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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 927 KB, 2063x1472, boober.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8321107 No.8321107 [Reply] [Original]

There wasn't one in the catalog, now there is.

>> No.8321154

Can anyone post handmade/nonprint inspiration? I feel like I've run out of interesting things to make at my skill level (just skirts).

>> No.8321177

How important is owning a serger and a dressform for sewing your own lolita garments?

I can sew and draft my own patterns well, but I've never made the leap for either of those two items since they're bigger investments than the typical cut of cloth and not absolute necessities when it comes to starting out. After several years of building up experience, I'm thinking it's time to finally get one of the two or both? Which should I get first?

>> No.8321185
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I've never really sewn Lolita type clothing, but today I bought three yards of this fabric. Is it suitable for Lolita? I'm not entirely sure what else I could use it for if not.

>> No.8321192
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I also bought three yards of this. I'm less worried about it since I can already think of alternate uses.

>> No.8321198

thats a tough one anon
ive heard from some people that dress forms are more important that sergers, but ive also know of people that would die without a serger.
it all comes down to what you need.
I personally would get a dress form first since im fine with spending a little extra time on hemming, but i absolutely hate having to try on garments every five minutes.
I'd say buy a nice 100-200 dollar dress form first and save up a couple months for a serger.

>> No.8321200

I can picture this as one of those AP sack dresses.

>> No.8321203

Dress forms are nice, but if you actually want to use it for draping/pattern drafting you better make sure it is very very similar to your body. Pad if necessary. The one I bought ended up being significantly bigger than me in the shoulders and underbust so it's practically useless for sewing, although I like showing off my outfits on it.

My serger, on the other hand, has absolutely made my life easier. Practically a must if you want to sew knits and if you want a professional-looking finish to your edges. Most things you can do on a serger can also be done on a regular sewing machine but when done on a serger they will look better, be sturdier and the process will easily go twice as fast.

>> No.8321210

Depends on how your seams look, I guess? If they're terrible, get a serger. If you can live, dressform first.

Dressforms are useful for patterning like crazy, even if you can manage on your own. I use mine most when doing sleeves and placing collars.
I have a serger but haven't used it.

>> No.8321237

I would recommend getting a dress form first. You can live without a surger if you can do seams fine as is, but a surger makes life so much easier. A dress form allows you to see how details are draped and how it looks on a form without having to consult a mirror. I went in reverse and had my surger before my dress form only because my surger is older then I am. Trust me, it was hard to picture how things draped before my dress form.

>> No.8321255

Oh, I saw that at Joanns one time. Personally, I couldn't for the life of me figure out how to use it so it would look good on me. Reminds me too much of wallpaper. Don't know if anyone else would have ideas though.

>> No.8321257

make a dress then. you ain't gonna get better if you don't take the leap.

>> No.8321273

JSK is a good step up from a skirt. You could try that.

>> No.8321313

This >>8321273
Or even just practice making bodices since they have a lot more measurements and curvatures to think about than the typical skirt waistband, especially if you're making fitted ones without elastic/shirring. A bodice will make or break a dress.

>> No.8321325
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>> No.8321347

Shut up. I can't spell well, so I spell phonetically. On top of that, I have a hard time pronouncing things. So I've been spelling serger wrong, give me a break. Spell check still says it's wrong.

>> No.8321378

Related to other posts in the thread, is this worth trying if I don't have a dress form? I've wanted to step up to JSKs or especially OPs for a while, since I prefer simple OPs to skirts for casual wear, but I don't have a dress form and I also have slightly unusual measurements so it's hard for me to find one (fairly narrow shoulders, narrow ribcage and small waist, but also above average height with long torso and comparatively large bust).

The other thing I'd really love to get the hang of is corset-waisted and high-waisted skirts but I've never really seen patterns for them, whereas the sewing mooks have a lot of dress patterns.

>> No.8321387

i want to make accessories out of brand tote bags. on a scale of 1-10, how bad of an idea is this?

>> No.8321398
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My sister and I are both seamstresses. We just got this book of patterns from Japan and are sew excited!

>> No.8321399

A dressform would help tremendously with that.
You can just get one that's slightly too small and pad where needed. Cover the padding with a cute fabric.

>> No.8321417

How2handmade without looking too oldschool or plain?

>> No.8321555

>are sew excited
I appreciate your lame pun anon.

>> No.8321561

otome no sewing is the shit
post progress pics pls? i hardly see examples of stuff made from the patterns

>> No.8321581

Thank you! I'll look into a dressform first.

Where would I be able to find a functional dressform with a bust of 29"? I noticed that most standard ones start around 32" bust.

>> No.8321601

With that size, a ghetto workaround could be to go with an adjustable children's form and pad the bust/hips. Not sure what else, maybe there are petite sizes out there on the Internet?

>> No.8321747

A lot of people recommend dress forms but does anyone have thoughts or experience with making one?

>> No.8321750

Oh I'm making a skirt out of this one!

>> No.8321762

If you're crunched for cash. You can make one out of duct tape.

I've been thinking what it'd be Like to make one by doing a mold of my torso with rigid wrap and filling it with expanding foam. Did it for a wig head a long time ago.

>> No.8321840

I'm waiting on my copy it should be here friday and I can't wait.

>> No.8321856

Made one with a cast and expanding foam. I love it other than the fact I didn't place it on the pole perfectly straight (because my shoulders aren't straight). I have to kinda tilt my head or prop up one wheel so it's better balanced when looking at whatever I put on it. Just don't make the same mistake I did anon. It's much better then anything I could have found at a store measurements wise.

>> No.8321860

Eh. even the pretty good ones have trouble truly emulating your body. I really only like mine for having a place to hold things up when I'm not working or hemming skirts.

>> No.8321866

How much lace is needed for a set of decent wrist cuffs? It's usually x feet of the longer kind and then something cute and ~3/4" wide for the casing, right?

>> No.8323337

I don't think that'd work in lolita - it looks too much like it's for curtains or a tablecloth in a cafe. It could work in something more casual or otomo-style though, since quirky patterns are often seen in otome.

This is gorgeous and would work really well in lolita, you'd probably have to do a bell skirt with it even though it's more classic though, because the pattern would be a bitch to match and keep looking right on an A-line.

>> No.8323348
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Even if you don't take the leap to JSKs, OPs or blouses, there are a few other things you can make that aren't skirts. I know how you feel because I don't like just plain skirts, and I have a hard time finding cute prints in my area, so I struggled to find projects when I was a beginner to sewing. But you can make aprons really easily too. Even if you don't like aprons in coordinates (I wouldn't wear mine to a meetup unless it was an Alice-related event out of fear of looking like a maid), they're really useful to have for cooking or eating, and you can use them to practice techniques like pintucks and adding pockets and ruffles. I made two. If you have access to nice lace you can also make rectangle headdresses and bows. Or you can learn to use other materials and make yourself a velvet/wool capelet, or a chiffon overskirt (although by that point it's probably just as easy to bite the dress bullet as to learn how to work with an awkward material like chiffon).

>> No.8323357
File: 35 KB, 393x800, IMG_3230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting nonprint inspo now, but I don't really have any skirts. I'll try to stick to cotton materials and simpler cuts though, avoiding anything that looks too difficult to make. Also I'll try not to go too old school-looking but it's pretty difficult to avoid.

>> No.8323358
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>> No.8323362
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>> No.8323365
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>> No.8323369
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>> No.8323375
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>> No.8323377
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>> No.8323379
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>> No.8323381
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Without good lace, potlucks are your friend. Your very labour-intensive friend.

>> No.8323385

i don't really see a reason to cook so much food while i sew

>> No.8323386
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Pintucks, that is.

>> No.8323388
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>> No.8323395
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>> No.8323402
File: 15 KB, 277x381, Image438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Many years ago I made a very simple pleated skirt as well as a (yet again) simple JSK out of that same fabric. I think it lends itself to classic A line styles more than poofy cupcake. Sorry for shit quality. All the decent pics have been lost

>> No.8323403
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>in which I realise 90% of my nonprint is either velvet, old school or both
I still think this cut would be cute in another material though.

>> No.8323407
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>> No.8323411
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>> No.8323412
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>> No.8323413

How did you still spell it wrong when the post your replied to, and all the posts after it, spelled it correctly?

>> No.8323415
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>> No.8323416
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>> No.8323418
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This would be a nice yet more modern cut even without the print.

>> No.8323420
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/end dump

>> No.8323421

'Sup, >>8321203 here. If you do find a small dressform anywhere please drop the link in this thread because I'd be really interested. Like I said, the one I have is too big for me even though it was the smallest one I could find at the time. Shame you can't un-pad the things.
Alternatively you could try making your own with the duct tape method. I've never tried that, though.

>> No.8323486


Depends on the print.

Royal Chocolate, Day Dream Carnival, anything more recent, are all bad ideas unless you especially like working with tough fabric. They're like some kind of tough canvas, same material as the Sugary Carnival tote bag that came with the AP mook. So it'll be tough to sew through that. Some of baby/aatp's recent ones are also a different fabric (I heard vinyl but can't confirm), not soft cotton.

The older tote bags are still soft cotton, good for cutting apart and making things from. The last one of those that I have is Decoration Dream, anything earlier than that is probably good for cutting apart and making things with.

IW's pouches are still made using excess fabric, so that's pretty good as well.

>> No.8323512

thanks for the detailed response!

>> No.8323579
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Almost done, just a few finishing touches left. Forgive me if the pic is for giants, currently on mobile.

>> No.8323589

jesus christ

>> No.8323660

I don't want to say it looks awful before seeing it worn. Could you show how it looks worn?

>> No.8323684
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>> No.8323689
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>> No.8323691
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>> No.8323699
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>> No.8323741
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I think this could work out. I picture it as a retro lolita dress a la Meta's Vintage Records. The details should be kept simple and solid-coloured since the print is already so busy. If you want to go full kitsch you could add an apron and style yourself like a fifties waitress, maybe with an embroidered cup of joe in a corner of the apron (though I don't know if you embroider, sorry).

Even if you don't want to make a themed outfit, though, a simple dress like that is pretty versatile, you could throw it on with nearly minimal styling and run out the door to grab a (real) cup of coffee or groceries or whatever.

The worst parts will be making sure the print lines up. Like I'm not really anal about matching seams, but that diamond pattern is going to look a little "off" if the right side is some fraction higher than the left side. (That's actually the major reason for me to avoid this fabric, sorry, anon).

>> No.8323754

Details, anon. Details, details, details. Using varied kinds of lace and materials in the garment, a ruffle here, a trim there, a different type of neckline, etc. You also have to recognize that there are several dozen different combinations of just bodice and skirt types. Add those together with all those details and you have hundreds of ways of making a dress more unique and lovely.

>> No.8323761

I really love the tiered pleating, I've never seen something like that before. Would you do it the same way you'd make gathered tiers? Would you pleat the bottom of each tier as well?

>> No.8323789

Does anyone else get little sewing boners for specific details on dresses? Like, you see it and you can't get it out of your head until you incorporate it into a dress of its own? I adore the sweetheart neckline and the chiffon and the way the sleeves are half opaque. It happens to me all the time, I'll love a dress for just one little detail. The way the bow on Milky Cross falls, the style of skirt on >>8323420, a certain type of sleeve or pintuck or hem. They're not always things that are unusual, either. It could be something that's been done a million times before, but on that dress it looks perfect and I get so hung up.

>> No.8323819
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>> No.8323822
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>> No.8323873
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I love this fabric and was thinking of making something royal/chocolate rosette inspired. but i just now realized it kind of looks like hunting trophies / taxidermy. anyone else get that vibe from it?

>> No.8323958

Any suggestions for what fabric to use for a winter coat? I'm allergic to wool, so that's out.

>> No.8323979

I think this is cute, but would also like to see it worn.

>> No.8323981

kill yourself

>> No.8323993

Too many times to count has this happened. I have a sketch book full of stuff because I saw a detail of an outfit and I had to incorporate it into a design. Of course I usually fail at emulating it in drawing, so I usually save the picture so I have a reference as to what was the inspiration. I then make a note on the page what image it was for the inspiration.

>> No.8323995

no. definitely not
yes that could work. make sure its done tastefully
mmmmm i don't think so. from far away it'll look like a pink fabric with weird green spots, thats what the thumbnail looks like and i have a rather large monitor

>> No.8323996

yes, especially for the heads with blank space where their neck/body would be.

>> No.8324002

so the bear and the deer.

>> No.8324016

Oh what a mature response. Tried, failed, sorry.

>> No.8324017

the only options I can think of is velvet or fleece. I would go for velvet though, and get a cotton/molton version.

>> No.8324030

I have a coat that's made of eco-felt which is supposedly made 100% from recycled plastic bottles and it really does have a "wool" feel to it. It does pill a bit though.

>> No.8324036

Over the summer I'll be making one with plaster cast and then filling it with either expanding foam (like the other anon) or polystyrene. Then I'll put some kind of cover over the foam/polystyrene. I've seen the duct tape method done pretty well but it's not quite as accurate imo

>> No.8324107
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I think I'm actually just going to do something like this with it.So kinda casual I guess? Debating on the straps though, I absolutely love skirts with them on, but I don't think they'd look good in print. Detachable straps maybe? (pls ignore the fact that I'm absolutely horrible at designing clothes even though it's one of my favorite things) Thanks for the suggestions guys!

>> No.8324189
File: 906 KB, 2000x2000, Family-Petite-Size-Adjustable-Mannequin-Dress-Form-19831dbb-cd66-4684-b198-404c092873ac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Best" I've found is something like this, for ~$100 after their constant 10% off coupons

It looks really average and lightweight though and not exactly the prettiest.

Can anyone else attest to the quality of this dressform?

>> No.8324212

Source on those socks if it's something easily obtainable?

>> No.8324224

>my sister and i are both seamstresses
do people compare you to the able sisters a lot

>> No.8324244

Can't beat cute socks for $4.99 eh?

>> No.8324870

That's a good multigendered dress form. I reccomend a female centric one for women with larger than average bust as it will help. I usually put the intended undergarments on mine while working.

>> No.8324885

Honestly, your going to have a hell of a time finding a dress form that small
I'd look for petite sized dress forms if you're curvy and small, but if you're just flat I think the best bet is to try and find a male dress form and pad the hips.

>> No.8325034

Can anyone link to good lolita sewing tutorials?

>> No.8325162

I think this looks cute, but I agree with you--not sure how the print would translate onto the straps.

>> No.8325171

the dress looks fine but what's up with that headpiece?

>> No.8325206

Honestly I think a high waist without straps would look better in a busy print. I'm not sure how large the print is though, there's no scale. The print is very cute and I like the concept.

Currently I think the straps should be finished and lacing foundation crocheted before submitting it worn. Without I'm afraid it'll seem like it's ill fitted.

>> No.8325225
File: 899 KB, 1936x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe a measuring tape for scale would've been helpful haha

>> No.8325258

That print is petite enough to make your straps.
What were you going to do for head ware? I think a coffee colored beret or a simple barrette bow in the same fabric would be nice.

>> No.8325273
File: 71 KB, 720x500, suggestion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'd ditch the straps if you have significant boobs. I've only ever seen them look good on washboard-flat models.

I think the skirt alone (with or without the straps) look kind of homemade etsy tier at the moment, so I'd suggest adding a solid brown ruffle and some cream or ivory lace on top (or you could add a lace ruffle on top of the solid brown ruffle). Make an extra bow with the extra fabric, add a beret with some ribbons and you're good to go.

I'd also ditch the sunglasses if you don't particularly need them.

>> No.8325283


A few pintucks could add more subtle interest too, but I don't know if they would butcher the print.

The heels seem kinda high and 'sexy' to me, you could make those cuter by replacing the laces with ribbon ones.

>> No.8325286

I am 29-23-31, so petite size but without the round child-like belly. Child dressforms I've found with the right bust and hips usually have a 25" or 26" waist.

>> No.8325294


Pintucks would more likely get lost in the print since it's quite high contrast, that's why I didn't suggest them.

I think the shoes are okay, they aren't really stiletto pumps levels of sexy. A bit of heel can give some stumpier girls a much-needed lift.

>> No.8325333
File: 116 KB, 201x703, 2015-05-14 00.21.13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a friend who used this material to make what I thought was a very charming skirt. I liked that the pattern was kept centered in the pleats.

>> No.8325339

This is So cute. Your friend did a great job

>> No.8325355
File: 44 KB, 605x312, formsize[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have around a 30" bust 24" waist and I got a uniquely you dressform in petite with a size 1 cover. You have to fit the cover to yourself so it's more work than just buying an adjustable one, but it's the only thing I found that was (almost) the right size for me. It's all foam, so if necessary you can cut some off to make it even smaller.

>> No.8325386
File: 196 KB, 720x720, yass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I loved your ideas, so I reworked my drawing and polished it up a little. With how much fabric I have, I could probably make like 10 extra bows.
I'm not entirely sure if a C counts as big, but I'll ditch them this time and maybe do it with a more basic black skirt.
Yeah I don't think pintucks would work either.
Totally considering using ribbons for shoelaces now lol

>> No.8325388

What about adding a bustle to the back? Or is that too much trouble?

>> No.8325398

Holy shit I remember this picture from when I was 13 and had just found out about lolita. I probably still have it saved on my PSP.

>> No.8325441

Adding to this, I made a stuffed animal bag and when I was a beginner and needed practice with zips.

>> No.8325481

I'm pretty sure I found a petite adjustable dressform that went down to like 24inches once, don't know that it had the right bust but I could try and find out which brand it was?

>> No.8325530

This is an 18+ board, anon.

>> No.8325548

>thinking I said I'm still 13
>being that retarded
It's an old-ass picture.

>> No.8325558

I think maybe anon thought you were just pretty young because you were thirteen when you found the picture and saved it on your PSP and PSPs aren't that old?

>> No.8325560

PSPs came about in 2004/2005 and discontinued in 2014.
Anon could be anywhere from 14 to 23.

>> No.8325563

This; it's the original PSP from like 2004. I'm 21 now.

>> No.8325585

there's a whole list of tutorials on Fyeahlolita's blog

>> No.8325587

I have an entire Pinterest board for details I love and want to incorporate into my own sewing.

>> No.8325590

You're just a failure of a person, aren't you?

>> No.8325595

Different anon but it's not even about being flat for me. I wear a 26D bra and my dressform is 34B. My blouses and high-waisted dresses don't even close when I try to put them on it. For some reason these things always have rather hefty torsos. I think I'll try making my own, but I'm going to have to find someone to help me with it.

>> No.8325608


Yeah, this looks decent. I like the idea of ribbons for shoelaces, too.

>> No.8325643

ngl telling some anon online about your personal history is pretty immature too. No one cares that you spell shit phonetically. Why would you not just say "whoops, my bad, will spell it right next time" and move on without spilling your guts all over the place?

>> No.8325783

Is it okay to use the print cotton fabrics (not from the bottomweight section) from Jo-Ann to make lolita dresses and skirts? How about the similar-looking print quilting cotton fabrics like Keepsake Calico or premium quilting cottons?

Actually, is any fabric from Jo-Ann okay for lolita?

>> No.8325910
File: 76 KB, 690x920, 11245495_836439769776093_2023698982954589233_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just did another thing!

I fucked up with lining up the stripes when I was cutting it, so one side of the bodice is slightly off. Ugh.

Still really happy with how it turned out because everything else is super crisp and clean.

>> No.8326009

Those jacked up lines ruins this. Why did you even keep going after seeing how off it was?

>> No.8326021

It looks amazing!
but other anon is right, the stripes are really bothering. Can you re do that part easily? I'd recommend.

>> No.8326037

Very cute. Would recommend redoing the bodice if possible or doing really anything to hide where you fucked up as it's super distracting. Also rec a waist tie and maybe some bows/anchors/other cute details on the bottom and straps, though that's just extra cuteness, not necessary.

>> No.8326111

Wow anon, did you draft this pattern yourself or alter a commercial one? The skirt is such a perfect shape!

>> No.8326171

I like this but I think it would look better without the red ruffle at the bottom. That makes it look a bit busy.

>> No.8326371


It's perfectly fine, however, you may be better off starting with solid colour dresses made from cotton twill, or if Joann's doesn't carry cotton twill, go for a plain-colour quilting cotton of decent quality instead of printed cotton.

There's nothing wrong with quilting cotton, in fact, some burando summer releases from 2006-2008(ish) were printed on lightweight cotton similar to quilting cotton. However, replicas are also usually printed on lightweight cotton, at some point brands started moving on to other fabric -- baby/aatp uses a crepe weave fabric, AP uses cotton twill, which has a different weave than quilting cotton and feels more luxurious.

That doesn't mean you can't still sew with quilting cotton, though, especially if you're starting out and don't want to use expensive fabric. You do need to keep an eye on the quality -- don't get anything that feels like paper, get a high threadcount, make sure it's opaque, etc -- but it's still an acceptable fabric to use for lolita, and some indie brands still use it.

The other problem is that most newbies haven't really developed an eye for prints yet, so sometimes their choices can be a little bit iffy. There's a cupcake print doing the rounds a few years ago that newbies really liked because cupcakes, they didn't realise that the colours were in fact neon bright. The pink was hot Barbie pink, tough to match with actual lolita items, and difficult to coord since it's so bright.

So it might be a better idea to do solid colour, in cotton twill if you can find it, but good quality quilting cotton is okay too.

If you really must have a printed dress, then don't do Joann's. Go on etsy and look for these instead: Kayo Horaguchi, Harajuku Dolls, Yuwa (try searching for yuwa macaron or jam, you should be able to find their other lolitable fabric). For classic lolita florals, try looking for Quilt Gate fabric, particularly Mary Rose line.

>> No.8326403

That's because 26D is smaller than 34B. 26D is equivalent to 34AA.

>> No.8326801

Make the clothes with partial shiring a little smaller than your actual size. This will help it fit you but still stretch to the size of the dressform.

You may find them to be a bit thin, double up the fabric or use a similar solid to fix them from being see through. Personally I use whatever i can find for .99 at their black friday sale as sandwich interfacing between print and lining.

Great job!

>> No.8326834

that perfect skirt..

>> No.8327059

Thank you very much! I work at a Jo-Ann store and it's one of those situations that come up every now and then. Summer season will be hitting in about another month here and there will be more girls trying to do a dress project for the summer.

>> No.8327913

To be totally honest, I didn't even notice until the whole thing was assembled and on the mannequin. I just started a really busy new job, so I'm rushing through projects in the small windows I get.
Serves me right, I guess. Now I'll know to be more careful.

I'll finish up my other projects and then definitely dis and re-assemble it! The more I look at it the more it's pissing me off. This one is just for me and it's freezing here right now, so it'll be covered if I wear it now anyway.

I am going to make a red chiffon waist-tie and accessories to match! It definitely needs the extra red up-top to balance the ruffle.

The bodice pattern is drafted from scratch to fit my bust/waist ratio without boob-loafin' and I just freehanded the pleats. I see a lot of people recommending 3-4 meter skirts in sewing threads lately, but this one is only a couple of inches over 2 meters

>Captcha "find the sandwiches."
>We call these burgers in Australia.
>Much confuse.

>> No.8327936

it's not about how many meters/yards. it's about the ratio. Best poof is 3 times the size of your waist. So if your waist is smaller of course you'll need less fabric.

>> No.8328286
File: 155 KB, 700x700, Happiness-is-Homemade-Fabric-Bundle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tilda fabric is avaliable in stores in scandinavia atleast and they are really pretty.
They are also sold in quarters obviously meant for quilting and the label says shrinkage is either 5% or 10% (from washing) so I havent dared make anything other than tiny details and accessories from them. I fear the prints will look too busy on larger projects.

Try searching "tilda fabric" in google images.

I'm leaning towards making an otome blouse with one of the fabrics.

>> No.8328318

That's not true, a 60cm waist girl making a 180cm skirt will look bad. I made that mistake when I started sewing. Don't go below 2m.

>> No.8328413 [DELETED] 
File: 906 KB, 1232x989, crop cc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not lolita but lolita related, I modified a Melty Chocolate replica into a crop top. I wanted to keep the gold lace but its scratchy as fuck so I will probably end up removing it. I am going to replace the button too just because I hate the shade of brown they are so much. With the skirt portion I am going to turn it into a box pleated skirt with new fabric in the folds of the pleats so I don't have to skip the pattern for it, not sure if I will use brown or pink yet though, leaning towards pink.

>> No.8328417
File: 148 KB, 445x343, cropp .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not lolita but lolita related, I modified a Melty Chocolate replica into a crop top. I wanted to keep the gold lace but its scratchy as fuck so I will probably end up removing it. I am going to replace the button too just because I hate the shade of brown they are so much. With the skirt portion I am going to turn it into a box pleated skirt with new fabric in the folds of the pleats so I don't have to skip the pattern for it, not sure if I will use brown or pink yet though, leaning towards pink.

>> No.8328581

...b..but why?

>> No.8328591

Because I got a replica for $12 and I wouldn't wear it as is because if I were to I would just buy the actual dress but I though it would make a cute top and I could see what I could do with the rest of the fabric.

>> No.8328876

I'm trying to make a lolita apron but I'm afraid of it looking too costumey. Does any of you have some recommendations? I'll upload some pictures when I get back from work tonight.

>> No.8328887


Its not hard at all to make it lolita looking. What type of apron anon? I made a cute half apron awhile ago and it turned out pretty well. I recommend eyelet lace for the edging because it looks cute af

>> No.8328898

Baby's heart aprons are cute and more oldschool looking than costumey. one of the earlier GLB's has a pattern for it, don't know exactly which one, but could try searching it for you.

>> No.8329333


>> No.8329344

>pattern was kept centered in the pleats

No matter how hard I look, this doesn't seem centered in the pleats at all. I love pleats. I adore pleats. This looks like hot mess to me. the edge of the pattern is chopped on all of them... or am i looking at the wrong picture... is there another only you can see?

>> No.8329352
File: 244 KB, 488x424, 118283f6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been starving for a fox-related print for a long time. Found this fabric on Spoonflower. Will this work for a skirt or is it too busy?

>> No.8329358

I think that would be too busy

>> No.8329363

Much too busy, but having a simple print/solid with some foxes playing on the border would be cute.

>> No.8329397


While that sounds lovely it doesn't exist as far as I've looked. Not the op btw, just saying that in theory yes a fox themed border print would be much nicer, but it's not really out there.

>> No.8329428

Fox op here. Yeah, I'm even thinking of commissioning someone to draw a border fox print if I can't find anything decent... Anyway, thanks for the opinions!

>> No.8329448

definitely agree on the taxidermy vibe, i thought of it before i saw your text, but a closer look kind of dispells the idea. either way i could see it work very nicely with otome, but a lot less with lolita...

>> No.8329497

Guess I am.

Didn't think about that. I get pissy when someone brings up my bad spelling. It's one of my weaknesses.

>> No.8329763

Does anyone have experience making roomwear? I'd like a cute ruffly nightdress or something suitably gothic to lounge around in, and I also want to get to wear cute pastel clothes but not at great expense or out of the house, but I'm not sure how I make something comfortable enough to wear as pyjamas.

Is it just about what material you use? Minimising seams? Is stretchy fabric like T-shirt material or fleece hard to work with?

Is it even easy to get hold of those fabrics? I usually just see cottons and polyester and costume satin/velvet in fabric shops near me, not anything stretchy and knit.

And how do I make sure whatever I make is robust enough to deal with being tossed in the washing machine frequently? I've only made lolita stuff before, which isn't really in direct contact with skin and I can hand-wash.

>> No.8329780

Haha I did the same thing with a wonder cookies replica, except I made the skirt into a regular ol' skirt. I'm scared to wear it out though, lest someone thinks I actually tore up a legit AP skirt...
But anyways, that looks fantastic! The shape and pattern are just perfect for a crop top, shame about the lace because it's super cute. Are you going to wear the top and skirt as a set?

>> No.8330492

That sounds cute, do you have pictures? If people care enough to say something to you just tell them it was a replica, if they don't care enough to say anything then they can survive without knowing. The straps were originally too close together so I moved them apart but apart from that it really was a great shape. Yeah, I do really like the gold, I might get some softer brown or pink lace and sew it under it so I can keep it and protect my skin. I'm not sure yet, I might wear them together but I will probably mainly wear them separately, I am shortening the skirt quite a bit and because I don't have enough of the chocolate brown print I might be using a pink and brown striped ribbon as the waist band so I am not sure how they will look together after that.

>> No.8330496
File: 1.23 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure what I should do with this. Suggestions?

>> No.8330501

tote, cosmetics bag

>> No.8330502

send it to me. But anyways make something summery like a sundress, jsk, or a skirt.

>> No.8330512
File: 1.65 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also got this, is there any way this might possibly pass?
I couldn't help myself I was just drawn to it ;__;

>> No.8330531

You can make something from it, but it doesn't look lolita in any way.

>> No.8330594

get some white fabric and make yourself a text pillow
sew on some letters

>> No.8330610

make it an apron. it can be fun, maybe not lolita but a paint splatter apron seams cool to me

>> No.8330611

Sauce please! Image search isn't helping much.

>> No.8330711

This would make a cute artist's apron.

>> No.8330790
File: 223 KB, 1000x1000, april cornel glorious rose garden on stripes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've fallen in love with this fabric... and about a hundred others.

I think I need diy rehab.

>> No.8330897

know the feels. I recently found some new fabrics online that I want to buy, but I told myself to use up all the other fabrics I still have.

>> No.8330902

That's such an utterly beautiful fabric. I love the stripes and colours. Would you mind saying where you found it?

>> No.8330904

I admire your resolve.

>> No.8330907

The full name of the print is the file name and it's from fabric dot com.

>> No.8330922

Thank you!

>> No.8330936

Ooo thanks anons, I really like this idea.

>> No.8331127

anyone know of any cute strawberry fabric for sale?
something that could work for country?

>> No.8331678
File: 3.36 MB, 4128x2322, 20150417_112424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on this fabric? I really like it and thought of breaking it up with lots of white. Maybe just using it for bodice and split over skirt, with rows and rows of white ruffles down the center between? Maybe I should drawn a picture. But anyways. Is it manageable? I don't like too sweetsy or babyish prints

>> No.8331725

That's beautiful anon. Make your drawings so you have something to work from and see how ballenced you can make it. Also keep style in mind. I think it would make excellent rococo fabric.

>> No.8331893
File: 285 KB, 322x423, Schermafbeelding 2015-05-16 om 21.48.05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would do a Victorian Maiden/Mary Magdalene type of OP. personally I'm not a fan of the white lace, it's too much of a contrast. I would say leave the lace alone, only use ruffles and simple bows as decoration and for a contrasting color, ivory, off-white or beige

>> No.8332152

I love the fabric but the stark white lace seems a little too contrasting. I think a cream color would suit it much better

>> No.8332714
File: 48 KB, 458x662, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My roll hem foot came in today (along with a bunch of other ones) and I am waiting on a dozen yards of chiffon which will be turned into a blouse and a tiered under skirt. The under skirt requires about 26 yards of hemming. Wish me luck anons.

After this current project I want to make something like pic related. For the sheer fabric that covers the neck line is there a term I should search for a pattern or is it literally just like a square with a hole for the head?

>> No.8332759

good luck with your rolled hem foot anon, they take some time to get used to but they really are great! Practice on some cotton and if the chiffon won't feed properly at the beginning use water solulable hem tape to stabilise and either steam it out when you're done or wash it! You don't need to put the tape everywhere, just a few cm at the beginning to help it get started.

>> No.8332858


I use strips of 99 cent tissue paper to stabilize my chiffon, it tears out after. How much of an improvement is purpose-made stabilizer?

>> No.8332868

It's not a square anon, you need to make it properly or else it will look like shit.
Get the front and the back of the pattern and glue them on the shoulder lines, then draw the desired shape.

>> No.8332920

You can also use tissue paper from commercial patterns. Pick up one from a thrift shop and you have a shitton of tissue paper.
Im not that anon but I haven't found purpose made stabiliser to be all that different aside from the fact that it doesn't slide around.

>> No.8333025

Thank you both so much for the tips! I have so much tissue paper laying around because whenever I see cute gift wrap related things I have to buy them.

How to you mean? Like adding on to the pattern for the bodice with separate paper until I can get it to lay the right way on my shoulders? I don't have a dress form sadly and I think that having one would make this whole process so much easier.

>> No.8333136
File: 2.86 MB, 2480x3508, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made you a tutorial, anon. you'll have no shoulders seams on the transparent part, only an opening on the back. hope this helps! If you don't understand a part, let me know, my English isn't my first language, so sometimes it's difficult to explain things.

>> No.8333190

3x the size of your waist is minimum, really.

>> No.8333456

I like the stabiliser because it a) stays in place when I need it and b) dissolves completely when I don't. I've used paper in a pinch, but I haaate picking out all the little paper fuzzies that get left behinde

>> No.8333623

Yes anon, that's exactly what I meant.
I think you can do it with any bought pattern without much trouble.
Notice that this kind of blouse have the closing in the back and usually no seam on the shoulders.
I can draw it for you if it helps to understand it better!

>> No.8333680


Try the term yoke.

It will not be a square with a hole for the head, your shoulder is sloped so a flat square will not sit on flat on it. If you need to pattern your own, approach it from the other direction. Find a blouse that has the neckline you want (ie- high neckline). Then draw where you want the lace section to end and the rest of the blouse to begin. Cut the pattern in two, add seam allowance, and that's your pattern.

>> No.8333690
File: 10 KB, 204x224, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are amazing! Thank you so so much for this!

I figured as much I have the picture of the inspo from every angle because I thought I was going to be all on my own for getting this thing made.

Thank you both so much! Seriously I thought this was going to be a hopeless endeavor. Also sorry for any typos I'm on my phone.

>> No.8333787

no problem. It took me a while to figure it out, but it was a fun challenge to make that tutorial. glad I could help!

>> No.8333830

It is like you saw into my mind. Mary Mag are my favorite. yes I didn't buy that lace I was just looking at it too cause it was different.

>> No.8334811
File: 42 KB, 860x726, delantal-chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for the late responses, thank you very much for your suggestions! It ended looking more like the old releases from Excentrique or VM, but I'm far more comfortable with it than it being overly sweet.
This is how it came out, I think it's pretty cute given it's my first try!

>> No.8335020

This is adorable!

>> No.8335040
File: 155 KB, 706x1043, 2009-11-10-214222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow that's so cute! I think it will be super cute to do an Imai Kira inspired coord with it.

>> No.8335057

Did you use a pattern for the basic shape? How did you make this?

>> No.8335085

thank you very much!
I could try, it seems like a nice idea!
I didn't really use a pattern, I cut a rectangle for the top long enough for the pintucks and added the arm straps later. The skirt is a rectangle too. If you want I could make a graphic but I'm sure there are tons of apron tutorials that explain it better than I could.

>> No.8335146
File: 92 KB, 576x768, clowningforcgls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay gulls, here's the worn picture. I haven't made the petticoat yet and please excuse the god awful F+F shirt, my pants, and my socks. My orders have yet to come in.

>> No.8335160

That doesn't look half bad actually. You gonna sell this?

>> No.8335170
File: 9 KB, 300x168, blushing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not atm... I'm not sure if it would even be the right size for most cuties but I can give you a link to the fabric and etsy that I got the lace from.

fabric https://www.fabric.com/buy/0327945/afternoon-delight-panel-black
lace https://www.etsy.com/transaction/228110087

>> No.8335237

I'd buy a custom one for at least 100 dollar

>> No.8335273

Cute. I think the straps are too small though, they disappear under the blouse collar.

>> No.8335293
File: 600 KB, 640x426, Petersham-31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys probably already knew this, but I only found out today. I thought the fancy scallop-edge grosgrain in my IW corset-back lacing was some fancy custom thing, but it's not. It's just sold as petersham ribbon. New hope arises for all those poor old dresses missing the back lacing. I picked some up and I'm gonna make the cutest little headbows.

>> No.8335300

atm I'm doing some cosplays for friends. My schedule clears in August if you'd like to wait. Also we should probably take this off board.

That's because the collar is for giants. Although this can be altered too. Thank you for the advice.

>> No.8335310

That wide band of white in the middle cuts you in half and makes your waist look like it's a mile wide. The print is super cute, but everything else in construction looks like it could use some help. Is it just that it needs ironing, or are the gather points all wonky? I can't really tell.
Straps have already been mentioned, so the only thing left to point out is that the lace looks too long/ kind of cheap. Maybe another layer of shorter lace in front of it would give it a nice layered look?
If I'm wrong I'm wrong, but your dress could be cuter.

>> No.8335331

It's optical. My bust is large and a good nine inches from my waist. The white/deep blue black contrast was helping box me out and seem flatter while also attracting the eye to my smallest point doubled by the wine ribbon.
That said, yes I'm fat. I work with it to make my legs seem longer.

>> No.8335506
File: 380 KB, 1109x767, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would this print be suited for lolita or is it too busy? I was planning on making a skirt with this fabric.

>> No.8335523


It's really bright. I see problems more in whether it matches your skintone and if you can pull together a nice coord more than anything else.

Maybe you could do like the other anon with the really busy coffee fabric above, draw up a coord collage with a design of the skirt and see if you can make a decent coord out of it?

>> No.8335914
File: 34 KB, 600x599, 10173842-1298319631-116000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This could be cute with it.

>> No.8335952

If you had it with a bustle or something to break it up in the front, it could look really good, especially for classic or a more otome look.

>> No.8336226


>> No.8336261

Thanks anon! I hope this post doesnt get forgotten, would be useful to someone I'm sure.

>> No.8336262

Holy shit cunt
I think they made a typo! Maybe they're not retarded after all?

>> No.8336273

that was like last week, no one gives a shit anymore.

>> No.8336274

You will never be able to find a dress form that will fit your exact body shape. Ever. Period. But they are useful for looking at proportion of details and drape.

duct tape dress forms are hilarious and difficult to do accurately, good luck with that.
>Is a seamstress
>Uses pattern books
you are not a seamstress.

Make a set in calico as a practice run. Measure these pieces and then translate that to lace.

I get really turned on by perfect construction. Thirsty turned on.

Goblin or other tapestry style fabrics, quilted cotton with wadding inside, suedette and furs.

No to the straps it appears 'costumey'. If you insist on using straps, use a complementing colour to the print in a block colour. Don't forget to use this colour again in the skirt for balance. You can then use this coloured fabric scrap to create matching accessories for a more cohesive look.

Experience with knitted or 'stretchy fabric' is necessary to get it right. There are actually speciallised knit wear machines for this purpose. Just as an aside. The F+F design contest for sleepwear is up for polling on their facebook page atm if your looking for inspiration. I particularly like Etherial Dreamer and 10TB-B11 for lounge wear personally, probably good to sleep in too.

Oh wow that's so beautiful. You have nice taste anon.

I had always wondered about this, thanks anon!

>> No.8336304

This is great, I'm keeping this idea. Thanks anon!

>> No.8336374

gonna try something similar *probably fuller and longer to make it fit my huge ass ass* I have no idea what kind of materials to use? what are those stuff called?

>> No.8336378
File: 331 KB, 428x497, Untitled5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dropped my pic shit

>> No.8336382

Looks like cotton with an organza ruffle. IMO this would be kind of ugly for lolita, though, at least in this color scheme, it makes it look kind of hot topic-y

>> No.8336406

Just a little moment of excitement, my mother-in-law found me a copy of The Mary Brooks Picken Method Modern Dressmaking from 1925 and holy jones it is full of great techniques and it explains things so nicely.

>> No.8338129

If you had an extra pair of gold tea parties in your size what would you do with them? I want to like bedazzle them or something.

>> No.8338136

I'd keep them for when the others wore out.... but I think maybe a few crystals on the bows would be cute.

>> No.8338251

Petersham is the bomb. You can curve it!

>> No.8338670


>> No.8338674

Goblins don't have nearly enough fur to keep anon warm in winter.

>> No.8338684

Sauce on dress?

>> No.8338696

If you lost weight, that dress would be hella cute and I'd actually be jealous. Not a fan of the neckline, though, and the straps could use a bit more visibility, so either redo the straps or wear a shirt with a smaller collar. A parisian feel to your coord might look nice too.

>> No.8338701

Where did you get this?

>> No.8338707


But if you google 'butterfly headband' lots of cute ones come up.

>> No.8338765

Ahaha thanks for running with my fuckup. I laughed.

>> No.8339069
File: 907 KB, 506x673, 1412187441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to decide how I feel about this one. I don't think the girl here is lolita she just wanted to make a wa style dress. The color choices are better than a lot of wa styles I guess.

>> No.8339104
File: 176 KB, 879x879, RetroSundae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on this fabric? I know it's pretty busy, so maybe just something Otome-ish?

What would you envision for the cut and embellishments?

>> No.8339120

Probably too bright for Lolita, but I could see it as a cute otome dress. Something simple, maybe a round collar bodice with some contrasting ribbon?

>> No.8339139
File: 82 KB, 446x500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my comm is doing a storybook meet soon, and I wanted to do a country-style coord related to a book my grandmother read to me when I was little (pic related). I was thinking about making a simple mint/sax dress with an apron embellished with strawberry embroidery, but I'm really conflicted because I always seem to wear handmade stuff to meets. I'm new and I don't want to known as "that one girl who wears exclusively handmade"

>> No.8339143

There's nothing wrong with wearing handmade though, especially if done well. It gives you something unique and special to you

>> No.8339232

>not a seamstress
Seamstress simply means one is able to sew, at least in the colloquial. Tailor or designer would denote pattern making and drafting.

>> No.8339383

Actually a tailor just alters clothes to fit the body. It has nothing to do with pattern making.

Yeah, I hate that collar too. I was thinking of making an octagonal tea pot with a bamboo handel and wearing a white organza long sleeve with a wine bow... my plans have a derby but I'm not sure anymore.

>> No.8339545

That sounds super cute anon!! Also I'd love to see some of your work.

>> No.8339635

Not that anon, but it's from Joann's

>> No.8339845

my food is a bit bland, can i borrow some of your salt?
>Full Definition of SEAMSTRESS
>: a woman whose occupation is sewing
Just because I can draft my own western style dresses doesn't mean i can jump into Lolita sewing without a guideline.

>> No.8340213

>Tailor or designer would denote pattern making and drafting
Tailors just alter clothes, and designers, unless it's a really, really, really small company who can't afford anyone else, just designs things. Pattern makers are the ones who draft and make patterns.

>> No.8340222

>doesn't mean i can jump into Lolita sewing without a guideline
But lolita is easy to draft...

>> No.8340276

my bad

>> No.8340610

I... I like this? I feel like this could benefit with a little bit more poof and the gigantic waist tie thinned out a tiny bit, but otherwise I think this is pretty cute? The color choices are pretty nice considering wa.

>> No.8340942

Maybe for simpler bows and items. The more form-fitting and complex cuts are definitely not.

>> No.8340974


Eh, a blouse is a blouse is a blouse, regardless of whether it's a basic bitch office blouse or a frilly princess blouse -- the fit of the blouse doesn't change, it's just the details that change. And most people who can draft patterns understand how to modify patterns to make bibs, pintucks, puff sleeves, flares sleeves, ruffles, change sleeve length, and other minor details. I'm pretty sure someone who can draft their own dresses can figure out how to draft a sleeveless dress with shoulder straps and a skirt with 2+m in the hem.

That said, I think it's still useful for even a skilled seamstress to pick up an OnS book anyway so that they can see how things are supposed to be constructed (for eg most skirts are rectangles instead of flared, hems don't utilise hem braid as it gets in the way), and then ask questions to the general community. Especially if they haven't had much experience with lolita, or don't have access to see the clothes in person. If nothing else, just the beginning of the book showing a sample collection with a few full coordinates from each collection works pretty well for a noob lolita to copy if they don't particularly trust their own taste (the book does actually tell you where to buy the fabric, it's just Japanese though).

>> No.8340990

Yes... Yes they are... And if you are going to provide a full definition to try and prove a point, then you should provide an actual full definition instead of cropping it to suit your purpose. The basic pattern for a lolita dress is as simple as or sometimes even simpler than some western clothing. You must be pretty lacking in skill if you can't even knock up a block in a couple of hours or so.

Incorrect. This is only true in a 'commercial fashion' sense, and even then most designers have to at least have a basic knowledge of how patternmaking works to successfully design. Its very similar to the whole architects v engineers relationship. Most couturiers, or at least any designer that is worth any thought, can and often do make their own samples, or can instruct their making team by example.

>> No.8341305
File: 409 KB, 640x768, wa-lolita-kimono-coordinate-for-japan-day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of well done wa-lolita, I was browsing through this girl's blog the other day and found that I really like this outfit. She makes a ton of her stuff, and often makes matching ouji outfits for her husband. They're older, I think, but it makes them all the cuter.

>> No.8342091

>tfw mother keeps allowing sisters to use my nice sewing scissors on craft foam and paper

I'm so rustled. No matter where I put them they find them, use them, and leave them laying around.

>> No.8342097

Honestly I don't like this. The skirt shape isn't great, and that hat is awful, and frankly that blouse collar is horrendous. It's huge! It looks like a bib (and not in a cute way).
I also have to say that the parasol in ivory lace doesn't make a great addition to the outfit either. I like the choice of purse and shoes though.

>> No.8342119

ouch. they should buy you new ones when they go dull gdi

>> No.8342126

Should being the operative word.

I tried to get my mom to buy me an antique machine at the local thrift store since my birthday is next week and it's only $35 and she won't even do that for me.

>> No.8342378
File: 301 KB, 1000x1000, Large_0385823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got this and plan on a high waist skirt with gold lace... it was an impulse buy but I absolutely love it.

>> No.8342386
File: 85 KB, 480x480, GMFCSK-rosario.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ooh, that would work well! It reminds me of AatP Grimoire in the Moonlit Forest.

>> No.8342438

I love that skirt, probably why I was so attracted to the fabric.

>> No.8342463
File: 202 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 21-05-15 at 12.29 pm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought this blouse moderately cheaply due to a "stain" (came out immediately). It's aatps crepe stripe blouse, and I love it because it combines the old school puffed sleeves and a mid length neckline which is much more flattering on me than a large collar would be. However, there are some fit issues because of my bust. I want to remove the top row of elastic in the bodice. I have already checked, the gaping will go away if I do this. However, don't know if it is worth it or if removing it will make the blouse look unbalanced.
It is aatp stripe crepe blouse btw.

>> No.8342465

I think it's the middle layer of elastic which cuts in right beneath your boobs that's the problem. Have you though about a minimizer bra instead?

>> No.8342476

I do own one but it is in the laundry. It would solve the look of my boobs sagging over that top bit of elastic, but not the gaping. It smooths out my chest a lot and makes my boobs sit nicer.
I can try to find it and get a picture.

>> No.8342480

Sorry, I don't mean that it's causing the gaping, but that even if you fixed it that the middle layer might cause problems.

>> No.8342498
File: 165 KB, 334x319, Screen Shot 2015-05-21 at 12.53.41 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of problems? I got my minimiser bra to show you. Looks much better I think because my boobs don't flop over.

>> No.8342501


Anon this blouse doesn't look good on you at all. It makes you look like a deflated baymax.

>> No.8342514

Is it my boobs? Or something else?

>> No.8342534

the issue I'm seeing is the top layer of elastic is cutting right across your boobs because they're too large for the garment.

>> No.8342538

Not that anon, it..just makes you look frumpy and..just not good.

>> No.8342542

YES. That is why I was going to remove it!

>> No.8342704


I really only like fully shirred blouses under jsks, I think they look a little bit messy by nature. For eg, even if you remove the top row of elastic, the bottom part kind of puffs out unflatteringly around your waist. You could try adding an extra row of elastic at the bottom, but I think you may end up with the tied ham look just because of the fabric gathering.

That said, I do think you should go ahead and remove the top row of elastic, if it makes the blouse sit better on you, even if you'll only be wearing it under a jsk. I'd actually recommend you remove all of the elastic from the biceps as well, it's kind of emphasising how big your arms are.

>> No.8342714

to be honest, I don't think the problem here is the elastic anon, it all just looks to small for your size and bad for your bodytype.

I don't think this kind of blouse fits you at all, even if you're not >fat<, it makes you look awfully bloated.

>> No.8343057

Your bust is way too big for those blouses. They are barely containing your breasts and stretching/gaping in the middle.

>> No.8343127

I feel like even by removing that elastic it won't sort the issue, because the fabric will still be 'stretched' across your chest which unfortunately doesn't particularly work with this blouse and isn't really how it was intended to be worn. It just doesn't look flattering. You could remove the elastic and see how it goes but honestly I would suggest selling it and getting a more flattering cut of blouse

>> No.8343135

It looks way too tight in the shoulders/armpit and upper arm. Is that comfortable to wear?

>> No.8343141

From one fatty chan to another, give up on that blouse. It isn't going to look good no matter what you do. Its too tight in the arms and shoulders and your bust and waist are just too big for the blouse and it's straining the fabric. You're going to rip it or hulk stretch out of it if you keep it and wear it, trust me.

>> No.8343213

Oh. Ok. Thanks, appreciate honesty.
Do you reckon it would look ok under a jsk or are the sleeves that bad?
And what items would look good on my body type? Because it seems that nothing does...

>> No.8343216

Avoid stuff with elastic, get blouses with lacing in the back so you can buy them larger to fit your bust and tie the back to flatter your torso.

Look for sleeves that are puffy in the shoulder area and don't close too tight around your arms, it works for me and should work for you too. ( I"ve got chubby arms)

>> No.8343217

Damn that fabric is pretty. Where is it from?

>> No.8343260

this, my mu used my sewing scissors on fabric bandaids once and fucked them up, said she could sharpen them and fucked them up worse, I made her buy me new ones.

>> No.8343438

For Wasteland Weekend, I kinda want to make a dress out of leather (real leather, not the fake stuff) with an embossed pattern at the bottom hem, but would that be tacky?

I also want to make accessories out of welded metal and bones, but I don't know if that would push it into 'over-the-top' territory.

>> No.8343513

Put a padlock on them or something.

>> No.8343568

I'm the anon that cant stop going through fabric.com.... I weep for my wallet.

Depends, ww is apocalypse stuff, no embelishment or frills kind of theme.

>> No.8343588

What is the best website to buy fabric online? I really want to make a jsk or skirt with dogs or wolves on it but the nearest fabric store to me is an hour away.

>> No.8343617


Etsy is good for Japanese prints. I like Shimgraphic, and pikobeagle.

Modes4u has cute stuff too, and there's always fabric.com

>> No.8343714

Seconding (thirding?) Fabric.com, excellent for basic solids and premium quilting prints (usable when lined properly).

>> No.8343718
File: 188 KB, 1000x1000, Large_0385816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Show her how much they cost and tell her the next time she allows them to keep using them, she has to buy you new ones. Preferably some of the more expensive gingher. Otherwise I'd consider a lock box.

Found it by searching opera. That price is pretty tempting.

I'd love to make something with this one.

>> No.8343821

The set had a few good ones. I liked this too but I doubted it would come out well.

>> No.8343823
File: 256 KB, 1000x1000, Large_0385815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aaaaand dropped my pic like a doofus.

>> No.8343945

They are nice. Maybe use it as an accent fabric, like in the bows? Like a double layer bow with your primary fabric in the front and that fabric in the back?

>> No.8343983

I think you could totally go over the top with that, WW isn't a lolita event, so you can bend the ""rules"" a bit because people aren't going to see "lolita" they're going to see a cool outfit.
I think it's a great idea anon! a girl in one of my classes made a leather circle skirt and they way it held its shape for the flares was awesome looking

>> No.8344050

You can't make your own lolita by hand, this thread is a bad idea because it inspires people to try their own ideas instead of just learning how to make proper cords with brand.

There's nothing worse than originality when it comes to being ita. Sewing is acceptable for accessories and small things, but there's no way anyone here can make their own clothes, you don't want to end up covered in stuff that looks like it came from the value bin on etsy.

Always buy when it comes to quality, never try to sew

>> No.8344061
File: 139 KB, 720x958, Screenshot_2015-05-21-14-07-28~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can't make your own.
>Thinks any hand made dresses or skirts are ita.

Dude, stop spending so much time in the bad handmade threads.

>> No.8344287

I... need to pry open my wallet. That's a great idea.
>Wah, it's not my brand for my special eyes!
Cry more, your desalinated tears fuel my iron.

>> No.8344296

I'm sorry, I can't here you over my perfectly tailored blouses

>> No.8344308

Tbh, sewing garments yourself is a lot more quality than what brand offer if you know what you're doing. You're obviously going to put a lot more time and effort into this one item while burando have to balance cost and time to make a profit.

> there's no way anyone here can make their own clothes
Do you even know where you are.

>> No.8344312
File: 457 KB, 1920x1440, wild-cats-apple-mac-comic-pet-very-happy-cat_467784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cry more, your desalinated tears fuel my iron.

>> No.8344313
File: 202 KB, 1000x1000, Large_0351412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think this would make a cute skirt or is it too busy?

>> No.8344330

Cuuuute. Do something high waisted maybe with corset lacing and a ruffle at the bottom. Keep design relatively simple to balance the slight busyness of the skirt. also gimme that sauce.

>> No.8344334
File: 12 KB, 200x200, 1424027393203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have clearly not been around long enough. It's true that there are many more bad examples of handmade than good, but the good stuff is out there, and usually indistinguishable from brand.

>> No.8344338


Found it there. Comes in 3 other colors too!

>> No.8344346

I really like it in black x white, though probably not for Lolita.

>> No.8344357

I have too many black and white normal fag clothes. I wanted to use this as an opportunity to put a little color in my wardrobe haha.

>> No.8344391

holy shit this is adorable, where did you find it?

>> No.8344393

nvm, needed to read farther down

>> No.8344670

Where is that top from?

>> No.8344710

idk, I'm a first year fashion student and we only just got started on blouses and I can already tell you that lolita is ezpz to draft. If you know how to draft a pleated/dirndl skirt, you know how to make a lolita skirt, just as if you know how to make a fitted blouse, it's not too much of a stretch to assume you can just put ruffles and a yoke on it.

I'm the second anon you quoted, but I think you mean to quote >>8340213. I'm just correcting the anon on their terminology, I agree that it isn't always like that, but if someone said "I'm a drafter" then their main focus is probably drafting, even if they do a bit of sample making too.

>> No.8344711

burlap isn't skirt material anon...

>> No.8344730

Burlap is the color. Look at the other listings of the fabrics other color ways.

>> No.8344905

>drafting pleated skirts.
>not just freehanding that shit.

This anon is right, lolita has absurdly easy basic patterns. The lolita 'quality' to pieces is in the small details - pintucks, ruffles, collars, lace, etc.

>> No.8345297

I figure this is as good of a thread as any to ask, but I recently got a boat load of organza and was thinking of making an A-line petti with it, I'm just not sure how long the tiers should be. Would 2x the waist be enough? I want moderate poof, so nothing extreme, but nothing flat either.

>> No.8346346
File: 116 KB, 924x924, Large_0332380[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this fabric loli-able? Sweet, of course.

If not, what could I do with it?

>> No.8347535

I think a simple design would work, you wouldn't want it to be too fancy since the print is pretty busy. I'm thinking something like Little Bears Cafe.