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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 12 KB, 520x262, tumblr_mu5vv4tn5h1ryeto5o1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7192964 No.7192964 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.7192984
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I cant breathe

>> No.7193003

Or it freaks people out because it's so out of the ordinary. Admit it, it's somewhat bizarre - to some in a good way, to others in a bad way. If you can't understand that, you're delusional.

Why must everything be forced into relating to feminism

>> No.7193004
File: 302 KB, 900x743, 1382756323269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude even as a person who wears the fashion. People aren't freaked out about it because it takes up space, but rather because people aren't used to it and are very vocal in most places about what they don't like.

This has nothing to deal with femininity but not following up on social norms. Women get shit on all the time if they don't wear what others believe to be right and acceptable.

>> No.7193006

Because Tumblr likes to embrace it's victim complex.

>> No.7193022

I bet they're fat.

>> No.7193031


Lolita is the closest thing you'll get to victorian fashion today which was arguably the period where women were the most feminine ever

>> No.7193029

Well, that explains Vegas showgirls.


>> No.7193049

I like it when they argue that lolita is so much more modest than normal slut clothes.

Because the first thing that comes to mind when somebody says "modest" is an expensive specialty import dress covered lace, ruffles, and gaudy patterns.

>> No.7193066


>> No.7193074

It doesn't freak people out. Some people are just assholes about it because they're assholes about everything.

>> No.7193076

But not all lolita is based off of Victorian fashion

>> No.7193098

You can be decadent and dress modestly you idiot, modest isn't the same as humble.

>> No.7193121

>Disregard dictionary definition
>Call another person an idiot for using the formal definition of the word.

>> No.7193124

But modesty as far as revealing vs. modest means conservatively dressed. It has nothing to do with the price or look of the clothing. Have you never heard that term before?

>> No.7193311

Modesty is not only a physical look, but a term to be used with value/wealth as well. A modest apartment isn't the opposite of Slutty McCondo, but a low priced apartment.

Its a joke. Har har. The clothing is modest in its revealing aspect but anything but modest in terms of pricing and gaudiness.

>> No.7193362


>> No.7193378

>Women get shit on all the time if they don't wear what others believe to be right and acceptable.
>People get shit on all the time if they don't wear what others believe to be right and acceptable.


>> No.7193432

You need to chill out. It's clearly a play on the alternative meaning. Relax.

>> No.7193435

tumblr once screamed at me for owning a dreamcatcher

>> No.7193437

The same people probably call various Pokemon and hipster idols their spirit animals, so I hope you didn't take it too seriously.

>> No.7193440

So I realize Tumblr is really popular and I get the impression that it's easier to be a popular/high-traffic blog on Tumblr...but it's stupid social justice warrior shit like this that make me avoid Tumblr like the plague and stick with my Blogger page.

>> No.7193447

one of my buddies has started this tumblr girl thing and she won't stop picking apart everything I say and do. She keeps filling my Facebook with all these like, feminist articles and stuff about cultural blah blah and she gets pissed when I don't form an opinion
not really sure what to do, she used to be pretty chill but now I feel sorta interrogated every time we chat

>> No.7193448

Every time I see this, I immediately want to unfollow whoever reblogged it.
Like, it's just the DUMBEST logic, and anyone who has ever worn lolita out in public (or even fucking seen a picture of a decent coord) knows that it's not about it ~taking up space, which wouldn't even be cause for 'freaking out,' but because it's a bunch of grown ass women and clothing that you don't typically see grown ass women of our time wearing. Same reason people side eye OTT goth outfits, or any other alternative fashion.
Tumblr loves to make shit out nothing.

>> No.7193464

one of the people I follow was being harrassed for being a non-japanese bento blogger
"thats cultural apropriation!!1!"

>> No.7193472

tell her? otherwise she will continue to crusade at you and everyone.

>> No.7193471
File: 54 KB, 600x450, sammich case.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bento box
>cultural appropriation
>tumblr first world problems
Dude if you have time to be fucking pissed about boxed lunches and the race that makes them... You need to go reevaluate your life.
Seriously fucking bento boxes are a means to hold food they're not a fucking cultural thing.

There are fucking bento boxes just for sandwiches but you don't hear me screaming about how the Japanese appropriated European and American culture and our vast history of artisan curing meats, cultivating wheat and various bread making skills.

>> No.7193473

Ugh honestly I'd unfriend, she sounds like a bitch.

>> No.7193493

this one chick went off on me for whitenighting her.
"you're not Japanese, I dont have to listen! later basic bitch!"

I told her she better not eat any non-american food ever, and everytime she eats spaghetti an italian dies of cancer.

oh, the hatemail I got.

>> No.7193502

Try to talk her down gently, a lot of the time tumblr just sucks people up who hate disappointing others. That's a large amount of people who are scared to go against the SJW and it doesn't necessarily mean they're gone or a bad person, might just need a wakeup call.

>> No.7193507
File: 2.72 MB, 712x400, delayed shi a wa se.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I told her she better not eat any non-american food ever, and everytime she eats spaghetti an italian dies of cancer.
I like your style

>> No.7193508

Whats your url I need to follow you.

>> No.7193518

my god.
how stupid.
Screaming about culturally appropriating Japan is so damn irritating. I know I would look like a damn fool in a kimono because i'm a blonde white girl. However, Japan is arguably the only large nation to not be colonized via greedy 15-18th century Europeans. They tried in the 15th century but the leaders caught on and kicked them the fuck out for hundreds of years. So japanese pop culture sort of gets to pick and choose what to romanticize from old western culture instead of having all aspects been shoved onto it by conquerors of old. If europeans had genocided them by the millions over hundreds of years, burned their national costume, and forcibly christianized them only to turn around and use that national costume as a fashion statement? -That- would be in poor taste. But bento boxes?
Homegirl needs to calm down.

>> No.7193760

>http:/ /gyaru-coordinates. tk/ post /67005640587/i- agree-with-that-anon- though-those-girls- probably

so parents telling their children to put some clothes on is "asserting power over an individual"

sorry but if I ever get kids I sure as hell ain't letting them wear gyaru and makeup at 9 years of age
>captcha: without lewd

>> No.7193804

yo if someone wants to sexualize a little girl then that's all on them

>> No.7193867

Japan is also one of the nations that literally doesn't give a shit and they enjoy seeing their culture spread. think of the official "Kawaii Ambassador" whose job is to spread Kawaii culture across the globe.

If you're in Japan and attending one of their festivals or holidays you're expected to dress in the traditional clothes ffs.

It reminds me of that Japanese-American girl who I think was only half Japanese? But anyways she demanded everyone stop saying "kawaii" because it was cultural appropriation.

>> No.7193915

>cultural appropriation

my sides

>> No.7193928

>love Japanese culture
>spend years learning how to properly wear kimono, taking classes with Japanese teachers, learn tea ceremony, impress many Japanese friends with kimono-dressing ability, help spread knowledge about the history and proper care and wear of the garment
>tumblr chews me the fuck out because cultural appropriation
>get harassed by tumblrboos at a local con
>spend years learning and enjoying a hobby
>can't seem to enjoy it anymore.

>> No.7193956

why Japanese culture?

>born in the US
>mom is Japanese
>spend time in japan
>hate it
>decide I like southern California much more
>choose Californian citizenship over Japanese
>buy guns
>learn Spanglish/English
>Japanese is 90% forgotten, conversational at best
>doesn't matter Japanese is the most useless language on earth, I can speak English and japan and get by fine

my family is vacationing in japan
I decided to stay in southern california

>> No.7193990
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>brands r evil wah

>> No.7194014

She probably got charged customs and doesn't understand how import fees work.

>> No.7194032

Was it thisisnotjapan? Because I think it was them that went on and on about how kawaii is a cultural thing, and since it's the Japanese idea of cute, you're making a mockery of Japanese culture when you call something kawaii.
But they weren't Japanese.

>> No.7194059


It's mostly the idea of iki, the seasonality and storytelling elements of the traditional ceremonies and kimono. I just love the form and practice involved in kimono. I had a great time doing to Japan. I enjoyed it a lot. I'd never live there, I'd probably choose California to live in over Japan too, but from a distance it's a very interesting culture.

better than korea

>> No.7194068


Sounds like someone got hit with UK customs fees

>> No.7194073

>decoration dream
Did AP re-release that print? I thought that was from 2011 or something.

>> No.7194097


Same here in a way. Learned Japanese out of interest, was captain of a cultural dance team (Soran Bushi), and proceeded to be bitched out in my senior year by an uppity freshmen thinking I was culturally appropriating the Japanese by leading the team, and how I should let a Japanese student lead.

Well, I fucking would if they weren't all in hip-hop. Later I mentioned it on my Tumblr and my inbox exploded but at that point I just sort of tuned things out.

>> No.7194156

If you're a halfjap then why are you fat?

>> No.7194165

Oh muh gawwwdd anon, you can't just ask people why they're fat.

>> No.7194170
File: 50 KB, 659x659, sieg lands a white whale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Too much whaling.
You know what these nipps are like with their fish.

>> No.7194178
File: 127 KB, 947x760, mmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am I really that fat?

>> No.7194188

TUMBLR is full of fucking idiots. I don't give a fuck about cultural appropriation, white privilege (which is complete bullshit anyway, see how much white privilege I have in japan), or any of the other SOJ shit those fat fucks roll around in on there.

You can lead all the japanese dance teams you want. There's nothing wrong with it.

>> No.7194194


Go back to /fa/, please.

>> No.7194207
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Now return to whence you came triple-chins-chan.

>> No.7194219
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>> No.7194225

Why can't we just hate social justice warriors together.

we are ohana, /cgl/
and ohana means family
and family means no one is left behind

>> No.7194228
File: 56 KB, 558x452, victoriangirls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

obviously not adult victorian.

>> No.7194237
File: 66 KB, 1069x609, shitgookssay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just gonna leave this here...
Oh, and, this girl is Korean-Canadian.

>> No.7194240
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>> No.7194243

See, I kind of understand this.
Unlike Japan, Native Americans have come forward and said certain things are sacred to them and would prefer if they were bought from the source or not used at all.
A lot of cultures are really very open so things like >>7193471 and >>7193928 and >>7194097 are ridiculous because Japan has never come out and said hey you're being disrespectful. Where many Native American tribes have and said their culture is exclusive.
>I'm not a social justice warrior I promise
>I just thought I'd share.

>> No.7194246

You also didn't deserve to get yelled at.
This isn't known by the general public.

>> No.7194251
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>> No.7194255

Maybe if injuns were a little smarter, they could have colonized the world themselves. On that note, white people with dream catchers should be shot on site. That shit's embarrassing.

>> No.7194258

Some cultures are not so ambitious.
Also, Aztecs.

>> No.7194260

Then why were they killing other native tribes and taking their people as slaves? The obviously wanted to be great, they were just too stupid.

>> No.7194267

Because wars happen?
Again, not all people have the same idea of greatness.
Also, your point is moot because all cultures took prisoners of wars as slaves.

>> No.7194274

Omg, they didn't intentionally enslave each other, they just sort of did.

>> No.7194280

"Race is a European concept"
As if plenty of cultures and people haven't been subjugating other races and ethnicities for millennia on the bases of race and culture..
I would also like to point out as a Chinese-American that, yeah, the whole point of Japan not nearly doing anything so horrible as what THOSE AWFUL WHITE PEOPLE did is jack shit.
It's all bad, and really I hate when people try to play either the "who's the REAL victim?" or "who's the worse perpetrator?" game.

Tumblr in general gets my knickers in a knot. I simply unfollow anyone who posts even a single drop of this bullshit.

>> No.7194288
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I know, right?

>> No.7194297

take me sieg

>> No.7194299

I love you so much

>> No.7194319

>Australia actually in the blue
hahahahaha hate to see what those other countries are like then

>> No.7194457

Wow stop you're giving me secondhand embarassment.
they didn't need to colonize or branch out at all really because the usufruct system was all they needed(this general rule mostly applying to native american tribes and not southern native empires).
it was great respect for their own environment that restricted them from being greedy assholes and taking more than they needed. Also the colonists would have died without native and it was the natives who facilitated out of kindness the european " sickness which only gold can cure(douchebaggery)", just saying.
Plenty of colonists couldn't tell edible vegetation from bunny shit.

>> No.7194483


>Going to interview
>black slacks
>black blouse
>normal hair
>dark makeup
>bros in cars hollar to the goth girl!! Rock on halloween!

Even if you are slight, just SLIGHTLY different than the norm they use ANYTHING to be assholes.

>> No.7194497

oh my god you fatshaming shitlord

include a trigger warning

i feel triggered

i am the triggeredest because i am cuuuurrrvyyyyy and you said fat

>> No.7194499

>most "racism" in those countries is caused by colonialism done by your precious white people

A fucking Korean of all people should know better than to say this shit.

>> No.7194502

>being this naive
The Native Americans constantly fought and killed each other for land and resources, what are you talking about?

>> No.7194510

We only get a bad rap because the racist fuckwits are also the loudest fuckwits in the most public places here.

It's alright though racist dickheads usually get bashed by some of the big Maori and Samoan blokes who live here who've had enough of their shit.

>> No.7194512

I want to clarify I don't think that the colonists really did anything right as far as race relations go, just that Native American tribes were not all peaceful, deeply-intuned with nature, gentle pacifists that Hollywood likes to portray nowadays. The Apache come to mind.

>> No.7194518

Why didn't you include a trigger warning?!?

I feel triggered because you mentioned the following:
god, fatshaming, bodyshaming, shitlord, triggers, fat.

#trigger warning #body shaming #fat shaming #triggers #guns #language #shit #confrontation #insensitive people #religion

>> No.7194538

My friend studies tea ceremony - she got an extremely competitive scholarship to study in Kyoto for a year at a renowned school. She kept a blog on tumblr during her time there and seriously got some hate from ~tumblr social justice warriors~ for it.
I was legitimately in awe that people can be so thickheaded.

>> No.7194550
File: 267 KB, 1000x1054, retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Libels are so fucking ignorant and naive, I can hardly even believe it. This is modern education, people. Wow.

>> No.7194551
File: 141 KB, 500x215, tumblr_inline_mi27edt3u61qz4rgp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gentle pacifists
>scalped people
>took slaves
>regularly had wars with one another
>human sacrifice

>> No.7194556

Why you people hate Chinese anon

>> No.7194558

Do you have a learning disability? Is reading comprehension beyond you?

>> No.7194562


I hate seeing how your country is like, being this tolerant.

>> No.7194811
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>> No.7194817

>forces you to play
Haha. As if the game threatened to explode in their hands if they didn't play it.

>> No.7194820

this one's been proven fake, I think.

>> No.7194825

I sure hope you're right.

>> No.7194833

This sounds like a troll rant.

>> No.7194866

I fucking hate this so much, because I do genuinely get triggered into panic attacks from certain situations.
Triggers are thing that send you into serious downward spirals, not some entitled bitchfit.

>> No.7194874

Fuck. I hate tumblr, they're like appropriating words n shit. That's a thing right, not using words properly?

>> No.7194887

Same here. I hate how they've taken over a word for something serious and made it your everyday crazy attention whore talk.

Every time I see it I get super angry but there is nothing that can be done about it. It's best to cool off, ignore it, and move on.

>> No.7194890

This is why I stay off tumblr. I just assume all these people are underage and/or live in bumfuck nowhere and work at Walmart.

Or go to a liberal arts college *trollface*

>> No.7195111
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>> No.7195116

My sides!

>> No.7195203
File: 46 KB, 468x484, 196115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ here. I'm impressed with you, /cgl/. Once upon a time this place was an awful /tumblr/ nest, but damn if you guys haven't improved the board.

Keep on keeping on.

>> No.7195206
File: 93 KB, 480x280, gay_corn_hair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We shall, /pol/tard, we shall.

>> No.7195328

You're not really helping your case.

>> No.7195349

> I can't be handicapped and transgendered in muh games

My god. I get people hating the lack of non-scantly clad female leads in games. Because that is quite an easy fix. While it is just no fun if you have to go to a questionaire with ''Do you want your player to be in a wheelchair?'' ''Which pronoun should they use for your character?'' Also if you would have to program all those different models and sentences it would get really tiring.

>> No.7195448

I won't deny it, but it mostly depends on the tribe. Apache? violent tribe. Sioux? didn't turn warlike until shit hit the fan. It depends on the tribe and circumstance. But before europeans started invading there was no honor for killing another man. For the most part, vital hunting was honored, not war.
Did you know scalping was started by white people, and then the indians adopted it? It came from the old european practice of taking prominent enemy leaders heads (take for example the saying "I want his head on a platter") but nobody had time for that shit so the scalps were taken instead as trophies. (Thanks to white people as well the Cherokees actually kept black slaves and were made to create their own alphabet and essentially christianize which they did and congress still shoved them aside when more land was needed. Hell, I'm white as it gets but that shit was just embarrassing. )
But really.
the common european pleb was uneducated as fuck. The spontaneous generation-a generally accepted theory up until Pasteur disproved it- is a good enough example of that. They were all in the stupid boat so girl don't even put them on a high horse just because you're mad at tumblr. There's plenty of other things to be mad at tumblr about.

>> No.7195452

o shit yo i wrote that reply before reading your second post.
mah nigga
that's some telekinesis shit right there.

>> No.7195456

The fact that bothers me is that hey, they don't use any pronouns at all, isn't that a fucking plus? You can also get guy haircuts eventually and wear whatever clothing you want.

>> No.7195462

a lot of stuff like this is just basically americans trying to pretend their worldview applies to other countries, which is insane because they are complaining about people ignoring ~non white ppls~ viewpoints while steamrolling north american ideas over them.. like insisting that someone call black people in europe 'african americans'

>> No.7195465

Oh god, this is so true. I hate this so hard. It's the same with people complaining about the "lack of body types" in anime, yeah, just because there are no obese girls doesn't mean it lacks body types. There's a pretty large range in any given anime.

>> No.7195476

Seriously, everytime I read "PoC" I want to kill some kitten.

>> No.7195528

As a whitey from a country with no remarkable history of racism I feel that you people are all cray cray.

>> No.7195532


Now go clean up your own board.

>> No.7195537

Oh God me too.
Am I the only one that thinks terms like 'PoC' and 'WoC' sound remarkably creepy like 'coloured person' and such??? They literally only changed the position of the verb like, somehow that is okay? If I was PoC and someone was like "oh my PoC friend is coming over" I think I would bitchslap their ass.

>> No.7195546

>just because there are no obese girls
HOLY SHIT OKAY WHY DOES SO MANY PEOPLE THINK PORTRAYING OBESITY IS A GOOD THING? Obesity should only be portrayed as a negative thing, one should not be proud of being obese.

>> No.7195549

Because Hollywood and the media have started portraying big is beautiful shit.

There's a difference between loving yourself and using that excuse to do what you want.

If you loved yourself you should probably take care of yourself to KEEP loving yourself.

>> No.7195557

> scholarship to study tea ceremony

That's a thing? That's so awesome. Is your friend's blog still up/active?

>> No.7195569


But it is clean. We're preserving and protecting the white race.

>> No.7195570

about pronouns, it's really fucking funny that they scream about gender but i doubt any of them know a single romantic language. I can see it now: "How dare you misgender a chair!!"

>> No.7195575

This. Never mind about non-Romantic languages. Doesn't Polish have five genders?

>> No.7195582


Don't try to confine me or my chair to your gender pentagon, shitlord.

>> No.7195592


>> No.7195693

PoC and WoC are the EXACT same as saying coloured person. I find it offensive, and any non-white outside of Tumblr does, too. I saw an article where the journalist said person of colour, and the comments were full of pissed off black people because of it. I don't know who started that trend, but it's fucking awful.

>> No.7195718
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>> No.7195721

so conservatards are racists because muh niggers
and libtards are racists because muh poc
is there no happy medium?
cant people just get on with it and not bother with every little thing?

>> No.7195734

Oh do I hate this shit so much.
I had a friend who fell into the sjw part of Tumblr who always refer to me as her PoC friend. That's literally all she called me after that.
"Hey guys this is my PoC friend! ^^be extra-nice to her because she's oppressed!" *continues to go on about how hard life is for da poor mehicans*
> Mfw my "PoC" parents are secretly ten times richer than hers and we've owned about 3 Lexus cars in the span of 10 years.
>mfw I speak up and she cuts me off saying that I've been oppressed and the evil whiet hetero men brainwashed me somehow

>> No.7195743

I would cunt punt her.

>> No.7195744

Oh god the internalized racism thing.
I always think of that dude from Boondocks.

>> No.7195747
File: 76 KB, 720x480, uncle-ruckus160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't trust them new niggers over there!
Spreading their nigger essence in the air!

>> No.7195748

>mfw I speak up and she cuts me off saying that I've been oppressed and the evil whiet hetero men brainwashed me somehow

I love how they seem to think you can't think for yourself, and if you disagree with their viewpoint, and say, "Nah, I'm pretty good in my life. I've not been mistreated," they go on and say you're brainwashed, or you just don't know you're being mistreated. There was some post saying that minorities should never have white friends, because they will always talk about you behind your back, and look down on you. These kids project like no one's business.

>> No.7195761

If you're introduced as the "PoC" friend, does that mean you're her only non-white friend? That's pretty weird. I can make lists of my black and hispanic/latino friends, it's not just the one...

>> No.7195763

If she acts like this, I'm assuming no other POCs want to be her friend..

>> No.7195766

Nope, only three: masculine, feminine, and neutral.
As far as I know, no slavic language has more than three genders.

>> No.7195769

Thanks! Good to know.

I need to take up Polish sometime. Poland is such a cool country.

>> No.7195772 [DELETED] 

I'm really glad to read this, actually, because I was really struggling to understand why PoC would be acceptable when colored absolutely is not.

I have a non-white friend who is getting sucked into sjw stuff, and she really did not appreciate me being genuinely curious about the discrimination she's faced in her life as a minority living in a very well-off community and never having had to struggle for anything. She started yelling at me about how I couldn't suffer even though I'm from a way poorer family and come from a rough part of town (lots of gang issues and theft) because I'm white (I never mentioned it or tried to make a comparison, btw, I wanted to know about her and she dragged me into it). This same friend gets really upset about racism when it comes to her own race but has no problem wearing headdresses and hanging out with people who make jewish jokes and claims she doesn't care who she offends, so whatever.

>tl;dr I don't have a point, I guess, just happy to see a well-off non-white person arguing against this kind of bullshit.

>> No.7195774

(...unless you count singular gender forms and plural gender forms as different gramatical constructs. Then there is also pl. masculine and pl. non-masculine. Though in polish grammar they are not considered to be separate from singular ones.)

>> No.7195781

isnt colored connotated with the old "clean" word for nigger? "oh he's a colored boy"
that sais sjw and tumblrists do not go by logic
this whole poc business is incredibly offensive not to mention dumb

>> No.7195778

How do you feel about people referring to you as Latino?
Or, do black people prefer being called African or something else?

>> No.7195787

i'm white and i couldn't stand being friends with someone like that. like, what? what are you trying to prove? sf embarassing

>> No.7195788

She abandoned that account

>> No.7195790

It's strange to see anyone saying that Poland is cool, haha. And beware - Polish language can be a bitch, especially gramatical cases and pronunciation. Where are you from, anon? EU?

>> No.7195795

Do you think all non-white people think the same way? Even if Latino is the preferred term wouldn't necessarily also make African the preferred term as well.

>> No.7195799

UK. It's because our performing arts department went on a 'tour' of Poland (we performed in Zywiec and the surrounding area), and it was one of the best tours we've been on. Everyone who went has always wanted to go back.

I've always been into foreign languages and cultures (with the exception of Western Europe, kind of a bit too close to home). I have a mile-long list of countries I want to explore. Oh, if only I had the money.

>> No.7195835

Also, at the same time, many tumblrites lump together those who are "overweight"/have larger body types naturally with those who eat McDonald's for every meal.
And by definition, obesity is not good. Obesity is when you weigh so much that it is legit dangerous. Just the same as you shouldn't make people who are overly skinny/flat feel ashamed for being that way naturally, but you shouldn't be screaming and defending the life style of those who are SO skinny they are malnourished and actually posing a threat to themselves.

>> No.7195865

It's actually funny to see how many people on there think English is a Latin-root language, and not a Germanic one that is randomly adopting things from other languages (mostly through French)

In fact, the site has a lot of "intelligent introverts" who are complete imbeciles that pride themselves on being able to look things up on wikipedia.

>> No.7195898
File: 60 KB, 400x400, 6168472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I transferred schools to get into a specific program, and I ended up making a friend who constantly makes me feel like shit just because she buys into so much tumblr sjw crap.

I feel like I can't have or like anything without her bringing something up about how "x is wrong" and just generally makes me end up feeing bad about everything.

> Have a big stupid Armin keychain attached to my apartment key because I'm stupid so I don't lose or forget it
> pull it out of my pocket to put away
> friend sees it looks at me
> "Hey, uh, I don't know if you've heard, but the Guy who makes 'snick'..."
> "I know, you don't have to tell me"
> "... said some really offensive things about Korean war atrocities..."
> "I know what that twitter account said, I don't think what he said was right or anything, and I don't think SnK is the greatest thing ever"
> "Yeah, but you bought that keychain, that's supporting him"
> I fucking bought the keychain in August before the tweets even happened

She also has gotten on my case about
- Not agreeing with Sakura and Chihiro being trans*
- Defending the Ace Attorney series
- Liking Jude as a protagonist more than Milla in Tales of Xillia

I feel like I can't fucking say I like anything because I have evil, cishet, capitalist, internalized sexist and lgbtphobic opinions and views on everything.

I need a new friend.

>> No.7195901

It's one of those things that's sort of a "legacy" situation - her teacher got the scholarship many years ago and referred her.
She's back in the US now and taking a break from tea ceremony, but she does still update her blog with reblogs from her kouhai that are over there and other traditional Japanese things:

Polite sage for slightly OT and late reply.

>> No.7195912

i am so sorry, anon-san <3
ditch that sjw bitch

>> No.7195913
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I know a girl who used to be fairly normal, just a bit annoying.
After she made a Tumblr, all she ever did was talk about "her feels" about TV shows and bitch about how everything is oppressing her.
She's one of those white cisgender heterosexual* middle/upper-class Republicans that get into all of this because she feels bad that she isn't oppressed or something, I don't know. She likes getting into arguments with "the Tumblr liberals" and thinks she won after she frustrates them with her stupidity.
She argues a lot but she really has no idea what she's doing, she just likes pissing people off.

I just needed to vent, apologies.

*She's told me before that she cannot find girls attractive, but a few months ago she was telling me that she got a girlfriend now, she just can't tell or show anyone else because she didn't want her family to find out. With how "in your face" she is about things, I really doubt this. I guess she's just pretending to be bisexual so she'll fit into Tumblr's oppressed-category a little better.

>> No.7195922

>Slutty McCondo
my new home

>> No.7195937

>Defending the Ace Attorney series
What's her deal with Ace Attorney?

>> No.7195943

Dude tell her to fuck off. You don't even have to explain yourself. Get out of there.

>> No.7195964

I'm sorry your 'friend' is such a bitch. Ditch this girl and find awesome friends who don't treat you like crap.

Your taste in games sounds awesome (Ace Attorney and Tales are among my favourite)

>> No.7195987

That's no friend
Dump that bitch

>> No.7196018


>Liking Jude as a protagonist in Xillia
>Classified as bad to a SJW

...but Jude isn't the typical sword wielding wannabe bad ass we are always given in Tales of games. How is liking him a bad thing? He breaks the mold when it comes to Tales of male protags. He's the cleric of the group for Christ's sake.

>> No.7196028

>Defending the Ace Attorney series
Oh God, what do SJWs have against Ace Attorney?

>> No.7196049

I was referring to the poster's friend, not the poster herself. I'm not sure if that's where you two got confused.

>> No.7196053

I've been spending too much time on Tumblr to even know this shit, but I guess some of the reasons could be...

>The lack of lbgt characters
>Majority of the characters are white (which is ridiculous because all the characters are supposed to be japanese to begin with)
>The only PoC lawyer is Godot, who's a prosecutor which means he's a "bad guy" (but then there's Klavier so I don't know how valid this claim would be)
>I'm pretty sure someone could throw in a claim about cultural appropriation if they knew nothing about the game series
>Idk I'm running out of ideas but there's always gonna be some radical feminist bullshit about how there aren't enough strong female characters

And spoilers ahead, then there's the whole thing with that one character in AA5 who could've been transgender or genderqueer or whatever, but turned out to be a reverse trap. I'm pretty sure the SJWs were pissed about that

>> No.7196054

>judas cradle
>pear of anguish
>stretching rack
neither is innocent but european methods were just fucking sick, bro.

>> No.7196056

Thank you! And I am working on finding better people to be around. She started out so normal too , which is the distressing part?

Well, Milla is the side protag, and that is still important, but I guess "friend" was thinking Milla was going to be amazing because she was a main character woman with a sword.
I personally find her incredibly bland.


I haven't played Dual Destinies, but apparently there's a character that appears masculine and then is revealed to be a girl and then acts really girly afterwards?

I haven't played it, but honestly, noting in AA should be taken that seriously.

>> No.7196057

>>7195787 here, i was also referring to the poster's friend

>> No.7196058

the inquisition was a fun time for inventors
there was one called a donkey or something too, and it was a wedge on metal that men sat on and were slowly split by...

>> No.7196060

Wow, what an un-fun cunt.
Does she really have to go as far as policing your interests?
Please, for your own sanity and happiness, ditch this crazy SJW.

>> No.7196061


>Majority of characters are white

For whatever reason, white people like to project themselves onto anime style characters even though they are really Asian by default unless specifically stated otherwise via narrative or setting. They seem to forget that anime is not real and thus, Asians can look however the hell they want when it comes to THEIR fiction and fantasy. Also, Godot isn't Asian?

>> No.7196081

Actually they're not any specific race unless stated. Even if they have Japanese names. They only use Japanese names because those are the ones they are used to and can speak in their language. There are a lot of animes set in Japan and characters who are foreign in them, but especially in fantasy worlds the characters aren't any race.

>> No.7196096
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Why do sjw like to pin things on everything. Anon you really need to ditch her or stop talking to her somehow, she's poison.

>> No.7196108

The way I saw it, white people have a higher chance of being her friend just because they won't be classified by race like she seems to with everything else, but yeah, she still sounds annoying as fuck.

>> No.7196115

SJW and cultural appropriation stuff is pretty stupid as it almost always boils down to reverse racism.

>> No.7196122

Iirc, Pokemon is the exact same way in a lot of those regards, and I've never seen SJW bitch about it. In the years it's been around, there have never been any lbgt characters, and even with the new 'pick your skin' option in X and Y, the game is still pale skin central.

Ace Attorney is supposed to be set in Japan, I would think since it's based off of the Japanese law system. Although.
The von Karmas and the Gavins are German, I think Edgeworth is European. I always thought Godot was hispanic or something, since his real name is Diego Armando. And it seemed like Phoenix, Maya, Mia, etc. were Japanese, but I could be wrong.

Sage, because this is a Tumblr thread, not an Ace Attorney thread.

>> No.7196130


>Asian media
>Made by Asians mostly for Asians. Westerners are free to enjoy the media as well of course
>Not assuming Asian is the default race in Asian media unless specified via narrative or setting
>In this much denial

Why are some people this stupid? That's about as asinine as claiming comic book characters don't have specified races.

Most anime characters are Asian. It's Asian media for fucks sake so of course it's the default race in their media. It's fiction, so they can make them look however they want, but their target demographic is ASIAN so it only makes sense to make the characters ASIAN in most of the media. Deal with it and move on. It's not even an issue.

>> No.7196127

Maybe because of Brock? He's a really obvious character and he's brown.

>> No.7196132
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>Fey clan family members
>Not being the most obviously Japanese of all AA characters

>> No.7196133

I'm from south-america, and i preffer to be called: friend. :)

>> No.7196134

actually, there was a shitload of PoC npc characters in XY, and then you have Iris in BW, who's a gym leader, champion, and she was also a major protgonist in the anime for a while. Also agreeing with the anon that mentioned brock, so there's a few valid reasons as to why the swj problem isn't as significant in the Pokemon community, which is probably for the better.

>> No.7196140

In the original Japanese game, isn't Godot's real name Souryuu Kaminogi?

>> No.7196147
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This idiot
Does anyone else get tired of the poor Native Americans shit?
Honestly if 95% of the Native Americans hadn't died from a plague before the colonials got there, they would have been able to beat the living shit out of the colonists.
Educate yourselves, plebs http://www.cracked.com/article_19864_6-ridiculous-lies-you-believe-about-founding-america.html
Yay for superior white genes?

>> No.7196152

In early games, all of the characters were PoC.. They were Japanese. I don't know what to say of Brock, but everyone likes to assume he's black. I think I've heard somewhere that he was meant to be Filipino. Or, you know, he could have just been a tan Japanese person, because they exist.
I'd be more inclined to believe Iris is black.

Then I have no idea why SJWs would throw Ace Attorney under the racist bus, other than they assume not tan=white always.

It's always strange that SJW will ascribe races to characters just to comp;ain about it. Instead of assuming these characters are white, why not assume they were meant to be Japanese, considering they were made BY Japanese people.

>> No.7196153


There's a lesbian character in one of the newest games, I think.
The scientist chick.

>> No.7196161

No, you idiot there's a Japanese made term specifically for what that anon is talking about. A lot of mangaka and artists specify that the characters aren't of any race.

>> No.7196165

The von Karmas are American in the original Japanese, and were switched to German in the western port.

>> No.7196167

>why not assume they were meant to be Japanese, considering they were made BY Japanese people.
Because the point of SJW is to try to find fault within everything and project western/white culture and problems onto the rest of the world.

I hate their standards for everything, anime has a fuck ton more diversity than Japan itself does, but it doesn't matter because it's a problem that would exist in the west.

>> No.7196171
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yeah and when it is portrayed in anime its usually nasty and dumb :'(
ex: Ginga e Kickoff!! although at least Reika loses weight at the end, proving that you can only be likeable or get the guy if you become skinny ;)
inb4 triggered landwhales

>> No.7196173
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Pokemon has really expanded in the PoC department, but I remember seeing Tumblr throw a bitchfit over XY's lack of non-binary gender options...

>> No.7196176


Most characters in Asian media are Asian by default unless narrative/setting states otherwise. It's fact, get over it.

>> No.7196177

did you even read the post you replied to?

>> No.7196179

I hope you're being ironic.

>> No.7196181
File: 1.09 MB, 300x169, argh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I remember seeing Tumblr throw a bitchfit over XY's lack of non-binary gender options
>XY's lack of non-binary gender options

How the fuck would someone include that in a game. Especially a game like Pokemon.

>> No.7196185

The thing that has been popping up on my dash recently is how we shouldn't be reading such and such book because the main character is white. Do you guys ever really notice the race of a character? I sort of just glance past it, I'm more interested in the story.

But heaven help us if the main character is white.

>> No.7196193

Adapting to shitty hygiene=/= Superior genes
If you exposed any race to a new disease without modern medicine or proper hygiene they're gonna fucking die.

>> No.7196195


There is nothing wrong with acknowledging race at all. People need to embrace and celebrate those differences rather than look down and shitting on them. It prevents the world from being dull as fuck. The problem are the people who are bitch made and want to ignore it and claim they don't see it when that's clear bullshit. There is nothing wrong with white protagonists. It's just for some reason people thing white protagonists are unanimous with white supremacy or some shit. At the end of the day the shit is fiction and not real anyway no matter how hard people want to project via escapism.

>> No.7196197
File: 131 KB, 492x304, oak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Would you like your sprite to be portrayed as if it had a penis, vagoo, both, or as an amorphous blob?
>Would you prefer to be referred to as a he, she, or it?

To be honest, I don't even know what 'non-binary gender' even means.

>> No.7196199


>Race littered with recessive gene traits
>Superior genetics

You should be a comedian.

>> No.7196201

Why would they even put make believe genders into their game. I wish we'd stop pandering to people with obvious mental illnesses.

Trans; perfectly reasonable
bi/a/multigendered; fuck no, that shit is stupid as all hell. Gender isn't a fucking product of society it's an actual fucking thing. I'm fine with people being unhappy and wanting to switch genders, but these fucks who think that gender is gender roles can fuck right the fuck off.

>> No.7196203


>>7196199 was meant for >>7196147

My bad.

>> No.7196204

It's for people who don't identify by male or female; they could be in between, leaning more towards one than the other, or completely separate themselves from the gender spectrum.
I know one girl (or boy? I can't tell.) who likes to flipflop between gender identities so she considers herself bigendered.

>> No.7196208
File: 30 KB, 166x165, n890.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You did it pretty much right. It's when you identify as something other than male or female (and I think being neither or both counts as well, and so does switching between genders.. you can tell what kind of shit I get on my Dashboard).

I think it'd be more like "Do you want to be a he, she, it, (s)he, xi, they, le, la, or something else entirely?"

Pretty sure these kids don't know shit about the difficulty of programming.

>> No.7196209

It's total fucking garbage is what it is.

>> No.7196213

Sorry I was answering a question, not telling what people to think of it.

>> No.7196217

Sorry this shit just makes me rage so hard.

>> No.7196226
File: 82 KB, 810x780, u7403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you all the same person? It's cool, man. I'm the same way.
See my thing is I don't really get how a person can feel like a gender. I've never felt male or female or like I didn't belong or any crap like that. I'm just here and I do what I want.
I don't get why people have to make up labels and make it difficult.

>> No.7196227

this is actually adorable

>> No.7196229

Yeah no I'm totally fine with whatever people identify with as long as their willing to put up with the fact that I'm not going to pusstfoot for them.

>> No.7196230


>> No.7196231

Trust me, I want to.
>I love how they seem to think you can't think for yourself, and if you disagree with their viewpoint, and say, "Nah, I'm pretty good in my life. I've not been mistreated," they go on and say you're brainwashed, or you just don't know you're being mistreated
When I was introduced to her friends, they were really nothing but fat white (hurr im 1/99th mexican im oppressed :^D-esque) chicks with Micheal Phan Miku eye make-up and shitty tattoos.
I shit you not.
But I'm pretty sure she has more "PoC" friends. We live in Cali after all.

>> No.7196236

Honestly the whole thing just seems like something that grew on tumblr. Trans people have been around for pretty much all of time, as well as gays, but the concept of feeling a certain gender is directly related to gender roles and nothing else. Most of the people I know who believe this sort of thing is legitimate or identify with it think that wanting to wear a skirt one day and liking sports another day means their bi-gendered, or that being a tomboy but still wanting to be a girl means they're a-gendered. Honestly, all being a guy or a girl means is that you like having a dick or a vag. Trans people don't like the sex organs they have, that's what makes them trans. I'm a woman because I like my vag and tits and don't want a dick. It has nothing to do with whether or not I like sports or dresses or cute things or violent things, and I really hate how people water gender struggles down to silly stereotypes.

It is understandable that trans people will adhere to stereotypes though because it's a new experience for them.

Sorry for the rant, just wanting to make myself understood.

>> No.7196241
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I-I can be your friend, anon. That way we can bitch about our sjw problems together.

sage for double post.

>> No.7196261
File: 195 KB, 1920x1200, r73092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh exactly, I've noticed the same thing. A lot of FtMs I meet just want to not have a period and be taken seriously, and a lot of MtFs seem to want to be soft and cute and taken care of. That's not what gender is, that's not what trans is, that just means you're not satisfied with yourself. You can still change that without throwing a bitchfit that someone called you the wrong made-up pronoun.

I feel really bad for a lot of legitimate transpeople because of Tumblr. I'm still not sure what is it about that site that made it a breeding ground for sensitive sponge children.

>> No.7196268

I know, right? If I get "triggered" by something, I'm really fucking embarrassed because it's usually something innocuous and stupid, and I don't make the world change around me because *I* have problems.

>> No.7196270


I'm sure it has something to do with all the "waaaah woe is being [type of person here]" getting so much attention. Sensitivity spreading too fast.

>> No.7196282

I don't have a tumblr, but it sounds like it's one of those things that's only considered socially acceptable on the internet.

>> No.7196302


I was the same way, I'd try to hide under tables but that just got more unwanted attention. People who found me would make me look them in the eye while I cried, which is actually a very very bad one for me.
Someone did that to me when I was a child, telling me over and over that I was ugly when I cried. And then made me look in the mirror and made me repeat after them.
>"Ugly. Say it. Ugly. Stop crying, you're so ugly like that. Look at that face in the mirror, don't you dare look away from it, anon. You're going to stare at that horrible face until you stop making it."

So, definitely didn't want any attention from it. I was afraid that if anyone saw my crying face they would disown me or talk about how ugly it was. It was embarrassing.

>> No.7196377

Someone just asked me if I thought that being able to draw anime-style as well as Japanese people was cultural appropriation.

I don't. Really? What? I just can't.

>> No.7196384
File: 33 KB, 141x249, n859043.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying Japanese people inherently know how to draw anime
Oh wow.

>> No.7196386

I get what tumblr wants to think about that character but the character is a girl, and always wanted to be girly was was sort of forced to act masculine for her parents. It has nothing to do with being trans or whatever. I'm not surprised tumblr would get mad about her and sort of miss the point.

>> No.7196428

fucking this.

tumblr completely mangled the usage of that term and made it almost meaningless


i cant fucking shop for FOOD if the goddamn store is too crowded.

fucking assholes.

>> No.7196434

>tumblr completely mangled the usage of that term and made it almost meaningless
And they turn around and complain about people mangling other terms and making them meaningless / desensitizing people to them. They are ridiculous little shits.

>> No.7196440

No. stop using cracked as a source, they are often full of shit. Research the Arawaks.Find out how Ponce de Leon died. Pick up a book or two before ordering others to educate themselves. Also, stop generalizing. It is terrible form.

>> No.7196447
File: 805 KB, 245x160, 578392.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess vaguely related to this, but I will never get over how they/teenagers in general mangled the meaning of "literally."

There's a difference between a word's meaning evolving and completely ruining it.
With "literally," its definition is now:
>when something is meant exactly as it is stated
Those are fucking opposites. That's a word that has been fucked to the point where it can be called useless. That's like looking up the definition of "one" and finding
>a single object
>many objects

Pisses me off.

>> No.7196448

This. The natives had fewer diseases because they did not live in close proximity with their food-to-be. Or each other.

>> No.7196450

Or used a fucking pot to shit and piss in then threw it into the fucking street.

>> No.7196494

lol yeah
native north and south americans also complained frequently of the rancid stench white people gave off

>> No.7196519
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>> No.7196527

That is the most idiotic rationalisation I've ever seen.

>> No.7196534
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>> No.7196538

I don't even...

>> No.7196550

>First day of a class, freshman year of college
>TA in lab group wants to do ice breakers by asking what our pet peeves are
>"Well it really annoys me when people use clear hyperbole with words like 'literally.' For example, 'it was like literally a million miles away from here'"
>Get that same argument from people

So yes, this stuff pisses me off too.

>> No.7196555

It's called context. You're literally retarded.

>> No.7196557 [DELETED] 

It's funny because AC is more trans-friendly than Pokemon
I was VERY disappointed when I went into a women's clothing store in Pokemon and they told me "YOU CAN'T WEAR ANY OF THESE CLOSE, BUT FEEL FREE TO LOOK AT THEM IF YOU WANT"
In contrast, you can wear clothing made for the opposite gender in New Leaf.
I only wanted to be a cute trap.
Fuck you Nintendo.

>> No.7196561

My brain literally exploded just now, I never see anyone use it correctly.

>> No.7196560

It's funny because AC is more trans-friendly than Pokemon
I was VERY disappointed when I went into a women's clothing store in Pokemon and they told me "YOU CAN'T WEAR ANY OF THESE CLOTHES, BUT FEEL FREE TO LOOK AT THEM IF YOU WANT"
In contrast, you can wear clothing made for the opposite gender in New Leaf.
I only wanted to be a cute trap.
Fuck you Nintendo.

>> No.7196562

Yes, AC is way more flexible. The only thing that irked me was I could be as brown as I wanted in the summer but it wore off.
I only wanted to be a cute brown grill year-long (without wearing that ugly Mii mask and still having white arms).
Fuck you Nintendo.

>> No.7196572

I just saw a post that basically argued that if you assume a woman has a vagina, or a man has a penis, you are being cissexist and therefore worse than Hitler. Good God, do they genuinely believe that people thinking that the average person on the street is probably the same gender they were born on is the same as roughing up transgender people in a back alley for fun?

>> No.7196578


>implying the male protag in X/Y doesn't look hella feminine with just short hair, t-shirt, and jeans.

I swore to god my character looked like a tomboy chick even though I picked male as my gender in the game. As far as I'm concerned, X/Y has two female protags and one's just a tomboy or lesbian. You can't make a legit looking male in that game.

>> No.7196582

>white scum who created it.

>> No.7196631
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>> No.7196738

Anyone notice that ginsengteacat's blog is password-protected now?
I wonder what happened.

>> No.7196754

Probably got tired of all them dang dirty trolls.

It's really for the best for her. Let her have her meltdown in private where she doesn't have to show up the world.

>> No.7196773

I hate when people on tumblr just decide certain characters are trans and get mad when people don't agree. If anything wouldn't it be good if the character was being referred as the gender they were transitioning to or whatever? Like I don't see how you make a character trans without it being a big reveal of them being born a diff gender. It just confuses the shit out of me.

>> No.7196797


Or when they make them gay? The only one they haven't done that to is Cecil from Nightvale since he's canonly at least gay. He may be bi for all we know. But hey.


>> No.7196811

I got fucking berated by some anon after I used the word "nigga" they claimed I was appropriating black culture.

And then after I stated I was half black, they said it was still cultural appropriation because I'm not 100% black

Fucking tumblr.

>> No.7196830
File: 493 KB, 500x193, Bitchy nicky.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mfw I can call most of my black friends ''My nigga'' when I am happy with them and they just laugh and call me ''My white nigga'', and I have this one friend who just gets into a complete hissy fit over how offensive that word is and demands I just say ''My black person'' or something in that range if I wanna refer to her skincolor.

How is ''My black person'' less offensive then ''My nigga''. At least my nigga sounds like you are friends, my black person sounds like you are talking about your slave.

>> No.7196841

huh... Just randomly dropping in here.
But, uh, is that all it really is?
I mean, I've always wanted and dreamed about having a penis, and never really wanted to acknowledge my own vag, but I would never go trans? Idk. I'm fine with being a girl and I don't really feel like going anywhere and I don't feel self entitled enough to go and try to change something that was beyond my control when I was born.
Yeah I mean it makes sex kinda awkward and stuff but I just... don't really care.

Sorry. Sage for blogging. I just have a lot of confused feelings whenever I have to think about things.

>> No.7196913
File: 185 KB, 502x529, youve gone too far these are real people you little shits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen people make fucking YOUTUBERS trans. I've never been more glad to have Tumblr Hate installed.

>> No.7196923

This is ridiculous. I seriously hope these people don't reproduce.

>> No.7196932

My life summed up

>> No.7196934

How much do you want to bet that the SJWs would flip their shit if said youtubers showed the smallest opposition to that?

>> No.7196943

I don't even want to think about that. There was a post with some video depicting Hannah (Lomadia) and her boyfriend Lewis in some kind of abusive relationship (idk I didn't actually watch it) and Lomadia actually said on her official tumblr that it really upset her, yet people sill defended the video as "a bit of harmless shipping fun". Buncha cunts.

>> No.7196948

The original video has been removed but I found her post about things like that in general. Of course there are plenty that don't give a toss and are carrying on regardless.

>> No.7196961

Fucking vile.

>> No.7196963

Hey, I had someone bitch at me for this once, too! They were so rude and entitled about it, too. I don't even remember how it went but damn they made me feel stupid. Glad to know I'm not the only one who thought it was a kind of weird thing for someone to get their panties bunched over.

>> No.7196971





>> No.7196981
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Why the fuck are made up pronouns so retarded?

>uhmmm words evolve over time and new words are added always so that means u shud ALWAYS USE THE WORDS MADE UP ON TUMBLR BECAUSE THEYRE TOTALLY LEGIT AND RECONGIZED!1!!! EVERYONE WILL UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU ARE TRYING TO SAY rly or else ur being offensive

>> No.7196987

exactly. I get using they as a pronoun, but everything else is just retarded.

>> No.7197004

I reconnected with a friend I had in high school and she is just like that now too. I put a lot of articles on my Facebook making fun of pretty much people being stupid when they are being stupid, feminists, Democrats, Republicans, whatever. But any time it's about a feminist she always comments on it to say "What is this? Do you really think this way?" or something. The article was about these specific feminists on Twitter being hypocritical, I was just like, wat.

>> No.7197017

This is not new for internet attention whore teenage girls. I remember when every teenage girl back in the day was "bipolar". Now they all have triggers. Triggers are the new bipolar, they just search for a new psychological term to attach onto and claim they have to play into their victim complex.

>> No.7197026

trigger is the new bipolar.
trans is the new bisexual.

>> No.7197027
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Picture related.

>> No.7197029

Have you seen the post where they defend their use of tyPING liKe THiS????11 and call it "linguistic evolution" and "pidgin language" and apply all sorts of academic terms to their own spastic laziness?

>> No.7197031

>trans is the new bisexual.

no I think pansexual is the new bisexual. Trans is just... I can't explain it, it's just it's own stupid BS thing

>> No.7197043

the people that annoy me are the asexuals. I feel it's like atheism. what's the point of even talking about it.

>> No.7197050

>that pic
What in the fuck.
I know people write Simon/Lewis gay fics as a joke, but that's way too far.

>> No.7197055

I hate the snowflakes on Tumblr that complain about allys. It makes no sense at all. They bitch about oppression, and then they bitch when people want to support them.

>> No.7197057
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Being transgender and pansexual is the new bisexual.
And you're being brainwashed if you identify as heterosexual and/or cisgender.

>> No.7197059

I read this in LSP's voice and it made me so very happy.

>> No.7197062


Why do you feel asexuality and atheism are not worth talking about, out of interest? Surely the absence of something is still worthy of discussion? It's still a 'thing', even if it's the absence of something.

>> No.7197068


I don't have a problem with asexuals who talk about it at all.

What gets me are the non-asexuals (or the little kids pretending they are) who never mention it, or leave no clue, then scream about being 'oppressed' and 'triggered' when you mention to them that you're in a sexual relationship.

It's not like I walk up to these fuckers and go: "Yo, my nigga, sex is the best and if you're not having it, fuck you!" I've literally had people ask me if I have sex, then get offended when I say yes.

I don't fucking get it.

>> No.7197069


Reading anything remarkably tumblrstupid in LSP's voice makes it a lot more palatable, it's a fact.

>> No.7197071

Those 3 are alright because they're just a little different from actual pronouns we use, but people who insist on being called "yo", "zihm", "mir", "hum", "thon", or "jee" are fucking retarded. Those words don't mean anything and are not going to become valid.

"They" is already the most commonly used gender-neutral pronoun, and "ze/xe" is the only other one that maybe has a possibility of becoming valid. Everything else is made up nonsense and will never become valid.

>> No.7197074

Actually it's being genderqueer and pansexual.

Most of the time the people who identify as genderqueer pansexuals present entirely as female and are in a straight relationship. It's hilarious.

>> No.7197076

>"All racism was made by fucking white people!!!1!"
>But what about the things the Japanese did?
>"Oh well that's a complex situation"
You can feel the yellow fever and weebness of not wanting to acknowledge how Japan was just like other imperial countries.

>> No.7197078

ze and xir are devianTart level special snowflake terms that need to go away.

>> No.7197109

The hypocrisy of these people pisses me off so fucking much.

I've seen so many people drop series X or Y for not having enough trans*, female, disabled, whatever the fuck characters, but they still cling to SnK despite the creator's views on the Japanese war crimes. I mean, the man straight up said that it was GOOD for Koreans and Chinese. It's right there, the racism is RIGHT THERE, in front of their faces, and they choose to target fucking Pokemon for not including an non-gendered otherkin trans-Hispanic FtMtFrM as a character option. Why? Because ~he has such good representation of LGBTABC123 characters~ ~Armin is trans because my headcanon says so, here's my overly long analysis of why this is huhu~

I could care less if they choose to continue reading/watching SnK, but to see people defend him for excusing fucking cultural genocide as ~oh well, that's just his opinion, you shouldn't blame him for what he's been taught~ is fucking disgusting.

>> No.7197117
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All this and I have never seen someone simply claim their trainer in XY is trans.
You can totally do that, if you ignore the non-binary pronoun nonsense.

Oh, but that wouldn't require a struggle.

>> No.7197118

This is so true.

>> No.7197120

real asexuals don't get 'triggered' or 'oppressed' by that sort of thing, they just don't care about it. Being asexual doesn't mean you have a sex phobia, and even people with sex phobias aren't freaked out by the mere mention of sex, just when it's directed at them.

>> No.7197121

He sounds like the Orson Scott Card of manga. People like his work so they ignore his bullshit.

>> No.7197129

Dude I went to a predominantly black school and during classes when I'd talk to some of my classmates (most of them wanna be gang bangers) they usually liked me and called me "my nigga". The teacher would tell them to stop because they were confused why they were calling a little asian/hispanic girl my nigga.

>> No.7197131

>'cause she's mah nigga, nigga.

>> No.7197133

The greatest part is that he's never actually said that any of his characters are trans. He just said something to the effect of 'I don't care' when asked if one of them was a boy or girl and Tumblr basically went 'WOW HE'S SO PROGRESSIVE HE DOESN'T CARE ABOUT GENDER ROLES WHAT A GREAT GUY LET ME LICK HIS FEET"


>> No.7197141

Relationships don't really tell anything about a person. You can be bi/pan and have a hetero relationship. That doesn't mean you aren't attracted to people who are of the same gender as you or trans* people.
But I can only speak for myself.
I've been in a few relationships with girls, but right now I'm in a poly relationship and we're taking it slow looking for a third partner.

>> No.7197144
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I once knew a girl who claimed she was ~*asexual now*~ because she was spurned in a relationship. I told her sexuality isn't a fashionable trend you can hop around to be "kewl x3". She went on a whole rant at me for 30 minutes about how she "decided to be asexual!!! because 'other friend' is asexual and it's cool!!!"

I have a number of horror stories about her, ranging from going to the park and her screaming in my ear because she didn't want to sit by a couple and their child because "they looked dangerous and my anxiety is triggered" to her bragging about self harming.

>> No.7197147
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I like it.

>> No.7197159

It's more of a thing of "wow look how progressive I am! I'm attracted to everyone!" and then they're only in straight relationships ever. They use the label "pansexual" to show that they'd totally date a trans guy, too! as if transgendered people aren't just normal people and your willingness to date them requires a whole new label.

>> No.7197170

>as if transgendered people aren't just normal people and your willingness to date them requires a whole new label
If you surveyed a good number of average hetero men off the street, what percentage do you think would say they're okay with dating a trans woman? How many would say only if she was trans in a certain way?

>> No.7197179
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>i could care less

>> No.7197181

So you're saying that other peoples' opinions of transgendered people determine how trans people want to be treated?

>> No.7197183

Noooo, I'm saying the label of pansexual makes it clear that those people are interested in a transperson as they are and it's still a useful label.

>> No.7197196

I still think it's shitty to call yourself pansexual just because you'd date someone who's trans. I always thought pansexual meant you can potentially be up for anyone regardless of who/what they are, not just because you're willing to date any male regardless of if he has a penis or a vagina.

The labels tumblr has are stupid anyway. They seem more concrete and forced than the ideas that even average people have about sexuality.

>> No.7197198


Pansexual doesn't exist, there are only two genders. Trans people fall into one of the two genders, they're just switching to the other one.

Now stop arguing.

>> No.7197200

> I always thought pansexual meant you can potentially be up for anyone regardless of who/what they are
That is what it means... I'm guessing I should have read further up the comment thread before I jumped into the conversation, I'm apparently not talking about the same thing as you.

>> No.7197199

I'm not really sure what my sexuality is, but I'm older (turn 30 next year) so asexuality wasn't really a term when I was younger and dating and having sex. I actually didn't even know it existed until someone I was dating confronted me and asked if I was asexual, since I had told him I never have had a sex drive or really been interested in sex. I've looked over the asexuality.org faqs/handbook about it to try and figure it out a couple years ago (since every relationship I have had I've always puzzled over my lack of sexual motivation and attraction even though I found my partners physically/aesthetically attractive to me) and I guess I can say I identify as asexual. It kind of was a surprise that there was an actual classification for me, because I thought I just had some kind of problem upstairs.

I don't think sex is gross and I've never scorned someone for talking about sex around me since, frankly, those kind of discussions are usually hilarious and I can still relate since I've had sex and have my own stories. But I've never actually told anyone I'm asexual. Not sure if that's good or bad.

anyway, I don't know what the point of this comment even was.

>> No.7197201

I'm not trying to go all SJW on you but the dynamic between you and your friends is different than the institutionalized dynamic when it comes to that word. "My black person" is stupid as fuck but it's not using a word that is historically and racially charged.

>> No.7197204

>I have an opinion and I'll just blow over whatever logical points were made on both sides to let everybody know that I'm right

>> No.7197215

Come on, admit it. Pansexual only exists in the realm of thought that there are more than one gender. It's a really special snowflake thing to think and it's usually used to isolate trans people. Trans people aren't a gender, they're just people who are one gender but want to be or are in the process of becoming another.

>> No.7197223
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>it's usually used to isolate trans people
Please get a Tumblr and use that argument on someone, I want to see them rip their eyes out coming up with a counter to that.

>> No.7197224

Labels are supposed to be indentifiers. The point of the label of pansexual is so people know that if they're trans and get into a relationship with you, even if there's a surprise when the pants come off or something comes up where they discover your parents originally named you Tim, not Tina, they aren't going to freak out because omgwhatafreak.

>> No.7197229

See, that's a problem. If the people doing it are fine with it and not bothering anyone else there's no issue. Obviously their friends were perfectly fine with it so the other persons' opinion doesn't matter. Part of successfully taking back a word and changing the meaning is evolving it to rid it of it's old connotations. Thinking of how it was once used and not moving from it doesn't change the word or solve the problem, and it doesn't help move forward.

>> No.7197237

Yeah, but it can be really hurtful to trans people to be identified as trans and not the gender they identify with. I know several trans people especially who are really offended by the term pansexual and stay away from people like that because they don't feel they're being treated equally as other males or females.

It's a really tricky subject, but even though the term is an attempt to help it does a lot of damage.

>> No.7197236

I'm not going to quote anybody in particular because so many people are discussing this, but do you not realize that pansexual is meant to include more than just trans and cisgendered people? It also includes people with more fluid gender identities and people like crossdressers and drag queens, as well as people who desire to be androgynous.

>> No.7197243

Pansexuality doesn't automatically label the options beyond cisgendered as trans, there's more than just cis and trans people in the world when it comes to gender bullshit.

>> No.7197241

>tumblr in a nutshell

>> No.7197244

First off, being a crossdresser or drag queen is not part of ones' sexuality. It is reflected by some of the time, but it is not directly related.

Secondly, we're talking about actual gender, not people who assume 'gender' is a set of stereotypes and role expectations.

Now please kindly fuck off back to tumblr. The grown-ups are talking about real problems.

>> No.7197252

...you're not still friends with her, right?

>> No.7197260

Does anyone else here feel that identity labels and gender identity as a whole is just a huge sham made for people who are too cowardly to handle the tough things in life and try to find an easy way out?
Idk, it just seems to me with this abundance of teenage girls who suddenly don't want to be girls anymore (because being a girl is hard and they'd rather have it easy without working for it) is doing a lot of fucking damage to women as a whole.

>> No.7197256

Crossdressing is a reflection of a person's view towards gender and sexuality and is relevant towards how other people feel towards them sexually. I'm sorry you only subscribe to the college freshman's gender manifesto.

>> No.7197258
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>> No.7197261

most of tumblr aren't going to be able to handle the real world at this point. And all these fucking labels aren't helping either.

>> No.7197264

There are historical records of people attempting to change their sex and wanting to be the opposite sex if you're talking about being trans as it is. If you're just talking about the labels, I think it helps people feel more connected to each other.

>> No.7197273


Mein sides

>> No.7197280

>horror stories
Would you mind sharing?

>> No.7197284

>I think it helps people feel more connected to each other.
Hugbox mentalities are bad.

>> No.7197285

For the record, from a sociological point of view, "actual gender" is referred to as "sex", and "gender" refers exclusively to gender roles.

Tumblr doesn't seem to understand this, however.

>> No.7197288

But crossdressing isn't an gender by itself. It's an expression of gender but that doesn't make people who crosdress an entirely different gender.

Same goes for drag queens/kings. They dress in drag for fun or to perform, and go by opposite pronouns while they're in drag but not while they've just living in their day to day lives.

>> No.7197293

Watching this sketch on SNL is always painful for me. I know it's a joke but there are so many people who actually behave like this and I know a few in real life. It makes me feel gross and strange to watch.

>> No.7197344

I think what they're getting at is that there seems to be a sudden influx of teenage girls who basically don't want to be female anymore for largely petty reasons.

>> No.7197403

>I make a joke about Benedict Cumberbatch
>Girl in a class of mine gets upset, tells me not to since he totally hates himself and has low self-esteem
>I know for a fact that actors require very thick skin to even survive
>They also think he genuinely has a crush on Martin Freeman

What the fuck is with tumblrtards and not being able to discern reality from their goddamn "headcannons" and shit? They're pretty much walking definitions of "Confirmation Bias" and "Projection."

>> No.7197425

I hate tumblr because of this cancerous social justice shit. I hate that it's seeping into anime fandoms too (see: SnK and Sailor Moon racebending art/"Hanji, Naoto and Chihiro are trans!"/"Kill la Kill is sexist!" etc.). Also, I think PoC is a stupid term, to me it sounds like some bullshit PC language, like saying "horizontally gifted" instead of fat.

I also hate how quick tumblr is jumping into bandwagon on SJ issues without questioning it at all. Take cultural appropriation for example. Some SJ blogger (most likely not Native American) decides that dream catchers are racist and offensive to Native Americans? The whole tumblr is suddenly convinced that if you own a dream catcher, you are literally Hitler. Or if you dress up in, for example, a kimono or a sari as a white person? Go kill yourself, fucking racist pig, you might as well dress up as an SS-officer!
Oh yeah, also it's never considered cultural appropriation if you borrow things from white cultures.

Same with this "power + prejudice = racism" thing that seems to be popular with SJW these days. It's just fucking manipulating definition of racism so that they can't be accused of racism against whites no matter what they say, and tumblr is totally eating that shit up too. If something's branded offensive or racist or sexist or whatever they are ready to defend it to death even if it makes zero sense.

>> No.7197436

what the hell is steven universe and why is it all over my dash? is it because the characters are multiple races and one is fat?

>> No.7197526

Putting the variety of characters aside, it's this combo of magical girls with 80s themes and there's a song in every episode.
why would they not like it?

>> No.7197581

PC can be fun sometimes.
>Gravitationally Challenged
>Bodus Rotundus
>Healthfully Big
>Horizontally Tall
>Swamp Donkey

>> No.7197620
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I love the way Tumblr is set up, but fucking hell I hate the community.
I've lost so many good friends to the social justice warrior side that it kills me and honestly I lost my shit on a few of them when they started referring to me as "their oppressed friend". They stopped treating me like a person and just used me as a soapbox to spew their bullshit and it still stings.

>> No.7197626

>Armin is trans because my headcanon says so
holy shit, i would love to see this argument.

>> No.7197663

>Be at con with a friend
>Random person I know from tumblr approaches me
>"HEY ANON! HOW ARE YOU! ITS GREAT TO SEE YOU HERE! So... are you going to introduce me to your friend?"
>They're some panpolyasexualgenderqueergenderneutralpotatofluid person who changes their name all the time
>They get mad at me later for using the name they refer to themselves as on tumblr

I also knew a girl obsessed with homestuck who genuinely insisted on being called "Harley" because she didn't like the name of "Alex"

>> No.7197692
File: 13 KB, 498x317, v.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look up the "transstuck" tag on tumblr and sit back and watch.
its fucking insane.

>> No.7197698

what the fuck is FAAB

>> No.7197701

What the hell are FAAB and MAAB/

>> No.7197707

this sounds like the people who are "genderqueer masculine panromantic demisexual"
like what the fuck does that even mean

>> No.7197712

FAAB= Female Assigned At Birth
MAAB= Male Assigned At Birth

>> No.7197719

Late reply, but no. She stopped talking to me because I kept telling her that her tumblrtard mentality was disgusting.
Depends on which ones you want to hear, Anon-kun.

>> No.7197810

They can't even handle taking a step outside their house without having an anxitey attack over the sunlight.

>> No.7197837

Oh, I see. I'm surprised so many of them are listed as cisgender to be honest.

>> No.7197841

It will never cease to amaze me why people take the time our of their lives to this. Especially over homestuck, c'mon man. God forbid they can't be their canon "cis" genders and they can't satisfy these people's little sick fantasies.

>> No.7197851
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>> No.7197872

Fucking typos.

>> No.7197905

One of my friends sent me this: http://sketchingchick.tumblr.com/

According to my friend, she's a college student and obsesses over Loki.
She expresses this by using the crayon tool in photoshop.

>> No.7197934
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>> No.7197998

>bragging about self harming

I've never gotten this. Even the special little identities people bandwagon over I can understand, it gives them something ~unique to cling to, but why things like self-harm and EDs get glamorized and bragged about I just can't fathom.

>> No.7198605

A thing that pisses me off is those tumblrites that cry racism if you wear a kimono, or paint your face like a sugar skull, or god forbid like anything that is outside of your culture.
And then they call it 'cultural appropriation' as if that is racist and bad
CULTURAL APPROPRIATION IS NOT RACISM. Sure, there can be racist things that sometimes come from it, but it is not racist itself.
These people want every culture in its own little bubble so that they don't mingle or change or grow (which sounds actually racist).
But they also fail to realize that isolating a culture is the fastest way to kill it.
They also fail to realize that they are speaking english, which wouldn't fucking exist if it weren't for cultural appropriation.

>> No.7198632

It's only cultural appropriation is only wrong when the culture that is being appropriated comes out and says something about it. Japan doesn't seem to care, but sugar skulls are different. I can't say it's offensive to use their designs as make up, but I do want to share this info in case anyone really cares:
Sugar skulls are used on altars to dead family members to call back their spirits to their home on the Day of the Dead (Also known as All Saint's and All Soul's Day, a Catholic holiday). They write the deceased's name on the skull and decorate them by hand.
So I can see how some people might be offended for girls to be using it... It's like mocking the dead, if you ask me. I'm not gonna sit there and tell people to stop though.
Just please do research before you decide to do something stupid.

>> No.7198654


Mexican here.

We don't fucking care.

I'm not trying to be rude, but it's true. It's a celebration open to everyone you don't have to have a dead family member to join in, and a lot of people dress up and paint their faces.

>> No.7198660
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Sweet. Thanks for the info.
I've always wanted to celebrate.
My point still stands: before you do something, please do research.

>> No.7198744

I hope all you idiots using the term "poc" get called "person of no colour" or "without colour". I remember being told why "coloured" is so offensive by a woman who hated the idea that she was a white person who'd been coloured in with a felt tip pen. It makes sense.
Just use black (or Asian or brown or Indian or fill in as appropriate). It's on your government approved forms. Even afro-carribean isn't completely approved of by the black community since that lumps two completely seperate communities together. But person of colour? It's so clearly offensive that I'm disgusted that anyone uses it and pretends to be better than all others.

>> No.7198756

whenever I see 'person of color', I always remember those pictures in my history textbooks of the water fountains that said "whites" and "colors"

>> No.7198772
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>army cunt giving out about the IRA when the UDA/UVF murdered many more civilians
>was probably a Brit/Unionist himself

exactly the same shit these tumblr people are talking about, why would he feel sad when he's benefiting from the existing power structure

>> No.7198872

Same here!

>> No.7198973

Things are really going to get ugly when they have kids.

They are going to be a bunch of overly sensitive helicopter moms who yell at their daughters that they are conforming to society standards for wanting a Barbie.

>> No.7198976

SJWs cionfuse cultural appropriation (which is fine, it keeps cultures dynamic, opens minds, etc.) with cultural MISappropriation (which is the inappropriate use of cultural icons against the wishes of the culture in question). By placing things like sugar skulls, dreadlocks, and traditional kimono in the same basket as Native headdresses in an attempt to seem ~socially aware~, they are in fact showcasing their own ignorance to an offensive degree.

>> No.7199056

I saw someone on tumblr that had a list of all the things that were being culturally appropriated by 'white people' and that 'they need to stop'
that list included miley cyrus twerking
fucking twerking was the same level of cultural (mis)appropriation as a Native headdress

>> No.7199155

Yes because candy, hairstyles, and formal attire is totally the same thing as a religious garb, right?
Fucking tumblr.

>> No.7199373

How is twerking even a culture thing? Where did they get the idea that twerking is CULTURAL?

>> No.7199560
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Has anyone else seen this bs?
Apparently 'uwu' is triggering. The 'uwu culture' tag is ridiculous.

>> No.7199639
File: 71 KB, 631x631, tumblr_msgwy846m31s1fb38o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm kind of pretentious and i don't know how it happened

>> No.7199724

How the hell can anyone be pressured into sending a guy nudes through "uwu"

"show us your titties uwu"

>> No.7199760

Oh, I didn't mean to come off as pretentious. Just something I saw reblogged. For some reason.

>> No.7200389

Is it any good? it looks cute!

>> No.7200400

how does she liek her inbox being spammed with uwu? uwu.

>> No.7200558
File: 8 KB, 525x141, whatintheactual.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't see a new thread, so BAM.
Fresh from my dash.

>> No.7200745

The fuck is uwu anyways. It doesn't look like a face or anything to me at all.

But but... sexual parts are male or female. They are never gender neutral. What in the actual fuck indeed.

>> No.7200787

This shit pisses me off so much. The criteria for being diagnosed with gender identity disorder is feeling dysphoria. Dysphoria. A sense that your body isn't right. I'm so angry. They aren't transgender or whatever, they're just stupid fucking dykes

>> No.7201011

about programming that, couldn't you just set a variable for the pronoun like we'd do for a character's name? It doesn't seem much difficult to me but maybe I'm missing something.

>> No.7201020

Well, it's been shown that learning to eat with chopsticks helps with drawing and writing better but I don't see why that would apply to anime specifically either. I wonder what kind of argument these people have.

>> No.7201044

>this is important

in what fucking way? in what universe is this shit important?

>> No.7201191

Decide for yourself

>> No.7201434

Just found this article but I haven't read through most of it but it seems relevant.

>> No.7202109

i think a lot of what people are saying, and this is what i think, is this whole 'fuck u acknowledge my special otherness' is the attention seeking, juvenile way of going about normal life, which is that people are not just clearly one thing or the other in all ways, and you don't have to shove made up labels in other people's faces to have a healthy interaction with people. i like/am weird/do badly in regards to a lot of things, but i don't have to go around seeking attention/labels just cuz i'm not the same person as everyone else.
the other thing is that, about the attention seeking - and kind of IM COOL? seeking part of it - let me list all the things i am and have people talk about me me me to me, just like having a personality quiz on your myspace or something.
and you know, any problem you have with something doesn't 'make you ___', lots of people would be totally cool with being able to be a man or a woman whenever they wanted, or feel weird about sex, or just, you know whatever, your identity isn't just some words listed on your tumblr though.c

>> No.7202115

yeah really. what if anything will change society but personal interactions? that's just saying, no, you are moving on but NO ONE CAN NOT YET WAIT FOR OTHERS

>> No.7202388
File: 96 KB, 358x383, 1371918857408.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my god, I just found this post... I guess I'll better just link it here:
And apparently, this was in the cultural appropriation tag "bc these white girls r appropriating visual kei imagery, which is a part of japanese culture."
>appropriating visual kei
>appropriating visual kei
Holy shit, these people are something else. I can't stop laughing. This "cultural appropriation"-thing really has gone too far.

>> No.7202788
