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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7608508 No.7608508 [Reply] [Original]

Animecon 2014 - Nuclear Security Summit Edition. The Hague.

So, are there any people going this year?
What panels are you guys going to attend?
Are you going to enjoy watching hentai voiceovers in the same rooms where world leaders discusses serious business a few months prior?

>> No.7608669

I'm looking forward to this convention greatly. I can't wait to see the cosplay shows! Last year really wowed me.

>> No.7608733
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I'm pretty hyped. Animecon '13 was the best con I've been to. Having been to Abunai 3 times before. Mainly due to the location and amount of proper panels.


>Based JakaZid panel.
>Your Anime Sucks.
>Large old school arcade

>> No.7608847

I'm looking forward to this. I hope they have gotten used to the new location.

Unfortunately almost everything I want to do/see is scheduled at the same time, so I can't go to half of it. It also leaves a lot of gaps where I have nothing to do.

>> No.7608849
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>> No.7608891

I was thinking about going to Animecon after all but then I saw this

>> No.7608895

Oh what joy, I feel so lucky now
I wish I could go for laughs but it's not neat me at all

>> No.7611217
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You guys are fags. It's perfectly reachable by public transport.

Not sure if I'm attending her panel myself for shits and giggles.

>> No.7611225

Please someone film VenusAngelic's panel and ask awkward questions on her shitty e-drama so mother dearest can cause a fuss about it in front of everyone there. (you know her mom will be there to defend her money maker).

>> No.7612239

If you guys wanna focus on a single lecture and have that ruin your entire 3-day con; be my guest, no-one wants you here anyway.

I'm pretty hype for this event. Last year was pretty good and it seems a lot of improvements are being made (I'm hearing rumors they actually banned the guy that DJ'ed the prom last year but unconfirmed so probably not).
People are putting in a lot of work and time for costumes for the competitions, maybe the jusges are extra motivation. Still, The level of cosplay in NL seems relatively low, except at the highest levels. The ECG/Eurocos contestants they sent our were really, really good.

Small FYI, besides program.animecon.nl there's also an App in the Google Play store. Looking at the World Forum website there's probably also free wifi everywhere. Hell yeah.

>> No.7612803
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Meh, I'm not even bothered that most cosplay here is carnaval-esque. I enjoy people just having fun.

Looking forward to do a cosplay carnaval myself.

>> No.7612852

Sent the info about the con to a friend of mine who lives in The Hauge. I'm mad jelly, this sounds a lot better than my sweaty amerifat cons, Venus aside. I'd go just for the Panchinko and cooking panels.

What's the Dutch lolita community like?

>> No.7614683

liked the show, nice skits, they looked wel rehearsed

liked the prop from howls moving castle

also 5 -1 motherf*cker !!!!! suck it Spain

>> No.7614858

Origa was great, kind of related?

>> No.7615342

Sad I couldn't make it yesterday, forgot the big cosplay prelims are on Friday night... Apparently there were loads of amazing entries!

>> No.7615943

>Be working in the albert heijn near animecon
>some cosplaying faggot drops fucking dozen eggs for fuck sakes
>was about to get home when this happened

fuck you man, if you read this, eat a dick. Who the fuck buys raw fucking eggs when going to a fuckign cosplay fuck

Have seen some fun cosplays tho, enjoy ur stay.

>> No.7615946

this happened about an hour ago

>> No.7616693

Not as good as the Ramen story.

>> No.7617116

It was as awful as you'd expect. Yesterday half the audience left during the presentation. Today there was barely anyone there to begin with.

>> No.7617118

To expand on this, it'd have been significantly better if she did a Q&A panel or something instead of a bad presentation. I feel bad for her, really.

>> No.7617157
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I saw her staring at the line to the AMV compo.
I wonder if she wanted to join.

>> No.7617162

I think the lolita community is pretty great here,
The cosplay community is oke I guess if you ignore the drama. Haven't you read all those threads about dutch cons these past months they where horrendous

>> No.7617203


I must be in good circles then because I never notice any drama. Is this among more weaboo/below average cosplayers?

Also, I found Animecon this year to be pretty awesome. Gonna be stalking around for photos, don't have any myself tho.

>> No.7617332

I had fun this animecon.
I wanted to try and be a bloody zoro and it worked better than expected.
>>Suck it Spain

>> No.7617406
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They probably told Venus to do something informative. The girl is seventeen, so I wasn't sure what I was expecting. She makes money off of being a loli, so in a way the whole vibe of "HELLO I AM VENUS AND THIS IS MY TALK ABOUT WEB CELEBRITIES" made sense?

I was interested in what she wants to do after "being a web celeb" and how she even got to doing this, but instead we got cringeworthy English and a lecture about the history of web celebs, what is a web celeb, who are famous web celebs, types of web celebs and so on.

I needed a fucking drink by then so I left.

>> No.7617416

I actually felt kinda sorry for Venus.
Too young to do a proper panel, isn't able to join events because during her panel.
Did she even join any kind of event?
Is she just very shy or is it because of her mother?
There was also some kind of hetalia panel.
Looking at the description, it didn't look very promising.
Did anyone go there?

>> No.7617417

I saw you, you rocked it man, there was a lot of One Piece there, but yours was one of the better ones, along with Gladiator Luffy

>> No.7618401

Haha thanks!
I also liked the gladiator haha he was really good.
And I also liked the Doflamingo one. Have you seen that guy?

>> No.7618427

I did see her joining the Kotoko concert and the Kotoko autograph event afterwards, though.

>> No.7618434

who won the cosplay competitions?

>> No.7618442
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The skits in the competition were amazing.
I nearly shat my pants over Smaug, the sound in the theatre was so amazing and the lights- holy SHIT!
Also the stage props man... those props.. just WOAH

I think the whole fuss about the bags was really annoying but apart from that I really loved the convention. (but it was also baby's first convention abroad so it might be onl natural I'm hella impressed)

>> No.7618455

She was at Deshima with her mom..
I heard they went to the Speeddating 18+ later.

>> No.7618485


The winners from last year won China.

>> No.7618486

Any cosplay dramu?

>> No.7618494

Went there on sunday and wow... I expected a well prepared presentation and got a "watch her video's and listen to old news rambles". What bothered me most was that she didn't open/start the powerpoint presentation properly and just read whatever was on the screen.

>> No.7618496

The lolita community is quite nice. Lots of girls for such a tiny country. Not everyone is super well dressed but overall there's a nice atmosphere.
We do have this overzealous Queen Bee who thinks she owns the comm but nobody really cares about her anymore and her influence is waning.

All the Dutch-language cosplay drama I've witnessed here came from Belgium. I'm not even aware there's any drama right now.

>> No.7618504

The winners from last year's WCS prelims, to be quite exact.

>> No.7618522

Saw her walk outside once, mother was close behind her and from what I saw did all the talking for her. (The mom also asked for her to skip queue cause she had important places to go)

To be honest I just feel for Venus. I hope she did have a good time at the convention besides her panel and so on.

>> No.7618640

>Speeddating 18+
I talked to the guys at the information booth and apparently the sign-up list for the 18+ speeddating on Saturday had a total of 3 women, and completely full for guys. I couldn't even go as I didn't have a weekend pass, but I wonder how it went.
Your cosplay was pretty damn neat

>> No.7618717

Any pictures yet?

>> No.7618722
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Here's a picture of the One Piece shoot they did

>> No.7618742
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>saw that Batman act
Stay classy, ladies

>> No.7618755

You needed to sign up for that? I didn't even saw people check a list or anything. They just let people in based on gender (ie, a 50/50 setting) until it was full.
I went there saturday, and had a blast. It didn't really had anything to do with dating, it was just a game with you making an ass of yourself by answerring embarrassing questions.
The only annoying thing was this bitch who brought her boyfriend and he _had_ to sit at the same table as her. And whenever she moved table (the game had that girls or boys had to move to another table at frequent intervals), he moved along.

All in all, the convention was a blast! it was my first time, and I really regret that I didn't come the whole weekend, I arrived on saturday afternoon. So many great events and things to do.
I also bought a ticket for Abunai, can't wait for that either, I think I'm addicted to conventions now. Do they also have concerts? Is it bigger than animecon?

>> No.7618807

yeah!! that batman act on saturday was awesome!

>> No.7618892

Is this supposed to be an insult...?

>> No.7618932

When I met them, I thought her mom looked ike a real cunt.

>> No.7618954

I'm actually mostly bummed out about not attending half the events I wanted (friends telling me it would be boring or bad or some other BS reason). So what did I miss at the Group Cosplay Compo, Tea Ceremony, Japanese Cooking 101/102, Korean 101, ORIGA and KOTOKO concerts and maybe unlisted events or meetups?

My experience: I feel that people were really REALLY well behaved this con and most big and problem-prone events went really well. This was the least stanky-weeb con I've ever been to. I just wish the hotel would fix its plumbing because just like last year, the hallway behind the main stage near the whisky/sake tasting room smelled like shit. Not farty shit, just that subtle HEMA "someone died there but they sort of tried to clean it because they got 50 cents" ass smell.

>> No.7618996

Thought so too, people were actually acting like human beings?? Also, there was this spontaneous kindness, like, people randomly walking up to you and telling you your cosplay looks great without hitting on you/ wanting to take pictures (which is definitely nothing bad in itself)/ being supercreepy/asking for anything. Like, they just felt like it. Man. Those dutch people.
The toilet-situation was generally awful. I can't believe this is the worldforum and their toilets are that gross. Like, can you imagine serious politicians having to take a shit in these horrible stalls?
Also why were there no toilet brushes? Are you actually asking people to make this place look worse than it already is??

(I remember this one girl checking stall after stall until she gave up with a frustrated "There is literally SHIT. EVERYWHERE.")

>> No.7619000

The atmosphere at the two dutch cons I've been to is always like that (Animecon and Abunai, although Abunai has a much higher concentration of weaboos).

As for the World Forum, it's an awesome convention venue. I only used the toilets near the upstairs dressing room and those were fine, I think... I'm now paranoid I used unsanitary toilets without even noticing.

At least it's a gripe you can't blame on the con organisation, because that was pretty amazing. Gutted I couldn't see Origa though.

>> No.7619068

I've been going to both Abunai and Animecon since 2005 (sometimes switching one of the two for Tsunacon or Nishicon) and previous years there often was a lot of bad atmosphere in the hallways.
By this I mean angry people (walking into you), people gathering in small hallways, really bad personal hygene and loitering.

I completely agree with the toilets. Even if they're clean they look bad due to the light and wallpaint. Ugh. Absolutely loved my hotelroom though! (2-person luxury room with extra bed-couch)

>> No.7619086

Whats wrong with you people? Instead of discussing the con, all it panels, the compo's you are all talking about the toilets?
Good way to leave a good impresion of us Dutchies, we don't really care about anything as long as we can pee in a nice atmosphere.

>> No.7619096

But how can a shitstained stall be a nice atmosphere?

Also, I loved the Dark Magician Girl's skit for the Solo Cosplay Compo. It was all kinds of fab and I wish I could find a video of it.

>> No.7619114

My fave's: The cosplay compo, the j-fashion show, anime got talent, Deshima. Was a bit dissapointed by the dealerroom. Such a huuuuge space but they were all selling the same stuff. I didnt have any problem with bags and such cos I had a event pass so I didnt have to wait in line.

>> No.7619149

Here, FB URL/ photo.php?v=600449900054172

>> No.7619158

Bless your soul

>> No.7619174

I went to both concerts.

The Origa one was a little awkward. Such a huge theater room and only the front rows were filled. People were also constantly leaving because the concert was overlapping with other events. I still enjoyed it even though I didn't know a single song.

You definitely should've gone to the KOTOKO concert though.

>> No.7619184

It's somewhat smaller (up to 3k instead of 5k visitors and their game room is tiny compared) and you have to pay for the concert.
So far every concert of them sucked balls as it was some European singer that tried to do something Japanese.

On the other hand it's about 10€ cheaper.

>> No.7619222

what was her name again ?

I am getting back in to cosplay and I want to make sure to avoid her.

>> No.7619225

The drama level was high in my first cosplay group unfortunately it was a case of everybody falling in love with each other and then breaking up and ending up hating each other so yeah...

>> No.7619243

> tfw Animecon always ends up being at a date where I can't go

Next year will be my year.... never gone before, gonna try getting a table in the dealer room

>> No.7619514

Well it's been a few days and besides smelly toilets (I presume ladies only, every single I went to was clean) and Venus who represents 1/1,000,000th of he actual con I really don't see any complaints here. That's pretty rare for /cgl/ and Dutch people so I tihnk we can say this has been the best animecon yet, right?

>> No.7620362

Nowadays we mostly call her #glutenvrij but she's not really involved in cosplay so you should be safe.

>> No.7620436

It was a super great convention. I was there to view all cosplay competitions and it was very good!

Although me and my friends joked that the group winners have some things in common: all a bulky cosplayer who is walking around not seeing anything and the other being smaller and running around doing most of the acting. Even if the howl cosplayer didnt wear the big coat that long, I would have liked to see some more diversity in the winners for the groups. But maybe it was a style the judges really liked?

The solos were great too. I have to admit I am pleased that a belgian entry has won the yamato preliminaries since it's for benelux! All in all the netherlands can be proud on their cosplay-level.
I was also surprised about the talent show. that frozen cosplayer girl can sing!

>> No.7620456

Dont get me wrong though. The group comment may have come out a little mean. I really do like all the winners, there were just also other teams that I liked at the same time.

>> No.7620482

I liked the con and had a very laid back and relaxed time, met a lot of people and had a truckload of general fun.

Kind of disgusted about the up and coming "hierarchy" of people claiming they have god-tier cosplay or photography status and people should worship them as such.

That attitude will come and bite them eventually, you can't keep running around and being a contemptuous dick about things and not expect to get fucked in the ass by it.

>> No.7620503


Your comment kinda irks me because I really don't wanna see a hierarchy here in the Netherlands. What do you mean exactly? Please no names, no need for drama, but what kinds of things do people say or claims do they make?

Do you mean photographers as well or the way cosplayers look on photos? This one surprises me even more, all the photographers I know get along very well with just about no drama.

>> No.7620515

I am not planning on using names or causing a fuss or to be mean in general, it's just something that bothers me.

It's just that some concider themselves more proffesional or just plain "better"

It bothers me because professional photography or costume making to me is something that transcends anything we do at conventions.

I hate the fact that even convention stuff has reached super-serious status in some cases, I loved the days when it was still light hearthed, more experimental and generally more charming.

Perhaps I'm growing old and grumpy myself.

>> No.7620560

and I'm like 34 and I've been around anime since the videotape days, heck, I taped crappy shows from german RTL because it was so hard to come by back then

Perhaps I should just shut up and let the new wave take over.

>> No.7620582

No, it's something you see in various communities. I don't think there's any need for names because I think it's a general trait people are inclined to display, and is now developping in cosplay because there are enough people in the community for cliques to form. There's always those who look down on others or take themselves far too seriously no matter where you are. Cosplay is really prey to that now that there are competitions where there are things to win and lose. It can bring the worst out in people, but also the best in terms of cooperation.

I've not noticed it significantly in the netherlands though, every Dutch photographer/cosplayer I'm acquainted with or see around (in competitions/in organisation/through their reputation) seems a lot more sensible than what I've seen elsewhere. If anything, the only form of elitism I noticed this weekend was in people visiting from other countries. I'm sure it happens here too, but at cons like Animecon the organisation is mature and good enough that they don't have as much influence.

>> No.7620650

are you also a cosplayer?

>> No.7620717

We are discussing the toilets because this is /cgl/ and we come here to be really mad and vent - and the only thing that was not too perfect to be a bitch about it were the toilets.
The staff and the people made this convention so amazing that the toilets were literally the only problem.

People complaining about nothing but the toilets is actually a really really good sign.

Her skit was so clever and she was so cute! I adored it!

It's strange you have seen such a thing because I actually felt like I had seen quite the different thing here... I mean, maybe we have this self-sustaining hierarchy in Germany to such a level that I did not see it in the Netherlands... but there it seems to me like it is mostly created by beginners that make cosplayers that have been around for longer the out-group.
At Animecon, everyone seemed extremely open with no regards of skill-level or even interest in cosplay. I was so happy it was so easy to get in contact with people without them looking at you like "ugh ur one of THOSE cosplayers"

>> No.7620770

Holy shitballs, I think this is the most polite 4chan thread ever :O

But yes, Anime 2014 was awesome!! And IMO a way better value then Abunai, it might be € 10 cheaper, but their artists are "meh" (and you need to pay for them!) the game room is hardly 1/4 th of the size. No night program, less events and worse quality events.

>> No.7622053

Hell there is enough elitism among cosplayrs at animecon
not goingto post names, but yeah what about that mystique? how old isshe anyway?????

>> No.7622060



>> No.7622179

What does it take for you to qualify a cosplayer as elitist? Is it something they say to you, or how they've acted towards you?

I always wonder this, because often the first impression you get from seeing someone around a con or bumping into them can be really inaccurate. If you get to know the person and address it with them directly it turns out to be a misunderstanding.

>> No.7622366

I think we do have some cosplayers here in the netherlands that could be classified as popular, but the ones from that i've had the pleasure to speak to were all super friendly and supportive.

So I don't think we have the typical 'elitism' culture going on. It's not like anyone is being shunned out because you aren't part of that group.
Unless people have had other kinds of experiences with the popular dutch cosplayers that i am not aware of?

>> No.7622400

>so-and-so cosplayer is totally elitist
>btw she's also old, omg so gross
Someone isn't elitist just because they don't gush over your pimply ass in an eBay Vocaloid costume. She probably figured from your sour face what a salty little bitch you are.

>> No.7622497

Yes! Finally someone in this tread that goes on the attack on "insert random cosplayer" for "insert random reason without any substantial basis".

>> No.7622506

lol it appears the cosplayer in question has arrived on teh spot?
is the person with the pimply ass in here too?
*grabs popcorn*

>> No.7622507


pic of mystiek and pimply voicaloid ass?

>> No.7622537
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lol the butthurt is stronk

>> No.7622548

I'm now doubly confused which Mystique that post was referring to, I was thinking of one but no way in hell would she post on here and use the words "pimply ass". I'm assuming it's a case of trying to start drama or someone who isn't mature enough to not pass judgment on brief first impression.

>> No.7622599

think back to the happy rainbows and sunshine people, you were doing so well up until now

post your favourite costume of the weekend

also I missed the LEGO act but I heard it was insanely funny?

>> No.7622600

Atleast this video is interesting.


>> No.7622607

oh wow that's good. so they will also be making a second one? looking forward to it.

>> No.7622608

the vid is so awesome! Cant wait for it the saturday video. There was a great nidalee on saturday and I wonder if she is in it!

>> No.7622628



>> No.7622629

hoho rustig mannetje, laten we het hier netjes houden

>> No.7622631

I can only think of Aotenshi. She is the best.
Lol jk, it's me.
Yeah I'm old! So what...

>> No.7622646

if your that mistique I saw then your so cool! I only admired your cosplay from afar because I was too shy to ask for a picture

>> No.7623143

No pics of that Kill la Kill cosplayer?
(you all know who I'm talking about)

>> No.7623159

There were like 20 of those?

>> No.7623169

I mean the butt-naked ones, of course...

>> No.7623186


You mean the one with half her boobs hanging out?

My entire con-group basically agreed that taking a picture of her would basically be equal to making child porn.

Or do you mean the one in the dealer room that also had half her tits hanging out?

>> No.7623240

Yeah, the dealerroom one...
I saw her packing some stuff, and bending over.. my friends were like "...here I'm the one starting to feel embarassed".
And then she walked past, and when we glanced at her hindside, we all agreed that reality is a bitch and in anime everything looks much nicer.

>> No.7623329

lol u guys suck. "child porn" srsly as if you know how old she is, and it's her choice to cosplay it.
I think she looked just fine yknow.
"everything in anime looks much nicer" wtf did you expect? anime females dont even look like 90% of the women and girls IRL.

getting offended by some skin jfc u guys suck.

>> No.7623443
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>Be Animecon on Saturday I guess?
>If it wasn't Saturday it was on Sunday
>Me and my Friend walk into the Girls Rest Room
>Everyone be staring at me like what
>There's a boy in the Rest Room
>Which is me lmao
>Went there to just wash my hands
>My friend didn't really cared neither did I
>Suddenly le homesteak fans walk in
>homesteak fans recognize my character
>Both me and my friend look annoyed
>So I ignore them like I always try to and stay calm
>homesteak fans decide to annoy me again
>I walk to a different mirror and do my fucking make-up
>Suddenly the Bitches come closer and decide to fucking glomp me
>I look annoyed and hold them back telling them that I don't like their fandom
>they start laughing
>suddenly my friend decides to grab my attention and distract me from those Assholes, she notices that I was wearing the Pass of one my friends
>Her nick name is Emmer
>Dutch Homestuck Fans suddenly start to laugh after hearing her nickname
>the homesteaks make a Bucket reference referring to my friend
>I get really fucking pissed and told the bitch that if she ever dares to make a bucket reference again, I'll sprai Ice cold water on her face
>Game gets real guys, she calls her lil homesteaks friends
>Drama lasts 5 minutes
>Meanwhile the other girls in the rest room were looking Dafuq is happening here.
>She calls me a Faggot, I call her a Bitch, suddenly she calls me a misogynist.
>she starts using tumblr memes
>I'm done and walk away
>My friend furiously leads me the way
>the homesteaks keep on laughing
>I come home and find a tumblr signal boost post about me

Yeah animecon was perfect for me except for that nasty drama.
Hips don't lie jfc

>> No.7623463

>calls you faggot
>then gets mad when you call her a bitch
wtf is this madness.

>> No.7623482

Idk tbh
I don't know what her problem was but I do know I could laugh my ass off after it happened tbh.

She was probably a Tumblr Weminist (Wannabe Feminist)

>probably the angry dipe type
>the all men shall die type because I don't like men anyway
>wouldn't be surprised if she was a Lesbian in the 1st place
>I have a Gaydar it works on Men and Women
>But to come back the the drama point
>Yes wth, talk shit get shit
>I have lots of Bi-sexual and Lesbian female friends, but they're nice and kind and friendly, unlike her.

>> No.7623957

>implying elitism and cosplay don't go hand in hand

>> No.7624019

It does?
Got any examples from the Netherlands?

>> No.7624208

Can you not? We just got out of a Vendetta-cycle.

>> No.7624232

I actually think he/she can't think of an example tbh. There isn't any real elitism in the Netherlands anyway. So that's why I asked and since there is a lack of an answer I have proved my point.

>> No.7624237

Why the fuck were you in the womens washroom if you're a guy?

>> No.7624248
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Yo that sucksbut I still have no idea why you were in the women's washroom?
Srsly, there are some girls that change there or redo their binding cause the stalls are too small and I think I'd find it a bit bothersome if you caught me redoing my tape, just saying.

>> No.7624267

lol no, I'm not >>7624208
but they are right, you're just fishing for names
If you don't think elitism and cosplay go hand in hand, you're probably incredibly naive

>> No.7624268

>rude as fuck to go in the womens washroom
>complaints when people are annoying to him

>> No.7624296

I'm sorry, I honestly wasn't trying to fish for names. The fact that no one has yet been able to give an example that happened in the Netherlands simply delights me. So I was just trying to show that it indeed isn't as bad as people try to make it seem here. But I apologize for it seeming differently for you.

>> No.7624297
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This IS the most polite thread on 4chan, jesus

>> No.7624321

>Bla me awesome and cool and I don't give anything about other people.
>There's a boy in the Rest Room
>Which is me lmao

And from there karma took over. Being served within seconds and it would all have been avoided if you justwould have gone to your proper rest room.
I love the convention more and more when I read stories like this.

>> No.7624336

It really is. Normally I come to cgl to just rage and scream with the other seagulls but I would just feel awkward and awful now if I would attempt to post something angry in this thread.

>> No.7624350

Well, to conclude it seems everyone had a good time?

Cosplay related, any favourite costumes/acts guys?

Anon earlier mentioned the Dark Magician Girl skit, I quite liked that. Comedy is hard to do in cosplay and it was sweet!

I've seen a fair few photos on FB, but I know most the photographers and I'm not sure they'd like their work posted here, so I feel bad saving and posting ahaha

>> No.7624358

Getting offended by people who think running around almost completely naked is indecent? Was it you in the costume?

>> No.7624361
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>gets these replies

well that didn't go as you expected now did it

>> No.7624445

The fem!Shep gave me goosebumps with her skit, the Dark Magician Girl was so hilariously cute I just couldn't - the Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles couple did an amazing act, even though I do not even like this expressive dancing stuff but it was so. very. cute.
I loved Joffrey dying a stage death and being slapped as well as Cersei's speech even though they could have taken out the part with the flags - it seemed to only water down the density in atmosphere.

It's so hard to remember single acts cause almost everyone on stage was BRILLIANT (and I am not mentioning some cause they were friends and I am of course extremely not-neutral about them).

Any others out there that got crazy inspired by the skits?

Also, DANG those trailers were epic! I wish German conventions would show trailers like these as well so everyone is already full of anticipation

>> No.7624480


Meh, I guess that depends on how you post it. If you post some shots just to show cosplays you loved I don't think anyone minds?

>> No.7624504
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OK, just going to post some pics I found from photogs on FB that I love!

This one is one of the guests, but she is so cute and the costume is gorgeous. I think it also says a lot that really good photographers visit and do a lot of coverage of the event nowadays. From Wenbin Photo.

>> No.7624508
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(same photog until specified otherwise)

>> No.7624512
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>> No.7624518
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>> No.7624521
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>> No.7624525
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>> No.7624529
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I especially like this one because of her tails (girl on Heroes of Cosplay anyone?)

>> No.7624531
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These stage pics are from Kmeron. This is a really awesome stage shot!

>> No.7624536
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ECG team winners.

>> No.7624539
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Yamato Cup winner.

>> No.7624540
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Jeroen Weimar Photography, the Dark Magician Girl (ECG solo winner) waiting for her kiss!

>> No.7624541
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I don't know if this girl won anything but I thought her costume was gorgeous!

>> No.7624543
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N8e photography now, these are the CICAF winners. Really loved these costumes too.

>> No.7624544
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You see a lot of these Diablo cosplays but this is still pretty damn cool. I'm going to post a few more stage pics after this but there were great cosplayers like this just around the convention too.

>> No.7624548

Designy CosPhoto now, WCS winners.

>> No.7624549
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Of course I dropped my pic.

>> No.7624552
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The Tsubasa act that was mentioned earlier.

>> No.7624557
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This was pretty cool lighting, act was really fun as well.

>> No.7624560
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Last photo from me, there were lots of nice costumes during all the competitions so I won't post them all, but personal favourite because Suikoden! (still not 1 or 2 though sadly)

>> No.7624643

Their stageprops were the cleverest thing ever.

>> No.7624705

Incredibly how much the quality of the cosplays has increased in just a few years. I guess the introduction of the international competitions really had a lot of influence?

Who was the winner of the Eurocosplay?

>> No.7624715
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Here anon, because I spend too long stalking con pics.

Princess Peach was the EC winner (just found her FB page CryMi), have a video too at FB URL/photo.php?v=600669470032215 (the guy has lots of other videos posted too from the compo!)

>> No.7624836

This shot is really beautiful holy crap. I couldn't even see the blood from where I was seated.

>> No.7624841

Isn't that a Sakizou cosplay?

>> No.7624845

nah its granado espada or something like that

>> No.7624894
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You mean this one?

>> No.7624915
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Could anyone explain what was happening here?

>> No.7624917

Miley Cyrus at it again?

>> No.7624962

yeah! That's a pretty accurate cosplay and even the sciccor weapon looks neat. C:

>> No.7624994

Het is anime14, waarom praten mensen gewoon niet hip nederlands.

>> No.7625011
File: 227 KB, 900x798, panty_and_stocking_with_brief__by_mycomicalbromance-d39romx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's supposed to be Panty Anarchy

>> No.7625013
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>mfw so many shitty KLK cosplays but sometimes one prop is good so it just makes the whole thing seem like a wasted effort


If you're asking seriously, I think stage performance for a Panty cosplayer from the anime series Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt. If you're asking in like a "wot" kind of way, then idk man.

>> No.7625131

Panty's transformation sequence actually involves her taking of her panties. Of course, the panties you see there are a stunt double.

>> No.7625147

Aaaaaand another burn attempt bites the dust.
This convention left me with good feelings, and they seem to seep into /cgl even.

>> No.7626068

Other side pls

>> No.7626274

Holy shit, you are a faggot. Are you even old enough to be on 4chan?

>> No.7626275

What was wrong with it ?

>> No.7627018

I believe she won something like a honorary mention or judge's favourite something for her costume.

>> No.7627183

Rightly so! That dress was near perfection! So many details and not a flaw in sight, she won the eurocos preliminaries at Abunai and if she had done a better act I think she could've easily won one of the three solo preliminaries.

>> No.7627882

It has been about a week since the convention, so I will do my one-time post again.

I am happy to see the reactions posted here and at other spots. It seems like most had a pretty good time and that is what we aim for.

First, some comments on what is posted above.
1) The panel of VenusAngelic.
We could have given a little bit more help at that but, as might know, she moved to the Netherlands in April or so and only at that moment we started the contacts. In the last 2 months before the convention we are really super busy so we have less time for taking personal care. I am happy to see that when the panel started, a room of well over 200 people was nearly full, so there was quite some interest.

2) Toilets.
I have been in contact with the venue and they were also not to happy, as these were renovated in January/February. Unfortunately, we as organisors could not prevent or solve the issues, except for one: If you see a guy walk into the ladies room please notify us. We can escort the gender confused person to the correct wash room.

If you have any other comment or suggestion, please be so kind to go to our site and fill in the feedback form.

Personally, I was totally broken after the convention. I walked about 30 KM per day for 4 days (we have one day build up in advance) and my moment of rest were actually during the presentation of the cosplay competition. And reading all the above comments, it was well worth it. Yes, things can be improved but each year the convention is improving.

The World Forum was once again impressed by the event and the visitors. We are one of the most intense events they have each year, due to the size, the continuous program and the diverse program. For them, it went without many problems. The largest incident was because of some drunk fools in the hotel and one of my people collapsing after the event due to exhaustion. This is what impressed the venue the most: the visitors who are in general neat and friendly. (to be continued)

>> No.7627892


So, all in all, it was a great weekend.
The concerts looked great, especially the sea of glowsticks. The cosplay judges were phenomenal in my opinion, The cosplay acts, I loved all of them and the panel with Hideo Baba was well received. I am proud on the program we were able to pull together: over 170 events and more than 13000 minutes in total.

I think this sums it all up. As this was my last convention as event/program manager I must say it has been a pleasure (most of the times).


ps, Animecon is always looking for new volunteers, so if you'd love to be part of something awesome: join the team

>> No.7628252

I walked by her and I gave that dress a really close look (I'm a creep for seams or smth) and it looked perfect even close up. Makes u wanna cry.
But considering her act, I think it is really hard to make an act out of a game where you just cosplay as a certain class :/

fdsfsffsds would never have expected someone actually replying to the toilet-nitpickery. I am taken aback these toilets have just been 'renovated' - someone must've been colorblind.
But hey, that can in no way be blamed on you guys! You did a great job - thank you so much for such a great convention (and I will contact you about probably holding a workshop if that's okay!)

>> No.7628274

R.D., this may sound odd, but do you have a cosplay page or anything? I only ever see you post on here but I'd love to actually follow your work (and maybe fangirl in person someday), since you always sound lovely.

>> No.7628327

Yo, that's really weird, I usually come off as an asshole but I'm AbyssinianCosplay on facebook

>> No.7628334

I'm a bit of an asshole too so that's probably why. Also damn actually saw you at Acon and you looked gorgeous, I'll go be a suck up on your FB page now.

>> No.7628454

>I am taken aback these toilets have just been 'renovated' - someone must've been colorblind

The tiles had to remain. Something to do with tiles being selected by an artist in the 70's. No clue why, in any moment of time, one would select this type of yellow for wash rooms, but they are stuck with it (and most of them are not happy with it).

Of course we reply to comments about it: if the comments are valid and not to disrespectful, there is no reason not to. Personally I am happy with the comments being nitpickery, as that indicates that there are not many major issues.

As for workshops we will be happy to have new faces. We try to get new faces each time for them with a mixture of local and international people.

>> No.7629747

>selected by an artist in the 70's
>No clue why, in any moment of time, one would select this type of yellow for wash rooms

>> No.7632661

Heard really good things about this event. I'm tempted to go next year. I'm from the UK would I need to be very good with Dutch in order to attend?

>> No.7633588

No. Most mayor events are hosted in English, at panels you can request it to be done in English (whoever hosts the panel will usually ask at the beginning whether everyone is Dutch) and overall the Dutch can communicate okay to well in English. You'll get by.

>> No.7633745

Most Dutch people can speak really good English (I'm English and I live in the Netherlands, and from my experience they're better than they'll admit).

The con is starting to get a lot of international visitors and the organisers definitely want the event to be completely international, so not speaking Dutch isn't a problem. Like anon said, before panels they'll often do a show of hands to see which language to speak in, and larger events are just run in English.

Even outside of the con you wouldn't have any problems as a tourist.

>> No.7635216

Thank you for answering. Will put it on my list for next year then.

>> No.7636983
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What I always find magical about Animecon.. is that the Deshima Sounds rave is more awesome there.
I mean, despite the fact that they're a little bit smaller than the rave at Abunai, it is still much better. The same DJ's even.

>> No.7638924

I'm the girl in the picture, and I want to thank you for your comment! It makes me really happy to hear someone likes my cosplay :) And indeed, it is really hard to make an act out of a game class. Characters like that often don't have interesting story lines to use. I'm just really happy I got that honorable mention :)

As for Animecon itself, I think it was amazing! I have no complaints whatsoever. I went to the sushi workshop which was a lot of fun! I can really recommend attending it if they decide to give the workshop again next year. I also really appreciated the separate line for cosplay props. made things a whole lot easier for me :)

>> No.7643084

Wow, has it been 2 weeks already?
Coming from Belgium I used to go to France for conventions if I would go abroad, since the Belgian ones generally suck. Having been in the Netherlands now, I must say that you Dutchies sure know what a convention is. Are the other Dutch conventions just as good?
I am so glad I was there, it was really the best convention ever. Great program, super nice people, really grand cosplay, especially the show. The acts are usually boring here with far too much talking and hosts that are usually there showing off themselves. Most acts I have seen were really fun to watch.

And everyone was so friendly. I will definately go again next year!