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7449684 No.7449684 [Reply] [Original]

Just a friendly reminder to my fellow lolitas that no one owes you a dress. A secondhand dress is worth whatever people will pay for it and moaning about scalping doesn't do anything... other than make you look like an entitled little bitch. If someone pays $300 for a dress then successfully flips it for $600, then good for them. It's one thing if they're trying to sell it for more than it ever goes for and keep relisting it at that price, despite failure after failure, but I have been seeing people fault those charging $400~ for shit than sells for $700+ because they're making $100 profit. Do the lolita world a favor and educate yourself on the concepts of supply and demand as well as rare collectibles.

>> No.7449689

>people who think the community owes them a dress is an entitled bitch
Yeah, but also
>people who scalp things like new releases knowing full well that they weren't ever going to wear it are greedy cunts too
Y'know, friendly reminder that it goes both ways.

>> No.7449691

*are entitled bitches
Whew, it's early.

>> No.7449714

They paid for it. It's their property, they have every right to sell it for whatever they wish to. Flipping doesn't make you a cunt, it's an investment move. Plus, actual scalping with the intent of scalping from the beginning makes up for a pretty small portion of dresses set at high above retail. People call girls scalpers without having any idea of their motives. Whenever I set a dress for much more than what I paid, it's because that's simply its typical going price or I paid that much myself. I don't buy things to sell them, but if I decide I don't want it and can easily get more than what I paid, why should I have to price it at far below that?

They're not medicine, food, or anything anyone actually needs. They're luxury dresses that often end up highly collectible. Selling them for more than retail doesn't make you a cunt.

>> No.7449765
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>Flipping doesn't make you a cunt
So buying a dress that you never intended to wear for the sake of profit and stealing that opportunity away from a girl who would have worn it isn't self-centered, cunty behavior?
Jeez, you little shits will delude yourselves to believe anything so long as it validates your shitty behavior.

Stop being booty bothered that some girl called you a scalper. Do you have a right to sell the dress at the price you want it? Sure, but other people have the right to judge you for that too. So go abloobloo to someone who gives a shit.

>> No.7449811

So, it's okay to call people scalpers with zero knowledge as to why they chose their prices because a small portion of people but things to sell them for higher? And there is nothing cub tush about buying a dress to sell it. If the person needs a dress so bad, they can save up their pennies and buy it for it's going rate. I've had to shell out hundreds more than retail on shit and I've never held it against the seller.

Again, it's a luxury, collectible fashion, you're not going to die because people take advantage of what people are willing to pay for it.

>> No.7449813

Cub tush was supposed to be cuntish. Fucking iPhone autocorrect.

>> No.7449840

How do you know if the girl never wore the dress? TBH if I had a rare dress that I no longer wanted, I would try to make a profit off it too. Who cares as long as someone is willing to pay the price?

>> No.7449857

>having to resort to extreme hypotheticals to prove your points
No, listen bitches:
>So buying a dress that you never intended to wear for the sake of profit and stealing that opportunity away from a girl who would have worn it isn't self-centered, cunty behavior?
Does that sound anything like "a girl owned a dress for awhile and for reasons decided to sell it for a high price because it was a desirable print" ? No, it doesn't. Knock that off.

>> No.7449867

Some people fund their hobby this way though so flipping a dress puts them that closer to their own dream dress so who are you to say they shouldn't have their own opportunity?

>> No.7449887

>more extreme hypotheticals
Maybe they should get a job instead of relying on being a shady scalper to get by.

>> No.7449902

Sure yeah enjoy your scalping, no one curr

Why is this even here?

>> No.7449906

I don't know what's so "extreme" about those hypotheticals.. they seem like normal situations to me.

The OP wasn't defending people who buy solely to sell at a higher price. She was complaining about people who automatically call anyone who makes a profit a scalper. If anything, it sounds like you're the one making extreme hypotheticals.

>> No.7449907

>Why is this even here?
Because someone's butthurt about something so therefore it must be important to us too.

>> No.7449910

>The OP wasn't defending people who buy solely to sell at a higher price.
Then maybe you don't know what a SCALPER is.
A SCALPER is what you just described.

"Ordinary people who buy desirable dresses and later sell them for higher prices because they wanted newer dresses or some emergency money," isn't a SCALPER.
Holy fucksticks.

>> No.7449911

Do yourself a favor and educate yourself on the concepts of price gouging and market manipulation, they're not the same thing as supply and demand. Go back to high school econ you pleb.

>> No.7449932

>Isn't a scalper

Okay, so if you don't think they are a scalper, then we are all in agreement. Wtf was even the point of that

>> No.7449936

What the fuck is even the point of OP's post right now?
Seriously, you unbelievably dumb whores, there is a definition for what scalping is even in normalfag terms.
It's a person who capitalizes by buying out a bunch of desirable goods and reselling them to people immediately for a higher price.
That means:
>people who wear their dresses and sell them later are not scalpers
It is so simple, and it doesn't require the validation of a thread on 4chan to understand.

>> No.7449938

The OP said

>i have been seeing people fault those charging $400~ for shit than sells for $700+ because they're making $100 profit

>People call girls scalpers without having any idea of their motives.

>Whenever I set a dress for much more than what I paid, it's because that's simply its typical going price or I paid that much myself.

>I don't buy things to sell them, but if I decide I don't want it and can easily get more than what I paid, why should I have to price it at far below that?

All of that sounds like "Ordinary people who buy desirable dresses and later sell them for higher prices because they wanted newer dresses or some emergency money". But you went and called the OP a scalper and accused them of buying dresses they never wore just to make a profit.. even though that wasn't the case for them.

>> No.7449940

Or at least I'm assuming they're all the same person. Anyways, they were those "ordinary" people you described but went and accused them of being a scalper, kek

>> No.7449943

Not a lolita, can someone explain what's wrong with scalping? If you sold me a thing for 300 and I could get more than that, why would I not do it?

>> No.7449945

>>People call girls scalpers without having any idea of their motives.
So ignore it and stop being a fucking baby.
>>But you went and called the OP a scalper and accused them of buying dresses they never wore just to make a profit.. even though that wasn't the case for them.
Because it sounds like she's trying to defend scalping behavior. Why does OP need to be validated here if they're so self-assured about their actions? Go away.

>> No.7449948

I hope you're not seriously implying that girls trying to get the most for their dress are "manipulating" the market.
I used to see this shit all the time in sailor moon collectibles and it's as funny as it is frustrating and ill informed. No, a tiny handful of sellers marking their shit up on ebay or lacemarket aren't manipulating the market. They're not creating some kind of weeaboo shit monopoly. It really is as simple as supply and demand.

>> No.7449954

Even as a BUYER I see nothing wrong with scalping.
Say someone posts Honey Cake for $200. It's gone in 2 seconds and I never get a chance because I'm not glued to the comm sales every minute of the day.
If someone sells it for $400 then at least I have a prayer of getting the dress I want. I can save up that money, it won't sell instantly, and it's worth that much to me anyway. The girl who buys it for $200 might not even like or really want it, she just jumps on the opportunity to buy a print for cheap.

>> No.7449961

Because there are people like you who have knee-jerk freak outs over fucking nothing

>> No.7449967

There's one for 400 right now anon
On lacemarket
In case that wasn't purely theoretical.

>> No.7449968
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>Because there are people like you who have knee-jerk freak outs over fucking nothing

>knee jerking and freaking out because someone called you a scalper

>> No.7449971

Supply and demand is for retailers, not for greedy bitches.

>> No.7449974

I saw one on FB earlier too (maybe the same)
Sadly I don't even have $400 right now :(

>> No.7449995
File: 81 KB, 703x600, yeah mang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol except I only posted my points, I never got upset, nor did I have to resort to calling people "YOU DUMB WHORE SHADY SCALPER CUNT BITCHES"

Don't worry anon, it may be hard, but someday you'll get your dream rori dress

>> No.7450003

Prolly not, i bet they are one of those people that think because it's used it should automatically cost half its new price and expect to get some rare and coveted print for like $100.

>> No.7450020

Yeah you're probably right

>> No.7450019

You sound pretty upset. :^) The smug reaction pic doesn't help your case opie.

>> No.7450039

>as well as rare collectibles.
People actually believe this about quickly deteriorating clothing made of nothing fancier than cotton broadcloth.

>> No.7450288

Sh...just let them have it.

>> No.7450961

Supply and demand applies to anyone selling anything. It doesn't have to be the initial retailer.

>> No.7450965

If you're trying to deny that a lot of Lolita is collectible, you're just factually wrong.

>> No.7450972

Says the one resorting to smug emotes

>> No.7450976

>so ignore it and stop being a baby
Right. Because it's not like the people complaining about scalpers should do that themselves.

>> No.7451011

I've got a bridge of Beanie Babies I'd like to sell you. It's guaranteed to go up in value at least 1000% over the next 20 years.

>> No.7451019

>pained wail
>tub full of beanie babies

At least they're cute.

In all honesty though some prints have become collectibles, just not all of them.

>> No.7453328

If you're not willing to pay the price your "dream dress" runs for, then it's not actually your dream dress and you don't deserve it. It's one thing if you're in a financial position that simply doesn't allow for such a purchase, but if you have the money to be buying lolita on a regular basis, then there's no reason you can't take a small break to save up for your so-called dream piece.

>see girl get extreme flack for selling MSND JSK for $400-something
>see it sell on almost every Japanese auction for over $700
Nigger, are you kidding me?

>> No.7453338

Because beanie babies failed all collectibles are going to go downhill in price? That's such a false comparison it's not even funny.

>> No.7453347

MSND doesn't sell for over $700 on Japanese auction sites very often at all. There are some priced at that, but they always get relisted with no bids. Same with the secondhand stores.

There's nothing wrong with not wanting to pay $550 for your dream dress when it's only worth $400 max and it often sells for as little as $250. I would pay more for other dresses that I like slightly less if they're actually worth it.

>> No.7453371

Within the past two weeks, I've seen three MSND rereleases end up at over $700 on Yahoo Japan and MBok.

>There's nothing wrong with not wanting to pay $550 for your dream dress when it's only worth $400 max and it often sells for as little as $250. I would pay more for other dresses that I like slightly less if they're actually worth it.
There's a difference between not wanting to pay for something that's overpriced and not being willing to pay the going price for something you apparently want enough to call your "dream dress". I'm referring to people who aren't willing to spend what they should expect to pay, not those who don't want to spend far more than what a dress actually sells for.

>> No.7453379

Really? The ones I bookmarked ended at $400 or $500. And I don't know why the other ones being relisted have no takers then. Plus there's a couple on secondhand stores at $700 with no takers still. Maybe the bidders just got super competitive?

Fair enough, I think I misread your post. I'm willing to pay a fair bit more, just not close to 2x what something is worth personally. Especially when the item has damage.

>> No.7453395
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>> No.7453420

The bids all started off really low, I don't think any of them were over 40000 yen to start. I've also noticed the ones with the 70000 yen starting bids never get any takers. I think auctions tend to go higher when the item is initially priced lower.

>> No.7453427

Just because you don't agree doesn't mean they're not completely valid points.

>> No.7453521

i thought scalping referred specifically to buying something in order to get more money than you paid for it without intending to use the product yourself, or even more specifically, to people who buy multiples of a new product to restrict the supply and therefore to increase demand on the products they've hoarded.

that sounds inherently wrong...no? there's nothing wrong with someone selling something for more than they paid for it, if someone will buy it at that price. but buying something for the SOLE PURPOSE of manipulating the market or making a rather exploitative profit is obviously a douche move.

>> No.7453528

>buying something for the sole purpose of making profit is obviously a douche move
Not really. On a basic level (buying for very little, selling for a significant markup) that's how the entirety of any free market functions.

>> No.7453570

It's more of a nuisance in the lolita realm though because of how scarce the items are to begin with. When normal retailers mark things up, they are buying the items wholesale in larger quantities through venues not available to the general public and then selling them at a mark-up to cover their operating costs and make a profit.

As >>7453521 said, scalpers are buying already scarce items from retailers at retail value and then reselling them yet again at an artificially inflated value.
It's not illegal or anything, but it's bothersome and rude and that's why people hate scalpers.

>> No.7453590

The problem is that these days bitches will yell scalper at anyone selling shit for over retail, no matter how rare or expensive the piece generally is.

>> No.7453640

I think to qualify as a genuine scalper you have to be doing it on a large enough scale to affect the market. One person selling one dress above retail is not a "scalper".

But someone who regularly buys multiples from every new AP series (thus barring other people from buying the items for themselves) and immediately turns around and sells them all for $700 is scalping as they're effectively running a business out of it.

However with highly sought-after pieces it is difficult to determine the genuine scalpers from the regular sellers. With AP, the buying is very competitive because people know items will sell out in minutes. There is a lot of "buy first, think later" behavior, and that's why the secondhand market for AP is so active. People are comfortable making impulse purchases because they know they can make their money back easily most of the time and if they can make back 40% more than what they paid of course they're going to sell it for a higher price. I don't think those high prices are all due to scalpers; rather to highly competitive and impulsive shopping that drives up the prices.

>> No.7453883

Pretty much.

In fact, the SF Btssb store created a policy regarding limits for new releases because of someone who would literally snap up everything they could in store when it was released, then turn around and sell it for double on egl_comm_sales. Enough people complained that they emailed the girl in question, then put in the new policies.

Deliberately buying up all or most of the stock of an item so you can 'set your own price' more or less is scalping. Buying something (whether you bought it for yourself or because you found it for cheap and knew it goes for more) then later selling it at the secondary market value is not scalping.

>> No.7453891

ITT : capitalist hating on small-scal capitalism

>> No.7453976

lol not a capitalist tho

>> No.7456791

Who is this, out of curiosity?
If you are an active participant in lolita, then you are a capitalist to an extent whether you want to admit it or not.

>> No.7456808

There's nothing on the SF site about such a policy. At least not that I can find.