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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 502 KB, 467x556, itaburando.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7570771 No.7570771 [Reply] [Original]

Ever see a brand dress that you just hate and can't understand why anyone would wear it? Post those dresses that you just can't stand/think are tacky.

>> No.7570791

the bottom left makes me think of pink lemonade though, I love to hate it

>> No.7570793

If the pink on the yellow/pink dress were paler I think it might look better. As it is, all of them clash too much.

>> No.7570810

everything from AaTP
dunno why

>> No.7570822

Anything with full bodice shirring.

>> No.7570827

>far away
ooh, cute
>enlarge image

>> No.7570829

Normally I take out all the frontal shirring if I like a dress that has it and redo it so it has a normal bodice.

>> No.7570833
File: 114 KB, 500x561, full on monet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7570843

the two on the left are cute

obligatory radioactive cupcakes.jpg

>> No.7570856

Are you referring to Milky Planet, I still can't believe that thing was my original Dream Dress. What makes it worse is that I thought Dream of Lolita was a brand and that it created it.

>> No.7570862

I think they're referring to Whipped Magic.

>> No.7570866

Oops, well it's hard to tell which dress it is without a picture. Never heard of it till you mentioned it... god it is ugly as hell.

>> No.7570872

Yeah, "radioactive cupcake" and "booger magic" (as well as other similar derivatives) are used to refer to Whipped Magic. A part of me wants to snag the pink JSK for fun because I'd like to take up the challenge of putting together a decent coord with it, but I know that no matter how well I do people will still hate it (and hate on me for trying) because they fundamentally hate the print.

>> No.7570880

It's that horrid green that truly does it in, like it radiates from my computer when I searched it. Why neon green AP... why
It would of been a better print without that color.

>> No.7570990
File: 94 KB, 480x640, 138320-p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sick of Baby shitting out giant cupcake ruffle monsters

>> No.7570993
File: 98 KB, 480x640, 138301-p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least make some of the colors different so it doesn't look like a giant heap of fabric

>> No.7570996
File: 89 KB, 480x640, B38JS202-pcha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

getting real sick of your shit, Baby

>> No.7571016


I own this and it looks a lot more elegant in person

>> No.7571028

I totally agree when it comes to their print items. I find that they look way too busy. It's a shame, because I've found that the non print AaTP stuff I have fits me really well and is amazing quality (way better than AP imho).

>> No.7571029

Milky Planet was my dream dress ages ages ages ago.

I got my hands on the re-release because I relapsed. When I got it, I remembered that I look like shit in sweet, realized I'm too tall for it, and that it looks awful because it doesn't fit proportionally.

>It sits in my closet so I can look at it and sigh

>> No.7571050


I literally stopped in just to say whipped magic. I also think Romantic Rose Letter is gross

>> No.7571133

Are you joking I love this dress.
I agree, romantic rose letter is pretty yuck.

>> No.7571153

hey i love those ruffle OTT monsters!!!

romantic rose letter is like my favorite print...

>> No.7571166
File: 450 KB, 783x692, rb97028032162.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>romantic rose letter is like my favorite print...

>> No.7571178

idk is it really bad IRL or something? :/

>> No.7571181

Diff anon b-but...what's so bad about that print...??
Maybe I'm just obsessed with flower/floral prints but...

They're so tacky but I love them oh man

>> No.7571221
File: 86 KB, 440x659, uglyassin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know OP said brand, but since everyone and their mum has a boner for Krad I think they can pass.

This ugly arse print. From the waist up, it looks alright, but the actual print is just ugly as sin. It just looks stupid imo.

>> No.7571240

personally the print is hideous, and the only thing that saved it was the special OP set because the details and charms and lace are fantastic. The design for the JSK is ok, but the regular OP is blah, and like I said before, the print is just ugly to me.

>> No.7571319

I agree. I liked the IDEA of a jellyfish print but this really isn't working for me. It's just so... blah.

>> No.7571324

well imo it ain't any worse than painting dresses especially the one with the black bodices

>> No.7571325 [DELETED] 


kill yourself

>> No.7571333
File: 116 KB, 480x640, vampireforest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This cut with that colour in particular. The red didn't look half as bad, just looking at it quickly in google.

>> No.7571366

Actually love the pink and yellow colorway

>> No.7571396

Oh this is gorgeous

Kinda this, especially Vampire Requiem, especially in beige but I think its mostly because I've seen so many awful replicas that I'm put off it for life. Same with Melty Chocolate.

>> No.7571516

I've said this in inumerous threads before but:
>classic style print
>sweet cut and cutsey little star buttons
It's a classical ita mistake: not knowing which style you're going for makes the whole outfit look weird. Sure, it can be done. Obviously not here, though. Also, every single coord I've seen with this dress looks off.

>> No.7571545

Jellyfish are like moons of the ocean, so having stars and moons fits the theme...

>> No.7571586
File: 136 KB, 250x333, img2-bjanTPuFvDhkQcVZWN1OW0HA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In this specific colourway. This fucking colour on pretty much any dress make me want to vomit.

>> No.7571588

Half my wardrobe is this colour anon. I'll make sure to stay away from you in future, don't want you vomiting on my beautiful blue shoes.

>> No.7571597

I don't like the name going across the bottom nor those two little things dangling down above the name. Take those off and I'd love it.

>> No.7571612 [DELETED] 


kill yourself

>> No.7571633

but fantasy theater

>> No.7571640

This one is awful, but it's based on a costume for some wacky lolita superhero movie so it's awful on purpose.

>> No.7571712

they're called Moon Jellyfish, btw. I have a condo by a lake in Texas and they always come in droves at night. They're quite weak and must move with the current, which depends on the moon. And the clover looking thing on their dome tells their sex and is slightly reflective of light.(fun facts: iirc rose-tinged is female and pure white is male, and their barbs are not strong enough to pierce human skin, so they're completely safe to pick up)
So yes moons and stars are completely logical in this design

>> No.7571713
File: 43 KB, 625x450, tmp_animals-impacted-moon-jellyfish-625x450-jpg-2074984271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot to mention that the orbs on their dome is their namesake
tl;dr krad knows their shit

>> No.7571741
File: 270 KB, 500x600, ap_fantasytheatergiletjsk (1)_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related looks uggo, but the non gilet version doesn't look completely terrible because there's red in the print

>> No.7571827

I don't think the jellyfish dress is classic at all. It's sweet. It has puffed sleeves like a sweet OP and the cut of a sweet op.

I don't get why people call it a classic dress. Dark =/= classic. Sweet can be toned down and simple.

>> No.7571863

Why the fuck do we keep having this conversation about moon theme with jellyfish whenever the KL jellyfish dress pops up!?

Sage because wtf. stop.

>> No.7572024 [DELETED] 


kill yourself

>> No.7572036
File: 552 KB, 1620x1080, flickr-3915840315-hd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Because people don't get why it doesn't make sense and then it brings all the jellyfish nerds to their doors.

Anyways, my brother fucking loves the print, he said it looked like a really cool computer wallpaper. So I think I actually won with the normalfags.

>> No.7572095

I like this one only because it reminds me of neapolitan icecream.

>> No.7572119

I hate how the ribbons are so dark for the dress. it works okay on the brown/beige colorway but bad on all the others

>> No.7572226

That's exactly what I'm trying to say. The whole dress is very sweet. Except it's print, which is quite too realistic for a sweet print. Also people coordinating it with classic items makes it look seriously off: that just makes me dislike the dress even more

People talking about the relation between moons and jellyfish. I... didn't even mention it. That's really nice, but, really... not the reason I don't like this dress.
Besides, you guys beeing such jellyfish nerds just because you saw it in an anime (kawaii esu desu!!!1) make people who own this dress look stupid. You should stop.

>> No.7572239

Is this real wtf

>> No.7572251

>sweet cut
u wot m8. Even the short length uses classic proportions. Look at the length of the OP bodice and fall of the skirt.

>> No.7572279

what the fuck are you talking about, nothing about that dress is sweet. Classic dresses can have charms n shit too, you know. Or are you going to tell me that Astronomical Clock is sweet too?

>> No.7572287


What, being a jellyfish nerd makes the dress look stupid? What? It gives context to the pattern on the dress and shows that there was some thought behind it.

People nerding out over jellyfish is actually the cutest thing I've seen in a while. People should do that more often, like going explaining the history of teddy bears or the context of that particular Alice painting. It actually makes me appreciate a print more that way.

>> No.7572369

Well, I disagree. Do you seriously look at this picture and see something MM or VM could have released? This screams AP to me.
I'm obviously not the only one since >>7571827 agrees with me.

I agree with you to a certain point. I do find it really cute when people nerd out over specific things. In this case, though, most people are just copying an obsession from an anime character. THAT is what makes it stupid.

>> No.7572372
File: 34 KB, 385x578, sweeterthanmistysky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for dropping my pic. Here it is.

>> No.7572380

>In this case, though, most people are just copying an obsession from an anime character.
What are you talking about?

>> No.7572382

The Jellyfish op has a more classic cut.
The Jellyfish jsk has a more sweet cut.

I think people are talking about two different things here.
The print is very classic though.

>> No.7572396
File: 67 KB, 450x244, princess-jellyfish-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Princess Jellyfish

>> No.7572400 [DELETED] 

Jellyfish Princess
the MC is a jellyfish otaku

>> No.7572402

Looks closer to notoriously classic brand IW than any other brand. (Krad mostly just looks like itself, though. They have a very definite style. And that style is predominately classic.) The jsk is slightly sweeter but it's still got the elegance and elongation that registers as classic.

>> No.7572425
File: 32 KB, 250x334, 62760-2708-2014-05-11752233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Notoriously classic
Well, I think most recent IW releases are standing right on top of the classic/sweet line (if not stepping into the sweet side sometimes?). I mean, look at this cupcake skirt, it's too cute!

I guess you and >>7572382 are right, though. The OP does give more of a classic vibe rather than the JSK.

>> No.7572429

It's still pretty sweet to me and I haven't seen it worn well as a classic piece yet.

Saging this post. Maybe we should start another thread if this discussion is going further? We're derailing a good thread.

>> No.7572432

Wait so just because it has jelly fish on it people think that everyone who likes it likes this show? Or does one of the characters wear a dress that is obviously similar... Because I don't see the connection just because of jelly fish.

>> No.7572434

Class isn't as simply defined as just an a-line skirt...

>> No.7572438

Sweet isn't just pastels. What is your point?

>> No.7572447

Because they said the above dress was sweet simply based on the bell shape of the skirt, did you not bother to read the comment?

>> No.7572449

>most people are just copying an obsession from an anime character.
>most people
No, not everyone. But, yeah, most people.

>> No.7572453

I don't see how a show that has jelly fish in it means that most people who like a dress that has jelly fish on it means they like it because of the show.

>> No.7572457


I don't think you can prove it's 'most people.' I just thought it was cool to see a dress that for once didn't have sweets, toys, or crosses on it as a print for once. It was fairly unique at the time.

And hey, I learned quite a bit from anime. I've managed to impress my Catholic aunt with Old Testament folklore. That I learned from Angel Sanctuary. It's cool.

>> No.7572459

Tsukimi in the show is a "jellyfish otaku" and is obsessed with all different types of jellies, drawing them, designing clothes based on them, and lecturing people on the differences between them. I can definitely see a correlation between people liking this print and copying Tsukimis obsession with jellyfish because they are in turn obsessed with the show.

>> No.7572464

I think it's GORGEOUS in real life

Not one I own myself but I was thinking of getting it eventually, need more floral prints

>> No.7572467

Actually, I wrote the comment.
I didn't even say it's a sweet dress to begin with. I said IW often releases stuff that step just on the line that separates classic and sweet. I posted the dress as an example of that. I think it may even be considered a classic piece butI think it has lots of sweet elements. Don't you?

I guess >>7572459 explained it pretty well but you can also check the archives if you want. /cgl/ did mention the anime more than a couple of times when the dress was announced.

>> No.7572474

Yes my point in my reply was that there's more than just one thing that makes a dress a certain style or not. I guess I read your comment wrong since I saw you say that some of their modern designs could be considered plain sweet and all you pointed out was the skirt shape as a supporting point.

>> No.7572483

I think plenty of people also liked the show because they already had an interest in the animal.
It's not often that I come across cute media involving my weirder favorite animals.

>> No.7572485

I see. My English certainly doesn't help! I take it as you understood what I meant now?

Btw, I'd love to see pictures of the jellyfish OP being worn as a classic piece done right. I may ask for it on the "worn thread" later...

>> No.7572597

What is happening
Is Summer trying too hard to fit in? Or is cgl actually this eggy and I've just never noticed since I don't hang out in drama threads?

I like it a lot too. The print is uncomplicated femininity. It lets the beautiful construction take the mainstage. I thought Maki looked amazing in her Romanic Rose Letter coord.

>> No.7572619

>yfw I don't watch animu but study the deep sea
You aren't even trying

>> No.7572628

It's just one anon who thinks they're funny, ignore them and they'll get bored.

>> No.7572690
File: 110 KB, 750x666, 936930_10151598203090622_149095527_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7572694

Numbers! I am a clock! I have a clock on my head! The clock is me!

>> No.7572711

I feel like this would look adorable as a costume or part of a shoot, but as an actual fashion item it is incredibly bleh. Maybe the buttons and the border print were smaller...

>> No.7572712

I think it's cute, but the socks and headpiece are too much.

>> No.7572720

picture op here

I think it'd look better if they didn't use black, or if they used a more decorative/wispy font or something

It's not horrible, but it's the fact that it's from AP which makes me side eye it

>> No.7572727

I know these feels, sis.

>too tall for sweet
>rocks it in classic
>loves AP
>buy, try, cry
>stare longingly at it on my dress form wishing there was a surgery that could remove part of your leg bones to make your shorter

such is life.

>> No.7572734

You've never seen any other moeblob anime have you?

>> No.7572735

I laughed so hard for no reason. I don't even know.

>> No.7572742

I actually really like tall girls in sweet. I can see the whole legware designs and I just like how it looks, like some slender dryad princess from candy land

>> No.7572746
File: 118 KB, 1280x720, medaka_box_abnormal-06-medaka-cute-excited-love-hearts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>slender dryad princess from candy land

I love you anon~

>> No.7572846

Try an under skirt. Doesn't have to be as long as the current Chinese trend. Just long enough to make it OK. I think it would work great!

>> No.7572864

I don't get into television really, so the only two moeblob anime I've really seen were Kuragehime and K-On. The former was actually recommended to me by a classmate who found out I liked jellyfish when I mentioned that I was going to a local aquarium's "Jellies" exhibit.
Idk, I just think it's stupid to assume that anyone who expresses an interest in something is only doing so because they watched some cartoon.

>> No.7572869

I meant the fact that you seem to think it's abnormal for a moeblob to have an obsession with a weird animal, it happens really often. It happens more often in eroge though, which is weird.

>> No.7573141

t-thank you anon

>> No.7573273

It's just my opinion, the radioactive blue and pink are just so damn bright.

>> No.7573285

Is there a place to find dresses in guy's size?

>> No.7573592 [DELETED] 


kill yourself

>> No.7573602

ditto, i actually really like this apart from the dark brown ribbons, they seem so distracting and unnecessary. in the highly unlikely event that i ended up with this dress for free or a nominal fee, I would remove those brown bows pronto without giving a shit about how many 'naaaaw my braaaand' seizures it may cause.

>> No.7573603

Ultimate dream dress

>> No.7573667

I love numbers. in a different color (like a grey dress/black numbers), I would be all over this.
Not sure about that tacky clock headpiece though.

>> No.7573675

I've never even heard of this show, ffs. Jellyfish are just pretty cute and interesting animals. I'm sure there's a handful of people who got it from this show, but definitely not most of them.

>> No.7573703

I don't even know what kind of Lolita this is...

>> No.7573781

The kind that's pretty and blue, we don't need labels on everything.

>> No.7573797
File: 175 KB, 640x427, semenov-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't watch animu, but I do watch things like David Attenborough calmly talking about jellyfish. I have an appreciation for the weird and wonderful facets of nature, jellyfish happens to be among them.

Don't hate on jellyfish just just because animu.

>> No.7573807

I'm with you on that
Jellyfishes are stunning in real, not everyone cares for animu fads

>> No.7573843

Innocent World does classic too you goddamn retard. I don't give a shit what MM and VM release because most of their dresses are plain overpriced crap. Obviously you bought into the hype.
You sound new as hell.

>> No.7573849

imagine seeing something with jellyfish and instantly thinking it's from an anime.
Imagine being that much of a closet-weeb.
>anime is gay and so are you hth

>> No.7573853


>> No.7573876

You caught me, anon.
I became a marine biologist because I love da kawaii animu!!!111

>> No.7573903

omg, like same here anon!
I go to work every day so I can smell like protein skimmer sludge and algae because it makes me feel like I'm in one of my japanese animes!!

>> No.7573917

>jellyfish nerds just because you saw it in an anime
What the hell anime has jellyfish in it?

>> No.7574045

Princess Jellyfish?
I don't even watch anime but I knew that.

>> No.7574080

Fuck, I'm really out of the anime scene, I've never heard of that.

>> No.7574088

Nah, it's just bad. It shit itself in Japan but derp westerners ate it up.

>> No.7574092

Bbg we should unite to form a petition.
;-; I want to have my sweet and wear it too!

>> No.7574104

Fuck both of you. I'm 188cm and I wear AP because fuck the frilly police.
If you're that butthurt over it, wear a fucking underskirt.

>bawww I'm too tall/too short/too fat/too thin/too boobloaf/too autistic to wear (example)

Fuck that mentality.

>> No.7574119

>romantic rose letter
One of my dream dresses...

>> No.7574128

Every single fucking classical painting dress. Never seen one that looks good.

>> No.7574142
File: 114 KB, 567x850, jellyfish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I don't get about this jsk is why the dark blue colorway is more popular than the light blue one. It looks way better imo.

>> No.7574165

I didn't even know it came in that colour, everyone and their dog is wearing the dark blue colorway

>> No.7574180

except me
but I want it

>> No.7574204

Personally the color schemes and tones on the lighter blue are harder to find complementary or matching accessories for, whereas a dark navy is easier to work with imo

I also look like crap in light colors, but that's just me personally.

>> No.7574211

That would look so pretty with a sheer cream blouse, holy shit. I need it.

>> No.7574233

There's not a whole lot of nice dark blue dresses out there I guess? I find it hard to look for a nice dark blue dress that isn't a solid color or only an accent color. I love the dark blue version

>> No.7574244

Thank you for saying it. Painting dresses are my worst nightmare. I hate them so much.

>> No.7574252

This is a good point actually,
Painting dresses can burn

>> No.7574312
File: 358 KB, 500x667, julietteetjustine1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone's always asking how people can go out in public in sweet lolita, but I'd be way more embarrassed to wear a dress covered in a bunch of giant naked torsos and shit.

>> No.7574315

robe de baby junk

>> No.7574325

If you are a guy that is too large to fit in lolita, chances are you will look creepy in it. I know there are many brolitas and not all look terrible, but the ones that look good are often of slight build and pass easily as women. The ones who are tall with broad shoulders and wide ribs almost always look off. If you really think you can pull off the fashion or if you don't care at all what other lolitas will think of you, then just find dresses with shirring or go for longer cuts (avoid AP like the plague).

>> No.7574330

The question is, do you dress well?

>> No.7574346

B-But anon you aren't even that tall...I'm sure you could rock sweet

>> No.7574348
File: 195 KB, 500x667, robedebreme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only painting dress I like is this one. Beautiful.

>> No.7574350

I want a dress with a yaoi hands print so badly
"Yaranaika Party" by AP

>> No.7574353

My sides have left the planet. 10/10 would wear that print (or something with yaoiz butt)

>> No.7574362

Not that anon but that conversation has happened already.
Maybe read the whole thread before making a fool of yourself by calling other people newbie morons.

>> No.7574381

ikr? its one of my favorite dresses it looks so light and flowy and easier to match than the dark one

>> No.7574479
File: 7 KB, 135x180, FantasticDollyJSK-red_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fantastic Dolly in Red in any way, shape or form. I haven't really seen a good coord of it!

>> No.7574482

So, you're saying that no one should add their 2cts to a conversation if someone else already addressed it...Welcome to 4cahn, anon.

>> No.7574554

It's way, way easier to hide the awkward uniboob it gives anyone with bigger than a B cup in the navy version.
I'm way under the measurements but wear a 26-28F, and the light blue looked so awful on me that I burst into tears when it arrived.

I want this dress solely because my boyfriend is from Bremen and the first story I read in German was die Bremer Stadtmusikanten.

>> No.7574733

ah, the cock pussy bitch ass dress

>> No.7574741

holy shit i just noticed that now hahahahaha

>> No.7574762
File: 125 KB, 400x600, tumblr_lx0ch0rfAt1qc5mq5o1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7574804

I stand corrected.

>> No.7575920

I love only the skirt version of this, even if it's more fairy kei than actual lolita.
Haha, yes! Well i dislike most of printed Taobao stuff, it looks lame all the time. Instead taobao is great for basic pieces or simple non custom printed lolita items.
i love AP prints but this is just.... so ugly lol. Why numbers, AP?
YES YES!!! I just hate painting prints so i love to hear this! I think sweet lolita is more pratical than these classic painting pieces, even if the print is a pastel wonderland with cupcakes, floating bears and random pastel shit.
I want a yuri cutesy print instead lol

>> No.7577601

no. fuck you. not that anon, but fuck you
"just use an underskirt"
they look like SHIT with sweet prints.

>> No.7582193

I don't even like them with the majority of classic

>> No.7582196
File: 1.37 MB, 922x692, 7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like Fantastic Dolly in red is PERFECT for these psuedo-punk/retro coords. Kind of like Ayumi Seto's stuff.

>I couldn't find the higher quality version.

>> No.7582198
File: 79 KB, 600x372, 35448_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe just because i've seen it a billion times... something about it is just so annoying

>> No.7582203

it and every other AP popular print

>> No.7582207

Wow, this is my first time seeing the print up close and dat shooting star. So they pretty much just recycled those stars for Dream Sky. I did not know that.

>> No.7582209

yes, they have specific stamps kind of? so the melty moon and the star are used over and over

>> No.7582274


I find it really fucked up that shorter lolitas will bitch
"oh goood knees oh its so short, use an underskirt your problems will be solved" (not saying that anon did that but in general)

1. underskirts look like shit
2. if you don't sew you're screwed when it comes to finding underskirts
3. longer skirts don't solve everything, other proportions are off
4. tfw I will never fit into my favorite dresses

>> No.7582562
File: 58 KB, 250x333, fucking honey cake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck honey cake, I fucking hate it in every colourway but this ones the worst. I don't know why but it looks gross af to me and I hate how everybody seems to fawn over it. I love sweet and ap, but god. I hate this print.

>> No.7582585
File: 25 KB, 250x333, ap_2006_op_puppetcircus_color1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shaking my head at the current auction on LM.

>> No.7582603

I've never owned a velvet dress but I feel like they'd be really hot. I really don't like the way they look

>> No.7582619

imo there are problems on both sides
as a short lolita, is there really anything you can do when the bodice is way too long for ur short as hell torso, or the hem of the skirt hits at mid calf? Not to make light of your problems, but I would rather be tall than short. I think tall lolitas are gorgeous.

>> No.7582624

These dresses are old, probably passed through quite a few owners...

But screen printing and velveteen are both bitches to clean. How the fuck do people wash them? Are they caked with years of dust and sweat?

>> No.7582690


I hate the print, but if this was printless it would be stunning.
I love velveteen dresses.

>> No.7582766

The dresses that aren't washable, you would want to wear a slip or a washable undershirt.

>> No.7583483

I wish I could wear velveteen or velvet. I just literally throw up at the touch of it

>> No.7583583

same :( it feels like weird scratchy dry mold to me..

>> No.7583696


I am SO GLAD someone else is like this. All of my friends treat me like a freak for it!