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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7910768 No.7910768 [Reply] [Original]

So it's been gone for a while and other than how much the UK cosplay scene is slowly dying;
Who's going Hyper Japan? Anybody actually interested in WCS anymore or does nobody care?
Was London MCM as shit as I assumed it was going to be?

>> No.7910853

London was fairly busy but it felt like they were slightly better prepared for it this time, I didn't hear too many people complaining.

Nobody ever cared about WCS, I might have if Emizone had a better partner, but from the looks of their costumes it looked like she totally carried her

>> No.7911424

Hyper Japan is just a slightly more weeby MCM at this point. Everybody stopped paying attention to WCS once it was clear Lex and Sands weren't going to storm it ever again. MCM was supremely shit but in a more general incompetent way rather than the usual fighting and high dramu way.

>> No.7911563
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Anyone going to see Video Games Live tomorrow?

>> No.7912115

They both contributed to the 3 costumes, Felixize has much more skill in terms of sewing than Emi - just because Emi's dress had more going for it doesn't mean it was done purely by her. They worked together on them.

>> No.7912233

Pretty sure Felixize helped Emi on the dress since she commissions dresses.
Anybody got any news on people doing this years Prelims?

>> No.7913255

The only people I know who are competing in wcs prelims is Goldenmochi and her partner who are likely to win

>> No.7913267

Anybody want to room-share for Amechibi?

Send a mail to LordJohns@horsefucker.org

>> No.7914460

Auchinawa next week, anyone here going?

>> No.7915013


>> No.7915295

It's too far

>> No.7915936

>brit thread
>use a breed that was bred by americans to look the way it does today

>> No.7916105

You feel better now thats out of your system.

>> No.7916656

Cardiff Con this weekend, anyone going? and what do you think of their "cosplay stars"

>> No.7916807


>> No.7916859

>and what do you think of their "cosplay stars"
Any convention that thinks cosplayers count as proper guests can fuck off.

>> No.7917448

It's too far

>> No.7917528

Not me, I left it too late to book time off work and buy train tickets (which sucks because I would have liked to visit some friends)

>> No.7917835

Thought bubble anyone?

>> No.7917865

Was but I had to cancel

>> No.7918978

Would have I need a new car as my MOTs expired and my cars a piece of shit so won't pass it. Going to Thought Bubble would require getting on a bus in Leeds and I am never doing that again.

>> No.7919697

MCM was actually a little bit better than before, but not by much.

Lining up was a bit better and it didn't rain like it did in May.

As for general features it was generally the same, but there were a features and stalls there that I liked this time around.

You must feel better now that you have come out of the closet.

No worries we won't bite... yet.

>> No.7920144

Hell yeah, I really enjoy it and it's local.
Will be doing a photobooth at it once again and (probably) the photos for the masq as well

>> No.7920155
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>> No.7920194

please take your own leave

>> No.7920207
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>> No.7920215

I'm going both days for the first time this year, I've only ever done the Saturday. I'm looking forward to being able to attend the panels and masquerade. I'm excited to meet Tim Sale

I prefer thought bubble to the Manc MCM though it might just be that its more convenient since I can just walk to the venue.

>> No.7920246

The programe needs to hurry up and come out alread, the talks are usually good and I want to know what's on.

I agree with you about it being better than Manc though. Robots live and the same guests as every other MCM becomes boring pretty quickly.

>> No.7921667


>> No.7923117

So I'm pretty new to the cosplay scene (done a couple of MCMs so far), and in an attempt to get some discussion going, how about we chat about this year now it's coming to an end events wise? Anyone impress you this year in the UK? Bad events? Good events? Cosplayers you think should hurry up and go away or the complete opposite?

Extent of my knowledge is the Eurocosplay entrants and I gotta admit I like the UK entrants a lot.

>> No.7923240

Worst year yet.

>> No.7923301
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The whole scene is getting worse.

MCM October wasn't nearly as bad as previous times though which was surprising

>> No.7923305


Not that anon but worse in what way?

>> No.7923655

No fun left. It's gone beyond immature now.

>> No.7924973

>beyond immature

How so? I have not seen any dramu and most edgys haven't been edgy enough to be remembered.

>> No.7925114

If you don't get what anon means, you're probably one of the immature ones.

>> No.7925129

Felixize is notorious for letting Emi and other friends down at this point, regarding cosplay. Emi carries them both.

>> No.7926569

LOL, of course that must be the reason. I guess that is one way of not having to explain anything.

>> No.7926759

Tab is now a cosplay superstar? Deary me.

>> No.7926765

>Bad events?
No standout bad events, but it feels like everything's been fairly bland and uniform this year. Special mention to Onecon though for being so uninteresting to people that it couldn't sell enough tickets to run again.

>Good events?
As above, nothing really stands out. Went to Wigan Comic Con a few months back and aside from it being basically a sports hall full of dealers and a bouncy castle it seemed to be full of kids running around doing the whole "my first cosplay" thing which was kinda cool.

>> No.7927278

>Cosplayers you think should hurry up and go away?
Every daft fucker with a facebook page and a load of likes who thinks they're hot shit and conventions should be paying them to turn up and flog prints of themselves.

>> No.7927315

Did you see how nuts the last London Comic Con went for Jessica Nigri and Kelly Jean selling photos? And they were charging like £10-20 a go. They must have made thousands. No shit a completely commercial for-profit event like that are going to want them there.

>> No.7927349

Don't forget to hate the fuckers who pander to them. They're just as bad.

>> No.7927367

Can someone give an estimate on when Kitacon registration might open up?

>> No.7927376

I can understand why cons want them there, money is money. I just kinda wish they weren't since it seems like every 2-bit blonde cosplaying a "sexy" version of a character is trying to be the next Nigri and get invited into cons as guests. Personally, I think they're usually just low quality guests who have contributed little to cons or their associated "cultures" beyond looking attractive and dressing up in costumes. I'm also annoyed by situations where I've seen people raged at for not knowing who someone like Tab is and accused of "not really knowing anything about cosplay" because they aren't aware of certain "famous" cosplayers.

>> No.7927378

Never. Kita will just happen. You'll either be there or you won't - NO WARNING WILL BE GIVEN.

>Don't forget to hate the fuckers who pander to them. They're just as bad.
They are the worst.

>> No.7927381

They had a regular dealer table so the Expo wouldn't have made profits off the autographs directly.

They only would have made money from extra ticket sales from idiots who attended purely to see them.

>> No.7927456

Well the UK swept the board at the ECG finals this year but no one seems to care about that despite the fact no countries ever done that before

>> No.7927524

Which from the sound of it was actually quite a lot of people. Their table attracted literally thousands of people. There were actual actors and comic artists and voice actors who didn't get even a tiny fraction of the attention they got.

Goes to show how powerful some hair bleach and a boob job are.

>> No.7927541

>Goes to show how powerful some hair bleach and a boob job are.
People are idiots. This is just the same stupid shit like Gamer Girl "pro-gamer" teams were in the mid-00s. All we can do is hope the "cosplay fad" ends or just tails off into such banal normality so that in a couple of years time all the morons have moved into obsessing over the new flavour of the month activity that attractive vain people are using to promote themselves.

>> No.7927560

I've been debating getting into cosplay lately to join in with my friend who loves cosplaying as new Vegas characters. Can i ask a few questions?

Where is a good place to go? (i live just outside cardiff)

Does anyone have any good ideas for something to cosplay as where my face is covered. I have a thing about it.

Where do you typically go for supplies and tutorials? Most of it i could probably figure out my self as an engineering student who grew up being taught by my theatre tailor mum. Im not a novice at this sorta stuff. But there will still be stuff i need to source.

thanks for any help.

>> No.7927565

This thread is for bitching only.

>> No.7927568
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Its sooooo hard to find a place to goooooo

I caaant think of any ideaaaas

Finding materials is so haaaaaaaaard

>> No.7927572
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I know, right?

>> No.7927589

>Where is a good place to go? (i live just outside cardiff)
Never been to any but I think Cardiff has a couple of comic cons atleast and there might be one in Bristol too iirc.

>Does anyone have any good ideas for something to cosplay as where my face is covered. I have a thing about it.
Depends what you're into really. Star Wars geek? Any of the various troopers - lots of tutorials online and a lot of good communities that ought to be able to help you out. Fallout? Ask your friend, lots of stuff like BoS or NCR soldiers use helmets. From comics, plenty of superheroes use full or partial face masks and Mega-City Judges always get a bit of attention at cons if done well.Like Power Rangers/Sentai stuff? All helmets all the time.

>Where do you typically go for supplies and tutorials? Most of it i could probably figure out my self as an engineering student who grew up being taught by my theatre tailor mum. Im not a novice at this sorta stuff. But there will still be stuff i need to source.
To start with I'd recommend that you decide what you want to cosplay, then research if anyone has done it before and if there are any tutorials that list materials.

If you're unsure abotu getting into it, talk to your friend and get some advice from him. Maybe try a simple/closet cosplay first - something like Rorschach, The Question or The Shadow would allow you to cover your face provided you own a big coat and buy an appropriate hat.

>> No.7927595
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Also. I feel like there just aren't that many cosplays that suit someone who is pushing 6.4 with hilariously oversized shoulders, big muscles and yet chubby cheeks that look like a stereotypical fat monk.

>> No.7927601

Thanks man. This is great advice.

>> No.7927626

Someone like that should only ever be cosplaying Sailor Moon or other magical girls.

>> No.7927642

Oh damn yeah. I could totally pull off konata, hopping in front of people going "Hai Hai cherry pie! You want to see my doushinji onii-sama? Its Yaoi!"

>> No.7927681

>Magical Girl Hodor

>> No.7927709

"Hey get over here"
"Whats your name?"
"Your name is uguu?"
"Stop... stop saying that"
It goes on like that for about 30 more lines and then fucking happens.

>> No.7927722

So apparently Mike Towers/FreeSaiyan is moving away from FailCon and into the Irish convention scene

>> No.7927732
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>> No.7927737

Yeah, he's apparently involved in OtakuCon

>> No.7927741

Oh that awful looking thing. The only con i actually go to here i Q-con. The rest are fucking drama shambles.

>> No.7927750

Which do you find worse for drama shambles? I heard the rooms in one con hotel sprung a leak this year

>> No.7927978

There was apparently a problem with leaky rooms at Nom Con this year, I haven't been since they switched venues from the Ballsbridge hotel to that other hotel (I think they've gone back to the ballsbridge), that was a shitty con

>> No.7928256

I can't believe he'll completely be giving up any involvement in Alcon or the London shitfests. That's how he supports his broke ass self and gets to feel like he's a big dick player.

Then again, maybe he's just desperate to get some underage Irish pussy to molest and see how it compares to his usual targets.

>> No.7928526

>doesn't realise all 14 year olds are proper loose whores and Mikey Mike is a proper stud

>> No.7928752


Come on over, we're having bit of an old chin wag about 'ol Mikey

>> No.7929288

>Mikey Mike and the Fucked Up Bunch
He's more of an STD than a stud.

>> No.7929465

Does anyone know why Scowny wasn't at KitaCon this year?

>> No.7929842

According to the announcement on Kitas facebook page it was "personal reasons". This is the recognised code phrase for either a family tragedy or committee bust up. I'm more inclined to think family tragedy.

>> No.7929949

Going to my second HJ. Hardly explored the last one because it was tiny and I felt conspicuous. Feel like I have to wear the burando to avoid ending up in the ita thread. Scared of not doing the burando justice and ending up in the ita thread


>> No.7930332

Control your fear, lest your fear control you.

>> No.7930364

This is so true.
I'm not from the UK, I've only been to one of your cons once. I won't say your cosplay scene is AMAZING (but surprise surprise I don't believe there's an AMAZING going on anywhere) but I must say you have some great individuals who are doing an awesome job and have real potential.
And this thread just proves that a)either you'r full of butthurt or b)you're all just spoiled little bitches.

>> No.7930483

He wants nothing to do with the convention anymore so I think it's more than just a family tragedy.

>> No.7930563

And your source for that is?

>> No.7930602

Their dad works for Nintend... Kitacon.

>> No.7930634

Scowny is a cunt. Just watch the Amecon 2012 omake videos. He heckled everyone from start to finish.

>> No.7930650

I'm personal friends with him and I have him on my Facebook. He warned people that he would deactivate his FB before, during and after Kita cause he didn't want to see people making statuses about how neat it was and he's repeatedly complained about the fact that the Kitacon page will often show up on his newsfeed even though he's removed himself from the convention completely.
We're not super close, but I am very close with two people who are, and they boycotted Kita and started talking shit about it the same time Scowny did.

And no, I'm not going to provide screencaps, just like I haven't asked him or anyone close to him what the deal is.

>> No.7930668

He got booted.

>> No.7930820

He heckled at Aya as well. Don't know what's wrong with him.

>> No.7930874

He's a sandy cunt?

>> No.7931395

He's a self centered prick.

>> No.7931825

He should fit right in here then

>> No.7933070

He is on here. You honestly believe the bitching on here would be good without him? Lol.

>> No.7933493


>> No.7933654
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>He is on here.
Your mother's on here.

And by here, I mean my penis.

>> No.7933679
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>> No.7935085

Neither of you's two didn't noticed he's here? LOL he's had the both of you for at least 3 years now.

>> No.7935348
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>Neither of you's two didn't noticed he's here? LOL he's had the both of you for at least 3 years now.
What the fuck are you talking about? I think you need to go visit the doctor, you sound like you have brain damage.

>> No.7935517
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Have a picture.

>> No.7935653
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In non-Scowny actual news, Ryan Gentle (yes he of the rapey picnic fame) has actually managed to pull off a scam.


>> No.7935774

Wow, that only took him like a billion years to manage anything.

I remember being 14 and him sexually proposing me on msn, those were the days. I think my favourite story he ever told was that he was in a bike gang in Japan and had to leave because of fights with the yakuza.

>> No.7936061

>As Kennedy, he had gained notoriety among communities including British fans of anime Japanese cartoons

>> No.7936085

Hyper Japan and Thought Bubble this weekend ladies and gents.
What are your plans? Who are you cosplaying?

>> No.7937327

LOL you're both faggots and can't unprove me. Faggots.

>> No.7937329

Here is your pity response for the poor bait.

>> No.7937340

his thread disappoints me with its dullness.

>> No.7937359

What do you expect from a fucking British general?

>> No.7937366

The days of new shitty cons failing and ai-honey fucking in public are long gone. There's no drama here anymore. There's no excitement. You're gonna have to move on to something else if that's what you want.

>> No.7937496

LSCC sign ups today and WCS tomorrow.

>> No.7937598

Didnt he fuck a tonne of 13-15 year old cosplayers

>> No.7937916

I miss him fucking cans of pussy off the stage at the hentai panel

>> No.7937953

What a god

>> No.7938681

Rapey picnic? Do I want to know?

>> No.7939058

MCM Brum next week. Any seagulls going?

>> No.7939336

Anyone at Auchinawa?

>> No.7939343


>> No.7939391

I think I saw more cosplay today at Thought Bubble than in previous years.

Don't know how the attendance numbers compare, but the setup this year with the tent and separating the ticketing from new Dock Hall seems to have kept things moving quite nicely.

>> No.7939398

I'll be at Birmingham on Saturday. Cosplaying Toshino Kyouko from Yuru Yuri with a couple of non-seagull friends
Should be pretty good, Tom Felton's supposedly going to be there though so hoping the whole con won't be overrun with fangirls

>> No.7939467

I am.

>> No.7939537

Sup zep

>> No.7939682

Hitting a con, drinking some... booze.

>> No.7940094
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>> No.7940345

I agree with you there, the extra rooms made it a lot less crowded so you could actually see things and chat to the artists. standard of cosplay was really good for the most part though I was surprised that there wasn't as many Marvel cosplays this year

>> No.7940372

There are even more today with it being the masq and contest day

>> No.7940396


Thanks anon. Half my worry is all the ita hunting that went on at the summer one. When your loli 'mentor' ends up on btb you think you're fucked.

Well I've not been posted yet so I must have done alright.

It was much better this time around. Great food, some awesome gaming booths but wow, Alpaca fever, much?

>> No.7940589

I'm guessing no one cares/is following WCS at HJ this weekend?

>> No.7940656
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Wasn't there but the Fushigi Yuugi group won

>> No.7940833


I was there and I'm not surprised. They were the least cringe worthy group. The normal parade was better than the wcs stuff imo.

>> No.7940855

The UK WCS quals are a joke, no one takes them seriously. IIRC the only time anyone significant even tried was in year one. I feel repeatedly embarrassed by the awful garbage we send each year since.

I think the only way UK WCS quals could ever become credible is if they moved it over to MCM. Holding it at mediocre events will only ever yield mediocre results.

Also, there's still the fact one year's "representatives" we sent were coached, and helped in the lead up to the qualifiers by two of the judges, who were also big buddies of theirs. Which pretty much makes entering pointless.

>> No.7940909

I've been wondering if this year would be the year we finally get a total cringe pair, but they seem OK. Nowhere near close to a good standard to compete to win, but at least not too embarassing. And they'll probably get advice from now on (I hope).

>> No.7940923

Nothing will be as cringey as Team USA 2014 imo

But it will be interesting to see what these two are like, I have no idea who they are.

>> No.7940946

Kitacon reg opens new years day. Fuck going to that mess again.

>> No.7940949

If anyone has ever seen the qualifiers before, they're choosing from slim pickings (in that hardly anyone enters) and have to go with the ones who have the neatest costumes/fuck up the least on their performance. One team might have visually impressive costumes but if the construction sucks or if they fuck their performance, the team who doesn't will win. Then the coaching begins because WCS is rigged as shit and no one wants to make a twat of themselves.
More people should genuinely give WCS a go though, it looks like a lot of fun and really once you've won the qualifiers you're set - winning the competition is never gonna happen but you get your trip to Japan and all the fun that comes with it. It's a shame more teams don't give it a go.

>> No.7940956

>Mediocre events
Lmao okay

>> No.7940965

So what else was there beside the finalists?

>> No.7940996
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Looks like there were only 4 teams?

Fushigi Yuugi, Fullmetal Alchemist and not sure on the others.


Yeah I agree with you there, it's a shame since there were going to be some pretty decent people going for it this year but had to drop out.

And tbh majority of people who go for WCS are in it for the trip to Japan, unless you can pay for larger costumes and props to be shipped to Japan if you are serious about winning but in the 3 years the UK have been there we've sent some pretty decent people who managed to do nice enough costumes and performances for what little they could afford to bring a long with them.

>> No.7941008


I had to walk away for the two girls on the far left else I would have broken down laughing in the audience.

The Strike Witch pair did really good job costume wise, but their performance made no sense at all if you don't know the show.

>> No.7941010
File: 218 KB, 640x960, Strike-Witches.Francesca-Lucchini.Charlotte-E.-Yeager.640x960-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Second pair from the left is strike witches. Thank fuck they didn't get picked, Francesca (White) is worst witch and those wigs look like they're straight out of the party store.

>> No.7941011

It's impossible to compete at WCS finals... It's a totally rigged event, the winners are chosen well in advance of the actual event.

>> No.7941012

Based on what?

>> No.7941019

Contestants rehearsing their reaction to the winners winning before any judging or performances had been done.

WCS is bollocks, and anyone thinking it's an actual competition is deluded.

>> No.7941024

What? That doesn't even make sense. What is the benefit?

>> No.7941043


> Francesca (White) is worst witch


>> No.7941044

That is literally how it works. It's a TV show and little more.

I thought this was all well known fact. Several countries have threatened to drop from the event over the years because of what an obvious fix it all is.

>> No.7941054

Perrine redeemed herself in the movies. Francesca lives in a fucking tree and runs around like a 5 year old. She has no character beside being etchi sketchi.

>> No.7941133

It's not like it the first time the judges have seen the costumes before. I'll ask Lauren or Emi next time I see them if they'll even talk to me. I never know where I sand with them, especially Lauren.

>> No.7941217

Best way to sum up that group. Friends with everyone. Friends with no one.

>> No.7941218


>> No.7941225

Why? Just cause they're fat and their costumes are more lace than fabric? Or was their skit that bad?

>> No.7941228

It fucking odd, one minute they want to hug you the next they wont even look you in the eye when you talk to them.

>> No.7941232

Pretty much. I've just learnt to nod and smile. It's not like they're the first inconsistant people in the world.

>> No.7941243

I did break down in laughter. I had a seat though so wasn't gonna get up to walk away...

>> No.7941247

I'm dead curious now. What did they do?

>> No.7941255

The idea of Lauren hugging anyone lol

>> No.7941259

Nigga you heard what I said.

>> No.7941263

She hugged me once and bitched about me a few months later. She'd barely said two words to me. Don't know what I did to offend the girl so much.

>> No.7941266

It started out as a reasonable sort of skit (if not very interesting), then devolved into some weird-ass unco flailing to music and then they decided that a reasonable ending would be for them to kiss. I had a brief moment of confusion at the flailing before I decided that it was funny anyway.

>> No.7941274

Sounds akward.

>> No.7941278

It's a cosplay skit. Can't not be awkward.

>> No.7941301

It was more awkward than most cosplay skits. I mean, I know it's kinda what happens in the game but surely they could've subbed out the flailing with some comedy flirting if they really wanted to kiss on stage...

>> No.7941309

I kind of think kissing on stage should be reserved for couples the audience is likely to know. So that there's that prior emotional investment to draw on. Otherwise, unless you can sell a romance in two minutes, it just comes off badly.

But even so I think it's a cheap trick.

>> No.7941319


>> No.7941399

So I herd Spooner got a press pass??

>> No.7941412

That nigga can press anything. He's a fucking boss.

>> No.7942292

So he must be writing or taking photos and putting it all online somewhere. Now we need to find out where.

Unless HJ are just giving out press passes to anyone who sticks a few photos up on facebook, which I wouldn't be surprised if they were.

>> No.7942345

Who? DJ spoony is into cons now?

>> No.7942373

Liam "the con don" Spooner aka Gaffer Tape Shadow/Sonic. King Autism and High Priest of Cosplay equals Consent.

>> No.7942401

Maybe they were being kind.

>> No.7942409

Lucas still posting about cosplayers only being nice for photos. Laura Benson still posting bitchy status updates. Drama is shit lately.

>> No.7942438

Kind British Seagulls? No chance.

>> No.7942450

Who is Laura Benson?

>> No.7942456

I was referring to whoever hands out the passes. Less seagulls.

>> No.7942475

Anyone else see the rasta dude get thrown out? Apparently he stuck his hand up some poor lolitas skirt.

>> No.7942488

What happened at KitaCon this year?

>> No.7942519
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Opening ceremony started with a 30 minute episode of their shitty cringe web series. Shit you not one of the jokes was
>girl reading yaoi in a room
>some random person walks in
>asks what she's reading
>Yaoi girl shows the random person
>random person starts start screaming
>Next scene

There's no theme anymore. They say it's an anime convention but the guests were 2 valve voice actors, Some shitty "posh rap" guy and some stuck up Italian video game cosplayers. Lack of panels and what did run was either delayed or not as advertised. The closing ceremony was a 3 hour charity auction with dumb prizes like "Get shot with a Nerf gun by the sniper from tf2" (They did this 6 times and it took about an hour to go through all of them). Moley or what ever that ass clown is called presented it so it was just him swearing for 3 hours with memes thrown in. The talent contest got compressed into something like a 30 minute spot because of the closing ceremony over running. Shit loads of people didn't have badges so they were stealing them from other people by pulling them off (lanyards had the loosest safety replaces on). Oh and the goophers were all cunts but that's nothing new.

>> No.7942528

Don't remember much other than Ashram being on a power trip and being a much bigger cunt than usual to the point that he's not allowed on staff in future iirc.

>> No.7942534

You mean professor elemental? Chap hop?
I kinda like him but he doesn't belong at an anime convention, especially because he isn't very famous. It'd be like inviting the Charlie bit my finger kid to a con

>> No.7942536

The Burned Man is great because his entire body is wrapped in bandages he also has a personality and you can team up with your friend

>> No.7942537

They finally barred him? I exited the entrance to the dealers hall and he tried to physically stop me. Yelled "Cunt" at me when I shrugged him off and walked away laughing. I'm going to miss him being socially awkward 24/7.

>> No.7942550

I think so, thank fuck. Either that or he quit becausr he was getting a fair bit of abuse on facebook over his antics.

Can't think of anyone who'll miss him.

>> No.7942561

He's 40 something right? What does he do outside of being the worst goopher?

>> No.7942584

>Also, there's still the fact one year's "representatives" we sent were coached, and helped in the lead up to the qualifiers by two of the judges, who were also big buddies of theirs. Which pretty much makes entering pointless.

This sounds like both bullshit and vendetta unless you feel like expanding on it.

The judges this year and the reps had never met before so what exactly is pointless?

>> No.7942605

I think they were probably referring to either Emi and Lauren or Heather and Erin being coached or coaching each other. It does end up feeling/looking like a circle jerk and mutual back scratching because the reps for WCS and ECG have all known each other some what.

But it's impossible to say what information changed hands and why people made the decisions they did.

All anyone can ever do is try and personally I find using the 'judges would never pick me because I'm me and they're them and X team is their friend' is a poor excuse for not trying. Either you believe in your cosplay and your skit or you don't.

It's getting worse every year.

>> No.7942624

I believe he works for British Aerospace, so he probably spends most of the week crapping himself about getting made redundant.

>> No.7942634
File: 221 KB, 1000x666, GETTIN DEM PANTSU SHOTS THO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, he got a press pass, as did I, he tried to make conversation with me about us both being press. Tried my absolute best to avoid him but he's so hard to avoid.

He was crawling on the floor during some maids performance.

>> No.7942643

Maybe his ankles just gave out.

>> No.7942647

If you watch each years selections then you'd probably agree with the choices made. This years reps were completely unknown to the judges so that proves otherwise.
As you said it's stupid to assume you can't win because so and so know each other. This scene is so small, the majority of people who do try for these events obviously know of each other. It's not a circle jerk, if you don't get through then you weren't good enough or you're not putting enough effort in.

>> No.7942649


>> No.7942650

Crawling on the floor, these legs they do not kneel.

>> No.7942655

And I agree.

>> No.7942657
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>> No.7942674

Well said, I can't agree more, if you're using excuses like that then you either don't care that much about trying or you just have personal beef you want to vent.

>> No.7942678

I really hope he named himself "The Con Don".

>> No.7942697

The raging feminist who hates men and then wonders why she's single. People tolerate her but she acts like everyone is against her.
Her cosplay page is LolaInProgressCosplay

>> No.7942857
File: 100 KB, 400x266, 850469006_2072245.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Liam is like a leaky nipple that just keeps oozing fresh warm lol milk.

That said, taking panty shots of performers is fucking sketchy as hell. How did he not get bounce for that stunt?

>> No.7942859

Agreed. Everyone always uses excuses as to why they didn't win or didn't enter in the first place which is ridiculous. I always see people either complaining that someone else knew the judges as friends or that Laura and Lex were entering so why bother.
Its not an excuse it's just laziness

>> No.7942893

You brits have it fucking easy with WCS. In my country, we have around 30-40 teams competing in the prelims and at least half are pretty solid.
This isn't about being friends with the judges as it is being the best out of 3-4 other teams. And judging by the picture of this years competing teams, the competition really isn't that tough.

>> No.7942903

In non HJ news, winners at TB were:
Judges choice - A brother and sister group of Link and Midna
Third place - SPESS MEHREN
Second - Pirate England from Hetalia
First - Judge Mortis

>> No.7942913

Gee, i used to hang out with the people who started up Kita, back in the Anime-England days. It was kinda fun then.

I know i heard some people got kicked out of the hotel for shagging in the bushes last year?

>> No.7942922

You say "coached" but really, do you think other countries don't give each other advice? Going into WCS blindly would be stupid. It's kind of nice the reps look out for each other to make sure they have a good time out there.

Also agreeing that it's not so much who-you-know it's more who-is-best-on-the-day because if you LOOK at the entries for each year you'll see that the best teams were chosen. The conscene in the UK is tiny so of course people are gonna know each other, especially if they've all been in to cosplay for a long time.

>> No.7942980

The only one I can remember him being nice to was the Irish girl with the stuffed lizards, he was fucking in love with those lizards, they spent most of FireCon (FuyuCon) on his shoulders in the dealers room

>> No.7943031
File: 32 KB, 540x540, 10632678_791496610894093_8424877762850229333_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else sick of her shit?

>> No.7943044

I'm sick of every DC cosplayers shit. It attracts the worst kind of special snowflakes.

>> No.7943061

Would help if I knew who she was.

Woud stick it in her shitter though.

>> No.7943072 [DELETED] 

Who is she?

>> No.7943077

i think i saw that cosplay, cant remeber where tho

>> No.7943080 [DELETED] 

Delete the other thread.

>> No.7943093

"Poison Cosplay" or Linda Carter. Such an uneducated sack of shit, loves dramu and bitching then wonders why no one likes her.

>> No.7943105

I see, never met the girl, seen her around but she always seem stuck up, like judging you

>> No.7943111

Whats with the pregnant wonder woman

>> No.7943134

because she was pregnant

>> No.7943160

No one is going to deny that. For us it's more "who is the least shit", and on here there's the old "but waah Laura and Lex enter everything" which is a bit dated now and irrelevant, especially since they were both in the ECG wins this year.

WCS has a really shit reputation here and no one cares, the british competitive scene is pretty bad. We do have good cosplayers but there's no real hype around competitions at all (and we have a few people who've done both ECG and WCS, it's a pretty closed circuit).

>> No.7943164

I like how they're all women...

>> No.7943169

Im still always surprised the contest is held at hyperjapan, not many cosplayers go to that who regularly enter competitions, i dont know it would seem better to have it at mcm.

>> No.7943180

This guy creeps me out every time I encounter him..

>> No.7943184

That's a slight contradiction though, because in the group they are friends with each other.

>> No.7943186

Its open for anyone 17 and over to enter, males aren't interested in entering for whatever reason.

The actual competition itself is fairly mixed, last year two men won, and this year a mixed team took the championship - it's just there's not many competitive male cosplayers in the UK. I can think of two, that's it.

>> No.7943236

She posts the stupidest shit on Facebook. Constantly pushing her shitty opinions on people.

>> No.7943452

Why did most cosplayers go to MCM in the first place? It's just a huge market of copyright-abusing tat. Without cosplayers descending on it, it's about the same as spending time on eBay. Or going to an LFCC that has no guests or Mike Towers.

>> No.7943463

The irony being that Mike Towers is banned from MCM Expo, I was on the thread when the ban hammer fell on him

The following expo security were on Tower watch because he'd been seen on Excel grounds

>> No.7943475

Mcm would never host WCS it requires too much of their own contribution in cash and they're too stuck up their own asses about Euro. The fact that they took CCC was a big suprise but then I suppose it doesn't clash with their baby and they already had ties with the Netherlands through EC to begin with.

>> No.7943535

How hard would it be for a guy to infiltrate this cosplay group pull off a bitching costume, act out a super skit and win the next WCS prelims?

>> No.7943589

Where was the qualifier for the World Cosplay Summit held?

>> No.7943608

What is CCC?

>> No.7943636

Are they?

>> No.7943639

Clara Cow's Cosplay Championship

New pairs competition for Europe.

>> No.7943727

>Why did most cosplayers go to MCM in the first place?
Because comics and the related movies are big and MCM advertises their events a London/Manchester/Birmingham COMIC-CON. People eat up the words Comic-Con now to the point where every 2-bit church hall Sci-Fi convention now offers a cosplay prize and calls themselves a comic con on their posters to try and draw in the punters.

>> No.7943746

>It's just a huge market of copyright-abusing tat.
My friend saves up his money all year and then goes an spunks it on shit at MCM. I don't really get the appeal. He doesn't even care about the cosplay and the guests, just buying shit. The sad part is I can usually find the legit version of what he comes home with for half the price online, but he still thinks spending money to go to London on top of the money he spends buying awful crap is great value for money.

>> No.7943789
File: 671 KB, 156x190, Mikeh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When my friend first told me what cccc stood for I thought she was fucking with me. The dumbest name.

>> No.7943874

Made plans to cosplay with one my besties who I haven't cosplayed with since 2012 in February. Cosplaying a mentor/new recruit pair. His current girlfriend has just told me I should have asked her permission and should also find my own boyfriend to cosplay with.

I am laughing so hard right now.

>> No.7944012

That's kind of a bad move on your part. I've had relationships end real salty like that before.

>> No.7944039

same.. Can someone do something about this retard? I'm a dude and he even creeps me out. No, I don't want to shake your sweaty hand, you fucking cancer.

>> No.7944548

Please provide links, sounds delicious.

>> No.7944850

How is it a bad move on their part?
Cosplaying with friends is fine, it's not her fault her friends girlfriend is a jealous bitch

>> No.7944856

She should have still asked

>> No.7944863

It's cosplay, anon has no obligation to do anything. Jeez. If the girlfriend is going to let something as petty as this get in the way of her relationship then the guy is better off without her,

>> No.7944895

Yeah, what the heck. If a friend of my boyfriends asked me for "permission" to cosplay with him I'd be like.... Well I don't own him, he can do what he wants.
I'd be actually kind of offended if a friend of mine asked my bf for permission to cosplay with me, we are all adults capable of making our own decisions about dressing up as cartoon characters....

>> No.7944939

How old are you? Being someone's gf=/= owning them and needing to give permission to make plans with friends. Plus, if this girlfriend gets so upset about this shit she should probably talk to her boyfriend about it rather than telling his friends to ask permission to make plans with him

>> No.7944980

To expand a bit, I've known him far longer than she has and he's been like a brother to me from the start.

She's had no problem with my friendship with him when I made cosplays for her to do with him as a favor.

I asked him if /he/ wanted to cosplay something we both like at an event she's not even going to (so it's not like it's interfering with her plans even).

I just don't get this mentality that couples own each other?

>> No.7945016

Hope you're ready for it to get awkward when people say you make a nice couple.

>> No.7945019

People been making that mistake about us for years. We don't care.

>> No.7945021

I say most of the folks in Ireland aren't aware of his reputation. He most likely asked to run their cosplay competition like he does with most cons and they will most likely boot him once his reputation catches up with him in Ireland.

>> No.7945034

That's why his girlfriend is so against the idea. Please think about other people feelings. you could have at least asked if she wanted to be part of the group.

>> No.7945048

Anon said the girlfriend wasn't going to the event. How could she be part of the group?

>> No.7945052

Invite her to the event first.

>> No.7945178

She'd already been invited.

>> No.7945200

>I just don't get this mentality that couples own each other

FUCKING YES! Why do couples do this shit! especially the female of the relationship.

>> No.7945206


And a lack of communication.

And the ease of blaming the third party than dealing with the internal psychological route of the problem.

But mostly insecurity.

>> No.7945384

A simple fucking google search by the organiser should have been enough for them to not involve him. I imagine they've fallen for the 10,000 member community bullshit.

>> No.7945553

The only thing vaugely anime related about kita is the dealers room and the levels of autism exhibited by most of the attendees.

>> No.7946625
File: 59 KB, 898x1042, Forever_Alone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can't find anyone to cosplay with
>Have to ask someone who hasn't cosplayed in nearly 3 years
>Don't ask his girlfriend out of courtesy because YOLO
>She points out I'm single and have nobody else to cosplay with
>She's so jelly, lolololol
>Gonna post about it on 4chan, stupid girlfriends lol
>Not like me

>> No.7946631

No, the boyfriend should have asked his girlfriend if she was okay with it.

>> No.7946966

He doesn't need her permission to do anything though.
If someone has to ask their partner if they can hang out with friends then that's heading into abuse territory

>> No.7946987

sjw harder, it's just common courtesy
I used to ask my mum if I can see my friends even though I know she'll say yes and I was over 18, and I'd tell her when I'll be home out of courtesy as well, if I knew.
Likewise, I ask my bf if I can go somewhere and he asks me, since we live together. Were you raised in a trailer park?

>> No.7947017

Most probably single, needs to make the subject about them. You know typical sjw. Even if you apologize for doing nothing wrong, they wouldn't accept it and keep bitching to keep the subject on them.
Just sayin'

>> No.7947020

>apologise for doing nothing wrong
why would you apologise if you didn't do anything wrong

>> No.7947085

Well there is only 2 ways of trying to deal with sjw's. Either you just ignore it and hopefully it goes away, or just apologise for absolutely nothing.

>> No.7947088

If you apologise to a sjw they will assume they are right and keep pestering people. I either ignore them or call them a crazy cunt and then ignore their tantrum.

>> No.7947116

I haven't cosplayed with them specifically in 3 years. But we've both been cosplaying since. I like to cosplay with all of my friends on occasion. Not sure your point is relevant anon.

This is my stance. I asked him if he wanted to do this cosplay with me cause the characters have a friendship like ours. I didn't even know he hadn't brought it up with her.

>> No.7947128

It's just a troll, don't respond.

>> No.7947178

You can't give the dog a bone. If you do, they keep demanding more. I remember Avril's hello kitty song, she just said "yeah, this was created by Japanese people" and everyone stfu'd about it because they weren't getting the reaction they wanted, but this one guy (can't remember who it was or what he created that was deemed "offensive") wrote an apology saying "this was my thought process, I was trying to be respectful, I didn't know it was offensive" etc. and the SJWs had a field day saying "so it's all about YOU then! What about the poor POC whose culture you were appropriating?"

Moral of the story: Never apologize to crazies.

>> No.7947195

so why did the space marine get third at TB if he had already won first the last year?
why was he allowed to enter in what was essentially the same costume?

>> No.7947244

Can't at the moment, the MCM boards are down

>> No.7947249

Who's the most autistic autist at KitaCon?

>> No.7947268

The committee.

>> No.7947332

I might go to MCM Birmingham alone this weekend, people i normally go to have... i dunno, have a sport match they want to watch or something. So i'm stuck by myself.

I just want to browse nerdy shit, MCM is too crowded to cosplay comfortably i find.

>> No.7947456

Captain Autism and the Autism Avenger

>> No.7947835

Who's the biggest autist amongst the congoers?

>> No.7947845

Anyone with a "I'm Autistic, Please Be Patient With Me" badge. Those special snowflakes are more autistic than people who actually have autism.

>> No.7948014

Like that lady who brought her therapy dog which then proceeded to bark continuously during panels?

>> No.7948022

What was it even for?

>> No.7948097

It had the harness of an emotional support dog but as someone who handles at least a couple of them a week I can tell you that dog was not trained as an assistance dog at all, let alone in emotional support. A harness is not that hard to buy anyway.

People like her fuck things up for people who actually need assistance animals

>> No.7948122

Had enough of asshats like that. Amechibi is the last con for me and I know I'm not the only one.

>> No.7948575
File: 52 KB, 276x214, 1260951997624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care what any of you say, Kita may not of been perfect in a lot of ways, but those parties were great!! Literally best con nights i've experienced

>> No.7948745

Yes. Those kind of people just cause problems, especially the ones who are using "I'm autistic!" as a crutch for shitty behaviour. Its really come to the point now where being a bit shy, socially awkward or the other extreme if being a constant ADHD spatic weirdo is being labeled (or self diagnosed) as autism as if its supposed to absolve the person of any bad behaviour.

Also fuck anyone who thinks conventions are an excuse to be as weird as you want. Being at a convention does not mean you can run around like a spastic monkey shouting and screaming shitty Abridged YouTube video quotes and generally being a nuisance because XD LOL SO RANDUMB IT'S A CON ROFLTWATS. If you behaved like that anywhere else you'd be thrown out. If you're in mid-20s please act like it.

>> No.7949294

>screaming shitty Abridged YouTube video quotes

The sole reason why I will never do a Yu-Gi-Oh! cosplay again

>> No.7949891

Where's Amechibi held?

>> No.7949903

I have autism and those people really annoy the fuck out of me

I've gotten shit from people for not even doing anything. I wasn't talking much at a con due to severe lack of sleep from fuckwits being noisy all night in the hostel I was staying at.

Cue an artist having a go at me for not talking to her enough at her table and not tonguing her arse over how great her art is.

FushiCon was a nightmare for shitty con behaviour. I arrived after a long tiring journey only to have idiots talking loudly and going 'rrrrrrrrrrrrrr' at the end of sentences whilst I was checking in.

And Puppy (she of the fuzzy rainbow cock plushie) didn't help by lying on the floor and yelping like a dog.

That's why I like the Hilton where Kita is held, most of the convention noise is down in the con area and people seem to realise that since there are other people in the hotel they wouldn't appreciate noisy people.

>> No.7949916

This is one of the things that really un nerved me when I first starting going to cons (back when I was a wee teen bean).

I am totally up for people relaxing at cons, and sharring their interests via cosplay and merchandise. Or being a bit more open or easy going or whatever. Not afraid of being judged.

But the amount of sex fetish stuff that came out it was like....I know most people here are adults and just because I don't practice it doesn't mean I'm gunna judge but I was still a bit overwhelmed.

Like everyone just came to have sex. Like this was the only place they could.

I can see why normal people think we're all devious freaks.

>> No.7950071

Britannia hotel Nottingham

It's a bad venue.

>> No.7950789

so liam got kick out of hyper? So what happen?

>> No.7950818

I don't think he did.

>> No.7950831

He didn't. He somehow got a press pass and managed to.get.away with taking up skirt shots.of. women performing on the stage.

>> No.7950839

Press passes are a pain in the ass to get, how did he get one?
You normally have to have a uk press card

>> No.7950843

There was a last minute drop out of the official photographer for Sunday due to a family emergency I think. Maybe he volunteered and they were desperate?

>> No.7950864

You would have to be really fucking desperate to take him on if thats him in >>7942634. Could have at least grabbed someone with a dslr and not a phone. More than likely he knew someone there and caled in a favour

>> No.7950893

So how would someone go about contacting Liam for these pantsu shots...for er...research purposes ofcourse

>> No.7950897

Maybe he got some of Akwa Cosplay. She was complaining of her pants showing on stage but always has her tits out.

>> No.7950931

You didn't need to be on the floor to see those pants.

>> No.7951126

I honestly doubt HJ will consistently check that people have press cards. Most of the "press" I've seen at HJ in the past have been small time bloggers and amateur photographers who I doubt meet the criteria for getting a press card.

>> No.7951315

>And Puppy (she of the fuzzy rainbow cock plushie) didn't help by lying on the floor and yelping like a dog.

She's a crazy furfag anyway. Once travelled from Scotland to Portsmouth to crash at my friend's house to try and get in his pants. Largely, I gather, because they had the same birthday.

He showed zero interest, she gave up after I sat next to him and went back to Scotland early, saying her 'dogs needed feeding'.

>> No.7951504
File: 77 KB, 640x960, 10009776_442684755864530_1796146740_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am i the only one getting sick and tired of this guys attitude. I mean really his so far up his own arse

>> No.7951524

He's not the only one everyone hates. just try and distance yourself.

>> No.7951561

If his 'method cosplay' bullshit wasn't enough, he's now referring to people on his page as 'Cupids'.

>> No.7951567


>> No.7951580
File: 18 KB, 319x297, KleinBottle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is so far up his own arse that he has become a vincent valenklein bottle.

>> No.7951592
File: 160 KB, 1145x540, IMG_156988777549564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the same guy? His cosplays are absolutely shit-tier and just downright disgusting tbh

>> No.7951604
File: 66 KB, 612x623, ss+(2014-07-17+at+11.21.51).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the one

>> No.7951628

I guess it's a pun on Cupid and Valentine's Day? If an exceedingly awkward as fuck one.

What is with cosplayers and this pseudo celeb attitude?

>> No.7951651
File: 109 KB, 735x637, 1413115744042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a lot of dickheads out there. Maybe it's just a phase and they will all become self aware, realize how dickish they're being and stop. Doubt it though.

>> No.7951655

Its just people whoring for attention. Cosplay is a fairly easy way to get people to pay attention to you if you are mildly attractive, have a bit of skill and/or know how to market yourself.

>> No.7951657

So how was Hyper Japan?

>> No.7951662
File: 224 KB, 458x718, isittooearlyforpopcorn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And despite having had one of the most accurate costumes in last years competition to....

>> No.7951664
File: 31 KB, 162x166, disniggaserious.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is the most socially awkward douche-bag around.

>> No.7951669

It was really fun this time. I need to get involved with things at events more often.

>> No.7951679
File: 38 KB, 480x640, 10689752_325151791004275_865197480836352090_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7952280

This is going to be fun to see

>> No.7952367
File: 11 KB, 192x228, thisguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The 9 year old level of makeup does it every time.

>> No.7952387

For me it's the lack f even trying to hide the tats

>> No.7952405

This guy does my head in. He boasts about how amazing he is but every other post he's made lately he's been asking for BASIC level advice that googling could solve. Mate, you're clearly not that amazing if you can't Google to find something to cover your ugly tattoos.

He also doesn't seem to know what is and isn't a seam on one of his newest costume plans, way to show how thorough your planning is. Leave it to your "cupids" to tell you how to make your costume.

He's a jerk.

>> No.7952616

Aww valentine, publicly posting about his divorce after his wife got sick of supporting his cosplay 'career' and him cheating on her with young con girls. Along with telling everyone on his page he went to see a psychiatrist and was diagnosed with narcissim.

What a guy

>> No.7952642


>> No.7952660

To be fair, asking for help shows humility and a willingness to admit his inexperience. He can work with leather and he can make props. He just can't sew.

None of which actively makes him a jerk.

I think he's a jerk too anon, but not because of this reason.

>> No.7952670

But it raises an interesting point. Cosplay from a making perspective has lots of different facets.

Armour suits
Wings and mobile wings
Weapons and working props
Lights and circuits
Sewing and tailouring

Then you have all sorts of painting, dyeing, fabricating and altering techniques to achieve all of the above.

I don't know a single cosplayer who can do all of those things. I know several people who specialise and can do incredible work and always come up with really creative and innovative approaches. But does that make them more or less of great cosplayers?

Or should, if anyone wants to self-style themselves a 'great cosplayer' should it be recommended they include their speciality.

Case in point, Andy Valentine can make some really great props. But he can't sew.

Should we include cosplayer's ability to get in character or consistently perform on stage as to what makes them a 'good' cosplayer.

Number of guest appearances perhaps, number of groups they participate in or number of cosplays produced over a given time period?

What makes a 'great' cosplayer to you?

Or is it really insubstantial anyway because this is a hobby and less about being put on pedestals (self styled or otherwise) above others to you?

>> No.7952807

Not being a cunt and consistently making whatever you set out to make to a high standard.

>> No.7952824

Wait he is/was married? My friend was telling me about 6 months ago about how he got her drunk and they ended up fucking in a hotel room. Literally no idea he wasn't single. Fuck.

>> No.7952909

Oh no no, I just added the he's a jerk to the end to say he's a jerk.

I think it's fine to ask for help, I just don't like that he's normally so arrogant with his work but as soon as he wants help he milks his fans for it instead of finding out himself. It's his bad attitude that gets me.

>> No.7952935

To be fair, asking people can be more helpful than asking google. You can't always present a concept to google and get an answer.

But in one of his vlog's for last year's LSCC he was saying how in only a couple of months he'd gone from a new cosplayer to a consistent guest and relatively well known and one of the best.

So I agree a fair bit of what he says is out of his ass. But he does have a lot of 'participation' on his page, people asking for help and getting involved in his cosplays and their own.

That's actually not so bad a thing.

And he answers, which is more than some of the 'I believe I'm a top tier cosplayer but I'm actually insecure about my position so I don't want to share any of my techniques in case you outshine me' cosplayers will do.

>> No.7952981

The glamour zone at MCM Birmingham

What were they honestly thinking?

>> No.7952982

He even wrote about it on his page they only got divorced a few months ago not even sure the divorce has gone through yet.
He moved out the house about a month ago, good for her I don't know why she let it carry on for as long as it did.

>> No.7952986

Which cosplayers? All the actual successful/respected cosplayers I see share all their progress/guides/tips

>> No.7953463
File: 310 KB, 441x550, TcLNl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What were they honestly thinking?
Cocaine is a hell of a drug.

>> No.7953474
File: 36 KB, 480x640, 1411332483106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They had it at London as well last year. Nothing like page 3 girls at a family event. I fucking hate mcm.

>> No.7954072

MCM is an all-ages family-friendly event until T&A makes them money. They've always been super lax on cosplayers flashing their shit around so long as they've got stalls and are generating any kind of profit. They've put 18+ rated videogames right at the front with no security checking ages. They've never policed the stalls selling hentai. Some failed models flashing their tits isn't really anything new.

>> No.7954088

MCM gotta get even more of that sweaty permavirgin money.

>> No.7954286
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While we're talking about special snowflakes....

>> No.7954329

Which one...

>> No.7954354

>but it can't be accurate
>accuracy is a category in nearly every competition ever
>why fucking enter?

>> No.7954510
File: 27 KB, 310x310, 1413816061202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The more I learn about her the more I laugh. How can one bitch be so clueless?

>> No.7954856

New thread when?

>> No.7954961

We new thread naow.

>> No.7955336

Jesus she is notorious for taking already shit designs and making them as skimpy as possible for attention. She has the face of Sloth from the Goonies, but used to have the body to make up for it but she's really let herself go it seems.

>> No.7957363


Wont be the least surprised the day someone accuses him of assault after he gets them too drunk to say no. Embarrassment and liability to the scene.