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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 248 KB, 1024x1542, mary_jane_cosplay_by_rongejon-d6sua8e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8319956 No.8319956 [Reply] [Original]

Which is the best alt girl cosplayer for you?

Know any other girl that post nude cosplays?

In the pic: Vera Baby

>> No.8320002

>short jeans
>dyed hair
It's like I'm looking at the definition of "trashy".

>> No.8320005 [DELETED] 
File: 762 KB, 1000x1500, 16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lana - Harley Quinn - Cosplay Erotica

>> No.8320019

Does she have her website URL tattooed on her arm?

>> No.8320062

Anon, this is a sfw board, pls don't post porn
Also, Jesus christ she looks trashy

>> No.8320076
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>> No.8320078


>> No.8322451

what's the point of even wearing clothes anymore?

>> No.8322454


Are you on mobile or do you not see the bobbypins and real hair coming out at the nape?

By how badly it looks, I think it's just drawn on each time for apperances/photos

>> No.8322464
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>> No.8322484
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well she does dye her hair

>> No.8322634

but it's still a wig in OP

>> No.8322635


The tits are a lie!!!

>> No.8322643

Never would have guessed this was meant to be a cosplay.

>> No.8322723
File: 3.00 MB, 1280x720, vera baby.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8322748

how are a few tattoos still considered "alt"? it's weirder not to have any now

>> No.8322911

It really isn't. Do you actually consider that "a few" tattoos?

>> No.8322914

Everything except the knuckles is really common now, anon.

>> No.8323194

Apart from that being all cosplay, the tattoos do need covered up.

>> No.8323338
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>> No.8323346
File: 278 KB, 500x675, vera_by_vera_baby-d6qp2mf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dressing up as a trashy, sex-up version of a 10/11-year-old
Why is this so common?

>> No.8323450

>ITT: alt models that discover cosplay and use new fans to go on their cam site

>> No.8323464

because it plays into the 'all grown up now' fantasies of some of the people that watched the show back in the day, plus it's instantly recognisable and a very cheap and quick costume to put together. I don't think there's much more to it than that and isn't quite the knee-jerk 'omg sexualizing young girls' that one initially might think - the vast majority of these type cosplays are clearly fully grown women portraying themselves as such. It's not my thing, but hey.

>> No.8323488
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>> No.8323494
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>> No.8323540

I don't have a problem with people doing "grown up" versions of kid characters, but when they change literally nothing about the outfit other than making the top tighter and popping the button on the jeans, it pretty much is about sexualizing a kid.

>> No.8323542

Common on trashy alt girls, yeah. Not common enough to be considered mainstream.

>> No.8323912
File: 94 KB, 680x510, 1430087653317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jfc how are tits this big considered good looking
And the colors on her clothes are so off the character ugh
Thats not cosplay. Please tell me this isn't considered cosplay. Please tell me nobody actually thinks she's a cospalyer. Pls

>> No.8323941


>> No.8324118

Why in your own words
Is she not a cosplayer?
Far as I can tell
She dresses up as different characters
And for a bonus takes her clothes off

Which is what op wanted

>> No.8324479

Every time i see this "cosplay" all I can think about is when I was in LaSenza like 8 years ago and bought the same paint of jean patterned panties in white and grey. Do they still make them or has she been saving them since then? I'll never know.

>> No.8324501
File: 30 KB, 511x287, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my god, those different shades of orange together.

>> No.8324522

She's a paid cosplay idol now. This is what people want to see at conventions. Bonus points for knowing how to sew but still not a requirement or anything so long as you look better than the competition.

>> No.8324548
File: 36 KB, 966x484, 20682_Joined_123_999lo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jfc how are tits this big considered good looking

the bigger the better
you need high test to appreciate

>> No.8325058

Her right boob is bigger than her fat head.

>> No.8325061

anything more than a handful is just a potential bludgeon

>> No.8325081

>high test
No, that's just fat.

>> No.8325086

Jfc her nipples must be pointing so low if she can have that much of her breast showing

>> No.8325088

That's a fantastic safety cone cosplay. If I saw that, I'd stay the hell away from the general area for sure.

>> No.8325119

>Know any other girl that post nude cosplays?
Shit tons.
here's some tips
1.) explore the internet
2.) a lot of people only pay attention to the girls that are the most popular, look for other girls.
3.) do you even Geek goddesses faggot

>> No.8325155

I actually find the 'sexy-cute moe' type cosplays more disturbing, as looking like a fully developed woman with the face of a five year old seems to be the gold standard for getting the look down. In my mind it's neoteny/ paedomorphism worship taken in a pretty uncomfortable direction.

>> No.8325185

You know what's the creepiest thing?
These types are the most sought after.

>> No.8325260
File: 188 KB, 800x1200, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Microkitty Cosplay does nudes now on cosplay deviants. Heavily shopped of course. Goes by Minerva Quill.

>> No.8325263

The CosDev girls are so fucking unttractive it's pathetic. Like you said, most of them are also heavily photo shopped too.

>> No.8327715
File: 120 KB, 512x768, 45484315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Usually I don't like lingerie or bathing suit cosplays(especially ones that don't remove their piercings) but I have the biggest girl -crush on Rii

>> No.8327722
File: 117 KB, 1000x667, AvalonCosplay_KassandraLeigh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not as shopped as the ones on Geek Goddess

>> No.8327811

Those are some sad-looking tits.

>> No.8328988
File: 309 KB, 500x276, 1425465016478.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That inaccurate wig god
>I bought a sailor moon bikini omg
>Omg I should totaly buy a cheap wig and call it a sailor moon cosplay
>People love cosplat omg Im gonna get so famous

>> No.8329041

Any cosplayer who strips for petty cash is usually heavily photo shopped and pathetic. Get a real job if you need money. CosDev, Pixel Vixens, Geek Goddess, and Cosplay Erotica are nothing but sluts trying to get a quick buck off of neckbeards trying to get off and think they stand a chance with the 'models' if they buy their donation sets, items they want, and white knight them.

>> No.8329181

I don't understand how people can wear shorts like these and not get constant UTIs.

>> No.8329214

The moment when those are just panties over a thong

>> No.8329904


>> No.8329946

>Get a real job if you need money
How is it not a real job if you are getting consistently paid to do something?

Also, I've never fully understood why 4chan is heavily interested in alternative/counter culture yet shuns things like this and everyone acts all prudish towards any kind of sexual subject.
Is it just the usual contrarian stance that everyone feels they need to take?
Fuck, have you guys been to the other boards that post porn on here? Like, you're on a site that promotes pornography and gives it out for free in the highest quality possible. Why are you here if you don't like that stuff and abhor it so much?

Seems to me like you guys are all full of shit.

>> No.8329955


Only CGL. not all of 4chan.

>> No.8330046

No, I've seen this attitude on other boards as well like /ck/ and /tv/ and especially /adv/. Oh and /v/ back in the day when I used to visit before it got split into like 3 different boards.

>> No.8330054

>not being a megawhore is being 'prudish'
Nobody is attacking sex itself, they're attacking the cheap bimbos who undress for money

>> No.8330056

It really comes down to this
"doing something I don't consider respectable = not a real job"

Its pathetic really. Just say you don't consider it respectable, there you go.

common things which are not considered "real" jobs include
>anything involving getting naked
>working in fast food
>working from home

How does this directly affect you, and why do you care so much?

>> No.8330057

>get a real job
You know some of them make serious money from doing donation sets right? And that some can get things like XBox/PS3/etc bought for them right? You're more than likely some salty ugly bitch.

>> No.8330059

I mean if you hate the idea of strippers so much your real issue is with men, since strip clubs wouldn't exist without a large paying audience.

>> No.8330073

Yeah, women do this shit because men made their bodies a commodity, only some of them would rather take the reins - keep the money from it and not actually have to fuck anybody instead of literal whoring and giving the cash to a pimp

>> No.8330074

>the cheap bimbos who undress for money
They make heaps of money. They don't have to be cheap anymore because they can make a ton of cash so easily.
Do you know for a fact that they are bimbos? Do you personally know how dumb they are?
I'm sure some of them are not all that smart but fuck, they sure know how to use their looks to their advantage.

>common things which are not considered "real" jobs include
>anything involving getting naked
>working in fast food
>working from home

How is getting paid by a multi million dollar company not a real job?? Are you dense?
Also my boyfriend makes like 23 dollars an hour working from home working for cell phone companies. He definitely has a real job. He only goes into the office twice a week. And even then he usually comes home early and does the rest of his work from home.

It doesn't sound like you know what you're talking about.

>> No.8330109

>are you dense?
I'm not dense, but speaking from first hand experience.

Had a friend that did online customer service and his mother was pressuring him to get a "real" job that required him leaving the house.

I myself ran an etsy when I had more freetime (in highschool), and despite shipping out orders twice a week and working on custom orders, my family hounded me for not "getting a real job" though it paid what I needed it too.

My roomate runs an ebay account, and a couple of my roomates hound him for taking up the living room adding stuff to it all the time calling it "not a real job" and "unreliable so it doesn't count" Its obvious they're bitter at how much he makes from staying at home.

I never once said that these things were not real jobs. I'm saying that these things are very popularly considered not "real" jobs when you and I both know they are.

>> No.8330118

>instead of literal whoring and giving the cash to a pimp
Pimps are pretty much ancient legends now. A lot of girls who do in-person work are independent and usually operate from specific websites

>> No.8330167

I run an etsy because my uni doesn't allow me to work (double degree), and because study in a foreign country where I can't get a job due to the language barrier. It pays better than working the deep fryers at MickyD's and I even had to register it as a small business because I'm making more than I'm allowed to.

I have to present it as an 'independent business venture' and say I'm 'self-employed' to actually get any cred at my uni (business degrees, they look carefully into your work history etc) because one girl made a mistake of saying she was working from home while taking care of her newborn and the tutors' eyes did an immediate backflip. Apparently anything of the sort is just 'little girls doing arts and crafts projects'.

But hey, that's why you don't ditch your degree and pursue it as a full-time job.

>> No.8330187

Underrated post.

>> No.8332899
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