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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6739945 No.6739945 [Reply] [Original]

Confess your /cgl/ related sins here.
There is no need to be ashamed.

>> No.6739983

I was in a really shitty cosplay video. The director was my friend and she sorta guilt-tripped me into it, her directing was awful, but me and the other girl who were acting were the ones who had to suffer for it.

>> No.6739990
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>> No.6739994

that comic sans really seals the deal for me

>> No.6739996


>> No.6740018
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I won a cash prize at a cosplay contest for a costume that I bought online (from a commissioner) when I first started cosplaying.
I had to do research on techniques on how it was made so when the judges asked me what I did and what I used I was able to answer.
I still feel really guilty about what I did. There were tons of real cosplayers that should have won instead of me.
To make it worse, many of the cosplayers were oogling over the "spectacular craftsmanship" of this unheard of cosplayer.
I bought my first sewing machine with the money

>> No.6740026

Why did you do it?

>> No.6740041

Honestly? Money aside, because I wanted to be the center of attention and for everyone to think I was cool.

>> No.6740050

Why did you delete the last one, Oupee?

>> No.6740085

Dear people with bad hygiene at cons,
I wouldn't admit to look down on anyone but I look down on you. You disgust me. No, I don't want a photo with you and specially not your hugs. I can smell your breath, don't talk to me. Don't fucking touch me. The only reason I don't tell you to fuck off as soon as you approach me is because you'll go away faster and with less fuss if I just nod and smile. Fuck you.
I understand that cosplayers that fuck up because they're new to it and don't know better but you?
Fuck you.
You have been learning how to clean your body properly for at least 10 years. Get your shit together.

>> No.6740088


I'm a different OP. Not sure why they deleted the last one, though maybe a mod/janitor did.

>> No.6740093

:( Well, at least you felt guilty about it, and put that money towards a machine that helps you learn to make things yourself.

>> No.6740121
File: 10 KB, 318x239, FabSuperPow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I transitioned several years ago when I was 18 (ftm) and afterwards I felt really awkward going into a fabric store since I was a guy, so I'd always bring my girlfriend or some other kind of female whenever I had to go.

But one time I had to go alone, so I put on a pair of my girlfriend's pink skinny jeans, as well as some of her other clothes, and acted really flamboyantly gay so people wouldn't question me.

Now I don't give a shit, that was just me being really insecure when I was younger. But it's kind of funny looking back on it.

>> No.6740145

Yes, that's why I'm axing.

>> No.6740155

That's actually kind of adorable.

>> No.6740210

It's /cgl/-related though. Why the fuck would the janitor delete it?

>> No.6740232

i like quite a few of my cosplay friends more than the friends i have in everyday life

>> No.6740235

Maybe it's because you have a hobby in common?

>> No.6740239

I actually wasn't as fond of the character that I first cosplayed that I would have liked to. I think she's pretty meh actually, your standard lost female protagonist. But goddamn if she doesn't have the prettiest outfit that I found doable.

Confession because I'm always like "but you have to know the game to cosplay them!1111" I can definitely fake my enthusiasm for her though. She's such a pretty character I just like looking at pics of her.

>> No.6740244

>Hot glue
>Hate finishing raw edges
>Don't have to buy tickets because my cousin gives me a vendor's pass

>> No.6740262

I've never worn a 100% bought costume, but I've often commissioned parts of them that I found too difficult to make myself. Obviously that's fine and if someone asks I don't deny it, but if someone assumes I made it and compliments my craftsmanship I don't correct them. ;_;

However, all of the current costumes I'm doing are 100% made by me in an effort to learn more, so hopefully I am going to break the habit.

>> No.6740296

I never take off my glasses when I cosplay

>> No.6740301

I fucking hate when people don't take out their facial piercings when they cosplay. I feel like telling them, "Does X have a lip piercing? No? Then take that dirty thing out of your face you fuck!"

Too extreme?

>> No.6740303

lol aw.

>> No.6740307

This isn't a peeves thread.

>> No.6740309


Not at all. I hate that shit, too.

>> No.6740312

It's still a confession though. I feel bad something so small makes me mad at cons. That and I've never said it before.

>> No.6740313

I hope spony falls and breaks her bitchy, insecure neck.

I seriously hate that chick and cannot think of anything that would be too terrible for her.

>> No.6740318

Not too extreme, and shit do I fucking agree, but people can't always take them out, if they have an infection, or if it's healing.

>> No.6740334

>be me
>be at anime north 2012
>Cosplaying as Crona from soul eater
>be male
>walking along with my friend when he stops me and points out that there is a Maka hosting a panel
>Kinda want to go in but just as I step inside I crave food
>start to leave when I hear someone shout ''Crona!!''
>turn back to see the maka waving me in
>start to walk back in when she jumps off the stage, charges at me and glomps me
>she pulls me on the stage and I sit in a chair that someone brought up.
>stay there for rest of panel
>What the fuck just happend

>> No.6740347

Not at all. I actually leave my piercing out nost of the time. I wouldn't dream of leaving it in for a cosplay.

>> No.6740352

I know that they can't if it's healing (though if there's infection, I would think taking out would be the better option?) But they could at least put a little nude coloured strip over it. I'm sure that is a thing people wear to cover piercings...I am most likely wrong though lol.

>> No.6740356

no, leaving it in until going to the doctor is best, learned that when i was fifteen and they had to remove a bit of skin above my eye from an eyebrow piercing at a shady place.

>> No.6740364

If it's infected or healing, you shouldn't take it out or cover it up (oxygen is good). But honestly if I had an infected piercing prominently on my face I probably wouldn't want people taking pictures of me regardless.

I personally like the look of piercings better than holes, even if it's inaccurate.

I guess that can tie in to my confession: Someone looking cute will always outweigh accuracy for me.

>> No.6740379

I've been cosplaying for 3-4 years but I've bought all my costumes except one. I'm open about it but I'm too scared to start making my own costumes because I know I'll look like an idiot who just started cosplaying all over again.

>> No.6740451

For my very first cosplay when I was about.. 13? (( 20 now. )) I had tried cosplaying one of my own characters. It was completely out of the closet, and instead of a wig I just tried spraying my hair black. It was HORRIBLE.

I'm still very new at making my own costumes but I'm no where near as bad as I used to be.

>> No.6740454

I only want to work on my cosplay while drunk.

But I can't because then it'd be awful.

>> No.6740480


Can I just love you? You're awesome.

>> No.6740484

nah i have a few everyday friends that cosplay, it's just that most of them are psychotic drama fueled bitches.

>> No.6740491

I have one costume I made from a game I actually don't care for and only played a little of. I love the character though and am familiar with her from another game she was in so I make myself feel better because at least I know her game persona pretty well to do poses. The rest of my costumes are from games I adore and characters I love.

>> No.6740497

made a costume that required alot of my time. went to the con and was initially paranoid about reception. Got completely blown away with all the attention it received and wanted more. Tried to remain as humble as possible.

>> No.6740499
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I'm seriously contemplating canceling an auction for an item I'm selling because the person placing a bid on it is someone I despise from the fandom it's for, and I know they're going to brag and show off on their Tumblr if they win.

I feel like such a jelly cunt right now.

>> No.6740524

Raw edge scarf I never hemmed...
Bought expensive costumes only to wear once (then sell) because I didn't love them.
Buy cheap binder because I didn't have 80.00 to drop on a good one..
I don't store my costumes well...recently I've been giving them tlc.
I've always been tempted to INTENTIONALLY step/bump into people with huge ass props/long ass dresses who don't reel that shit in, in high traffic areas. You're a rude fuck.

>> No.6740525

I always fantasize about cosplaying, buy costume parts, and then can never bring myself to do it. It's a pretty disappointing cycle. I have a hoard of costume stuff/character "inspired" stuff (I almost never buy actual merch though)/a huge and still-growing mountain of clothes that I'm slowly starting to realize I really need to strip down. I'm a total perfectionist so I have a really hard time committing to anything.

>tfw currently hoarding Sherlock supplies
>tfw the one time I had a good kenny cosplay (not hard, I know) I didn't wear the pants I had because they didn't match the sweater too well and I was convinced they wouldn't be good enough. If I had worn them, I easily would have been the best one at the con, all the others were wearing jeans for some reason.
>tfw all I want to do is act in character all the time but my mind goes blank whenever I try to.

>> No.6740535

I've noticed my face getting older in the last year and it's starting to scare me, because other than a tiny bit of sagging in the nasolabial lines I look a good 8-10 years younger than my age but those lines are worse than normal for my age. I desperately want to get filler injections because I look horrible but I'm afraid people would notice and cause all sorts of drama.

>> No.6740550

I bought a dress from Romwe a few weeks ago. To be fair, Romwe throws coupons at you like crazy if you make an account and ignore them for a few months and the dress wasn't around on Taobao.

But still.

>> No.6740552

I feel way too comfortable in crossplay for it to be normal. Sometimes I think I must be as close to being transgendered without it being the case as humanly possible. Or, it's just that I really don't define myself as a person through gender all that much so it doesn't "torment" me that I feel much more comfortable with stereotypical male mannerisms and desire a male body. It's just one of those things that when I bind or put on hakama I just feel so fucking masculine and it makes me a unique sort of happy... then I get out of cosplay and just get over it.

>> No.6740580

Why the fuck would you intentionally try and damage something that someone has worked hard on?
Just fucking move, you're the rude fuck here.

>> No.6740586

I'm really damn picky about my cosplay photos and how they're edited, so I re-edit photos/shoop them after I get them back from photographers.
I don't care, I just don't want to look like shit.

>> No.6740681

>standing around in crowded area
>not even trying to hold your huge/long train close
I'm assuming you didn't read the "crowded" area part.Yeaaaa...I'm the rude one. Reel your shit in, idgaf how hard they worked on it. Seen a kamen rider guy make sure his shit wasn't taking up more space than needed while some soul eater bitch wasn't even trying to pull her props close.

>> No.6740719

I agree with ya. Its rather rude when its a obvious narrow area, why wouldn't you try and move your shit. Been tried of dealing with it so I make no effort to move and run into their shit. HARD. If they really care they should of moved

>> No.6740730

Why don't you use your words and ask them to reel their shit in instead of being an insufferable fuckhead? Jesus Christ I'm annoyed by these people too but that's no reason to break shit.

>> No.6740735

so its my job to tell them to move their shit? They obviously don't care for others if they didn't think to do that in the first place. So why should I care about them? They need to learn the hard way. So no fucks given

>> No.6740736

The quality of finishing my costumes has dropped over the years as I see people will poorly finished costumes get more attention purely because of the character and not the quality of work so I don't feel its worth it.

>> No.6740738 [DELETED] 

>someone's causing a mild inconvenience that I can either confront themselves about or avoid completely like a civilized human being

anon confirmed for no social skills

>> No.6740739

"Excuse me" goes a long way. They may not realise they are in the way if they just got stopped by someone, or having a wardrobe malfunction. There is no fucking reason to be an arsehole about it and try to ruin their shit, just ask them to move. It's not a hard concept to grasp.

>> No.6740742

>someone's causing a mild inconvenience that I can either confront them about or avoid completely like a civilized human being

anon confirmed for no social skills

>> No.6740746

Clearly you give some fucks. Since instead of stepping around them or ignoring them you decide the best course of action is to run the fuck into them at full speed like a retard.

>> No.6740748


tried being civilized years ago and people haven't changed and would avoid them if they weren't in a narrow passage as stated before. So say what ya will, still no fucks given

>> No.6740750


Have some respect. Just have some patience for once or ask nicely. It isn't going to kill you.

>> No.6740754

So someone was mean to you and clearly this means you have to take it out on completely unrelated individuals. You seem like a well-balanced individual.

>> No.6740753

Everyone still thinks you're a social-retard arsehole, I hope someone ruins your costume/prop

>> No.6740755

Responding to perceived rudeness with destruction of personal belonging and clothing won't make you look like the good guy.

If you see someone taking up a seat on the bus with their bag, do you pick up the bag and throw it out the bus doors? No, because you would look psychotic.

>> No.6740762


Obvious samefag is obvious, asshole.

>> No.6740766

I lol'd

>> No.6740771

Okay...I have one, and it's awful, I've never told anyone.

You know at big cons when you get stuck in those horrible crowds of people or in the dealers room where people actually push you or bump you? And they're rude and don't apologize, and do it more than once, sometimes while yelling?
Well, I'm all of 5'2" and am usually in really cute girl character cosplays, and well, I get nervous (minor social anxiety from crowds) at cons and get really bad gas,,,and so yeah, I'll crop dust the entire place as my weird form of revenge. The best part is no one usually suspects me because small cute girl, no way it's her, and some poor bastard usually gets the accusatory stares. The even worse part? It usually disperses the crowd.

I feel so guilty.

>> No.6740776

Why don't you start doing this >>6740771 to disperse crowds? You still get to be an antisocial fuckface and they get to keep their cosplays intact.

>> No.6740780

No way, I totally loved doing this in a frilly Touhou cosplay, petticoat and all. Though it wasn't really out of revenge or anything. Just some long-term bowel issues. Might as well have fun with it.

>> No.6740790

I feel so much better knowing I'm not the only one.

>> No.6740794
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>people breaking stuff to farting in large crowds

Oh /cgl/ you magnificent bastard.

>> No.6740851


I do this, but I do it in quite a few places where there's a crowd. Again, long term bowel issues. They sort of suck and I'm trying to rectify it but argh no they won't go away.

>> No.6740929

I got a new piercing, but cant take it out til it heals. I know what you mean though, anon. I'm sure by my summer con, i can take it out.

>> No.6740932

ugh, that annoys me. Just take them off for photos at least.

>> No.6740936

You too, huh? IBD/IBS or what?

>> No.6740939

You're a dick. Damaging someone's costume on purpose is a jerk move. If I saw someone do that to me, i'd get violent. You'd better count yourself lucky the next time you do that to someone, they dont punch you in the face.

>> No.6740952
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I'm legally blind in both eyes, and I still put in cosplay contacts instead of my super fuckin, and make my friends lead me around just so i can be a bit more accurate. I'm kind of an asshole.

>> No.6740986

Trust me when I say your friends haye you.

>> No.6740994

In my own defense, the contacts kill my head after a few hours of wearing them and concentrating on things.

>> No.6741057

I was wearing a costume that had a mascot style head and bulky body with stilts. Needless to say, I could not hear or see very well and got my Sister to be my handler. She stops to talk as we were walking and let go of my hand. I stand and wait while she talks, trying to look around and see what I can. Suddenly hear "C'mon, lets go!", and see a hand sort've off to the right in my field of vision. I start walking towards the hand and grab it, ready to be led away.
>It wasn't my Sister.
>It was a Mom calling to her daughter who I had just bumped out of the way because she was so short I couldn't see her.
>I got yelled at by this Mom.
>Thank goodness I had a mask on.

All of my embarrassment. All of it.

>> No.6741070

I feel for you when it comes to a costume that requires a handler to help. Oh my goodness, that is terribly embarrassing...

>> No.6741182

I'm laughing way too hard.

>> No.6741194 [DELETED] 

I went to an event as Donte from the recent Devil May Cry flop just to get booed out of the event on purpose.

It didn't work.

>> No.6741278

I, too, take advantage of this stereotype. No one expects me to be a gigantic creeper... not that anyone really notices.

>> No.6741396

I'm the unreasonable fuck head when the bitchnugget with huge props and huge dress can't even be dicked to be considerate of others? Pleez. Maybe if they weren't too busy trying to get *noticed* desu in a crowded fuck hall way
>crowded implying the area is small and moving around them is unlikely

If the area was wider, yes I've said excuse me. (Apparently being one of the only people that ever do at conventions) but, again, when the tits are to the wall and they still look their shit around like they've got all the room in the world? Yea. Kinda wanna bump into them.

>punch you
Oh please bitch. Like I'm scared of some spindly cosplayer throwing blows. Also, bitch you can't read.
>next time
>never said I've done this
>only that I'm tempted to bump into people not reeling their shit in

No, not samefag.
>two people agree when most of us don't! Samefurg.

Saging for obvious reasons.

>> No.6741404


Oh god, I get really bad gas in social/nervous situations and do the exact same shit.
It's awful when I'm out and at a bar, and I really just have to let it out, and everybody's looking around with a disgusting look on their face, searching for the perp.

Nobody ever suspects the cute, sassy girl in the thigh-split maxi dress and wedge heels.

>> No.6741408


Man, that doesn't sound pleasant having to wander around being unable to see though.
My eyes are something like 6.30 and without my glasses the world is a watercolour, I hate it.

>> No.6741409

>revenge gas
You must be my long lost sister. I do that whenever I hear bitchy groups dissing cosplayers (esp when its clear the person might be new)

>> No.6741416


Not cosplay related, but last year I was coming out of college and looking around for my mothers car who had come to pick me up that day.
I see my mothers cars with her inside and my little sister in the back, so I stroll over to it, pull open the door, fling myself inside in the most ungraceful way possible, clip on my seatbelt and start ranting about what a rough day it has been. Met with silence I look to my right and staring back at me is a woman I have never seen in my life. I look to the left and there is another college student standing outside the door looking confused as fuck.

Turns out this woman had the exact same car as my mother, the same hair length and colour as my mother and the girl in the back looked just like my sister.
I scramble out apologizing profusely and across the street I hear howling, my mother and sisters sitting in the real car pointing at me and absolutely losing their shit.

>> No.6741542

Oh god I did this a few months ago when I was out with my aunt and uncle. They'd just gotten a new white SUV and were parked beside another white SUV. Got into the wrong one, there was a baby by the door I'd opened. Pretty sure the parents thought I was about to kidnap their kid.

>> No.6741547

Aha, fab.
I did this when I was about 12 coming out of a ballet classes. Climbed into a red car and buckled my belt before I realised there was an unfamiliar man in the seat, my Mother ran panicked to the car, worried I was being abducted.
Poor man.

>> No.6741564

>I always fantasize about cosplaying, buy costume parts, and then can never bring myself to do it. It's a pretty disappointing cycle. I have a hoard of costume stuff/character "inspired" stuff (I almost never buy actual merch though)/a huge and still-growing mountain of clothes that I'm slowly starting to realize I really need to strip down. I'm a total perfectionist so I have a really hard time committing to anything.

I know all those feels anon
I'd hate to half ass a costume, I'd feel embarassed to walk around in a badly made costume of a character I love and I cringe when I see bad/inaccurate cosplays.

>> No.6741640


I feel bad having to wear my glasses and always take them off for a photo, but contacts really freak me out and my eyesight is as bad as yours anon.

What worries me is cosplay contests where I have to walk on stage without them. I don't want to trip!

>> No.6741644

I don't want to get any older for fear I won't be able to cosplay teenage boys and still pass.

I don't wear deodorant with my cosplay (or ever), but have never been told by any friends that I stink.

I don't wash my fabric before I cut and sew it. I've never made a mock-up before I start a cosplay, nor do I think I ever will.

>> No.6741685

I always tell people I can't hear anything when I have a helm on. I lie. I can hear perfectly fine what that person is saying 15 feet away. I listen to all the drama, all the stuck up bitchiness that goes on at cons.
I heard all the nasty shit that is said ten feet behind my back. (Btw, I'm not a douchebag, I just fucking hate you.)

It's like my own voyeuristic/exhibitionistic stall, as well I love the attention I get from costuming.

And I eat up every fucking second of it.

>> No.6741716

I friended somebody on Facebook randomly, and found out she has the potential to be an LOLcow.

I want to submit everything she's ever said on FB because I think she deserves it.

But I don't want to be the one responsible for causing all of the dominoes to fall over.


>> No.6741756
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>mfw saw this same story twice, but with a different character

Nice try.

>> No.6741858

I really want to meet you and you're lady. You seem like a cool guy.

>> No.6741903

I'm ehh, I'm not so egotistical to call myself cool, but I will say I'm at least eccentric. My fiancee however, she's the tits.
But yeah, always feel free to come up to me and say hi. We'll be over at Tate's big sale this weekend, always up to make a new friend or drinking buddy.

>> No.6742177

bump ;_____;

>> No.6742247

I actually feel guilty about this.

I stole one of my friend's lolita skirts. It was an Innocent World one. I knew it was her favorite, but I was so jealous that she wore it and looked so beautiful in it and I didn't. I was planning on moving soon, we had a sleep-over get together as a fun goodbye. When she was off doing something, I went into her closet and took it. She didn't notice at the time and she's never said anything about it. I've only worn it around my house. When I wear it I feel so pretty, but I can't bring myself to step outside with it on.

This isn't the first time I pulled that kind of shit, either. I stole the same girl's boyfriend. She was really in love with him, but women have our ways to pull apart relationships. Then he got clingy so I dumped him.

I think I did it because no matter how much brand I have, no matter what cute boyfriend I have, I'll never be as kind or as pretty as her. She used to be my closest friend, but now I just resent her.

>> No.6742249

Tates comics/bakery? I...I live in VA...
But I notice you go to NYCC. One of these years I too shall attend.

>> No.6742263

What the hell, that's horrible! You should send her back that skirt.

>> No.6742272

I know I'm a bad person. I think that's why I resent her for being so nice. I won't send it back though, definitely not at this point.

Shit, just call me Charms.

>> No.6742278
File: 869 KB, 400x222, 1363931107183.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give her back the skirt and stop fucking being "friends" with her, you cunt.

>> No.6742280

Use someone elses address and name to ship it to her? That way she won't know its you.

>> No.6742286

Yea I'm sure shell want to give it back even more now. Good job anon!

>> No.6742292
File: 63 KB, 350x346, 1359846849087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh please, should I lick her vagina for being a terrible person? All she's doing by being friends with someone she hates is hurting the both of them. It is fully within her power to not be "a bad person." This ain't fuckin Wreck-It Ralph.

>> No.6742298

If you feel guilty then you should do something about it, especially because there is something you can do to fix things. Send her back her skirt. You can do it anonymously.

>> No.6742306

We aren't friends anymore, I haven't spoken to her since I moved.

Yeah, her prized skirt that went missing right before I left. There's no way she'd figure out it was me.


>> No.6742307

>lick her vagina
Well...you said it not me. Id be willing to watch but if you're. Intention is to tough love her to send it back I don't think it'll work. Unless you wanted to just be a bitch because what she did was wrong. But feel free to do the vagina thing.

>> No.6742309

You think she doesn't know you stole it?

>> No.6742311

...You may have me confused with someone else, I have never been to NYCC nor lived in the northern US.

>> No.6742313

sign it "bonshequeefa mercedes landry" shell be none the wiser..

>> No.6742314

even if you aren't friends, send back the skirt. you'll feel better for doing so, and she'll have her skirt back. win/win. do it.

>> No.6742317

Really? I've been watching you in the progress thread, could've sworn you mentioned it.. booo.

>> No.6742318


That's good to know, before this post you had implied you were. If you're not friends anymore you have even less to lose by returning the skirt. If you can't wear it outside you must still feel guilty. Or fuck, even sell it and go see a therapist, you sound like a mess.

>> No.6742320 [DELETED] 

I mean, I stole it. Of course she knows I stole it. She's just too nice to say anything to me about it. And she has loads of brand to soothe her pain.

>> No.6742328

Of course she knows. She's just too nice to say anything about it. She also has loads of brand to soothe her pain.

That's actually pretty funny.

I am a mess, I won't deny that.

>> No.6742332

Brand doesn't soothe the pain of a friend betraying you.

>> No.6742339

Really? Doesn't put a nice lacey doily on the wounds? Hunh.

>> No.6742347

Holy Christ girl, you can't give her back the boyfriend but at least send back the skirt! You truly sound like an awful, awful person.

>> No.6742350


Psycho alert.

>> No.6742389

Fuck. You are all right. I'm a shitty person. The only reason I resent her is because I hate myself. I'm going to dig through my contacts and find her address. It doesn't make me less of a shitty person, but she doesn't deserve my self loathing

>> No.6742398

It does make you less of a shitty person, actually.

>> No.6742404

Awh. Kinda wanna be friends with you. I will love you and make you feel awesome about yourself (not by blowing smoke up your ass though). Then I can try on your lolita and perform a strip tease for you to the song "body language".
>tfw I want a lolita friend so badly

>> No.6742416

I secretly hate sewing. I really loathe it, and if I could afford a tailored wardrobe and tailored cosplay I would never do it again.

>> No.6742462
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I've wanted a lolita friend for such a long time. I don't mean someone I expect to be some super close sister like friend but at just someone to dress up with and go out to do various things. But the AZ comm is just..so so bad.
Girls in dirty tennis shoes, not bothering with a wigcap so their naturally dark hair is clearly visable, animal ears galore, and some of the most truly unfortunate faces i've ever seen. Sometimes i'm tempted to go to a meet and see if anyone has improved/if there are any non itas but i would honestly be too embarrassed to be seen or associated with them. the whole comm embodies what ita really is: painful to look at

>> No.6742561

Sometimes, I don't wear bloomers.

>> No.6742563

You monster

>> No.6742567

I just come to this board to be reminded of the weird bitchy things women do like this >>6742247

As a guy you generally get this stuff hidden from this stuff mostly as girls don't want to appear as bitches or using revenge farts

>> No.6742570

I have a typical "handler," someone to lead me around, at least and a dog that I'm uncomfortable bringing to a place like a convention, because people are pants-on-head fucktarded with dogs, and she does spook when absolutely surrounded by people.

Honestly, I don't feel bad having friends that will lead me around, because even with my correcting lenses, I get horrible migraines after four-five hours, especially in places like that where there's so much to look at.

>> No.6742571
File: 63 KB, 500x375, omg aww aww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the attitude, fix what you can and move on

>> No.6742583


>> No.6742596


In all seriousness i live in a desert that gets to 120 degrees and i pretty much skip bloomers the entire summer

>> No.6742608

I make sure my cosplays are never perfect. I work hard on them and have good construction, but I purposely do some things badly (fit, slight inaccuracy, crooked stripes). I want to be average and never become popular online because I don't want the trolling and I think it'd be weird to have "fans". I just want to cosplay for the sake of being in costume at a con. It makes things more fun and helps me meet other fans of what I like.

And this is more of an unpopular opinion than a confession, but what the fuck appeals to people in Sakizo art? Nothing about the images evokes any emotional response in me, like other art does. The outfits just look like a notions store vomited on them, reminds me of how people used to just throw any sparkly shit onto Amano cosplays and Trinity Blood cosplays to make them look complex for the sake of looking complex. I respect the work that goes into making the costumes, but there's just so much detail that it makes them boring to me.

>> No.6742612

I think that Angela girl is a bad cosplayer since she has a really creepy alien face even if her costumes look nice.

>> No.6742621

when I read your confession earlier I was like "this person is just terrible, why would someone do something like that!?"

but I think it's difficult to make something right that would just be much easier to leave it alone & let it remain the way it is.

I'm really bad at articulating & being 'inspirational' but I really hope you return the skirt because it will be a rewarding experience for you anon!

>> No.6742757

>mfw see this
>no one getting mad / calling anon a monster yet
Guess it's been only her trashtalking people who didn't like her all the time.

>> No.6742765

>weird bitchy things women do
yeah because men don't do horrible things ever

>> No.6742766

I didn't say anything because I'm tired of threads getting derailed by any mention of her.

>> No.6742771

I like to wear a strap on dildo under my dresses at meetups

>> No.6742781
File: 84 KB, 500x669, wah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i should start doing that

>> No.6742787

As a diehard perfectionist with multiple craftsmanship wins, I assure you, it will not make you popular online. You have to be photogenic and charismatic too.

>> No.6742793

I had sex with a famous cosplayer and she doesn't even remember my name.

>> No.6742799

You must have rocked her world then.

>> No.6742804

Men don't do it in secret and try to pretend they are special little flowers.

>> No.6742808

And a camera / publicity whore. Seriously, fame isn't just bestowed on the people who everyone knows their names. If you don't put yourself out there and make yourself known then you might get some posts as *that one girl who did the good....* but nothing more.

>> No.6742812


Huh. Self harm wounds on your legs.
Hope you're okay, anon.

>> No.6742816

I love looking better than my friends in cosplays and knowing I look better than them

>> No.6742817 [DELETED] 

I buy all of my cosplay outfits because I don't have the motivation to learn how to sew + I'm too scared that they will look like shit and get made fun of here

>> No.6742818

I buy all of my cosplay outfits because I don't have the motivation to learn how to sew + I'm too scared that they will look like shit and get made fun of here.

>> No.6742820

Not sure if I would call PT famous. Sure, she's famous here, but not... really famous... you know?

>> No.6742836

I want one too anon. But I'm not a lolita...damn it all.

>> No.6742860

Her skirt is going to mail tomorrow. I couldn't find her address, but I found a friend of hers. One who is actually trustworthy, not like me. I packed it up and put their address and stamps and everything on it. I spent hours trying to write an apology note but I couldn't find the words because what I did was worse than stealing a skirt. What I did was find a friend, actually have her trust me like I trusted her, and then I fucked her over because I can't stand myself.

I am such a shitty person. I am such a shitty person. I thought I resented her and her clothes and her boyfriend but really I hate myself. And I have good reason to. I'm a bitch that steals things from people who trust me. And I probably would have left that skirt in my closet forever except for this thread.

Alison, if you see this, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. There is nothing I can say that will make up for what I did to you, and I am to ashamed to even try to apologize to your face. I can't return your boyfriend. I didn't even want him, I never really did, I just wanted to be a fraction as good a person as you are. I'm so sorry.

It's done. It's packed. It might as well be gone. I made an appointment to see a counselor this Friday. I'm probably going to leave lolita. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I know returning something over a year later is probably meaningless. I don't expect you to forgive me. I don't deserve it. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.

I hate myself so much. And returning a skirt doesn't ease my guilt, it doesn't make me hate myself any less. You deserve better though. That night you yanked a tylenol bottle from my mouth and held me while I cried. I am so sorry I ever forgot everything you did for me. I hated you for telling me to get help, but you were right. You were always right.

I'm so sorry.

>> No.6742873

Congrats anon, you did well.

>> No.6742875

Fuck off, I don't deserve to be congratulated for this.

>> No.6742879

Dammit, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, anon, you didn't deserve that. I'm just so angry with myself.

>> No.6742885


Well, it was a confession.

>> No.6742886



>> No.6742883

You're righting a wrong. Also being told to fuck off on /cgl/ is like ... normal. Did you sign it from bonshequeefa? Because I hbope you did.

>> No.6742888
File: 151 KB, 500x327, 1362347680628.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, god I hate it when weebs sit around and squee at fucking everything in the Asian market. I buy a lot of food at my local Asian market and I swear I have not gone in one time when there weren't some fat weeaboo girls(occasionally with boyfriends) gawking at things and people shopping as if it's a kawaii wonderland museum set up for their viewing pleasure. There's usually a few other white people when I go, but the weebs make me want to leave and apologize to everyone in the store. The last time I went, a weeb and her boyfriend were standing in front of the Pocky making out.

>> No.6742895

Tbh, I really wanted to, it was hilarious. But I felt she deserved to have my name attached to it. And my address, if she ever wants to retaliate in any form. I deserve it.

Please don't congratulate me for this.

>> No.6742892

I hopes it gets better for you. I've been that self loathing person, so I know where you're coming from. Channel that anger into something better.

>> No.6742894

It's a good start to getting back on the right track. It's hard but you've made a really good start and I'm sure she will appreciate it, even though you may not want her to. Well done for taking that step. It's still really shitty what you did, but at least you can see that what you did was wrong. You can't change the past but at least you can do better in the future.

>> No.6742897


Oh God, this. The last time I was at the Chinese supermarket there were some weebs shrieking at everything.

I mean, the place is exciting from an amateur chef's point of view; a lot of ingredients and vegetables you'd struggle to find in the supermarket. And there are always lots of lovely things I'm very fond of like steamed custard buns and char siu pork buns etc. It is generally a good place to shop. But fuck, I'm not going to scream at Pocky and wave mochi around like it's the baby Jesus.

>> No.6742901

Do you two not get joy from anything?

>> No.6742899

would resting your head between my folds give you comfort?

>> No.6742903

>custard buns and char siu pork buns
My boyfriend's dad brings these by the house every time he goes to the markets after seeing his solicitor (their office is in a mini-Chinatown area). Fucking. Love. Them. And the redbean buns. If I were to eat yum cha daily, I'd probably get sick of it really fast, but being able to occasionally snack on those little buns is awesome.

>> No.6742907

I know who this is about. I won't direct her to this post, but she will likely find it either by herself or someone else who knows.

I had no idea what you were going through. I knew the abuse you suffered, but I had no idea it affected you this much. It's not my place to forgive you, but I understand much more now.

>> No.6742908

I can't leave without a custard bun. And they bring in the fish from the coast on a truck each day for a lot cheaper than anywhere else. It is very exciting, I want to cook everything!

There's a time and a place for that.

>> No.6742918

Why would you bring that up? I know I don't deserve it, but please delete your post. I know it's anon, but I don't want everyone to know about that.

>> No.6742917


Of course I get joy out of things, I even said how exciting all the more unusual food looks. But I'm not going to be the white girl screaming because I found some generic snack food with Japanese writing on it.

They're brilliant, aren't they? I've got a real fondness for anything bun-shaped, and if it has char siu involved, I'm definitely digging it.

It's such an inspiring place to go cooking-wise, I always come away with a bunch of stuff I'd never usually buy and learn lots of new recipes etc. trying out all the new stuff.

>> No.6742923

Good job. I had a friend steal my Usakumya bag when we shared a room at a con. Wish she would do what you just did, but she's always been a shitty person.

I hope you eventually find peace with yourself, anon.

>> No.6742930

Redemption-chan, if what you wrote is true, it's a remarkable thing you did.

>> No.6742936

Going to an asian market and not acting like a fucking retard doesn't mean someone doesn't derive joy from something. It means they have the social skills and brains to know that an asian market isn't a free pass to act like a weeb. You wouldn't take pictures with cupcakes at a regular super market.

>> No.6742937

You're fucking with me, right?

Could you send me her email? I want to send her a tracking number.

Please everyone stop congratulating me for this. I don't deserve it.

>> No.6742942

I take that back. I'm going to man up and send her the tracking number as a FB message, if her privacy settings allow it. If not, I can send it to her friend.

>> No.6742948
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cool thread

>> No.6742947

Oh, I love that name. Redemption-chan. Don't let us down, Redemption-chan! I'm rooting for you!

>> No.6742983

sure they don't

>> No.6742987

So dramabitch derails thread with her drama and hates herself for wanting attention all the time?

>> No.6742994
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>Men don't do it in secret and try to pretend they are special little flowers.
>Entire website devoted to men being assholes anonymously

>> No.6742999


>Being assholes

Maybe you're just expecting too much from 4chan. If you think being called a faggot or calling someone else a faggot is 'asshole' behaviour then maybe you should go back to Gaia.

>> No.6743007

sounds more like she has some pretty severe issues and is going to get help for them. futher, it was on topic since it was all confession related.

>> No.6743034

I'm not going to congratulate you because you've made it clear you don't want to be congratulated and I respect that. But just know that it's a good thing, sending back the skirt. And it's a good thing that you're sorry for what you did.

This incident doesn't make you a horrible person -- it makes you a person who needs to find it in yourself to love yourself, just as you are. Maybe you weren't as pretty or kind as your friend, but that doesn't mean that what you were yourself was any bad.

There will be people in life who you will envy, who are what you want to be, and you can strive toward that goal by improving yourself in healthy ways, but you need to accept yourself first, otherwise it won't mean anything. For instance, a girl who hates herself and wants to lose a great deal of weight can become the thinnest, fittest girl on the planet, but if she doesn't have confidence in who she is, it will not make a difference. A girl who thinks she's ugly can buy all the makeup and get all the surgery she wants, but it won't matter if she doesn't learn to like herself.

You want to be a better person, and I think you took a huge step towards that today. Just learn to be okay with yourself -- be able to say, "I'm who I am. I love myself. I'm striding towards being the best I can be, and I will love myself just as much."


>> No.6743044


>> No.6743040

Are you actually arguing that the only thing that separates 4chan from the height of politesse is word choice?

4chan got famous for mocking little kids who killed themselves, people don't consider us assholes because we call people 'niggers.'

>> No.6743041

I always want to kill any asshole non-cosplayer who walks around with a huge backpack or something on. You know the type - they shove you aside and don't apologise. One of these douchebags shoved me really hard at a con last year. I'm 5'1. I smashed into the side of a booth. I had a bruise for weeks. Next time some dick does it to me, I'm going to cause a huge fucking scene and make them pay for any damage.

>> No.6743192


>> No.6743251

Due to pocket spaghetti levels that could feed an Italian family reunion I come here to get some sort of vicarious enjoyment by trying to be helpful

>> No.6743259


Your post made me smile. I like you, anon. Keep being helpful. You're a good person.

>> No.6743260

I'm attend a state university with a huge Asian population. I don't have any classes before my Spanish class, so I usually camp outside while I wait for the next class to be let out.
Well, the class before mine is a Japanese language class. My favorite game to play is, "Weeaboo or My Parents Are Making Me Take This". It's actually very easy to play. Just find the Asian kids who look bored out of their mind and find the pasty punks.

>> No.6743282

I never wash my wigs.

>> No.6743304

I used to wear nothing but gifted Mee-lawn-ew all the fucking time.

Last year, before I moved to a new place, I trashed everything to start over.

Now I don't have the courage to even buy a dress I love, because I've been nothing but an ita and I'm afraid of fucking it up.

There's another lolita here who wants to meet up, but I'm too ashamed to because I don't have anything pretty to wear.


>> No.6743308

I had a tutorial last term immediately after a Japanese class had the room. I did the same thing (but secretly wonder if I'm worse than them because I felt smug every time i went in and knew every kanji on the board).

>> No.6743314



I was the same until I was like fifteen, then I got some brand and shit but just wound up being an awful ita and now I'm constantly anxious that I look awful.

>> No.6743328


I was disgusting. Like, I told the other loli how bad I look, but I don't think anyone could grasp how awful it was.

Hot Topic dresses with giant head-eating bows, lace monsters with leg warmers and animal ears, no makeup, no wig, unbrushed hair, and I weight 50 pounds more than I do now (I'm still fat, but slowly getting there).

Now I can afford nice, beautiful dresses, and I'm utterly terrified.

>> No.6743337
File: 484 KB, 500x220, Sad.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is my confession I guess:

>I have never made my own cosplay
>I can't really think that well for myself when it comes to coordinating outfits
>I'm JUST getting into Lolita -as in I'm going to be ordering my first dress sometime this month-
>I'm taking every precaution to make sure I look good
>I'm such a nervous girl since I'm only 5 feet tall </3
>all of my cosplays are bought or made by a friends grandmother
>I never think I look good in any of my cosplays at all, even ones I get praised for.. Hell I've only been praised for one cosplay and all the items were store bought
>I'm ashamed of myself for being so mediocre

>> No.6743338

I'm so scared about my costume choices for my next con and being called fat and ending up on this very page in one of the Ausfag threads...They are ruthless and I have never been mentioned (to my knowledge) or anything because I'm not that well-known, don't cause drama and generally look presentable. I don't usually wear costumes that show quite as much skin. I chose the characters because I really like them. I had also been going to the gym as well, but got sick for a long time, then had a surgery, so I haven't gone for more than a month now.
It's worrying me enough I have considered not even going to my next con.

>> No.6743348

okay let me add onto this.
>I've never washed my wigs either, but honestly they all smell fine and actually look very fine
>I always, ALWAYS back away from cosplays if I know more than 3 people that I know are doing it
>I have a very bad self-esteem when it comes to cosplay
>I'm so scared to step into the world of Lolita but I think, I BELIEVE, I will be a knock out if I try my best

>> No.6743356


Do it, why the fuck not.

>> No.6743367


You won't be a good lolita. Fuck off.

>> No.6743370


Do it anon, sweet justice porn. Also, more context.

>> No.6743383

I'm a dude in my mid 20s and I'm going to my first con ever in the next couple of months. One of my best female friends convinced me that I should put together a few costumes and join them.

I'm nervous as shit because the girl and her small group of friends have been doing this for years and look pretty damn good, whereas I'm some schmuck that's going to end up buying just about his entire costume. She's told me that my lack of experience is no big deal, but I still can't help worrying that I'm going to look completely out of place.

>> No.6743391

all of my weeaboo friends are really ugly and annoying, but i hang out with them at cons anyway because they're fat and hideous and i look really attractive in comparison

>> No.6743395

we all do that though

>> No.6743442


no offense but you sound like every other doughy, boring, emotionally unstable, hygienically-challenged weeaboo who wants to be reassured they're kawaii so badly

>> No.6743458

For every Homestuck fan that harasses me to give the comic another chance(because i did try to read it 2 years ago) I want to punch them in the throat. It's not good. The art is shit. Now leave me FUCK ALONE.

>> No.6743468


If you're worried you could make a new thread and ask for tips/assistance/tutorials? Might help you out.

>> No.6743471

Eh, you sound like you need some sort of self help book..
Dont even try to do lolita if you arent already confident. It will backfire.

>> No.6743469
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I'm anonymous, you're anonymous, we're all anonymous. Frankly, I don't give a fuck about who you are. I'm happy for you, because admitting when you fucked up and taking steps to change things takes guts. It won't fix the things you've done in the past, no, but with luck, it can fix your future. So good luck, anon.

But to get back to confessions:
To this day, I'm still scared shitless of the thought of cosplay that doesn't involve a mask or helmet. Not because I'm ugly or anything (people have said that I'm pretty cute), but because with wigs and styling and makeup, I'm terrified of botching something and having it look dumb.

>> No.6743476


>> No.6743474
File: 75 KB, 550x379, islandmanapuafactory550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you talking about these babies?
VIsit Hawaii. We have these everywhere and probably even better quality/tasting ones then youve been enjoying

>> No.6743489


Yeaa and when homestuck dies and is replaced by something else you'll want to punch those fans in the throat. It's a cycle.

By the by is it now popular to hate Homestuck?

>> No.6743483

Go back to tumblr, HSfag.

>> No.6743492

I had a roommate who stole a bunch of AP accessories before she moved out early. So i know your pain. the sad thing is she knew just how hard i worked all by myself to go to Japan and buy my lolita while her dad pays for shit and she hardly had to work. I just take it that shes jealous.

>> No.6743496

I dont think it's popular to hate homestuck, but it is hard to escape it. It likes to spill into other fandoms like a cancer.

>> No.6743499

Damn, I'm sorry to hear that..I would of been furious.

>> No.6743502

please go jump into a furnace, you are what is wrong with this board

>> No.6743509

this - i made a point to follow jfashion/kawaii/tf2 blogs only yet it still somehow comprises a third of my dash??

>> No.6743517
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Holy shit, this bitter hamsteak right here.

>> No.6743522

I think we all do it even if its subcontious. Ive noticed i have rather nice clear skin and all my friends have really really bad skin and break out all the time.

>> No.6743530

No need to be so rude.
I go by what I think feels right.

>> No.6743525

wowee, sounds like judgmental in here :c
I'm actually a very hygenic person, the only reason why I don't wash my wigs is because I've only worn them twice.. Ever.
One I haven't worn since 2010, and only worn once.
the other only worn twice and got it a few months ago.

not sure why you use the term "kawaii"
hate that term, but I do believe I'm a relatively cute person, I am fine with that, but not the retarded -kawaii uguu someone love me, weeb try hard- kind.

I am indeed a pretty girl, I just need to try. Actually x__x

A lot of girls have confidence and self-esteem issues, doesn't mean they are boring, doughy, emotionally unstable, weeb.

honestly. That's just rude..

>> No.6743527

I dropped that shit back during the GIANT PLOT DERAILMENT that was the trolls stupid relationship problems act and never looked back

>> No.6743532


Post a picture if you're so attractive. You clearly don't have low self-esteem if you think you're super pretty. Fuck off, attention-whoring cunt.

>> No.6743539

I feel more for the person who lost a usakumya bag. Honestly i wouldnt really care too much except one was a rarer necklace that ive only saw when i bought (and it was my first AP item) and the other was part of a LP set and it sucks to be missing a part of a set

>> No.6743541

wowee, I'd rather not if it will only be ravaged by people that are so rude.

It really isn't attention whoring.

If a girl thinks she is pretty, she is attention whoring for believing so? Every girl is beautiful in her own way :/ Never knew /cgl/ was so hostile. Guess I'll head outta here

>> No.6743548

i... i thought they were mocking homostucks

they serious?

>> No.6743546

lol what
why are you responding to people who are obviously trying to rustle your jimmies

>> No.6743555
File: 1.04 MB, 290x189, sdd34.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you must be new here

post pics or shut the fuck up, hamplanet

>> No.6743557


You're such a stupid cow; you spent like two posts whining about how you have low self-esteem and need constant reassurance, but at the same time you're talking about how you'll be an amazing lolita and you're supposedly incredibly pretty? You can't have low self-esteem and blow your own trumpet at the same time. Either prove you're as attractive as you claim, or fuck off. We don't care. I look forward to posting you in ita threads in the future.

>> No.6743564

>i'm so pretty!
>but i think i'm so ugly...
>i'd make such a good lolita!
>i'm so shy and small uguu

literally you

how is that not attention whoring? nobody here is interested in being your BFF and holding your hand. there is no way you are over the age of 15

>> No.6743567

It's funnier if they are, so I'm going to stick with that

>> No.6743595



I remember when I decided to be an asshole to random people because I lost kindness in humanity. It only landed me in jail for a few weeks because of assault charges.

>> No.6743631

Haha, I found her tumblr...

>> No.6743637


>> No.6743642


Link plz.

>> No.6743653

sure, her post is hard to miss anyway, appeared on the 'lolita' tag

>> No.6743660
File: 84 KB, 876x713, 1357261972263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This can only get funnier.

>> No.6743677
File: 62 KB, 720x960, 183408_4341655974092_1814520809_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am indeed a pretty girl

yes i'm sure your mom reminds you every day

>> No.6743681


HOLY SHIT, this is the girl who said she was "very pretty"? She's ugly as hell.

And it looks like somebody called her out. Lol.

>> No.6743682

>Dat text post

Sounds like the typical butthurt 15 year old who is unsure of herself and looking for a self-esteem boost. You just gotta grow out of that shit man.

>> No.6743689

haha oh god this whiny ass

she looks like a Persian man

inb4 janitor shuts us down for being meanies

>> No.6743690

>#Lolita#Rude#Very Rude#Cruel#Mean#I'm just so done#I give up before I even started

Oh shit, not just rude, but VERY RUDE


>> No.6743695


>she looks like a Persian man

Can I kiss you?

>> No.6743698

>be me
>be guy
>cosplay as Crona from soul eater
>go to sakuracon 2012
>see that there is a maka hosting one of the panels
>start to step in when I decide to go get food
>I then hear someone shout ''crona!''
>turn to see the maka waving me inside
>start to walk back in
>she jumps off stage and glomps me
>pulls me onto stage with her
>I sit in a chair on the stage for rest of panel

>> No.6743700

>Uses emoticons.
>Dat picture.
I have deducted... She is in middle school ,OR A FRESHMEN!
>Don't come to 4chan if you can't HANDLE THE HEAT.

>> No.6743701
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>> No.6743704

I spit my water out at the screen laughing.
I hope this girl never gets into lolita

>> No.6743709

You posted this on another thread. (Con horror stories i think?)
It's not that interesting. Please stop.

>> No.6743712
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>> No.6743719
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>> No.6743718

Not mine, copypasta

>> No.6743721


It must really bother her if she makes a post about it. If the girl is still reading this, here's some advices for you. You don't need to prove yourself to anyone, especially when you're anon. Don't paint yourself as such a victim, you're not as innocent as you want to believe. You don't gain confidence from people complimenting you, no matter how much cute clothes you drown yourself in. It's something that you have to find for yourself.

Oh! Also you're not a special snowflake. Very important if you want genuine friends.

>> No.6743724


>> No.6743727
File: 117 KB, 400x400, 23858076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yall niggas a bunch of fags

>> No.6743733

She wouldn't look horrible if she did something with herself, but she definitely isn't naturally pretty. What I'm questioning, though, is why anyone would use such an unflattering photo of themselves. The angle, the forehead wrinkles. Why?

>> No.6743735
File: 1.65 MB, 1528x566, 123432545345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>knock out

do you really think that you'll ever be as good as the girls in pic related?

you'll save and scrimp but at best, you'd just be a soppy thing with a closet full of expensive crap

>> No.6743729

I love you, /cgl/. First day on here and this is what I see.
Expectations have been exceeded.

>> No.6743737

Here's some more advice:
Stop reblogging Dance Moms, you look like a pedo.

>> No.6743741
File: 18 KB, 626x551, 1344983588051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the /cgl/ that I love.

>> No.6743746

I can't hate someone like this. She's just a kid.

I'm not sure how she ended up in a place like this, but if her worst offence was being an oblivious kid and mistaking /cgl/ for a hugbox, I can't really bring myself to join a roast.

>> No.6743747
File: 9 KB, 275x183, imagesCARAC13R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have my sword

>> No.6743748
File: 145 KB, 249x268, what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dem teeth

>> No.6743742

So..... we can report her for underage b& now, right?

>> No.6743749

The pink haired girls; I want more of them!!

>> No.6743750
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>> No.6743751
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>> No.6743757
File: 620 KB, 500x282, tumblr_m1is1319po1qdypk1o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish to hug you

>> No.6743754

You can get well anon. Keep us updated ok? Its a big step that you have taken and you can see that others have your back: even if we are just anons.

>> No.6743761

Git gud son

>> No.6743763

Not even her, but way to make me feel bad.

>tfw I'll never be as pretty as that

>> No.6743769

Lol, she deleted the post because she got called out for lying.

Anybody get screencaps?

>> No.6743770
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>> No.6743766
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>> No.6743775
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>> No.6743771
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I feel so, so bad for laughing at this girl since she has the same oversized fucking nose as I do, but...

/cgl/ is not fucking Tumblr, we're not here to say "oh honey it's okay you are the prettiest lolita ever, here let me give you some brand". Trim your brows and wear some actual make up BEFORE you start whining that you didn't come out of the womb a rori purinsessu~

>I sometimes, very rarely, VERY RARELY, post at places, MAYBE ONE COMMENT

You posted at least 5.

>Basically I went onto this lolita page on facebook

Nigga u serious? Fucking... conflating 4chan and Facebook comms.

>> No.6743772

Of the post? It's archived, anon.

>> No.6743773

Whenever we go to a con one of my friends spends the whole time moping around because she doesn't get photos taken of her or get hit on. It's really bringing me down because cons are an escape for me and I hate having to constantly reassure her self worth the whole time. She never cosplays canon versions of characters so of course no one ever takes pictures!

>> No.6743780
File: 5 KB, 225x224, imagesCAOGJAIQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6743782

>mfw /cgl/ is less mature than actual children

>> No.6743784
File: 7 KB, 225x225, imagesCAGWRGK6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you is wizard

>> No.6743785


Don't ever feel sorry for any kids who stumble upon /cgl/ and face the wrath. If they didn't read the 18+ thing, they're already a lost cause.

>> No.6743781


Honestly she's not that bad looking, she just looks young and greasy like a lot of teens. Her posture is shit though, she needs to stop stooping over and taking pictures with her chin tucked. It looks like she's going for shy/cute girl poses and it's not working. Make up would help a lot and she needs to do something with that hair too.

>> No.6743786

I don't think they'd be making it such a big fuss if she didn't go and exaggerate on the story/comments like she did.

>> No.6743789
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>> No.6743795


She's the kind of girl who puts on the innocent act, and when asked about /cgl/, she'd probably deny it because tee-hee drama isn't kawaii.

God I fucking hate those two faced bitches.

>> No.6743797
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>> No.6743793

She deleted that post, too.

>> No.6743794
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>> No.6743802
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>> No.6743807


go to bed, zephusa

>> No.6743809

This, why lie and say it was FB? Bitch just wants asspats.

>> No.6743804

Anybody kill any goats latly?

>> No.6743805

Still though, mountains out of molehills. I'd rather popcorn.gif at actual awful people getting their just desserts, rather than someone who basically got lost on the way to Livejournal. She's clearly very young judging by her photos and tastes. Everyone's a dumbass at 13-17, so I'm cutting her some slack for that.

>> No.6743806


>Vinyl record collector
>shitty beatles reprints

God help your soul if you ever post on /mu/.

That said... that plush sheep is cute as hell.

>> No.6743810

Nah, i hate it cause ive now been over exposed. Its fuckin everywhere and some of the people that like it on my tumblr dash are also really into social justice... So yeah ive been unfollowing like a boss.

>> No.6743811

i am that's why i'm posting here

>> No.6743814
File: 29 KB, 785x492, Lolita girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I got you

>> No.6743818
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>> No.6743819
File: 40 KB, 757x651, lolita girl 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

part 2

>> No.6743816
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I'm going to fight you.....and i'm going to kill you until potatoe

>> No.6743817

>you'll never be as good as these spoiled girls with rich parents who lead privileged lives and get everything handed to them.
Poor argument tbh.

>> No.6743823
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>> No.6743820

I feel like all her anon asks are her sending them to herself.

>> No.6743822

Who fuckin cares? Bitch has an ego the size of Everest and she shook it all over /cgl/. This is to be expected.

>> No.6743825
File: 3 KB, 128x128, imagesCAHUAY31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are gay watching animu and shit, watch breaking bad

>> No.6743824


the victim complex is strong with this one

someone's mom needs to ground them

>> No.6743829


they definitely are

>> No.6743826

Oh Lord.

>> No.6743827
File: 56 KB, 700x904, gb2tumblr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a full-size version.

>> No.6743828
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>> No.6743835


Best thing to do is having people call out on their shit. They will either learn from their fuck ups and stay low, or they will spam this thread and blame /cgl/ for their eternal damnation.

>> No.6743836

>#I give up before i even started

>> No.6743831
File: 301 KB, 400x600, tumblr_l2hc37c1c91qbn6sfo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aw, anon ;_;

come over to gyaru, we'll make a woman out of ye yet!

>> No.6743832

....getoffegl now?

>> No.6743833
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>> No.6743841


I watch Breaking Bad, and obscure movies that you probably never heard of.

>> No.6743837


Do tumblrfags actually do that? that's so fucking sad.

>> No.6743839
File: 2 KB, 74x124, 1354145040244s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found waldo

>> No.6743840

she's not even onegl though

>> No.6743842
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>> No.6743845
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>> No.6743843

I sent her an ask about how she deleted the post and lied about where the comments came from, but obviously she's not answering that because it'd expose her for her attention whorey ways.

I mean, why keep your askbox open? "Boo hoo, people send me mean things anonymously because I let them!"

>> No.6743850

Getoffegl can have non EGL things now; cgl, FB, tumblr are all fair game. The petticoat tumblr drama made it on, as did the LSE cosplay lolita wank.

>> No.6743851
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>> No.6743852

idk I can kind of relate to her being upset since /cgl/ tore me apart as a teen, not from anything I actually posted on here though. It really is stressful being the target even if you were the one who fucked up. I feel bad for her but maybe she'll just learn not to poke the hornet's nest.

>> No.6743847

haha oh my god we mocked this bitch straight into autosage

>> No.6743848

She probably doesn't know how to turn asks off.

>> No.6743854

she also deleted the anon ask where she somewhat admitted she was on cgl. L O L

She really really wants to be the good guy

>> No.6743860


>> No.6743855
File: 7 KB, 233x216, imagesCA5WO5BL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remmington steel

>> No.6743857

More like this faggot with the reactions

>> No.6743863
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>> No.6743869

Noooope, now she wants people who are "interested in finding her!" to send as ask, because she's deleting the tumblr because of omgmeanpeople.

>> No.6743870
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>> No.6743866
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Honestly I don't think you girls have a lot of tact about "handing it to the attention whore weebs" sometimes. This didn't do anything.
All this did was dent her self-esteem and reenforce her victim complex. Also I don't think there's anything wrong with a young person telling themselves they're pretty. I think it's a good thing. Too often younger people have bad self-esteem, and even if it's only delusional it's better to convince yourself that your looks aren't bad that linger on the negativity that they're not.

Furthermore I can tell that this girl invests a lot of her self-worth into the way she looks, and looks for validation from others who share her interests. Maybe she shouldn't have announced that cgl is 'attacking' her, but since she's acting so particular and young I can't help but feel bad.

>> No.6743871
File: 10 KB, 740x238, fucking christ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess turning off anon asks is really too hard for her.

>> No.6743872
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>> No.6743877
File: 2 KB, 160x131, imagesCAPYKAMO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish to make love to you

>> No.6743879
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>> No.6743882

> Also I don't think there's anything wrong with a young person telling themselves they're pretty.

No there isn't. But telling /cgl/ you're pretty is an ass-backwards way to do it.

How the hell did she get to this website, anyway? Did someone troll her by telling her it was a "friendly loli chat board ^_^" and she neglected to see the 4chan part?

>> No.6743883

>expecting 4chan to have tact
Found your problem. This board is a wrecking ball, always has been.

>Furthermore I can tell that this girl invests a lot of her self-worth into the way she looks
And that's a terrible fucking habit, especially when you don't look good. Honestly I'm not an advocate of every girl feeling pretty. I'm an advocate of girls feeling good at what they're actually good at; some people just aren't pretty and it doesn't fucking matter but you have to disabuse yourself of the idea that your natural kawaii nature will shine through, or you grow up to be PT.

>> No.6743884
File: 2 KB, 125x84, 1354145144714s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6743885


There's plenty of unreasonable bitches on /cgl/, just like real life. If she didn't want people to link her with /cgl/, she shouldn't have made that post on her tumblr fishing for sympathy.

>> No.6743888

Yeah, basically my thoughts too (feels-bad-man anon from this thread).

/cgl/ is really selective about who they want to be nice to. They encourage a girl who steals a former friend's boyfriend AND property and yet somehow resents the friend, who did nothing wrong. They push that girl into bettering herself. Someone else shows a sign of weakness and they go for it like lions to a wounded wildebeest. Really?

>> No.6743889
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>> No.6743891
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Nice Trips

>> No.6743892
File: 10 KB, 224x224, imagesCABILYKA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

56 get

>> No.6743894

We were dicks to that girl until she agreed to return the skirt. Come off it.

>> No.6743895

>How the hell did she get to this website, anyway?
Maybe someone told her there was an 'egl' discussion and help thread here. For whatever reason she didn't understand the rules about not giving yourself asspats.

>this board is a wrecking ball
Not always. Just depends who's on.

>terrible habit
No denying that, but I don't think you have a very healthy attitude either.

>> No.6743898

Because the latter is in denial, as well as generall more annoying.

>> No.6743899
File: 7 KB, 213x237, imagesCAEAZ8OA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the only one here, the only thing........I have left is my reaction images, it's not fair ......IT'S JUST NOT FAIR!

>> No.6743900

Not even close, what the fuck.

>No denying that, but I don't think you have a very healthy attitude either.
Why not? What's not healthy of expecting someone to develop and not rely on their looks, especially if they haven't got looks to rely on?

>> No.6743904

Maybe we just don't like people who think they're pretty, iunno.

>> No.6743905
File: 202 KB, 606x810, 1362958718046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wishing low self-esteem on others and wanting them to admit they're ugly and can never be pretty in their own unique ways

Hm, sounds like someone who's either never suffered from a self-esteem issue, or someone who has one and projects onto others. Can't tell.

>> No.6743906
File: 3 KB, 125x108, 1360450658689s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6743907

She went on a similar self-pitying attention-whore tirade and now you all love her. The only difference between them is that petty theft loli kept repeating how much she hated herself; hit close to home there, eh, anons?

>> No.6743908
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>> No.6743910

>What's not healthy of expecting someone to develop and not rely on their looks, especially if they haven't got looks to rely on?

Because your opinion is SUBJECTIVE and ~*~surprise~*~ not everyone thinks she's an ugly fuck. I certainly don't. Your attitude is not healthy.

>> No.6743911
File: 8 KB, 223x227, imagesCA1AVQ4F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

21 get

>> No.6743914

There's a difference between being genuinely sorry about something, and posting things just because people will praise you for it.

>> No.6743916

people stated that the person with the skirt was a terrible piece of shit until she decided to send the skirt back. People were glad she was doing the right thing. This is different, though terrible.

>> No.6743917


I think what the anon meant was they don't like the idea of ladies defining their worth through appearance alone.

>> No.6743918

>Maybe we just don't like people who think they're pretty, iunno.


Give /cgl/ a thread to confess all of their own physical flaws and they'll go on for hours. Same with plastic surgery wishlist threads. Give /cgl/ a thread where they talk about their assets and they waffle on "I uh, like my eyes, I guess..."

Are you all just conditioning yourselves to only self-congratulate in an incredibly private setting, lest anyone tear down your ego? Surely some of you have things you can be openly proud of.

>> No.6743919
File: 2 KB, 125x106, 1354145284749s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

17 get

>> No.6743921

No, what's unhealthy is to act like being unattractive is literally the worst thing ever, a fate to be avoided at all costs. Or that it's healthy/natural/to be promoted that one should derive self esteem primarily from their appearance.

>> No.6743924

Why does everyone on this site have the same username

>> No.6743925
File: 4 KB, 200x200, imagesCA1G7G30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You stole my 21 you faggot

>> No.6743926

>I think what the anon meant was they don't like the idea of ladies defining their worth through appearance alone.

Then this is something that needs to be articulated better.
Why not say THIS to that person rather than harass her about what an ugly, attention whoring noob she is?
This is what I mean about having no tact.

>> No.6743928
File: 3 KB, 132x92, imagesCA0YDPIX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am le aisan

>> No.6743930

Are you for real?

>> No.6743931

Because anything more comes off as narcissism, I expect. Plus, if you openly state that you're proud of an asset, people will ask that you prove it, much like what happened to this girl. It would suck to be proud of something just to be torn down, and we all know that out there, there's others prettier than us, ready to prove us wrong.

>> No.6743933

>to act like being unattractive is literally the worst thing ever, a fate to be avoided at all costs.
>I don't know how a self-esteem issue works.
How can you even say this on cgl, home of the girls who think they're on the verge of becoming unattractive in an instant?

>> No.6743936

Choose one. Preferably, just go back to tumblr.

>> No.6743937

I am for real it's not even a creative username

>> No.6743941


Uh, maybe I can't read, but no one resents the friend who got her shit stolen? Everyone was telling that the girl to do the right thing by returning the skirt, and she did. She's taking a step towards bettering herself. It takes guts to do something like that, admitting your wrongs and do the right thing.

On the other hand, we have a girl who cries on tumblr because people on the internet are mean. She never blamed herself for stumbling on this 18+ website. She's not on her way to bettering herself as far as we know. All her posts reeks of self pity.

>> No.6743943

whats tumblr? Is that like the video scarlet took a tumble?

>> No.6743945

10/10 you had me going.

>> No.6743947

Oh stop being so upset. Seriously.
If you think my opinion of your tact sucks then you don't have to listen to me after all. It is 4chinz.

>> No.6743948
File: 7 KB, 236x213, imagesCAEZPS84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ur a fag

>> No.6743949

Gave me a good chuckle between the bickering and the reaction image spam.

>> No.6743950

That's not how self-esteem works, that's how extremely distorted self-esteem works. If you have only that going for you and don't bother to develop any other competencies from which to draw esteem, EXPECT it to get crushed.

>How can you even say this on cgl, home of the girls who think they're on the verge of becoming unattractive in an instant?
I can say that knowing how fucking shit it makes them feel and how much I wish they wouldn't rely so heavily on their appearance for self-worth.

>> No.6743951

I think this just contributes to this toxic culture of self-hatred that /cgl/ perpetuates. I've been browsing /cgl/ semi-actively since late 2006 and I definitely noticed the influx of extreme weight loss and plastic surgery threads in recent years, "90 is the new 100," and people who generally feel bad about themselves. Lots of people admitting to having eating disorders too. It just makes me feel really bad for a lot of impressionable, fairly young women who dedicate too much time to boards like this.

>> No.6743953

I would hope your body system is already up and running otherwise I suggest you seek out medical attention

>> No.6743957
File: 11 KB, 259x194, imagesCA47TMIW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6743961

>no one resents the friend who got her shit stolen
I meant skirt-stealing anon did. I was listing the things that made her come off really badly.

The main difference between the two is that skirt-stealer sounds a lot older. Teenagers don't immediately learn from being called out. They react in a knee-jerk, emotional way. That's how they are.

>> No.6743962

>That's not how self-esteem works, that's how extremely distorted self-esteem works
...have you not been reading the part where I've been saying all along that she has self-esteem issues or...?

>I can say that knowing how fucking shit it makes them feel and how much I wish they wouldn't rely so heavily on their appearance for self-worth

YES, now you're starting to get it! No matter how much those girls witness this shit on a weekly basis, they still have their self-esteem issues. Bringing us to the conclusion that harassing folks about their issues obviously does not work.

>> No.6743967

how do I green text and be smart like u?

>> No.6743970

66 get

>> No.6743972

Yeah, I think it's the original girl or some friends trying to derail the thread or something, since it didn't start until after shit had happened.

>> No.6743973

74 get

>> No.6743979

Hu hu hu hu...you said shit

>> No.6743980

74 get.

>> No.6743982

82 get

>> No.6743984

My local comm is doing a shironuri meetup soon, and I know that it's going to be a disaster. Why can't anyone else see it? I look up to the two people that organized it SO much (one is totally my idoru, too), but this is just a horrible idea. If it were winter time, then maybe. But doing shironuri with wigs on? They're going to look like melted candles. They're going to end up on BtB. I'm not going, but those girls are like sisters to me, and I'm going to be dying of secondhand embarrassment for them. Please, please let it rain so that the event will be cancelled...

>> No.6743986
File: 13 KB, 225x225, imagesCA48T4VI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

inb4 shitstorm

>> No.6743987


Little do they know, we have an archive! She's going down in /cgl/'s hall of lawlcows.

>> No.6743988

I figured it was just the same people making and asking questions in those threads, but I'll take your word for it, as you are an oldfag.

>> No.6743991
File: 84 KB, 312x393, Hurhur.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy

>> No.6743992

Back on topic.

I used to be one of those awkward girls that knew all the weeby dances and would bring my own small speakers to jack into my ipod so I could jam in the middle of the convention.

>> No.6743993

I'm not saying that it will, I'm just saying these people leaping to her defense that she shouldn't ever be called ugly are missing the fucking point. Being ugly is not the end of the world. To protect her "self esteem" by protecting her from having her looks assessed is ridiculous. Protect your self esteem by distributing it into other areas of your life, areas you have actual control over.

And no, I don't think the girls with self-esteem issues get harassed about their appearance often, so that conclusion makes no sense.

>> No.6743995
File: 7 KB, 256x128, 1364404014404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why, tumblr of course!

>> No.6744002
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>> No.6744003

The thread's autosaging and being actively spammed, it's not the place to post on topic.

>> No.6744020
File: 23 KB, 448x336, 1363146318257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being ugly is not the end of the world
For some people it is. People have killed themselves for less. How can you say that looks aren't important to a person that has self-esteem issues about looks?
>having her looks assessed
Sis, she just said she thought she was pretty. She didn't say she thought she was prettier than someone else. She didn't say everyone on cgl are a pack of fattie uggos and she's the best. She just had a positive opinion about herself that got blown out of context because, god forbid, someone think themselves pretty on 4chan.
Furthermore it's still just your opinion. You are not te objective judge-all of attractiveness.

>And no, I don't think the girls with self-esteem issues get harassed about their appearance often
You might also be delusional, or at least not frequent here often.

>> No.6744039

I think banning the drama from /cgl/ is driving everyone insane, so people will jump on any chance they get to start drama.

Although I can't say I pity the girl. She bought it on herself.

>> No.6744049

This. In any case, the thread's in autosage or will be deleted soon for breaking drama rules, and we've had our fun with it.

>> No.6744062

You're completely missing my point about self esteem and acting like it's some immobile thing when it's not, it's malleable as fuck.

She is, honestly, not very attractive. No, beauty isn't objective, but mannish features are not attractive on a woman.

I've heard many girls with self-esteem issues that have never actually been criticized about their appearance; it's neurotic, not actual. Regardless, if anything this should just further demonstrate that this is something to be avoided, not defended.

>> No.6744065


Yea, I feel like the ban is just making us worse. We sink our teeth into the littlest things now.

>> No.6744080

Seriously? Are you implying that all the Assley drama wasn't jumping on the littlest things to an absurd extent?

>> No.6744090


>> No.6744097


I have never been in an assley thread, never found the appeal. Weren't they started around the time PT left the internet? People might have went after her since the queen is gone, and still follow her regardless of what she's doing?

>> No.6744135

I wasn't that into it either, because the actual drama seemed tedious as balls. Just saying it doesn't seem to be a direct function of rule 2.

>> No.6744137


I can agree with you about how teenagers react, but this site isn't meant for teenagers. This is a 18+ website, no matter what immaturity is happening on here.

>> No.6744138


I never gave a shit about Ashley. By the time I found out about her she was deep into Homestuck so I just figured she was their dirty laundry and ignored it.

>> No.6744519
File: 2.42 MB, 480x270, cries.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is a person name charlie, t-this person...
I really want to make him cry in my arms...

Sometimes I wish I really was the successor of fate that one time.

thanks for listening.
-no mercy

>> No.6744756

Charlie the Univorn?

>> No.6744786

me neither. I used to wear contact lenses but my eyes didn't really like that, so now I just wear my usual glasses. I often forget to take them off for photos though.

>> No.6744917

Last night I took credit for making a darling skirt with a shirred waist.
The fabric was pre-shirred. I sewed one seam and an invisible hem and nothing else.

>> No.6746008

This response..
Whatever you do, stay away from lolita, they'll eat you alive. Nothing you do will be good enough, and they take the time to try to find any flaw with a cord.
If you think that post was "rude", you haven't heard the last of them.
Save yourself the heart-ache, self image issues and eating disorders and just don't even bother with lolita.

>> No.6746040
File: 14 KB, 320x240, LOLOLWHAT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Maybe I’m just a girl who needs some help

>Or maybe I just need a bit of joy in life

>Sometimes I can be cruel

>but sometimes I’m a sweet heart.

>Is it so wrong that all I want is to be called beautiful?

>To share true love with someone who actually gives love back?

>Is it so wrong that I just want to have a fairytale relationship?

>Or that I want to be able to cuddle with someone without a care in the world?

>Is it so wrong that I battle depression and long for someone to hold me?

>Maybe I just need you..
