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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8384713 No.8384713 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread autosaging
>Why is a dog a cosplay guest?

>> No.8384718

Because dogs don't talk shit about other dogs anonymously on 4chan.

>> No.8384726

>The year of Eva
>No events and guests announced for Evangelion

>> No.8384810

Pretty cool dog, I just don't care about the other shit cosplay "senpais".

>> No.8384987

>The year of Eva
>There's not even a new Eva movie
I don't think this year has a theme at all. There's nothing unifying it. There's not really anything clear cut to gather around this year for that matter. No clear hit show or franchise for any of the last few seasons. Nothing to hype about.

>> No.8384993


I think anon was referring to the fact that 2015 is when Eva is set.

>> No.8384998

The past sure had high hops for us, didn't they?

>> No.8385014

The past also thought there would be flying cars.

And fuck if I know when anime settings take place in. Not to mention without 3.0+1.0 releasing/near release it'd be bad timing to have an Evangelion theme.

>> No.8385015

the Corgi is a break from the generic cosplay girl.
Plus, vampys horrific Jotaro jusy killed it all for me.
I'm not big on cosplay guests and I always just walk by them at cons. is odd, like you see them irl and they look so plain and simple and boring, with or without cosplay

>> No.8385336

I spent 7 hours in line at miku expo
How long am I in for at badge pickup?

>> No.8385340

I'd be up for a pre-con shopping trip meet-up in little tokyo. Maybe even an arcade meet-up.

>> No.8385437

I'm down to hang out in rooms too

>> No.8385507

at least I found out ahead of time, friends from Texas cancelled on me, now have a empty room to myself, great...
Anyone need place to stay? Its one of the sponsored ones. Seagulls only, last time we had some crossboarders/lurkers that just kinda creeped everyone out.

>> No.8385555

Same if not more.

>> No.8385557

AX mentioned they are going to try something new
let's see what exactly they try
if Fanime can unfuck pickup surely AX can too

>> No.8385563
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If you want to let a group of autismo guys in that are doing slutty cosplays, We only have one creeper in our group and he shouldnt cause problems. We would pay you obviously, but up too you.
Same, I wanna make more weeb friends and have a good time.

>> No.8385575

Uhhhh...define slutty cosplay.

>> No.8385578

are you the pokemen
are you going to be shoving your pokeballs in everyone's face?

>> No.8385590
File: 124 KB, 483x751, Bell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nudist beach cosplays/crossplays, and a Pikmin and Olimar group with masks and tiny shorts. We lift weights occasionally...

>> No.8385595

Start losing weight, fatties

>> No.8385598
File: 62 KB, 300x480, bell.2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Pikmin group was inspired by the old Diglett group so kinda..

>> No.8385601

Because when Vic Mignogna starts humping your leg you have to try and quietly cover it up.

>> No.8385617

Someone give these guys a room, they've been trying really hard.
I'd let you guys stay with me, but I don't do crowded rooms and I'd probably molest all of you.

>> No.8385621

maybe that's what they want. they want you. inside them. and to be inside of you. a writhing train of anal intrusion.

>> No.8385647
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I-I dont wanna be molested really, I have a waifu sorry. Maybe if your K-kawaii...?

But we could be Friends for sure!

>> No.8385656

Not with the fuck ups running this con to the ground.

>> No.8385658

probably better than last year. I only spent 2.5 hrs in line last year (because I went around 9pm on day 0) and from what I hear AX kind of got their shit together for badge pickup this year? definitely not 7 hours oh god

>> No.8385662


>there is a skinny gay japanese man in that costume

>> No.8385673

there's a skinny gay jap in every costume, anon
it's their natural habitat

>> No.8385675

no one knows just what they have in store but they know they had to explore other options/methods after last year. we're just going to have to wait and see

when I was still doing general pickup I would just show up at 8am and it didn't take very long. haven't done general pickup in ages though

>> No.8385688

if possible, I found its pretty great to just wait till about 3pm on day 1 to grab your badge. No one is in pre reg line lol

>> No.8385759
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I have an extra double-bedded room at the Westin from the 2nd through the 6th that I will most likely be cancelling soon because I already have another room at the JW.

Not sure if I'm reading the situation right, but if >>8385647 wants it, they have priority. Otherwise it's up for grabs for anyone in this thread.

Not 100% sure how I can transfer it properly, but it shouldn't be too hard to figure out. LMK

>> No.8385784
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Well the main reason we are looking for roomies is cause we dont have a ton of cash but would still like to stay a night or two, I live about 30-35mins out witch is where we will be staying atm but we want to hang out, meet people and go to the late parties.

>> No.8385787

I don't know of any arcades around the con center but I like the idea. I live just out of town but don't explore la much

>> No.8385792

Looking for roommates. The hotel is The Standard Downtown LA.

Co-ed, $45 a night. Email me for details please ;_:

>> No.8385797

Speaking of which, I also have two spots in an executive suite at the Luxe for $300 total (Thursday to Sunday), if anyone wants to binge. There's a bed/couch.
Preference is dick squad -> seagulls I've gotten drunk with -> other people I've gotten drunk with.

>> No.8385895

>just found out I'm in the realm of possibility to go to AX this year
>a cosplay group I've been planning since forever ago is finally getting together
>no job to worry about because I'll be freshly moved

I'm thinking of ghosting this year. Last year I didn't touch my badge except for the Kill la kill event and god knows that line is "if you don't head over at 6am, prepared to wait for hours".
Does anyone know if that room that has all the shooting sets requires a badge? I can't remember. That would probably be the only thing I'd need it for.

>> No.8386001

Yes. That's the entertainment/gaming/autograph hall. They do badge checks at the door and there's no way to sneak in besides doing badge relay with friends

>> No.8386042
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Round one is the best one.

>> No.8386085

I heard they were going to try the SDCC method, no idea if that's true or not. If it is, it should be significantly better even if they mess up a bit.

>> No.8386103

SDCC method involves having a butt-ton of computers to process through and somehow I just think AX is too cheap for that haha

>> No.8386205

They'll duplicate it all right, only for it to fail.

>> No.8386244

Anyone purposely skipping AX after the disaster of last year and how crappy the guest list is so far?

>> No.8386245

I have to, since I need to save up money for EVO. Not that I wanted to go to AX to begin with, seeing as how this year seems weak as hell

>> No.8386253

I have too much money and nothing else to spend it on. What else would a lonely weeb do?

>> No.8386326

What the fuck else is there for a weeab to do over the summer

>> No.8386329

So I have my eventbright ticket now. I'd assume all they need to do is scan it, print badge, give you it, right? They can't fuck that up, right?

>> No.8386337

Flying cars are a retarded idea. Traffic is bad enough on the ground, imagine those same assholes controlling hunks of metal hurtling through the sky.

>> No.8386360

You can fuck anything up if you try hard enough, anon. I think they had printer problems last year or something like that.

>> No.8386375

Anyone know how to get into con parties? I promised a bunch of my "Chad/Bro" friends who aren't into anime that they should go since it's easy to get con pussy because I didn't want to go alone. Now if I can't get them into some sort of party I'll be fucked.

>> No.8386388
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>bringing more chads to the chaddest con in the world

>> No.8386393

There are any number of parties with normies who can't handle their alcohol at every SoCal con. Just bring a bottle.

p.s. didn't this happen at Fanime? I'm pretty sure no pussy was had.

>> No.8386394

Hope they beat you up, normiescum

>> No.8386399

>I promised a bunch of my "Chad/Bro" friends who aren't into anime that they should go since it's easy to get con pussy
You're already fucked.
I never invite my normal friends to cons because I know they're gonna be absolutely bored the entire time and get pissed when they don't fuck.

>> No.8386400
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I want Normies to leave and stay leave, is that too much to ask?

>> No.8386406

Gonna be honest here, don't expect con pussy at all. It's going to be Chadcon. You're better off getting that dank club pussy.

>> No.8386441

Haha, I know that feel between trying to keep my word with my friends or end up going somewhere alone.
Good Luck

>> No.8386615

This is some pretty low quality bait you rubes fell for.

>> No.8386642

dunno man, it's plausible enough to happen
anime cons are getting more and more normie filled

>> No.8386676
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>look like a normie
>act like a normie
>people think I'm a normie
>mfw I'm the biggest fucking nerd there

>> No.8386677

>be an oldishfag (32)
>weeab since the 80's
>get my act together but still a tremendous weeab, thus why I still go to cons
Please don't hurt me. I just want to shmooze with nerds my age.

>> No.8386683

niggah you ain't one of the normies. normies would be dudebros who don't like anime and are only at conventions to gawk or be creepers or hit on girls or get drunk or whatever the fuck. if you tried talking anime they'd be like hurr narutobleach or some other shit they saw only on cartoon network and don't know anything else.

>> No.8386687

Oh so like this idiot who showed up at fanime just to make shitty unfunny videos like this where he makes goofy faces while cosplayers take the piss?


He comes across as a self-hating nerd of another stripe to me, tbqh.

>> No.8386709



Anon, I lift weights and make the stinky protein farts. I also want to hit on girls, get drunk and rant about how your favorite anime is shit and your waifu a slut.

>> No.8386712

Back when I did lift a shit ton of the gym rats I knew posted on /fit/ and their inspiration was DBZ. I'm the one that introduced them to JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (it was a hit!)

>> No.8386715


Of course JJBA is a hit with gym rats. It's a celebration of the human form, cunning mixed with pure physical strength, references to good music, unique characters and is wildly entertaining.

It's also gay as fuck.

>> No.8386717

you get a pass because you could actually converse anime. again, it's the ones who don't know fuck all about anime. if lifting was automatic out then i'd be disqualifying myself from conventions.

>> No.8386803

Please do this. This will be my second time at AX and unfortunately last time I didn't meet any seagulls. Y'all seem like cool people

>> No.8387265

Badges are supposed to be outsourced to a third party company this year, Eventbrite I think.

>> No.8387529

>Have lots of money
>Nothing to spend it on
>Claims to be a weeb

Fly to Japan dummy.

>> No.8387534

For fucks sake, stop posting that shitty mascot.

>> No.8387540

Otakon, Colossalcon and Fanime say hi

>> No.8387541
File: 1.99 MB, 490x560, 1433089394630.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i found out one of the priests at my church is going to anime expo

>> No.8387550

It better not be for Marvhel.

>> No.8387557

....to picket?

>> No.8387561

No he's a closet anime fan. He's a young guy in his mid 30s. He can easily blend in with the crowd.

>> No.8387655

Something will happen, just watch the thread during the con.

>> No.8387683

He should go as Kirei or some shit.

>> No.8387689
File: 7 KB, 143x198, IMG_26041003948516..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's down to meet at one of the lounges and get a drink? I'd love to meet a fellow anon lol

>> No.8387706

I don't drink, but I'd be down for a gull lounge meet anyway.

>> No.8387733

it has spice and wolf's author and tomoyo kurosawa. How is that crappy?

>> No.8387965

High school/college/young adult ministry leader I'm guessing? That's how it rolls at my church, both the high school and college leaders are huge nerds. Not so much anime, but they're open to it. Recommended the Madoka movies to the college director early today, seemed interested when I told him about the Oscar consideration on Rebellion.

>> No.8387979
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>tfw your car is kill and you're going to have to bus it or Uber it to and from the convention center each day

>> No.8388177

/co/ here, first time going to Anime Expo. Do cosplaying weeb chicks like comics, Dr. Who, and Game of Thrones?

>> No.8388183

Go get it fix. Did the engine blew up?

>> No.8388298

No, Go a Anime you baka.

>> No.8388328

I'm Ubering it to the con every day too anon, I feel your pain.

>> No.8388338

Car is beyond the point of the cost/time to fix it is justifiable. I guess I'm going to be traveling around LA on bike now.

RIP car

>> No.8388347

I will fight you irl if you're one of those faggots who cosplays non-weebshit at an anime con.

>> No.8388364
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Does it trigger you? I may join in too.

>> No.8388380
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Were there any good Umineko cosplayers around? I'd expect quite a number, considering Ryukishi07 visited the States after so many years, it would litterally be the best occasion for such a thing.

>> No.8388395

Heh, I am a sunday school teacher going to the con, so it happens.

I will laugh at those stupid protesters as I walk to the food trucks.

>> No.8388415


>Bawwww I don't like western stuff cosplays at my animu conventions
>For every 4 anime/video game related cosplays at AX there is 1 Marvel, Dr. Who, MLP, Homeshit cosplay

>> No.8388418

is it bad if the thing I'm looking forward to the most at AX are the food trucks? I live in SF so it's not like we don't have a lot of them here...

>> No.8388424

I'm Italian and I'd really love to go, but I can't afford to travel halfway across the globe to meet Ryu07.
He really is maybe the only 'famous' person I'd ever care even a little to meet in the world, and I'm sure he'd be delighted to see he had fans even in Italy, considering the influence it must've had on his work.

>> No.8388429

>quoting me

I'm on your side, dumb shit. Now I'll beat you the fuck up too.

>> No.8388432
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Expensive but way better than the shit they have inside the convention center.

>MFW they announced two hentai artists who way fucking irrelevant
>MFW it has been confirmed that there will be no Male Seiyuus at AX this year
>MFW it has been confirmed that there will be two musical guests
>No official announcement of Aimer

>> No.8388437

ive been dying to meet him too but I'm too poor to go to AX. It's out of my range.
My sakutarou cosplay will rot in my closet.

>> No.8388441

>No Aimer

Considering how underwhelming their work with the Fate OP was, I'm less disappointed than I would have been once.
Their works have become progressively more generic, they sound like Japan's answer to America's Linkin Park.

>> No.8388461

>Still going to AX
>Not saving for Otakon instead

>> No.8388480

>Wanting to go anywhere in Baltimore
>actually they have draft kings so that's okay

>> No.8388503

> Tfw gonna spark a blunt at 4 : 20 pm on day 0

>> No.8388506


Speak for yourself, I'm a huge Bosshi fan. They have a lot of H guests this year which pleases me, most cons try to keep things family friendly, and ax is one of the few cons I know that has slowly been bringing mor guests from the field.

I feel you on the male seiyuu thing though.

>> No.8388512

That is accurate

>> No.8388516

you won't have to deal with parking, so th at kinda good

>> No.8388529

Me. Can't be assed to save up money & the only person I'm remotely interested in seeing, I wouldn't be able to anyways.

>> No.8388541
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At least you get to watch the English dub of Aldnoah.Zero

>> No.8388568

they are all sourced by industry companies and not sought out by AX. I doubt AX would ever pay for H guests on their own.

>> No.8388591

Nobody likes Doctor Who. Don't bring that shit to AX.

>> No.8388627

Doctor Who is inevitable. I personally find it repulsive, but you're bound to find it at anything "nerdy".

>> No.8388629

From the comments on the AX Facebook page, FAKKU has some involvement in bringing those two over.

>> No.8388640


Going to be honest: You'll see a lot of non anime cosplays at Anime Expo. You won't be unique. So in that sense, you'll be fine.

But if you're doing it to pick up the gals who cosplay anime you're gonna have a bad time.

>> No.8388656

it's "all the involvement" honestly
this year is very, very heavy on industry provided guests

>> No.8388668
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>Actively trying to pick up weeb girls
>not just having a good time and let things fall into place

Just bee yurself :^)

>> No.8388700


This. Just bee ur best self

Plus do you seriously, earnestly, legitimately want a weeb gf? Holy shit no you don't. Trust me on this.



You don't want that. Not at all. Just to go AX, buy expensive shit, indulge in downtown LA, make friends (accept the friendzone here. This is one of the few situations where it's fine to get friendzoned because even Zyzz would get friendzoned hard), and get fucked up on whatever (just don't be THAT GUY). It's July 4th weekend, it's your duty as a patriot to eat hot dogs until you vomit.

Like even if you go through the hoops, just wait until after AX to slip the d. It's a logistical nightmare to plan out where to have sex because you ain't fucking in the shower and you are not going to sneakily have sex in a room unless you nuke the fucker with febreeze.

>> No.8388713

Is it possible to get into the Lounge 21 if you're under 21?
I don't wanna buy drinks or anything, I just want to hang out with friends that are 21 and will buy drinks. Not for me tho, since I hate the taste of alcohol.

I hope they card you at the bar and not on entry.

>> No.8388719
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>no Male Seiyuus at AX this year
>they'll probably bring some shitty newbie female seiyuu
>Otakon got Paku Romi

She confirmed and then never showed at AX06. I'm still waiting.

>> No.8388725

Stop posting that shitty cow mascot.

>> No.8388754

>>they'll probably bring some shitty newbie female seiyuu

You mean they already did (Tomoyo Kurosawa and Yumiri Hanamori)

>> No.8388758

if it's like the past they card you at the door
it's basically a bar

>> No.8388774

they card you at entry. i think some of the people who work there are seagulls, too

>> No.8388866

No he should go as Father Pucci

>> No.8389028


Honestly dosen't matter, I assume AX has to ok the guest yeah? And fakku's panels too right? One of the hentai publishers is running an event at AX called hentai fest, something that I also assume AX would have to give the ok on. I know a lot of cons that wouldn't touch this kind of thing, so as poorly run as AX usually is, I'm grateful they're allowing these groups to get these events and guests.

>> No.8389033

the way AX sees it is "free guests, whoop, we don't have to spend money on shit." there's more than a few conventions that have 18+ events.

>> No.8389036

>The convention with a lounge sponsored by Tentacle Grape

>> No.8389039

I really wanna make Beatrice for this con, but that dress is looking so fucking detailed for less than a month away...

>> No.8389044

Would love to hang out with new people, get drunk and have a blast at some room party, but I'll probably just end up hanging out with the usual suspects playing video games in the gaming hall and having kbbq/boba all day everyday like every other AX...

Someone... Please save me...

>> No.8389046

there's been good umineko cosplayers in the past. maybe this will cause a bunch of them to dust off their dresses

>> No.8389048

niggah get yo ass out there and stop doing the same shit then. talk to other people and not just hang around the same guys. don't play the same games. go elsewhere besides the gaming hall.

>> No.8389052

Rather than it being the same old shit though this is my first time and I want to remember it

>> No.8389079

Watch the thread for seagull meetup or post a picture and I'll find you and introduce you to some people.

There's a seagull who does an amazing Beatrice cosplay, but I can't remember who.

>> No.8389113
File: 264 KB, 553x415, 1433731185431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like a place to stay but I'm not sure what days I will be able to go. :( I hope this isn't a joke post and the offer still stands?

>> No.8389115
File: 238 KB, 1275x1943, beware raccoons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i would love some tips for hosting a good party without getting a call from staff every 10 minutes.
its a careful balance, if it's too quiet its a shit party, if its too loud, parties over. I love hosting them, playing kings cup or asshole while blasting jpop and watching anime on mute and filling in dialogue.
I had the idea that streamer and podcasters use small noise cancelling squares you can fix to a wall, but i dont want to bring spackle and patch those holes the last day

though i could...

>> No.8389121

Different person, whats your budget?
If you want to talk details shoot me an email at dirrin@gmail.com

>> No.8389122

>intend to go all weekend
>end up broker than anticipated
>spy great deal for a weekend ticket through a private party

Is there any way to buy a ticket through a private party and not be totally fucked later, or not be able to get in at all? I know at sdcc you have to match your id to your badge name always. Is AX the same?

>> No.8389126

you can sometimes work with the hotel to host a party. not sure about hotels near ax, though, since theyll be at capacity

honestly i think more cons should have designated party floors at their hotels

>> No.8389131
File: 17 KB, 400x226, 5654196421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

agreed, i would love a "loud" floor. it has the potential to be insane though, like a con block party.

>tfw con block party

>> No.8389140

they did something like that with the industry party at ala. there were three or four parties on that floor and i dont think any of them were shut down.

you'd need security at the door to keep normies out, though

>> No.8389155

I'd bring a bottle for the room if you let me chill on the couch and drink to my liver's content

>> No.8389158

count me in

>> No.8389175
File: 308 KB, 1318x2275, wait a minute here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you'd be more than welcome dudes, i have a great talent for having a good time, but i dont want to get anyone b& my parties get pretty crazy usually. fanime kareoke got waaaaay out of hand, you'd think a kareoke machine is a good idea but in reality, its a pandora's box of sexual energy. i know, i was shocked too.

that seems unrealistic, but you could totally card people for certain rooms where alcohol is flowing (the fun rooms).

i also dont want to sound like a drunktard, its not about the alcohol, its about loosening that social anxiety every weeb's(including me) got. your at a con, have some fun.
pic again unrelated

>> No.8389197

>it turns out to be a total sausage fest

>> No.8389201

i'm not sure if this will make me sound like an elitist prick but whatever. i'm cosplaying kancolle and i want to go to the meet(s?) but i already know it'll probably be full of shimakazes that won't even know they're a boat and it's really turning me off from cosplaying. i get that there will always be cosplayers who don't give a shit about the source but this time it's really getting under my skin

>> No.8389202
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you'd be pretty surprised, but the least ive had is 10 to 3 at sakura con, which made for some dick measuring from the 105 degrees in the room and booze. still was fun, but we had to migrate to the courtyard for a 2am hide and seek (secretly disguised as an opportunity to scatter everyone and get their much needed oxygen)
point is, you make fun with what you got.

>> No.8389208

Im in the same boat(lol) we can be kancolle buddies! Which boats are you doing?

>> No.8389210

i'm going as yukikaze! i'm trying to get my friend to be my shimakaze (mfw i just railed on shima cosplayers) but i might end up lone cosplaying. what about you?

>> No.8389215

Kaga, Tenryuu and hopefully Ise if I get her done. We can talk about stats and bucket hell and all that fun

>> No.8389217
File: 144 KB, 420x342, Bell.scared.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to play drunken hide and seek with seagulls!
P-please dont bully Bell...

>> No.8389220

You sound like a lot of fun anon
How can I make sure I get in on this

>> No.8389222

if you go to the saturday gathering and see me feel free to say hello! white girl/five feet tall, plus i'm pretty sure beaver isn't popular enough for american cosplayers

>> No.8389223

>tfw you miss the server openings
I've got the swords but I-I want to sink into ship hell too...

>> No.8389225

if the lottery times are bad for you, check out the himeuta website! their staff is always helping people get in. have fun in boat hell :'^)

>> No.8389229

Ive seen one other yukikaze stateside but sure. Look for the 6ft tall white girl. I'll be at the regular KC gathering and the KCUSA group gathering.
Thats how I got in! Based Enterprise

>> No.8389234

mfw I got kicked from the KCUSA facebook group because my profile was too normalfag

>> No.8389236
File: 551 KB, 1863x1431, time wizards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

astute observation anon, i am indeed very fun. ill post an email ITT in about 5 days to get some logistics going, i'd like to finally meet up with beanie-kun and make some kind of sea gull super pack.
all in good time (no pun)

>> No.8389241

heh I think I got close by complaining about how creepy some of them are on my twitter and then defending myself

>> No.8389253

Ooh, I won't have time for it until after AX but I'll def look into it after! Thanks!

>> No.8389531

we play by modified assassin rules, where if you find someone they become a seeker. last time we used squirt guns hastily bought from a dollar store, it was the spark of our now con assassins game, which is the greatest thing anyone has ever thought up. no hyper bowl here.

i fucking love organizing stupid shit at cons.

>> No.8389582

im going as father pucci

>> No.8390295

Oooo..now you're tempting me to finish my Tatsuta...

>> No.8390450
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Hello there I was the anon who posted not sure what days I am going. Still not sure about that but I just wanted to make sure to touch base. I also have a boyfriend who maybe might come to Ax as well. I just wanted to mention we have a budget of $200 total towards a hotel but we can also bring booze(midori among other yummy stuff) and ramen too, to try and make up a bit of our shitty monetary amount. Thankyou again and just let me know.

>> No.8390505
File: 6 KB, 163x83, me irl..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

200 by yourself or 200 if the boyfriend comes?
From the sound of it you guys seem like you'd be pretty good roommates, and your budget isnt too far off what I was looking for, so consider me interested.

I'm staying at The Standard from the second to the fifth (3 nights), looks like a 10-15 minute walk from the convention. You have my email if you want to talk details

Also I'll probably be bringing my wii-u and picking up some booze/whatever else too

>> No.8390531
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First time coming to AX in 8 years, anything changed for the better since then or if I missed anything awesome other than Miku and the KLK crew?

>> No.8390603
File: 35 KB, 800x450, 1433357174916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know double post but trying to see if I even have a chance to find a room..
200 if the boyfriend comes. It sucks cause the way the month lines up the bills will ping at all the wrong times... I know this may seem super poorfag but the only reason I'll be able to bring all this booze and to go at all at this point is I purchased it all beforehand turns out I am doublefucked gum... :( I promise to keep my autism levels in check(i.e. keep to ourselves/not bother you).. and if my man comes he would just need a place to plug in a cpap machine.. sorry again as I know in reality this is super short notice. I could also possibly pay more after the event too on the upcoming payday which is the tenth.Sorry as I didn't even think of that again thank you. Also sorry about the original sloppy email

>> No.8390936
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RIP Nokia Theater

>> No.8390940

I think you're some pedo scum by just posting that awful mascot.

>> No.8390956

they should change club nokia to club bing

>> No.8391046
File: 203 KB, 600x560, Bell.Trap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I Wanna find you and get in on this, probably more than I should, I love stupid shit at cons.
No pedo here though I do appreciate Flat chest.

>> No.8391089

Muh nigga, flat chest are a godsend.

>> No.8391150

why are you avataring?

>> No.8391390
File: 21 KB, 396x385, 1433891079575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Naokatsu Tsuda, director of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, coming to #AX2015 to premiere the English dub with Ben Diskin, voice of Joseph Joestar~!
>Welcoming Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection ‘F’ Voice Actors, Seán Schemmel, Christopher Sabat, and Chris Ayres as AX 2015 Industry Guests!

Great! Just what we need! More English dub VAs.

>> No.8391405
File: 2.28 MB, 2048x1536, Sendai.(Kantai.Collection).full.1733305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going as Sendai Kai Ni. Am I scum if I'm an anime only fag?

>> No.8391427

AX isn't paying for them
it's actually a question of "who has AX actually paid for?"

>> No.8391490


That number is equal to the amount of girls I've fucked.

>> No.8391508

Interested in the answer too. A friend is selling some weekend passes but I'm worried i won't be able to use them

>> No.8391598

if you're picking it up, then yes you MUST match names. if your friend already picked it up, they won't ID you to use the badge throughout the con.

on a side note, i've never purchased through eventbrite- is there a spot to put my nickname or will the badge display my full legal name no matter what? i don't see one..

>> No.8391621

I don't think there are nicknames.

>if you're picking it up, then yes you MUST match names. if your friend already picked it up, they won't ID you to use the badge throughout the con.
this is also the same with SDCC. while there are stories of people at SDCC getting pulled and badge checked it's usually something like a girl with a guy's badge. AX, for the moment, isn't strict enough to do that.

>> No.8391640

Thank you!!

>> No.8391755
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>Jojo panel


>> No.8391762

I saw some super serious con cops checking badge names at AX last year. I wouldn't be surprised if they did that.

>> No.8391792

If Fanime is strict enough to pull badges Ax will be too however the most likely scenario to get it pulled is when you go to 18 plus areas ..

>> No.8391996


>Last year I got to sing and clap along to Walk Like An Egyptian with a room full of Jojo fans

>Get to do it again this year but with Roundabout.

I hope to see some of you at the dub screening this year; I can't even recreate the magic from the panel last year.

>> No.8392000

where? I never got checked, ever. Even in areas for press only.

>> No.8392589

I'm looking for a roomie for Ax.

>> No.8392597

I almost threw away my premiere badge because it was in some packaging that looked like marketing spam materials.

>> No.8392879

I saw a few outside the dealer's hall; they weren't checking IDs, just looking at the names on badges.

>> No.8392898

This is gonna be my fourth time at AX, first time as not a normie. Any tips for having a great time and meeting new people?

>> No.8392922

Red vests? Were they just holding up the badges to the staff? That's kind of SOP, dealer hall is a badge controlled area, holding it up just makes it easier for Ops to see it.

>> No.8392930

Well, the third or fourth floor at the Hyatt during ALA was basically the designated weed floor

>> No.8392938
File: 386 KB, 1280x720, 1432501363333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just bee urself

>> No.8392999

people are generally pretty social and friendly, just be yourself and respect personal boundaries.

my rules to live by:
>go to meets and hang outside
>don't be pushy, respect personal space.
>have fun, people will want to join.
>never touch anyone/thing
>3 hours of sleep, 2 meals, 1 shower a day

>> No.8393011

i can confirm they are pretty strict with badge checks (saw it happen many times at both sdcc and ax). i have been lucky enough to avoid being checked, but i wouldn't risk it since you can't easily tell if/when they will check.

re:nicknames, will you get penalized for putting a nickname on a post-in over your real name on the badge? I really rather not have my full name on blast, especially since lots of sneak photos are taken at cons.

>> No.8393087

>club bing


>> No.8393160

>is there a spot to put my nickname
AX hasn't put nicknames on badges for about 3 years now.
It's a real shame too. I've always thought they were a lot of fun.

>> No.8393209

You'll be fine. If they tell you to take off the sticker just do so til they are out of sight, put it back on

I've been id checked zero times in a combined 15 years of ax and SDCC

>> No.8393254

Anyone else going to fight to the death for autographs this year?

I regret missing the KLK signing event last year, but this year I can't miss Isuna Hasekura. Gonna do everything in my power to get my Spice and Wolf artbook(s) signed.

>> No.8393266

All the guests are new and don't have the reputation to draw huge crowds this year. But AX doesn't know how to control crowds and autographs.

>> No.8393278

Isuna is a BOOTH signing no less. No idea how the fuck that's gonna work.

>> No.8393280

Going to try for an interview with him just just for autograph

I will write all the questions my damn self if I have to

>> No.8393285

Also lol I'll have to get either a shikishi or my English light novels signed

>> No.8393289

Hook a fellow seagull up if you can snag it?

>> No.8393304

I can definitely try
Gotta run this through my editors but it shouldn't be too hard to line something up..

>> No.8393308

Email is cglmrfreeman at hotmail dot com if you get anything. I'd really appreciate it!

>> No.8393458

Do you need a badge to just get into the convention center? Just like South Hall not panels or Dealer's room

>> No.8393462

You can get into the lobby yeah. Last year they also had free exhibit hall after like 3pm too, although you needed to get in line for a wristband or something and that alone was already a huge ass line....

>> No.8393464

there'd be more room to get the hell out of the way.

>> No.8393681
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I envy you. I have yet to experience a JoJo panel that glorious.

>> No.8393705

Could have sworn there was an option to do so in 2013

>> No.8393736

Nope. Just check my badge.
You may have been able to add a nickname while registering, but they didn't show up on the badge.

>> No.8393746
File: 1.05 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-06-10-16-19-36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhm, am I high or is this a joke?


>> No.8393772


It's a joke. No way would they have the money to get Gene Simmons

>> No.8393782

i dont understand the joke.. that aside, this is pretty stupid if it isn't.

>> No.8393787


I'd totally come AX to see a kiss show.
In a fucking heartbeat.

Noooooooooo this has to be a joke.

>> No.8393792


Apparently not new nor phony.

>> No.8393830

yep, not new or phony, only thing new is that they're considering KISS guests now even though they're only showing up for a bit of the Momoiro Clover concert..

>> No.8393845

Maybe something changed and they're going to do autographs or something?

>> No.8393940
File: 2.20 MB, 200x173, 1432246502134.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW I missed out in the awesomeness of all KLK events of last year
>MFW I have to settle for the shit of this year

>> No.8393947
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>MFW a burlesque and magic show at AX

How is this anime related?

>> No.8393949

Momoclo/kiss has been announced for a while now. They did a song back in January together...

>> No.8393950

No one knows. It's been happening for three years now.

>> No.8394008

music video link for those that haven't seen/heard it.

>> No.8394098

a m8 of mine is looking for a room for days 1-4
he's chill as shit and has a flexible budget
help me anons, I don't want this fag sleeping with me in my room

>> No.8394118
File: 18 KB, 288x288, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're one heck of a salesman tripfag.

>> No.8394130

Anime Expo has become such a trash convention. It's all of the commercial bullshit of a trade show without any of the actual pull of one. Who the fuck wants to get charged to attend the masquerade or be told cosplay gatherings are against the rules because they get in the way?

AX used to be cool, but now it's just a shameless way for people in business suits to make money. Save your cash and go to Fanime.

>> No.8394134

>Save your cash and go to Fanime.
i would but that means traveling up to north california no thanks

>> No.8394159

Would be nice if they'd put the tickets up for sale one of these days.

Also still wondering how they're having a "fashion show" with no fashion guest currently available.

>> No.8394184

Fanime, while cheaper has less things worth doing or seeing. This does mean I don't have to worry about missing guests or panels and can waste most of the day without a care while I'm there though.

My schedule at anime expo is always much more crowded and rigid.

>> No.8394196

Who is it? I'll know by next week if I have room.

>> No.8394197

Moving cosplay gatherings outside is a surefire way (no pun intended) to not get the Fire Marshall on his second trip to AX

>> No.8394236

>Save your cash and go to Otakon.
>Getting people who don't know anything about cosplay and craftsmanship to judge your masquerade

Welp even the Masquerade is fucked.

>> No.8394238

Every other con, including bigger cons like Comic-Con, don't seem to have a problem with having cosplay gatherings.

Let that sink in for a moment: you have an ANIME CON where gatherings of COSPLAYERS are not allowed. There's no way to spin this shit to make AX sound appealing to attend.

>> No.8394242

where did they say no gatherings for that matter?

>> No.8394243

Who are these normie scum?

>> No.8394249

Isn't the San Diego Convention Center almost twice as large as AX? I recall it being something like 1.3 million square feet, while the LACC is something like 720k square feet. I could be wrong, though.

>> No.8394251

important questions are "are they the only judges?" and "how big of an impact does their judging have?"

>> No.8394254

SDCC is huge. the back of the convention center is not used for much so you can have gatherings out back no problemo. the back of the LACC is also seldom used so I don't see why they can't have them back their either like with previous years.

>> No.8394262

I'm for the Fire Marshal busting AX again. AX needs to change for the better and getting shut down will be the wake up call they need.

>> No.8394269

>Let that sink in for a moment: you have an ANIME CON where gatherings of COSPLAYERS are not allowed.

Uhh bullshit. The the cosplay.com has a shit down of gatherings organized for the con

>> No.8394272

I'm sure there will be some Cosplay Senpai judges who will balance out their awful judging, but that will probably be not good enough.

>TFW AX is trying to attract the mainstream casuals and not be true to their core demographic.

>> No.8394277
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Oh boy, brace yourselves for the hella f*ckin epic nerd interviews where they pick out the spergiest of sperg. Fucking normal fags make my skin crawl. It's not enough that we have to deal with capeshit ruining cinema, but they have to shit up everything with their normalfaggotry.

>whats your favorite anime
>is that like DBZ wow you're such a geek haha. dude i remember when pokemon had an anime is so epic remember the 90s? POKEMONNNNN GOTTA CATCH EM ALL



>> No.8394281

normies are an untapped market and represent a great potential earnings. See: SDCC. every normie wants to go

tfw I rarely see any of my con friends at SDCC

>> No.8394283

They had gatherings planned last year. Until security and con staff busted a few for being fire hazards which resulted them in moving. Now they are having the gatherings outside under the hot sun during that sweaty downtown LA summer.

>> No.8394289

But there are cosplay gatherings. They just have to be outside and out of the way. There would be waayyy too much foot traffic otherwise. Even outside, some of the gatherings are too fucking big and impossible to photograph/be in due to the summer heat and crowds of people. I've been to every Pokemon gathering at AX since 2007, and I'm a very short person. If I don't secure a spot in front to take photos (and find a place to sit that won't burn my ass) or get in the front row of the photoshoot, I'm screwed. Imagine that sort of shit being inside. Pokemon's not even the biggest gathering there. It would probably be fucking Hetalia or Homestuck or League of Legends, but anyway. Imagine trying to walk through that shit. LACC isn't as big as Comic Con's convention center, so Comic Con can probably get away with shit like that.

>> No.8394290

Being on the week before Comic Con must have got to their heads.

>> No.8394294

But they've always been outside under the hot sun during that sweaty downtown LA summer.

>> No.8394345

By choice. This year, gatherings are not allowed inside the convention.

>> No.8394374

dudes name is Athrun Corey
chill jojo fan
isn't a drama guy or problematic

>> No.8394441

From what I"m understanding about the BuzzFeed thing, They're going to make costumes with the help of the cosplay senpai, present a skit, and see what its like to judge. I doubt their opinions will have sway and If they do, it will prob be like a "judge's award" type thing. I've got a few connections so I can see if I can get any more info

>> No.8394462

Don't know him. :( I'll let you know if I end up having room, though, if he doesn't find anything else.

>> No.8394463

According to AX's responses on FB they are only judging the performance aspect and not costumes or craftsmanship.

>> No.8394473

I swear to fucking god, AX Masq has been shit for years, but by god this is the worst yet.

I competed for years and I've started judging masq performances now, and I know I definitely take it more seriously than most people (spending 3+ months writing and rehearsing a well-rounded skit). I know that AX tends to shit all over performance and is biased towards craftsmanship over everything, and I accepted that, even when shitty pandering meme performances got Best Group Performance because they made the audience cheer at some yaoi DBZ shit.

I did pretty well whenever I competed at AX, but the experience for the cosplayers is awful. It was OK when I started in 08, but it's just gotten worse and worse:

>barely enough room to get everyone and their props backstage
>no food or drink provided to the contestants
>they let people sign up for rehearsals and tell them to show up at a certain time but end up cutting rehearsals short because "the halftime show needed to do three run-throughs" (happened twice to me)
>no audio feed backstage so you can't hear anything (even when called up for prizes, we didn't know what prize it was until we texted a friend in the audience)
>masquerade staff members don't know anything and don't communicate with one another
>judging system is absolute shit (everyone rates out of 10, highest score gets prize, from what judges have told me)

And to top it off, they charge attendees for content the contestants are providing.

>> No.8394474

he has plenty of money and won't try any hustle shit

>> No.8394489
File: 2.84 MB, 235x180, indescribable-rage.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>8394473 here

This is fucking bullshit. Those BuzzFeed assholes have no idea what makes a good masquerade performance, or a good stage performance. Stage performance is completely different from film/television/youtube shit performance, and they don't know anything about anime or cosplay, so how the fuck are they supposed to give skits a 1-10?


God dammit, until bigger cons start treating performance as an actual important aspect, we're not going to get any decent skits out of anything. If we're going to award people for making an audience of drunk 13-year-old AoT fans laugh at this year's internet anime joke, then that's all we're going to get at these cons. I get that the craftsmanship is important, I totally agree it should be a big part of winning Best in Show or the craftsmanship awards, but don't start fucking around with performance. We can do so much better.

Fuck, I wish I didn't care so much about Masquerade, because every fucking year, AX shits all over it and asks for $20 fucking clapareenos to watch.

Between the way they treat contestants and use them to make money for their shit convention, and their shitty judging system and judges that don't know shit about performance... ugh, I mad. I just mad. Fuck.

>> No.8394508

I went to AX masque one time and it was so cringey I never went back. Highlights included dozens of Geico commercial jokes, some chunky chick who got onstage and just started stripping, and the MC making the same lame jokes over and over. Fortunately this was back when you could get tickets for free, so I didn't lose any money on it.

>> No.8394517

I agree. I was about to regret not being able to go to AX and the Jojo panel because of work issues, but until I saw all of the shit AX has been up to. I've decided to just sit back and watch if it gets better or not.

Singing Roundabout and Walking Like An Egyptian with the Jojo buds I met last year totally made up the horror AX did.

>> No.8394518

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying the performances are all good. There's plenty of shit skits mixed in with the good ones, all the time. And that's fine. God knows the first skit I did was some mash-up of a Hare Hare Yukai. It was fucking awful and people who watched it probably want to bleach it from their brains. But it's from those shit skits that people who love masq and want to improve rise. Well, that and shitty people who do the same MLP cosplay every year with a different meme joke.

Still, there are plenty of cosplay groups who put a shitton of effort not just into their cosplay, but their performance as a whole. They read up on stage acting. They put together a script that the whole audience can laugh at, not just the people into the anime. They get people involved in what's happening on stage and make it interesting, and they make people go "Thank god those guys just went on, or this Masq would've been shitty."

These are the people we want to award. We WANT them to perform at masq over and over again, to keep bringing good skits back. This is why cons have to treat masquerade performers like human beings, not cattle to be ushered on and off stage. This is why judges need to be serious about judging performance and encouraging good performance over bad.

You're always going to have your 13-year-olds making out on stage, or some furry doing a weird dance. But if masqs don't take performance seriously, one day, that's all we're going to have.

>> No.8394521

Fuck off, no one cares about your bullshit. AX is trying something new and is trying to gain the mainstream crowd. The con needs new blood to keep the show going for years to come, but it sounds like you elitist assholes who been going to AX for years don't want that. SDCC didn't grow in a few years to where they are now. AX is not just about anime, manga, and cosplay anymore. It's also about being trendy and hip in J-pop culture. All I see in this thread are sandy vaginas that don't want to see AX grow. You whores are all entitled self-centered bitches.

>> No.8394528

I'll hate myself for admitting it, but there's nothing wrong with trying to gain the mainstream crowd. Come on in, normies, come see why the nerds are having so much fucking fun.

Maybe I'm wrong, but I thought the AX Masq was something that was kind of a big deal in the cosplay world. Hell, a lot of competitions bump you straight up to Master if you've won even a minor prize at AX. That's got to count for something.

Bringing in judges that don't know shit and having their opinion affect who gets awards and who doesn't turns this cosplay competition into a talent show, or at least, into something that's not being judged for what matters. Again, not like it particularly matters, since AX Masq has been shit for a while, but still.

Go ahead and be trendy and hip on stage, I couldn't care less if you do a shit job performing or not. Just don't fuck with the judges and the prizes, because that shit is supposed to mean something.

I put months of hard work into my costume and performance for the one that netted me a major prize at AX. Like hell am I going to share that same prize with someone's meme-filled shit that the BuzzFeed guys thought was "LOL!" .

You don't fuck with Masquerade. Not like that.

Yeah, I take it way too seriously, and it's for entertainment, but to people who get up there and perform, it's a big fuckin' deal.

>> No.8394537

I hope he doesn't draw too many attention because I too want his autograph. I pray to the AX gods but they can't control shit.

>> No.8394546

>Taking Masquerades seriously

Masquerades are suppose to be all about fun, but with people like you thinking way too hard about this, no wonder AX charges their masquerade.

>Hurr durr hurr let's charge people admission for a masquerade filled with highly competitive cosplayers
>That will sure draw people in to watch

>> No.8394552

did you miss the AX masq fuckup a couple of years back? the whole timeline leading to the actual event was a trainwreck.

when I first started going to SDCC you could get a discount for registering early. a few years later and that stopped. it can happen very, very quickly.

>> No.8394553

Meishi? I don't mean to be an ass but didn't you start cosplaying Kancolle without playing at first too? lol. Correct me if I'm wrong though. Either way, it'll be nice to see something besides Shimakaze.

>> No.8394557


You don't goddamn understand the difference between normal people and normies. Normal people? Okay. They watch anime, they know of it. If something sparks their interest, they'll delve deeper into anime and expand their tastes. If they don't like anime, eh whatever. Fucking normies, on the other hand, think they're fucking anime experts because they watched toonami and kidswb. They don't actually care about anime, they want to get some easy ass. That's the difference. Nothing wrong with appealing to normal people, or trying to move away from the hotgluing otaku. But trying to go for the fucking normies is quite frankly retarded.

>we want the cod audience

>> No.8394558

it's competitive because typically the higher award gets the better prize. plus you got the prestige and bragging rights of winning. hell, a few years back ax was giving out thousands of dollars for the top awards. i mean come on like anyone wouldn't be competitive about winning a few thousand bucks.

>> No.8394561


If Masq was all about having fun, they wouldn't be judging it.

But you're right, you're supposed to have fun in Masquerade. That's why I can't hate on shitty skits as much as I'd like to, because people are getting up and having fun and entertaining the audience. Hell, even the shitty meme skits get me to laugh sometimes. That doesn't mean they deserve Best in Show, though.

It's a competition. You have to have judging standards. AX is already failing on the one part with their awful 1-10 judging system. Bringing in judges that don't know shit about masquerade or the hobby at all just makes a bad thing even worse.

I don't think AX should charge for masq, though. To me it feels like exploitation of free entertainment, since we ain't getting paid, and god knows the "prizes" they give out are bags full of shit the anime companies couldn't get rid of - oh, and a badge for next year if you're lucky.

Maybe, MAYBE charge for the primo seats up front. But don't make everyone pay for someone else's entertainment. And hell, camping out for masq is fun.

Was this the one with the drama? I think that was two years ago, right? I competed in that Masq and hoo boy, was it a trainwreck. It was the AX Masq that turned me and eight other cosplayers off of performing there ever again. It was so badly organized, partially because of the drama. Nobody communicated with one another, and in the end, guess who ended up getting shit on? The performers.

Fuck you, AX Masq.

>> No.8394562

Even in Fanime all the gatherings were outside. It makes more sense that way given that it does not limit participants. The SMT gathering has been outside for at least 5 years so there's no real difference.

>> No.8394566

>ITT people who don't want to see AX change for the better

>> No.8394568

>ITT: people who want AX to become SDCC

>> No.8394570

If the Cosplay Wrestling Federation shows up at AX, should I go?

>> No.8394572

>BuzzFeed's presence will make AX better!
>ITT: AX shills

inb4 gb2>>>/v/

>> No.8394576

yeah, the drama one. I don't know if the entire masq department actually quit in support of their head being fired and escorted out but it sure made for a good story.

>> No.8394578

It took me a really long time to get into the lottery and I finally decided to get help on Himeuta after a few failed attempts. But I did actually start playing before I debuted my cosplay. Currently HQ level 57.
Yeah I kind of deserve a little shit, but in the time before I got in, I was all over the wiki and pixiv. I was super interested in it for over a year before I made the costume.
I'm probably a lot nicer than other people, but as long as you know your stuff and your character it's probably fine.

>> No.8394582

The guy who was masq head was awesome. I got to sit down and talk with him a bit on Friday after masq check-in. Really cool guy dealing with a lot of bullshit and trying to keep a huge cosplay competition under control.

I didn't find out about the drama until after the con. That's when a lot of the shit they did to us and fuck-ups in schedule started making sense. Though honestly, I shouldn't have been so surprised; between past AX Masqs and horror stories I've heard from friends who were former AX staff members, pretty much every department is some kind of trainwreck.

>> No.8394586

that and the shit participants had to go through. explainer vids? intro vids? forms? how many hoops must we jump through to please the ringmaster

>> No.8394594

their Fanime show was off the hook, so yes you should.

>> No.8394602

I used to be part of staff. My division got canned for who knows why. It's not like we cost them anything and we produced a bunch of content. Bunch of my friends used to be in other content divisions and let's just say they are not doing it any longer.

>> No.8394608

Oh ok, that's awesome! I didn't mean to sound like a bitch, I just thought it seemed a little hypocritical but I guess I was wrong. Well like I said, I'll be looking forward to seeing someone NOT in Shimakaze at the gathering. I'm preparing my body for all the cringing I'll be doing.

>> No.8394612

Jesus christ, dealing with that shit that year was awful. The forms are standard procedure, but the intro video was a weird demand, and they didn't really explain what they wanted.

Oh god, and the intro video. They had huge restrictions on time/content, which we met to the letter. At Masq, due to no video/audio backstage, we didn't get to see the videos for other groups, and we didn't get to see ours because we were so busy setting up on stage.

Later we saw the video of our performance.

AX sped up all the intro videos by 25%. And didn't bother to fix the audio.

So there's our fun announcer VA talking about stuff in a high-pitched chipmunk voice.

For people like us, who'd put so much effort into their costumes and performance, and especially that last-minute video shit, it was one last insult.

>> No.8394618

Care to explain what made it so good? If it was hype was it because of the staff or was it just wrestling crowds chanting cause they can?

>> No.8394624


Well why don't you Staff and become the top dog of the SPJA? What's that? You just want to be internet keyboard warriors that don't want to see AX change for the better and just bitch and moan why mainstream Youtube guys that can give good exposure to AX are judging their Masquerade? You cosplay bitches have that "live by the sword, die by the sword" mentality.

>> No.8394627

according to one post from the fanime threads people were saying that the only thing in the ring was a folding chair the crowd would have whipped themselves into a frenzy

A lot of us watched wrestling back in the day. Some of wrestling's best, right around 2000, was when we were watching at very impressionable ages.

>> No.8394629

sorry, "if the only thing in the ring"

>> No.8394631

You got me, AX masq's a fuckin' joke, but you couldn't pay me enough money to cooperate with years of shit masquerades to rise up to a position where I'll have enough influence to say "No, don't do this, do this" without getting my ass kicked off staff. Hell, look at the drama that one AX masq director had with his own staff members that ended up getting half the division thrown out or leaving.

Also, that's pretty much the shittiest argument ever.
>Stop complaining about shitty movies and become a Hollywood director and make better ones!
>If you don't like a bad book then why don't you write books instead instead of being a critic?

>> No.8394635

Honestly, if they were just performing and not judging, I'd complain, sure, but I wouldn't be against them being there. Sure, get the normie exposure, whatever. Make fun of us nerds and coo over how many hours went into the costume and completely overlook performance, because that's seriously what's going to happen.

Don't put them on a judging panel like they know what they're fucking talking about.

>> No.8394636

the problem isn't that they're participating it's that they're judging when they have no experience and no credentials. i'm all for them putting a skit together and giving the masquerade some exposure but them judging is just not okay when this is literally their first one. like nazi explained, people put in months of work and get emotionally invested hell i pulled an all-nighter the night before and had a breakdown it's not something for amateurs from youtube to judge and piss on.

>> No.8394637

>according to one post from the fanime threads people were saying that the only thing in the ring was a folding chair the crowd would have whipped themselves into a frenzy

So meaning you just cheered cause people told you to?

>> No.8394638

It's all good.
There may be cringe but at least we can cringe together.

>> No.8394640

How the fuck are these BuzzFeed guys going to judge walk-ons? Where is the performance for walking up to stage and walking out?

>> No.8394653
File: 2.89 MB, 375x211, fuck-this-gay-earth.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Walk-ons typically don't win anything performance-related unless they're actually performing.

I've given performance awards to walk-ons that did a really good job staying in character, did some really great action choreography, or incorporating their costume into their performance, such as sudden reveals of props/hidden mechanics/lights.

It's sad that a lot of walk-ons just walk on, pose, and walk off, when you can do so much with music, a few sound effects, and a couple of good turns or stares.

Are the BuzzFeed idiots going to know this? No, because they don't know what a fucking masquerade is, or that walk-ons can perform, too.

Fuck, I'm going to bed, because I know I'll be up all fucking night complaining about this shit if I don't.

>> No.8394679

let's just say wrestling fans will cheer for a lot of things. or hell, people just like cheering for things.

maybe they have their own special award and have zero effect on the rest of the show

>> No.8394692

>isn't a drama guy or problematic

But you somehow don't want him on your room?

>> No.8394721
File: 2.88 MB, 1900x1425, flattest gk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still looking for roommates, we're at 3 (possibly 4) in the room, drink friendly, cosplay/autism/wants to have a fun AX friendly.

Shoot me an email >>8389121 if you're looking for a room!

>> No.8394759
File: 234 KB, 1500x1001, DSC_4536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> first time going to ax
> maid cafe is $25 extra
> see girls in event page photo

fuck that shit, i'll just save that money for momoiro or something else to fap to.

>> No.8394846
File: 337 KB, 1024x576, 4chan_winter_cup_2014_by_midnightfunny-d770p7w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would anime expo let the 4cc run something like the cup?
i'm on the committee, i could talk to the guys about 2016 live.. hmm.
dont fucking ban me mods, its just a question.

>> No.8394868

it'd probably run well on autopilot

>> No.8394872

You're not on the committee Fang

>> No.8394891

There is a modest ammount of rigging and prep to make it anything good.

im not fang, but he would undoubtedly have to be involved. to get kregg, bors, ved, roll, ken, and myself together would be enough to make it at least..6ish times better than twitch matches.
plus we sell scarves, beanies, and flags for maximum jew.

>> No.8394917

There was always the idea to go to pony convention, have a bunch of neckbeards put on some simple tshirts, give half of them giant cardboard boxes as helmets, and then have them play against each other as /mlp/ and /wg/. GB would sit by the sidelines and commentate. The recording would later go to Ved for post editing to put more 'faces' in and adding the PES UI.

>> No.8394921

>tfw I live literally 5 minutes away from the LA Convention Center

Feels so fucking good that I won't have to deal with the nightmare that is hotel rooms. Also fuck everyone who want AX to move to Anaheim. Bunch of OC faggots.

>> No.8394925
File: 1.40 MB, 1657x911, 4chan cup ys own goal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


gotta love that guy. this idea is almost creating a new league, so it couldn't work unless enough different communities within the convention's scene showed interest in creating teams.
each with 16 teams playing for the top 8 to make 32 for the Convention Champion's cup. admission free with badge, host convention reaps all sales, 4cc retains rights to merch and advertising.
this could work.

>> No.8394928
File: 130 KB, 800x250, Sakura Con 14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Muh Dick

>> No.8394951

I can't believe I was so slow lmao goldstandard puns

>> No.8394955

How baddddd?

>> No.8394994

Same. Although all the cons I've been to I've never had to hotel before... But I want to try just once for the experience. But AX is too close to justify spending money for..

>was going to hotel it up at ALA next year
>find out new location
>mfw it moved close to my parents house

>> No.8395684


AX presents MCZ with Special Guest KISS at Microsoft Theater
Thursday July 2, 2015 8:00pm - 11:00pm

>> No.8395765

cus I have wierd feel about letting friends sleep over, ya know? like if hotel wise yeah totally would room with.

>> No.8395771


>> No.8396326

Where is it moving?? I couldnt make it this year and was really bummed cause people kept saying it was gonna die as a hotel con after...

>> No.8396394


I have space again for five more roomies at the JW Marriott. Room is for Wed-Mon. Email me for prices and what days you want to stay.

>> No.8396400

Hey might I inquire what kind of alcohol I should bring?

>> No.8396800

no1cur about dubs, are you living in 1995?

>> No.8396814

>no food or drink

Well excuse me, princess. Didn't know fucking whiny bitches came with a concert rider

>> No.8396830


You sure are going all out today, aren't you Mark?

>> No.8396837


No, it's supposed to be fun. Since you would rather be hell bent on being The Queen and not have fun, then this isn't for you anymore sweetcheeks.

>> No.8397006

Looking for a roomate for ax.

>> No.8397011

If they're going to keep us there for 4 hours with hardly a bathroom break, the least they can do is provide water. Most cons do provide some form of food or drink backstage, actually. It's bad form not to.

>I've never participated in a cosplay masquerade before! It's just a fun talent show thing right?

>> No.8397047

$300 for the two people or $300 for each person?

>> No.8397259

Im a pretty shy and awkward dude so im wondering if any similar people want to hang out? I ask because going to meet and greets doesn't really help. Been to the cgl gathering 4 years in a row now. Everytime i try to talk to people there i get ignored or just looked at funny and i just end up feeling like shit so i leave. So i guess im looking for other autismals or people with social anxiety who want to meet. People who can relate.

>> No.8397286
File: 13 KB, 274x321, 1433986250575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also am self diagnosed with autismo, Ill hang out with you man, Im with a group of other but not as severe autists so you could probably run around with us.

>> No.8397289

I was in the same boat as you, but I decided not to go to AX. This time I convinced a few friends to go. I'd invite you to hang with us but they'd probably make fun of you until you cried.

>> No.8398396

Are you fat?

>> No.8398399

$300 each, but not sure if I still have room

>> No.8398605

are you fucking retarded.
momoclo song

>> No.8398613


Water is there. Water has been there. I guess that would be difficult to pay attention to when you need to be catered to.

>> No.8398677
File: 6 KB, 383x255, double-double-rm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a Tokyo Executive Double Double at the Miyako, got 5 looking for a 6th. Female or male, makes no difference to us, must be cool with the presence of alcohol and if you're a drinker that can handle themself than that's a bigger plus, must not be offended easily because a couple of us have an autistic/lewd sense of humor and crack jokes like that sometimes. Check in is on day 0 and check out on day 4, it'll just be $160. If you're interested feel free to contact me if you're in or got any questions.
(contactfrank92 @ yahoo . com)