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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8329189 No.8329189 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /cgl/,
let's have a thread about our weaboo selves from the past and even now
Share the embarassing stories of things you did back then,good memories,your weaboo routine,things you loved...

>> No.8329192


I begin by contributing with some nostalgia:
>Going on Gaia (RIP with the inflation bullshit) as soon as I was home from school and chat with friends until bed time
>remember RPing for hours on MSN and do teh yaoiz! when parents were asleep
>Doing stupid quizzes on quizilla (RIP)
>writing shameful fanfictions on quizilla and such and having self insert OCs
>remember wearing cat ears pic related every
day with some death note/lucky star/... shirt
>the eternal shame of wearing plaid skirt and striped socks together bc it's "kawaii"
>failed attempt at some final fantasy style haircut
>would wear neon rainbow vomit socks and hairpins,... from claire's with some pastel coloured short and t shirt and have my friends telling me i was super kawaii and looking like the "kawaii girls" from FRUIT's
>squeal and hide in my hands when husbando was on the screen
>going to my first anime convention in shitty shiny satin ebay cosplay with no wig and shit makeup but having the best time ever with weeb friends
>using broken japanese "for the lulz xD" and not caring
>using those generic anime girls/boys/... pics you find by typing "anime girl/anime boy/" on google image, and wondering who drew them all.
>buying my first "lolita" dress ever from the great MILANOO and wearing it with my emo hair badly dyed in black (to be "more japanese") and feeling like a kawaii emo princess on Myspace (RIP)

Man I miss 2007.
It's just not the same anymore and I feel like Facebook ruined the forums (roleplay,j-fashion discussion,...). And it isn't as careless and fun as it used to be, weeb friends are long gone now *sigh*...
No particular embarassing stories, i wasn't a super obnoxiously loud type of weeb but i was a walking embarrasment. My poor parents having me dressing up in kawaii "rainbowz xD" obnoxious things while going out with them (and sometimes with things written on my arm in google trad japanese...and the racoon emo eyeliner)

>> No.8329225

I had way too much shame to ever be full weeb. But there were a few things

>Finally get friends in late high school
>All mid-tier Narutards
>They find out I've cosplayed
>Want me to come to next college con
>Watch Naruto and only really like TenTen
>Naruto "group" of Kiba, Gaara, TenTen and Kakashi
>Character have nothing to do with each other but whatever it's fun
>Then they want to do it again at mall
>Do it and it's kind of fun. Hottopic shopkeeps want pics with us
>Then they want to do it again for last day of high school
>Fuck no you guys are on your own.
>They're butthurt that I won't join in
>"Senior prank" involves blasting everyone with super soakers
>Bitches get wet in cosplay
>Gaara's racoon makeup is dripping like an Amy Lee video

>> No.8329250

Not too cringey, but I used to do shitty "closet cosplays" of the kids from Digimon during middle school, sans wig and stuff like that.

Every Halloween costume was some sort of shitty cosplay with spray-in white hair dye that made it look like I rolled around in chalk; Gatomon in 6th grade, Renamon in 7th grade (seriously made out of construction paper), Inuyasha in 8th grade, Yami Bakura in 9th grade...

>> No.8329262

Ah memories. By ah I mean more ew but still.
>mom would buy me cheap anime tshirts/wall scrolls/figures
>didn't know what anime it was ever but always wore them and put them up anyway
>begging mom to take me to a japanese market so I could bring kawaii mochi to middle school in my lunchbox
>got a japanese to English dictionary and "taught" myself japanese
>aka just mediocre strung together words so kawaii dang
>role playing with friends on aim
>found something recently I wrote back then "I'm pretty much as good a artist as professional mangaka I can't wait until I'm old enough for Tokyopops rising stars of manga I'll win"
Ganbatte, 13 year old me. Ganbatte.


>> No.8329270
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>>Gaara's racoon makeup is dripping like an Amy Lee video

>> No.8329405


I miss this shit and I miss people like this. Being male I wasn't this bad but I remember going to Borders on Saturday morning for the manga and finding groups of weaboo girls like this. For all the 'cringe' shit, they were accommodating, friendly people and that's what matters most. I would always wonder, is it really so cringey to be enjoying yourself? People like yourself made conventions so worthwhile, you contributed to something much bigger - a place that any anime loving loser could escape to without fear of judgement from the normal people. I believe we'll revert back to a modern/future version of weabooism once the convention/anime/geek-chic trend dies and the whole thing becomes massively uncool.

>> No.8329424

Sort of related, but a bunch of my students have been watching Naruto lately and I'm having nam flashbacks to when my friends and I watched Naruto in high school. Kinda blows my mind that it's coming back

>> No.8329533

this, now fucking hipsters and bitches are destroying this. They think convenshunz are kewl xD geek olol tru nerd and gamer look at my sexy totoro cosplay made with ears and a bikini lolol dont slutshame u just jealoussss
I want to falcon punch them in the face. They ruin everything. This is why we can't have nice things. I want to be a weaboo loser and have a good time surrounded by other weaboo losers.

>> No.8329536

when i was in middle school i made shitty fullmetal alchemist amvs in windows movie maker and showed them to all my teachers

>> No.8329550

I was addicted to Neopets till I was in university.

Granted, that was 10 years ago, and it still makes me cringe at myself. On the other hand, sometimes I miss that satanic site.

>> No.8329554

All the self-insert Naruto fanfictions. They weren't even sexual. I wanted to be a ninja.

Turned one in as an essay in the 6th grade and the teacher still reads it out loud to this day as a "good example of an essay". Uughhhh

>> No.8329563

I have yet to find another mindless internet time-waster that gives the same thrills as restocking.

>> No.8329571

>bedroom wall was covered in computer printer pictures of my ~fave bishies~ because I didn't know where to buy actual anime posters

>making Pokeballs/Pokemon stuff in art classes

>those old quizzilla choose your own adventures self insert 'fics'

>> No.8329573

>Gaia killed with the inflation
It was already on its way when they started using the site as a billboard for shit nobody cares about
>Last Mimzy hurrhurr

>> No.8329585

That's around the time I lost interest in the site--years later when I was curious about my old account I was so disappointed to find everything purged.

>> No.8329586
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I never even thought about that until just now.. I poke fun at weeaboos for being 'cringe' but I'm envious that they're having so much pure, silly fun even if they look dumb. I hope conventions go back to how they used to be.

>> No.8329611

Holy hell, I'm screaming. I found my gaiaonline profile and I can almost taste the cringe.

>> No.8329667

My thing was buying cheap things with the shop wizard or whatever his name was. That's how I lost my account, thank goodness I was blocked, or I'd be there today spending my precious money on stupid virtual clothes

>> No.8329676

Link it

I guess I should go hunt for mine. I forget what's on there, it's been.. 7 years?

>> No.8329713
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>I was obsessed with CardCaptors in middle school.
>I would bring my Clow book and my shitty hand made Clow key necklace to school everyday.
>Listening to Froggy Mix CD 24/7.
>Reading those chapter books.http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cpjQy1OyV_s

>> No.8329719

Forgot to link the music video.

>> No.8329840


I wrote a SasuSaku fanfic for my GCSE English exam

>> No.8329844

>mfw this is a weeaboo artifact now
>mfw newer weebs don't even know what this is and don't respond when they hear it playing at cons


>> No.8329860

I once printed out a 26 chapter naruto fan fiction so I could read it on the bus and at school. It was about some kids OC and for whatever reason I printed it on yellow paper with green text.

>> No.8329861

Oh Jesus I remember that

>> No.8329863
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>watch Lucky star with my sister together
>we both really enjoy it
>parents get her the box set of the first volume DVD, comes with shirt, CDs, ect
>she gives me the shirt, it's a super oversized white tshirt with a print of the school uniform on it
>love it so much but never wear it because school dress code
>have a spirit day with the theme "favorite character"
>tie yellow ribbon around frizzy curly hair and wear the shirt, pretend to be Tsukasa
>kids try and trip me, laughing
>so overjoyed when other people recognize it though
I never wore it outside again until this year though, I was so afride of washing it and causing the print to peel. God I still love that shirt, pic related of when I wore it this year

>> No.8329870

I wanted to start a band with my pets. Never wrote fanfic though. Did get a handful of comics into the Neopian Times which got me an invite to a Neopian Times writers forum which was my gateway to anime and vidja. Once in a while I'll go back to NP to play a flash game but what a sad wasteland its become

>> No.8329890

God bless your heart.

>> No.8330015

op i could cry reading this. i really do miss my weeb days. now i'm too cool for any fun it seems.
>wearing anime wristbands, naruto headbands tied around my neck
>eating ramen all the time, bringing a new manga to read at school every day
>sleepovers with other weebs watching amvs all night
>going to the mall just for borders and hot topic
>going to my first convention in awful cosplay but having the best time of my life
>all the horrible techno and ddr music i still secretly love

dear god take me back

>> No.8330038
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In 9th grade we had to write journals in English class. All of mine were touhou fanfiction. Then we had the assignment of writing a short story. That was touhou fanfiction too but with changed names. And finally, I wrote touhou fanfiction on the writing portion of the state exams. Why did I do it? I just don't know.

>> No.8330049

omg i was like 12-13 when this first went viral and a bunch of my weeb friends and i got together and did a "dance cover" for it. (In quotes because how can you do a dance cover that's just waving your hands and swinging from side to side.)

To us it was so kewl xD and kawaii back then and we had a lot of fun. May I have that much fun again in my life.

>> No.8330058
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My first Neopet has stats that can no longer be achieved. I also have millions in the bank, it's ridiculous. There was so much of my time wasted on Neopets doing nothing and RPing.

>> No.8330072

I still have an old-art Darigan Zafara named after a Good Charlotte member from my mallgoth days.

>> No.8330078

>waggie8 has a Petpet!
Almost, anon.

>> No.8330079

>a whole summer and endless nights on the Dollars chat when the first Durarara!! season came out, roleplaying my life away

I miss those times

>> No.8330080

Ugh nostalgia
> weeb friends recorded things like Inuyasha on tape so I could go home and watch since I never got those channels
> spend hours on photo bucket finding anime dudes for my binder that I took to school and shared with weeb friends
> dressed up in colorful "kawaii" shit from clairs like those hideous arm sleeves, everyone just asked if I broke my arm
> carried around tiny Japanese book convinced I could teach myself how to read it
> convinced mom to let me watch DN Angel on YouTube in shit quality ofc, because I could learn japanese from it
> always wanted to go to a convention
> first con was a huge deal for me but had a total of maybe 150 people
> Carmel dansen, Numa Numa yei, leek spin, all my shit
> wanted to work at Nintendo some day

This is a great thread anons, let's keep it up

>> No.8330084

I tried so hard. My username is 10 times worse, I assure you. Loved Monster Rancher as a kid and tried spelling Mochi, but somehow ended up spelling it Moochie.

>> No.8330091

reading all of this makes me so happy. I may have been total weeb trash in high school but I was happy weeb trash. I miss being that happy.

>summer between 7th and 8th grade I wall papered my whole room floor to ceiling with crappy print and cut out anime pictures I found on photobucket and quizilla
>rping awful awful fanfic for hours after school
>quizilla's oc insert
>spending all my money in Borders
>waiting for all the terrible quality anime uploaded on youtube to finally load.

>> No.8330092

Thankyou, he blessed me with an A* and I've just been offered a place for a Masters in Creative Writing

Captcha: Amenf

>> No.8330107

There was this girl that had this mad vandetta against me because I was IRL dating a guy she was internet dating (he was not really serious about it as she was way across the country and both were young at the time). I was apparently his mistress or something. I would stalk her livejournal like a hawk because she'd constantly talk about me on there. One day she posted her Neopets username and password publicly for a friend to watch her account while she was on a family trip or something. Let's just say a lot of people ended up finding lots of money on the giving tree thing, gave away her pets and got her account banned.

I am a horrible person.

>> No.8330121
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Remember when 100x100 gifs were the bomb dot com? Their site is almost completely unusable now because of ads spam.

>> No.8330165

oh yes I do. You were so cool if you has one as your AIM icon.

>> No.8330183

> endless hours roleplaying on Gaia with random images found searching "cute anime girl"
> fox girls, cat girls, ninjas, uke guys, "my whole family was killed right in front of me" backstories
> pronouncing anime "ahn-naim"
> being allowed to stay up past my bedtime to watch the weekly new Death Note / FMA episodes on YTV
> or watching the episodes online, all with titles saying "subbed and dubbed" and not even know what that meant
> everybody on MSN having icons like >>8330121 or /b/ memes
> saying "squee" "kyuu" and "kawaii" out loud
> crying out "Kawaii! Kawaii! Kira kiraaa! Pinku, pinku ga ippai! Kawaiii" when opening my first Bodyline package
> dreaming of one day attending a convention and imagining all the smexeh cosplayers > W <

>> No.8330199

God dammit I miss Borders. Too bad I was in the weaboo phase at that time

>> No.8330208

I turned in 3 of my Hetalia fanfics with only the weirder names changed to my creative writing Prof. Partially because I needed some stories to bulk my portfolio. This was last semester

>Me and my friends used to pretend to be kingdom hearts/naruto/inuyasha/yugioh characters in public and in our back yards basically larping
>wore naruto headbands
>carried our deul decks everywhere
>drew fanart in class
>used to have "fangasms" in public and squeeee over stuff

Thankfully cosplay was uncommon and we were always broke or we would have done that. I had weeb phase 2 my freshman year of college and did this:

>cosplayed the easiest crappiest things like Matryoshka
>forced my family to listen to jpop
>wore coplay wigs to school
>was your standard weeb Hetalia fan

It was a dark time.

>> No.8330213

I almost forgot, we also spent absurd amounts of time rping on InuyashaJourney.

>> No.8330255
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Posting a classic

>> No.8330257

hahaha oh man I remember that thread. This one was gold.

>> No.8330263

I was introduced to jrock back in high school through a friend. I loved, loved, loved Dir en grey and still enjoy some of their older work to this day. Back then DeG were still a visual kei band--I would print out photos and stick them all over my school folders and then laugh at the super straight baseball jocks who would comment about how hot these "ladies" were.

Near the end of high school my best friends (also weebs, obviously) and I were fortunate enough to go on a school trip to Japan and I blew so much cash on CDs, posters, pins, magazines.... I still regret spending so much cash even though that was almost a decade ago now.

>> No.8330264

Naruto self-insert fics are actually the new "in" thing to do in the fandom. There's a few that are practically door stoppers with how long they are. They're also a lot less cringey now, and it's honestly shocking how well written a lot of them are. I guess it's like...a literary challenge since the people writing them are probably in college?

>> No.8330361

i smiled.

>pic related

where pic?

>> No.8330371

Maybe OP pic?

>> No.8330466

Sweet weeb times
>be 14
>write story about kawaii 21 years old japanese husbando
>show it to teacher because 'i wanna be a mangaka!1!!1!!'
>concerned teacher looks at me "be careful"
>first con
>shitty con like anything at my country
>dressed up with "lolita fashion"
>aka shitty shirred shirt, ugly pink skirt, white thighs and white heels because poor
>no make up
>no wig
>out of the fucking shower hair
>so rori
>sperg when abel cosplayer appears
>bitch didn't took well the photo
>t-thanks y-you too
I still wish i was young but with money to be a great lolita, or acceptable... or tolerable

>> No.8330800

>I still wish i was young but with money to be a great lolita, or acceptable... or tolerable
Are you kidding? You'd still end up with horrible stuff, most 14 year old weebs aren't blessed with good taste. If I had money to drop when I was 14, you sure as hell can bet I'd spent it all on Pocky, cat ears, "kawaii clothes", horrible milanoo monsters and embarrassing myself even more than I did.

That said, time for nostalgia.
>be weeb during teen years
>constantly draw manga in class
>watch anime all the time
>feel superior because I wasn't one of these "stupid naruto fans"
>instead, drew blood gore emo picutres with bad poetry
>feel superior to everyone because I was so "deep" and no one understands me
>huge yaoi fan, read all the cringey fanfictions
>drew epic mangas with friends together
>totes convinced one day I'd be a mangaka in glorious Japan
Good times. At least I was too shy to wear weeby clothes, so I just looked like your standard ugly teen to most people. Unless you knew me, in whch case I wasn't exactly good at hiding my power level at all.

I sometimes miss being a weeb... Such carefree times, and I had the best friends ever. Life was beautiful, my friends shared my weird interests, I was a carefree happy weeb drwing my animus and didn't give a damn.

>> No.8330818

That is so hideously nineties.

You poor soul. But what did you get?

>> No.8330821

Out of black ink?

>> No.8330831

>crying out "Kawaii! Kawaii! Kira kiraaa! Pinku, pinku ga ippai! Kawaiii" when opening my first Bodyline package
I knew this was a thread for weeb trash but this makes even me cringe.

>> No.8330836

Perhaps it's not the scene that's changed. Perhaps it's you. *strokes wizard beard*

>> No.8330839
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Oh man I miss being a weeb it was so simple back then
>dream dress was pic related
>looked at lolita dresses on milanoo every day
>read fanfiction in class
>got my cousins daughters into vocaloid
>i cosplayed miku with them as rin and len one halloween
>cousin goes to japan and brings us back vocaloid merch
>she also bought one of her daughters a phone case with a girl from an eroge
>forced my mum to buy my shitty OTK socks
>forge notes to get out of sport and draw neko girls
>tfw sport teacher confiscated my sketch book because i drew too many neko girls
>loudly sang along to vocaloid while walking home from school
>friend and i did english project on vocaloid songs, i did the disappearance of hatsune miku and she did double lariat
>manga club at the library once a month
>said i was going to get mikus tattoo on my arm
>wore miku costume to school on a free dress day where we had to wear blue
>hung around in homeroom for almost an hour after school drawing shitty animu girls
>tried to get the boys in our class to come to conventions by showing them pictures of BRS and Yoko cosplayers
>getting excited when science teacher showed PonPonPon in class
>told everyone about how i was going to move to japan to become a mangaka and lolita model when i was older, and how i was going to be the most popular cosplayer in the world
>gushing over akuroku in class

Not gonna lie I completely forgot about the tattoo thing and part of me still kind of wants it. Maybe Rin's instead I love her more than Miku

>> No.8330842

the Internet was different back in our day, and praise the sun that most of these memories aren't as easily accessible as they would be today.

>> No.8330855

>If I had money to drop when I was 14, you sure as hell can bet I'd spent it all on Pocky, cat ears, "kawaii clothes", horrible milanoo monsters and embarrassing myself even more than I did.
Very much this, with hindsight I am incredibly glad both that my school had a uniform, which I hated, and that I was broke, because I would (and did) spend it on trash. The clothes 14-year-old me wore in pictures were pretty normal and acceptable, but the clothes 14-year-old me thought were cool and dreamed of one day owning were fucking terrible.

>if I had had the money I would have bought those T-shirts that say "seme" and "uke" on in Japanese because "tee hee no-one will know what it means except me"
>owned some edge corset-laced arm warmers and used to wear them alone in my room, fucking loved them
>bought cosplay wigs but didn't cosplay, just wore them in my room because I wanted coloured hair but my uniform and parents didn't allow it
>went to first convention in black and green twintail wig and a black T-shirt and jeans and no make-up except eyeliner, felt no shame

Before lolita my taste had improved somewhat, but my family would gently poke fun at me for spending so fucking much on Urban Decay eyeliner pencils and Sugarpill shadows and whatever. I used to just brush it off since I wanted colours difficult to find with drugstore brands and you gotta pay for quality. Fast-forward to now and I added up the cost of all my make-up stuff and its well over $350, mostly in colours I will never wear again (I've actually run out of foundation, blusher and black eyeliner but if I ever need yellow lipstick I've got it). I also spent $1500 on CDs and iTunes music. At least lolita has a resale value, damn.

>> No.8330869

> being allowed to stay up past my bedtime to watch the weekly new Death Note

i was in college when death note was popular due to adult swim.

this was when i was an undergrad, lazy c-clevel never gave a shit about classes, needed a gen ed elective in a foreign language

fluent in japanese so i took JAP1 (yeah the school actually called it JAP ONE shits like calling afro american studies NIG NOGING 101)

but anyways

the class was cringe worthy

we had to break into groups and "get to know each other" becuase we were going to "rely on each other for tutoring" or w/e

i got paired up with 2 chicks with death note note books and 2 guys who kept talking about their nissan 240sx and subaru wrx sti respectively

also the teacher quickly figured out who was fluent in japanese within the first day

she mixed some stuff into the tests that she didn't really teach and if you somehow incorporated it you were caught out

also during longer lectures she would say something in japanese which prompted an automatic response which caught a few of us out too

>> No.8330872

Oh, also I forgot this
>genuinely liked black miniskirts with white lace and thought that was lolita, dragged my friends into alt mall to help me look and disappointed when I couldn't find anything
>the only reason I didn't have a picture of two moe anime girls from a yuri kissing in bikinis on my wall was because I didn't want my mum to know I was a lesbian
>used to go back to the shop with the yuri posters and anime merch to look at it because I really liked it
>based on the "legend" that if you have a picture of your crush for X amount of days and no-one sees it you'll get them in fucking School Days of all things, I had a picture of anime girls kissing as my background on my first smartphone, had to be ludicrously overprotective about my phone to prevent anyone seeing it

I don't empathise with the people saying THOSE WERE HAPPIER TIMES though, my weeb years were miserable as shit, mostly because of depression and repressed lesbianism. My nerd crew weren't quite weebs yet either, although most of them are into anime nowadays, just people who liked yaoi furry art or futanari or other variants on the theme of "shitty anime porn found on deviant art" as well as yugioh, nyan cat, leekspin, western comics and fantasy novels, and role-playing. I might have embraced and enjoyed it more if I'd had weeb frirnds, but I'm kind if glad no-one encouraged me.

At least the "damn, I must have spent at least $2000 on shite with no resale value that I no longer want" feeling is mitigated somewhat when I realise it was spread over a period of like four years, so it's only like $10 a week on average, mostly just me spending all my birthday and Christmas money on this trash.

>> No.8330882 [DELETED] 

"coming out" doesn't seem that bad really


"nobody cares shut the fuck up"


"oh my god, shut the fuck up or wait for a goddamn commercial godamn it ashley"

>> No.8330899 [DELETED] 

Not that anon, but I'm a lesbian as well and when I came out my brother threatened to beat me until I liked men "again", and this was only 2 years ago. A lot of the time people will be kicked out of home or sent to correction facilities for coming out considering the fact that there are still a shit ton of homophobes out there.

>inb4 you're taking the bait
I'm aware but there are people out there who actually do think like that

>> No.8330908 [DELETED] 

I came out to select friends pretty quickly (I was out to all the nerds by the time I was 16) but my parents are very religious and were indeed really upset when I told them. My sister had already told them she was an atheist before this and wore clothes they disapproved of (my mum actually cried at me once brcause it upset her so much that my sister had forsaken her faith, but since she's not that controlling she couldn't actually stop her wearing miniskirts). My dad thought I was the "good daughter" and it dashed his hopes of having raised one kid right, my mum didn't talk about it for years. They were less angry than disappointed and in denial.

>> No.8330909 [DELETED] 

your brother was probably joking

>> No.8330921 [DELETED] 

Lol sieg if you actually left the house and your own close-minded world once you'd know that depending on your family and where you live coming out can still be very dangerous.

>> No.8330924 [DELETED] 


right, so gay people just "chris kyle" the fuck out of a conversation with their parents

by that i mean, embellish, dramatize and add significance to a rather insignificant event in the grand scheme of things

im sure your sexual preferences are a big deal to you in your teens but it's not like we have racist law enforcement officers killing unarmed men of color in large cities in the midwest or anything right?!

you like to lick pussy


me too

now what are you going to do about ISIS ?

>> No.8330931 [DELETED] 


Sieg just die already

>> No.8330937 [DELETED] 

if you feel that strongly about it

/fa/ has my address

#get some

anyone who runs is a vc, anyone who stands still is a well disciplined vc etc etc

>> No.8331045 [DELETED] 


hurr durr people can only care about one thing at once

>> No.8331832


I used to wonder about this but the scene definitely did change, anime reached its peak at 2007 and never really got the same momentum back after that. Sometime after 2008 anime started trying too hard to be 'moe', whereas before it just did it naturally. I think this is in part due to stuff like Nicovideo and 2ch becoming mainstream popular in Japan.

I think what you also had in 2007 was the internet still being a place for people who were 'internet people' IE: just before Facebook had really taken off. Back then you could go to a convention and everyone would understand internet memes because they were internet people like yourself; experienced in forum culture, exposed to anime and familiar with 4chan memes.

By 2008 everyone was starting to get a smartphone, use Facebook and find out about places like 4chan and other online communities. Suddenly gaming and nerd culture becomes mainstream along with cosplay and everything else; cons make more money and suddenly the carefree, hyperactive anime cosplayers have got to go because there's money to be made out of the normies who enjoy TV shows and Marvel comics.

It completely killed the scene, forums collapsed under facebook; cosplay collapsed under 'cosplay models' and mainstream pandering, gaming and JRPGs died under mobiles and generic FPS. Don't let anyone tell you something going mainstream is a good thing because it 'gets more people involved'. Those people are shitty and will ruin whatever good was already in place.


PonPonPon is recent...that's not really weeb stuff, that was 2011-2012

>> No.8331837

> tfw ur 24 and still addicted to that godawful site

>> No.8331844

>anime started trying too hard to be 'moe'

It's not that it started trying too hard, but rather moeblob shit had been selling and they saturated the market with it since they realized that creepy guys will spend a lot of money on merch. A lot of things considered seinen are also liked by girls who like cute shit but ignore sexual things, and a lot of things marketed towards girls are also popular seinen anime.

Basically Miyazaki is right, creepy old men ruined anime. Now we have to live as the minority and wait for really good stuff to come along. Same thing happened with western media, only stupid people ruined that.

>> No.8331854


Miyazaki is actually wrong, the 'creepy old men' died out in the early 2000s. In the late 2000s we saw 'otaku' suddenly become a japanese marketing buzzword and anime studios rushed to produce faux-moe shows by cramming as many stereotypes in as they can because they knew it would sell, not to otaku but to kids who want to appear as otaku.

Japan is going through its own geek-chic phase and with it has brought a shitload of wannabe 'otaku' kids to anime who are splashing out on figures and light novels.

Look up 'にわかアニオタ' and you'll see plenty of actual otaku on 2ch and other places moaning about these kids. It's literally no different from the popularity of 'geek' culture over here, except instead of Marvel comics and cartoons it's Anime and Manga.

>> No.8331866

I was in the midst of my weeb phase at age 15-16 which was around 2012, not all weebs are 13 years old anon

>> No.8331879
File: 97 KB, 1280x720, laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry I set off your autism but no, you're totally wrong. What you're referring to is what happened in relation to hikkikomori, not general otaku. And I'm not going to argue the autistic notions of old perverted Japanese social outcasts with you, that's stupid.

>> No.8331892

Blame money for killing entertainment. Movies/tv based on existing ip or sequels? Anime all being moe? Video games being sequel after sequel with barely any innovation? Because they are safe bets for a return on investment

>> No.8331896

But with that logic you're saying that the people buying it are at fault because even with money as a key factor if shit didn't sell they'd make something better. People aren't just buying what they're being sold.

>> No.8331898

i bought a "lolita" dress from milanoo when i was 15. that and a ticket to san japan was my birthday present and i literally cried for 20 minutes about how shitty the dress looked and i apologized to my parents a billion times for wasting their money.
i might still have old pictures of it, i'll look around and see.

>> No.8331904

Problem is both sides. Funders want roi, go with what they think will sell. More risky projects/out of the ordinary projects won't get greenlit to see the market. Buyers don't buy enough of the non everyday stuff so backers don't want to risk it. It's sad because there are probably some really awesome things we've never even heard about that never got money

>> No.8331915
File: 167 KB, 434x910, Kingdom_Hearts_-_Organization_XIII_Cloak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buy shitty Organization XIII coat from ebay.
>Receive it. Black Denim
>I like this better than leather
>Wear coat to school
>Friends all borrow it and wear it in turns at school
>Dress up as Xigbar for Halloween ROTC school party
>spray paint white hair color for skunk stripe
>Eyepatch broken by friend immediately
>Never see coat again
>No clue which friend has it.
>Don't even miss it

>> No.8331919

At least you realized how shitty it looked. But I guess it would have been more fun to wear it in blissful ignorance...

>> No.8331923

oh man i did that too. i printed out slash fics to read them on the bus and ate the paper afterwards for fear of my parents finding it

>> No.8331928
File: 20 KB, 236x314, lolitadress1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what it was supposed to look like. STILL trying to find the picture i took of it, i know i posted it online somewhere but i can't find it still.
essentially the collar was all twisted up, and the skirt was one layer in the back that was all black except for a 1-2 inch plaid trim, and the front had like two triangular extensions with cheap lace trim.

>> No.8331934

i realize my description sounds like the skirt, but the other pictures online showed the underskirt having plaid all over. and the topskirt show in the picture was literally just two triangles hanging from the waist and only in the front. didn't extend all the way around

>> No.8331950

Both you and that other anon wanted that dress.

Dear god why

>> No.8331958

lmao. like i said, i was a few months shy of 15. i was dumb and didn't know how to actually research before i bought shit online. it looked cute when i was young.

>> No.8331972

You ate...the paper? All the paper?

Like I used to eat paper as a little kid, but only small strips. I can't imagine eating an entire fucking fanfic.

>> No.8332032

i hate moeblob animes like k-on. k-on was literally just cute girls doing nothing, the anime. i need some plot and real characters and character development, not just flat cutesy uwu characters and no story.

>> No.8332040

i was a pretty stupid kid. im the same anon as >>8329536 so yeah. i also had this stupid mini top hat from Claire's and i wore it with tutus i got from the kids section and t-shirts with "kawaii" things like cupcakes on them along with a million accessories and thought i was being deco-loli. at least i never bought from milanoo (that would be my sister)

>> No.8332063

There's tons of anime with plot.
Some people just like comfy anime where nothing bad happens.
God forbid, not all anime is the same.

>> No.8332120


No this isn't hikkikomori, that's a completely separate issue. Not all otaku are hikkikomori and not all hikkikomori are otaku.

The issue here is that it's been counterculture cool in Japan to be 'otaku' for a while now. Why do you think sales of DVDs, BDs and figures have shot up over the past 7-8 years?

>And I'm not going to argue the autistic notions of old perverted Japanese social outcasts with you, that's stupid.

Well there you go then. Unfortunately you do need to be slightly autistic and interested in Japanese social outcasts to understand this sort of thing.

>> No.8332128


By 2012 weaboos as we knew them were practically extinct. I think most people that aren't under the age of 18 are referring to Weaboos in the actual sense of the word, IE: What 4chan word-filtered 'Wapanese' to back in the day when 'Weaboos' (or Wapanese, as they were known) were rampant. In 2012 Lucky Star was a distant memory, that's not a weaboo, that's just you liking anime.

>> No.8332228

I was also a Hetalia weeb, anon!
>For middle school standardized testing I wrote USUK fanfic for my essay portion
>Tried to get my social studies teacher to watch Hetalia
>Me and best friend assigned Hetalia characters to our friend group (I was Russia, I think she was Germany?)
>Talked in broken german (Germany was one of our favorites)
>Had angsty OCs we wrote about

I also got into Naruto and Sergeant Frog but she stopped watching anime at that point.

>> No.8332266
File: 30 KB, 493x368, WeaBELLBELL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else wear a bell choker around their neck like ichigo from Tokyo Mew Mew or was it just me?

>> No.8332277

no but in middle school i wore those black spikey collars

>> No.8332283

no worries Anon, you weren't the only pseudo-furry loser

>> No.8332291

Yeah? Well I wore a black spiked collar WITH A BELL ON IT.
>didn't even watch anime, just wanted to be an edgy cat girl

>> No.8332297

i just got rekt
i also wore fucking cat ear headbands oh my god its all coming back to me
i had fucking sequined cat ears

>> No.8332299
File: 21 KB, 500x403, tumblr_m1kg9lZ0S91qbfcwn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate people like you. My college anime club is full of losers who hate hipsters so good luck giving a shit about your appearance as a 20 year old and being accepted. I had the typical weeb childhood, sorry if I no longer reflect this because I actually style my hair and wear clothes that require planning. Fucking nu-weeb purists ruined the con we had up here because they only wanted to associate with their friends while looking down on anyone who didn't look like troo fan!1

Pic related, a comic you and your cunty friends agree with.

>> No.8332327




Also you sound like a buzzkill, I agree with the picture you've posted. Go and moan about it to /fa/ if you're feeling excluded, maybe you can cop a new pair of skinny jeans to make yourself feel better.

>> No.8332338

Agreed. Also: Learn some goddamn volume control, you guys are adults. This is elementary school shit.

>> No.8332345

>cosplaying miku hatsune till i was 21
>even had the underwear for cosplay reasons
>had to manage to make that penis dind't made an upskirt and ended the con days with an unsensibilized penis

I was a total moron back then

>> No.8332362
File: 997 KB, 350x242, 1430089572019.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well me and all of my friends were pretty much emo weeaboo trash from middle school through most of high school. Thankfully I learned to hide my power level in public but part of me misses not giving a shit and bring part of a kawaii XD gang.

> writing shit fan fiction
> wearing a billion plastic bead bracelets on each arm
> being insanely jealous of that one friend who brought poky to school
> printing out and tracing anime girl pics off of photobucket so I could learn to draw and become a mangaka
> everyone had their own unique naruto character *please do not steal

Everyone was really chill though it was like a brotherhood of being shit. Though I remember one time there was this girl I didn't know very well and she was bragging about all of her school supplies being from Japan and how she couldn't use her erasers because they were in the shape of sushi or something and someone commented saying it seemed a bit much and she got all red in the face and started hysterically crying in the middle of class. She started screaming about how she was tired of people picking on her for loving Japan and it like blew everyone's mind im pretty sure the teacher made the guy write an apology note. I think she was also really christian and did a project on abortions. She played sad Japanese songs during her presentation.

>> No.8332379

Shit, my friends did the same thing with assigning Hetalia characters to each of us. But
I was Russia, so we can't be from the same group... Was it really that common?!

>> No.8332380

I was listening to this is the car just last week...

>> No.8332382

i knew a girl in high school that legit talked to anime characters during class and told everyone she could see anime characters irl

>> No.8332387

You're about to make me cry, anon.
That shit was the best.

>> No.8332397

>I think she was also really christian and did a project on abortions. She played sad Japanese songs during her presentation.

That sounds hilarious. I wish I could have seen that.

>> No.8332431


>> No.8332492
File: 36 KB, 293x374, tumblr_m46l14cN1J1r0hcv1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be 10 or some shit, idk
>Find sheezyart
>Look at anime pics
>18+? Heheh, sure am
>A titty, a vagina, a whole lotta cum
>Find this fucking hilarious as I've rarely seen a pixellated titty before
>Show my mother
>"Netnanny" until I was 16

The loops and hacks I jumped through to get past it were an adventure. I still despise netnanny to this day

>Be 11
>Find some cute yuri game
>Trace pics of them on paper
>Leave traced yuri pics in the living room for 5 min while I go poop
>Come back, mother with the most shit eating grin on her damn face as she holds the pictures
>"Oh anon, do you have something to tell me?"
>Draw exclusively on computers from that moment on, mouse art or bust

Looking back on it, it was kind of funny but Lord Jesus was it humiliating at the time

Other shenanigans was when I was like 9 or 10, I had a friend group who were the "popular" kids in school, so I wore tank tops, mini skirts, gold hoop earrings paired with a cat bell necklace and Naruto headband
It was fucking disgusting

>> No.8332509

when i was 10 my mom found out i looked up porn on her laptop while my parents were out. her exact words were "hentai will rot your brain"

>> No.8332625

I was a Death Note weeb. I feel we were much worse than the average one.

>> No.8332627


>> No.8332629

>>squeal and hide in my hands when husbando was on the screen
I still do this. It's an involuntary reaction

>> No.8332655
File: 104 KB, 500x500, 875947569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wearing purple nail polish because the drugstore didnt have black
>shiny cheap neon hair extensions from claires, where you get all your jewelry
>tim burton movies
>drawing all over yourself with gel pens
>shitty eyeliner
>those "pop emo" bands
>black chuck taylors (the kind that had the star cut-out)
>b&w checkered belts
>hating hot topic but shopping there anyway
>striped thigh-highs
>using eyeshadow as lipstick because the drugstore where you get all your makeup doesnt have goth lipstick colors
>jhonen vasquez (still a fan of him)
>drawing kawaii emo wolves in class
>teasing your hair all the time and never brushing it
>being poor on gaia
>fingerless gloves
>sticking toilet paper in your bra
>houndstooth print everywhere
>internet rivalries because somebody has the same husbando as you
>those rubber band bracelets from hot topic
>costume store tutus with ripped leggings underneath
>sticking tons of clips and bows in your teased ratty hair
>stick-on fingernails that kept coming off during the day
>tons of random plastic jewelry
>pony bead facemasks
>making your own shitty accessories with scratchy lace and elmers white glue
>emoticons in every sentence
At least I was happy back then.

>> No.8332659

My age is showing.
>1ct VHS anime sale at Suncoast
>Get all the Tenchi Muyos
>Look for cosplay pictures of you in Animerica
>Someday I will splurge on Newtype
>Going to play DDR a the arcade next door
>Why the sudden surge of terrible how to draw manga books. My hobby is becoming mainstream!!!
>Disney and Final Fantasy making a video game? I can't tell if this is a good or...
>What? Hot Topic has an anime-esque fairy shirt? I need that.
>Cat ear hairclips. Wear them everywhere.
>Hello kitty everything because she's kawaii.
>Join all the sailor moon webrings and cliques

>> No.8332681


You might remember when Inuyasha was the Naruto of its day. I had a friend who wore Inuyasha ears EVERYWHERE. He got his first job working for some high-level big corporation earning really decent money because his dad held an important position. He had to wear a suit and everything but still wore the ears, various managers persisted in threatening him to get rid of the ears but he resisted the whole way. They tried to take it up with his dad but his dad just didn't have the time to care and so he just ended up wearing Inuyasha ears for about 3 years there before becoming a graphic designer working for himself.

>> No.8332687
File: 90 KB, 426x590, 1394761991498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking shit, that's amazing.

>> No.8332691

I'm still fucking weaboo trash. I'm just better at hiding it now.

>> No.8332693


>> No.8332704

I did. Kids mooed at me because I hadn't hit my growth spurt yet so I was chunky as fuck.

>> No.8332709

Oh god I was such a brat in my weeb phase.
>Cropped duck butt hair
>dyed bright red 2 b moar animu
>wore too tight skinny jeans
>still got that baby fat because I hadn't grown n inch since elementary school
>tantrums at such stupid things
>shitty too thick eyeliner
>huge hoodies and edgy shirts
>psuedo intellectual
>bought cheap 3 dollar sketchbooks to fill with my ideas for anime and crappy spite comics
>read all the manga in the school library

>> No.8332711

jfc dude
well i had some hot mexican girls walk behind me after dance class (mandatory phys ed) and loudly make fun of the way i walked.
that was 5 years ago and i'm still incredibly cripplingly self conscious about the way i look when i walk

>> No.8332716

Anon, weebs are the exact same nowadays. Some people at my college got into anime recently, and trust me they're still weebs.
>"kawaii" clothes
>shitty attack on titan jackets
>shitty wigs
>weird animu makeup
>write fanfiction
>RP and tumblr ask-character blogs
>cosplay to college
Also, I got into anime in around 2010, and one of my first anime was Lucky Star. Weebs will always be weebs.

>> No.8332718

nice stats
I really wish my parents just put me into dance school or scouts or something, I'd have actually gained some social skills and more useful abilities than whatever shit I learned from there... hoarding items and money, maybe.

>> No.8332721
File: 7 KB, 179x172, 10965395_1049269278431141_1485737343_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looked at lolita dresses on milanoo every day
>has flashbacks of the countless afternoons spent looking at ita dresses

>> No.8332732

Oh god man I feel that. I got made fun of in the locker room. If I remember correctly at one point someone stuck my clothes in the toilet or the shower stall. Probably both at some point but still. Kids didn't like me at all.

>> No.8332734

>jhonen vasquez (still a fan of him)
Eyyy fellow JV nigga, apparently he's (actually this time, not kidding) making a comeback of IZ as a comic. Sometime this month. I was a disgusting, shit eating dA doodling fan that I dont want to relive so I might not read it. maybe.

But you basically grew up the same as me only I was dirt poor so a lot of my attempts of dressing that way were pretty derelict. How the fuck where we more happier then when more delved into "le doom and death"?

>> No.8332748


I don't think so, as someone above said - most of them wouldn't recognize caramelldansen if they heard it.

>I got into anime in around 2010

Ah, that would explain it. Believe me, what you're talking about has nothing on 2005-2007 weaboos.

>> No.8332768

> 7th grade
> Discovered Persona 4
> Started writing "Rise Kujikawa" on all of my tests and wouldn't respond to my real name, made friends call me it too
> Teacher would call out "Uhh Rise??"
> "i'm rise desu!!!!!"
b y e

>> No.8332805
File: 51 KB, 634x360, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in 6th grade i was in a music class where once every quarter we had an opportunity to do a music "show and tell" and talk about bands and songs we wanted to share with the class.

the first two times i showed them Home Made Kazoku (and i cried when everyone called them "gay") and L'arc~En~Ciel. the final class i danced the hare hare yukai and not just the one minute and a half tv length, but the full four minute song.

>> No.8332832

If you're old enough to post here, you're not a newer weeb.

>> No.8332884
File: 68 KB, 615x799, Kawaii Snowflake Mizuki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Back in elementary school I had no Internet
>Father was cheap and thought it would distract from my studies
>Had to get animu somehow
>Buy InuYasha and Full Moon wo Sagashite off of Ebay thanks to my aunt
>Just poor quality rips
>Stay up until 4am on weeknights binge watching the show when my father isn't around
>No Internet so I can't look up the lyrics to any of the OPs or EDs
>Have a binder full of lyrics I wrote down from the subtitles so I could sing along
>I wished I could somehow become Kagome and make Inuyasha my husband

I also wanted to become a successful mangaka for awhile. I'm kind of glad I have my old Photobucket for moments like this.

>> No.8332955

I was a total weeb/nerd from like age 8-18 but managed to hide my power level/pass relatively normal in public. I did some really cringey shit with my friends, though, like making awful closet cosplay videos (still haunt the internet) and basically larping various characters.

We once went to a nearby town to catch a movie, and two of my friends (all girls) dressed up as L and Misa. They then proceeded to chain themselves together with these long-ass handcuffs when we went into walmart. It was all fun and games until the security guard came and told us off for taking photos/being weirdos.
We also started an anime club at our tiny ass school (graduated with like 50 kids), and turn out was surprisingly good.
I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who got in trouble as a tween/young teen for looking at hentai or who was horribly addicted to neopets.
I never really knew about/had a gaia for some reason.

I really wish I was still as into this stuff as I used to be. Once my one friend moved off to college, our friend group kind of fell apart, and then when I went to school, I failed at making friends who were into anime and whatnot.

>> No.8332968
File: 513 KB, 1280x720, 1408613416052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>notebooks that were solely used for printing pictures online and taping them in
>filled school notebooks with doodles of Miroku from Inuyasha
>made an OC to pair with him (bright red hair and a trenchcoat..)
>no idea that Japanese songs had their lyrics online so I'd just guess how to spell things
>years wasted on Gaia
>friends in group called each other by country names from Hetalia
>forced country names on other kids in our classes
>charging through the halls, shouting our Hetalia RPs...
>Hetalia art in every project I could fit in into (my teacher kept one poster that I made..)
>Hetalia cosplay at the mall (I think there's two videos online, I'm really gross in one of them)

>> No.8332971

Rewatching these videos actually makes me feel a lot better about myself now, because holy cow was I going through a chubby phase...

I miss being a carefree weeb.

>> No.8332984

this was practically me and my gf back in the day
oh man

>> No.8332992

>pop emo bands
oh man
I loved New York Minute as well

I was always brooding and crying how nobody understands me and had a generally 2edgy attitude

>> No.8332994

that's not terrible, do you still draw?

>> No.8333016
File: 2 KB, 80x95, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he cut off his circulation from his peen because he didnt want it flopping around if he ever got upskirted.

>use to wear bows and long skirts everyday to be kawaii loli
>bought tons of arm warmers but didnt wear them because it was hard to draw my gaia avatar in them
>rp this gay boy forever and always

>> No.8333030

I miss Animerica.
I would read through all of my sister's boyfriend's old ones whenever I visited them. Animerica introduced me to Angel Sanctuary/Kaori Yuki, and those character designs are some of my dream cosplays.

>> No.8333047
File: 52 KB, 385x500, 1259192220836_f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get ready for a tale of weaboo love in smalltown USA.

>me and gf only weebs in town
>spend our spare time obsessively reading manga scans online and sharing them via AOL
>finding "raws" with fan translations typed out on a separate webpage
>hours trying to match the translation to the raw scan
>hours downloading anime eps, FMVs, and jrock songs/PVs because youtube wasn't a thing yet
>doing visual kei makeup for halloween and getting laughed at by our friends
>buying hot topic shit but hating the store for getting rid of all the cool stuff after we got money
>wearing all black to church
>carrying Hot Topic dolls around, giving them Japanese names
>stripey arm warmers, stripey shirts, stripey socks, bondage pants
>letting my gf tell me what i could and couldn't listen to
>some vkei bands were "hers" and she would show me videos but if i liked them she would get mad and possessive
>same with anime
>share shit i love with her, she mocks it
>oh well
>dye each other's hair bright colors (from Hot Topic) and LARP being our own visual kei band
>also LARP fan versions of animu and vidya characters
>in character 90% of the time, laugh when people call us by our real names
>2spoopy4u photoshoots in graveyards
>proud to be "real goths" unlike the mallgoth losers our age
>write sad edgy lyrics but struggle to put them to music
>get english to japanese dictionary to write lyrics in japanese to distract ourselves from our lack of musical skill
>incorporate Japanese words and phrases from the book, anime, and jrock into our conversation
>"Watashi wa ima les miserable"
>"Aishiteru, baka-chan"
>proud that literally no one understsands us
>construct DIY bondage gear for our LARP sessions
>nervously begin having sex in-character
>continue enthusiastically until we escape small town religious hellhole
>grow up fast in the real world
>break up

>tfw the love of your life treated you like property but made you feel more alive and creative than anyone else has

>> No.8333050

Is that Belphegor in your ant targeted image?

>> No.8333065

Yeah it's the Misteor fanart of him

>> No.8333621

>friends in group called each other by country names from Hetalia
How many people did this?! Why was this a thing?

>> No.8333651

>no youtube
>hot topic gets rid of gaffedgydesu stuff
calling bullshit.

>> No.8333689
File: 122 KB, 1028x626, random stuff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was a pretty far in the closet with my weebiness thanks to my family for teasing me. Though, it was really bad when I found out a girl I was friends with enjoyed Card Captors. Oh god. I had so many one-sided anime talks with her, and I even sent her huge lists of recommended shows she should watch even when she didn't ask me about it.

Another girl transferred into our class who claimed to know how to write Japanese and used "chan" or "san" for the people she was close with. I hated her so much because she didn't like my anime drawings and said she could teach me how to draw.

I also wore Hot Topic tutus to school with mismatching converse and rainbow coloured knee highs. No cat ears, but my autism levels were pretty high.

I do from time-to-time for fun. My drawing style has become progressively less animu, thankfully.

>> No.8333732

wow this sounds like my entire childhood except with friends instead of an SO. I'm guessing you're around my age (late 20s)

>> No.8333750

A lot of Hetafags did it. Whenever I'd talk to other weebs online, they'll tell stories like "Today the America in my group went to McDonald's!! It was so in-character!"

Why? No damn clue.

>> No.8333757

>Be me, 12-13
>Have dA account full of kawaii seme and uke boys with animal ears
>Dad finds it
>"I-it's okay, anon. Homosexuality is viewed differently in Japan."
>Gives me money for pocky and dumb manga
>Buys me a tablet so my terribad OEKAKI is slightly better

>Be me, 14
>Dad takes me to see Dir en grey twice, driving three hours to do so one time
>Actually has nice things to say about maybe one or two songs
>Doesn't really remark on the weird ass PVs playing in the background or their general weird aesthetics

>Fast forward to now, 23
>Dad sees pics of me in lolita fashion show
>SUPER supportive, both he and my mom share them with my fam on FB (weird but oh well)

I miss the carefree weeb days where my friends and I were decked out in our Inuyasha/Bleach/Naruto gear and we would use terrible broken Japanese IRL or on AIM and RP our weird ass OCs and go on oekaki sites together...

But really, I gotta thank my dad for always being so supportive, even in the face of my weird yaoi phase...

>> No.8333773

You have a great dad

>> No.8333777

I really do!

>> No.8333795

In the 7th grade my english teacher gave us a month to write our novel and instead of submitting a normal story I wrote a fucking fanfiction... I had all my friends and I as the main characters and I combined Death Note, Pokemon, Naruto, Ouran, and some other shit and we were all ninjas. My love interest was Ash Ketchum and I eventually became Hokage LOL. I found it again recently and holy.... I'm so sorry to my teacher and all my classmates who proofread it.............

>> No.8333804

Anybody remember Beckii Cruel? I used to have some serious hate for her because of her getting famous in Japan


>> No.8333805

Meh I find her nice enough. Now she's just another quirky jfashion kid from the UK just like Kelsey and AbiPop

>> No.8333808

why do you people think that anyone who went to japan with any fanbase at all 'got famous'? she had maybe a small debut equivalent of going on local daytime TV.

>> No.8333810

Back in my weeb days even her small patch of fame in Japan made her Japanese famous to me

>> No.8333814


i don't get your disbelief anon. youtube did not always exist and in the beginning it was difficult to find shit on. makers of AMVs/FMVs would distribute them via Kazaa or some other PTP system.

as for Hot Topic, it stopped carrying goth wear (or what we considered "real goth" wear back then) a while ago. it moved more and more away from music and goth and into scene/emo shit and licensed franchises. now it's like a mini dealer's hall.

how old are you anyway? i feel like i am explaining the World Trade Center to a 12 year old.

>> No.8333818

I love K-ON, and same goes for the currently airing Hibike; basically I love KyoAni.

The reason I personally like it so much is that exact reason; it's just a comfy as fuck anime about the high school life I wish I had. Nothing sad just happy feelings.

>> No.8333820

it is an improvement, anon.

>> No.8333834

These kids don't know how easy it is for them to be embarrassing these days. We had to work for it. Seconding not-bullshit as someone who was there...remember WinMX?

>> No.8333841

oh man, i forgot about that. i was obsessed with using custom skins (if i'm remembering that as the right PtP service). anything customizable got an anime/jrock theme, even if it was just Mana-sama-inspired black, blue, and white.

>> No.8333847

I'm still friends with people from the jrock chat there, more than a decade later xD I really miss that scene as silly as it was. There's really nothing comparable these days, or I'm just too old to appreciate the new ways.

>> No.8333856

Jeez, my weeb group did it.
>tfw i was the france
>tfw we made the mexican girl spain

>> No.8333868

i think it's a bit of both, tbh. there isn't anything like it now, but there wasn't anything back then like what weebkids have now.

theory: usually there's gaps of understanding between generations, but technology and commerce change so much now that childhood and adolescence within one generation can be incomprehensible at either end. "Millenials" have moved through so many types of internet-based media that older Millenial weebs (born mid- to late-80s) have had a different kind of weeb phase than younger Millenial weebs born 5-10 years later, just because of rapidly advancing technology and the kind of social world that comes from it.

sitting at a computer in an AOL or WinMx chatroom as a teen, connecting with fellow weebs, and going to cons where everything is closet cosplay, is just a different experience than having tumblr, facebook, and instagram all available on your phone. with greater accessibility comes greater worldwide exchange of media and fanbase growth.

i'm glad it's easier to find shit now... but i also find myself hunting for something obscure or "underground" to get that old feel back.

>> No.8333874

I feel like all this technology, easy access and information would make weebs less cringy but it clearly doesn't.

>> No.8333887

it's actually worse as we never had much evidence of our weeb days and kids nowadays very much do

>> No.8334001


I met her and she ended up being really nice.

>> No.8334008

My heart screamed with excitement even before I clicked the link because I knew what it would be. Bless u

>> No.8334048

> mfw on the bridge between gen y and gen z
I had a weeby childhood with embarrassing nicknames and shitty animu drawings, but by the time I entered the convention scene (at 13?), the Internet was a good place for cosplay resources, FB had started to be or already was a networking tool, and Yaya and Jnig were part of the scene.

>> No.8334058

poor speedycakes. poor sweden.

>> No.8334065

Middle School - not too bad
>Had a Sailor Moon patch on backpack but had no clue what anime was until a girl told me
>No cable so I had to watch Pokemon/Digimon and whatever I could rent from Blockbuster
>Used real chopsticks to hold hair in bun
>Started reading Animerica
>Internet getting popular. Find out about the Anipike
>Bought lots of cute posters at Japanese store
>Was pretty quiet. Just wore Pokemon shirt once in a while along with the chopstick bun

High School - Queen Weeaboo Mallgoth
>Have no idea how high school worked so I ended up in a group with people I had gone through middle school and elementary school with
>A couple liked Sailor Moon, which was cool
>Napster/Kazaa/Limewire/WinMX and other p2p usage. It took months for me to download a 3 meg song because I had dial-up still. Made the more weeby people download animes for me because they had dsl
>Jrock mix CDs. Prior I would make mix tapes by holding up a boombox to the computer speakers/TV before I had CD burning abilities
>Printed out pictures and screenshots and put them on folders.
>RANdUm and +sExUAL+
>Bad art everywhere of OC
>First con I ever went to no longer exists. After that I decided I wanted to cosplay. Made mom make several for me
>Closet cosplay to school. Actually was an ~otaku~ for Halloween one year. Wore an anime shirt, cat ears and carried around a bunch of manga in my arms
>Printed out fanfics for other weeb friends to read. Lemons everywhere
>Anime club introduced me to fansubs. Got ripped off a couple times and never got tapes from sites I ordered from
>Hawt yaoiz. Got a couple doujinshi at cons.
>Was president of anime club from sophomore year through senior. Whole club was full of cringey loud people. Thought it was all hilarious and fun
>Was horribly addicted to Gaia that I ended up screwing off my last year of high school. Ended up taking a fancy test out instead of actually graduating
>Shoplifted a good portion of my manga
>Japanese class at CC


>> No.8334069

18-20 - Cringe to denial
>Found out about a local anime store in the dying mall. Hung out there when I could with people
>Spent Sundays reading stacks of manga in Borders
>Major Gaiafag until 19 when some personal shit between friends went down. No longer friends with them, thankfully. Quit Gaia at 20
>Discover jfash outside of lolita. Cringey (but decently color coordinated) decora and throwing random clothing on
>Asian dramas become life. Deny liking anime and manga
>Sold a lot of my DVDs and manga on ebay, but did keep what I really liked
>No friends so become NEET

Those are just some high/low points. I am much older now and mostly into lolita, but still have a few series I check watch, and occasionally buy old manga. Looking back, I was happy up until the crazy friend split, and I guess that's all that matters. I have a younger sister that is weeby now and has a bunch of my old things that I didn't sell off or give to charity. I hope she looks back on her days in the future with disgust, but slight fondness as well.

>> No.8334073

>Be fourteeen
>figure out how to install mods into Sims2
>recreate my favorite characters in-game
>take a million shitty screenshots
>stick them all in windows movie maker and show friends

>> No.8334116

Weaboo circles of life:

>Not weaboo
>Ashamed of being a weaboo
>Turns into normalfag

>Not weaboo
>Ashamed of being a weaboo
>Becomes a Koreaboo, J-Fash or lolita

>Not weaboo
>Ashamed of being a weaboo
>Enjoys anime in hiding/in a sensible manner

>Not weaboo
>Ashamed of being a weaboo, seeks normal life
>Realizes normal life is full of boring people with boring hobbies
>Realizes that the cringe reflex was childish attempt to distance self from peers
>Old enough to know better than to stop enjoying something that brings happiness
>Goes back to being a weaboo

>> No.8334134

>be actually 1/4th japanese
weebs were the bane of my existence until the end of high school. i lived in a tiny white town and pretty much had to deny my heritage otherwise the weebs would go gaga over me. by the end i ended up becoming their queen ugh.

>> No.8334283
File: 192 KB, 314x236, yeah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>used Japanese phrases in English in conversation with friends
>Wore Hatsune Miku t-shirt religiously
>Did really shit Miku cosplay, had Miku twintails disheveled by the second day
>learned all the Project Diva dances; still know them all to this day
>Still own Matryoshka jacket for the wrong cosplay; paid 65 dollars for

pic related

>> No.8334309

>Not weaboo
>Ashamed of being a weaboo, seeks normal life
>Realizes normal life is full of boring people with boring hobbies
>Realizes that the cringe reflex was childish attempt to distance self from peers
>Old enough to know better than to stop enjoying something that brings happiness
>Goes back to being a weaboo

This. I am not an obnoxious weeb a la "OMG Japan best country!!1" and I try to hide my powerlevel, but otherwise
>still draw manga
>doodle manga everywhere, everytime
>watch animu
>wear Lolita, be brandwhore because burando is japanese and therefore totally superior
>still secretly dream of one day being a published mangaka
>that crushing feeling when I'm not even a well known artist on tumblr
>wear j-fashion almost every day
>still listen to Vocaloid a lot
>almost all of my friends are weebs to various degrees
>still dream about going to Japan for a vacation
>read hentai, doujinshi, fanfictions all day every day
>secretly huge Yaoi-fangirl that ships almost everything as long as it's gay
>wish I could be a cute androgynous anime boy or moe girl
>have husbando, day dream about OTP constantly
>just reserved a figurine

>> No.8334311
File: 40 KB, 799x381, Gen_y_generation_x_baby_boomers_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i had a whole thing about generation names typed out but my phone autorefreshed the page after i tabbed back and i lost the post.

it was offtopic anyway but: the categorization of generations depends on how you count the years. i use a 20-year model, pic related uses 18 years, and the only way you could be on border of Y and Z is if you were underage OR using some crazy system that counts generations in less than 18 years, which is a bit hasty imo.

baby boomers are understood to have been born in the post-WW2 population boom (mid 40s to mid 60s), Gen X has the X becaude it was the 10th generation of Americans and they are mid-60s to mid-80s, then Millenials or Gen 11 up to the early/mid 00s, and the as-yet-unnamed Gen 12 would not be old enough to post on 4chan.

i agree with the spirit of your post (the difference being born in 80s vs 90s) but wanted to nitpick the categorization because people get a bit division-happy when discussing these somewhat arbitrary generation names and i jusy want them to make sense, lol.

>> No.8334315

oops, ment to quote >>8334116

>> No.8334325

>>Napster/Kazaa/Limewire/WinMX and other p2p usage. It took months for me to download a 3 meg song because I had dial-up still. Made the more weeby people download animes for me because they had dsl
>>Jrock mix CDs. Prior I would make mix tapes by holding up a boombox to the computer speakers/TV before I had CD burning abilities
>>Printed out pictures and screenshots and put them on folders.
>tfw all this is very familiar

we could have gotten along great in high school, anon.

>> No.8334341

It's okay anon, you aren't the only one with VHS stuff.

Middle school:
>buy what I can find at FRYS: Really into gundam and get some out of order/multiverse VHS's and models.
>Dream of one day going to a convention go get all the things.
>find occasional pokemon shirts.
>be bad at school because missed a few weeks during the beginning because of a death in my immediate family.
>science teacher only teacher worth a shit and helps me pass during lunch. Also anime club teacher and constant DBZ and Tenchi Muyo.
>Friend lets me borrow Sailor Moon and other manga for reading at designated reading hour.
>like a scrub I go back to reading LOTR

High school:
>Anime club and doing well because got over personal loss bullshit after completing LOTR.
>Find Hellsing/ already love Bram Stoker, this is the gateway to weebdom
>All the toonami bull shit in club and not much interest but a rekindled love for manga in Hellsing and Rurouni Kenshin
>the waiting for releases is the hardest part...

>Go to AX for the first time and get some things I couldn't live without. Still kicking myself for not purchasing Trigun in its entirety because company goes under and now it's worth way more.
>Go see grandma in florida and we go to the rental movie store.
>Find Vampire Hunter D on VHS and sad that I will not only have to return it but will have to find it back home too.
>Amoeba Music has both releases (my weeb heart is full).
>Boarders sells pocket novel ((life complete))
>Author comes to AX 2009 and I get a picture with him and the new mangaka/ autographs of both.
My life is complete. I can die happy and buried with all of my unopened bloodlust figures.
>yep, still weeby but power level has dwindled to only a few titles.

>> No.8334347

I was a weeaboo when cosplay was mostly a Japan-only-so-quirky-harajuku thing, MySpace was a thing (as well as Vampirefreaks, stickam etc), I started weebing slightly after emo became a thing and slightly before scene came onto the... scene.

My life was practically the internet at the time as I consumed American net culture by the buckets and had no friends of my own, most people in my country had no idea what any of it was and only later did we get popular 'scene queens', mostly rich kids who could afford having goffik clothes and pink hair.

I pretended to be half-Japanese online which was ultimate cringe and met some other people who claimed the same. I remember this one girl on Gaia Online that went by Anju or something who wore a maid costume all the time.

Later I stopped being into animoos but remained a fan of Japanese culture, was still a massive weeb for all intents and purposes and had a dumb rivalry with this girl from my class. As a result now I can speak decent-ish Japanese. Addicted to doramas.

Later I got into gyaru and flounced when it became too much of a hassle. Now I'm a slightly weird normalfag, read akamoji magazines and dress like them, people who don't know any better would probably call me a bit of a hipster.

I miss my weeby Narutard days and downloading any vkei music I could find off the net, dial up and the like. Now it's so much easier.

Considering pursuing Japanese further as a hobby but can't help but think that it's a waste of time.

>> No.8334372

According to your table, my younger sibling would be a gen Y, but the kids his age don't really align with the usual description of millennials. Then again, they're young, so it's hard to see how they'll turn out to be.

I was born in 1997. I would place myself more end of Gen Y but I've seen people who put me as start of Gen Z.

> sage for OT

>> No.8334380
File: 117 KB, 364x390, Ha+_130c054b9de871dc0535f9fb7f2ae604.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still wish I had friends that were weeaboos, most of the time I mention Vocaloid, people either get disgusted or don't know what I'm talking about.

>> No.8334419
File: 81 KB, 640x504, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This seriously had me rolling.

I used to be such a fucking weeb.
> talked in butchered Japanese, so sugoi~! Kawaii desuuuu!!! Etc
> begged to go to cons and cosplay, parents finally agreed after a year
> got like a $30 limit for 1 wig and $50 limit for costume
> drew teh animu during school, got teased but semi respected because I was decent....for MS at least
> drew a picture of Link for LoZ and made a collage for the front of my binder
> wasted all of my money on sick anime hot topic shirts, Abbey Dawn clothing line from Kohls cuz *eMo*xD
> was a fucking mall cosplay rat, saw popular girl from school while I was in a wig, never again

Not going to lie I'm really proud of my parents, they were so supportive considering we're from a small town (<600). They put up with it.
This is from when I first got my deviant art, 6th or 7th grade? I was weeb trash but I was blissfully naive and happy.

>> No.8334433
File: 22 KB, 500x374, 1421798310765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-i'll be your friend, Anon-chan. We can trade manga and eat poky.

>> No.8334445

>>8334311 This is awesome, but I find it really hard to relate to what some of the younger weebs say. As >>8333868 says I feel like the way Internet access became a necessity rather than a luxury rather rapidly really changed the way we consumed media, especially more unusual media like anime.

I was born in 1987, grew up in the UK. I didn't have Sky TV probably until about 2005. By that time, they'd stopped showing Sailormoon and pretty much the only things Cartoon Network showed were Gundam Wing, Tenshi Muyo and Dragonball Z. Still, these are great shows so I wasn't complaining.

Weekend mornings was the Sci-Fi channels 2 hour slot of anime programming, Saiko Exciting. By today's standards it comes across pretty racist but still, it showed Excel Saga, Nadesico, and Neon Genesis Evangelion (dubbed ofc). When I see people posting that their first anime was Death Note it makes me feel so fucking old.

I used to download MP3s from Limewire and learn the lyrics off animelyrics.com, even though the website was/is terrible for its romaji. Evangelion was taped off the TV and passed around the school, and I got really ridiculously excited for ~teh ya0iz~ near the end, like shaking with excitement levels. I purchased literally every single piece of Eva tat I could get my hands on. Now I'm just chucking it away because my hentai figs need the space.

My first "convention" was the very first London Expo (when it was still called this and not MCM Expo London Comiccon or w/e). I cosplayed Selphie in a dress made of corduoroy that I'd sewn by hand. I didn't know about darts so I just kept taking in the side seams till it fitted right-ish. The idea of buying costumes off someone was ridiculous because everybody looked really shit, but you were all having a good time.

Cosplay is way more competitive now; that's fine for the masquerade but I think it's a shame that we ridicule people when their first costumes look shite, but gang up on them when they're commissioned/ebayed.

>> No.8334446

>I was born in 1997

Jesus christ.

I do agree that you should be Gen Z though. I feel that kids born after 1993-1994 seem to be part of a different generation from those born in 1980-1993

>> No.8334459

>By today's standards it comes across pretty racist
Tumblr pls

>> No.8334591

the issue is "generation" implies a range of childhood-to-adulthood, and a 13 year span is not long enough for one group of people to be born and mature enough to begin a new generation. that's why the 20-year model is standard (also a nice round number).

but technology is changing so fast that people born within the same generation are having rapidly different childhoods. this was arguably the case for Baby Boomers but in the social sense: those born after WW2 would have a radically different childhood than those born during the Vietnam War.

saaaage for continued offtopicness, my autism levels are bothered by the zeitgeist-based, unstandardized generation measurements. like using feet and inches and yards instead of rational metrics.

>> No.8334608

I'm right here with you, man

>> No.8334646

It all started with that damn Usuki doll and buying clothing for it. Now I know I've always had a shopping problem.

>> No.8334649

>MSN groups Sukisyo roleplaying
>Self-insert Evangelion fanfics
>wearing clothes a la Yu Gi Oh! and boasting ~duelist grrrrl~ status
>Photobucket filled with low res anime pics
>Each notebook cover devoted to a husbando
>Poorly drawn sakura flowers all over my backpack and Kero stuffed toy in the side pocket
>Odango buns and chopsticks to hold them

>> No.8334656

If these days were so fun, why has nobody made the attempt to go back?

>> No.8334659

We can never go back, we'd be constantly aware of how cringey we are and it wouldn't be fun.

>> No.8334660

Because that would be social suicide and there's nobody to do it with anymore
Plus I'm sure many of us have grown up enough to become self-aware and it wouldn't be fun and careless anymore for that reason alone

>> No.8334675

as for me its
>not weeaboo
>ashamed of being a weeaboo
>get into videogames, look down on 90% of anime
m-my hobby is so less embarrassing now right

>> No.8334733

>Be me in 7th grade when I really got into anime thanks to friends I made who were also fellow otaku and gamers
>Obsessed over One Piece, first anime crush was Luffy and later Franky
>Attempted making an animation out of Windows PowerPoint making fun of the 4Kids dub of One Piece after discovering original Japanese version
>Went to library every day after school to work on the shitty "parody"
>Saved the work on a CD, later ran out of storage space and the CD corrupted so had to cancel that project (thank God, it was so horrible)
>Had a WebTV with dial-up so couldn't watch anime, had to read OP manga online
>Attempted Japanese in typical weeaboo fashion (like pronouncing neko as nee-ko)
>Spent a lot of time on APForums back when almost everyone there was such a dick
>One time we "raided" the 4Kids message boards acting like complete retards
>Made friends with someone from APForums who made his own anime forum boards with invision free
>More new friends joined boards and had great times together, we suddenly split ways and never talked again
>Spent a SHIT ton of time playing SA2B on Gamecube raising Chao
>Enter high school, new obsession was Bleach, new crushes were Renji, Ichigo and Kenpachi
>First cosplay was Orihime, had a pair of blue flower Dollar Tree brand hairpins, a plain v-neck lilac colored shirt and a wool magenta colored skirt that was hot as hell to wear
>Next obsession was Fullmetal Alchemist, got my little sister into it when she was about 8 or 9
>A lot of guys liked me, but never had a bf in junior high or high school since i was busy obsessing over anime guys, had some crushes on real guys but nothing more than that
>Attempted at making manga, high school drawings were mainly a detective with an egg shaped head and weird rod sticking out of it
>Attempted making my own style but failed miserably, also constantly had to revise the detective story since i made it way too complicated to be a mystery genre

Yep, good times for being a naive little shit.

>> No.8334752


Try drugs. Grab a big bag of psychedelics and a whole bunch of MDMA and you'll realize that there is no 'self-awareness', only inhibitions with different labels and different justifications and that they can be broken down and destroyed. You'll understand that you can go back and restructure your personality permanently and it will feel right.

>> No.8334757


That video, and many like it.

>> No.8334758
File: 52 KB, 285x302, 1393801654216.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8334761
File: 459 KB, 1496x1384, femaleotakustereotypesio6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have this image saved from a while ago back when weaboos were relevant. Which one were you?

>> No.8334804

Still a yaoi fangirl, but less fat so I can camouflage myself in society

>> No.8334816
File: 518 KB, 902x2081, 6079804645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was a Gaiafag that turned into an /a/ lurker but now I'm 100% /a/non.

>> No.8334818

irritating white japanophile, now with added autism

>> No.8334853

My biggest thing when I was in high school was that I wanted to go to cons and cosplay kingdom hearts. I remember being so excited watching cosplay skits or con videos...I would tell my mom that I was so excited to make costumes and go to cons. I never had the money or time though. I'm glad I missed the bad cosplay phase though.

>discovering yaoi in middle school
>printing out fan art of my favorite pairings because I never knew of posters/prints and was poor anyway
>Eventually I started printing out pictures of my favorite cosplayers
>printing out fanfic to read in class

I was the biggest closet weeb ever, I didnt end up with weeb friends until college. Finally went to a con in 2013. All my years of waiting have finally been paying off.

>> No.8334873

i was underage cancer... Now i understand why i wasnt japanophile or weeb trash

>> No.8334877

Fucking /a/non female. Casually stuck in there as a 'best' option for weeb elitists or self hating weebs.

>> No.8334878

haha I was a fat yaoi fangirl and now ive transitioned to gamer and internet stalker

>> No.8334881
File: 48 KB, 330x180, tRwQ3dg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aw man, I loved the SAB2 chao gardens. Me and my best friend spent so much time raising them, giving just the right combo of animals for the traits we wanted, perfecting their stats as babies so they'd turn into the right type, breeding them for special colors, collecting enough rings to buy the expensive eggs or hats, training them to run races and fight in karate... Our gardens had all the toys like the TV, ball, radio, and rocking horse. It was great.

We were so amazed when we discovered you could breed chao to get two-toned and different shiny colors. After a while, we figured out chaos chao and made a few of those. SAB2 was the shit. I wish they would make a game with a chao garden as good as SAB2's. I'd buy the game just for that feature.

>> No.8334964

What about the "Aidoru" that did dance covers, tried to sing and thought they were going to become a "kawaii pop idol!" I had a few friends like that growing up.

>> No.8334976
File: 98 KB, 618x807, absolutelydisgusting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone willing to dig up their old, disgraceful fan art? I love looking at weeb art.
Pic related is the first drawing I ever put online.

>> No.8335048

Did you get good grades for it?

>> No.8335109
File: 551 KB, 1000x714, Render_Just_be_Friends.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drwa a bunch of anime pictures, Disciver cute chibi style. Went to bookstore and bought "how to draw chibis" ask the info costumer service dude if they had more chibi books he looks on the computer and says we have "chibi vampire" i ask was that he takes me there, Thats how i got my 1st manga and got suck in to the weebo life, me a ndbest friend loved and started to love the lolita style have a bunch of striped socks and tutu's from Hot topic. drea of being a mangaka>>>try to be normal couldnt take it went back to my animeshit post a bunch of vocaloids videos on a video game fb group. Admin tells me is a problem,but he also enjoys vocaloid start private messaging about anime shit w/ him became friends with him and now we are dating. We try to hold our power levels in public but when we are together it feels like im back to my happy weeb days and make references/jokes about anime (^-^)/

>> No.8335133

you posted "Just Be Friends" art... you sure you're happy with your bf?

>> No.8335135

^^^^^ sorry about all misspelled words i usually just lurk a lot

>> No.8335138

so far yup.
I just really like the charcter design of that video since it was the one that got me into vocaloid

>> No.8335161
File: 224 KB, 799x606, EFFORT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went looking on my DA and found this gem.

> of course I drew animu for a class project, of course

>> No.8335235

This picture is massively inaccurate. They should all be fat, except, maybe, for the attention whore.

>> No.8335408

I can't remember much except
>shitty long hair, looked bad not styled at all
>pants were too tight
>borrowed friend's shoes with skulls on them
>tried makeup
>nail polish
>would try to tease my hair but I didn't know what I was doing, hair very thick anyways so it didn't come out well
>say I was emo
>was actually just retarded
>"slit" my wrist cause I was emo
>actually just used thumbtacks to scrape myself on the wrist
[spoilersdontworkoncgl]>accidentally ate mac n cheese with maggots in it[nospoilertagsherem8]
tasted very good though

>> No.8335447

What are torrents?

>> No.8335502
File: 18 KB, 178x161, protag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dammit anon I had a mouthful of ramen (because what else to read this thread to amirite)

>> No.8335519

More deets on the maggots&cheese pls

>> No.8335540

Let's see I would happen to be:
>hikikomori internet stalker

Yep, both sum me up perfectly.

>> No.8335650

Sure, there's not much to say about it though.
>at friend's house
>kinda trashy, didn't care
>pans with food were out for who knows how long, just figured we'd wash them to make mac n cheese
>let my friend do it while I did whatever else somewhere
>he pretty much sets up the whole thing
>don't feel like using bowls, or they're dirty or something so we're eating straight out of the pan
>halfway through it I actually look at the thing
>I see something dark
>"what is that, jake?"
>"i dunno brandon, I think it's part of the mac 'n' cheese"
>"no man it can't be"
>lift it up in my spoon/fork (can't remember) and clean off the pasta around it
>it's a maggot
>in between freaking out and running the pan to the kitchen we literally each take another bite
>clean the pan like there's no fucking tomorrow
>make some more mac 'n' cheese from a different box/brand
It wasn't the same, man. It didn't taste as good. Also, strangely enough, that happened in the same period of time where we were taking care of meal worms in science class. They looked exactly the same, but they had to have been maggots.

>> No.8335655

I forgot to mention, there were more than just that one maggot. It was filled with them. Not sure how we didn't notice sooner.

>> No.8335665
File: 207 KB, 400x255, spitsoutcoffeelll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Captcha: Choose the pasta

>> No.8335680
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I don't know if it's cause I'm generally really mellow, but we never thought it was a huge deal. We were laughing while we were grossed out then, and I think it's hilarious even now, thinking back on it. Fun times

>> No.8335707
File: 498 KB, 250x150, Ughhh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry, anon, I'm feeling all the disgust for you.

>> No.8335709
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>> No.8335715
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>> No.8335724
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>> No.8335728

>Also, strangely enough, that happened in the same period of time where we were taking care of meal worms in science class. They looked exactly the same, but they had to have been maggots.
dude, meal worms get into all kinds of prepackaged foods. their eggs are tiny or something, they can go unnoticed for a while. i've gotten them in peanut butter cups--a whole bag--then looked it up and found i was not the only one. it is not that uncommon to find mealworms in prepackaged food or stuff made from it. it is more likely than fly larvae anyway, especially if your friend washed the stuff you were using and the mac n cheese bits were straight out of a seemingly unopened package. a fly couldn't get in there, but fucking meal worms can be sealed up with food at the factory and survive a long time.

>tl;dr if it looked like mealworms, it probably was

>> No.8335731
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You seem pretty knowledgeable about this stuff. I just know they were there and I ate them

>> No.8335828

Nah, it really did do some shit you wouldn't get away with now. It would say ollientar and do that stupid palms-together bow and play "I'm turning japanese" at random points. It was a pretty cringey show all in.

>> No.8335834

What I hate is the moths that come after.
We had to move to be free from the moths.

>> No.8335970
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You know what? I have an office job, a boyfriend, dress like an "cute" adult (florals, muted pastels, skirts & dresses) and a college degree. I pretty much have a "normal" life. But I miss my weeb phase because I was so much happier and everything was so easy. I could easily fawn over ships, read fanfics, watch low-quality anime and collected every japanese thing you could find without feeling like I appropiate japanese culture. Now I'm just judging everything and everybody, nothing is good enough, everything is cringe-y.

>> No.8336179

OP here holy pocky my thread was appreciated i see, good to see that <3 also happy to see some of you happy. Keep going anons

>> No.8336231
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I was a lonely person during my weeb-phase, so I hid my power levels really well until I did a presentation about Ghibli in english class and wrote an essay about Hetalia. I pretty much just read manga and fanfiction. A bit later in that phase I found one friend who also liked Hetalia, and we had insanely long RP:s.

I did draw a lot of fanart though, picture related. I'm grateful for all the practice I've had since then, I've developed so much and my faces don't look like long rectangles anymore.

>> No.8336239

>>Born in 1997

Good lord. I feel so old.

>> No.8336245

>having to make trips to shady places in China town for bootleg vhs anime tapes with literally the worst subtitles.

Kids these days don't know how good they have it.

>> No.8336247


>Loves Anime so much would die for it
>Sees Anime haters
>Writes 3 pages paragraph against them
>Breaks down
>Sacrifices blood for Monokuma
>Warns Haters for hating Anime, and threatens that they'll be killed
>Gets punched in the face.

I hatw weeab days.

>> No.8336250

Fanartist/moralfag, turn underage cancer.

>> No.8336260

I remember almost this exact experience Anon.

I still call it Expo. Even people my own age, or just a couple of years younger are like 'what's that?'
It was something magical back in 2009 (I was a late congoer) but I still get that magic sometimes at Kita etc.


I taped Beyblade and Yu-Gi-Oh for my friend and my other friend's sister because I was the only one with Sky and Channel 5.
We did get Sailor Moon on Toonami because I barged my way into my friend's hosue at 7am to watch it. She wasn't a weeb at all so that was awkward.
I drew a lot of Ray fanart. He was my 'boyfriend' and Mariah was evil. Then I got into Gundam Wing and suddenly every character was gay. Then I got into cosplay and suddenly I was gay too.

I also printed out fics to take to school. I remember freaking out when the guy in front of me mentioned liking Kingdom Hearts, then waiting for three years to get a PS2 and finish playing it when my friend took it back.

I live with my BFF now and he's into classics and politics and stuff, but he still fondly remembers me making him watch FMA and drawing transmutation circles in the sand on Welsh beaches. Despite neither of us watching Naruto, we both have the opening for it on our ipods from the early 2000s. God bless.

>> No.8336328

did anyone else ever rp on youtube? Like when your channel layouts were customizable and you would use a template to edit in your character and stuff.


>> No.8336424

Used to be a gaiafag and fanartist, now I"m a cynical gaiafag that just complains on site feedback from time to time, and still a fanartist. I also still watch anime and lately have been into those idol shows, Love Live, Pripara etc.

To be honest the community of fanartists I dwell in are all rather open about liking anime, pairing shit up etc. and within all sorts of age ranges.

The only thing that sucks is that they all mostly like yaoi the most and even tho I like it I've never been that much into it. Man I just want to talk about cute straight shoujo-tier pairings...

More weeb memories; used to RP some sort of Naruto akatsuki thing and everyone's OC was overpowered as fuck and almost all of them were related to the uchiha clan. Mine wasn't, I was the mysterious one. Not because I was less weeb but because I felt awkward about giving my OC a backstory since I would always worry if it was stupid or not. Oh silly young me.

>> No.8336429
File: 35 KB, 798x375, FallingForCoffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did this when I first watched Coffee Prince during the early 2000's. I really wish I still had my really embarrassing fan art.

>> No.8336788

damn those hands are drawn well

>> No.8336808

A bit.
My YouTube username was some character's name and sometimes I'd forget, comment on a video, and get a bunch of replies like "HAHA <character name> WHY ARE YOU WATCHING THIS VIDEO. DID YOU LOSE A BET TO <other character>?"

>> No.8336867


Not that guy but expo 2009 was a really good year, both October and May. I started going much earlier than that but I remember 2009 being particularly good for some reason.

>> No.8336876

I actually got a letter from my former weeby self a few days ago. In eighth grade, our teacher had us write letters that would be sent to us when we graduated high school. If I can get through it without cringing too hard, I'll post it here. It also is full of embarrassing drawings

>> No.8336924


Stop visiting tumblr.

No, that's not a quick witted retort to a mention of cultural appropriation. The place is literally making you depressed, what you don't realize is that somewhere between the upper and lower echleons of society is a class of people who have had it good, really good, but not so good that they live in an ivory tower. These people are crushed by insatiable guilt, guilt over racial politics, guilt over social issues, guilt over gender issues and so on. They are people who have become aware of 'progressive thinking' via the internet whilst being raised in America's conservative cul-de-sacs. They hate themselves for this and they want everyone else to feel the same because they think everyone else is just like them. Why do you think there are so many self-help posts? The community is self-loathing. Some seek to shift blame through social justice issues, others simply just detest themselves.

Imagine tumblr as a boyfriend, girlfriend or parent. Now read a 'signs of abuse' masterpost. You know the ones I mean. Now ask yourself if this is a relationship your younger self would have approved of.

It guilt trips you, shames you, forces you to change to meet its ideals while you blame yourself for being yourself. It's a relentless steamroller of conflicting beliefs and contradicting ideals yet requires you to meet its standards every time. It angers you and makes you sad but you can't fight back because you know it's bigger and you're scared of the backlash. You want to leave but it won't let you, you've become dependent on it. Stockholm syndrome. It only makes you feel better through empty words and hollow compliments. It doesn't push you to be thinner, stronger or prettier. It tells you you're fine the way you are, because misery loves company and misery thrives in the comfort zone. Because the people who are really happy or strong don't surround themselves in a vortex of blame and negativity, they can't afford to.

>> No.8336929

Oh please do! We did the same shit when I was in high school, only that I burned mine after reading the first paragraph...

>> No.8336947

Jesus fuck that sounds like a twilight zone episode but about 200% more terrifying. Can't wait.

>> No.8336966

All the yes! Tumblr sucks the joy out of everything, if you are already depressed, tumblr would make it worse for you by for sing all that useless crap. Also it portraits apathy and lazyness on a positive light and that's just fucked up.
Like, yeah, its okay to feel sad sometimes because of depression or anxiety, but life won't stop just because of that and perpetually feeling self pity won't solve anything, you have to work on your own shit if you want to move on and being someone. But try to say that to fucking tumblrinas, implying that people have to overcome their issues and work hard is worse than cursing their mothers.
My point is, to hell with tumblr. Their hive mind is a load of shit.

>> No.8336967

Tumblr/SJW culture is not a parent or boyfriend, it's a creepy cult that instead of Jesus Christ Our Lord and Saviour worships and preaches about trannies and minorities.

>> No.8336998

You made me cry, Anon-chan.
This is so true, Tumblr is a toxic community filled to the brim with self deprecating sociopaths.
There are no weebs like in the older days anymore because they have turned into tumblr brand of "nerds" these past years. It's awful.

>> No.8337005

And if you preach against it and you fail, they are able to dox you a ruin your fucking life. Just look what happened to Plebcomics or search up the user Vade...

>> No.8337166

I want to marry a hikki!

>> No.8337180
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>be carefree weeaboo, keep to myself
>watching anime late at night on computer after parents fell asleep
>ramen all day erry day, wanting to go to the mall all the time to go in the back of FYE for japanese goods and borders/waldenbooks
>tried to have straight black azn hair, ended up being a frizzy gross mess
>draw real good
>flash forward a few years, get harassed by a "friend" real bad over all of the above and a developing ed at the time
>"friend" moves away
>lose interest in everything japanese for a few years, distance myself as much as possible from it
>can't get back into things anymore despite multiple attempts

There's just some kind of mental block, I don't know. Everything's much different now, and I just can't adapt. I like general Japanese lifestyle things, but when I watch anime I can't sit through it and the art now is so ugly. I can't read anything new because I just hate it and myself. I think maybe being around people with the same interests would help me, but I hide my power levels so I avoid cringe. My appearance would probably give them the impression that I'm a tryhard, when in fact I'm the biggest fucking closet otaku with knowledge about really obscure shit.

Hopefully one day I'll get over it.

>> No.8337517


Despite what people say about nostalgia, I maintain that anime today is not as good as it was even in the late 00s. You can tell the difference when you watch newer series back to back with older ones, even if you've not seen either one.

I think the issue is multi-faceted, but mainly stems from a lack of culture. Internet culture as a whole has died, 4chan is pretty much irrelevant. and tumblr is the only place that maintains a web presence as a place for internet folk. The widespread adoption of the internet has turned the things nerdy people like (Anime, cosplay, videogames, the internet) into toys for casuals and trendsters. Forgetting the whole 'filthy casual' meme, these people do not bring much to the table culturally, if anything they only dilute the culture further. To weaboos and nerds going through important steps in their life such as leaving school, going to college or graduating, they create the illusion that everyone has grown up and gotten a life. Many people will actually follow because they feel it's the right thing to do, others will fall halfway in places like Reddit and tumblr.

Whether it was shrieking weaboos or greasy sci-fi fans, anime culture has always had a unique culture and presence, you've come of age in an era where they have none, that's why you haven't grown out of it naturally and feel uncomfortable about being unable to enjoy it - you're still young and it's not time to grow up yet. You need to create your own scene; create your own culture. As a young anime fan you inherited the weeb culture that came before you, but you haven't created your own - you've let mainstream interest destroy the whole thing; it's a fad that will die and there will need to be a culture to replace it. That's where you come in: As anime fans and cosplayers who aren't in it for the fashion, people like you are the only ones qualified to rebuild it - the future is waiting for you. You are literally the cogs that will move things forward.

>> No.8337529

>Be 11-12 years old 6th grader
>Tiny-ass school
>Have just one friend, everyone else bully me.
>Cold workaholic parents.
>Being your full-time 2edgy emo kid
>Finds comfort in animu
>Best. Shit. EVER!!11!!
>start watching Rozen maiden, Chobits and elfen lied.
>Get my friend into animu
>Sing aloud to j-pop and An-Caffe
>She brings me shitty bootleg anime DVD's and I bought her ugly Chinese Nendoroid keychains.
>We read weird underground comics and violent manga her brother collected.
>Tries to dance every para-para song we could.
>Talk on msn filled with Japanese emoticons during the summer
>School life was a shit, but I was so happy and enthusiastic all the time because I had a hobby and a friend who loved me.
It all went rolling downhill after the happy years of being a weeb.

>> No.8337707

oldfag here. I was in middle school when toonami first started airing, lucky me!
A normal day back then would be something like:
>talk about favorite characters with friend while waiting for bus
>RP sailor moon on the bus to/from school
>sing the intro in english then in "japanese"
>re-enact DBZ battles with our keychains
>at school, inside of locker/ID/notebooks/etc all completely decked out in anime stickers and fanart
>pass notes to friends using our nicknames, e.g. I was V-babe, and poorly drawn art
>any homework/project that required art, I would find a way to incorporate anime into it
>bus ride home, repeat actions from this morning
>go to friend's house (or vice versa) and watch toonami while doing homework
>midnight run on cartoon network
>so many anime vhs tapes

Rinse & repeat, then high school:
>pretty much the same as middle school except now we can drive ourselves
>pleated skirts and floppy socks, all day erry day
>random japanese words everywhere
>weekly allowance always went into buying anime
>giggling over how kakkoii senpai looks in such-and-such manga at borders
>printing out fanfiction to share at a sleepover
>weiss kreuz marathons and dancing to gravitation songs
>flash videos courtesy of newgrounds
>hey have you heard of this new site called 4chan

Towards the end of high school I was losing interest in anime because it was getting popular to the point that many of the series I was following (such as Naruto/Detective Conan) was getting licensed in the US, and consequently the fansubbers/scanlations I was reading were being discontinued. By the time college started, I had stopped completely and 10 years later I am now beginning to get back into anime again.

>> No.8337753

Oh god, I remembered one.
My friends and I were all VERY into Hamtaro in 5th grade, and we all played the Gameboy games for it, that all had the hamster lingo in them. We used to pass notes in class and use the ham-chat as secret code. Good times.

>> No.8337775


You missed anime of 2006-2007? Damn you've got some good stuff to catch up on. Haruhi, Lucky Star, Black Lagoon, Code Geass, Death Note, Magipoka, TTGL...I wish I could rewatch all these for the first time again.

>> No.8337783

I was very into hetalia and did a horrible "soap opera" with it. and my annoying younger weeb-self's attempts at "lolita" ugh...
I had the "its ok to be an ita cuz it's cute
attitude.... uuuggghh

>> No.8337810
File: 14 KB, 450x240, makingfiends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boy, reading through this thread...

>Elementary school
>First anime was Speed Racer
>Little bro and I came up with a "dance" to the opening that involved us spinning around and around with our arms out like a helicopter until the music stopped
>Bro decorated his entire room Speed Racer themed, including a carpet and a life-sized cardboard cutout of Speed
>VHS tapes galore
>Pokemon comes out
>Get yellow Tommy Hilfiger GBC
>I get Red, bro gets Blue
>Begin collecting Pokemon cards, figures, plush, VHS tapes, any piece of merchandise that has a Pokemon on it
>Pokemon vs. Digimon joins the big debates at school, up there with NSYNC vs. Backstreet Boys and Britney vs. Christina
>move to a new school in 5th grade, shit sucks
>bond with a group of guys over Yu-Gi-Oh mid-year
>future middle school groupies

>Middle school
>Became SEGAtard
>Bought all the 4Kids Sonic X DVDs
>Joined Neopets and the Sonic RP scene
>RP all day on AIM and/or Neoboards
>"Knuckles is my husbando"
>Tape shittily printed pictures of Knuckles to inside of locker
>Buy every single Knuckles Archie comic I can find
>Get a t-shirt spraypainted with a Knuckles head at a shady booth at the mall
>Wear that shit to my bat mitzvah
>Play Sonic the Fighters
>"Fang the sniper is my husbando"
>Write Fang fanfiction on FF.net
>Spend $60 on (bootleg) Fang plush
>Muffinfilms and Making Fiends

Apparently, Making Fiends got picked up by Nickelodeon some time ago...


>> No.8337813
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>High school
>Begin hiding power level, limiting it to the occasional shirt and decorated Trapper Keeper binders with a collage of 100x100 MSN icons
>Still watch anime in secret, mostly mainstream stuff like Naruto and One Piece
>Begin reading manga after finding friend's SGT Frog stash at New Year's
>Took up Japanese in 10th grade and went to Japanese school on Saturdays
>Tutored Japanese family that moved in town
>Learned more about Japanese culture than just anime and manga
>Family invited me to visit in Chiba, Japan when they moved back after graduation
>amazing 2 week vacation
>pic related

Meeting that family was the most life-changing thing to happen to me. It was because I tutored their kids that I got interested in teaching and pursing Japanese studies outside of anime. They also contributed to my decision to double major when I got to university. I studied abroad in Tokyo for a year and had the best time of my life. Met a lot of people from around the world, became pretty fluent in the language, and caught up with the Japanese family--one of their kids just got into the school I studied at over there. Heard about the JET Programme when I came back and decided to apply since it was right up my alley and though I did get accepted in March, I had to turn it down because of economic reasons.

I'm graduating on Friday and if I had never gotten into anime, I would have never become the person I am today. So thanks, anime.

>> No.8337824

>"Knuckles is my husbando"
>Tape shittily printed pictures of Knuckles to inside of locker
>Buy every single Knuckles Archie comic I can find
>Get a t-shirt spraypainted with a Knuckles head at a shady booth at the mall
>Wear that shit to my bat mitzvah
I'm sorry but this was hilarious to me.

Touching ending though. Congrats. I apparently don't have any positive reaction images.

>> No.8337833
File: 708 KB, 900x1320, Suigintou.full.1574334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW my first "real" anime was Rozen Maiden
>Watched on youtube

Good times. I also remember sophmore-senior year of high school going to school with a bunch of anime/vocaloid stuff on my binder. Not so good.

>> No.8337840


God, that wasn't even the end of it. I have no idea why I was so obsessed over Knuckles, but I was. After 8th grade graduation, the whole grade level went for a big party at Main Event and there was a guy there hired to do caricatures. I had brought my Knuckles plush with me, like I did everywhere I went, and asked him to draw a picture of me and the plush. I was so happy with the result that I had it framed.

I found it recently clearing out the garage and tossed it.

>> No.8337845

I remember watching Bleach in 3 parts on YouTube back in early high school. Good times.

>> No.8337863

10/10 would laugh, would cry again
>10/10 would laugh, would cry again

>> No.8337876

uh...pretend that is a green drop shadow, or an echo.

>> No.8337935
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Oh my god, mine did too. I had no idea what it was back then so I was extremely confused
>I was Japan because I had bangs
>One person in group started shit because they wanted to be Japan
>Went as far as to threaten to cut my bangs and wear them herself

>> No.8337975

...you know that the western fans you're describing (tumblr, 4chan, etc) never had an effect on the anime industry, right? So zeroeffect on shows made.

I agree it's gotten worse though. But mostly because of shift in Eastern audience. The industry is much more fueled by the money of people watching only for fanservice, so there are more and more plot-light shows made

You know that person posted their workplace phone number online and dared people to call it right? A dumbass is a dumbass is a dumbass, calling doxing so easily makes u look like a 40yo soccer mom scared of cyberbullying.

>> No.8338029
File: 27 KB, 523x719, 25085_110247869002859_6706064_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man, my weeb days. SO first off, I went to high school with one side of my hair bleached and the other half was just left my natural color.
I would bring my CURE magazines to school {I had a ton of them, I'd stuff them in my back pack}.

I was also the weeb who would not bathe, it was pretty gross. I would wear oversized Deathnote shirts with Tripp pants. I would always hate the "preps" also.

I was a huge yaoi fangirl, big into Gravitation and would squeal out "na no da". Typing this is kinda painful to me. Oh, I also drank nothing but coke and monster.

By the way, this was my OC. I named him Moco-Chang. When I was on myspace, I had someone edit a loli character {some dog girl character from a dating sim} as him.
Awful part is? I paid for the edit.

>> No.8338034
File: 45 KB, 450x625, l_ed5cdc24aedef34afa79e6351f060b42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and here it is

>> No.8338105
File: 52 KB, 425x600, 1187103721457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's ok I used this pic of sonico for years without knowing who sonico was because I typed "anime music girl" into Google for a profile pic on chat websites and MySpace

Don't get me wrong I love sonico now but in middle school I was totally mortified when I found out

>> No.8338114

Ugh. Weeby weeb days. Went through a brief "zomg random kawaii punk" phase and then watched and read more shoujo and idol series. Second half of high school I was convinced I would be an aidoru in Japan. I tried dressing cuter and practiced cute phrases and faces all the time. Ugh. It was cringe but nonetheless fun for myself back then.

>> No.8338116

Honestly, I did that for a while, but instead it was with a character from KHR named Belphegor. I still like the character and anime, but....I basically used him as a face claim for {yet another} OC.

I'm digging through my old flash drive and finding all of my old shit. lol

>> No.8338121

Hearing the Spiral opening gets me. Fuck. That song brings back too many memories.

>> No.8338204

I watched code geass already and actually just finished madoka yesterday (I'm assuming that's what magipoka is). Death note was one of the mango I was reading before it got licensed. I've been wanting to watch haruhi; I enjoyed the clips that I've seen thus far. What's TTGL?

Anyone have recs? I'm mostly just choosing what to watch next based on netflix popularity and what cgl talks about. I've gathered that I must see Jojo, for example.

>> No.8338456
File: 72 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My weeaboo phase was from grades 6-8, I was timid creature and hung out with asain kids at school, they somehow accepted me even though they were relatively normal, I also had a few weeb friends outside of school

>wore cat ears and bell to school (mostly grade 7)
> didn't pay attention in class, just drew gibbled moe anime grills
>crazy fujoshit, I was quite secretive of this fact, I bought steamy yaoi manga from chapters and hid them inside a chair in my room, I even started watching gay porn
>danced the night away in my room to j-pop
>resented the fact that I wasn't born japanese
>went to the local university for some hot asain eye candy
>pigged out on snacks from the asain market
>pretended to like sushi even though it made me gag

I suppose my weeb days were typical for the most part. I went through a transition where I completely rid myself of anything weeaboo, I stopped watching anime, gave away all my manga, stopped cosplaying and it actually stayed that way. I watch anime occasionally, and I'm still into japanese shit, but I dont fetishize asain dudes anymore and I'm much more cool/hot

>> No.8338499

Holy fucking SHIT, I remember when deviantART was obsessed with this.

>> No.8338512

I was expecting cringe from thinking back to my weaboo phase when this thread actually gives me feels instead.

> be me
> middle school
> was OBSESSED with Sgt. Frog/Keroro Gunsou
> wanted to marry Giroro for fuck knows why
> made a necklace of his face in art club
> bought an action figure "from teh Japans!!!!1" and a stupid tiny purse of his face
> so many damn OCs
> so many damn Mary Sues
> main OC was a personified version of me who Giroro falls in love with (and for some reason gets involved in a love triangle with Giroro's brother, Garuru)
> even made OCs based off of a band I really loved (and still do to this day) (re: Coheed and Cambria)
> made ~~~manga~~~ comics of me and my friends going on shitty weaboo adventures that didn't even happen 90% of the time, even in high school
> posted them on dA all the time
> was probably known as "that weird girl who draws"
> still has some of those shitty drawings from middle school

But man, those were simpler and happier times.

>> No.8338516

>was obssessed with Naruto. reading fanfiction, participating in forums and collecting fanarts.
It was pretty painful to see a promising serie go down the shitter. But that's the fate of most shounenshit.

I like gayporn but yaoi has never been my thing. I watched gravitation to see what the big deal was about and the only romance I felt for was the heterosexual one.
I also never pretended to be Japanese.

Nothing very embarassing apart from a massive case of shittaste combined with an unhealthy involvement in an online fandom.

I fell into weabery in my 20's though. And that's a shamefur dispray.

>> No.8338517

>watched inuyasha, family guy and robot chickene everynight despite only being 10ish and not getting like any of the jokes
>RPed inuyasha everyday at recess
>boy who liked me was inuyasha so suggested i be kagome
>liked miroku in the anime but whatever.
>annoying kid in class was shippo
>would get money to buy food up the street and spend it in local anime shop buying inuyasha gatcha pins, love hina wall scrolls and fruits basket hats
>read manga in public library daily and went on neopets
>found out inuyasha was "in love with me" since 5th grade (year we started rping) after i moved away a few years later

>> No.8338586
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Girl I knew in 9th Grade
>ap science
>girl in my class is goth, little did I know
>does a country project about Japan
>dresses up as schoolgirl (costume is green striped I think)
>boys in class are triggered cause she's "weird as fuck"
>I think she's cute
>ride on same bus with her and always sits next to me, try to avoid associating because don't want to look weird in front of normal friends.
>I tell her to sit somewhere else and she hits me occasionally and calls me baka (pretty sure now she was trying to be tsundere)
>texts in Japanese, tells me she's going to Japan (exchange student), she actually knows Japanese
>went to the mall with her friends dressed up as an anime character
>avoid her enough she gives up and actually moves next semester probably was stressed, regret because I liked her and I was a dick and never got to apologize
Different girl 10th grade
>Dyed blond hair
>Draws chibis all Spanish class
>ask her what they are cause I was normal as fuck
>quietly tells me what they are, probably embarrassed.
>She is in love with ouran host club and later madoka magica
>Talks about it to her friends and on Facebook
>asks me to go to the fair with her - "maybe I'll let you know"
>stop talking to her because "anime is weird and gay"
>later decide I liked her and started watching anime to try to relate with her and the other girl.
>Too late anyways
This is the story of how I became a closet weeaboo

>> No.8338611
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When I was little I have DBZ and Sailor moon on tv which was pretty great but I never really knew what anime was
>be 15
>discover FMA at local library
>it begins
>print out pictures of muh husbando
>notebooks,walls and computer become shrines to husbando god
>be token weeb chick in japanese class at school
>made horrid ~wa lolita~ dress for school fashion show (though it was pretty well made I must admit)
>go to first con and act like total weeb trash while wearing said dress with matching hot pink lolita boots that I paid way to much for
>get lots compliments from fellow milanoo-tier lolitas
It makes me cringe but I was so happy to make so many friends and have lots of fun doing what we loved

>> No.8338642

This is the most embarassing thing I've ever read. What are you, 13 years old? Grow the fuck up.

>> No.8338757

> got me an invite to a Neopian Times writers forum which was my gateway to anime and vidja
aww sheeiit
the NTWF was my everything...I still miss the friends I made on it but a lot of them moved on to other websites that they then disappeared from with no trace after years

>> No.8338760

Madoka is 2011, not 2006-2007.
Magipoka is Magical Pokaan; try using Google, genius.

>> No.8338762

tfw: all of the weab girls in high school grew up to be attractive as fuck

tfw they no longer care about weab shit though

just beautiful normies

>> No.8338784

god damn. my high school had a time capsule that we made in grade 8 to open at the end of grade 12. it turns out i put my shitty sketchbook full of shitty weeb drawings in there. damn that shits like having nam flashbacks

>> No.8338797

I've been on /a/ since I was 12 or 13 (I'm 21 now, I've been here too long) so I'd classify myself as /a/non female, but it's just as cringey and sad as the rest of them. I didn't start posting until I was in my later teens, but I acted like such an elitist anime cunt online and offline because of the whole "/a/ secret anime club" attitude. I refused to watch certain shows just because I knew they were frowned upon, and I looked down on gaiafags who had fun and RP'd and all that. I thought I was so much better than the Hetalia fans in highschool, and if they'd ask me about anime I'd just say "oh, I don't watch THAT kind of anime." I was just full of shit.
I'm honestly jealous of everyone who had a fun time being a gross, shameless, cringe-worthy weeb with their friends. Even though I've watched a lot of good stuff, I was always too self-aware and embarrassed to just let loose and have fun and really enjoy anime.

>> No.8338816

I never did that cringy shit like RP in the middle of school and run around glomping each other. I think wishing that you did that back then implies you wanted to have autism

>> No.8338827

Hahaha when I was in high school, there was a 'club rush' where clubs would set up booths to earn money. French club sold crepes, art club sold art and coffee, Asian club sold generic Asian food, basketball team had freethrows where you can win prices, guess what the fucking anime club did? That's right, a fucking maid cafe.

>> No.8338830

Dude I miss quizilla. I loved to read through my old fanfics and quizzes to laugh at how weeby they were.

>> No.8338876


My first was Inuyasha, which I watched every time it aired on YTV (Canadian)

>> No.8338921
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In middle school I wore a Yuki Sohma hat a ton, and when my friend drew cringey comic adventures of our group of friends she's always make the hat match my expressions.

>> No.8338938

>guess what the fucking anime club did? That's right, a fucking maid cafe.
How'd it go?

>> No.8338944
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I used to RP on an aol chatroom back when I was in 6th grade. I actually made some good friends at the time and I'd draw our characters and their adventures in secret (but they were all super cringey weaboo like). By the time I was in 8th grade though we had all kind of drifted apart unfortunately, the one girl actually disappeared sometime during hurricane Katrina and she had to be relocated. She sent us all a curtesy message letting us know what was going on but then after that we never heard from her again.
I actually keep in touch with the one girl and we touch base a few times a year via email. As cringey as the whole thing was looking back on it, I had such a good time.
But I threw out all of my middle school sketchbooks last year, I didn't want to be constantly reminded of my shame.

>> No.8338958

That sounds adorable actually

>> No.8338964

>now I"m a cynical gaiafag that just complains on site feedback from time to time
Fucking same man

>> No.8338965

At least you made them yourself. I happily made my parents/friends/trachea's watching other people's AMVs, not claiming I made them or anything but just because I thought they were cool. None of these people gave me any reason to believe they would be interested in watching random Japanese cartoon clips set to shirty techno music, but I forced them anyway because sugoiiiii

>> No.8338971
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This whole thread has got me all feeled up. I miss being carefree and retarded with no shame. Actually at the highest point of my weeaboo phase I thought I was really cool because I had lots of friends and we all were weeaboo shit. Now I'm just surrounded by normal fags and it's the most boring thing ever.

Hey if any of you anons want maybe a penpal or something to talk about anime with I would be happy to make friends with you. We can release our power levels and be horrible together just like the good old days.

>> No.8338974

To be fair, Plebcomics posted her info herself and dared people to call her work. They did. Nobody doxxed her but herself.

>> No.8338982

...they are? I'm ashamed to admit it but I've been working on a ridiculous self-insert fic for the past year or so that spans almost the entire manga timeline. Now I'm almost tempted to upload it somewhere. Anonymously of course, because there's no way I'd want this shit connected to my name.

>> No.8339175
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Coheed is the best music to make middle school OCs to, anon. (They're still my favorite too)

JoJo's fantastic and I recommend it 110%.

TTGL = Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann (usually just Gurren Lagann), wild action/mech series from Gainax. It's good, and if you like similar, try Kill la Kill (from 2013, same director). Both of those are on Netflix, also on it worth checking out: Hunter x Hunter, Princess Jellyfish, Attack on Titan (yeah mega-popular but well made), Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet, The Devil is a Part Timer. No one else watched it but please watch Samurai Flamenco, just take my word for it, it's great.

>> No.8339267

I'd like to think I've never had a weeb phase but I had a minor one in middle school
>friend introduced me to japonese mangos including Rosario Vampire, Deathnote, and Petshop of horrors
>had a GIR plush I carried around EVERYWHERE
>watched "The Wallflower" on youtube
>began listening to Candy Spooky Theatre
>"Oh yaknow.... just listening to this cool edgy rock group from JAAAPAAAN"
> the nii-chan went to Anime Expo, brings me a Death Note messenger bag which I wore with pride (and still own)
>friend and i would make emo boy profiles and hit on cute scene girls
>draws anime grils with oversized eye and scene haircut covering the other eye bc I can't draw both eyes
I think I might still have the drawings

>> No.8339289

i feel kind of bad for you, maybe soon you will like a girl that like anime stuff so you can bond together

>> No.8339393

In middle school, I wrote a long ass yaoi series about Inuyasha and Miroku and two days before I graduated, I changed the names to my 2 [male] math teachers' names and one of my friends went and left it on their desk. I remember starting high school and hearing that one of them quit because someone wrote explicit porn of them. And embarrassing as it is I was super impressed that I could do that.

Children are fucking dumb.

>> No.8339505


This list is full of shitty series from 2010 onwards. Who on earth would recommend Gargantia or compare KLK to TTGL? The director might be the same but the series are totally different. TTGL will make you feel like a million percent after watching it, KLK has nothing to say for itself.

>> No.8340070

to be honest the only reason i learned how to edit videos was to make amvs but progressively my standards got higher and i developed my skills further. by the time i was out of my weeb stage i was a damn good video editor and now im considering pursuing that shit as a career.

thanks past me for putting my weeb powers to something useful.

>> No.8340139

I ruined a hand-me-down laptop with a virus because I downloaded too much bad hentai.

I never told my parents the real reason why the laptop broke.

>> No.8340172

Oh my god

>> No.8340252
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haha you're the worst

>> No.8340424
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>Be 12
>Have old piece of shit computer
>Being a fucking fujoshit
>Alone at home
>Let's watch some motherfucking gay porn and read some yaoi doujins
>Halfway through the video the CPU emits an agonic roar
>pc stops responding, can't close anything, audio still playing through the headphones
>I heard my parents at the front door.
>heard them coming upstairs
>Just as my mom enters the room I launch myself towards the screen and I turn it off
>Japanese boy continues moaning on my headphones while I stand there, petrified
>"Anon? Have you been sitting here all day again?"
>"N-no mom, I just get here..."
>Are you feeling alright? Your face it's all red."
>"Y-yes dad, I'm okay..."
>Try to reach the front power button and restart the toaster by force
>"What are you doing to pc anon...?"
>"It got stuck when I turn it on a moment ago I'm restarting it manually"
>Desperatily holding down the button trying to sound casual
>Shit doesn't turn off
>I still have the headset on, the moaning continues
>"Get out of the way Anon, the cpu it's starting to sound weird again"
>"N-no wait, I think I can fix it!!"
>Tries to reach for the back button and shut this bitch off
>"I said, get out of the way, stop messing with it already"
>Just as I find the switch dad grabs me and puts me aside
>Moaning intensifies on my ears.
>Dad sits down and turns on the screen
>I squeeze my eyes shut, clench my asscheeks
>I'm done.
>Moaning suddenly stops
>.... Am I dead yet?
>Open my eyes, unclench ass
>All I see is a faint smoke coming from the pc
>"Good dammit, Anon what did you do to the computer?? the hard disk is burning!!"

And that's the story of how I wrecked our only computer using just gay porn.

>> No.8340490

no one doesnt know what vocaloid is...

>> No.8340505


>> No.8340563

You need to talk to normalfags more often.

>> No.8341029


holy shit netnanny
my mom used that shit when i accidentally logged in to her email (we used the same service and she had autofill on the computer) and did a yaoi RP thing with a friend.

she was like 'YOU ARE GOING TO HELL FOR SURE' and the next few years were spent struggling to get around netnanny and going to church camp in summer

>> No.8341139

Don't feel bad I was a stupid kid for letting my friends/classmates decide my tastes because I wanted to stay in the popular group.

>> No.8341182

Best post ITT.

>> No.8341930

Dayum, I remember my mom saying that she was going to send me to Catholic Camp because she discovered me watching Inuyasha one night...

>> No.8342444

Why are American Catholics so weird? Sending your child to religious camp is a decidedly Protestant thing here.

>> No.8343085

>not weaboo
>ashamed of being a weaboo
>enjoys watching anime even more now that I can appreciate animation as an art