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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 2 KB, 151x69, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7529086 No.7529086[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It came from tumblr thread, part 2. old one aint bumping. heard folks talking about a cosplay edition i think? text posts can be fine also.

>> No.7529113

Found on Kinfood:
>"Hi! I hope this isn't bothering, but when you have posts that have calorie/fat information, could you maybe tag them with something for blacklists? Whether you use a trigger warning or something else I don't mind, but they can be very triggering (to what might seem a surprising degree) for people who are recovering from eating disorders/eating issues. "
come onnn. If food triggers you, how about staying away from the internet?

>> No.7529125

If food triggers you, it's probably natural selection trying to starve you out of the gene pool
I'm recovering from anorexia and I'm really thankful for food posts because sometimes they actually trigger my appetite (which can be really hard to do, even if I smell food).
I'm talking food posts in general, like photos of people's lunch and stuff. Not this "I'm really a wolf so I should eat a wolf diet" shit.

>> No.7529128

I'm really glad you're recovering, anon. Good luck.

>> No.7529132
File: 1.04 MB, 800x884, 3RpJG9t.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of, there was a whole lot of drama in the anti-SJW community a few weeks ago for something similar.
Someone made a blog trying to kick some SJW off tumblr, and when they started posting recipes, rather than unfollowing and leaving her alone, she demanded she tag her food because she's a recovering anorexic.
When the person posting refused and told her to unfollow, instead, they apparently committed suicide.

>> No.7529134

The only time I've ever seen tagging food necessary is when there's a religious fast going on, so one doesn't tempt them, and that's up to the person.

This is fucking bull. Triggered by food? Id triggered by polyester next?

>> No.7529146

Thank you so much, anon. You're the first person to say something like that after I've told them about it, so seriously. Thank you.

>> No.7529149

No, don't bring up the religious fasting. That's when it's even less necessary.
The point of religious fasting is to use self-control to prove devotion to your god(s). 'You are more important than food or sex or anything else in my life!'
If you force everyone to tag it, you're doing religious fasting wrong.
It especially pisses me off for Ramadan. Fuck, just get off tumblr until sundown. Morons.

>> No.7529154
File: 264 KB, 603x704, Screen Shot 2014-04-30 at 3.16.03 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep seeing this post and I can't stop laughing at the first picture on it.

>> No.7529157

I've actually had Muslima friends tell me it's insulting to them when non-Islamic people make such a big deal of tagging food during Ramadan, because it implies that they have no willpower, which is the entire point of Ramadan.

>> No.7529163

Hot damn those candy apples look delicious.

Sage for off topic. Mmm, sage.

>> No.7529212

Wow! Really? Well, I hope soon you'll have more supportive people come into your life. Much love anon.

>> No.7529249

the thing about triggers is that they can be ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING

was there a packet of a specific brand of potato chips in the room when the traumatic event happened?
well now that fucking bag of chips might fucking remind you of the event

>> No.7529250

Fuck, can I rant for a sec?

Why are people so mortally afraid of being called a racist or a homophobe? Like, what's gonna happen?
There was a case recently where a family of gypsies (not sure if they're the same as the ones in the Balkans, they wear these long black hoop skirts) were harassing people physically and emotionally in this one Swedish village, so that they would drive out the locals and the government would pay them to move somewhere else. They called the police on them of course, but the police did NOTHING because they were scared of being called racist.

Why are people so afraid of it, especially when these tumblrshits call everyone racist? Shit, according to one my dog is racist because it barked at a Sikh once. Big headgear scares her.

>> No.7529252

This, I am mortally scared of divorce/separation/infidelity. But it would be kinda bratty and stupid to tell people to stop mentioning it as it, you know, happens all the time. Dunno, some people legitimately are that entitled.

>> No.7529266


I am not tagging every single facet of a post just because one person may have been diddled with a bag of lays in the room.
If people are triggered by such common things, maybe they shouldn't be on an image sharing site.

It's just like those people that want to be called 'bunself' or some shit. I don't care what gender you are as long as it actually exists, I'll call you he/she/they no problem, hell even the hir/shi/xirs just because they've actually become sort of common for some unknown reason, but as soon as you start claiming your gender is fucking fairy or mermaid I'm calling bullshit.

>> No.7529289

I dunno, I understand not wanting to see the calories/fat food info.

>> No.7529421
File: 11 KB, 390x470, 1372680765587.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading "bunself" for the third time today

>> No.7529423

Ex-bulimic here, when I was recovering seeing food porn-y posts (food being pulled apart or cut into) could trigger binges. I'm not saying that people should tag their food as that was an issue I had to get over on my way to recovery but just adding my own epxerience.

>> No.7529454

Everyone on tumblr seems to think that the whole world should pander to them and them alone and they will do any-fucking-thing to get out of taking responsibility for their damn selves.

>> No.7529467

Someone on Tumblr doesn't like me?
Better kill myself.
>Tumblr Logic

>> No.7529489

These are my two favorite videos discussing tumblr ever. I could listen to this guy forever.



>> No.7529529
File: 63 KB, 450x251, Fullscreen capture 4302014 93832 PM.bmp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl on tumblr (who is actually super autistic and weeby...internet dating a v-kei Japanese guy she met via Line) replied to ask saying she knows he's a guy because penis, and the SJW respond with pic related. I just can't anymore with this site...

>> No.7529543
File: 26 KB, 549x231, sjw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7529706

wtf is "bunself"?!

>> No.7529731

tumblr in a nutshell at this point

>> No.7529775

Not sure about how it works for individuals but companies and public officials (like police) can be sued for being racist, homophobic, or otherwise prejudiced if you can somehow 'prove' it hurt you in some way. In the case of police, it counts as a miscarriage of justice or something and can be a huge deal, especially if any form of violence happens.

>> No.7529798
File: 29 KB, 541x605, kdfk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something stupid like this

>> No.7529807

My bf's niece's school actually has a social justice class. That is actually what it is called. It is apparently being taught simply by reading off Tumblr, judging from the crazy shit she has spouted from it so far. The syllabus in a nutshell:
>brown people are the best
>doesn't matter what shade, you're cool
>its not racism if its against white people
>native americans are fucking magical
>always give homeless people whatever they ask for
>you must always ask someone their preferred pronoun as soon as you meet them
>meat is murder. diamonds are murder. quinoa is murder. government is murder. christians are murder.
>express yourself and have your own beauty ideal! (as long as that ideal does not involve makeup or being traditionally feminine or trendy)
>repeat all of these to anyone who will listen as loudly as you can any time anything vaguely related comes up in conversation. do not accept any other ideas or arguments.

>> No.7529811
File: 8 KB, 233x217, dead-boromir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is too much

>> No.7529812

>>native americans are fucking magical

Holy shit, do they not know how hilariously racist that is in itself? I mean, dem dang injuns and their crazy injun magic amirite?

>> No.7529814
File: 49 KB, 585x597, pronouns.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

leafing(you'll get after you read it) this here. i wish tumblr would just learn that pronouns exist to replace peoples' names based more on their visually determined sex, not their gender.

>> No.7529817
File: 280 KB, 500x382, 139560554053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>always give homeless people whatever they ask for

That is incredibly stupid and dangerous

>> No.7529823

>(assumingly) refers to himself as a male
>has a penis
I don't get the SJW's problem..

See Tumblr is so ridiculous, I want to think they're trolling. 4Chan has trained me to catch trolls but... I really think those kids are serious.

>> No.7529830

Also, the bit about native americans. She actually went from being somewhat rude to being extremely nice and interested in everything I was doing because she found out I'm 1/8 native. I am suddenly fascinating and magical and she tries to relate everything I'm doing to ~my heritage~, to the point that its actually become kind of insulting. According to her, cosplay is me trying to reconnect with my ancestor's tribal dancing in ceremonial masks, even though I've told her as far as I'm concerned my 'ancestor' is just the nice old lady with a perm and a thing for feedsack quilt collecting I have photos of.

>> No.7529836
File: 22 KB, 400x309, pooh is too tired for this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is up with this pronoun bull? There can't be more than .1% of the world's population that actually is anything other than cis. Are we expected to go around asking every person we meet "what your preferred pronoun is" in the chance that we might offend the one person in the thousand who isn't cis? There's a much higher chance that you'll hurt someone by stepping on their foot. Why do we have to be so touchy about accidentally offending people?

Also, I hate how a lot of the social justice crowd likes to insist that you shouldn't wear makeup or shave because that means you're objectifying yourself for men. Bitch, really? You think just because I like making myself look nice, I'm doing it for guys? I'm doing it for myself and myself only! The mindset that women are focused on their appearance to attract other guys honestly is just internalized sexism.

>> No.7529838

I was required to take a "cultural understanding" course as a general studies requirement. I should say that I'm fairly liberal, but honestly, while it was a easy a and a talk about your feelings sort of course, it was nothing like tumblr. It was basically just "what is racism" and "racism does exist" not "holy fuck you're oppressing me by existing as a white person." I really hope that most schools are like this and not >>7529807

>> No.7529839

Yeah like 99% of what her and her friends spout is incredibly racist. They make it sound like whatever hardships a group may have faced in the past is currently happening immediately and must be apologized for constantly. Unless, as I've said, they're white, and then you can say whatever the fuck you want because white people deserve it. Because no other ethnicity has done something bad apparently. Its worse because she is not in fact white, and my boyfriend's family is from a country that was never really colonized by whites, but by other groups within their own ethnic group, so I really really don't get where she gets this hate from.

>> No.7529840
File: 18 KB, 434x537, tumblr_mmb9p0Jvl81qjnzv3o3_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never forget

>> No.7529842

>According to her, cosplay is me trying to reconnect with my ancestor's tribal dancing

this is priceless

>> No.7529847
File: 18 KB, 412x190, please explain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone please explain this to me? This girl was asked why she wants food tagged and apparently it makes her idealize eating disorders? I don't understand how that works... Like what if you just pass by someone eating a hamburger in real life? Does she automatically think "Getting laxatives and puking sounds nice"?

>> No.7529849

Do you guys know about that one post that goes around every Ramadan? It basically says "I pledge to tag all of my food posts during Ramadan out of respect for my Muslim followers, blah blah blah..." and this one SJW reblogged it and added "I'm sorry I don't know whether Ramadan was today or tomorrow so any of my followers plz let me know if u need food tagged still~"
... like, she didn't even bother to look up anything about Ramadan to know that it lasts an entire MONTH, yet here she is attempting to be all "OMG I need to be suuuuuper sensitive to my multicultural followers -*INTERNET ACTIVISM ACTIVATE*-

I definitely think that a lot of these social justice tumblrites are just latching onto this to be cool. I remember when I was like 14 it was cool to say you were bi, I guess the 2014 equivalent is to say that you're a genderfluid polyasexual demiromantic. Hopefully most of today's SJWs will grow out of it by the time they're out of college.

>> No.7529853

I want to be a sproutself

>> No.7529863
File: 878 KB, 245x180, paragorn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw people think white people are the only people who could commit atrocities

Whenever I try to bring up Japan as a counterargument to these people (who are mostly white themselves; note that I'm a flip), they just whine back with things like "NO JAPANESE PEOPLE HAVEN'T DONE ANYTHING BAD LOOK AT US WE APPROPRIATE THEM ALL THE TIME ORIENTALISMMM"

>comfort women
>the rape of nanking
>japanese sexism is arguably far worse than western sexism
>hidden christians of japan
>yeah japan totally has done nothing wrong

>> No.7529864
File: 34 KB, 484x429, 1396760032410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw my friend says this shit all the time to me
>mfw she would beg me to do her makeup before classes until I didn't feel like being her makeup artist on the go anymore
>mfw I'm convinced these girls were just lazy like my friend and decided FUCK IT I CANT DO MAKE UP ITS TOO HARD

>> No.7529869

Isn't the 'ae' combination pronounced like 'ee'?
They're really pulling this out of their asses.

>> No.7529872

i'm not sure it's the same... actual bi people exist, but are there any genderfluid polyasexual demiromantic that aren't teenagers making up stuff?

>> No.7529878
File: 5 KB, 521x187, dsk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only the whites are evil on tumblr

>> No.7529885


sounds like southern hick speak.

>> No.7529886

That kid actually had a point though.
People were asking him "WHY ARE YOU SUCH A GOOD HAMSTEAK" and he told them: he has the physique to match the character.
Now the parts about being the best and canon and whatnot, he's talking out his ass like a fart, but he wasn't completely batshit.

>> No.7529889

I always accepted bisexuality as meaning "wave your hands in the air like you just don't care and love everybody", as I saw someone on here phrase it.
Although now when I say I'm bisexual people get all uppity because that's discriminatory to trans etc and pansexual is so, like, where it's at now. But when I try to adapt to this brave new world and say I'm pansexual, I'm flexing my sexual privilege and oppressing asexuals anyway. I can't win! It's like a shitty sitcom where the more understanding I try to be, the more offended people get.

But of course it's a-okay if we're making 'white straight boy' or 'white college girl' jokes. Cgl-irrelevant rant over.

>> No.7529890

>I remember when I was like 14 it was cool to say you were bi
Yeah can we just go back to the edgy cool kids being bisexual Wiccans? I think that worked out better overall. Instead of perpetually buttmad xzimselfs we just all kind of turned into overly affectionate goth hippies that smell like incense.

>> No.7529896

>Sharing these with a friend for laffs
>send this one >>7529878
>"honestly he is right in this day and age"

Oh noooo

>> No.7529899

>black people are never racist

>> No.7529902

>she tries to relate everything I'm doing to ~my heritage~, to the point that its actually become kind of insulting.

This is the worst thing about the whole "PoC" thing. Not everything I do relates to ancestors that I never even met, much less learned any traditions from.

>> No.7529903
File: 1.91 MB, 300x225, the fuck is this.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The girl in question is also Filipino. She motherfucking loves Japan, yet is baffled that I haven't renounced the 7/8ths of me that is German. I am a victim of Nazi brainwashing and self hatred clearly.

>> No.7529905

tumblr's definition of bisexual is liking only cis people, and their definition of trans is non cis, even though most trans people consider themselves to be pre-cis or cis after hormones/op, so tumblr is not only discriminating against bi and trans people, but dictating the definition of bi, trans and cis improperly due to their own stupidity. Pansexual doesn't need to be a thing, bi is fine. I like boys and girls, but obviously I have preferences and some people's preferences are to those who have the same junk they were born with.

>> No.7529913
File: 28 KB, 497x384, skx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

black person angry that steve rogers is a cis/het/white/male who's not a bigot or a bad person.

>> No.7529917
File: 40 KB, 680x79, 04050506660040.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually wiccans are back in fashion lately. Have you seen tumblr?
This week I stumbled onto a daddy/little blog with daddy/little crystal "play".
Also pic related.

>> No.7529922

isn't being non-inclusive as a wiccan kind of shitty?

>> No.7529923


>captcha: odesag historical

>> No.7529926

I was just going to post asking about this, because what I understood about trans people, "pansexual" seemed completely redundant. The only reason I could see keeping it around is for people who legitimately want to be agendered, but that's probably one in a million, if that.

>> No.7529929


>> No.7529932

>A white guy not being evil?! That's... evil, somehow!

I don't understand.

>> No.7529941

It's like that weaboo skit from SNL:
If there is a loving form of racism, this is it.

Tumblr's racist as fuck, but in a backwards way. Whites are shitted on just for being white, and everyone else is held on a pedestal for being ~oppressed~. Their argument for this is that racism is defined as an entire society prejudiced against a race just for their color, but what Tumblr doesn't realize is that they are a society.
They word every argument like everything in America applies everywhere else, but not everyone on Tumblr is American.
Tumblr has its own culture, so I'd deem it to be a virtual society. And by their own definition of racism, they are racist.

>> No.7529945

sherdeamsprout are offensed that Steve Rogers is a nice person even if he's privileged cis scum.

>> No.7529947

urgh. They should take a look at early Captain America comics then. There's about a million images of him punching racist caricatures of Japanese people during WWII.

I have literally no idea why they're upset that he's not racist. Is it because he's a white dude who's not a shitty person, like they seem to think every other white person is? Is he challenging their belief that all white people are bad?

>> No.7529949

It's like they didn't even watch the first Captain America movie..
Steve was picked to be Captain America because he wasn't an asshole. And that serum shit only amplified his "perfect" behavior.

>> No.7529954

>openly talking about their coven
This is what happens when kids watch AHS.

>> No.7529964

Only super special snowflake tumblrite transtrenders try to separate themselves from cis people, real trans people want nothing more than to...transition to the other gender. Barring things like genderfluid/queer which are very rarely not ignorant people who associate gender with stereotypes and gender roles, there's really no need for pansexual other than a stupid term for people to use to discriminate and yell at people over.

>> No.7529968

Yeah, from what I've seen, actual trans people are more concerned with transitioning or at least passing. I've never seen one even give a fuck if you misgender them.

I'm pretty sure this whole thing is just a huge phase and will blow over in 10-20 years for the next generation to do something embarrassing.

>> No.7529972

i used to think it was for people into animals and inanimate objects on top of just humans... i mean, technically, it's what it is, right?

>> No.7529973

1. In northern European countries like Sweden or Finland you're now seen as an uncultured, old-fashioned dick if you even support healthy nationalism
2. Being part of EU requires some stupid shit like that, Swedes just take it to the extreme
3. People who don't have to live in these "ghettos" full of immigrants are the ones who think humanitarian immigration is working fine since they don't know how it's really working in real life. And they're the same people who decide for these things.

>> No.7529982

>Be talking to someone on fb
>Just get bored and say "お前はもう死んでいる" due to finally getting around to watching Fist of the North Star
>"What? I'm just quoting anime. Regardless, you know a LOT of Japanese people have outright said they don't care."
>she keeps ranting about her weeaboo stepsisters
>Keeps claiming that "lolli fashion" is sexualized
>Claims Sushi is sexualized by teenage girls
>Tell her that she has no idea what half the things she's even complaining about are
>"I'm not mad at all, I'm just really confused about half the stuff you're saying as someone who knows about this sorta stuff. You're assuming a LOT of hostility."
>suggest that maybe she's taking her frustration with her weeb stepsisters out on other people
>"oh. MY. GOD. I'm not even allowed to have an opinion? HOLY FUCK HOW DARE I DISAGREE WITH YOU!"
>Keeps having all arguments come back to "It doesn't matter if the Japanese don't care, it just means someone got off very, very lucky. It doesn't mean doing something like this is ok."
>giggle at the irony of her complaining of "white saviors" while pretty much saying that the Japanese are too naive to understand their own oppression

>> No.7529985

Sure, I mean it's just as stupid that way.

>> No.7529990

The most terrifying part about Japan too is that the general population of America never holds them accountable for the atrocities they committed in WWII the way they do with Germans, and yet Japan is the country who has never properly apologized or really been made to face what they did, and has never confronted how appallingly racist they were and still are. In Germany they take that shit seriously now, they are never allowed to forget, and they don't shy away from their Nazi past, they stare it down so that they don't make the same mistakes. Japan makes shit like Axis Powers Hetalia. "Yay, look at how fun and kawaii the Second World War was, look at how kawaii the Axis Powers are, they totally weren't responsible for the death and torture of close to 18 million people, woo hoo!

>> No.7530000

What I hate the most is how they use the term "POC" to lump every single person who isn't white together. Black people, Asian people, all of a sudden they're put together and on a pedestal simply for not being white. Most of the time when the term is used it's just to refer to black people... so why not just say black people?

But then again, Tumblr's obsessed with an "us vs them" mentality and there's no middle ground, it's just that black and white so to speak.

>> No.7530001

That's good. The modern Japan doesn't have to feel sorry for what their mostly dead now ancestors did. Japan's nationalism is one of its best points, they take care of their own business and serve their own people. And see how it works, after the tsunami people were actually doing teamwork and lining up for already empty stores while in USA after the storm disasters people were stealing everything they can get and acting like animals in general. That's not how a good community works.

>> No.7530002

>having a vagina doesn't make someone a girl

uhhh.... Am I missing biology here?

>> No.7530006

>Claims Sushi is sexualized by teenage girls
.....what? I'm guessing that's a character of some kind since you capitalized the S, but otherwise I would have thought of the food.

Then again, probably sort of related, there are actual people who believe eating food from a culture you're not part of is, somehow, appropriation.

>> No.7530009
File: 84 KB, 233x250, 1362955990363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sushi is sexualized by teenage girls

>> No.7530012

Well, in their defense, diamonds are murder.

>> No.7530013

to be fair, hetalia did a beautiful job of tiptoeing around the fact that WWII ever actually happened or had anything to do with the main characters
>mfw pearl harbor/nukes explained as "Japan and the US wanted to visit eachother's countries"

>> No.7530016

I meant the food. I have a bad habit of capitalizing nouns sometimes

>> No.7530017

>But of course it's a-okay if we're making 'white straight boy' or 'white college girl' jokes.
This so hard, I'm now a rapist just by being a white man.

>> No.7530019

I thought it means the "living sushi platter" which is very old and traditional performance

>> No.7530022

they're talking about gender, not sex.
inb4 "Go back to tumblr!!!!!"

>> No.7530027

Nope. She also took children being excited by a girl from China, wanting to play with her and get to know her as "treating her as a living doll."

>> No.7530029

How is it sexualized? What?

>> No.7530030

You can kindly blame the American public school for that. The only thing you ever learn about Japan is 'they bombed pearl harbor" and "we bombed their cities full of civilians"

yeaaaah.. America.

>> No.7530032

check out this screw-ball

all of their "alters" literally have gaiaonline RP style profiles complete with photos of random people off google images...most of which are emo/scene looking...one of which is robert downey jr apparently.

>> No.7530033

Reminds me of those idiots who think 'american' sushi is fake and don't seem to understand that modern sushi in japan isn't the same as traditional sushi and uses modern ingredients

>> No.7530034

I'm so...soo....very confused by this post. They WANT Steve to be a dick to everyone because...headcanon?

>> No.7530036

They're still racist fucks who have never apologized to Korea or China for the horrifying things they did, don't make excuses for them. Japan has a huge racism problem, you can't make that go away. It treats its non Japanese population like second class citizens. Ever heard of the Brazillian/Japanese population of Japan and what it's like for them? Ignoring Japan's problems isn't going to to make it a better country.

>> No.7530037


>> No.7530040

well, i don't know about america, but in my country almost every sushi shop is chinese, so i can see why people would be cautious

>> No.7530042

Hey, you're the one who's friends with this person.

>> No.7530045

They have some racist/isolationist issues yes, but an entire culture group does not need to apologize for their ancestors, because it doesn't reflect the feelings of everyone in the group, only a select few. Part of the reasons all Germans are so cautious is because they are culturally linked with a small group that happened to commit atrocities. You can't blame everyone in the group for something the same group did in the past, that's stupid and look at how much grief it caused.

Look at the flipside, Jews used to actually be hated by europeans, and if we regarded them in the present the same as we did in the past it would be wrong.

>> No.7530046

Um ... You do realize that a lot of these comfort women of China and Korea are still alive today, and the Japanese government won't apologize, acknowledge in history books or to the public or even reprimand them? Seriously, are you this fucking ignorant? You don't just sweep a huge atrocity under a fucking rug because 'ah, that was back in grandpa's days.."

no. More than half of Japan's modern youth doesn't even know what a comfort woman is, because it was left out of Japanese text books.

>> No.7530049

Yes. Yes it is. I'd say someone should tell them, but I'm getting a kick out of seeing them fail at yet something else they didn't bother to understand fully.

>> No.7530050

I mean, I guess? But sushi can literally be anything wrapped up in the seasoned rice, it doesn't even have to include fish, hell it can be fruit.

>> No.7530052

Not to mention the Japanese schools for removing most of the Japanese atrocities from textbooks in schools.

I once had an uncomfortable chat about WW2 with some Japanese students who didn't seem to know about a lot of stuff, and I found myself genuinely wondering if infact it was all propaganda generated so that we could bomb them without guilt.
But then again, some people believe the Holocaust was propaganda and that's just fucking nuts, so no.

>> No.7530054

You are seriously missing the point.

>> No.7530059

Some people in the US don't learn about the holocaust, just sayin.

>> No.7530061

Both American and Japanese text books suck when it comes to history.

Only Europe has genuinely good and factual education in that sense.

>> No.7530062

But you are didn't you see that article where it said all PIV sex is a patriarchal rape device?

>> No.7530066

lel. u kidding right?

every country has some skeleton in its history closet, you know...

>> No.7530068

no they want him to be a dick because hes a white dude and this person is a sjw who hates all white straight men because they are all monsters.
steve is too perfect to be a white dude

>> No.7530069

what is PIV?

>> No.7530070

Accepting and acknowledging the fact that shitty things happened in your culture's past is one thing, but apologizing for it is really stupid, you can't change it, and things like germany apologizing for nazis or america for slaves didn't change anyone's feelings on anything, the awareness did. Admitting that it happened, and acknowledging it was wrong is good, but apologizing just allows for people to blame and discriminate an entire culture group, which is wrong.

>> No.7530073

but wait... maybe... he's a transgendered girl? of course! it all makes sense now!

>> No.7530074

I guess you guys support white guilt as well?

>> No.7530076


>> No.7530078

where did you gain that impression? you need to throw it out straight away

>> No.7530080

They don't acknowledge or accept it either, so what's your point?

>> No.7530083

i see... but then, how come my consensual sex in the missionary position with my loving boyfriend does nothing for my rape fetish?

>> No.7530095

My point is that, no apologizing won't do shit but breed unnecessary hate.

Why the fuck do we hate entire groups for past wrongs like that?

>> No.7530097

We're not hating them for past wrongs, we are hating them for brainwashing an entire generation to believe they never happened.
And for currently having a racism problem.

>> No.7530103

Because the survivors are STILL alive and want to be reprimanded. Why is this so hard for you to understand? Japan is pretending this whole event didn't happen and sweep it under the rug. That's utter bullshit. Members of the army and government who were directly involved in the war crimes are still alive. It's not like it happened 200 years ago. There's still time to make amends.

But you seem to think it's whatever. Japan hates Korea and China and has invaded them countless times in the past with no regard to make apologies. Japanese youth is growing up thinking Japan is the perfect country and war crimes are erased from their text books.

>> No.7530107

It certainly explains his beautiful lashes

>> No.7530112

I just saw a post that talked about this garbage called "Schrodinger's Rapist". Where it was like, "if you want to talk to a girl, you're a rapist" basically. Might as well save themselves all the jargon and say all men are evil because they're all part of some hive mind where they're all misogynistic, racist rapists or... something.

I fucking hate Tumblr, sometimes.

>> No.7530115

>Japanese youth is growing up thinking Japan is the perfect country and war crimes are erased from their text books.

It's pretty much the same everywhere. The US is only taught briefly about any negativity in our history, and then it ends off with a kindly hero realizing the wrongs and stopping them once and for all(with liberally applied justification), and we only really focus on the evils of others when it was politically/economically convenient for our country to do so. So many americans think that the US is the best country and we know that shit went down.

>> No.7530117

what anon? no screencap? is that how your mother raised you?

>> No.7530118

Japanese hates Koreans and Chinese because their behavior goes so much against Japanese behavior and if you're not doing something in Japan the Japanese way you're doing it the wrong way. Much like Somalis in Sweden.

>> No.7530123

No, it's because all 3 of them tried to dick eachother over and conquer their countries several times. Do you even east asian history?

>> No.7530127

Living in a young country without much history is nice, we didn't get any of the brushing under the rug in school because there was so little to brush under there. The small amount of time we actually spent on New Zealand history, my teachers didn't bullshit at all about how the Brits dicked over the Maori.

>> No.7530138

Yeah, your country doesn't have to pump up it's youth to go to war for it or fuel it's superiority complex while keeping it's citizens in a state of unhappy uniformity to keep a comfortable living environment. Lucky.

>> No.7530174
File: 84 KB, 528x617, schrodinger's stupidity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not OP, but I here's one tumblr post on it, written by a guy. ....I'm just going to let it speak for itself.

>> No.7530175

Whenever I see this shit I think, what about lesbians and gay men? And then I realize that these idiots will actually remember that lesbians are a thing and just be afraid of everyone and thus, never reproduce.

>> No.7530251

No it isn't.

Nyotaimori is rumored to have started out as a yakuza thing in the 80s but probably started out as an obscure fetish porn thing. It's more popular in the US and Europe than in Japan. Japanese people used to think of it as a weird European fad.

I can't find the original article I read that detailed this several years ago but (link redacted because 4chan thinks I'm spamming; the site is mediated-musings dot blogspot dot com and the most is from July 2013 disregard the pretentious title though) has some relevant quotes.

The Schrodinger's Rapist mentality is just an extension of the "Don't talk to strangers" adage that is impressed on children. It's not a SJW thing so much as a mentality that a lot of women who lived or worked around shitty parts of big cities had. I once witnessed lolita friends propositioned like prostitutes twice in the span of 20 minutes.

As someone who was sexually assaulted and then told it was my fault because I was a 15 year-old who "led on" an unattractive balding man three times my age, the Schrodinger's Rapist thing accurately describes my state of mind for several years.

>> No.7530252

You gotta admit though, we have a pretty nice history compared to say, Australia or the Americas. No mass genocide or anything. And Maori-Pakeha relations aren't perfect by a long shot, but they're pretty damn good if you look at global historical relations with regards to colonialism.

>> No.7530254

You don't even need to do that. You could just point out
>the people of Ryukyu (Most will know this as Okinawa and outlying islands)
>the Ainu

The people of Ryukyu didn't even want to join Japan, they were forced. The Ainu are a group of "unclean" people
The Ainu finally had their rights recognized in 1997. But still both groups are treated like filth by many modern Japanese because they don't fit the image/language/ideals of what is perceived to be Japanese.

Even in anime/manga they're vastly under appreciated as people.The only Ainu anime character I've ever heard about was Horo-Horo from Shaman King. And the only direct reference for Ryukyu people in of themselves is Mugen from Samurai Champloo.

>> No.7530343


Fucking hell, they're getting more stupid.

>> No.7530357

>"here are some if you're interested!"
that makes me think pronouns are these free things up for grabs oh wow

>> No.7530358

This is some legitimacy to it. I wouldn't call it that term, but the extreme fear and distrust of men heightens when a woman has been sexually assaulted or abused in her life. It doesn't help that i've had cases where i'm excited to be friends with a guy and find out they're scumbags who objectify women. It makes you feel worse when they think sexist jokes are amusing. Word from word, i wouldn't hold that tumblr post to a regard, but it happens.. A lot. It's like trying to move on from your trauma , but the way women are treated every day by most men just makes it incredibly hard.

>> No.7530375

Yeah I think a lot of SJWs don't quite get that "that sounds cute!" isn't the same thing as "this describes me better than what I've been told"
Or anything about serious dysphoria..

>> No.7530379

Or they don't get that being able to easily call out to someone you don't know based on their visual gender/sex is more important than giving yourself a forced nickname.

>> No.7530384

Yeah, and the NZ govt is working really hard to integrate Maori culture into modern culture, so to speak. Soon there'll be mandatory lessons of Maori (the language, not the people) in schools which I think is kinda neat. I genuinely respect their efforts as opposed to what the US is doing, which is in turn still better than what Japan is doing.

>> No.7530387

Seeing how this is like the new standard instead of being a weeaboo, I feel so much less ashamed of ever being somewhat weeby.
At least all of that was under an username nobody can track me by and not on my facebook spouting racism and death threats under my real name.

>> No.7530406
File: 19 KB, 519x237, meangirls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this is supposed to be for tumblr, but this just popped up on Facebook and seemed relevant to the SJW stuff here.
The message is fine, but she just threw "white" in there when it didn't need to be.

>> No.7530429
File: 285 KB, 1100x971, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. No. Sweden maybe.
2. No.
>"People who don't have to live in these "ghettos" full of immigrants are the ones who think humanitarian immigration is working fine since they don't know how it's really working in real life. And they're the same people who decide for these things."
This is true, but Finland has good planning when it comes to cities and doesn't lump immigrants into one place to ghetto them up. It also has MUCH stricter immigration laws than Sweden. Same goes for Norway and Denmark. Don't lump us together with Sweden, please. Sweden is a festering shithole full of feminazis and SJWs and it deserves what it gets.

Don't talk out of your ass.

>> No.7530436


>> No.7530438

That... that has to be a troll. That has to be a fucking troll.

>> No.7530441

No, "white bitch" is a specific stereotype. This isn't a racially motivated comment.

>> No.7530446

Poe's Law at work.

>> No.7530451

> "Don't talk to strangers"
That shit traumatized me as a kid. So much so that I refused to speak to my doctor because she was a "stranger", even with my mom right there, telling me it's okay. My doctor thought I had autism for a long, long time because I didn't talk. As I grew up, it became a full-blown social anxiety where I was, and still kind of am, literally afraid to talk to people that I don't know. (I also now have phone anxiety and am afraid to make phone calls because I don't know who will pick up.) Obviously I'm some weird, nutjob case, but my ramblings aside, if normal "Stranger Danger" education did all that to me, I'm afraid for anyone who's raised with this "Schrodinger's Rapist" mindset, how are they going to function? How are they going to go out into the world and not just sit in their room crying constantly because everyone's out to get them?

More on-topic, my cousin, who's white, but part Italian so she has ~olive skin~ and won't let you forget it, posted a photoset on tumblr stating that all white people are exactly like the (white) characters on "King of the Hill".

>> No.7530462
File: 191 KB, 500x379, 3291901847.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posted a photoset on tumblr stating that all white people are exactly like the (white) characters on "King of the Hill".

>> No.7530467

I can't understand it exactly myself, though I can imagine. That is, the mindset that you feel like everyone's always out to get you. I only feel that way with specific people sometimes, always worried if there are some people who dislike me so much that they'd cause me distress if they see me.

However, the mentality that EVERYONE and EVERYTHING is out to get you, I just can't quite completely understand. There are of course, some pretty fucked up people in the world, and there are also people who aren't so fucked up. I don't want to think it's only one or the other.

>> No.7530468

I feel you. All my weeb shame just melts away when I realize that I could have been spouting this shit instead. But just imagine how embarrassed these kids are gonna be someday if they ever grow up.

>> No.7530474


eh it's not healthy to assume all men are going to rape you but it's really reasonable to size up/take notice of every stranger that turns their attention toward you, no matter what gender you are. anyone could be looking for an opportunity to steal something or catch you off guard for a number of reasons.

>> No.7530490
File: 349 KB, 391x617, ugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7530492
File: 49 KB, 444x287, tumblr_inline_n28qazpm2q1qbgj82.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7530495

Is this a joke?

>> No.7530505

holy shit that cake looks nasty as fuck.
also I hope that post is a joke nobody can be that delusional, right?

>> No.7530507

The original post that spawned it all was this: http://kateharding.net/2009/10/08/guest-blogger-starling-schrodinger%E2%80%99s-rapist-or-a-guy%E2%80%99s-guide-to-approaching-strange-women-without-being-maced/

I always read it as a (not very fortunate) way of telling men, "guys, be aware that a woman that doesn't know you has no reason to trust you and go out of her way to chat with you, so don't be a dick if she doesn't".

It depends on where the woman lives, though. I know I'm super wary of anyone approaching me, especially groups or men, when I'm in my neighbourhood (it's full of gypsies, both our own and immigrants, and many newcomers from South America, the north of Africa and middle East). And it's not because I think all men are scum, it's simply because I'm short and skinny with no muscle, and if one tries to mug me or assault me I probably wouldn't be able to get away. It's common sense, really. I get harrassed on a daily basis, and sometimes followed, if I happen to wear shorts or short skirts in summer.

When I'm in middle class parts of the city the paranoia doesn't kick in that hard, but the mentality is sadly ingrained.

Sage because nobody cares that I live in a shitty place.

>> No.7530512

>When I'm in my neighbourhood.
>It's full of people who aren't white Americans.

You just listed pretty much every ethnic group beyond central Asian and first-world white.
I'm not a SJW, I just thought it was kind of funny to see.

>> No.7530513

This makes sense. Normally I'd like to think all strangers are on their own schedule and have no time to meddle with you, as you're also just another stranger to you. But there's always the possibility someone could and they'd be off their schedule, so it'd makes sense to be wary.

>> No.7530514

I'm not American though, just white. Whiter than most whites around here too, so I stand out a lot and become sort of a target. My neighbourhood has been gradually becoming a ghetto because we had a huge immigration wave and housing here was cheaper than other parts of the city. Lots of drug trafficking and mugging around these parts, and of course many whites are in it too.

Now that I'm rereading my post I realize I sound racist as fuck.

>> No.7530515

You dont sound racist. You're just speaking from personal experience. And everyone not living in America would probably get it without explanation.

>> No.7530520

Thanks. I usually don't talk about it because I'm afraid I'll stick my foot in my mouth. I guess Tumblr has made me paranoid, I'd rather keep my mouth shut than have its SJ side fall upon me.

>> No.7530578

If any of my friends ever did this, I tell them to get off Tumblr for a couple months and see how they feel afterwards.

>> No.7530595

bitch don't forget about my waifu

>> No.7530601
File: 2.98 MB, 258x145, how to make nagisa momoe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hopefully you mean Pirika, because I didn't forget I think I thought people would get an implication of me meaning primary characters.

Sorry anon for not mentioning her.

>> No.7530604

This is a really interesting topic for me, cuz I'm currently studying abroad in Japan and recently had this discussion with a Japanese friend and an Italian friend. We all just kinda talked about how our countries treat the Education of WWII. It was pretty interesting, especially since we all had grandfathers who were in the war. Italy seems pretty honest with itself, so it was mostly me and the Japanese guy talking. (Im American btw) It seems we had a lot of misconceptions about each other's education systems. He thought American schools taught that the Japanese deserved what they got because of Pearl Harbor, and that we villainized them. I, similarly, thought Japanese schools just kinda breezed around WWII as a whole. We were both pretty wrong obviously. he said it's pretty common for the Japanese students to learn that the Americans dropped the bomb in order to end the war, as a last resort, but that they still had the debate about whether or not it really was the last resort. He did admit they don't learn much about what they did to other countries though. So really, their method seems pretty similar to how I learned about Pearl Harbor and Hiroshima to me. We certainly don't talk about the Japanese Interment Camps we had here in the states.

>> No.7530609

Where are you from, anon?

>> No.7530610

nah, i'm always careful around gypsies because they're often macho as fuck, and same with middle east neighbourhoods because almost every man here stares at you nastily if you're out of the kitchen after 7 pm.

that's just being aware of your surronding.

>> No.7530613
File: 547 KB, 1078x1554, Doa.Yoshino.full.1278848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope, i meant Doa, but she's just adopted anyway

>> No.7530614

Spain. I live in the outskirts of Barcelona.
>tfw all I want is to live in the center so I can go out in frills without anyone looking at me twice

>> No.7530625

I'm careful around gypsies because they always try to fucking shank me. I'm not even exaggerating. Then I get told I'm "rayciss" and compared to hitler when I say that, when my country's govt has been trying to integrate them into the society for ages and they resisted, so we just gave up.
As a kid I used to go past the slums on my way to school and I'd get hit with cans, called an ugly bitch, laughed at, threatened to get stabbed with shards of glass and my school could do nothing to protect the kids because it would be "oppressing them :(" even the nice gypsies I met with families and jobs hate them because they give them a bad name. But say that if you're white and you're dirty stormfront nazi scum! I don't even care anymore.

>> No.7530636

In gypsy community you're pretty much expected to not work or follow the same laws as everyone else in general. I don't get why the society should stand a community that refuses to follow that society's rules.

The nice ones you have met aren't real gypsies anymore as they get shut out from the community by forgetting about the gypsy culture.

>> No.7530637


>> No.7530658

My mother worked with a gypsy girl from one of those families, and said her father had forbidden explicitly to her and her sisters to ever marry a gypsy man, because he knew how their husbands would treat them. They didn't want anything to do with their extended family.

>> No.7530666

Source? I follow the news very closely and I've never heard anything about this. Since Sweden is so small this would probably make the national news.

>> No.7530674

It seems you've never been to Sweden but alright. I'm assuming it's Rosengård in Malmö you're refering too, which really isn't a ghetto at all. It's just a part of the city which has a high percentage of immigrants and second generation immigrants. It's not particulary big either and in most countries this tends to happen (see in the UK, USA with their Chinatowns etc.). You should learn to be more source critic before you're voting at Perussuomalaiset again.

>> No.7530678

You shouldn't be afraid of saying that. I understand you completely.

>> No.7530685

Yeah, sure. It isn't "racially motivated", because it's about whites. But dare someone say any stereotype about blacks

>> No.7530691

I don't think you get that it's just an archetype in itself and are focusing too much on the fact that it has the word "white" in it.
It's a stereotype, but not one with a negative racial effect since not everyone will hear about it, believe it to be a factual portrayal of white girls and assume all white women must be bitches.
It's kind of similar to the "sassy black bitch" archetype, except people legitimately believe black women are loud and bitchy. It's not really the same.

>> No.7530692


I'm not sure if this is the movie cannon but in the comics Steve is Irish American and his unemployed dad beat him and his mom. Not exactly Mr White Privilege.

>> No.7530766
File: 39 KB, 626x338, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This just popped up on my dash jist now. I definitely think that drunk fratboys yelling about pussy and football and tumblr kids yelling "die cis scum" are about equal levels of annoying.

>> No.7530783
File: 6 KB, 440x92, letmetellyou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the bio of someone I follow on Tumblr. Don't get me wrong, she's nice (enough) and I like her cosplays and some of the stuff she reblogs, but holy shit the levels of SJW are through the roof.

>> No.7530788

It's kind of hilarious how your average tumblr idiot seems to think that all straight guys and/or extroverts are like fratboys. Just the amount of people acting superior for being introverts on that site is hilarious.

>> No.7530789

>demi panromantic ace
what the motherfuck does that mean

>> No.7530795
File: 23 KB, 413x435, explain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone asked her this and she explained it. She's just adding on more titles to herself every day.

>> No.7530798

so many buzzwords

>> No.7530799

I have no idea if this is supposed to be a joke or not but it is hilarious either way

>> No.7530803

What's with the SJW constant need to tell us who they are? They all do it. Not even talking about pronouns and labels, I'm talking about their lelrandom/edgy
"I'm like this celebrity mixed with that person but gay on a sunny day", "I'm like an angry 90s dragon who will spit fire on white cis scum in the name of the moon"

I guess it's the new version of posting quizilla results, but I don't understand why people can't just let their content speak out about them rather than having to 'remind' everyone what they're like all the time. Especially when it's usually through reblogged quotes.

>> No.7530809

Her tumblr is nonbinarymermaid.tumblr.com. The tumblr url alone makes her obvious. Wade through her stuff to find the real gems.

>> No.7530812
File: 79 KB, 278x342, ....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anon asks for clarification, kindly
>Oh anon it's ok that you're ignorant!

I hate this generation. Fuck.

>> No.7530827

>mermaid literally is "sea" + "young woman/girl"

>> No.7530834

>but not one with a negative racial effect since not everyone will hear about it, believe it to be a factual portrayal of white girls and assume all white women must be bitches.
>, except people legitimately believe black women are loud and bitchy. It's not really the same.


Also, you say that due to your own upbringing when, in places with very few white people, you are taught stereotypes about whites by the community. Honestly most of the ones about white men tend to be positive while white women actually are sometimes described as dumb bitches.

Saying that everyone does or doesn't think X is silly, because racism isn't universal, stereotypes aren't universal, they happen within cultural groups. Do you think that americans know what chavs are? No, and british racial stereotypes against black people are much much different heck, even the stereotypes against muslims are different.

Point is people are taught stereotypical behaviors from people, people do believe media stereotypes and if they've never interacted with people from a specific group before, or did so rarely, they're going to go with what they've been taught, not their experiences.

>> No.7530861
File: 89 KB, 600x477, y5s3TqX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I find hilarious is that the whole "cis" concept was founded by trannies that wanted lesbian pussy, who were then turned down by lesbians, and then threw a tandem after the fact. Who knew they would turn to a /pol/ joke structure for their "Social Justice".

>> No.7530869

I Just realized I had replied to you in all caps and that just makes everything so much funnier haha

>> No.7530884

>tfw you grew up thinking 'coloured' was more polite than 'black' or 'asian'

and how is POC different? (I know, I know, history and all that jazz)

>> No.7530885
File: 59 KB, 265x265, 1394818229131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One time on tumblr I complemented a friend (who is white) on her dreadlocks.
I got bombarded by SJW's calling me a racist white scum. They started reblogging my photo (it got 200+ notes) with a caption labelling me as a spoiled rotten rich white racist ignorant bitch.
It got to the point to where they were threatening me.
>mfw I'm a mother and a good person and these people are threatening to kill me and ruin my reputation over dreadlocks
>mfw black people didn't invent dreadlocks

>> No.7530887
File: 130 KB, 358x534, Screen Shot 2014-05-01 at 12.16.51 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7530891


this is not okay.

>> No.7530918


>> No.7530924

The first related suggestion also has the full video with the priest who has been harassed talking about it

>> No.7530946

They are like extreme vegetarians/vegans.

Sure there might be tons of people who have trouble getting romantically attached to others, but this person has a title for it and you have to know! because sexuality is a badge you wear on your sleeve (unless you are straight) and everyone has to know your super special identity.

>> No.7530947

Sorry, it wasn't recently, I put it there without thinking about the sentence meaning.

>> No.7530963

I would prefer if people trigger warned actual disturbing things though like domestic abuse/choking pictures or common phobia's though. It is ridiculous to demand that something like puppy is tagged with a warning, just because one person on tumblr fear puppies. But the common stuff couldn't hurt in my opinion

>> No.7530967

Its because tumblr is all teenagers. That's just what they do, it's a confusing time in their life, being able to constantly label themselves makes it easier while setting them apart as unique little snowflakes. Most of them will get over it

>> No.7530970
File: 490 KB, 340x191, Bitches be crazy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started following this blog for feminist songs recently. At first I was like ''Cool more meaningful anthems to discover'' but man while I love the songs they post, it is a lot of Macklemore hate out there, because of his Same Love song (Just because he is a white straight male, he can't sing about gay acceptance apperantly) and a lot of ''CULTURAL APPROPRIATION!'' ''DATS SO RACIST'' bullshit. Some cool songs from Marina and the Diamons aren't being published because she wore a native american headpiece in her videoclip. And Brooke Candy will never be published, because apperantly people are butthurt about the fact that she had a little black child on a leash in her video Das me. Then just don't post the video, because the song is still very feminist and still qualifies. They are also butthurt over her using Faggot as a slur, but Brooke is a lesbian and she explained it all that words like Faggot and Slut should get a new meaning instead.

>> No.7530971

> Only Europe has genuinely good and factual education in that sense.

I'm British. The only things I know about WWII are that kids were evacuated to the countryside, Hitler was bad, and I have a vague idea of how to build an Anderson shelter. We mostly learn about Kings and Queens and Jack the Ripper. I think it's because you drop subjects that don't interest you when you're 14, and it's only after then that you get to do the 'mature' stuff like the Holocaust. We learnt about the heroin trade in Geography, though. We had to do a comparative essay between Farmer Giles who grows wheat and Farmer Ahmed who grows opium. It was pretty special.

>> No.7530973

I would never follow anything political or social related on tumblr because it's just going to be shit. Seriously, that's the last place I would go for anything even remotely related to that.

I only follow people who post cute things but once their personal agenda starts flowing in I eject.

>> No.7530978

Hey that was me who said that. And girl just say you are bisexual if you are comfortable identifying as bisexual. Like you said yourself, you can't win with SJW's. And the people who want an explanation can have it. Bisexual is = I love all genders, including trans (Which is basically not a gender, because they are just male or female to me anyways, whatever they are comfortable with), but we are attracted to certain points on them (For instance I love boobies on my girls and muscles on my boys) while pansexuals are just like ''Meh throw it in a blender and I can still love you

>> No.7530997

See, I wouldn't care about tagging things like choking or blood if someone asked me. Putting a trigger warning on something you see everyday, like water? Hahaha no. I guess if they asked politely their request would just seem weird, but the ones that act like entitled dicks and demand you stop posting whatever it is (like puppies) are ridiculous. Get the fuck off my blog if you have a problem.

>> No.7531000

Idk what part of the States you're from, but I know in Oklahoma (where education is such a huge priority, I know) we were definitely taught about the atrocities committed against Native Americans, slaves, and quite a bit on the bombing of Japan. Not saying you're wrong, and we definitely could use more education about the bad shit that our country's taken part in, but I felt that my teachers did take time to cover some really awful parts of our history.

>> No.7531005

Translation: "I'm picky about who I have crushes on and I need to like someone before I love them and if I were normal I'd say I was bi but I want to sound invlusive to other genderspecial snowflakes."

Were 3 paragraphs really necessary?

>> No.7531021

hahahaha I lost my shit at this

>> No.7531035

>excruciating DAYS

>> No.7531041

I'm not than anon, but I never got any of that stuff until my junior year when I took AP US History, which essentially was everything that had been left out of previous textbooks. I'd known that we'd been shitty to American Indians, but we basically went through how we'd been awful to pretty much every immigrant group.

I'm from a poor city in Arizona if that makes any difference.

>> No.7531045

Please stop assuming "white" means from the USA. You're an embarrassment.

>> No.7531053

That's what SJWs do. They assume everyone 'white' is american and ever 'white' country is either bland and cultureless like white america or should be ashamed of their culture since all 'white' people did awful things to minorities.

>> No.7531054

Where the hell did you grow up?

>> No.7531059

The thing is, of course many teachers cover it, but not in depth to the point where you realize everything was awful. Like I don't really remember my high school teachers pointing out that the Declaration of Independance was originally supposed to say "life, liberty, and property" rather then "life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness", but it was changed because lol poor people didn't have property. They didn't necessarily glamourize famous peoples and presidents, but the curriculum was all from a very "white" point of view where they didn't bother with the terrible nitty gritty details and point out that presidents back then did things for publicity just like they do today.

Honestly, maybe it was just because I didn't really pay attention in high school history classes but it was until uni where I took Asian American Studies (which...ironically wasn't really about asian americans for pretty much the whole first semester) for a GE did I have a professor that really made us realize the bad stuff

But yeah, I feel like a lot of countries like to hide the bad details even though that's what learning about history is really good for i.e learning from past mistakes

>> No.7531072

I'd probably qualify as "pansexual" to most people, but I'm way more comfortable with "bisexual". I guess I've always thought of it as I like the physical traits of males AND females and sometimes they're mixed and matched but they're still male and female in essence, if that makes sense. From what I've seen going around on tumblr, a lot of pansexuals take into account gender politics and that kind of bullshit, which I don't really want to lump in with my sexuality. Eh.

>> No.7531103

amusingly the North East.
I contribute it to my mother growing up in a particularly WASP household (grandma and grandpa smoked and drank scotch until the day they passed.) and the fact that there was only one token black/asian kid in school until I moved to NJ.

>> No.7531107

I get what you are talking about. I would probably qualify as pansexual myself. Because I wouldn't really care if my girl still had a penis for being a pre-op trans. And I prefer the bisexual label myself too. Pansexual reminds me too much of the special snowflake SJW's and ''its the cool thing to be'' so I rather say I am Bisexual, because I like just people in general, i guess

>> No.7531116
File: 41 KB, 410x900, yep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every ask she replies to about her gender or sexuality has to be a huge novel about why she feels this way and what it means and she acts like she's the expert on all things gender and sex.

>> No.7531134

My English professor once told the class that no one is really born female or black. I asked her after class what she meant by that, and she went on a rant about slavery and her fear of rape.

Seriously I thought these people were just internet stories but they're real, and in universities of all places.

>> No.7531135

Sexuality has to do with what sex you like, not the gender. Lesbians don't want a pre-op mtf because their brains are wired to like the female sex same with straight people wanting someone of the opposite sex.

Bisexual is the only real term because it includes both sexes. The brain doesn't have the capacity to parse desired gender against obvious physical traits; ie. it doesn't matter what gender you are or chose to be, the one you appear to be is the one the brain is attracted to.

All pansexual is doing for sexuality is making it convoluted and acting as if attraction has anything to do with gender preferences.

As a bisexual female myself I would be fine dating a pre-op transexual, but I am still aware that I'm going to be attracted to their pre-op sex and not their gender, because attraction to physical body is based on appearance.

>> No.7531153

Fucking this. It's just awful generalizations everywhere. And if you really think about it, it just sounds childish and petty.

"haha boys are dumb and stupid and straight people are gross and weird!!" is what it basically amounts to at this point.

>> No.7531163

I feel you. Some things that can be outright disturbing or can be seen as actually traumatic (like if a post was talking about a suicide of some sort), it'd be good to tag those. But I tend to just avoid reblogging those sorts of things anyways and try to keep only anime, video games, and funny stuff on my blog.

But stuff like... I've seen people tag hands for some reason. And then gazes, and "scopophobia", and basically tagging every single thing under the sun, to the point where some people themselves aren't sure if they should but do it anyway. Like, "#insects i guess?", "#hands kind of", what the hell.

>> No.7531175

fucking this
I hate it that whenever I see something is POC friendly they mean it's for black people or specifically to black people
there's other "colors" besides you ignorant fucks

>> No.7531178

>New to tumblr
>Follow an ADHD blog thinking it'll be all about support, advice, good habits to deal with it, ect
>lol nope just a buncha people bitching about "ableism"
>blog owner won't shut up about shipping the blog with the autism blog

>> No.7531183

I fucking hate -abelist- shit why should everyone around you be responsible for how you react to them?

>> No.7531189
File: 769 KB, 554x653, ss (2014-05-01 at 08.52.23).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i saw this and just thought "GOD what a hot mess" i'm probs so transphobic and ableist guys

>> No.7531190

or not transphobic, but something along those lines...

>> No.7531191
File: 33 KB, 852x480, asuka,shinji_kimochi-warui_(smaller).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to follow a decent amount of fandom blogs that posted sjw stuff on the side, because while I didn't agree with their opinions most of the time, I liked having them there so I could be exposed to new ideas and think about them. Now I don't follow any, and if any person that I follow posts stuff like that, I unfollow them immediately. The big turning point for me on tumblr was right after the Sandy Hook shooting had just happened.

>its only getting media attention becuz they're all white!!!1

>kimochi warui

>> No.7531194

>"I'm like this celebrity mixed with that person but gay on a sunny day",
I giggled.

>> No.7531213

>Dating a V-kei guy she met on LINE?
That is hilarious.

>> No.7531228
File: 26 KB, 645x378, lolok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I understand wanting FtM or MtF characters but wtf is this?

>> No.7531229

They did get arrested in the end thought. And this is pretty old news really, I searched for it online and it seems like the neighbours had death threatened and been very racist towards them. Besides the family has lived in the same house for more then twenty years and I can't find anything about the government paying them to move.
While the conflict hasn't been solved in a good way, there are signs pointing that members of the romani family might have had a condition or a mental problem (think extreme ADD). But in the end several people were sentanced to jail so I'm not sure why you'd say that the police did nothing.

>> No.7531231


I missed this comment when I wrote this.

But how come you thought about this now, five years after the events.

>> No.7531232

Anon when I first read your post it came off a little awkward because of the gypsies,etc part but I think the internet has started to convince people to be overly sensative to race.

After reading it again I looked at myself and thougt about it.

I live in area with tons of college students so im accustomed to that enviroment now.

When I go to what might be considered a ghetto area i get really nervous and stressed out about walking alone.

Like an anon said in another thread ghetto does not equal minorities it just means lower class (financially)people . When youre walking around an area that doesnt seemed maintained, less security, wild animals , anything it's natural to be afraid. Hell its natural to be afraid of people that generally arent what your accustomed to being around.

Long as you dont walk around terrified at every step people wont go out of their way to harrass you. Unfortunately in certain areas people will cat call or call names or even follow you but look confident and carry some form of protection.

> tfw black and people think you aren't scared of the ghetto
> tfw ran away from black guy asking for change for a dollar to use a payphone

I used to be retarded because of prejudices and growing up in a "high class" neighboorhood im glad ive changed

>> No.7531233

wait did they just say they dont want to be seen passing because they dont want to be bullied by trans people

>> No.7531236

Im not even white but id probably be prejudice as fuck or racist or whatever if i had to deal with this type shit.

Im not saying its right and i wouldnt be outwardly hateful but i would keep my distance. its hard not to be biased against a group of people who have basically tormented you

>> No.7531242

My boyfriend didn't know about that either. When he was in highschool (so 6-7 years ago) they learnt about the second world war but they never heard exactly what was going on with the holocaust. I wonder if it's still the case for Japanese people in high school right now but to think most of the atrocities where completely left out kind of bothers me.

>> No.7531243

I was going to ask why SJWs seem to like Sayaka so much, but
>mermaid (in witch form), somewhat nautical/blue motif in general
>short, tomboyish hair for ~androgyny~
>gets very emotional about arguably small things
>calls out a pair of misogynist guys once and presumably wrecks their shit
It all makes sense

>> No.7531246



>> No.7531250

Not all of Europe, I'm from Switzerland and our textbooks are pretty good from what I've seen. We took a look at textbooks from Germany and France and Italia to compare them and more than facts being left out I felt like some stuff was exaggerated or diminished depending on the textbook. Sage for not my blog

>> No.7531269

Former Latin student here to say the original pronunciation of "ae", in a Latin derived context, is always pronounced like the word "eye". Most Americans use the "ay" pronunciation though.

>> No.7531283

So this is basically, "I don't want any of my precious characters being close to being a dumb cishet!!" isn't it?

I mean, if you want to think this about these characters, sure, but at least give some reasoning rather than just throwing around labels for the sake of it.

>> No.7531286

I like sayaka best girl. She is the catalyst for the whole show, or at least for the timeline that the show focuses on.

>> No.7531291

Remind them that bi means you like 2 genders, which could count as meaning 'the gender you are and the gender/s you aren't' (kinda. Just to shut them up)

>> No.7531293

I'm going to take an educated guess and say that, based on the fact that mono = one, and the fact that it would be pretty stupid if "mono" was referring to "one gender" (i.e. not bi/pan/etc., but then again, it's tumblr, there's been worse), "monosexual" would probably be a sexual attraction to one person.

>> No.7531298

> tfw straight white American female
> engaged to straight white American male
> consensual sex in the missionary position with eye contact

no frills about it.

>> No.7531299

It's pronounced 'e' . Puellae [puele] = girls, don't have IPA symbols on my phone but you get the gist

>> No.7531300
File: 41 KB, 500x490, Only_the_dead_can_know_peace_from_this_evil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Demi-panromantic ace
>Non-binary and gender confused
I've been on tumblr too goddamn long, considering I didn't even need to reread it to understand what it meant.

>> No.7531301

Not wanting is one thing, but ON A FUCKING WORLD WHERE THINNESS IS GOOD AND FAT IS BAD AND EVERYONE IS DIETING how can someone possibly think it's reasonable to demand trigger warnings on anything that includes nutritional info?

Hell, I saw a pic once showing how japanese food isn't that healthy because it contains a fuckload of carbs from all that rice and there were like 5 comments under it calling whoever made that picture insensitive and an asshole because "some people have only japanese food as their safe food!!". Bitch, please. If someone has an ED strong enough to demand safe foods, they know damn well how much of every nutrient is in that shit, along with the caloric content.

>> No.7531307

To further clarify: poo-elle-eh

>> No.7531309

That's so messed up....

>> No.7531312

It's okay anon, sometimes I reblog shit and I think of all the people I must be triggering with my reblog.

>> No.7531315

It basically is 'cause gender is different from sex. I know that sounds weird but it is a thing.

>> No.7531321

I'm a portrait photographer and all my work is SFW, frankly I think nudity is stupid. I only post portraits and fashion shots on my blog yet some dumb bitch told me to "stop objectifying women" because I photoshop their skin and body, and "why don't I photograph curvy women?"

I'm a woman myself and it's part of the job. I photograph curvy women, but not morbidly obese ones. If you don't like it get off the damn blog.

>> No.7531324

Yeah, I'm from Britain and we get taught a lot about WWII.
Heck, in primary school we spent about 6 whole months doing a massive project about it.
Japan's involvement was completely left out though...

>> No.7531331
File: 17 KB, 513x145, what does this mean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I vaguely remember there being a tumblr titled "yourfaveistrans" (not to be confused with the blog yourfaveisproblematic) in which the user argued that that everyone's favorite character is transgender/nonbinary and get angry when any "cishet scum" tries to question their headcanon? Like... why is this a thing? Why do these people need their favorite characters to be as nonbinary as they are in order to associate with them? My favorite fictional character is probably Frodo, and I'm as different from a three-foot-tall male hobbit as anything (I'm a five-eleven black girl).

In general, what is it with Tumblr and their "gender/sexuality headcanons"? Why are they so adamant about them? I understand wanting to have "representation," but a lot of times it's just ridiculous.

Also, this blog.