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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8033026 No.8033026 [Reply] [Original]

Old one is autosaging

>> No.8033220
File: 118 KB, 750x668, 10534139_552884008181582_4596531089312864933_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone posted this shit in my comm.
>why lace
>why other lace
>why two layers of non-matching lace
>dat bodice
I don't understand.

>> No.8033566

Wtf is that shit. omg.

>> No.8033605

ugh that's a cute fabric, it could make a cute non-lolita skirt but instead it's this... weird dress with that odd bodice... thing

>> No.8033606
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>> No.8033611

Woah that's a REALLY unfortunate pic
also that makeup and piercing just no no no

>> No.8033624

The sad thing is, it's a really cute concept, just executed horribly.

>> No.8033635

The Emily Temple Cute popcorn dress would work better as a sundress really, or maybe a blouse matching the popcorn color? The little popcorn bow and popcorn bag add some quirkiness but...
>that fugly makeup that makes every flaw of her face come out
>that ugly Bodyline tier blouse that doesn't work with the coord
>what the fuck is that a lolipop right next to the bow
>terrible hairstyle by the way
>those socks are like she didn't even try
>nitpicking those bodyline shoes

>> No.8033642

Also doesn't help she choosed shit pics really.

Kind of, yes.

I went "yooo" for the skirt and "noooo" for the terrible bodice

There is some hope for her matching skills, the phone case and skirt (with terrible raschel lace by the way) are matching.
Really digging the phonecase since i'm a Rilakkuma fan

>> No.8033645

If you take off the waist bows and that horrible tacky heart thing on the bodice it would be cute as hell, even good for a lolita JSK

>> No.8033730
File: 420 KB, 650x365, 10897804_552890318180951_3549393683689871034_n[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She used shit lace and then two kinds of old lady style shit lace, piled on top of eachother, you can see all 3 laces in this pic. Also, what the fuck is that strap.

>> No.8033741


>> No.8033866

This can still happen. Put the hair accessory down lower by the ear (wear a wig), wear plain white tights, put on more natural makeup, add a small petti to give that skirt some shape. This cuold be a fine coordinate, it just needs a bit of work.

>> No.8033873
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i know that this girl has major horserace, no wonder she blocked it out

>> No.8033876

you are pathetic
make a vendetta thread

>> No.8033883



>> No.8033886

That's not ita anon and you know it.

>> No.8033889

Oh vendetta-chan, :3

>> No.8033925

look at her fat arms and that boobloaf tho

I promise, this is her only vaguely decent coord

>> No.8033931
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>> No.8033933


If you wanna samefag, atleast type like your a different person.

>> No.8033934

I used to think that people like this acted like adults and had this sort of well cultured / properly raised attitude.

But I actually saw a random meetup of these girls and it was loud, with boyfriends in anime shirts holding purses, and taking hundreds of pics/group pics.

And a lot of weab jokes, and geeky screaming because it's funny nonsense going on.

Smelled like they robbed a sephora fragrance counter too

>> No.8033938

At least they didn't smell of sweat and cheeto dust like you do, m8

>> No.8033939
File: 17 KB, 245x160, 10413392_1558112731073345_3453804298092783938_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those arms
Nice bait vendetta chan
Are your jimmies rustled bc she is cuter than you?

>> No.8033942

I'm horserace anon, definitely not vendetta-chan over here. Just mildly amused by the typo.

>> No.8033948

Yeah, I admit anon-chan, that is an amusing typo.

>> No.8033951

dood where do you see boobloaf and fat arms??? are you trolling or jelly af
1/10 for making me respond

>> No.8033967

wah wah I thot lolitas were sposed to b lovelies

Fuck off you fat ugly piece of shit no one likes you

>> No.8033992
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less drama

more itas

>> No.8034033
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I guess technically more nitpick than ita but it does hurt a little to look at. Too many things going on that just don't match.

>> No.8034038

i love this girl but that really is an awkward looking coord.

>> No.8034042

Yeah, definitely nitpick here. it's everything from the bottom of the skirt down that's grim.

>> No.8034074

Please go back to having a trip so your posts can be blocked again.

>> No.8034077

Ugh, that fabric would be so cute in an ETC style skirt.

>> No.8034082

I love her but I feel like headbow and shoes aren't a good choice

>> No.8034110

Just report him so that it auto-deletes his posts.

>> No.8034115

>I guess technically more nitpick than ita

then make a nitpick thread?

>> No.8034392
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This chick tried to sell this monstrosity for eighty dollars

>> No.8034433

Someone almost always posts this girl on the ita thread. What is your deal? FFS her co-ords are almost always stunning.

You are not gaining anything by posting her here, because its not like it will hurt her feelings or something, because no one agrees with you.

If you have a problem with her personality or something, either deal with it by confronting her or bitch about it on a bitch about it thread. Posting her on an Ita thread is just making you appear pathetic.

>> No.8034444
File: 50 KB, 704x960, 10891896_901213363245429_1196388623577913228_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gurl, Uggs though?

>> No.8034446

I would have liked the uggs if she tied the purple in with the coord better

>> No.8034448

This girls vlogs make me cringe. I especially love her "social awkwardness" video. It basically went along the lines of: now if you have problems with social anxiety, try not to have social anxiety.

More on topic though, yeah this co-ord is shite, it wont make me giggle or anything but it just screams "look at me mixing and matching! Too edgy for you, gimme E-fame!"

>> No.8034450

Somebody please make a nitpick thread this does not belong here.

>> No.8034451

>the jsk I wanted being coordinated so poorly
Fucking uggs... did she even try? Like I know people are excited to be the first to post coords from releases but sometimes it pays to wait and buy the things that makes it look like they gave it more than 20 minutes of thought.

>> No.8034460

I think the concept is good but poorly executed (uggs). Like some matching calf boots with white fur boot toppers with long pompom laces (similar to those on top of bodice) would be way cuter and more finished. I don't know if that is a scarf or top of a blouse but pink doesn't match the co-ord. also the cardigan should either be white, or the colour should be matched in the hair and on the legs/feet, for it to be more at home.

I'd be interested to see what purse she would choose, but I think a white fluffy muff would also be cute with this co-ord :D

>> No.8034475

She said in the third comment that she's living in Sweden, and it's cold as hell. Is it really such a sin to be overall cute and then prioritize staying warm?

>> No.8034479

if these were a blue to match the jsk this would be cute tbh

>> No.8034480
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sup sieg

>> No.8034536

I second this.

>> No.8034548

I feel especially bad for itas like this. She's probably not popular or attractive, so she thinks wearing cute clothes will help and she'll be different from normalfags. But then the clothes don't make her magically less awkward or styled better, and she gets ridiculed by the exact same group of people she was hoping she could finally fit in with.

>> No.8034549
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>> No.8034551

As much as I hate this girl if her uggs was a color that matched it would actually be really cute

>> No.8034558

>still using blingee

What's the story with her, anyway? I know she's the infamous Moitie Ita, but is she like mental? There's got to be something wrong with her, right?

>> No.8034559

Why does this prove? It's not lolita, but not ita either. Just looks like a j-fashion inspired outfit that happens to have a burando piece in it. Don't think an actual lolita look was the goal.

>> No.8034571

Aw fuck, someone remind me to upload the gif of this when I'm off my phone. It fucking SPARKLES.

>> No.8034572

All I know is, she's French, but her French is piss-poor. So is her English, though.
She's basically an unintelligible gremlin devoted to Mana

>> No.8034576

Why doesn't she wear a bra? How does she afford moitie despite being unable to communicate with other humans?

>> No.8034580

agree with other anons. super cute concepts just kind of executed poorly

>> No.8034631

You enormous cock sucking faggot, why haven't you killed yourself yet?

>> No.8034668

it was tagged as "lolita", is why I saved it

>> No.8034678
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>> No.8034683

I read somewhere that she gets government money and her dad supports her?

>> No.8034687

I hate sieg too but that post wasn't really that bad...

>> No.8034716
File: 1.94 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-01-04-23-08-18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Pretty happy about it, considering its my first coord of the year"


>> No.8034721

Always with you people. It's like 1% of the time that it wasn't tagged with lolita.

>> No.8034739

What the fuck do you mean by "you people"?!

>> No.8034741

I mean fucking retards

>> No.8034750

Obv he was being racist

>> No.8034752

she looks fucking fine, anon. calm down with your hate

even if she is a bitch or whatever, she isn't an ita. you can be one and not be the other, ffs

>> No.8034754

the clock bags always make me think of Flavor Flav

>> No.8034762

It's a pretty dress and all but it's not lolita at aaaall.
It just doesn't suit her either, it makes her look chunky, I'm surprised she fit into it. Could be that she's short/ her posture.
I'd probably think it was okay on a more attractive/ thin girl, ignoring the bag& random flower ring.

>> No.8034765

god damn it, if you're willing to shell out like $240 or whatever for this dress, please be willing to STYLE YOUR HAIR AND DO YOUR MAKEUP, seriously, it doesn't take that long, just do something

this could be so cute, just like... actually try

>> No.8034769

oh ffs not so long ago people were bitching about "unless it isn't tagged as lolita then this doesn't belong here" and now you have something against it? make up your fucking mind.

>> No.8034771

it is*

>> No.8034774

sis, i followed that discussion really easily. She was saying she didn't believe it was tagged as lolita, someone told her it was and she is saying that whoever tagged it as such is fucking asinine.

>> No.8034783

Like other people said. If the blue of the boots match the dress it would look fine. It would really tie the whole snow theme together.

>> No.8034799
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>> No.8034817
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>> No.8034869

lol hate the mario bros socks, but sometimes I sorta want to buy lolita-ish skirts to make similar non lolita coords

>> No.8034906

There is just something about him that inspires my hate. I used to be pretty relaxed, but every fucking time he posts I see fucking red, even for the most innocuous comments.
cgl has ruined me.

>> No.8034911

I know this is magical etoile but what cut? Darn cute skirt!

>> No.8034913

She seems cute, it's a shame she can't dress herself.

>> No.8034929

>cute when you can't even see her face
>yep it's cuz she's skinny

>> No.8034958

different anon but she has nice hair too so...
I usually assume someone with nice hair is cute. Then again, I may know too many ugly people who don't take care of themselves, and all of my attractive friends care about their personal appearance more so then my homely friends do

>> No.8034979

It is definitely because she is skinny. Healthiness is physically attractive. She isn't too thin. She isn't too fat. So she is cute.
If she was morbidly obese she wouldn't be cute because being overweight is unhealthy and we are naturally wired to be most attracted to healthy people who will produce the healthiest offspring.

>> No.8034985

>Ivory lace on top of white lace
>All of me rage

Someone save that dress

>> No.8034988

Whenever I see crappy posts like this I always feel like it was self-posted

>> No.8035001

I thought she was topless for a good minute

>> No.8035005

isn't that brisblossom?

>> No.8035022

>naturally wired
Right, that's why the current beauty ideal is anorexic sticks who are barely fertile and ancient fertility goddesses were fat fucks who also likely had trouble conceiving. Human are naturally wired to be social creatures who accept whatevers popular, take your pseudoscience back to reddit

>> No.8035033

Lolita or not, this looks so unbalanced with the big poofy skirt and socks and then completely bare arms.

>> No.8035034

Well that explains it. Her giraffe neck ruins everything

>> No.8035038

Even if it weren't tagged lolita it's still a terrible outfit in itself. A self-aware person would never go outside looking this messy and mismatched, let alone post it proudly on the internet.

>apply to every post of "sure, looks bad, but was it TAGGED???"

>> No.8035039

Have you ever actually talked to a man? Underweight is only the ideal in high fashion, not in real life. You actually sound fat just from that post.

>> No.8035051

I have to agree, fishing for compliments in the most absurd way

>> No.8035079
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>> No.8035094
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>> No.8035122 [DELETED] 

It isn't pseudoscience. Humans ARE naturally wired towards healthy partners. The anorexic sticks you speak of are models who were chosen because they are not attractive, so you pay attention to the clothing rather than their hot bodies. We are influenced by popular standards because everyone wants to fit in, but you clearly have never spoken to men. >>8035039 is correct.
There is a range of acceptable "healthy" body types, men often do prefer curves but it ranges.

Go to other boards and observe mens pics of their ideal women. It is rarely fashion models, often thin to slightly plump women with slight muscular definition. Does vary board to board but this is average.

>> No.8035150

Can someone post examples of "boobloaf"? I keep hearing the phrase and am starting to freak out that I have it going on without even realizing it.

>> No.8035165
File: 136 KB, 960x960, 10897842_912183018805569_7794840755807229339_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

boobloaf. basically when a girls bust is too large for her dress, so it looks stuffed. but this is my fetish- especially on otherwise petite girls with a bangin' rack. i have a fetish for huge tits stuffed inside shirts anyway but coupled with something i really enjoy (lolita) it only makes my pining for it worse. i feel like such a creep when this one girl who has godlike breasts comes to meets and i'm always hanging around her because her boobloaf is sooo good.

>> No.8035166
File: 79 KB, 720x960, 10603619_501761193297062_3538481873723090408_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more boobloaf. chubby girls are the offenders a lot of the time though.

>> No.8035167

I don't mind this level of boobloaf, I think it gets disgusting when it loafes out on the sides.

>> No.8035175 [DELETED] 


Anorexic models are my ideal. Except when their knee bone is larger than their thigs. It's when it starts to look creepy IMO.

>> No.8035194


Hahaha... yeah... that's me. Hate to say it, but the photo didn't do me much justice, I was actually wearing makeup, but I guess next time I'll make it a little bit more prominent and I'll fix up my hair next time.

I was under the impression that the "Astronomy Map" OP was considered Lolita since I was seeing it posted alot in the Lolita Updates, but I guess I was wrong. Sorry about that.

And to answer one anon, I'm 4'10, so if that's considered short... yeah.

Anyways, sorry you guys, I'll try my best to improve based off of what I read.

>> No.8035201

well...it can be styled in a lolita way, but what you did with it doesn't look lolita at all.

>> No.8035216

She's so cute that I can forgive the boob loaf

>> No.8035217

You probably have it to some degree. Most people do. The default princess seamed bodice allows for two inches of difference between the full bust and underbust measurement, aka a b cup. Anything larger is going to either be pulled into the center of the chest or to the sides of the rib cage, both instances loosing the definition between left and right breast. I actually rarely see girls without some bit of boobloaf and the two examples people replied to you with are really mild and don't look bad, especially since both of them still have a defined torso beneath the breasts inside the bodice. The worst boobloafs are the kind that eat up an entire bodice into one mass.

>> No.8035218

I know it's super nitpick but that tattoo peaking out at her shoulder really bothers me

>> No.8035221

what's wrong with her face?

>> No.8035242

She's ugly and using cheap greasy makeup from Daiso

>> No.8035252

daiso syringes are the shit though

'fuckin 99 cents

>> No.8035255

So not every instance of boobloaf is terrible and can work? My boobies don't take up a full bodice at all. They do look kinda squished, but if I adjust them up a bit under the blouse I think it looks fine. I haven't paid attention, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't extend on the sides.

>> No.8035270

Call me ita but I think that she looks lovely on the left including the blouse and lack if white tights. Just an ugly face shot.

>> No.8035277


say what you want about me.

but as soon as I saw the group of women in pink wigs and fluffy a line skirts

screaming something at the top of their lungs in a san diego coffee shop I knew it was just the same weaboo crap

dressed a little more elegantly instead of inuyasha graphic t-shirts and Naruto headbands

dresses were pretty in person though

pics don't do it justice

>> No.8035343

Her teeth match the popcorn too!

A true magical girl: She makes all the food simply disappear!!

>> No.8035354

You definitely wanna wear a wig. That hair is really flat.

Also, lose the glasses. The frames look really awful and doesn't flatter your face one bit.

>> No.8035355

Fuck I feel mean now. Sorry for being so mean.
I don't consider it lolita (the silhouette is just normal wear and couldn't hold a petti) but it's pretty and good for other jfash. I'm too tall for it.

>> No.8035358


>> No.8035367

Can someone help me understand why everybody bends over backwards to suck this girl's e-cock? I don't have a vendetta but I'm genuinely curious how she got so popular. Her coords are nothing special. They would have been great in 2008 but by today's standards they're plain and even a little weird (looking at you, cream cardigan with blue x white dress). But instead of getting the honest truth that her coording skills are Meh-tier, she gets showered with praise?

>> No.8035382

I had a kek at that too

>> No.8035400

How to become an e-famous lolita

>be white
>be reasonably attractive
>own a lot of brand
>take shitload of selfies

And that's it, no need for things such as creativity, sense of style, character. Sure, they're a nice bonus, but by no means a requirement.

>> No.8035408

I keep seeing people typing "me" instead of "my" these days. I hope it's typos and not someone trying to shoehorn "quirks" into their writing style.


>> No.8035419

I just assume they're pirates.

>> No.8035420

>>I keep seeing people typing "me" instead of "my" these days. I
It's like all these people that suddenly type 'where' instead of 'were.' I think it's the new does/dose.

>> No.8035421

>reasonably attractive

>> No.8035432

Actually, models tend to be so skinny due to the gay male designers. They tend to choose girls with flat chests and skinny legs because they look androgynous/boylike. Just look at Cara Delevingne!

>> No.8035433

Looks like shit even if it was only some j-fashion.
>Salopette too high
>Dirty old thighs
>WTF with hair, looks burned by dyes
>No accesories, bow is crunched, no effort at all

>> No.8035445

>not sure if troll
Models are so small because the clothes look better on thin, flat frames. People with curvier bodies don't all have the same shape, but thin is thin from person to person, and it shows off the clothing much better.

>> No.8035458

Kind of makes sense

>> No.8035489

A normalfag wearing burando in a normalfag outfit =/= ita

>> No.8035510

>reasonably attractive
But she's very unattractive so that doesn't fly.
Only the OTT AP clones like her anyway. Her co-ords aren't bad, but very standard and unimaginative.
I hate AP and their pastel vomit & childish prints so I automatically hate her co-ords but that's more of a personal taste thing, doesn't mean she's bad at it. She's definitely a nitpick though.

>> No.8035534

This is probably a very unpopular opinion but I think she looks hella cute there

>> No.8035540

Not the girl in the pic but: your are one kind anon.

>> No.8035544

her pose is so tumblr white girl

>> No.8035548

ahahahahahahaah!!! holy shit!!

>> No.8035554

damn i've never seen anyone apologize on an ita thread before. thumbs up

>> No.8035618

It seems she lives with her parents so if she saves up with birthdays/christmas money or part time job she can afford brand quite easily. If I didn't have my flat and bills to pay I'd swim in burando.

Also isn't she trying to sell her stuff on the egl comm sales regularly ?

>> No.8035623

Her legs look like they don't go with that body.

>> No.8035680
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>> No.8035685

Holy fuck that make-up. I never understood why people cake on so much eyeliner around their eyes, not even I did that during my goth/emo/punk/weaboo hybrid phase. Did they just watch Naruto, saw Gaara enter and got all "THAT'S THE LOOK I WANT"?

>> No.8035689

i like how everything is kawaii uguuu text and then its just

>> No.8035692

Nah, the girl selfposted in a selfpost thread recently and since then some cunt with a vendetta has been posting it everywhere

>> No.8035711

butthurt hamplanet detected.
Yes, it is because she's skinny. Fat isn't hot, you stupid cunt.

>> No.8035716
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>> No.8035717

yes, I'm sure real dogs go for meat etc

>> No.8035739

>implying there are no matching lolita boots that she could have ordered online that are warm
Can't you just admit it was a rushed and cheap fix?

>> No.8035750

>be white
it is a very traditionally european style of dress, or to put it better, it's based on exaggarated european styles of dress.
Asians are just as acceptable because they popularized it. Just anything with brown skin or darker doesn't fly, and that's for a reason that isn't just straight-out racism.

Other than that you just have to be reasonably attractive as you said, and attentionwhore a lot.

>> No.8035761

What always bugged me is why they insist on spilling half the bottle of eyeliner instead of just using black eyeshadow. It's easier, quicker and looks ten times better. And you can actually shade it.

Is it because they don't want to/can't invest into multiple products? Are they so obsessed with the heavily graphic anime look? Or just don't know that eyeshadow exists in matte non-glittery variation too?

Plus that shit's a nightmare to remove fully.

>> No.8035796

b-but boxxy is my waifu

>> No.8035829
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>> No.8035833

its a very nice outfit, minus the belt i think
but its not lolita

>> No.8035834

i think it almost goes with the coord color wise

>> No.8035844

oh whatever,there are numerous equally warm boots.

>> No.8035909

More of a nitpick than ita. It all looks really good together, it's just the wrong silhouette. Probably more EGA, I'd say.

>> No.8035911

Cute outfit, just not lolita.
Personally i'd nix the underskirt and put at least a light petti underneath.

>> No.8035934

Like what? I don't even wear uggs cause it's not that cold around here and I'd rather be cold than ugly but I can not imagine a lolita shoe that gives comparable warmth.

>> No.8035936

It is ita if it ain't lolita and she's trying to call it that.

>> No.8035969

Secretly hoping it's somehow me you're talking about since I'm always stuffing my tits into burando but I'm probably too tall/fat for your "petite" standards I'm sure. (no homo)

>> No.8035976

I spit out my tea, leprechaunanon

>> No.8035981

She is far from attractive, she looks like a boy.

>> No.8036012


Just buy normalfag boots in white, I guarantee you can find some that are both warm and cute. Small heel, fur trim, bam, you're done.

I don't know why so many girls insist shoes in lolita must be either kawaii asian made sparklefest or completely unsuitable trash (for the sake of *comfort* of course~), no inbetween.

>> No.8036102
File: 527 KB, 1437x2048, 10923793_631587866946825_7856420593011061457_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two face cosplay Lolita.
>I will be selling the outfit (jacket, skirt , shirt and tie) made to measure in any size in my Etsy shop when I re open later in the month, for around £200 - £250 depending on size etc


>> No.8036151

This is actually pretty cute. I wish she'd use angles that fucking worked for her, though. She's been doing this forever. How tall is she, anyway? I'm 5'0" ad this looks like someone tall took a picture of someone my height from their eye level.

>> No.8036165

This is only cute until you realize how humongously fat she actually is.

Look at the arms. Think about how hard she must be squishing the rest of her body together to not be as big as her arms.

>> No.8036167

First of I have "normalfag boots" and uggs are warmer simply because they are so thick and unshapely. And I don't even think it looks off here. They are short enough, the color works and the rest of the coord is fluffy to go with them. Considering lolita is a fashion not a costume (riiight?) I don't see the fucking issue.

>> No.8036181

>it's cold so you have to wear uggs
have you ever heard of warm socks

>> No.8036201

NAYRT, but if she wanted to wear Uggs because of their warmth, and the only Uggs she owned were purple, she should have figured out a way to feature purple more in her coord. Replacing the cream cardigan, which already looks like shit, with a purple one would have done the trick. Maybe a purple bag plus head accessory. Anything, really. The purple just looks random and thoughtless.

>> No.8036202

damn, she hunches. bad posture...

>> No.8036230
File: 24 KB, 250x277, 2-kyphosis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted this before.
Kind of scary how so many lolitas have this.

>> No.8036244

Do you take these from her Facebook? I can't stand her but you're kind of an asshole if you are

>> No.8036269

Because we're all always hunched over at the computer on various lolita websites all the time duh

>> No.8036279

Eh, kyphosis isn't so bad.
You can fix it within a few months by doing certain exercises.

>> No.8036291

Actually, I have seen a doctor about it who taught me a few, thank you for telling me though. I've also been more conscious of my posture. It's improved a lot lately. It did scare me at first when I noticed it in a photo though. I thought it might be permanent lol

>> No.8036348

She spams across all the FB groups

>> No.8036371

This. I'm a 32A and certain fits will do something close to >>8035165 to me. Don't sweat it too much. Just be aware of fit and anything you can do to adjust.

>> No.8036489

I'm sorry for jumping to conclusions and calling you an asshole :( I guess I'm not following enough lolita groups to notice her posting these elsewhere

>> No.8036516

That's kind of cool, cosplay-wise, but it's pretty of her to sell it for that much. Who would even buy that lmfao

>> No.8036594

sauce on those lavender shoes

>> No.8036620

Who is this girl? Does anyone have a link to her blog? She is really cute. Unfortunate choice of headbow though, and the length of the skirt plus the length of those socks kind of makes her look like she has really short legs.

>> No.8036635

>dresses were pretty in person though

wait till your comrades at /fa/ get a load of this

>> No.8036640 [DELETED] 

if youre trans or black and own alot of brand you can prob get lots of e fame on tumblr

>> No.8036643
File: 95 KB, 599x1000, LjggzZkZ3yo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Replica-chan with absolutely non-matching colors in coord, eh.

>> No.8036645
File: 29 KB, 325x325, tumblr_nhh29mSScW1qebad4o1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this isn't a Lolita outfit but this girl is spamming the sweet Lolita tags with her disgusting "lolita" designs and accessories. It's so gross.

>> No.8036656

"Let me just throw some shit together and call it Lolita"

>> No.8036658


lol shut the fuck up, sarah.

>> No.8036660
File: 595 KB, 405x596, lolol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8036663

>>8036645 Eew. If she even paid me I would never wear this fugly piece of shit

>> No.8036664

Her curls look like poops.

>> No.8036665

i dont know who that is, i have no e fame, calm your mad lolol

>> No.8036668
File: 182 KB, 656x881, oooook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the one on the right

>> No.8036671
File: 414 KB, 2048x1536, 1074954_510315042436909_8455670820110963904_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8036675

They both look pretty bad.

>> No.8036678

>that boystyle poppin a squat

>> No.8036679

And fat.
Don't forget fat.

>> No.8036682

agreed, but left wasnt trying to be lolita, still crazy awful though

>> No.8036684
File: 128 KB, 600x914, 1420244812450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8036685

is this girl actually trying to be a lolita though? her outfit isnt really well put together but she looks really cute to me

>> No.8036689

sadly, yes.
it was in the sweet lolita tag,
if she wasnt trying to say it was lolita, i wouldnt have posted it.

>> No.8036708
File: 778 KB, 991x1186, byah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not worn but
>Finished my first lolita coordinate ~!
#i have a proper blouse but i dobt really like it...#lolita#angelic pretty#sugary carnival#replica

>an actual t shirt
>that dingy af replica
>those bracelets
>just everything

>> No.8036719

Does anyone know where that chick got the eye ball dress?

I need it...for reasons.

>> No.8036722

>#i have a proper blouse but i dobt really like it
Soo... you rather wear a t-shirt from walmart...? Ok, got it.

>> No.8036724

Bottom left could be easily salvaged with some eye makeup and a more flattering hairstyle. All black and lavender/white have great potential too.

>> No.8036726

The goth chick just looks like she wants to die inside.

Or is already dead.

>> No.8036735


>> No.8036740

> tfw I can't understand how itas like this get so many likes

>> No.8036876


She said on her post that it wasn't Lolita. She wasn't even sure where it fit she just liked the coord (which is actually pretty nice, just not Lolita)

>> No.8036898

2nd & 3rd from right, ouji and gothic look pretty decent. Everyone else needs some work but most aren't irredeemable

>> No.8036915
File: 159 KB, 488x960, woof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>First time trying out sweet Lolita. I’m in love with the result tbh.
>(I used my Armin wig for the pictures. I felt pretty cute.)

>> No.8036921
File: 199 KB, 717x960, a montser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8036939

>Thank god Pirate lolita is a thing

>> No.8036944

The sad thing is that I wouldn't mind buying that jacket and skirt if it didn't have that ugly fabric

>> No.8037068
File: 26 KB, 228x235, 1420506184350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8037072

Her name is Jillian Vessey. Honestly I think she only makes more videos because her sponsored Kawaii Box opening got over a thousand views.

>> No.8037084

it looks like a bad attempt at a South Park-style lolita

>> No.8037085

I thought the belt was bare midriff.

>> No.8037095
File: 98 KB, 640x960, tumblr_n55vqbL3uM1tb2m6qo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8037117
File: 26 KB, 297x300, lol-ita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

disgusting. butterface too

>> No.8037120

>vendetta as fug

>> No.8037131

agree'd....not ita.

>> No.8037175

even if it's weird fabric and cosplay-lolita hybrids never works, her sewing skills seem to be decently good

>> No.8037178
File: 190 KB, 658x1100, tumblr_nhqru3oo4S1ro5tleo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8037185

The dress looks so limp and wrinkly. Her stomach protrudes further than her boobs.
Fatties wouldn't get so much hate if they dressed in flattering cuts. She wouldn't look half as bad if she had something that actually fit her instead of something designed to look good on cute small girls.

>> No.8037223
File: 84 KB, 578x960, wa lolita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the ugliest thing I have ever seen on CoF. When criticized for clashing fabrics, she tried to argue that she was taking "kimono lessons" and that they're an appropriate combination for winter but as someone who has studied kitsuke for several years, I call bullshit.

>> No.8037231

I agree so much. She argued that it was supposed to be furisode-like (it's a good idea), but then why add an haori ? Just go all the way with fur accessories and heels if it's supposed to be a damn formal kimono. Red black and white is so gimmicky.
Also, I'm ok with RHS-type shoes with wa but she could have picked a less sweet design. And the socks need to go.

>> No.8037236

The RHS are the only good thing about the coord since they vaguely resemble okubo.

The only thing that would have made this look furisode-like or even remotely salvageable would be one of Atelier Pierrot's furisode boleros.

>> No.8037241

She could have also gone full taisho and wear an high collar long sleeved blouse like some fashionistas did under their kimono. Then coordinate it with an elegant vintage feel to figure formal wear. I feel like it's either kimono print or kimono sleeves for me, otherwise it really looks too heavy and costumey.

>> No.8037244
File: 55 KB, 455x451, 1358231943412.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>we're all always hunched over at the computer on various lolita websites all the time
Shit, I'm making a doctors appointment.

>> No.8037259

>suddenly a bunch of kimono experts on /cgl/
Yeah I call samefag. Her coord is a mess but come on. I bet none of you are even remotely Asian.

>> No.8037270

Are you new ? Kimono is considered as j-fashion and we already had several thread about it on here. Alos, being asian doesn't give you magical kimono styling habilities.

>> No.8037289
File: 56 KB, 611x128, samefaglol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of average, younger Japanese people don't even know that much about kimono kitsuke (yukata are easy) because they only wear them for special occasions and the business they rent them from puts it on for them. Nice try though.

>> No.8037295

kimono kitsuke is a buzzword. And you're just proving my point that you're not even Asian because actual Asians don't care this much about that shit. It's like seeing Japanese obsess over the history of little black dresses. It's fucking embarrassing.

>> No.8037300

0/10 I'm sure you can do better than that.

>> No.8037303

Wait what ? Kitsuke is a buzz word ? Do you even nihonese ? Kitsuke 着付け means dress up (implied in wrapping clothes) and it's the official schooling name of kimono styling. Japanese do care about their tradtionnal clothes, or else they wouldn't have numerous dressing schools, kimono tailors or weavers named national living treasures and numerous books and magazine on the question. It's not embarassing to like something and to want to be knowledgeable about it, disregarding your ethnicity and background.
What's embarassing is your poor attempt at trolling though.

>> No.8037305

we do have regular kimono threads, and from what i can tell, there are indeed a few anons that are really into it, asian or not.

i hate to say this, but are you new?

>> No.8037319


Can someone explain to me why people like this need they/them pronouns?
I mean if you act and present yourself as you're brith sex like all the time but maybe 2 cosplays? Whats the point?...I'm not uptight or anything in fact i'm post op myself. This is just confusing..

>> No.8037335

Because Tumblr. It's annoying as fuck.

>> No.8037338
File: 157 KB, 870x442, MQikq4i.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you even nihonese
>copypasting kanji
Your fucking weeb is showing
>modern Japanese wouldn't care if there weren't articles on the internet
This is the most fucking embarrassing shit I've ever seen in my life. You might as well argue that Americans really care about flag embroidery because Betsy Ross is in museums and we learn about her in school
>It's not embarrassing to like something
True, it's just embarrassing to be an elitist weeaboo cunt about it

>> No.8037340

Go back to sleep, 3/10 slightly rustled some jimmies.

>> No.8037347

tbf if this guy ever did come to America it wouldn't even be that weird

>> No.8037352

I think people would really indulge him, but I have a somewhat romantic view of the south,

>> No.8037353 [DELETED] 

Transtender. They aren't actually trans but being trans helps you to gain popularity on tumblr because you are now "oppressed" so people will help you to gain popularity because everywhere else in the big bad world you are systematically oppressed and prejudiced against.
Personally I think we should do away with gender roles so people can either be male or female based on their genatalia. Then the true transsexuals, who actually have issues with their body rather than not fitting specific gender roles, can be taken more seriously.

>> No.8037356

Cowboy hats, barbeque, fireworks, rodeos, don't people down south all love that shit?

>> No.8037359

More ita less shit

>> No.8037364

Yeah this is absolute shit, did she tag it as lolita?
I'm thinking I'm more rustled about people putting their watermarks "I-am-this-fag-photography" as an obnoxious as fuck watermark.

>> No.8037369

original is still funnier though.

>> No.8037376 [DELETED] 

It's like these people don't know what tom boy means? But confuse not fitting into every stereotype of a female as meaning you're some other gender. "I dont like pink and i get along with guys better so i must be a demiboipansexualotherkinkawaiidragon

>> No.8037392 [DELETED] 
File: 66 KB, 462x294, 20091208101638230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


In my country, tender is a kind of pork we all eat in christmas (pic related). That's so silly but I can't stop laughthing.

>> No.8037396

There's really 3 or 4 cute girls with okay coords in there.

>> No.8037397 [DELETED] 

Tomboy just isn't ~*special*~ enough.

>I'm a girl, but I'm not into makeup and dresses and celebrity gossip??
>Unlike literally every single other female person on this planet as far as I know
>No, I'm special like that
>And I don't want to actually own a penis, that's just gross
>I must be the only one in existence then
>I better make up an unique label for that, otherwise people might treat me as a regular person
>**Hi, I'm a genderfluid nonbinary pansexual demigirl! Bun/Buns/Bunself pronouns, no truscum please!!!**

>> No.8037398

Coord looks okay and I can't even see her face.

>> No.8037415

That actually sounds really cute, it makes me think of the English translation of the Sailor Moon manga (Usagi was called Bunny).

>> No.8037449

>hey suga wanna have a good time

>> No.8037549

my sides

>> No.8037559

Do you mean we should do away with gender? Because gender roles are not the same thing and gender is still what you're describing anyways. The problem with tumblr's view of gender is that they see it as being the same as gender roles, that's why they think it's a spectrum, it's not. Gender is supposed to be tied to your sex, or desired sex, so people can use appropriate pronouns and know if you have a dick or a vag without needing to look. Pronouns supposed to be simple gender related ways to address or describe someone, people don't need personal pronouns, they're called names.

>> No.8037563

Oh my god she looks so happy it even made me smile

>> No.8037605

Someone keeps posting this, can you stop? It's not great but it's not the worst on CoF by any means.

You spelled fashion wrong dude. If you're gonna post a retarded I KNOW JAPANESE comment then you shouldn't make any mistakes or the effect is lost.

>> No.8037648

But the rest look like shit.
And the girl in the front needs to take a shower.

>> No.8037659
File: 37 KB, 480x730, IMG_200803914812233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, less bulls hit arguing, more ita

>> No.8037667

I dont think sieg and /fa/ are comrades either.

>> No.8037673

At least they got a better tree this year?

>> No.8037690

I finally figured it out - it's the eyeshadow that makes her look so weird. If she did it normally shed look more normal. And she needs less shiney foundation.

>> No.8037697

She reminds me of those exaggerated /fa/ self posters

>> No.8037713

Which comm is this? I'm so glad we have very few itas in my comm.

>> No.8037760
File: 537 KB, 528x623, okaythenn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

came upon this on tumblr

>> No.8037773


>> No.8037779

how new are you, this is clearly its

>> No.8037820


The tags themselves are reason enough to bash her.

That milanoo-level atrocity is just a bonus.

>> No.8037838

what the fuck is soft grunge anyway?
how can u do the nymphet fashion thing and lolita at the same time?

>> No.8037840

Those sad little strings dangling off the hem though. She needs to cut them off or something...

>> No.8037857

Perhaps she missunderstood the meaning of nymphet? I know some girls who thought it's just another term for the fashion and used it a lot just so sound smart.

>> No.8037889

This photo is me, I'm not brisblossom and yeah, like someone else said, this must have been taken off the selpost thread as that's the only place I've put it with my face covered up. I'm not sure they even know me, if they did the version with my face uncovered is pretty easy to find.

>> No.8037944

Nah I think she knows what it means: she has a few photos of herself in the vintage/little girl kind of fashion. But she tags like all of her selfies with nymphet though lol.

>> No.8037967

Looks cute to me. Not lolita, but there's been a thread of 'mahou-kei' or something lately.

>> No.8037977

you spelt fashion wrong lol

>> No.8037988 [DELETED] 

Yes I am aware of that. Gender more or less is equal to sex except on tumblr where it is a spectrum. If we take out this idea of a gender spectrum and let people do what they goddanm want regardless of their gender then problem solved, no more whiny teens giving real transgenders a bad name.

>> No.8038003
File: 52 KB, 471x598, ..heh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8038014 [DELETED] 

I have a tumblr account, and I have never seen someone who thinks that gender roles = gender. People know they're different. I am genderfluid, and basically what it feels like is sometimes I'm comfortable with my body and assigned gender, and sometimes I'm not and what I see in the mirror just feels wrong. I'm not unattractive by any means, it's just that I wish I could see on the outside what I feel like on the inside.

>> No.8038020


The dress is cute, though. With different shoes and different hair accessories it might work.

>> No.8038023


> 'butterface'
> can only see her eyes

You're so cute when you b8, anon-kun.

>> No.8038024

Fuck this bitch.

>> No.8038025 [DELETED] 

Genderfluid is such a bullshit term. Fucking special snowflakes.
FYI everyone is uncomfortable with how they look sometimes, you're not any different.
As much as I wish I had a dick to stick into things sometimes, I'm still a cis female. I don't get this bullshit at all.

>> No.8038030 [DELETED] 

>sometimes I'm not and what I see in the mirror just feels wrong. I'm not unattractive by any means, it's just that I wish I could see on the outside what I feel like on the inside

Anon, everyone deals with this unless they're a narcissist. If it's extreme it honestly sounds like you're dealing with depression - not really specific to your gender identity, but depression definitely affects you differently on a day to day basis and can change how you see yourself.

>> No.8038031


White blouse coord is disproportionate. I'd wear that black outfit. Doesn't look like that one is trying for lolita. More like feminine scene. Twintails is just a disgrace, though.

>> No.8038057

I wanna pinch her tummy. This is very cute.

>> No.8038078

well yeah, its a sugary carnival replica.
i dont think shoes and hair are the main problems, its that awful bright orange blouse.

>> No.8038187 [DELETED] 

Well, I do have depression. And PTSD. And anxiety disorder. And like, I'm perfectly happy with how I look, I actually look great as both a boy and a girl, because I am tall but not too tall, thin, and have a really androgynous face. I pass as both. And sometimes I just feel uncomfortable thinking of myself as either male or female, so I just think of myself as the other, and I feel good. Idk if it's related to the depression...

>> No.8038195 [DELETED] 


Sometimes i have penis envy so i'm gender fuild?
It's called penis envy and females have it sometimes.

>> No.8038202 [DELETED] 

Are you also otherkin?
I feel like your tumblr lists off 100 different mental and physical conditions with a sexuality that changes every week and social justice posts 50% of the time.

>> No.8038207
File: 34 KB, 255x252, 1420568611437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8038267 [DELETED] 

By sometimes, I mean... maybe 40% of the time? I dunno, I feel happier about myself in my binder and boy clothes.

>> No.8038272 [DELETED] 

dafuq is otherkin? Nope, my sexuality remains bi, always has been. And I'm diagnosed with those, I have them very severely, and am medicated but it's stopped working. Most of my tumblr is pictures of snakes. I'm obsessed with reptiles, you have no idea.

>> No.8038321 [DELETED] 

that's nice and all, but that doesn't warrant a gender change. believe it or not, some girls actually like boy clothes better.

>> No.8038443
File: 38 KB, 422x750, IMG_67644556571715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8038447 [DELETED] 

same with a binder. ive always wanted a flat chest, and i wear sports bras most of the time but it doesnt mean im a boy

>> No.8038449

Not ita. this should be on the nit pick thread

>> No.8038450

its cute! maybe some different boots/bag bc the brown isnt working, and she should ditch the parasol
but overall its a cute outfit

>> No.8038463 [DELETED] 

yeah but I look uglier in boy clothes, I like wearing lolita too, and I look much better in it, there's no denying it, when I'm in my 'boy mode', I just feel much more comfortable with people calling me 'he'. When I'm in 'girl mode', I love my boobs and my curves and my femininity.

>> No.8038465 [DELETED] 

Don't we all wish we looked different? Not gender related, it is completely normal.
Even I wish I had a dick sometimes but imagining having something is completely different from going through transition.

>> No.8038470 [DELETED] 

Lay off the tumblr
gender isn't a fluid concept. I get transgender people I suppose, but this shit is laughable.
You want to be called a boy or a girl depending on what you wear? Do you even understand how brain damaged of a concept this is? Stop trying to be a special snowflake.
Just lay off the tumblr

>> No.8038479 [DELETED] 

They don't want to be called a boy or girl based on what they wear. Sometimes they wish they were a boy and ask people to use male pronouns, sometimes they wish to remain a girl and ask for female.
It is a way of getting validation from the outside world for their insecurities.

>> No.8038482 [DELETED] 

That's strange, because according to Freud, penis envy occurs only in toddlers.

You must realize that lolita fashion only looks like things toddlers would wear, it's not for actual toddlers.

>> No.8038484 [DELETED] 

"I feel more comfortable with..."
You really need to get over yourself. There's a difference between completely hating the body and identity you were born in and just "feeling more comfortable" around your friends.
If you were a transtrender boy at one point, it's okay to say that you made a mistake. Just don't try to validate it, it's not going to work. You can wear boy clothes and a binder, maybe your mom will make a snide remark, but no one will give a shit.

>> No.8038486


And this girl was posted before, people accused of shooped feet and now her feet look tiny again, but no signs of liquify near the floor tiles... So it's just a weird camera angle...

>> No.8038490 [DELETED] 

Well no, I tend to keep it to myself, I wouldn't ask a random stranger to call me by my preferred pronouns, only my absolute closest friends. Because why force myself to be uncomfortable with my friends when they are happy to use my preferred pronouns? It would be completely pointless.

>> No.8038515 [DELETED] 

Why do the pronouns matter to you if you don't my asking?
Would you just prefer to have a male body on those days or do you have a deep disgust for your female one and want to be male with all of your heart?

>> No.8038521 [DELETED] 

Meh. I don't need you to validate my identity. This is who I am, I don't feel right identifying as just a boy or just a girl, I've been this way for years, I don't think it's going to change. And no, I was never a 'transtrender', that's completely disrespectful of trans people.

>> No.8038538
File: 177 KB, 1280x720, http%3A%2F%2F40.media.tumblr.com%2Fdbb54a013cc5beb78cf60471af9fb2ea%2Ftumblr_nhs02dfWBW1rd4jg6o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Littleturtlebaby @tumblr

>> No.8038541 [DELETED] 

Too snowflakey. It would be a pain to switch back and forth, better to choose one neutral set of pronouns rather than expect people to cater to your 'fluidity'. Unless your objective is to be constantly calling attention to your fascinating kaleidoscope of change.

>> No.8038546

>That fresh off Milapoo sack dress
>That ratty cotton candy wig
>That generic as fuck lollipop bag
>That horn-like bow
>You know that dress hits the middle of his thighs and is short as fuck.

>> No.8038627 [DELETED] 

>Quoting Freud as actual science
>Using Freud as ultimate proof against an argument

Okay, then. You sure won this debate

>> No.8038634 [DELETED] 

Freud is the one who came up with the concept of penis envy and popuralized it, I'd say he's pretty relevant.

Unless you're talking about a different penis envy theory? Enlighten me.
Surely you're not just talking out of your ass, about some sort of definition of penis envy that you just made up on the spot?

>> No.8038810

It's an actual manchild, don't even bother.
in his other photos he dresses up in (full) diapers, pacifier and overalls, while crawling on the ground. He combines it with lolita fasshion, too

>> No.8038908

Its like the quintessential ita outfit.

>> No.8039007
File: 457 KB, 551x587, what the.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...is that supposed to be a cravat?

>> No.8039108

Tags are by far the worst part, like why the hell do people go tag crazy.

>> No.8039169

is this jon "@fart" hendren?

>> No.8039759

Because they want to maximize the chances of people seeing their terrible outfit.

>> No.8039816


Her hat is kinda awesome though.

>> No.8039824


The only 1 of the group that looks good is the kuro in the middle. The Asian chick sitting on the far left looks ok too, could do with more accessories though. The rest look like a mess.

>> No.8039831


If she chose non-patterned socks I would have really like this. It's not very Lolita, but I never really considered Wa as an actual Lolita substyle. Her co-ord kinda reminds me of those Takuya Angel girls in the Fruits books.

>> No.8039833


She's cute but definitely nitpickable. Hair isn't big enough for that huge bow, needs more make-up, she has a case of the boobloaf and shirt that is the wrong kind of lavender but still isn't ita imo.

>> No.8040074

>>nice hair
>>four inches of dark roots with blonde hair
Uh.. no. If she touched up her roots then it would look pretty.

>> No.8040085

Those aren't roots showing mate. And not even particularly dark.

>> No.8040092

>it's just because she's skinny

She's also white, has long hair, and has mushroom socks so WE TOTES KNO SHE'SA GAMUR GURLL XD She could have a horseface for all we know, but as long as she looks like she's from tumblr she gets a pass.

>> No.8040094
File: 34 KB, 530x428, well, there it is. the stupidest F'cking thing I'll read all day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone has long hair
>it means they're attractive
Never seen whiteknighting this hard.

>> No.8040095

Are you blind? Its a pretty huge difference between the top and bottom.
Sorry if it sounds nitpicky. I have a similar hair color to hers and its just a huge peeve of mine. I always have to touch up my roots as soon as I notice them.

>> No.8040113

From afar it looks like she's drenched in blood.

>> No.8040121

not that ita tbh. i can totally nitpick a few things though but overall with the right accessories thatd actually be pretty stunning

>> No.8040142

you're fucking blind or retarded if you can't make out those roots

>> No.8040159
File: 25 KB, 198x410, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also, she looks like melting ice cream.

>> No.8040227
File: 164 KB, 1280x495, http%3A%2F%2F40.media.tumblr.com%2F67e6dbcd14eaaba2e4a4d94e18bb1e96%2Ftumblr_nhsti2nRJJ1rbd2jso1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trim your fucking wig damn it

>> No.8040241

Are you fat landwhale?

>> No.8040283

it's not that wrong of a general rule
attractive people usually take better care of their hair. USUALLY.

Plus, what's wrong with finding a person attractive based on their hair?