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File: 27 KB, 494x667, tumblr_na52uiULOw1s43ozwo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7754786 No.7754786[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Give me your best gothic lolitas.

>> No.7754872
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>> No.7754873
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>> No.7754878
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>> No.7754880
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>> No.7754883
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>> No.7754884
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>> No.7754886
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>> No.7754907
File: 279 KB, 1000x1500, streetsnap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ooh, good, I'm severely lacking in gothic outfit photos.

Could I request gothic outfits that are largely white/light colours? Basically not black or wine.

>> No.7754909
File: 44 KB, 400x600, 1368558100952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a few.

>> No.7754911
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>> No.7754920
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>> No.7754923
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This is borderline with classic, but the veils add a gothic touch imo.

>> No.7754926

Thanks anon, you're a hero!

General question for the thread; what pushes an outfit from classic over to gothic? Motifs? Styling? Make-up? Detailing of the dress? Something else entirely?

>> No.7754979

All of the above, along with material choice and texture. Sure you'll find plain cotton gothic dresses, but a lot of the time gothic pieces are made with velvet, chiffon, shantung, dupioni, or other nicely draping polyester. There's also the fact that the textures are mixed and matched to create interest in solid color coordinates. Fyeahlolita has a write up on what makes gothic gothic, you should look it up if you haven't read it! It's a little out of date, but the basics are still good.

>> No.7755284

>smiling in a picture while wearing gothic
peeve of mine

>> No.7755291

You're an idiot.

>> No.7755298

I'm sorry but her face is so long and it kind of freaks me out

>> No.7755301
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>> No.7755305
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>> No.7755321

I never hear you cannot smile in pictures when you wear gothic lolita or other gothic fashion, so what you said is stupid.

>> No.7755358

I'm glad I'm not the only one.

>> No.7755360

so i asked why the long face but she didn't reply as her voice was a little horse

>> No.7755366

I'm also someone that has a difficult time telling the difference. So far I've been making guessed based majorly on shoes.

>> No.7755429


She looks like a plastic horse.

>> No.7755435

This: >>7754979
But, also, it's fairly common to see classic coords with a gothic feel nowadays. I guess siriusc made it popular? - also choke does it frequently too so it could've been her, idk.
Maybe that's why you're having a hard time distinguishing them?

>> No.7755439

"Getting real tired of your shit Margaret"

>> No.7755443

"Smiling" isn't d4rk and edgy enough anon you have to be all serious but you can't understand you probably are a sweet ageplayer slutty whore

>> No.7755447

Going to agree, the line between classic and gothic has blurred a lot lately. Used to be classic was more dusty tones with the occasional jewel tone mixed in, and lots of florals. Less stark black and stark white as well. I think the entire JetJ trend is to blame TBH, since jewel tones pair so well with the painting dresses.

>> No.7755616
File: 207 KB, 471x700, tumblr_n4r9siVREl1qia00to2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

classic-gothic perhaps,

>> No.7755619
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>> No.7755620
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>dat obvious samefag vendetta

I think you're right about siriusc popularizing it. But the classic-gothic blend is also my absolute favorite look in lolita and the majority of what I wear so I don't mind it at all.

Also, contributing.

>> No.7755623
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>> No.7755626
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>> No.7755629
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>> No.7755643

everything looks ok except the bag

>> No.7755684

No, i don't want to act like a stereotype of a mallgoth saying "i feel liek suffering all the time gaiz" and also that
>slutty whore
Oh man...stay classy lady, wow.

>> No.7755698

> not noticing sarcasm

>> No.7755826
File: 292 KB, 500x764, 1384469001972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, love that dramatic and perfectly applied red lip. Can we talk about makeup for gothic lolita, too? What to do if you have a cute face and can't pull off the more dramatic gothy makeup? I feel like the makeup I do for classic coords doesn't suit gothic very well but I just can't pull off the 'cool' look, either. Pic semi related.

>> No.7755830

omg I love big overdone headpieces like this

does anyone know places where I can get ridiculous hats?

>> No.7755837

Seconding this, I'd love a big black hat with a mourning veil but it seems a little difficult to find that sort of thing.

>> No.7755841

Triple Fortune does crazy hats.

>> No.7755848

Rather than going dramatic you could keep it really clean and simple for a gothic doll sort of look, so work with your 'cute' for a deliberate contrast. I'm thinking of the porcelain dolls where they've got perfectly smooth faces and then a tiny bit of blush, defined lips (although they don't have to be in a dramatic colour) and then just some shading around the eyes to enhance them (in browns rather than doing a full on smoky eye)

>> No.7755858

but how do I buy from them

>> No.7755862

They have a Kera shop and use an SS

>> No.7755865

You get an SS to send in an order, Chibitenshi would probably be best.

>> No.7755872

ok I'm sorry I'm dumb, but I can't see the prices for any of the hats? And thank you for the info

>> No.7755874

their bonnets go for $170-ish

>> No.7755881


>> No.7755910

I actually really love this. It should be a disaster but she somehow pulls it off

>> No.7755913
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Contribooty dump

>> No.7755919
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>> No.7755924
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>> No.7755931
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>> No.7755934
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>> No.7755937
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>> No.7755940
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>> No.7755941

Unpopular opinion > I like the skeleton tights when done right in g-loli coords like this.

>> No.7755942

Sauce on this coat, anyone? MossMarchen has the most gorgeous coords.

>> No.7755943
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>> No.7755946
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>> No.7755947
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>> No.7755952
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>> No.7755957
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>> No.7755958
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>> No.7755961
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I like this one a lot, it's very Tim Burton without being tacky

>> No.7755964
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>> No.7755966
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>> No.7755969
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>> No.7755972
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>> No.7755974
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>> No.7755977
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I'll cease here, but I have a more old school stuff saved if anyone's interested

>> No.7755979


Oh man I'm loving this. Especially the Mana cosplayer.

>> No.7755989

Yeah, the timestamp just makes that picture

>> No.7756051
File: 593 KB, 684x1029, vampire_requiem__by_kayleigh-d4c4snl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want be a gorgeous gothic lolita.
>Is 26
>Is a poor fag
>Will never achieve dream

>> No.7756076
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>> No.7756082
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>> No.7756083
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>> No.7756084
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>> No.7756088
File: 67 KB, 350x523, http%3A%2F%2F37.media.tumblr.com%2F01efac6228f5afe7c53bb4ee4a25aa30%2Ftumblr_n3hxoehbVk1s73pk6o1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7756091

At 26 you can still put it off if you didn't suntan frequently or any stupid shit with your skin that made you appear older than you are.
Poor fag? Check indie brands on taobao.

>> No.7756095

Hey, man. I'm 26 and juuuuust getting into otome/AP's non-lolita pieces. These are clothes I theoretically could not afford ever that I've wanted since I was like 14. Scrimping and having the patience to get things that 'go together' pay off. You can do this. It's just a slow build.

Plus, mature faces look so pretty in Gothic lolita.

>> No.7756119
File: 73 KB, 491x485, 1403645480415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is 26

psssh, 26 is nothing anon, try being 30+. I actually think gothic is one of the lolita types more suited to mature lolitas, perhaps even more so than classic depending on how you coordinate. Being a poorfag sucks but you don't have to spend a fortune, save and try taobao and second hand outlets. Being 26 is no barrier at all.

>> No.7756165
File: 34 KB, 584x292, glb1926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just to add, the women of Kokusyoku Sumire are well into their 30s (possibly early 40s) and clearly not super young looking but they rock it. KS are actually a massive inspiration to me and I often look at their outfits and general poise when I fret about being too old.

>> No.7756175

So many of these are just classic in dark colours. It annoys me when people who wear the fashion can't even tell the difference, seriously.

>> No.7756206

I would suggest that many can tell the difference, but more acknowledge the grey areas of when classic starts to take on gothic elements - not to mention many of these, whilst not strictly gothic, could still serve as legit gothic inspiration because they don't scream 'this is only classic and could never be gothic even with a slightly different approach to make-up, accessorizing etc'.

Essentially, I give no shits, this thread isn't really off the mark.

>> No.7756247
File: 24 KB, 350x467, 4260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the bitching about this every single thread is getting really old, just contribute if you don't like what you're seeing or gtfo


>> No.7756249

for me it's all about how the make-up is done. Classic usually doesn't go as dark. Also sometimes with the accessories. If

>> No.7756276


Here, Kera shop direct link


>> No.7756302

Care to point out which ones, exactly?

>> No.7756355

+1 'cause legitimately interested

>> No.7756359


I'm so sad Flasco is gone.
Their coordinates were godlike.

>> No.7756428

Her toes straining against her tights bother me.

>> No.7756455

Eww please tell me that is a replica that dress looks so shitty it ruins the entire picture.

>> No.7756597

That gorgeous face is wasted on that crap posture and fatgirl dress.

>> No.7756626

Her make-up is amazing.

>> No.7756638

It's Unseelie. Of course it's a fucking replica.

>> No.7756640

This is a troll, a very lolita specific troll, but a troll none the less. It's good for those slow weekdays when you want some free entertainment.
Just like:
'Meta uses stock images only'
'AP is ageplay'
'Fat people shouldn't alter their brand'
'Shironuri is lolita'
'Bittersweet is a category'
'Dark mori is a category and is completely different to gothic hippy'

>> No.7756648

looks like its AatP. Jesus christ, I need that coat in my life.

>> No.7756659

Found it on lolibrary, but it seems to be mens only?
>tfw you'll never get that perfect tricorn either

>> No.7756685


I want to hate this but I love it. The bag is the only thing i don't like, it's the wrong colour.

>> No.7756694

I think it would look good at a halloween meet but perhaps a little bit too out of place at a normal meet-up

>> No.7756701

Different anon but imo they have a point. >>7755943 looks like classic in different black tones (mixing warm and cool black, ow my autism) and >>7755940 looks like black sweet, especially with those shoes. This thread is full of actual gothic so that's good but sometimes we have gothic threads that are 95% "kuro" and that can be pretty frustrating if you're looking for goth.

Maybe that anon was trolling since they didn't point out any specific examples even when asked, and didn't post their own example of what gothic should look like, but the opinion by itself isn't necessarily troll-y.

>> No.7756728
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I got too much time on my hands, so I shittily shooped it black.

>> No.7756758

Tea parties don't make a co-ord sweet, what are you on. The make-up and accessories in >>7755940 are more gothic than classic or sweet too.

Both of those co-ords have a particularly victorian doll-like feel to them imo, more gothic than kuro

>> No.7756762

Lol, I was not trolling, can you really not tell the difference between classic and gothic? Fine, I will point out some of the more blatantly obvious ones.

>>7755940 This one is sweet

Sorry that I don't live on 4chan and can't reply straight away.

>> No.7756766

Tea parties are the epitome of sweet lolita shoes (although her shoes aren't TPs, but they're very similar) - they don't belong in gothic coordinates alone. Her dress itself is very sweet. And wtf is that necklace. You probably just think it looks gothic because of the pose/location/editing. And the fact that it's all black, some people can't get past that for some reason.

>> No.7756768

How is >>7755940 sweet? Like >>7756758 said, tea parties don't automatically make something sweet. She's got what looks like a cross accessory too, which you don't see much outside of gothic and definitely not in sweet

>> No.7756770

>She's got what looks like a cross accessory too, which you don't see much outside of gothic and definitely not in sweet

Did you forget about Holy Lantern somehow? You guys need to pick up a Gothic and Lolita Bible or something, it's not that hard.

>> No.7756772

Just because tea parties are associated frequently with the sweet substyle doesn't mean they can't be incorporated into a classic or gothic co-ord. Not all gothic co-ords need hooker platforms

>> No.7756774

>implying Holy Lantern isn't used in gothic co-ords

>> No.7756775

Tea parties don't go with gothic or classic at all and look really out of place in a true gothic/classical coordinate. There's more to chose from than TPs and massive platforms, you know.

>> No.7756776

Aside from that pastel goth crap, it's not. Sometimes it's paired with gothic accessories but it looks weird and it's still a sweet lolita dress.

>> No.7756777

What are you on? TPs are the sweetest shoes I can imagine and they look terrible with any other style. I'd rather see a gothic or classic coord with plain-ass pumps than fucking teaparties.

>> No.7756778

They don't look out of place if you know what you're doing. Certain variations of 'tea parties' resemble shoes worn by very young children in Victorian times. They look good with co-ords trying to emulate Victorian dolls.

>> No.7756782
File: 65 KB, 320x192, Tea Party Shoes x 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>such authentic Victorian shoes

I give up, you are obviously clueless.

>> No.7756783

Someone never had victorian dollies as a child. A lot of them have flat shoes with little straps and bows.

>> No.7756792
File: 94 KB, 634x557, article-2347387-1A7B7D92000005DC-734_634x557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, no. And relying on cheap dolls, wut.

Pictured: Queen Victoria's childrens' shoes. The average kid would have worn booties. And this whole argument that TP shoes look like Victorian children shoes is ridiculous and has nothing to do with the topic at hand. But you're wrong on both accounts.

>> No.7756811

This. My grandmother has a rather big collection of antique porcelain dolls, some of them from the late 19th century, and most of them have tiny leather booties or simple slip-ons like in that picture. Straps are rare (even mary janes) and the only bows are from tied shoelaces.

So basically
>legit Victorian doll shoes look nothing like teaparties
>legit Victorian doll shoes would look bad with lolita anyway
So what are we even talking about? None of this has done anything to convince me that teaparties work with any style other than sweet. Feel free to post good gothic coords with teaparty-like shoes, though. This IS a gothic thread.

>> No.7756814

thank god for football player's shoulders then.
>tfw i'll probably still never find it

>> No.7757852
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>> No.7757997
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>> No.7758338

I love her youtube! I wish she would post videos again

>> No.7758359

fingerless gloves and jewelry that doesn't match? terrible.