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7686203 No.7686203 [Reply] [Original]

I'm tired of wigs and thinking of dyeing my dark-brown hair in a pastel tone.

What shops do you reccomend to order dye from?

What dyes are the best?

Is this even an option with someone who has dark hair?

>> No.7686223

You can't dye dark hair a lighter color. You have to bleach it first.

>> No.7686228

You have to bleach and then dye. Can you not even do a basic Google search before posting?

>> No.7686320
File: 76 KB, 848x480, 90d0cdaf-691f-44ea-bd96-8b7acc797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also replying, bleaching killllllls your hair especially if it's darker.
Don't do it.
I am a victim of it.

Get highlights or tints. Much better idea.

>> No.7686332

I know, I have a bit thicker hair and I hope it will survive this.

My question was more where to get nice pastel dye colours from.

>> No.7686334

This person did it wrong. If you follow directions and make sure not to over process your hair and treat it nice after, it'll be fine. If you're really uncomfortable doing it at home, go to a salon.

Been bleaching and dyeing my hair for a decade. The worst thing that's ever happened is when I let a salon woman do it, and she wound up having to cut a few inches that got a bit fried.

>> No.7686353
File: 83 KB, 540x960, 0bdb1ece-fb94-4e44-8d78-6b5b47bae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also just saying, I have thick hair as well. It's still thick, but your ends will die and not grow.

Who the hell do you go to. I wish when I was into this I could've had someone do it correctly.

excuse the awkwardness of my face, but I believe this is when I first bleached it.
I then added silver and was attempting to go fully white, but parents and dramatic sister forced me into an appointment to get "natural" hair again.
fucking casuals

also sorry op

>> No.7686376

As long as you arent as stupid as >>7686320 you will be fine. It shoudlnt kill your hair if you take care of it. Its very frustrating watching girls rebleach their whole head to get out a color because they change it every month, then complain about it being fried. The damaging part is not something you repeat often.

You will need to bleach your hair pretty light to get it to take a pastel. Think light blond. So it will mean bleaching your hair. It may take a few times, so be ready to do it over time and have blond hair for a bit. No one sells pastel colors, so what people do is they get wahtever color they want in as light as they can, then use conditioner to dilute it until it is pastel.

After you get it that color, the only time you need to bleach it is to get your roots, and pastel tends to fade out fast since it is pretty light so you will have to redo that often. Dying it isnt damaging, just bleaching. So if you want to go dark, dont do it impulsively.

I suggest directions or Special effects for dyes.

>> No.7686377

I know people who have had success with the "blue/lavender rinses" for grey hair, otherwise most people I know prefer to buy darker dye and dilute it with conditioner to the colour they want

>> No.7686380

OP here
Where to get them? I found only a good bleach in my local stores, but they only had natural brown/blonde and edgy dark purple tones.
I couldn't find any on amazon, too.
So where does a seagull get their pastel dye from?

>> No.7686384

To avoid killing your hair,
>bleach in increments
>do ~1-2 week deep conditioning (with GOOD conditioner/leave in conditioners) between bleachings
>Use violet shampoo to lift yellow tints once its light-yellow
I have dark brown THICK hair and got it to whitish-blonde doing this with minimal damage. Be ready to go a few weeks with orange hair.

>> No.7686397

Whatever you do, don't use manic panic. I kept streaks in my hair for a few years when I was younger and manic panic is the worst. It's only good if you want to try out a color because most of it will wash out the very first time you wash your hair. Yes, I am talking about even their semi permanent dye.

I second special effects brand, and I'm sure there are some other good ones that I can't remember/ didn't have access to at the time.

>> No.7686427

I think you're just talking about the dye (I've heard bad things about their dye colors being streaky as well) but I would recommend Manic Panic's volume 40 for bleaching. I used it to bleach my dark hair white and it worked well for me. (Didn't completely kill my hair and lifted a good amount of color, but I have medium length/short hair and needed to boxes of the thing.)

>> No.7686440
File: 16 KB, 320x480, 3f7dfa32-a699-4842-b221-c4474c30a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey buddy I don't know anything about bleaching. I just left my hairdresser to it. And she did alot of the stuff you mentioned. Bleached in increments, conditioner with the dye, moisturizing shampoos
Maybe I just had split ends. I dunno. I didn't think it was bad, it was my family that did.

OP, also thirding Special Effects. It's vivid and stays in for awhile.

>> No.7686457

Eh, I wouldn't reccomend going to 40 if you have to do it more than once, and that can me too harsh for the scalp. 30 is safer.

>> No.7686492

Does anyone here have issues with hair getting darker after bleaching? I'm talking about dying it to a nice light white blonde, and then not only having it start yellowing, but turning darker as well?

The yellowing would happen before I used purple shampoo or conditioner, but it's still getting noticeably darker too. I'm assuming it has something to do with the crap water coming out of the faucet, but has anyone noticed any significant improvement from changing to a filtered shower head? They're a little pricey so if it's not going to help much I'd rather skip it.

>> No.7686580

I know a girl that went gray at 20, I'm really jealous.

>> No.7686595

Go to a salon. If you don't even know the most basic fucking things about hair dye it's going to come out horribly.

>> No.7686598

You can get a filtered shower head on ebay for like $12... no this is not normal. What do you mean it happens before? Like do you rinse your hair on off days, and it gets darker?

>> No.7686605

Yeah, you got it done wrong.
What a lot of people don't understand is that many salons are CRAP at bleach.
You need to find somebody who specializes in bleach and does bleach blonde all the time.
There are a couple of ways to find someone like this, if you have no luck on yelp, just wait until you see a girl with really nice bleach blonde hair walking around and ask her where she gets it done. You could also call and ask salons if they have experience with very light bleaching and pastel colors but they might lie.
Source, I've been bleaching my medium/dark brown hair for five years. My new stylist told me she was surprised with how long my platinum blonde hair is and it's good condition.

>> No.7686631

Salons sadly arent as good as you hope they would be, so the op is better off learning a lot and trying it out herself instead of paying someone to do a mediocre job.

>> No.7686732


OP you really just have to chose one and do a patch test. I stick with Manic Panics bleach, I'vee never had it burn my hair or do any damage to mine, however it might be different for you.

After bleaching I use a white dye like Manic Panics Virgin snow. my hair is super dark, when you bleach it will be yellowish- if you ad a color to it like blue you will be left with a greenish color. So I start with a white canvas.

For dyeing I use either Special Effects or Manic Panic. they both last a good amount for me.

Also, for the love of god... this stuff STAINS! Use a shirt you wont care about, same with a towel to protect your counter. Make sure you have stuff to do where you wont have to rest your head against something that might be stained.

>> No.7686745

I get my hair professionally done
They suggest that it's better to just dye your hair one color and let it naturally wash out and go pastel
you can either pick up something at hottopic or get it done professionally. I recommend that you should probably just dye your hair one color then let it fade, but if you're dead set on having it pastel I believe theres a way that you mix your dye with white conditioner and that makes it pastel. Theres a lot of good tutorials out there for turning dark hair light, I'm naturally blonde and just bleach so my hair looks white. I haven't used any manic panic (I chickened out I didn't want to ruin my hair) But I've seen a lot of good reviews as well as bad, theres a couple of other brands similar that specialize in other colors other than just natural ones! Thats about all the help I can give sorry it's not a lot anon! Good luck with Bleaching and Dyeing!

>> No.7686794

>dis underageb&
Are you like actually 12? You look like a 12 year old boy...

Also, I can vouch for >>7686605 never do it at a salon. I'd been bleaching my own hair for years and decided to try it at a salon once and got chemical burns from that shit. Fucking bullshit.

Don't use anything by manic panic, especially bleach, it's just overpriced, brand name crap. Bleach is bleach is bleach, it's all the same. Use 30 vol 1 or 2 times and then 20 vol, never use 40 it's too strong.

SFX is really good for purples and since you want purple you don't have to tone because purple is a toning color, it will go right on. Make it atleast twice as dark as you think you want it with the conditioner, it will fade fast, so you can re-dye with it for a few weeks until you run out. Just don't get a hydrogen peroxide activated dye, it won't do what you want.

This anon has no fucking clue what they're talking about, white dyes are just a toner to hide the yellow in the blonde, you need to be at level 10 or 11 before they even matter.

Finally, make sure to leave the dye in an extra long time, an hour over what the directions say heck, leave it in all night if you want.

Just make sure to be careful and you'll be just fine~

>> No.7686929

Hello, I have a little problem
I live in an small city; no one sells tints here, and I don't want another hair dye

Anybody knows a good web that sell hair TINTS?

Thank you so much

>> No.7687098

That's too bad anon :< it's my experience that just the platinum blonde color doesn't prevent you from getting jobs. I can back this up fairly well too, not just "lol Subway still hired me!!1." But the cut and condition probably play into it as well.

>> No.7687102

I love grey hair, the problem is that natural grey hair is usually kind of degraded and doesn't look very nice. Occasionally I see old ladies with really gorgeous grey or white hair though. I usually try to compliment them but don't always

>> No.7687112

>let it naturally wash out and go pastel
Hair dye doesn't really work like that though

Red turns orange/copper
Green kind of goes grayish
Pink is weird and can turn purple almost

>> No.7687121

Depends on the brand and the undertones, some reds turn pink, others orange for example. But yeah it doesnt fade to pastel.

>> No.7687287

That's terrible advice. It's also the same thing I was told the first time I dyed my hair. What happens is the fading can be uneven, fade to strange colors and usually the hair closest to the roots will be more faded than the rest if your hair. Blonde roots on weird colored hair isn't cute.

>> No.7687315

>Housemate couple wants to bleach their hair, the wife wants to go light pink
>Wife is brunette, husband is dark blonde
>Wife goes to Sally's to get the supplies
>I see the wife walking around the house with her hair up in paper towels and a shower cap
>"How long have you had that in for?"
>"45 minutes, I have 15 more to go."
>Rush her into the bathroom to wash it out, see 4 bottles of 40vol developer sitting there and one is empty

I told her to condition the shit out of it. She begged me to dye her hair pink the next day even though I told her it probably won't work especially so close to bleaching. The dye only took in small spots.

My local Sally's sells pastel dyes. Ion color Brilliance is the name and they come in pink, purple, blue, and green. Manic Panic also has a "pastel-izer" but the same affect can be done with conditioner and I don't like Mani Panic products.

You can get the ion dye from sallybeauty.com. I have experience with ion dyes but not those colors.

I'd suggest looking into hair chemistry and colour levels before taking the plunge. Definitely space the lightening process out. Kato has snow white hair and she went black>brown>orange>blonde>white over a long period of time.

Different hair types are harder to lighten so keep that in mind. Hair with a lot of Pheomelanins (red melanins) can be more difficult because they don't oxidize (fade) as fast, hence why freshly lightened hair is copper and slowly gets lighter after bleaching.

>> No.7687439

It didnt take because you told her to condition it heavily, not because of bleach. A lot of people dye their hair the same day as they bleach it.

>> No.7687462
File: 93 KB, 533x800, ae207f7d8f42ce468d3d3cd3e9166436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am so jealous of her hair.. I'm pretty sure this is shopped pretty heavily though.

>> No.7687653
File: 131 KB, 500x669, tumblr_inline_myus5w7YK81r481mz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I told her to condition the shit out of it. She begged me to dye her hair pink the next day even though I told her it probably won't work especially so close to bleaching. The dye only took in small spots.

It didn't take because she went way overboard with the bleach and her hair was too destroyed for it to take the dye. I told her to condition the fuck out of it and wait a while *because* of how overboard she went in hopes it would prevent further damage for now so her hair could better hold the dye later. She insisted I dye it immediately even though I told her she damaged her hair too much for it to stay.

She would need something to hold the dye in. She no longer had that something, so it wouldn't have held regardless of whether or not she conditioned.

She's always shopped heavily. The only thing she's really honest about is her implants because she doesn't really have a choice. She even photoshops the other girls who model with her without telling them beforehand. Her hair isn't quite that silver but it's pretty close.

>> No.7687671

>She even photoshops the other girls who model with her without telling them beforehand
uh what? who would go into a shoot like the ones she does expecting there would be no editing?

>> No.7687686
File: 418 KB, 900x839, photo_3094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I figured as much.
My hair alternates between platinum blonde and silver, pure white is REALLY REALLY hard to do. It's either slightly yellow tinted or it turns to silver after all the toner and purple shampoo.
I don't think I've seen anyone with pure white hair online or off that didn't either photoshop or had really short hair.

>> No.7687726

so I just looked into that whole thing, damn, I figured Kato was pretty batshit, but you can't really hide behind what that other girl is saying. And the fact she's not even being mean makes me want to believe her.

>> No.7687734

>your ends will die and not grow






ANY part of your hair that is hanging off of your body is ALREADY DEAD.

Stop spreading this retarded shit around. Just because you're fucking stupid and fried your hair doesn't mean bleach is awful for your hair and will ruin it.

>> No.7687761

She's still denying extensions I see.

>> No.7687775

Her hair doesn't look like extensions, anon.
Besides, it's not much longer than mine is with the same coloring process.
I guess it could be but the longest ends of her hair look as damaged as all her other hair ends. Just doesn't scream extensions to me.

>> No.7687791

bottom photo is not Kato

>> No.7687813

>autismal raaaaaaaage

I don't think she meant they'll die, I think she meant that the damage in combination with the usual damage your ends encounter will cause a constant "chemical haircut" effect and it'll be harder to grow out your hair because the ends will keep breaking off.

There's a difference between editing and giving someone a digital facelift. Lighting is one thing, changing someone's nose is another thing entirely. Some people don't want to be edited, and to some people editing them without their permission is like silently calling them ugly.

>> No.7687826

Well, to be fair a lot of people have stupid ideas about what hair does.
I have had actual hairdressers tell me that cutting hair during the full moon makes it grow longer and faster AND that cutting the ENDS makes it grow faster. Which makes zero sense.
I don't even think they meant it in the sense that keeping your hair healthy makes it easier to grow longer hair. No, they actually believed cutting the ends of your hair makes it grow faster from the scalp.
Though regardless, what she said is fairly wrong anyway.

>> No.7687827

yeah I responded to myself saying I read the story of that girl who was her girlfriend etc etc

>> No.7687892

Hairdressers always told me that cutting the ends makes it grow faster and I just assumed they wanted me to come in more to get more money.

>> No.7687900

Hairdressers aren't exactly the most intelligent demographic. I'd say it's 70/30 actually believing it and just trying to get you to come in more often.

>> No.7687944

Yeah they pretty much mean healthy ends will help the hair over all grow. Splits can travel up the hair shaft and inhibit growth if they get to the scalp.

I see way too many girls with 3 inches of split ends and they're terrified of losing any length. Funny part is their hair is usually waist length or longer to the point that 3 inches doesn't make any difference.

Granted, I blame a lot of misinformation on magizines trying to push drugstore-tier products as well.

>> No.7688008

Yes... This is exactly why I use the white dye... to HIDE the yellow.
Just saying what I do to get some good color in my hair.

>> No.7688026

Split ends travel very slowly IMO. I think hairdressers really overexaggerate this claim.. I don't blame them, they get extra money for enforcing this ridiculous "trim every month!" regime.
I went a whole year without trimming my ends, bleaching every 4-6 weeks and at the end I trimmed like 2" off.
It's my experience that you need to strike a balance between what hairdressers tell you, and never cutting your hair. Every 3-4 months is pretty reasonable.
>white dye
This isn't a thing.. if you are trying to help people describe your technique as it is in terms of toners and conditioners.
Right now, I'm just learning about toners because I didn't use them before.. I used 20 volume bleach with color accelerator 40-50 minutes. My "toner" was a heavy dose of shimmer lights. I achieved medium brown to silver with this technique.

>> No.7688282

So is there only the option to get semi-permanent colours?

What about a full-blown permanent one? I don't want to wash the dye out and stay with white/bleached hair in the end.

>> No.7688285

If you use semi-permanent dye over white hair, it will never fade back to white. It will always be stained very lightly -whatever color.-

There are no truly permanent unnatural colored dyes on the market right now. As it stands, semi-permanent colors stain your hair follicle while permanent colors actually bond on a molecular level. (And a lot don't even do it very well.)

It's not hard to just keep dying your hair every now and then.

>> No.7688288

Oh, right. For anybody in Australia, you can fid the 'Brite Organix' semi-perm dyes in Woolworths and they're fucking amazing.

I think they're $8-10 a bottle? I only need to re-dye every other month.
>The pink does bleed heavily for the first few washes though.

>> No.7688291

This. Your hairs are never going to return to platinum blonde. It's hard enough for us plat blondes to keep it from going yellow....
All hair dye fades, but there are techniques to keep it from fading. Special shampoos and also just not washing it very often. Get used to washing it 2x a week at most. It's better for your hair anyway.

>> No.7688361
File: 79 KB, 434x467, La-Riche-colour-chart-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you are looking for a book, try downloading Anya Gow's 'Any colour of the rainbow'
Read my friend's copy and it's pretty good.

I usually use La Riche Directions which has a vast selections of colours including pastels but you can mix their white toner with any of their other colours to get a pastel version anyway
Pic is colour chart

>> No.7688372

I am a hairdresser. If you want pastel hair you need to bleach the fuck out of your hair so it looks like the same colour as banana flesh. The whiter the better. Now this will be a slow process. I recommend bleaching once a week/month till you're the white colour. I also recomend ony using 20 vol each time because it's safe.

As for the pastel, manic panic is really good.

>> No.7688376

It actually stops your ends splitting and breaking giving the illusion that your hair is growing longer. Your hair is growing at the same speed but you'll have less natural breakage when you keep up with trimming.

>> No.7688379

Full moon makes sense if you believe in fairy tales. Trimming prevents breakage. It's just easier to explain it the other way since clients can be all cocky and think their hair is immortal.

>> No.7688381

This is because your hair absorbs colours, proteins and other nifty things from products. It can also be caused by your hair being oxygenated.

>> No.7688385

Haha bleach dehydrates your hair. If you use it wrong it will kill it but it should be fine if you know what you are doing.

>> No.7688387

Highlights are bleach omg

>> No.7688389

Yes this is an option, but please do some research about the type of bleach that is right for you hair. Most bleach kits sold in stores need to work on every hair type, so even the really thick and dark hair. So if you have thin hair, it will completely fry it. You will also need toner, to make your hair competently white without yellow tones and mix a small amount of said toner with your dye. After care is also important, because the yellows will return. So a silver shampoo or mousse with toner in it, will help with up keep

>> No.7688406

Omg bleach kits are so bad because they don't consider the clients hair.

What op needs to focus on in the Volume of the peroxide and the powder. Blue and purple bleach powders have a built in toner where as white bleach doesn't. Blue is most common.

The op should also consider the options of coloured bleach. These are bleaches that also deposit colour into the hair.

>> No.7688485

If you really dont want to upkeep it so much, dont do pastel. Pastel colors will fade faster than other unnatural color jobs because it is already dilluted to the point where it is not that pigmented anymore. It is somehting that you will have to put work into, and keep up. You need to redye it when it faded, bleach your roots when they come in, if you really want it to be white you need to keep toning the blond to get out that brashiness, etc. It is work to maintain.

>> No.7688715

Anyone know a photo dump like a tumblr page of unatural dyed hair with lolita fashion? I tried to search with google but i only find horrible ita pics, ganguro/mamba and that annoying La Carmina with her shitty gothic outfits and hair.
>google is trolling me

>> No.7688759

Looks like this is your first time, so go to a salon and get it done. Seriously, just trust me. If you do it from home, expect it to look awful.

>> No.7688847

I doubt that exists because most coords with bright hair is wigs.

This is such bad logic. If she got it done at a salon now, it would still be her first time doing things to her hair if she started doing things at home at a later date. If she does it from the start she learns as she goes and doesnt have to pay a lot of money for someone who may or may not have the skills she needs.

Its easier to deal with a mess you did yourself isntead of a mess that you paid someone to do.

>> No.7689718

Big issue infact! Non natural colored wigs look not really good in rl and not suitable for most places other than a meet or when it's too hot.

>> No.7689729

There are hundreds on amazon. I'v personally bought the litre of trulites quick blue.

>> No.7690029

I think the best way to go is to go to a salon with a very good reputation or to a a student salon, which is super cheap, if it's her very first time messing with bleach and hair dye. This way, the good salon probably won't mess up her hair and she can learn what to do at home. A student salon might not be as good, but it's cheap and she can still learn some novice coloring. And she can fix it herself if she doesn't completely like their work. In either case, be shy about asking questions about what they're doing, why, how to upkeep it, etc.

After that, she should know enough for upkeep, taking care of roots, rebleaching when the time comes, etc. After you have some basic knowledge, it's not worth going to a salon for something that needs to be touched up so often. But it is intimidating bleaching and coloring hair a weird color the first time you do it.

>> No.7690035

Meant to say DON'T be shy about asking questions. My phone accidentally a word.

>> No.7690037

I still maintain that the best thing to do is look for a stylist with bleach specific experience. It's like anything else, different stylists excel at different things. Some give great cuts, some are killer at highlights.
It's like commission a costume, would you just go to the first person you find even if their specialty is worbla and just hope they can make an amazing wig for you? No, you'd look for someone who specifically had experience with wigs and probably ask around a bit and research to find them. Salons don't need to be some kind of gamble.

>> No.7690277

(1/2) I bleach and dye my hair very often, my hair is in great condition, too. I've succeeded with pastel colors a good amount of times. When it gets long, its thick, and I can still grow it out without issues. I recommend a good SALON BRAND of bleach, avoid manic panic and raw and other hawt tawpic brands. I use Clarol born blond white bleach developer and lightening powder from sally's. Others work just as well, though I trust Clarol.

Bleach your hair in increments!!!!!! Wear good gloves that won't seep through or you'll be itching a lot. Get 20 or 30 vol if your brave, bleach once on clean hair, check on it often, enjoy itchy head hell (itching is safe, burning is not, wash it out if its burning) DONT LEAVE IT MORE THAN AN HOUR, get a leave in repair conditioner and shampoo for treated hair (I use garnier and pantene), use both and rinse with cold to lukewarm water. Make sure you wash off bleach that gets on your skin. Do not the use same gloves for multiple treatments, and throw away left over bleach after a treatment. Wait a day, bleach two days after the first time and repeat until your hair is a white-yellow-blond. Tone the yellow out with a violet/purple toner or shampoo/conditioner. IF YOU GO PASTEL, you should avoid doing any dark colors- you are more likely to fry your scalp's skin than your hair if you bleach too often, it will look red and ugly and gross. Pastel colors wash out very fast, and you will often be left with your white hair again after a month or so. You may have to do your roots every now and then, do them with 20 in increments. If you're afraid of bleaching, go to a trusted salon- the extra money is worth your skin and hair health.

>> No.7690285

(2/2) Dying process: there are two ways to dye your hair pastel when you have reached a good platinum to preferably white color, these both worked for me. You can use the dye/conditioner method, and for dye I like: Splat, directions, special FX, and etsy has some good indie brands. Avoid manic panic, cream dyes that say they're pastel, raw and any hot topic brands. Special fx is the only thing good at ht and not all of them have it. Pick your dye and color, it should be SEMI PERM- if its bright its still fine. Get WHITE conditioner, I use pantene repair because I get dye and repair treatment in one. Pour in a shit ton of conditioner to a container, then pour in just enough dye to change the color. It should be SLIGHTLY darker than the final color you want, so if you want pastel pink, do it slightly darker. Wear gloves, and either use a dye brush or your hands to spread it evenly through your hair. Use a mirror or get a buddy to do the back of your hair, make sure you didn't miss anything. Wear a shower cap and leave it in for 4-5 hours minimum- dying, contrary to popular belief, is not the part of the process that hurts your hair. You can leave it in as long as you want, I generally wear a cap and sleep with it in, then I throw in an extra hour. Rinse with cold water, shampoo if you want, towel dry. Your hair will smell good for a week. After a month or so, your color will probably wash out and you can do it again- the best thing about this is that you don't run of dye very fast. Another method to changing color usually only works for lavender- if it's a good white-blond and you're toning, you can leave it in too long and if you do, theres a chance it can turn to a soft lavender/silver and it's worked once for me before. It looks really cute imo. Anyways, for upkeep just bleach your roots now and then and be sure to do a repair treatment every two or three weeks, trim your dead/fried ends, ect. You'll be fine as long as you're not stupid.

>> No.7690360

I want to buy special fx, but I can't find the color that I want anywhere. Do they ever restock?

>> No.7690369

Where are you going for it? If you can't find it at HT Sally's or some other alt fashion place in your area you should probably just order online.

>> No.7690733

pretty sure they're out of business or are closing shop soon.

only place I've been able to find it lately

>> No.7690926

I have a dumb non-dye related question but this is the only hair thread so here goes.

When I moisturize with coconut oil, how do I get that shit out afterwards? I don't even use that much (I cover my hand palms, run them over my hair and then distribute with a bristle hair brush) but after shampooing normally my hair is still greasy. On the other hand, shampooing twice and conditioning afterwards will dry it out too much.
Should I be rinsing it with vinegar or something like that?

>> No.7690956

Another dye-related question:
My natural hair colour is a very hideous golden colour.
I know "gold" sounds like a good hair colour but it doesn't go well with really pale skin.
I have a very good job and can't afford looking like I dye my hair.

Does anyone know of a good quality red hair dye that will produce a natural looking red colour?

>> No.7691038

They had issues with their production and so are backlogged. They are restocking now but it is going to take a while. What color are you going for?

>> No.7691040

For more natural colors I just went to Sally's and see what they have there. You have to go and choose the shade yourself by yourself but it is better quality than box dyes. Usually you have to buy a developer too, so get just a 20 or something if it needs one. I personally used clairol.

>> No.7691065

Thanks, but I do not live in the states and we do not have Sally's here.
I went to several drug stores but they don't sell reds that look too good.
I'll have to order it online.

>> No.7691080
File: 82 KB, 833x960, blah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for hijacking the thread! I've been really wanting to dye my hair lilac for ages now but I'm unsure if I'd suit it. That's a recent picture of me. Could anyone please tell me a haircolour that would suit me?

>> No.7691104

Skin tone is the most important thing to consider.
It's hard to say if you have a yellowish skin or if the picture was just taken in yellowish light.
As a general rule: Don't clash skin and hair colour too much.
If your skin tone is warm, lilac is a really bad idea.
The girl in OP has a really cool skin colour, that's why it works well for her.

>> No.7691129

If you're pale: do you look cheesy pale or ghostly pale?
If former, don't do it. If latter, go ahead.
If your skin is olive, or darker in general, you shouldn't do it.

>> No.7691278

not that anon, but is there any hope for olive skinned girls who want pastels? A friend said that it works if you have "honey undertones" in the dye but I have no idea what that means.

>> No.7691286
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>> No.7691297
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I think it works just like with make-up? Warmer and cooler tones of the skin or something? Not sure.

Also can we make this a hair care thread? I want to ask some questions too.

This was my hairstyle, but I am growing it out, because the upkeep is very expensive due to me having very fast growing hair (It is ridiculous, if I have bangs I have to cut them every two weeks or so). I am thinking of keeping my hair a whiter blonde, I have some manic panic toner. However I am not sure about bleaching, as they only sell bleach kits in stores and those ruined my hair before (I have very thin hair) when I tried an ombré dip dye. Should I just let a salon do it? And are there ways to keep down the costs for someone with fast growing hair? (Like certain upkeep routines, or something. I already wash with a shampoo that is especially made to tone out the yellow, but I guess besides fast growing it is also very pigmented seeing how the yellows will still return eventually)

>> No.7691303

Sorry, but no. Olive skinned people look really bad with red or pastel hair.
But if you really want to try it and are willing to damage your hair for an attempt, go ahead.
You just have to like it yourself.

>> No.7691324

If you have thin damaged hair, for the love of god, stop bleaching it. Get a wig.

Also, is that pic how you style your hair still? It's not very flattering.

>> No.7691334

I am a hair stylist. It is better to trim often if you have long hair, especially if you dye it, because it prevents split ends which can turn into breakage which can turn into short stubby frizzies. Whether you wanna trim your ends often or get it done is up to you. If you have short hair, don't worry about it, unless you want to keep it short of course.

>> No.7691340

Oh and I agree, they do over-hype it. Hair doesn't grow faster with lots of trimmings, nor do split ends appear really quickly (although it varies, some hair types split faster/slower than others).

>> No.7691342

I had longer hair when it was damaged. That is why I decided to cut it short. However sadly this hairstyle + my own haircolor made me look like Justin Bieber, and well you don't want that. So I let the salon bleach it with the right oz of bleach (Instead of those shit do it yourself kits that bleach it until it is fried) and it is really healthy right now, still thin but healthy.

And no, it is kinda flat and short now. Can't do that anymore or it will deflate like the Dashcon ballpit. However that hairstyle was a typical case of ''Not so cute in pictures, better in Real life'' Even my friends were a bit horrified when they saw the pictures, but once they saw in in Real Life they all sighed in relieve and told me that the pictures just make it look really unflattering.

>> No.7691353

If you've had problems with box due before, definitely go to a salon.

>> No.7691362

>(Instead of those shit do it yourself kits that bleach it until it is fried)

Only idiots can't do it themselves.

Your hair does look really fried, don't kid yourself. As for the hair style, that style looks good on no one, so I doubt it looks good on you IRL, your friends were probably just being nice.

>> No.7691453


Manic panic dyes come out pretty easily with baking soda. Did that not even work?

>> No.7691476

My second question still stands though. Ways to keep the cost low for hair that grows fast? The salons around here are pretty expensive. And I don't want a student salon to do it, as they butchered my hair into hell and back before.

Yeah no, it was my first time bleaching. And I just believed the box that said ''For all hair types!'' And it isn't fried. I know what fried hair looks and feels like. It was frizzy as fuck and felt like rope. It is actually very soft at the moment. My hair now might be thin, but I just have natural thin and volumeless hair. It is a bitch to make it look like it actually has some volume. I am not going to respond to your personal opinion though, I thought it looked good and so did others, so meh.

>> No.7691543

You kind of look like you have Downs syndrome. The hair isn't helping.

>> No.7691548

Your hair doesn't look fried now, though it's impossible to tell the real texture of it in that picture. I've noticed there's always one anon who has a vendetta against any bleached hair no matter how healthy it looks.

>> No.7691574

Stick a load of conditioner on it and leave it there for at least 15 mins. Then wash your hair like usual. The conditioner get the oil out without making your hair gross or dry.

>> No.7691792

Now play nice, anon-chan

Yeah I notice it too. Either they don't know what fried hair loods like, or they just really hate unnatural blondes/colors

>> No.7691808

Oops sorry I didn't mean fade to pastel, i meant just fade out! I was going to go with a pastel blue but never went for it, but discussing it with my hair dresser she said i should let it fade naturally, but you are right it won't fade to pastel it'll just fade out and be lighter, my mistake !
Oh geez I'm sorry anon, I was just going with what my hair dresser told me, I'm kind of glad that I only bleach my hair instead of dye. I should probably get more personal experience before giving my advice next time oops, thank you guys for correcting me though!

>> No.7691814

Is it good to mix the bleach with shampoo so the damage is less serious?

>> No.7691852

What. Don't mix shampoo and bleach just shampoo after you bleach oh my god. The damage is only serious if you do something dumb like use 40 vol all at once two days in a row and don't condition.

>> No.7691865

Yeah. Olive skinned people look good in browns, blacks and I think some honey blonde shades if I'm not mistaken.

>> No.7691933
File: 89 KB, 689x500, help.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok guys I really need help. So far I've bleached my hair 3-4 times. My hair was black/dark dark brown. As you can see my hair is still really dark in some spots and it just WON'T lighten. It is orange color. Should I bleach again or tone THEN bleach? I even focus on those spots, but nothing seems to happen at all. Please help. I have no idea what to do, and I'm tired of looking like a clown.

>> No.7691936

Just a note, my hair looks greasy because I'm preparing it for possibly another bleach.

>> No.7691938

You probably need more heat while bleaching: I'm guessing that you twist your hair up on top of your head after applying bleach, and the darker area is the part that isn't exposed to the warmth from your scalp.

>> No.7691940

Toning and bleaching is pointless. Toner doesn't do anything to your hair, it just adds another pigment that neutralises the ones you don't want. Bleaching after toning just removes all of the toner.

What colour is your hair naturally, and what colour are you aiming for?

>> No.7691943


My hair is naturally black/super dark brown. I'm trying to get my hair bleach blonde.

>> No.7691948


So should I use a blow dryer and focus on the spots that won't get light?

>> No.7691949

Okay. It's just that I read that it's a good idea to mix shampoo with bleach and leave it there 20 minutes (with 20vol) and then wash it, as in a 'less-damaging' way to bleach it.

>> No.7691957

What volume are you using? This was a problem for me when I used to use 40, then I switched over to doing it in 20 increments. Also adding more heat is a good idea, try using a blow dryer and wearing a shower cap while the bleach sets in. Don't bleach all over your head again because you'll cause unnecessary damage, just bleach these specific spots and if you already bleached today, wait two days to do it again. Double check that your bleach mixture is very thoroughly mixed. Don't tone then bleach b/c thats pointless. Carefully put on a good glob of 20-30 vol bleach on your dark spots, put your hair in a cap and expose to heat every 20 minutes, let the bleach sit for an hour at the most. If the spots lighten before then, wash the bleach out early. If they lighten a little by the end of the hour, wash it and repeat the process one-two days later and keep doing that until the color is even.

>> No.7691961

If you're trying to lighten your hair a tiny bit you can do it like that I guess, but it won't lighten very much at all. If you're trying to go blond from a dark color just do 20 vol increments every two days until you get the color you want, shampoo and condition on bleach days and your hair will be fine.

>> No.7691962

This is called a bleach wash, it's a decent trick to use to get out stubborn colors (like remaining tones after dying pink or blue) or to push your blonde hair into that last little lift to platinum.

I would bleach normally if your hair isn't bleached blonde already because the lift won't be as strong with a bleach wash.

>> No.7691981

Pipe the fuck down. You will not retain length if your hair is damaged because the damaged ends will keep breaking off.

>> No.7692264

I first used 20 volume. Then I used 30 for the other times. It got some of my hair blonde; as you can see in that picture.

>> No.7692446

your hair looks thin and fried as shit, not shiny or healthy at all. I also hate the yellow colour your hair has. Bet you'd look better natural. Cute face though.

>> No.7692948

This is stupid.
Hair has a set terminal length. You can extend this terminal length with extreme methods, like silk scarf wrapping, vitamins and monistat.
HOWEVER. I will say my hair's terminal length has not changed one bit from pre bleach and post bleach. Do I take care of my hair better? Arguably, but a lot of what I do wouldn't work pre bleach because it would end up greasy as fuck. You can stop damaged ends from breaking off WITHOUT cutting them. Google "xiaxue split ends"

>> No.7692957

I wish there were vitamins or something you could take to make hair stop growing so fast. Sorry I don't have better advice. Maybe balance your dietary macros better? You coul dbe eating too much protein or something.

>> No.7692958

>I've noticed there's always one anon who has a vendetta against any bleached hair no matter how healthy it looks.
Truth. I wonder what the problem is, either they tried it themselves and failed or they have some irrational agreement with the "people who dye their hair are narcissistic whores" stereotype from the 1930s

>> No.7692959

uhh monistat? like the yeast infection stuff you stick in your vag?

>> No.7692963

Yes anon, get with the program. long hair girls have been using it for years.

>> No.7692967

>has incredibly fast growing hair
>constantly cuts it into a stupid mohawk thing
I hate everybody
Also your hair probably doesn't grow that fast, it just seems like it does because your hair is comparatively shorter.

>> No.7692983

ok so ive been dyeing and bleaching my hair for years now so here are some of my suggestions. Bleach your hair in increments like suggested above if your hair is a naturally darker color. After you bleach your hair buy conditioner that is for hair repair or has oils in it. one of the main reasons why bleaching your hair is so bad for it is because it takes away a lot of the natural oils in your hair and hair needs some oil to it. Also if your hair doesnt get that greasy i would suggest washing your hair less if you can help to try and bring back some of the oils naturally too. Onto the dye question, if you want pastel colors Sallys beauty supply has a brand called ion that has a whole bunch of pastel colors. Before you dye your hair a pastel color though, especially if its purple, you might want to buy toner to get your hair to a more white blonde. If you want purple toner they sell it in a shampoo and conditioner form also at Sallys. The reason i mention this especially if its purple like your pick its because purple and yellow (blonde) are oppostie on the color wheel and will cancel each other out. Sorry if this is so long and if i repeated things other people have said

>> No.7692991

I would say avoid ion and go with the conditioner method with a dye thats not creamy. Its easier for beginners imo, because creamier dye is somewhat difficult to work with if you're inexperienced and I've noticed Ion's pastels come out too bright by themselves. You could perhaps try using the conditioner method on them? But tbh Ion also doesnt have very much dye in one container, you may be better off spending the same price on a different dye but if you do it post the results. Otherwise info here is correct, adjust hair washing to hair oil needs ect ect.

>> No.7693001

i do agree with you it is thick hence why i usually put conditioner and put in developer to help thin it out which usually gets it to a thinner consistency and a lighter color. oh hair thickness i totally forgot to think of that since i have fairly thin hair. All i know is i have enjoyed the results from ion in the past and it works pretty well. Oh something i just thought of op may want to know is take colder showers for this too if you can stand it. Cold water is not only healthier for your hair but it makes the dye in your hair last way longer.

>> No.7693032

Could be it, I do ingest a lot of protein rich food. Such a dilemma, seeing how protein helps you turn your fat into muscle.

I had to cut it anon, my hair was really damaged (Like so frizzy and ropey, you can't even imagine) and only a short haircut could make it better. I think I have to much keratine or something, Even when I had longer hair, I constantly had to manage it. Same goes for my nails, I don't even care if they break off and leave a very short nail anymore, because they will be long again in 2 weeks or so. It is bizarre how much upkeep my nails and hair take. I do see the pro's in this though. I can experiment with my hair and it doesn't mind at all, because in a few months it will be nice and long again..

>> No.7693416

It's so weird when girls have to put makeup and to take care of their hair and grow them to be attractive and at the same time girls are being judged to put too much or too little makeup or dying their hair (more drama if it's an unnatural color). Many people and especially normalfag men (well also girls) really dislike non natural hair colors for girls because they think they are massive whores getting attention due to their hair. Seems to be stuck in the 30s with all this unecessary dying hair drama.

>> No.7693421

>seeing how protein helps you turn your fat into muscle.

>> No.7693428

This is only true in smaller areas. In large cities it's really popular to have dyed or 'chalked' hair atleast. I've gotten tons of compliments for my unnatural hair as well. I think maybe there is a problem if it's really bright or unflattering though. A lot of girls are dumb and only do it for the attention so they never consider colors that look good, just ones that will be weird and special!

>> No.7693499

Why do you think Bodybuilders drink protein shakes, anon? It isn't a magic potion or anything, but it will makes the progress easier.

>> No.7693539

Most women I know dye their hair because natural hair tends to be boring, tbh. I dye mine too.
The problem isn't with dyeing in and of itself (hell, my great grandma dyes her hair), it's with dyeing your hair into an unnatural colour because people think it screams "give me attention" and "I'm trying to be yooneeeq!", while bleached blonde hair (if your hair isn't a natural blonde) is often associated with slags.

But like you said, most of the problems arise when hair is unflattering and/or really bright. Green, purple, electric blue etc always make people look like shit, as does orange hair (not to be confused with ginger/copper) and BLOODY INTENSE FLAMING red (again, not to be confused with dyed red hair). I know many older women who have their hair dyed red and it's a normal thing here. Same with ombre, subtle pastels, that French streak whatsit, etc.

Another thing that matters a lot when it comes to making an impression is the haircut. Sharp lines and unnatural looking cuts tend to attract more negative attention than other hairstyles, even if it is from Vidal Sassoon himself.

Like above, nobody cares about people using makeup as long as they use it to enhance their features and not go full morphin' time or look like drag queens. It mostly has to do with people being perceived as attention whores.

>> No.7694487

I saw some girls in pink bright or pastel colored in my small small city. Well it depends of how much the person fit the color it doesn't matter if it's neon bright or subtle pastel, some people would look awful if they used a color not suited for them, for example i think some darker complexions don't fit pastel hair while they would look better with bright or darker colors, even neon or some skintones looks better in cool colors or some other in warmer tones. Also i think you have to choose you hair dye considering how you dress, for example a bright neon pink hair dye would never suit a classic lolita op dress in brown or earth tones.
I love bright bright hair dyes especially in blue/purple tones, it all depends of how you dress, if the color suit you in skin tone and some other stuff. Isn't always unflattering bright unnatural dyes, it depends of the person. The only color i don't like is neon yellow, THAT almost all the time look awful.
Well i don't want bright blue hair because i think with my lolita wardrobe won't match but instead i want some dark blue/purple tone, that would look really unique without looking too much flashy.

>> No.7695502

Uh, just cut your dead ends and stop believing in pseudo science. Anyone who has long hair regularly trims for split ends.

Eh, red is 'natural' enough that it isnt seen as a attention seeking thing, so its more hypocrisy. You know that most people with red hair arent red heads, and that the natural looking red is different, but we as society have gotten used to it. In time it will happen to other things like more unnatural colors.

>> No.7695783
File: 12 KB, 200x311, t_3265da00-0e5d-11e2-9860-670ea9600005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to put a streak in my hair. I don't really want to bleach and dye my (naturally dark hair) having read about how brittle and unhealthy it can become, so I am thinking of getting a colored hair piece to insert into my hair.

The only ones I've seen have looked very cheap though. Is it possible for this to look good? Or should I just sacrifice a bit of my hair?

>> No.7695918

Have you looked online for them? The ones you see at claires, hot topic etc ARE cheap as shit. But there are many different kinds of fake hair. They even have actually human hair pieces and they don't have to be expensive. I got some human hair clip in bangs recently for like $12.
Just shop around. Try etsy or maybe even doctoredlocks.

>> No.7695926

Hair splits eventually no matter what you do, just from friction and other environmental effects. I agree that cutting it every 1-2 months is bullshit but never cutting it at all is going to make your hair look terrible. Do it once a year at least.

>tfw friend has a new girlfriend, mutual friend is going on and on about how gorgeous her hair is and that she looks like a magical mermaid princess
>it's waist-length but frizzy and gross as fuck
I'd rather see someone with healthy short hair than a 'mermaid' with hair that looks like the ends have gone through a shredder.

Protein doesn't actually turn fat into muscle, though. That's just laughably inaccurate.

>> No.7695956

I suppose I am biased from what I have seen in person. Some of them were in salons but they made not have been very high end salons to begin with. Its hard to gauge the quality when looking at it online.

Real human hair sounds interesting. I could conceivably buy a hairpiece that matches my hair, and have that bleached/dyed. It might not look so 'healthy' but then you could see the dark hair fading to color so it looks more realistic, as if I'd actually done something to my own hair. I'd rather it look authentic as opposed to looking very obviously artificial (well, for colored hair).

I'll check doctoredlocks, thanks

>> No.7695958

>Protein doesn't actually turn fat into muscle, though. That's just laughably inaccurate.
This. Protein simply is more easily turned into muscle than other kinds of foods. It doesn't do anything to your fat or even help reduce fat.

>> No.7695970

Luckily if all you want is a streak, it's pretty cheap. They are like $10 each so you can try a few different ones for the same cost of getting it done at the salon.
You can also take them to the stylist. I have human hair extensions and my stylist bleached them to match mine. She didn't even charge extra but some might.
Getting one a little darker and bleaching it isn't a bad idea

>> No.7696018

I'm heartened to hear it wasn't a dumb idea, thank you!

/cgl/ has made me interested in wigs and hairpieces, seems so much healthier than running your hair through heat and chemicals. My hair is fairly thin so it seems it can't take much before it starts splitting and looking straw-like.

>> No.7696181

This is just your opinion, and not actual fact.
In general, pastels can work with olive skin, pastel pink or peach seems to be the colours that works best, lilac and lavender next best, then silver. mint not really.

>> No.7696361

You could not do it like >>7695783 where you have the streaks on the top of your head, as there isnt a way to blend it. What you can do is to add extensions under a layer of hair so it is hidden. You would just get blond and dye it to what you want, and if you get human hair you can use hair dye, otherwise you would need to do like the sharpie method or whatever else people use on wigs.

At the very least get good quality extension so you can style them (heat resistant), human hair is the best but if you arent sure about the concept dont spend loads of money on it.

>> No.7696718

>xiaxue split ends
I think i lost some brain cells reading that

>> No.7697242

You're not giving me any scientific or logical data regarding the dye not taking. You just keep saying she went too hard, and damaged hair. Well, isnt damamged hair extremely porous and open to dye