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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 55 KB, 410x452, yesnopose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8170649 No.8170649 [Reply] [Original]

Hello seagulls,

I am a total camera noob who recently came into possession of a Canon EOS 6D and I've been so pleased with the quality (vibrant colors etc etc) that I want take pictures of people in cosplay. Now here's my problem: I went to a convention and took photos of cosplayers but for some reason a lot of them can't pose at all. Like literally 1 pose up their sleeve. Requests for different poses just result in blank stares and "tehee I don't know other poses". I really want to take more photos but with more variety so can you guys give me tips on how to direct poses for cosplayers? I think I saw people posting pictures of how to pose in cosplay.

Any advice or tutorials regarding cosplay poses would be much appreciated. Thank you!

>> No.8170656

Are you planning on doing shoots, or are you just taking hall photos? Because if some rando with a nice camera who fancies himself a photog stopped me in the middle of a con and then proceeded to try to give me "advice" about my poses I'd be more than a little annoyed.

>> No.8170669


Both actually. I'm also female.
I asked some people to do different poses but they couldn't so I ended up directing them to a better light source and poses that show their weapons better. The feedback was positive and they were not mad or anything, they were a bit pleased at the attention even.

I'm a total noob at this like I have mentioned and I really want to improve even if that means going out of my comfort zone and telling people how to pose. In moderation of course.

>> No.8170672

She looks better NOT making that awkward pose with her hands played all funny. Her legs look weird too, and her costume looks kinda dumpy allover, but that pose isn't helping.

>> No.8170681


It was the first photo I saw on Google so might as well use it.

>> No.8170760

Whats with the "X" and "O"...shouldn't it be a cross and a tick? I was going to comment and help out with tips, but after seeing those unrealted symbols, fuck this thread muthafucker.

>> No.8170765


Japanese style anon. Some games do that sort of thing when you answer a question correctly/incorrectly

>> No.8170849

> cross
What? Where do you live, anon? Plus the Xs and Os symbols are pretty common in all the places I've lived...

>> No.8170850

Huh, well, saging for no advice, but when I'm not on mobile I'll try to give better advice then.

>> No.8170866
File: 16 KB, 425x425, badtz_maru_132836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese style. They're so iconic that they even named a Sanrio character after them (batsu - cross, maru - circle).

>> No.8171201


Bumping for interest

>> No.8171247

As anon's above have stated, it is a japanese style Infact a number of PS1 games had the main button be the circle while x was for cancel.

>> No.8171387

Well to be fair it's not like most cosplayers think of poses I think. Most are just happy they made/got their cosplay in time for the con.

On that note I am working on memorizing 3 or 4 more poses for each cosplay I do. Luckily for me, Battler has potential pose-wise :)

>> No.8171417

Make allowances that sometimes a cosplayer is tired (especially at the end of the day!) or is heading somewhere else in a rush. If I'm not in a posing mood and get stopped for a hall shot, I'll leave my bag on my shoulder and pose to the side so it's semi-covered.

Posing well is a more theatrical element of cosplay that calls on a cosplayer to be expressive with their body language, so it actually has to get practised, and some people might not yet be comfortable with making non-standard poses for strangers. I know my first few cosplays are memorialised in dull, unimaginative poses that flattered my body because my outfit construction was shitty. Facial expressions are especially hard for me because I'm not naturally photogenic (I ALWAYS seem to have my eyes half-closed in pictures).

Also, having props will up your posing game a few times over, because you've got something to interact with that isn't your hands making weird shapes. I've definitely created some arbitrary items to hold for a few cosplays because otherwise I'd have been hard-pressed for poses.

I generally try to go to conventions with at least three possible poses to whip out (that aren't the standard 45-degree hand-on-the-waist one), but that still takes prior planning and a fair amount of practice to override the nervousness/excitement of a con.

>> No.8172044

To be honest, unless you are having a photoshoot or really care, there isn't a right or wrong. You decide how you want to pose and when you feel like really caring. Yes, you put effort into a cosplaly, but if I am on my way to dinner or something and someone stops to ask for a photo I'm going to strike a pose with the stuff I am carrying. I will put down a bag, but if it is a messenger bag I am sure as hell just going to flip it behind me.

Photoshoots are for good photos and when you are in the mood, yes, bother your friend or friends to hold you stuff, but as someone who has been in both positions, having to be giving and holding, someone's stuff all the time is a pain in the ass.

Maybe Im just lazy though.

>> No.8172081
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But those don't answer my question.
I am well aware of that as I have also cosplayed before but I decided that I am better at doing my friends' makeup and helping them with their costumes. It's more fun for me that way.

My main concern is how to nudge subjects into the right direction in regards to posing in general.
A tutorial or advice on how to position them or which poses they should do if they have a certain prop or lack it would be very helpful.

A lot of people seem to have the same fucking pose where they just stand there like a deer caught in headlights and they visibly panic when I ask them if they could do another pose instead.

I would like to avoid that in the future.

>> No.8172106

Just a warning about that, if you ask a cosplayer to do a pose and don't know the source material to suggest something relevant, it can come off as creepy. Especially if the pose is a cutesy or suggestive one.
There's just this feeling whenever someone asks for a specific pose or offers some prop that it's going to end up as weird fetish material. Doesn't help that it's usually old men who do it either.

>> No.8172113

It's basic, but for girls generally the "pinup pose" is easy to direct them into. Feet together, raise one heel off the ground, bend that knee over the other and transfer all weight to the other leg, one hand on hip. Also tell them where to put their chin to direct the angle of the face. It's not very full of character, but it's universally flattering.

Also, since you're a woman yourself learn a few nice poses and then demonstrate them to a female model. Some people will still struggle, but most will be able to get it.

Don't have much advice for how to pose guys though...

>> No.8172119
File: 197 KB, 424x345, pin up poses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>B-b-but I am not a creepy old man! I am a kawaii grill!

Kidding aside, I get your point. I'm not going to ask for sexual poses int the first place anyway, that would just make me feel weird and create an awkward environment.


Great! You just gave me ideas anon!

>pic related

Now to find poses for school girl, armored, male characters. The pin-ups are for the sexy looking characters - which are a dime in dozen in cosplay... but still! oTL

>> No.8172134

If you can show me the pose, I will mimic it. You're the photographer, you know how the composition's going to turn out before you take the shot, you can pick the pose.

>> No.8172144
File: 832 KB, 500x281, 3143009330_1_18_8QO7ov3d.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yep, been doing that.
I've also went on ahead and actually took people's hands to twist them in the right direction so the details of their swords/props would show better. It's a waste to angle a prop in a way you cant see the etchings and other details on it.
My arsenal of potential poses is very limited though as there are too many characters I don't know about.

>tfw you haven't watched any new animu since 2012 or follow any aidorus so no idea who the cosplayer is supposed to be.

>gif related. The last animu I ever watched

>> No.8172149

>tfw you haven't watched any new animu since 2012 or follow any aidorus so no idea who the cosplayer is supposed to be.

Yeah, I know that feel. Frankly, those cosplayers who always have to be the first to do a certain costume kinda piss me off. Also, those who don't explore and appreciate classic anime grind my gears too

>> No.8172153


Oh god anon!
I've just been reading about classic animu lists.

> Shadow Skill
> Outlaw Star
> Monster Rancher
> Bakuretsu Hunter
> Escaflowne
> Digimon
> Trigun
> Ghost In the Shell
> El Hazard

And so much more. I am so old now.

>> No.8172165

Nah, man. I'm talking CLASSIC
Like, 80's-era

Dirty Pair, Vampire Hunter D, Golgo 13, Dominion Tank Police, Patlabor, etc...

>> No.8172176

Protip for nudging cosplayers into a different pose - put the camera down when you ask, tilt the lens in a different direction, so long as it's not pointing at them anymore. People are instinctively less likely to get creative and experimental with posing if there's still a lens pointed in their direction, whether or not you're currently taking a photo.

>> No.8172199

It all depends. Are you stopping people in the convention to just take a photo or are you having people book you for photoshoots. If you are booking photoshoots and you know ahead of time who the character is that will be the subject, do a little research for them. Some cosplayers get stage fright. Even if they have seen a series, they get nervous when they actually DO get noticed or when they want to have a photoshoot, but have never done it before.

I personally help direct photoshoots for a couple of my friends as well as direct convention/gathering videos.

HOWEVER, do NOT expect someone who is walking around the artist alley [which is crowded], vender hall [which is crowded], and other areas of the convention [which are usually crowded] to stop what they are doing and drop into a pose with nothing but their costume and know exactly what pose to do. A lot of people feel extremely weird with roleplaying as their character and that involves dropping into a pose that they would do.

>> No.8172202

Asking for different poses is weird unless you are doing a photoshoot. Hands down. If you plan to stop a cosplayer at an event/convention and ask for a photo, they will either stand there and smile or attempt to pose or, if you are lucky, will be seasoned enough to know HOW to get into a pose that their character would do.

Roleplaying at a convention sometimes freaks a lot of cosplayers out, so stopping what they are doing and getting into a series pose feels weird sometimes. Especially if they haven't practiced it a lot. Now, if after that, you then tell them, "Do another pose too please~" that is weird and please dont. The best way to go about asking if you are merely stopping them while walking around is to ask, "You're costume is really cool/pretty/awesome! Do you have another pose for the character?" And PLEASE, if you ask that, then know who the character is or ask before you do it like, "Oh my gosh, your cosplay is really cool/pretty/awesome! What are you cosplaying from?" [Recieve answer and a thank you] "Do you mind if I take a COUPLE photos of you cosplay?"

When you say 'couple' its a bit of a hint to the cosplayer that you are expecting more than one pose. And if they don't, but don't be rude about it. You can get different 'poses' by altering your camera angle too. Its not just the cosplayer, YOU need to put in effort to take a dynamic photo.

>> No.8172205

Nightwalker: The Midnight Detective


>> No.8172208


Macross/Robotech being shown on TV early in the morning when I was in Kindergarten.
I remember my mom combing my hair and dressing me up while I sit on a chair infront of the TV and stare at Minmay performing for Ms. Macross. Those were the days.

> Bubblegum Crisis
> G Gundam
>Captain Harlock
> Heidi
> Kimba the White Lion
> Honeybee Hutch
> Lupin III
> Charlotte

and a shitton of mecha and sentai shows. Now you made me feel anon.

>> No.8172218

G Gundam is my absolute, all-time favorite. Macross is a close second. I know G Gundam is cheesy as shit, but that's why I love it.
Props for Lupin, BBC and Harlock, too.

>> No.8172223




I'm a total noob and I just moved recently so I dont know anyone to have photoshoots with. I'm also living in the middle of nowhere so there's that. The only time I can take photos is if I go to a con or just use my dog as a test subject.


I try to take photos from different angles but you can only do so much when they only have one pose in their arsenal or none at all hence I am asking for actual poses I can suggest for them to do.
I've been repeating myself over and over again and I've only been receiving posts about how wrong it is to expect for cosplayers to have more than one pose and excuses in general.

I need help and opinions on which poses I should suggest to cosplayers. Not excuses or reasons as to why they shouldn't have any at all and telling me not to be a creep by asking for more poses because I am not.

Also, I am not being rude to the cosplayers and I actually small talk with them and compliment their costumes. It's a no brainer.
I'm sorry but this frustrating.

>> No.8172231
File: 182 KB, 270x592, Andale Andale!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's so silly that it's good. Tequila Gundam was the best

>> No.8172233

This is pretty informative. She does photography things. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hgeYCPRMGlM

>> No.8172236


Cool! Thanks anon! Watching it now.

>> No.8172237

you know you're older than most of the other congoers when you watched robotech when it was first airing.

shit, robotech came out when i was born and i'm older than most congoers.

i admit i got hype when someone sang konya wa hurricane at fanime karaoke and said that she didn't think anyone would know the song

>> No.8172239
File: 27 KB, 620x368, howls-castle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>TFW turning 27 this year

Hush anon. Let's keep the feels. ;_;

>> No.8172240

No problem! I just realized she has a sitting and environment video as well and face expressions. Im actually going through them and skipping, but saving to watch later because Im tired as hell and don't want to stay awake longer, but she makes tons of good points about modeling. These are some of the things I use when I direct shoots with my photographer friends.

>> No.8172247

clearly I misunderstood you because I'n 29. figured you to be in your thirties. robotech was out in 1985

in any case, we're both ancient as far as conventions go

>> No.8172254


Ancient indeed.
Everyone else is very young save for the middle aged men.

>> No.8172267
File: 280 KB, 500x374, tumblr_miyu0fksrM1rnlzdzo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll do you one better

>> No.8172277
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>> No.8172285


"Hello Mr/Ms Cosplayer. I like your *insert cosplay here*, and would love to get some photos of it with you. Would you have time to try shooting in the *name specific location*?"

If they say no, get a hall shot and carry on with your day. Hall shots are worth nothing. If the say yes, proceed as follows.

Shoot whatever pose they do first. Don't make them feel hijacked. Then suggest your own.

>>If you don't know the character
"I'm afraid I don't know this series/character very well. Could you tell me their main personality please?"
>>Suggest poses based on this. Anime characters especially are very one dimensional so it's quite easy to pin them without knowing the source.
>>If you know the character then start to use your artistic brain.

Don't just tell your model what to do. Go in to your location, lean on your surroundings etc to mimic the pose you want them to do. This gives them a visual to copy, and also helps relieve tension. They don't feel as stupid doing it if you've already done it.

>>Fix up time
"Would you mind if I repositioned you? Just moving arms and props etc."
If you get the go ahead, very politely and professionally move external limbs and shoulders to he position you want. Anything that can be explained with words, avoid contact for.
I find the most often used phrase when shooting is 'could you turn your shoulder to face me more, please'.

Shoot a lot. Tell them 'please hold that pose until I am done, or until it becomes uncomfortable. I am getting different angles.' Non-photogs don't tend to think about the fact you'll be zooming in, trying different perspectives and the like, and will panic that they aren't changing pose and you're getting boring pictures.

>> No.8172288

>>Hand them a card so they know it's worth trying for, because you will actually put them online and not just hide them in your fap folder.


Make those cosplayers look amazing. Put them up on facebook, flickr, whatever. Next time you see them, they'll find working with you very easy because they know the payoff will be good.

This has been how I do things for a couple of years now. It works for me Anon. Good luck.

>> No.8172314
File: 351 KB, 755x1099, Scan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And now pose references that you can apply to most characters/archetypes

>> No.8172330
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>> No.8172339


I don't have a card because this isn't something I'm planning to charge for or do professionally. :v
It's a hobby thing and yep, I made an FB page where I could post their photos. Saves me the trouble of adding people.

I'm currently in a country whose language I don't speak. I know I should get language lessons ASAP but the last one I tried to applied for was cancelled last minute and I can't find anyone else near my area. oTL


This is very helpful. Thanks!

>> No.8172342
File: 189 KB, 900x599, daireth_pose_by_nao_dignity-d5f5dij.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8172360

I don't charge or professionally work either. But if you hand them a card at the beginning, they will definitely respond with more energy to your shoot. And cards cost like a tenner for 100 so it's a decent investment.

Like you I moved to photography from cosplay. People see you differently so you end up having to work out the community from a totally different angle. It's strange.
I find I get a better response from people when I am also in cosplay too. But that's annoying.

Good luck with that language barrier. I'm not sure I could work without babbling on.

>> No.8172368
File: 463 KB, 600x1000, jessica_rabbit_cosplay_pick_a_pose_by_calgarycosplay-d63y0o7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oops dropped pic

>> No.8172375
File: 3.64 MB, 4144x2923, IMG_8879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks so much for the pictures!
I only have my dog to practice with and she's not really what you would call a cooperative model. :D

>> No.8172389
File: 1.44 MB, 1202x1202, madoka___30_seconds_poses_by_missansa-d56r0wq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Looking at pose references for artists also helps. They tend to be dynamic and interesting. Sometimes physically impossible, but you try your best.

>> No.8172434
File: 158 KB, 698x1023, howtopose2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your puppy is the freaking cutest

Advice from Nert:
"On this line of thought, if you’re stuck for poses, then scrap them, and just do something, preferably something your character would believably do but you can improvise. The idea being that there are plenty of motions, body language, expressions, all sorts of things we do unconsciously, if you were to try and pose them it can look awkward or unnatural, what better way to capture a natural action than to be doing it! Fixing your hair, applying makeup, reading a book, having an impromptu dance, or even eating/drinking, all can come out well if lucky! They can also come out terrible of course, but that’s what the delete button is for!"

>> No.8172449
File: 133 KB, 960x720, NertPosingWeb-036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8172458
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>> No.8172459
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Thanks! She's a purebred, working class Siberian Husky.

I should quote that advice the next time I talk to cosplayers about posing. :D

>> No.8172461
File: 128 KB, 960x720, NertPosingWeb-061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One foot forward

>> No.8172465
File: 859 KB, 1016x1159, keeps_your_friends_close____by_welcometomyworldvxi-d6kncb3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I am filled with dog feels. Goddamn I want a dog so much.

It's useful. When they do something good you can just stop them and yell 'YES PERFECT HOLD STILL' haha.
Nert has taught me a lot.

This is currently my favourite pose to do. If appropriate.

>> No.8172475
File: 134 KB, 500x357, 20100710-caitmarkshauna-loz-019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Variations on this this work for pretty much any fighter ever

>> No.8172480
File: 93 KB, 960x668, tumblr_nd8u7o7Z7C1qm5fmoo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one always makes me giggle a bit

>> No.8172484
File: 60 KB, 720x522, 1660826_454399864660094_1873754899_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8172629


Thank you so much

>> No.8172716


Sage for no contribution.

Seriously though OP, you sound like you're a good egg. If you were near me (I'm assuming you're not in the US) I'd totally want to work with you.

Also stealing a lot of these pose references for my own use as a cosplayer tbh.

>> No.8172760
File: 1.24 MB, 1416x1615, IMG_9132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Currently in Finland. :D

>> No.8172902

For learning how to use your camera, I'd suggest asking >>>/p/ too

>> No.8172916

Oh! Thanks anon!

>> No.8172920

That's some Tyra Banks shit, she was telling all the girls on America's Next Top Model that's how to pose, so this is great.

>> No.8173000
File: 562 KB, 245x184, Kz1UQ.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont 4get 2 smize :^)

>> No.8173007


Classic Tyra. :D

>> No.8173316


Most of the time you can infer some poses based on how the characters look, this comes really easy for fighting and idol type characters. If anything you can always ask the cosplayer for more details about their character and go from there.

>Oh I see your character is shy, can you clasp your hands here etc.

Also be on the look out for props such as books, weapons, unusual charms, glasses or any other unique details on the costume that stand out. Chances are those are really important elements that you can pose around.

>> No.8177153


Thanks! I'll keep that in mind next time I see an unknown character. :D

>> No.8177155
File: 97 KB, 1280x720, laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lower thigh
>hands on shins
i kek'd

>> No.8177933

So this is possibly going to sound weird, but... anyone got any advice on how to make your face look decent? I had a bunch of photos taken at a con last weekend, and I'm really proud of the costume but I feel like my face ruins everything. I have some extra chub around the face so when I smile or tilt my head down I look dumpy, but I also have resting bitch face so if I don't do something I look severe and/or awkward. Anyone got any advice at all (apart from losing weight, which I'm working on)?

>> No.8177998


Eyebrows. I have a resting bitch face and I found out that the lighter and thicker the eyebrows the less bitchier you look.

Also round faced as fuck but bangs and hair at one side of my cheek help out a lot.

>> No.8177999


Have a cut that frames your face or at least one side of it. Side swept bangs are also good.

>> No.8178194


The haircut thing also translates the same for wigs

>> No.8178301


don't touch people without asking

>> No.8178316


>> No.8178453


>> No.8178538


more like "please do not touch my hands at a convention where I have no idea where you have been"
also "do not reach for my costume because every single time that has ever happened something has gotten broken or homestuck faggots have gotten paint on me"

>> No.8180820


Well, I think that's basic decency. I always ask before I touch anyone or their belongings and it's something to be followed outside cosplay, too.

>> No.8181575

what a cute dogggggggggg!!!!!!

>> No.8181578

You should go back to tumblr faggot.

>> No.8184549


Children, please. Settle down.