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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7459022 No.7459022 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread is being autosaged >>7449856

Do you have a know-it-alls in your comm? Is your comm being gossipy again? Are there lolitas in your comm ruling with an iron fist? Does your comm suck so bad that you're a lone lolita? Time for another round of lolita comm rants.

>> No.7459030

Come back Chinese Lolita, I was waiting to hear more from the last thread...

>> No.7459206

Yes!!! Seconded! I'm excited to hear more.

>> No.7459235

Those tea parties always look so fun..are they?

>> No.7459240

Depends on your community. If you enjoy their company, you'll enjoy their tea parties. If you hate the girls who are in your group, you'll be miserable.

>> No.7459269

me tooo i've been waiting

>> No.7459272

I think teas are fun but this one looks a little cramped. They haven't even brought the trays in yet and the table is crowded. Where was it?

>> No.7459428

How many of you guys are really close to other girls in your comm? Like talk almost every day? And if you're not do you hate the ones who are?

>> No.7459627

What I hate most about my comm?

The fact that at least 80% post and lurk on CGL.
You can't have a rant about members, sales, events or outfits as whiteknights for the comm will appear, sound the alarm and then shitpost till the sun comes up.

>> No.7459937

Are you from Ohio or Australia?

>> No.7459974

Oh wow I didn't think anyone was interested anymore.

In the last thread an anon asked about Taiwanese comms, and I'll elaborate here. Taiwan and China's political tension is an issue, and there's a pretty strong division in the people too. Taiwanese media like to think all Chinese are poor farmers who can't even afford to eat boiled eggs and use
washing machines to wash potatoes, and online there's not much of a crossover either. Facebook is banned in China, but not in Taiwan, so it's more actively used there. Taiwanese comms will come to the baidu forums occasionally to post about their meetups, and a few individuals might have a weibo, but the best bet is to look on facebook.

The biggest bane of the Chinese lolita community is cosplayers. Since cosplay is so often in the national media coverage, and normies don't know any better, it's painfully hard to differentiate that lolita isn't a costume and is rather expensive. The word 'loli' as in from lolicon is also prevalent in mainstream slang, so there's a sensitivity on how it's written. 萝莉 is loli as in young child, 洛丽塔 or 萝莉塔 is the lolita fashion term, but again people have trouble differentiating.

>> No.7459977

I'm not, we mostly just see each other at occasional meets. The 'leader' doesn't call meets often because she only has a couple of dresses. We are all very different and aside from my friendship with one, even all our ideas about Lolita are different. I'm not jealous that other comms are closer though because I feel more free to follow my own style within the Lolita rules when I'm by myself.

>> No.7459983

We are, we are! The last thread was so close to autosage and you said you were off to bed so we waited lol! Tell us everything! What do Chinese Lolitas think of American ones? How are their coordinates and styles different from other Lolitas?

>> No.7459979
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Continuing the gripe about cosplayers, it's not that cosplaying itself is seen as bad by the lolita community, it's the population and mentality involved. Cosplayers are usually much younger than lolitas, 14-20 or so, and don't have much money to spend. Their focus on lolita isn't to wear the clothes or do good coordinates but to take photos and do photoshoots then sell the whole lot off, wig and shoes and everything, in one set. This irks many because they can often wear a full set for free, like one girl recently bought the Meta Swan Lake in pink with headbow and socks for 1700 rmb and haggled for free shipping. Wore it twice to anime conventions and took some photos and turned around and sold it for the exact same price, socks and all. Lemme look for that photo, but first have some classic Chinese 'cosloli'.

>> No.7459987

Haha, still looks better than western itas.

>> No.7459997
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Another thing about coslolis is their love of cosplay wigs and Chinese brands, because of their low price and accessibility. An average cosplay outfit (say school uniform) will run about 150-200 rmb, and a wig is 80-120 rmb. Chinese brands are mostly 300 - 500 rmb so very cost friendly and they're almost always in stock and don't have to use an SS. Here's a pic from Swan Lake girl, notice how she wears stockings inside the socks so she can retain value to sell them.

>> No.7460006
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Classic cosloli here, wearing a Kagamine Rin wig, some weird ass sharpie splotches on her face, over-photoshopped and over-saturated photos, 2rmb accessories from taobao (I had that exact bunny pendant) and Chinese brand dress from Ootsuka fabric. 2 days after posting her photoshoot thread and getting all the comments, she sold the entire set minus wig, even the playing cards and props she used in the shoot.

Chinese lolitas like to wear safer and more matchy matchy coords, long black hair in twintails is standard in sweet, and Baby is the most popular brand. They love Russian lolitas because they're classy and well-dressed with very ideal figures and features. American lolitas are kinda meh to us, sometimes Chinese lolitas abroad post threads about meetups or fashion shows at cons abroad. We appreciate a creative coord, but are usually more concerned about whether or not they wear it well, so fatties and badly put-together individuals aren't as well looked upon. However the atmosphere in the main forums are pretty polite so people usually won't say anything about it directly.

>> No.7460009

What about French and English lolitas ? And general consensu about famous western ons (Xylia, Pixie-late, Lunie ?)

>> No.7460016

So besides cosloli, what is 'ita'? I'm guessing there are fewer fat or badly out together Lolitas there?

>> No.7460017

Just went to read the baidu Lolita吧, god you chinese lolis are hilarious. I want in on the drama and emoji spam.

>> No.7460035

I'm quite close to a few girls in my comm. I speak to them on Facebook most days.

>> No.7460066


How close is close? I have 2 girls that I regularly talk to via email, phone and whatsapp, we have BJDs, anime and lolita as hobbies in common (I actually met one through a BJD meetup and the other from a convention).

Then there's another 2-3 more that sometimes message me on facebook (I message them too. I'm not unfriendly, just sometimes out of topics to talk about. I'm not crazy nuts over everything AP puts out, so after this girl is done gushing over the latest print the convo kind of peters out).

We're not exactly besties forever, and we don't tell each other our closest secrets, if that's what you mean. But, I am actually trying to get the first group of girls together, outside of the rest of the lolita comm, so we can discuss things for the next con we're all attending. I hope the rest of the lolita comm doesn't think we're being elitist or exclusionary, we just really needed to meet up and spend an hour hashing out our room arrangements.

>> No.7460148

There's not much coverage on Western lolitas because they don't have Chinese blogs or run on weibo. Occasionally one of the famous Chinese lolis will steal some pics from tumblr and people will reblog a couple hundred times with "oh how cute" but they're not well known over there. French and English lolitas aren't well known either, but there's a general consensus they're pretty classy.

Ita is translated literally, 痛lo。 There are itas but they don't post much and aren't the egotistical lolcows like the Western ones so mostly they disappear pretty quickly or improve. The best drama involves the already famous ones, I‘ll cover a few later if I feel like it.

The drama is mostly centered around weibo screencaps, I'll share some later but it's not very juicy if you can't read the Chinese screencaps.

There's this recent one about some girl (let's call her Amy) on weibo posting about a supposed 'friend' (Bella) who got into lolita at the same time as her, but was a little less well off. They started buying Japanese brand together, and the Bella would constantly try to get Amy to sell her brand to her for cheap, like a $300 retail dress for $150. They were family friends and Chinese family values dictate you have to be generous to your relatives and close friends, so Amy did a couple times. It got obnoxious when Bella asked for some really rare Baby dresses (Angel's Blessing or something, idk the name in English I don't really like Baby) for super cheap, even when Amy had already promised them to another lolita online. Bella went behind Amy's back and cried to Amy's mom that she wasn't being fair and wasn't sharing. Mom not knowing any better just gave away the dresses to her for free, and scolded Amy for being selfish. So she posted the weibo to demand the dresses back.

>> No.7460212

I can read Chinese screencaps so I'm interested.

Also, that story about the mom giving the dress away for free has a Western counterpart, I feel like I just read it recently in a lolita horror stories thread. Are there lolita urban legends now??? Unless maybe OP of the story was in China all along?

>> No.7460274

Angry anon is probably from somewhere else. The Ohio hating anon just calls everyone fat and ugly and everyone pretty much accepts that Australia is going through some shit right now.

>> No.7460307

THIS so much.

>> No.7460340

I feel you. It's not so bad now but my comm used to be outwardly very anti-/cgl/ yet somehow always patrolling it to see if one of them got posted. When I commented on how this hypocritical watchdog behaviour was a bit off-putting they jumped my post saying things like "don't think we don't know who you are!" and suggesting they were going to smoke me out and boot me out of the comm. I hadn't even joined it yet. It put me off joining for a long time until I met some of the saner members IRL.
It's mostly the fact that the self-appointed leader and her cronies were huge dramacows (but naturally claim to haaate drama, you guys~) and wanted to be in the center of attention all the time that gave the comm as a whole such a bad vibe online. Fortunately they're not as present in the comm anymore, the leader's "power" is slipping now that anyone can just buy from the brands directly rather than through her.

>> No.7460374

I'm close to 1 other girl in my comm, we talk on facebook every other day at least, hang out outside of loli regularly, etc
I know some other people in the group are privately better friends with some than others, and hang out outside of loli, I used to be jealous but I got over it.

>> No.7460392

>The Ohio hating anon just calls everyone fat and ugly and everyone pretty much accepts that Australia is going through some shit right now.
There's multiple Ohio hating anons. It does get kind of annoying when you're in a community all about aesthetics, but EVERYONE looks like shit aside from 2-3 girls.

>> No.7460587

I think that's just the way the world is. Mostly average to badly dressed people.

If those anons are so angry, why don't they just invite the few well dressed ones to a secret group. That's how sub comms are made anyway.

There was some girl in the Ohio comm last year (I think) who posted an event for only well dressed girls between the ages of 14 and 20. She obviously had the wrong idea there.

>> No.7460703

Because people get very mad over secret comms and subgroups? There is no easy answer, as people are discovering.
If you only invite who you consider well-dressed to meets, and there are other members, they are going to get bent. I'm not in favor of official area comms or open comms at all. Private, hand-picked meet groups just function better. But if you've already got an area comm, it's hard to branch off and just create a small, focused comm.

>> No.7460731

The core group in my comm are all pretty close. We sometimes hang out outside of Lolita, and also cosplay together (separately from Lolita, but the groups overlap). We also have meets at each other's houses. But we also try to make an effort to be really inclusive of new people, especially at big events where we get a lot of visitors.

>> No.7460741

Well, people also get mad when you post their pictures online because an anon thinks they're too ugly to be seen with.

It sounds like you're just looking to hang out with your friends. It's impractical for there not to be large area comms.

>> No.7460742

I hear the Austin comm is really friendly and I kind of want to join, but I'm kind of nervous. Anyone here ever been to an Austin comm meetup? How was it? Are the lolitas as nice as I hear?

I really want to attend a tea party... I know that's apparently been done to death but I've never been to one.

>> No.7460766

I'm seeing that sometimes the larger area comms are becoming more impractical, actually.
If they work, that's peachy. But in some places they are a joke and just for appearances or worse still, the good people have abandoned them to the noobs and itas.
In some places, people don't go to the meets, they get with their friends for informal meets more because their main comm has just gone downhill.

>> No.7460781

yeah, it could be more beneficial towards working for a healthy community if groups of friends met more regularly and then maybe they got together for area-wide events every so often, as a larger show of support for the fashion (you know, things like ILD etc). then you don't have people trying to be super friends with somebody who just cares that they're wearing the same clothes for a while - they'd be in different groups of friends anyway.

>> No.7460790

People especially don't want to get with those who are badly dressed for pix on ILD though. That's just common sense. It would be nice to be less vain than that but most people aren't.

>> No.7460821

I am - we're a small group who've been friends for a few years now and hang out, eat over, go on vacations together, stuff like that. We still like doing things with the main comm, and we do stuff out of lolita, but it is very nice to have actual real friends to just frill up with for no reason.

>> No.7460820

well then arrange everyone by how nice their coord is and then you can crop out the bad ones

i mean come on anon, sorry some lolitas have to take pictures or meet up sometimes with people who aren't as perfectly adorned as themselves, deal with it or grow some balls and kick them out and put wardrobe rules on your comm

>> No.7460824

What's the North Carolina community like? I've only ever seen them on Cosplay.com

>> No.7460835

>gave away the dresses to her for free
I hope Amy does the same to Bella's mom and gets them back.

>> No.7460852

Yeah, I thought that's what large groups were for. You join and go to your first meet to make a good impression and make friends with the crowd that you want to hang out with. Then you exchange numbers and meetup as friends later, no comm needed. Really, there's no need to be a huge bitch about it though.

>> No.7460856

Bitchy comment not directed at the anon I'm replying to, but to the anons that are upset at the mere existance of itas in their comm.

>> No.7460886

I'm in the Austin Comm, we would love it if you attended the Easter meet! In the past month its been the same ~8-10 girls coming to meetups and we're all reasonably well dresses and fun and accommodating! :)

>> No.7460888

take shots of like, 'all the people in baby' because it will be 'sooo cute if we have individual brand shots' or something.
That may work, just take more photos and then only keep the good ones

>> No.7460896

Yes, the one about the girl who laid out her Sugary Carnival to sell and her mom gave it away to a little girl who was visiting? I think it just happened to be a similar situation.

>> No.7460901

This this
hell my comm is pretty damn blatant about it, one of the brand-loving girls usually says "let's have a brand photo!" and that's how they get all the serious well-dressed people in one shot
does it piss off some itas? I don't know, who cares? I certainly don't
You could also do a "print only" photo to get people dressed well but in indie, idk there's a lot of ways you could do this, it depends on your group.

>> No.7460903


>> No.7460916

Um, that's pretty much it, though. Some spoiled brat was over visiting, and she'd laid out the dress to take pictures, and while she was gone, her mother gave away the dress, because she thought it was childish. By the time she told the story, it had already been a while, so even though everyone got up in arms and told her to demand the dress back, I don't think she ever did. It was the height of the SC hype, too.

>> No.7460917

oh... well thats a shame. Nothing to do about it I guess, stupid moms be stupid.

>> No.7460939

i think at the meet i went to, they did this

and i didn't feel bad! it makes sense! i mean, i knew i wasn't as super nicely dressed as the rest of the girls. it's cute to have pics of the community that look really good, too, even if you're not in them lol

>> No.7460942

Was this the same dress that got cut up into a skirt so the younger girl could wear it?

>> No.7460946

I think that was Swan Lake

>> No.7460948

Ooh, that sounds lovely! ;A; Thank you, kind anon. I sent a join request on Facebook.

>> No.7460952

Nah, we just have a private meet on ILD. But that just talks the topic back in a circle. Large open comms aren't going to put in restrictive enough rules for dress and/or behavior so people will just keep meeting on the side. Why is this not ok? It causes some squabbling occasionally but not a dire war. It would be kind of funny to stick the itas on the end and crop them though. Do people do that?

>> No.7460956

Oh my god I'm going to start doing this. I've been in so many group photos where my entire coord is hidden behind some hambeast in an etsy monstrosity. I just want to have cute pictures.

>> No.7460958

That's good you weren't offended, I say I don't care but I do feel a little twinge of guilt

>> No.7460959

Did it piss people off though? I think it's a good idea.

>> No.7460968

As far as I know it didn't, no one made a fuss about it at least.
And if they did.. my comm doesn't care too much, they are not "mean" or anything but they don't have a lot of tolerance for anti-brandwhore types. Not that everyone wears brand all the time, they just don't like that attitude, I'm sure you all know what I mean.

>> No.7460971

In my comm, they are good about arranging photos so that the it's are in the back--it's good because then they don't mess up the picture much, and no one gets offended.

>> No.7460980

Yep. And if people would get less bent over that sort of thing more of everyone would relax and have a better time. Like brand? Cool, wear it, it's a big deal to some. Don't like it? Also cool but don't bitch about those who like their burando and to take pix and make a thing about it. Why not? It's fun.

>> No.7460984

We have a couple of very short, wide itas. I'm going to see if we can't stick them on the end or sitting down in the front, I think.

>> No.7460994

Dang now I'm going to feel paranoid every time I get put to the side or back of a photo.
My local comm also did a "favorite print" meetup where they wanted everyone to wear a rare or coveted print. I think the more specific y our meet, the less you run the risk of getting itas who own one hot topic dress, though you also run the risk of only getting 2-3 people coming, or less. Maybe pay attention to the wardrobes of people you really like in your comm and try to make up a theme based on that?

>> No.7461008

Well, tall people also end up towards the back, even if they're well-dressed. So unless you're super short I wouldn't worry too much, haha.

>> No.7461015

>implying brand means someone is well dressed

>> No.7461018

You can also do a color scheme group photo, like gothic, sweet, pastels, classic, etc. That gets rid of at least one of the badly dressed ones in some of the pictures.

>> No.7461023

I always get stuck in the back too because I am a little bit taller than average, and I'm too shy to force my way to the front. ):

>> No.7461022

So you expect us to do an "only well-dressed people" photo? Lol, yeah try that and see how it goes over

>> No.7461153


The North Carolina Community is great. Very welcoming, low drama. Most girls are located in either Charlotte or Raleigh.

Like any state you have your itas, your average, and your fabulous dressed girls.

The girls who are good though, are really fucking good.

>> No.7461159

>mfw hours from both
Closest I get to the lovely NC lolis is at Animazement and gosh, they're my heroes wearing frills in that fucking heat and with all the unsealed troll paint around.

>> No.7461162

Do any comms ban replicas and replica-wearers?

>> No.7461164

I know some meetups do. This is why I did not help found and don't admin or mod for my comm, they tolerate replicas and I do not. This way the official com can be open but you bet I host 'no replica' meets occasionally myself.

>> No.7461168

i remember at the meet i went to, a couple people were wearing kidsyoyo replicas, and others were mostly interested in seeing what the quality was like rather than judging them for buying a replica

>> No.7461210

In SoCal, they're only outright banned for sponsored events, but a lot of the sub-communities frown on them normally and encourage newbies to find other alternatives.

>> No.7461349

The ones who go to meets are good. The Facebooks are an ita circlejerk.

>> No.7461526

You're right, I guess it was slightly different. Here I got all excited that urban legends were erupting within our niche community haha.

>> No.7461587

Yep. Someone made a spoiled brand princess post in reference to preferring bodyline and several people just kind of :| her into shame.

Speaking of the SoCal comms, considering there seems to be a lot of positivity in the last thread, who are the main players on the scene?

>> No.7461590

I wish we had an urban legend...

>> No.7461610

There's several subgroups--LA, SD, and OC are the biggest ones. LA is pretty scattered, but SD and OC both have small mod teams that take care of the Facebook pages and arrange events.

>> No.7461652

Yeah, now I'm paranoid too. Every group photo, someone always tells me to stand in the back but they never really direct anyone else. I'm over 6 feet if I'm wearing heels, though, so that's understandable...I would stand in the back on my own even if they didn't tell me...

>> No.7461688
File: 70 KB, 640x960, xiaoyu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chinese lolita! Can you give me sauce on this girl?

>> No.7461705

Another tall here, Anon. It's because of your height, don't worry. But that gets old. You can go plant yourself in the middle at first and say 'I want my skirt to show this time, you guys gather around me for one pix, please. I've done that. Or I sit in front and spread my skirt sometimes.

>> No.7461734

I'm tall, too (5' 9") so when I really want my outfit to show, I do the "one knee" pose in the front. Looks nice, and minimum contact with the ground.

>> No.7461851

Does it really matter? We have a pretty large group, but I doubt any of us think of anyone else as a "main player" or anything regarding rank. At best, it'd be the group that runs Fairytale Boutique (Sami, Haley, Miki) but that's mainly because they host a lot of the events.

>> No.7461863

A burando princess hating on Bodyline? That gets old. I can understand not liking replicas I guess but not just griping about ok budget wear if the person is dressed well. What's up with that?

>> No.7461887


There seem to be sub groups or private groups or local whatever for the really well dressed girls in NC or something. I see photos of them all over my dash but they don't seem to attend the larger NC meet ups that much.

>> No.7461910

Im not Chinese lolita, but I know she lives in NYC right now. I have been kind of curious about her too coz her coords are gorgeous.

>> No.7461966

It was actually the other way around where the spoiled princesses were girls who chose brand over bodyline. Sorry if that was unclear, poor wording.

>> No.7461987

Ugh, that always just ends up sounding ignorant and jelly or like sour grapes (or all three).

>> No.7462276

there's that tale about the brandwhore hosting a panel at a local con copypasta. Does that count?

>> No.7462279


Hey, what's the general chinese consensus then on indie taobao brands? I know there's a huge amount of drama around KL, but any drama around other brands as well? How are the indie taobao brands seen in China?

>> No.7462281


I feel like that needs to be toned down a bit to be accepted as a legend rather than just a collection of the worst stereotypes

>> No.7462285

I haven't heard it, link please?

>> No.7462288

What is the drama around KL?

>> No.7462297

Chinese-anon can correct me if I'm off here, but from what I recall from some loosely translated caps, Krad lies about the material they use to make their dresses?

>> No.7462306
File: 64 KB, 1227x177, 1396107507537.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I can't find it in the archives right now, but it had something to do with the person who made the original design for Lost In Sea not getting any credit or money for the end design because the owner of KL modified it a bit and thus bypassed any sort of copyright law (at least in China).

There's also the one about KL potentially lying about the fabric for the Mozarabic Chant dress being 30% wool. I can believe that they lied, considering that my Mariage in Bourgnogne skirt is made of VELVET fabric, yet on the washing instructions it says '100% cotton' (lining is 100% polyester). Wat. Is that even possible.

Speaking of my earlier question >>7462279, I am an eejit. Pic related. Sorry Chinese Gossip girl, was an idiot and didn't check the archives.

>> No.7462352

cotton velvet is possible - it's just usually called "velveteen" and has a different texture/sheen than silk or polyester velvet

>> No.7462353

Cotton velvet is a fabric. Cotton is the fiber, velvet is the type of weave. Most likely, though, it's polyester velvet.

>> No.7462357


Thank you for the clarification! The texture makes me think still that it's probably polyester, but I'm not exactly willing to burn the cloth. If I get a stray thread though sometime, I'll do that. I'm just really curious.

>> No.7462374

I heard they also used the wrong Thread on making the dress which is why it comes apart reaaaly easily.

>> No.7462379


She also posts on Closet of Frills (like her coord for the Misako meet in NYC a while back)

>> No.7462622

Hi guys! I'm back~ It really motivates me when you ask questions, and makes the talking points easier. KL has a bunch of drama, I'm not sure about the fabric thing but I own/ed quite a few of their dresses so I'll talk a bit about my experience with them.

KL's drama in China
- Owner supposedly made a couple hundred thousand only in profit in her first 2 years of launching the brand
- Their shitty production runs and poor scheduling
- The owner never wears her own or other Chinese brand, only Japanese brand
- The owner and the designer (Krad and Kinyo) fell out, Kinyo now has her own brand (Dark Box) which used to be a sister brand

If anyone's seen the original design of the jellyfish dress and the finished product, there's quite a difference. The artist was an 'inspiration' and received a dress (or was supposed to, I don't know if it fell through) for her contribution. The actual high-def print was drawn by KL's in house designer. I think this is fair, and the final product looks better anyway. Most of the time with artists and Chinese brand collabs, they get one piece (maybe multiple in different colorways or cuts sometimes). Monetary compensation is rare is most Chinese brands are small scale (boguta), but the more popular and established brands (R-series, Chess Story) will indeed pay their artists an lump sum for their contribution (1500 rmb or so) and maybe a portion out of each dress sold, and maybe another for rights to a rerelease. Chinese brands vary greatly from one another, so there is not one business model. Some more savvy artists may choose to copyright their design and sign contracts, but some may not. If an individual failed to protect their own rights and was exploited because of it, I feel they had it coming and learned a lesson.


>> No.7462627

I own Mozarabic Chant, Phantom of the Opera (now sold), Jellyfish OP, and Le Chuchote d'ete (that plain gathered chiffon one). I can vouch that their printed quality is exquisite, and amazingly clear. I own some brand pieces which are much lower in print quality, like the notoriously blurry Star Money, and the new release of Dream Sky which has a white border around some of the stars where the rollers were slightly misaligned. The fabric is always luxurious and soft and the stitching is perfect, I've never had any problems with running dye. However the chiffon dress snags super easily but I can forgive since it was one of their earliest items and relatively cheap. I don't know about the supposed wrong thread situation, but none of my KL dresses have even pulled at the seams, so I highly doubt that's true. MC is printed on a wool-blend suit fabric, and feels expensive and silky. I've had 2 threads pull on it (from my cats) and it's pretty minor and the fabric is really tightly woven. Not enough to do a burn test, but I don't see why they would need to lie about the fabric content. Any amount of wool, even 30%, is really rare in lolita dresses where many things are 100% polyester.

1 more piece of drama I forgot:
- Their early pieces where all mimicking MMM's style

>> No.7462633

Does Hawaii have an active comm? My fathers getting relocated there and i dont see much posting here or on live journal about it.. I just found the facebook but i wasnt sure if its worth trying to join if its unactive.

>> No.7462688

i dont know where else to post this
do you think it would be ok to wear j-fashion to a general lolita meetup, or would I have a better chance of just starting my own j-fashion comm?
I really want to go to a lolita meetup and meet gorgeous people but I dont really wear lolita and would likely be in fairy-kei
its not like i would be there to de-rail the meetup, mostly just take pictures and make friends
how well would it go over in your comm, seagulls?

>> No.7462700


>> No.7462702

Some Lolita comms allow general J-Fashion (especially if your area doesn't have a general J-Fashion comm already) but it's always polite to ask first anyway.

>> No.7462710

Our comm doesn't ban replicas. But I can understand replicas being banned at a sponsored brand party.

>> No.7462712


Definitely ask the comm moderator. My comm is lolita-only and won't allow it, we've had issues with creepers who say exactly what you say, they mostly want to meet gorgeous people, take photos and make friends.

(Creeper conveniently left out the part where he posted said photos on his personal fb instead of the lolita comm page, told everybody that the entire lolita comm is his personal harem, moderator found out when her juniors showed creeper's personal page to her. I think to this day he still doesn't understand how this "joke" isn't funny to the rest of us. Screening got a lot harder after that, I feel for the brolitas in this thread, but this is exactly why guys are treated with suspicion if they try to join).

>> No.7462713

I've been a lone loli for a while, what's the DC and Maryland comms like these days, anyone know?

>> No.7462715

Forever a lone brolita ;-;
I don't want to shit up the local comm, I'm not ready yet, but those creeps don't make it any easier to get into nice comms...

>> No.7462725

Who fucking cares if the owner doesn't wear their own brand, or other chinese brands?
All I've learnt from you, is Chinese lolitas are pathetic and bitch about the most pointless of things.

>> No.7462753


>All I've learnt from you is all lolitas are pathetic and bitch about the most pointless of things.


>> No.7462807

So two people have asked if they could bring their kids to a meet up so far.

How hard is it to get a fucking baby sitter?

>> No.7462816

I mean if they dress their kids up in lolita (Bodyline has a section), then it would be acceptable? Or at least like Sunday church going fancy to match with the frilly atmosphere.

>> No.7462818

It should never be okay to have kids at a meetup. I don't care how well-dressed they are; they're still likely to break shit, embarrass the lolitas in public, give the hosts a hard time... just no.

>> No.7462846

Under 10 is not acceptable but above that it's ok I guess if they dress up too.

>> No.7462855

13 should be the youngest accepted into comms, in my opinion.

>> No.7462861

Even 13 is a gamble, really. 13 year-olds tend to be overexcited weebs...

>> No.7462872

Woah, Dark Box was an offshoot? Interesting.. I think they have their own sister brand now too, don't they? I forget the name.

Do you have pics of the original design? Sounds like art theft and such are a huge problem even within China, let alone designs stolen from outside...

So salty. I feel lately like kl's fans are achieving a weird AP/Moitie/single-brand fangirl-like status where anything negative said about the brand is met with incoherent rage.

No. Do not bring your loud, obnoxious, messy brats to a meet up, under any circumstances. No one wants to be your babysitter.

I somewhat agree, though IMO under 14 is too young. High school is a good limit and the youngest usual age I see for lolitas.

>> No.7462879

High school and up is a better requirement. Hell, even the 18 year old high school girls in my comm annoy the crap out of me, and I'm late college.

>> No.7462881

I honestly think that if you're not old enough to get to the meet without your parents giving you a ride or chaperoning, you are too young to be in the community. This goes for those who are 13 and legally can't drive, but also those who are 17 and so sheltered that their parents have to follow them around all day. Because if you require that lifeline (or your parents won't let go of your hand), you're probably too naive and not mature enough yet to be engaging with strangers you likely met on the internet.

As for bringing your kids to a meet, I don't mind if it's a casual thing. I like kids and I like my friends' kids. Bringing them along to an off-site convention meet because they're at the con with you, or a smaller meet where a group is just getting together for lunch or something is just fine with me. But bringing them to a larger, more formal meet is definitely a no. Especially for things like trips to the theatre/museum/a tea salon where the kid would have to be on their 100% best behaviour to avoid disturbing people outside of your group, because that's not something you can guarantee even with the best kids in the world.

>> No.7462882

It wouldn't fly in mine. Dress code is a lolita coordinate. But it's also clearly stated so there isn't a grey area. It's not that we don't like other j-fashion styles, we just like to keep lolita meets lolita.

>> No.7462895

I always feel awkward around a bunch of minors, because I end up feeling like a babysitter. And it's uncomfortable to be around really young teens, because you never know what might set off them or their parents.

>> No.7462898

Babysitters can be expensive. If there children are well behaved and it's a child friendly location who cares? Get off your high horse.

>> No.7462904

Get off your self entitlement. Most people dont wants kids at a get together.

>> No.7462907

While I don't mind kids at certain meets, I think that it's a bit unfair (to the group AND to the kids) to bring them to a formal meet. For one thing, you can't always guarantee that a kid is going to behave perfectly. Even kids who are amazingly well-behaved can have bad days or bad moods.

Plus, they are going to be bored as fuck at most meets, and that's just not fair to them. There's only so long that an active kid can be entertained by himself in the company of a bunch of weird, frilly adults. So even if they don't act out, it's very likely they're not going to enjoy themselves all that much.

>> No.7462923

I don't like kids at meets. People behave differently at meets when they are around and you or someone has to do at least a little social ass-petting the parents asking after the kid's recent doings, etc. just no. Get a sitter. Gyaru mamas are pretty chill, the Lolita moms I've met weren't.

>> No.7462935

This. It's not a "high horse" (seriously, where does that even come in) to not want to be stuck with someone's brats when you're at a luxury fashion meet.

Yeah, babysitters are expensive... like the fashion itself. If you can't afford a babysitter, how do you afford lolita AND raising a kid?

>> No.7462977

I'm cool with kids at a picnic or park meet, but agree that they should be left at home for a tea house or museum. Luckily, both of the Lolita moms that I know are really great about knowing when it is and isn't appropriate for baby to come along.

>> No.7462989

>can afford a $250 dress
>can't afford to pay someone $40 to watch your kid for a few hours

>> No.7462991


>> No.7463005

I had the misfortune to end up at a tea party where only the high school students showed up, and I was so incredibly uncomfortable. They kept wanting to talk about things like drugs and their favorite kinds of porn, and I wouldn't have minded with an older group (though that certainly isn't appropriate tea party conversation!) but it was so awkward for me because they are all minors and I'm 30 and I felt like I had to keep on being the adult and redirecting the conversation.

>> No.7463008

Then drop your kid off at Mr. Yan's. Anywhere but at a meet where they're going to be obnoxious and ruin everyone's time.

>> No.7463014

>I felt like I had to keep on being the adult and redirecting the conversation.
I know that feel. It's the motherhenloli syndrome. You start by trying to redirect conversation and end up being responsible for everyone by the end of the day.

Do you all have your jackets? Parasols? Does anyone need to use the toilet?

... it's so weird. And almost seems inevitable. No matter how hard you fight the urge to become their teacher/chaperone/parent/whatever, it ends up happening through the course of the meet until you're trying not to rip your wig off and run screaming back to your car.

>> No.7463021

I'd like to see the original jellyfish design too.

What about grooming and makeup. I know lots of American Lolitas are hot messes, use cheap makeup and rarely if ever go to salon or to do beauty spa stuff. So are Chinese Lolitas more into the luxury as lifestyle thinking?

>> No.7463026


Are loli mums all single mothers or something?

>> No.7463029

Not in my comm--all of the loli moms where I am are married or have long-term boyfriends. But we also don't have a problem with people bringing kids when they aren't appropriate, either, thank goodness.

>> No.7463032

The ones I've met (which I only knew because they dragged their kid along) have been.

>> No.7463039

No, but a shocking number of them seem to have disinterested/less than ideal spouses. I know at least one of the lolimums I'm friends with often misses meets because her husband 'forgets' that he's supposed to be watching the kids and fucks off for a few hours at the last minute.

>> No.7463056

Just because kids are allowed at a place doesn't mean it's ok to bring them to a group meetup there. If you ask for your kids to come, you put the hostess and attendees on the spot. Suck it up and get a sitter, it's the cost you pay to be in the fashion. Some of us have a long drive, others customs taxes, others time and budget concerns. Just think of it as a kid tax. It's not bring on a high horse to not want to be forced to interact with someones children. Many Lolitas don't even like kids...anyone's. Lolita meets are for Lolita, not family time.

>> No.7463060

So she shouldn't rely on him. Just get a sitter, it's not so hard.

>> No.7463084


I like this print better, but to each their own I guess.

>> No.7463087

I don't think the outrage was because the invite was for only well dressed people, but more so the age range limits and the fact that it was listed as for girls only.

>> No.7463101

So the third image (the jsk) is the original? I like that one better, too.

>> No.7463102

I agree with you. It still sucks that it seems like so many lolitas have unreliable spouses/partners. It takes two people to make those kids. It really ought to be a mutual effort to raise them.

>> No.7463104

If this is the meet up I'm thinking of, I remember it was moreso the gender and age range that made the drama. She had it changed. Her reasoning for having the limits was because she "wanted to meet people more like her", a fair point, but I don't see why you couldn't just invite everyone and choose to talk to the people closer to your age. She wasn't even a lolita anyways. Haven't heard from her since. The whole thing was weird.

>> No.7463195

There's always this one bitch that thinks she's too good for every meet she goes too (that's not hosted by her friends). She would complain and whine throughout the whole day, then decide to fuck up every group picture by posing like a washed up hooker while holding a cigarette or cheap liquor she buys from the pharmacy. The issue is that it seems that most of the oldfags/popular kids excuse her behavior.

>> No.7463197

You mean soniabunny and leechy and infiniteneeya and such?

>> No.7463202
File: 66 KB, 852x455, cfd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know this girl?

>> No.7463206

I expect that one of these days, some adult woman involved in lolita and BJDs is going to get arrested when a parent finds her chatting with a kid about sex fanfic/RP stuff, naked little kid dolls, and lolita, and come to the wildest conclusions. It seems sometimes I'm the only grown-ass person involved in weeby shit who feels uncomfortable talking about lewd topics with underagers.

>> No.7463321

You aren't the only one. I won't join underage people in discussions with provocative topics. I'd have left that tea at the first convenient excuse...phone's buzzing, 'Oh my, something's come up so sorry, please excuse me...' once the talk turned to those topics.

I also do not suffer from the mother hen thing. I find scattered or immature Lolitas of any age to be tiresome and don't like to be around a pack of them. Some younger Lolitas are fabulous though. But usually they roll their eyes at those who act inappropriately too though.

>> No.7463386

Honestly; If people are talking about shit that's completely inappropriate it's probably better to ask them to stop than be forced to leave because of a bunch of cunts.

>> No.7463654
File: 32 KB, 440x586, hexagon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha, that's Anton, or Anton Lisa as we like to call her jokingly. Someone once commented (innocently or sarcastically) on a post of hers saying "You look like the Mona Lisa!" and it stuck. There's quite a bit about her, like how she only has like 1 pair of shoes and 2 blouses she wears all the time. Coords everything unnecessarily with long chiffon overdresses and long underdresses. Has a hexagonal face with saggy jowls.

>> No.7463662

>looks similar

..am I totally wrong or did I get dominated by this chick once

>> No.7463668
File: 78 KB, 440x930, replica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ohgod please tell, maybe that's how she gets her money for brand.

The coord she won best dressed with was with a replica Baby blouse, I guess unless it's a print replica Misako-sama won't notice. Also those shoes.

>> No.7463684
File: 20 KB, 306x542, same.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These same shoes again, and that overdress does NOT go with Unicorn okay. She sold it for 280rmb when you could get the same thing on taobao for less than 100. Also she has a history of trying to scalp Chinese brand non-print items on the international comms. I say trying, because she never sells, and ends up deducting a lot.

>> No.7463688

This I've noticed. Taobao underskirts for over $100 wat?

>> No.7463690
File: 38 KB, 440x788, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh and speaking of her sense of 'style', really she's not that good. She's thin and relatively pretty which makes many mediocre coords look acceptable, and sticks to safe color palettes and popular styling. It's easy in classic because florals + chiffon + brown always looks good, but if you see her sweet coords you can tell she's not at all creative or stylish, just good at following magazines. This was one of her 'creative' coords and it's the ugliest thing I've ever seen on a skinny, well-photographed, made-up, girl. Nothing matches anything, and apart from the main piece everything else looks like it came out of walmart.

>> No.7463693

Oh, anon. You are wonderful. I love all the dirt you have on everybody.

>> No.7463695

Is it just me or is the SoCal comm getting cattier? For example 've noticed that there is more distance between everyone well, even more than there was before.

>> No.7463698

What? Distance =/= catty,

There's a Lief tea party tomorrow, what are you talking about?

>> No.7463731

That is quite mean-spirited if it was said sarcastically, but I wouldn't be surprised considering the community. Victorianme is a lovely person; I have only ever known her to be nice, kindhearted, and stylistically on-point. She also has quite a collection of shoes and blouses, believe me. Her closet is astounding.

>> No.7463736
File: 67 KB, 362x612, large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chinese gossip anon, do you have any info on this girl? It seems like she really wants to be Japanese and even calls herself a Japanese name, from memory. She used to look really cute but I've noticed that the shoop has been getting more and more extreme and I'm not even sure what she looks like now. People said that she modeled for some of the Japanese brands but I've never seen her in any official brand ads.

>> No.7463741

It is just you, Anon.
I don't think a lot of us feel this way.

>> No.7463756

I think it's just you. If anything, it's gotten a lot less catty than it was three or four years ago. Plus it's honestly hard to judge the SoCal comm as a whole since it's split up so much.

>> No.7463818

Good luck if you are the only one there not joining in on it though. I wouldn't just sit there. Maybe if there were 1-2 others but >>7463005 said it was only HS students who showed up. I'd have noped right out.

>> No.7463871

Oh boo hoo, even if she has a hundred pairs of shoes and blouses, she only wears like 3 over and over. Chinese girls are catty as fuck, just not to anyone's face unless you're part of their inner circle and speak Chinese. It's the same with cosplayers, don't put people on a pedestal just because they're Asian. I'm here to dish the dirt and 80% of the communities are lovely, but nobody wants to hear about that so I'm the 20%.

That's Kiyohari, she's not a model and has never modelled for any Japanese brands. She shoops herself to hell and back and isn't actually a lolita and doesn't run those circles. She runs a photo studio for artistic shots and the dresses are just part of their package, her photos are mostly to advertise her studio. I don't know if this is popular overseas, but it's very common in China to go to a studio and pay 800-1000 or more for a all inclusive shoot (make-up, props, photo, editing, clothes etc.) They also do Japanese magazine (like Vivi) style shoots with yukata or gyaru type clothes. If you've ever seen Chinese wedding photos you'll understand. I've heard rumours that she's actually really fat (like 60kg at around 160cm) but has very little of it on her face, which is why she always wears the super frilly dresses and likes long cuts. She's great at shoop though, but is a 7-8/10 irl (depending on your level of yellow fever). There's a candid of her on lorp.miniban but it's quite a way back and the internet's not cooperating, I'll post later if I find it.

>> No.7463877

I really want to see that candid. Her photos are some of the very very few that get my jelly boiling so I'd like to see some less-than-flattering ones of her.

>> No.7463881

>I am so jelly of someone I want to see them looking ugly to relieve my feels!

You cray.

>> No.7463883

How do you know she's not really a lolita? It seems so odd to invest so much time/money into it, even if it's to promote her studio. I think it was her who might have said that she was an actual lolita model which I thought was odd.

>I've heard rumours that she's actually really fat (like 60kg at around 160cm)

Woah, what? I find that hard to believe, it would be so difficult to shoop yourself down to the 45 KG or so she appears to be without butchering the clothes. I'm 57 or 58 KG at 164 and I have a much bigger build as a white girl/am well endowed in the boob and butt department, it would be very odd if she weighed more than me.

Thanks for coming through! This stuff is really interesting to me. Please do post that candid if you do find it!

>> No.7463885

Oh man, now I really want some gossip about Chinese cosplayers

>> No.7463886

I think it's more that it can be comforting to know that there aren't people who can be so perfect at all times

>> No.7463889

Depend of her body type thought.
Because I'm 67kg at 160 (yes, landwhale by asian standards, thanks god I'm not asian), and as all the fat is stored in my ass/upper legs, it doesn't show, I look more 55-60kg rather than 65kg.

But asian don't tend to store fat the same way as european, so I think their weight show more easily. If she is a professional photograph she can touch her pictures pretty easily thought.

>> No.7463890

It's this. I don't think that's so cray. Especially if it's shoop making her look so much better than reality. Seeing a candid that's more true-to-life =/= 'want to see her look ugly'.

>> No.7464031

What about Lostnatsu on tumblr? That's someone who always seems well put together.

>> No.7464101

Oh gawd I was just getting to her. It's really fun spilling about Chinese lolitas that are idolised on tumblr. I'm packing to go on a trip tomorrow so I'll be back in a bit.

The dresses are part of the business, so it's paid off by the customers. If you pay for the shoot set, you'll get to wear that dress.

>> No.7464241

Looking forward to it!

>> No.7464382

i am so in love with this thread.
any other good international dirt? i love hearing other countries' dramu

>> No.7464455

I used to call this girl lamp chan because she always takes pictures next to that lamp and her leg always looks like it's plugged in

But I was always to lazy to make a BTB about it

>> No.7464515

not the gossip anon, went digging, got this video. huh. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RktMjoAxUYE

>> No.7464592


Oh I know what to ask now! What about Chinese lolis in Singapore? I know there's some hostility towards the rich Chinese in Singapore. Do they mix with the Singaporean lolis or is there a huge divide between the two groups?

>> No.7464605


this girl has a history of renting dresses from the comm sales, wearing them, and then demanding a refund and sending them back to the seller after she's done

shady as fuck

>> No.7464628

Are you from florida?

>> No.7464632

To be honest, I don't even think there IS a comm where I live.

>> No.7464644
File: 1.82 MB, 480x270, Kanata_fk u.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm from a Florida comm and I can honestly say the ringleader is super obnoxious. I know she had a lot of drama in the past with CGL and claims to of gotten over it, but sadly she can't get over herself. I can't wait to move up north out of the heat and away from these basic bitches.

>> No.7464647

What are the comms in Texas like?

Specifically, north Texas? I may be moving there relatively soon (exact location TBD).

>> No.7464670

>north Texas
Idk, is there even a Dallas comm? Be prepared to drive a lot I guess.

>> No.7464672

Yes. There's a sizeable D-FW comm. Metroplex lolitas group on Facebook.

>> No.7464676

Sounds like Atlanta to me.

>> No.7464767


>> No.7464856

Oh, I noticed that, too!

>> No.7464918

definitely florida

>> No.7464937

I feel bad that there is more than one comm like what they described. My comm is pretty open about reading secrets and using /cgl/ because we all know we do it. Sometimes I even joke that I'm going to post a secret of someone for something silly, and everyone gets that I'm joking because the core group all likes each other for the most part and doesn't spread shit.

Now there are a few outliers who start shit here and on secrets now and then. But they've mostly been weeded out by process of elimination. One girl even submitted a backhanded "valentine" of one of our members, something to the effect of "everyone thinks you're a snob but I like you <3".

>> No.7464949

>dem soulless eyes

>> No.7464962


I can read chinese/cantonese, where are you getting your dirt from

LOL yes you're right about Lamp-chan/Victoriame, most people don't realize that she doesn't even wear her coordinates out. she just wears them to post pictures on tumblr

>> No.7464966


LOL the singapore lolita comm doesn't need the rich Chinese to break it, it's already got its own cliques. my favourite dramu was sassystrawberry trying to be "queen" of lolitas with her own clique called "sparklies" and you had to be invited to join (rich, skinny, brand-only, preferably BJD) or the one with Arissa splitting with Tim from BlackAlice and saying that he could never run a shop without her but that's really old drama

>> No.7464974


she gets money for brand from her parents, she's studying in NYC nursing from some random school no one's heard of. sometimes she lies about studying in columbia though

>> No.7464992

My comm has had bits and pieces of drama in the past, but most of it is water under the bridge. There is one girl who cannot seem to keep her shit together though; whenever something little comes up, it snowballs into a crisis for her. She has a history of spreading rumors about other girls based on her twisted interpretations of innocuous actions. Now that everyone is starting to see her true colors, she is making excuses not to come to our meet ups all the while traveling hours to hang out with notorious shit-stirrers from other comms. I guess it's for the best.

>> No.7465016


>LOL the singapore lolita comm doesn't need the rich Chinese to break it

I feel bad for saying this, but I'm not surprised, considering how my own group of acquaintances and my own family act sometimes.

TBH I was just asking because a lot of my singaporean colleagues are tend to be hostile to the rich chinese who come down. They like to post those yahoo articles about which chinese has shit going down so was just wondering if you have any of that shit going on.

And just for future reference how friendly are singaporeans to visitors and outsiders? I'm murrican but chinese, and I'd like to visit Singapore sometime in the distant future. It'd be cool to meet the Singapore comm, if they're up to it of course.

>> No.7465024

i actually really like those shoes
they're innocent world, right?

>> No.7465041
File: 19 KB, 250x333, iwviolinshoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think they're really nice themed shoes, but they shouldn't go with every outfit. I get slightly annoyed when she pairs it up with everything. They would fit a music themed outfit incredibly well, but it's just not a versatile shoe.

And yeah, it's innocent world.

>> No.7465050

I've been at meets with kids, but they were usually to things that were family-outing-acceptable (like a park or zoo) and usually set up so the dads would take the kids and the moms could hang out at the meet for a bit and then they'd all go off together for family stuff.

>> No.7465064

I've ended up at cosplay events with just 14-16 year olds (when I as 21) and a lolita meet where I was the only regular member who actually owned lolita and also the oldest by about 7 years. Its just the most awkward thing ever. made worse that I look young and they always assume I'm their peer.

>> No.7465093


if you're just visiting you'll be fine, you're not really a competitor and even if you're a total ita, no one will bitch to your face. if you wear brand or high-end taobao or handmade is OK, but try to stay away from replicas

it might be hard to have a meetup since the community is so splintered, but you can try posting on the sgloli facebook group

>> No.7465101

Does anyone know anything about Hawaii's comm? Is the facebook group still active? I requested to join because I'm going to be out there in late July/early August and was hoping I could wear lolita and meet some new people while I was there. Do they meet up fairly regularly?

>> No.7465125

I heard a brolita joined their comm last year.

>> No.7465147

I am curious to know who this is. On account it sounds very familiar to something going on in my comm. We have a girl who has started untrue rumors shortly after joining, and has tried to dig up old drama that is long since over.

>> No.7465154

Ok... lol

There's lots of brolitas in my comm, they range from cool gay guys to cool but definitely sissy guys to creepers, but just being a guy in a dress is not enough to put me off my tea.

>> No.7465153

What's the toronto comm like?

>> No.7465160

I think the sissies and cross dressers in general don't have enough in common with lolita fashion groups to mesh well and be part of the comms. I know it's discriminatory but I still think it and don't want to go to meets with them.

>> No.7465158

We are a southeastern American comm, if that helps. I'm a little uncomfortable being more specific than that, even though I'm anon. Our group is great for the most part.

>> No.7465172

Thank you.

>> No.7465202

We might be in the same comm. Is it a younger girl doing this? Because I think I know just who you are talking about

>> No.7465220

It's fine to discriminate against sissies at comms, and as a brolita, I'll say it's okay to be reserved around run-of-the-mill crossdressers and to wait and see what they are like before considering how nice you will be around them. I know people will disagree, but if you are a guy in the group it's in your best interest to prove yourself before expecting any kind of acceptance. Some will even say that that's expected of everyone, not just guys.

>> No.7465261

Nah, the girl from my comm is actually a few years older than our average age.

>> No.7465282

It's alright. It had it stack of drama but in the last few years, I think it calmed down a lot. The community is big and other members have been looking out for each other for the most part. I find it hard to get to know anyone at some of the bigger meets but most meets are pretty laid back and nice to just chill with some lolis.

>> No.7465337

Do Chinese lolitas who live internationally still consider themselves more of the Chinese community than where they live? I go to school with a rich international Chinese loli, and for a while even though my friend and I tried to talk to her, it seemed like she wasn't interested in being friends at all. She seems like she's opening up a bit now (or, just assumed we didn't recognize her when she was out of lolita).

>> No.7465428

so anyone have deets on how the honey cruller/boring kei chick from Edmonton got kicked out of her comm? I only heard she was a mega bitch.

>> No.7465462

it's probably more of an asian thing in general. most asians from other countries will congregate with people from the same country.

>> No.7465473

Unless you're filipino. Then you hang wif niggas.

>> No.7465499

okay than it's not who I am thinking. But I do think we are probably in the same comm

>> No.7465742

Not entirely sure, but i believe he was one of the brolitas who made it into secrets for sharing hotel with another brolita/buying lingerie or at least having it in the background of a photo

>> No.7465758

Which one?

Two girls rage quit the community after the mods apparently took none of their shit talking towards other members. (Ita or not.)

Nobody was kicked but some folks got a good laugh out of them leaving because they apparently embarrassed everybody at a meet up.

(Threw a hissy fit at a classy bakery/restaurant because of a mandatory gratuity fee in one of the most expensive districts in the city.)

>> No.7465765

They threw a fit over a tip at a meet? Omg, that's...appalling but also hilarious. Poor other attendees. That would be hugely embarrassing to have such cheapsters fuss at a meet.

>> No.7465776

It was because it was "too high" and it was "mandatory".

I don't know the details. I wasn't there but I could probably ask somebody who was there for details.

Edmonton is really hush hush about drama and it's honestly the only drama they've had in a while.


>> No.7465777

In the US it's pretty common for even mid-priced restaurants to have a mandatory X% gratuity for parties over a specified number. It's listed on the website and in the menu though.
Hundreds, even thousands spent on clothes, then quibbling over a lunch tip. That's terrible.

>> No.7465817

Nope, I'm in Europe. Sucks to see this is so common in lolita communities, though.

>> No.7465827

thats pretty funny

at a restraunt meet at an asian place one of the lolitas got some desert thing they didnt like and sent it back and threw a bitch fit when she didnt get a refund. It tasted fine but I guess she didnt read the menu. She was so pissy, called the manager over and everything, it was embarrassing.

>> No.7465861

Thanks for the info. I was told she was kicked out but maybe it was like she was hated by everyone anyway so it pretty much was that way.

>> No.7465874
File: 16 KB, 486x197, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read by 38 people in 6 hours and still no offers.

>> No.7465884

They have a couple of brolitas and they dress well.

>> No.7465890

Holy shit I saw this and was going to post it here. If you have to borrow an outfit to represent the fashion then maybe you're not as much of a part of the fashion as you think.

>> No.7465891

Thinking anyone would want their Lolita comm represented on X-Factor in any capacity at all.
I'm guessing...No.

>> No.7465994
File: 40 KB, 404x460, ss (2014-03-31 at 07.55.09).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats the beef here?
San Antonio comm seems to have their bloomers in a knot over someone signing up for a *panel* thats nnot in SA? And then top bitches in HLC are 'omiguh so surry'?

>> No.7465995

agreed, tell her to wear her own dresses. She wont make it on TV anyways.

>> No.7466012

Not to mention her spamming the cosplay comm too. "OMG you guys will have to call me by my stage name Kazumi XD"

>> No.7466031

There is no beef, San Antonio just wanted to know what was going on so they could collaborate accordingly, and it's all settled now, anon.

>> No.7466037

It reads a quite a little bit snippier than simply that, other Anon.

>> No.7466039

Is it normal for all comms to have contacts in the convention for planning events? I know some comms have direct collaboration, but I thought panels were more individuals who ran a specific event, not a community-backed effort?

>> No.7466046

I'm sorry you think so?
Well, we're a (really) small comm so we usually do things together. By collaborate, I really just meant talk about who was gonna do what panels.

>> No.7466048

Some comms seem to be a bit more...territorial...than others. I'm not saying that is the case here but it's been noted other places.
I'm not sure why the SA comm mod didn't pm the HLC mods instead of posting it?

>> No.7466052

I went to my first few meets at 18 but I wasn't in high school I was already at uni at the time. I also got along with the comm well and made a few good friends with girls of all ages. I'm 19 and my place in the current comm is even better but perhaps it is to do with maturity, appropriate disclosure of information, independence and relatibility. I've always got along well with people older than me and that probably adds to it. I don't think age is the greatest judgement of character or maturity though.

>> No.7466053

because they wanted to try and single out whoever *dared* to submit a panel?

>> No.7466069

I'd like to think that wasn't it but I suspect so?

>> No.7466077

Yeah when I saw this I felt so bad for the person that submitted a request for a panel. Like, them trying to pry the name out of the conventions hands. If the person didn't speak up, means they probably figured on they did wrong. No need for the blast. And there goes Tati being an unnecessary amount of bitch like always.

>> No.7466082

Nah, not really. They're not gonna name and shame the individual or anything, coz that's not anyone's goal.

>> No.7466425

As an outsider, it looks pretty petty/bitchy. Makes me feel bad for the person who submitted the panel too.

>> No.7466547

This. Marina saying "I'm not sure if they're allowed to give names..." really makes it sound like they're out to hunt down the individual and berate them.

>> No.7466550

One of the two girls intentionally left negative feedback one of the mods egl sales on her way out.

Egl mods didn't do shit like usual.

>> No.7466563

Anybody got gossip on comms in the UK? I love hearing about drama in my land.

>> No.7466575

Beyond mega-bitch. She acted like she was better than everyone else and treated other members, especially newbies like shit.

She didn't like the fact that the group had to pay the gratuity and demanded all of their bills split and free of tips. It wasn't even politely asking, she literally exploded on the owner. She also caused this fuss in an open restaurant so pretty much everyone saw her meltdown. She embarrassed everyone and now the entire comm is pretty much banned from returning.
The mod in question was also in the hospital at the time when she did this. I'm disgusted someone could act that way at her age.

>> No.7466594

You never know unless you ask!

>> No.7466689

The UK comms have been very quiet since Rain and Gray stopped going to meets. There aren't any drama creators any more, maybe after Enchanted there might be some gossip but it's been pleasantly quiet recently it seems.

>> No.7466737
File: 582 KB, 490x750, tumblr_n3ay7jqnlZ1qctwkso1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if related to this thread or not, but damn, isn't this the bitch who shoops herself and not anyone else in photos?

Anyways, how is she? Is she part of the local lolita comm? I know there was some huge drama on her and her being part of some old money or something.

>> No.7466746
File: 136 KB, 500x650, 1396296398593.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Part of accompanying text. Seems a bit hypocritical don't it?

>> No.7466747
File: 84 KB, 212x180, fuckery.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can anyone be this lazy when using photoshop

>> No.7466758

I... I think she looks cuter sans shoop.

>> No.7466776

>broad shoulders
Goddamn, I can't help but feel for her. I always shoop my linebacker shoulders like crazy into that kawaii size. Feels bad, man.

>> No.7466778

I think she looks better shooped
Is this real or did she post this after getting called out as an "it was a social experiment!" type deal?

>> No.7466804

I think this is her way of telling off people who point out her blalant photoshopping in her photos. Her stuff may not be that horrible overly pastel monster, but it's painfully obvious both photos are photoshopped.

>> No.7466820

I am wary to join the central Florida comm because they seem so anti drama, and I feel like that's just hiding how drama hungry they are

I know if they find out we're posting negative things on /cgl/ they would remove us from the community, but since I don't technically belong to the community can someone confirm this for me

>> No.7466832

Can I just rant for a minute about anti-photoshop people
Every time people post about photoshop people here complain endlessly about it, I constantly see people bitching about photoshop and the media and unrealistic blahblahblah
But you know what comes up on my dash every single goddamn day? Overly photoshopped photos with a million filters and a billions notes. All the popular cosplayers and lolitas are the ones shopping. Maybe people call them out on it once in awhile but it doesn't stop the majority of people that seem to love them.
I want to know why everyone runs their mouth about photoshop but no one wants to put their money where their mouth is and reblog plain photos with no shop. Either the majority of people love photoshoppped photos and just never ever admit it, or you all are a bunch of hypocrites.
Fuck it, I'm shooping the hell out of all my photos from now on.

>> No.7466941


Ugh. What the fuck is her point then if she shooped the 'unshooped' picture and tell people to love their unshooped selves, even though she clearly just shooped herself?

I looked at her other pics. Literally the one below that was shoop to the max. Don't care she's not going for photoshop fairy, that shit still looks artificial as fuck.

>> No.7467062

I shop my photos because if they don't look perfect and pristine nobody gives half a fuck about seeing them. People love to call out photoshop "hurr she only looks pretty because she shoops herself to hell and back" but NOBODY wants natural fucking photos because they look like shit in comparison.

Deal with the culture you've created. Nobody is unphotoshopped, and it's because deep down you don't want them to be.

>> No.7467088

>I can’t say it’s that different to me

>> No.7467194
File: 855 KB, 356x200, 8SV08Fk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, I couldn't say, I'm from the south of Florida. I was complaining about that group. Never bothered with the CFLS, it's too fucking far away, not unlike all of the SFLS's meets.

>> No.7467238


I think they're a mostly peaceful bunch. If there is drama, it's pretty much always from England. Scotland, Ireland (Well, the bit of Ireland that's in the UK.) and Wales never really seem to have any drama.

>> No.7467255

Maybe this is the reason my pictures don't get notes. I don't shoop them enough.

Welp, goodbye bulbous nose and broad shoulders! Good thing I'm a 12 year photoshop vet.

Now I can be a kawaii princess with 1000+ followers too.

Seriously tho, I try to keep my shooping limited to lighting. Occasionally I'll use the clone stamp to remove stray wig hairs or hide my brow wrinkle. I'm fairly comfortable with myself and don't really feel the need to shoop to hell and back, but I may as well try it as an experiment. Put on the most pastel sweet thing I can and shoop myself to perfection to see how many notes it gets.

>> No.7467264


Northern Ireland drama? I'm curious now.

>> No.7467270

do it and share your results anon

>> No.7467271

>tfw 160cm and 59kg
A-Am I a fatty-chan now, Gossip anon?

>> No.7467276


No, I wasn't saying there was drama, I was just saying the bit of Ireland attached to the UK, because if you don't clarify that and just say Ireland, Irish people come in and go NOT PART OF THE UK DGIERKOFEKURDFHEVRWDFIHWGRFH

>> No.7467283


Holy shit I think I'm really tired because I totally missed that the comma was actually a period. My apologies!

>> No.7467291


DEFINITELY ask first.

A lot of comms are really wary of letting people join under the blanket of j-fashion because weebs and itas tend to ruin it for everyone.

I'm talking girls in thrifted hippy clothes calling it mori, girls in a pastel anime t-shirts a crappy wig and cat ears calling it fairy kei, and I kid you not people in crappy hot topic claiming its visual kei.

My comm has been grumbling to limit itself to Lolita only for ages because allowing j-fashion is a legit problem (doubt it will happen because it will be seen as too exclusionary).

Tl;dr – for every 1 person who does j-fashion right 20 look like shit

>> No.7467293

Oh wow, how dare they

>> No.7467396

I often shoop pictures on my phone using apps like using the "beauty" filter to blur away imperfections.

>> No.7467432


Heighten contrast, play with levels, and change the hue a bit more to yellowish is all I really do. Then again, I'm not getting 90 million notes so what do I know.

>> No.7467469

Any drama on r-series or homemiro?

>> No.7467552

So then what happens when people meet you and you look very different from your photoshop self?

>> No.7467556


Well they're being gross and pedantic when it's pretty clear I'm only talking about the bit of Ireland that IS the UK.

>> No.7467608

There is personal drama but it's the typical levels that you'd find anywhere. It gets worked out between the people involved, and yes posting secrets or drama-generating things here are grounds from being removed from the community page/meets.

There really isn't a lot of drama at all though, it's usually brought in by people from other comms.

>> No.7467641

I'm from the UK and I wouldn't say it's "gross and pedantic". There's a pretty bad history between the two countries, plus nobody here just calls Northern Ireland Ireland, it's a sore spot and for understandable reasons. Polite sage because politics.

>> No.7467655

Are there any African comms, out of interest? I kind of doubt it but it'd be cool if there were. Maybe in South Africa?

>> No.7467699

>South Africa
There is supposedly one tiny one there but thats the only place I've heard of. I doubt anywhere else does except 1 person here or there maybe.

>> No.7467800

>comm is totally going to shit
>itas everywhere, potential lolcows forming
>waking up to delicious dramu from last night
>its all funny as fuck
>comm fracturing..full break totally going to happen soon

>> No.7467843

Lol in the US, the part attached to the UK is Northern Ireland whereas the country is just Ireland. There's always a designation among people who know what they're talking about at least.

>> No.7467857

Who's Gray? Never heard of that one.

>> No.7467882

Are you talking about an aus comm?

>> No.7467888

Story please!

>> No.7467894

Did the Chinese lynch China anon ? :(

>> No.7467906


Let's pray to the loli-god for China-anon's safety! Our precious glimpse at behind the scenes dramu must be preserved at all costs!

>> No.7467914

She said she was packing for a trip.

>> No.7467919

Nebraska comm ; non-existent

>> No.7467924

i feel like if you have to smoke (i don't judge that) you should get one of those cigarette holders.

>> No.7467927

>this whole post

I'm glad at least Chinese lolitas have noticed this, last time she was brought up here she had a lot of whiteknights trying to cry how well dressed she was.

Seconding deets

This, my school was chock-full of korean students and even getting them participating in classes was like pulling teeth sometimes, let alone out of class.

Who was the other girl? fake-choco?

Holy shit, what a psycho. And not a lot of room to be acting that way considering her coords...

It's Fahr, she's nuts, what else is new.

>> No.7467976

You're probably not Chinese. You have a different build.

>> No.7468379

More info?

>> No.7468612

Big and active for both comms. We've switched over to fb however. Metro Lolitas for DC and Charm City Lolitas for MD. Both of the comms are generally well run and the members are nice. Considering how many members there are compared to the past, its pretty decent.

>> No.7468616

Yes, her and Honey-cruller were close friends. Fake-choco was the nicer of the two. She was mean to newbies but not nearly as outright cunty. She just seemed like she was in a sour mood all the time.

>> No.7469074

Hey everyone! I missed you all~ I'm on a trip as observant comprehensive reading anon figured. Out with my insufferable mother scouting universities. I'm too tired to dig dirt right now since it's 2am and I've been pounding pavement all day, but I'll answer some questions in the thread. I love you all.

You can see her blog on weibo, she's more in the cosplay circle if anything. She's friends with and edits stuff for Soyajam (who is female btw, although her nipple baring Adekan photos are pretty damn amazing) and doesn't go to meets or follow releases. She's great at photoshop and probably just doesn't carry it in the face, like Kim Kardashian.

I can dish a little, I used to be a cosplayer, but I've fallen out of the loop and have no idea what Chinese cosplayers are popular in the West so my information may be limited. I'll do a post about what I know sometime in the future? Maybe I should start a Chinese Gossip general, but I don't think I have enough content to fill a whole thread.

Seconding! Let's form a whole XCOUNTRYGossip brigade~ We can be like rangers or PuriCure.

>> No.7469082

Chinese lolis have their own comm in Singapore, I was going to go there to study so I looked up the SG comm. There's nothing recent and the FB page is dead and full of randoms. The Chinese-SG comm isn't really exclusive as in racist, or I don't think so, but just because it operates out of weibo which is populated mostly by Chinese, and they have more in common. The average Chinese girl is very different from the average Singaporean (or even Taiwanese/HK girl). Much more sheltered, reserved, and less independent. We're taught victim-blaming and slut-shaming as a virtue (forgiveness, be the better person, give your husband/boss/dad/man face in public etc.) so they're less willing to stand up for themselves (which is why feminism is so hard in China) and don't see a need to protect their own rights. I'm spending much too much time with my mother. Bear with me a little. Singaporean girls are more outspoken and have more backbone, so those personalities don't really see each others' virtues, which may be it. I'm more like a SG girl, and I get fucking angry at my Chinese-Chinese friends when they just take abuse for no good reason.

You cannot say this and not give details/proof. If you don't provide or at least point me in a direction in which I can dig it up myself.

>> No.7469094

The Chinese /cgl/ is on lorp.miniban.cn. I gave a rundown of it in the last thread so look in the archives. To recap; if you're not familiar with the Chinese community it will be difficult to understand inferences and what they're talking about.

I need to knoowwww tell meeeee~~ Also what are popularly frequented lolita spots in SG? I go there often and would love to run into someone or meet someone for tea but I can't find a platform.

I didn't know that. She must think she's Misako's favourite loli in the whole world, getting chosen for best coord /and/ doing nursing.

I'm Chinese and Chinese-Singaporeans are absolutely wonderful to me. Indians are the fucking worst. If you're clean and presentable, polite and smile, and can speak clear English and/or Chinese on top of being ethnic Chinese, you will have no problems.

inorite. If it was just plain brown shoes it would be better, but those fucking violin motifs with every damn outfit. I know it's frowned upon to be too matchy matchy, but mixing motifs (more than 3 unrelated) in one outfit or having one for no reason is busy and uncentered as fuck.

>> No.7469107

What >>7465462 said, Asians keep to themselves, especially their own type of Asian. And yea, overseas lolis are still very 'in' the Chinese community and active on weibo. It's not very common for them to reach out and join a local comm overseas, especially if their English or whatever local language isn't so good. Chinese people are terrible at using languages, they may spend years studying them and know all the syntax and grammar, but almost always completely clam up when it comes to casual conversation. It's also partly the way English is taught in China, using stock phrases like "Hello, how are you?" "I am fine, thank you. And you?". Ask a fresh Chinese overseas student "How's it hanging?" or "What's up?" and watch them squirm.

R series is bad at customer service, and their Lovely Glutton series is stolen free menu vectors. They're also really overpriced and not worth it for their quality. I'll do another more detailed post when I get back.

Thanks for the well wishes! I don't think they even know I'm posting this, although I know a few do lurk and I've lured a few out in the past. Often a X themed lolita general will cause the same few pics to surface on weibo a few days later, and there's a weibo account that just reposts cgl content with a link and a quote of the post.

A++ for reading comprehension and logic dear anon.

It really depends on how you carry your weight. If it sits in your face it's unfortunate, but if you're gifted with a big booty and slim face just thank the lord and live your life. I was pretty chunky at 60kg and 160cm before, I'm 52 now but I still don't look skinny because round face ;_;

OK, so I'll do long posts about Lostnatsu, maybe a few cosplayers, R-series, and maybe find Kiyohari's photo when I get back. I love you all!

>> No.7469122

I tend to see the whole "sticking to yourselves" in most all "foreign" people. My university is 95% white, and all the non-white students (although we do interact with anyone we feel like) tend to stick with each other out of a cultural solidarity. Except for the self-hating ones.

>> No.7469154

Do you expect there to be any kind of backlash for airing out the Chinese drama here? Even if you were completely hidden by anonymity, do you think there would be a lot of people posting about what you're saying here on weibo?

We've got your back here.

That being said, is there anyone airing out western drama over there? Is there anyone from the west who is popular or at least has gained some form of notoriety within the Chinese communities?

>> No.7469289

it's hard to be alone in a foreign country. i mean, i went to japan in hs and was fucking excited for it, but i was really grateful to have made a couple of american friends that i hung out with, too. it's good to have someone around that is experiencing things, especially new things, through the cultural pov you grew up with. my japanese friends gave me invaluable insights into japanese culture and i loved hanging out with them and getting to know them, but the feeling that they weren't really understanding why i was having difficulties with certain things never went away. it was isolating.

it's easy to dismiss americans going abroad as insensitive and foreigners here (or other places, it seems) as being too exclusive, but i think everyone downplays how vastly important culture differences are, and how the first step to being able to connect with others from another culture is to know that there is an added difficulty and therefore a greater need for diplomacy and understanding between the two of you.

>> No.7469466

Sometimes they just are antisocial pricks. My friend had an exchange student from where her family is from over for a year, and even though my friend did speak her native language (not super good but passable), the exchange student never tried to talk to anyone. Her home also has her aunts and uncles who dont speak english well too yet there was never any bonding the whole year. It is just really weird because why travel to another country for school and not try to talk to people?

>> No.7469675

For many Asian students it's because a western education is seen to be more prestigious than an education from their country. It's still in their best interest to make friends in foreign lands, though. It's nice to bring home pictures of you holding a pint with white people, not to mention all the connections you'll need as the all-holy international gentleman/lady.

>> No.7469858

New thread >>7469852

>> No.7470881

>Maybe I should start a Chinese Gossip general

Yes please!