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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 551 KB, 1000x800, Anime Californa Thread 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7715162 No.7715162[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Starting the official one month left countdown to the first annual anime/online pc gaming convention run by mildly trained young adults hoping to not make this a catastrophe of dashconic proportions!

The story so far~
>Weekend passes are $50 at the door
>Hotel rooms still remain, but prices are going up soon
>Convention maps are available
>Schedules to be posted soon
>Seagulls confirmed for invasion of Artist Alley
>If it all fails, let's just go to Disneyland.

So who is going? From the looks of it, a lot of first time con-goers are making this their first convention, so we need more convention veterans to even out the crowd.

>> No.7715180
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>3 nights to myself in a king size room

>> No.7715182
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>pool party

>all dem bikini cosplays

>> No.7715183
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>could I bring my LAN party gear?

>> No.7715194


reposting from last thread

Just got an email about artist alley. It just said to wait for more information in the coming weeks. The con starts in 4 weeks though, soooooooo, I have no idea what they're planning.

Are they going to require/enforce sellers permits?

Are they going to require/enforce black-grey-market item bans?

Will there be electricity? WiFi? Table skirting?

I need to know these things now!

>> No.7715214


This reminds me of Comikaze's first year. I like going to these first-time cons, they're quite amusing to attend.

>> No.7715241

>summoners cafe
They should update it.

Also, have a room for Fri and Sat, anyone wants email me, you know the deal.

>> No.7715248

But Summoner's is happening

>> No.7715256

Not at the convention, check their twitter. Someone also posted the FB announcement.

>> No.7715270


I wanted to room with some seagulls but I ended up getting my own room. I'll still go party in other people's rooms though.

>> No.7715273

The only person I know that will be having something in their room is Dr. Scientist.

>> No.7715346
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yup, can't wait for either friday or saturday night.

was the official /cgl/ meetup set for friday still?

>> No.7715450
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>all dem bikini cosplayers I'll be staring at from my hotel room up above

>> No.7715559

Yeah, also in a room by myself.
I mean, unless any cute Asian guys want to cuddle. I'm totally up for sharing, in that case.

>> No.7715573

I hope you're a guy.

>> No.7715576

I hope so too.

>> No.7715785

Is it weird if I'm not a guy

>> No.7715791

It may be for him, but not for me

>> No.7715959

I'd like to think this thread is full of cute gay Asian guys.

I'm now looking forward to AC

>> No.7716111

I'll just go for one day.

>rooms for ALA 2015 are sold out
>overflow rooms at hilton


>> No.7716326

>bought my tickets and my own room to myself
For once, I get to go to a con where I don't have to share a bed or get woken up at 7 AM by a drunk friend coming in and throwing up on me.

Thank you based AC.

>> No.7716355


Right! Although admittedly I don't know what i'll be doing with 2 beds in an empty room by myself all weekend. The rooms were so cheap I could actually afford it all to myself.

>> No.7716410

Yes friday. I should be staying in a suite with some other seagulls so we can make it happen.
ALA has finally outgrown the Mariott. We reserved rooms a few months ago. I am gonna miss that venue.

>> No.7716522


ALA is finally growing up, just like AX back in the late 90's.

>> No.7716527

Stop trying to be a trap. We know you're a guy anon.

>> No.7716528

Why's that? I'm Asian and your post is scaring me.

>> No.7716639

i might check this out since i live in the area.

not sure about the price of the tickets though. seems too steep for a first time/small con.

>> No.7716645
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Hell yeah

>> No.7716648

Got room for one more? I swear I'm not a trap.

>> No.7717076

Not a trap? Forget it then.

>> No.7717606

>Are they going to require/enforce black-grey-market item bans?

I sure hope not.

In fact, there are no regulations so far on their page for anything.

>> No.7718572

Just got waxed to test out my cosplay for AC. Not as painful as expected.

>> No.7718575


>> No.7718742

Got a room for 1 night! Only planning and sticking around Fri/Sat. Gunna be fun.

>> No.7719311

Will you grils please let me buy you a drink at the bar

>> No.7719491

>drinking at the bar
Is this babby's first con or what?

>> No.7719894

I think it might be for some.

>> No.7719969

GTFO autist.

>> No.7720019

tfw person i was gonna room with is now saying she is roomin with her coworker if he gets a room. and she is saying she wants to hang out with me but sleep in that room.
and what the fuck about me?
should i bother going?
i wonder how the formal dance is going to turn out

>> No.7720183

Baby please

>> No.7720227

>From the looks of it, a lot of first time con-goers are making this their first convention, so we need more convention veterans to even out the crowd.

Has anyone else noticed that everyone on their twitter and facebook are mentioning that this is going to be their first con? Where the hell are all these people coming from? Are no "experienced convention goers" going to Anime California?

>> No.7720478

The OC is full of weebs.

>> No.7721716
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I got a response for you. This comes from the head of D&A.

>> No.7721848


Thanks a lot anon! I'll make sure to be on the lookout this weekend then.

>> No.7721855

Going as Kate from Zvezda and swim Konata Izumi Not sure if I should go all days though.

>> No.7721879

Kate, nice! Well Fri and Sat are probably going to be the only good days.

>> No.7721882

No problem, if you have anymore just ask and I will ask her directly.

>> No.7721919

Are these turds too poor to attend ALA or even Wondercon?

Or are they mentioning this is their first Anime California? It's because, it is its first time.

>> No.7722229

The convention scene is going through a big boom right now, with ax and other cons hitting record numbers. So its possible that this is indeed the first con for a lot of ppl.

>> No.7724188

Does anyone have any idea what pre-registration numbers are?

>> No.7724225

We are at 1100 supposedly.

>> No.7724605

I'm bringing a few friends that have never been to cons before. Hoping this doesn't crash and burn so I can take them along to more later.

>> No.7724789

>not putting the beds together and making a super bed
Maximum comfy.

>> No.7724830

Checking into the hotel the night before, anyone want to go on a date so I'm not alone for dinner

>> No.7724896


I'll be there from Friday morning to Sunday night, I think most seagulls already agreed to wear some sort of seagull pin to know who's who.

>> No.7724900

I'll get you a drink, bby

>> No.7724997

Can't drink :( We can hold hands if you're cute doe

>> No.7725022

I would go if i had a ride. I live in koreatown so if anybody near me is going and willing to let me ride along to the con and back home that would be cool. You would be compensated for your troubles of course.

>> No.7725028

I'm in Hollywood and I was just going to take the Metrolink and then Uber to the hotel. Seems easy.

>> No.7725033

Its like almost 3 hours pretty much. Not worth.

>> No.7725034

There's no age requirement to drink in my room, bby

>> No.7725039

That's pretty bad. I guess I'll have to hunt down an Uber driver and do some shady under the table deals.

>> No.7725041
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>> No.7725045

Wow, das not legal! I'm over 21, doe.

>> No.7725046

I been down there on the exact same metro line. Went there for some job training. The ride there was fucking painful then the ride back was even worse. Would waste like 6-7 hours riding a fucking train for a couple of weeks. It was horrible and i don't want to experience that shit again.

>> No.7725069


I'll try to make some seagull pins to give out!

>> No.7725073

That would be appreciated; especially by those of us who are going to forget until the weekend of.

>> No.7725730

Can either of you get to the Norwalk/I-605/I-105 Green Line Station, I can pick you guys up.

>> No.7725739

I'm an Asian guy but I'm not cute ;_;

>> No.7725785
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Did anyone else get the Artist Alley packet today?

Some idiot doesn't know how to use email properly and sent out the email with all the artists' emails visible.

Anyone want to speculate what is it that's backing up the con?

>> No.7725793

It seems like it is Crunchy. Besides that, management seems to be very poorly organized.

>> No.7725807

A little inquiry for you guys going, do you guys tend to go the food trucks at an event? When there are other fast food joints in the are, would you rather go to those or would you still prefer to go to the food trucks?

>> No.7725812

Idk, all Asians are kind of cute. Except fake Asians. Are you ugly?

>> No.7725823

No, I just look very plain and average.

>> No.7725842

Personally I'll go with a food truck even though they average $10 for an entree and I can get a combo at fast food for less (two combos if you're going cheap). They usually have more variety (if three are you bunch of trucks) and the food is better, or at least that's the idea. Also depends on proximity. The trucks can park park lot closer and be a lot more convenient

>> No.7725845

There's a Carl's Jr a few blocks north and a Red Robin, Crab Shack, Outback Steakhouse, and a Target right across the street from the hotel.

>> No.7725871
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Food trucks are expensive, and end up taking up a lot of space and produce quite a lot of trash.

And the food isn't usually that great for "lunch", it's more like "oh shit, I only have about $7.50 left to spend for food today since i blew it all at the con" and all there is is food trucks where a soda and fries costs upwards of $5 plus tax.

Within only a third of a mile from the convention, there's a McDonalds, Jack in the Box, Taco Bell, Subway, Arby's, Dell Taco, and other mom and pop restaurants WITH AIR CONDITIONING.

There's even more sit down restaurants only a crosswalk away too.

I'm against the idea of foodtrucks because there's already so many other places to go near AC. This is NOT the case at other conventions that use food trucks, like AX for example. The food trucks are there because there is NO viable eateries for impoverished otaku in the first place, and thus the food trucks are necessary.

For a con like AC, where most of it's attendees are looking like first time con-goers anyways, the location is perfect with plenty of eateries and activities to have a good weekend without some food truck fiasco.

>pic related, best thing about AX
>what con food should look like, cheap food from street vendors that know their crowd, not glorified indie gourmet restaurants on wheels that charge ridiculous prices plus tax.

>> No.7725883

I'll take what I can get

>> No.7725934


Didn't AC say they were giving out free ramen during the con? I'm sure I can live off of that for 3 days.

>> No.7726157

The /fit/ in me just had an aneurism while reading this

>> No.7726231

Yes, there will be free ramen throughout the con.
The food trucks would be for those who don't want to eat at the fast food joints and want to stay onsite.
Thank you for your opinions.

>> No.7726476

So, what are you guys cosplaying as at AC?

>> No.7726479

A lonely, quiet creep

>> No.7726583

That looks disgusting!

>> No.7726588

>mfw going to japan instead starting that weekend

>> No.7726595

Is it true this is another con started up by butthurt ex-AX Staffers?

>Sticking around for ALA 2.0 instead of heading up north of awesome Japan Expo

>> No.7726613

I was debating between Anime California and Japan Expo, but nobody seemed to have much to say about Japan Expo, so I went with AC.

>> No.7726764


not at all lol the staff of AC have never worked for AX

>> No.7726774

>Panel schedule still not up


>> No.7726820
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I'm sure you're selling yourself short of what you could get.

>> No.7726832

I've never worked AX before. This was my first year ever even attending AX. Don't believe every rumor you hear.

>> No.7726893

I heard that there was going to be a bouncy house? Please tell me it wasn't a lie!!!!

>> No.7726901

Where is this located? This seems like something I'd want to volunteer for.

>> No.7727079

They have a god damn tumblr. Let the countdown to ruin begin. http://animecalifornia.tumblr.com

>> No.7727945

The quest for cute Asian boyfriend continues

>> No.7728158
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>tfw still no schedule posted
>tfw i'm now on the fence about going and willing to let go my room reservation

>> No.7728170

Cons tend to post schedules really late, so that is pretty normal?

>> No.7728311

What kind of Asian are you looking for? Filipino here.

>Inb4 not Asian and/or Mexican of Asia

>> No.7728312

East Asian :( But anything cute is fine

>> No.7728316

Yeah, I recall that most cons don't post schedules into ~2 weeks before the con.

>> No.7728318

I'm Chinese, AND WHAT

You are a trap aren't you

>> No.7728324

I'm not a trap, unless you want me to be~

>> No.7728338

>he/she wants a Curryfag
Absolutely disgusting

>> No.7728345

If you see a qt 3.14 ottermode chinaman at the cgl meet up feel free to rub up on my abs bby

>> No.7728401

Indians aren't Asian, they're Indian.
I'm also pretty racist towards Indians.
I don't appreciate your accusations.

Post pix so I don't molest an unsuspecting azn ;_;

>> No.7728591

>Post pix so I don't molest an unsuspecting azn ;_;
Not the Chinese guy, Korean here, but what if that's my favorite fetish?

>> No.7728601

How do I even know you're a grill

>> No.7728811

>he thinks it's a gril


>> No.7728929

Pfft, look at this guy, he thinks I'm a grill.

Stahp trying to bait me into doing illegal things :(

>> No.7729054
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Just for you, Anon.

>> No.7729089
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>> No.7729096

dude fuck I'm so jelly
man I want some goddamn smores

>> No.7729100


day 0? why wasn't this mentioned before? i only got my hotel room for friday night. guess i'm not sleeping thursday night then.

>> No.7729108


>at an anime convention

don't fuck this up Jeff, this is getting too good to be true.

>> No.7729134

>Yes, there will be free ramen throughout the con.

Woah, what? Coffee pot ramen here I come.

>> No.7729143

oh so there is gonna be dj and shit ?
i thought it was just one formal dance
fuck it now im going

>> No.7729150


>all ages dance

there's going to be a 21+ lounge/dance/room.... right?

>> No.7729162

Each night will have a different age group to give everyone a chance to attend a dance. I believe it's 16+ Friday, 18+ Saturday. I'll release more info soon.

>> No.7729178

Its getting closer. I have 3 weeks to rebuild my bar, which got obliterated by anime expo. I am gonna do my best to accommodate as many anon as possible, less of the regular crew is going to Anime California so there should be party slots.

>> No.7729183

Is there a event page for the meet up yet?

>> No.7729226
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Event for the meetup is up on facebook.

>> No.7729260

Anyone have a room they can share with 3 staffers?

We'll probably stay day 0- til day 2

We're all guys if that makes a difference and one is a certified qt on the market

>> No.7729287

Safety staffer here, got a room for fri and sat.

>> No.7729323

Oh shit I'm safety as well

>> No.7729332

Holy shit, nice. Seems that there are a few flakes in our department.

>> No.7729337

Yeah i was just looking over the Facebook group and noticed how small it is.

>> No.7729349

We have around 1100 people confirmed and only 14 safety staffers have replied, scary shit man.

>> No.7729356

The way I see it I think some departments may be overstaffed so we should get the rejects. At least I hope so since this is my first con and have no idea what to expect

>> No.7729393

Most departments already are sorted out though. That is what worries me. Safety head isn't very responsive.

>> No.7729692

Have you staffed at any other cons? ALA? PMX? Fanime? SDCC?

>> No.7729948

> certified qt on the market

I can take him off your hands for you

>> No.7730104

Hes tall skinny and likes long walks on the beach

>> No.7730143

I've never gone out before and want to break out of my usual "spend all day in the exhibit hall and gaming room" con routine. How do I get invited to your get together?

>> No.7730288
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>PC gaming open until 2am

>> No.7730564

I don't like beaches doe :(

>> No.7730639

Really wish that a Day 0 had been announced, I would have made plans to come on Thursday.

>> No.7730775


>> No.7730897

Considering cosplaying Kaworu because I don't have time for anything serious, will you guys hate me?

>> No.7731850


Who's bringing their LAN gear?

>> No.7733094


>day zero for general public

ehh, maybe i'm not so sure i'm getting there early anymore. trying to lure the public in eh?

>> No.7733236

More along the lines of we want to give people the chance to meet us before purchasing a ticket. And who doesn't love a giant werewolf game?

>> No.7734637

I don't get it, what's the giant werewolf game? :(

>> No.7734646


>> No.7735790
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>AC confirmed for furry convention

>> No.7736933

I don't get it

>> No.7737254



>> No.7737440
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day 1 schedule up! part 1

>> No.7737441
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part 2

>> No.7737445

>Sailor Moon Cafe

Will I be served coffee and cake by Sailor Venus here?

>> No.7737449


>Cosplay is not consent
>fan panel

I'll be in the pool being a gentleman to all the girls in scanty bikini cosplays.

>> No.7737452

What's 'Anime Love Line?' Is that where I can meet cute Asian boys?

>> No.7737468


>18+ show

It's alright to go if I'm there with my girlfriend right? I'm expecting a pretty damn good show.

>> No.7737525

I don't know, but I'm taking a qt gril to my room that night to cuddle

>> No.7737544


Maybe an otaku speed dating thing?

>> No.7737755

if it is what i think it is, judging by the name, i'm assuming it's like kroq's love line where people call in to ask questions about sex/drugs/personal issues but the anime version of it. or if you wanted another example, probably a better one, is the panel that that one zapp brannigan cosplayer does. i'm pretty sure he calls his panel love line also.

>> No.7737880

Can I join?

>> No.7737884

Why do you want boys with small weewees?

>> No.7738258


>> No.7738409

It's not about the size of the penis, it's about the genetic cuteness :(

>> No.7738501


They'll probably just be 6/10 girls wearing meh-tier revealing cosplay with shorts underneath their skirts to avoid any actual 18+ shenanigans.

Either way i'm still going though, i paid for my weekend pass and hotel room already, so i might as well get my money's worth.

>> No.7738554
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>genetic cuteness
Thanks for the laugh anon

>> No.7738920


Sure, then we can head over to the /cgl/ meetup that night.

>> No.7738931

Cool. Watch out for the fat Mexican.

>> No.7739222

:( Stahp

>> No.7739330

You really are faggot.

>> No.7739358

Don't forget your fedora

>> No.7739362

>asians being this insecure about being asian
But why?

>> No.7739386

Anyone have an extra spot in their hotel room?

>> No.7739673
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>two weeks to go

Cute, homely-looking grils, please let me take you out to dinner at this small italian restaurant nearby

>> No.7739826


>italian food
>expecting to wake up the next morning without your large intestine exploded

no thanks.

>> No.7739827


Yes, but I can't make any promises, show up to the /cgl/ meet on friday and ask the group if anyone can spare a space in their room. Obviously if you're smelly and disgusting and autistic no one will want to let you in, so please shower and dress nicely.

>> No.7739829

Fine, we'll have dinner at Carl's Jr instead

>> No.7739838

Alright will do, thanks

>> No.7739889

Speaking of dinner, I'm at the hotel from Thursday night to Monday morning. Is anyone else going to be there and wants to get dinner on Thursday?

>> No.7739906


Day zero doesn't look too promising, i'll probably end up looking for people to hang out and a place to crash thursday night, i only have my hotel for friday and saturday nights.

>> No.7740161

Same here, I just want to check out the gaming are.

>> No.7740163

Let crash Thursday night only and I cam dine with you.

>> No.7741122

Idk, are you autistic or a cute boy

>> No.7741198

Anyone want a room mate for the con? I fly into LA a few days before this and have nothing planned until Saboten. Email me for more info.

>> No.7741270

Am I the only person in LA that is actually making the trip to JX instead of doing this?

>> No.7741501

Not cute, but not autistic, is that ok?

>> No.7742127

So instead of the LoL cafe, we get a Sailor Moon cafe?

I'm very ok with this change

>> No.7742212


How does a LoL cafe work, do they rage at you for ordering things they don't like?

>> No.7742266

Will take into consideration

>> No.7742269

That's a tsundere cafe which actually exist in Japan.

>> No.7743256


2 more weeks to go!

>how much ramen are we getting?

>> No.7743350

I will be waiting with a rose in hand.

>> No.7743638

So many thirsty dudes in this thread...

>> No.7743829

Such mad dogs, am I right, my good sir?

>> No.7744176
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Oh look another California con that's going to be irrelevant in several years.

>> No.7744179
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Are these the girls who are going to be doing that Sailor Moon cafe?

>> No.7744197

Isn't there drama going on about why the Lol girls left? Something about not being attractive enough?

And the SM girls are supposed to be the "attractive" replacements.

>> No.7744264
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That's some whore shit right there.

>> No.7744282

I feel like this is that Sailor Moon porn stuff being done all over again

>> No.7744346


That's what people were saying about ALA back in the day for competing with AX, and it's still alive and growing.

At least AC hasn't committed any cardinal con sins so far, it looks like the Dashcon incident made them get their shit together pretty quick.

>> No.7744387

They fucked up, I checked out their event (LoL cafe) and it was actually fun.

>> No.7744516

I think it's timing is great since it's held as a con to close out the summer and time for back to school.

>> No.7745855


More like a con to deal with AX withdrawals. I really hope a lot of people go, I want this con to be a good way to say bye to the summer con season in southern california.

>> No.7746410

>AX withdrawals

That's what Comic Con is for. Why can't we just call it Summer ALA?

>> No.7746411

Anyone doing badge ribbons? I'm thinking it might be too late for me to come up with an idea for one, but this seems like a con to do it.

>> No.7746657

Sup! I'm head of the SM cafe for AC. That's not us at all. We will be in maid uniforms and wigs according to the character. We have 2 butlers as well.

I cannot disclose why the LoL cafe is not attending, but it was not for any reasons concerning appearance.

>> No.7746703

Will there be tea and cookies?

>> No.7746778
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>tfw a con is happening 10 miles away from your house and you have money to buy your own ticket
ill see you there as pic related

>> No.7746781
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Sounds good yo, better be tea and cookies

>> No.7747363


Yup! Tea and cookies that you can decorate :D

>> No.7747614

Soubds nice, will see you there.

>> No.7747688

so what are people's cosplay plans? Been trying to figure out what's worth wearing to the con, wanted to know what to expect.

>> No.7748117

your making me hungry

>> No.7748131

Bring the tea and cookies,we're riding at midnight.

>> No.7748144


An SM cafe sounds rather more interesting.

>> No.7748614

2 weeks to go, about 1.5k pre-reg, that's not bad is it?

It's going to be a small con, but I have a feeling that it'll be a good time.

> hoping that con orgy thread leads to an actual thing at the con

>> No.7748626


How base and barbaric. If any ladies would like to have dinner with a real gentleman, I'll be at the soda fountain in the lobby. Look for the guy in a fedora, monocle, and cane.

>> No.7748765

ThirstyCon 2k14
Lets go!

>> No.7748778

Stick to your barbaric orgies, knave

>> No.7748874

Here's to hoping the day 3 schedule includes cute Asian boy orgy

>> No.7749206
File: 1.47 MB, 1456x2592, WP_20140704_120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't make it to AC

Finally getting my own apartment tho, that deposit was a pain in the ass to gather

At least there's still ALA

>> No.7749217

> tfw going to staff with friends and dont know what do when we're off duty

>> No.7749260

Why haven't you killed yourself yet?

>> No.7752093


>> No.7752098


There's no hype, i'm not excited at all.

>> No.7752104

I'm watching you.

>> No.7753080

Are you cool with a mixed Asian boy? I'm half white/half Korean.

>> No.7753175
File: 726 KB, 1632x1224, NO ANIME2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill yourself.

>> No.7753434

Well how else are they going to attract more people?

>> No.7753659

Idk, did you get the cute from the Asian side?

>> No.7753686

You realize they have multiple cards right? Lol one more vidya and the other has anime shit. Gg anon

>> No.7753687

Boy you are mad

>> No.7753689


>> No.7753830

Anime cons can't survive on anime and manga alone, were you living under a rock your entire life?

>> No.7753834

Why are you still going on about that, can you do the world a favor and just end your pathetic life please?

>> No.7753838

Same guy here, I'm beginning to think you're a dude. Sorry, I don't swing that way.

>> No.7754636

someone works for SPJA

>> No.7756161

Where is the list for the AMV finalists?

>> No.7756186


I doubt the SPJA even cares about AC, They have Conji to worry about right now anyways.

>> No.7756196

Anyone from Los Angeles want to pick me up in Hollywood (near Hollywood and Highland) on the 21st and bring me back on the 25th? I'll pay.

>> No.7756211

Conji sucked this year. SPJA can't properly manage a con even if their lives depended on it.

>> No.7756722

>I'll pay

Body or cash

>> No.7756827

trapfag please go

>> No.7757203


Maybe both. Gay male though.

>> No.7757340
File: 974 KB, 500x667, tumblr_static_punpun_changing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess I won't be able to attend anything until ALA. Really wanted to cosplay as PunPun for AC too.

>> No.7757425

One week to go

>> No.7757673
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one week to go any still no hype or information on practically the entire con.

as far as i know, i'm just going from my room, to the pool, and back to my room for 3 days.

>> No.7757699

There are schedules up, is there supposed to be more information?

>> No.7757769

I do that during ALA. It's like I'm not missing much.

>> No.7757819

extremely lake luster. I will only be going for the anons.

>> No.7757830


same, i'm really just interested in meeting up with some fellow seagulls.

>> No.7758196

It's ok I'll be going as punpun and you'll be with me in spirit

>> No.7758427

The full schedule is up now


>> No.7758594

Looks like shit, gaming might be their redeeming feature. Just gonna get drunk instead.

>> No.7758603

I'm with you there bud.

>> No.7758633

Lets get drunk together anon.

>> No.7758911

Agreed, I should have saved up for JX.

>> No.7759077

Really? Because there seems to be significantly less gaming stuff and the anime panels don't seem quite as cringeworthy as some other cons.

>> No.7759080

Do you suppose it's too late to enter the Masquerade with a walk-on? I didn't know until recently if I was going to be able to attend, but it looks like I can make it for Saturday after all. I'd like to do a Masquerade at some point, so a smaller con seems like a good place to get started...

>> No.7759084

give it a shot. most small first-time conventions don't max out their contestant limitations.

>> No.7759111

i was thinking that too but the costume i want to walk on with i didn't completely make (i modified a bought outfit to be more accurate and made various other parts) i figure the walk on or the category where they don't judge your costume skills but performance would be a good idea.

>> No.7759148

That is why I said might, I know they will have pc gaming so that is good with me/

>> No.7759209

When is the Seagull meetup. I'll actually be there this time.

>> No.7759284

>pretending like going to the con to get drunk wasn't your plan all along and actually going to the con wasn't an afterthought for you

>> No.7759356

Friday at 9.

You caught me man.

>> No.7760266

My cosplay isn't ready ;_;

>> No.7760294

You have one more week, you can do it!

>> No.7760370

Does anyone have any idea why I decided to check out on the 26th, instead of the 25th?

I just looked at my reservation and I can't remember why I did this

>> No.7761315


>> No.7761450

Potential azn boy orgy in the ballpit

>> No.7761482

So you don't have to pack Saturday night/Sunday morning for checkout. Ac isn't at that level of convention though.

>> No.7761492

Don't get my hopes up

>> No.7761495
File: 39 KB, 397x347, 1406188695799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>requested room with a view of the pool
>gonna spend all 3 days looking out from my room

>> No.7761501


So, party in your room then?

>> No.7761506


I'm going alone and have the king room to myself

>> No.7761526

Do people really do this? This sounds super creepy

>> No.7761530

Do people really not?

>> No.7761552

I'll jack off on your pillow and have my unborn sperm keep you company

>> No.7761604

Any grills want to hang out with a gay guy and possibly make fun of people behind their backs?

>> No.7761614

Just kill yourself already. I'm getting tired of your shit.

>> No.7761632

want to room with seaguls?

>> No.7761639

I'll think about it

But any grils are free to room with me. For a price.

>> No.7761775

Im straight but I could make fun of people too

>> No.7762000

I don't know, it feels weird and immature when I do it with guys. It feels sassy when I do it with girls.

I need my hags

>> No.7762074

I'd say I'd hang out with you but I cosplay and idk if you want to deal with that

>> No.7762089

What are you guys bringing for the con?

>> No.7762099

do you mean cosplay wise or party wise

>> No.7762100


>> No.7762115

Is it worth it to get a room for friday too? I see lots of people planning for day 0. Who has a room for friday?

>> No.7762182

Got a room for fri and sat if interested.

>> No.7762185

Fuck, I forgot no more email, fuck you moot

>> No.7762207

What are you cosplaying as?
I normally just go to cons to socialize, usually with a friend, but he's not going to AC.

>> No.7762211
File: 86 KB, 1280x720, 1383783320332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to know if there's going to be any wig vendors there, but there's no list yet.
I can finish my cosplay on time, but I don't have the time to buy a wig and wait for it to ship.

>> No.7762222

Does everyone have a plan B?

Plan B is walking around Downtown Disney and buying drinks at the bar, unless fellow seagulls don't mind sharing their liquor.

>> No.7762232

If you're local enough you could go to Epic Cosplay and pick up/will call a wig since they're in Santa Ana.

>> No.7762524

That is my plan b.

>> No.7763021

at ALA this year, a whooole lot of people did it. a girl was twerking on her balcony this one time. i saw monty oum from roosterteeth on his too.

>> No.7763054

Getting waxed for AC tomorrow. Hopefully I don't get a new growth cycle at the con, otherwise I won't be able to cosplay. :(

>> No.7764004
File: 82 KB, 488x548, 1399525199020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Five days to go

>> No.7764345

who still doesn't have all their cosplay stuff done? i still have to finish up wings (cut them out and paint them then attach them to a harness) then i have to glue patches on my jacket (its a weird material to sew) and i can't work on it till the 20th because the friend who helps me is out of the country and won't be back (and able) till then.

Anyone else having struggles?

>> No.7764415

I'm not done, but I have some other cosplays I'm bringing too.

Is it better for me to bring a cosplay without the props or just give up on the cosplay? Just filled the apartment with smoke because my boyfriend's oven is apparently 100 degrees hotter than it says it is on the dial.

>> No.7764458

i'd think it depends on the character/prop some props can really make the character while others its just cooler

>> No.7764491
File: 709 KB, 1718x1213, Hakuei_anime_design.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fan and the sword. I was thinking if I absolutely ran out of time and I needed the sword I could do the handle only for now and keep it in the sheath (she never uses it) but the fan I'm not sure on.

>> No.7764497

I wouldn't notice if you didn't have the fan and sword

>> No.7764516

you could totally get away with not having those (though they'd be nicer) i'd say get anything else out of the way and if you can do them if you can't then thats okay do it for the next con

>> No.7764618

How much money are you guys planning to spend?

Not including rooms of course.

>> No.7764621

Get ready cgl. I am gonna finish stocking my bar up tomorrow. Anime California is gonna start with a bang. Probably not gonna cosplay tbh. All of my cosplays involve heavy makeup and take up a lot of space, not sure its worth it if I am not doing a photoshoot.

>> No.7764624

How's it going to work?

You gonna post your room number and let me walk in, grab a drink, and walk back out, possibly several times during the con?

>> No.7764635

>posting your room number on 4chan
Come to the meetup. I will grab numbers and stuff, gotta do my crowd control etc.

>> No.7764636

for me it probably won't be much but hopefully i manage to socialize well this year (a friend and i have been trying to make friends at cons and its not the easiest thing)

>> No.7765155

I imagine it being a tad difficult, are you just looking for like minded people.

>> No.7765195

generally, it'd be nice to just have friends who go to most of the socal cons it'd add excitement to going (oh yay i get to hang out with "__" etc.) i tried at a few gatherings but sadly most of the fandoms im into are full of.. less then fun people

>> No.7765200

I know how it is bby, gotta be all smooth for the con. My boipussy is gonna be looking flawless.

>> No.7765250
File: 393 KB, 600x600, fs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone have their cosplay lineups ready? i only have two down, worst case i just wear one of these another day

>> No.7765340

I see, I too would like to make friends who like cons. I took a friend to a con a while ago and while he didn't really hate it, he didn't have that much fun. I hope to run into you anon.

>> No.7765350

well im cosplaying >>7765250 so look out for me!

>> No.7765371

I will be on the look out then. See you there.

>> No.7765438

> Mfw only girls cosplay as gay guys :(

>> No.7765442

im a guy! honestly im like the only guy i've seen as aoba its kinda weird

>> No.7765457

I've yet to see a single guy Aoba. Post pix so I can hunt you down and take your picture.

Also someone should make a new thread. But not me.

>> No.7765463

i don't have any recent ones (the photo shoot one haven't come back yet D:) if only i had a koujaku.

>> No.7765469

I was actually thinking of Koujaku, but my pecs aren't developed enough and it was too late ;_;

>> No.7765474

Have fun, guys. A month ago I planned to go to Anime Cali but I also have my mom's birthday coming up. I'll be lurking around to see what's going on, and hopefully I can meet some of you nice people at ALA or next year's Anime Cali if it was good.

>> No.7765485 [DELETED] 

;o; thats too bad! hopefully you manage it sometime.

Does anybody know if there's a gathering list for this con?

>> No.7765541


How many guys have you seen as your other character?

>> No.7765734

what other character? Silica? like two but i haven't seen any do the version im doing (at least not in person)

>> No.7765816

Friend of mine mentioned something about free ramen, can someone elaborate on this?

>> No.7765835

Free ramen at con sweet.

>> No.7765871

Totally expecting free ramen to run out, fast

> Not that I'd even eat ramen because nutrition

>> No.7765876

Yeah, there are cheap fast food places around and good resturants.

>> No.7766071

I still need gay guys and grills to hang out with.
I'm not sure if I can function socially without a hag or two

>> No.7766161

You'll find them at the bottom of the pool. Just wait about five minutes for them to show up.

>> No.7766719


What fandoms are you into anon-chan?

>> No.7766801

Any update on the registration numbers? I'm in Artist Alley and while I'm expecting a tiny crowd, it'd be nice to know actual numbers other than the 3,000+ they keep flaunting on their site.

>> No.7766858

either ones that are super popular right now and are full of some rather weird or annoying people (Dramatical murder) or fandoms that when they have gatherings they were like dead (idolmaster)

>> No.7767234

> full of some rather weird or annoying people (Dramatical murder)

YEP. As much as I want to cosplay characters from BL, I don't want to be swarmed by moderately retarded 15 year old girls.

>> No.7767271

Around 2000+/-

>> No.7767301

one of the like 5 AX gatherings wasn't too bad i mean a little awkward and i made an attempt to make friends (invited a handful of them to join me and a friend on a photoshoot) which was a lot of fun (dmmd in the ball pit!) but after it was over they mostly kinda left with eachother (had two of them as friends on facebook for awhile before one removed me)

>> No.7767574
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>three days

>> No.7767623

Drinking con

>> No.7767933

What time are you guys gonna arrive?

Probably gonna get there around 9, drop the bags off with the reception, and check into the room at 4.

>> No.7768037

Probably at 10-11