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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8115170 No.8115170 [Reply] [Original]

Didn't she say she couldn't sew?

>> No.8115212


>> No.8115219

Apparently she learned...shocking.

Why does this even need its own thread?

>> No.8115221


Because Kamui is one of the best cosplayer out there.. IMO..

She's also my cosplayer waifu.
But that's besides the point.

>> No.8115361

Oh look, another costume, from another game she hasn't played. Yaya must have helped her learn how to sew clothes.

>> No.8117110

Also the general construction of this outfit isnt that hard. The only challenging bit would be the smocking but that is more time consuming then difficult.

I like how she made the thigh highs into leggings.

>> No.8117205

Kamui is the ultimate butterface.

I swear her face ruins every one of her costumes, she should startdoing masked characters.

>> No.8117220

Her face isn't that bad. I think a lot of it has to do with her inability to use makeup properly

>> No.8117228

>person learns to sew

Stay sandy, OP.

Sure i'm not the only one who is tired of hearing this? If someone likes a design, let them do it. Just because it's a certain character, everyone suddenly loses their shit.

>> No.8117230

Her face reminds me of a horse. It's a shame because she has a great body and skills to beat the band, but dat face is just unfortunate.

>> No.8117296

if she can pattern armor and cut a straight line, I see no reason why she can't translate her armor skills to skills of the cloth. It's a simple transition - same idea, different medium

>> No.8117351

I can't fucking stand her anymore. Everything is Yaya this, Yaya that. And ever since it came out that she hardly even plays videogames, half of her Instagram posts are "omg I love gaming!!! Lol such a NERD playing WoW!!!!"
And the "armored boobies inside" sticker on her tutorial book? I mean what the fuck. I miss when she was a regular seagull but now she's just another fame hungry coswhore. I admire her craftsmanship but at the same time I can't imagine it's too hard to make a decent costume when your supplies are given to you for free. Plus she's mentioned that her boyfriend helps her a shitton. She's posted progress pictures of her prop that he's working on.

>> No.8117361

This is just nitpicking. At least she has the decency to admit she rarely plays games now and gets help from other people, unlike most popular cosplayers. I also like the fact she's actively trying to learn new skills instead of just making do with what she has. I'm not really a fan of her, because i'm not into all the Blizzard stuff, but credit where credit is due.

>> No.8117544

Aww, she's no striking 10/10 beauty, but I think her face is still pretty cute in a goofy sort of way.

>> No.8117549

I think Maggie Gyllenhaal every time I see her. Also extremely unattractive, imo.

>> No.8117736

She's been cosplaying for years and makes 10 costumes a year and most of them include at least some sewing. anyone would improve quick with that much practice

>> No.8117920

I havent played aion but people are commenting on her photos that she did something wrong, something about that her character can't use a spellbook with that suit... Didn't she even search about the character?

>> No.8117970

It matches. Cosplays dont have to be technical.

>> No.8117983

someone post her fucking face then?

>> No.8117985

no, she doesnt. her face is average without makeup

>> No.8118039
File: 184 KB, 630x945, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you even Google

>> No.8118138

I can't decide who makes the worst Wonder Woman:

Kamui or Monika Lee

>> No.8118682

Monika. At least Kamui knows how to make a clean cosplay

>> No.8122548


Actually, she did play Aion back in the day, and she had other Aion cosplays as well.

Yes, the spellbook didn't go with the character, but both are cool as fuck and work really well together. She at least was aware and made it known why she did that.

>> No.8124191
File: 647 KB, 897x1161, Cleric.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Using a cloth wearer's weapon with chain gear
I love Kamui and can understand her wanting to be lazy or whatever the fuck her reasoning is for doing this, but it will still bother me. Granted, I consider this particular set to be one of the ugliest of all the crucible sets, so that might actually be why I'm finding it somewhat upsetting.

>> No.8125686

Am I the only one who got bored of her? I liked her way back in time but now it doesn't matter what she does, she always looks plain and boring.

>> No.8126302

Fuuuuck everything about this armor triggers my trypophobia.

>> No.8126309

All her armor sets start to look like the same thing after a while.

>> No.8126333


shut up

>> No.8126434

Fuck off

>> No.8126556

It wasn't laze, it was room in the suitcase. But you can still be rustled

>> No.8126563

She has played Aion, anon. One of her first popular cosplays was from that back when she had more time to play games.

>> No.8126567

>stretch of cloth vs rigidity

anon pls

>> No.8126575

I'm happy for her that she can live off of something she loves. There would be no supply without demand, anons. Maybe one day it'll happen to you too.

>> No.8126617

Why wouldnt she be able to? Didn't she sew a cosplay of a Wizard from Diablo a few years ago? And what about random fabric parts in some of her cosplays?
I dont think it's that she 'can't' sew, it's that she probably doesn't think her sewing skills are on the same level as her armor making skills so she jokingly says she cant. There's no way someone can be into cosplay this long and not know how to sew (and not make it look like shit) unless they're buying/commissioning everything.

>> No.8127933

>I miss when she was a regular seagull but now she's just another fame hungry coswhore

Sorry to break this to you but she's always been a fame hungry coswhore, even during her seagull days. I'm not the least bit surprised.

>> No.8128441

kamui doesn't make her cosplays. her husband makes her armors and props, and who knows make her sewn cosplays.
her aion cosplay is fail anyway.

>> No.8128445

she's wearing chain and using cloth weapon. basically, she is mixing different class and weapons. it's like using a physical sword while being a magician.

>> No.8128476

Her husband only paints her props, as she isn't good at painting. She makes all her own costumes though

>> No.8128560

she doesnt make her cosplays, sorry to burst your bubble. if you follow what she says online since the beginning of her career, you can find proof of it. not only she is totally clueless at sewing, she recognized that her husband makes her props and armors.

>> No.8129093

She hates sewing is what it comes down to. Armor is easier for her, and takes a lot less time so she can throw together a costume easily within a week, versus actually having to spend months on it because she doesn't know what fabrics to use and has to constantly remake it to get the fabrics right.

>> No.8129097

no she does the base worbla/construction parts of things, or did until recently. Her husband has always been doing the painting parts for her, though.

>> No.8129146
File: 138 KB, 375x375, 1416868071879.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one of the best cosplayer
She popularized using Worbla, but one of the best?

>> No.8129591

Anon, how are you falling this hard for obvious bait?

>> No.8129647

And now she wants to get an embroidery machine. If she can't sew that well, then why would she look into getting another machine that would sit in a corner collecting dust?

>> No.8130484

I'm sorry, but I find it hard to believe that someone who has never sewn or isn't good at it could produce this. Does she have any WIP photos or did she just get another clueless slave to do this work?

>> No.8130822

She's posted loads of WIPs

>> No.8130948

And she bought weing books.
It's not hard to believe tbh, she has sew before and if you have as much freetime as her, you can achieve it relatively fast I guess

>> No.8130954

wow she really fucked up the shoes

>> No.8131018

Being purely in my own opinion, I think her craftsmanship is amazing. Granted, some of the things she has done are not that difficult, I defiantly admire it as an aspiring prop-maker in the cosplay world.