And that's tiresome because then a good 1/2 hour of the meet then must be the obligatory cooing over the child and the mother is often more distracted through the meet as well. Chances are they will expect to keep bringing the child as it grows too and that's a nuisance. But I'm of the opinion that there are plenty of adult time activities where children really don't belong so parents shouldn't try to make it into a family-friendly thing if it isn't. Our meets require a minimum age and participants to be dressed in lolita. And we often have meets in places that are not for children. Thank goodness.

>> No.8468768

I'm not in favor of this new accessory.

>> No.8468770

I think she just has a shallow bust and her bra doesn't fit great.

>> No.8468773

I like this look a lot but I think the makeup style is unconventional for a pastel lolita coordinate and this combined with her expression could be making her look older and we aren't used to that. It's not a bad thing though, just more elegant than cute.
How old is she?

>> No.8469017

too bad it doesn't fit her at all in the bust area.

>> No.8469166

This girl is so cute wow.

>> No.8469168

This would look a thousand times better with heeled shoes

>> No.8469198

Agree, anon. I would never bring my daughter to a meet, that's just weird. My babysitter backed out last minute right before a meet once, and I just had to not go. Sucked, but I'm not about to drag my kid out to a meet so she can get into everything and annoy everyone. I know the feeling of wanting to show off your kid to everyone, but there are thousands of Facebook mom groups for that sort of shit.

>> No.8469211

I'm in love with this coord.

>> No.8469213
File: 94 KB, 960x960, 20398_392900880898937_3476018742397241845_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8469220

This is really cute.

>> No.8469221

Her proportions look extremely off to me. She might have stretched the picture to make herself look slimmer.

Doesn't the length from the waist to her knees seem unusually long to anyone else? And then in the left picture her neck looks so slim whereas in the right it looks like a lifter's with a tiny face pasted on.

It's an okay coordinate but it's really distracting.

>> No.8469262

The photo also makes her arms look super long. How odd.

>> No.8469271

On the left I think hair is covering her neck more.

The under eye bags are too heavy.

>> No.8469274

Are you sure this is a girl and not a photoshopped lanky boy?

>> No.8469278

Looks like she got a bit too generous with the shoop app.

>> No.8469290

You are an adult, please stop saying the word "butthurt". That shit makes me cringe like "epic" does at this point.

>> No.8469402

Would look better with lashes or eyeliner at LEAST

>> No.8469403

That poor skirt is being put to shame

>> No.8469404

looks like a pearly pimple

>> No.8469408

Really well put together, her make up looks good too

>> No.8469411

jesus her knees...do not bend them next time please

>> No.8469577

Anon, look in the catalog or archives, there's a thread there. /sage

>> No.8469601
File: 363 KB, 452x710, 1399857456605.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw this girl started messaging me and trying to flirt

>> No.8469623

Those eye bag things are not cute, I don't know why people think they are.

>> No.8469637

burnt tuna?

>> No.8469717

Would that fit anyone at all in the bust area? It's so awkward looking. This girl is even pretty flat it seems like.

>> No.8469724
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>Cards Against Humanity cards in his top hat

>> No.8469771
File: 92 KB, 960x891, 11692765_678738628924714_4609677704597651972_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those fucking eyebrows
>everyone in the comments saying they're perfect

Are you that ouji guy who got 1,000 likes recently?

>> No.8469792

Why even have eyebrows if you're going to do that, ugh

this isn't even a bad coord she just... looks bad.

>> No.8469795

This Natalia Kills realness.

>> No.8469802

She looks constipated.

>> No.8469805

cutest thing ever. that face<3

>> No.8469806
File: 17 KB, 320x197, eyebrow-dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone in the comments saying they're perfect

They're either being polite so as to not hurt any feelings, or they also have stupid fucking eyebrows too and see nothing wrong with it.

>> No.8469811

>i love your eyebrows, so edgy

>> No.8469814

Noooo, is this that poor mexican chick?

>> No.8469844

Honestly this is a very common goth look and even though I personally dislike it, it works for her. If a bunch of classic and sweet lolitas say it's perfect, then they are probably just lying and actually hate it.

>> No.8469849

Even goths make fun of shit like this

>> No.8469867
File: 2.02 MB, 2448x3264, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8469899

her expression is as if she's saying 'im not sure about this' too

>> No.8469992

yeah, got some interesting messages after that mess.

>> No.8469993

Kek, please post some of them

>> No.8470012

top kek

>> No.8470020


>> No.8470022

I don't know why, but something is off to me about this coord. I don't know if it's the shape of the dress or how much leg is showing, but doesn't 100% say lolita to me.
>inb4 it's just casual

>> No.8470034

wtf not everyone wants to pay attention to the milky vomit re-release. regardless, that bow looks like a giant bow tie and it's tacky af. pockets are cute though

>> No.8470041

Pls share them with names blocked out I need to observe the thirst so bad

>> No.8470046

I dislike sweet lolita as much as the next hater but even I knew that.. everybody does

>> No.8470062

>tfw my boobs were made for this type of dress
>tfw It will be forever until I can afford some MM

>> No.8470127 [DELETED] 
File: 24 KB, 496x162, beepbeepXD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just the couple people i accepted thinking i knew them, i think they just send a request to everyone who posts so we had a lot of mutual friends.

>> No.8470138

That's seriously all you got? Not even anything good in your "other" folder? With all the gross comments I assumed you had gotten a lot more messages.

>> No.8470143
File: 220 KB, 500x500, jontron stares into your soul.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Id love for u to cuddle me

Where's the rest of the messages you got?

>> No.8470200

You are so off the mark that it would take too long to correct you

>> No.8470213

It's not MM, it's IW

>> No.8470278

>that manlita with the weird scaly makeup


>> No.8470284

>that troll post

Weak, bro.

>> No.8470286

The hospitality doll chick? I liked her other coords because they were edgy desu. This is just.. not as nice and looks a bit messy.

>> No.8470289

Why no photo?

>> No.8470294

>if you don't like things I like you're a troll!
Nope, not how that works. And sorry he/she/it has very strong masculine features that bold makeup only makes worse.

The makeup is too acrid for me. It looks like they stuck their face in front of an exhaust pipe while they were wearing a veiled fascinator. It's just dumb looking.

>> No.8470299
File: 84 KB, 836x619, hereyougo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8470303

>dat chin

>> No.8470306

>not showing legwear
Why even post a "coordinate" if she just wants to showcase her makeup? That's obviously what this post was for, and it's nothing that great tbqh.

>> No.8470308

I'm gonna sharpie her brand if I ever see her irl

>> No.8470309

Why are you so mad?

>> No.8470314

Because she got the HD bag

>> No.8470315

damn you petty

>> No.8470316

>wanting to ruin some mediocre girl's brand
You ought to be ashamed. Man-faced girls get a chance to sparkle and you got to come and muck it up for them.

>> No.8470320


Pretty sure she's just white with a white girl face.

>> No.8470324

We're not all related to PT ffs!

>> No.8470325

>I doubt she has what it takes.
jesus christ i hate you people

>> No.8470354

I would like this 100x more if she tucked in her blouse

>> No.8470355
File: 341 KB, 780x678, 1356620419801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woah, calm down there satan

>> No.8470361

I think it's mostly the lighting in that bottom photo making her look way more masculine. She is really pretty, but that photo is harsh and awkward and idk why she picked it.

>> No.8470392
File: 87 KB, 314x249, 1436574887585e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the make-up is a little strange but I kinda like it, I think she pulls it off plus I like seeing something a bit different - it's not as if she's lacking in style, even if it might be a bit odd.

I don't know if she's around but using glorious ms paint to demonstrate, I think a bob that just hits the jawline and slightly tapers forwards would look amazing on her. I kinda just had to try it.

I like her face, I think she's striking. I'd get bored of only kawaii uguu in lolita.

>> No.8470406

whats her page?

>> No.8470411
File: 265 KB, 960x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She needs to stop posting.

>> No.8470423

Now don't go attacking people for how their face looks, that's low. Get her for that floral and plaid maxipad head-dress that doesn't match her co-ord and that fuschia thing near her neck that clashes with the red blouse. Otherwise i like her risk taking and the dress and makeup really suit her.

>> No.8470426

>heavy makeup doesn't tend to compliment harsh facial features
It's good advice, only drag queens do that.

>> No.8470429

That's the official headdress (there's no plaid at all) that came with the JSK and that thing on her neck is actually the collar of the blouse.

>> No.8470437

It's not always an issue of money when it comes to babysitters

>> No.8470439

Good thing it wasn't a con fuckwit

>> No.8470441


If someone like Kate were wearing heavy makeup everyone would be tearing her ass a new one for it, because we have. This girl has almost the exact face type. The sharp eyebrows and makeup really are not flattering.
The top part of her face is cluttered with that nonsensical design and only makes the lower half of the face look longer and rounder by comparison.

We wouldn't tell a fattie their rolls look good in a tight dress, we also don't have to tell someone their makeup compliments them when it doesn't.

>> No.8470450

But she brought cgl together in the search for her dream dress! We have to be nice to our new leader!

>> No.8470456

No one said the makeup was good, some people just said they liked seeing something new. Calm your ass down.

>> No.8470463


Sure anon, let's just ignore the assblasted anons responding and crying about people being honest about her facial features. Stop whiteknighting.

>> No.8470465

The black bow looks plaid to me. It really doesn't look like it matches the dress but if so I blame the brand.

>> No.8470489

The way she always does a mirror image is unbelievably irritating. It's hard to focus on the actual coord.

>> No.8470495

Goddamn you're salty; go take a nap

>> No.8470526

>weh salty
No u

>> No.8470529

You should try reading entire posts before replying.

>> No.8470646
File: 268 KB, 960x943, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit they do look a like.

>> No.8470724

Story behind this?

>> No.8470819

Learn to read what I was responding to fuckwit

>> No.8470857
File: 138 KB, 600x900, IMG_9626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's hilarious how much she shoops her pictures


>> No.8471879

I have a similar face shape to this girl and i have no idea how to look flattering in lolita. .worse, I really like sweet

>> No.8471989

rock that man-face

>> No.8472119

If you have classical mature features, then classic and goth are going to be most flattering. Otherwise, if you like sweet, try wearing it in an elegant way i.e. no pigtails, no tea party shoes, wear heels and use elegant accessories. You want to avoid wearing it in a juvenile ~ugu kawaii~ way.

>> No.8472283

yep, burnt_tuna

>> No.8472751

She has a male-ish looking face, but looking fucking great in sweet imo.