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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 284 KB, 530x798, novalars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7845247 No.7845247 [Reply] [Original]

Anybody else see this yet? Supposedly a mix between Lolita and Anime influences, and it'll only be available in the US (for now, anyways). It's being unveiled tonight at SGMS's Full Fashion Panic in Minneapolis, expect photos to be making their way around the net soon.


>> No.7845334

Not surprised it's America only, you know how the Japanese are with their drug users.

I love Novalar's works, but fashion sense wise he's still seems to be stuck early 2000s. I hope it doesn't come off as too ita-ish

>> No.7846392

He's actually started doing events with Baby again (in Japan) so they must have forgiven him.

>> No.7846410

my body cannot possibly be ready

>> No.7846417

Oh, yes. Yes, yes, yes.
>The venue will be filled with NANANOVA's* electric loud noise music.
>NANANOVA: a noise music duo (Novala Takemoto and Nana Kitade)
So it happened yesterday??? Please tell me you were there, cgl.

>> No.7846419

B-but you shouldn't have said that you were the "BTSSB" designer.

>> No.7846426

/r/ shopping service from someone in Minneapolis to get me a t-shirt!!!!!!!

>> No.7846429


To be fair, I think it was that woman from Blasphemina who made that claim.

>> No.7846530
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My thoughts exactly.
>seagulls' faces when they passed up an opportunity to be kawaii models

>> No.7846532


>> No.7846534
File: 727 KB, 500x264, meinsides.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dem dreads.

>> No.7846592

...the Japanese get THAT bent out of shape about drug users?

>> No.7846673
File: 90 KB, 720x960, novalarswut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SGMS's facebook has an album from the night, just behind the scenes pics so far.
It looks like Novala's collection was.... tracksuits with knee-ruffles? IDEK.

I'm trying to link, but 4chan keeps thinking I'm spamming. facebook/SGMSatMCAD

Hopefully more/better photos will surface soon.

>> No.7846683
File: 91 KB, 960x720, novalarswutthe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another gem from the album.
Also, facebook/novalars.usa.japan for Novala's page. It's pretty hilarious to read through the posts.

>> No.7846692

That's some awful shit yo.

I bet he was high when he made these.

>> No.7846786

Compared to America? Yeah

Not saying America is better than Japan at treating it's drug users or anything.

>> No.7846787

But it's like, if you're famous enough you won't be blacklisted that much.

>> No.7846795

Yeah no. In the US all you have to do is apologize publicly and do a few anti-drug publicity stunts. Japan pretty much ostracizes people forever.

>> No.7846808
File: 221 KB, 245x136, tumblr_m0chaaipCW1qlgn9v.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bet he was too

Oh man, I hope it won't be that shitty.
Last thing we need its some indie Brand Ita from Novala. Although tbh he always seemed to be a "Special Snowflake"

>> No.7846816

I couldn't make it, so no photos from me, sadly. And there's nothing on the comm's page either though I swear I heard some lolitas were going to that show.

>> No.7846818

HAHA holy shit, that's awesome. I always wanted some cute clothes for working out!

>> No.7846825

These look awful...

In the US if a celeb is caught with weed they just get an "oh you!" from the masses and some charge they can easily pay off. Same situation in Japan would result in prison time and band disbandment

>> No.7846883

Can someone please link me to the thread where they were asking for models on the archives?
I didn't pay much attention then but I'm curious now.

>> No.7846915

Good Lord. This is something I would have expected from the Harajuku Lovers collection.

>> No.7847320



>> No.7847817

I never understood the appeal of this guy other than being easy to make fun of.
Kamikaze Girls was a pretty funny book, but everything else of his I've sampled is awful and he dresses like the biggest douchebag on the plant and looks horrible in drag.

>> No.7847870

They were looking for "industry standard" measurements (2-4, 5'7" and up)

I don't think that many seagulls would've fit the criteria.*

*not calling anyone fat, but when you add height to the mix being so stick thin gets rarer.

>> No.7847888

I feel like most of us are pretty short, considering lolita dresses are created with petite Japanese girls in mind.
>But after seeing these photos I'm very glad I'm not up to snuff to be a model for this shit

>> No.7847891

They really do. It's really, really taboo

>> No.7850187

This is bad. What the fuck?

>> No.7850201
File: 57 KB, 537x720, 1234017_10203814556537334_40615264482814755_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone finally posted a few pictures on the local comm's page. She says she'll make an album tomorrow or later today, but here's the few pics that are up.

>> No.7850204
File: 49 KB, 465x720, 1235547_10203814556897343_8760555942115967006_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7850205

This looks pretty sweet.

>> No.7850208
File: 67 KB, 540x720, 1800257_10203814517376355_7045315093868277709_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7850210

phew! For a second I thought it was just going to be fobby track suits.

>> No.7850211
File: 39 KB, 432x720, 10610581_10203814644459532_1804938084591091467_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>7850205, here's a front view. The person that took the pics says it looks gorgeous in person.

>> No.7850214

These are all Kinki Kitty, theosakakoneko's brand.

>> No.7850215
File: 48 KB, 459x720, 10665689_10203814557177350_8929327696494716134_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meant the jabot
anyway, a couple more I think.

>> No.7850217
File: 1.29 MB, 296x160, 1338449522470.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Novala Takemoto's new fashion line
wow this sounds like it could be interesting
>mixed with anime influences
okay nevermind

>> No.7850219
File: 34 KB, 423x720, 10384816_10203814556737339_2005445143974939731_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I figured. Pic taker seems to like her brand the most of what was there.

Also, last pic that was provided.
I need to go to these types of things and get pictures to share with you guys.

>> No.7851067

It's so strange that this got so little attention. Do Lolitas these days not know about Novala?

>> No.7851078

Probably not. It's mostly us oldfags so far.

>> No.7851084

newishfag here, care to explain his importance?

>> No.7851090

Seconding this. All I know is that he was an influential figure, wrote kamikaze girls, wore a lot of burando, then got put in jail for drugs.

>> No.7851397


the hat just barely fits on top of his dreads. dang ;__;

>> No.7851432

He was really important in the late 90's early 2000's, when lolita cristalized around brands. He use to work with Baby a lot, write essais about sub-culture and lolita fashion which was really influential in their time and generally speaking be an artist spokeperson for the lolita community. Now he is just old and dated, as his vision of lolita, and while it saddens me a lot his slightly creepy style belongs to 2004 and not modern lolita. He didn't adapt like G&LB editor and older brand designer did.

>> No.7851462

Ugh, people who see alternative fashion this way are annoying as shit. Maybe because I came over from goth, but the idea that you should wear what is trendy regardless of what you like because its "out" and "dated" is retarded and I'll leave that to the plebs. Go read a cosmo magazine or some shit to tell you what to wear, wouldn't want to be cought wearing last seasons coat or something. I can't wait until lolita goes back to being untrendy so you fucks can get out of the fashion, but as long as its a staple of the ~nerd~ community and with ~geeky~ being so trendy celebs are cosplaying I don't see happening.

>> No.7851466

He's credited with inventing the entire concept of lolita as an alternative culture. Before that it was sort of just a fashion, then he came along and added a ~lifestyle~ or way of thinking to it.

He didn't actually do it himself though, it sort of already existed he just wrote it down, hard to explain but it made him popular as fuck. You either embraced/agreed with his definition or hated it. Either way, everyone was talking about him.

>> No.7851470


... what? Not even anon you're replying to, but there's a difference between timeless elegance and clearly dated clothing. I'd wear some dresses from 2002 but others are a matter of taste. For now, his designs seem a bit anachronistic with the other designers, that's all. Fashion changes, and even if lolita became 'untrendy' like you say it's going to, it's not going to go back to his vision.

>> No.7851473

You're a dumb ass and everything I said went over your head. The fashion is never going to stop evolving and that has shit to do with my point ugh just gtfo pleb

>> No.7851475

Not even the anon you're replying to but that's a classic way to same fag.

>> No.7851493


Normalfags wearing alternative fashion
>is it trendy?
>I'll totally wear this old dress but only if it's trendy.

>> No.7851502

Are you trying to pretend that trends don't exist in lolita?

>> No.7851506


Meanwhile your precious burando is pushing those new trends, but sure, it's the normalfag's fault for tacky as all fuck ageplay-kei and freshman year graphic design dresses.

>> No.7851514

Of course they do, every single fashion has them and always will. But refusing to wear things that aren't a trend because its 'dated' is another thing entirely and what I thought was being discussed.

>> No.7851570
File: 35 KB, 400x225, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a shameless plug. Takemoto , please at least admit you're advertising if you're going to this. I know this is one of the largest western lolita communities, but it's not one to advertise on. If you're one of his agents, again, this isn't a space to advertise and it has the same speech patterns as your model post a while back. I have a lot of respect for Kamikaze Girls, so please don't tarnish that now.

>> No.7851576

No one was refusing to wear them, they're just dated as far as lolita goes. Look more like punk to me anyway.

>> No.7851578

She implied she didn't like them because it was dated/not trendy.

>> No.7851580


>> No.7851586

Well 2004 was a very different style. If lolita today looked like it did in 2004 I wouldn't be interested in it.

>> No.7851598

And when it changes again to something that doesn't look like it does right now you'd loose interest?

The issue us understanding style outside of trends and even what you would personaly wear apperantly. Or do you plan to constantly chase the trend in an attempt to forever stay relevant, therefore being a normalfag who Cates toouch about what people think pretending to be alternative and edgy.

>> No.7851599

>*cares too much
Fucking autocorrect.

>> No.7851619

See the thing with being tendy is that it has to look nice or somewhat acceptable. The sad truth is that you just can't come in, knock shit down, get rid of existing rules just so install ones you think are nice.

If it didn't work for America, it won't work for you.
Track suits with lace are way too left field for today's standards. We're just now getting over our hate bonners for ears thanks to Easter coords and horns.

>> No.7851622
File: 138 KB, 375x375, 1405226183983.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a load of this faggot!
>Implying that none of us weren't normalfags to begin with
>Implying that you can be a normalfag while wearing lolita or any alternative fashion
>Implying that following trends or being a normalfag is an inherent bad thing

>> No.7851645

That isn't his lolita collection.

I know theres plebs in my fashion. It is most certainly a bad thing, specially the plebby way you aproach alt fashion. I'm not 'implying' anything its literally what my entire whining is about, you lost?

>> No.7851652


>unironic use of the word pleb every five words making it easy to track every reply

It's really hard to take you seriously, anon.

>> No.7851657

I have never even pretended to be another anon. In the very post you replied to I took credit for my own posts? (Which ate not all but most) What are you on? I take the word pleb very seriously, pleb.

>> No.7851660


>calling every anon pleb because they disagree with her

Haha you're too much. Keep up the good fight, pleb!

>> No.7851665

Did I say that I don't like him because he is not trendy anymore ? Bitch please I'm an old school lolita. I was just giving my two cents about why people don't care anymore about him.
The other thing is that he was influencial for lifestyle lolita, which now barely exist anymore in western circles.

>> No.7851670

Learn to take a joke, pleb.

>> No.7851706


Thanks for the advice, but I have, and it's you :^)

>> No.7851707

Yeah, right, that's sure why Juria still gets invited to a shitload of brand events even while being a known drugie and thief.

>> No.7851718

It says on the FB page that is basicly based on lolita-like anime characters like Kuroneko.

>> No.7851723

>100 pounds

This is what I get for believing /cgl/. [spoiler];_;[/nospoilersoncgl]

>> No.7851728

~*~ so edgy ~*~

>> No.7852076


All of this arguing aside, these designs are beautiful. Novala's doing something right. Are they available to buy anywhere?

>> No.7852106

These were kinki kitty's designs if I'm not mistaken.

>> No.7852109

So basically his clothes are derivatives of simplified cartoon derivatives of existing clothes. Sounds like a great idea.
I love old school and I even have a soft spot for lifestyle lolita and his crazy essays but this is making me cringe so hard. I hope it will be too expensive for itas to wear it and claim ~legit Japanese burando~.

>> No.7852208

From what I've seen it really just looks more like punk or vkei.
I'm fine with other people being lifestyle lolita but the idea of a man writing behaviour guides for women is kinda weird to me. I think the idea of lifestyle lolita is kinda weird too, like you are only a true lolita if you sit around drinking tea and knitting all day or some crap.

>> No.7852377

Oh! Brb off to find website...

>> No.7852402

I like sitting around, drinking tea and knitting, and liked these things before I got into lolita, so to me it's kind of endearing. I see the lifestyle lolita stuff as an opportunity to discover more things I might like and connect to people who share multiple of my interests, not rruurus that I absolutely must follow if I want to be a true lolita-chan. And if other people want to do other shit while wearing lolita that's their business. I don't really care.

>the idea of a man writing behaviour guides for women is kinda weird to me
I get you, and I sincerely hope that the pot that got him in trouble came in the form of tea and brownies. Smoking isn't kawaii and neither is hypocrisy, motherfucker.

>> No.7852624

>I think the idea of lifestyle lolita is kinda weird too,

IMO it's more weird that there aren't more lifestyle aspects to lolita. Pretty much every other alternative fashion has a lot of lifestyle elements, and things like music are considered essentials.

>> No.7852625

OP here. Not an agent, just fb friends with lots of girls from the MN comm and wondering why there wasn't more buzz going about this.

Plus, I'm sure an actual agent would post more in advance than the night of the show itself, don't you think?

>> No.7852653


And actually, anon there are a lot of music essentials in Japan, Hell, Kanon Wakeshima did albums catering to lolita specifically.

>> No.7852657

Well considering how quiet the comm seems to be on the group page, I wasn't too surprised there hasn't been more excitement.

>> No.7852718

But the aesthetic came before the music. In most other fashions the music is the driving force behind the fashion, it's not a way of saying to other people "I listen to this kind of music and I hold these beliefs and have these interests"

>> No.7852866

True. I was expecting more widespread info going on about this as well though, a post on EGL or at least /something/, but nope. I don't really think it was advertised as well as it could have been. It just kinda flew under the radar it seems.

>> No.7852969

The girl who organized it has some conspiracy theory as to why nobody cares, but it was not well promoted and most people are not able to drop everything and fly out to the middle of nowhere to attend a relatively small event with one guest. Especially when it's not a convention because it's an academic conference with a fashion show with a bunch of mostly non-Lolita designers tacked on.

Did Novala show anything besides the weird tracksuits? Did he have any actual Lolita? I know all the Lolita/aristo stuff in this thread is Kinki Kitty but I'm wondering if anyone else showed anything that Lolitas would actually care about?

>> No.7852972

Lolita did spring up from music, gothic was the first substyle and is believed to be started (or at least popularized) by Mana of Malice Mizer. I think the fashion is more disconnected from its musical roots because it began to spread among people who weren't necessarily his fans, but enjoyed the look itself. Add girls who started to put a girlish twist on it and forming sweet, then bring it overseas with some dodgy Engrish translations, then years of evolution in different countries around the globe, and the current eschewing of the lifestyle ideals from the days of yore, and there you have it.

>> No.7853011

Agreed, if it was promoted or advertised better there might have been a bit more excitement.

Not that I know of from what's been on the comm page. No one seems to be talking about it at all. (It's currently plans for a panel for the next con.)

>> No.7853014

Wow, this is such a nice explanation, anon. How long have you been in the fashion?

>> No.7853029
File: 53 KB, 405x720, novala.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the front of Novala's outfit looks like. Kind of hard to see, though.

>> No.7853083

>Black outfit
>Pick shoes

ugh, why

>> No.7853101

I've been wondering that too to be honest.

>sage for OT