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6690020 No.6690020 [Reply] [Original]

What is this project all about? It seems like a few girls trying to get more youtube famous.

>> No.6690026

Stop posting here, Beckii No one likes you.

Also, fix your 5 year old shit japanese lyrics.

>> No.6690043

Not Beckii LMAO
Beckii cruel is way more famous and actually went to Japan to model and sing unlike these girls who is striving to get some attention. Still dont get what it's for and about tbh

>> No.6690047

>Beckii cruel is way more famous and actually went to Japan to model and sing
>yfw Beckii Flint aka Beckii Cruel is the leader of the group.

>> No.6690074

Should just be called Beckii and her Sheep.

>> No.6690368

Holy shet how tall is Scarlett? She looks like a giant.. But it's probably because KT and pink fat are tiny.

>> No.6690486

Girls trying something new with something they love?
And even if they fail, I wager it's still more than you've done.

Who the fuck are they anyway?

>> No.6690530

I really can't tell if I like KT or not. There's just so many conflicted feelings. I like her dancing, but then there's just something that I dislike about her. But it's safe to say that there's more love than hate for her.

>> No.6690603

dont forget dansa no himitsu
she actually started the group idea
she just needed beckii for the celebrity attention

>> No.6690623

its not anything new
there was yukapon, beckii cruel, keekihime, xcricketx and probably more i cant remember
all except cricket (though snsd did comment on how good her dancing was) were/are famous in akihabara/ are gaijin idoru.

>> No.6690630

Who is this girl? I've never heard of them and can't find anything about them except for something in the archives obviously written by you. Smells like a self-post to me.

>> No.6690683

Pics of this cricket girl pls.

>> No.6690788

sorry xcricket11x is her name.
since my computer is being slow i cant load videos quickly. she used to have all her videos private for some reason but if she has them back up, my favorite one was her lucifer cover.
>i promise its not me i'm just a loser who really likes dance covers

>> No.6690813

FUUUUCK I forgot that song existed. I love that song!

>> No.6690829

Now I remember who she is. She's that chick that dances in unreasonable clothing in the snow.

>> No.6690833

Her shoes in a lot of those videos completely ruin the look of her legs.

>> No.6690854
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I might not understand snow since I'm in Australia, but wouldn't her toes be freezing off along with her legs?

>> No.6690865

why dance in snow??

>> No.6691077

All these fuckin' "project" things. Should be called "my friends and I want to be famous and talented but we're lazy so we want other people to choreograph, solicit, merchandize, edit videos, and all that jazz! basically we want you to do all the work and we get all the credit! =^.^="

I've been hit up by a couple of these project things. It's kind of annoying when these girls on youtube treat hobbyists as their ticket to easy fame.

>> No.6691504

KT is getting annoying with KimonoTimeTV or whatever, she's wayyy too jumpy.

>> No.6691520

Why do people add "TV" to their youtube usernames?

>> No.6691527

It's her Vlog channel.

>> No.6691528

Same reason people add "productions" or "studios" to their usernames

>> No.6691534


>> No.6692009

she's 5'8" according to http://www.oishiiproject.com/p/oishiiichigo.html

>> No.6692615

Didn't they break up? Cause dansa gave up.

>> No.6692941

Nope, DnH closed so she could work on O!P more.

>> No.6692991

is Japan like your version of Valhalla or something?
like if you make an embarrassing enough video of yourself dancing you can ascend to grorious nippon and do weird reality tv shows for a few years

>> No.6693000

probably not if she were moving quickly. If she were marching 4 miles through it, yeah, but for a quick dance she'd be done before they even cooled down.

>> No.6693004
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>> No.6694049
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>dat image

>> No.6694371

Oishii Project wouldn't be so bad, but it's their recent vlogs that kill me. It just shows how weeby all the girls really are. Especially their "Idol Life" vlogs. Too much second-hand embarrassment to watch.
You guys are not idols. At least not yet.

>> No.6694722

popku's constant fake voice doe.

>> No.6694893

welll..she may (idk for sure) live in a place like colorado where there's snow on the ground but its 60-70degrees.

>> No.6696095

Oh God, I just cringe so hard whenever I see Scarlett. She always looks like she got ready in a barn - that birdsnest hair D: How can she expect to be an idol if she can't even make herself look presentable.

>> No.6696109

This...she can sing well but you need to look presentable

>> No.6696176

>Not yet

Not ever. beckii cruel wasa fluke

>> No.6696244

That whole statement describes Pinku Project perfectly too! There fucken starving for attention!
Even though they 'disbanded' there still trying to be e-famous!
It's sad when you find out the leader is like 27-28......

>> No.6696267

Everyone in Oishii Project is a weeb. Especially the Mini-Cherries, they were basically handpicked specifically for being aspie weeaboos.

>> No.6696329

I don't think it's fair to give a blanket statement like that on all the members when you don't even know them that well anon.
After following all of this since it first showed up on cgl, I don't think that Naniko is a weeb.

>> No.6696389

Yeah, the Mini Cherries are especially bad. I can't even read what Haribo has written on the O!P updates page, it hurts my brain with all of the "eee!! ^_^ hai hai! banzai!!! :3" drivel. I don't know why they would ever choose girls like this. If they're trying to be a "professional" project they have to make sure the girls are too. Image is everything when it comes to idols.

>> No.6696426

What do you guys think of the other projects like lollipop project, Kira Kira project, etc? There's already some drama surrounding them. Why are all these projects do unprofessional? Also are there ANY groups that actually have good graphics?

Drama here:

>> No.6696716

I wonder if this happens in my country!
>It does
Well damn. At least they dance ok.

>> No.6696760

uuuuh. anyone trying to be aidorus like that is a weeb. the actual idol world in japan is fucked up. no one wants that shit except weebs with no grasp on reality.

>> No.6696796

Does just dance groups count? There are A LOT of those out there...

>> No.6696939



Meanwhile, Flusay Girls is going on...

>> No.6696958

I still love beckii.
lollipop project is the funniest shit ever though.

>> No.6696966

KiraKira Project
Can we make this net idol general?

>> No.6696968

They are all terrible in shooting/editing videos with over saturation and lousy samples for music.

>> No.6696978

That lollipop project came to /cgl/ to ask for suggestions and when people were just honest they ended up deleting the thread. I also found it funny when one was talking about 'haters' on tumblr when the comments made was really reasonable.

>> No.6697230

honestly most of these projects are jokes i think O!P got lucky with having a majority of their members be girls who already had a large following on youtube.

>> No.6697565

My sides!

>> No.6698151

Can we make a YouTube Idol general thread and give out any feedback/criticism to these sad girls? Maybe somehow they'll improve... or just give up. The idol world is cut throat, so they need to be able to at least handle constructive criticism if they actually want to make it anywhere.

>> No.6698204

she sounds so sad and tired

>> No.6698358

>She always looks like she got ready in a barn
what does that mean?
Anyway I agree, she looks too scruffy to be an idol, what' s the use of putting up an ~ojou-sama~ act if you look like a farm kid in a frilly pink outfit with an accent?
Also the one on the right in OPs picture looks very out of place and uncomfortable, they could have put Beckii instead, at least it wouldn't look like a picture of two girls and their mom who's trying to fit in.

>> No.6698363


It drives me crazy. As do her posts on Facebook.

Then I remember she's like 13 and I can only hope one day she will wake up and grow out of this omg attention!! phase

>> No.6698407

I remember when she was "Maxine the small dancing cosplayer" and also had a small documentary about her fame,I was surprised to find her again

>> No.6698416


She's not singing, she's talking with a melody.
Jesus girl, sing with your chest, it's not that hard.

>> No.6698647

I wish she would put on less eye makeup. It's overbearing and doesn't suit her age.

>> No.6698780

isn't she trying to be gyaru since last year?>>6698363
she's turning 15 next month

>> No.6698785

I thought that she changed her make-up/style since the first PV? she looked better in the new one

>> No.6698888

She likes Akihabara. From what I can she, she's not trying to become a gyaru and doesn't show any interest in that.
She did look nice in the PV, but her intro video was way too much. She's obviously trying to make her eyes look larger, but with all that mess around them they just get lost.

>> No.6698958

There was proof on DnH from a while ago before she deleted.

>> No.6701181

it was also back when she didnt like maxine

is anyone else following the drama between idolution, idolwonderland, and jrcach?

>> No.6702853

It's stupid. The only blog that even updates regularly is jrcach. Who cares about drama between idol blogs.

>> No.6703769

How can there be drama between internet "idols"? let me guess
>scarlett is smelly lol

>> No.6704229

There is going to be drama in every type of community.