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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 73 KB, 280x373, sx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6715040 No.6715040 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.6715044

Discuss. Anyone got it yet?

>> No.6715049

The website is broken.

>> No.6715053

Through a shopping service?

>> No.6715054

I have an SS trying to grab it for me, but I'm doubting I'll get it, so I'm trying to get it online too.

>> No.6715056

Who is your SS?

>> No.6715058


Chibi Tenshi.

>> No.6715062

You'll probably get it then. Sendai doesn't have a massive lolita population.

>> No.6715066


She's got a lot of girls on her list, unfortunately, and it's two items per customer unless she's got multiple shoppers grabbing it for her.

>> No.6715077

Nicole isn't even doing the shopping, she's out of town and has a friend doing it for her fyi...

>> No.6715082


I know, I mean unless she has multiple friends on hand.

>> No.6715089

don't get why anyone would even bother with the site, it's going to error out when you attempt to add somethign to your cart anyway...

>> No.6715091

well it's not even up yet so i guess there's no clue on when its going up internationally either dx

>> No.6715094

There never is a time release for international... I think peopel are hammering it because they think the announcement for AP US somehow applied to the international site at 1pm in Japan...

>> No.6715099

People have successfully gotten them on the site before but what's shitty is that when you check out with it, they sometimes refund you.

So don't think that you got it just because you paid.

>> No.6715100


>> No.6715102

uh it's not even up, I mean the site is errorring out and it's going to error out when you attempt to add something to your cart too...

>> No.6715103


Happened to Cadney (?) with Gloria, I think.

>> No.6715105

mm isn't the average time between arrival dates and release dates for the international site like a day or so for popular prints? Whip showcase went up pretty quick didn't it?

>> No.6715106

No they are saying in the past peopel have gotten releases. it's not up on the site.

>> No.6715121

i meant the part about being refunded, i know it's not on site yet.

>> No.6715124

oh yeah, i've heard of that happening a lot with popular releases :\

>> No.6715129

Got it in lavender but after seeing it in sax on the Japanese site I want that version. How easy do you guys think the trade will be?

>> No.6715133

Which SS?

>> No.6715140

Which version did you get?

>> No.6715142

I will trade you anon. Which lavender pieces did you get?

>> No.6715147

Depends on the cut. Lavender is the most popular color though... the biggest challenge would be to find someone else who actually was able to get it.

>> No.6715152

awesome thanks!

>> No.6715149

I've seen International stock 2 hours after, or 5 hours after AP Japan. That's why people are hammering it.

>> No.6715150

Private friend doing an exchange program over there, she's not a loli and I gave her $50 to do it. She messaged me saying she got 3rd in line <3 and then sent me one saying she'd nabbed the set <3 loving her forever

tulle lavender jsk version + socks + headbow. Kinda want the tights now too and maybe the bonnest instead

>> No.6715154

Grats anon! Nice friend :) Lucky too!

>> No.6715158


Lucky anon! I really hope I can get mine.


>> No.6715160

Thanks guys, I fo feel lucky - I know some SS got like 20th+ in line and that would suck so I was pretty happy ^^

Good luck to everyone else with the international and USA sites!

>> No.6715170

So they give out the numbers the day before? Asking because I saw a SS put up a picture of a lot number yesterday or even the day before yesterday... i figured they gave out the numbers while you were in line this morning?

>> No.6715177

Did the SS say it was the number for this, or just show the image while explaining there was going to be a lottery? I totally saw a SS post a number from an old one a couple days ago when talking about the concept.

>> No.6715184

You wait in line to get a lottery number to tell you what number you are in line. So even though I'm first at the store I may get number 18 and have to wait for 17 other people to go through first. It's all done on the day otherwise shopping services who might post what number they have would get swamped if it was in the top 10.

>> No.6715185

Ah then we are talking about the same SS then. Ok, I was confused why they would hand out numbers two days early.

>> No.6715245

omg ap just put it up already!!!!!

>> No.6715248


>> No.6715250

This is how I feel.
Something tells me it will not go up tonight though

>> No.6715253


Looks like two days of no sleep for me then. I can't leave my computer for a second in case it goes up.

>> No.6715257

my boyfriend has been judging me for walking around with my laptop all night.
I should not even buy it wtf ap why you do this to me, but I am going to try to go for two and scalp the shit out of one so I can pay for both.
Ya it makes me a shitty person but I want it, and money.
I also can't decide between lavender and sax so there is that.

>> No.6715256

I've been awake sine 2pm waiting for this! i need sleep!!

>> No.6715261


I'm in the UK. It's five thirty AM right now, and it looks like I'll be sitting here all of tomorrow, trying not to sleep.

>> No.6715262

AM omg see! i can't even type any more i am going off the deep end!!

>> No.6715268

omg! exactly the same!! are you my twin!!! all night he's been like just go to bed! buy it another day and i'm like uh! do you know how much money it will cost in the next couple of day!!!!

>> No.6715265

Same. I already have one full set for certain, and I'm waiting on the international site to try to get another purely for scalping purposes. Because fuck bitches, get money.

>> No.6715271


How much do you think it'll go for second hand?

>> No.6715274

Lucky! my ss has just up and disappeared. been trying to contact her to see if she got my stuff! yunni has better updates!!!!

>> No.6715275

I would bet 500-700 for the first few days/weeks.

>> No.6715278


What about the skirt? It's the skirt I want. Any colourway.

>> No.6715279

If I get the tulle JSK, bonnet and tights, I'm thinking $700, but I also might put it up as an auction. Starting at $500. Muahahah.

Sorry to hear that. Maybe she's taking a nap because she had to wake up so early to get to the store.

>> No.6715281

true dat!

>> No.6715282

I know the feeling T_T I've been checking for the last 3 hours and I feel like an idiot, glad I'm not the only one though.

Nooo don't say that!

I know! After seeing the japanese store's colourways my resolve for lavender went out the window!

$500 easy. I've got my SS going for a set but I'm also trying to get it myself online in case the SS can't get it. if I get both. scalpscalpscalp

I'm in Australia, it's 3.30pm. 8) yay BUT I'm gonna be up at 5am to try and get the SF one if I can't get it today xp

>> No.6715284

What are the bets Yunni got overwhelmed and has vanished with everybody's money?

>> No.6715287

How are you guys going to get around the site erroring out? It's going to error out when you try and add to your cart... do you just keep trying? And if you do and it shows up with like 5 in your cart what then? I don't think you'll have time to edit the quantity, and even then, it will probably error out updating the cart then...

>> No.6715290

If I told you, I'd have to kill you.

>> No.6715294


Seconding this?

>> No.6715291

Pray, more caffeine and pray.

>> No.6715293
File: 20 KB, 388x410, 1359051480379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one can only try anon! ...one can only try!

>> No.6715295

she's already giving refunds, I got mine yesturday when she told me how far down the line I was. She's being really good with this release and no it doesn't excuse her previous action but I feel she's really excelled this time round.

sshh stop drowning my dreams. Persistence, luck and hope?

>> No.6715297

heh, there's no way to get around the errors rofl

>> No.6715298

My boyfriend's beast of a custom built gaming computer is mine for the night to buy frilly dresses.
He is quite mad about it.

>> No.6715305

mine is playing games on it! :( a-hole!

>> No.6715304

Uh it doesn't matter about how fast your comp is lol, it's the server's capacity for the web site

>> No.6715307

It is that, yes, but it will still cut a few seconds off loading times.
And a few seconds is all I need.
And luck, lots of luck.

>> No.6715308

Wasn't long.

>> No.6715313

I admit I liked this dress, and I can be happy for the few who wind up getting it. But this is getting too crazy for me. And I honestly feel a bit disgusted with myself for coveting and obsessing about it for as long as I did.
It's a wonderful series, but I think I'm gonna walk away with my dignity this time. Goodnight and good luck.

>> No.6715309

my boy toy's gaming beast was erring just as pathetically as my laptop.

>> No.6715311

No, it won't. It's all up to the web server. Your processing power has nothing at all to do with it lol

>> No.6715312

There's no way to get around the server connection timing out, but there is a way to maximize efficiency and accuracy. Control for what you can.

>> No.6715317

Oh i already know that. That still doesn't really get around if the server will take the request to add something to your cart over and over.

>> No.6715318
File: 40 KB, 498x323, 1308896335517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new account, no feadback, low price?

>> No.6715320

god it's the one i wanted to!!! :(

>> No.6715322


I paid the invoice for that like 10 minutes ago. WHY YOU NO BIDDED?

seriously. I did.

Oh well. The seller had zero feedback and that scared me a bit.

>> No.6715323

You're right, I'm refreshing an internet page occasionally, I'm thinking about which cute dresses I prefer, what has become of me!? I--I'm a monster!

>> No.6715327

I think they are referring to the people literally saying they will stay awake for 48 hours...

>> No.6715325

Fair enough. I think we understand each other but we will have to agree to disagree.

>> No.6715328

Goodnight anon, at least you gave it a shot. Though I'm not sure how one can can 'lose their dignity' over this. True I've been talking about the dress to those interested for a while now and yes I'm soliciting various SS and such but I'm enjoying the hype, the wait, the rush. It's fun, like a kid waiting for christmas only it's a race to see who gets the gifts ;D I'll probably also stalk it on the comm sales too when I can save up enough for it. I do feel like I wasted the day but if I get it it'll be worth it and if I don't it won't be for lack of trying. win/win

>> No.6715329

ok so miu miu and yunni are both reporting that they dropped the ball and couldnt get around the 2 items limit. its been fun bitches, time to go get our money back

>> No.6715334


I'm the staying-up anon. It's no problem for me; my sleeping pattern is really odd, and sometimes I don't sleep for days at a time, but other times I feel as though I could sleep for a fortnight. It's just the way I'm made.

>> No.6715335
File: 113 KB, 453x576, tumblr_lv7qqlJNJx1qjizy6o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feeling "disgusted with yourself" for staying up late for a release of a thing you like is still pretty ridiculous.

>mfw anyone believes people are actually going to stay up for 48 hours

>> No.6715337

that's hilarious. But I thought yunni's problem was she was like...100th in line and there's nothing left to buy in store.

>> No.6715338

whaaa! noooooo!

>> No.6715348

I really really wish that AP would go to a system like JetJ has of taking as many orders as people want to buy and then making them. At least for something like this that they know will be insane.
Sadly the way they are doing their releases is not making me salivate with brand loyalty and want more due to the scarcity and is rather pushing me into the "I don't care if there are fucking replicas... they treat their customers like shit" mindset.

>> No.6715352


I agree, I think whipping up a frenzy is ultimately a bad idea. There are people who will miss out on things they desperately want and will despise the brand forevermore.

>> No.6715353

The entitlement is strong with you. Since when is having limited-run goods synonymous with treating your customers like shit? Have they ever maligned you? Cussed you out? Thrown you out of a store? They have a product, they have a system, one could even say they have a "tradition." If you don't like it, don't spite it.

>> No.6715355


just got a message from yunni saying she couldnt get my items but she'll look on mbok wtf?

>> No.6715356

"I already spent your money but let me make it up to you by finding you a scalped item~!"

>> No.6715358
File: 944 KB, 245x190, jmo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6715364

If it turns out Chibi Tenshi managed to get my item, that girl is getting a big fucking tip.

>> No.6715368

So who's buying two to sell one to Oo Jia?

>> No.6715369

Does anyone think that AP will see what a fucking frenzy this has been and do a re-release fairly quickly?

>> No.6715373

10/10. I mad.

>> No.6715376

i hope so

>> No.6715377

not really entitlement. Just that my brand loyalty them is at about zero right now... whereas IW and JetJ have made things easy to get and have been accommodating to me.
My brand loyalty to them is very high. I like AP's clothing so I would love it if my sentiments matched my sentiments towards their competitors. As it stands I would rather buy from IW or JetJ than deal with having to jump through hoops to get a (admittedly adorable) dress.

>> No.6715387

tbh I find this idea both strange and wonderful. On the one hand it would mean everyone who wants one, gets one. But it's not a practice I've ever seen with known western brands. Limited stock numbers are usually the rule no matter where you go and the exclusivity is part of the appeal because you'll always know you've only got one of a few hundred instead of a garment produced for the masses en masse. The purpose is to generate sales while also making the consumer feel special, that's good marketing.

>> No.6715384
File: 2.29 MB, 400x225, 1363533040076.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"brand loyalty"
>to three different brands
No, sorry, you just buy the dresses that appeal to you like everybody else, you're not a brand devotee, and they don't owe you special concessions to keep up your "brand loyalty." If you find waiting and wishing for a dress so stressful and not fun at all, you are welcome to stop buying AP.

But you won't, because it's fucking fabulous.

>> No.6715385

I can get behind everything you just said. It's completely understandable if you find it more comfortable and enjoyable to shop from other brands. But it's not right to call AP's customer service shit because you don't like how they do releases.

>> No.6715388

When did miu_miu announce that???

>> No.6715390

got an email from her with a few other people's emails attached so its a mass message

>> No.6715396

fuuuuu i havent gotten anything! wtf!

>> No.6715397
File: 77 KB, 400x600, 1234500032090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Only getting it to send to Oo Jia & scalp.

>> No.6715405

please send her the lavender one.

replica chan

>> No.6715436
File: 3.00 MB, 641x423, 1361080505616.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the first time I ever bought lolita was the Mr. Yan So Dreamy Sale. I remember sitting with you girls and refreshing desperately trying to stop the site from freezing up and keeping everything in the cart. I rabu rabu you /cgl/.

>> No.6715437

you guys seriously like this dress? It doesn't even look well made.

>> No.6715442
File: 29 KB, 450x253, 1363593945860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah you can really pick out all the construction details from that 280x373 picture

>> No.6715446

I'm not trolling, it really doesn't look well constructed to me.

>> No.6715448

Enlighten us.

>> No.6715451

How is it still not up!? T_T

>> No.6715453
File: 409 KB, 245x200, tumblr_mck4x0oVkc1qgmg1do1_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just hurry up AP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! D:

>> No.6715454

pretty sure it's not going up tonight.

>> No.6715457

I don't think it's going to happen. I've never seen a release go this late before.

Maybe the person who said this was in store only is right.

>> No.6715459

>she says, hoping the other lolitas will go to bed and she'll have all the dresses to herself

>> No.6715461

whaaaaaaat? neeeever!

>> No.6715462

What time is it for you poor souls?

>> No.6715466
File: 734 KB, 599x599, 1311601759750.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

almost 3am

>> No.6715467

wonder if rosaire got cadney her dress

>> No.6715468

Its like 5 in the aftrenoon and i am begining to hate AP

>> No.6715469

It's... just an opinion? Like the other anon said, it's not like you can see the details in a photo like that, and maybe it looks better close up, but to me it looks wrinkled and puckered, and the overlay looks like it's attached funny. It just gives off a "cheaply made" feeling, which is unusual for AP...

>> No.6715471

Heeey time zone buddy! Where you at?

>> No.6715473

Me too, bro. Me too.

>> No.6715475

lies! Also if it was in store only why would it go up on the ap japan site? Also the international site has the new print images up which usually means it goes up.

it's only 5pm here

>> No.6715476

It is an opinion based off of what you're seeing. I don't see what you're seeing from this picture. How can you even tell how the hip flaps are attached lol. The print has stripes... maybe it's tricking your eyes into seeing things that aren't there... you can't even see seams to see if they are puckered.

>> No.6715477


Ten to seven in the morning.

>> No.6715478


>> No.6715481

Brisbane ;D you?

>> No.6715480

timezone buddy!

>> No.6715482

she posted on tumblr about refreshing so likely not.

>> No.6715488

BAHAHAHA I shouldn't find this funny but I really hope Cadney sulks on tumblr after this.

>> No.6715489

Townsville! was a Briz loli :)

>> No.6715490


>> No.6715492

bad person

>> No.6715493

suuuure it is!

>> No.6715494


No it's not?

>> No.6715495

eat my anus

>> No.6715496

lol i was waiting for someone to do this

>> No.6715498

Woo! Wasting my day off sitting on a computer waiting for a release I doubt I'll get!

>> No.6715500

damn it all!

>> No.6715504

What else would you be doing?

>> No.6715505

Hey I bet you know my sister!

>> No.6715508

ahah lol i am talking to your sister on fb right now! :D

>> No.6715510

I know ya'll are freakin' out and scrambling, and I figured this question was thread relevant enough, but I pretty much just wanted the ivory tights from this series to pair with Twinkle Carnival. Would that look really off paired together?

>> No.6715512

They did lucky packs this late on international, but I'm going to give them 10 more min before I call it a night.

>> No.6715513

small world!

i think so, very cute! goodluck!

>> No.6715514

Is it imposable that there site is 500'ing so much on them too they can't update it?

>> No.6715516

What time did the lucky packs come out?

>> No.6715517

yup! :)

>> No.6715522
File: 306 KB, 400x299, 1356638590484b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm 99.9% certain that they have to manually add the items AFTER AP Japan releases them, so yes, everyone kicking the server in the shins would, as far as I know, make it practically impossible for them to release it.

>> No.6715524

No, the update would come from the backend. The error from all the users pinging the web server wouldn't be interfering with that.

>> No.6715525

The did multiple releases, but at least one of them was 3AM EST

>> No.6715526

Am I the only person who now hates Whip Show Case with a burning passion?

>> No.6715528

So...anyone wanna share what items they're going after? I'm in it for the lavender or sax tulle jsk + socks and headbow.

>> No.6715529

I hate it more each time I f5

>> No.6715531

Ivory OP. I would actually maim someone to get it.

>> No.6715535

Ivory tulle JSK

>> No.6715536

When they add new items, they flash up for a split second before they are hidden. Thus, IMHO, their back end is most likely a web-based interface. The error 500 that is being generated is a server level error, not a connection error. The server itself is choking.

So, it's like trying to locally view pages on the server during a DDOS attack. Unless you physically unplug the machine from the web, you are just as screwed as the people trying to get to the site, because the issue is the server not being able to keep up with the requests, not the pipeline being too small.

And even then, they probably aren't local to the machine, so they would still have the issues with the clogged connection as well.

>> No.6715537

Ether jsk in sax or lavender.
I think my first choice is lavender though, I have sugary Carnival in sax and Twinkle carnival in ivory so don't want it to be too similar.
Or I will cut some bitches.

>> No.6715541

Lavender Tiered JSK (which is the one with the tulle on either side) + Headbow + Tights.

>> No.6715542

lavender plain jsk tights and headbow.

>> No.6715545

oh it's on!

Salopette doesn't seem very popular at all, but it is cute.

>> No.6715546

the thing that is available ;_;

looks like black won't be very popular and I think it looks pretty cute, so probably that

>> No.6715547

That's all front end. The update to the web page would be coming from a dev environment into the prod environment through the back end, no matter what, which wouldn't be affected by the users hitting the page on the front end. Even then, they probably have it load balanced between several servers (which is why you can switch between tabs and still have the same session) so it's an easy 'flick of the switch' if you will on their load balancer page to update one of the servers and then filter it through the rest.

>> No.6715551
File: 35 KB, 283x374, angry-whip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6715552

Granted, I did hardware and application support and web hosting (not web dev) for really heavily hit sites so I'm not 100% but we never had problems with updates in the way that the other anon is asking about, and we had millions of hits (stock market shit like CNN Money, eTrade, Scottrace, etc) per web server

>> No.6715553

poor whip show case, like the last puppy in the pound

>> No.6715554

That looks like it could be a Pokemon.

>> No.6715555
File: 117 KB, 302x222, tumblr_m8nscxcrwl1rpu8xlo1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dammit AP >.<

>> No.6715556


Black Tulle/Regular JSK or Sk and headbow.
Already secured the socks and tights. :D

>> No.6715561



>> No.6715560
File: 151 KB, 500x313, 1312923906680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop it ap.
you want my money,
just shut up take it and give me my dress

>> No.6715562

You guys win the thread

>> No.6715575

Thinking of going to bed if it's not up in 20 minutes. :(
Feeling so defeated!

>> No.6715576

On the dress page, the black OP showed up, marked as sold out. My computer wouldn't display the product info; there seemed to be a long note. I refreshed a moment later, and the OP disappeared. What does this mean?

>> No.6715580


>> No.6715578

I don't know what their set up looks like. I understand what you are saying; I'm just saying that I'm not sure that they are set up that nicely.

When they add a series, they put in the photos and the info for an item and a stock quantity of 0, that item shows up on the site, they edit the listing and toggle some setting that hides it. Then, once all the items are added, one by one, they make the items re-appear in stock. And, it seems to take longer when people are hitting the server hard.

There are cart systems where everything is done inside a web-based admin panel on the live server behind a log in. What I'm getting at is that I think this may be that sort of set up, in which case the back-end would be on the front-end of things.

But I don't know.

Sessions are browser based though, aren't they? I don't think you have to have a load balanced server to have multiple tabs in the same session? It's been forever since I did anything with sessions....

>> No.6715582

judging by poster's below comment it means it might be up in the next hour

>> No.6715584

don't suppose you got a printscreen?

>> No.6715587

Actually I apologize, i mixed up load balancing with replication. sure, i get that, if they are silly enough to be changing things like that then it may be affected... but then I wonder how hard ap international was getting hit for LPs? i would assume it would have been just as hard as this... ah well, we'll never see the perfmetrics on their web hits though, and they are probably only running with... maybe 2 web servers... maybe...

>> No.6715586

F5ing more!

Captcha: Thefeed valuable

>> No.6715588

No, unfortunately. My computer isn't working right and instead of a bunch of japanese characters, I got boxes.

>> No.6715589

nek minit - 6 hours later

>> No.6715591

My real question is this... are they going to update the product pages first, or the front page? heh

>> No.6715592

I said might! and >>6715578
implied that seeing such short images may indicate possible availability.

>> No.6715596

it;s usually always the products and then the front page.

>> No.6715597

can i just say that the fact that most everything in this series is shirred is going to make this impossible to get second hand because now the fatties are gonna eat this shit up

>> No.6715593


you do understand that everyone F5ing is why it's giving an error, right?

>> No.6715598

AP international sucks at updating their homepage, if that is what you mean. They went a whole month without updating it a bit ago.

>> No.6715600

help keep my strong guys! i'm starting to get fed up and just wana go to bed!! :(

>> No.6715601

As a fatty, can I just say nyeh nyeh.

>> No.6715602

Ah ok good, then I can close that tab

>> No.6715604

it's 6pm here and I've been here since 12.30. I feel so bad for wasting the day I'm thinking of calling it quits and just checking this thread + refreshing every 15minutes instead. but if you stay up, I'll stay up? We could IM or some shit over skype.

>> No.6715605


>> No.6715606
File: 22 KB, 432x480, shrug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a joke :/

>> No.6715610

it's just text, can't always tell

>> No.6715611

alright who's going for what me, black salopette

>> No.6715612


You may have accidentally changed your character encoding.

Firefox > View > Character Encoding > Unicode (UTF-8)

Chrome > Settings Menu Thing > Tools > Encoding > Unicode (UTF-8)

IE or anything else : google it. it's 4am and I'm sad that I'm not sleeping.

>> No.6715613

hahah thanks anon. you cheeky you!!

>> No.6715616

rofl. I guess rosaire didn't get cadney her shit since she posted about about refreshing

>> No.6715617



>> No.6715621
File: 851 KB, 1248x704, 1356647850847.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for shits and giggles! have some Mr yanners guys!!!

>> No.6715618

How long has everyone been waiting now anyways? I've had the ap window open for night on 5 hours now refreshing =\

>> No.6715619

Black was the slowest color on the Japanese site, and the Salopette was one of the last main pieces to sell out. Good luck, your battle shall be less painful than the fight to death that is to be waged over the lavender JSKs

>> No.6715622

at least we'll get a feel real quick of how high resell value will be? 29k yen for the set with 7 days to go...it'll be interesting.

>> No.6715623

13hrs :( kill me!

>> No.6715624

9:45PM - 4:08AM. I don't know. it's late. I can't math.

>> No.6715628

Why would you be on the site when it hadn't even released in japan yet... when have they ever released on the site first

>> No.6715629

D: I feel your pain anon!
I also say goodluck, you're going for what appears to be the least popular so I hope you get it! ^^

>> No.6715626

i literally got a chill from that

>> No.6715630

there was a black salopette in the laforet store still. mi chan posted a pic of it saying it was one of the last things left.

>> No.6715631

Nah. We just will know what we already know; there is a high demand right now. With popular AP prints, auctions the day of the release sell for more than auctions 3 days after the release, and it goes down from there until it stabilizes. All those people who missed it.

>> No.6715633

SAVED! xD for those days that get me down

>> No.6715634
File: 27 KB, 280x373, tumblr_mjmt6jq1qr1qgjjjyo5_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel bad, have a photo

>> No.6715637

was out night before! have now been up waiting on release! :( super hung ova!

>> No.6715638

the Yandyman can!!!

>> No.6715639
File: 31 KB, 500x500, tumblr_mk3r64MYjE1qgjjjyo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DDc picture spam (just not stock photos kay guys?)

>> No.6715645
File: 26 KB, 280x373, tumblr_mjmt6jq1qr1qgjjjyo4_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6715644

Boxes for characters anon here. Lavender OP appeared, sold out. Disappeared. Still don't know what the note says. Mentions something about the English site though.

>> No.6715646
File: 41 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mjzenbegVS1r11fpqo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6715650

This is the picture that akes me want the lavender jsk but the stock photos make it look much blue-er. =S can't decide. sax or lavender...

>> No.6715652
File: 208 KB, 755x1024, ddc1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The blue has some pretty colors in it.

>> No.6715655
File: 312 KB, 809x1024, ddc2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6715656
File: 27 KB, 403x403, tumblr_mk3olvK7UU1qljeyuo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure does.

>> No.6715657

UPDATE: Sax OP just did the same thing.

>> No.6715659

just saw it anon! it's a note to japanese customers saying they cant order if they live within japan.

>> No.6715661
File: 142 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mjq9q6AZvd1qgjjjyo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>6715652 Vs. >>6715655
makes me want the blue one, same with that rinrin picture

>> No.6715662


>> No.6715663
File: 50 KB, 180x320, 51854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


are coord pics or detail pics from brand blogs far enough away from being stock photos?

>> No.6715667

i know right!!!

>> No.6715665
File: 49 KB, 180x320, 51875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6715668

UGH I want that OP so much it hurts.

>> No.6715669
File: 48 KB, 400x400, ddc3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6715670

these are too perfect, especially that ivory <3
I'd love to see someone try mori with the ivory jsk actually with a long chiffon robe/jacket thing over the top

>> No.6715671
File: 250 KB, 706x1024, ddc4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6715673

i havent refreshed my page because i like looking at it!!! :3

>> No.6715674

Ivory OP appeared as sold out, no note this time.

>> No.6715675
File: 43 KB, 180x320, 51876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The detail shots really make me like the ivory.

>> No.6715676
File: 273 KB, 892x596, 12345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6715677

they just forgot to type the note in, no worries

>> No.6715679

temporarily anyways haha.

so what does everyone think of the chiffon/transparent bonnet vs the rectangular headbow? the bonnet looks interesting to me, love the side detail but bonnets are so hard to wear out in public without looking ridiculous.

>> No.6715681

so jsks are next right? ;D

>> No.6715682

It's not disappearing like the others though.

>> No.6715683


>> No.6715684

Can't decide if Rinrin is cute or weird-looking

>> No.6715685

>Yunni: And the way that they do it is completely unfair


>> No.6715686

She's my rori idoru <3

>> No.6715687

xD I thought the exact same thing! I bet if she'd got in 1st or anywhere under 10 it would be 'fair'.lol, what a childish response.

>> No.6715689

i wasnt to fussed on the bonnet at first but after seeing a close up on the detail is really lovely and i may have changed my mind! :)

>> No.6715690

I wonder how many people reserved with Yunni? Anyone here? Would be nice to get a count

>> No.6715691
File: 129 KB, 419x596, 51818.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want this button!

>> No.6715692
File: 2 KB, 64x64, 82822_64x64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

totes unfair guyz....
Even though I broke teh rulez..
sage for no contribution

>> No.6715695

I bet she took a shitton of people's money too

>> No.6715696

I think? and either headbows or socks are usually last?

>> No.6715698
File: 45 KB, 180x320, 51879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to smarten up and add photos AND comments together.

>> No.6715701

lol tiny violin.

>> No.6715702

Poor Cadney, want to bet that Rosaire sat on her fat ass again and did not even go to the store?

>> No.6715704

I wish someone would post that to her SS page I would lmao

>> No.6715705

She and two other shopping services were my reserves but after one of them reported she was 20th in line and that all the dresses had sold out (while yunni was still saying she wasn't even half way) I asked for a refund

>> No.6715706
File: 200 KB, 924x447, black.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6715708

who else did you use?

>> No.6715709
File: 67 KB, 977x426, Capturehjgh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black jsk!

>> No.6715710

her tumblr says she's refreshing so....yeah I'd say that's a safe bet.

>> No.6715711


>> No.6715712

omg! guys guys they just did the jsk's black went up with a sold out!! hnnnnng!!

>> No.6715714

But..but guise rules are fun to break! I wrote it in my new kawaiidesu lolita story!

>> No.6715715

Please someone lol

>> No.6715716

You mean her vlog

>> No.6715718

DAMN!! I really wanted the black JSK! Feels bad, man.

>> No.6715720

but that person would be banned and then they can't see the crazy anymore

>> No.6715722

So does the stuff go up for sale after everything - JSKs, headbows, etc. is all online, of do things go category by category and whether or not the socks are online doesn't affect when the OPs go on sale?

>> No.6715724

lol! this is worse then getting Comic-Con tickets

>> No.6715725

karma is such a bitch lol

>> No.6715723

how did she break the rules?

>> No.6715726

her FRENCH vlog?
doesn't she know like, 30 languages?

>> No.6715727

Oh neeya, when will you remember that rosaire is the one who told YOU that she probably wouldn't be able to make it and that you should try to get it online?

>> No.6715728

Black doesn't seem popular, and I love the black. But I don't love it enough to go crazy about it. good luck

>> No.6715729

ashley-rose and m_miu. bad choice at the last I know but ahsley rose was amazing and we were communicating while she was at the store giving me updates on what was still in stock and if I wanted the accessories or not. They sold out of all the lavender stuff before she could get in which sucks but she also offered to use the online site if it hadn't sold out. it did but y'know, the customer service was awesome and her fees very reasonable.

YAY! 100 point to whoever spots the tulle lavender jsk first ;D

>> No.6715731

But she posted a picture on he group of her and her friend on their way to the store. Isn't it past our bedtime, vandetta-chan?

>> No.6715733

you seriously have a worse hate boner for neeya than that vendettachan does for rosaire. get some help yo

>> No.6715734

Gems from Yunni's devart account

>1. I'm multilingual
>2. I look really young for my age and I'm often mistaken for about 15
>3. I've been to 18 different schools sense kindergarten (Told you I live all over)
>4.I love visual kei, kpop, jpop, cpop and jrock
>5.I can play The Sims for over 4 hours straight
>6.I have dual citizenship
>7. I love to cosplay
>8. I used to be on tv shows and commercials in my country as a child
>9. I'm a fraternal twin
>10. I'm single
http://curacannon.deviantart.com/ Check out that shitty deco

>> No.6715735

i thought she was from korea?

>> No.6715739

i haven't even heard of ashley rose
she new?

>> No.6715736
File: 56 KB, 180x320, 49260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once everything is added as sold out and the whole series flashes by like we are seeing now, then they all come up in stock. There is obviously someone pressing a button on each item though; it's not instant, there is a delay of a few minutes between the first and the last.

>> No.6715737

No it doesn't

>> No.6715738

yes. yes it is.

anyone else getting anything but internal errors now lol? =p

>> No.6715741

>first time bringing up neeya since she lied about what went down between them

Whatever you say, neeya.

>> No.6715742

but what is her country? does anyone know for sure?

>> No.6715743

she's black, isn't she? not korean

>> No.6715744

Didn't Yunni say she had hired a ton of people to go to the stores too? What happened with that?
Customer comment on her FB that she ignored
>how about your friends? how did they go?
Want to bet she had nobody?

>> No.6715745

yea I bet that was the case

>> No.6715747
File: 49 KB, 180x320, 49258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, who ever opened 50 windows or whatever, slow it down.

>> No.6715748
File: 155 KB, 600x900, Harajuku-Fashion-Walk-Street-Snaps-15-016-600x900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Says she is half Korean

>> No.6715752

This is what she said:
Daydream Carnival update!!!!

Angelic Pretty has announced the restrictions for the upcoming release. It's the same as any new big print release But it's gotten some people worried.

I can only buy one lavender jsk from a store this true However, I've already prepared for something like this and I've got a team of people working with me for this release.

But if the worst should happen, do not worry, you will be refunded.

Thank you

SO yeah, how about that team...

>> No.6715750
File: 61 KB, 180x320, 49259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6715753
File: 49 KB, 180x320, 49257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6715754

somehow I highly doubt that..

>> No.6715755


>> No.6715756


>> No.6715758
File: 48 KB, 180x320, 51834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6715759

Unicorn bag!!

>> No.6715762

Search 'Ashely Rose - Japanese Shopping service' on fb, she was a sweety the whole time and apologized for not getting me the items I wanted even though I sent her a million messages asking what had or hadn't sold yet haha.

>> No.6715766

also http://www.ashley-rose.com/shoppingservice/

>> No.6715767

at least you got a response. I will never use miu_miu again. it's been an entire day and not a word. :/ you would think with fees like that she could at least let a customer know if she managed to get the things they wanted or not.

>> No.6715769

D: that sucks! Wasn't there a mass email that got sent around though?

>> No.6715770

jeesus that is unprofessional

>> No.6715771
File: 66 KB, 240x320, 4023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blouse looks nicer here than in the stock pic even though the photo is worse.

>> No.6715772
File: 80 KB, 320x240, 18219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6715773

Random draw and 2 item per person limit allowing the most people to get something from the series. Yes that is very unfair

>> No.6715774

Well, if anyone doesn't get the release here, who's trying for AP SF tomorrow? Anyone got a shopping service for them they might wanna send me? I'm not sure how they're dealing with the in store stuff there but at least they gave a time for the online release.

>> No.6715775
File: 71 KB, 320x240, 18220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6715776

Hope AP does more bonnets like this mmm yes yes good my precious

>> No.6715777

I fucking love this blouse, too bad about the fifteen thousand yen price tag though.

>> No.6715780

she was probably too busy looking for stuff in Closet Child to scalp and make up for the loss. Definitely use chibi tenshi next time! No one compares to her.

>> No.6715781

more bonnets with this kind of detail on this side, not sure if sold on the chiffon(?) material.

>> No.6715782

are there lotteries for spots and limits at AP SF in person? do you think people are camping out there right now?

>> No.6715783

I wanted to use her but was too late ):

>> No.6715785
File: 44 KB, 319x240, 12191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Print love from utsunomiya

>> No.6715786

I contacted her through facebook. I sent her one msg throughout the day at about 3 asking for an update cause i didnt want to hound her or anything and now it's 7 and still nothing. :( I'm assuming at this point that no she wasnt able to get anything for me. it's a bummer because her communication started out well.

>> No.6715788
File: 40 KB, 319x240, 12190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6715789

hope not! that area is so unsafe especially at night.

>> No.6715790

Same. I've wanted the darn thing since January, but I waited to see the back styles like an idiot.

>> No.6715791

camping out in deco tents.

>> No.6715792

that'd be crazy, what time is it there now anyways?

what are the chances of this going up on the site you think?

>> No.6715793

Nagoya shop blog just updated. They are sold out of everything except the short socks in pink and black, the gloves in black, wristcuffs in black

>> No.6715795
File: 57 KB, 180x320, 51880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gosh darn it AP, I could have slept.

>> No.6715794

i think like 2am maybe?

>> No.6715797

its 2 am here

>> No.6715799

has there been a release this crazy before? I know chess chocolate sent a few people up the wall too.

>> No.6715801
File: 67 KB, 240x320, 4018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


NGL, I think those short socks and gloves are pretty awful.

>> No.6715803


>> No.6715806

nope, Gloria wasn't think bad

>> No.6715807
File: 53 KB, 320x180, 51877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gloria crashed AP-Japan's site, and sold out in half the time

>> No.6715808

Shut your face they are totes kawaii

>> No.6715809

I really disliked gloria so i didn't realised there was any hype around it.

>> No.6715810

I think the only reason Gloria wasn't this bad was because it wasn't advertised for like... ANY amount of time before release... it was like we found out about it the week of, then it was released with like... 1 colorway in each style per store... was insanely limited

>> No.6715811

According to some service there was some stuff left in stores a couple days after also there was only 3 main pieces of Gloria (2 JSK and SK) and less accessories

>> No.6715812
File: 63 KB, 240x320, 4020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6715814
File: 37 KB, 180x320, 51836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only know it did well online; IDK about the real world. I hear there are actual stars and horses there. But you have to leave the internet fist.

>> No.6715815

There are at least 5-10 people commenting on her facebook posts. They all sound retarded though wouldn't want them as customers

>> No.6715816

these gloves are so pretty but I've bought ap gloves before and my hands are too small, they look like I could make them for $10 anyways. also...dat satin xp

>> No.6715818
File: 51 KB, 320x180, 51861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's the satin I can't get over. it seems oddly incongruous with the theme.

>> No.6715819

Oh yea! Milk Planet and Sugary Carnival where crazy, Baby's Cinderella Jewelry and Vampire Requiem( and the re-release) where insane too.

And I think the only time AP SF did a lottery for a new item was when they got the sugary carnival special set because they only had one.

>> No.6715820

Chandelier too.

>> No.6715822
File: 33 KB, 250x335, ddc01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember reading about that. I love that JSK, but it's like impossible to get a hold of

>> No.6715823

any flickers lately?


>> No.6715825

nope, I was also hoping too. I wonder if I dare chance a shower...it won't all go up at once anyways right?

>> No.6715826

no i doubt it. at this rate it won't be up for hours

>> No.6715827

not sure what you're basing that off of

>> No.6715830

how long its taking for the items to flicker. no one has seen anything past a jsk yet.

>> No.6715834

lav jsk just flickered

>> No.6715836

Diff anon, but It usually takes 2 hours when the server is bahaving and the collection is smaller than this.

>> No.6715838

this isn't even true per se. it could be tomorrow for all we know

>> No.6715840

so they still have to get through all the jsks, skirts, blouses, headwear, and socks.. at this point hours.

>> No.6715842
File: 37 KB, 600x413, tumblr_lgcxzn3jca1qzabaro1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why couldn't they just give us an ~approximate time~ ;_;
This is grilling me

>> No.6715843

Saw the sax JSK

>> No.6715846

erg. agreed. I might just give up for he next hour and see where that gets me. shower, food and maybe play an mmo for a bit depending on how things are looking after i get back *sigh* here's hoping everyone here gets what they want! I'm also officially going for the sax tulle jsk now.

>> No.6715849

can we get print screens happening again people? Just so I can preend it's close >:

>> No.6715850

Sorry, I meant the other direction. As in it's not likely going to be faster than that.

And you are right.

>> No.6715851

ivory spotted

>> No.6715852
File: 373 KB, 919x693, lav-screen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


my captcha typing skills are getting progressively worse

>> No.6715853
File: 47 KB, 732x228, 78547495.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6715854
File: 387 KB, 937x707, sax-screen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6715855

so now they gotta stock all the other jsks and then the rest of the series

>> No.6715856

wait, you can click on them!? awesome!

>> No.6715858


i'm not into ap at all so this thread has been quite a read, but how did ap manage to hype this print so much, like a few people have said? or is it just that this print appeals to a ton of people, like with chess chocolate? inquiring minds

>> No.6715861

if you put ponies on it, people will buy it.

>> No.6715864


>> No.6715866

multiple appeal I think, it has a sweet and classic vibe. it first appeared in december which got people talking snd then in the feb. kera with still no official release date. lots of time for people to save and see it. As more people saw it more people wanted it and more people would want it just for the hype or the scalping opportunities that come with that hype. then on thursday i think they released the official details and images and suddenly even if you had only been checking the ap site you could see it and want it and you only had 3 days until the 'restricted series release' was available which put people in a scramble too. People have been saying they want a toned down sugary carnival print for ages as well as ap to do a unicorn print. this meets both demands.

>> No.6715868

so true i am a sucker for ponies!!

>> No.6715869

If they were a bigger, badder and more corporate company I wouldn't have put it past them to up the price just to be asses, people would have paid.

>> No.6715870

how do you get classic out of this print at all?

>> No.6715872

i got an error when I tried to click, but maybe I was too slow

>> No.6715873

Popular motif (carousel/ponies), colors that appeal to both sweet and classic (like ivory for classic and lavender for sweet), and several months of hype (first shown in December, shown in every Kera abd GLB every month since then and also the models and some musicians wearing it)

>> No.6715875

The ivory print + brown themes. It's not traditional classic but it's like how people were making royal chocolate into those toned down classic looks. The ivory skirt + brown cardi + offwhite blouse, some brown mary janes and a book bag with a hime style haircut and a beret. I'm not sure what they're calling that look nowadays but it's not quite sweet and it's not quite classic.

it's only my opinion though so it really doesn't matter =p

>> No.6715876

The colors are more muted not bright pastel except maybe the lavender color. Compare it to Sugary Carnival

>> No.6715877

this person gets it

>> No.6715878

When I first showed it to my sister she said the ivory tulle jsk reminds her of some country girl's first dance or something

>> No.6715879

"It's always the luck of the draw. Emma and I were near the front of the line of nearly 100 people but we both drew numbers so bad we wouldn't have been able to buy anything at all, so we resigned to try and get it off of the web shop. I used my iPad and she used my iPhone, and between the two of us and 30 minutes of errors and refreshing, our carts were empty.

Friends reported some stores had around 150 people.

Keep an eye on the international site and AP USA. I will of course bid on auctions if asked.

No refunds were issued because no money exchanged hands since I wasn't sure how many--if any--we'd get. I apologize to those of you who were excited about this release only to be let down.

Let's all hope for a rerelease and therefore a second chance!!"

From Rosaire

>> No.6715880

I don't know what to call it either, but I get the same vibe from it. I think it's partly the floral and the slightly more mature art style too?

>> No.6715882

i guess it doesn't matter what time you go stand in line. the lottery is the lottery. the fairest way to do it.

>> No.6715883

tfw some late straggler rocks up and gets ticket number 1 after everyone's been waiting there hours.

>> No.6715884

I don't think they want people standing around and waiting.

>> No.6715886
File: 48 KB, 742x271, 00906085976.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sax tulle

Did anyone catch if they already went through black and lav tulle?

>> No.6715887

What numbers did she get?

>> No.6715889

she didn't say

>> No.6715890

I just saw ivory which is usually the last one they upload I think?

>> No.6715895

Does it matter?

>> No.6715897

The order is black, lav, sax, ivory, I think.

>> No.6715898


>> No.6715900

So how many tops are released with DDC? Were there cutsews? Or just that one chiffon blouse?

>> No.6715901

there ya go, skirts next or possibly blouses? I wonder if they're going to add the other (less common) accessories like the gloves and wristcuffs, I don't see gloves very often on the english site at all.

>> No.6715902

black salopette just went by

>> No.6715904
File: 44 KB, 654x192, salopette.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6715906

I just want to say this is a fucking asinine way to do this...

>> No.6715913

Just think, there is some poor shop girl on the other side of this.

>> No.6715916

isn't it like..7pm over there right now? Who does this stuff that late? I mean I get they would have been busy but isn't there a separate division for the webshops who could have started this process oh I don't know... 8 hours ago?

>> No.6715918

Uh no this would be a team of web developers and QA people... none of these people would be on the retail side at all... probably all working from home or in cubes in an office.

>> No.6715920

Someone DDoSed the site so that was kinda impossible

>> No.6715921

no... it was all the people from around the world sitting on the pages and refreshing (which, actually in the most basic terms, is what a DDOS attack is, just not that high of an intensity as the site itself never crashed)

>> No.6715924
File: 45 KB, 728x214, 99697548.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6715926

UGH I keep missing these. Kinda makes me worry that I'm going to miss the actual item go up.

>> No.6715928

They are only up for a couple seconds anon, don't worry

>> No.6715930

Also salopettes are on the skirt page, not the jsk page :P

>> No.6715932

Ok, that would explain a lot.

>> No.6715935

Skirt in Sax just showed up!

>> No.6715943

>> went for shower
>> dinner
>> watched some tv
Still not up, but at least this thread has kept me up to date. So after skirts what is there left?

>> No.6715946

Tops... not sure what's in that collection though... cutsews? Blouses? Then Head gear, then Socks/Tights... then who knows if they'll do wristcuffs and gloves or whatever? I'd say still 2 hours out. At least.

>> No.6715948
File: 1.57 MB, 1920x1200, wallpaper-954824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

accessories/headwear I think

>> No.6715951

well there's only the 1 blouse at least in the 5 colourways so that's not too bad. headgear and tights/socks will annoy me though. They're kind of pumping them out now though so maybe just two hours?

>> No.6715955

Dunno, haven't seen the last of the skirts or any blouses yet...

>> No.6715963

headbows are up now

>> No.6715964

the last ivory skirt went past a while ago, i forgot to report it cap'n

>> No.6715965

I forgive you. This time.

>> No.6715969

Blouses? blouses? Anyone?

>> No.6715973

Ivory headbow just went up, so tights or socks next?
Have blouse gone up yet?

>> No.6715975

bonnets now

>> No.6715976

Never mind, forgot about the bonnets. Blakc bonnet is up!

>> No.6715978

Wait, did they skip Blouse?

>> No.6715980
File: 112 KB, 742x455, 540683042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rofl, caught both

>> No.6715981
File: 215 KB, 977x1165, ice king are you a princess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6715982

yep, it's not uncommon. just saw the black and lavender bonnet go up together. Might I dare hope this will be up by 10.30? o.O

>> No.6715991

bonnet in pink up

>> No.6715994

oh god that made me laugh so damn hard.

or it's the lack of sleep?

>> No.6716009

Tights are up!

>> No.6716010

Anyone see any legware yet?

>> No.6716014

excellent excellent, so i wonder if they will just add blouses later, or are we going to blouses after short socks

>> No.6716015

Which colorway?

>> No.6716017


>> No.6716018

just say the lavender ones

>> No.6716019

we shall soon see! :)

>> No.6716024

sax went up, these are going up fast

>> No.6716025

I... have to poop so bad... but I don't want to miss anything

>> No.6716028

I just saw ivory.

>> No.6716031

ankle socks next right?
depending on if they do the gloves/wristcuffs this might be up soon! <3

>> No.6716032

we still don't know if they are completly skipping blouses however

>> No.6716034

black socks just went up

>> No.6716035

crew socks up in black

>> No.6716037

I swear if we all came together and put our skills and tenacity towards solving a murder or something we would be unstoppable! :p

>> No.6716039

Lav just went up, man they look poopy

>> No.6716040

i know i gotta pee!!! :(

>> No.6716041

hold that piss in, we'll get through this

>> No.6716043
File: 142 KB, 702x631, 50485230920.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no fucks givens about the socks apparently

>> No.6716044

Sax crew socks up

>> No.6716046

What even is that on the front of them? I see some wings but what's in the middle?

>> No.6716047


>> No.6716048

ribbon i think

>> No.6716050


we certainly would!

>> No.6716052

I think it's the same image as what's on >>6715656 this rosette

>> No.6716053

I can't sign up for an account on their website somehow

>> No.6716054

you will have to keep refreshing to many ppl on it!

>> No.6716055

pink crew socks up

>> No.6716057

I managed to register but it gives me Login error
ID/password is incorrect. when I try to log in, even though everything is correct

>> No.6716058

ivory socks up!

>> No.6716059

kk Im' watching blouse page

>> No.6716063

o.O you left it this late to make an account?

>> No.6716064

I never ordered from them before

>> No.6716067


I made my account this morning when I woke up - I didn't even know you needed an account. No one told me, I was lucky I thought to have a look at the check out process.

>> No.6716068

Managed to log in :)

>> No.6716069

Fuck, no blouse, bluck cuffs instead

>> No.6716073
File: 52 KB, 755x247, cuffs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6716074

Now lavender cuffs

>> No.6716076



>> No.6716077

That was fast.

>> No.6716078

And pink

>> No.6716079

those pages aren't getting hit as hard probs

>> No.6716081


>> No.6716082

Now just the gloves are left.

>> No.6716083




>> No.6716084

unless they load blouses

>> No.6716085

oh for fuck-
forgot about the gloves
what about the blouse though?

>> No.6716086

clam it down


>> No.6716087


>> No.6716089



>> No.6716090

also freaking out, I'm literally bouncing on the balls of my feet

>> No.6716091


>> No.6716093

mad house!

>> No.6716095

Nothing is showing up Dx argh update damn you! let the carnage begin!

>> No.6716096
File: 75 KB, 250x367, wonderkira.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there really going to be another delay between sets x_x

>> No.6716103
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>> No.6716104

how long was the delay before? i was sleeping then...

>> No.6716105

not seeing shit in blouses popping

>> No.6716106

Maybe they just uploaded it so they can release it later at a 'decent hour' and we've all been up for.no.good.reason

>> No.6716107

nor accessories for gloves

>> No.6716108
File: 122 KB, 250x367, decorationillust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ~went out to dinner~

>> No.6716109
File: 500 KB, 500x255, avatar tearbending.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, don't say that

>> No.6716111

except other countries are up at decent hours right now

>> No.6716112


Don't you say that! We will hold out hope!

>> No.6716114

Ok so the English site says business hours are 10am to 7pm, what time zone are they talking about?

>> No.6716116

Maybe they just want to release it on the hour at 10pm? and not 5 to?

>> No.6716117

Uh it's not really applicable... because the international site caters to everyone outside of japan... I think they just mean shops on general are open then.

>> No.6716119

And there have been releases at like 2 am in certain time zones on the web site, so the site doesn't operate off of that or anything heh

>> No.6716121

(ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻ Rage!!!!!!

>> No.6716122

I would assume the japan clock BUT they started posting all those things way past 7 so i'm writing 'business hours' off as irrelevant.

>> No.6716124

true dat! i got my snt at 2 in the morning AUS time.

>> No.6716125

I think it just means 'AP Physical store hours' heh

>> No.6716126

"this may be the very definition of sloth and greed and later envy fueld for corporate figures
frilly frilly corporate evil figureheads"


>> No.6716127

holy f*ck don't say that! I've been here so long, I don't want it to be another 3 hours! T_T

>> No.6716130


>> No.6716131
File: 130 KB, 250x367, kotoriillust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the... freels?

>> No.6716132

We need a lolita ddc waiting support group. I'm about ready to curl up in the fetal position just whispering 'it'll go up soon, soon, soon. It can't take forever'

>> No.6716134

I hate you whip show case i hate you!!!!

>> No.6716135


*cries* Someone hold me, I think I'm going to have a break down. :(

>> No.6716136

Those crew socks are just sitting there, taunting me.

>> No.6716137

In my case, it's candy fun fair. But seriously I never want to see that print again.

>> No.6716138

the rew socks are still fuckign up? ugh, then it's not showing up for a bit
think I'll go poop finally

>> No.6716139

oh god i fell asleep and felt like shit when i woke because i was sure i missed it
so happy
cant decide if should sleep more

>> No.6716140

yeah don't make your ass prolapse waiting for this

>> No.6716141

do! i ran for a pee earlier!

>> No.6716143

there there, it's only a dress? ;D

same with the cuffs. They mock me so @_@

>> No.6716150

alright who else is calming down now, this is apparently not a happening thing.

>>watch me reverse physcology the universe ;D

>> No.6716152

is there a game we can play in the meantime?

>> No.6716154

what does this mean on Yunni's FB

>Hello I will be emailing everyone individually about Day Dream Carnival. I just waiting for my confirmation email from Angekic Pretty.

But she already said she didn't get shit online...?

>> No.6716155

Name as many AP prints as you can that don't have the letter Y in them.

>> No.6716156

lets play what is everyone eating whilst they stare blindly at ap site!

>> No.6716157


>> No.6716158

wonder cookie

>> No.6716159

sweetie chandelier
chess chocolate

Thats all of them ever

>> No.6716160

lol comfort food!..... tim tams! and milo

>> No.6716161

>Stuff will be re-added online tomorrow . After they sorted out the bad orders and the ones that will be canceled because they didn't follow the rules.

Maybe that's what it means?

>> No.6716162


I'm not eating but I did have Mos Burger earlier... now I'm listening to the neighbours having a massive party across the street.
... I have work tomorrow. ;_;

>> No.6716163

What about Puppet Circus

>> No.6716164

oh and twins etoile

>> No.6716166

sugary..milky...cherry...lady...POWDER ROSE AND TWINKLE CARNIVAL! yeah ;D

a bowl of disappointment.

>> No.6716167

hahah lol whip fucking show case!!

>> No.6716168


Whip Magic!

>> No.6716169


I hate you and love you.

>> No.6716170

oh my god x_x
Cinema Doll!

>> No.6716171

There's still a 2 item per person limit though and it applies to the online store as well.

>> No.6716172

Jewel Ribbon

>> No.6716173

night castle!

>> No.6716174

because we don't see that word enough as is D:

>> No.6716175

fed up! -puts sabbath on in the background- vibes!!!

>> No.6716176

Decoration Dreams
Mode Girl
Marionette Girl
Star Night Theater
Magical Etoile
Aqua Princess
Twinkle Mermaid
Tea Time ala Carte

>> No.6716177

tiara rose
decoration dreams

>> No.6716178


Twinkle Mermaid

>> No.6716179

Do you think any of the jsks will be easy to resell? Considering black.

>> No.6716181

it's starrY night theatre

>> No.6716182

all of them will be easy to sell

>> No.6716183
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>> No.6716184

It is in your heart, anon.

>> No.6716187


Twinkle Star
Twinkle Ornament

>> No.6716188

well lookit that, consider me corrected! I just figured star night theatre wasn't gramtically correct and I thought i'd heard it pronounced starry night theatre too. Ah well.

>> No.6716193

Did anyone see this? Fucking crazy. http://page6.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/f126690899

>> No.6716197
File: 8 KB, 259x195, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in 10minutes I'll have been waiting for this thing for 11 hours...

>> No.6716200
File: 267 KB, 500x374, eye-twitch.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh... yes... why... oh yes of course... I've been waiting to buy... whip show case... I don't remember... anything else... this must be what I wanted. yes... just going to put it in my cart... haaaa haaaaaa everyone... will...be...jellllyyyy....

>> No.6716201

m-maybe if we just buy all the whip showcase...

>> No.6716202

ok actually it's 12 hours if you include me sitting at the computer before checking the ap site religiously...

>> No.6716203

Actually lol'ed ah thanks for the laugh anon, I needed that.

>> No.6716204


Not before me you won't! MUHAHAHAHAH
I will re sell them for an insane amounts to buy more whip show case...

>> No.6716205
File: 54 KB, 240x320, dddclavprint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going back to sleep. There's no way they would put up the items OVERNIGHT in Japan. What if the servers go down? What if the items are oversold and they have to issue refunds to paying customers? They're not going to stay up all night just to handle this shit.

>> No.6716210

I'm already at 12. :c I haven't slept in 26 hr @_@;;;; Bout ready to just give up.

>> No.6716211

you're a machine o.o
man..I just need to somehow make myself sleep-check the ap site every fifteen minutes and wake up if it's up been updated.

>> No.6716213

I dont suppose it's possible for the hoard of us to write strongly worded letters to ap for their lack of compassion for the international market, who also make up some of their in store sales via shopping service, and ask they also release international webstore times? Would it do anything at all?

>> No.6716214

I would get on board with this. 100% I think they are just mad that no one has bought the ugly swan dress or any of the whip showcase regular JSKs. =_=;

It's like they're making us eat our veggies before dessert

>> No.6716215

one would hope

>> No.6716216

>shopping service
Because of these and scalpers are why they have such strict rules
>release times
So the entire site will crash and then people will have something else to bitch about?

>> No.6716217


I think the Twin Etoile is beautiful but they're about to release DDC... why would I buy Twin Etoile now? I'll buy it if they put it on sale later or if it's cheap second hand.

>> No.6716219

shopping services are looked down upon in Japan? That seems...strange, they get the money anyways for their store. Is this another japan racism thing?

I'd rather a crashing site I have to pray to get then recoup the hour after I fail than wait up 11 hours to have nothing happen.

>> No.6716220

Maybe because they buy up all the stock, and then all the girls who live there can't get anything?

>> No.6716221

>Is this another japan racism thing?
Yes. Dirty foreigners are stealing dresses right out of the arms of Japanese customers!

>> No.6716224

Customer are gonna be upset if the girl in front of them buys 10 dresses and there's nothing left, and they'll feel like it's not worth it to try again next time. The strict rules are to ensure fairness and that as many people as possible will be able to get something.

>> No.6716227

Isn't that what the restrictions are there to stop? I didn't say can the restrictions, I simply said as we are a large customer base - which does resort to shopping services because of their already halved stock which they let us have, do we not at least also deserve an online web-shop release time as much as the japan customers. This wasn't about the shopping service being there, I was just using it to make a point we're a large group who also need to be given service on parr with that of the local clientele.

>> No.6716229

If nothing else, the date would be nice. :/ It would have been nice to sleep last night, and wake up early to start F5ing, instead of doing it all night long too.

>> No.6716230

it would have bee nice to do anything today besides sit in front of a laptop f5'ing dx

>> No.6716248

Just saw the socks and had a little panic attack. It's gotta be soon, right?

>> No.6716251

The socks have been visible for hours.

>> No.6716254

I just woke up :(

>> No.6716255

-sings- i'm gonna drink my coffee and stay up late! and imma check the usa site at the same time when it gets closer to morning!!!! weeeoooooh!

>> No.6716283
File: 52 KB, 240x320, tumblr_lfteyaRwsF1qfo90jo1_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good night sisters, I'm going to sleep and shall be back up in time for the San Fran release...
I wish you girls the best if it comes up while I'm asleep!

>> No.6716288


>> No.6716289
File: 45 KB, 320x180, 51855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

crud. I decided to take half hour naps and actually fell asleep during one. Has it still not gone up?

And was there ever stock for those wrist cuffs and socks?

>> No.6716290

No. I don't think I can ever look in that print without remembering the frustration and disappointment of the DDC debacle.

>> No.6716296
File: 142 KB, 436x383, ghost dress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6716310

So who is going for what in the SF release?

>> No.6716316

Ugh, I am going for ether sax or lavender in ether of the jsks
unless the international site somehow updates.
Or something.

>> No.6716318
File: 55 KB, 320x180, 51858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lavender > Sax
Tiered JSK > JSK > OP

And if that fails, possibly the skirt, I guess.

>> No.6716322
File: 145 KB, 328x380, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man i wish i could do this. there's no lg at all on site now so if it comes up you're golden.

wristcuffs stocked in 'other' might still be there like the socks.

pic related. check my mad paint skillz

tulle sax jsk with tights and headbow. please let the ap online site update T_T

>> No.6716331

you guys are awesome!!!

>> No.6716335
File: 52 KB, 254x550, gets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Know how long I been waiting for this print? I've been waiting since 2011 when I went to japan and saw the night carnival jewelry in December. knew there couldn't be a reason they'd release something this pretty...without a print. mwahaha can't wait to wear them together at last! >D

>> No.6716337


Do you still have those pages open in tabs?

>> No.6716339

no..why? f you wanna see the writing go check the screen caps?

>> No.6716344

No, but the page you get to when you click on the items shows a database error when they are hidden, and yes, they are hidden at the moment.

>> No.6716345

sorry, my bad, that was just to >>6716337

>> No.6716346

you mean twinkle carnival?

>> No.6716349

most of it is still up anyway!

>> No.6716350

How are you getting TO the database error page? Do you have the item links?

>> No.6716353

They probably won't be up until monday

>> No.6716354

I tried to sleep but dreamt of actually getting it and having some sort of weird panic attack when I added it to my cart, and I woke up and realized it was a dream and I couldn't calm down. WTF. My body is clearly not ready for this shit.

>> No.6716356

Oh god, I am the anon who passed out earlier, I had multiple dreams about it, mostly about them having special full sets for some reason.

>> No.6716357

actually they're listed as 'night carnival' and only come in silvery white, sax blue, pink and lavender so why would they go with twinkle carnival...at all? I wasn't trying to be elitist 'lol i've been waiting longer than you' I'm just excited to finally have a dress series that this jewelry actually looks like it belongs to, in fact ap got their models to wear it for the first picture of ddc that were released.

>> No.6716360

Made a new thread if y'all are tired of posting in autosage

>> No.6716364

I'm staffing a con this weekend so I needed to get some sleep, so this is most unpleasant especially getting panic attacks over it, lol. I've had like 4 cups of coffee sofar this morning.

>> No.6716365

AP sometimes names their Jewelry different from the main set. It really was supposed to go with twinkle carnival.

>> No.6716370
File: 434 KB, 800x1117, tumblr_lv82zffXcE1qbat6to1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was in the adds for Twinkle carnival...? The ponies and gold match perfectly.
It is nice to add a pop of color to them.

>> No.6716372
File: 447 KB, 800x1117, tumblr_lv82zffXcE1qbat6to2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6716375

in that case, wtf AP, white + black series with pastel jewelry. what were they thinking? Other than the transparent-y white one of course.

>> No.6716379

"bitches will buy anything" ?

>> No.6716380

oh i did forget the pale pink version which makes sense. *shrug* well imo looks better with ddc anyways but obviously they both havr horses so it matches.

>> No.6716384


>> No.6716391

oh for pete's sake why didn't new thread anon post it?
here: >>6716359

>> No.6716393

this is horseshit... my dad sent his assistant out to stand in line to get it and she didnt :( and i had my bf f5ing furiously while i slept and nothing is up.... I JUST WANT MY FUCKING DRESS!!!

>> No.6716411


>> No.6716504

I don't think strongly worded is the way to go. I would beg for a rerelease though.