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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 63 KB, 340x490, 3310789938_5d72b35895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8406100 No.8406100 [Reply] [Original]

Who's excited for the remake? How many of you are planning FFVII cosplays? Come join the hype train.

>> No.8406127
File: 77 KB, 512x512, 45583574_p4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw he will obviously not wearing his advent children outfit

>> No.8406149

Eh, well tbh, you don't see a lot of people cosplaying Cloud in his original purple outfit. It's been a long time since I last saw it (2007?).

I've been planning on making a Crisis Core Cloud cosplay so I'm pretty hyped up for the remake!

>> No.8406159
File: 786 KB, 856x1024, Cloud_FFVII-856x1024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>his original purple outfit

The fuck? Where the hell are you seeing purple?

>> No.8406234
File: 6 KB, 150x260, 2265796-2182492_150px_cloud_strife_field_model.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8406246

If you actually played the original game, you would know.

>> No.8406251
File: 177 KB, 415x576, stickers_93505baefa01c8ba2ff4516f621fb841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's blue, you blind fuck

>> No.8406255

More like indigo.

>> No.8406258
File: 13 KB, 320x240, 7fmv4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look, a screen from the game showing the outfit as blue

>> No.8406259

I actually have been wanting to make a Genesis cosplay for a while now. I guess this is the time to do so.

>> No.8406260
File: 15 KB, 590x323, c2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And again, more blue.

>> No.8406270

.... Anon, stop making such a big deal out of it. Some people see it as blue, some see it as purple. Since I really can't decide myself, I just think it's a indigo color. It really doesn't matter.

I made a Genesis cosplay for a friend a couple years back and it was probably by far one of my favorite cosplay to make.

>> No.8406282

Why Genesis?

>> No.8406342

stop being a faggot, anon

>> No.8406354

I'm actually already planning a fem!Cloud cosplay. It'll all be the same fabrics except I'm going to make the top more low cut to look more feminine. I was thinking the wig would have the same spikes in the front but a high ponytail in the back. Oh, and the wolf pin is going to be a small pendent on a necklace.

Any ideas on what to do for the bottoms? I was thinking a short ruffled skirt. And I can't decide if I should wear high heeled boots or ones closer to what he wears, whichever's cuter. :3

>> No.8406396
File: 365 KB, 703x1136, dissidia_012___soldier_lightning_lr_pose_by_deraj8-d769qcz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just stick to the original like Lightning.

>> No.8406405
File: 249 KB, 600x1200, rikku_soldier_first_class_by_mr_mister.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the top more low cut to look more feminine.
>a high ponytail in the back
>the wolf pin is going to be a small pendent on a necklace
> I was thinking a short ruffled skirt
>high heeled boots
> whichever's cuter. :3

Just, no. No. Don't. Just, don't.

I'm usually pretty mellow for gender bender versions, but that ain't anything like Cloud. Cloud is, for a godsake, solider. He's made for combat battles, not just for show.
If you want to make genderbend version, please, try to make it look like you would actually fight with that costume. I don't think that you could fight with, ugh, ruffled miniskirt.

If you want attention and still make something Cloud-related, make this Rikku from mr-mister.

>> No.8406431

Yeah but that's too slutty for me. I have a bit of a pudgy stomach and no thigh gap so it's not like I'd be able to pull it off anyway.

The purpose of genderbent cosplays is to be sexy, and if not sexy then cute (which is what I'm aiming for). If genderbending was about accuracy then more people would be doing it that way.

And what's wrong with high ponytails for combat? Samus has one. It would be worse if it were long flowing hair because that can get caught and shit, and if I kept the hair the same it wouldn't be recognizable as a genderbend.

>> No.8406452
File: 49 KB, 437x708, cloudasawoman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is already a canon version. Use this.

>> No.8406462
File: 21 KB, 338x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty stoked, I didn't think it would ever happen. I sort of want to refurbish my AC cloud or try his new design, Maybe for AX2016. Old pic is fucking old.
Also Li's wig is really good

>> No.8406467

I'm having trouble understanding what you're going for here. You don't want to be slutty, yet genderbending is about being sexy (let's be honest: attention-whoring)? Or apparently cute, but have you played FFVII? Making Cloud "cute" is just so against his character unless you're parodying his cross-dressing scene.

>> No.8406480
File: 291 KB, 1920x1080, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But he is a cutie.

Look, no one gives a shit about staying true to the character when they genderbend. For example, look at every last Link genderbend in existance. Do you notice any of those girls staying true to his character? NOPE. It's about taking a design you like of a male character and making it pretty/sexy/cute. I have never seen or heard of somebody doing it your way, so you're clearly in the minority.

Sorry this is so hard for you to understand.

>> No.8406490

That's not a female Cloud. It's male Cloud in a dress.

>> No.8406492

Your point being?

>> No.8406498
File: 528 KB, 1600x900, shut up and take my money.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8406517
File: 114 KB, 471x717, tumblr_mb79ykhGoy1rgfu95o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The purpose of genderbent cosplays is to be sexy
>no one gives a shit about staying true to the character when they genderbend.
>making it pretty/sexy/cute

Holy fuck I hate you so much. Genderbending costumes is not to make things sexier. that is slutifying a costume. Genderbend is saying "If this character were a different gender, this is how they would be."
>have never seen or heard of somebody doing it your way, so you're clearly in the minority.

No, you just follow the worst cosplayers.

>> No.8406564
File: 40 KB, 763x951, Tifa AC croquis - Sketch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the craziest fucking thing but I've been on a FFVII nostalgia bender for the better part of a month now and all of a sudden we get remake news. Guess it was a pretty well-timed nostalgia bender.

Either way I'm planning on (finally!!!) getting around to making Lucrecia Crescent and remaking AC Tifa. My first version of her was absolute shite and it deserves proper justice. Thinking I might make all the pieces for the concept art version and then just ditch the sleeves and waist belt when I don't want to bother with people asking if I'm some kind of fanart version.

>> No.8406568

Praise you anon. That's exactly what I was thinking.

Sage because unrelated to thread

>> No.8406680
File: 18 KB, 400x264, 3306583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Look, no one gives a shit about staying true to the character when they genderbend.

Sure it's summer.

>> No.8406705

No need to hate me for stating facts. I made a true statement by saying most people don't care about accuracy when they genderbend. Some people stay true to the character, and that's perfectly fine, but most people use it as an outlet to be creative and make pretty/sexy designs, so people who go for accuracy are the minority. And yes, doing a female version of anything is called a genderbend, whether or not it's accurate to the character's personality. Just because you prefer accuracy over sexiness does not mean sexy genderbends are not genderbends.

Come out from underneath that rock you live under and try actually going to a con. You'll see for yourself.

Clearly I'm not the stupid one here. And what the fuck does it being summer have to do with anything? Your comebacks don't even make sense, retard.

>> No.8406713

Crossdressing Cloud doesn't have a vagina, therefore it's not a genderbend.

>> No.8406732

Please stop. You getting super defensive is pretty embarrassing. Just accept that your way of thinking is frowned upon and if you want to make a sexy genderbend then at least admit it as such.

>> No.8406740

If it was so frowned upon, then why is Jessica Nigri one of the most famous cosplayers in the world, if not the most famous? Most of what she does is sexy genderbends.

I think you guys are just bitter nerds who can't accept that pretty women who want to be sexy can be gamers too, and get 100 times more attention from it. Stop being jealous of other women

>> No.8406745

>doesn't understand summer insults

>> No.8406757

Stop responding to the troll.

>> No.8406767

>not understanding what summer means
God you are painfully new.

>> No.8406787
File: 97 KB, 1280x720, kotoura_san-01-haruka-psychic-laughing-comedy-entertainment-funny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8406862

My very first cosplay at 15 in 2006 was Aeris. It was shitty but i was also happy and made friends with some other FF7 weebs. I just tossed my old costume last week, thinking about re making it. But now i need to get my ass in gear and do it for my next con in September now that i have the basic skills and finances till duo or better

>> No.8406873

You're completely right.

Still hype and I'm excited to see all the goofy moments with current graphics. People make FF7 to be extremely serious and grimmdark but there is a moment of Barret wearing a tight sailor suit, Tifa and Scarlet having a cat fight on top of a canon and Cloud being harassed by muscle bound men.

As for the voices, I really hope they get the Aerith from Crisis Core since both the KH actresses were vomit inducing.

>> No.8406964

Why does /cgl/ care so much about what other people cosplay? Who cares if someone wants to be a sexy Cloud, how does it affect you?

Whining about it on an anonymous image board won't do jack shit, since people are going to do it anyway. You saw how far you got with JNig. All she did was laugh in our faces and kept it up.

P.S. the girl in OP pic made a Mario genderbend that was 100% inaccurate to his character, yet no one on this board complained. How is this girl you're arguing with any different?

>> No.8407078
File: 112 KB, 333x500, 14134155495_47050ae481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right, it really doesn't matter what people cosplay because it's their prerogative to do so. However, I think the point that there's a difference between genderbending a character and "slutifying" it. Pic related, that's the mario genderbent cosplay you're referencing and in no way is it overly sexy or revealing.

Short version: if you're going to be out of character for the sake of being an attention whore just admit to it

>> No.8407095
File: 158 KB, 500x359, disgusted.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Look, no one gives a shit about staying true to the character when they genderbend.

As someone who loves well thought out genderbends, please go fuck yourself.

>> No.8407135

It's not sexy or revealing but it's still out of character. Mario is a plumber, if he was a girl she'd still be in overalls and most likely have her hair tied back. Also, anon even said that she didn't want to be too slutty, she just wanted to look cute. Yet everyone still got assblasted.

Also everyone cosplays for attention, including everyone on this board, and including you. Admit it, just because you don't show off your body doesn't mean you don't love getting praise and having your picture taken. You're just as much of an attention whore as anyone else.

>> No.8407247
File: 37 KB, 480x270, CIEVU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Genderbend is about making things pretty/sexy
>Fem->Male Genderbend is about making things pretty/sexy too?

I don't understand this logic...

Doesn't Genderbend literally mean if the character just swapped genders?

>> No.8407258
File: 205 KB, 499x750, wall_market_cloud_by_malindachan-d469rqt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obviously this is the purple outfit he meant.

>> No.8407270

It's a shame about the ugly face and scrawny female body, because this is actually a well done cosplay.

>> No.8408117

Oh honey, you are so new

>> No.8408125
File: 49 KB, 414x380, idontthinkyouknowwhaththatwordmeans..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8408366
File: 754 KB, 1440x2560, 20140831_160713_2~3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will probably redo this piece of crap. Nixed all the arm items and gloves because I couldn't hold the sword.
Sorry about the phone picture being small.

>> No.8408377

Except this remake wasn't made for you, it was made for us, the male FF fans who have been FF fans for over 2 decades.

You weren't even a glint in your absent father's eyes back then. This remake and the hype surrounding it isn't for you, it's for us at /v/. We don't want girls getting involved. You'll just turn it into a whore parade.

>> No.8408380

entry level weaboo trash

>> No.8408384

Fuck off bitch, I have been gaming before you were even born. Bet you never had to wait 40mins for a fucking tape to load your game, running it from a DOS prompt. Place your game snobbery in the orifice of your choice.

>> No.8408394

One of the lost children from the wank thread found his way into this one and is having a temper tantrum

>> No.8408432

Bro I'm 30 and if you seriously think this is being made for any older fans of either gender you are showing either your newness or your garbage taste and I am ashamed on your behalf. The original director of FFVII was Yoshinori Kitase who has since stepped aside to become solely a producer. The original producer was the legendary Hironobu Sakaguchi (who also had creative input). Now the remake is being done by that shit-shill Nomura who can't design or write himself out of a wet paper bag. He already turned the characters from VII into pathetic shallow versions of themselves in Advent Children, you can bet your ass he's going to continue the tradition in the remake of VII because he needs everything to be cool. No silliness or self-awareness or goofy humor is allowed. He barely even allowed silliness into Kingdom fucking Hearts and that's a god damn Disney crossover with a character literally named Goofy.

Also you are forgetting that most older FF fans look down on VII anyway for being "inferior" to VI, which continues to be neglected by SE. To them VII is just yaoi fangirl bait with shitty LEGO graphics. If you were actually a fan of FF for over two decades (and not what you probably are, which is some early-twenty-something with mommy issues and rose tinted glasses thicker than the platforms on my rocking horse shoes) you would be reacting to the news of a remake with cautious hope but warranted concern and reservations.

Cosplayers of whatever age and level of commitment at least put effort toward their interests. You just sit on your couch waiting to be fed.

>> No.8408439

>write or design himself

Nomura was concept art lead on the original game you fucking retarded contrarian faggot.

>Also you are forgetting that most older FF fans look down on VII anyway for being "inferior" to VI

No, you mean it's looked down on by Nintendo fanboys butthurt about the fact Squaresoft moved to an exclusivity deal with Sony after being treated appallingly by Nintendo (remember their rep for treating third parties like shit?)

>No silliness or self-awareness or goofy humor is allowed.

Bullshit. Just a meme pushed by naysayers.

>"How the new, slightly darker aesthetic sits with some of the crazier elements of the original game remains to be seen, but it seems they'll be intact. Can't wait to see the delicious sight of Cloud in a dress in glorious HD? "Please look forward to it," said Nomura as the interview came to a close."

>Cosplayers of whatever age and level of commitment at least put effort toward their interests.

Putting effort into making hooker clothes to go to glorified events for them in order to find people to have hook up sex isn't some hugely creative, inventive task. You don't even do anything novel, you just replicate costumes from concept art. Not create anything from scratch.

>> No.8408441

Being okay at concept art does not mean you are ready to helm games, as his work has proven. It's okay if you are 14 and need everything to be Cool, but it grates.

Cloud in a dress is hardly the silliest moment of FFVII, please actually play the game.

>> No.8408450

>please actually play the game.

FF7 really isn't some niche thing, I've played the game several times. Hell, I even originally played the atrocious PC version first back in 97. Constant crashes on 16mb of RAM.

And he's done a good job so far with FF15, which looks like it meshes old and new better than any FF game thus far.

>it grates

Just shut up you dumb slut, you don't know anything about development full stop.

>Cloud in a dress is hardly the silliest moment of FFVII, please actually play the game.

What specifically do you think they'll cut? FF15 is a far more ambitious project than FF7 as a remake would be, even with 3d rendered backgrounds. And this is Japan, they don't give two fucks about SJW crap.

>> No.8408459

Cloud riding on a dolphin, going on a date with Barret, pirouetting offstage after kissing a dragon, etc.

>he's done a good job so far with FF15
I disagree. It's an interesting game but wildly far removed from even FF8's "Final Fantasy", and for a lot of people FF8 was too far removed by half.

Me finding his directing grating has little to do with "knowing anything about development". I also think his art is fugly as hell and that it's only gone downhill since FFVII, but that makes me ignorant about art too, right? The only game where I found Nomura to fit in perfectly was TWEWY, and he only did the designs, with no input into game/story content. Which is ideal for him.

>inserting SJW shit where none was brought up
Jesus, this is why I don't go to /v/ any more.

>> No.8408463

>but wildly far removed from even FF8's "Final Fantasy"

Elaborate. Science Fantasy has always been a huge staple of the franchise as a whole.

Be specific about what it is that you feel it departs from.

>I also think his art is fugly as hell

So you dislike his art but you like FF7? How does this even work?

>> No.8408473

>Elaborate. Science Fantasy has always been a huge staple of the franchise as a whole.

Not really, though. FF7 and 8 were the first games to lean sci-fi. Prior to them, 6 had been steampunk, but every other game had been heavy fantasy. IMO 15 leans away from the fantasy a bit too much - instead of feeling like a magical world that's developed tech a la FF8, it feels more like, say, a Star Ocean game with Nomura visuals.

>So you dislike his art but you like FF7? How does this even work?
Oh come on, look at his art for FF7 and TWEWY and then look at his art for FF15 and FF13. The latter two are a hot mess of bland-uncanny, while the former have a sense of style. FF7's designs also aren't my favorite, but they have the advantage of being nostalgic.

Or I guess, even better, look at his designs for FF7 and then look at his designs for Advent Children. I feel like the characters lost a lot of their iconic looks, to their detriment.

>> No.8408484

>Not really, though. FF7 and 8 were the first games to lean sci-fi. Prior to them, 6 had been steampunk

Jesus Christ. Do you even know what science fantasy is?

>instead of feeling like a magical world that's developed tech a la FF8, it feels more like, say, a Star Ocean game with Nomura visuals.

There are something like four cities, two with tech themes, two with fantasy themes. As for FF8, it had a far more tech heavy focus in terms of things like character design and world-building.

>Oh come on, look at his art for FF7 and TWEWY and then look at his art for FF15 and FF13.

TWEWY is overrated shit for nintendrones.

There was nothing wrong with FF13's character designs, the game was shit because it was constant hallway combat, not because of the designs.

>> No.8408487

>you can't enjoy a game because it's on a system I don't like
Okay, this is where I check out. Come on dude that attitude is only suitable for moody teens. Have a nice day.

>> No.8408508

Not other anon but malindachan may be a great cosplayer but she has such a boring face on all her pictures

>> No.8408539

Agree 100%. All her photos looks like she hasn't slept for days, tor shes trying to make expressions but failing.

>> No.8408645

>newfag for thinking someone is ugly
lolwat. I've been here since 2008.

I've always thought Malinda was ugly. Her face ruins every one of her cosplays, and she's too skinny to pull of crossplays. K, I'm done.

>> No.8408845
File: 43 KB, 500x484, 1160331976_f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Emono's Vincent is still the best.
I still ignore whether Emono is a woman or a man though. And I'm pissed off that they decided to delete all their online pictures due to people stealing them to their own accounts and trying to pass as them.
Seriously, how low do you have to go to pretend being someone else?

>> No.8408945
File: 61 KB, 600x340, nerd-fight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread right now.

>> No.8409053

>how low do you have to go to pretend being someone else?
Plagiarism is the highest form of flattery, or I think that's how the saying goes. I can understand how they feel since, in high school anyways, I've had people scratch out my name and put theirs on my work.

It's not a good feel and I can understand them deleting their stuff. Though since their pictures have already circulated, it's not gonna stop anyone who can get their hands on them.

>> No.8409411

They're insecure about their own self worth so they steal the identity of a person they admire. They just want to be loved.

>> No.8409430
File: 177 KB, 468x622, 1400463473972.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>responding to this shitty bait

>> No.8409491

Apparently she didn't make the wig. In the description she credited someone else for it.

>> No.8409825
File: 163 KB, 841x554, put my money where my mouth is.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some guy was calling bullshit on me in another thread and then the thread was deleted so putting it here.

this is for sale, btw.

muh babeh.

>> No.8409974

So I'm not sure if I should put this in the wig thread or here but here goes:
I'm planning on a Cloud Strife wig and I'm having trouble with what base wig I should buy. I feel like Arda is a bit too thick, but I also don't want to go for something too thin where I won't be able to spike it a lot. I'm going for his Advent Children look.

>> No.8410791
File: 560 KB, 1610x2021, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just drew this up going off a combination of the sword from the trailer and the crisis core/advent children models. That looks about right, yeah?

>> No.8410808

Lightning wearing that outfit is pure sacrilege.

>> No.8410809
File: 100 KB, 552x769, 1324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or you could just do this.

>> No.8410815

Genderbending is the undisputed worst and the ultimate cop-out. I'm a woman who crossplays Zack and wouldn't even think for a second of disgracing him with a lame-ass genderbend.

>> No.8410836


>rar rar cosplay is serious business I'm no fun rar rar

>> No.8410867

Be mad at Toriyama, not Lightning. His waifu fetish and budget are what ruined her. I was ok with her in XIII and she was in the military so it's appropriate.

>> No.8410882

It IS serious business. 'Bout time you learned.

>> No.8410884

Naw, she sucks ass regardless.

>> No.8411323

Maybe some people don't want to be gross tranny freaks but still want to dress like their favorite character.

>> No.8411478

So it's okay to make an inaccurate genderbend so long as it's not sexy?

Jealous fatty identified.

>> No.8411488
File: 98 KB, 811x1023, 1432185039832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8412015

looks good, but check to make sure the edge isn't too big. It may be a simplistic design, but an inch off here or there ruins it. also, the remake looks to be a combination of the new buster sword (with the stupid wing things) and the classic, with the based as fuck bolts in the hilt. bolts > weebwings

>selling that

>> No.8412024

disregard my comment, your drawing had the based bolts, i suck cocks.

>> No.8412290

Says someone who would rather slutify a great character than pay proper homage to them.

>> No.8412368

Yeah, I wasn't sure about the designs on the side, but there's definitely something there in the trailer, I'm glad the bolts are there too.

>> No.8412434

Turning them into a tranny is proper homage? Smells like Tumblr in here~

>> No.8412453

How is taking the character's personality into account when doing a genderbend "turning them into a tranny"? We're not not Sailor Bubba or Man Faye here.
If Cloud were a girl, and nothing else about him had changed other than his gender, why the fuck would he suddenly dress like a slut? He wears a fucking uniform, one that others have worn as well. So why would he trade in that for a bikini top? It makes no fucking sense.
Take the character into account when making alternate versions of them, or don't claim that you are cosplaying them. Because slutifying characters isn't cosplaying, it's attention whoring. If you want to do that, then go right ahead, but don't act like you're some fantastic cosplayer, or that you're doing anything other than trying to get fat nerds to lust after you.

>> No.8412464

You're turning them into a tranny because you're a woman crossdressing as a man. The only way you'd be doing Zack justice is if you had a dick, which you don't.

>> No.8412509

Or you could genderbend them without making them slutty. Did you not read anything beyond the first sentence?

>> No.8412531

What's wrong with slutty?

>> No.8412560

Stupid bitch thinks crossplay equates being tranny. What a dumb whore you must be.

>> No.8413363

>binding chest
>dressing in mens clothing
>wearing drag king makeup
>pretending to be a man

That's exactly what trannies do. So by dressing as a male character, you're portraying that character as if he were a tranny. If that's not disgracing, I don't know what is.

Also, any guy would love to see some hot babe wearing his clothes and showing some skin while they're at it. I'm not sure why you think Cloud or Zack would be any different.

>> No.8413445

>all this bickering and bitching ITT

/cgl/ at its finest.

Now I remember why I stopped coming here.

>> No.8413465

>Being this retarded

>> No.8413469

>being this bad at making a counterargument

>> No.8413475

You must think dressing up as a nurse makes you more qualified to give medical advice then. And wearing cat ears totally makes you a furry.

>> No.8413481

lol nobody said anything about qualifications you dumb shit. Though you're right about the cat ears, only furries wear those.

>> No.8413555
File: 16 KB, 614x620, 1318177876001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no hot girls to sluttify my clothes
I can already think of 10 sexy outfits they could make from my wardrobe.

>> No.8413708
File: 28 KB, 600x336, girl-cloud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek they already released the picture for the ps4 game.

>> No.8413714

Fuck yeah brah, these jelly fat bitches would never understand.

>disgracing muh character
Having hot sluts butcher your clothes to let their tits and ass hang out is a fucking honor, bitch. The only thing disgracing them is when manfaced uglies like you cosplay them.

>> No.8413715

Christ, now I remember why I left the ff7 fandom. You're all a bunch of faggots.

>> No.8413738

Then get out, fag. Nobody will miss you.

>> No.8413768

That picture has been around for years. I'm pretty sure it's fan-made.

>> No.8413770


Oof, seems like I hit a nerve :^)

>> No.8413778


Pretty sure they meant it as a joke. But there's always the possibility.

>> No.8413900

I get the hugest boner when my gf wears my clothes, especially when she's got nothing on underneath them.

Idk, I can see why people don't like slutty genderbends but part of it is clearly jealousy. If they weren't jealous they'd just ignore the sluts and give more attention to the cosplays they like. For me, I can appreciate both sexy and modest genderbends so long as they're well made. Lazy shit like Wal-Mart bikinis paired with unstyled wigs are the type I skip over.

>> No.8413917

>I left the ff7 fandom
Implying anyone cares.

>> No.8413941



Awww, don't be so tsun tsun.

>> No.8414036

Yeah, anon. That picture has been around for years, an---Holy shit does AC cloud and Lightning have the same face model?

>> No.8414039

Yes. Exactly the same, actually.
They designed Lightning to literally be a female version of Cloud.

>> No.8414043

Maybe that's why they call her Lightning?

>> No.8414100
File: 72 KB, 900x579, lightning_and_cloud_twins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's really not subtle

>Toriyama wanted Lightning to be a type of female character previously unseen in Final Fantasy games, one with an athlete's body and a less feminine nature.[29][30] His guideline to Nomura was to make her strong, beautiful, and "like a female version of Cloud [Strife] from [Final Fantasy VII]".

>> No.8414121
File: 120 KB, 850x1300, 2516983-lrff13-lightning-miqote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Too bad the third game made her into a sexualized dress up doll.

I mean, it's not the straw that broke the game, but don't deny it contributed to the overall absolute shit that it was.

>> No.8414411

Hey, dumb bitch. You may notice that I'm the one you're supposed to be arguing with. Kudos for not being able to tell the difference. Then again, you can't even make a separation between crossplay and actual transvestites. I also really like your beta-male fedora-wearing whiteknights pretending they have 'girlfriends' that will wear their greasy, unwashed clothes. Top kek. Can't wait to see your OMGGENDURBENDUR!CLAWD on the next bad cosplay thread. Skanks are gonna skank.

>> No.8414414

Please, bitch. No one believes that A) you have a dick or B) you have a girlfriend. You're as greasy as any other faggot 'male' that trolls this board.

>> No.8414422


>> No.8414434

Ahhh. What a day. Now let's sage this stupid shit before any other cosplay sluts ruin FF7 further.

>> No.8415587

Nice not being able to tell that I'm not the one doing the Cloud genderbend, dumbass.

Silly trannies thinking looking like a man is better than bein a sexy slut. LOL. Feeling triggered yet?

>> No.8415589

> LOL.
What is this, 2005.

>> No.8415649

K. Nice falling for all that bait though. Oh, and stay jealous.

>> No.8416002

Sounds like some feefees were seriously hurt. My job here is done.

>> No.8416077

It's funny that you're talking about hurt feelings when you're clearly the butthurt jellyfat here.

>"wehhhhhh pretty girls can't like the same things as me!!1!"

I bet they're better gamers than you could ever dream to be. Hahahahahaha stupid bitch you probably only watched a walkthrough. I bet your Zack cosplay sucks ass too, meanwhile sexy sluts are getting tons of fame and praise that your fat ass will never experience.

Now please, show us some more tears.

>> No.8416082

Nice bait, mate. You only wish you were as awesome as me.

>> No.8416083
File: 264 KB, 617x1024, 6922079991_a57910979c_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a noticeable lack of cosplay going on in this thread.

>talking to Spanish tutor about cosplay
>unsure of who to cosplay at the time
>his eyes light up and he pulls up Barret
>the only thing we have in common is skin tone
>he's completely serious

>> No.8416086

Post your Zack cosplay so we can laugh our asses off.

>> No.8416090

Plz, bitch. No one selfposts for anything but asspats. I don't want to be fodder for your basement-dwelling neckbeard masturbation.

>> No.8416124
File: 87 KB, 640x960, 1399429641631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you pretending to be retarded? Cause it sure seems like it. Your posts and general wording are incredibly "fake" sounding. It's not natural and full of buzz words. Please go away or improve your trolling.

>> No.8416126

Spoken like a true delusional fat bitch. The fact that you choose to make yourself look like a man is vomit-inducing, ain't no one gonna waste their baby gravy on that. I feel like I should just let you continue to think you're hot, that makes this conversation 10x funnier.

>> No.8416239
File: 66 KB, 491x740, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>130 replies and 35 images
>almost all of the images not ff7 cosplay

All I wanted to see was a ton of cosplay for nostalgia...

>> No.8416271

So, tell me. You think dressing like a whore at a con is going to score you some quality 'baby gravy'? Obviously, you've never been to one if you think that 99.99% of the cosplay sluts that go to con are anything but greasy landwhales, as are their male counterparts. Do you feel proud of yourself having been the wet dream of a mouth-breathing beta male jerking it to a photo of you in cosplay? I don't know which is the sadder scenario. At least my cosplay, and everyone else who respects the series and/or game they cosplay from can sleep at night knowing we didn't shit all over the creators design. Trololololo

>> No.8416272

Sorry, friend. It was a bad idea to start this thread.

>> No.8416289

What do you mean "shit all over their design"? I can assure you that the creators fucking love it. Only jealous hambeasts have a problem with women showing skin. I would love it if a hot girl cosplayed a sluttified version of my art, holy balls it would mean so much to me.

Also, when you said the sluts at cons are all greasy landwhales...you sure that wasn't just your reflection in a window?

You contributed to half of this shitstorm, friend.

>> No.8416365

I'm pretty sure you can like parts of the game and dislike other parts. You don't have to be a frothing-at-the-mouth love 100% or hate 100%.

>> No.8416379

Hey, I'm not the one looking to procreate with an unwashed 40-year-old con virgin. What's the most laughable is that you think women have to dress like whores to attract men. That only shows your own glaring insecurities. It's always the ugly ones that skank shit up where every other charm is lacking. I'm looking forward to the next generation of hideous nerd children.

>> No.8417267
File: 63 KB, 480x640, tumblr_mfgf2kD9g31r6w3gco1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop replying to bait, Jesus Christ. You cunts have destroyed this thread by not being able to tell the difference.

>> No.8418173
File: 196 KB, 600x900, 5b5414381a61b147c307eb4989279436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more cosplay and less everything else please

>> No.8418177
File: 288 KB, 864x1152, barret.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8418205

There's really nothing that hasn't already been posted before.

>> No.8418506
File: 200 KB, 736x981, b0c7c179dfde1b5fef8222185d2b74e0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this thread can last until July I'll post some new content, because a con.

I always tell myself I'll go to photoshoots but I get distracted and end up missing everything or not taking pictures in general. Until then, pictures from like 2008.

>> No.8418561

Does this count as blackface?

>> No.8419811

No one said women *have* to dress like whores, we're just saying there's nothing wrong with it. The point still stands that women looking like/pretending to be men are gross, and the fact that you think dressing more femininely (slutty or not) is worse than that trash means you're a serious freak/jealous fatty. And no, the sluts aren't "always ugly". It's the women who dress up as men that are always the ugliest, because looking like a man is not attractive at all. In fact, it's fucking disgusting.

>> No.8419948

>turned the characters from VII into pathetic shallow versions of themselves

Let's not fool ourselves, most of them (Cloud aside) were already incredibly shallow. Tifa especially, adhering to the childhood friend model that's been popular for years. Nothing remotely special or new about her.

>> No.8420252

I haven't noticed a whole lot of people cosplaying FF7 as of late, at least not in my area.

>> No.8420763

So, do you go up to every crossplayer you see and tell them that you think they're disgusting for dressing as the character is supposed to be dressed? What lulz you must inspire. Girl, you need some serious counselling.

>> No.8420766

There will no doubt be dozens jumping on the bandwagon after this resurgence.

>> No.8420816
File: 399 KB, 536x684, 11401447_970580319651633_1656005403775962830_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8420824
File: 86 KB, 1000x1440, cloud ref prime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did anyone else know cloud's 5'7''? (173cm)
i didn't.
>tfw fair-skinned blue-eyed otter-mode manlet

my time has come.

>> No.8420845

Yes? That's written clearly in his stats.

>> No.8420860

welp, time to replay it.

also, now must figure out how to do the pants right.
no one ever gets the pants right.
then worry about hair..

>> No.8421080

As you may have read, I crossplay Zack. What you need to do is construct pants that are SUPER baggy, like almost ridiculously so. They bulge nicely when you tuck them into your boots. As for the wig, some serious talent with scissors and clear caulking.

>> No.8421228
File: 147 KB, 300x450, 1207029226219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8421230
File: 107 KB, 800x600, 1207030099232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8421253
File: 73 KB, 417x600, 1207030416998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8421257
File: 129 KB, 640x480, 1215324445169,bmp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8421259
File: 36 KB, 1280x720, RenoAC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's pretty cute but needs more make up. And Reno's red marks.

>> No.8421260

That's a great face for Reno. Only nitpick I have is the quality of the wig is lacking, along with natural hair being visible underneath.

>> No.8421375
File: 49 KB, 1280x720, 1422071465503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw cloud is one of my favorite characters, but I'm half hispanic and 3 inches smaller than him.

Maybe if I stay out of the sun for a few months...

>> No.8421468

I don't really think your race matters, just make the costume well and wear it well.

>> No.8421482
File: 196 KB, 600x400, 454ksdfsia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That cosplayer photoshops herself a bit too much.

>> No.8421756

>assassins inc
holy shit i totaly forgot about them
makes sense, sank youu

>> No.8422108

The shooping has only gotten worse since then. Probably cuz she's trying to disguise the fact that she's aging. In that picture it's not so bad.

>> No.8422123

Why do women even bother crossplaying? You can even tell that they're women from behind.

>> No.8422236

But they look better untouched...

And also more manly

>> No.8422239

To be fair, they DID give her larger lips and smaller eyes(?), and I think a smaller neck...

>> No.8422410
File: 317 KB, 400x525, vincent-valentine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5'3 here if I cosplayed as vincent would it be necessary to get a pair of shoe wedges they sell for manlets or something?

>> No.8422516
File: 75 KB, 600x450, 35197_448079632811_512434_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some one took the pic on the left and over shooped it. I looked on all her sites and I can't find the OP image anywhere uploaded by her. Only the one in >>8421482

Also, here's some photos I found taken by other photographers. She looks the same.

>> No.8422519
File: 68 KB, 600x450, 38433_447781102811_4645062_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8422530

That photo came from eBay. I recognized it right away because I was searching for a Cloud wig a couple days ago.

>> No.8422539
File: 55 KB, 604x453, eb6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8423003

Stop replying to the troll.

Post more cosplays.

>> No.8423008

Take your shitty memes somewhere else, summerfag.

>> No.8423474

is that pikminlink?

>> No.8424792

'came from ebay' ebay wig stores steal photos a lot. don't assume the picture is the wig you're getting if all there is is a worn photo.