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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 508 KB, 846x742, Dashconned 2014 3 copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7675377 No.7675377 [Reply] [Original]

Previous threads in autosage >>7672973 >>7674079 >>7674680

Tumblr does a con. It's going as well as anyone could hope.

>Con organisers ask for $17000 dollars in an hour otherwise the con will be shut down because "upper management doesn’t like the people at the con"
>turns out Dashcon didn't read the contract properly and it said payment due on day one
>Saying they'll refund donations once money's in from walk-ins

>Main draws of the convention, Welcome to Night Vale, walk after not being paid
>Anyone who forked out for extra-cost reserved seating for the event gets an extra hour with the ball pit
>an extra hour in a tiny, timed-entry, homestuck-paint-filled kiddie pool with some plastic balls in a giant empty room
>there's a bouncy house too
>Time Crash (who they?) concert and BDSM 101 panels later

>We are waiting for someone to die
>Murder? Suicide? BDSM Gone-Oh-Wrong? Place your bets, kids.

>> No.7675391

My bet is on the Hannibal fandom killing and eating someone ~*artistically*~, screaming 'THIS IS MUHHH DESSSEEEIGN' everywhere.

>> No.7675397

haven't seen threads on one specific topic on /cgl/ ever go this fast, or at least not in a long long time

>> No.7675400

When are they going to sacrifice someone to appease the con, if they don't do it tomarrow then they have failed.

>> No.7675402
File: 130 KB, 1080x687, tumblr_n8mm6aPsNp1rcb6cdo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Best of luck

Oh my god.

>> No.7675403

I thought tumblr didn't like balls

>> No.7675404

So this might be a stupid question to ask, but that chicken-looking thing that I assume is Dashcon's mascot?
What the hell is it, and why is it that?

>> No.7675406
File: 98 KB, 370x210, 1392697306817.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7675407

Dang, they're a big name in the Sherlock world.

Is anyone even going to turn up tomorrow?

>> No.7675409

Never has there been such a relevant shitstorm for the seagulls to cover like the eleven o'clock news.

>> No.7675410


>UPDATE 3: The reason the vendor hall was mostly empty was because DashCon told vendors that the vendor hall would be open at 3pm. Instead, it opened at 1pm. (VERIFIED BY A VENDOR)

>Gingerhaze, a webcomic artist, was set to appear on some panels at DashCon. When the panel moderators did not show up, SHE moderated them herself. Also, her hotel room, which was supposed to be comp’d by DashCon, has ended up being charged to her. She has left the con early. (VERIFIED BY THIS PERSON HERSELF)

Good god, it's a trainwreck.
I wonder if Tumblr Staff will make an official statement distancing themselves from Dashcon just as a precaution of sorts.

>> No.7675411

its in reference to the shitty fluffy chicken post

>> No.7675412
File: 28 KB, 208x228, 426346326.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man wonder if it was a Homestuck horn that punctured the ball pit?
TFW the deflating triggers some weird inflation issues

>> No.7675413

>Peyton’s Fluffy Chicken is the nickname of a white Silkie chicken that was featured in a post by Tumblr user thatsmoderatelyraven, who claimed her mother would purchase the bird for her if she received 500,000 notes on the microblogging site.

>> No.7675414
File: 43 KB, 600x600, 3e6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we may not be perfect. the (trigger warning, ableist classist language) stupid staff may have royally fucked over our night vale panel, but we are doctor who, we are supernatural, we are TUMBLR. we will rise from the ashes of this mishap like an empowered woman from the oppressive chains of society and laugh at the male entitlement and literal stare rape from onlookers who think this was a swindling copout of the con experience. yeah we have a ball pit, so fucking what? its better than the blowupdolls you fuck with your fellow neckbeard MRAs, 4chan shitlords. im a proud donator of 267 dollars in cash, and I kept this baby alive. you are not going to appropriate it from me, or the wrath of feminim.

>> No.7675416

Man, by the looks of it Sunday is going to be empty as fuck. Everyone is jumping ship.

>> No.7675418

its a fluffy chicken. something tumblr takes pride in helping someone get through getting X amount of notes.

its as stupid as you think.

>> No.7675420
File: 1.68 MB, 1280x1529, tumblr_n8mm22JZE61tg895lo1_1280 alternatively what the fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7675421


>> No.7675423

3pm?! I've never actually been to a hotel con but isn't that really late? Even 1pm sounds late.

Then again, as a vendor I'd love to sleep in that late...

>> No.7675424

I know, right? /cgl/ feels alive again.

>> No.7675425

So did /tg/ get in on the actions or is this TUMBLR HEADCANON FANDOM nonsense?

>> No.7675428

Who actually took the time to write this shit? Whether it was a parody or not, how fucking lame.

>> No.7675430
File: 59 KB, 1000x1000, b8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7675434

SDCC's exhibit hall opens when the convention itself opens.
For the most part, vendor halls are where convention attendees hang out when nothing else is going on. Why wouldn't they open it up? Did they think that everybody would be in panels?

>> No.7675441

this was all written by a 16-year-old dude on tumblr with what i assume to be a /b/ and /a/ affiliation

>> No.7675443

Reading it again, I realise that my last sentence makes no sense.

I meant that I'm a vendor at conventions so, yeah, not opening the vendor hall with the convention sounds crazy.

>> No.7675444


Dang, the con did a real number on her. Props to her for being able to act gracefully about it though.

>> No.7675446

Off-topic but wow, that's a nice looking font.

>> No.7675449

are you talking about the new twitter default or the typesetting on their logo

>> No.7675450

I can understand. Maybe you just need to hire some people to work for you so that you can sleep in and they're stuck waking up early.

I can only imagine what'll happen with Doug Jones. He's the most professional out of everybody there at Dashcon; he's probably going to lash out if/when he learns he might not get paid at all.

>> No.7675453
File: 127 KB, 500x375, tumblr_n8mmq8IuEX1qltmpoo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute CCS group

>> No.7675454

How much of tumblr is actually underages? Like, I know there's plenty of NSFW material on the site that's unblocked and shit.
Pretty sure she was talking about the text in the logo of the twitter icon. Admit it, it is nice.

>> No.7675457

The twitter one (I don't use twitter much).

>> No.7675460

The logo is nice too! I didn't even notice it the first time I looked //////

>> No.7675462

Time Crash is a bunch of really talented dudes and a pretty great band. You do have to be into nerd-themed music, though.

>> No.7675464

Any pictures of the vendor hall? Seen a couple of people in the tag say the dealers had a 'a nice variety of merchandise' etc, but find it hard to believe.

>> No.7675466
File: 20 KB, 419x280, tumblr_inline_n6z7urZ8iO1qdd7qm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

such a shame. These cosplays are really good, actually

>> No.7675468

Oh then you must've meant the twitter font then. Which admittedly is pleasing to the eye. I remember going to an open house for an art college were they had someone print out tweets on high quality cotton print cards and they looked really nice. The text is just pleasant.

>> No.7675470

oh, probably quite a bit is underage, I mean, it's essentially the new livejournal. But really it depends on what you're looking through. NSFW tends to be on the older side, though you'll get some kids writing smut fanfics and such.

As a rule of thumb, though, I avoid everything SuperWhoLock and the like.

And the typeset is really nice.

Some of the cosplay was kinda neat, even if some of it seems very thrown on but a lot of these people sound like local kids who wanted to hang with friends and wanted to toss something up.

>> No.7675472
File: 543 KB, 1280x854, tumblr_n8mmwn9euC1qc64hro2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hobbit #sweg at Dashcon 2014

Not even a Tolkien fan but this is painful.

>> No.7675475
File: 689 KB, 1280x1918, tumblr_n8mmwn9euC1qc64hro3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7675485

As a Tolkien fan this hurts a great deal. On a less eye hurting note, I like the hat the heavy chick on the right is wearing and the chick on the left in the WTNV shirt appears to have nice hips(could just be an endearing angle)

>> No.7675488

This whole thing just reeks of autism, especially the ball pit thing.

>> No.7675491

of course, the ball pit was hoarded by homestuck cosplayers

>> No.7675492

$25.39 on someone asphyxiating from trying something they learned from BDSM 101

>> No.7675494


>> No.7675496
File: 48 KB, 720x480, le funny pun man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess you could say that Dashcon came tumbling down

>> No.7675497

god bless homestuckers and their paint

>> No.7675501
File: 227 KB, 557x544, 1403993429735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the ball pit wasn't a pitiful excuse for a kiddie pool I wouldn't even let my nieces in it wouldn't be that bad of an idea. Assume proper people are in charge of maintaining it and keeping it up to or above hygienic standards and it could be something fun. But no. It continues to be a delightful joke rivaling the Hindenburg disaster and can only get better with tomorrow's possible escapades and the aftermath of this shit storm.

>> No.7675509


>> No.7675512


Retarded arguments and low expectations aside, the cosplays linked are laughable (and half of the links are the same) as are the vendors (one of the pics isn't even from Dashcon).

Tumblr plz

>> No.7675514
File: 357 KB, 720x1280, ball pit after hours of homestucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Homestuck paint and ball pits can't end well.

>> No.7675518

i wonder if someone has pooped in it

>> No.7675524

Someone who was being 'le epik' did something to it, don't worry.

>> No.7675525

The first vendor link is about transportation?!?

Noticed one of the vendors is table 142 though. Did they really sell that many? I wonder how much the tables were?

>> No.7675528


i go to social events where literally the only thing we have in common is being a bunch of 20-somethings with autism and not a single one of them has been even quarter as painfully fucking awkward as these photos. if this is on the spectrum then its somewhere in the ultraviolet range

>> No.7675529


That's fucking Kankri from homestuck. "Olga", he's a fucking sjw parody and a shitty one at that. What autistic edgy faggot made this?

>> No.7675533


>> No.7675534

Why is everything that we're getting out of this mess (in defence of and against) punctuated by 'verified by a [generic role with no actual link or name]'

I realise the gingerhaze thing was proved down thread, it's just been bugging me since the start of this all

>> No.7675536

>supermegafoxyawesomehot autographed stuff

>> No.7675537

Mostly to separate what is still a rumor and what is actually going on, I guess.

There's a difference between "The rumor is that the hall opened at 1PM but the vendors were told that it opened at 3PM" and "A vendor verified that all vendors were told to open at 3PM, but the vendor hall opened at 1PM."

>> No.7675546
File: 38 KB, 500x373, tumblr_n8mlmzLxpI1swtbwko1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7675550

She's acting like Night Vale were unreasonable for wanting to be paid upfront? Really? Do these people know anything about the real world?

>> No.7675556

No because it's not their headcanon outside of the glorious hugbox that is Tumblr.

>> No.7675557

Why would they get Doug Jones for a tumblr convention anyway?

>> No.7675560

>Do these people know anything about the real world?
...is this a trick question?

>> No.7675563

you can accomplish anything if u believe

>> No.7675567

It's called a rhetorical question.

>> No.7675569

how depressing

>> No.7675573

What panel is this? It looks so sad.

>> No.7675576

why are all the pictures 2002 quality

>> No.7675578

it almost seems like the people running this con & the kids going "BUT IT'S FUNNNNNNN" have never been to a convention before.

>> No.7675579

The joke was that it's a trick question because they clearly don't know anything about the real world. The question was obviously rhetorical, sorry if the humor flew over your head.

>> No.7675580

Dafuq is in front of the one person on the left?

>> No.7675582

I guess it was from when they had committees? Not sure which one though.

>> No.7675585
File: 412 KB, 1280x956, tumblr_n8mlmzLxpI1swtbwko1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oops posted low res one

hannibal panel apparently

>> No.7675588

Still not really a joke though, but ok. Good job, you.

>> No.7675590

that... did not improve things

>> No.7675593

It looks like random ass mercy and stuffed animals

>> No.7675594

looks like puppies to me.

>> No.7675595

confirmed for nightmare fuel direstag panel that probably doesn't appreciate the original book...

>> No.7675596

the... the flower crowns are multiplying...

>> No.7675602
File: 51 KB, 300x229, 1316458476513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7675604

How did flower crowns become a thing? I always thought of them as a (somewhat out of date) hipster trend and don't these fandom fags hate the 'cool kids'?

>> No.7675605
File: 89 KB, 800x257, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that anon, but I'm pretty sure they didn't make up the joke. It's a pretty old concept.

>> No.7675611

lel, we all know what a trick question is. Anon's 'joke' still didn't work.

>> No.7675612

Because tumblr anon.

>> No.7675614

/cgl/ should make a master post of all of the happenings of this con and label it how not to run a con: tumblr edition
Plus it would make a cool story with evidence to normalfags

>> No.7675616

fandom tumblr likes to absorb shit from other parts of tumblr.
such as: flower crowns and "pastel goth" designs from fashion/hipster tumblr and retarded social justice from sjw tumblr

>> No.7675619

Flower crowns got really big in the Hannibal fandom, they did all sorts of edits of the characters with them on (same with other fandoms, supernatural does this a lot). It got to the point where the actual actors put on the flower crowns to appease the fandom. So it is all some injoke thing for them.

>> No.7675620

would you stop being so butthurt about it and post more hilarious bullshit about the tumblr convention

>> No.7675621

Ok whatever, think what you want. Even if anon didn't really make a "joke" I thought it was funny.
>tfw dashcon is the real joke

>> No.7675622


Honestly glad that images don't exist in any higher quality than this.

>> No.7675623

They're still here and there in jfash but like anything decent, tumblr takes things completely overboard.

There was also probably several booths selling them cheaply. I doubt this many people would bring their own despite not cosplaying whatsoever.

>> No.7675624

My favourite part is how half of tumblr is cringing at this con bullshit and the other half is still ass kissing about how great it is.

>> No.7675628
File: 58 KB, 575x323, Screenshot 2014-07-12 at 10.12.17 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As sad as it is, it's fake.

>> No.7675629

Because flower crowns make them feel like pretty feminine fairy princesses uwu just like all those pretty model pictures they reblog and not fat ugly nerds that no one wants to fuck.

True story, I go to college with a boy that wears flower crowns in broad daylight on campus and asks people how many instagram followers they have. The secondhand embarrassment

>> No.7675631
File: 318 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_n8moi0RKCF1rsab4xo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the amount of people waiting for the "guest band" to show up

>> No.7675632

At the end would probably be best. That way we know how to structure the narrative.

On a related note, I've been OP for all the threads so far and I need to sleep and I s2g if you guys manage to bust through another thread before I wake up then I'll... read it and weep probably

>> No.7675634

How can you even redeem a fuckup like this? One absolutely all-encompassing con-wide orgy? I can't even begin to describe how absolutely enraged I would be if I had put a fucking cent into this convention, much less bought a badge and was told I had to stay all three fucking days.

>> No.7675635

>This deflating ballpit is fatshaming me!!

>> No.7675637

It's like ye olden days of fresh lolcow drama. Feels good man. Feels good.

>> No.7675642

Did everyone just split after yesterday? Every picture is just so devoid of people that it's so sad. Like an almost dead mall filled with 'that kid' from every school.

>> No.7675644

An orgy between these kinds of people? I don't even want to think about it.

>> No.7675645


>> No.7675646

It's more like half making fun, one fourth who don't care, and the other fourth kissing ass. Also, I feel the reason why there's not as many people defending as there could be right now is because there are other cons going on distracting the dumber weebs.

Captcha: reduced seedde

>> No.7675651

I'm not saying that I would participate, it's purely for them. I'm certain these SuperWhoLockStuckZeroOneBato idiots would love to suck each others manginas and boypussies until the entire ball pit was so slick with semen that it would be indistinguishable from lying in a writhing pool of Boba.

Not to mention all that homestuck paint in the mix.

>> No.7675654

nasty and illegal but interesting

>> No.7675655

Just make a post that says "omg i'M CRYING RIGHT I JST WATNED THE CN TO GO NICE AND EVRYONET O HAVE A GOOD TINE I LOVE YOU ID DIN;T MEAN ANYHTIHG YU'RE ALL SO BEAUTIFUL" with some cutesy Japanese crying emoticons, and then all will be forgiven and DashCon 2015 is a go.

>> No.7675656

So it's just out of context. They did what they had to do, so they're splitting.

>> No.7675657
File: 416 KB, 526x721, Screen Shot 2014-07-13 at 03.18.40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But they look nothing like the characters...

>> No.7675660

All of those tweets are legitimate.
What the fuck is going on

>> No.7675663

do you know how hard it is to look like a fucking alien

>> No.7675664

>with some cutesy Japanese crying emoticons

>> No.7675667

This >>7675656
Context removed. They did their thing and split.

>> No.7675668

If I had to guess, I'd say someone probably took their original tweet as admission of not doing what they said they'd do.

They obviously didn't want to be there, but wanted to set the record straight that they did everything they SAID they'd do, then left. Because why would you want to stay longer than you have to?

>> No.7675670


>> No.7675673

Don't oppress me with your stupid cheeseburger culture you damn dirty murcian

>> No.7675675

i find the concept of nationalities triggering please don't mention them TT yeah
please say earthborn kk

>> No.7675679


>> No.7675681

I'm transmartian and that actually triggers me a lot, please don't say it again.

#tw: slurs #slurs #trans oppression #trans erasers

>> No.7675682

Hannibal tv show actors & crew kept getting hounded by their flower crown fans and decided to run with it if you look in the show runner's (Bryan Fuller) twitter photo archive...

>> No.7675685

The fuck you just say? I'm from the god damn Milky Way and you better call me a milker!

>> No.7675686

not sure that my spirit is from earth so yeah
idk not sure right now
so maybe just milky way trans
but even then I don't feel like the masculine energy of mars is right for me
it's really tough for me cos my parents said it was silly
please give 17k so I can move out

>> No.7675689

The point at which this shitshow stops being funny and starts being sad

>> No.7675690
File: 484 KB, 500x281, tumblr_lp2x9xRJiF1qhmfleo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finally motivated to work on cosplay
>Reading dash con threads during breaks

>> No.7675692

It's a running gag on /b/ and sometimes /a/ to create 'rosters.' It's a joke.

>> No.7675695

mars is so oppressive
like. ommmggg.

>> No.7675696

From what I am understanding:

>We said we'd go and do shit with you
>But we didn't say we'd stay after so lolbye

They felt compromised so they -had- to go

>> No.7675699

the fact that spacekin is a real fucking thing on tumblr makes this much funnier

>> No.7675703

Um excuse me, but as a transgalaxy i feel very offended by your cultural appropriation.

>> No.7675704
File: 103 KB, 640x392, tumblr_n8lzyaahSD1tgket8o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7675707

What if that 17k in cash was to make the WTNV crew stay?

>> No.7675708

The fuck are they even saying
Who's getting cis hate?

>> No.7675711

How they advertised their con

>> No.7675712

I wonder if this is one of the admins.

>> No.7675713

they're saying trans people give cis people so much hate for being cis that cis people dont want to donate to trans people because they've gotten so much shit from them

>> No.7675715

>the 17k was to bribe Bennebunch Cumtits and Martin Freeman to show up and have sex in front of the con attendees

>> No.7675716
File: 248 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_n8mp78M97O1ql397wo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7675717

omg so perf

>> No.7675718

You andromeda galaxy fuckers are just fakes!

>> No.7675719

What's what I've been thinking ever since I read that to try and keep the WTNV crew from leaving, they showed that they had the money necessary by flashing them their Paypal account balance on a phone.

I don't know, but DashconApologist.Tumblr is satire.

>> No.7675720


>> No.7675723
File: 432 KB, 1280x720, bottle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess that's true. I always block the trans donation posts that I come across.
I want to see the replies to this post, though.

>> No.7675725

>just fuck of..

my sentiments exactly

>> No.7675726
File: 617 KB, 312x176, 14.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually follow someone who makes posts like this

They weren't always so fucking weird, but I kept following them to laugh at them. They also seem to ironically (?) shit post a lot and have a weird obsession with Garfield. They're only 15 or 16 so there is hope they will grow out of it.

>> No.7675727

they used >just fuck of.
they're a parody

>> No.7675730

Ah... so this is what Hell feels like.

>> No.7675731

I have a friend who varies between considering herself catkin, birdkin, or just a person.
She's pretty tolerable aside from that, but it's just embarrassing when she posts about it.

>> No.7675735
File: 339 KB, 430x600, 1310542935157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7675738

The most cringeworthy part of this is that they decided to do the entire song and not edit it down.

>> No.7675739

I also heard rumor that the con organizers were trying to avoid paying the WTNV group as well, but I think that's mostly hearsay.

Because of this though tumblr is largely dropping WTNV as a hot potato since they think WTNV was being BAWWW MEAN or whatever. I'm glad since this means I can go back to enjoying their podcasts without dealing with all the SJW and 'CECIL IS BLACK/TRANS/HISPANIC/ASIAN AND IF YOU DON'T AGREE U R RACIST SCUM' bullshit.

>> No.7675744

God, the live episodes are so fucking shitty

I understand it's one of their few ways to get income, but oh my god do they have to be so bad?

>> No.7675746

I don't know why, but I'm starting to consider giving WTNV a listening. Probably the same reasoning that led me to watch all of "Avatar: The Last Airbender" after having seen the movie in a /co/ stream.

>> No.7675748


Most of the shit I've seen has been on WTNV side for ditching when they weren't paid

>> No.7675753

It makes for great background noise

Just stay the fuck away from the fanbase and the live episodes

>> No.7675755

I skim through the big-ass paragraph posts on the dashcon tag but yeah there's some rather huge entitlement issues going on with some of these people wanting WTNV to read live and unpaid.

>> No.7675756

I use tumblr pretty regularly but I had no idea all of this kind of shit happens. What the fuck even is Night Vale? Why does it seem like everyone at this "con" is really really really into that mailbox show?

what is this

>> No.7675758

twilight zone/twin peaks: podcast edition

>> No.7675759

>the fanbase

>the live episodes
Why's that? Are they cringy or just unpolished?

>> No.7675762

My friend went to a live episode and it was pretty good. The problem was the audience yelling uncomfortable things like "FUCK ME CECIL" and such.

WTNV is pretty decent but I stopped listening around episode 20 because the fandom went to fucking shit when the SJWs found it. Most of the less extreme fans were chased off for not toeing the line. The fandom's artists could produce some pretty good (and genuinely creepy!) stuff though once you get past the stupid badly written smutfics.

>> No.7675764

Seconded: The fandom will have you believe the entire show is about Cecil and Carlos' love story but for the most part it's an honest attempt at /x/ meets the Prairie Home Companion.

That and the dude has a nice soothing voice

>> No.7675768

>Why's that? Are they cringy or just unpolished?

They are just very different from the regular episodes. The main voiceactor has to ham it up for the audience, the scripts are specifically designed to make the audience go squee or dawww all the time and they keep bringing in guest VAs that are completely unnecessary and add nothing at all to the experience

Also tons of tumblr pandering and fanservice, to a truly shameful level

>> No.7675772

So, cringy.
Thanks for the warning.

>> No.7675773

that sounds really really bad

>> No.7675774

The rest of the show is really good, though, don't hesitate giving it a chance

>> No.7675775

>who is that .... rocking that wig?
>what's *her* url?
What was even the point of that awkward pause? Shitty singing, too.

>> No.7675777

Wow, did that happen at your showing? I went with my grandma and little sisters, and everyone was remarkably well behaved. Slightly spergy, but generally quiet during the important parts.
There was a girl who sat in front of us that looked like one of those bad sjw types but we ended up chatting and she was pretty nice.

>> No.7675779

It is
but the kids on tumblr love it

>> No.7675780

>Also tons of tumblr pandering and fanservice, to a truly shameful level

This right here, this is why I dropped the entire series like a hot potato. The fandom went to shit when Tumblr got hold of it, that's fine, it happens to a lot of series. But the difference is that the creators don't pander to the shitty side of the fandom and the series can go on being good and the good side of the fandom will remain. Not WTNV. The creators went full retard pandering to the Tumblrtards and now there is no good side to the fandom.

>> No.7675784

I don't go to /a/ and I don't frequent /b/ enough to know that so thank you for the correction.

>> No.7675789
File: 187 KB, 492x492, inkredible.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So it seems like this entire thing was a massive fiasco of fraud and failures on the part of organizers. Kind of like a train wreck in real time. What are the best links to get the most info on all of this? I'm trying to get screencaps and information.

>> No.7675792

>Dib cosplay in the background

kill me right now please

>> No.7675797

Shhhhhhhhhhhhhh. We pretend the Tumblr fandom doesn't exist. That's not a Dib cosplay.

>> No.7675799

it's funny... you all point and stare, yet, ALA is the same way, just on the other end of the spectrum.

>> No.7675807


a person who I'm no longer friends with made a gofundme or whatever begging for money for transition surgery.

I called him out on it, and was yelled at by his whiteknights and subsequently blocked by him.
Call me crazy, but I don't think bodily/genital mutilation to support your mental disorder is not a life-or-death necessity that requires crowdfunding because you're too poor or shit with money. (Or in some cases just want to take advantage of suckers like those on tumblr)

>> No.7675808

Shingalingalinglong Movie: Shit
Series: Fucking amazing

>> No.7675810

No, ALA is p well ran with Chaz at the helm and others who help out such as Daralath and Maguma. It's just the organizers are fucking Dashcon up into an ass disaster with money problems.

>> No.7675811

>ass disaster

>> No.7675812

I miss ZIM

I miss ZIM not having a shitty fanbase

At least Jhonen Vasquez's tumblr and twitter will keep me warm with the tears of his fans.

>> No.7675817


>> No.7675820

InternetAristocrat is that you?

>> No.7675824

>those fat short-haired Pats on the left

that's how I always pictured tumblr looked

>> No.7675825

sounds like someone is uncomfortable listening to a romantic relationship between two guys

wtnv is one of the most popular podcasts in the world, and at least one episode has gotten more downloads than This American Life, venture bros. creator Jackson Publick routinely guest stars on it, it does crossovers with The Thrilling Adventure Hour, which works with amazing talent (paul f tompkins, nathan fillion, etc)

they sell out nearly everywhere they go; i went to one of two sold out shows in chicago on the same night

wtnv far from a "tumblr show"

>> No.7675826

I heard the later episodes have stopped pandering so much, at least.

>> No.7675829

Ignoring all the drama and the awful personalities, some pics are really cute in a kid's party sort of way.

>> No.7675832
File: 81 KB, 373x243, Nice work.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They were so wrong thinking they'd be "ok."
I really can't wait to hear a horror story from this con~

>> No.7675833

transgender is a "mental disorder"? shouldnt you be out protesting fags marrying and holding up pictures of abortions someplace instead of posting on 4chan?

>> No.7675837
File: 130 KB, 750x591, 1394224941205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Don't be silly. Anyway which are the best sources in this clusterfuck? I found some through a link someone left to an older thread on this board. And some caps from participants but which were the main tumblrs of the organizers.

>> No.7675838


>Kids party

>most of these people are either in their late teens or much older

sure, if cringeworthy manchildren escapades are "cute"

>> No.7675839

that whole tumblr is a TW gif mess

>> No.7675841
File: 238 KB, 720x1280, http%3A%2F%2F37.media.tumblr.com%2Fa49dd0fda665feef9c8725035da9f27f%2Ftumblr_n8mi0pHUv21rt7yavo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7675845

a good summary: http://hythe.tumblr.com/post/91571986137/you-seem-to-really-not-like-dashcon-is-it-like-the

>> No.7675847

shouldn't you be reblogging your headcanon and birdsquidtransalienkind OTP?

>> No.7675848

I agree, even with all the mess it's nice to see some con folk are having a good time

>> No.7675849

It actually is a mental disorder caused by fucked up neuro receptors.
It's not their fault their like that, but they could be less faggoty about it. At least acknowledge how little of the population they make up.

>> No.7675850

>more views than attendants at the actual con

>> No.7675852

zim not having a shitty fanbase?

jesus were you the girl who wore a jack skellington hoodie every day too?

>> No.7675855

I wasn't actually talking about Cecil and Carlos' relationship, but nice projecting there.

I was referring to the way they were pandering to the part of the fandom that despised anyone who dared to headcanon any character as white/neurotypical/thin/straight/etc etc despite the fact that the medium of the show was a perfect opportunity for the acceptance of any headcanon. They started off that way with Cecil especially and refused to give him a concrete description, but the more the fanbase whined, the more the creators pandered. So the point of a rarely-used medium was entirely lost.

>> No.7675858

You're right about it being a medical condition, but I think you're confusing tumblr ~~transtrenders~~ with actual trans people, who just want to be seen as normal people. But really, let's not get into the transphobia debate; there's tumblr people to laugh at.

>> No.7675859

He's technically right in saying it's a mental disorder, but it's the dysphoria that's the disorder, and the HRT, surgery, etc. is the treatment.

Saying that providing that stuff is indulging their disorder is like saying that prescribing anxiety or depression meds or allowing people to go to talk therapy sessions are indulging someone's depression or anxiety.

But I don't want to start a political shitstorm when we could be discussing the hilarious clusterfuck that is this convention, so let's just politely drop the subject.

>> No.7675860
File: 201 KB, 500x358, 1403580524824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7675862

>those fucking kankri and god tier dave hambeasts
Jesus christ

>> No.7675865

no, i'm a 90's kid that really liked the show, had a bunch of friends into it.

And then I discovered the internet.

>> No.7675867

Not that anon, but the fanbase had good parts. The fanbase actually still has good parts if you know where to look. It's just a pity they've always been overshadowed by the very very awful parts.

>> No.7675868

>using the term "90's kid"
Being born in 1998 doesn't make you a "90's kid"

>> No.7675869
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>> No.7675870

Which reminds me of two things:

One: Apparently people are calling out cis hate or something at Dashcon or something? I see it in the tags every now and again.

Two: Holy shit, there's nothing but white girls at Dashcon.

>> No.7675871

Yeah, most ACTUAL transgender people are chill overall.
Tumblr just needs to die. How much do you think we'd need to pay Anonymous to take it down?

>> No.7675872

this response made me laugh so hard and I don't even know why

>> No.7675874
File: 153 KB, 2048x1536, farage_laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Cool. Thanks for the link. So far Dashcon has:

>Had teenagers running planning and acting as admins
>Cut staff they promised pay and benefits to so they could avoid actually giving them those
>Claimed they needed 17,000 at the last minute
>Retracted that and blamed it on a "miscommunication"
>Hosted adult panels with children attending the convention
>Presold tickets promising panels that didn't materialize
>Ducked responsibility for not paying panels forcing them to cancel
>Arranged the most mind numbingly boring events like a ball pit that is a kiddie pool with a few softballs thrown in it

Seems like a real neato fucking con. lol.

>> No.7675877 [DELETED] 


Your brain isn't working like it should. Yes, it's a mental disorder. no amount of surgery will ever truly make you the opposite sex.

I think that people asking for donations to hack up their genitals is hilariously out of whack on the morality scale. It's akin to asking money for a boobjob.

inverting your penis does not make it a Vagina. It's a hole where a penis used to be. Conversely, grafting on a dick and balls and cutting off your boobs does not make you a male.

for the record, I support gay marriage and think it's a wonderful thing that more states are recognizing it, but this transgender bullshit is absolute bollocks. Same thing with all this tumblr level bullshit too. All mental illness whackjoby-ness of the highest order.

Shouldn't you be on tumblr crying about how oppressive 4chan is?

>> No.7675878

Every day, tumblr ruins yet another thing that was once sacred to me. That which they don't defile, furries rape. It's hell, anon. And I can't make myself leave.

>> No.7675879

I wasn't projecting anything? I was just saying that the later episodes have gotten better about pleasing every whim of the fanbase.

>> No.7675881

Hi there Joseph Fink. Nice damage control.

>> No.7675886

So transgendered people are just poor, pre-op transsexuals?

>> No.7675887

i saw some dudes, white dudes, a black girl and one asian.
but its a con for white people.

>> No.7675889


Tumblr's a poor platform in itself but the problem is the userbase. If tumblr dies the SJWs will swarm some other poor website.

Then again maybe they'll swarm one with less animu stuff and be out of sight, out of mind, so try it.

>> No.7675890
File: 281 KB, 950x618, oh yeah huh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7675891

if it's all white
then it's all right

>> No.7675894

fucking gold

>> No.7675895

This is pretty interesting read. The person was a "department head" for this travesty. Has skype screenshots of the awful planning process of this monster.

>> No.7675896

It's funny because all the trans donation posts I've seen are for things like "My family is transphobic and I can't come out of the closet!! I don't feel safe here I need money to move very far away!!" or something. I've never seen a single one needing help for surgery, or if I have, it was just top surgery.

>> No.7675897

Wasn't this about DashCon and not some dude trolling about how transgender people have mental disorders and don't deserve to be comfortable in their bodies?

>> No.7675899

They'd probably hit up facebook first, and promptly be retaliated against by rednecks and nazis.
Then they'd probably bounce around lesser known sites until they ended up on Gaia Online.

>> No.7675900

/cgl/ really is just tumblr on 4chan huh? Good thing we have a board to contain you guys at least rather than have you spilling into other boards.

>> No.7675902

>it was a con for superwholocks
>fuck everyone else
>we're gonna get Bumface Melonwash and Free Willy

i just cant

>> No.7675903

I do believe so.

>> No.7675904

Totally OOT but it feels really weird actually being a nineties kid (also '92) and seeing all this 90s revival lately. I don't even feel like a nineties kid even though I am one but almost everyone obsessing isn't one?

>> No.7675906


Those are just as bad.

What kind of shit money and social skills do you have where you at least don't have the means to either live on your own or have friends who can help you out?

Shit, I personally know people who have been on their own since they were 15. Not a single beg from them. They worked on their own and are very successful, relatively speaking.

Begging for anything you can accomplish yourself and isn't life or death is lazy and selfish.

>> No.7675907

is that eric cartman dressed as a homestuck

>> No.7675909

yup transgender people are exactly the same as isolated idiot 14 year olds

and real professionals in psychology totally dont recognize transgender as being real (NASW, NIMH, APA, France's Ministry of Health, etc., etc)

and its not like the DSM removed gender identity disorder and replaced it with gender dysphoria, thereby recognizing transgender people as mentally healthy and instead recognizing distress from people misgendering them (hint: they actually did)

are people on 4chan seriously still pretending that transgender is in the same category as spacedragonotherkin

>> No.7675911

/cgl/ isn't the containment board, /co/ is.

>> No.7675913
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>> No.7675915

sorry to hear you're on the wrong side of history, enjoy hanging out with WBC and stormfront

>> No.7675916
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>> No.7675918

All this is doing is making me imagine that "Tumblr University" thing that people keep dreaming of. Like I can't help but think of it as being some sort of shed with someone shouting that the patriarchy is oppressing them and their OTPS for being trans-am autofluid.

>> No.7675919


the whole idea of gender as a social construct came about from a pedophile. Nice try though.

That's all I'm going to say on the matter. Back to making fun of tumblr, and by extension you, I guess?

>> No.7675922


>> No.7675923

dashcon got boring

>> No.7675925
File: 3 KB, 542x114, highqualityliterature.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think we all know what Shipping 101 is now

>> No.7675926

it's not fake, it's just saying that they left cause their job was finished

>> No.7675927


>supports gay marriage

>thinks TG/TS stuff is nothing more than a mental illness

>this is somehow on the same level as people from Stormfront or WBC


>> No.7675930
File: 458 KB, 391x453, say that to my face bitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7675932

He's not fat enough to be my kawaii husabando

>> No.7675933

>"Tumblr University"
Is that supposed to be like the mansion every board on here fantasizes about having?

>> No.7675934

yes a pedophile is the only person ever to say that, im sure all psychologists in developed countries who say that being transgender is not a mental disorder have been duped by a degenerate in the back of an ice cream truck

hey lets do global warming denial next. did you know that the guy who came up with global warming likes to fuck chickens

>> No.7675935

but worse

>> No.7675936

If being Trans is recognized as a mental disorder, insurance may be forced to cover hormones and surgery as treatment.

It's not your fault you were born with a fucked up brain. Just realize that a little humility may be required to get what you want in life.

>> No.7675937

>did you know that the guy who came up with global warming likes to fuck chickens

Al Gore would only fuck chickens if he were a chicken!

>> No.7675938

>tfw I don't even have to go to /pol/ today to get my daily dose of /pol/ shitposting

Thank you based dashcon

>> No.7675939


you sound upset.

>> No.7675940

You're pretty okay anon, I like you.

>> No.7675941

Why are you assuming I'm trans? I'm not?

>> No.7675942

I know it's something tumblr users keep talking about so "OMG WE COULD GO TO SCHOOL TOGETHER!"

>> No.7675943

Al Gore totally fucks chickens

>> No.7675945

i know, fags and trannies and queers other people with fucked up brains need to stop mooching off us good clean sane citizens

>> No.7675946

any new reports on clusterfuckcon yet? the dramu cant be over just yet

>> No.7675947

IN OTHER NEWS apparently there's already been a sexual assault, if the posts in the #dashcon tag are true.

>> No.7675948
File: 28 KB, 360x460, aahh....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would love to watch a reality show when they just put a bunch of people from /cgl/ and tumblr in a mansion. I have a feeling it would probably premier on TLC.

>> No.7675949

nah just responding to some dude trolling me with a weak ass argument, its fun honestly

>> No.7675951


>> No.7675952

I'm pretty sure NIMH is a shady pharmaceutical company that created intelligent mice.
And every one of the others except the Ministry i've never fucking heard of. And when did america start trusting coward science?

>> No.7675953

>being trans-am autofluid

What is tumblr's Transformers fandom for $200

>> No.7675954

Did a straight white male actually dare to glance in the general direction of a Tumblrina? SO TRIGGERING

>> No.7675955


>responding to obvious trolls

congrats on being just as bad as him.

>> No.7675958

It was the Mishapocalypse dress girl who groped someone's crotch repeatedly.

>> No.7675959

who cares

>> No.7675960

Caps/links? Because without more info I assume >>7675954 is accurate.

Also there was some event at 9 right? Any word on that?

>> No.7675961

oh no, was someone stared at by one of those damn straight, white, cisgendered dudebros? They were probably like literally raping their genderbend!punk!racebend!superwholock cosplay with their eyes.

>> No.7675963

>Trans-am Autofluid

Can I use that next time I shitpost on tumblr?

>> No.7675965


the people who are trying to keep the thread on topic.

Now knock it off.

>> No.7675967


Video of DashCon attendee's donating the infamous $17,000 at the con.

>> No.7675969
File: 54 KB, 1024x576, 503920-20anarchy_panty20anarchy_stocking20panty_and_stocking_with_garterbelt20reaction_image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm pretty sure NIMH is a shady pharmaceutical company that created intelligent mice.

>> No.7675970

It's been done already bro. It's been done.

>> No.7675971

I have an idea! Let's all post stories on the dashcon tag about what the Mishapocalyse dress girl has done to us, as we are totally 100% attending the con right now and not just making fun of it on /cgl/.

>> No.7675974

As >>7675792 and as an ex-user of tumblr, I suggest you break the chain for your own good. I was making myself miserable everytime I subconsciously logged back on because it had become a habit for quite a while but now I only ever go on to check what someone's talking about.

Tumblr isn't good anymore, there are less horrible places you can use as gateway sites until you can start to feel normalfag-like again.

>> No.7675976


what the fuck is wrong with me

>> No.7675977

Sure, why the fuck not

>> No.7675978
File: 355 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_n8msqjLYch1sik6zyo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know who she's dressed up as, but I'm guessing it's Night Vale.

And she's cute, too.

>> No.7675982

i dont understand this, how did Tumblr make you depressed? i go on all the time. its not that hard to stay away from the bad side. just dont follow any white girls and you'll be fine.

>> No.7675983

Color scheme says fem-Cecil or something, so probably WTNV. Cute, too.

>> No.7675985

Then why are you more qualified than me to speak on trans issues? Why are you more qualified than anyone?

>> No.7675986

>I've never seen a single one needing help for surgery, or if I have, it was just top surgery.
This is just my personal opinion, but part of the reason I don't consider surgery in the genital area is just as >>7675877 said,
>inverting your penis does not make it a Vagina. It's a hole where a penis used to be. Conversely, grafting on a dick and balls and cutting off your boobs does not make you a male.
I'd prefer to be a male, yes. No, I don't go shoving it in people's faces, or base my identity around my orientation. But the fact of the matter is that surgery can't give me what I want. It costs way too much for something that's like a shitty deviantart trace of what I want. It's this fact that's probably the only reason that I've given up on the idea and just go through my life normally.

>> No.7675988

On tumblr I started getting sick of the bullshit fandom sjw garbage so what I did was I just unfollowed anyone I was following that posted it.

Bam. My dashboard is fashion, anime, and kawaii shit.
It helps that I have a 9-5 job now and I use it for like an hour a day at the most.

>> No.7675991
File: 615 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_n8msqjLYch1sik6zyo4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tumblr: where we can complain about too many white people in our media but check out this white chick cosplaying Esmerelda!

>> No.7675992

Whoa slow down.
I'm just saying they should contribute to society and acknowledge their disease, then we'll actually have reason to help them get it under control.

>> No.7675993
File: 112 KB, 658x1317, Untitled-1 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hot damn.

I knew this convention was bad news from the getgo since it has no official tumblr involvement and isn't even happening anywhere near NYC but

I can't not laugh D':

>> No.7675995

ballpit is the newest trigger guys

please tag your posts appropriately

>> No.7675997

Oh shit, I just noticed the concert "badge"/wristband.
Now I feel bad. Unless it was for the Time Crash concert and not the Steam Powered Giraffe concert that's not going to happen at all.

>> No.7675998

This thread has attracted them like flies, hence why people are arguing gender like /pol/tards in here.

/pol/, /lgbt/, and /mlp/ are the true containment boards besides the o/b/vious.

>> No.7675999
File: 776 KB, 1053x1070, 1379690613741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>That font color and background

>> No.7676000

guys you were supposed to save us from the tumblr not become it

put the gender/trans/sjw/shit somewhere else thanks

>> No.7676001

Don't be a summerfag, anon.

>> No.7676002

It hurts
its like the spaghetti is pouring out of my computer

>> No.7676004
File: 136 KB, 400x400, tumblr_inline_n8msfaKK2Q1qiqxvl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The logos are the worst thing about Dashcon.

>> No.7676003

It's...It's Will Graham and a bunch of dogs I think..

>> No.7676008
File: 9 KB, 175x220, th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no no, of course it's not a disease.

>> No.7676010
File: 311 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_n8mnrhH09y1s6nq4co6_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't someone say not even Deadpool could make this worse?

Cuz I have news for you.

>> No.7676012

>no xkit logo


>> No.7676013

I legit thought it was a cosplay of a troll from Homestuck because I don't follow it enough to know the difference between the trolls...But holy crap that's a bad Will. I watched enough Hannibal to know what he's supposed to look like and that's a negative, captain.

>> No.7676015

I've been wondering if any Tumblr employees/devs are going to have any input about this. Like if it will make them think about how people can use their website's name and such for events like this.

It's not like there'd be a 4chan con without Moot's input, you know?

>> No.7676017


Oh, no, the mice were already intelligent.
Still, try harder next time.

>> No.7676019
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>> No.7676020

I predict that they'll put out an official statement that distances themselves from the convention.

After Dashcon, I don't think ANY website out there will want to put on their own convention themed around their site of choice.

>> No.7676021

Miserable =/= depressed, I was friends with some toxic people and everytime I started up blogging again they would pester me and expect me to listen to their shitty, selfish opinions/posts/rants and they expected me to parrot them back in comfort instead of telling them what they needed to hear.

You bet your sweet ass they got an earful when I decided to fuck everything and dumped them as a friend.

>> No.7676022
File: 388 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_n8mnrhH09y1s6nq4co8_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He had a whole panel.

>> No.7676024

I honestly just thought it was someone with some plushies they bought

>> No.7676030

but were there even enough vendors to sell that many plushies?

>> No.7676031

Can it even be called a con
if there was no Deadpool?

>> No.7676034

I can see where you're going with that. If the dealer's hall existed. Which added into my confusion because that's what I initially thought

>> No.7676036

Just made a video.

>> No.7676037

Ma'am. If you don't admit it's an illness or disorder of some kind, your insurance won't cover any treatment, such as hormones, surgery, and various peripherals such as binders and packers.

>> No.7676039

>tfw we will never see the mischief Deadpool was up to at Dashcon

it hurts to live, gulls

>> No.7676041

I said that not even deadpool could save it.
I guess I was right.

>> No.7676045

It was probably just some faggot dressing up as deadpool because le meme anyway.

>> No.7676046


hannibal fandom seems obvious choice but is surprisingly one of least retarded fandoms

my bets are on homestuck, i've never questioned their depravity since 12 trolls 1 bucket

>> No.7676047

The only thing that could make this con worse is a mass shooting.

>> No.7676048

here you go, anon.

>> No.7676049

i see. good for you for dropping them.

>> No.7676053

As long as they don't hit Deadpool.

>> No.7676054


You are the best kind of person.

>> No.7676055


The word your looking for is "better".

>> No.7676056

they are real the book is fiction

>> No.7676057

my night's saved

>> No.7676058
File: 528 KB, 644x786, 1390421240904.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope that one of these threads is titled "Dashcon: Bold and Brashcon"

>> No.7676061

Gold star anon, you've done right what tumblr has set stupid.

>> No.7676062


the song was w/e but god she cannot hit certain notes

>> No.7676066

Yeah, Fannibals tend not to get up to too terrible of shit despite the nature of the series. Homestucks, on the other hand, even if they don't do terrible shit on purpose have a knack for breaking shit. I bet at the very least they'll try to jump in the hotel's pool/hot tub covered in body paint and fuck it it, if the haven't done so already.

They've done exactly that at other cons before, including one I went to recently.

>> No.7676067

not everyone can look like butthead from beavis and butthead

>> No.7676070
File: 40 KB, 500x500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7676072

Homestucks are more dumbasses than faggots. They just don't get the whole "Seal your paint" thing, despite it going around tumblr every time a con happens.

>> No.7676074


>> No.7676075

I thought this was going to be retarded, but this is extraordinary. Could someone please post this to tumblr? I deleted my account ages ago.

>> No.7676077
File: 26 KB, 800x600, 1314744810029.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7676079

I already posted it

on my tumblr http://deelekgolo.tumblr.com/post/91610399512

>> No.7676081


> Basically what happened with the 17k (actually it was 20k but w/e)

>> No.7676082

SUCH A SHAME. They are fucking adorable.

>> No.7676083

my personal favorite are the conventions in the areas where it gets hot as balls and all the hamstocks sweat their paint off and get their costumes all fucked up

>> No.7676084

I'm annoyed that everyone has to be a black womyn, couldn't it just be left ambiguous and up to the listener? Oak Doors B got incredibly SJW and the ending was very disappointing for me. I hope they go back to their usual broadcasts after this.

I did get the optional episodes and they were generally pretty good despite being live.

>> No.7676085


>> No.7676089
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good anon

>> No.7676090
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>> No.7676095
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Hey, wasn't the BDSM supposed to start about 20 minutes ago?

>> No.7676096

how long til dashcon gets on the news?

>> No.7676097

I READ homestuck, but I stay away from the fandom most of the time.
Some good art and music comes out every so often, and I let friends dredge it up for me. They're much more patient than I.

>> No.7676101

>clear up misconceptions

So basically it's a panel by the womyn attending the con to other womyn on how to keep their white beta cuckolds in check?

>> No.7676103

At best, it will get on the local news.
Not for the clusterfuck that it is, just because its a slow news day

>> No.7676104
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Bless you Anon.

>> No.7676106


good tweet

>> No.7676107
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This is gonna be good.

>> No.7676109


>> No.7676111
File: 174 KB, 1280x925, tumblr_n8mpzz0B1h1r7euxqo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so the admins are tweeting pics of themselves crying

bit slow so idk if ya'll knew that

>> No.7676117


dashcon legal drama when?

>> No.7676118
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Holy fuck

>> No.7676122
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>Inviting people to come see her tears.

>> No.7676127
File: 163 KB, 1160x744, Screen Shot 2014-07-13 at 12.29.29 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like they asked some of their guests and various others to help make the $17,000 goal... for real?

>> No.7676130


>My friends who are not at the con have told me that people are saying some weird stuff on tumblr about this panel but let me make it clear: If someone came to this panel expecting doe-eyed fanning over cis gay white ships WOW did they come to the wrong place LOLOLOLOLOL

>What they got was three badass queer people (myself as a bi cis woman, Mark a cis gay latino at markdoesstuff, and Sasha an ace cis woman at sashaforthewin) speaking out about the good, the bad, and the ugly of subtext, shipping, fanworks, bi/ace/pan invisibility, the lack of trans characters, the green bean bullshit that is queerbaiting, the lack of POC, the political responsibilities when straight people write m/m, the pervasive sexism in fandom/media, the lack of femslash, the lack of good female characters to ship, and where to find actual representation.

So yeah, looks like the "Homoerotic Subtext" panel was advertised much differently from what actually went down. Good to know it wasn't standard Tumblr fare, but it also implies that the panel organizers didn't write their own panel descriptions.

>> No.7676135

If tumblr was making you feel miserable, maybe you weren't following the right people. Otherwise you're coming off as one of those 'MUH TRIGGERS' and 'I CAN'T STOP MYSELF' tumblr people. I happily follow science and art blogs with nary a sight of SJWs except to mock them.

>> No.7676136

This was in the first thread, still hilarious.

>> No.7676137

all i wanna know is how the Brits with Cheekbones panel went.

>> No.7676142
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>> No.7676143

This anon's using Tumblr right. I stick mainly to art and video game shit and my dashboard's free of the nonsense that Tumblr's known for.

>> No.7676144

>Bi and Pan

I think Dragon Age singlehandedly made Bi and Pan visible.
I feel so bad for Sten.

>> No.7676148



Good lord, between this and the payment problems with the guests this really IS like Las Pegasus Unicon: tumblr edition

tumblr needs to die.

>> No.7676149

Same. All the blogs I follow are limited to art, manga, clothing and clarinets with minimal blogshit.

>> No.7676150
File: 138 KB, 375x375, laugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can come see me in person if you like.

>> No.7676151

I can't tell if this is a joke or not.

>> No.7676152

I think Tumblr PR already knew that this was going to be a shitshow and didn't want anything to do with it. That's why they changed from tumbl-USA to dashcon to dash conning you out of your money since 2014!

>> No.7676153

this so much, my blog is nothing but kpop, fuuny text post, and jfashion. i follow some black sj but its very few posts, and its so easy to scroll past. fuck that DONT STROLL PAST YOURE HEARTLESS IF YOU DO.

>> No.7676163
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Sounds more like shit than the description.
>lack of transgender
>lack of POC

Someone needs to play/read/watch more and stfu about transgenders being special. The one time a movie introduced such a character they tore them to pieces because he wasn't a REAL one acting. Jfc

>> No.7676166

Yeah, it's honestly best to avoid most personals and just stick to themed blogs.

>> No.7676167

roku has multiple trans channels
I shit you not

>> No.7676171

Are we autosaging?

>> No.7676172


>> No.7676176

>I'm a 90's kid! Am I cool guise?
>Oh, well I hate furries! Am I cool now guise?

Literally the worst kind of person.

>> No.7676177

>tfw themed blogs start posting personal/off topic shit

>> No.7676179

>paul f tompkins
>amazing talent
He's a world class creep who belongs in the hate pit

>> No.7676183

I need to sleep but I feel like I'll miss out on more fun in these threads. This is such a great trainwreck.

>> No.7676184


>> No.7676185

Yeah, but I don't see a need to make a new thread. /cgl/ is slow enough that it'll still be around for a while. The other threads still are.

>> No.7676186


>> No.7676191

I'm super selective of the people I follow and it works miracles.

I follow one pro-SJW so I know what's going on, but I also follow a couple of more level-minded people who help me keep from losing all faith in humanity. Apart from that, my dash is full of puppies, jfash and fandom (but not Superwholock).

Never feel obligated to follow someone, even if you're friends. If they get mad at you for unfollowing them, then they are shit anyway.

>> No.7676192

Time flies when you're having fun at the expense of others

>> No.7676196


>> No.7676198

I have a picture to post, should I wait until the next thread?

>> No.7676200

Original anon who was making new OPs went to bed. If anything someone can quickly take over.

>> No.7676201

I'm trying to make the point that tumblr is terrible and 4chan is great, and you're really making this hard, anon.

>> No.7676206

that is amazing
it might actually be what happened

>> No.7676207

this is perfection

>> No.7676211
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>> No.7676218

I'm a very active tumblrer and everyone on my dash is mercilessly making fun of this.

>> No.7676223

post it now

>> No.7676229

What do you think happened to the girl?

>> No.7676230

>still saging

>> No.7676234


Is there any more news on this because this sounded interesting

>> No.7676239

>not using the original Gene Wilder version

>> No.7676243

Guys do you have any fun things for me to throw in the ED article I'm writing? It's like halfway done and needs more pizzazz.

>> No.7676247

Devote an entire paragraph to the ballpit

>> No.7676248


On top of being careful of who you follow, there's also the Tumblr Savior add-on that let's you blacklist tags and/or phrases. So someone who post a lot of some anime you like but one you dont, just blacklist the one you dont and you only see them post about the anime you like.

Tumblr is freaking easy to control.

>> No.7676249

This. Imply that the ballpit was the pinnacle of con success, with them even having an hour surplus of playtime available for the congoers.

>> No.7676250

Just make the whole article about how the ballpit saved the con

>> No.7676251

Equestria Daily?

>> No.7676253

Encyclopedia Dramatica you sperglord

>> No.7676254

What I wrote about that was "To apologize to attendees they allowed all members of the showing an hour of free play in a fucking ball pit and bouncy house they had erected in a room almost as sad and gray as the Homestuck cosplayers sitting crotch deep in its dirty plastic balls." But I can expand it.

>> No.7676258

I just looked at the clock and I've been working on this for 4 hours now and it's still shitty oh my god.

>> No.7676259

Frame the ballpit as The Pit from The Dark Knight Rises from which Bruce Wayne emerged reborn as Batman.

>> No.7676260
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>> No.7676261

Pad about how WTNV walked off

>> No.7676264


>> No.7676265

That's not Dashcon

>> No.7676269


>> No.7676270


new thread over here

>> No.7676274

Oh, that.
It's so full of shit, I just ignore it.

>> No.7676314


more like "Belongs in the Trashcon"

>> No.7676412

But anon for it to be classified as a mass shooting there have to be more than 4 people there

>> No.7676415

teenagers don't give a shit about money when they don't actually have to pay for anything since they still live with their fucking parents, therefore, don't value shit

>> No.7676450
File: 63 KB, 300x500, And lo, she resides within the ninth circle of hell. Not hot but bitter and cold with solitude, fear, and everlasting sorrow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not Dashcon.
It's still funny, though.

>> No.7677126


I'm applying for an engineering position over at tumblr and I have a few friends that work there. Really great guys/girls and as far away from the sjw/homestuck/fandom crowd as you can imagine.

Yeah they know those people exist and in fact they don't care for them very much. I think they know that underneath all the shitty users is a neat service and that's really what they care most about.

Don't count on them mentioning dash con at all, they wouldn't call attention to something like this and i'm sure they legally can't and I don't blame them. If they acknowledged that then I can imagine gawker and mashable running shitty articles further making fun of tumblr and the company certain;y doesn't want that,

>> No.7677362

>Welcome to Jojocon, there are no panels or activities whatsoever. Just posing. Lots and lots of it. All we have been doing is posing for the last two days. Send help.

I giggled

>> No.7677514

For a lot of trans (actual trans, not trans****) people it actually is life or death. A lot of them suffer so much that they commit suicide to end it.

>> No.7677747


>> No.7677876

93 here and I agree, I don't understand why people obsess with it so much. It wasn't that great from the little I remember and what my brother has told me.

>> No.7678153
File: 22 KB, 76x95, 63763e04-3a53-463d-945e-b5233de7b35f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>8/10 would stare rape again

>> No.7678164

Rude, but I'm guilty of it too.
I'd hope that she comes public with her name, but then again it would also be admitting that she was at Dashcon.

>> No.7678170

That's like saying people "admit" to being hit by hurricanes and stuff. Nothing humiliating about being involved in a natural disaster.

>> No.7678178

Well, there are natural disasters, and then there's Dashcon.

>> No.7678838
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>> No.7680261

>missing the joke this hard
oh autism-chan

>> No.7680634


>> No.7680723


>> No.7681012

I normally hate this guy but this was good.

>> No.7684398
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Oh god, I thought this was a joke when it was mentioned in the video >>7676036
But someone actually did this?!

Hooo'shit, this is Sides to ground control, requesting protocol for landing.

>> No.7684435

>opens the link
>image of lizard man on the sidebar
>closes the link

>> No.7684450

does this mean no 4con 2015

>> No.7684536
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>> No.7684550

Fucking planet's overpopulated anyway.