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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 130 KB, 718x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7963260 No.7963260 [Reply] [Original]

last one is sagin'
>I was wearing this coat today and on a walk there was little girl with her mother and girl looked at me and she said "mooom, look at this lady, she has beautiful dress I want the same!!!" and her mother was like "never! you won’t make yourself look like total weirdo!" Why are people so hateful…?
oh, honey...

>> No.7963264

I wasn't paying attention and I thought that was Fire Emblem Awakening protag's coat.

>> No.7963357

that would've been a blessing over a bodyline lacemonster

>> No.7963371

>things that didn't happen

>> No.7963375

To be honest a well dressed lolita wouldn't get a much better reaction either.

>> No.7963377
File: 24 KB, 500x444, 1406596746160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"mooom, look at this lady, she has beautiful dress I want the same!!!"
>"never! you won’t make yourself look like total weirdo!"
>Why are people so hateful…?

>> No.7963380

gotta get dem victim points/relogs somehow

>> No.7963386

Not necessarily true. I had a little girl's mom tell me her cute shy daughter wanted to know if I was Cinderella, when I told her no she asked if I was friends with her. It was cute as fuck. I do however think that closeminded people will be closeminded no matter what you wear.

>> No.7963399


Recently at Disneyland I had multiple mothers come up to me and ask where I got my clothing from because their kids really loved it. One mom also said her daughter was too shy to say so, but she thought my dress was beautiful.

It's weird, I've been in the fashion about 2 years now, and I've yet to have anyone throw any rude comments my way. I always go out bracing for it, but it never comes. Just polite questions and compliments.

>> No.7963415

Nah, I've gotten the usual questions and also some really cute instances of kids coming up and wanting a picture with me, but never "total weirdo" at least not to my face. I'm gonna place bets on "things that never happened" though.

>> No.7963422


One positive experience in public that I will always remember I was wearing the Lost in Sea dress with a tiara. A mother stopped her child and exclaimed "Look at the princess!" Comment made my week.

It's not always bad. Only bad comments I've gotten were from dudes, and specifically dudes in London when I went to con there.

>> No.7963438

It helps to wear something simple or classic lolita. I've worn classic lolita to Disneyland myself and I only received compliments, but when I've worn sweet lolita in public, at a mall or even just grocery shopping, I get sneers and rude comments in my direction. I never hear rude things to my face, only in muffled distance.

>tl;dr: Rude comments vary between style worn and the demeanor of the person

>> No.7963450

Gothic also seems to get the same ire. It's one of the few things that rustles me, seeing a really gorgeous gothic coord getting shat on. I guess it's just that weird stigma people have about gothic anything, though.

>> No.7963484

I've always found guys in london a lot nicer than girls actually. The girls seem to be more gutsy - well as in they will yell things....but only after they've got a safe distance away from me.
Guys are more likely to talk to my face and are polite but most of them are either drunk or high so idk

>> No.7963493

I dress in gothic all the time and have never gotten negative comments, especially the kind that I imagine sweet lolitas getting. I do live in a progressive city, though, and I assume people just assume I'm just a goth goth, not any sort of weird Japanese substyle.

>> No.7963604

Guys in London always think you're doing it for speed dating or something

>> No.7965720
File: 46 KB, 956x538, pleaseburnthat_hat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7965727

hat aside, the outfit was fine.
the person wearing it however, needs some mental help.

>> No.7965837

I used to think she was attractive, but in lolita, she looks like an aging rock star. I don't get it.

>> No.7965846

Might just be the wrong stylet for her. She might look better in classic.

>> No.7965982

I used to be mildly frustrated when someone would ask me what I was wearing.
>Hello miss, what's this?
>I just dress like this, it's a style from Japan called Lolita
>...Nothing to do with the book.

God, I'd welcome that back now. It's only going to get worse.
>Oh, is this a Squickerwonker convention?
>No, it's-
>Ohhhh now I get it, you're those Living Dolls, right?
>Um, no, we're-
>Harajuku Girls, then? Alice in Wonderlands? In a play? A batchelorette party?
>God I remember the days when all we had to deal with was Nabokov...

>> No.7965998

This isn't going to happen and you're legitimately retarded if you think it will.

>> No.7966034
File: 104 KB, 718x629, fuck this shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7966052

I think this better suited for the cringe/ita thread. Where is this from anyway?

>> No.7966057

Kill me

>> No.7966059

>I think this better suited for the cringe/ita thread

>> No.7966064
File: 179 KB, 1039x623, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe its the horrible makeup/thinning hair/shitty etsy store hat combination

>> No.7966066

This is the ita thread, mate.
Some girl linked a blog post her friend made on Lolita Updates. It has since been removed.

>> No.7966068

this is ita thread...

>> No.7966070

>the hat is Atelier Pierrot
>her hair is not thinning
>her makeup is fine for gothic

I'm not gonna disagree that she looks like she rolled in off a special ed bus but please let's at least not make up reasons for why.

>> No.7966072

Nah, it's the average /cgl/ response to someone they dislike
>thin hair/balding!
>leathery skin!
>bad makeup!
>fake tits!
>yellow teeth!
etc etc

>> No.7966181

No matter the brand, that hat looks like shit. She would have looked 10 times better with a different hairpiece.

>> No.7966189

I agree, but that anon wasn't saying it was specifically ugly, just a "shitty etsy store" hat.

>> No.7966192


Oops, for some reason I thought I was in lolita general.

>> No.7966199

>Actually saying 'Lolita' to casuals
Wow, you're a fucking idiot.

>> No.7966207

Christ, I die if embarrassment every time someone does it. All the local girls are weebs and heading out with them in public can get uncomfortable

>> No.7966210

>"What's this called?"

Sorry for having manners when I'm literally asked. I don't run around announcing it through a megaphone, I only use the word when a person is genuinely curious and taking the time to find out.

A lot of the time, it turns out to be a mom whose daughter is interested in the style, or someone who's barely starting out themselves.

It practically has, to me at least. Unless you're saying I'm dumb for assuming Evangeline Lily's book will catch on.
If you wear Lolita more regularly that three times a year to cons, you get asked all of this stuff if you stand anywhere remotely public for more than five minutes.

>> No.7966214

Lolita for boys is rainbow pants from Hot. Topic now? Wow. I never knew so many lolitas had jobs as children's entertainers.

>> No.7966217

>Lolita doesn't have to be sofisticiated!
Please be joking

>> No.7966252

>"Hey what are you wearing?"
>Oh, it's just a street fashion


>> No.7966259

>gothic and normal lolita

>> No.7966284

because the conversation ends there and people are never more curious than that...
because that person can just google "a street fashion" when they get home and find out more...
because you should be ashamed that your fashion happens to share a name with other things...

>> No.7966289

>If you wear Lolita more regularly that three times a year to cons
Autistic "lifestyler" detected.

>> No.7966337
File: 77 KB, 543x960, 10346518_891868754158751_7268338794149438548_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7966344

Is really bodyline that expensive?

>> No.7966350

Who knew indeed? >>7966337

>> No.7966359

don't say lolita anon.
and if you get squickerwonker, look at them like they're crazy.

>> No.7966364

say japanese street fashion anon.
then if they ask more about it, you can say it, and they'll be more receptive to not nabokov stuff

>> No.7966373

>nerdy lolita

>> No.7966439

I usually tell them it's a japanese fashion about being cute and princessy

>> No.7966501
File: 97 KB, 840x179, please stop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I almost forgot to post the header of her blog too.

This is an elaborate troll, right anons? Right?

>> No.7966527

I'm really really angry

>> No.7966533

I think I threw up in my mouth when I saw it.

>> No.7966567
File: 332 KB, 494x535, rufflechatisgarbage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did I even join this group?

>> No.7966598

It's proof that hours in hair/makeup and good lighting / angles work wonders for anybody. I thought she was beauty in The Hobbit

>> No.7966619
File: 81 KB, 840x623, 1416862061696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last time little twins approached me and asked their mom to take pictures with "the princess". Feels great anon

>> No.7966630
File: 77 KB, 540x1061, gs3rZ7Y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The comments, though. The commentssssss.

>you seem to have made a classic style coord
>I really need gold tea parties

Lord, take me now. I'm ready.

>> No.7966632
File: 18 KB, 202x396, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just a Coors for fun

>> No.7966675
File: 114 KB, 640x960, tumblr_nftl04LTZU1rht30go4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no you are not

>> No.7966678
File: 146 KB, 640x960, tumblr_nftl04LTZU1rht30go5_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Bonus for 'nothing fucking matches' coordinate.

>> No.7966680
File: 87 KB, 640x960, tumblr_nftl04LTZU1rht30go6_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7966685

But why cat tights?

>> No.7966686

in the comments
>but in general does it look good?
might as well wear a sign on your ass saying "please pat"

>> No.7966693

I feel like someone needs to respond with the truth

>> No.7966710

because they're kawaii

>> No.7966717

penny needs to give up with the asspats or her hand is gonna drop off

>> No.7966739
File: 197 KB, 479x588, Screen Shot 2014-11-29 at 7.50.02 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is too funny,

>> No.7966753

oh jesus i saw that earlier

>> No.7966754
File: 54 KB, 540x720, 1546173_10203966410332893_6768902641703551036_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gross. And this dress is supposed to be Meta? Proof that brand itas exist.

>> No.7966759

she looks plain and she's posing with a swagfag, but that doesn't make her ita.

>> No.7966762


She just needs makeup and do her hair, maybe step away from the gross ~ironic~ dude, and she'll be fine. She doesn't need to change anything about the clothing itself.

>> No.7966771

Wasn't this posted in the last thread already? I mean her outfit is far from perfect, but there's really not enough to say that she's ita.
I have a feeling you have something against this girl.

>> No.7966772

The more you post this the more obvious your vendetta becomes.

>> No.7966777

Wasn't this a Halloween party photo?

>> No.7966780

What makes you think that?

>> No.7966830


Now this just depresses me. Girl has a great figure, with some nice makeup,hair styling and coording tips, she'd look amazing.

Fatties and uggos in lolita are whatever, but when I see people with the potential to look good going full ita, I get rustled.

>> No.7966834

I thought it had been said in another thread. That the swagfag thing was a costume and this was at a party. I'll check the archives, she's been posted in every ita thread for weeks now.

>> No.7966836


Eh, I think she's being genuine, she's pretty darn ita herself.

>> No.7966856

Jesus that hair is terrible.

>> No.7967462

what the fuck is that? i've seen better examples in the dollar store.

>> No.7967464

I left.

>> No.7967505
File: 53 KB, 410x960, 8ec0ea39-65ad-41b7-a8e3-a75a69142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before anyone asks, yeah it's meant to be lolita.

>> No.7967514

dat yukapon hair
I've bought off the commenter before and she really knows her stuff/is genuinely nice, but my god that skirt is completely wrong and she should have just said it

>> No.7967515

She split dyed her own hair..

>> No.7967517


People who have a serious interest probably know the name or will ask the name of the street fashion

>> No.7967518

It's Lolita Fashion Mentoring, she has to asspat the newbies or they'll end up with hurt feefees.

>> No.7967519

Bbut then I don't get to sperg out about it on facebook later if I act like a normal human being

>> No.7967521

>cosplay lolita detected
How can you call it a fashion if you only wear it to cons or meet-ups?

>> No.7967522

Is this meant to be a gay pride coord or am I reading too much into it? I've been wondering all day...

>> No.7967529

Youre making a huge mistake thinking people give half a shit about what your korean children's dresses are called. They really just want to know why you're dressed like little miss muffet,they don't care about specifics or how it's not related to a book about pedophiles or a different book written by a fake character that's not in the hobbit or whatever else autists mistakenly think normal people care about.

>> No.7967539

The amount of shame in this thread over one word, I swear. Once someone has actually come up and asked you, in so many words, "what is this style called?", it's not hard to explain to them that it's an awkward term, but actually isolated from the (widely misunderstood) book.

Fuck, subcultures rarely ever name themselves, and I've never seen goths yelling "Don't use the word 'goth', they'll think we sacked Rome!".

If you don't have the patience to speak to people when they genuinely want to know things, or the guts to not care what wilfully ignorant and assumptive strangers think, then perhaps Lolita isn't best for you.

>> No.7967685

People want to wear the clothes. Not that anon, but personally, I don't want to be an ambassador for lolita fashion, I just want to look cute and go about my day. I deal with the stares, the sneers and the isithalloweenyet, but I really don't have time to stop what I'm doing every single time someone comes up the me and asks me what I'm wearing to explain it to them. "It's a japanese streetfashion, bye" works just fine, calling it lolita always just leads to more unwanted conversation or questions

>> No.7967691

Well yeah, I get that, and about 80% of the time I'm the same. Just want to wear thing and be left alone.
But the other 20% of the time it's instances where I'm standing waiting for a bus or gathering just before a meet up, and being approached by someone who really wants to know.
I'm not going anywhere for the next few minutes, and they're all sparkley-eyed, I'm not going to just blow them off. We all started somewhere. I remember years ago I only had "harajuku" as my straw to grasp at, I'd have LOVED someone to have just said, "Yeah it's called X and this is Y substyle of it."

>> No.7967698

Kek, I wear it a lot more frequently than that, but your false sense of superiority over wearing mediocre coords and then sperging out at strangers about the name SCREAMS special snowflake lifestyle rorita

>> No.7967893
File: 85 KB, 617x900, 10440166_965904403426267_3730030812106962281_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dat wig
>Dat makeup

>> No.7967914
File: 422 KB, 541x498, oh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


fyeahcyberlolita never fails in proving how misguided the concept is.

>> No.7967969

This girl is in my comm.... did you see her attempts at a petticoat?

>> No.7967975
File: 459 KB, 586x995, bodyline-l249-macaron-towers-jsk-brown-jumperskirt-dress-sweet-lolita-cake-print_zps7ca3bd88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>127cm in bust
I feel sorry for you

>> No.7968000

I don't think this is too bad, she's cute and she seems well dressed. The only thing that is bothering me is the cardigan.

>> No.7968044

I actually think this would look pretty good if she buttoned the cardigan. I know that sounds weird, but it would have given her a little more shape in the waist.

>> No.7968097
File: 54 KB, 720x960, not lolita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't even get why it's got as many likes on CoF as it has. It's an extremely unbalanced coord if you can even call it lolita.
>random pink beret
>brown shoes with solid brown tights
Plus that skirt is practically a mini skirt on her and there's no way there's a petti underneath that thing, it resembles no silhouette to lolita whatsoever.

>> No.7968101

This is otome at best. Cute, but not lolita in the slightest.

>> No.7968103

I'm not liking the hat or the cardigan, but I honestly think this is fine. One of the better plus-sized co-ords I've seen lately, really.

>> No.7968143

does any one know how big she is? Chocolate Rosette skirts are dream items of mine and I wouldn't want it to look like as weird as it does here.

>> No.7968154
File: 1.14 MB, 1464x825, No.Game.No.Life.full.1702255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks like she's trying to cosplay a character trying to be lolita.

>> No.7968156

Sorry to say, the Chocolate Rosette skirts look a bit awk on everyone. Something about the waist of it. I love AP's shorter skirts, I just wish they would master shape/silhouette on them. Melty Royal Chocolate is the best they've done in terms of that. Such a shame.

>> No.7968196

>cosplayish wig
>no blouse
>odd looking wristcuffs
>random bordeline bag
>ita socks
>random black shoes
This is sad

>> No.7968197

I left that group because in an effort to be PC or whatever the advice is terrible. What qualifications do the mentors have? Do they have to have been in lolita for a certain time or be efamous?

>> No.7968253

please people stop taking what manface penny says as truth -.- shes just about as bad as the itas she tries to help.

>> No.7968275

I've had both the living doll and the Harajookoo question myself, in addition to people asking me if I was supposed to be Tim Burton's Alice. Hopefully ~Tauriel's~ shitty book won't get popular enough for people to associate us with it but don't underestimate how dumb people on the street can be.

>> No.7968387
File: 113 KB, 720x960, IMG_42165797330416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Penny's a hideous ita anyway so her opinion counts for nothing.

>> No.7968393


Wait that chick who wore Lolita on that late night show is Tauriel? I thought she was just a chick from Lost.

>> No.7968400

She's both

>> No.7968416

jesus how old is this woman

>> No.7968444

Too old

>> No.7968623

dat skin peaking up between the sock and the jsk of girl on the left... is it just some weird lightning illusion or?

>> No.7968629

It's her skin? What about it though?

>> No.7968632
File: 500 KB, 1280x720, loli so sexy with my little pony for her daddy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh lord. Didn't she used to be a schoolteacher?

Some random chick spamming the lolita fashion tag with sexy bodyline to keep on topic.

>> No.7968633

it looks hairy as fuck

>> No.7968637

Oh. No. I think that's a shadow from the lace on her skirt.

>> No.7968644

if i would see this in public, i would feel strong second hand embarrassment

>> No.7968649

that's what i thought, but now that i've seen it, i can't forget

>> No.7968672


>> No.7968752

Replace the gardi with a different kniting or maybe even just replace the buttons and button it, It's a pretty good coord. I normally don't see a lot with that jsk to begin with. Her face is also really cute for a bigger girl, I love her features she'd be fun to draw. She just needs a cute lil bag.

>> No.7968778

But you aren't everyone. You would have LOVED if someone explained it to you, most people don't give a fuck and just want to know if you're in a play or something

>> No.7968792

I have gotten "OMG I love this do you do dolly-dressup every day?"

I didn't even really know how to respond to that question. Dolly-dressup??

>> No.7968802

so what? it's no like there's anything wrong with explaining something after people asked either.

do you really think people will go "that bitch is explaining me the stuff i asked her about, how dare she!"?

>> No.7968836

>"Don't use the word 'goth', they'll think we sacked Rome!"

underrated quote right here

>> No.7968990

She's always spamming her terrible sewing service on the plus size sales comm
Her and Be my full moon are the plague of bad plus size handmade lolita

>> No.7969112

I know I'm going to come off as a "too edgy 4 u desu" retard, but around here, not that many people have read the book or seen the movie. I just tell them "It's called lolita." And leave it at that. If they have heard of the book, the look is hilarious and I will admit, it's absolutely petty and childish.

>TL;DR - I call it lolita in public just to get a reaction, but rarely do.

>> No.7969157
File: 158 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this chick legit retarded?

>> No.7969170

this looks awful, but why would you post a photo standing next to a pile of trash on your dirty kitchen floor?

>> No.7969192

both of those girls are nasty

>> No.7969205

the thing with CoF is that you have to bury your concrit knee-deep in compliments for it to be considered acceptable

>> No.7969224

Do we consider this plus-sized? Her body doesn't look that big to me ...

>> No.7969226

the one on the left is fine, it's just a bad photo, everyone has them

not at all.

>> No.7969232

I-I know this girl
This is surreal

>> No.7969373

I've gotten weird looks when out in frills, but the only people who have ever actually approached me or said anything within earshot said really nice things. Older ladies and moms seem to think it's cute and they'll ask where I got my clothes or if they can take my picture. But I can see where you're coming from--I feel like most people think it's weird as fuck (because it is unusual.)

>> No.7969393

>who needs punctuation when you have ellipses?
>yarn extensions
I hope so, for her sake. I just found out that my MIL types like this and it's so fucking hard to take her seriously. 2 bad the internet isn/t english clas lol rite......

>> No.7969403

And her profile picture has her wearing a pink baby headband as a collar.
Now she's posting like the PSLS is her boyfriend.

>> No.7969437

UGH It pisses me off so bad. I feel so bad for any girl that actually purchases their stuff. Even if it's plus size, a dress should not look fat on a mannequin or laid out flat. That's a surefire way to tell if it's going to look like shit on an actual body.

>> No.7969520

I think anon believes we give an in-depth lecture to every single person who asks us anything ever.
>Unable to differentiate between off-the-cuff remarks and earnestly interested people who want to know
>"lol you all sound aspie!"

Let them have the chance to be the one who says that to someone else...just this once.

>> No.7969556

Whatever floats your boat anon

>> No.7969604

I've always wondered what she dressed like. Omg.

>> No.7969708

oh... it happened...

>> No.7969715

It's obvious your not a lolita. Kindly go away.

>> No.7969746
File: 50 KB, 337x600, tmp_20572-10356225_10203718858144953_3871479246451572313_n1907429643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7969773

Prime example of "the ita leading the ita" right here.

>> No.7969783

Even if he's an asshole, he makes a point. It's like trying to explain that the swastika was a religious symbol in India thousands of years before the Nazis used it. Nobody really gives a shit. People look at lolita and think "weird, old-fashioned dresses". Period.

>> No.7969784


Nitpick, def. not ita.

>> No.7969786


Looking at all the other posts she made in that group I'd say yes. Legit retard.

>> No.7969805

That's a really weird analogy.

>> No.7969818
File: 97 KB, 800x1421, 222181-3300-2014-11-23121132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a bath mat isn't it?
She is selling this thing for 75$ on Lacemarket.

>> No.7969825

it looks like one, but it's the cheap swirl fabric from joann's

>> No.7969836

I really think this is cute though... Ditch the pink hat and I'd wear this casual.
Actually, didn't she say this was casual?

>> No.7969844
File: 164 KB, 560x557, 3180765_dreamydollhouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw dream dress
This old hag fatty is ruining it

>> No.7969845

>enjoy being adorable
More like enjoy looking like a fucking retard.

>> No.7969846

Come on, /cgl/. We know that you use a keyboard with extra size keys so your fat fingers don't depress them all at once.

>> No.7969851

Stop being such a bitter baby anon.

>those boots/socks though

>> No.7969860

This cute but not $75 cute. Looks too small for the mannequin as well.

>> No.7969862

I have these same boots for cosplay lol

>> No.7969888

I-is that normalfag shirt?

>> No.7970052

>bath mat draped over shoulders
i threw up a little

>> No.7970160
File: 777 KB, 2048x1866, IMG_42051923856297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7970195

only ita is that in grey dress, rest are nitpick. I don't think blue, pink and purple all in one coord is good idea...

>> No.7970202

yea, that was the point lol. They were just posting more pictures of the ita, I'm pretty sure

Is that a crushed velvet bolero...?

>> No.7970205

Those wrinkly disgusting bags under her eyes make me shudder.

>> No.7970212

Aside from wearing a hijab which I can't stand, is there any way she could have made her brows even thicker and darker?
That wig Lor is wearing, is it the one from Rockstar wigs? It looks good on her but much too colorful in the stock photos.

>> No.7970213

The one is grey is a consistent ita but at least she's not wearing half assed fairy kei this time

>> No.7970455
File: 215 KB, 640x1136, tumblr_nfxdhrgqlW1rlg1eao1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hot off the presses of Tumblr

>> No.7970457
File: 1.73 MB, 1190x1807, tumblr_nfxetpdZKD1tyaxi6o7_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7970459
File: 1.63 MB, 1280x1920, tumblr_nfxf64s6mb1tyaxi6o7_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7970461

OMG her proportions look so off, like some weird Barbie doll.

>> No.7970467

it's because she shooped her waist thinner

>> No.7970468

Yep. I believe it's from Target.

>> No.7970470

You can tell that she's shooped her waist smaller, look at the warping on the curtains in the background.

>> No.7970480

I like all of this except the the fur and the weird blouse

>> No.7970507
File: 157 KB, 1136x852, 10710512_10154614421870247_7224546589532033136_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found a gold mine

>> No.7970510

I dunno, I have a feeling with a few changes in accessories and without the weird photography this would be okay.

>> No.7970511
File: 138 KB, 1136x1042, 1907729_10153804190575247_861393844_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7970515
File: 31 KB, 960x640, 1897842_10153865875440247_1473414071_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7970521
File: 99 KB, 720x960, 221728_10152682369945247_1921261453_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7970524

>that bad replica
>That greasy pepperoni face
>that cheap halloween shiny wig
>wig cap showing
>non brushed teeth
good lord why

>> No.7970539

The amount of asspatting she's getting though

>> No.7970541


This is reminding me. I took some time to go through tumblr lolita tags the other night for the first time in a while, and I just... is it me or has their been a HUGE, sharp increase in the proportion of of just plain terrible if not 100% ita coords to decent coords posted, just in the past maybe half a year or even less? I stopped browsing tumblr for basically all of fall and now I go back and it feels like the number of horrible coords I see vs passable ones has sharply increased. I don't know if it's because we've seen the fall of the oldschool milanoo tier lacemonster lolita and the rise of the modern mismatched eyesearing colors offbrand ita (which I truly think is the modern face of ita, from the arguments in ita/nitpick threads over the past few months) coupled with the popularity and accessibility of the style or items claiming to be in the style so sharply growing, but I honestly think out of maybe 20 or more pages scrolled through tags I saw 10 or less good to passable coords. Everything else was absolute shit.

All the good lolitas still seem to use tumblr as their main place of posting coords, however, so I don't think it's just that it's tumblr. Am I imagining things, anons? Has it really gotten this bad this quickly?

>> No.7970543

w-whats going on with her leg?

>> No.7970548
File: 1.00 MB, 1275x1920, nope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7970556

people generally use lolita fashion now, not lolita. mostly because of the nyphette idiots. Newbies don't realise it though.

>> No.7970565
File: 76 KB, 479x694, tumblr_naxocqf46P1rqto6bo3_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, that might be why. I think a few efamous lolitas were just beginning to use that tag when I stopped paying attention but not everyone had made the conversion yet. But what about the substyle tags? Gothic lolita always got its fair share of poorly tagged mallgoth crap, but I went through the 'classic lolita' tag that night, which used to have a fairly decent lot of coords, and even that is overrun with handmade/thrifted monstrosities now. And sweet lolitas thinking OTT Baby stuff is classic, but that's another discussion...

>pic unrelated just from my old folder of finds to contribute

>> No.7970646

Loving the two on the ends.

>> No.7970647

Her foot is leaning on the wall

>> No.7970650

Asspatting??? Did you mean someone else? This girl bought her first dress at a convention and threw it on for fun. She did not intend for this to be a good Lolita outfit. Then she posted in a private comm to ask how she can coordinate it better, and people made suggestions. Not a soul complimented her or her dress, but two people gave outfit advice. And some ass posted her to CGL completely out of context. And somehow you take this as her getting asspats? Are you delusional?

>> No.7970684

She's posted this in con groups saying it's lolita so I'm going off of that,anon. She can definitely improve and seems to take concrit well so I'm sure things will take off. Why so defensive?

>> No.7970688

looks like the boots i always see DBZ cosplayers wearing

>> No.7970694

there is no way to plop a headbow on and have it look good with hijab
she's very cute though in that disney starlet way
the one in the middle is the only ita though, Lor dropped the ball though

>> No.7970719

I actually love this...

>> No.7970724

Of course she's into BJD
>My fandom is full fucking losers
>What does this say about me

>> No.7970726

>This fucking skirt
Where the hell is it from?

>> No.7970736

Hot Toipc, from their Book of the Dead shit.

>> No.7970741

I should have known
>I didn't know what I was expecting.jpg

>> No.7970746
File: 86 KB, 480x1024, 106_1002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7970750
File: 49 KB, 765x480, 1329488131091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7970758

>that super obvious shooping

>> No.7970760

My soul. Gone.

>> No.7970764
File: 251 KB, 990x852, crazy val.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7970819
File: 493 KB, 1136x852, 1417480868503 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my goodness, girl needs a good and a better hair style.

>> No.7970823

Is that the same Penny Cohn bitch? I wish she would fall off the lolita planet.

>> No.7970827

I want to feel like she had a good idea here, just terrible execution. Fix the shoulder ruffles, the fit of the bodice, and make that mermaid print look less artsycraftsy and she could have something...She also needs to learn to match colors better. Too many warms with cools. God, I want to like this in the strangest way.

>> No.7970884
File: 79 KB, 500x750, tumblr_n0auqfjOPd1tqjzv8o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7970889
File: 342 KB, 293x800, tumblr_mxjrj2TbKi1rbkmkho1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7970891


God I fucking hate that shoot. It combines two things that I'm passionate about but should never meet and transform them into one hideous amalgamation of horseshit.

>> No.7970904

Hang yourself, slut.

>> No.7970913

>how not to handle being posted to an ita thread

>> No.7970934

The bust is really confusing me.

>> No.7970942

That anon is right though, lolitas are always complaining about how it isn't a fetish or ageplay, and that picture kinda weakens the argument in the eyes of normies

>> No.7970945

Pretty sure she's not wearing a bra.

>> No.7970946

whoops meant to reply to >>7970904

>> No.7970960

Can this skirt look good? Is it possible?

>i'm thinking not

>> No.7970982

Anyone who's "passionate" about being a fucking slut needs to be shot. I'm tired of disgusting people like this living in society, they give birth to rapists and pedophiles. Humans need to feel shame again.

>> No.7971006

What the actual fuck is going on with her boobs?

>> No.7971014

Whoa, a little frightened of sexuality, aren't we, anon? Sexual openness and education is...kind of important to the advancement of society. If you aren't already in college, I suggest you go take a class on sexuality, read a little Foucault and Smith-Rosenberg, that sort of thing. That, or go crawl back under your rock.

>> No.7971016

>I suggest you go take a class on sexuality,

>> No.7971017

They're a thing at most major universities. No lie.

>> No.7971026

Dunno about you, but I don't care to know about some chic's fetish in a fashion that doesn't have anything to do with it. I'm not saying she's a whore or slut (Could be though) but it's distasteful and out of context.

>> No.7971027
File: 94 KB, 600x606, 1361771888001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was incredibly pretentious, jfc. Ever heard of sensory adaption? Normal sex wont be enough, that's why you move onto "kinky" things. It often leads to violence and paraphilias. You're desensitizing yourself to sex, so you wont be able to enjoy a normal sex life. Enjoy your STD's.

>> No.7971030

You think rape, pedophilia, and diseases are advancement?
>Foucault died in Paris of neurological problems compounded by HIV/AIDS;

>> No.7971033

actually, I've been into weird shit since I was a kid. (different anon btw)

>> No.7971035

You seem to have missed the point of that post. Furthermore, health classes exist in most middle schools, and they say the opposite of what you're saying.

>> No.7971041

So are womens studies, and those are pretty stupid and useless.

nb4 "go back to r9k you little virgin boy"

No, I'm female.

>> No.7971053

I agree with you on this, it's the whole "bleh, all sluts should die" idea that I was contesting.

I enjoy a fairly vanilla sexual lifestyle, since that needs clarification in light of your generalizations.

To address rape, pedophilia, and diseases - these are areas that can actually be improved upon if individuals are educated on sexuality, its history, and the effects of sexual suppression, among other things. I can give you a list of readings that might really change your perspective on this, if you feel it's necessary. I'm not trying to be pretentious, I think I have a right to be a little perturbed when extremely violent statements such as "all sluts should be shot" are more acceptable in our society than an individual enjoying the purely natural act of sex.

>> No.7971062 [DELETED] 

i told her what she was wearing wasn't really lolita and got some butthurt inbox from one of her followers. i lol'd.

>> No.7971072

Liking bondage does not make you a slut. you can be in a relationship with someone and practice bondage and rope stuff with them behind closed doors...

>> No.7971073

The whole slut/whore backlash, is because they are sluts/whores. It's not about that they hate them for enjoying "Purely natural act of sex"

It's what they represent. Which for the most part, girls with no father figures, mental issues, low self-esteems etc

It's the norm now, but just because it is doesn't mean it's mentally healthy or even physically. It's been normalized just like obesity has been. Just because it's more prominent, doesn't make it good/normal and something to be so readily accepted.

>> No.7971077

Just adding to my earlier post, I for one, don't really care for sluts/whores. Live and let live, but I can understand the backlash for them.

>> No.7971079

I vaguely agree with you.

>> No.7971081

True, but it does change when publicly parading it around.

That gives it the "slut" vibe.

>> No.7971083

It's the best way I can describe my sentiment towards the entire issue, I could go into detail but I think that covers it fairly well in vague terms.

>> No.7971085

I will kind of agree with you. Mostly about the term slut. I don't think slut is something to be taken back or used in a positive light. It is also not something to be used simply to mean a girl who sleeps around. It describes a specific sort of boy-crazy type who will pretty much sleep with anyone. They also need to be extremely open about their sexuality/sexual experiences to a point where it is uncomfortable. I also feel like they'd be the types of people to have attitude elsewhere as well. It's not about the sex, it's about the person.

>> No.7971098

That I agree on, the only time I have issues with anyone about sexual matters is if they're cheating or being a slut/whore yet look down on others for being the same exact thing but that's a whole other context. Or, if they parade it around like it is completely normal and anyone who does not agree is stuck in the 1800s and a prude.

>> No.7971106

the beetus got it

>> No.7971113
File: 66 KB, 625x626, thisisbait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7971120

How is it bait?

>> No.7971127

I have a goldfish.

>> No.7971135

coord aside, i can't stop laughing at the face she's making holy shit

>> No.7971148

Me too, anon.

>> No.7971152

That caption is really making me feel something between cringe and pity.

>> No.7971192
File: 68 KB, 600x600, 82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From people of Walmart

>> No.7971219

Apparently the Book Of Life Skirt at Hot Topic is so Rori desu~

>> No.7971248

ayy lmao

>> No.7971391
File: 380 KB, 550x862, o0550086212767249510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found Japanese ita
The dress a fine but why the pink, busy tights and the pink headdress and bows with a burgundy, classic style dress? I own the dress irl and I love it, but for the love of god why coord it like this?

>> No.7971396


>> No.7971454


>> No.7971460

I see nothing wrong with this.

>> No.7971484

dem mismatched reds/golds make my blood boil, yeck

>> No.7971487

>those bangs
I hope it's just an unfortunate shot and they aren't really that stringy and gross normally.

>> No.7971517

looks like she is wearing one of those super short claire's pettis

>> No.7971800
File: 401 KB, 1280x1707, oooof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Ever since cutting off twelve+ inches of hair, I’ve just wanted to do a sweet lolita look. Not only do I love my hair, but it also took only five minutes to style."
>"Also, this is one of two dresses that I made using entirely garage sale fabric."
>#there are some hair styles that just go with everything

oh god, be afraid.

>> No.7971808

if the waistline of the dress were higher, it would be an alright handmade classic piece.
She could use a wig though. I have a pixie style too and even I know the style doesn't go terribly well with loli.

>> No.7971820

I agree. A higher waist and better lace on the bottom. I think some ruffles would look nicer than that lace tbh.

>> No.7971822

>#there are some hair styles that just go with everything
that isnt one of them

>> No.7971825


She looks like someone who would accuse everyone of being cis-scum.

>> No.7971826

I really hate this attitude.
>"teeehee look at me, I have short hair BUT I am wearing a cute and feinine dress, so brave and edgy and unique ~"

The dress itself would be fine if she had used better lace, ditched the awkward bow and wore a better blouse.

>> No.7971883

Are those buttons drawn on?

>> No.7971888

The wig is eating her head. And I think that skirt is on backwards.

>> No.7971924

Isn't this that skirt that is sold all over amazon and ebay with the pastries on it?

>> No.7971926
File: 98 KB, 416x842, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to tumblr
>see this
>leave tumblr

>> No.7971936

Sauce on this dress? I'm in love

>> No.7971944

That hairstyle is not doing her any favors, geez.
I think filledeporcelaine pulls off the undercut with gothic, and short hair can work for sweet too, but this is just so far off.

>> No.7971971

Tumblr: forever feeding this thread.

This is awful. I don't even know where to start.

>> No.7971977

Not the anon who owns it, but I think it might be Maxicimam? There are very similar ones on their CD Japan store.

>> No.7971989

I hate that thing where people line their eyes in white to make their eyes look bigger
it always looks awful and makes the person wearing it look sick

>> No.7972214
File: 155 KB, 960x720, 1398762142681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why didn't you post this one?!

>> No.7972290

There's two versions, one regular and one plus sized. It doesn't have the underskirt like in the picture anon posted.



>> No.7972303

>plus sizes

diffanon but omg thank you I am buying this in three colors when I get paid

>> No.7972318

These rapists and pedos that are around could be from "non-slut mothers" that have also a pretty monogamous sex life. I'm not trying to defend promiscous people, i don't like sluts as i dislike "manwhores" who fuck with every girl they meet.
Dangerous people could be also from "normal" families, isn't his/her mom or dad to condemn.
>dat cutesextoys link
And so folks, i hate when they try to mix lolita with BDSM. They are things that need to be separated all the time. I'm open about not really vanilla sexual stuff in a monogamous relationship (also closed doors not shouting it openly) but not bondage or bdsm stuff in general, especially if mixed with lolita also because..... people will think immediately about the other one "lolita" that everyone know.

>> No.7972371


Penny is disgusting and needs to get her ancient, special snowflake ass out of the lolita comm and stop offering commissions when her stuff looks horrible and no one wants them.

>> No.7972378
File: 86 KB, 720x960, 5a0fc250-7fa5-415b-bbe9-b610dc33f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This bag is so rori desu

>> No.7972391

Seriously. I get that a lot of Asian girls will do it so their eyes appear larger and rounder (paired with circle lens and falsies, ofc) but when white girls do it, it usually looks ridiculous. We already have round eyes, sheesh.

>> No.7972397


>> No.7972413


I have never liked this dress, but this coord is making it look fantastic. I think the buttons on the cardigan take it down, but I like what she was going for with the fuzzy beret. Very cute and casual.

>> No.7972420

This is just her first coord anon, she improved!
And I feel so sorry for her, if this happen to me I would cry for days..

>> No.7972425

it's a hideous coord and in this day and age with the internet no one has an excuse to be that awfully dressed in lolita, sorry
>tfw 6 months of research before I first went out in lolita in 2007 and I STILL fucked it up

>> No.7972431


Just gracefully move on if you get posted, don't pretend to defend yourself.

>> No.7972443

10 euros say this girl is Italian.
I'd recognize that shitty skirt anywhere.

>> No.7972500
File: 15 KB, 266x350, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the company that makes it is also selling a bodyline replica that can be all yours for just $77.

>> No.7972508

>Not only do I love my hair, but it also took only five minutes to style
What did she take 5 minutes t o do to it?
Normally I love short hair but this cut is awful. Looks like it was a half hawk 6 weeks ago. Not that that would work better but there's nothing to love about the hair by itself

>> No.7972547

i don't get the undercut trend at all. Once it goes out of style it will be labeled what it truly is: ridiculous. It will be on par with afros in retrospect to future generations.
also imagine what a bitch it must be to grow out when you become tired of it.

>> No.7972551

people still wear afros, anon

>> No.7972558

i meant more the flanderized disco afro but people do still wear the toned-down version so that might have been a bad example. I think a better example would be the mullet, which used to be cool in its heyday but now is kind of a joke.
But you know trends that future kids gawk at and think "wtf were they thinking??". I predict the undercut will recieve the same treatment and the parents of the future kids in kind will also wonder "wtf was i thinking" because you have to be drop-dead-gorgeous just to pull it off well, which most of us unfortunately are not.

>> No.7972583

I don't really see it. Emo hair, yes. Black and blonde ombre hair, maybe. Undercuts just generally don't look BAD enough. And they've existed longer than most people think, just usually on guys or in music culture like punk where the entire uniform is louder than the hair cut.

When they're bad, they're bad, just nothing about that haircut gets me worked up either way.

>> No.7972607

Does she even have an undercut, though? This looks like a pomp with closely shaved sides. There's nothing "under". There's no layer or super super pronounced difference between the top and sides--they aren't shaved off.

>> No.7972615

looks silly and bad on her either way. it doesn't work with her face shape.
It looks good on Filledeporcelain because her cheekbones could cut glass, and just like having a super hard-to-pull off cut, it has to look good, bottom line. It doesnt fit with the sweet aesthetic and it sure isnt doing her any favors. it doesnt ruffle my feathers when i see it in punk or gothic for some reason, but mainstream or cutesy girls donning it just looks so ...off.

>> No.7972624
File: 96 KB, 960x720, 10822717_10152448834587124_617109450_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waiting for the day people learn how to fucking match red.

>> No.7972678

White people with afros are afro-afros?
White people with locks look hella dirty

>> No.7972684


>> No.7972688

ugh, fuck penny.

>> No.7972693

yeah, i meant privately though because thy called that anon slut when they said they were passionate. very well could have been private.

>> No.7972701


I come back a day later and my comment has completely derailed the thread.

I'm a passionate viewer, not a partaker.

I just enjoy really nice bondage shoots, among other things. Lolita doesn't go with bondage because it simultaneously makes the bondage frumpy and the bondage makes lolita look like some weird ageplay shit.

Sorry for shitting up the thread, but jfc.

>inb4 getting accused of being a creepy neckbeard virgin

I'm female.

>> No.7972712

Rainbow Brite (or maybe care bears?), I believe. I think the skirt says it,but I'm not sure.

>> No.7972721

she IS the lolita planet

>> No.7972727
File: 31 KB, 640x480, 10690262_10205091681954012_2599481302853017946_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's trying to sell this for $80+shipping

>> No.7972731
File: 68 KB, 960x720, 10432471_10205091682114016_5466932953931038039_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and $90+shipping for this one...

>> No.7972738

...are...are her shoes brown?

>> No.7972783

sometimes I really question the stuff that is seen as good looking. pointy toed boots are so fucking hideous to me, I don't care that more people are wearing them again.

>> No.7972789

how is the chain not breaking tho?

>> No.7972795

I had my sides shaved and yes, it was awful when it was growing out. Once it goes past an inch long you just look horrible. I was glad the rest of my hair covered it up.
Lesson learned and never again.

>> No.7972796

why do you guys always take such obvious bait?
or do you just enjoy chatting on the 4chans

>> No.7972798

I saw this skirt in the store, I actually though the print was kinda cute but the fabric quality is absolutely terrible, all stiff and plastic-y so yeah.

>> No.7972799

OH MY GOD. come on now.

>> No.7972887


There's brown in the dress.

>> No.7972999
File: 267 KB, 1516x911, pleasant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This picture sums up my entire comm. Living in a small town is suffering.
>she posted this status just a few minutes after meet photos were uploaded with a total of two girls wearing AP

>> No.7973284

It's so sad that some people can't afford shoes.

>> No.7973296

>brown shoes directly on top of red tights
Doesn't matter if there's brown in the dress, it looks crap. Still nitpick though.

>> No.7973301

I wonder where those people meet all those fabled brand whores. Not a single lolita I've seen outside 4chan has ever made fun of or scoffed at well-made handmade or bodyline, as long as it's coordninated nicely.

>> No.7973343
File: 131 KB, 720x960, le~greasy~whale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7973375

What the hell

>> No.7973425

It's an excuse to special snowflake it up. As long as they can whine about meanie elitist brandwhore bitches, then they don't have to look at their own faults. I have never seen anyone other than itas and rank newbies complain about brandwhores, and usually the newbies stop that stuff after they've been around long enough (translation: the ones who finally start buying brand).

>> No.7973654
File: 137 KB, 570x760, tumblr_ng0l81I4MQ1u398d5o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this thing is tagged "Cyber Lolita"...

>> No.7973680

I'm conviced fyeahcyberlolita and fyeahpunklolita are run by the same person, who is trolling. I refuse to believe otherwise.

>> No.7974429

shes shitting on public property

>> No.7974659
File: 151 KB, 262x298, ita emerges.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have anything against whoever this girl is, it's just her pose and face looks like she's emerging from some kind of crazy trip dimension.

>> No.7974717

>>mothra lol-ita

>> No.7974751
File: 93 KB, 531x301, Filthy Acts At A Reasonable Price.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7974904

Yeah I know right, and the pretentious comments they make on other's photos. Like wow you have any reason to comment upon what they're wearing.

>> No.7977505
File: 56 KB, 800x600, tumblr_nfye38ABbX1t0zg3ho2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7977507
File: 171 KB, 960x780, tumblr_mog58xm5Ki1qdys2lo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tumblr is such a gold mine