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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8350252 No.8350252 [Reply] [Original]

The title say it all. Go. Confess all your dirty little secrets. Stolen anything? Spilled ketchup on some bitch burando? Act angelic but are really kinky?..

>> No.8350265

I don't really consider lolita a kink for me, I don't look at other lolitas and find them sexy or find the dresses themselves sexy. But when I wear gothic I always feel really hot and sexy, and wear lacy lingerie and such underneath. It's a weird thing. I've also masturbated in lolita on several occasions. But at the same time, I'd never ever have sex with my boyfriend in lolita. I really have no idea how this all makes sense.

>> No.8350278

I pretend to be really knowledgeable about lolita but I don't even own a coordinate. I really want to but I feel like pretending to be the same as all of the other lolita gulls when I don't even own anything loliable is kind of hypocritical.

>> No.8350286

>masturbating in lolita
A...anon me too. Just i wear cute old school lolita. I dream of a gothic lolita gf and having kinky lesbian sex where i would act really stubborn and then get dominated. Makes my bloomers drop. I am still a virgin...sigh

>> No.8350295

I am ashamed of it somehow but i act and feel superior in a special snowflake way when i wear lolita. I look down on typical white girls/bitches... like "Ugh so boring and you dare to judge me when wearing uggs and leggings?". And i usually try to be kawaii even when bitchy like giggling and all. I also often act like i know i am supah kawaii desu and a brandwhore. I am an horrible person. With low self confidence and self esteem truth be told.

>> No.8350313

I think that it's okay anon. You can be knowledgeable if all you've done is research. You really should get a coord, especially since all your knowledge will make you able to skip your ita phase. I wish I didn't rush.

>> No.8350323

I have something to confess: I love lolita because it's based in rococo and victorian fashion, but I could not care less for Japanese kawaii culture. I hate all of that weabo shit, I hate when people say "burando", I hate that most fashion shows are made in shitty anime conventions, and I hate that for being involved in lolita fashion I have to be related to all that Japanese crap.
Am I the only one who thinks this way?

>> No.8350333

I really want to, but I'm out of a job and everything is so expensive... I would shoot for Bodyline but their huge price hike recently makes me hesitant. ... And ngl but Taobao SS's scare me with all of the horror stories I've heard.

>> No.8350343

I don't think my coords are bad, I don't think I'm ugly nor do I wear lolita for fame or efame... But I get extremly jealous of girls in my comm. I can't stand seeing photos of my friends hit 1000+ notes on tumblr, being featured in "A+ coords" threads etc, while I remain unknown. It makes me feel completely miserable, mostly because I genuinely like my comm members and don't want to be this bitter about their success... I also don't want to base my self-esteeme on something as random as popularity

>> No.8350346

As much as i appreciate japanese culture and even weaboo trash i feel you so much i like it bc it's cute,frilly,makes me look like a pure porcelain doll,... conventions are so weeby and even trashy and not an appropriate location for lolita imo

>> No.8350347

Yen trick

>> No.8350351

How you discovered lolita is what I want to know, since you're so far away from Japanese kawaii culture.

>> No.8350354
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Same boat, anon. I've been stupidly obsessed with lolita for like, three years and I troll cgl constantly, but all my clothes are basically normalfag with some vintage stuff. I really want to start ordering cute casual clothes from taobao at least, but I feel so overwhelmed by all the steps you have to take. Thankfully I can draw, so that's how I enjoy lolita and jfash. At least it's cheaper that way...
>mfw 24 and still not dressing the way I should

>> No.8350363

whoops, meant to reply to >>8350278

>> No.8350364

Also i hate meetups in conventions or japanese restaurants and karaoke...ugh.
I wear old school sweet and old school gothic (or even "shiro") mainly and i like to go to cute cafes,pretty shopping streets,forests,libraries,... but it makes me uncomfortable to go to a "otaku shop" or japanese/normalfag thing dressed this way

>> No.8350367

I had a bit of a rough, lonely childhood. Parents were seperated and had a messy divorce so I spent most of my time in my room alone to avoid the fighting, or was just alone in the house while my mom worked day and night to support us. Wearing lolita makes me feel really young and happy again, and everyone fawns over me and my boyfriend babies me like crazy when I wear it. It feels like I'm getting all the attention, love, and care I didn't manage to get when I was little. Stupid but it feels so damn good, between the rush of spending a bunch of money and feeling rich (another thing we didn't have as a kid) and the attention I don't know when I'll be able to stop. It's gonna be hard to find a replacement when I'm too old to be kawaii.

>> No.8350370

I've masturbated over items in my wishlist.

>> No.8350377
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>Thankfully I can draw, so that's how I enjoy lolita and jfash. At least it's cheaper that way...

>> No.8350380

I feel the same.I was severely bulllied as a kid and now I suddenly get all this positive attention and compliments. I finally have close friends now. Everyone fawning over my outfits make me feel pretty. I am overspending because I get the feeling that I might lose it all if I don't keep up with new outfits and fancy items. I just want to be loved.

>> No.8350381

Closet Child is a great way to get your first dress, and they ship worldwide. Sure it's second hand but it's cheap. And you can get basics like blouses, socks and shoes on aliexpress or ebay (not that scary really, just check out the aliexpress and ebay threads for reviews and stuff)

>> No.8350382

I have zero confidence. I feel like shit when I see all cute and popular girls in my community. I envy attention they get but I can't even attention whore myself since I am such a chicken. I know I am cute too and dress well (people say so when they are asked) but I am not popular at all. I feel like a ghost, seems like no one really sees me.

I know I am being stupid but I have no idea how can overcome these feelings.

>> No.8350387

I'm 26 and have ALL the daddy issues. I really love and want to wear lolita but I'm so riddled with issues that I don't want to degrade the fashion and lifestylers because I'm such a cliche.

I basically want to stay a child forever because muh stockholm and I just don't want to bring my intrinsic perversion into something as beautiful as lolita fashion. I know it's not as pure or idyllic as I make it out to be in my head, but I just don't want to taint it in my mind.

>tfw getting too old too fast

>> No.8350417

Male lolita here. I got into lolita a year and a half ago and it seems my brain is becoming of that of a female. First it was wearing the dresses and coordinating, next came the makeup, and now it's wearing lingerie underneath lolita. All of my new friends are females and I'm conforming to their social traits. I've been thinking about seeing psychiatrist to see if I should be diagnosed with GID. If I am, I'm thinking about getting HRT, breast implants, and probably SRS.

>> No.8350418

Yan discovered it so now a lot of the yen prices (particularly on dresses) match the dollar price

>> No.8350452
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Me and another Comm member planned to spill a mixture of red sharpie water disguised as cool-aid on this horrible bitch from our comm.

She shit talked a 14 year old girl who comes to our comm for "not owning brand yet" girl isn't even old enough to get a job, bodyline's fine.

She publicly shamed her for wearing a replica. I can understand trying to steer her in the right direction but /cgl/ style public shaming face to face? girl is 14 calm your shit.

Only reason my friend and I noped out of the plan was because we realized there was a possibility it would get on our own dresses.

In the end the young girl left lolita because of how she was treated, it was a shame because she was adorable and not a weeb either like most new girls her age.

>> No.8350457
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Yan must be taken down.
Bodyline will never be brand and shouldn't be priced as such.

>> No.8350596

I know I'm gonna sound like Tumblr here - but I love how in lolita fashion (as a cis-female) I can play with gender expression and no one bats an eye.

>> No.8350609

same boat as you anon. i literally just got my first dress. its the only burando i own

>> No.8350613

I have a really tacky taste in clothes and I know it.
I'm a meta-fag to a T

I put on an outfit with mismatching blues and was like "YES I LOVE IT"
I love mismatching colors, I love them so damn much.

My friends shake their heads in shame at my coordination/tacky outfit choices but damn I love it so much.

my tastes are shit forgive me

>> No.8350616

So much this. Help.

>> No.8350627

anon you are me. for some reason, after about the age of nine, growing up became a nightmare to me. maybe it was puberty or something, but suddenly i wasn't happy as i used to be. lolita makes me feel young and happy again. i'm only 18 but already feel old

>> No.8350633

I find most lolitas to be snobby bitches, and yet I love the fashion...
I want to dress in it, a lot, but I'm afraid of looking ita because I don't really want to spend money on just special clothes. I like every day clothes, and I don't live in an area where there are a lot of lolitas anyhow (plus I don't go out much.)
Plus, I guess I look down on people who just wear it out and not to meets or cons. Because I'm a snobby bitch too, when it really comes down to it.

>> No.8350655

How do you expect to be part of the fashion if you don't wear the clothes?
Fuck off

>> No.8350833
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I've been wearing lolita since I was thirteen, up until I came out as ftm this year. Since then, I've been doing my best to dress masculine, and I'm starting hormones in a few weeks.
However, I still want to wear lolita. I wouldn't wear it all the time like I used to, but to cons and meetups and stuff.
I feel like people will judge me and think I'm a transtrender, but I can't help it. It doesn't help that I don't really have another outlet for my love of fashion, because 99.9% of men's clothing is so boring.

>> No.8350841

What's wrong with people just wearing it out for fun anon?

>> No.8350867

>I find most lolitas to be snobby bitches, yet I love the fashion
anything wrong with being a snobby bitch, since you're one yourself? as if you can't like the fashion just because people (yourself included) are idiots

>love the fashion
>thinks it should only be for meets and cons

>> No.8350872

No anon, she looks down on people who ONLY wear it for meets and cons. Which doesn't make any sense either.

>stop having fun, you con and meet-attending only lolitas!!1!

>> No.8350878

Only a transtrender (or a retard, but that's redundant) would think gender is defined by what you wear.

If you're a man and want to wear lolita, you can.

>> No.8350949

Do you want HRT, implants, SRS, etc.? Not following gender roles doesn't always mean you're transgender. Going to a therapist is a good idea. Good luck, anon.

Also, if you're on HRT, you might not need implants. You usually grow boobs.

>> No.8350954

fuck, this secret was me today at a meet

>> No.8350973

Unless you're feeling dysphoria don't get HRT or go through surgery, shit fucks you up. And liking dresses/makeup/whatever doesn't necessarily mean wanting to be a girl, it just means you like stuff that's commonly understood as girly. But yeah, talk to a therapist if it's bothering you.

>> No.8350980

That's why the only time I order from them is when they have one of their "sales" and make all the dresses original prices

>> No.8350981

>Unless you're feeling dysphoria don't get HRT or go through surgery, shit fucks you up.

This. There was a case where a guy got a botched circumcision and was raised as female, and even after he retransitioned to a man later on in his life, he ended up killing himself from the dysphoria.

HRT is no joke, and it's really concerning that so many people these days seem to talk about getting it like it's no big deal. You >>8350973 definitely want to make sure you're actually trans before you start making all these big plans.

>> No.8351000

Thanks, Anon, that's really reassuring.

>> No.8351024

I'm a huge land whale who's afraid to wear Lolita in public because I know I look bad and will be shamed for it. The comm in my state had a meet at a local con and when I ran into some of them and told them I loved their coords I know they felt disgust towards me. I own 3 Bodyline dresses and have been collecting things to coord with them.. One fits me but gives me boob loaf so I'm definitely not wearing it in public until I can lose more weight. One dress is a few inches too small. And the third dress is about the size of my largest dream dress.

I feel like I can't go in public in lolita until I'm down to the third dress otherwise I'll look frumpy. I told myself summer ILD last year that I would be down to the third dress by now in time to wear it for ILD but so much shit has happened. I binge when I'm upset and it's been happening too much.

Guess I'm going to lurk for another year.

>> No.8351044

You can do it anon! Do your best not to binge. I hope you can find a good support system to help you out.

>> No.8351054

Do it for the brand. Go go go

>> No.8351084

I'm pretty sure she said she looks down on people who "just wear it out".
Lolita isn't a costume, its a fashion. Get off your high horse and stop judging girls who actually wear the fashion and don't just wish they did. It's pathetic.

>> No.8351104

I've gained 80 lbs since my mom died 2 years ago and haven't worn lolita since I can't fit into my pieces

I finally started getting on track with losing weight but I feel like I've wasted 2 years (+ however long it takes to get all this weight off)

>> No.8351122

I barely ever wear lolita anymore. I've only worn it once or twice all year.

I also haven't posted a picture of myself in lolita in well over a year. What's the use? No one ever likes any of them. I think one time one of my coords got 40 notes on Tumblr? I've asked for concrit multiple times for multiple coords, literally no body has had anything to criticize so what am I doing wrong? Why does no one ever like my coords? Like, seriously, I feel absolutely invisible in the lolita community. I know it's not that I'm uggo, or ita, so wtf is it? Like legit I've posted on CoF a few times and I've never got more than 20 likes.

>> No.8351143

It can be anything from style, lighting, posing, whatever. I find this happens a lot with subdued or understated styles. I also find that I'll get 40 notes top on tumblr of me in my coord, but if I post it laid out, even sloppily with a pastel filter it gets thousands of notes.

>> No.8351155

if you're wearing it for other people, you're doing it wrong. wear it for yourself. most people just don't become e-famous.

>> No.8351156

It's probably just because you're white and skinny, and your coords are average/good but not incredible. It's not that you're doing anything wrong. Most coords get the same amount of attention you're getting.

>> No.8351164

Maybe that's it.... I only wear simple classic coords, nothing elaborate. I don't own any prints, unless you count florals and stripes (I don't). I also usually favor solid colored embossed socks and simpler headpieces.

>> No.8351169

I secretly hope I'll be posted to a nitpick thread, but I guess I don't grind anyone's gears enough. That or I've self posted enough here that people know I don't give a damn.

>> No.8351203

That's entirely the reason. It's because these sites are full of people wearing elaborate styles. Something more subdued is just not going to stand out against the rest.

I've found for as much as cgl bitches, the online lolita community as a whole loves OTT, pastels, cute, and flashy. If it's not one of those things by default, good photography and/or constantly putting it in your face, LOOK AT ME. All of which can be a bit annoying. Personally, I hate drawing too much attention to myself.

>> No.8351234

I believe in you anon! You can do it! I'm a fatty-chan trying to do the same for the same reason so you're definitely not alone in the lurk-while-weightloss boat too

>> No.8351245

You're right, I misread it. Serves me right for being on 4chan at ungodly hours. Too fucking dumb to judge people who wear the fashion on their daily lives

>> No.8351257

Sorry about your mom anon. I couldn't imagine. Two years is nothing compared to the rest of your life. Be glad you actually surfaced from your weight gain before you gained 100+ lbs. You are less likely to have loose skin and it's not going to take as long to come off.

>> No.8351261

Diff anon but i discovered Lolita because I've always been in love with times past. Victorian england and the court of Versailles particularly tickled my fancy. I use to go to the public library day after day checking out jane austin and other period liturature. I particularly loved finding diy victorian crafts and recipies books and would have other libraries all over the county ship their books to my location so i could read each and every one. One day while googling Victorian fashion, a girl in lolita popped up. I was so excited to see what looked like a modern interpretation of the clothing i was so in love with. I kept clicking, found out it was called Lolita, and fell in love. That was back in 2004.
11 years later i have all the brand i could ask for and me and my wardrobe lived happily ever after. The End.

>> No.8351292

Fuck, you sound like my type anon...

>> No.8351293

It depends on what your info is. If your info that you are giving people is about matching colors, or where to buy stuff, that's cool.

If you start telling people how to layer clothes and what petticoat to wear without ever having worn it... don't. Like seriously, just don't. I've read so much shit that was wrong written by noobs that want to be helpful, that it makes me want to just hit my head against a wall.

>> No.8351318

...not that anon but I learned it from you guys and that's all I really know it as. I love lolita and I can't wait to get my first coord. But I just came here one day out of a joke I saw on another board. They were making fun of how gross /cgl/ girls are. So I wanted to see what the fuck went on this board.
I used to be a hella dyke tom boy. Now I'm actually into fashion and even with my normal fag clothes that less j-fashion inspired, I try to make my shit actually match now. but it's hard cause I went through a really awful "I SHOULD WEAR WHATEVER I WANT" phase and now I regret it because when I match I actually look much better.

also I hate weeb shit and I have to deal with it constantly at my job bc there are so many fucking weeb's there. And I'm Filipino so the fact that I'm interested in Japanese culture doesn't make sense to them all that much but I don't care about anime and I don't think they understand that.

>> No.8351334

I act very boyish and I think many people in my comm think I'm a mean bitch because of it
I'm not even mean, I just spill spaghetti a lot

>> No.8351341

Not the anon who posted the secret about it this week but, I wear lolita and I'm a dom. Never really thought of mentioning it until I saw the secret today. I've never met another dom who wears lolita because I never talk about it (cuz over sharing, but also I don't want the stigma). Lolita and BDSM never overlap for me, but now I'm wondering if I should try wearing lolita during a session...

>> No.8351348

....am I seeing this right...
>19800 Euro equals
>21744.36 US Dollar
for a dress?!?!?!
excuse me, where do I get this kind of money?

>> No.8351349

100% me ;-; well... except the virgin part

>> No.8351352

what the fuck, are you retarded? where does it say that anything is in euros?

>> No.8351366


About posting photos instead of getting popular:

I like looking back at my old snaps. It brings back so many memories -- when I got all excited because I thought a new dress was the shit, when I'd just received stuff I loved, when I went out with my friends somewhere (even if my coord wasn't on point). That's the reason I post my stuff online, years later I look back on it and get all happy about it. I don't do it for the aim of getting popular or getting notes.

It certainly helps if you actually wore dresses that you liked and went to places or events that you enjoyed, hopefully with friends that you like. Even the most ita photos can have pleasant memories attached, like seeing the first time you try on a dress with a flat petti, you may realise now that you were such a noob then, but (a)you were so happy and in love, and (b) you've progressed so far from that now. It also helps if you're posting on a blog instead of tumblr, because then you aren't forced to look at the sad zero notes your photos have.

I mean, don't post if you feel like there's nothing in it for you, but posting photos isn't all about getting popular.

>> No.8351379 [DELETED] 
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Smuggle dakimakura everyday

>> No.8351380

Oooh. I'm a switch... I'd love to dominate my BF while wearing lolita. For some reason that's way more appealing than being dominated whilst in lolita.

>> No.8351382

Outside of a few select really good quality prints from some brands - I don't plan to own much in prints or sweet. I really like classic gothic stuff and the military stuff I saw recently. I think my boyfriend would really like the uniform type stuff too.

>> No.8351385

Is it yen? the symbol on the site didn't look like yen to me??

>> No.8351388


>> No.8351392

that's the kanji for yen you doofus

>> No.8351395


>> No.8351399

>being this mad
The entire site is in Japanese, why the fuck would you think euros?

>> No.8351408

because I just copy paste shit into google, it guessed euros because it's dumb. I'm just lazy and don't pay attention, I saw the site wasn't in english so I just copy right click search. ALL THE TIME. I'm a dumb fucking robot I'm sorry.

>> No.8351411

I am a male lolita also; been into Lolita for two years. I have been mistreated by lolitas, but I always love my dresses and accessories. I love feeling as if I am female also. You don't need a psychiatrist. There are a lot of "brolitas."

>> No.8351413

I like you for asking a legitimate question.
Not much is wrong with it. I guess I just meet too many ultra-weebs who do it and are overly obnoxious. (The really loud, immature ones. You know the ones.)
It wouldn't be so bad if those weren't the majority of people I have met who wear it out. But that's probably just because I live in an area where it's really not popular.
Guess that's why I fear wearing it out as a fashion, too.

>> No.8351415


>> No.8351416

Then fuck off retard

>> No.8351421

That's understandable. I was really wondering, because I'm one who dresses in Lolita for fun (not at meetups or cons). I just act like they're clothes? Which they are to me. I get confused as to why people feel the need to act all weird or dotty while in Lolita. I act pretty polite and reserved anyway on the daily, why change?

>> No.8351423

I would get google chrome if you don't have it, it helps a lot.

>> No.8351432

Now that I get!
It's nice to meet someone who personifies the style well rather than someone who thinks it gives them the right to act really "in-your-face" or childish.
You keep being you, I'll be on the look-out for more proper lolitas, and maybe someday I'll join them too.

>> No.8351472

I love the dramu just as much as I love the fashion.
I don't ever spread rumors or post pictures or anything, but I enjoy watching from the sidelines and judging people. This hobby would be a lot less fun without that, honestly.

>> No.8351483

Oh me too anon. I'm not part of the local comm because I dislike interacting in groups of more than 5 people. But the dramu is delicious.

>> No.8351488

I don't care about the drama, I don't mind it or am opposed to it because I know that every hobby has its fair share of inane shit, but it's just too tiring and pointless for me. However, I browse /cgl/ so most people assume that I'm a massive gossip and hate everyone/drown little puppies in my spare time.

>> No.8351525

>jane austin

I'm mad.

>> No.8351530
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It's a process, anon, especially the binge eating.
What worked for me was doing my diet and giving myself one day to satisfy the cravings I had had all week. At first, part of it was to make myself physically ill thinking about the food I wanted, then it was about really considering what I wanted to splurge on and making and real treat out of it.
For instance, I wanted fast food, me and the workout buddies I had (Really helpful to have at least one btw) wanted fried greasy food, so we got fast food, and battered and deep fried it.
Friday fryday was the worst thing I have ever done to myself. I literally cannot eat mcdonalds without thinking of how sick I got after that.
I have better tips than that, but that's my more amusing anecdote.

My secret: When I first started getting informed on the fashion, I would comb the dream dress threads for stuff to put on my own wishlist. If it's good enough for someone already a part of it, I might as well save every picture I can and develop my taste profile from the cream of the crop. I am your competition ladies, I am literally the worst.

>> No.8351564

Saaaame. I literally could not care less about comm gossip and have no idea who most e-famous lolitas are, so I just smile and nod while friends/my comm are gossiping, give vague or middle of the road responses, and hope no one notices. I just want to wear pretty clothes and make friends, idgaf about some rando's drama.

>> No.8351602

Just get out of lolita now, because something tells me no one is going to be able to stand you.

>> No.8351608

>I am your competition ladies, I am literally the worst.
...I really think you need some therapy.

>> No.8351642
File: 101 KB, 768x1024, http%3A%2F%2F36.media.tumblr.com%2F8f5528de5d5b96387d7e7749f1ca7ede%2Ftumblr_nm9noiNqpS1u62efuo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck those "lolita is about the history" girls.
Lolita is based on historical fashion, or fancy english things like IW said once, but Angelic pretty makes/made super sweet candy pop prints, and they're probably the biggest and most popular lolita fashion brand. Japanese brands set the trend and style, not some fat white girl behind a computer. Join a historical costuming group instead, or wear lolita your own way, but stop trying to make your own ideals the truth.
Also fuck the "lolita is about being a princess" girls. This is really only itas and those girls who constantly post about how they can't afford it but they're huge fans. Even though it's cute and a lot of the girls who wear it like cute things, lolita fashion is just fucking clothes. You don't "become" a lolita. Girls who join comms but don't have clothes are like people joining parenting forums without kids. There is nothing to input, get out.
Yes I am salty and I have no one I feel like I can rant about this to

>> No.8351747

This. Especially first part of your post.

>> No.8351783

I am an Australian Lolita in the Melbourne Community since 2011. But prior to that in 2008 I was diagnosed as a sociopath. Nobody in the community knows or would never even guess that I am a sociopath.

>> No.8351798

I lost a reasonable amount of weight due to stress over exams (and not in a good way because I was already thin). And now my dresses are even more baggy at the waist, and I don't know what to do because ILD is really soon.

>> No.8351806

I feel the same. I like some aspects of Japanese culture like the folklore but the popular kawaii/otaku aspect makes me itchy. A large number of girls in my comm have recently switched from sweet to classic but they still insist on playing Kyary during fashion shows or even just as background music for regular meets at the park. I don't consider lolita to be 100% historically Western inspired and realize there's a strong Japanese pop cultural influence but that doesn't mean we should shoehorn weeaboo shit into it from every angle. Some girls in my comm are trying to organize a fandom lolita meetup because they want to dress up as their favourite anime character in lolita. If they succeed I'm just going to pretend it never happened because the very idea is making me cringe.

>> No.8351812

>being this specific about date and location
Who are you trying to frame, anon?

>> No.8351827

tbh there are a fair few of psycho bitches in the comm.

>> No.8351831

Except psychopathy is entirely different from sociopathy

>> No.8351835

Oh, I am being specific because now it will be funny to watch people wonder about it and who I am.
Psycho, yes. But there is a difference between psychopaths and sociopaths. I wouldn't say that I stand out as a 'psycho' one in the comm.

>> No.8351838

Might be a guy from my comm, total creep with a victim complex that thinks he passes.

>> No.8351864

Therapy is for people with expendable income that isn't being put to dresses.
Also, it was a joke, you don't have to respond if you didn't think it was funny, you know.

>> No.8351866

gogogo believe in yourself!! I only have a month free this summer, and I'm making sure my I meet my weightloss goals so I can look good in brand too.

>> No.8351867
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I wish my comm had brolitas.
All of my friends are male, I don't look like a dude, but I walk like a duck, talk like a duck and enjoy the company of ducks more than geese.

>> No.8351884
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>> No.8351894

She didn't even say that. Why so insecure?

>> No.8351926

you are not.

>> No.8351933

All my friends are male too but that's why I like going to lolita meets full of girls. My daily life is all sausagefest all the time so it's nice to be surrounded by other women once a month or so. Tbh if one of my male friends got into lolita and started attending meetups I'd be rather annoyed.

>> No.8351943

Because girls who hang with only guys like being the girl in the group and getting fawned over for attention.
>waah u must b insecure!
Try to think of a better comeback next time, you sound underage

>> No.8351975

Go back to your tumblr Sherlock fandom

>> No.8351980

I judge people who wear print replicas. Their attitude is often as bad as the replica itself. I hate spoilt bitches who won't buy brand for dumb reasons and then go for print replicas. If you wear a print replica, I won't consider your outfit really Lolita. It's just a cheap knockoff of what Lolita is supposed to be, just like shitty ebay costumes.

I also judge people for design replicas (the non-printed stuff). I know it's not the same as print replicas but if it is an obvious design replica (like all the shitty Ekaterine dresses) I will judge you. I already judge all the people who bought/will buy that Bodyline Sailor dress.

I am a horrible person for being so judgemental, I just can't help myself though. I never act bitchy or snobby irl, but I can't help myself.

>I am ashamed of it somehow but i act and feel superior in a special snowflake way when i wear lolita. I look down on typical white girls/bitches... like "Ugh so boring and you dare to judge me when wearing uggs and leggings?".
Same here, same here. I catch myself thinking "Ugh, fucking normalfags, how dare they look at me like that while looking so ugly".

>> No.8351984

it shows tbh
just a warning, you'll cringe when you think about how you used to act in a few years

>> No.8351990

which one lol

>> No.8351991

Oh please. I have never watched Sherlock. Don't insult me.

>> No.8351998

Hannibal fandom then, go on, git.

>> No.8352038

I know these feels anon but I struggle to find BL I even fit into. I haven't been to a local meet even though I have lurked my local comm for over 5 years. They probably think I am a super autist. I always hear my comm is super nice but there is only 1 plus sized girl I see in pics and she's pretty ita. I don't want her to latch onto me because were both fatty chans. I want average chan friends so my motivation doesn't die off

>> No.8352039

It's fine as long as you don't get offended and bitch at people assuming you are a female when you dress in hyper feminine clothing and look like one.

>> No.8352042

Why don't you just wear Ouji then? Or any of the other Japanese street styles that don't rely on an incredibly feminine silhouette.

>> No.8352043

Victorian England and Versailles didn't happen at the same time.

>> No.8352044

Closet child has an inbuilt translate button at the top of the page. It's yellow and super obvious. lol

>> No.8352047

I don't think she implied that, I think she was just listing different time periods

>> No.8352337 [DELETED] 

I used to be obsessed with Kotakoti and Venus in 2011 when i was like 16. Now they are super boring and i kinda miss the golden age of drama...everything is shit now to me. I even miss Myspace days wth is happening to me?.

>> No.8352346

I used to be obsessed with Kotakoti and Venus in 2011 when i was an awkward teen. Now they are super boring and i kinda miss the golden age of drama...everything is empty and boring now... I even miss Myspace days sometimes. What is happening to me?.

>> No.8352347

Just because the only place that you've ever heard of that acknowledges the difference is some shitty fandom doesn't mean that others can't be educated on a matter via other sources. Get over it, you're pathetic

>> No.8352406

That is what I use.

>> No.8352409

Sure thing. I should just stop doing things because other people might not like me.

>> No.8352412

and you're an annoying edgelord. fuck off.

>> No.8352427

>I'd never ever have sex with my boyfriend in lolita.

This is a shame, because it's super fun to fuck my girlfriend when she's all dressed up in her brand. There's something really hot about doing dirty things to her while she's wearing expensive dresses. I'm pretty sure all her petticoats and at least a few of her nice brand dresses have cum stains on them

>> No.8352437

says the person who repeatedly claimed someone must be part of a fandom, of all things, to have knowledge of a subject

>> No.8352443 [DELETED] 
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I'm gay for P.T.

I can't keep lying to myself about it anymore.

I want her to be happy.

>> No.8352451

calling bullshit, because not only are the definitions of psychopathy and sociopathy loose and constantly changing, there is no credible psychological organization that uses either as a "diagnosis." neither appears in the DSM or ICD.

nice try.

>> No.8352474

I really miss the old school "lifestyler" days of princess skye. I can't find any friends who are female who want to be Lolitas and still act like proper ladies and have picnics and stuff... I still look through the princess portal on wayback and her gallery and get really upset... i feel like i missed a golden era....nobody really cares about lifestyle anymore. All it is now is prints and perfect co-ords and efame.

>> No.8352477

>I'm pretty sure all her petticoats and at least a few of her nice brand dresses have cum stains on them
And that's why I'd never ever have sex with my boyfriend in lolita.

>> No.8352595

It's sweet that you think the anons are the same person

>> No.8352603

you do realize that sociopath isn't a proper term, right? if you actually know what you're talking about why didn't you point that out.

>> No.8352615


Maybe I get off on that ;)

>> No.8352627

This so fucking much
I wish old school was still there instead of that whole hunger for e-fame,OTT prints bullshit AP is doing now,only owning OTT stuff to wear at events and not much,...I feel like everything went to shit circa 2010

>> No.8352630

it's funny you say this because in like 2003 or so girls on 2ch were complaining about the OTT problem back then.

>> No.8352633

Nowadays the "lolita lifestyle" consists of attending as many cons as possible, doing photoshoots and sitting behind your computer at least several hours a day to edit your photos and have a visible online presence. Bonus for videos and actively striving to be an idoru/ kawaii ambassador.

Funny how all this is somehow still considered less pretentious than wearing lolita to the ballet or taking piano lessons.

>> No.8352636

I don't wear old school, but I like to wear classic coords and do little "life-style" type things in my free time. A lot of my lolita friends like to do that too, no matter what they wear! Maybe you should just ask other lolitas in your area if they'd be interested.

You could do a toned down meet with a comm, or just get a few friends and do a picnic or tea or something.

>> No.8352651

Gonna be honest, I like the BL sailor dress more than the IW one. I just like the design better. And I don't normally like BL. Probably won't buy either, though.

>> No.8352653
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I need help.
I am REALLY obsessed with kotakoti. Not who she is now (modeling in japan,wearing pastel kawaii clothing,...all that shit), but her "persona" from 2011/2012. I have a LOT of her pics collected on some file, i even made a PLAN OF HER BEDROOM from when she was back in america, i repertoried ALL the clothes she wore on her videos and such that i actually liked, or lists of items she had in old pictures/videos i liked. I think she is really boring now but why am i so obsessed...i'm not efamous nor do i want to be efamous yet i feel so obsessed.
Something about it comforts me somehow...help me gulls i feel like a creep. I'm not even daring enough to be cute and feminine and i keep piling on cute clothes she would wear or wore in her vids

>> No.8352665
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Eh? What do you mean there was an OTT problem back then? Please expand anon dear i'm interested.

Yeah, this. It annoys me greatly. To me cons are weeby and a bit trashy and lolita is so cute,pure and elegant so it's not the best place to wear it imo, i'm from the time where it was still a taboo to wear lolita at a convention so maybe i am an old granny mumbling. Photoshoots can be nice but now it's revolving around who has the kawaii-est pictures with the most like and kawaii-fied with hundreds of pastel filters and shoop. A pretty filter and a bit of shoop is ok but i miss how everything was much simpler back then.
Also it annoys me so badly that it's all about e fame now, back then it was just about feeling cute and wearing your frilly shit and being happy with fellow lolitas or alone and there was a mentality around the whole style it was kinda more than what it is now somehow, nowadays it's just like a costume to get attention and please other lolitas...

>> No.8352668

No, it is beyond "might not like" with you. You seem absolutely insufferable.

>> No.8352678

Yessss me too. I tell people that I don't even use cgl and I only check secrets if I'm linked to them but the truth is I eat this shit up every free minute of every day and I don't give a fuck.

My other secret I guess is that I found lolita through cgl and not the other way around.

>> No.8352715

(Part1) Hi anon, I am very similar as you. There are about 5 girls online that I admire a lot, all of them involved in either jfashion or who are like dakota (who is one of them actually), a fashion idol or what have you. And I am really similar to you. I mainly follow them on ever social media they have, save all their pics/vids, and look at them from time to time, or if they own certain things I like I want the exact same thing (outfits, accessories, furniture, whatever). And you described how I feel perfectly: I feel like an absolute creep, but something about looking at them makes me feel really comforted. I'm a girl and I don't want to like, get with them or anything (not that there is anything wrong with that), I just want to like... be them, as much as that makes me sound like a big looser.

I had a really lonely childhood, don't have a lot of friends, and also hate myself and the way I look/act, so I think I just admire them a way a kid admires someone and thinks that by obsessing/buying what they have = you would be them, or as amazing as them. The girls I admire, man I wish I could be them, because the majority of them are pretty, have friends/are popular, have people who tell them they love them all the time, or have amazing taste/style and opportunities. I never had a single role model growing up, and not with the internet making it so easy to find cool people I think it hit me all at once and I want to be like them, so I obsess, however my personality is still garbage and I hate myself.

>> No.8352723

I feel like this is most girls who hate on her
>waaah she's such a disgusting bitch
>I'll never be cute and famous like her so I'm gonna obsessively rant about her on the internet while sniffing her panties

>> No.8352724

(Part 2) I don't think you are creepy if you aren't trying to interact with them in a creepy way or fapping over their pics, I think you just admire her a lot, more than one people consider "normal"-but then again, wtf is normal anymore. If you are not harming anyone or harming her it's fine, and just let it be something of comfort. People do stuff like you do over fictional characters all the time, either roleplay them or even "fill in gaps" about the character by like keeping them in mind and how they would react to other things in their lives, if that makes sense. It's a form of escapism, and I think our obsession similar, escapism disguised in a way that makes it seem as though we just admire someone a whole lot/want to be them, but it is also a bit of that too.

But I agree, I feel uncomfortable about it even though it comforts me and distracts me from everything I hate about my life and myself. But I think there is a fine line between being a creep or not, and so far what you described to /me/ doesn't cross that line.

It's funny, I was debating posting this about me before I saw your post. Hang in there anon, after having a lot of turmoil about it in the past and bad reactions when I posted anonymously about it on forums (and was only met with YOU ARE CREEPY STOP IT NAO), I thought it was really fucked up, but finding a balance where it won't hurt or hinder /you/ is all you need to worry about, since you aren't hurting them. (I'm still working on finding that balance though.)

>> No.8352731

i just hate her for being a racist piece of shit and then lying about her race to get jobs.

>> No.8352736
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no you don't, you're just mad because you'll never be a successful model in japan like her
otherwise you wouldn't care

>> No.8352740

not exactly lolita related:
I've dated quite a bit, but I've only ever truly been in love with 2 of them. 1 of which told me that my allure was that i was mixed raced but looked almost entirely white.
I ended up being 'too exotic' for him, and went on to date a pasty purebred welsh woman. Now i want to renounce anything that makes me 'white' and just embrace and live in the fact that I'm not white, but its hard with my looks.
Lolita related:
I refuse to make any true lolita friends in the comm because I'm afraid of getting dragged into their shitshow of drama.
All they know is I show up look Fabu, take their photos for them and leave.

>> No.8352745

please don't, people aren't dogs

>> No.8352750

I hang out with mostly dudes because my university is primarily dudes. Like 60%+ are guys. And then the 40% or so percent female population is a total crap shoot.

>Because girls who hang with only guys like being the girl in the group and getting fawned over for attention.

Someone sounds like an ugly duckling because they can't attract any attention. Maybe it's time to fucking get a grip on yourself.

>> No.8352755

You sound REALLY insecure about yourself. Why not stop trying to fit into groups and just accept that you're you?

>> No.8352761

? i said it wasn't in the DSM or ICD, and that the definitions of each term are loose and changing. that to me covers how it is not a "proper" term, and explains why the original anon who claimed to be diagnosed as a sociopath--but not a psychopath!--was obviously bullshitting. the more they (you?) talked the more obvious it was that they were pulling from pop psych and making shit up.

>> No.8352764

it was in another thread, a translated discussion... can't remember which thread, i would search the various lolita related ones for "2ch" to get the links.

>> No.8352768

Nah son, I'm really pretty. I just don't have to rely on solely male attention to have friends in uni because I'm not autistic and am a good enough person to make friends with the people who judge me by personality and don't only befriend me because I have tits.

If you can't make female friends you're either an easy slut or a cunt, or both.

>> No.8352788
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>I just don't have to rely on solely male attention to have friends in uni because I'm not autistic and am a good enough person to make friends with the people who judge me by personality and don't only befriend me because I have tits.

HAHAHAHAHAH no. You're backpedalling so fucking hard it's hysterical. You're mixing up attention and just being friends so hardcore.

>> No.8352789

this was a long time ago, there was a whole thread where a kind anon translated stuff from lolitas on 2ch back in the day. the style shifted from oldschool being predominant into what we now know as not OTT, especially with sweet lolita, AP pushed ahead of the curve and girls were almost lamenting that everything was turning super costumey and not casual at all and not very practical for everyday wear.

sort of similar to how things are working now. less basics being made in exchange for churning out tons of OTT prints and dresses.

>> No.8352791

Well i do not think she is a "disgusting bitch" anon...you really misread me all along. She DID nasty stuff back then but i have the feeling that Kiki influenced her a lot (like seriously i used to be a jelly hater back then and read about ALL the drama, they called her the "fat sister/ugly sister" (what even) and shit so i think it very probably destroyed her self esteem), she was a bitch blablabla but we all did stupid shit when we were younger therefore i'm just not caring about it since years. I don't even want to be famous, i was at some point somehow kiiinda "famous" and it all made me feel uncomfortable, bc muh anxiety i just enjoy having a small group of friends that likes me, i think she is cute, shoop or not, i don't like that she lies but why should i care? I'm not a fan of her in any way (or a hater, at least not anymore) yet i feel obsessed with her old persona.

Reading you anon

>> No.8352794

Do you even know what that means?
>You're mixing up attention and just being friends so hardcore
I'm not, I'm saying that it's the same to you. And if you can't make friends with women you're probably a bad friend to begin with.

>> No.8352798

Different anon but my boyfriend dislikes her too and I'm pretty sure this 27-year-old male programmer doesn't secretly want to be a kawaii model-chan in glorious Nippon.

>> No.8352799

no, i care because i'm part japanese and that shit is really fucking offensive to me. i'd care less if she lied about being part mexican to model over there. i don't need to be a model in japan i have family there, i can go for free.

>> No.8352807

not even that anon but god i hate people like you. you're one of those types who tries to tell anyone you don't agree with that their anecdotes are invalid while using your own to validate anything you say.

the precancel of salty cunts like you are why some people steer clear of certain groups.

>> No.8352810

>but that OFFENDS me
go blog about it, tumblrina
I lie about my nationality all the time, because people would hate me otherwise so I just have to deal with being 'Southern Italian' for now. Nationality means nothing and her saying that she's part Japanese doesn't influence you in any way, especially when she isn't doing anything racially offensive (I mean if you're a vigorous SJW you might consider copious shooping as such, but then you'd just be too retarded to function)

>> No.8352815

Or you could, I don't know, handle it like adults and talk to her instead?

>> No.8352816

Do you even know what the fuck you're talking about mate?

Attention and just being friends are no way the same thing. Ever hear about straight guys thinking every gay guy is into them? You're literally acting like guys are nothing more than sex machines.

Seriously, you may think you're pretty, but get over yourself. Guys have different tastes and one may think you're hot while the other thinks you're a troll.

>> No.8352822


don't you mean affect? also, nah, i don't give a shit about other races, i just hate dumb weebs who lie about being part japanese as if it's some special thing.

plus, if you knew anything about her, you'd know that she was pretty racist in her scene bitch days.

>> No.8352824

I just feel comforted about her old persona (kinda like with old weenus angelic when i was a loser weeb teenager and thought she was "so kawaii and amazing" and wished hard to have her white blonde hair, that i now have. But not fried.), now i find them boring af, i am not interested with the "new" dakota, it's just, that "old" her. I don't wish to be her though... but like you i have a low self esteem and yeah. Actually i never ever talked to her, even less "fapped" to her pic oh dear i would never be able to look at myself if i ever did that kind of thing ew, i would maaaaybe date her old self if i was asked to? (pedolesbian alert for you dakota!) But i don't feel sexually attracted to her or anything. Anyway I just feel some comfort looking at her old self and stuff so i'm gonna keep creepin' silently and feel comfy i guess?
Hang in there too anon you are amazing and i'm sure you are adorable <3 Who do you admire?

>> No.8352826

>says right in her post that she only cares about her heritage
>omg SJW!!!
You need to learn to read.

>> No.8352832

you're kind of crazy...maybe not a creep but definitely crazy.

>> No.8352836

idk, stranger things have happened...

>> No.8352838

talking about dakota is there a way to find archieved threads about her (and peenus, and other "living dolls" when the trend exploded) from early and late 2011?

>> No.8352849

If I'm honest anon, you're missing out. I used to think like you since when I was younger and all through high school I only had male friends but then I pulled my head out my ass and stopped judging girls for just well, being girls, and made some really good friends. You've already set yourself up for failure by focussing on their gender too much.

>> No.8352850

I think it's all because of my low self esteem and somehow i just secretly stay attached to comforting memories (rolemodels and such) ) from when i was an awkward weeby loser in order to feel comfy now.
I'm sorry to sound so creepy/cray it disgusts me myself but yeah.

>> No.8352851

I want to dress up in lolita, but I know no one in my family or circle of friends would support me. They all think it's for weirdos and a waste of money. I don't make a lot of money, so I know it wouldn't make sense financially.

Recently, I took a few friends to a lolita fashion show at a con, but they all wanted to leave about ten minutes in. I wanted to stay the entire time and live through the girls on stage, but I just had to fake a smile and say I was ready to go too.

>> No.8352856

> i just hate dumb weebs who lie about being part japanese as if it's some special thing
but you treat it as if it's a special thing, though?
so they're dumb weebs. big deal.
>she only cares about her heritage
people who get offended that others like their heritage enough to want to BE them are nothing but whiny tumblrtards. Plus, she's not even Japanese. I'm sure actual Japanese people don't really give a fuck. Most people that get 'offended' are usually mixed or 2nd gen Americans who get butthurt that someone is infiltrating their special club. To natives you're no more Japanese than she is, and you never will be.

>> No.8352867

you're just spouting shit to piss people off because you have nothing better to do.

the anon gave you their answer, who is it ~influencing~ you? you sound like the tumblr babby here
>waaah i don't like this so it's automatically problematic to meeeee

>> No.8352877

This. Now I like cons and cosplay a little but it seems like every lolita is about taking/editing as many outfit shots as possible, getting the most notes/likes, lolita is less about looking like a victorian dolly and more about looking as **expensive** as possible and everyone must have a massive social media prescence, with all their accounts completely centered around lolita, looking like AP's website or some shit.

>> No.8352882

>lolita is less about looking like a victorian dolly and more about looking as **expensive** as possible
isn't that what himegyaru is for?

>> No.8352884

Also I used to do ballet and play the piano (despite being utterly poorfag below the poverty line) but if I did a shoot where I was playing or dancing I'd probably look more like a pretentious poser than if I were shooping my selfies in a full AP set

>> No.8352886

I understand what you mean. I have followed other girls who I thought where incredible but then over time I lost interest, but there are still 3 who I really admire and have for at least 3 years now. (Funnily enough, I only started liking kota when she moved to nippon, I didn't care about her before.)

After thinking I was the worst scum of the earth for a long time, I started trying to analyze why I did this/felt this way, and what was wrong about what I was doing. Yeah, to most it seems crazy, but that is because they have a healthier balance when it comes to how they admire people, while we overdo it. I think it's only one step down from people who obsess over hating on someone though, save all their stuff to use against them, etc. which is worse imo because what we are doing only hurts ourselves, not the person. I also think the guilt we feel is what keeps it from going /too/ overboard, like some stalkers who are legitimately crazy or damaging. As you said, I am not sexually attracted to them either, I am just... mesermized by how perfect they seem to me, admire them too much, and kind of live vicariously through them since myself and my life are shit rn.

Haha I shouldn't say who I admire here because I would get a ton of endless shit by judgmental bitches, since kota is already so controversial, but if you want I can make a throwaway email and we can chat there if you want to know. But yeah, even though people may hate on it, in the end if something comforts you and isn't hurting anyone, it's fine. People have way weirder hobbies and activities anyway, and as long as the obsessing can be kept in check before it becomes harmful it's okay.

>> No.8352892

You would think. I briefly got into himegyaru and himekaji and I'm seeing some OTT sweet coords looking tackier than some himegyaru ones I used to see.

>> No.8352904

>you're just spouting shit to piss people off because you have nothing better to do
No? It offends ME because people think heritage is an accessory and get offended at someone claiming to be the same thing as them. Meanwhile certain people have actual problems and get called a terrorist or harassed if they say where they're actually from, so they have to hide it.
>waaah i don't like this so it's automatically problematic to meeeee
Well yeah, I don't. Because you're crying about trivial shit whilst people with actual problems experience discrimination and actually HAVE to lie about their heritage.

>> No.8352907

I really like oldschool and lifestyle ideas too...
so I follow this blog that writes stuff like princess skye did
and I really like reading the articles and stuff but I'm worried that the author is a weeaboo or something because of the setup of her blog and her horrible online shop
i like reading her stuff but I feel like it makes me an ita all over again

>> No.8352908

It's like they just tried too hard and end up being really boring instead or fade/disappear from the internet/...

It's not the same i'm not mesmerized by how perfect they are or anything,i see the imperfections like the good things, i guess i just see this whole thing as a comforting memory from my awkward teenager loser years and ti still comforts me now, is all. i always need something to obsess on, let it be a hobby,a person,... to stay occupied and sherlock my way up some things idk. i'm so weird jfc. I really hope no one sees me as a creepy or crazy i would die from shame if it went to happen.
I feel you, but it's /cgl/ for you here, seagulls can go from being little cuties to big meanies

>> No.8352918

you do realize the OP was pissed off -because- kooter was treating heritage as an accessory, right? you need to stop projecting your anger at others. her being mad that someone using her heritage for their own personal gain is just as valid as you being mad that people make assumptions about yours.

>> No.8352920

I've always seen Himegyaru (and alot of gyaru in general) as TRYING to look expensive and just looking tacky. Like zef, or ghetto fabulous or something like that. I know lolita focuses on quality to distance itself from costume, but the way things are going if you look like you bought everything specifically for one coord pic/meet and the lace was handmade by angels it's good and if it looked like you just pulled things together from your closet like regular fashion or street snaps you're an ita.

Everything must be perfect and 'fancy' these days, even if the theme or style doesn't really suit it. That's nice for OTT classic and gothic but...

>> No.8352931

But she's not even a real Japanese. She has no right to be mad.

>> No.8352936

>"a real japanese"
nice grammar

>> No.8352940

Life is too short. You should wear lolita if you want to.

And not all dresses are expensive. It takes a lot of hunting to find cheap things second hand, but it can be done. One of my favorite dresses I bought for 3800 yen and it's not a plain piece - it's got embroidery on it.

If it doesn't work out, you can always sell what you buy (lol maybe not with Bodyline though) and not make too heavy of a loss.

Best of luck, anon!

>> No.8352942

>Little secrets thread

I live in Florida.

>> No.8352943

not that anon but Japanese people i know use that a lot when speaking English. it always throws me off a bit.

>> No.8352946

boohoo, let her feel what she wants, if kooter's bs shouldn't hurt her, then her pissyness shouldn't hurt you. get over yourself.

>> No.8352947

I had a Kickstarter to help me fund my cosplays

>> No.8352952

well yea this is true, but gyaru are trying to look trashy as a form of stupid rebellion. and to be fair, lolitas probably don't look good to non-lolitas anymore than gyarus do to lolitas.

>> No.8352953

Thanks, it's my third language! How many do you speak?

>> No.8352956
File: 97 KB, 1280x720, laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to brag even though no one gives a shit

>> No.8352961

Nice retaliation. I'd still work on it.

>> No.8352984

Thanks anon.

>> No.8353015

Different anon but
>really want some female friends
>only ever 'click' with dudes
>only ever able to maintain contact with dudes
>only real female friend I ever had was a gay tomboy
>only other women I can actually keep a conversation going with are 65+ years old
Could I be doing something that puts other young girls/women off? I don't judge them for their gender or sleep with their boyfriends or really do anything other than be kind of socially awkward and fidget a bit. I doubt my male friends all want to get into my pants (considering I have a fiancé and they're all gay, in long-term relationships or closely related to me) but somehow it seems that they're just a little but more accepting of or comfortable with me being an awkward penguin than other girls my age.
Idk man. I'd really love to have a friend I can talk to about makeup, frills, etc. who isn't old enough to be my grandmother but it's just not happening for whatever reason.

>> No.8353033

I'm definitely not at the level of you, but I "like" Kota's persona vaguely a lot. She's one of the few cute e-fame whores, even if so much of it is Photoshop.

Her really simple style inspired me to go back to my roots. I look almost exactly like her in coloring and I like looking cute, but not sticking out in public. In j-fashion so much is OTT and she helped me feel confident in really plain, cute with that hint of sexy wear like hers and my natural hair color.

It's weird, but I feel she's sort of iconic now, both good and bad and I'm glad she made it really. I'd be lying if I didn't say I was jealous on some level, mostly just her living the dream life in Japan, but that never bothered me like it bothers other girls I think. I don't feel extreme salt towards her, just kind of anger at her old persona. I think any of us can make it like her and she shouldn't be looked at as an icon to tear down, but kind of inspire confidence that even the messiest of us can get somewhere and change a lot on top of it.

tl;dr idk she's fun to look at and inspired me in areas I didn't think I could be. She's arguably not as hateable as she once was and she can be seen as an example as a super fallible human.

>> No.8353034

Oh my god that's when you tell your friends hey you guys go on ahead I'm going to stay here and finish watching the show. Don't be a pussy

>> No.8353119

I go to some meetups of my comm.I go hoping this pretty transgirl, who is also into Lolita, will be there. I'm in love with her. She is so sweet and kind. Sometimes we talk about fashion. But i'm dyin to tell her how i feel. She once caught me staring at her boobs! I'm so scared to be rejected.

>> No.8353124

I had to help a fellow lolita lift her petticoats while she was peeing. I'm ashamed to admit that it turned me on.

>> No.8353154

My nigga.

All this "sociopath" talk is so annoying because everyone treats it as some dark mysterious figure lurking at every turn when in reality its just a hard to pin personality disorder.

Now with the media and misguided information everyone and their mother thinks they're a "sociopath".

Also this.

Proper term would be Antisocial Personality Disorder [APD].

If a therapist or any medical official uses the term sociopath or psychopath in a diagnosis I'd advise you to please seek a different doctor.

>> No.8353158

sorry, i was trying to reply to >>8351783

>> No.8353159

I think you're being too hard on yourself. I doubt your as awkward a penguin as you feel.

But I understand where you're coming from. I relate much better to guys as well. I used to work in a place where it was all women, and I had nothing in common with them, they were all into pinterest and all that shit, and we had nothing to talk about.

Guys for the most part seem more accepting if you're not into homemaking/fashion hobbies. Aside from lolita, I don't really care for fashion - and certainly not mainstream American fashions. I think part of it was growing up with a brother who was 15 months younger than me, and have a much better relationship with my dad than my brother. So I've always had a tendency to be more into boyish things over girly things - after all boys usually get to do all the cool stuff!

Anyways, how often to you meet other lolitas in person? If you can find someone you click with who feels the same way, you can make good female friends. Even if you're in your mid 20s.

>> No.8353164

I meant to say I have a better relationship with my dad than my MOTHER (not brother).

>> No.8353167

Why did you have to help her lift her petticoats? The only time I can see someone needing help to pee is if they're in a huge ass wedding dress.

>> No.8353173

All my friends ever have been guys and I grew up with 4 brothers. Most girls I attempted to befriend were usually taking the piss or doing that hiding-their-mouth-but-looking-at-you-and-laughing-whilst-in-a-group thing.

I probably look and act terrible to most girls in my lectures but I'd really like some female friends too. I'm sometimes looked down upon for liking certain girly things by my male friends.

>> No.8353175

>wedding dress
Pretty close. It was an OTT coord with a tea length dress

>> No.8353179

I actually kind of feel this too. Except all my female friends came out to me as trans or gay. I don't know why I seem to attract LGBT ppl but I do. I'm straight as a board. I want a female friend I can go do girly things with but my friends who used to do those things with me wont now and say it gives them dysphoria so I don't even ask and do stuff by myself. tfw no one to cosplay girls with me. Tfw when trust issues keep me from making close friends easily.

>> No.8353180

Different anon here. I'm friends with a lot of people, some girls, mostly guys but I feel that a lot of girls look down on me.

At my job I had someone who I was getting close to and it got fucked up because she found out I like anime.
She had made a comment about how I smile looking like an anime girl and I sort of began asking her about it but then she got uncomfortable and stopped talking to me altogether. She was a normalfag but shit hurts.

>> No.8353185

I'm really awkward irl and I have trouble being around girls like that. I'm bad with words and never know how to respond and they usually make me cry, then tease me for it when I do.
>inb4 stop being a pussy
I've tried, I can't

>> No.8353277

Not all girls are like that. I'm not sure where you're from but most girls here are pretty passive and sweet to your face. I've sat with a stranger for 45 minutes because they were upset in the hallway. And I know a lot of people who would do that trying to be polite

>> No.8353312

Pics of your wardrobe?

>> No.8353318

I know that. Which is why i listed both periods. The culture and attire (and location) were completely different I'm not sure how anybody could confuse them for the same things.

>> No.8353320

I'm from Eastern Europe, being kind is considered lame and gay here

>> No.8353330


In the same boat anons. I wish there was somewhere all us lurking fatty-chans could go to motivate weight loss , with same goals in mind to fit into cute Lolita

>> No.8353335

I don't have any right now. I just moved so a lot of it is in boxes. I need to finish organizing my new walk in closet though because i have a huge haul from y!japan on its way. I just sold off a large portion of my things because i didn't want to have to pack and move it all. I sold 10 dresses and 15 skirts and i still have 30dresses and 10skirts, not counting all the shit that is on its way over now

>Captcha thinks a hamburger patty is a steak

>> No.8353344

>tfw tried to reorganize my entire room
>tfw got stressed out so clothes are everywhere and closet is in shambles
>4 gyaru lucky packs are on their way
i am freaking the fuck out.

also, you can blame us for fucking up the captchas, 4chan is making them think hamburger is a steak.

>> No.8353375

Anon you're replying to here, and I actually am into some really traditionally feminine hobbies. It's just that when I'm talking about knitting of baking or whatever I find it much easier to keep such a conversation going with a guy that with a girl my age. For some reason conversations with girls always quickly devolve into awkward "ah, yeah, yes, hmm, that's nice" moments with no follow-up. Of course it's not like I hit it off with all guys I've ever met (like I said, awkward penguin) but if I do hit it off with someone, it's a guy.
Lolita meetups can be fun and I usually find someone nice to chat to but it never goes any further than that. If I message someone I've talked to on FB they generally don't reply and when I attend another meet a little while later there seems to be no recognition, like they've completely forgotten I spend over an hour talking with them at the last meet. I can still enjoy meetups like this but I'd really like to get some actual friendships out of it...

Iktf. A few weeks ago my bf and I went to a party and realized we were the only straight couple there. We both attract a lot of LGBT people, too. I don't mind at all as long as they're cool people but it is a bit odd just from a statistical viewpoint.

Fortunately I've never had to deal with stereotypically mean girls. People are generally quite nice to me. Instead I sometimes feel like they kind of... pity me somehow? Like they realize I never learned how to girl properly and feel bad for me, but don't particularly want to get to know me beyond that. I'm probably reading way too much into it, but this is actually the first time I'm really putting any thought into this. I just hope no one I meet IRL will judge me or assume things about me just because I don't really have any female friends.

I'll stop derailing the thread now.

>> No.8353405

Well anon, perhaps the people that are in your area are just not for you. They might be loners for the most part or already in cliques of their own. Honestly, I only found one good friend out of my town's local lolita group, the rest of my good lolita friends are a 2.5 hour drive away.

>> No.8353426

I'd love something like that. I'd suggest a thread but I can't see it going too well

>> No.8353441

>Act angelic but are really kinky?
Well I don't act angelic but sure I'm kinky. That's hardly a secret though; BDSM is a pretty common fetish and I'm open about it if someone asks.

I also used to do >>8350278 before I got into lolita. I heard about the fashion a long time before I started wearing it, and it became an autistic obsession of mine even though I couldn't afford the clothes. I would lecture others about the fashion and educate newbs on lolita online sites despite knowing nothing myself.

>I dream of a gothic lolita gf
Also this too, without the other parts of the fantasy. Wearing lolita doesn't make me feel submissive, but I do find gothic very hot on other people.

>> No.8353516

I feel exactly the same. I love lolita for its relation to historical fashions and that part of the aesthetic. I hate kawaii culture, I hate cutesy mascot characters, and I loathe jpop. The visual appearance of pastel fashions, like OTT sweet and fairy kei, has grown on me over the years to the point where I don't hate it, but I still hate all of the cutesy behaviour, sugary-sweet shitty autotune music, and liking of old plastic children's toys that comes with them.

I can find dresses with sweet things on cute, but IRL I don't actually have much of a sweet tooth - I cake makes me feel sick, marshmallows and macarons are meh, I like ice cream but I'm lactose intolerant, etc. I don't like meetups at dessert cafés for that reason, and even though I like Japanese food it makes me feel embarrassingly weeby when the comm constantly has meets at Japanese restaurants. I go to cons because I have a lot of nerd friends that go but I don't like them in relation to lolita, and I hate karaoke.

My comm is filled with weebs and cosplayers, which makes it hard to relate. I do like some anime and manga, but I only watch moeshit if it has yuri appeal so I can't discuss most of the Naruto-tier trash or Love Live type stuff my comm like.

This post has made me sound like a salty bitch but it's mostly for the purpose of the thread, IRL I'm polite to my comm and I like the girls in it, I just find their other interests super boring. I'm sure they think the same about my interest in history.

>> No.8353568

Similar but not directly related: I had a really shit time socially in school, from being a kid up until my late teens (I never had no friends, but until I was 12 I only ever had one or two special friends then the rest of the class disliked me, after that I had a group of nerd friends who were older than me didn't get on with my own peer group). I'm better socially now, but lolita is a reassuring crutch. I recently moved to a new area, and the local comm has basically provided me with a way to make friends, and after my friends from HS scattered all over the country for uni, my old comm became my only IRL social life. I don't drink and even though my social skills are a lot better than they were my interests are still almost all nerd things so it's hard for me to make friends outside groups like that.

I like this too. Lolita enables me to feel feminine yet feel comfortable, and not feel like I'm trying to appeal to guys or people will think I'm trying to come off that way. That's something I didn't really have before.

>tfw actually farted at last meet
it was outside and windy so no-one noticed

>> No.8353601

I'm a dom-leaning switch. I'm a lesbian though, not straight. I agree that it's much more appealing to dominate in lolita than submit.

>> No.8353610

I had really hot sex with my boyfriend while wearing Lolita, I sold the dress to a friend...

>> No.8353620

This is good advice.

This happens in my comm and it's annoying. They don't even stick to lolita-related kawaii and Japanese culture shit, it's just like, festival based around traditional Japanese culture? LET'S WEAR LOLITA THERE! Jpop event? LET'S WEAR LOLITA THERE! Anime shit? loLITA!

>> No.8353660

I feel exactly like this, lolita is my girl time so I prefer it in a group with girls to even when the one really chill brolita in our comm is present.

It was in the lolita general. See:

>> No.8353661

There is this girl I was sort of made to friend in my comm and all i see is her shitty photoshop pictures on my feed and her stupid overpriced goods. All her posts are really dumb and tumblr sjw. She thinks she is efamous and has fans when she is not. All I want to do is post some of her shit all over btb and here, but I have a feeling it will get back to me...

>> No.8353673

You all sound like stalkers to me. I really suggest you look up resources to do with stalking for help.

>> No.8353675

Well, I have a lot of people that enjoy my company in real life, so I know I'm really not "insufferable"

>> No.8353705

I've seen the discussion about male-only friend circle ITT, so I'm just curious- how abou the other way around? I never ever had any male friends, except one gay guy (who also only had female friends). All my friends are female. I never "clicked" with any guy. The only guy I got closer with was my ex-boyfriend, but aside from him I've never been able to befriend any dudes.

I thought it might be normal especially since I have hobbies which seem to be rarer with males like fashion, reading (I don't read much Science Fiction or Fantasy which is more popular with duded), art, crafting... I never even bonded over anime with anyone even though I'm not into really girly animu. (But I rarely reveal my powerlevel or even my interest in animu anyway.)

To keep it cgl-related
>have a Brolita in my comm
>he's really cute, dresses nicely, easily passes as a girl
>talked to him a few times about Lolita, make up, fashion, etc
>mfw the dude I have talked the most with the last month aside my one male friend/family members is our Brolita
>mfw I am really excited and hope we can one day be friends

>> No.8353721

I've had a similar problem. I had a male best friend as a kid and hung in all-male nerd social circles in HS. I definitely did enjoy being the only girl in the group back then but these days I'm not like that at all and still find it hard to make female friends. Lolita is the only way I make friends with girls, other than that I find it really hard. I'm on a majority-male course and most of my hobbies are pretty male and lolita is one of the only stereotypically female things I enjoy. I used to be completely unable to make small talk with normalfag girls, but although nowadays I can talk to them, and I have some not-that-close female friends, I find it really boring and they generally think I'm weird (either too reserved or too blunt and talkative). I became friends with these people because they were in the friend group of a girl I knew in elementary school and I had a lot of classes with them in the final two years of high school, but we're nowhere near as close as any of my male friends and we haven't had much contact since HS.

Despite this, I get on totally fine with older women at work and kids like me. I just can't do talking to girls my own age, like teenagers, and I definitely can't make friends with them.

IDK if me hanging out more with boys is like normal girls hanging out more with girls though, since I'm a lesbian. I spill my spaghetti everywhere around girls I like, or feel like a pervert, so I find it easier hanging around with dudes.

>> No.8353739

Not the anon you're arguing with, but stop trying to prove a point on 4chan, jfc. It just makes you look worse.

The other way round is common and socially acceptable though.

>> No.8353746

To add to this
>get on much better with guys
>but by guys I mean teenagers and people up to their mid-20s
>hate middle-aged men, they make me super uncomfortable, whereas I get on well with older women
Maybe that means I'll grow out of only having a male social circle? Or it might not change, I think part of the reason the older generation skeeve me out is because where I am they're pretty openly sexist/racist and I find it creepy, whereas if the males I hang out with don't become raging sexists as they age I'm probably not going to drop them.

>> No.8353801

Honestly, the older you get the harder it is to make friends that stick. I think that's part of what's making this harder as you grow up, especially since your courses and hobbies are a bit sausage festy.

Friends will come from really unexpected places, though. I met one of my best friends through a shitty retail job. She's a bone thin high maintenance Japanese woman whose style goes from GAL to whatever's popular at Urban Outfitters. I'm...not. I'm an awkward boxy nerd a few years her junior. But we clicked really well and have a shitton of fun.

I wasn't even looking for a friend at the time. I was just so immersed in needing the job and hating it in the way you hate being in retail. The friendship just kind of came out of nowhere.

So have patience. It helps to be calm or pretend you don't care as much as you do. It's easier to speak naturally then.

>> No.8353811

I'm in the process of buying my tenth dream dress, searching for the 11th and 12th, and past the initial stages of building up a decent small wardrobe from nothing.
I haven't yet had the opportunity to wear a single dress.
>tfw I feel as if I'm doing it wrong somehow
>tfw am a lone lolita so no lolita friends to wear it with
>tfw next con is closer to the end of the year
maybe I should actually start wearing my outfits I've coorded, I know, but I never have good opportunities and I don't want my wardrobe to stay too small... so I keep buying (what I am able to afford, of course) but then I can't wear anything. Yet.
>tfw also the first chance I have to wear lolita at a larger con won't be until spring of next year

>> No.8353813

If I was a stalker i would still stalk her actual person yet i don't give a damn about her now

>> No.8353834
File: 60 KB, 653x653, 16829_798769790190276_7778777538423334452_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm convinced I look like a crossdresser/mtf
It gets worse when I'm wearing Lolita, when I'm travelling on public transport I feel like the other passengers are looking at me thinking I'm a weird fetishist man
I'm female but I think I look so ugly, like a man trying hard to look female but falling obviously short

>> No.8353848

Fellow Floridian here.
Hi, fellow Floridian. Is it fucking hot where you are, too?

>> No.8353955

I discovered lolita through Death Note.

>> No.8353956

dude.... you just sound like a fucking bitch, honestly. you're kind of contradicting yourself lol

>> No.8353958

I live in Florida too, anons.
It's fucking hot.

>> No.8353980
File: 98 KB, 500x317, tumblr_m3aq03W01W1qiezcbo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same. i feel like my lolita inspirations are more jane austen characters, art nouveau and art in general, vintage illustrations, old hollywood glamour, and period films and tv shows. i feel pretty lukewarm about japanese pop culture. you're definitely not alone.

>> No.8353985

Let this fucking argument die and stop shitting up the thread.

>> No.8353994

I'm a virgin too and i would be interested to try some lesbian sex, also i always wanted to dominate!
>in rl too beta instead
I'm 24 too and still i can't really dress lolita, i live in a shitty small town and meets or events are few. Also i don't have much friends. I dress already in some alt cute fashion (toned down gothic) but still... i want to dress more lolita and otome.
>i would do also this
>but i failed to be loved by a guy that wanted to do some weird stuff to him even pegging
>feel sad man
I would be left here with my burando and nothing else.
Another secret is i want to do a lolita lifestyle, maybe a la Momoko. Lone lolita with no friends or partner, but at least happy to be like this.

>> No.8353998

>>but i failed to be loved by a guy that wanted to do some weird stuff to him even pegging

Ahahaha.. I'm so turned on by the idea of switching gender roles with my hubby, he in a dress and me in ouji...

>> No.8354008

I feel so fucking punk rock when I wear lolita. I never express this feeling because it sounds ~2edgy4u~ but I just love the rebellious feeling of being a walking work of art wearing high-quality, detailed clothing in a place where thin, poor-quality boring af clothes are the norm. I like that I dress for myself in such an extreme way, that's what feels so fuckin punk, I don't give a fuck about all the stares, I do this crazy shit for me and it feels damn good and i look damn good
>fuck me i sound like a tumblrina when i try to put this into words

>> No.8354023

I visited florida once during the "nice season" and fuck that shit. I thought my state was bad. At least its hot and dry. Florida is hot and humid. Sweat everywhere, you take a shower and as soon as you get out the humidity makes it feel like you are sweaty and gross again. I probably wont ve back unless i visit my cousin again or i go back to the bahamas.

Sorry guys but its only bearable in a pool 24/7

>> No.8354035

I know a couple of girls IRL who are a little like this, with mannish faces.

I would say as comfort that I have never thought any of them actually were dudes, and I don't think the public would either. The exception is if you're in a group with a brolita, in which case the public, suddenly aware that not all the girls in frilly dresses are girls, start looking closely to try to see if any others are boys. If you're worried about this I would avoid going to meets with brolitas present, but otherwise no-one is going to think you're a man, especially if you have a female voice.

>> No.8354046

See, this is completely unappealing to me because it reinforces the idea that being in a dress (feminine) means you are the submissive one. I find it much better to dominate someone masculine, it's my kink.

>first boyfriend was super buff and also into pegging (although we never tried it)
>tfw he was actually gay

I'm sure if I found someone now with those interests he wouldn't be gay, but this was when I was 16 or 17.

>> No.8354065
File: 126 KB, 714x500, 1432091224071.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a guy and don't do lolita but man would I love to be some ojousama's personal butler - not a manslave, but the kind who is told to do silly, needless tasks just to spend time with ojousama.

Separately, I've masturbated to pictures of a few girls who used to be friends with I met at a convention.

I'd love to have a meet up with a girl at a convention for a weekend-fling or so, to be best bros during the day and have consensual fun at night; I guess I'd like more of a con-buddy than anything, since I've only been going by myself a lot.

Aside from being your otherwise typical perverted-guy, I'm as an honest Abe. I've never stolen anything in my life (excluding pirated stuff online) or intentionally gone out of my way to sabotage someone. I'd like to imagine I'm kinky, but I'm only into anal (and fisting at most) and don't have any other fetishes aside from that. Life is kind of disappointing being boring but it's better than some, so I can't complain.

>> No.8354073

I agree with all of it and I know how you feel though

>> No.8354079

I do agree but I also understand how it's hard to express. To me, it is that feeling of knowing I look completely unlike anyone else, but also look damn good because I want to.

>> No.8354114

I send meetup pics to a non-lolita friend so we can laugh at them together, because posting stuff from people's private Facebook accounts on /cgl/ to laugh at would be both unkind and unwise but some people just look damn terrible.

I love it when the comm all look good and I can feel like we slay together, but I also derive a lot of secret pleasure from feeling like I'm the best-dressed at a meetup. Ideally I like it when no-one in the group looks ita, but I'm still in the top three best dressed.

>> No.8354126

The best dressed clown is still a clown

>> No.8354137

True, true. But role reversal in bed sounds fun either way.

>> No.8354147

>It just makes you look worse.
Only to people on this site. No one outside of this site gives a fuck.

Thanks for the reply!

>> No.8354150

Sadly no since /fit/ Fridays left /cgl/ has been a no /fit/ thread of any kind board which is balls /fit/ is a fucking cespool of retardation.

>> No.8354151


Straight guy here. Something about the idea of "whatever you do to me, I get to do to you" really turns me on. Like, as deep as you try to peg me, I get to do the same to you. Something about sharing the experience specifically and getting to feel it both ways seems really thrilling, especially if she has a harder time receiving it than I do.

>> No.8354154

I've had sex in Lolita, but it's really more trouble than it's worth. It wasn't as a kink thing or anything like that, it was just very spur of the moment with the bf and I wasn't going to peel off all the layers for a quickie. Too much ruffle all over the place, feel sweaty because layers. Totally worth it at the time, but I don't see the appeal of doing it deliberately.

>> No.8354156

>I love it when the comm all look good and I can feel like we slay together, but I also derive a lot of secret pleasure from feeling like I'm the best-dressed at a meetup. Ideally I like it when no-one in the group looks ita, but I'm still in the top three best dressed.
I feel like this. My comm has a lot of decently dressed Taobao-tier girls, but also a few people that dress pretty badly (often newbies) at any given meet and several brand itas. There are only two or three girls who buy recent brand releases rather than secondhand, and only one of those girls dresses really well. One of the others cannot coordinate at all and it really depresses me. Why would you wear a $400 AP dress with cheap Bodyline shoes that don't match, plain tights, no accessories, a blouse in a color found nowhere else in the coordinate and a wig in an unnatural color that doesn't even tone with the dress? It's better to dress in a well-put-together outfit with no brand at all. Rather than feeling pleased that I dress better than her, it just makes me feel depressed.

I'm not well off but I went to a meet recently with an entry price and the quality was a lot better. I feel so bitchy thinking it, especially since I myself struggle to afford expensive meets, but I hope we do more like that in the future since it weeds out the itas so well.

>> No.8354160

Why do you keep replying if you ~don't care~ and ~no-one you know cares?~

>> No.8354171

My ex used to love window shopping for Lolita with me and even loved fucking me in my ita co ords. Best sex we ever had. I find out he has a serious lolicon fetish. I somehow picked up his fetish and now I fantasize about dominating legal aged girls in super sweet borderline ageplay sweet while I wear gothic.
> Tfw you hate sweet but get moist everytime you see a cutie that could be your baby girl

>> No.8354177

Hope this is bait because everything about this is pig disgusting.

>> No.8354204

I never expected to feel like this because I'm not even that experienced in lolita, but my comm's quite small and I realised after the first couple of meetups that I was one of the best-dressed there. It's not an ita comm, just a mediocre and not particularly rich one. Back when I was lone I was comparing myself to the sorts of coords you see in the meetups that have been on Deerstalker and LovelyLor's channel, and even though I knew there would only be a few girls wearing recent brand releases in my local comm I didn't expect it to be almost literally none. I think I've been in the top three, top five at most, at every meetup I've been to, which really surprised me. Now I'm used to it, so I'm actually a little worried by the thought of going to a new comm where I might not look so good in comparison.

I like that, but of course it would be much better if it was my boyfriend who had a hard time recieving it, not me.

>> No.8354209

not even bait in the slightest

>> No.8354217

Well a baiter would say that.

>tfw not sure whether the ita or lolicon disturbs me more
>erring slightly towards the ita coords, since at least I'm used to people that like the latter from shitty animesoc

>> No.8354265


Well would you still try to put out as much as he could? Because if not, that seems a lot more dominating someone, versus being more dominant in general.

>> No.8354274

Put out? I'm not sure I follow you.

On-topic: I pulled a Wonderfinch and lied about how long I'd been into lolita when I was fairly new because I didn't want people to think I was totally new (I had genuinely spent about a year as a lone lolita, but I lied and said it was two). Then I got stuck keeping up with the lie because I'd done it in writing. I want to just be honest about how long I've been a lolita now, but if people wanted to trawl through old comm Facebook posts, they could find me lying. What do?

>> No.8354299

I understand anon, I feel the same way. I hope you rock it.

>> No.8354341


I guess I meant, like, if you do X to him and he wants to do the same, would you do the same or be the whole dominatrix sort and tease him and deny him when it's his turn to do things with you.

I don't talk about sex usually so I don't even know. I'M SECRETLY GETTING OFF TO THIS.

>> No.8354370

It would depend what we were both into, of course. Whether that was his fetish or not basically, since depending on my mood I'm cool with either.

>> No.8354466

Just some advice: Don't ever reduce yourself or anyone else to race, even if they reduced you to that. I've known "exotic" hunters just like how your guy liked white girls. I've had someone fetishize me since I'm basically pure white, but it didn't make me repulsed or want to embrace it less or more. Avoid anyone who judges you purely on race. If you have white in you, it doesn't make you any less and you shouldn't "renounce" it. The white fetishist I dated would've liked if I renounced that smidge of non-white in me, but basically fuck them. You're all of you.

>> No.8354529


You seem really [adjective]. Let's hook up, Stranger on the Internet. We can have all sorts of inappropriate fun together involving eachother's posteriors.

>> No.8355181

I tried to avoid eye contact with all the lolitas at fanime because I would probably see people I've met from my comm and not recognize them since I'm terrible at remembering names and faces

>> No.8355201

>Basically pure white
This is a fetish? To whom?
Most people in Europe are 'pure white', many if not most are 'pure (insert nationality)'. It's really common, how can it be a fetish unless you live in some black-majority city in America or something?

>> No.8355218

You'd be surprised at how many asians have white fever.

Am asian. Can confirm seeing it in asian communities.

>> No.8355219

I don't really get why you think european people are "purebred". I've never met a person who didn't have some kind of french, german, russian, belgian, dutch, polish, austrian, swiss or british relative in their family. Most might be "purebred" in an american concept of whiteness (because they all just see it as "europe") but aside from that I'd say people get more and more mixed.

>> No.8355229

> I've never met a person who didn't have some kind of french, german, russian, belgian, dutch, polish, austrian, swiss or british relative in their family.
Where do you live?
I'm from Finland and there's plenty of people who don't have any foreign blood. If you're from France, the UK or Sweden or some other similar countries I can get it but anecdotal evidence is not real evidence and you still have people living outside of the capital areas who have been living there for generations. Especially so for those from less 'cool' countries, like mine or most Eastern European ones.

>> No.8355233

I don't get this, I see some girls come here from like Vietnam and turn full SJW but chase after white guys all the same like it doesn't apply to them
>you lacist white piggu, I am not your China doll! Don't fetishize meee! Yellow fever is gross!
>goes for the whitest, blondest guy she can possibly find and acts all domestic and cutesy to lure him in which white girls generally don't do

>> No.8355253

Maybe all the racism taught to us when we're younger manifested into a white fetish. Half the Asian girls I know swore off Asian guys and went only for the crackers. A large number of others in my area chase hispanics and latinos

>> No.8355287


Isn't it natural to be forgetful about the exact date you started lolita though? If it's a difference between two years and five years, then that's a stretch, but one or two years is a blurred line anyway, isn't it?

>> No.8355308

i nearly collected all the music she used, cute little cats pixels from her old blog, i tried hard to access most of her deleted stuff with wayback machine and such. I used to be similar with a cute lolita i knew, i would write down the name of all her dresses,items,things she liked and that i liked back,... but off course she never knew and thank god. Lately i made the same cute tokidoki moofia milk box kota has on her "vanity" in some old pics and vidyas if you look closer. I only have two areas of her bedroom plant i can't quite understand yet, in front of her bed and near the door and closet area you can see in her outfits videos. why do i need to stalk someone to feel good idea

>> No.8355310

not idea jfc keyboard

>> No.8355327

Ehh maybe I shouldnt join the comm then, I dont particularly fancy the idea of some bitch destroying my clothes just so it'll be sold on the cheap.
>inb4 wild assumptions
yeah I know but it's what I would do had I no guilt or sympathy for others.

>> No.8355345

Kek. You are giving people bad ideas

>> No.8355369

Have anyone here ever sharpied someones dress?

>> No.8355397

Why exactly do you do this? Like what kind of feeling do you get from it? Not knocking you, just trying to understand because I seriously can't imagine doing all that.

She looks kind of cute in some of her shoops at times and I like her clothing mostly, but why the really insignificant stuff like pixel gifs, and music. It's just minor stitching and details that's not necessarily Kota herself?

>> No.8355403

I did try, didn't end well.
even had friends to back me up, was met with a very snoody "well if you don't like how I act you can just leave the comm :)"

>> No.8355411

Somehow sneak a cheap apron into your coord, one that you don't mind getting ruined.

>> No.8355428

Maybe she is doing it for inspiration or something?
I've got a secret pinterest board full of pictures of Saoirse Ronan in various outfits and styles of makeup, but that's mostly because we look similar and I dress like hobo (and would like not to).

I don't really see anything weird with liking some celebrity, plenty of women have framed pictures of Audrey Hepburn on their end tables. Not that I'm comparing Kota to Audrey but you get the picture.

>> No.8355435

What was her old blog? I need cute cat pixels to send to my parents.

>> No.8355472

Like >>8355229 most people I know have their whole family from their country for generations. I guess it depends where you are (not just country-wise but also regionally)

>> No.8355478

This, say what you will but being 'mixed' in Europe is still not that common.
Especially when you count in that many countries only share political borders but not cultural ones, like the countries of former Yugoslavia.

>> No.8355501

Idk but search for nyan nyan nyankos and "cute cat pixels"
shit is cute as fuck and that's what she used.
Also i bought the exact same vitasoy thingy she drinks in one of her older gif i was feeling so good when i saw that vitasoy drink at the azn market today.., i don't like it but i bought it i feel as cool as her sipping it, but way less pretty tho...

>> No.8355517

said it before but i'll say it again.

Farted something fierce in line at a con once and it was so gross the kid who was stood at ass level behind me got the full blast and before he could tell his mum he needed to move he spewed a rainbow of puke onto the girl in lolita behind him.

Never went back

>> No.8355536


Probably in yen. So like 200 USD or so; I don't keep up with currency exchange rates.


I feel you. It's like you have to approach traditional European fashion through a japanese intermediary. I wish there were better options available, since it's (assuming white) your own cultural history they're capitalizing on. However, the japs are really normalizing it and providing a lot of options.

I say this as a complete weeb who watches current season. It's absurd that one has to approach european traditional fashion through japanese subculture.

>> No.8355978
File: 6 KB, 300x168, surenigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thx kota obsessed anon

>> No.8355995

I'm not a lolita, but my girlfriend is. It annoys me that she's only into the 'cute clothes' aspect, I wish she would go full lifestyler. I think if you dress so outlandishly you should be ready to live by it. I respect that. I don't care about lolita but I respect any lifestyler, it just makes sense to me.

>> No.8356014

>People are generally quite nice to me. Instead I sometimes feel like they kind of... pity me somehow? Like they realize I never learned how to girl properly and feel bad for me, but don't particularly want to get to know me beyond that

are you me

>> No.8356053

.....ok that's a really strange and hypocritical viewpoint if you yourself don't dress in lolita

>> No.8356184

I have a really hard time talking to/making friends with girls compared to guys. They just really intimidate me and I'm not sure why. I try to attend a lot of lolita meets to push myself to socialize with other women more because I miss having female friends like I did in highschool.

>> No.8356818

Bodyline may not be considered brand, but Bodyline is to Lolita what Penny's is to fashion. Good merchandise, at a good price. Nothing wrong with Bodyline.

>> No.8357803

You are doing it wrong. Go wear your damn dresses, otherwise what is the point?

>> No.8357908

i have a very small "wardrobe", it's not even wardrobe since i do not wear lolita in general or cutesy at all (i am very tomboyish but i love cute things secretly). i have some angelic pretty dresses and baby dresses (old school mainly and even two prints, three if you count the skirt. i have like 6 main pieces skirt included) but i never wear them or very rarely just like having them,looking at them,coording them,

>> No.8357910

i only have two prints wtf did i wrote, the skirt just have a super small embroidery on it on the side but no prints.

>> No.8358963

oh god I feel you

I'm 18 as well and I want to get into lolita but since I'm still in school (non-american, high school finishes at 19 here) I can't really afford it yet and I'm SO worried about not being able to get into lolita soon enough and just growing too old for it.

I've also been enjoying conventions a lot lately, and because of my final year next year, and other stuff happening this year, I'm afraid that I'll never make it to a convention again .. even though, realistically thinking, I'll probably get the chance to go to a convention again in about 1.5 years.

I don't know, growing up stresses me out, I feel like I'm missing so much while I'm putting effort into having a nice future.