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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 50 KB, 180x320, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6717679 No.6717679 [Reply] [Original]

While people are madly stalking AP International or basking in the glow of having managed to snag the new AP print from AP SF or their SS, can we have a coord thread? Of course, the whole set can be put together, but I know with the rush, many people got incomplete sets, and some things never made it to the US site at all.

Hard Mode: Introduce a new accent color.

>> No.6717698

I don't have access to image files atm (phone), but I want to do a Marie Antoinette style coord.
I got the ivory skirt so I want to get a rococo style bodice in ivory, a pink blouse, a Marie Antoinette style wig with the ostrich feathers and flowers in it. I was thinking ivory lace tights over solid pink tights and the Clobba VM boots. Pearl accessories and maybe a lace fan (a nice one) to round it out.

If someone could mock up this description I would love you throughout eternity.

How does it sound? In my mind it seems epic- but either epic awesome or epic fail.

>> No.6717701

boots in ivory

>> No.6717732

I wanna see more classic coordinates.

>> No.6717746

So I don't really like how this turned out but STARS AND PINK AND SWEET AND YA.
Oh well, will try again.

>> No.6717748
File: 723 KB, 1210x1129, DayDreamStar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picture helps

>> No.6717773
File: 749 KB, 1075x1228, DayDreamgold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6717778
File: 2.11 MB, 1340x1396, lav-wine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This worked out better in my head...

>> No.6717783

where is the purple hair ornament from? It is very pretty.

>> No.6717785

I think it would work with a lighter and less saturated brown.

>> No.6717796
File: 983 KB, 245x160, rnYmc.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You tried. But I can't see that happening in any universe. I agree that like...a camel brown or something could work nicely with it though.

>> No.6717799

I'd love some help with this one, I'm really struggling. Here's mine; >>6716999

>> No.6717802

Yeah, the wine doesn't go at all. I think a lavender and wine coord would be pretty, just not with this dress.

You should stick to cool colors, I think. Navy might possibly be better for this dress if you wanted a darker color. Or a darker dusty purple.

Also, if you're going to go with a color this dark, I think a bolero or cardigan would be better than the blouse. It would make things look more balanced.

>> No.6717858

So....I'm indecisive if I like this.
I wanted to do lavender for the jewelry but I can't find the stock pictures right now and I happened to have the white saved so ya.

>> No.6717862
File: 622 KB, 1075x1228, DayDreammint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

picture, ya

>> No.6717879

nice, but I think this coord would look best with the ivory version

>> No.6717900



>> No.6717906

yeah, I totally agree. It was a wild whim born of me being sad that there wasn't a wine version of this print.
I absolutely agree about the bolero; my brain was fried and I couldn't find one I liked.
...even though I actually own a wine bolero.
so yeah. the lack of sleep. it's getting to me.

>> No.6718010

i'm not sure what you're doing here. are you trying to match the purple or the mint? what's the point of a long sleeved blouse with the long sleeved bolero other than making sweat pool?

>> No.6718344

What do you mean "are you trying to match the purple or the mint?"
If you are implying that the print comes in mint, it does not, I was just adding a 3rd color to the purple colorway?
(well there is mint in the print at the bottom...)
also, I find that short sleeved blouses under bolero's look bad.
And...it is cold some times?

>> No.6718352

the purple in the skirt + the mint of the blouse. I guess I'm just unused to long sleeves over long sleeves since it rarely gets that cold here, it can also look very bulky. I guess my comment is more along the lines of 'bring the mint down' since it's all on top with the blouse and head bow but not present evenly all over like with the shoes or in the socks.

sorry if i came off as rude, it's just a matter of tastesI guess

>> No.6720013

This is my first sweet dress ever, please be gentle girls! What do you do with a problem like the black OP? I'd assume it's gauche to do black accessories?

>> No.6720018

I snagged a sax skirt and sax tights, any ideas? sweet or classic, I can go either way.

>> No.6720022

Fellow black OP anon here, I just put in a request in the regular coord thread since you posted here.

>> No.6720038
File: 85 KB, 280x373, iv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got the Ivory OP and looking to step outside my comfort zone style-wise (I usually lean toward more classical styles). Coord ideas please? A collage or two would be appreciated.

>> No.6720042

I have a sax jsk coming to me. I wear dark classic, and have lavender in my hair. Totally planning on bringing lavender into my outfit, and getting Royal Kitten tights. This could go either way, guys. Hold me.

>> No.6720043

*holds her fellow dark classic loli as we both step outside of out comfort zones*

>> No.6720068
File: 197 KB, 452x386, ddcclassicsweet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my attempt at sweet classic for ivory skirt anon. It's just the bare bones, but eh, I struggle with classic.

I'd switch out the neck ribbon on the blouse for a pink one.

>> No.6720080

Don't be scared, it's not going to be as far of a leap as I think you fear. You can do silk flowers and pearls with it, probably? and if you have a white or off white blouse or bolero in your classic closet, it would probably work too.

>> No.6720084


Oh also, meant to add; I'd pair this with an ivory bonnet with pink and gold flowers and ribbon.

>> No.6720109

Looking for a coordinate with the lavender plane jsk that does not have lavender shoes.
Preferably with the jsk and tights.

>> No.6720113
File: 53 KB, 800x800, always.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/cgl/ i thought i had made myself a day late for a midterm for this dress

and i didn't

i regretted nothing either way, BUT I DIDN'T


>> No.6720121

I have a weird wardrobe. I'll get there, I'll make it through!

BB! <3

>> No.6720123

This is beautiful. Sage for double post.

>> No.6720132

What do you all think? White or Cream with the Lavender Tiered JSK? I think the print has white in the stripes, but then there is that creamy yellow down in the print?

>> No.6720166

It's so hard to tell what's cream and what's white in the print. I'm hoping there's white in it, because white BL shoes are one of the few sweet accessories I have.

>> No.6720184

The stripes are white in the print samples, and AP put it with a white blouse, so it's got white in lav color way for sure.

>> No.6720200

Cool cool cool!

>> No.6720785


>> No.6720793


>> No.6720814


>> No.6720817

fb /photo.php?fbid=2978440998004&set=a.2338792687196.62894.1771283993&type=1

>> No.6720819

It should be on every blog, here's Shinjuku for reference though:

>> No.6720824


Oh God, the scalpers are gonna be *pissed*.

>> No.6720826

It might just be for Japanese lolitas though.

It's on the Japanese site too. http://www.angelicpretty.com/newarrival/daydream/index.htm

>> No.6720831


Hm. May get an SS to grab me another piece.

>> No.6720833

Sounds like a plan to me.

>> No.6720835


Yeah, I don't want it to resell, I just want more than one colour way; choosing between lavender and ivory was killing me.

Do you know if they'll make the accessories available again, at all? I can't check the links posted in college.

>> No.6720847

Can't check links on phone but is there a date at all? if it's true it will probably still be some weeks away... Hoping to sell my extra Blargh

>> No.6720848

it says it will be made to order but doesn't specify if it's just the dress or not, but it did refer to "day dream carnival series"

>> No.6720850

it says the dates will be announced on the blogs soon.

>> No.6720852

Well if it's anything like made to order for cats tea party I bet supply will still be limited .. And just think of the shit storm if they make it Japan only

>> No.6720853

Wait, what does that mean?

>> No.6720854

Does anyone else find it imposable to log into there contact form?

>> No.6720856

It will be similar to cats tea party.. No in store items have to order and then they make you one dress. Not sure about accessories

... watch this be a clever ploy by AP to get people off their backs for a bit for the hype to calm down then they will just never do it

>> No.6720855

that means you order, and it's made

>> No.6720857

negative nancychan

>> No.6720858

Rofl! I stayed up with you girls for three days and most of us got what we wanted I DON'T WANT THOSE MOMENTS CHEAPENED!

>> No.6720859

Well, I asked them to combine shipping on my 2 orders and they said no.
Hopefully that means they have also checked stock and shit by now?

>> No.6720882

Did anyone else notice the restock on the international site?
I think it's all gone now but I got two more skirts and a Lavender JSK.

>> No.6720910

So which would you say is the best/most popular colorway fore DDC?

>> No.6720912


>> No.6720932


You know, I now believe more than ever AP engineered this whole madness and purposely kept supply low. Now watch as lolitas all over Japan start flocking to AP to order one in every colour just because they were emotional that they missed out on the one or two they originally intended to get. Even the lolitas that don't normally buy AP will now have heard about how some shops had 150 people waiting in line for it, or see the crazy prices it's going for secondhand, and then decide to get one.

Well played, AP, well played.

>> No.6720958
File: 54 KB, 205x750, tumblr_mk4ct3YJIQ1qe8515o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like Choke made tights to match!

>> No.6721036

The normal lavender jsk?

>> No.6721388

Ok, I have lavender yarn.
I can crochet.
What can I make that will look nice with the lavender version? I only have the jsk and the tights and own no other lavender things.

>> No.6721798
File: 64 KB, 277x549, Doll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also kinda Photoshopped it together into a creepy doll because ya.

>> No.6721796
File: 482 KB, 832x975, simple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, kind of spent all of my lolita budget for a while on this, so I don't want to buy anything else and tried to put something together with stuff I already own, does this look like ass?

>> No.6721801

Looks good to me.

>> No.6721889

Do you want to go sweet, or classic, or...?

I think a knit beret would be cute. You could find deco ponies/pins or star beads to add to it.

>> No.6721895

I like it. How high are the heels? Tights look good with high heels

>> No.6721966


>> No.6722225
File: 45 KB, 240x240, HeartChelseaShoes-offwhite-side.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 5'8", pic related to there height, but it is about as high as I am comfortable with.

>> No.6722246

5"8 did you read where someone mentioned the tights won;t fit 5"7? You may need new socks or to cut the tights somehow

>> No.6722257

Ya, I cut taobao tights to thigh highs all the time.
But my legs are like sticks so all and all that helps.

>> No.6722261

oh good, just didn't want you getting them and being disappointed! I'm 5"1 so no issue for me but I think some ap tights would look better as thigh highs. How do they stay up? fashion tape or does the stretch keep them plastered to your skin like a regular sock?

>> No.6722272

Sock glue is the best invention ever made for anything you want to stick to your body.
Sock dreams has it for like 5 bucks with free shipping too.
Or if it will he too hot or if I plan on changing I just use a grader belt.

>> No.6722281

cool tip anon, thanks! This also helps with a cosplay I'm doing actually...

>> No.6722294

How do you keep the cut off part from unravelling? Do you use a particular stitching or hemming method?

>> No.6722326

Well I am fancy so I have a twin stretch needle and hem it with that with a rolled hem also fray check the end.
But if you don't have a fancy twin stretch needle just do the same thing with a zig-zag, by hand or machine works, just use a stretch needle, they are duller so they don't make holes in the fabric but just push everything aside.
Also fray check everything.

>> No.6722334

>fray check
jesus christ no stop that

use mod podge instead.

>> No.6722344

Really? I will have to try that next time

>> No.6722348

Aah thank you!

>> No.6722357

Yeah, fray check quite quickly yellows and becomes crusty and gross, it will ruin whatever you put it on. Mod podge will do the job better, longer-lasting, and cheaper without any such effects.

>> No.6722369

god, what can't mod podge do?
I once used it to make glitter lolita shoes out of a crappy pair of custom house shoes.
Shit is magic, even made them tougher as shoes.

>> No.6722373

Pretty much nothing! It truly is magic in a bottle.

>> No.6722384

May I ask if you had a specific technique for this? Or just use the mod podge like glue and mash the glitter on? I have a pair of old scuffed Antaina shoes that I could do this to...

>> No.6722409
File: 241 KB, 733x550, modgepodge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was impatient so mine are kind of sloppy up close but basically, you mix together mod podge and glitter, then you paint it on the shoe in coats, letting it dry 1-3 hours in between coats.
Use the shiny mod podge not the regular one, and give it a final coat after letting them dry over night with just mod podge and you have glitter shoes.

>> No.6722622

Thank you! This is wonderful!

>> No.6722688

my dead an*tai*na shoes might get this treatment, thank you amazing anon

>> No.6724779

More tights, the parkas and the cutsews are up on international

>> No.6724852

I must have this bow on my butt.

>> No.6724870

Does it not crack and peel? That was my problem with putting acrylic paint on shoes...

>> No.6725382

The angel horse choker and stuff is up now too, as are the purses

>> No.6725414

Where can I get these!? Choke has another store aside from Lockshop?

>> No.6725601


She sells them through Lockshop also, her balljoint doll tights are currently listed there.

>> No.6725616

They are lockshop- just not available yet.

>> No.6725983

I think she's making samples of it now, I hope it will come in more colors.

>> No.6730119

Where is everyone suddenly having these printed, because I really want to illustrate myself some tights!