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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8096351 No.8096351 [Reply] [Original]

Yeah I know the previous just archived, but Lucas, as always, gives us new material.
Apparently, he's left it and it will be under new management? Who? Why?
Is the toolbag finally leaving the scene?

>> No.8096365

This is what I had trouble understanding too, I think hes purely leaving SCG though, not the cosplay scene

>> No.8096374

Thats a disappointment.

>> No.8096431

His photography is crap, without having SCG's page behind him, there is no point working with him IMO

>> No.8096574

I've never worked with him/seen his work - what's it like?

>> No.8096577

"Lucas Ambrosio Photography" on facebook

>> No.8096585

Let's cook up from dramu. We good at it, right?

Well at least *not intentionally*.
*very intentionally

>> No.8096611

50/50 drama commentary or fanning the fire of drama.

>> No.8096709

Maybe both and making new ones too.

>> No.8096723

A bunch of cosplay guests cancelled from LSCC, MCM and LFCC, that got anything to do with it? Seems awful strange they'd abandon ship at the same time he does.

>> No.8096744

Of all the people hes screwed over for the SCG name, i don't at all feel sorry for him. He bought all this onto himself. Kicking all the people that actually helped him when it took off and then got on his high horse, even now telling everyone else where to go with his skill in photography.

>> No.8096749

Like who?

>> No.8096767
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One of his circlejerks went off on one on FB about how good it is for FB to make you pay for reach, so now he doesn't have to put up with all the cosplay attention. Why doesn't he just unlike the page/people then, or better still don't go on facebook? Is it not that simple. As usual it's ok for the cosplayers he knows, fucking double standard jerk.

Also worth mentioning, he had a dig at the photographers and videographers. Like he has a say in what people do with stuff they bought with their own money the idiot. Another fool who thinks because he doesn't like something, everyone else shouldn't do it. Mmm, doesn't this sound like someone we know?

>> No.8096771

That was probably aimed at Kyle Shades On and Nick in Sneaky Zebra, as i know hes not a fan of them. Hes has a few run in's with Kyle from Shades On over random conversations in FB.

>> No.8096775

What a surprise, same fucking names again. Everytime, now you can see why they always get mentioned, because inside i think they actually like being assholes.

>> No.8096783

It's just a page people submit photos to, theres hundreds like that out there. It's nothing special.

>> No.8096792

He won't leave the scene. It's his only way to get to shoot with anyone*.

*unless they have heard of him, know his history, don't know hes got police file against him for assault.

>> No.8096797

who's cancelled? Haven't heard anything about this

>> No.8096805

bleh hes just attention seeking. there be a post tomorrow saying hes had a thought and decided to keep scg for himself. It's not the first time hes made this sort of status.

>> No.8096812

It's already been mentioned in last uk thread, SCG was formed with intention of making him money. Doing it for the community was just a front he used. Now he has noone to run his stalls and noone wants to be branded as a SCG member, hes run out of options but to jump ship.

>> No.8096813

Kyle shades on just calls him out.

>> No.8096817

Got source? Unfriended him a while ago when he made a status about uk cosplayers all being shit.

>> No.8096824

Good on him! People in that circlejerk thinks they can talk down to everyone around them.

>> No.8096838

Doesn't change a thing, i would never work with him, neither will any of my friends and before you ask, yes he has messaged me in facebook and i refused him because i know what hes done in the past and hes stupid enough to think i don't know what he's like.

>> No.8096981

He's probably ditching SCG because he's doing more work shooting for gyms and small-scale fashion and he likely wants to try to get away from his reputation. It's not good business if people google your name and see page after page calling you a rapist. In that sense he's doing something smart, for once.

Doesn't change the fact he's a scummy asshole who nobdy will work with, of course.

>> No.8097493

Doesn't matter where he goes. His history will follow him.

>> No.8097508

He let a bit of fame get to him and he started to treat people like shit, including the original members of SCG, cosplayers and photographers. Then he decided to do his own photos, and he did the same again. Hes not going to change.

>> No.8097654

When has he done that?

>> No.8097791

You are all fools to think it's made any difference. Hes passing it to his circlejerks, so they are still going to rave about him every other week. Cosplayers he thinks that are low tiers still won't get shown, or that he dislikes because they won't shoot privately with him. With the given bonus to say it's nothing to do with him. Read between the lines. The guys an asshole, you really think hes not up to something?

>> No.8097813

We're talking about a guy that knows KJean is with JNigri last Oct mcm, but yet would try to private shoot with JNigri thinking she would even want him to. How low can someone stoop to get one over someone. This goes to show what stunt hes willing to pull. Disconnecting himself with scg is just a way to free himself from the crap hes done to it, but as mentioned, hes still going to stalk cosplayers and not leaving the scene.

>> No.8097829

So what exactly happened? He went over to Kelly and Jess's table and asked Jess in front of Kelly for a shoot?

>> No.8097855

Apparently he asked Jess's dad who was at the fox bar at the time, but Kelly had already warned them about him, read him like a book. It was said in one of the uk threads.

>> No.8097857

You'd be surprised at the shit he tries to pull behind the scenes. Always up to something no good.

>> No.8097861

Hes attending lscc and one of the smaller cons at blackpool as a photographer, so pretty active in the cosplay scene still.

>> No.8097878

Who honestly gives a shit about being posted on the SCG group anyway. I mean that name and Lucas' reputation are the same thing. If you want to be better known and liked you're better off NOT being posted on there. If I was posted on there I'd consider it an insult.

>> No.8097881

HyperJapan Summer taking place at the O2 Arena now

>> No.8097887

Holy hell. It's getting pretty big.

>> No.8097894
File: 437 KB, 620x435, BUILDING-6-4-620x435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently at Building 6, which is a 3-story club inside the O2 itself.

Looks pretty HYPE

>> No.8097904

Does look pretty hype. Not sure it's their first choice of venue though.

>Host up to 3,000 over three huge floors. Product launches. Functions. Dinners. Host up to 300 for a sit-down meal and up to 3,000 for a club night or reception.
So, 3000 cap for presumably 4 sessions (Friday, Sat morning, Sat Afternoon, Sunday). How does 12000 compare with previous years?

>Feel the beat. Literally. Our Body Kinetic dance floor reacts to the bass. So you can feel the music pumping through your feet.
There's usually some music stuff, right? Could be incredibly mad hype.

>> No.8097907

Might be a 3,000 cap but there'll be a lot of people hanging out on the concourses as well (thankfully indoor under that giant dome). Not to mention shitloads of restaurants and a cinema in the same space.

>> No.8097924

Don't forget you get alot of drunk fuckheads there at the weekend.

>> No.8098066

All because of MCMs dickbag contract with excel.

>> No.8098108

Can't blame a business for trying to protect its interests

>> No.8098111

What contract do they have? Because lscc is at Excel too

>> No.8098195

They have a tonne of restrictions on them though with their capacity and growth.
It's fair enough, MCM tapped that market 10 years ago and protected their business

>> No.8098212

Excel can't host similar events.
Any other cons in excel are their via loopholes, as in LSCC advertises western only, and heavy comic base, as MCM is multi-genre and has Anime and stuff.
The Star Trek one, is just star trek.

Following that logic, HJ should be able to get in.

>> No.8100157

>Why did they move from Earl's Court?
>Google it
>Earl's Court is gone

Wasn't expecting that. LFCC's gone to Olympia. Presumably that's too big for HJ to hire?

>> No.8100241

so, who has heard about northamptonshire comic con
any predictions for what its gonna be like?

>> No.8101798

Anyone else read Taschas bitchy butthurt blog post about the SZ boys?

>> No.8101822

i'm from rugby so it's nice to have some kind of event pretty close.

im going with my parents and baby sibling because its so close and cheap. plus there are gonna be guests who they care about, maybe merch thats not too scalpy, and i get to walk around all day in a costume for no fucking reason.
still probably going to be mildly shitty though.

>> No.8101823


>> No.8101850


>> No.8101887

Meaning, she wants to be in them longer, because you know, shes cosfamous as well as being the best photographer.

CMV has to be a certain pace or it will be boring. People who do these videos only have certain amount of time (length of song) to fit people in, so ofcourse they can't fit everyone one and sometimes the fast clip just fits in the theme of things. You do a slow pace one and guess what, you can't fit half as many cosplayers in and you get questioned after the release of the video why they are not in it.

TBH, cosplay videographers should let the cosplayers know before hand, their footage may not make it to the final video before they start shooting, that way at least the cosplayer gets a choice to do the shooting or not.

>> No.8101891

It's been said before, she always has a dig at people who know their tools of trade like thats a bad thing. It's been said before on here, if you have the "gear but no idea" thats just as bad. It's not going to help you be creative because you don't know the limit of your gear and what it can do.

>> No.8101897

You expect her not to be bitchy towards anyone else but circlejerk?

Let me highlight this, didn't her hairy ass bf Josh help the sz boys the other day? So he's gone back and slagged them off and shes gone and written about them in a passive way. They're as bad as eachother, two faced bitches the both of them.

>> No.8101899

Do people here still care about WCS/ECG organisation at Hyper Japan? Interesting to see that the current organiser is being made to step down. Considering the complaints in the past I'm surprised she lasted this long.

>> No.8101902

You want a sample of someone who don't know their equipment? Take a look at her work. All photoshopped to fuck because she doesn't know how to use a camera. Enuff said.

>> No.8101911

Really? She's like really really good friends with them.

>> No.8101978

anyone know whats up with this Charlotte Catherine girl? I keep seeing people mention her usually with a less than pleasant comment but that's all I can ever get out of people and a grumble, what drama am I missing?

>> No.8101983

In their MCM video, her and Josh as the Luteces got more time than anyone else, and she still thinks she deserves better?
JFC calm your ego.

>> No.8101986

Probably just crying because she wasn't invited to help on the shoot. Because she doesn't know how to take a decent photo.

What costumes has she done? Never heard of her.

And they had someone else make that. So it's not like they've got any actual skill. Just wanting attention for turning up .

>> No.8101991

She's done bioshock that's all I know, may be all this I'm a model and I'm paid to show off these items thing she went on about a few months ago?

>> No.8102065

Stacey Rebecca considered a good cosplayer but asking for advice on simple fabric choices on the UK cosplay page.... what a pro.

>> No.8102068

>Knows their shit and makes good shit = Smallfries no on has heard of.
>Doesn't know shit, does simple things or modeling = 100k likes.

>> No.8102078

Isn't part of being a "good cosplayer" knowing where your weak points are, and being humble enough to ask for help from those who might know better?

>> No.8102081

Tascha has done like 1 or 2 cosplays, and i believe she didn't even make the costumes, or maybe just the one? And already shes bitching about being in videos longer. Theres people whos been doing it for years and they are greatful they are in it even for 2 seconds. Why she so full of herself no matter what she does??

>> No.8102084

If it was anyone else, yes.

>> No.8102087

Shows the kind of person she is. Shes been doing cosplay for 2 minutes and already shes begging for attention and everyone is wrong.

>> No.8102091

Personally i feel sorry for cosplayers now who has to put up with her shit. Oh Tascha, the new Jazzhand.

>> No.8102108

Never heard of her.

>> No.8102116

This is the difference between Tascha and the girl who made her Rosalind costume.

>> No.8102117

Josh and Tascha are leeches. They're the couples that get around and try and bandwagon on peoples projects.

>> No.8102139

What are they leeching on right now?

>> No.8102142

I always thought Tascha had made that the way they went on, didn't Josh win the official Bioshock cosplay competition too with his twin costume?

>> No.8102148

Well she's doing an Asterix costume apparently, for LSCC.

Either she's being so cool and showing support for French cartoonists. Or just had a new and fun idea. Or can't make anything better.

Or stole the idea from the only person to ever cosplay Asterix, who is also entering the Championships.

>> No.8102152

He did. But his costume was photoshopped into existence for that.
They got Helen Alice to make the costumes for them for October MCM.

>> No.8102158

Hardly the first person to ever cosplay Asterix. I mean, Google image search, yo.

>> No.8102223

Just a few of my favorite bits:
>" adore looking through other convention videos"

Of herself

>"Professional Cosplay Videos"

There are 2 people who make up 100% of this category. You're 'friends' with them.

>"Now don’t get me wrong. Everything looks about 500 times better when you have an excellent camera. But that is not all you need to make a good video. I feel I can speak up on this one and not sound like a fool, as a lot of photographers also do the exact same thing."

This is why she has a crap gear. To prove that you don't need good gear to have crap work.

>"everyone is far more interested in showing off how big and shiny the camera is, or how fancy the general equipment, rather than showing off the best of your characters."

Translation: I don't care about your gear, look at me. LOOK AT ME.

>"You are filming people who have spent hours, days, even months (or even years!!) on their costumes"

She can't make shit, how would she know?

>"But if they see they have been crammed into a teeny tiny (literally one second long) clip into your video, that makes them look like they were less than the other costumes that have far longer clips. That looks like favouritism. You can’t make out what they are, you cannot see any of their costume, and there is just no point shoving in as many clips as you can, as it looks unorganised, makes your video look bad, and it just does not give the cosplayers the attention they deserve."

This is the girl most featured in the MCM video. I get the feeling she got hate for that fact and is now trying to cover her ass.

>"Just because you have fancy equipment, if the people in your video look awkward and bored, we (as the viewer) will also feel like this."

Look at your own work.

And the best bit
>"Just like in photography, your model makes your shot good. Not your camera equipment."

Which translates to: It's not my fault I'm bad. It's everyone else's fault.

>> No.8102254

I doubt it since the winter Hyper Japan last November was at the Olympia

>> No.8102290

I've had enough of hearing about drama whores. How about giving some recommendations of people who are actually reasonably decent human beings.

>> No.8102298
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>> No.8102361

what the fuck is happening? does she had a low hanging fanny or is she hiding her dick somewhere?

>> No.8102364

It looks to me like a dick that isn't hidden at all.

>> No.8102370

I think that's the balls?

>> No.8102383

Anon, really. Failed your perception roll, nat 1 means the trap has sprung and you now have a dick in your ass. Game over man, game over.

>> No.8102394

ooooor maybe she was and was busy?

>> No.8102401

She's just taking selfies and post them all over facebook. So busy. She's not got a job, and no one in their right mind would pay for a shoot with her.

>> No.8102450


I just don't get what her issue is with everyone. She seems to hate all other photographers, cosplayers and now videographers. Is there anything left for her not to hate? I get the feeling she just wants to be the centre of attraction in all aspects, no matter what she goes and do.

>> No.8102457

She does videos, so she's a better videographer than anyone else.

She does photos, so she's a better photographer than anyone else.

She does cosplay, so she's a better cosplayer than anyone else.

She does modeling, so she's a better model than anyone else.

She does edits, so she's a better editor than anyone else.

>> No.8102468

If SZ has her in next video i will unsubscribe, same goes for Shades On. Why would anyone want her in their video after that rant?

>> No.8102473

So she's Carlsberg?

>> No.8102477

You may as well unfollow now.

>> No.8102481

Don't forget "(taken by Joshua Walker with my camera)".

I think this sums up her personality.

>> No.8102484

Is she cosplaying at LSCC? I thought she was official tog.

>> No.8102487

Oh, i have no doubt she'll be in them as she'll flock around them like flies round shit, begging for them to film her. But i will wait and see, giving them a benefit of a doubt.

>> No.8102492

Shes bascially cosplaying so she can be in the videos, thats not what cosplaying should be about.

>> No.8102494

She will charge people to take photos of her next.

>> No.8102495

at cons.

>> No.8102498

come again?

>> No.8102499

More like the next Lucas. Shes chums with him.

>> No.8102509

Cosplayers that get featured in cosplay videos must be at least 20 seconds long each segment, with no interuptions. It must film head to toes, and from the bottom and up from behind too, so not a single part of the costume is left out, unfilmed. If they have props, it must get featured with addtional 10 seconds. Thats not too much too ask is it?

>> No.8102518

I'm flattered when people ask me for photos, i don't even care if its just on their mobile phone and shes complaining shes not getting featured long enough in videos? wtf.

>> No.8102519



>> No.8102521

Have any of you watched the OCT MCM SZ video. She is in it 9 times.

>> No.8102529

So thats 8 other cosplayers that could have been in it, but was left out, and shes bitching? What planet is she from.

>> No.8102532

She seems to be the loudest one out of her circlejerk atm, from what i know, shes also the newest one in the group. Always boasting about something, or bitching.

>> No.8102533

I kinda want her to keep going. She's providing entertainment.
Hopefully she won't go the way of the jazzhands.

>> No.8102538

In what ways? JH unpublished her page because she knows no photographer would want to take photos of her she threw her toys out of her pram.

>> No.8102540

Become the laughing stock of the scene, throw a hissy fit, storm off and never do anything interesting again.

>> No.8102544

not left out at all - she was in it 9 times in the background of shots

>> No.8102548

what did jazzhands do? I must have missed all that

>> No.8102559

And the girl who made Tascha's costume was in it once.

>> No.8102564

so? it's not a pissing contest. tascha and josh were in the background as a joke.

>> No.8102566

Who even is this girl? Post pics.

>> No.8102571

Only because they're in the circlejerk and friends with SZ.

>> No.8102592
File: 30 KB, 474x720, 10543652_907469832618167_2837209318373820319_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A photographer and cosplayer, however she doesn't make her own costumes. Which I see nothing wrong with to be honest, some people can't sew but still want to have fun!

I actually quite enjoy her photography work. (which as it seems will get me shot for saying that here)

>> No.8102610
File: 91 KB, 785x960, 1601576_899864896711994_2077316422571530508_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's also a fantastic editor. Her rates are super reasonable.

>> No.8102614
File: 201 KB, 805x628, 14227226894052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's that time again i see.

>> No.8102617

Oh you are the best. I was wrong. I thought we'dd be at this again on tuesday, but I was 2 days too early.

>> No.8102618

But shes also slagging them off?

>> No.8102620

Whats her cosplay like?

>> No.8102624

That's how friendship works in the UK Scene.

>> No.8102630

Hey you guys should sign this petition to get rid of the royal mail/ parcel force clearance fee.
They charge 8.50-13.50 on a package over 15 GBP in vaule.

Well i'm sure you all know that buying stuff online.
I havee paid at least 100 GBP in clearance charges just on anime figures these past few months.


>> No.8102634

Shes going to crown herself as UK cosplayer ambassador after LSCC.

>> No.8102649

And photography ambassador. And queen of all things and you should all give her 100% of your attention and kiss the ground she walks on.

>> No.8102657

Do anyone take photos of her costume, thats a good question. I can't say it's so good people are lining up to take photos of her, but at the same time, i don't think she thinks anyone is good enough to be allowed to take photos of her.

>> No.8102673

There is more cosplay photography drama than there is cosplayer drama they all bitch about each other. I would like to know some established cosplay photographers who aren't dicks or arrogant

>> No.8102684

None. Zero. Fuck all. They do not exist.

>> No.8102688

In my experience nice uk photographers John Fisher, Food and Cosplay, Leagoe of Xtraordinary Cosplay sure there are more but ones would avoid is Lucas especially if you are female

>> No.8102692

League is a bit boring. takes photos, but no style. What do you guys think of Shinigami?

>> No.8102694

Food and Cosplay are really wonderful humans <3

>> No.8102699

Like the style of his photos, however he never switches it up.

>> No.8102704

Why do we only ever talk about photographers and hardly ever talk about cosplayers?

>> No.8102712

Shinigami, big guy slim rely on light room too much. A lot of the photographers to do so all the photos look the same. Like League and Food n Cosplay they dont rely too much on Photo shop and take photos of all cosplayers not just the bikini girls

>> No.8102729

whose at london anime gaming con this weekend

>> No.8102742

Correction, Lucas is the only one that shits on people, but at the moment, it seems Tascha is taking on that role.

>> No.8102760

dunno but shits on people but heard about his criminal record for attacking a cosplayer he should be banned from cons

>> No.8102765

She's the official photographer? What? She can't take a decent picture to save her life. How the fuck did she get that gig?

>> No.8102790

Wankers and braindead fuckwits.

>> No.8102874

If shes the official photographer, don't expect too many photos, as she only takes photos of her friends anyway.

>> No.8102875


>> No.8102907
File: 102 KB, 562x1000, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8103819

Because there's more variety and fun drama with the photographers and the most famous UK cosplayers are either only famous because of their photographers or they make such a big deal out of who they work with and their photos that they inadvertently make the photographer a bigger deal.

But also like there's just not much to say about the cosplayers. If we only talked about the nameable UK cosplayers then here's how every thread would go down
>Sands is amazing and we all want her to sit on our faces
>Lex is amazing but we want her to sit on our faces slightly less
>Enja makes good stuff but we all know Sands is the star
>Tabitha Lyons is okay I guess considering her dad makes everything for her I mean at least she's not a giant bitch or anything
>Stacey Rebecca is kinda alright maybe sometimes but has questionable taste in friends and seems to have given up making anything which isn't about showing her ass off
>Kelly Jean is a manipulative home-wrecker who should drop the lies and just do porn
>Chiquitita is nothing and why is she even at our cons?
>AlienQueen is fuckugly and can't sew for shit but it's okay because she keeps to herself.

Try to name any other UK cosplayer who you can say even one full sentence about. Didn't think so.

So we talk about the photographers instead.

>> No.8103820

A lot of people say they're official photographers of LSCC but they're not. LSCC gives out passes to photographers to get backstage and get in earlier and stay later but they are not in any way under employment. They're shooting for themselves only.

>> No.8103891

Because people like you only look at the obvious and'famous' cosplayers and treat the rest like trash.
And I'll take the challenge, give me names of cosplayers, not from that list, and I'll write a few sentences on them.

>> No.8103892

There is passes, then there are free tickets+passes.

>> No.8103897

Any respectable cosplayers won't get mentioned on here purely because they don't cause dramu and keep themselves to themselves. The only one missing is Jazzhand, but as shes dropped out of "look at me, look at me! Burlesque, burlesque, burlesque" noone has anything else to say. As long as you don't stick your nose in others peoples business where it doesn't belong, or shove it in peoples faces about yourself too much, you won't end up on that list above.

>> No.8103899

Or work with Lucas. That automatically gets you bad rep, full stop. Of the 8 names mentioned, 3 of them is because they have worked with him.

Not even sure why Chiquitita is on that list, she just keeps herself to herself.

>> No.8103906

In jazzhands case, involve people that aren't involved.

>> No.8103908

You forgot Andy

>> No.8103909

Yeah, he got big headed. But think hes admitted it and toned it down now?

>> No.8103910

Don't be a dick, end of.

>> No.8103913

Or rape people. Thats not good either.

>> No.8103915

No, it's not, thats shit won't wash off and is staying with you.

>> No.8103920

What's all this shit about namedropping I keep seeing on my fb? Literally all my friends from the UK cosplay scene are going on about it. Did something happen that I missed?

This is what I get for clearing out all the melodramatic weebs, I never hear about any juicy drama anymore.

>> No.8103932

He definitely seems to have chilled out and gained some perspective and level-headedness. Time shall tell though.

>> No.8103944

>give me names of cosplayers
That's kind of the point.

>> No.8103945

Valentine's calmed down and there literally is nothing to say about him other than that he used to be a dickhead.

Chiquitita's a guest at every convention, I don't know how you've missed that.

>> No.8103955

Maybe because like i said, she doesn't cause shit, so kind of goes unnoticed as far as shit stiring goes. You're find if a cosplayer gets to be a cosplay guest, they will be called again next time as long as they get their shit together, they will get invited time and time again. But yes i know what you mean, her cosplay is random, sometimes good sometimes average, but you can't expect someone to keep coming up with amazing costume everytime, unless you're specifically entering a competition, then thats a different matter.

>> No.8104051

How is it even about SZ? They don't do any of the stuff she's complaining about in her rant, SZ and Shades On aren't the only UK CMV videographers. That's just a completely unfounded assumption to come to.

The whole rant is stupid anyway, for some people a CMV isn't about showing off the cosplays for 30 seconds each, its about making a video that works and flows well. If a cosplayer had paid to be in a video and only got 2 seconds of coverage then fair enough, that is worthy of complaint, but its a bit shitty to complain about free coverage.

>> No.8104070

It talks about 'professional cmv's' and that's just their videos.
Watch the October MCM video, it's exactly what she complains about.

Also, she tagged them in it.

>> No.8104104

Guessing you missed this bit then?

'I cannot tell you how many times I watched Sneaky Zebra’s videos before I caved in and went to my first con, because they made it look like so much fun.
Because they made the community look wonderful by reflecting them as outgoing and friendly.'

Clearly using them as a 'good' example, they aren't the focus of this rant, also explains why they're tagged.

Is this boards only function to stir shit?

>> No.8104110

Seems so

>> No.8104119

Shirt stirred her own shit. We are just commentary.

>> No.8104137

Tascha talking bollocks yet again? Oh I am surprised.

>> No.8104209

Whose saying anything about name dropping?

>> No.8104238

Genuinely not sure if this is a really well thought out joke or not.

>> No.8104277

Any of you gulls going to the GoT exhibition? Just saw a load of cosplayers talking about how they just got free tickets.

>> No.8104337

No, got my ticket for london anime gaming con so will be there hope its alrite and not full of weeboos

>> No.8104422


>> No.8104426

Everyone got free tickets. They became available last week. I'm going on Tuesday. The big thing people are on about today is they allowed 40 cosplayers to go in before anyone else and have photos there in their cosplay. Was totally first-come-first-serve and a bunch of people must have got those exclusive tickets.

>> No.8104441

Ha ha hahahhahbahahahahhahhaha. Is this your first LAGC or something?

>> No.8104501

Literally who are any of the no bodies being discussed in this thread?

So much fucking self post.

>> No.8104686

Point to anybody mentioned so far who is a nobody, because from where I'm sitting it looks like the only names mentioned are the most prolific cosplay video makers in the country, the most prolific photographers and editors in the country and the ost prolific cosplayers in the country and some are arguably even among the top names in the world. The only person named who comes close to being a nobody is Enja and even he is a guest at every con and is about as big of a deal as any male cosplayer can get.

>> No.8104696

Entirely agree. If they really were nobodies, people wouldn't be talking about them all so constantly.

>> No.8104716
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>> No.8104796
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>> No.8104875

Cosplay video making has to be the saddest shit to hit the anime community since people first made the mistake of making videos at anime events.

>> No.8104889

Is this related to someone? Did Liam really break someone's prop? I think I heard something about it once.

>> No.8105538

Everything about the UK anime scene is terible. It's just a bunch of awkward no friends meeting up to pretend they have a social life.

>> No.8105553

>> Aranel makes gorgeous cosplays, has no drama and is being asked to judge more and more events
>> Felixize is a chameleon when it comes to going from one gender to another with her cosplays/crossplays
>>Emi is a cute cosplayer who wishes she was a photographer but should stick to being a cute cosplayer
>> Asakura is a pompous ass but he does make a good Nightwing
>> SJ Bonner despite his size still continues to be a great cosplayer and one of the nicest guys in the UK scene
>> Kyahri basic bitch but dem legs.
>> Yuka can be decent when she wants to be but mostly looks good because the cosplayers surrounding her look good. Her cheap fabric choices and badly styled wigs show a mile off in group shots.

There, more cosplayers that never get mentioned

>> No.8105601

Nice self post hidden in here

>> No.8105606

Aranel has drama a mile long within her friend group, or at least her friends bitch about her.

Felixize is the same.

Emi should stick to doing what she enjoys. Takes alright photos and does nice edits. Good package cosplayer.

Never heard of Asakura.

SJ Bonner is a nice guy and plays to his size.

No idea who Kyahri is.

Yuka has displayed attention seeking and elitist qualities. But she's nice to whom it matters.

Also Emi and Yuka used to get mentioned a lot. But the anime-centric cosplayers don't seem to come up here at all since everyone focus on the /co/splay girls who are competing for facebook likes one day and whining about over exposure and bad press the next.

>> No.8105618

>>> SJ Bonner despite his size still continues to be a great cosplayer and one of the nicest guys in the UK scene

He commissions all his cosplays, gives no credit and is a notorious flirt with every girl in the cosplay scene.

>> No.8105666 [DELETED] 

Agree with this, he was one of three guys who just thought they'd send me a message to say hi! immediately after I posted a cosplay picture with some skin showing. It might have been subtle if they hadn't all done it at once.

>> No.8105755
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>> No.8105775

He blatantly flirts even now he's engaged. Ugh, I remember those unflattering nudes of his girlfriend Leonie ending up here. Barf.

>> No.8105933

Why did Jerri/Choupett delete her page?

>> No.8106160

Because you touch yourself

>> No.8106185

Asakura's nightwing was completely made by vvolf, when they were going out, before he cheated on her.

In fact, all his decent stuff was.
He's that much of a cunt he won't credit her.

>> No.8106216

Her batgirl is looking quite good. Hoping to get a few pictures of the bombshell group, as everyone's progress looks good.

>> No.8106289

Vvolf is a fucking crazy. I'm surprised anyone will even go near her. She is suddenly cuddling up to people she hated on a year ago to be popular. All the stuff she makes is a horrible mess as well .

>> No.8106298

You said drama - so now you have to deliver. What drama?

>> No.8106317

Standard he said, she said, one thing to one person, another to another.

It's like the inception of drama. It puts the idea in peoples heads and makes them stupid.

>> No.8106330

So in other words total hearsay and none of them probably did anything at all? Or nothing of actual noteworthiness anyway.

This type of "drama" is so dumb, it's like unless they have some Kelly Jean style history it's probably safe to say they're decent people.

>> No.8106381

sort of new to the cosplay scene, anyone care to sum up the KJean backstory I keep seeing referenced? want to know if she's worth avoiding in the future.

>> No.8106383

You alright Kris?

>> No.8106387

Well no, things have been said, to me and to others, where X has bitched about Y and Y has bitched independently abut X. But it's not worth being specific because whenever it comes up the advice is the same. If you have a problem with someone, deal with them.

There's no point going round the community saying things because either it doesn't stick or it creates a picture of a person to total strangers which becomes watered down or inflamed over time.

It doesn't necessarily make them bad or good people. Just not necessarily honest people?

>> No.8106393

Why don't you just form your own opinion if you meet her? Surely you're capable of deciding for yourself if you like someone?

Also poses an interesting question. Should a persons history and the way they treat other people put you off them if they've done nothing to you?

On the one hand, it can give you a picture of a person and how they're likely to treat you. On the other, you could be being told tripe based on the fact that no one is ever honest about how much of a situation they're responsible for (if they were ever involved in the first place, which most of the time on here they're not, they're just spectators) and demonstrating a lack of making your own decisions.

KJ is a person. She's made her own mistakes. She's done things other people view as mistakes. She's the epitome of evil bullshit to some and best friend to others.

>> No.8106407


It's a fair question to ask, it isn't about 'liking' someone exactly, more trusting them. If a person has done a lot of shit to a lot of people i'd rather avoid getting involved with them in any capacity.

Most drama is hearsay bullshit that people on here only have a tenuous grasp on, i'm more than aware of that. I'm also aware that you only usually hear one side of the situation. Wanting to know what she has done to offend so many people isn't going to completely sway my opinion, it just changes how I interact in situations in the future.
This especially applies to work in a professional capacity - if I know someone has fucked people over in the past, I know what to avoid doing and I can decide for myself how far to take a friendship or professional relationship.
I have met her, and I did like her. She seemed like a nice person which makes me curious as to why so many seem to hate her.

>> No.8106409

I strongly believe you should form your own opinion. There is so much "he said, she said" that is just becomes a mess.
If one person is saying something then it's probably butt hurt.
If a lot of people are all saying the same thing then either it has some truth to it or it's a circle jerk.
Either way. Make up your own mind,
I've never met Kelly but I wouldn't judge her for shit she's done in the past or what others have said about her. Unless she came up to me and punched me in the face or wronged me in some way then I got no problem with her.

>> No.8106419

There's also the fact that on here you're only likely to hear what she's done to piss people off.

No one is going to come on here and tell you about the good things she's done for her friends or family or professionally.

So it's all very well knowing what shit someone has pulled. But without context or at least comparison what good is knowing that?

Most of what gets brought up happened years ago, a fact that gets left off, and so doesn't take into account a persons capacity to change or even learn from a situation.

If you want to know about someone in a professional capacity then you ask them for references and check with them how the person was like to work with.

>> No.8106425

That's a good point. Like if a person keeps pulling the same shit over and over then there's obviously a pattern.

But if it's different things then don't we all make mistakes at least once?

>> No.8106452

and we're back to talking about KJ again...

>> No.8106493

Not really....I think she was just being used as an example because most people know of her/about her.

>> No.8106993

Welcome to 4chan: Same shit, different day

>> No.8106999

SJ is one of the biggest cunts on the scene. He would comment on literally every single photo my gf uploaded, with creepy shit like "so gorgeous baby wow <3" even though he had a gf, and as soon as we went facebook public with our relationship, he removed her as a friend.

>> No.8107089

I've seen him do that a lot, usually only with girls his girlfriend isn't friends with too, so not sure she would see him post stuff.

>> No.8107103

His gf and mine hate each other, no idea why it's like ancient drama, but he's well aware of this which makes it even more scummy

>> No.8107114

He friended me after someone tagged him in my con pics once, and I tried to be polite and initiate conversation/comment on his stuff but he always ignored me, until one day I saw a friend of mine comment on something he said and I realised I wasn't friends with him anymore.

I wasn't really butthurt because I don't know him and don't care to, mostly a little confused. Probably friended me to check for photos of himself and then unfriended shortly afterwards? Didn't exactly make a great impression though.

>> No.8107138

Went to some local con called AnimangaPOP, entered cosplay contest, 5 year old in chibi moon cosplay wins handmade section, 2nd year in a row she's won apparently, every weeb is angry (apart from kid's mum)

>> No.8107146

This is usually why cosplay comps that allow younger entries have either a junoir category or a default goodie bag for all the kids that enter.

>> No.8107150

This happened to me too :/ SJ friended me after an event, not even a week later I had been removed? I didn't care and still don't, it saves me seeing his army of selfies but why bother friending people only to remove them straight after?

>> No.8107156

He does this to see if you're hot/single/cosfamous, if you're none of these things you get removed.

>> No.8107177


>> No.8107189

So if Emily Bastian has quit, who's taken over ECG and WCS? Or is the UK calling it quits since Lex and Sands have been to both?

>> No.8107198


>> No.8107416
File: 63 KB, 540x960, 1979505_728142577299627_3478077593819854252_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is awful. Discuss.

>> No.8107453


Apart from the shocking edit, I like the costume and the wig, so I wouldn't call it awful.

>> No.8107471

It's not very well fitted, her boobs look like they're trying to escape, plus that shoop is not helping

>> No.8107529

having your arms up like that though tends to do that to even the most well fitted tops if they're strapless, the only way you kinda avoid that is if you have spillage when your arms are down and thats super not nice

>> No.8107530

The shitty quality of the photo doesn't help it blend with the equally shitty background.

And the costume isn't fitting? Or she should have used some dress tape because that black shadow is awful.

Also I know this girl is super short and tiny...but that costume is making her tits look saggy.

>> No.8107559

>This is awful
>all that needs to be said

There will be some token effort but we've all known for years that Sands and Lex are the only ones with half a chance and if they bother or not is entirely up to them. The UK basically doesn't have a slot in WCS, Lex and Sands have their own spot and it just so happens that they're both from the UK so we get behind them if they can be bothered. Both have mentioning slowing down so tbh we might as well all forget ECG and WCS.

>> No.8107567

Well they won't do ECG again now that they've won it, it'd only be WCS if they wanted a free trip to Japan

>> No.8107691

They've already done WCS

>> No.8107693

Yea that's already been mentioned... Just saying they wouldn't do ECG so it'd only be WCS again for the free trip

>> No.8107860

saggy? I don't know about you but I don't find it attractive when a girls tits are un-naturally pushed up to her collar bones

>> No.8107903

I think we need to shift the bitching elsewhere cause all this photographer/cosplay angrywanking gets fucking boring as shite.

Which event (or at least, events that have been running a few years now) do you think is gonna vanish and never return by the end of this year?

>> No.8108073

Valentine Cosplay needs too stop flirting with Milly, its just embarrassing.

>> No.8108178

What's he doing?

>> No.8108771

She posted about it on FB and it seems mostly to do with how Hyper Japan wants to run things, probably not much drama there other than them disagreeing on logistics of things. I think they're likely to both still happen, just under different management.

>> No.8108993

So Emily is going to move on and leave ECG and WCS with HJ rather than ECG and WCS move with her?

>> No.8109022

That's up to ECG & WCS to decide.
Emily brought ECG to Hyper Japan. But Hyper Japan brought WCS to her. So it's doing the the organisers whether they choose Emily or Hyper Japan.

>> No.8109024

>>So it's down to the organisers

Sorry, I'm on my phone. I should have proof read first.

>> No.8109052

Oh man is he still around?? I had some run ins with him back in the day

>> No.8109059

Shame about that tbh but they've been shoving her around for years, she's actually a nice girl.

>> No.8109110

she's also useless at organising so its probably for the best for everyone

>> No.8109141

Amecon. Sit back and watch it sail away forever.

>> No.8109214
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Really regretting registering. Don't know if I should get a hotel room or just suck it up and not turn up. Does anyone even want to go anymore?

>> No.8109239

What's so bad about it?

>> No.8109260

The venue sucks and the ame committee relies too much on the community to make the events worthwhile. It's like they just rent a venue and print off some badges.

>> No.8109446

Isn't that every convention ever?

>> No.8109461

Ame just goes over board with it and provides next to nothing in terms of entertainment.

>> No.8109722

Unlike sayyyy Kitacon. Oh wait. Kitacon provide no entertainment and reject any event applications that run against their precious parties.

>> No.8109750

Any of you cunts dishing out £3k for cumberbatch?

Any of you hoping Sherlocked crashes and burns?

>> No.8109751
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>Kitacon provide no entertainment
>their precious parties

>> No.8109756


>> No.8109764

Kitacon is shit for this - Not everyone who goes to cons wants to party for 6 hours straight.

I love partying but it's nice to take a breather in the quiz bar etc.

And the guests look totally wank to boot.

Amecon has always had bad locations and always turned out good imo. Keele was shit too but was a fine 3 days regardless. Even when the University was being rebuilt.

It's not Ayacon and nothing ever will be in the near future. It's sad but dem da ropes.

>> No.8109768

Sherlocked con.
Tickets are £44
but £2995 to get a photo+autograph from Cumberbatch.

>> No.8109795

You missed HIS nudes then?

>> No.8109807
File: 483 KB, 250x167, SYLARMOONO.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god, it's a real thing.

VIP Pass includes:

Entry to all open days (Friday 24th Preview evening, Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th April 2015)
2x In person autographs from all attending guests (to be collected by yourself on items of your choosing. A selection of 10x8 prints will be available to choose from should you wish to use them. Any extra autographs may be available for a set fee)
2x Individual Photo Shoots with each attending guests. (Taken in our studio by a professional photographer, one 6x9 print of each photo will be available immediately)
1 x Professional Photo shoot of you on one of the Sherlock sets (Set to be revealed soon)
1 ticket to a talk with each guest in the Main Stage (includes priority access to seats before all other ticket types)
1 ticket to a screening introduced by lead guest(s) (includes priority access to seats before all other ticket types)
1 ticket to a drinks reception with selected guests. (Exclusive to VIP holders)
1 seat at the Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss round table chat.
1 ticket to an exclusive walk around the sets with production designer Arwel Jones
1 ticket to any official event parties
Access to an exclusive VIP green room with complimentary refreshments.
Priority access to all autograph and photo shoot queues.

A selection of SHERLOCKED Event Merchandise including:

Exclusive Art Print signed by Benedict Cumberbatch, Mark Gatiss and Steven Moffat.
Official Event Show Guide
Official Event T-Shirt (Please provide us with your size in the order and delivery comments box at the time of ordering. Choose from S, M, L, XL or XXL)
Official Event Poster
Limited Edition SHERLOCKED event bag
Official SHERLOCKED event jacket
Full set of exclusive SHERLOCKED trading cards
Official Event Lanyard
Official Event Badge

>Please note: there will be a £2.50 E-Ticket validation charge per order

>> No.8109812

Kitacon tries to provide entertainment but always fucks it up with shitty guests/performers like those chap hop dicks.

>> No.8109816
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>but £2995 to get a photo+autograph from Cumberbatch.
Holy shit I thought you were joking but nope, there is a ticket for 3 fucking grand.
Granted even the £300 one has a photo with all of the cast and autographs though, so it's not like it's a requirement.
Good on them if they can milk a fandom for all its worth I guess

>> No.8109836

The con is in fucking april and they've just announced it. Yeah good planning dickbutts.

>> No.8109843

I thought this post was about Kitacon.

I really wish I'd gone to more conventions when I was younger and they were actually good. Kita will be my first BIG convention where I'm staying the whole weekend, and it honestly looks like it's gonna be crap this year.

>> No.8109850

It is good planning, actually. It's carefully calculated so that all the tumblrettes can impulse buy tickets before they have a chance to really think over what the fuck they're doing.

That and one month ahead is probably the earliest Moffat's ever had anything planned.

>> No.8109891

Yeah I'm in the same boat. I managed to go to Ayacon to find out it was the last ever one. Got into Amecon the year before or so and now it's moved to a shitty hotel. All the guys I hung around with at Ayacon are now thinking of dropping out of Kita. GODDAMMIT.

>> No.8110760

Parties aren't entertainment. Sometimes you just want a pub quiz or some karaoke. If I wanted to go clubbing I would go to an actual club.

>> No.8110765

The losercon side of kita will probably be good. I had a badge last year and only used it to get into the dealers room, there was fuck all else on - unless you count the surprise charity auction where we watched them try to flog £100 bullets.
There's the pool which is decent, expensive bar where you can hang and play card/board games. NEC is nearby so you can go into town if you want. All in all the losercon side of things will be good if not better than the event.

Kita is on my shitlist as they did a mass email of all the potential dealers and artists and didn't use BCC. I don't really like my personal address being given out to people I don't know. The lack of an apology was shocking to me. I feel like if they can't get a basic like this right, how can we expect them to run a convention?

>> No.8110907

You can't because there's no one on that committee that knows how to run a convention, you'll get the parties and self indulgent videos and that's it.

>> No.8110925

Honestly at this point why even bother going to organised conventions? The dealers rooms are always shit and there's fuck-all else going on except sitting in a bar. Instead of throwing away money on a convention you can have a piss-up with your mates in a location of your own choosing at any time you want and still spend way less. Even in central London, a couple nights out costs less than attending most conventions for the weekend does.

Like at this point what value is there really in conventions? Everyone knows everyone by now. Cons aren't somewhere you go to meet people any more. Most good cosplayers keep their costumes back for either the really big expos like MCM and LFCC or they keep to doing photoshoots year-round. Conventions cost a lot to run and take a lot of time and effort to organise and don't remotely represent any kind of value for money.

>> No.8110927

In terms of Karaoke, the guy who ran it has plain given up on Kita as an attendee, and no one has since stepped in. That was never a Kita-ran thing as far as I know?

>> No.8111235

They have turned down offers to run it in the last few years.
Every other con runs one and its known that its a popular event. If they wanted to run one they'd only need to ask for someone to run it, especially as the software and songlist is basically publicly curated.

>> No.8111471

Why can't Stacy cover her fucking tattoos for cosplay? They always ruin the costume.

>> No.8111541

Slut tattoos are sexy!

>> No.8111570
File: 44 KB, 720x917, IMG_51181785113530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugh, fuck off Stacey Rebecca. You look nothing like the image you're trying to recreate. You've got the most dullwitted look on your face. and let's not forget the shitty lopsided AC tattoo you got for that contest on your flabby stomach.

>> No.8111621

I know it's to be expected of the Lucas-Stacey combo but there are so many little things that could be changed to make this a whole lot better and it's all stuff someone would only skip doing if they're really lazy or really stupid.
>ball on her finger is off-center and fallen below her fingertip
>ball shows no motion
>inconsistent light on the copypaste balls
>not bothered to match the whites of the gloves and the rest of her clothes
>creases on the front of her top left even though everything else about her has been smoothed to plastic
>jaggy cutout in some areas, over-feathered and blurred in others
>distorted perspective from an inappropriate wide angle lens or framing too close
>why can't she ever close her gormless fucking mouth
>blandest, least dynamic lighting in the world

Put 10 more minutes into taking the photo and 10 more minutes into the editing and you'd improve it 200%. Like this is super brainless stuff.

>> No.8111704

My issue with Stacy is that she just put the costume on but nothing else.
This costume is based on artwork, and the artwork had no tats. But she just left them anyway.
Keeps in piercings that sholdn't be there.
Never uses contacts
only ever has boring plain makeup which hardly ever suits character
No facial expression
gorm mouth
works with llucas

IDK seems to me like making the full effort in her costumes is too much like hard work.

>> No.8111760

Siiigh, its just missing something, can't put my finger on it, I think it is the expression, its made it a lifeless photo, if only she'd made the effort to hide the tattoo.

>> No.8111765

She got that tattoo for a contest? What?

>> No.8111806

I honestly don't see the appeal to her. She just looks like one of those emo chicks you see working in second hand game shops. What does she actually do for a living?

>> No.8111812

Would bang.

You guys are too choosy as fuck, but in relation to the pic I would say it would have been better if she smiled.

A neutral facial expression simply wouldn't cut it for a good pic.

>> No.8111830

So sick of Hayley Smiths crap makeup spam in the MCM group.

>> No.8111860
File: 99 KB, 2048x1244, 10945477_794451553923424_6250913977187444149_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shades On Kyle tried something as well

>> No.8111867

I suppose that at least makes a touch more sense and is an easy workaround for her shitty tats.

Does she have some kind of breathing problem though because I still don't understand why she's got her mouth open in every picture like a confused grandma.

>> No.8111871

Hi everyone, this one would be for /p fags.

I am getting a better idea of how to use manual mode on my phone which has a 16MP Optical Lens (equivalent to a normal compact camera) and I am planning to get a better camera soon.

The camera I have in mind would be the Cannon 760D which will be released soon in April. I want some opinions.

I have already posted on /p, but they are slow as fuck.

I can relate after seeing both pics. Maybe bolemic (related to anorexia) perhaps? Who knows.

I must reiterate that a neutral smile won't work for a pic to be good regardless if she has a good body or outfit, or both.

>> No.8111873

Isn't hard to close your mouth for 2 seconds even if you hold your breath.
Don't know why she can't take out the fucking piercings though.

>> No.8111898


Stacey Rebacca still the same face look and this is Ivy for some reason.

>> No.8111899

Why have you come to that idea?
>Smile wouldn't work
But a smirk or pout that is similar to the character would.

>> No.8111902


Fuck off. Those leaves are fucking photoshopped.
Not a costume, thats a girl being thirsty.

>> No.8111910

Photo faggot edit detected.
>pic is now not of worth at all.

The bolemic thing is what I thought was connected to the facial expression and it reminds me of a few bolemic people I know of.

As for the neutral smile I might as well say it is not a smile, but an actual smile would have done some justice for both pics.

I'm not familiar with her character and I am looking at this from a modeling perspective rather than of the character for her cosplay.

>> No.8111918
File: 22 KB, 221x300, Lola+bunny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

smirk would work

>> No.8111936

I'm surprised to see that this is the cosplay. Clearly the cosplay should have been better (hence fur suit with the outfit on top), but a smile would have been the only thing to redeem this let down taking into account of modications for both pics (hence piercings and tats).

I'm looking at this from a rational point of view. A smirk with the mods and without fur would not be better than a smile. I cannot help but be persistent with this.

>> No.8111943

How high are you right now

>> No.8111948
File: 84 KB, 600x776, lola-bunny-space-jam-s-lola-bunny-as-you-ve-never-seen-her-before.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually it's this artwork. Needed a better pout, covered tats and no lip piecing. Also her hair is shit.

>> No.8111959

Very clearly and also drunk if that helps. Seriously a smirk will not work with this shit. It is too modded to be acceptable let alone good.

That would work if that facial expression is possible with this particular person.

I do have to agree with the mods and shit hair. Can't be helped. She is a run of the mill normal person (or pleb) and not a super model.

>> No.8111962

760D looks like it's gonna be an oddball and not worth it for someone new to DSLR. It's for people who have had a DSLR before and want to take a step up but can't really afford the 70D and don't want to buy a used body. The 750D will be £600 and the 760D £650 just for the bodies. That's almost as much as a second hand 5Dmk2. You can buy a 700D, a lens, a bag, memory cards and spare batteries for that much. You could buy a second hand 7D or 60D and a lens for that much or you can buy a second hand 70D for the same price as the 760D. You could buy a second hand Nikon D7100 which gives you dual memory card slots, a 51-point AF and the same technical resolution as the 750/760D but with no low-pass filter so the perceptual resolution is much higher.

The most important thing is you get good lenses. Shit camera + pro lens = pro results. Pro body + shit lens = shit results. A second hand 700D will cost £300-£350. A Tamron 17-50 2.8 VC lens is about £220 and is sharper than all of the Canon kit lenses and gives you a constant f/2.8. It's a bit blurry in the corners at 2.8 but sharp in the middle and stop down to f/4 to get it sharp across the board. For even better image quality you could get the older 35mm f/2 non-IS and and 85 1.8 primes for about £200 each second hand give or take £20 and those will blow the shit out of any zoom lens under £800. And unlike the zooms those lenses will stay with you when you upgrade to a full frame body, too. If you want to buy extra memory cards and batteries and a bag or tripod then instead of having two lenses buy the 50mm 1.8 for like £80 or get the 50mm 1.4 second hand for about £220 and that will do you okay as a single lens.

The 760D just doesn't make any sense at the price it is.

>> No.8111968

Her hair is shit but you kinda have to applaud someone for being willing to shave down half their head for a costume of some obscure fan art.

>> No.8111970

Could have hid her bra straps, all you need is one safety pin. Pouting isn't hard, Head should have been lifted more, eyebrow raised.

>> No.8111971

Awks that on her page she's a 'model' then

>> No.8111994

Thanks for the adive.

I am hoping to get a good camera + good lens, but I will wait on this camera. I will look around.

I am considering mirrorless as well as DSLRs, but I will probably hold out with my mobile's 16MP with manual settings (opposed to shitty auto).
>lens is x10 optical
>consistent with compact
>specs a bit shit

For pouting again it depends if she can do that effectively. Everyone is different afterall.

A girl can be sexually attractive, but facial expressions for photography is a different matter entirely; especially for where I'm concerned.

Was the word 'super' added to the word model on her profile? To be a supermodel you must be famous or of an equivalent status.

It is not earned easily and you can't be plain or have a shit tier facial expression for paricular pics.

Put simply you must have a variety of factors to be super otherwise anyone could take that status.

There is a reason why there is distintion between model and supermodel.

Modeling is simpler than you think and a photgrapher would know why. Nigri is better tierand is just about a supermodel, but she wouldn't be as good as a normal one in my opinion and experience.

>> No.8112021
File: 2.95 MB, 4344x2576, 20141025_131904[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same anon from >>8111994

I decided to be kind and look at Stacey Rebecca's FB profile and I can say that in my HIGH state her Everquest looked promising and the nerd pic for Twitch was to my liking, but fuck my life for her pic at the Excel that she posted on the 24 Jan (in relation to 2014, I know the location well enough to recognise those particular trees and the Novotel).

I did like the Lucy Saxon and to my surprise I did take her pic on shit tier auto on my phone with a 16MP Optical Lens. I now regret I was not familiar with manual mode of my phone.

>> No.8112029

>am considering mirrorless as well
If you go mirrorless you've got to spend way more to get the same quality. Sony A7 or Fujifilm XT1 can hang with DSLRs easily but they also cost twice as much as a DSLR of similar image quality.

>just about a supermodel
lolwut. Nigri is no more a model than any FHM High Street Hottie entrant.

>> No.8112049

That would be why I have not chosen mirrorless for interest. Cost is fucking steep and I was looking for a low tier mirrorless that might appeal to my prefences and failed to find something I could like, but the DSLRs were more interesting for me for specs

For Stacey it is just her fame in all honesty. I am a fan of RoosterTeeth so I can just about accept her as 'supermodel' taking in acount of how known she is, but she is neither mid or high tier in my opinion.

With her I am scrapping low, but there is much lower very evidently. I have take enogh amateur to know this for certain.

I do like what I've seen of Lucy and I need to see more though.

>> No.8112123

You're right anon, I'll let one single error by one person determine my entire response and actions to an event. I saw a small child pick his nose today, if that fucker doesn't care about proper hygiene now how can I trust he won't grow up into a filthy weeaboo fester pit. Best shoot him now to be sure.

>> No.8112280

Uh... Hey Kita committee. Can we have an actual update on what's going on while you're here?

>> No.8112382

Is this just an attempt to get loads of likes because that cosplay did it first and she went from 50k to like something stupid like 500k likes on her page?

>> No.8112745

She doesn't need to attempt to get loads of likes, the majority of her likes live in Mexico. She just needs to make another payment.

>> No.8112746

Hi Committee Member. Maybe you should have acknowledged your mistake and said sorry rather than ignored it.

>> No.8112885

Seeing how unimpressed cgl are over SR and the uk cosplay scene generally makes me morbidly question, do any of you lot cosplay? and if so where do you view your level.

>> No.8112889

I do. I consider myself average in the sense that nothing I've ever made has appeared on shitlists but it's not made big positive waves either. Get enough people taking photos of me at cons but I don't bother with photoshoots. I don't try to kick shit up and so I'm a nobody in the 'scene'. I know I'm better at construction than the circlejerkers but I don't care to make a name for myself. Very happy being one of the crowd.

>> No.8112892

Ashley Berch canceled but we're leaving it till the opening ceremony to announce it. Rather than rent conference rooms, we've gone for the family suite rooms to cut costs for party budget. Chill out room converted to yoai chamber (Also to be lit by strobes and only play speedcore). Less events means less timetabling work and that means more chaphop sets. Screening rooms to only play big three marathons with the exception of the frozen singalong room. Babies allowed.

>> No.8112903

I'm the same. Got mentioned once on here and no one sent hate.

>> No.8112910

Anyone got footage of the burlesque show yet?

>> No.8112913

I cosplay, because I enjoy it and the majority of my friends are cosplayers now. I also enjoy working with togs. I don't deem myself to be a particularly good cosplayer, still get plenty of hate on here regardless. People are dicks

>> No.8113101

Sounds like you'd really benefit from having a proper chat with some established cosplay photographers. Sonesh is your best bet as he's the most consistent cos tog. Shades On Kyle is a little more active but I think he knows a little less of the technical side. Sebastian is Mr Technical but he's not around much. Hit up any of those three. You'll get better advice than randoms on here or /p/.

Or just look at what Lucas Ambrosio does and do the exact opposite and you'll be set.

>> No.8113224
File: 135 KB, 262x274, 1420247373944.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw alcon is the only con i can go to right now because i forgot about kita and want to see my friends
at least i know i can survive it without alcohol or murder. thats something i guess.

>> No.8113266

noo fred

>> No.8115524

No interesting UK news to add to this then?

>> No.8115812

Asakura is prick. Lowlife with nae pals, because he backstabs every person he meets. Especially if they have a vagina.

>> No.8115815

How's it going Kris?

>> No.8116269

Personal opinion doesn't detract from the fact that the girl needs to be credited.

How many costumes of his did she make anyway, 4/5

>> No.8116859

Somehow he thinks that cheating on her and ruining their relationship makes it okay not to credit her for making his costumes while they were together. He's vile.

>> No.8117073

I think its most likely that she is leaving WCS to the organisers. Not sure about ECG. To be honest I hope the ECG moves to an event I can attend. I've really wanted to go for it but its always at an event that I have other event clashes with.

A big fat hairy nope.

I was excited for this event and then when the prices were released I decided against it. Not worth paying 3K for Cumberbatch. Not when another event managed to get him far less than that last year.