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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6899117 No.6899117[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Cosplay virgin here and im very new to /cgl/ so forgive me if I break some kind of unforgivable taboo by asking this, but does /cgl/ read comics/wtach anime etc? Are are only into cosplay because youre a whore?

>> No.6899119
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>spoiler fail

>> No.6899124

/co/ regular, are you?

>does /cgl/ read comics/wtach anime etc?
Yeah, usually people think it's a good idea to watch the source material before cosplaying it.

>Are are only into cosplay because youre a whore?
Some people are. Most aren't.

>> No.6899127
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>/co/ regular, are you?
Is it that obivous?

>> No.6899135
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A few years ago, someone starting a thread to be a douchebag definitely would NOT have been a /co/ regular. How far our great board has fallen.

>> No.6899139
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I wasn't trying to come off as a douche. I was just curious about the cosplayfags on this foreign board.

>> No.6899140

I read comics, watch anime, and play video games. All in moderation.

Are we done here? Can we /thread?

>> No.6899143

>I read comics, watch anime, and play video games. All in moderation.
That' what they all say....

>> No.6899150

>implying fanaticism is the way to go

>> No.6899163

I cosplay from things I like because I like dressing up. Also meeting people who like the same things as I do. I never understood why someone would dress up as a character from something they know nothing about. What the hell happens when people walk up to them and start talking about the game/show?

>> No.6899172

There's a lot of promiscuity in the cosplay scene unfortunately.

It's shitty, but let's face reality. Most cosplay is more or less softcore pornography now. And every week we've got more and more cosplayers going into either stuff like Cosplay Deviants or even more hardcore stuff (LA porn).

I'm not surprised men call us sluts, when I look at this and the cosplay rave scene, I feel disgusted enough that I want to just stop cosplaying entirely.

My dad has already said he doesn't like the way a lot of my friends behave.

>> No.6899169

newfags can't le surprise box xd

>> No.6899178
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>/co/ reaction pics
>acts like a dick
>tries to spoiler

>> No.6899179

I think it's situations where cosplayers dress up as character they know jack shit about simply means they aren't into the lel nerd shit. Most of the time they are your Alpha males and females who don't mind showing a little skin. But most of the time it's just a chick who is a budding porn star dressing up as PowerGirl but can't tell you jack shit about the character even if her life was at stake.

>> No.6899183

/co/ is the cancer of the internet
/co/ gave birth to bronies
/b/ has never done anything that bad

>> No.6899184
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You guys are so thin skinned you think any one that questions your dedication a dick.

>> No.6899181

Considering turbonerds will give you shit if you don't eveything about the character you're cod playing as its usually a good idea to be familiar with the source material.
Also, /cgl/ should be renamed whores and drama, get out while you can.

>> No.6899187

>calling people whores
>not being a douche

lol okay. I suppose you're going to go back to your board whining about those 'mean feminist sluts' now.

>> No.6899185

Gotta say, I've got zero sympathy for Yoko cosplay teases that get raped.

And before accusations of Fedoras abound: I'm a girl.

>> No.6899189

I only cosplay stuff from what I know cause if I don't I feel kinda stupid and talking to actual fans would just be too weird.

Um, maybe that's in your area but from experience there's just one or two people who are always running off with folks. Some dating here or there but rarely any sleeping around. It's more of a fun vacation/event to do outside of school and work.

>> No.6899192
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We're just sensitive /co/mrade~

>> No.6899190

Oh fuck off, we all know it's you. You don't even vary your wording. Amusing how you're pretending to be a girl now though. Go satisfy your desperate need to be bullied by a slut on /soc/.

>> No.6899191
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If I post selfies can I stay? You guys like selfies right? Of course you fucking like selfies.

>> No.6899198

If you're only here to propagate rumours you heard on 4chan about cosplayers, we'd much rather you just left.

>> No.6899200

But I came here on my accord out of curosity. Cum on anon. You aren't setting a good example by being so defensive...
I-i just want to get know you all.....

>> No.6899203

>tfw this is true
>tfw you agree with the part about quitting cosplay

I just don't want to be associated with the majority of girls who cosplay anymore.

Also, what's up with cosplayers talking REALLY LOUDLY about sex, sexual fantasies, fetishes and shit like that?

Have some decorum, sheesh!

>> No.6899207

>we all know it's you

Oh look, it's the guy who thinks every poster is athens. Let's point and laugh at him.

>> No.6899211

>There's a lot of promiscuity in the cosplay scene unfortunately.
And there's nothing wrong with that....

>> No.6899217

Sounds irrational, but I just feel dirty by association with people like you.

You're not what I remember cosplay to be like.

Why do you have to inject sex into everything?

>> No.6899219

Damn its inverted over here for me anon.

>Normal friends, always talking about sex in some way
>Cosplay friends, always talking about plans
>Normal friends, "IM SOOO NERDY. IM JUST A SHY BOY/GIRL" few seconds later shout across the cafeteria at some other friends, calling them cunts

>> No.6899218

If I cosplay something I'm not familiar with, it's usually for a friend's group, which is easy enough to explain. On the off chance I pick a costume just because I like the design, I'll say as much. Why is it such a sin around here to put time and effort into making something just because you like the way it looks? Who really gives a fuck?

>> No.6899220

Only prudes act this way. Lighten up anon. There is nothing wrong with expressing yourself with sexy outfits.

>> No.6899221
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>There's a lot of promiscuity in the cosplay scene unfortunately.

as opposed to regular girls who are pure and innocent?

>> No.6899227

Cosplayers are worse than regular girls.

Look at how many nerdy girls have nudes and xhamster vids out there.

>> No.6899228

Probably. It's about the attention, and lets face it - we all love getting that attention. Being told we look good and that we did good and all.

A lot of the girls who DO like comics and games don't bother dressing up as the characters in revealing clothes since they know they'll either get chastised about not being a ~tru nerd~ or "too ugly".

>> No.6899230


nothing wrong with a bit of teasing and nudity

better than having 2 little negro childs by the time you are 20

>> No.6899231

14 year old girls have ALWAYS been little sluts. That picture is a joke.

>> No.6899236

And cgl have the audacity to rip on con-guys for liking the underage girls there.

Fucking hell.

>> No.6899234

>implying cosplayers aren't more open to interracial relationshits than normal girls


Slice a nigger's lips off.

>> No.6899238

...look at how many regular girls have nudes out there.

>> No.6899244

Calling it a day here. Troll thread is indeed troll thread. Congrats OP you started a vaguely similar thread about a tense subject and got a response or two.

>> No.6899249
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This is literally my first thread I started on this board. Sorry if my question rustled your jimmies. I guess you guys are as sensitive as everyone says. Maybe I should have started the thread with a selfie and asked everyone which character should I cosplay.....

>> No.6899258

Nah dude you're just unoriginal in your trolling.

>> No.6899262
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Maybe because I wasn't really trying to troll.

>> No.6899265

Like you?

>> No.6899263


We don't like virgin guys, go back to your board.

>> No.6899264

If they're aware the girls are underage then yes, we have every right to. It is not a matter of audacity.

>> No.6899266
File: 81 KB, 594x849, bitch stop lying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we don't like virgin guys

>> No.6899268

Not this shit again.

If you've met one you know damn well they aren't mutes. They can consent.

And if you've seen what they wear. You know damn well how tempting it is.

>> No.6899270

What got canceled now? Get bored of fucking your ponies already?

>> No.6899271

>he thinks women want gross virgins
So naive

>> No.6899274

Calm down there ya freak.

>> No.6899275
File: 214 KB, 641x480, laughing Sunrise characters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont watch ponies. And anime doesn't get cancelled. Keep reaching anon and youre gonna grab something long and hard~

>> No.6899280

Thou logic is incredibly flawed mi'lady and I bequeth you to bite thine tongue....

>> No.6899281

>he thinks anyone here watches, let alone likes what they cosplay and doesn't just crave attention

>> No.6899282

Then don't stop me having sex with 14 year old girls.

>> No.6899286
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>someone asks a legitimate question
>this response

and I thought /v/ and /b/ got bad during the summer

>> No.6899304

Put down the fedora, virgin.

>> No.6899303

No, we've just heard this shit eight trillion times before and it's old as fuck. None of us care if a bunch of forever virgin neckbeards think poorly of female cosplayers, neither those of us who actually love the source material nor the 1% who do it for attention whoring only. The ones who do it for attention whoring already have massive swarms of your type devoted to them, some haters aren't going to quell them. They've been posted here maliciously for years and are well aware of what some people think about them, yet pretty much no one quits. A brief hiatus every now and then, but quitting due to hate is very, very rare.

In all seriousness, though, it's become quite apparent that most people think skimpy costume=automatically not a real fan, so this assumption that there's a massive portion of girls doing it 100% for attention and nothing else is actually more from the quantity that are wearing revealing outfits. I end up meeting and talking to about 30-50 new people every con I go to and out of lord knows how many female cosplayers over the years, I've had a total of four who weren't fans of the source material, and three of them were doing it because a friend asked them to for a group. Only one out of years and years of meeting people at cons was clearly doing it for attention. The only examples otherwise I've ever seen are online and again, that's a very small percentage of the coslay community.

>> No.6899306
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>> No.6899312

See >>6899303

I guess it's because literally each week, there is some discussion SOMEWHERE on the board about whether or not cosplayers are just in it for the attention. Repeating the same arguments over and over gets tiring.

>> No.6899318

>Most cosplay is more or less softcore pornography now
Girls scantly clad=/=softcore pornography
And serious question: why do some of you people care so much if some other people in your hobby are sluts? This does not effect you in anyway. Are they forcing you to be a slut? No. Does their promiscuity hurt anyone? Not if they're being safe and not doing it while in an exclusive relationship. I'm considered a prude by most standards, but I would way rather be friends with a bunch of sluts than people who think promiscuity is so awful when it really isn't.

Also, I don't know how many of you actually have a social life outside the cosplay scene, but sluttiness not cosplay thing, it's a human being thing. Delve into the world and you will find them everywhere. In all honesty, it's really not a big deal. Don't like slutty behavior? Don't participate in it. It really is that simple.

>> No.6899321

your cunt is cavernous.

>> No.6899331

>implying some of us don't have /a/'s 'pure maidens only' mentality

All I want in life is a sweet, quiet, gorgeous, blonde eighteen year old virgin boy who will watch anime with me.

>> No.6899334

It is not. As stated, I'm actually quite the prude. Such solid debate tactics you have there, though.

>> No.6899335

And that's what I've been trying to tell you OP.
Just let it go man, you're done.