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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8309141 No.8309141[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Old one most likely autosaged.

> wearing IW's Stradivarius to school
> music teacher comes up to me
> violin player
> "Bonus points for wearing a violin dress, anon."
> tfw senpai noticed me

>> No.8309176
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>tfw want to cosplay Rikka
>tfw blind as fuck and can't wear contacts
>tfw glasses over an eye patch would look stupid

>> No.8309186

League took my animufag friends away and I hate it. I don't have trouble making new friends but dammit I'll miss them.

>> No.8309226

I convinced my best friend/roommate to get into ouji and I'm so excited. He's more into visual kei but he agreed to wear ouji for me occasionally so we can plan matching coords and aaaaaaah. It's gonna be great. But we joked about him coming to a meet with me in visual kei and carrying all my shit looking like a scary punk. Either way I'm so happy that someone is indulging my silly hobbies.

>> No.8309233

>tfw people in your comm keep asking you to twin with them

it's such a hassle to organise anything with any of them, and i'm very picky with coords
i'm scared that one of us will end up unhappy, either because i'm not satisfied with the coords or i nitpick the other person too much

how do you even reject someone wanting to twin with you though?
>tfw i ended up saying yes

>> No.8309269

wear the fucken eyepatch, put your fucken glasses over it and fucken take it off when people asks for pictures
don't let the glasses get in the way I believe in you anon

>> No.8309342

> Applied for a second job since hours were cut at previous job
> Previous job was dirty warehouse work so there was no reason to dress cute
> Got second job at a flower shop
> Oh boy I can wear cute coords!
> No. No. Brown spore stains everywhere as I work on my first arrangement.
> Removing all the leaves by hand and pollen everywhere
> Water everywhere too
> Tfw every job I get hired for is filthy
> I just want to be cute

At least I can start buying burando again, and I just need to wear casual clothes. I regret not doing so when I was in school. I'd love to join a comm but I don't think I have time to do much now that I have two jobs,and I'd be a little embarrassed to wear the same outfits a lot since I'm still building my wardrobe.

>> No.8309365
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I can hire you to pretend to be my gf. All you need to do is look cute and pretty.

>> No.8309380

Be happy you're not wasting good outfits at work, more money more burando

>> No.8309405

I know that feel, anon.

> forever suspicious of listing certain prints on dream dresses list
> some people in my comm have those same prints on their wish list as well
> afraid they might think I'm copying them

>> No.8309419

>currently losing weight
>lost around 50-60 pounds
>try on normalfag dresses for the hell of it
>try on classier ones instead of the sundresses that are out now
>mfw I actually look good in them
>also rekindled love of kimonos after finding a cat obi
>tfw I realize I want to expand my wardrobe to normalfag dresses, kimonos, and lolita all at once
>tfw have to really budget money to get all three
>doesn't matter because looking cute is finally in my grasp

I also want to update my furniture to be more classic/gothic lolita themed and get a BJD, but that's a big mess I don't want to start yet.

>> No.8309581

I found pics of naked girls on my bf's phone. My self esteem is nonexistent and I just feel like going back to my old ways of not eating. I know being anorexic wont solve shit but I'm too depressed to eat plus I have finals next week

>> No.8309607

Anon, there are very, very few jobs where you can acutally wear j-fashion. Even jobs that aren't messy, like office jobs, have certain dress-codes.

>> No.8309633

>know deep down I would make a great Stevonnie
>fucking hate Steven and Connie to a lesser extent, grew to like Steven Universe from gem-centric episodes
>the struggle of wanting to cosplay a character I'd look good as but hating the source material

>> No.8309655
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lol no it didn't the mod fucking ended the thread.

Anyways got seagull feels.

>tfw starting job in july
>finally will have money for lolita
>lol won't have time for lolita

I think I'm fated to turn into a lolita's worst nightmare: the collector lolita.

>> No.8309666


I've had some shitty news too recently but this isn't the place. Keep it EGL/cosplay.

>> No.8309671

> "most likely" is the same as "definitely"

>> No.8309681

Oh I'm really happy I got the second job! I wish I was more informed though as I applied for a store assistant but got moved into the floral design department instead (I have no experience in that, but they needed the extra hands since Mother's Day is coming up).
Oh- I'm fully aware of that; I was hoping my other job would hire me in their design department since I'm skilled in making technical flats in illustrator and such, but they just needed someone to quality inspect samples and repack things for representatives (and do all the grunt work in the background). There was no real dress code there- the company owner loves it when people dress nicely though. I wore an otome outfit on what I thought was my last day since they needed some help in the actual office (turns out I'm just an on call employee now) and I got a ton of "Anon you look so cute today!" "Anon you're wearing a dress! You look great!"

One can dream of being cute at work..

>> No.8309698


If you're referring to the job I signed the contract already - it's just customary to start in that particular time of year. But whatever makes you feel good.

>> No.8309911
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cosplay this version of her

>> No.8309933

No they're talking about why the last thread ended.
Your post comes off as aggressive even though it isn't directed at OP, but rather the janitor.

>> No.8309964
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>Have wanted to do a masq skit for no joke a decade now.
>Friends always flake out on me.
>Been dancing since I was 2, even took lessons at Millennium, the studio linked below for a good chunk of my life https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3y17D_K9Zw&t=0m12s
>TFW have all this creativity and talent but no one to share it with.
>TFW just want to have fun doing a skit with friends in dorky costumes but keep getting denied.

I've pondered just doing a solo skit, but the fun in it for me would be doing it with others.

>> No.8309976

If you haven't done masquerade solo, it'd be a good time to start. You sound like you have a lot of experience, and it may not always end up that you'll be able to perform with a group of friends at the same level, so besides flaking, you might have to also endure wavering levels of skills for what you might want to achieve.

Unless you have good patience and are willing to teach along the process, starting out solo is a good way to establish yourself and also you may pick up ideas along the way on how to introduce a new idea and organize it with a group in the future.

I don't have as an extensive dancing background, but I have performing experience and several other peers in competition also have a great range of talents. A lot of them venture between solo and group skits, with solo being great opportunities to showcase your unique stuff.

>> No.8309988

Don't worry anon it's the same for me, except instead of league it was whatever tumblr liked the most at the time. Suddenly no more talks about animu and vidya but about fucking doctor who instead.

>> No.8310026

thank goodness most people in my comm have different tastes from me, the prints they want to twin are all things i want to sell off some time this year, and the things i have left on my wishlist are really far from their tastes

i did happen to get the dream dress of a few girls in my comm, but i don't think they had the money to buy it at that time anyway, and it's a popular dress so...
>no hard feelings i hope

>> No.8310043

Ooh, I could drop a few hundred on prescription sunglasses, or I could find some snap on shades for my current glasses... Or I could wear TWO pairs of glasses and an eye patch!

>> No.8310055

>Hide power level for years
>Seamlessly blend in as normal af
>Finally got fed up last year and went all out
>Normalfag friends are surprisingly supportive
>Sorority sisters even think I look hella cute in lolita/cosplay
>Coworkers couldn't care less and are pretty friendly about it in general

E-everything went better than expected.

>> No.8310063
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>gained weight over the long winter
>almost back into my "fat" clothes
>had been doing so well, and then gained 15 pounds
>portion control was good, just drank a lot of calories and didn't go to the gym
>my grad program commencement is on the 16th
>told myself two years ago when I was losing the weight that I would be slimmer for this one unlike my undergrad commencement
>nope, gonna be fat
>feel accomplished for getting my degree despite a lot of mental/emotional circumstances
>feel like I failed because I didn't meet a personal goal
>tfw at least my lolita clothes still fit

>> No.8310081
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>remember being highschool girl with no job
>wanted all these Hetalia CDs like the HetaFag I was that were fucking expensive to import
>6 years later, be adult with a form of income
>CDs have depreciated in price on Amazon Japan quite a bit
>Buy 6 character cds for 761 yen.
>Inner HetaFag is quite happy and excited

>> No.8310125

> tfw I still have the Arte Stella artbook in perfect condition with all the extra items

I may not be into the series anymore but it feels good to have it anyway.

>> No.8310364

Get a new boyfriend. Good boyfriends don't allow you to feel this way.

>> No.8310371

I admit I'm a little jelly but I'm glad you have it! I'm kind of finally getting the stuff I've been wanting for years.

>> No.8310378

>hung up on ex
>we broke up because of stupid shit
>I thought he was the one
>we still act like we're dating, just no titles
>want to be petty and bitchy and make him jealous but I'm genuinely just not interested in anyone else

>have a tough time making friends lately
>recently started being really good friends with a couple girls at work
>we start planning girls night
>50shades, cookies, and wine
>feeling a little less depressed
>looking forward to things again
>love feeling like this

>> No.8310386

This is mostly out of concern, but does anyone else have friends that have such bad anxiety that they end up in a constant cycle of self hate and shit talk themselves a lot?

Not the most amazing person, but neither am I. Constantly makes content and asks people to reblog and retweet and share and I just want to tell them that they don't need to do all that. Less is more and they just really need to figure out what their self worth should be in because whatever it is in now...its not working.

The other thing is just not feeling like I can say anything to them because then I'll just be "Acting like I understand when I don't" because I don't have anxiety. But sometimes I feel like since I don't have it, I'm kind of the best person to try and help them out? I don't know. All I do know is I don't like seeing them this way and it bothers me to see their friends be an unhealthy hugbox for them.

>> No.8310389
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>> No.8310391

Pls I don't have a lot of friends I don't get to be picky.

>> No.8310406

>tfw you have a lot of cute fabrics
>tfw they're less than a yard

I feel like a packrat. I can't seem to toss anything because I might use it for a pocket lining or some shit. Halp.

>> No.8310425

It's porn, it doesn't have to be good.

>> No.8310479
File: 119 KB, 512x384, 1396064871643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>losing weight
>used to be a whale with equally whale sized arms
>arms are the same size, just saggy from the loose skin
>told I have my granny's arms, its genetics and if I work out it will just make them look bigger
>ill show you
>try toning my arms
>still sagging and the added muscle only made them look bigger
>when I lift my arms there's an actual roll of skin and the arm is almost as wide as my face
>when I hold my arms out the skin reaches below my arm pit
>too embarrassed to wear my dream cosplay now or short sleeved shirts in general

This is terrible. I used cosplaying as motivation to lose weight and my granny's arms have struck hard. I guess I'm cursed to have hammy arms.

I know that feel, anon. I've lost and gained almost all 50 pounds back in a year. It sucked. You can lose the weight again, don't feel like a failure. Congratulations on getting your degree!

>> No.8310483

This is maybe a bit stupid but even though I only wear casual and cheaper lolita 'cause I don't have the funds I still treat every piece with a lot of care, especially my Bodyline dresses they are my treasures until I can get a few brand ones.

Anyway I'm starting to get really irritate with my friends, they are both in their 20's and they still are, like no offence to them, gross. Won't brush their hair, will wear the same clothes even after they start to smell or get dirty, stuff like that. I don't want to say anything to them because I really don't want to offend them but It's making me self conscious when I hang out with them. If I'm wearing Jfash I stand out enough but then to be standing next to someone who stinks and hasn't brushed their hair or washed their face I don't want people to see me and thinking I have some problem or that I'm nasty like they are. I thought that at least the one would grow out of it once she moved away, but nope.

Even worse, one of them tried on one of my skirts on once and was messing around and got stuck in it. They were wearing it across their chest like a shirt, so it was stuck with the waistband digging into their nasty armpits, and I was scared they ruined my skirt because the zipper was jammed. I wouldn't have let them even tough the skirt had I know they would be so rude, I just assumed they knew I value my clothes and would be respectful of another person's belonging.

TL:DR My friends are immature for their age and kinda gross sometimes but I'm too nice to say anything. At this point one has moved so we don't see each other much, and the other has so many issues that I don't want to hang out with them anymore anyway, so I guess it doesn't really matter anymore.

>> No.8310487

Lol fucking truth but actually performance matters

>> No.8310490

if it's just skin, you need surgery for that shit.

>> No.8310491
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>tfw brother told me of a couple trying to re-enact a scene from 50 shades gone horribly wrong
>didn't establish safeword
>used a fucking belt during first time with spanking implements
>guy kept on going even when girl screamed no
>girl tried pressing assault charges, but dropped them shortly after

top keks were had.

Super sage for OT

>> No.8310494

That story your brother told you is probably the most generic story I have every heard since people outside of sm realized it exists (that was before 50 shades).

>> No.8310499


I guess I've heard really unusual stories (usually people getting their genitalia stuck in various implements) but yeah, it also happened on his campus and made the news.

And agreed, BDSM gone wrong has always existed, but apparently shot up after 50 shades because most people who read the book and want to try shit are pants on head retarded about it.

>> No.8310508

League took away some of my friends in a different way.

>made new friends
>find out they play league
>we all start playing in groups
>find out that they're all extremely toxic and horrible at the game
>they're always flipping out at each other over their own mistakes
>being around them is just no longer fun
>this scenario has happened multiple times

I don't ever bring up that I play league anymore.

>> No.8310519


>tfw knew a really cool dude who was into vidya
>we meshed well together, was a big part of our friend group and was somewhat the social glue between all of us since he was extremely congenial
>then he got a gf
>then he got into league
>lol bye friend it was good knowing you

We still talk whenever we run into each other, but damn it's so hard to get him to socialize with us now.

>> No.8310529
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>mfw big hips but absolutely no ass
>hurts to sit
>squat every day, still no ass
>seagull... to die

>> No.8310539
File: 38 KB, 960x720, xxxholic3_42[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

um anon glasses over eyepatch is fine, look at my bae pulling it off.

>> No.8310548

What the fuck is it with ASSFAGGOTSs bringing out the worst in people?

>> No.8310550

Anon let me dance with you

I can follow directions, I just can't choreograph for shit.

>tfw Sakura is the only baton-wielding character i know of
>dreams of a twirling skit crushed 5ever because Sakura only shows her skills for like 2 minutes and nobody would get it

>> No.8310576

I think the main demographic for mobas consists of people that don't have experience working together as a team, while also having a fragile egos that can't learn from mistakes or accept responsibility for said mistakes. So basically your typical internet kiddo. Which fucking sucks because I love those games.

>> No.8310696

At least with my animufags, they all play the game and would rather be together online playing it than all be together outside doing other stuff. It sucks.

>> No.8310705

>tfw no job to start cosplaying
>tfw too lanky and want to start working out
>procrastinate too much and just imagine what I look like instead
>rinse and repeat

I've never been to one convention sadly.

>> No.8310714
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>"cosplay is about having fun"
>its impossible to have fun in cosplay
>scared of /cgl/
>never cosplay again once discovering it
>hate myself forever for not being tiny grill

>> No.8310718

Mod ended the thread and told us to go to /r9k/ with our greentexts.

I'm not even joking.

Telling us to go to /r9k/ was a retarded idea, showing that they lack knowledge of our board's culture. will they start deleting /cgl/ games threads too?

>> No.8310725
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Remember anon, every time a feels thread gets deleted, that they do it for free

>> No.8310732

I've been in an out of dance studios, did some choreography for skits/talent shows but my friends noped out on me last minute "oh we are too shy"
we spent weeks learning this what the ever living fuck you cant nope out on me the night of the talent show, fuck you.

Or for film projects, noped out on me after I wrote scripts or choreography, ended up failing that class because my friends were "too shy"

Man, having a friend to dance with/learn dances with would be the tits.
I had a friend who I'd learn weeby dances with and it was a great way to stay in shape, I miss that.

>> No.8310736

>tfw have to monitor a board on an anonymous Flemish anal bead fetish forum
>tfw no money for hot pockets
>tfw I do it for free

>> No.8310739

That's your own damn fault now innit?

>> No.8310744

So it is, if only there were better things to do and other boards to terrorise...

>> No.8310761

>happen to make a seagull friend the other day
>it's already been fantastic just chatting with someone that gets why I go here among other things
>we both wear what we want when we want
>super hyped for when we get to hang out and out dress all the normalfags together

Our styles are completely different but I feel like they'll still complement each other. I really need to calm down before they get sick of me but I'm too easily excited.
I've been chatting less than I want but still it's a lot.

>> No.8310769

>finally get to cosplay with one of my cosplay senpais in a big cosplay group
>talking to everyone via facebook group chat about progress and shoot scheduling
>senpai messages me separately, we talk a little about the costumes I've made
>senpai tells me that I should be a better cosplayer, basically wants me to change everything I'm doing 2 weeks before the con, implies she thinks she's too good to cosplay with me
>also implies I'm too chubby
I know my costumes aren't amazing but it's not like I haven't been working to improve them. And I'm only 125 lbs at 5'5 so it's not like I'm a landwhale.
>tfw it turns out your senpai is kind of mean
>tfw you're on mobile and can't post a reaction image

>> No.8310787

>Have always thought height differences are super cute, probably due to watching so many cutesy animes with them in couples
>Get my boyfriend to cosplay with me, he's a head taller than me (If I hug him he can perfectly rest his chin on top of my head)
>Wow this is perfect for all my cute shoujo cosplay needs! Must implement this!!
>We've been together for almost three years and done six cosplay pairs together so far
>Realize recently all these characters are canonly around the same height
>All the ones we have planned are also canonly around the same height

I think it's because he's not into shoujos as much as I am so we tend to not watch them together.. but man I feel like I've just skipped over a gift that could be used to step up our couple-cosplay game.
On that note, if anyone has some anime they'd like to recommend to help my dreams come true, I'd appreciate it!