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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8067263 No.8067263 [Reply] [Original]

What's your comm like? Ita? Boring and only interested in repeating the same meet-ups? What's the current drama?

>> No.8067269

Some fucking otherkin is trying to join our group. So now it's torn between the actually reasonable people trying to nicely tell her not to wear fucking pony ears to a meetup, and the tumblr tryhards (mostly itas) trying to be ~accepting~

I think I'm going to start making my own private meets.

>> No.8067274

The closest comm to me is in St. Louis, and I've heard it isn't active.

Are there any other lolitas in southern Illinois?

>> No.8067284

My comm is very close to splitting in two. I can see the divide happening. I think we're going to have two comms before too long. Who will go to which I can't say, and who will try and stick with both is gonna be intriguing

>> No.8067295

Pretty good compared to some horror stories I see about other comms. There is this one girl though who I don't think anyone really likes, but she is very active, plans a lot of meetups and is also a comm mod. I wish she would leave or something. She's really rude, full of herself, and an annoying fatty. Girls who have wanted to join our comm haven't because she has such a bad rep in and outside of it.

>> No.8067305


Sounds familiar.

>> No.8067306

Theres a flood of itas in my comm asspatting each other with their "senpais" spoonfeeding them everything and being too nice to tell them to grow up already. I dont mind itas if they progress and love the fashion but I cant stand these annoying idiots any longer. It feels like theyre getting worse.

>> No.8067316

This sounds like Maine.

>> No.8067317
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Want to take a guess as to who it is?

>> No.8067323


I'm guessing either you're in my community or this is about that Dominique girl mentioned in the secrets.

>> No.8067328

I'm embarrassed to be in the same category as fictionkin. She even made a secret about herself.

>> No.8067331

No, this girl is from the one of the Florida comms. Her name is Veronica. There have been a few secrets posted about her before I think

>> No.8067333

Wait, do you mean you're a fictionkin or also part of the group?

>> No.8067337
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Same old same old. Itas gunna ita, brandwhores gunna brandwhore, mediocre chans gunna stay mediocre and thirst for efame.

>> No.8067341

My friend and I have been in the NYC comm for a year now, drama free. We have attended both big and small meetups. Most people seem nice, and even if they are faking i don't mind. We are both thinking of moving to AZ in the next year or two. What is that comm like?

>> No.8067343

Mine has little drama/isnt very big but the younger ones seem to be doing private meets... i feel the same is happening here

>> No.8067374

Oh god I know who she is...I see her at almost every con I go to. Also, what's the deal about joining a comm? sorry if this is a dumb question but do you need to have a finished co-ord in order to join?

>> No.8067386

Dominique isn't a mod thank fuck.

>> No.8067399

Can I ask which NYC comm? Don't they have like 4? AZ is great, our worst "problem" isn't much of a problem anymore (Dominique) because she's stopped being such an asshole for the most part. There were other lolcows previously but they've all removed themselves from the group. The core (active, goes to meetups) group dresses nicely for the most part and we've got a couple a perma-itas but nothing like the South American comms.

>> No.8067414

Lol! So sorry. She's been really rude, like, horrible, at meetups in the past and talks crap about other members. She's also guaranteed to cause drama in public if strangers ask too many questions for her liking, tries to hard and tries to be everyone's friend, and takes her being a comm mod too seriously.

That's not a dumb question at all. You just need to have an interest in the fashion to join.

>> No.8067420

Seconding AZ being great, everyone just only hears the drama here, which only takes up like 5% of the time.

It's really mellow, meets are fun, I'm always grateful for the people I've met through it, it's fun being active.

Whenever there's anyone who says "Oh, I don't want to join because I hear about ___" It's like, that's your loss, comms aren't perfect, go be a lone lolita, no one cares.

>> No.8067423

Add the comm group on Facebook. There are a few active girls, but they don't always make comm-wide meets because the rest of the comm is... Yeah.

>> No.8067424

>Whenever there's anyone who says "Oh, I don't want to join because I hear about ___" It's like, that's your loss, comms aren't perfect, go be a lone lolita, no one cares.
Basically this.
I feel a tinge of guilt but like you won't even bother to find out for yourself? Come the fuck on. We don't need whiny tumblrites anyway.

>> No.8067437

Yeah I always tell people, we've got upwards of 200 people on the group, personalities are going to clash sometimes but we've rarely had any major problems in the entire time I've been known the comm. It's definitely really chill and everyone is sweet. I've met my best friends through the AZ comm.

>> No.8067441

>entire time I've been known the comm
Derp, I started to type "been in the comm" and decided that sounded too much like I was attributing the lack of drama to my presence, deleted it (I thought) and retyped "known the comm".

>> No.8067442

I've been to the big events where its people from all comms, but I really enjoy the lolitas and the arts group. There is not a ton of meets but everyone is very classy and well dressed.

>> No.8067500

My comm used to be pretty drama free until this one girl joined. She keeps starting shit with people and trying to pit them against each other.

>> No.8067511

My comm is pretty small and not very active, but I'm trying to change that. I'm doing my best to promote discussion and I'm planning on organizing a meet soon.

>> No.8067527

I used to be in a really great comm where I made a lot of friends, but I recently had to move and now I'm in a new comm and I'm finding it really hard to click with people. They don't necessarily seem mean, but it seems like whenever I contribute to a conversation, whether it's on the comm page or at a meet, they ignore me, or give me this kind of derisive look and then change the subject. They're well-dressed and I'm well-dressed, so I don't think that's the problem. I am admittedly a little socially awkward, but I haven't had this much trouble making friends since high school. I might just give up trying to play nice.

>> No.8067568

Does any comm have just a lone leader who pretty much ls the only hoster of the comm? Either out of lazyness or bossyness? I feel like our comm is slowly becoming one out of laziness.

>> No.8067582

My comm is awful on awful. everyone is an ita. i don't think there's one saving grace. Every other post is "i'm new to lolita, any tips on where to shop?!" and then the other noobs commenting about bodyline and the one dress they own. I know a few people in my comm don't even wear lolita, they just joined because they saw it at a con once. it's honestly depressing. My comm was dead for a year or two, which sucked, but i preferred that over what it is now. there's pretty much no drama, though, because it's all ita acceptance. the whole comm is a hugbox of bad advice and cosplay lolitas.

>> No.8067591

What? Veronica is really nice wtf.
I've heard some salty SJW girl talk shit about her but, after meeting her and actually speaking to her, she's really cool. I literally don't understand the problem.
Everyone in the comm is really nice and there's no itas (that actually go to meets)

>> No.8067601

What state/city is this?

>> No.8067605

This is the internet.

>> No.8067612

Are there any other non-itas in either the Buffalo or Rochester comms? Like I know a couple of really nice good Lolitas on my campus, but the rest of the comm seems so ita....

>> No.8067619

I'm in the comm with her. I met her once and she seemed pretty nice to me.

>> No.8067655

My comm is pretty chill. We are laid back and have a meet up at least once a month as a comm. we're all friends and some closer than others so sometimes there a private meet ups but nobody is bothered because it's so hard to all be together between school or work. We are not ita and drama prone either, thank god. We actually shut down anybody who tries to disrupt our laid back environment. I'm actually so thankful for my comm, especially hearing horror stories from others.

>> No.8067659

>I met her once so she must be nice
I don't even know who you are talking about but these kind of comments should be banned for sheer idiocy

>> No.8067666

I'm just speaking from experience (even though there was little). I was with my friend at the time and she told me she was a bit weary about her from her experience.

>> No.8067669

OC comm over here. We're so small. ;;A;; We've gotten a little more active about having meets, but goodness, we're just so tiny. It's a nice community though. No drama, no complaints.

>> No.8067687

god, that secret WAS real. i thought it was a troll for sure

>> No.8067713

Is there a comm in Colorado? I've never actually looked before, but now I'm actually kind of interested to see what its like or if I'm a lone lolita in Colorado.

>> No.8067715

There is. I'm not from there, but I've heard they're pretty chill.

>> No.8067727


>> No.8067736

Plus you guys have the option of going to LA or SD for big meets!

>> No.8067739

Anything with the Ausfags here? I saw a post about another Yandyman tea party

>> No.8067741

How is Chicago these days?

>> No.8067764

>TFW no comm

GDI southeastern PA but not close enough to Phly for Frilladelphia.

There's one girl in a town nearby and one girl a few towns over, I met one if them and sperged the fuck out, and I'm meeting the other one end of February. Maybe I can at least make a friend and not spaghetti this time.

>self medicating with exposure

Even if there was an active comm I don't know how often I'd go to meets just because I'm too anxious, but having the option there would be nice.

>> No.8067780

Heck. I haven't ever been to a comm meet at STL. My loli friends just invite me to their private meets. Is the rest of the comm really that bad?

>> No.8067781

>AZ comm
>dressed nicely


>> No.8067794


>> No.8067797

Seriously though, is there such a thing as a UK Lolita Comm? I know there's a facebook group that holds meetups and things but they seem mostly based in London. I don't want to have to travel three hours to make new friends :(

>> No.8067800

Where are you? There's plenty of comms besides London. Some are better than others, though.

>> No.8067811

Norwich. Thinking about moving to a bigger city in a few months though.

>> No.8067817

This ita turned up at our high tea recently. Badly dyed hair, bad shoes, horrible petticoat. Urghh...

>> No.8067828

France ? I'm moving to a place an hour away from Paris soon, so it's really the comm I'm interested into. I think they don't do a lot of huge meets tho.

>> No.8067850

Thoughts on Seattle? Seems rather small.
I might wait a year when I turn 21 so I can join them on the 21+ meets. Those meets look fun.

>> No.8067852

My comm is actually really nice, I'm the worst dressed out of everyone, but then again, I'm still learning. Everyone is really nice and kind to me, the comm leader actually took me around at my first meet and introduced me to everyone. It was great and I love hanging out with them.

I wish I lived closer

>> No.8067894

What part are you from?

>> No.8067906
File: 308 KB, 180x280, panicing (2).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anybody know the active atlanta comm page?! i asked in the feels thread and got no replys! everything i find looks dead and hasnt done anything since awa...

>> No.8068061


Seconding that anon, I thought someone was trying to rustle some jimmies

>> No.8068073

Are there multiply Vancouver lolita comms? I recently joined one and it's pretty frickin' dead. Last meet was in October or something

>> No.8068101

My comm is small but we are trying our hardest to grow together. We barely started doing meets regularly this past summer and attendance is between 3 to 7 people. But I have fun at every meet I attend. If there are any lone EP, TX lolitas reading this, we would love to have you :D

>> No.8068153

Sounds like my comm, the best comm. We're too fucking chill to start shit with each other, just lol at the comms around us losing their shit.

>> No.8068162

What for lolita? Or cosplay?

>> No.8068177

>tfw there isn't a single comm in your country

>> No.8068183


Are you from the middle east or something?

>> No.8068188

Nope,eastern europe,tiny shithole country.

>> No.8068284

To my knowledge, they are not really a 'comm', so there is a lot of people there but they have their own little clique. There is like a big meet once a year or so but otherwise you are on your own.

>> No.8068299

A lot changed in my community. The community was less open for newbies. Now everyone can join the comm because of the facebook group. Our previous self proclaimed comm leader was a two faced person. She wasn't nice to many comm members. Many comm members call her the fallen queen because of her recent failures.

The majority of the community is nice and well dressed. It also became more active. The group is more active and there are meet-ups nearly every month.

>> No.8068324

>The core (active, goes to meetups) group dresses nicely

lol look at this fuckin wrongposting

>> No.8068332

So what's going on over at HLC?
From what I can see, it looks like they've picked Matsuri models and didn't bother to send rejection emails (I have a friend who's pretty unhappy about not being told one way or another), and as usual John was kissing ridiculous amounts of ass while in Japan...but is there anything else I'm missing or has stuff actually been quiet over there?

>> No.8068344

Any drama revolving around AM seems to be behind closed doors for now. If there is any drama, it's within the inner circle and there hasn't seem to be anything public from what I've seen. Actually its been relatively quiet dramawise but
>>8067306 was actually about HLC. the fucking shit they're spewing is irritatingly hilarious. I might screenshot later, my class is about to start though so I can't right now.

>> No.8068398

my comm is becoming a laughing stock and honestly going it alone is seeming more and more appealling

>> No.8068401

They never send rejection letters. It's always been that way.

>> No.8068405

Pretty clear which comm this is. We've never once escaped the comm bitching thread. Things are getting better.

>> No.8068406

Don't think there would be any drama with the inner circle because they are all circle jerking friends...
What about that Prince of Palace event that is going on with the ex HLC mod?

>> No.8068417


What comm do you think it is, because I thought it was mine.

>> No.8068444

anyone know if a santa barbara/ventura comm exists? or are they just LA based

>> No.8068506

I love my comm, but if I could change one thing it would be the crazy 14 year old girls. I'm starting to believe that none of them are sane.

>> No.8068550

This sounds like my comm. The whole "fallen queen" drama is only reinforced by a few of the older members as many people don't know her or have no reason to dislike her. I only ever hear it from a select group.

From the newer member I sense that many feel unwelcome. I've noticed that they are approached less or and even somewhat ignored at meets. A lot of them are shy and the older members can be quite intimidating. We're definitely splitting more into different groups.

>> No.8068599

I don't believe there is a comm where I live. No comm, no drama. It's very sad that I might be the only lolita in my area though =/

>> No.8068606

My comm is pretty much broken. It was small but we were best friends. Used to do lot of meet ups but some of them are not so interested in lolita anymore so we don't talk much. One moved because of studying and work so we don't see her much anymore which is understandable. Now I only keep in close touch with one of them and we do meet ups with few others sometimes.
There has not been any huge drama except one fucked other lolita's partner which caused a huge fight and the one who fucked the partner was kind of split from the comm.

>> No.8068613

As far as I know, the SoCal sub-comms are the main one (Los Angeles), San Diego, Orange County, Inland Empire, and Beach Cities. I don't believe there is anything further north.

>> No.8068625

there is, it's active on facebook. most of the meets are in denver but there are lolitas all around the state.

>> No.8068629

My comm is lovely! There's been some drama in the past but we're getting past that. My lolita friends have been so sweet and kind, meetups are great, and there's hardly any itas. The ones that are ita still have room to grow though; they aren't totally hopeless. Except this one girl showed up to a high tea wearing a handmade JSK out of that John Deer pattern, wore mlp ears and said it was an apple bloom themed coord. No honey. That's cosplay.

>> No.8068633

>tfw everyone in my comm has a lolita bff except me.

>> No.8068639

The Seattle comm's facebook group has 100+ members, but the number of people actually showing up usually ranges between 10 and 20. The 21+ meets are definitely fun, but you should consider the tea meetups as well. There are several tea houses which are more casual, and a few formal places that serve afternoon tea.

>> No.8068645

I honestly love my comm, I personally think it's the best out of all the SoCal groups. We have lots of meetups, the core members are all well-dressed, the mods are helpful and look great, and the newbies improve fast or drop out, so the level of ita is typically quite low. The only downside is that we can seem kind of clique-ish since a lot of people are friends outside of the fashion. There hasn't been any major drama in almost two years, and the minor stuff is always handled pretty quickly by the mods.

I also got to a lot of meets in the other cons. OC is small and pretty inactive, but when they do have meets everyone is really nice and a lot of fun. IE is also pretty inactive, and full of itas, but at least they are all very sweet and friendly.

LA is big but has relatively few meets, and often the meets are so big that you can't easily talk to people, so it can be hard for new people to fit in. Just because of the sheer size, LA is very clique-ish, and generates drama due to the few e-famous people. But, I also feel that they have a higher percentage of well-dressed people, maybe because there's more pressure to be popular/liked. Drama seems to pop up fast, but also blow over fast.

>> No.8068646

It's obviously an attempt at competing with AM. It takes place right around the same time.

>> No.8068652

They have their own drama, though. Internal issues, from what I hear.

>> No.8068660

Same here, anon.

Whenever I go to meetups the girls usually pair up. Never know where to sit because I'm not that familiar with anyone. At least my comm, for the most part, is really funny and kind. We have a few really well-dressed girls and a few really poorly dressed girls.

>> No.8068674

We have that swap meet in February

I was thinking about making a small meet for food.

Honestly if you wanted to hang out with someone I'd be down

>> No.8068687

what country?

>> No.8068690

I'm a newer lolita to the comm, and I've been pretty much lurking entirely despite having a few finished coords I wear out regularly. I was thinking of going to a meet for the first time sometime this year, but this kind of scares me, as I'm not the best at approaching new people and also quite young in comparison to some of the more experienced member, I think.

>> No.8068706

I drove all the way to a meet up this past weekend(doll one), but chickened out and did something else instead. I can't seem to bring myself to be social in the comm.

>> No.8068723

How far south are you in Illinois - like in Carbondale or something? I know of one girl who currently goes to SIU (then again, I could be talking about you without knowing). I could have sworn that there were two girls who live further out of that town (still very much in Southern Illinois), but I haven't heard anything about them since EGL was active. You might be surprised to find some girls who go to UofI and one or two in Springfield, but if they're too north, have you checked the Memphis or any Kentucky comms?

>> No.8068724

Hi fellow comfriend. I'm glad we haven't had any major drama in a long time. I think the apple bloom girl has room to improve, and everyone else was dressed fabulously. I can't wait to see the pictures. It seemed like there were less people this year at the tea.

>> No.8068730

Any particular reason why? That meet was a nice small one, too, which probably would have made it easier to meet people. But at the same time, maybe it seemed more closed off? It can definitely be hard. You should try OC or SD sometime, I feel that they are a lot more friendly towards new people.

>> No.8068732

Please don't be intimidated by us older members, I know a lot of us are pretty shy as well, I know I am, and tend to stick to our friends. Especially at bigger meets where there are lots of people.

So if you're going to your first meet this year pick something smaller, it's easier making contact with the older members that way.
I'm not sure how old you are but the more 'older' members are in their ealy to mid twenties.

>> No.8068743

northern UK comms? i'm on the borders.

>> No.8068745

I have met some of the girls in the comm and I am not new to lolita. I just have major anxiety about socializing with everyone since people seem to know one another so well. I am hoping to be brave enough for the Bower's meet.

>> No.8068751
File: 26 KB, 221x198, myniggadesu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Different anon, but I wanted to ask the same question.

I'm also looking to see more about Portland, OR/Vancouver, WA's comm because they seem huge, but I haven't heard of any meets in years.
What are they like now than 5-8 years ago?

>age range
>coord quality
>who to avoid
>quality of meets
>who normally shows up
>fun lolita-friendly places?
(I heard the Kinokinuya in Beaverton is pretty big)
>openness to new members?


>> No.8068758

any seattle dramu?

>> No.8068759

Ahh, gotcha. Well, good luck, then! Maybe I'll get to meet you sometime.

>> No.8068773

Someone always asks this, but the answer is always the same. People in seattle don't discuss drama here, it's just not very seattle.

>> No.8068781

oh i shouldeve made that clearer, lolita

>> No.8068786

(dif anon) That's nice to know. I'm glad my comm is the same way. It seems to me that a lot of the girls up there are older and more preoccupied with real life to worry about that.

>> No.8068789


Depends what side your on, there's a scottish comm I'm sure?

>> No.8068810

My comm is the definition of mediocre. I think there's only one girl that has any fashion sense and she's barely around.

>> No.8068837
File: 267 KB, 500x382, tumblr_m81n6i5yKJ1qaevpzo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm part of the LA comm and i just want there to be more meets that aren't at fairytale cause i always feel obligated to buy some overpriced booshiet i know i dont need. i just want to be cute and talk to other girls instead of awkwardly standing in the corner.

>> No.8068847

what's the Montreal comm like? it almost feels like there isn't one sometimes

>> No.8068860

This so hard! I also want more casual meets. Let's just go shopping, or go to a fun bar. I'm sick of this "let's put all the crap on our heads and bodies and do a photo shoot to post on tumblr."

>> No.8068865

I have only attended 1 meet at Fairytale and It was rather boring. I would love to go to bar meet up or something exciting.

>> No.8068927
File: 109 KB, 228x245, sowdj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Id be down too. If you want. You can email me at jelly.ultra33@gmail.com if you'd like or if you did set up a meet in the comm, I would join.

>> No.8068939


Then host a fucking meetup and make friends, you lazy cunts.

>not ftb
>just sick of this shit

>> No.8068964

calm down now

>> No.8068966

I would be down to arrange an event, but I highly doubt people would attend.

captcha: nyahr

>> No.8068973

That's kind of the problem. People are way of attending meets that aren't hosted by friends or well-known community members. I see that issue in comms outside of LA, too. Unfortunately, the only way around it seems to be to just keep hosting small things until people catch on, or get someone popular to co-host.

>> No.8068976

Any drama with any of the Florida comms atm?

>> No.8068981

My comm is very small, and the members are all really nice people. Except this one girl, she's a SJW that makes everything, which would be cool if she actually took concrit.

>> No.8068982

I am in belgian comm notging is ever happening i wonder if you can even c that a comm its just meeting with ppl wearing harajewkew fashion.
I wish we had a real comm,drama,...

>> No.8068986

You have Hildekitten, is that not enough?

>> No.8068988

Excuse me but who is Hildekitten? Also yes, I am newfag

>> No.8068992

i've always thought about a meetup at either moca or the natural history museum would be a good first step.

>> No.8068999
File: 138 KB, 333x500, hildekitten no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy, you don't know Queen Hildekitten with her godlike co-ording skills and fabulous spats that go with everything (she made them herself, she'll have you know!)? She's a delight.

>> No.8069000

LACMA is also good, depending on what they are showing. Plus we have such nice weather in SoCal, why don't more people do picnics?

>> No.8069006

Exactly what I was thinking. She's chilled out a bit from what I've seen though.

>> No.8069009
File: 237 KB, 479x799, 2014-12-16-18-51-41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(Thanks for explaining cutie)

>> No.8069013

Why the fuck did my phone took this image instead of my normal stupid gif? Don't mind it seagulls.

>> No.8069016

You forgot to add: this is one of her better outfits

>> No.8069018

Really? Like what? Haven't heard anything.

>> No.8069022

>worst dressed
Hey anon, as long as you recognise that you have room to improve and are working on it, you're all good. People only really dislike forever itas/ people who refuse to improve.

>> No.8069023

also want to know

>> No.8069032

I guess they kicked one of the organizers out, or something. I heard it through a mutual friend, so I'm not sure of the specifics.

>> No.8069037

Any Maine girls know what happened with the "Misfit Lolitas" group or whatever?
I joined the group because why not, and after scrolling for a while there was some stuff about the regular comm threatening to "shut them down" or something?

>> No.8069038

Prolly the Dutch comm judging by the fallen queen description.

>> No.8069052

Ah, alright. Reminded me of another comm.

>> No.8069066

I wish we could just kick out anyone under 16 or even 18. It's not fair to the few sane ones but fuck 'em, they're a tiny minority.

>> No.8069072

Is anyone familiar with the western Massachusetts comm? I've heard the Boston comm is full of drama and itas (though I haven't personally experienced it), but I don't know much about local alternatives.

>> No.8069073


after seeing them in the tpc calender i was kinda hoping there was somewhere northern that was less ita.

>> No.8069078

Apparently only the really shitty girls took part in the calendar, I hear they're mostly well-dressed.

>> No.8069081

Are there any Belgian loli's here that can tell me how she is received in the belgian comm?

>> No.8069096

Just facebook Atlanta Lolita Community

>> No.8069101

The guy that ran it is very unorganized i heard, so they never had their own meet even after posting about it all the time. And recently the girl hat ran it with him died, but i don't know what happened to it after that. I was in the group of a little bit, but it was pretty much inactive even before that.

>> No.8069102

There are enough friendly older members and new members in your situation for you to get along with, no worries. Most of the time the older members aren't aware how they come across.

The only newcomers that will have problems fitting in will have problems in any group. Being a special snowflake, being creepy, being embarrassing etc.

>> No.8069116

Check the thread

>> No.8069139


pretty much this >>8069078 but most of the decent girls seem to be losing interest in the comm it was almost all new people at the most recent meet

>> No.8069143

Why not just have stricter rules regarding teens?
Like, parents can't hang at meets, etc.
And have rules that apply to everyone but keep teens under control like no screaming, no animal ears, dont complain about your boyfriend, etc

>> No.8069153

I know some people who were in it, and apparently theres a ton of drama in Boston. Plus a lot of them look like shit.

>> No.8069156

Are there any NH lolitas? The vermont/nh comm seems dead.

>> No.8069161


What the meet at Christmas? Most of them have been in the comm for while

>> No.8069167


that just makes their inability to dress themselves even sadder.

>> No.8069173
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I will mail you now! I've been thinking about going for some tea and crepes but I'm down for anything really. I eat out a lot with my boyfriend so we've found some really nice places that aren't too expensive.

>> No.8069184

I'm gonna fucking shit myself, I thought that secret may have just been a troll but I guess it's real. I'm so sorry.

>> No.8069189
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>tfw everybody cool in your area quit because of itas and a crazy mod.

I stopped going to meets after realizing all the nicely dressed girls started disappearing and I got bad vibes from the mod.

Turns out vibes were right too.
Secrets been posted and everything.

>> No.8069192

I need advice.
Some girls in my comm are selling dresses for ridiculous prices, like a used Bodyline dress for 130$ or brand dresses for over 100$ more for what they go for new on auctions.
Thing is, we got a bunch of girls who are pretty young and totally clueless and I'd feel really bad for them if they bought overpriced shit. Shouldn't a mod step in and say something?

>> No.8069195

You could send a PM to a mod and see if they'll take any action. Honestly, no one will buy a Bodyline dress at that price, if anything, someone will make a secret about it if it pops up on Lacemarket.

>> No.8069200

It's a european comm and one of the younger "members" I talked too doesn't only not speak english (at least not good enough to browse english sites) but also doesn't own a single dress and has never ordered anything aside from "loliable" stuff that was available in her area. Maybe I should really ask a mod, I'm only kinda worried because one of the girls selling an overpriced dress seems to be pretty good friends with the admin. Maybe she even thinks her stuff is worth that much because she didn't do any research herself.

>> No.8069202

If she's friends with the admin it's only going to start shit.

>> No.8069204

That's what I'd heard. Damn. I guess I'll have to check out the Western Mass comm, then. I have no idea how active at is but at least it isn't Boston.

>> No.8069205

What is the drama in Boston? I know there were a few lulcow/a few things that happened a year or two ago but for the most part the only bad thing I see or hear about Boston is a lot of people are mediocre-ly dressed.

>> No.8069208

That's what I feared.

>> No.8069222
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>tfw comm keeps getting newbies who don't do research and tumblrinas
I don't care what gender you identify as, if you wanna know about BL's quality look up reviews or pictures, please stop contributing to the embarrassment that my comm suffers.

>> No.8069226

I'm in the SF comm and I love it. I had a hard time fitting in because of how large the comm was and I didn't feel like I was getting along with most of them. I've been hanging out with lolitas closer to my age (mid/late 20s) and I'm much more comfortable. I have nothing against the younger lolitas btw.

>> No.8069230

I don't know, I really like talking to newbies and help them find stuff if they're nice and all. Doing research never did much for me when I first started out, because there's so many "reviews" and "advice" out there that is just shit. I never knew what I could trust.

>> No.8069239

I have realized it, I've improved a lot since I started off. I'm not the best, but I'm learning. I'm just glad that everyone's helping me out instead of giving up hope on me.

>> No.8069243

Actually, does anyone know where I can find the pictures for this calendar? I can't seem to find any myself and I ain't buying that shit.

>> No.8069251

There's an East Anglia comm which meets in Norwich. My friend used to be in it and they meet fairly regularly - check the local comm document on the Tea Party Club facebook page to find details

>> No.8069255

It's on the lulu selling page. You can't download them though

>> No.8069268

Maybe I'm an idiot, but I can only see one photo on that page?

>> No.8069287



>> No.8069303


wow, the quality in most of those comms is really low

you have to click preview

>> No.8069309

Ah thank you! I joined the fb group once but was kicked out no less than a week later with no explanation... While I'm guessing that was probably for quality control it makes me kinda not want to try again.

>> No.8069314

Ah okay, my computer was just acting up and not showing anything when I pressed Preview, but it's working now. Jeez, though, Scotland.

>> No.8069341

i haven't been active in the scottish comm for a while, i stopped going to meets because this one girl brings her creepy neckbeard boyfriend everywhere and he reeks of BO. sort of glad i got out when i did judging from the state of them in the calender.

>> No.8069343

It hurts so bad, man, I swear.

>> No.8069378


I thought I was the only one who could not stand him. I am so relieved it's not just me.

>> No.8069383

Doesn't help he wants to fuck pretty much every girl in the comm and is really gross and creepy about it.

>> No.8069392


didn't he break up two girls in the comm because one of them shagged him?

>> No.8069395

How's Florida?

>> No.8069396

lol no

>> No.8069403

Where'd you hear that?

>> No.8069406


he was all over one of them for a while and then the other just stopped showing up to events and stuff with her, i assumed.

>> No.8069415

Gross but no they're still together, one's just on a year abroad.

>> No.8069446

Hi com buddy! I also got the same vibes where I wasn't sure if people liked me, even though everyone is nice. I really hope we start doing more 21+meets. No offense to the younger kids but it's hard for me to keep up a good conversation with high school girls when lolita is the only thing we have in common.

>> No.8069501

>age range
high school to 30s, I would say the majority are in their mid-20s
>coord quality
it varies, I think there's a pretty normal distribution of ita/decent/well-dressed
pretty drama-free, there's a couple members who like to bicker about each other, and the occasional "you're having private meetups!" about friends hanging out...nothing big, though
>who to avoid
I'd say determine this for yourself - there are no giant lolcows or anything to worry about though
>quality of meets
again, they range - low tier "shopping meetups" tend to attract exactly who you'd expect, then there are nicer meetups that cost $40+ and have tickets that need to be purchased
>who normally shows up
I think the core group who usually go to every meet consists of the mods and their friends, but it varies - smaller meets have like 10 people, bigger meets can have up to 50
>fun lolita-friendly places?
the Kinokuniya is actually pretty small, but they carry your usual magazines...although they had no Kera when I went last weekend.
there's also Pretty & Cute, which is an Asian cosmetics store in SE
>openness to new members?
I like to think we're pretty friendly and open - I made friends really easily when I joined a year ago

Chocolate Fest is this weekend, you should come! It's a bigger meet that's a little more laid-back...plus chocolate.

>> No.8069512

Another SF member here. I don't particularly feel like there are that many younger members to begin with, so I'm not sure why you'd think 21+ meets would make much of a difference. I'm pretty sure the average age is mid to late twenties. The only reason for 21+ meets is for drinking.

>> No.8069536

Sharing the comm directory before anyone asks "Do you know if a comm in X city exists?"
>tbh I look at some of these comms sometimes and I'm like thank god my comm isn't that awful


>> No.8069548

Different anon, I went to the last Japanese festival meet and...yeah. Haven't gone to another since.

>> No.8069550

They look fine to me based on their group cover photo? Maybe a couple questionable choices but not ita

>> No.8069558

Kek, which ones?

>> No.8069566

Are you in my comm, anon? The word "trigender" appeared today and I almost cried. I am hoping I don't have to deal with that shit at meets.

>> No.8069576

I'm not the previous anon but I am in your comm. I know your feels. It's just been nooby overload lately. It makes me a bit discouraged because I know the comm has a bad "ita" stigma that's not deserved, but when the majority of active posters are this...it's no wonder.

>> No.8069579

Also...while there are some trans gender people in the comm I've never had someone so...um..."outspoken" about it come to a meet. Usually everyone is pretty nice, and if they are socially awkwardly annoying they filter themselves out.

>> No.8069582

There are some nice bars in little Tokyo, is it considered rude to just disappear for half an hour or so while you have a drink? Or does the shop owner hold you there at knife point?

>> No.8069588

Good to hear there are still some regular members, anon. I wonder if our comm got linked on Tumblr or something lately because these last few members seem like they came out of no where.
Exactly. I'm always supportive of trans people, but I cannot stomach the teenage Facebook name alternative gender tumblrinas.

And that coord he/she/xer planned was super ita.

>> No.8069598

I'm all about concrit, but you can tell when no shit is going to be given. That dress in general is just a huge ita flag for anyone who has it. That and that damn icecream cone bl dress.

I'm not sure of the huge influx of people lately. My theory is Christmas money means first lolita coords for a lot of people and now they want a group to wear it with.

But yeah. Nice, normal people do exist in the comm who aren't ita. I'm not perfect, but I'm far from ita.

>> No.8069626

Depends where in Florida you're talking about. At least in the northern sector the good lolitas are spread out as fuck amongst lazy girls that aren't that passionate about the fashion, or meets.

>> No.8069696

I understand what you mean, there is a pretty good age range in our comm but occasionally (not always) it can be awkward when there's a big age gap. (Ex, girls talking about what colleges they are applying to, I'm just at a different point in my life then them since I'm in my late 20's.) We've had some fun meets last visiting a distillery and wine tasting. Not everything has to revolve around booze tho. The upcoming 21+meet isn't focused around drinking but it is an option there. Sorry if I sound like a grumpy old lady.

>> No.8069743

a bar meet would be fun

>> No.8069747

a museum metope would be really awesome, anon

>> No.8069785


Not the comm i was referring to. Popular US comm, now has 3-4 subgroups. large area. We all know. But be honest, it's improving by leaps and bounds.

>> No.8069842

I thought everyone got along, shame.

>> No.8069901

I'm in the Melbourne comm. Nearly everyone is well dress and nice it's almost boring.

>> No.8069923

Briscomms shit

>> No.8069926
File: 22 KB, 500x313, 9VCx5[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>comm holding a valentines meet at a decent restaurant
>ticket is $40
>planners just opened up payment plans because people can't afford $40 for one night out
>meet is a month away

>> No.8069941

I'm thinking Socal

>> No.8069989

Why's that?
Newbies, lack of meets?

>> No.8069996

Not that anon, but everyone is ugly as fuck and weaboo.

>> No.8070048

Hello fellow Melbournian. It might be boring sometimes but I'd rather have everyone be relatively well-dressed and nice than to babysit itas because it gets real old real fast.

>> No.8070055

I'm otherkin, but just an ordinary animal. I keep it out of lolita and just see it as a neurological quirk- probably related to Dyslexia,SPD,Autism etc. I don't understand why/how people think they are specific characters or some reicarnated magical dragon prince. Even if it was widely accepted you identify as a pony in some way, you are NOT Fluttershy because you think you're kawaii and shy.

>> No.8070057

Which one?
Will be visiting family in Macedonia if you're from there..

>> No.8070059

You're not otherkin, you're just autistic. This has been brought of plenty of times before but the fact that you think your emotions and behavior match with what you see in some other animal doesn't mean you are "otherkin". That's just a fad and a bad word to attach yourself.

>> No.8070071

I agree, a small amount of drama is always interesting though.

>> No.8070090

ur in the wrong briscom then

>> No.8070103

I like how you're standing up for something you know is true.
Briscom is dead, even the "Good" one is dead

>> No.8070113

I live in France and I'm pretty confused. There's an association which do some meets in all the country called Rouge Dentelle & Rose Ruban, and the Lolitas Ambassadors are often talking about French Café, but I think that's more a large harakuju fashion fan group in all the country than a lolita community. I haven't found any smaller communities or ones near from where I am though, so sorry for my answer but I basically don't know.

>> No.8070123

I hosted a museum meetup at the Getty Last January, I honestly expected very few people to show up but a lot of people did. We all kind of ended up in our own little groups and separated but I think it was better that way. Dont be afraid to host a meet, i'm a relatively inactive member of the LA comm and the amount of people who came really surprised me.


You can leave the event anytime you want, its just hosted at FTB. I rarely buy anything when I go to those meets, its just nice to see everyone but it does get super crowded in that tiny store.

>> No.8070137

I think there is a Mr Yan meet up this Sunday on the Gold Coast. Any QLD lolitas planning to attend?

>> No.8070139

My fb group listed for my country's comm are a bunch of preteen cosplayers and itas but I'm afraid that adding the right one will open the floodgates for itas to come in.
From what I know, we have people in both comms who will check the ita comm out and quietly invite some to the good comm once they prove themselves to not be a hot mess. Any other comms do this?

>> No.8070162

I wish we did this, but for behavior. Our younger girls aren't the worst dresses but act like terrible. They can be hyperactive, have stalker behavior, they think being weird is cool.
They also don't have the judgement skills that is needed not to take creepy guys to meets. they think older guys are cool no matter how sissy and furry they are.

>> No.8070208

Its not a tea party, the event says its a meet in the park in the middle of the sweltering day.

>> No.8070217

> but nothing like the South American comms.
Aw man c'mon, we have awesome lolitas here too, only fewer and they don't mingle with the crowd but there are.

>> No.8070221

This sounds very much like my country's comm, except it's the good one that's listed on the spreadsheet.

>> No.8070383


I'm planning on making this happen in my comm, is it successful for yours?

>> No.8070389

My country's comm is boring as fuck. It's just a bunch of classic lolis / sweet lolis asspatting eachother. We have a forum and you can't tell no one is genuine, they just post to be ~active~. I'd rather not hang out with them. It's like they're only friends because they feel obliged to.

>> No.8070395

This feels like Germany.

>> No.8070434

A new batch of girls joined. Waiting to see who's sane. I have been hosting a lot of private meets. Been flooded with questions.

>> No.8070440

The comm is chill. Meetups coming up.

>> No.8070446

Oh god

>> No.8070455

Whaaaat she is a sweetie from what I've seen of her.

>> No.8070483

I've been in the otherkin community for 10 years. 90% of them are batshit, admittedly. I know that the emotions and behaviors we tend to associate with particular animals, especially 'popular' ones are based on romanticised bullshit.

When people think otherkin, they usually think of new agey crap. Purely, I think it's a brain fart of sorts. The brain is capable of alot of things. It's no big deal. I'm not magical, reincarnated or some mystical werebeast. I just have intense phantom limbs and shit going on. Yeah, 'otherkin' has some funny connotations attached, which is why I only talk about it when the topic is brought up.

>> No.8070488

>I don't understand why/how people think they are specific characters or some reicarnated magical dragon prince.
Because they want fucking attention you retard. You don't have phantom limbs, it's a mental manifestation. Go to counseling and get over yourself like the rest of us or you're just as bad as them.

>> No.8070566

Are maybe not confusing other issues with being otherkin. It simply has in no way have any logical scientific backing, only through the glasses of people with severe conformation bias. You can't match it up with the explanations for transgender, because that happens through hormones in the womb and there is no animal equivalent, especially for so many completely unrelated to the human species. All the issues otherkin have never match up with issues they are supposed to have. they supposedly have phantomlimb for ears and tails, but have no issues with speech problem that would occur aside from forced howling or meowing. Someone who's brain gets these issues like phantom limbs because they supposedly had to be born an animal could in no way function so easily like other normal people can. They would also have completely different cognitive functions. Phantom limbs could be just that your body has placed nerve endings wrong, that doesn't mean you have any actual relation to an animal. The brain can also mix them up if they lay close to another.

>> No.8070591

Nah. They're just passive aggressive.

>> No.8070595

I like anime, the good kind. But I would NEVER try to incorporate it into Lolita. I keep the two things separate. I hate almost everyone else who likes anime because 99% are batshit crazy. I hate people who bring fandom Shit into lolita. I can withstand coords based off certain character's color pallets, if it is good. Otherwise, homestucks, bronies, and whatever can keep the two separate.

>> No.8070638


My comm is full of anime nerds and cosplayers, but none of them EVER try to mix the two. It's a huge no-no with us--discussing anime and cosplay plans at meets is a-okay, but we will ignore you if you start talking about making a "survey corp coord".

>> No.8070702

Meh reasonably. I can't stand her personality but she's not evil or anything, just annoying. Seeing as this is Belgium, most people keep their feelings for themselves but I believe there is quite a significant group who can't stand her.
But gossiping is a bit frowned upon so I don't really dare asking people.

>> No.8070755

I see her blog on tumblr and I wonder, does she actually have permission to posts all those people? I don't see many people wanting to be associated with her online and I've seen some pictures posted by the girls themselves.

>> No.8070795

>people who can't even afford $40
>going to a restaurant
Jesus. I get being poor but if you're poor don't you have bigger concerns than attending lolita meetups? What if they have any unexpected expenses? I remember back in high school some of my friends regularly got stranded in the middle of nowhere because the idiots spent all their money on booze or CDs and couldn't afford the bus fare home. They would have to call someone's parents at like 11 pm to come pick them up. Tbh if someone needs a payment plan for such a small amount of money I'd expect them to try and mooch off others, too.

I kind of want to meet her just to experience her batshit itaness IRL.

>> No.8070807

>I get being poor but if you're poor don't you have bigger concerns than attending lolita meetups?
Fucking this. I'm a jobless college student, and I got all all my dresses either when I was working, or as gifts. I don't go to meets where I know I'm going to have to spend money (ice skating, restaurants, etc) because I don't want to be the one that ends up having to bum money off everyone else. It's not that hard to say, "Sorry, I don't have money. Maybe next time!"

>> No.8070829
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I'm going, gonna take lots of photo's and document the event in all of its ita glory. The meet is being organised by a cosplayer that entered into his model contest a while ago, I think she has like 1 ratchet coord she uses for everything, you know the type. After the park meet we are apparently going for tea to talk about bodyline. If there's enough interest I'll start a thread about it when it's over.

>> No.8070883

i dont know if its worth going to for me. what would everyone be wearing because i own nothing bodyline except for shoes

>> No.8070902


Yeah, the French comm is pretty meh all in all, most of the people I have met are unbearably boring and the online groups are choc full of itas and weebs.

I live in Lyon and the comm here is so tiny that I'd rather be a lone wolf than hang around with a bunch of rich kids I probably have nothing in common with. But living near Paris will probably make things easier for you.

>> No.8070927

Wow, only one girl in your entire state? Maybe you should find a different comm?

>> No.8070990

Wow, thanks for actually getting back with me. I'm actually far removed from the state, but I'd like to try to go there over the summer to see my SO, and considering on moving to the NE coast once I get a stable job and enough income to afford housing (and student loan repayments OTL). Still debating on which city would be a good fit - Portland, Vancouver, or Seattle (and even then, within the cities I've heard are pretty diverse).

It's fine about Kinokuniya. It's better than driving three hours to be near one, and I love the idea of attending a meet with at least 10 people. My comm is small, but growing. It's unfortunately cold and crappy out, and we've been accumulating a lot of younger girls even though most of us are college-aged, so it's kind of hard to come up with meets, let alone have enough people to attend them. .

>> No.8071023
File: 92 KB, 451x600, e2fc81466b9c144903d7d006514d197d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been thinking about making another one and have it with:
-Invite only or with questionnaire form to be filled out for people who want to join but have no friends in the comm.
-Must have proof of wardrobe.
-Must have a member photo of you in lolita in members gallery and sales feedback link.
-If no wardrobe, must have proof of lolita purchase within 6 months of joining comm that is not a print replica.
-Must attend at least 2 meets, partners and interested friends are welcome to meets as long as host has no issues with it and are dressed nicely.
-If you can't attend regular meets due to work or other life commitments at least aim for conventions or larger holiday meets (Christmas, halloween etc)
-If these meets are still inaccessible for a member due to traveling distance, then even a cute outfit shot or some proof of regularly wearing it would be acceptable.
Just something to show that you're still active in the fashion

Members who caused shit online last year won't receive membership unless other girls are willing to vouch for them. If they start shit then both they and their friends will be kicked.

No SJW shit.

>> No.8071031

Who said you must wear bodyline? Wear Lolita, it's a Lolita meet.

>> No.8071078
File: 297 KB, 540x674, 1407756986805.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a shame.
I'm sure you don't live near me, but if you did I would love to join a comm like this.

>> No.8071082

Anymore drama on SF comm?

>> No.8071083

There aren't many lolitas going. Mainly cosplayers and newbies. Will you be wearing bodyline?

>> No.8071097

It'd be great if you could enforce these rules in the current group, you'd reduce the numbers a lot because most don't wear lolita anymore, some people never show to meets and bizarrely there are a lot of cosplayers in the comm. I think there are quite a few people who want to improve Bris comm and some of the past and upcoming events are a testament to this.

>> No.8071158

It would be great if the mods acted like mods. The community just needs a good purge and at rate we're going at we'll be main events in all the /cgl/ ita threads for this year.

>> No.8071161

If you're in QLD we can make the dream happen

>> No.8071171

I do agree we have many mods who no longer participate in lolita and not enough mods who are still active.
So far we've had one really good meet where everyone was dressed well. The second meet was filled with newer girls but not too bad. Why do you feel we'll make it to cgl already?
I'm from Qld anon and am all for the changes. I'm curious to who you are though.

>> No.8071189

East or West?

>> No.8071217

>southeastern PA
Are we talking about right over the DE border? If so, I'd love to meet! And don't worry about sperging out; I still do it sometimes.

>> No.8071224
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>do you feel we'll make it to cgl already
Take off those rose tinted glasses and have a good look at the level that everyone dresses at.
>who I am

>> No.8071238

>one comm
>8 members
>have never seen any of them at all
>hoping they're just all north and not out of the fashion
>would love to message the admin and get it active again

I might do it later tonight. Wish me luck.

>> No.8071253

I passed out at my first fairytale meet. I tried to go to another, but blacking out in there really turned me off to going to their meetups. it's because the store is tiny as hell and has no fucking ventilation. I wasn't even the first person to pass out in there.

I'm not even in the LA comm. so I don't even feel bad about never going to their meets.

>> No.8071260

I saw the photos and a lot of the girls looked amazing. Some were even wearing rare/expensive pieces.

I know exactly who you are and you don't even go to meets. Do you even wear lolita or do you just buy prints to brag on cgl? You also always mention Mana but do you even own any moi meme moitie? I'd love to see a coord if you do actually wear lolita of yours so we can see just how 'kawaii' you truly are and how superior you are?

>> No.8071274

I think all the jokes and that that people post are hilarious and more or less make up for lack of drama.

>> No.8071276

but on a positive note, my local comm is the best! a lot of us are really well dressed and we haven't had serious drama in a long time. we have a really busy schedule for the next couple months and I'm really excited about it. we've had quite a few more attendees at meetups lately, which is a little frustrating when planning events, because literally all of our usual cafes and meetup spots are small.

>> No.8071294

so my comm is pretty nice, but thats not why im here
I'm putting together a group order for it and like
this one girl is literally ordering 3 times the amount of crap as everyone else and im like?? If youre going to order this much crap why don't you just use a damn shopping service and not make everyone elses shipping costs go up.

>> No.8071300


Tell her that. She's costing other people money, you can't afford to be polite.

>> No.8071305

That's exactly why she's doing the group order. You should talk to other members of your comm and suggest that she does her own order due to the fact that it isn't fair.

>> No.8071314

who the fuck runs a go and doesn't charge everyone proportional shipping for their part? you're the problem.

>> No.8071318

This. It's unfair to everyone.

>> No.8071355

Nah. I'd rather not say since drama has died down lately. Don't need anyone getting salty today.

>> No.8071362

But if you suggest that then you're suddenly classist and think that poor people shouldn't be allowed to ever have any fun!!! Also probably discriminating against single mothers somehow, idk

>> No.8071373

this this this

Most SS's have the item weight listed, yes? So break out your fucking calculator, total up how much each person is getting by WEIGHT not item, and divide by how many people, then take a look at your SS's shipping rate and figure out what people owe. They're still saving money because they're a part of a massive order and shipping rate per kg gets lower (even if the price itself goes higher) the more shit you pile on. This also prevents people who got like 50 wristcuffs or something having to pay up for the girl who bought three pairs of shoes and a jacket. You must be a terrible GO organizer.

>disclaimer the math might be a little bit fuzzy because I haven't slept in a ridiculous amount of hours sorry

>> No.8071415

ahh that makes a lot of sense I'll have to implement that. Its my first time runnin a GO so there are some kinks to be worked out.

>> No.8071459

I found out recently that there was actually a comm group for my area, that had been open for like a year. The women who mods it hasn't even tried I think. She didn't even go to the main comm group in the city (everyone from around my area and beyond just goes to the city comm) and ask if anyone was from our area, she just added all the weeby girls from our local gaming store. She has pretty much purposefully excluded experienced lolitas from the area from joining so she can be the Lead-Ita and have all the little noobs scuttling around her.

Jokes on her though. The group is really inactive and none of the members actually visit the page. It's pretty much only her posting on the page "trying" to promote discussion and make meet ups. But I think she forgot that when she only added weebs and autists they are too socially awkward to talk to each other.

On another note, I am looking for advice on the related matter. Her page is not even active, should I try and make her group better or just leave it for dead and make another one?

>> No.8071470

Whats with the two Brisbane Lolita comms? As far as I know, some new girl came in and only invited certain people into the "Brisbane Bloomers", and then excluded other people from the main comm. It's not like we need 2 comms, we normally have very manageable meetup attendance numbers. I'm not sure if it is elitism, rudeness or.. I don't even know.

Does anyone have some insight?

>> No.8071474

You shouldn't be running one if you can't figure that shit out on your own.

>> No.8071517

What drama last year?

>> No.8071558

There used to be a second group in the past that was mainly cosplayers something to do with them trying to get into cosplay lolita or something like that.

You are pretty spot on with the second group and rather than elitism I feel it's the opposite...Brisbane Bloomers mainly consists of new/young members with less chance of criticism than in the original group.

>> No.8071659

There's a meet at chocolate fest? I haven't heard anything about it yet?

>> No.8071681

Nah, there's just minor awkwardness but no real dramu.
Why haha? ;)

>> No.8071701


I agree, I'm in the PDX comm. I joined a couple of months ago. I was taken around and introduced to others in the comm, which I really appreciated. I was welcomed with open arms and haven't had any issues yet with anyone. Everyone seems really nice and I feel at home with them all.

I'm going to be at chocolatefest this weekend, I have never gone before, but I have been told that it's going to be really cool!

>> No.8071706

yeah, everyone's meeting at 3:00, but photos are at 2:30

Are you in the group?

>> No.8071727

I'm so stupid. I'm not in the Portland com. Forget I said anything.

>> No.8071749

That's alright
I'm sure no one would mind if you came anyways
I am bringing a beginner lolita and another lolita with me, neither of them are in the comm

>> No.8071799

Was criticism even a problem in that group?
What's the deal?

>> No.8071813

Do you reckon the poorly dressed-ness is in part due to their disgusting weather?
Do you live in Brisbane btw?

>> No.8071856

>scared it might be me
Did she just get a ton of things from one accessory store?

>> No.8071864

Yikes. You'd think that if people regularly passed out in there they'd realize it might not be the best spot to host meetups...

>> No.8071874

Bruh you can't honestly be taking this anon seriously.
As for the heat, it's a problem every lolita in australia has to deal with. I'm down south australia and people switch to short sleeve OPs, jsk w/ a bolero or chiffon blouse.
Where the difference lies is that there are a lot of girls down here with blogs so there's a chance that at every meet you go to, you might end up online whether you realize it or not. It made me step up my outfit game fast.
Most of the brisbane outfits would be called nitpick with only a few itas, but the problem might be that they're content with what they are and don't feel the need to go that extra step that takes a ok outfit to a great outfit.

>> No.8071996

Besides NT, Queensland is probably the warmest state with the highest humidity but your advice on what people wear in SA is pretty much what Brisbane comm members wear. I think that's definetly part of it although I think there are a few girls who are putting together fantastic coords. A lot of the events are similair but members normally step up their game for big events hopefully in the future bris comm will have more big events. I think there are a lot of people who want to improve bris comms reputation but aren't sure where to start.

>> No.8072009

Hey Seattle lolitas- how is cgl regarded? If I accidentally let it slip that I go here, will everyone assume I'm a bitch? Is it pretty neutral but conversation about it is taboo? Or is cgl freely spoken about?

>> No.8072055

I'm considering going to that. What day is the comm going? (I'm not in the group but might dress up if I go)

>> No.8072060

My comm covers the whole of my country which works in some respects considering it's not a huge country, but not in others since some people live quite far North and it's really expensive and takes ages to travel (like 4-5hrs to get to one of the main citys we meet up in). I'm closer than some and I'm still an hour away by bus. We're pretty drama free, until recently when someone posted a secret and the photographer (I think, from her complaints about copyright) posted about how disappointed she was that someone (out of 200 of us) would do that...it wasn't even the most brutal

>> No.8072068

Same. I got tired of politely putting up with them.

>> No.8072110

did you recently buy a gothic skirt off another bris lolita lately?

>> No.8072114


ew fuck no, maybe a bodyline blouse and a hairclip. I don't mind getting my bodyline stuff sweaty at least

>> No.8072119

tempted to wear a sought after print. i remember at the gc bodyline picnic he wanted everyone to wear bodyline only

>> No.8072123

Nah m8 that's pretty rude

>> No.8072125

nah itll be great. got no bodyline dresses anyway

>> No.8072130

I wouldn't, it's going to be hot and full of messy ita's, I was thinking casual like some ETC or a salopette. Mounds of petti is just so uncomfortable in the heat

>> No.8072132

i legit have no casual stuff and a wardrobe full of black

>> No.8072137


Hey Scot Loli
The shit with th tog on the comm page was embarrassing

>> No.8072147


The post got taken down, but I don't think the secret's been taken down.

I had no idea so many people had issues with them

>> No.8072197

I have the same question as >>8072009 but for the Dutch comm. I used to be quite active on the forums a loooong time ago and remember that whenever someone was posted to L_S (anyone remember the blowup with that cemetery photoshoot?) a few of the girls would get very paranoid. Back then I'm sure that anyone who'd ever admitted to posting here would have been accused of starting shit.
Now that the old guard is mostly gone and we have a new group (and new dramallamas), how is /cgl/ viewed in the community? Would admitting to lurking here be social suicide like it was in the past, or are people more mellow?

>> No.8072277

Yes please, anon. A Bodyline meet up Q&A would be good.

>> No.8072303

It's probably best if you just keep to yourself until you are sure of the others. /cgl/ has a lot of lurkers because the advice you get here is pretty good, but if someone from your group gets posted to an ita thread and you are open about being here it will be your word against their allegations.

Some people are completely against 4chan and will have a completely irrational response to knowing you go here whereas others won't care or will say they go here too. Last thing anyone needs is a bunch of girls getting over excited over something you didn't do and making your lolita experience painful. It's less about being out & proud and more about keeping the peace with some 'sensitive' personas in your comm.

In saying that, I had no idea my comm existed until someone posted a girl to the ita thread and to BtB. I have been toying with an idea of a code word/phrase to reveal myself as a /cgl/ anon to other like minded anons in the comm. "A seagull shat on me" isn't going to cut it because at one meet a seagull actually did shit on me.

>> No.8072325
File: 499 KB, 480x228, 1411333755127.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"A seagull shat on me" isn't going to cut it because at one meet a seagull actually did shit on me
I hope it washed out, though!

You're probably right. I don't think it's the greatest idea to bring up /cgl/ during a meetup, but it might be possible to connect with others on /cgl/ itself. Like if someone posts something slightly identifying you can post something slightly identifying back and then the only people who are 'in the know' are people who already go here.
>like meeting your neighbor at a swingers club
It can get complicated if someone else brings up /cgl/ and you're put on the spot, though.

>> No.8072363

Oh god, I'm part of this comm too.
I've noticed that itas are generally concentrated in specific areas. If you go down to Cinci for a meet it's almost all itas. Cleveland and Cbus have some well-dressed girls but they aren't as vocal and don't post pics, so the only thing that people see of our comm is that one infamous ita meetup picture posted here and on BtB... Sad, really

>> No.8072447

I dont even know. All I know is that the girl who mods it is very new, and has been very rude to me a few times in the past. The only reason i know about it is because I met up with the girl for her to complete a transaction for some things she bought off me, and then she said she had to run because she had a meetup to go to. I was like im sure there was no meetup today, so i searched and found the group, as i was sad becuse i thought i was being excluded from the main group.

Then i concluded it must have been an area thing, like central brisbane lolitas only, because i didnt think people could actually be that rude. Aparently i was wrong....

Ive never had any problem with ruffle butts in the time i have been a member, everyone is super nice. So i dont really get why they feel like they needed to break away.

>> No.8072470

French lolita aren't hosting big meet-ups except on exceptional occasions (Japan Expo week, Halloween, ILD, ...). But it's mostly because meet-ups are quite more "friends-circle only" than in the US. I would advise you to PM on Facebook two or three lolita from the area you will live in (so in Paris or near Paris maybe ?) and ask them to get invited to the next meet-up or if they could organize a meet-up for you, it's quite usual for foreigners to have meet-up organized for them in France ;) (specially if you don't know anyone around, they are kinder than we might think!)

>> No.8072564

This is pretty good general advice for both btb and cgl.

My comm is really open about reading btb and cgl, which actually helps cut down on drama since people are less likely to shitpost when they know a ton of people will see it. Obviously this approach won't work in every comm, but it does for us.

>> No.8072855

Portugal, actually

>> No.8072920

New thread here >>8072910

>> No.8073647

Oh, I wish I could go! Ahh, I need to move to the NE Coast stat!

>hurry up big name bank and hire me! I need the funds and a transferable job!

>> No.8074157

I don't know actually. Don't follow her blog. She's terribly anal about people asking HER for permission to share photos of themselves if she took them.
The problem is, she totally sucks as a photographer.

>> No.8075280

Seattle lolita here. It has never been an issue, it comes up in conversation with no problem. We're a very chill comm.

>> No.8075942

Shit like this is why I fully intend to sneak away to a bar for a drink or two once I get a chance.