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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 242 KB, 1280x1707, 1396297724135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7466785 No.7466785[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you think hijabs can go with lolita?

>> No.7466789

Heck yeah. Muslim lolitas are adorable.

>> No.7466795
File: 180 KB, 500x750, tumblr_ma3iamrAhE1qcvasso1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see why not

>> No.7466791

It depends.

I've seen photos of girls in hijabs that don't match the coord at all, and that looks stupid as hell. But like your pic, I think that looks okay.

They also work better in more toned-down coords, because then the big hair to offset the big dress isn't as necessary.

>> No.7466796
File: 55 KB, 600x800, 492-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7466800

oh i know this con, ive been to it saw these two

>> No.7466803

they're not that different to colored wigs, really. i think they're adorable c:

>> No.7466806


The hijab looks fine, but those jeans look fucking stupid.

At least wear boots or something and tuck in the bottoms.

Is that Peenus?

>> No.7466808

Nope, some japanese muslim girl.

>> No.7466811

I follow this girl on tumblr and she coords things really nicely.

She wears the jeans for the modesty factor, and she tends to avoid high heels also, so considering this fact, she looks fucking fabulous, not stupid.

>> No.7466816

Oops, I overdid the commas.

>> No.7466819 [DELETED] 

Fabulous, really...?
I mean she looks really cute aside from the jeans but come on, stop it with the white guilt.

>> No.7466825

I kinda agree with the other anon that boots would look better with tucked in pants. They don't need to have heels, either. Also, she coud wear flats instead of random sneakers.

>> No.7466827

the outfit looks more fairy kei than lolita so i think it's fine tbh

if it was more of a full lolita outfit i'd call out the jeans and sneakers too

>> No.7466831

I think hijabs go better with mori and maybe dolly kei (matryoshka doll girls pls).

>> No.7466829

>compliments non-white person
>white guilt!!!!
>implying anon is white
Stop withe the dumb /pol/ shit.

>> No.7466840

I think they look better with mori-kei but they can also look good with lolita.
I don't have the picture anymore but I saw a lolita with a adorable long hijab that was layerd out of 2 pastel coloured scarfs and ended in a braid on one shoulder. It looked so cute.
I do prefer hijabs with lots of layers above those hijabs that lay flat on your head.

>> No.7466838

Why is it always the gross pink and green pastels?
I'd like to see some Muslim lolis try some other styles. And maybe not full-out have the hijab, but does the job of hiding your hair just as well.

>> No.7466856

Yeah, uh, I'm Filipino. It's great that you care so much of my opinion though. Really sweet.
Ba dum tss

>> No.7466859

please try to find it, that sounds great

>> No.7466865

>implying that white people can't give compliments to poc without them being stuffed with "white guilt"
in what universe do you live, honestly

>> No.7466868
File: 146 KB, 600x800, cotton_abaya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, hijab mori probably would just like the traditional wear of some muslim countries, like pic related.

>> No.7466870
File: 50 KB, 480x720, 964215884379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the concern was over the phrase
>so considering this fact
Which means we're holding her to a different aesthetic standard because of her religious beliefs.
It might not be what this anon is doing, so maybe everyone else is jumping the gun, but some people like to talk saying, "She's muslim! That means she's perfect and you cannot critique her! She needs the pants and shoes for her religion so you cannot suggest any other way to coord this than what she's wearing!"
We can still work with restrictions and make it look good. In fact, that's a lot of fun. On a less serious level, we do that in the coord thread. "Take this sweet jsk and make a classic coord." "I'd like a coord with this dress that uses these unusual colors" Things like that. It's a challenge. We can figure out a way to make something cute if we're given a set of rules to work with.

Others were suggesting that her coord would look better if she tried boots or flats. I don't know if that breaks the modesty restrictions, but it's a suggestion. A rebuttal response should either be, "I don't think that look good either, let's do this instead" or "She cannot wear boots or flats due to her religion. Let's think of something else."

>Other styles
Here's a gothic lolita! I like her brooch a lot.

>> No.7466872

In a universe where lolis without hijabs wearing this would be torn to pieces, but add a hijab and it's "awwwwwww how adowabuww"

>> No.7466875

I will do my best, it might take a couple of days

>> No.7466877

When I was in Afghanistan I never saw the face of an adult woman. They would hide from us.

This shit is cool and I wish the women out there didn't have to be so afraid

>> No.7466882
File: 259 KB, 500x667, tumblr_my9u2mT7TA1rj62reo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one?

>> No.7466884

I kind of wish she wore a black blouse. The white looks so fucking basic.

>> No.7466887

It looks kinda dumb with the big bow slapped on her head like that tbh, just makes it look like those bodyline itas.
A small bow with a decorated hijab like >>7466795 looks much much better.

But yeah, I kinda wish I'd see some non-sweet muslim lolita. I think it'd look really elegant with a more classic or gothic style, though I guess gothic might be difficult since a lot of gothic prints and stuff have crosses. Still it'd be nice to see some jewel tones and darker colors with gold/silver here.

>> No.7466888
File: 190 KB, 500x667, 32525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7466890

Why is everything so big on her?
The way the hijab is done is cute though.

>> No.7466912

I dont really care either way

the anything is fucking tumblrites jacking off to them making it a big fucking deal. If I was a muslim lolita wearing a hijab that would piss me off. Like you only care because I'm wearing a hijab that you can use as ammunition in some shitty social justice arguement

>> No.7466911
File: 616 KB, 1030x1920, myowngettaway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish there was a better shot of this coord! I wonder what she did for legwear and shoes.
I really like how her hijab picks out that lightest color in the jsk. Though I'd say the black cardigan should be swapped out for a brown or beige.
The haphazard layers give this kind of a mori look. I'm a sucker for scarves in lolita, so I'm not surprised that this would appeal to me.

I'm a huge fan of all black coords, so I think that'd look really good. Though sometimes it's fun to shake it up a bit with a bxw coord.
I think if her belt was white or her white necklace was more chunky, it would balance out the colors more.

>> No.7466916

yes that one! I'm no fan of bodyline but I tought the hijab was adorable

>> No.7466915
File: 86 KB, 425x750, gqw3mZ8h1qicfk4o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes hijabi lolis make questionable color choices. But...I've never seen a hijabi ita. Tbh 80% of them are good and the rest are average, the portion way higher for white lolitas. I think because for a hijabi girl to want to wear lolita she probably is significantly interested in it, rather than a slight casual interest and only a vague understanding of the rules.

>> No.7466918

I think the reason this is popular on tumblr and other websites is not just because "social justice, yay", but because people are always dying to see something new.

>> No.7466920

This is one of the few examples I've seen I actually liked, I don't really like them in sweet but this has a perfect mori girl feel to it.

>> No.7466921

I kinda agree, minus the hijab, a lot of these are kinda ita or have questionable elements. Most of us are completely covered minus the hair/head when it's colder weather anyways so it shouldn't be much of an excuse

This girl is wearing a normalfag dress shirt AND normal shoes, and everything is two sizes too big. Hijab idea is cute but ita as fuck otherwise.

Accessories are questionable.

Really flat/no petti.

>> No.7466936
File: 130 KB, 705x705, Cihud A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't lolita, nor is it titled as such. It's more jewel-toned otome than anything. But she doesn't look to be in j-fashion
Though if you swapped out her skirt for a lolita one of the same shade, used more lolita-appropriate legwear and blouse, It'd make a real nice coord. As a non-lolita outfit, it's stylin.

This is more inspiration of how hijabs can add to an outfit instead of being a crutch.

One thing that hijab lolitas can do that others can't is use more dramatic colors around their head. The equivalent for a non-muslim lolita would be a huge, bright wig. That's awfully OTT and sometimes using those colors for hair instead of fabric just doesn't look good. I've heard arguments on cgl about how using colored wigs are too matchy-matchy.

>> No.7466952

Surely it's against their religion to show that much leg?

>> No.7466960

Actually, many muslims find tights and knee socks a big nono so I kinda get why the pants are there. It's not everyone because levels of modesty vary, but you know.

>> No.7466961

I'm totally onboard for hijabs in lolita as long as they're color coorded properly.

However, I am not a fan of this style >>7466915
>>7466785 where a big bow is just plopped onto the head. Without having any hair or other poofy things to offset it, it looks dumb.

>>7466796 >>7466795 >>7466911
The way they are worn here is much cuter.

I really dislike this, though >>7466882 , not just because of the too big clothes, but the way the hijab is looks a bit ita how it's twisted together like that. Maybe in a different shot it'd be nicer but from that photo alone... eh.

>> No.7466962

Some are more old fashioned but not everyone. It depends on the family and personal traditions.

>> No.7466967

i'm atleast 60% sure that the girls just can't show the skin
skinny jeans and tights are fine

>> No.7466968

It is more about showing skin than everything else.

>> No.7466970

I think it looks retarded when you're doing sweet.

>> No.7466973

yeah, but some people's parents are super hardass when it comes to tights, it's not considered decent

>> No.7466974

Probably varies by sect of Islam, mosque, family rules etc.

>> No.7466977

which countries are more strict on fashion.

It seems like indonesian muslims are more lax. But i know Iran went from almost western freedom to, 99% covered up overnight.

>> No.7466981

For some modesty is also about not showing the outline of the body too much, so anything tight is off limit

>> No.7466982

and they would be right, in the sense that some men would still sexualize tight clothing.

>> No.7466986

I think in those cases, there's no point in doing lolita.
If you can't do it properly, you shouldn't do it period.

>> No.7466995

And you make the rules to lolita? It's not some goddamn club you join with an application and a gold card, it's fashion.

Granted, it might look ita without basic knowledge, but with your logic, anyone who starts to wear lolita should stop immediately.

>> No.7466999
File: 163 KB, 720x960, 1396303290654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7467013

You realize you're on /cgl/, right? Go back to tumblr if you're going to whine about others reprimanding you for not following the rules to a fashion correctly.
You can't just make up crap as you go. Even Mori, which is lax as hell, has special rules. You're not just going to go walking around in a bikini going 'I'M OCEAN MORI...!'

Similarly, you shouldn't be complaining that people think you look ita if you're wearing jeans under a lolita dress.

>> No.7467014


That is lovely.

>> No.7467021


I like the subtle pattern on her scarf. I think other jfashion muslims could do with some really nice patterned hijabs. I see it all the time on normal muslims, wonder why the muslims I've seen so far in jfash stick with solid colors mainly.

>> No.7467049 [DELETED] 

someone has a sandy slit today, whoop

>> No.7467063

Guidelines really...

>> No.7467082

If you need to change up so many things about lolita that you lose the defining silhoutte, your energy would really be better invested in another fashion than soapboxing on 4chan that everybody should give conservative muslim lolitas special privileges when they wear jeans under knee-length skirts.

We give the same harshness towards poor people (telling them lolita is a luxury and should never come before rent or living expenses), towards fatties (not a lot of clothes in their size, and just because something fits doesn't mean it's flattering), towards POC (telling them they don't get a free pass if they're ita), telling taller girls to get an underskirt, and so on. This isn't bashing on Islam, this is true equality. You don't get special consideration just because your religion forbids you to wear tight clothing, any more than other girls get consideration for being poor, or fat, or black, or tall, or anything else.

If you want to keep to the decadent lolita style, might I suggest Aristo or ouji instead? There's long skirts in aristo, some floor-length, and long pants in ouji. If you really like sweet, maybe look into fairy kei instead, pretty sure you could do some cute coords by pairing cute pastel tops with regular jeans
Or, you could go further and make/commission your own aristo dresses in pastel colours, maybe use spoonflower if you really like border prints.

We suggest aristo or ouji to girls who look too old for sweet, and we suggest alternate styles to girls who don't seem to like the lolita silhoutte a lot (eg we suggest otome if someone seems to like the style but not the poofy skirt), we suggest getting clothes custom made to fatties who can't fit into ready-made clothes. So we're not doing anything special here. It's just another regular day on 4chan where we tell yet another group of girls that they don't look as good as they think they do and that the fashion might not be the right hobby for them.

>> No.7467099

so you mean the difining silhouette is legs? or hair or neck...?

>> No.7467102

I think they look nice, anon.

>> No.7467106


Jeans under a poofy knee-length skirt don't look good.

>> No.7467116

Has anyone here heard of the Hijablog? http://thehijablog.werun.com

To my (limited) knowledge I think some muslims don't allow the sort of hijab styles she wears, but I've always thought that the bigger, almost turban styles would suit lolita better than the flat ones. It would at least balance out the poof of lolita skirts a bit.

>> No.7467120 [DELETED] 
File: 198 KB, 570x860, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Iran? Nah man, their girls are stylin'.

>> No.7467125


Some of the coords itt are ok, some are cute, and some are less than stellar.

It's more a response to >>7466811 arguing for special treatment because of "modesty". Poor people aren't entitled to lolita just because they're poor, tall people and those with linebacker shoulders have it even worse than Muslims, they'll forever be tall and wide and they still get nitpicked if their coords aren't good enough even though being tall or wide isn't something you can fix. I don't see why Muslims get a pass just because "modesty", so let me just shoot the elephant in the room. Some of the people posted in this thread just look terrible, regardless of their religion.

>> No.7467136

thank you, that's exactly how i feel about those threads too

>> No.7467306
File: 7 KB, 194x259, braid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually have a few pictures saved of that kind of thing. I grew up orthodox Jewish and my best friend still is, so I keep and inspiration folder for this.

>> No.7467309
File: 26 KB, 236x256, 1396310209180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This would still work without the hair showing up front.

>> No.7467313 [DELETED] 

No. In the UK we didn't have muslim women walking around like it was commonplace during the industrial revolution, despite what Doctor Who or other BBC programming would have you believe.

Not trying to be racist or anything but it's stupid. You can't have lolita wearing shrine maiden clothes or dreadlocks either.

>> No.7467318 [DELETED] 
File: 232 KB, 1600x1332, IMGP2080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand why you would ask that question. Anyone who says anything bad about mudslimes is going to be banned for racism, so there's no point.

>> No.7467321
File: 71 KB, 280x373, 20585-1897-2014-03-12432665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Right, and people during the industrial revolution went around in knee length dresses decorated in the gaudiest pony pastel shit am I right?

There are a lot of semi coherent arguments against the hijab in lolita. This is not one of them.

>> No.7467322
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>> No.7467323 [DELETED] 
File: 325 KB, 1035x1600, DSC03105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit looks stupid. I have never seen it done right, because the hijab always ruins it.
Sandnigger genocide, best day of my life.

>> No.7467328
File: 150 KB, 299x393, 1380926038686.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7467327

I don't like hijab with lolita myself (I've seen it look okay maybe once, I think that sugarnoor girl looks terrible, and would look mediocre at best without the hijab, the only reason anyone gives her attention is because of the it), but using historical inaccuracy as an argument against it is pretty dumb. Girls didn't go around with their legs showing during the Industrial Revolution, either.

>> No.7467329

This. It's so fucking patronising.


>> No.7467330 [DELETED] 

Muslims aren't the only ones who wear headscarfs. Many Christians and Jews do too, as do Sikhs, who are all about eliminating kebab.

>> No.7467333
File: 199 KB, 300x400, 1380925941891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

..aand I dropped my pic

>> No.7467337

I agree that we *should* be treated equally but if you think those groups, on 4chan of all places, are treated just as poorly as everyone else, you're delusional.

>> No.7467341 [DELETED] 

Why would you want to eliminate kebab? Kebab is delicious!

>> No.7467343
File: 66 KB, 604x453, n5892213609114958251bi0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hijabs are middle eastern. It does not fir the tone of lolita, deal with it. All this hijab hype is just a bunch of tumble faggots who want to believe Islam can be feminism too @3@ XD
Fuck hijabs and fuck tumblr whores who tell these retards they're cute. Picture related, this shit probably got a million notes on tumblr. Lolita is basically a modernized version of Victorian and Rococo fashion. It's not necessarily about what's in it, but rather what's not in it. Hijabs, henna, and middle eastern shit does not belong.

>> No.7467344 [DELETED] 
File: 82 KB, 400x300, 1396311290355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> But i know Iran went from almost western freedom to, 99% covered up overnight
>Pic is you

Iran is way up there on the most lax countries list. This blog shows what's actually worn there pretty well: http://thetehrantimes.tumblr.com/

>> No.7467351

To be fair, with that logic, you're also saying Asians can't wear lolita since Asian countries didn't participate in the Victorian fashion that lolita is based off of.

It's just a fucking fashion.

>> No.7467350 [DELETED] 
File: 1.17 MB, 875x750, sandniggers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7467354
File: 62 KB, 400x600, hijab brown-with-flowers-009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The volume really helps to balance out a heavier coord, I think.

>> No.7467358


>> No.7467360 [DELETED] 

It's a fashion you need to get right. Anyone can where it, so long as you're not an ita. I'm not saying sandniggers can't wear lolita, only that they always get it horribly wrong.
Here's a tip; Take that shit off your head. It's not doing you any favors.

>> No.7467362
File: 26 KB, 250x363, tumblr_mddcnwSodh1rj62reo1_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't post the girl on the left, though? Besides, lolita's not white.

>> No.7467363
File: 36 KB, 500x516, large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not loli, but definitely Jfash

>> No.7467366

That's not what they're saying at all, get some reading comprehension. They're saying the aesthetics don't match, not that the people can't wear it.

Asian aesthetics don't work in lolita either for that matter, Wa-lolita and qi-Lolita are almost universally considered ita. It's exactly the same thing. Lolita is one style, mashing in other random styles doesn't work, it goes against the rules for the fashion and it looks retarded 99% of the time.

>> No.7467364

So what if someone did an Islamic interpretation of lolita?
Like how there's wa and qi lolita styles.

>> No.7467367
File: 45 KB, 223x336, multi-wrap_hijab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7467368 [DELETED] 

>>I didn't post the girl on the left, though?
Are you really that fucking stupid? Think, you dense shitskin. It's an example of head scarves done right. Mudshites just can't figure it out. Then again, that's why they haven't left their stupid, pedophilic religion.

>> No.7467372

>Lolita is one style, mashing in other random styles doesn't work, it goes against the rules for the fashion and it looks retarded 99% of the time.

>being this retarded

You know that all lolita substyles are the result of mixing fashions with lolita, right?

>> No.7467371
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>> No.7467374
File: 11 KB, 250x250, tumblr_my9rvdSJuB1rj62reo1_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I said I'm not muslim. I'm as white as any americunt. Also, I understand that it's an example of head scarves done right and wrong, but I think I have an okay grasp on that already, thanks.

>> No.7467378
File: 191 KB, 800x1197, Wa_lolita_by_mond_kind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, two fashion that always look like shit. Great examples. Stop posting hijabs, you aren't proving anything. (Other than the fact that they look retarded with lolita.)
This board is about loli. Loli and cosplay.

>> No.7467388

I love this coord. Post more and stop responding to trolls who can't spell.

>> No.7467389

You know, the ones with more volume to balance out the bottom half of the coords are nice.

Not everything hijab is horrible, and I hated hijabs in lolita until I saw some of the pictures in this thread that made me realize it could work. I'm usually an asshole, and I think you're being a dick. You should probably stop.

>> No.7467390

No. All of the basic rules for lolita are the same within each of the subsyles. The only difference is the colour pallets and themes. Even an outsider can see how each of the substyles are part of one bigger fashion. When it gets to the point that the basic elements have to be completely changed (i.e. having to wear trousers under a skirt) it is no longer lolita.

The substyles aren't different fashions, they're different thematic elements.

>> No.7467399

I'm actually not even a lolita nor am I posting any of these. I just don't see anything wrong with it.
Lolita has no rules about headwear, anyway. It's recommended that you have something on your head to balance out the petticoat, yeah, but you're not required to wear a big puffy wig, headbows, false lashes, anything. People just choose to wear those because they think it makes their coords look better.

You don't think hijabs look good? Don't wear one.
Why does this even matter to you?

>> No.7467405
File: 26 KB, 1024x1024, really guys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Still responding even after the /pol/ shit dropped slurs
Even if you guys are so dense to not see a troll, would you really think someone like this is going to be reasoned with? Report and move on.
/cgl/, I don't think I've ever seen a single piece of bait get ignored in my time on this board. Why is it so accepted, unlike in the other boards?

Hey anon, I think this is really cool! Sometimes we get so wrapped up in finding specifically lolita-oriented inspiration that we forget to look at regular things. There are some amazing things that girls do with their hijabs! It really is an art, how they wrap and tie and pin. It's dizzying how much fabric goes into some of the styles.
It'd be really cool to see a coord with a cohesive hijab with several different colors and patterns of fabric and using pretty pins and beauty of the fabric's drape. This girl here has the right idea >>7467354

>> No.7467406

Ah, so you're not what at all. You're just a stupid hispanic whore. You obviously don't have an okay grasp on headscarves done right or wrong, because you keep posting ugly shit.
Hijab done right=hijab not with lolita. Your only good examples aren't in lolita, which proves my point.

>> No.7467408
File: 290 KB, 750x1819, T2KzqrXb4cXXXXXXXX_!!653678154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Um I'd like to disagree you cunt.

But seriously, stop shitting up this thread. Anything can look good if people are creative enough.

>> No.7467410

>>you can't criticize hijabs after OP asked you how you feel about them
Liberal cunt logic.

>> No.7467414

>>I'm actually not even a lolita
Stopped reading there. Why are you here? Go back to tumblr and bitch about racism in lolita, I don't care.

>> No.7467416

>>Omg, stop arguing with me. Just agree D:<
Bite me.

>> No.7467417

Not the same anon but /cgl/ is not a lolita-only board.

>> No.7467419


>> No.7467423

Cosplay, lolita, and Jfashion. It's not fashion general. Again,

>> No.7467425
File: 86 KB, 482x750, tumblr_n3b0865zdq1rd00cqo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nah man, qi lolita is fairly cool if put together correctly is all I'm saying.

You're conservative, I get it, but you seem to be doing more of the "oh no this isn't lolita agree with me!" shit than I am.

>> No.7467439

I'm not conservative, I'm down the middle. I also wouldn't call that picture lolita, it looks more like a normalfag dress. You're the one saying I should be banned for telling you the truth.
>>omg u ruined the thread D:<
The point of the thread was obviously debate. And you're the one shitting it up with pictures not relevant to lolita. It's not my fault you're an ita whore who doesn't understand the aesthetics of the fashion.

>> No.7467441


I am one the fence with hijabs in lolita but you will NOT win converts by comparing or defending wa lolita.

That shit is universally acknowledged as 100% ita outside of cute illustrations with impossible body proportions.

It just doesn't work in real life. Period.

>> No.7467446
File: 13 KB, 400x263, hat_hijab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will do.

>> No.7467448


Honestly not sure who you think you're talking to anymore, because I didn't say anything about you getting banned. Go ahead, run rampant, I'm just saying some styles if they adhere more to the aesthetic of lolita would actually look good, don't decry it so quickly.

>> No.7467459
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>> No.7467462
File: 5 KB, 225x224, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Honestly not sure who you think you're talking to anymore, because I didn't say anything about you getting banned. Go ahead, run rampant, I'm just saying some styles if they adhere more to the aesthetic of lolita would actually look good, don't decry it so quickly.
I'm just saying I'll post more pics, nothing about banning?

>> No.7467463
File: 21 KB, 250x333, 1396314333879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh jeez, hats! What a great idea. I love hats. It'd also give some height for balance and provide a foundation to pin accessories. Some of these girls with headbows look a little strange, since headbows are usually to be a little bit nestled into the hair. It's the same thing for girls with thin, straight, flat hair or with very short hair. It ends up just sort of floating on their head.
Pin those bows to a hat, however!

>> No.7467465
File: 169 KB, 640x640, hijab-mistysky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7467466
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>> No.7467470
File: 87 KB, 640x640, hijab-sweetlolita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7467472
File: 125 KB, 612x612, herfirstcoordwat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry, I thought she looked cute

>> No.7467476

If that looks like normalfag dress to you, then you're just as crazy as I suspected you might be.
I don't recall anybody ever agreeing to anything like that. The last time we had a thread like this, the general consensus was something along the lines of "Hijab is okay in lolita, just make sure you don't make it look like shit.

>> No.7467479
File: 118 KB, 800x532, 1396314562543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7467481

>Wahhhh, someone's liking what I don't like!
Summer already?

>> No.7467483
File: 70 KB, 600x395, crown3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I was replying to >>7467439?

Also medieval wimples could be cool. No idea how kosher (or halal, lawl) they are but I think pairing with a crown would give a medieval look that goes with some themed dresses.

>> No.7467486
File: 101 KB, 612x612, 1396314694670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sugarnoor looking less terrible than usual; the chiffon's great.
That is cute! Do you know if that girl has a blog?

>> No.7467488 [DELETED] 

Just report and move on, then teh bullies who don't like hijabs will leave ;_;

>> No.7467487

They were talking about wa lolita when they said universally.

>> No.7467490
File: 73 KB, 359x695, 1396314808685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7467495

those unmatching pinks tho

>> No.7467496 [DELETED] 

Sandnigger whores would be stoned for wearing something so Christian. Do you see what I mean? It only works if it's European.

>> No.7467497
File: 23 KB, 239x400, tumblr_mc3ggrbUgh1rzpmnbo1_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a good idea. There are so many cute ways to wear hijabs (like with hats) but it's hard to find girls who actual wear them that way.

>> No.7467498

>Sugarnoor samfagging all over the tread
I'll give her the fact that she encouraged muslim girls to try lolita, but everyone got really good and she's still shit.

>> No.7467501
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>> No.7467508
File: 7 KB, 170x297, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, it's because she's kind of the only muslim lolita with a big online presence. I've just been posting the ones that I thought used the hijab in a creative way.
And on that not, I've posted just about everything I have. I'll finish up with a sort of, but not really related cute thing. If you were to fold up the front part of the veil, the fabric would be opaque enough to be fine in most circles, and one could always layer sheer things on top of hijab.

>> No.7467505
File: 66 KB, 640x640, morekawaiiontheleft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, I found her thru that muslim lolita in the Sugar Coated documentary! Actually, she's >>7466915 http://instagram.com/alyssa_loveskitties

The other girl has better pics of both of them: http://instagram.com/dina_lovesbunnies

Sugarnoor is cute, but she's pretty basic IMO and doesn't have a "chubbier" but more kawaii face structure.

>> No.7467510


That is far away from being christian because the medival age did also exist in arab countries, you know.

>> No.7467513

Fuck this girl, fuck her ego, and fuck her victim complex.

>> No.7467517


You misunderstand me anon. When I said
>that's shit is universally acknowledged as 100% ita
I was referring to wa lolita. Like I said it the beginning, I'm personally on the fence about whether hijab works in lolita.

But wa lolita? I have NEVER seen a good wa lolita coord. Qi lolita is tricky but it can be done... but wa lolita is always too bulky to be flattering and is pretty much acknowledged as a beginner or weeb mistake.

Hence why if you want to argue for hijab in lolita don't bring up wa lolita. Thats like saying Chinese lolita brands can be great as demonstrated by Milanoo. Your argument may be right but your example isn't doing you any favors.

>> No.7467518

Thanks! And yeah, it's amazing how much of a difference face shape makes.

>> No.7467521

Europe and the middle east had the same culture back then, I guess.

>> No.7467526 [DELETED] 

Friendly reminder that in certain countries if a man sees you without your hijab on you're pretty much asking to get gang-raped.
Please keep that in mind when you bicker.

>> No.7467530

I really hope this is sarcasm. Otherwise, I didn't realise there were people who didn't know about the Crusades.

>> No.7467541

If you're at risk of being gang raped for not covering your hair I'm guessing dressing like a princess/giant toddler/whatever else normalfags think lolita is isn't on the agenda either. If you're at liberty to dress in lolita then you're at liberty to choose not to cover your hair.

>> No.7467547 [DELETED] 
File: 9 KB, 707x228, 1358286476001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, you're a dumb fuck. Of course it's sarcasm. You really need to work on your critical thinking skills.
>>Post woman in medieval Christian garb
>>Crosses and shit
>>suggest mudslimes wear it
>>You're a retard

>> No.7467549

This. Dressing like a cupcake isn't modest, and wearing a hijab does not automatically make it so.

>> No.7467554
File: 125 KB, 400x579, lolita-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If muslim lolitas are down with the hat idea, maybe some hat inspiration would do some good. Both lolita + hat and hijab + hat. Of course, I'm not going to be able to find muslim lolitas with hats.

>> No.7467559

They can't show hair. Durr.

>> No.7467561

Different families and regions have different rules; some are more lax than others. One of the girls posted a bunch ITT is probably from southeast Asia and may not be subjected to the stricter rules of how to dress.

I live in the Toronto area and there are plenty of young, trendy-looking Muslim girls who wear bright colours and a lot of makeup with their hijabs. Many choose to wear the hijab while still keeping their looks and wardrobes fairly modern. I think it's interesting to see the variety between more traditional vs. modern wardrobes on local Muslim women.

>> No.7467562
File: 29 KB, 400x264, hifashion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here are some classy ladies with the hijab + hat combo

>> No.7467563

Most of these whores are in Europe (Specifically, England.) So no one is stopping them from taking that stupid shit off their heads and dressing normal.

>> No.7467567

That......that looks horrible. Mother of god. It's scary how bad that looks, especially the first one.

>> No.7467582



I'm sorry but that just looks like straight up shit.

>> No.7467586
File: 40 KB, 450x319, 2654946951_fffc926d8d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I admittedly don't have a lot to work with in my surface level searches.
I mostly want to bring up the idea of hat + hijab, and then we can move to what hats look good with lolita.
Since the basic principle would be to wear a hijab from the coord's colorscheme with a hat on top. It's not very complicated, but there you go. Visual representations of what that might look like. There's another hijab hat up here >>7467446

>> No.7467588
File: 431 KB, 400x600, no answer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omg western lolis are retarded
there are not these stupid rules
go talk to Japanese lolis ffs

>> No.7467590


>> No.7467593
File: 131 KB, 500x515, 1396317304502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So everyone get the concept? Get a hijab and get a hat and put it on top? Any pictures of hat lolitas with their hair down are with the assumption that a muslim girl will wear a complementary hijab underneath the hat? Yeah?
Cool. Let's talk hats.

>> No.7467596
File: 156 KB, 480x720, 1385431860253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7467597

Show neck plz. It just looks bad without hair hanging down, even short hair.

>> No.7467602

Oh, okay.
My bad, I completely misunderstood that. I'm sorry.

>> No.7467611
File: 120 KB, 500x750, 1390938419705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about some of the more voluminous hijabs like these ones? >>7467371 >>7467354 >>7467367 >>7467328

>> No.7467613

Cuter than every picture ITT.

>> No.7467618
File: 105 KB, 533x800, russian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course we know Sam doesn't wear hijabs, but if she was wearing a hijab underneath this red scarf, that'd be a look.

>> No.7467631

SUPER FUCKING CUTE. hijabs can work as long as there is some kind of head accessory to balance out the lower half of the body.

>> No.7467645 [DELETED] 

i'd rather be called a weeb
which im not
that have yall fools defile this pure fashion with your bull shit westernization
ugh i guess we should all just resort back to colonialism at this point

>> No.7467646

this is almost as bad as this girl wearing stripped heels and party attire with her hijab
wheres the modesty people

>> No.7467654 [DELETED] 

>>7466819 Dude, you do know that Islam =/= race/ethnicity, right?

>> No.7467656
File: 99 KB, 800x609, pastel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pastel ladies with hats (not lolita)

>> No.7467659

Oh you mean adherence to outdated religion standards doesn't make any sense? Who would have thought

>> No.7467678
File: 120 KB, 1199x1600, IMG_0048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

flower crown on a hijab

>> No.7467684
File: 907 KB, 684x599, 1359578650786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With hats I think it'd be best if the hat surrounded the whole head, instead of pinned hats like >>7467596
Since pinned hats need the volume of hair to balance it, and what the aim of hats and hijabs is for the hat to be the thing giving the volume.

>> No.7467693 [DELETED] 
File: 134 KB, 500x333, 1358184697001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess we should resort to colonization, to keep you stupid sandniggers from ruining pretty clothing with your rag heads. Your the ones who ruin the fashion, take that shit off your head or stfu.

>> No.7467701

This is strangely adorable.

>> No.7467708
File: 157 KB, 450x685, 1359580168177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7467710

OP coorded it well, I don't see why not.

>> No.7467715

Guys.... what if..... THEY COVERED THEIR REAL HAIR WITH A WIG?????????

>> No.7467721

whats the problem here with this? especially if its just like pink.

>> No.7467726


>> No.7467728

To some people it'd be like the equivalent of wearing a breast and labia/ass printed bikini to the beach.

Though in that one Sugar Coated documentary the one girl was fine with wearing wigs. It depends on the person and their religious beliefs.

>> No.7467730
File: 41 KB, 498x498, 1355508770773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>This whole thread
I am now more racist than I thought I was, and I didn't think that was possible.

>> No.7467733

wig and a scarf?

>> No.7467734

They look stupid and anyone who says otherwise is just trying to compensate because they feel bad for the girls who have to wear them.

>> No.7467738

Hijabs. They go around the head.

>> No.7467752

Nah. First time posting itt, and I actually think they look cute when done in a more elegant fashion. I do dislike them in sweet lolita and think most girls who try it end up looking pretty ita, though.

>> No.7467757

This. This whole thread is just a giant social justice hug box.

>> No.7467767

idk, it's a religious thing and it just shouldn't keep people out of the fashion. Most (all?) of the examples in this thread are horrid, but perhaps some inspiration can be found to fix it - the hat idea sounded nice.

>> No.7467784

This. It's sad to see this kind of thread on cgl. Religion doesnt belong in lolita and those head scarves just look idiotic. If you cant wear lolita because of your religion, that's too bad. Stop shitting up our fashion though and looking for asspats.

>> No.7467804

If head scarves don't belong to lolita, bonnets shouldn't as well because they also have a religious background, not to mention that the coif headwears that the veils that some brands made in the past look similar anyways, don't get me started on nun lolita.

>> No.7467830


Sounds like you have stories to share.

>> No.7467834

>religion doesn't belong in lolita
>welp better burn all those religious prints and cross motifs

>> No.7467838
File: 33 KB, 512x512, TrollLineAbove.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7467859

Hijabs can totally be cute and fashionable. I'm not a fan of sugarnoor's coords at all though. If I couldn't show my legs for whatever reason, I would wear tea-length dresses and boots, not jeans with a nice dress. It looks so awkward.

>> No.7467903

Bonnets fit the fashion. Victorian children, mother fucker, have you seen them?

>> No.7467908

Of course! I have seen many beautiful hijabi lolitas. It does not break any of the lolita rules and the hijab can be made quite cute and cooperative with the rest of the coord.

>> No.7467923

pics or it didn't happen

>> No.7468012 [DELETED] 

Many women who wear the hijab want to and aren't forced to. They wear it for religious and/or cultural reasons.

>> No.7468174

seconding. Muslims already shit up the whole Europe, why can't they stay in their arab countries and leave normal people alone? And shitting up fashions is just... Ugh. Like they are itas because they choose to, not because of lack of knowledge.

>> No.7468179
File: 901 KB, 300x225, sEgse4J.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>implying all arabs are muslim/all muslim come from middle east

>> No.7468199

thats a pretty good analogy you have man

>> No.7468202

I like how so many of you go on about "strict rorita rules" when trends fucking change over time. I'm not saying hijabs are a trend, but calling them out like they're the worst fucking thing on the planet just because Muh Wigs is a whole new level of retarded. Good coords are going to be good, bad coords are going to be bad headscarf or not. If someone can incorporate it well into a lolita coord great for them! if someone can't well, fucking fine, they get to go into the giant pile of shit coords just like every other shit coord.

>> No.7468208

Some hijab are cute, 8 times out of 10 they just look pathetic.

>> No.7468219

It's theologically unsound but we've had this discussion before on /cgl/.

Hijab is about unadorned modesty and no, your classical coord doesn't count. Lolita is about visual style in dress, the display of which is completely antithetical to the idea of hijab.

However, there are Muslims who some even though self-harm is haraam. Also, if you're not a Muslim but need to skirt religious dress laws in your area, I guess "hijab lolita" is the only way to go.

>> No.7468221

>>who some

>> No.7468229

No. It's not pretty at all.

That said, i'm not a complete fashion nazi so she should do as she pleases even if it doesn't fit my taste.

>> No.7468245

I personal don't think that it's as objectively attractive as less-covered-up-lolita, but I don't think there's any reason that should affect someone's behavior. No, it won't be following the fashion's rules, and no, it might not look as nice, but obviously if it's an important part of your religious or cultural values then you gotta do what you gotta do. You can still do your best to look as nice as possible, and enjoy the fun of wearing a fashion you enjoy.

>> No.7468259

Anything is better than split colored wigs.

>> No.7468304 [DELETED] 

Isn't a hijab just to cover up your hair?

Why not just wear a wig then? Or does it ruin your islam street cred if you don't specifically wrap a towel around your face?

>> No.7468316

It's more than just a veil. There's a spiritual dimension to it, one of unadorned simplicity and denial of external beauty.
As such, this whole combination is hard to grasp from an orthodox point of view. Maybe if you're a secular person living in a Muslim society, it's a matter of necessity. Loli+hijab is still stupid as all fuck.

>> No.7468352

I think that women wearing hijabs is empowering, just like women wearing nothing at all. Women can wear whatever they want and it doesn't mean anything. Of course, if they are forced to wear hijabs then it's disgusting.

>> No.7468506

/pol/ pls go home

>> No.7468516 [DELETED] 

Aren't hijabs' purpose to NOT draw attention to yourself? to be humbled and whatnot?

seems counter-intuitive.

>> No.7468518

you can just wear a wig too.
but sometimes you've got one with a cute pattern on it you want to put on.

>> No.7468522 [DELETED] 

This sort of reminds me of a Protestant sect in N. Europe. Their rules say you can't watch TV or listen to the radio so they figure the internet is okay, torrenting like crazy.

>> No.7468529 [DELETED] 


I think at this point it's just more of a cultural thing, like the way ankles couldn't be exposed during the victorian era but hey, off shoulder sleeves down to the boobs was okay.

The only thing that would make it hypocritical would be them adopting a holier than thou attitude about their covered hair. Having covered hair doesn't make anyone less of a whore.

>> No.7468563

This is what I was thinking. Lolita aside, even, some of these hijabs are obviously going to be eye-catching, and I've seen some that are absolutely beautiful. Is it about not showing your "natural ornamentation" but something not of your body is fine, even if that thing is incredibly elegant/stands out a lot?

>> No.7468579
File: 64 KB, 400x715, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty flowers for spring

>> No.7468583
File: 90 KB, 533x800, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ornate like a bonnet

>> No.7468642 [DELETED] 

Nope, it's also a prohibition of any dazzling display. The idea of modern fashion runs counter to the spirit of the hijab, so I'd be surprised if loli were exempt from this.

>> No.7468663

but loli is dazzling displays

>> No.7468667 [DELETED] 

Maybe hair has a strong sexual connotation in those people countries, se without being an overzealous religious modestfag you wouldn't show your hair.

>> No.7468671 [DELETED] 

It honestly depends on how devote the area is. A lot of more modernized areas/sects do still have the dressing culturally engrained but the significance of it stops there. It is possible to modernize one's religious/cultural dress.

>> No.7469062 [DELETED] 
File: 83 KB, 1571x152, muslim propaganda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck? Why was this post deleted??

>> No.7469079 [DELETED] 


>Implying they're not indoctrinated from when they're young

>> No.7469080 [DELETED] 

are amish people disgusting then?

>> No.7469123

Pants under a skirt is retarded. I don't care why you're wearing them, it looks stupid.

She easily could have worn thick tights, or even leggings, and it would have been just as modest. Her ass is covered by the dress. The dress goes to her knees. It covers all the nono bits.

The jeans just look stupid. Aside from that it's really cute.

She looks terrible.

>Normal, looks like men's dress shirt that's giant
>shitty sneakers

The hijab is cute, but she looks like a mess.

That looks beautiful. Hijabs really do look a lot nicer with classic and gothic coords.

I don't like how huge the bow looks though. A smaller bow would have looked much nicer, because usually with a bow that big you'd have big hair to go with it.

This also looks really nice.

I agree with you completely, anon.

If they're from a family that will allow them to wear tights under their dresses, go for it. Wear your hijab and be cute as hell. But if you need to destroy the aesthetic of the fashion to wear it, you're not even really wearing it anymore.

This is really beautiful. I wish I could tie my hair up in pretty scarves like that, but all the rednecks would harass me.



>> No.7469159


I don't even fucking like Islam but I think the hijab is cute. There's no middle ground for people like me is there?

>> No.7469343

there's a girl in my comm who used to be kind of infamous for wearing hijabs with lolita.
nowadays she mostly wears aristocrat, but to be honest... I kind of want to see her in lolita again. She's got beautiful features. I think hijabs look fine with lolita as long as they're treates the same as any other accessory--color-coordinated and such.

>> No.7469488


I made a post above stating my opinion on Hajibs in lolita and it was deleted. No cussing or swearing, no provocative trolling or racism. I have no idea what the Janitor/Mod is doing especially when there are OT posts everywhere.

>> No.7469568

A shit ton of my posts got deleted. I got an 11 hour ban for saying hijabs look stupid. Janitor is on her period.

>> No.7469577

Reading this thread, then reading the archive made me realize this thread is pointless. You can't state how you really feel about hijabs, because that's racist and your post will be deleted. OP asked how we feel about hijabs, and we can't answer him/her truthfully. It's only racist if it's true.

>> No.7469581 [DELETED] 

Some butthurt mudslime cunt is going through the thread and reporting everything she doesn't agree with. May Mohamed rape your daughters in hell, whore.

>> No.7469655


I even started my deleted post with "Not being racist or anything but.." I have no idea what kind of opposing opinions we are supposed to have, I didn't even think mine was particularly controversial in any such way.

>> No.7469722

There are plenty of people in this thread who say hijabs are ugly/don't fit the fashion/lolita is not modest enough for hijab. Shitposts with slurs and /pol/ bullshit gets deleted. Also, this is really funny because most people who say "Not being racist but..." proceed to say something racist. Your post was probbaly shit, that's why it got deleted. Read the other opposing posts in this thread if you can't figure out how to follow the rules.

>> No.7469872

>proceed to say something racist.

But I didn't say anything racist (because guess what, I'm not a racist) I just said that the Hajib doesn't have a place in lolita fashion because it is culturally different. There was no /pol/ shit or racist slur, there are opposing points in this thread far more offensive than anything I said which haven't been deleted.

>> No.7469882

>Shitposts with slurs and /pol/ bullshit gets deleted.
No random shit does. Your post is OT as fuck and it won't get deleted because the janitor is shit and deletes random shit and bans people for no reason.

>> No.7469888

Hate the silhouette of a hijab, personally, but I think it could probably look really good in gothic if done right.

/cgl/ is becoming more and more pointless. This is 4chan, jfc.

>> No.7469889 [DELETED] 

Fucking sandniggers following me even in lolita.

>> No.7469898


Thank you.

>hijabs are ugly
>Your post was probbaly shit

These are both far more incindiary than anything I have contributed to this thread. The decisions for deleting posts seems completely arbitrary and now the thread has been derailed as a result.

I'm not going to pretend 4chan is some kind of bastion of free speech but this is just bad moderation; it's not even about an appeal to personal morals, it's about jeopardizing on topic discussion with arbitrary rule enforcement which will then make future threads impossible to have. I'm just going to email moot about this.

>> No.7469900

wow i never thought i'd think this style is cute

>> No.7469904 [DELETED] 

I think that is a really cute idea
Jews can do it, but most Muslims can't
I think that it's the difference between "dressing for men" and "dressing for women". A woman's hair in most middle-eastern cultures is considered to be the embodiment of her femininity and showing it was as sexy as showing a ton of cleavage. So hijab-loli is not immodest in that way, even though it is very showy. It's cute, not sexy.

>> No.7469905

I don't think they go with lolita simply because of style. Just like a classical loli cream blouse doesn't go with a lavender milky planet OP and a jeans oversize jacket doesn't go with iron gate.

It looks like shit.
But it's their religion and their religion include looking like shit so whatever.

>> No.7469920

>it's their religion and their religion include looking like shit
i lol'd
I agree, it definitely doesn't suit Lolita fashion at all.

>> No.7469925 [DELETED] 

yes, it has nothing to do with men in that area oppressing and controlling all the women. Nope. Not at all. And these women willingly wear them, it's so sad.

>> No.7469928 [DELETED] 

And yet women in the west willingly cover their tits and pussies up because those things are considered sexual, wow, who thought cultures could be different. It's so sad!

>> No.7469930 [DELETED] 

>missing the point

>> No.7469937 [DELETED] 

I know you are, but seriously. Do you really think women in the west dress the way they do for themselves? Do you think it has nothing to do with men? If you do you're the stupid one here.

>> No.7469949 [DELETED] 

You know where you are?
Yeah, lolita has so much to do with men, right.

>> No.7469962 [DELETED] 

>comparing an alt fashion to mainstream fashion and culturally acceptable sexuality
I see you're just in this to argue, I'll be taking my leave since you never actually entered the conversation.

>> No.7469994 [DELETED] 

>women wear gladiator sandals, uggs, the latest "in" miniskirt and ridiculous make-up featured in vogue to please men!
>even though said men claim time and again that they prefer women without make-up and with normal clothing
Even IF they wore it for men, it would still be in order to compete with other women. Stop deluding yourself, the world doesn't revolve around your tiny penis.

>> No.7470005

what has become of my thread ( -̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥᷄◞ω◟-̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥᷅ )

>> No.7470008 [DELETED] 

>but what about the lesbians?

>> No.7470316

this is really great, but why pink shoes....

>> No.7470325

I think Lolitas who wear hijab have to work harder to have the rest of their coordinate fit very well into the Lolita aesthetic because hijab are not a very common thing to be worn with Lolita fashion at all. There, opinion on the item itself, not anything else. Racist? No. You could substitute any other garment or accessory for hijab, it's true for anyone who wears something out of the ordinary with Lolita. I feel similarly about peacock feathers and net gloves and stocking.

>> No.7470338


Did you not fucking expect shit to go down in a thread about fucking headscarves on fucking 4chan, you fucking emoticonning newfag.

>> No.7470356

Why do people keep thinking only children wore bonnets. Bonnets aren't a children thing, women of all ages wore bonnets.

>> No.7470577 [DELETED] 
File: 79 KB, 1330x587, janiteer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT, stupid things the janitor finds offensive and removes under, "racist trolling." Lets call them hate facts.

>> No.7470600 [DELETED] 

Janitor confirmed for Denmark. Only some librul white guilt trash from a nordic country could do shit like this.

>> No.7470605 [DELETED] 
File: 18 KB, 200x255, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps she's kebab herself. But my money's still on 'SJW cunt'.

>> No.7471565 [DELETED] 
File: 79 KB, 1330x587, deleted.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7471898

Janitor confirmed for fat Scandinavian social justice cunt. I keep complaining to moot, but he won't answer. :(

>> No.7471930

Some of these hijabs are just so pretty, I wish I could wear one sometime, but fucking sjws screaming about steelin kulcherrr

>> No.7471949

Just don't call them hijab and no one gives a fuck, many woman wear head scarves as protection against the sun.

>> No.7472205

All this thread is proving to me is that hijabs look fucking hideous in lolita. The only nice looking outfits in this thread are just that-nice outfits-but not lolita at all. Hijabs don't fit the lolita atheistic at all, and since they're usually combined with the pants, no neck, etc. It looks terrible. End of story.

If they want to dress that way....sure....but it still looks fucking hideous and I'm tired of this tumblr crap on 4chan. Take your hugbox and go. People don't deserve special privileges and passes in fashion because their religion is holding them back.

>> No.7473285

reminder to appreciate allah, lest you annoy our janitor


>> No.7473289

If your religion says no, stop being a sheep and get out of that religion or choose another fashion

inb4 i get banned by janitor for having an opinion

>> No.7473294

that's what they are though. If you want to protect your face from the sun in lolita, you can wear a sun hat or bonnet. Hijabs dont belong in lolita. they're hideous, and all i can think of is how oppressed and sad this woman is.