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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7701332 No.7701332[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So /cgl/.. i come from a not so far away board..
and since this is a girls containment board i've got a question for you:

would you prefer to be a housewife in a nuclear family?
as in you're the manager of the house and your husband is the worker and your servant.

>> No.7701338
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I like the idea of being pussy-whipped.

How common are dominant females?

A lot of seagulls seem to have low self-esteem for this to be possible.

>> No.7701340
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Almost every female turn into a dominant boss after pregnancy.

or so i heard

>> No.7701374

Taking a guess... >>>/d/

>> No.7701378


your secret beta orbiter and admirer /r9k/

>> No.7701436

We are definitely on /cgl/. We just don't bother with neckbeards and fedoras who just waste our time.

>> No.7701442

A job opportunity recently came up where I was in a position to earn enough for both of us, but we had to relocate to an isolated country town. I suggested that we take the job and my boyfriend could be a kept man/house husband. He turned the suggestion down as there was no guaranteed internet 24/7 in that area.

>> No.7701450

Just leave.

>> No.7701470

I'd love to just sit at home all day wasting time on my hobbies while my husband worked, but my hobbies require a decent amount of money and I'd feel like an asshole spending his money on my interests without doing anything in return. Plus, my degree would be going to waste and I'd probably go stir-crazy.
Ideally we'd both work part-time and spend equal time on housework and childcare. My boyfriend has actually joked about wanting to be a househusband (he loves to cook and wants to spend a lot of time with our future children) but I definitely don't want to be the only one working full time to support the entire family.

>> No.7701478

I want a sister wives community of Trophy husbands.
On weekends they'll do a Romanesque battle on who gets laid.

>> No.7701479


>> No.7701495

what if he gave you a perentage of his wage for whatever your hobby is?

like.. let's say he gets 60k and gives you 15% just for your hobby.

>> No.7701503

I'd definitely prefer a more controlling husband. I'm aware I'm not very good on managing things (specially money) on my own, I can't drive, and I have expensive hobbies. I need someone to lead and spoil.

>> No.7701520

I'd still feel like a shitty person, using money that isn't mine. The only reason I'm okay with accepting money from my parents is because I know I'll be the one taking care of them when they're older, but taking money with nothing to offer in return (at least nothing I wouldn't normally do) just doesn't feel right for me. I have to contribute SOMETHING, you know?

>> No.7701522

> I have to contribute SOMETHING

W-what if you being with him is his biggest reward..?

>> No.7701549

That's what he's already saying actua
wait dude are you him
are you my boyfriend
get back to work what if they see you on 4chan

Seriously though, even if he loves me now I'd worry that he'd start to resent me eventually for sitting on my ass and doing nothing all day. Even if I end up earning peanuts compared to him (which shouldn't happen unless I decide to work at McDonalds or he hits it really, really big) I'd just feel like a mooch. Afaik most people feel like this to some extent. There's a reason that wives of insanely rich men often end up doing charity work.

>> No.7701565

This. Even when dating guys, I hate when they try to pay for everything. Nothing is worse than the feeling of being a mooch...

>> No.7701569
File: 151 KB, 892x590, 1403604924683.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this picture is the best picture and I have 5 copies of it since I need to.

>> No.7701582

You're going to hate your life if you have a house wife that walks all over you. She's not gonna do shit, not gonna clean, and probably won't have sex with you much after the honeymoon phase. So, unless you like that shit and you like having all of your money spent on clothes and sex toys, just don't.
Sincerely, an unwilling housewife

>> No.7701586

I'm a fit fag cosplayer thank you very much.