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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 25 KB, 350x463, GROSS FANPOP ITA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8196473 No.8196473 [Reply] [Original]

The last one has started to autosage.

>> No.8196521

jesus christ don't start a new thread and only post one picture that everyone has seen a thousand times

>> No.8196673
File: 119 KB, 960x960, FB_IMG_1426984859318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl freaks me out
I'm sure she is a nice person but her face scares me

>> No.8196677

She scares the hell out of me too. Thankfully her makeup has gotten a bit less scary lately, but still..

>> No.8196724

She widens her eyes too much and her smile is harsh. She looks like a serial killer in child's clothes.

>> No.8196735

This. Her eyes also look super dark and terrifying in her photos, and her skin looks, I dunno, plastic? She looks like a skinwalker.

>> No.8196741

Man, that dress is such a forced fit on her. I know it's easier (and cheaper) said than done but get it altered if you're set on wearing it.
She just looks really uncomfortable and awkward overall.

>> No.8196753


those baby bottles didn't help either.

>> No.8196801

I think this is one of her best coords so far, and the dress actually fits fine, but pulling out the skirt like this would make even misako look like shit.

>> No.8197082

How old is she anyway? She looks like 35-40's.

>> No.8197087

>that soulless baby-doll expression
>she could fit a diaper under that petti and you wouldn't know

>> No.8197092

Honestly more of a nitpick. The dress is a tad too small and I think she's wearing ridiculous hand accessories, but it's not like its her fault she has a slightly weird face.

>> No.8197300

Goddamnit mom get out of my clothes

>> No.8197301

>"actually fits fine"
>"tad too small"
>dress hits her mid-thigh
> incredibly obvious boob loaf

yeah no it doesn't fit her at all. are you guys just blind or what?
god damn that overdone blush though. also why does she always feel the need to wear rings on every fucking finger besdies her thumb?? god and all those bangles. barf.

>> No.8197317

>boob loaf

Sorry that some girls who lolita have bigger boobs than what fit the outfit? They don't even have to be fat and this can still happen. Now we are onto boob hating.

>> No.8197319

how. fucking. new. are. you?

>> No.8197327

I have a feeling this is the same person running around saying the 'new' thing in 7 other threads.

>> No.8197337

haha, no. boob loaf is a term that's been in lolita longer than the girl in the pic has. this is either your first day here or you stumbled here from some magical 'lolitas are lovelies' land.

>> No.8197355

so alter the dress or buy something else

>> No.8197382
File: 496 KB, 2000x3000, John_Turturro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She looks like John Turturro. That's actually what bothers me the most.

>> No.8197410

>implying that lolita doesn't give everyone boobloaf
Seriously, with bib style dresses you aren't supposed to have a depression in the middle, it makes the bib look like shit. As I said, the pose she is doing is extremely unflattering, and if she let go of the skirt I predict it would hit at just above knee height.
What bugs me most about this is the badly blended blush and the too-short sleeves on the cutsew.

>> No.8197428

>just above knee height

I don't think that's right at all. The skirt doesn't look strained horizontally enough to make me believe it's any longer than it already appears. And there's filling out the chest of a dress, and then there's boob-loaf. When your chest is so mashed in that the fabric clings to the lower curve and makes it look like two balloons (instead of draping from the fullest part of the boob) then the dress doesn't fit.

The only way this would look the right length would be if she lost the petti and took a MySpace angled photo.

>> No.8197440

woah. wait just a second guys .. is she wearing double sets of wrist cuffs?

I get this is OTT, but that's just fucking tacky as fuck. Is that a thing people do?

>> No.8197448

It's not boob-hating, it's squeezing-yourself-into-clothing-that-clearly-doesn't-fit-you-hating. Why is this so hard to understand? Are there other fashions out there where bursting out of your clothing is considered cute or acceptable? If the clothes don't fit you, get them altered or buy something else.

>> No.8197464

Post her scary makeup pix pls

>> No.8197473

Looks like the lace at the end of her cardigan and just one set of wristcuffs.

>> No.8197484


Yeah I have to agree. This exact dress doesn't fit me like that AT ALL.

Where her waistline poof starts under the white bib part I still have 4+ inches or so

>mfw I felt MY bust was too big

>> No.8197891

No, it doesn't give everyone boobloaf, because there are some people that know how to wear clothes that fit.

>> No.8198637

I've worn double wristcuffs before and stacked wrist accessories while doing super OTT, but normally it looks a lot better with a short sleeved blouse.

I honestly have a feeling that if she tried more mature styles, even just sweet/classic and tried relaxing her expression and working on posing she'd look pretty good. I think she's just fixated on OTT sweet atm. She'll probably figure it out if you give her time. Hell, I looked really awkward starting out too.

>> No.8198817

I like seeing her collection of AP rings and bracelets and arm shit grow.

>> No.8198855
File: 84 KB, 720x960, tumblr_mtrf8aPx1v1qzito5o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only one ita posted in this thread so far. step up ur game pls. here, have some fandom itas

>> No.8198944


>> No.8198948

Why would she put so much effort into all those rings and bracelets but then not do deco nails?

>> No.8199162

Cannot unsee

>> No.8199183

The thumbnail looked like two older women trying to be cute.


>> No.8199188

Also, way to upstage your friend's baby shower? Maybe they liked it but I wouldnt. I hate the fit of that dress on her. This doesn't feel OTT to me, not with a cutsew and fuzzy stars. It just feels overdone, cheap and costume-like.

>> No.8199193


This shit doesn't fucking match. Dear lord. She looks like she used to be a 25 year old poorfag admiring AP for the past 7 years and finally was able to buy their things at 32 so she's showing it all off, but she didn't age well. Like "oh well, I need to show that I was able to buy it so I'll wear it all at once"~

>> No.8199208
File: 101 KB, 720x960, 11069942_823667471042843_3480906598902285963_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

STFU and post itas already dammit

>> No.8199211
File: 57 KB, 516x960, 1901389_904940386194183_1106728059607637680_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8199292

why shit on these women? most of the itas posted in threads like this are probably trying it out for the first time and didn't have 200$ to drop on a dress they would only wear to a few cons a year.
like jfc when i first heard of lolita stuff and saw a few pictures i really thought it was cool but the lolita community seems so shitty. every is making fun of everyone else constantly. like it's always the lolita community i see shittign on their own people. there's so many threads on /cgl/ every day about it that they're getting deleted in minutes because they're so repetitious. why can't lolitas just love themselves and stop being such cunts?

>> No.8199316

Wahwahwah We're too busy having our fun here to deal with your whiny butthurt. Did you get posted? Aww, your poor feefees.
1. Lolita is a luxury hobby. Don't have $200-500 bucks to drop on a decent quality outfit? Then don't wear lolita.
2. We're not good, we're not nice, we're just right. We encourage each other to dress better by having threads full of what to do and what not to do.
3. If you can't handle brutal honesty and you want a hugbox full of ~positivity and self love~ rather than reality then go back to tumblr.

>> No.8199327

ItW reference makes my heart sing, thank you anon.

>> No.8199329

lol you are making fun of me for being mad when you're that mad about it. that's amazing.
dude, it's fucking costumes. get over yourself because it's not that cool.

>> No.8199333

I love myself, I just hate bitches who love themselves to the point they can't see how shitty they look.

We are not your sisters, we are not your family, we are not unified, we are just girls in clothes. We owe you nothing.

>> No.8199340

Why is this ita?

>> No.8199341
File: 435 KB, 500x281, Wink.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think I conveyed any anger, anon, just the same piece of truth we give to every person who comes in here spouting off some version of what you said. Did you think no one has tried that before? There's no reasoning with us crusty seagulls.

this, very much

>> No.8199342

At least they tried and didn't go full power level with their dresses... The blue one could look like a Tardis and have a worse cut, and the MLP one could be... so.... so so SO much worse. Not saying they are good, but it's a start if it is supposed to be lolita.

>> No.8199348

I guess because the only busy print is her skirt, and nothing else is patterned?

>> No.8199352

Not the anon that posted it but I'm guessing it's because
>messy hair, not really styled in a way that fits with lolita
>flower crown
>whatever that neck ruffle/magical girl bow mess is that's happening on her chest/neck area
I think that's just what makes it ita. It could be nitpicked, too, but I won't bother with that.

>> No.8199359

Its definately not "costumes" if you think it's a costume,then you're probably an ita. I have a wardrobe full of brand and offhand. I can make a full coordinate out of $80. Price had nothing to do with it. Lolitas are actually really supportive of eachother in my experience. It's when they treat it as cosplay or get raging buttmad at con-crit when other lolita tend to get really sandy about it, and you end up here

>> No.8199391
File: 128 KB, 877x589, shepassedwhattest..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8199393

>I don't care about something I don't know about and you shouldn't either

Hm yes truly you are the superior one in how laid back you are, your Royal Dudeness.
That's like going to a school of Pre-Raphaelite art and whinging that nobody likes Art Rave milk-vomit paintings.
"B-but whatever, you salty bitches, it's all just stupid doodles anyway!"

>> No.8199396

It's made out of a fucking bedsheet! I would rather see a full on brand coord cosplay, tail and all than someone trying to pass off a bed sheet as an appropriate dress fabric.

>> No.8199398

I'm more concerned over who exactly told her that any of this was okay.

>> No.8199400
File: 107 KB, 332x389, HAH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's like going to a school of Pre-Raphaelite art and whinging that nobody likes Art Rave milk-vomit paintings.

>> No.8199404

This is glorious.

>> No.8199459

looking through her photos she's clearly done some research at least I can't understand how she could get it so wrong after using reference pics of what lolita should look like.

>> No.8199463


It's ita for a few reasons. You're allowed to just wear one item with a print. That's fine. What's not fine is mismatching whites and creams, ugly/clusterfuck jewellery (a ruffled garterbelt choker doily thing? and pearl necklace). Super unflattering blouse with gigantic bow. Flower crown. Caterpillar brows. Rick Moranis glasses.

>> No.8199468

>PS - My cousin who sews professionally (and takes commissions) made my custom made petticoat.

I thought she wasn't wearing one at first.

>> No.8199537

You're looking too deep into it. I look at these threads because your standard well dressed lolita looks hilarious already, a poorly dressed one becomes comedy gold. Dunno about anyone else but it's a great boredom reliever for me.

>> No.8199543

I also want to know whose test she passed b/c she's failing all mine. 14+ fatty group must be all ass-patters too, I guess?

>> No.8199553

Isn't this a Touhou?

>> No.8199554

PT in five years.

>> No.8199572

>You wot
> No
> No
> Just No

>> No.8199573

Despite that mess I can't stop staring at Jabba the Hut in the background

>> No.8199574


>> No.8199599

One thing I will say is she has great potential. She has a good figure and her outfit silhouette is solid.
Get some sort of forehead coverage, sideswept bangs might look better? Scrap that particular style of glasses, learn to pose in a way that defines her jawline, and improve the color theory/balance, and you have a good beginner.
Good luck, Girl in Photo.

>> No.8199613

Yeah I was about to make a joke that she's so fat, her waist-band creates a poof on its own.
You're not good at lolita and your cousin isn't good at making poofy pettis, hun.

>> No.8199659

This sound so weirdly specific.

>> No.8199677


The coord needs quite a few tweaks but wouldn't call it straight up ita iyswim. Leaning more towards a nitpick. She's cute, she has potential and what she really needs is a good mentor.

>> No.8199687


Oh dear. She is completely delusional. I'll bet no-one told her she passed the "test", she probably just made that up. This chick clearly doesn't know a single thing about this fashion.
This is exectly why I feel sorry for the well dressed fluffy-chans, for every good plus sized Lolita there are 20 bad ones and the good ones get lumped into the same ita group because they are the same size.

>> No.8199704

Why did she choose black and purple if she was going for "Hello Kitty lolita"?

>> No.8199706

It also sounds right

>> No.8200255

I bet she told some lolitas that she made the skirt herself and they just replied something like "oh, that's nice" to be polite. The lolita test thing is just a figure of speech since she seems to be aware of how critical the (online) lolita community can be. The first lolitas she met IRL didn't immediately rip her head off so clearly she must have done well on her first outfit! Except of course very few people will tell you that you look like shit to your face.

>> No.8200319
File: 85 KB, 640x854, 11072913_10202979616806320_8428732915328809860_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"medieval ouji" on the pile of shit that is the kodona/ouji group

>> No.8200344

she has a couple of ita looking friends who told her she did good.

>> No.8200390


>> No.8200598

Oh come on, that's clearly just a bit of fun.

>> No.8200603

She looks so incredibly cute and happy, I'm jealous.

>> No.8200615

she's in her 20s i think
was in university like 2 years ago so she's probably not that old

>> No.8200637

Ita circlejerking. What a wonderful thing.

>> No.8200645

She looks like those tall, lanky awkward girls, she's so cute, she just needs a mentor like >>8199677 said

>> No.8200662

Can someone explain the difference between bxw ita and old school?

>> No.8200685

Essentially is about quality and a good balance between Black and White. The lace quality is especially important as a lot of ita black and white cords are covered in cheap plasticky lace.

>> No.8200784

I like this though

>> No.8200811

Kodona/ouji group?

>> No.8200835

if only they asked those awful tights and maybe gotten a better quality hat. what a shame ):

>> No.8200851

Yo you know what 4chan is, right? Also cgl is not the whole lolita community. But by all means tell us more about these "costumes". Or go do more research and find a less harsh place to be new.
Sage for noob shitting up thread being irrelevant

>> No.8200862
File: 42 KB, 570x502, help me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i feel like the longer i look at her the more chance there is that she will be at the foot of my bed when i wake up

>> No.8200865

please cry more ita tears

>> No.8201054
File: 36 KB, 244x227, AASJKDAHKHD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the hell is this

>> No.8201076
File: 64 KB, 312x454, Gothic_Lolita_by_ryo4gabiel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Gothic Lolita"....

>> No.8201080

The flower crown doesn't bug me in this one. Actually the crown and the skirt are the only thing I'd keep in this coord. I think this is a girl who has the right idea, but no fashion sense in general.

>> No.8201090
File: 1.58 MB, 1260x1260, My_first_dress_Lolita_style_by_MilkyBerry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the skirt ate her legs

>> No.8201096

It's like EGA had a baby with something from the Bodyline punk section.

>> No.8201106
File: 181 KB, 900x1200, sakura_con_lolita_1_by_ridikittydesign-d33woa1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8201107

I really like the idea behind this, it just needs done better. Like, the tunic and its sleeves and pants are awesome, but the hat is awful and so are those stockings. If she wanted a pop of color, why not pull the red from the necklace? Most of all, though, I feel like it just needs...more?

>> No.8201110
File: 118 KB, 960x960, 11074158_616833871749580_2469872925471086457_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck guys, she got really fucking cute.

>> No.8201114
File: 116 KB, 419x792, Wa_Lolita_Papillon_by_KitsuneSakakino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't have an ita thread without god awful Wa Lolita

>> No.8201118
File: 146 KB, 599x800, Gothic_lolita_yukata_2_by_Sakura_chan04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there's anything I hate the most on these girls is the lack of decent makeup, and -sometimes- unwashed hair...

>> No.8201131
File: 697 KB, 945x1400, Gothic_Lolita_by_SchizophrenicKittie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8201139
File: 145 KB, 600x903, jack_and_loli_by_centauri54-d3grinp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has a cute face but HOT DAMN...

>> No.8201145
File: 234 KB, 900x1354, Lunie_jeudi_2_by_guillaumes2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8201153

D-does she have...balloons... tied into into her hair...?

>> No.8201162

Bangs are still side swept, but she looks a LOT better

>> No.8201168
File: 731 KB, 667x1000, http%3A%2F%2F41.media.tumblr.com%2F3b1bde7977df16d89d80dddb41a09a8b%2Ftumblr_nlfshmI6PN1s3f3i1o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8201174
File: 184 KB, 900x1354, i don't even.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, it feels good to see some improvement... but anyway what IS happening on the "now" photo? Are those buns or?
Th-Those socks, this is so wrong (the fucking Pokemon bed sheets)

>> No.8201175

I was going to say that this isn't the worst, then I saw the purple....

>> No.8201177
File: 1.25 MB, 667x1090, http%3A%2F%2F40.media.tumblr.com%2F53f4ac7ed6239a4cde53670ff7c2d5f1%2Ftumblr_nlfrry0Rm81tl6e64o6_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>an oojia ita

>> No.8201180

Wow, huge improvement in such a short time.

>> No.8201187

who fucking lied to this bitch

>> No.8201191

That corset is totally tubular

>> No.8201197

i spat my drink, thanks anon.

>> No.8201198

This makes me feel uncomfortable.
I hate piercings.

>> No.8201205

For a moment, I thought she was a midget

>> No.8201207

I imagine they're the little twin buns that have become popular. Personally I think they're pretty cute so long as they aren't those gigantic ones like Kate wore that one time.

>> No.8201211
File: 418 KB, 250x139, tumblr_lseadtanpW1ql141xo1_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8201213

>so long as they aren't those gigantic ones like Kate wore that one time.
Who? Also, got any pic?

>> No.8201220
File: 28 KB, 524x318, 10540531_10154344463055035_834896317701883096_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How could you..?

>> No.8201224

the fact she wore this to a baby shower is all the more disturbing
i actually dig this a lot
like if it were on a japanese girl in a street fashion pic, people would be ok with it

>> No.8201246

>if it were on a japanese girl
is this the new 'was it meant to be lolita?'

>> No.8201274

I... I kind of like it. Like, it would look really nice at a ren fair if she had different shoes.

>> No.8201540


>> No.8201747
File: 140 KB, 540x540, BACK OFF IT'S GONNA EXPLODE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8201751
File: 138 KB, 640x640, tumblr_nk946hrwdD1uovq2ho1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8201757
File: 103 KB, 540x540, tumblr_nloicgvW0o1s8ogn0o1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate Bodyline...

>> No.8201761
File: 85 KB, 463x800, Gothic_lolita__2_0_by_allicia1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8201763

Isn't that Baby though?

>> No.8201772
File: 230 KB, 473x1280, non binary lolita magical girl take notice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I checked and she put Bodyline on the tags, nothing about btssb

>> No.8201871

This coord is fine anon

>> No.8201960

I think she meant the wig, anon. That dress is actually super old AP/Baby (can't remember which, but the lace says AP).

>> No.8202009


>> No.8202066

Again I'm pretty sure she is a brazilian lolita who has a twin sister.

>> No.8202087

Yeah, this photo really doesn't belong in this thread.

>> No.8202129

It wasn't a baby shower. Myself and another girl in the comm are pregnant right now, and she graciously offered to host a party in our honor. Just to set the record straight - it's not like she upstaged someone's normalfag baby shower. She organized everything, paid for food, made food, bought us gifts, everything. It was basically a regular meet, but with the baby focus.

She's really generous and sweet and a great friend and it always hurts me to see her posted, but I know that's a risk she takes by posting her coords in public. OTT sweet is what really makes her happy, and she's been improving, so I only hope that trend continues.

>> No.8202162
File: 615 KB, 724x1280, well.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so much is happening here

>> No.8202165

Those coords are beyond saving.

>> No.8202173
File: 75 KB, 540x960, f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8202188
File: 535 KB, 1200x900, Ranka.Lee.full.263330[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ugh. whenever i see a tubby girl doing a cute pose i die a little inside from cringe, because i know that when they look in the mirror or at the photo they think they look kawaii as fuck like pic related.

>> No.8202195

Totally digging that beard

>> No.8202197
File: 58 KB, 500x281, coffeespit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit her smug face. It's cracking me up so fucking much. Like she's thinking
>that'll show those dumb slutty bitches, i'm kawaii as fuck.
>check. mate.

>> No.8202207

I would love this better if she didn't wear the Big Bird tights

>> No.8202213

This was someone's little sister, be nice cgl

>> No.8202219

anon hates btssb, everyone pass it on

>> No.8202231

Those piss-poor penciled eyebrows are worse than anything going on in the outfit itself. Although that bag looks really ratty and dirty. Would look nicer with a white purse.

I kinda like the dress, though I kind of have a problem with the corset lacing on the bodice.

>> No.8202330


For some reason, I find this kawaii as fuck.

>> No.8202337


Yeah, I guess they were just polite. If they told her the truth they would probably be branded as "mean elitist brand whores" sigh. It's so hard to tell people the truth these days, many of them are so overly sensitive and get butthurt no matter how hard you try to word it as nicely as possible.

Itas praising itas. Yikes.

>> No.8202348
File: 522 KB, 1186x1242, goodvsita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Quality and design. Ita lace monsters are usually extremely illfitting, unflattering, too short and made from awful fabrics and scratchy plasticky lace.

>> No.8202349


Huge improvement!

>> No.8202351


Meh, more of a nitpick. The wig needs a fringe, especially one that covers those awful brows but other than that it's fine.

>> No.8202354

>We're not good, we're not nice, we're just right
hehe perfect reference

>> No.8202376
File: 36 KB, 280x373, 50386_900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the cut of the border is really unfortunate. No matter what petti you use, it always looks sad. I have no idea how AP manages to poof out the border panel like in pic related.

>> No.8202380

The pinks don't match either

>> No.8202386

Oo jia ita...
But that's all Oo Jia wearers, silly Anon!

>> No.8202392

Mannequin with minimum waist measure or smaller, 2 pettis. That's what I'm guessing. Often store/display mannequins are pretty tiny so you cinch the waist smaller in back and fluff the skirt.

>> No.8202400

I always feel bad hearing about now nice people who can't dress are

When they're snobby and rude to everyone I feel justified

>I wish bad clothes didn't happen to good people

>> No.8202414
File: 301 KB, 720x1280, tumblr_nhwix5CTiM1r7bqnuo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the military lolita tag on tumblr is a fucking goldmine

>> No.8202416
File: 580 KB, 1280x1280, tumblr_niqwf9nQfA1r1dl3ro1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8202419
File: 861 KB, 1163x1920, tumblr_njwaf6hTW81u1bappo4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8202420
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>> No.8202421
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>> No.8202426

Wearing a wig but uses those shitty ballet flats in a coord instead of lolita shoes. Every damn time! Why is this such a thing? WHYYYYY?
So annoyed!

>> No.8202428
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>> No.8202430

She looks like some kind of dieselpunk Girl Scout.

>> No.8202432
File: 102 KB, 570x855, tumblr_m3xjwg96CW1rruyqgo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8202443

Especially with AP you can often tell that the waists on mannequins and even models in photoshoots are pinned back. I'm happy that bigger girls are able to fit into AP and other brands too but it kind of sucks when you're the same size as some of the models and then find out that the dress is way more sack-like than it looked in the promo pictures...

>> No.8202455

Ita threads are about how things look. I don't feel bad that 'nice people' are posted, it's not usually personal, or at least it shouldn't be. But if the same person keeps wearing ita stuff, I can't help but feel a little annoyed if they don't improve.

>> No.8202461

No it's not boob-hating. Unless those boobs just sprouted up overnight, you should know what will nicely fit over them and what will be too damn small. Measurements and reviews, they exist. No one gets a pass on bad fit just because, oops - boobs.

>> No.8202475

I'd think you could draw up the shirring threads tighter and pin them inside if you want to re-sell later or just tie them off if not. The shirring would look more gathered up but the OP/JSK would probably fit a lot better.

>> No.8202624


>> No.8202642

Because it is.

>> No.8202676
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>> No.8202713

>Bran Stark kei

>> No.8202855
File: 111 KB, 662x960, 10425082_873263916057113_2125087185860577228_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8202940

cute, but a few things need changed

>> No.8202976
File: 195 KB, 324x282, laughingpopples.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mirin that popple tho

>> No.8202982

This would be so cute if she dumped the stoner dreads, got rid of those piercings, and cover her fuckin tattoos.

I really hate bittersweet. It's not cute. It will never be cute. Just stop. Honestly it's not the concept, it's what it ends up looking like. If bittersweet was patterns that look cutesy from far away, but had creepy/dark hints to it, I'd dig it. I imagine a chocolate print and all of the melting chocolate has little tiny, hard too see bones and eyeballs, not a cute dress in the god-awful black colorway. If you like bittersweet, that's GREAT, but it's not my cup of tea.

>> No.8203004

I wanna hate them but I can't.
> if they both had better poof
> if the Lolita on the right had more of the bright rainbow from the makeup in the outfit, it would work.
>loltia on the right needs different headbow/hair accesories
>why no style goatee into sparkly unicorn twist?
>Lolita on the left, makeup is *almost* there, needs more/bigger lashes, maybe some funky lenses, and something to fix whatever is going on with the chest/torso.

>> No.8203017

Look at the shadow of the dress on the wall, I am pretty sure they have a super poofy petti, then they put the dress form right up against the wall so it all poofs out to the sides.

>> No.8203031

The only thing worse then her coord is her shoop choices.
This would be so cute if she got rid of all of those pins, got the stickers off of her ANGELIC PRETTY PURSE, laid off on the wristcuffs, burned the terrifying popple and the horse-on-a-stick, got rid of the balloon string on her head(?), and ACTUALLY COMBED HER FUCKING WIG FOR ONCE.

>> No.8203072
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>> No.8203077
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If you lean closer you can hear that blouse screaming in agony

>> No.8203083
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>> No.8203086

This could have been so much better if she actually tried. I swear, even she looks disappointed.

>> No.8203100

I imagine it's a light cupcake petti layered with an a-line petti.

>> No.8203112

These aren't perfect but I think they're on the right track to cuteness. This is definitely a nitpick.

>> No.8203180

Nice vendetta, because this isn't even nitpick.

>> No.8203191


>> No.8203197
File: 42 KB, 480x720, lace_monster_by_solai_tsukada-d4s796g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why, just why?

>> No.8203201

This would be cute if she ironed the skirt and blouse.

>> No.8203215

Not ita at all. Just a newfag.

>> No.8203217

All these newfags not knowing about Lunie or OTT sweet

All these nitpicks. Come on gulls, you can do better than this.

>> No.8203268
File: 168 KB, 342x391, DERPDERPDERP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know what OTT sweet is.
I'm so sorry that I think balloon ribbons clipped into a horribly maimed wig, and s popple ( A.K.A a mutated carebear) is ita and not OTT. OTT stands for Over-The-Top, not complete clusterfuck. It looks like a dog mauled her wig, she looked at it a bit and then put it on her head. OTT is like sweet, but with more hair clips, bracelets and glitter, not someone buying a lot chocomint clips, wearing them all at once, going into the little kids section, grabbing the first pink and sparkly thing, and saying it's OTT. She even has fucking chocomint clips on her socks. Now I'd like to see you tell me that it is not a mess. If she fixed some things it would be cute but otherwise it is extremely ugly and ita.

>> No.8203307

Why is she orange?

>> No.8203309

Aw bb were you posted?

>> No.8203338

w-what I think she looks really cute and her tattoos match the sweet look

>> No.8203377

Oh god my comm
I knew it was coming though

>> No.8203397

Seconding this question. What is the group called? I'm assuming it's on Facebook.

>> No.8203402

I like this if it didn't have the gloves, but not for lolita. I have a really big soft spot for that coat.

>> No.8203407

This has been posted before. I just assumed they were joking, not attempting good lolita coords.

>> No.8203483

This is so over the top I actually like it. I know it's trashy, especially the hair, but I still can't bring myself to hate it.

Anybody got sauce on the shoes the one on the right is wearing? That's kawaii as fuck.

>> No.8203516

They are from the Jeffrey Campbell X Hello Kitty collab, you might have to do some searching but they are pretty expensive. $275 to be exact. http://www.jeffreycampbellshoes.com/hello-kitty-jeffrey-campbell/forty-hk#.VRHtHctFDIU

>> No.8203576

Aside from the blouse this is really cute. I can definitely empathize with gaps in blouses.

>> No.8203637

You're shitting me right?
They both look like crap

>> No.8203891

My comm. Nope, this is how they actually are. No joking here. Just "putting their own spin" on lolita.

>> No.8204207

She shoved rings onto her bracelets. Why?

>> No.8204235

>mutated carebear
bitch i'll fuck you up.

>> No.8204659
File: 150 KB, 720x960, 4445556566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ugly blouse? check
fat? check
candy bracelets?check
shit wig? check
weeb attitude? check

this thing can't even say the names of prints properly.

>> No.8204670

>that filename

Why is "nonbinary" so often apparently just another name for "ugly chick"

>> No.8204674

You poor thing. They don't come to meets like this, do they? This is the cringiest photo I've seen yet this year. They are absolutely and completely hideous. Pure nightmare fuel. Holy Shit!

>> No.8204677

Mo' sweet shit is mo' bettah.

>> No.8204682

It's very simple -
Buy shit
To fit
Yo' tits
You twit.


>> No.8204706

lol replica check

>> No.8204714

wouldn't be surprised if she tried to sell this as brand.
she did it to a oojia dream sky that she 'never wore'

her pig ass wore it around and she let her nasty friends borrow it too. huehuehue

>> No.8204717

Im sorry, but I think this is pretty cute. I with there was a blouse under and the bracelets were gone and she had better shoes, but this isn't as horrifying as some of the other ones.

>> No.8204723

I think it is a replica. Yes, she's fat but that skirt area just looks too beat down. Original DDC is fluffier by itself due to the stiff net layer and it is bigger on the bottom carousel part. The chest bow somehow looks off as well.

>> No.8204726
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>> No.8204735

Taking off the stupid fucking wigs would improve this so so much, to ok normalfag level.

>> No.8204736
File: 88 KB, 480x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bib is not supposed to nearly be resting on her waist due to boobs taking up the fabric. Pic related. And this cut goes over 100cm too. It's just simply too small for her.

>> No.8204755

I know about Lunie. Hell, she's in my comm. I still think that coord is dreadful. Just because OTT sweet exists doesn't mean every attempt at it is good.

>> No.8204758


>> No.8204762

At least her room is clean?

>> No.8204763


Nitpick, just barely cause all that there's wrong with this is the hair. You a vendetta or something?

>> No.8204765


She's an oompa loompa.

>> No.8204766


Vendetta? CHECK.

>> No.8204772

Well I don't know her to have any vendetta and I also think she looks pretty scruffy. Needs to iron her JSK, take off the huge watch and re-do her nails. The shoes look cheap and do not fit well. The wig styling is 'push heavy bangs to the side'. Just generally sloppy. The big booze box in the photo isn't helping either.

>> No.8204776

>ugly blouse? check
Can barely see blouse, but: not best blouse =/= ita

>fat? check
nice b8 m8

>> No.8204780
File: 5 KB, 95x117, 1426985165410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those rolls are not boobloaf.
That's being too fat for a dress.

>> No.8204800

If you have to point out why your posting, she's not ita enough for the thread

>> No.8204969
File: 5 KB, 500x169, It's_a_mystery.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are people even trying to defend this?

>> No.8204981

I like how she could super easily have cropped the booze out or angled the picture slightly differently but chose not to. It's almost like she's making it the secondary focal point of the image.

>> No.8205008

I think that's a hotel room, no personal bedroom has that ugly carpet

>> No.8205026

Hm. How does the weeb attitude show up in this photo?

>> No.8205033

Bad cord IMO and she doesn't look cute. She looks mean.

>> No.8205057

It's a replica.
- Headbow is a dead giveaway.
- Someone of this size could technically fit into the original but it will boobloaf badly. It's loose in the bodice. Original should not be unless you're closer to the minimum or below it.
- Sheen on the overlay and the color.

The DDC replica is fairly close, I've seen two up close and compared it to mine. But there's some big differences namely in construction and fabric choice that blatently screams replica.

>> No.8205087

It's a bit hard to wear bangs at all with hair as curly and thick as hers. Her hair is at great advantage of wearing larger head/hair accessories though. I do agree about attempting to cover her forehead. I think she might benefit from wearing clip-on bangs. I know it's not the most natural look, but it would be an improvement. I feel like if she's going to stick with glasses, darker frames and eye makeup will look way better than light colored frames (which I don't understand why sweet lolitas wear those) .

I think the awkward angle effects that too. It just makes her long neck look too long. I'm not sure what's going on with that...white bustier?

>> No.8205137

She's new to the fashion, so I think it's a pretty good 1st attempt.
Vendetta, I guess?

>> No.8205142

PhD level. 10/10 would recommend for prizes.

>> No.8205147

I can't get over that shitty bow. That's OoJ-ita for sure. It looks like the Cinderella mice made a bow.

>> No.8205153

To be fair, Anon, she is at disneyland and it is painful enough walking around in non-lolita shoes! I was just there and I wore jelly shoes for a day, and oh my god I couldn't feel my feet by 5pm!

>> No.8205155

This is cute

>> No.8205158

I really like dark sweet prints but I hate what people like this do with them. With plain black accessories and a natural wig they can look so much better. So called 'bittersweet' style can just go die in a fire. She looks like some kind of giant toon-town lady-baby.

>> No.8205159

Now I'm singing Into the Woods....

>> No.8205163

So wear tea parties or Mary Janes with comfy insoles or wear nice shoes early in the day for photos then change. Ballet flats in lolita almost always look bad.

>> No.8205167

Same, anon.


>> No.8205220

Have thick, curly hair too and have to stick with side swept bamgs that cover 2/3 of my forehead. It does mean I can wear massive headbows even with normalfag outfits. I find that wired bows and any clip on accesory can be used to sort of flatten bangs flat against my forehead.

>> No.8205273
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>> No.8205293

Not saying it's lolita by any means, but I kinda like the red/black split wig with the one outfit. Definitely needs work though, maybe remove the twin tails.
But yes. If they were going for lolita, they've all failed.

>> No.8205332

I love this. If only the dreads weren't atomic pink, they'd go even better with the carousel poles

>> No.8205338

This isn't ita; it's a perfectly fine punk lolita coord.

Let's be clear here, though; punk lolita is just bad, but this is that bad done well.

>> No.8205350

So close. Switch out the blouse and neckwear and it'd be so much better. I'm a poorfag budget lolita myself (household income under 10k for family of four) but yeah, you just have to assemble what you can afford better. Bodyline, offbrand, stained brand or otherwise.

>> No.8205362

hmm, lets go with no.

>> No.8205366

I love how these threads always end up being a mix of ita pics and a game of 'how to spot an ita' by the replies to the pics.

>> No.8205368

even if this IS punk lolita its still ita as fuck

>> No.8205460

I don't understand. Why can't you just let these girls feel pretty?

I can't think of any other fashion style where you get shitted on for 'wearing it wrong'.

>> No.8205468

because their outfits are shit.... you could be ugly as sin and still have a better outfit

>> No.8205471
File: 231 KB, 500x281, cantbeseriouslaugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can't think of any other fashion style
Lolita is actually one of the least harsh subculture fashions out there, not even just in Japan. Gyaru, and western goth(more romantic goth than most types) are extremely ruthless.

>> No.8205626


I guess I'm just still failing to see how (or perhaps, better, WHY) it seems to bother you all so much.

So they're wearing it in a way different than you would have styled it. Where's the harm?

Like I prefaced my original post ... I don't understand the bitterness.

>> No.8205635
File: 18 KB, 300x300, img-thing (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any ita coords with these shoes?

>> No.8205711
File: 88 KB, 720x504, itas all 'round.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Middle one, this is from Anime North.
For the record, he's in Colorado now.

>> No.8205721

listen, it's not about it being different, if you can't see the fact that it stuff ITT is objectively shitty as an outfit, not just as lolita in general, you're blind.

but for lolita in general, it's a style that has meaning for a lot of people those people choose to use the label to describe their style, and so they dress according to what the style is and people who call themselves lolita but make a mockery of the fashion are obviously going to be hated.

if you don't understand, you never will, but then you probably don't care about anything enough to get upset when people aren't repsecting it.

>> No.8205744

We don't have bitterness towards what they're wearing it per se, but rather the fact that they're calling it lolita. Lolita has a fairly uniform look that is achieved through a set of rules and guidelines that dictate the aesthetic and while it is perfectly fine to take certain elements of lolita and appropriate them for your own "personal style" it's not okay to call it lolita when it has strayed that far away from the established lolita "look".

Dress however you want, but if you call it lolita it's fair game for us to shit on.

Also in general clashing colors and shitty material/construction is an eyesore and treated with contempt in any discussion about fashion.

>> No.8205745

I never said I failed to see how to were objectively 'bad' outfits. Just that I didn't understand why it mattered so much to others. You're telling me it has meaning to people is the first I've heard of this. That's a justification I was not aware of.

I admit to not understanding the style. But, it doesn't mean I can't appreciate when someone wears it well.

Otherwise, yes. You've nailed it. Because I don't understand why people get upset at how another person is dressed means I have no strong opinions or personal morals or convictions. Well played.

I'll go. I've asked my questions and only gotten attacked as a result. Good day, Ladies.

>> No.8205760


Thank you. I never expected such venom to a simple question.

One thought before I leave the thread:

Would this energy not be better spent trying to help the girls who clearly want to be a part of your circle? Or, failing that, just simply not paying them any mind?

Rather like my being a vegetarian. I've met people who claimed to be vegetarian that ate chicken. Their failing to understand the basis of vegetarianism did not reflect on me, personally, as a vegetarian.

>> No.8205780

I hope to god you're an elaborate troll or I pity your poor existence.

>> No.8205786

>sips tea

Well we came out to attack people, and honestly we're having such a good time right now.

>> No.8205796

holy shit you're wright. I really wouldn't have noticed if you haven't said anything. This is somewhat shocking, replicas getting closer and closer to the original.

>> No.8205799
File: 3.94 MB, 425x390, out.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Different anon, but generally, that is what we try to do. Some people, however, can't take constructive criticism, and let them learn the hard way and/or let them be forever itas. You'd be surprised how useful these kinds of threads are to newbies who are serious about getting involved in the fashion.

Come on, man. Just because you've had one visit doesn't mean you know how everything works here.

>> No.8205808

Far from my first visit.

But clearly snap judgements are how you ladies get your kicks.

I'll leave you to your ill souled games. Have fun.

>> No.8205814

>if i try to use big fancy elaborate phrases to belittle and shame them they'll stop right??

>> No.8205823

So now non-binary means ugly girl with short hair and no sense of style? because that's basically all I'm seeing from people who label themselves that these days.

>> No.8205831

Oh no, they don't do meets like this. They do some other weird non-lolita shit to meets, typically. Super fairy kei stuff. That, they do well. This, no. They're great people, I swear, but the shit they wear sometimes....

>> No.8205832

>vegetarian doesn't get mad when "vegetarians" eat chicken

Are you for real dude?

>> No.8205838

>ugh you derived pleasure from openly judging people?!
>let me openly judge you for that and saunter out feeling superior

>> No.8205840

Thought it was Hitomi for a split second.

Nah, Hitomi's worse.

>> No.8205895
File: 45 KB, 320x661, 10679820_704652279570144_5230793770453703403_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normally I'd say "bad but just poorfag, not ita" but they put this in a fashion show...

>> No.8205906

Same as the AZ comm, everyone will be sugar to your face no matter what you are wearing. Then as soon as you step away:
>was that REPLICA?!?!?!
>too fat for lolita
>wow poor girl, someone should tell her (but not me!)

>> No.8205907
File: 23 KB, 236x394, youcandobetter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


People have been evolved to judge. Deal with it.

Fucking fedora tipper.

Ok, back to posting itas.

I wonder if this girl's gotten better now. She has so much potential.

>> No.8205909
File: 39 KB, 919x781, FB_IMG_1427324297932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is supposed to be Old School.... Gosh

>> No.8205915

Is the bodice supposed to be that loose? Like inspired Edwardian children's wear?

>> No.8205924

This isn't horrible, just the shoes and unfortunate facial expression/bad hair.

>> No.8205966

I highly doubt it

>> No.8206004

The designer made that dress specifically for me to wear in the show because I was 7 months pregnant at the time. I know it's not everyone's cup of tea but it was really thoughtful and super comfy.

>> No.8206013

What's wrong with this exactly?

>> No.8206042

1st and 4th girls are absolutely stunning, I'd love to see some other improved outfits from them, I almost want to reach into the photo and hand them some new lolita clothing and accessories so they can rock the shit out of them.

>> No.8206045
File: 12 KB, 255x193, 1412819720364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8206046

>actually own these shoes from way back

What do? I was considering using floral paint or something to make them all black, if that's even possible.

>> No.8206055

> Their failing to understand the basis of vegetarianism did not reflect on me, personally, as a vegetarian.
Since when? I've heard a shitton of "I knew a vegetarian who ate fish/chicken/pork. Vegetarians are so stupid lol!"
Yes, other people should grow up and not group together lots of people and make retarded judgments but the fact is they do and in group policing goes a long way.

>> No.8206212
File: 65 KB, 540x960, received_10153054340397451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8206289

I'm dead.

>> No.8206329

I almost feel bad for her. She look like she just want approval from other lolis

>> No.8206337

is that tulip thing on her bow or behind her? it looks like she's sprouting

>> No.8206343
File: 46 KB, 375x500, what-loli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ha! I love how the person who wrote a guide on the fashion on the crunchyroll forums put up images of ita, cosplay, and legit lolitas next to each other. The other Wa-Lolita example is actually a Bou cosplayer.

Huh, interesting. I guess it's the nicer alternative to wearing sweatpants and maternity shirts. Did you often wear lolita during pregnancy?

>> No.8206353

Probably was posted here and now is lurking all butt mad.

>> No.8206393

Seriously, goths are cunts.

>> No.8206468

Lolita is my normal clothes so yeah. Though i did sell a lot of my clothes when i was pregnant, and the few things i did by were mainly empire waisted or burando "sack dresses" to fit my bump.

>> No.8206494

Wait that fabric is literally bedsheets. I have those sheets.

>> No.8206509

As a goth...I should take offense to that but...yeah, some of us are definitely cunty...

>> No.8206512

She struggles. She got into lolita after I wore lolita in front of her. She desperately wants to do wa-lolita and she got kicked out of the local mini comm for being rude towards mentally disabled people and gay people, which we have several of in our community
She tries, but she's not going to succeed
I'm not even sure... I don't think it's another bow, I think it's something behind her, considering I put the coord together for her and had to help her buy it because 'bodyline is too hard of a website to navigate'

>> No.8206518
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>> No.8206528
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>> No.8206533
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>> No.8206560

Nitpick? She isn't terrible...

>> No.8206564

none of these are that bad, not even the one you posted on its own. different shoes and a hair accessory would fix it. post real itas please.

>> No.8206571

...but even if people like the same basic concept, everyone has a different idea of what they think looks good. I've personally seen girls drop $1,000 on an outfit that some people seem to find great, but which I think looks like shit.

>> No.8206582
File: 102 KB, 463x640, tumblr_nlldttrb2R1tjm6rro3_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8206591
File: 117 KB, 720x960, 11084297_10204849497095176_1365841691608505217_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-50 points to everyone in the comm who gave this chic asspats

>> No.8206598

Not OP but I think they were referring that those were saying that their coord were old school.
And I have to agree with OP, if you don't know what the even is any style, you are an ita

>> No.8206665

Wouldn't be too bad in an old school with actual sice styling/ lace would they?

>> No.8206689

This is the shit nightmares are made of.

>> No.8206695

Fucking irons! Why doesn't anybody seem to own any fucking irons? I can't see over all the wrinkles.

>> No.8206701

That coord is as sad as she looks.

>> No.8206769

It is ita. You are only saying it's ok because she is asian jfc

>> No.8207206

>be nice
please be joking

>> No.8208284

>that bootleg Vongola pin...

>> No.8208891

mfw this was my first 'lolita' purchase
it's still hanging in my closet, my friends love it and I got extra credit for wearing it to school once

>> No.8209266

Some vendetta-chan keeps posting this girl. Her coords are hardly ita... not always on point, of course, but not ita.
Also she usually asks for con crit so I think it's lame to post her here instead of fucking giving con crit.