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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 66 KB, 640x960, 10502278_535728446570704_6875683050706844086_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8011651 No.8011651[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

d(*ゝωб*) post your favorite nico's for your nico nico neeeds

>> No.8011655


>> No.8011663

is that kohimebashiri?

>> No.8011694
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>> No.8011713
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Why not just a general Love Live thread?

>> No.8011722

Get out of here bri

>> No.8011723

I'm assuming the first two images are ironic.

>> No.8011749
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>> No.8011757

These are pretty much entry level.

>> No.8011759
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>> No.8011770
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>> No.8011774
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>> No.8011778
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>> No.8012272
File: 1.93 MB, 3072x4608, nozomi_toujou____love_live_05_by_xravenheart-d7rwfgz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8012347
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>> No.8012353

Why are all these nicos fat as fuck. She's literally the smallest, skinniest girl of the bunch

>> No.8012471

There's only like 2 fat nico's in this thread, aside from the obvious man nico

>> No.8012809
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>> No.8012861

Love that Maki!

>> No.8012868


>> No.8012870

I wish this was a Nozomi and not Nico. She'd be perfect. She does have a very smarmy Nico face though.

>> No.8012910

omg. they photoshopped the eli cosplayer to try to make her look half-white. i have never laughed so hard before at a cosplay picture holy shit

>> No.8012997
File: 193 KB, 675x450, BB7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nico's cute but it probably would have been a better choice to be Nozomi probably.

>> No.8013016

Fucking christ Brianna, when did you turn into a self posting wannbe?

Go back to your damn hole wherever you thought this was a good idea. You look busted, not cute.

>> No.8013028

Lol, she even forgot to take out the fb base picture code in the title that leads right back to her account as the downloader. She has turned into a
such a mess. Her craftsmanship is also nothing but hack jobs with threads hanging all over the place. Last group she did with us she was acting all campy and "heeeey gurrr". We just pretended she didn't exist after because the photos where an embarrassment and you can tell she half asses her cosplays just so she could get in our group.

We also pretended we forgot she was in our room at the con and got someone else. We were like "Ooooh noooo we forgot, but we already have someone now! Good luck!".

She would have some talent if she spent her efforts on actual cosplay and not attention whoring herself to climb the like ladder.

>> No.8013050

Why would she even post such a bad shot of herself? It isn't a flattering photo at all.

>> No.8013057

None of her photos are flattering.

>> No.8013062

this is a woman?

>> No.8013065

Garticuno's woman.

>> No.8013067
File: 215 KB, 500x672, titan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But looking this bad?? Bitch looks like a titan

>> No.8013068

get out of here kenny betz

>> No.8013086

I've seen this girl in the Love Live fb group. There's honestly cuter Nico's on there.

>> No.8013136

Both of you make really ugly Nicos in your own special ways. :^)

>> No.8013393

Damn, people follow me in there? Well now I'm terrorized.

I prefered Nico's costume. And I don't like Nozomi at all.

>> No.8013395
File: 716 KB, 461x196, tumblr_n8h3h9G77g1rawb5do1_500[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that face

>> No.8013477

>she even forgot to take out the fb base picture code in the title that leads right back to her account

I'm curious now. Can you explain this?

>> No.8013485

Why does this have to be a selfpost if it's one of her most unflattering pics?I call this b8.

>> No.8013496

You obviously never met Brianna and her desperate need for attention.

>> No.8013545

the love live performance at otaxmas is adorable

>> No.8013575

Yes she is. Without all the shoop.

>> No.8013632

Bri didn't even watch Love Live before she did her first Nico cosplay. She is a Idolm@ster sl00t.

>> No.8013654

I-Is this some fad? Som extreme busu-kawaii thing? I googled the girl in OP's pic thinking that wasn't what she really looked like but then I saw her twitter icon and I did a double take. Is she 50+???

>> No.8013708

She's a kawaii flat-chested loli and she wants you to know about it.

>> No.8013738
File: 47 KB, 566x563, CHRIST ALMIGHTY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think her Anzu is the best!

>> No.8013821

There is no after....

>> No.8013840

But anon Nico is literally a shit

>> No.8013966
File: 260 KB, 447x441, bri.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8013983

How does she even post these pictures? Is she blind? Or extremely delusional a la Pixyteri?

>> No.8014165

I want to know this too. Mentally what is this girls deal????

>> No.8014178

Some people are really just ugly. Occasionally they let someone take their picture, it doesnt usually call for a mental disorder

>> No.8014189
File: 90 KB, 409x383, 1409963462346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had the misfortune of talking to her briefly. Super duper delusional and was 100% convinced she was a real loli. Every five seconds was something about "I'M SOOOOO FLAT-CHESTED HEHE WHAT AM I GONNA COSPLAY??XD" Oh my god it was unbearable

That being said, the entire GA Touhou community was full of batshit weebs. The scariest thing was that everyone was actually ENCOURAGING her behavior.

>> No.8014335

Seriously? She sounds fascinating, I want to visit her in a zoo or something

>> No.8014392

She's in Michigan now with her Yoloswagfag crew of anal rapers

>> No.8014556
File: 267 KB, 421x482, jesus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

b-but she IS so loli!

>> No.8014583
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>> No.8014592


I seriously don't know how Gogo pulls off miracles like this.

>> No.8014598

He's always paired with pretty decent Nico's too.

>> No.8014651

She's got an unfortunate face that does not work well with bad lighting. She also needs to avoid opening her mouth as much as possible.

>> No.8014749

How can people be so cruel?

>> No.8014814

She's PT Lite.

>> No.8014862
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>> No.8014868
File: 305 KB, 640x960, niconicoshooooop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried.

>> No.8014871

Weird scrolling down and seeing your name here. Probably not the one you're talking about though. Sage for irrelevant.

>> No.8014872

The picture feels unnatural for some reason.

>> No.8014873

Love the outfits! Anyone know if they made these or got them premade from somewhere (and if so, where?)

>> No.8014874

They made them. Can't remember if one of them made it all or not.

>> No.8014884

I always thought Eri made them, don't take my word for it though.

>> No.8014897

I know Moni sometimes helps too. I guess it depends who ends up being in the group? Since I know for No Brand Girls, some of them made their own

>> No.8014918

This is surreal, because I know her somewhat personally and recognized her immediately. We have a lot of common friends in cosplay groups we've been in, like the Maki she's posing with. She's always been nice enough to me, although she can be pretty loud, and that came off as rude when I first met her. But that's about all I can attest to. I don't think this is a self-post, though. It's just weird to see a whole thread dedicated to her.

>> No.8014919
File: 113 KB, 640x960, whydididothis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should be working right now

instead I wasted 10 minutes of time

>> No.8014939
File: 77 KB, 751x960, 10668932_781161025306744_287437781084044202_o[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is she the one who went to AWA and hosted a LL! panel and just self-promo'd the whole time? Someone mentioned a Nico doing that, and I was like yep, bet I know who.

>> No.8014943

Go to bed Liz. She talks shit about you constantly.

>> No.8014950

Yuuuuuup that's her. The Touhou lead panelist kicked her out of his panel because she wouldn't let him sniff her crotch anymore, so she attached herself to Love Live, found the sluttiest costume she could find,hot glued it together and threw a mish mash panel with a bunch of beta guys that stroke her ego.

It's also suspected that her boyfriend was the one that took the upskirt shots at AWA. He seems to have that fetish.

>> No.8014964

The videos? Jesus.

>> No.8014967

You must be joking

>> No.8014975

Actually it was at Otakon last year

idk how they went back since they apparently got badges taken

>> No.8015003

Except on of the dudes in the video is her boyfriend?

>> No.8015008

>It's also suspected that her boyfriend was the one that took the upskirt shots at AWA. He seems to have that fetish.

were you not paying attention

>> No.8015023
File: 61 KB, 636x960, 1901912_652464784843036_821153953599280783_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A photo that sums her up

>> No.8015024

is the cute nico cosplay hiding behind that animal you posted?

>> No.8015044

Not her, sorry.

Why would anyone allow a picture like this to be taken of themselves if they're trying to become a big cosplayer?

>> No.8015067

Man and i thought i was ugly. feel kinda bad for her, she made me feel better about my own face though

>> No.8015072

Totally random but anyone have any particular Nico cosplayer they like?

>> No.8015078

She wears her hair like Nico's outside of cosplay, too. Shes seems like one of those girls that's convinced she's the actual character.

>> No.8015083

I'd bang the shit out of a slutty Mika Jougasaki
Maybe not her though. Not without enough lighting to make the lines go away.

>> No.8015118

Upskirts were taken at AWA and posted. Concidentally, She brought him down to AWA for the first time and they never had this issue before.

>> No.8015122
File: 134 KB, 1356x2048, IMG_167298601579738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have yet to see assnico.
Upskirt fetish indeed.

>> No.8015168
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>> No.8015172
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>The picture feels unnatural for some reason

>> No.8015181

Hahaahahaha!! I love you guys

>> No.8015276

Excuse me?

>> No.8015283
File: 101 KB, 720x960, IMG_54502062849654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seeing Risa perform was one of the main reason as to why I really wanted to go.

>> No.8015293

someone needs to count how many times he's said "fuck" and "fucking". I think this might be a record for a youtube video...

>> No.8015379

This. I mean she looks great on some of her pictures like pic related. I don't know if her Facebook page cover image is edited but she looks really nice in it too

That said, I've never met this person so I can't say much about their personality, although I remember seeing two pictures with her in AWL420'S Facebook page.

>> No.8015697
File: 457 KB, 501x477, 1411343412187.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not trying to defend her in any possible way, but the Touhou community down there is terrible. Kicking her out is like putting a band-aid on a missing limb.

She had a friend while I was living in the South that was really similar. She threw legit birthday parties for anime characters or something and dressed up as idol shit to a traditional Japanese culture festival. There was a thread about her not too long ago. Fishy.

Why is there such a disturbing trend of butterfaced girls who are convinced anime is real life? I thought that shit died in middle school.

>> No.8015701

>Touhou community down there is terrible.
All touhou communities are terrible.

>> No.8015703

Yes but that one is the worst.

>> No.8015705

I would disagree, It's the new guys who think they're part of it who are.

>> No.8015726

Do you live on the east or west coast? All communities here in the east are awful, southern, awful, new england fucking atrocious, don't even get me started on fucking montreal...

>> No.8015900

My boyfriend got popular on YouTube after he posted some video about waifuism, and she tried to add him on skype and loli roleplay with him. Pig disgusting. I'd post screencaps if I had his laptop with me.

>> No.8015910
File: 148 KB, 788x790, dKyCn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a real life loli!

>> No.8015912

oh my god you muusst

>> No.8015913
File: 261 KB, 1000x1000, 1415410682969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8015925

Except they didn't kick her out, despite the shit she talks?

I see your b8....

>> No.8015934

Another Yukapon, but less successful/cute

>> No.8015942

>and she tried to add him on skype
Low blow. I look at big people in the cosplay scene in my friend's list and she's friends with all of them

West coast

I love it, it's just not without the drama

>> No.8015947

Maybe they mean that he doesn't pull it off THAT well. I SORTA agree, but only because in this picture he's got his like all spread like a dude n stuff. I think he looks better in person.

>> No.8015986

pics or it didn't happen. i won't believe it for a second otherwise, because seagulls tend to forget anyone can post anything and claim it true

>> No.8015990
File: 51 KB, 190x190, 1416715886112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you quoting me for? >>8014950 Is the one who said she got kicked out, pal. I was just responding to it.

>> No.8016022




>> No.8016024

Why are Touhou fans so awful?

>> No.8016036


>> No.8016039

Who is Richard Waldron?

>> No.8016051

lmao that was your bf?

I love and hate that nigga at the same time

>> No.8016052

How is this shit not flagged

>> No.8016071

Richard Waldron is an old soccer dad who's addicted to sniffing a lot of young girl crotches in different cons. But definitely sniff his share in the touhou community in Georgia including that nico cosplayer.

>> No.8016095

Not with that grandma face.

>> No.8016158

Richard, stop trolling yourself.

>> No.8016164

Considering I suspect this thread is self-post, I guess things have just gone full circle.

>> No.8016250

It is. She didn't expect this many people to hate her and now she is having a panic attack. She has been calling my phone non-stop for the past 2 hours and I won't pick it up. I already know she is going to try and pretend she is not the OP, but I am not stupid. She brings these things on herself.

>> No.8016264

Tell her it /cgl/ and nobody's opinion stupid matters

>> No.8016285
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>> No.8016288

Screenshot the calls?

>> No.8016306

What good will that do? They can just change the name of people that called in their phone log and make it look like she is calling.

>> No.8016311

Jesus, she's been on the scene long enough. When will people ever learn?

>> No.8016312

Lol. Anon has a point. But at the same time I can't help but think this is the OP trying to head off screen shot evidence before it gets posted.

>> No.8016329

Wait, isn't this a cosplay of kawaii-titan?
>oh my god

>> No.8016352

That's her boyfriend? Eeeewwww

>> No.8016362

This entire fucking thread including the hate posts are the fucking BGG circle of friends. This level of autism can only be sustained by them and their attention whore antics.

>> No.8016376
File: 797 KB, 900x1190, 079e9ffe-859e-4571-8959-83f07372b00a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8016388

and here we have a thread full of this girl's "friends" smearing her on cgl and acting high and mighty about it. you all need to find jesus or something

>> No.8016396


>> No.8016416

GARticuno's clique, I didn't expect that to pop up in this thread.

>> No.8016422

It's considered endearment among them. To each their own.

>> No.8016436
File: 38 KB, 193x138, needjesus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>"you all need to find jesus"