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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 14 KB, 225x224, answers to the universe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7549763 No.7549763 [Reply] [Original]

Because I don't see one and I need a vent Imma get this party started.

>Girl in comm still owes me money.

>See her posting on my comm page buying shit.

Bitch! Oh no you didn't!

>> No.7549770

Maybe ask her about it?

>> No.7549779

this, is it so hard to tell her that you would want her to pay you back rather then spend the money she owes you lol

>> No.7549781

she is ignoring me.

At this point I am just taking it as a loss.

Lesson learned though.

>> No.7549786

Iktf. I lost about 370 USD on a bitch who claimed to be my bff. everytime we hanged out she would always look genuinely guilty saying stuff like "I am looking for ways to pay it back to you"

When I got a bf she dumped me. After 2 weeks she came crawling back but when I told her I didn't want her back she cut all contact to me

>> No.7549790

Feels anon. Feels.

>> No.7549796

Fuck that, what if she has done it to more than you and everyone chalks it up as a loss? Make a public ATTN BITCH PAY UP post so others know she's a dead beat.

>> No.7549799

lol assuming op hasn't already done that.

>> No.7549808

I'm actually considering doing this. Atm I'm in contact with the girl I saw her buying form.

>> No.7550062
File: 137 KB, 500x390, memo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So lately in my comm, there has been an issue with a sex offender. This guy is sending underaged girls videos of him jacking off when they don't want it, threatens to kill himself if they don't have sex with him, etc. There's solid evidence of everything he has done too.
So this girl in my comm finds out about it, and not only does she refuse to believe that he's done this because "screenshots and photos aren't evidence", she starts DEFENDING HIM. Her reasoning is that "Sex Offenders and Pedophiles shouldn't be held responsible for their actions because they don't know any better!"

>> No.7550068

>sending underaged girls videos of him jacking off

Shouldn't police be involved? Please don't turn this into a 'if we ignore this, it won't be a huge deal' thing. Police arresting him would shut that girl up too or at least make her look dumb.

>> No.7550071

I agree, get the police involved. Sending pornographic material to underage children is not something to brush under a rug.

>> No.7550077

Oh don't worry! Right now we're working on compiling all of the evidence and plan on going to the police station sometime this week.
I won't rest until he has to live a life of having to go door to door and introducing himself as a registered sex offender.

>> No.7550080

Good job, girls! Will we hear an update afterwards? I love justice boner stories.

>> No.7550082

Seconded. Do you have proof that she owes you money?

>> No.7550087


>> No.7550105

Sure I can keep you guys updated! I'm sure this thread will last throughout the week, so yeah definitely

>> No.7550130 [DELETED] 

ohhhhhhhhhhhh shit I know who you're talking about, fuck that guy. is it against 4chan rules to post him on here? it's not vendetta, it's more of HEY THIS GUY IS A FUCKING PEDOPHILE.

>> No.7550136 [DELETED] 

I would love to see this fucker

>> No.7550139 [DELETED] 
File: 15 KB, 430x453, rickyy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's 20

>> No.7550161 [DELETED] 

Dude post his info

>> No.7550171

Sorry, but I want to deal with this with the police before it turns into anything else.

>> No.7550196

Hm, I made the classic mistake of assuming creepy pedophile = Melissa-tier uggo. Is that chick defending him because she wants to get into his pants?
What's her name/online handle, anyway? Just so I know to avoid her in the future. I wouldn't want to associate with someone who defends sex offenders any more than I'd want to associate with the sex offender himself.

>> No.7550210

How is he doing this? Through facebook?

>> No.7550222

She actually has a reputation here on /cgl/, you may know her as flannel-chan
his main targets are young girls at cons, it starts there, turns into stalking, online harassment, and then sometimes even physical harassment. he's disgusting.

>> No.7550225

That girl needs some help as well, please get the police's attention on this sooner than later. A guy like that is dangerous,

>> No.7550226

Has anyone stood up to him?

>> No.7550233

We had a creeper who contacted girls who put some of their items on secondhandsale sites and tried to invite himself into their home. We had one idiot who made contact with him and told him about where we had a meet up.

>> No.7550234

oh yeah. countless times. he plays the victim. which is why we're finally just doing something about it.

>> No.7550238

holy shit this is in my state?! who is this guy? this is the first time i've heard of it!

>> No.7550247

His name is Ricky, he mostly goes to Tucson and Phoenix cons. it's only recently becoming known because the girl he sent videos of him jacking off made a tumblr post with screencaps, and now more people are coming out with their experiences with him, and even more proof.
I know him on a more personal level, and he doesn't think he's doing anything wrong. He thinks we're all wrong for wanting to get him help, telling him to stop, etc.
We're warning con staff for all arizona based cons about him too, so they can keep an eye out.

>> No.7550252

Thirding this.

Just post right on her thing that she still owes you money, and she should really be paying you back before buying more dresses.

The good, consciensious members of the comm will either not sell to her because you're right, or they'll dog on her to pay you back as well because she owes it to you.

>> No.7550310

For all of those who have decided to jump on the Ricky band wagon, let us take an look objectively at the things he has done and the things he hasn't done. We all know he can be a shitty person who has done some stupid things in life. We all have done stupid shit that we would much rather sweep under the rug. I say that if we are all to cast stones at one another then shouldn't those who are casting the first stone be also put on trial. I personally know of at least two people who are more than likely part of this thread who are underage and dating a man who is older then 18. As we all know that is just as illegal as Ricky's situation? It's funny how when a few people are able to gang up on one person it's easy to do so but flip that shit around it's a whole new story. He knows that he fucked up even if hes stupid enough to not admit it. The problem is that you have taken the notion of this guy is harassing us when in reality, you are just as ruthless and cruel as he is. I know personally some of the people in this situation who could just as easily be castigated by consequences for the shit that they did and hell if this continues I feel morally inclined to bring this shit to light. You want the harassment to stop to yourselves but you selfishly don't accept the fact that you too are just as bad as he is. Now am I condoning the actions of Ricky? Hell no. But I will say that those hypocrites who are so damn adamant on ruining someone else's life should take note that this could just as easily happen to you idiots as well. Do you honestly believe after doing this that he hasn't learned his lesson? If he hasn't then fuck it, he deserves the scorn and hate that he gets but at this point even the lord isn't above giving murders second chances. What gives you the right to deny people that chance?

Tl:dr Harassment doesn't solve Harassment and I personally know all who are involved with this and let me tell you. You people aren't innocent by any means.

>> No.7550321

he has constantly sexually harassed young girls??? underaged girls???
reporting him to the police isn't harassment???
are you fucking retarded anon???

>> No.7550326

also he has definitely not learned his lesson because HE IS STILL DOING IT AND HAS NO INTENTION TO STOP
you are defending a sex offender
a pedophile
think about your life choices

>> No.7550332

So are you Ricky or flannel-chan

>> No.7550345

I am an interested third party who knows all people involved in this. Hell I could name them right now if that would appease the supreme court of justice bloggers but what would that solve. You know what kids (and I mean kids since I know you are all 15-17) you have every right to do what you are doing. I am less defending his choices but defending a human being in general who has made a stupid mistake. It's just the fact that you who are able to be so passionate about persecution should also be put on trial for your skeletons in your closet. But obviously that holds no water in this particular situation. Do as you wish, I will not defend someone who hasn't had the gumption to even apologize to those who he has hurt, but I just wanted to let you all know that none of you are above persecution and could just as easily be in the hot seat.

>> No.7550348

You know, there's a saying about people who make the same "stupid mistake" over and over and over again.

>> No.7550357


God, you didn't even change your writing style. Either troll or Dominique. Either way, victim-blaming much?

>> No.7550358

>I personally know all who are involved with this
>interested third party
It's definitely Flannel-Chan. She lurks /cgl/ because she knows how much she's hated in her comm. yet she can't seem to take the hint. Her only friends are 30+ year old bronies who want to fuck her because of her Skanky-Pie cosplay. Even they're getting sick of her

>> No.7550363

>Dominique victim blaming
What happened to being a hardcore feminist who didn't believe in silencing victims? Congrats on being an advocate of rape. Because by defending Ricky, you're telling him his actions are okay, and he's not doing anything wrong. You're just as bad as him.

>> No.7550366

Uhhh, reporting a guy for sexually harassing underage isn't the same as sexually harassing underage girls. Sending videos of you jacking off isn't a ''mistake'' if you do it repeatedly. He is not a misunderstood underdog, he is a sex offender.

>> No.7550371

''Guys! Stop being mean to pedophile-kun! He is just misunderstood and didn't know going after underage girls and harassing them is bad! You are mean bitches for showing him wrong! How illegal of you for trying to stop him from being a predator!''

>> No.7550379

> It's just the fact that you who are able to be so passionate about persecution should also be put on trial for your skeletons in your closet.
>but I just wanted to let you all know that none of you are above persecution and could just as easily be in the hot seat.

Yeah. No. I can say with absolute certainty that I've never done anything as bad as that, and I imagine most of the other anons can too.

and a little perspective: Murderers look down on paedophiles.

>> No.7550381

I'm trying to understand your conversation, but I'm not a native English speaker, and I have a problem with the term "underage".
Does it mean the girls are still minor, or that they are under 12 years old? (less than 12, it's pedophilia, more than 12 it's another crime, I reckon.)

>> No.7550387

Anyone under 18. It includes everyone under that age. It doesn't really matter. Even for girls who are 18 or turning 18, this is sexual harassment and from the sounds of it this guy seems like guys behaviors are escalating. What he's doing is wrong period.

>> No.7550394

Over 12 is technically ebophillia but it wouldn't be a separate crime. You're thinking of Romeo and Juliette laws which allow minors to date and have sex with an adult/older kid within a few years (usually 3-4 ex: a 20 yr old could legally date and fuck a 16 yr old in some places) but that doesn't apply to this at all.

A minor is a minor.

>> No.7550403

Plus if this is Dominique, she sent death threats to someone one time for dating her ex. Dominique has no room to talk either. And the fact she's now defending a pedophile is just icing on the cake. I can def see her being kicked from the loli community too, because lolita has a pedophile problem enough as it is, and Dominique defending one? she's screwed

>> No.7550414

Anyone got links to the drama with Ricky? Someone mentioned a tumblr where someone posted proof?

Also, definitely go to the cops on this guy. Especially if people are trying to say it's not his fault and he should be left alone because he's learned his lesson. You don't accidentally fuck up and send multiple underaged girls pornographic material of yourself.

>> No.7550422

You know you could get yourselves into a serious amount of trouble if these allegations turn out to be false, and even more so if the evidence you're providing is false/forged in any way. Police take reports of sexual harassment very seriously but they frown upon false reports even more and doing so is considered a crime. Think twice before taking any action.

>> No.7550424

But someone said girls had already posted proof, plus someone is desperate enough to whiteknight the guy while admitting his guilt.

>> No.7550427

Well they say they have emails, the videos, and testimonies. I really doubt all of these girls would lie about something like this. If any are, then yes they should withdraw, but I highly doubt that multiple girls are coming forth with stuff like this and he isn't guilty of any sort of serial harassment.

>> No.7550435

Can this proof be held up in a court of law? Testimonials, especially if they're ones sent in anonymously can only get you so far. Seeing how most if not all of this stuff being found is on the internet, people can easily forge and tamper with the evidence to make it look more real. Who's to say this stuff wasn't just some random media found on a nsfw website and they're claiming it's evidence?

>> No.7550439

Hey, Ricky. You gettin scared there, buddy?

>> No.7550441

Yes it can. Especially with multiple people, multiple emails, and the videos. The videos were emailed so they would just trace it back to that.

>> No.7550447

If they have proof that it is him, because it sounds like 'videos of him jacking off' would probably have his face in it, or at least identifiable features, it's going to be solid evidence. Not to mention online exchanges.

>> No.7550449

She's got a lot of problems, but if it's not getting involved on the comm or at meets, the mods won't ban her, disliking her isn't enough unfortunately.

This drama with Ricardo isn't affecting any lolita girls, is it? I thought it was mostly concerned in the cosplay community.

>> No.7550450
File: 301 KB, 1197x698, Screen shot 2014-05-11 at 6.19.41 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl. Please fucking stop.

>> No.7550451

Are you blackmailing underage girls who were harrassed and want to tell the police about it?

>> No.7550455

They're 100% true. We have all the evidence from the girl he sent the videos to, his exgirlfriend, and countless other people he's harassed.

>> No.7550459

We'll let the law deal with that. Shouldn't be too hard, especially if the videos came from an email address known to be used by creepy pervert guy. Toss in a couple of warrants and they can probably confirm if the IPs used to access his Facebook and the email account used are the same ones.

>> No.7550461

>Giving photo/video evidence to the police will totally get you in trouble you shouldn't do it, seriously!!!!

You're really reaching here aren't you? Good on the OP for involving the police - sounds like a cut and dry case.

>> No.7550462

Well, fortunately for us, we're not in the hot seat now, are we?

>> No.7550464

Anyone else wanting to see proof? It sounds like he's guilty but damn, I really want to see what's going on.

>> No.7550465

That's Dominique for ya
she loves blackmail and drama

>> No.7550470

We also have facebook messages where Ricky threatened to break a guy's jaw and kill him just because he was dating his ex. Ricky's fucking screwed.

>> No.7550472

I'm still curious who contacted him. Probably one of those naive 15yo.

>> No.7550473

Egads, just reading the title makes me hurt inside.

>> No.7550475

Excellent - sounds like it'll be a slam dunk case. Hope he realizes that paedos tend to get beaten to a pulp in prison.

>> No.7550480
File: 24 KB, 226x400, tumblr_n5ae6oV62A1qmbj1uo4_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was a tumblr post by a 17 year old girl with the screenshots of the skype chat in which he sent her the nsfw gifs, but the post was reported and tumblr took down all the screencaps. However, I have them saved. This is just one of six if anyone is interested in seeing the full conversation play out. He's gone so far as to begin calling adults, including his ex-girlfriend's parents, in which he discussed a "lawsuit of slander" and how he "just wants to be left alone". In my opinion, the 17 year old (hopefulmemories on tumblr) seems like the type to blow things like this out of proportion, but that doesn't change the fact that she's another young girl in a long line of them with evidence against this creep.

>> No.7550492

>I can harrass people because if they're pissed off about it I can still say I was sorry

This is typical behavior for predators. Making it seem like it's no big deal.

>> No.7550493

>tricky dick

>> No.7550494

and then playing the victim

>> No.7550496


>> No.7550497

Took the words outta my mouth.

>> No.7550498

His last twitter handle before deleting it was even "Narcissistic Rick," because he diagnosed himself with narcissistic personality disorder as an excuse for not feeling sorry for any of his actions.

>> No.7550508

>Deleting his twitter
I don't know who this is but I can assure you that he has not deleted his twitter.

Personally I would take most of what these people here are saying with a grain of salt, seeing as how they seem to have been caught up in the spirit of the social justice gods.

>> No.7550510
File: 994 KB, 500x347, OH JESUS.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never ceases to astound

>> No.7550532

we'll see if anything comes of all this talk. if he's still walking around in a few months i'm going to assume most of this was nothing

>> No.7550533

Cases like this can take a year or more

>> No.7550548
File: 624 KB, 585x741, ponponno1curr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go defend a paedo somewhere else. he was/is/always will be wrong if he's REPEATEDLY sending videos of things like that to minors dipshit. its not a "stupid mistake" its a crime, get that through your head. and since he he trying to guilt minors into fucking him then he deserves jail and what the other inmates will do to him, so finish kissing his ass cause the next time you see it it'll be in a box.

>> No.7550550

you cunts need to back the fuck off. This is none of your business. EVERYTHING THOSE GIRLS DID THEY DID BECAUSE THEY WANTED TO you fucking whores have NO IDEA what you're talking about, if you don't stop now there will be legal consequences for your slander! THIS IS MY LIFE you are fucking with!!! just because you fucking feminist whores have nothing better to do with your pathetic lives doesn't mean every man is a fucking pedophile and rapist

>> No.7550553
File: 14 KB, 320x320, laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk about you anon but i ran over a squirrell once. i am totally as guilty as pedo-chan.

>> No.7550557

it doesn't matter if they consented or not, they're underaged.

>> No.7550562

You /do/ realize that it's not HARASSMENT, it's protecting little girls that are pretty much being raped?

>> No.7550563

Hello. I have no idea who the fuck you are. Regardless of weather they "wanted to" do anything doesn't matter if they are legally not of age to consent to it. Keep your dick in your pants, and find someone who is 18 or up to fool around with. The end.

>> No.7550564
File: 191 KB, 500x375, 1 out of 10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>should've used tricky dick

>> No.7550566

so how's being a textbook pedophile going for you?

>> No.7550569

Statutory rape is still rape in the eyes of the law.

>> No.7550570
File: 249 KB, 429x401, I'msorryLisa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> if you don't stop now there will be legal consequences for your slander!

It has to be untrue for it to be slander.

>M-mr policeman, some anonymous people on an animu imageboard correctly stated that I sent pictures of my dick to underaged girls repeatedly, please help me!

>> No.7550573
File: 44 KB, 500x291, ass laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

legal consequences for slander on 4chan

>> No.7550582

im not fucking trolling every one of those girls asked for this and lead me on

those underage girls are in relationships with older guys anyway whats the difference

>> No.7550586
File: 1.68 MB, 480x360, berry.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but you're not even trying now, you have to troll better than that

>> No.7550587

Nothing illegal about dating older guys. If they're fucking them, then yes, that would be a problem.

>> No.7550592

On second thought, that illegal bit may depend on the state. Still, most states draw the line at penis insertion.

>> No.7550593
File: 51 KB, 200x200, 1306450005345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw not sure if troll

>> No.7550616

there's also a difference between what they're describing and romeo and juliette clauses. Sending porn to minors is illegal no matter what though.

>> No.7550619

Fuck you.

>> No.7550623
File: 25 KB, 314x295, drunk dolphin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't hold back

>> No.7550625

Stop trying to scare victims of harassment from reporting things, it helps perpetuate a culture where rapists and abusers get away with this shit all the time. This is such a typical harasser/ abuser thing to do, scare people into thinking they won't be believed or that they will get into trouble for reporting it. Fuck you.

>> No.7550645
File: 25 KB, 322x322, xj9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you ready for jail yet?

>> No.7550838
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>> No.7550972
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Oh how grateful I am to find a gem here.

Off to jail, bitch

>> No.7550983

Had a cosplayer do this to me once; he was broke so I spotted him a day at AWA, rounded *down* to $50. Shortly after I came back home, he "was busy with school" and then just stopped answering my messages. Been nearly a year now, I gave up. Kinda wish I didn't though.

Teddy... bear?

LOL no

>> No.7551014

Wow, I didn't think it was real.

>> No.7551137

Does anyone have pictures of this creep?

>> No.7551147

His dick, yeah.

>> No.7551157
File: 5 KB, 152x161, TrickyDickRick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was his Skype profile picture.
That's all I have.

>> No.7551255

>We all have done stupid shit that we would much rather sweep under the rug.
Not really. I know I've never sexually harassed anyone and neither have any of my friends, because they are decent people. Have you? Is that why you're defending him? I don't understand your logic.

>> No.7551297


Here is the source of all evil REPENT ANIME WATCHERS!

>> No.7551303

This guy is thirty?

>> No.7551319

I legit want to spit in his face.

>> No.7551409

Didn't he get sent to jail a few years ago for having kiddy porn?