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6568347 No.6568347[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread is autosaging.

>> No.6568360
File: 97 KB, 480x640, ear-off.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone beside me find Usakumya in its bear form extremely creepy?

>> No.6568362

I feel like the only person in my state that doesnt like AP. I've only been in the fashion for a month or so and I just prefer Innocent World and MM.

>> No.6568385

I always thought the creepiness was part of the charm of usakumya.

>> No.6568410
File: 26 KB, 310x232, Foxcherry totoro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just find all the soft toy mascots freaking weird.

Is it because everyone else is just into sweet as opposed to classic? I'm like the one gothic lolita in my comm...and no-one else even knows Atelier Pierrot exists.

I really wish there was a release by Studio Ghibli x a lolita brand (preferably Metamorphose since AP and Baby have done shitty collabs recently) in the same way there were heaps of Disney collabs....and then I could justify this headband.

>> No.6568412


Imagine if every brand was assigned a movie... Pair AatP with Nausicaa, IW with My Neighbour Totoro, Baby with Whisper Of The Heart, AP with Laputa, and Meta could do Spirited Away because they'd get the whole gaudy look of the bathhouse etc. down perfectly.
I'd print my own Ghibli dress if I wasn't so scared of infringing upon copyright.

>> No.6568426
File: 99 KB, 295x407, m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't had a lolita purchase since last January, so starting big this year.

Seems like the ole' comm is the same as it ever was.

>> No.6568431

I mean it just looks tacky in my opinion. But I'm sure other feel that way about IW. I'm just not a fan of little animals and toy prints. I now I'm gonna get a lot of hate but they just look so childish

>> No.6568438

I asked this back in the last thread and someone responded, but are there any tips you can give to someone plus-sized who wants to get into lolita? I've been doing my research in the past few days, but is there anything I should be wary of and keep my eyes out for?

>> No.6568449

1. no empire waist dresses or salopettes
2. black is your friend...
3. shirring is your best friend
4. aim for a defined waist , avoid boobloaf
5. dont try to squeeze into a dress, no one wants to see the seams ripping apart or a stressed dress

>> No.6568476

I think the most common problem with plus-size/tall/non-Japanese-proportioned lolitasis that they frequently fail to use off-brand properly. They stick a lot of non-lolita items with their lolita ones, just because they don't have anything that fits right. And that almost always looks stupid.

For example, you don't have a blouse that fits, so you wear a men's white buttondown or a boring teeshirt. Or your feel are too big, so you wear sneakers. That sort of thing.

These details ruin an outfit. It's always better to save up for a custom sized Taobao or F+F stuff than to half-ass something.

>> No.6568493

Wear tights instead of socks, dark colours are best
Unless you are super tall then wear shoes with a bit of height to elongate your legs
Generally if you pay more - you get more. Invest in getting items tailored to fit you
Belly fat doesn't count as petticoat
Don't attempt ott sweet until you're confident you can co-ordinate well
Those GLW split wigs look terrible on most people and do no favours to a round face

Perhaps controversial but my personal opinion is that you shouldn't buy replicas. Like it or not, as a bigger lolita people on the internet and irl will judge you more harshly than if you were thin or average size - why give them extra material? Replicas are generally of a lower quality than brand/indie brand/taobao items and as a plus size lolita you really need to focus on quality because cheap items will make -you- look cheap. If people are going to wear replicas then they need to make sure they don't look like replicas, if you're 200lbs with a 42" bust then people will automatically assume that it's a replica - there's so much cute, well constructed items with a better fit than replicas, why not wear those? Obviously it's up to you but idk as a fat lolita myself I don't want to be written off as a fatty replica chan~

>> No.6568495

Ok? So? No one is expecting you to like certain brands, this mentality is stupid. Just like what you like and let other people like what they like. It's not like this doesn't happen ALL the time. 'Oh I don't like that brand' 'that's cool, I do like them' 'ok cool' move on with life.

Sorry, this comment just kind of screams special snowflake to me, so I'm warning you...

>> No.6568515


This may or may not help you, but this tumblr is useful to find and get measurements on some brand items that can fit a plus-size frame. It also has some pictures of some well coordinated plus size outfits. They update the list regularly.

>> No.6568521

>Obviously it's up to you but idk as a fat lolita myself I don't want to be written off as a fatty replica chan
Sounds like you care too much about what other people think of you. I own a replica as well as brand and I'm pretty large myself. I never got called a replica-chan, because I frankly don't push it into people's faces. And if they ask if it's a replica I tell them the truth.

The only time someone ever commented on it was this huge bitch that fit into the brand OP of the replica skirt I got, and she snarked to her bf (who happens to be my ex and a friend) about how I was wearing a replica and he told me about her shitty attitude. Nobody may appreciate someone with a closet full of replicas, but nobody appreciates holier-than-thou people who feel they have to point out what everyone else already knows.

>> No.6568522

Thank you all so much for the advice, I really appreciate it!
This is actually something that's been confusing me, but what's with the social stigma on replicas? I don't really get it personally, beyond being one of those people who go "My pants are so much better because they're Calvin Klein instead of Gap brand" or something really stupid like that. Is it mostly because brand stuff is a better quality or what?
I'm sorry that I probably sound really stupid, but I just wanna get as much as I can from the community, and I figure /cgl/ is one of the better places to get a frank, if not overcritical, opinion.

>> No.6568530

Well, I agree. But when it has ears, it is both creepy and cute (closer to the "cute" side). But without them it is just way too creepy for me and I can see no cuteness in that.

>> No.6568533

Really getting tired of the "sweet sux classic is da best" comments here, on egl, on tumblr. no one gives a fuck. I feel like people who say this are usually not aware that AP does non-print stuff. Plain/Old-school AP that I got at a substantial discount second hand is some of my favorite pieces and I consider myself a classic/gothic Loli.

Sorry bro, nothing personal.

>> No.6568534

It's because lolita is a collection-based hobby, not really because of a fashion thing. If you collect action figures, a legitimate release is worth more than a cheap knockoff. And so on.

>> No.6568535

Someone asked about tips for plus-sized lolitas starting out their wardrobe.
I wanted to hear your advice for someone who's petite. And by petite I mean smaller than most brand's average measurements. Which cuts are better? What to avoid?

>> No.6568550

I'm a very confident person but for some reason I feel like I have more to prove being a fatty in Lolita? it's probably the closest to insecure I've been since a young teenager

something about replicas doesn't sit well with me, like I'd rather save up then buy brand and have it altered? idk I want to work hard and have nice quality garments that took me ages to afford and fit - to me that's more satisfying than having some random replica off the peg

>> No.6568591

Long sleeves might be a problem if you have short-ish arms.
If you have a small chest, something that is cut with an obvious bra-shape (like pic) can make your lack of boobage look silly, imo.
Occasionally there are dressed with "dropped" waists (I had one from AP) and those might fall too low if you're very short.
I'd also check for good ties in the back (or reinforce the ones that are button-on) so that you can properly tie a dress's back to fit so it doesn't look too roomy in weird places.
As for hem length, some people don't like their lolita "too long" but at least you don't have to worry about too short, generally....

I honestly can't think of any styles to avoid.

>> No.6568592
File: 51 KB, 232x313, ap_2007_jsk_candypop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didn't include pic, derp

>> No.6568622
File: 21 KB, 250x333, 2007 - 073709 (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not especially petite, but I have a narrow rib cage that makes some brand dresses fit awkwardly. I would not recommend anything strapless or with a halter neck because even if you fit the minimum measurements it will probably gap in the back or even slide right off.
I've also found bodices like this, where the shoulder strap is part of the main bodice's pattern (is there a term for this? I don't know), to sit very awkwardly around my arms. Btssb's bodices in particular have rather large arm holes that make me look like I'm wearing a potato sack.

Many brands seem to have been made with chubby Japanese girls in mind - short bodices, small difference between chest and waist and narrow shoulders but medium-to-large measurements overall. It's not a big problem if you intend to layer a lot and don't mind looking bigger than you are. However if there's a particular dress you're eyeing to wear without a blouse (some jsks make perfectly fine fancy sundresses!) I'd pay a lot of attention to the minimum measurements.

>> No.6568640

apparently a new thread showed up just as I was making a new loli general. Reposting:

;___; within the past two weeks I have had THREE of my dream items snatched right under my nose. They are all amazing bargains too. BTSSB Cinderella prints for 4000yen, Fragrant Rose skirt for 8000yen and Cinema Doll JSK for 10000yen. I am not kidding about the prices..... good for whoever got them I guess.

Whenever I lost items I want I cope by convincing myself that all of those money saved will go to my college / house fund. But still... there's a slight pain in my chest for losing those items. Had anybody experienced this?

>> No.6568665

Fatty-chan here to chime in on this. When I first got into Lolita, I was interested in replicas because they were cheaper and seemed nicer to my budget (plus custom-sized and at that point I was too big to fit a lot of stuff). I owned replicas and bodyline. But then I bought my first brand pieces and fell in love with the quality. I can't really go back to wearing the replica stuff I own now because of that. I also worked hard to loose a lot of weight, and I have more brand options that fit. So, IDK, it doesn't feel right owning lots of replicas. I'm still on the fence, but I know if I buy a replica I'm not going to wear it much because I'd much rather wear one of my brand pieces.

>> No.6568865
File: 65 KB, 400x533, moimememoitiesleepinggardenop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know which out of the moitie sleeping garden dresses has the smallest fit? I believe this one has the smallest fit but I have no idea..

>> No.6569022

I bought a dress off of the angelicpoodle sales comm 42 days ago. It's the first time buying on any of the communities, and I'm not sure what to do. It's shipping first class internationally, from Sweden to the US, and I haven't received it yet. The seller has almost 60 positive feedback. I messaged the seller two days ago with no reply. Should I file a dispute on Paypal?

>> No.6569034

Ok I'm tired of seeing this kind of thing. Message her again/email her too and say you're going to file a dispute in two days if you don't hear back from her, but as soon as you receive the skirt you will close it. Simple as that. If she gets up in arms about it, that's her problem. These transactions are business, not personal, so you have to treat them as such. Also, next time, keep in contact with the seller as soon as two weeks (depending on shipping of course, if they pick a slow one this won't apply) hits and keep in contact so you have a record that you attempted to speak with them MULTIPLE times before the 45 day deadline,

>> No.6569035


>> No.6569043 [DELETED] 

I would file a dispute now, since you're nearing the end of the 45 days window. I would also message her about the dispute.

Packages from EU to California usually only takes 4 weeks (~28 days) for me.

>> No.6569050

Yes, open a dispute at the very least, since your PP limit is almost up. You can always close it if it does show up and she can't prove postage.

>> No.6569069

Thank you, everyone. I guess I was just nervous about confronting the seller.

>> No.6569095

Because trendy bitches who want to seem elite

>> No.6569119

Gurl don't worry I know that feel. :c I recently lost one of my dream dresses by 500 yen. It crushes you a bit but just remind yourself it can happen again.

On the other hand, payment requests have gone out for Meta's Fancy Egg! Meta asked you to send payment first, they don't send you an invoice. It kinda caught me offguard.

I really hope they ship it out soon. There's only so much time before January end.

>> No.6569149

Different anon, but THANK YOU! I've been making a pinterest board of brand that would fit me and it saves time if I know at least the name of the JSK/SK vs scouring the brand website.

>> No.6569177
File: 20 KB, 280x373, mt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, so I was checking AP store the other day and I saw Macaron Tartan Salopette in new arrivals section. I got very excited since I really really love the mint color way and they originally released the series back in 2011.
I guess they had some leftover fabric. Though I never remember them doing so before.
Anyways when I clicked the link I was disappointed. The bodice just doesn't work with the skirt part. It is so sad. I wish they'd make something better with that fabric.

>> No.6569191

thank you for the advice!
Actually I do have rather small difference between chest and waist but the problem is my measuremens are way smaller than most brands have. I know Moitie stuff is usually listed as 82 bust. I tried several pieces on and they are WAY bigger than that and actually they look too big on me.

I'm not sure about empire waist and how it looks on an I-shaped figure. I've heard several times that it is better avoided...

>> No.6569194

That salo is so fucking ugly i just cant

>> No.6569205
File: 66 KB, 400x533, EGL-24260GY2_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your best bet is probably the fully shirred one. It can go bigger than the measurements listed but at the same time when the shirring is not stretched it is kinda small.

>> No.6569210

I almost cried when I saw it.

>> No.6569213
File: 21 KB, 280x373, bk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Other colors look better though.

>> No.6569218


I'm B:30in/W:25in and I've noticed that newer stuff from Moitie definitely fits a lot bigger. I've had a lot better luck with older pieces from them, and with older VM. IW has also been pretty good for me, but it depends on the items.

In general, skirts fit smaller than JSKs, and JSKs usually fit a little smaller than OPs. If you do go with a dress, do not try to rely on waist ties unless the bust is really close to your measurements. Otherwise, you end up with a fitted waist (with bunched up fabric at the back) and a baggy bust. Back lacing is a much better way to go.
I also avoid brand blouses, since most of them are too baggy on me. Boleros have been fine, coats/jackets are hit or miss on whether they'll fit or swallow you. I have an older IW coat that fits perfectly, but I've tried on a couple newer jackets that were massive.

>> No.6569254

Depending on exactly how petite you are, try Shirley Temple/ETC.

>> No.6569279

Do you happen to know what are the max bust/waist measurements for Shirley Temple size 160?

>> No.6569386


Shirley Temple is pretty similar to ETC's sizing, but made for a more childish figure (shorter, smaller ribcage, rectangular body type, etc). The standard waist size is usually 64cm. Bust size depends on the dress, but can be anywhere from 80-88cm depending on the cut. Shirred pieces are more forgiving.

>> No.6569397


Even though 160cm is supposedly their ideal height, they really look best on people shorter than that. Also, even at a 34in bust, it's kind of uncomfortable to wiggle into dresses unless they have shirring. I'd recommend them for people around 5ft, with a 32in bust or smaller.

>> No.6569458
File: 39 KB, 480x640, -vJhFiAGWK6u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ST 160 measurements for non-shirred JSK, bust: 86cm waist 66cm length 90cm measured flat and doubled. My bust is 82cm and it fits perfect since the dress has lining and I like a bit of wiggle-room.

>pic related
>dress i just measured

>> No.6569468

Awww man, the bodice looks so ugly! Guess I'll have to get the one I like the most adjusted by a seamstress too.

In relation to the other person talking about moitie, I bought a moitie skirt that had no waist ties and being a 58cm waist it fitted perfectly as the extra bulk of a top e.t.c meant it wasn't baggy. I also have a corset skirt by them that fits because of the ties. I have an AATP JSK that has corset ties and boning that fits fine, and I've had an AP dress (and currently have a meta dress) that has halfshirring with ties that fits fine. However another AATP dress with a 84cm listed bust ended up being really baggy at the back even with my 78cm bust and a couple of layers underneath.. Basically be prepared that if it doesn't have any corset ties on the back, it won't fit.

>> No.6569651

Wow, I didn't know moitie made dresses that fit bigger than a 34cm waist

too bad old moitie seems nigh on impossible to find

>> No.6569780

Standard bust for the size 160 that I own is 84cm. Waist is pretty big - 68-70cm. These are both unlined dresses that I measured.

In terms of brand, I have measurements of 31"/24" and my closet is made up of older brand dresses for the main part as they fit smaller.

From my personal experience:
-Atelier Pierrot is good for smaller sizing but don't expect their corset dresses to stay up if your bust is near the minimum
-The majority of fixed size brand dresses will be too big.
-Corset lacing + shirring will only do so much for fit - if the cut at the front is for a different bust/waist differential than yours (i.e. you're flat chested and it's cut kinda curvy, as happens with me and AP's polkadot princess JSK) then it will still look baggy.
-I haven't bothered with brand blouses since sizing is so big on them - but cutsews are good.
-ST/ETC Size 150 is good but I think my height (158cm) is close to the max you'd want for it especially if you have long legs
-If you have small shoulders, some cuts of JSK and OP may not sit right on you
-Chinese brands with size XS and S are your friend in terms of finding blouses, unless you have largeish shoulders and ribcage
-Meta's stuff will look surprisingly good even with minimum measurements above your own, as long as there is some shirring.

>> No.6570175


Lots of MMM is huge, units of measurement aside. Their size 2 is a Japanese size 9. Their shirred items go even bigger.

>> No.6570886

So many Disney collabs of late!
I know a lot of Disney stuff is really applicable to the style when done right but I just wish they'd start exploring some new territory.
That lolita blogroll challenge where people suggested different themes/imagery that they wish brand would cover was actually pretty good imho

>> No.6571017

Anyone know a good source for boleros that come in plus size or can be customized? It seems like the good Taobao shops don't have any. I need brown, cream, lavender, and mint.

>> No.6571039

Lolitas, I ask you:

Where can I get some affordable and well made petticoats? I've purchased a few pieces, but now I'm a bit confused with where to buy some good ones(that aren't super expensive). I would like to know what a good standard length is for skirts, OP's, JSK's, etc, as pettis come in many different lengths.

All I know is to avoid Bodyline's, so that affordable option is out.

>> No.6571047


Lots of positive reviews from people on EGL. Barring that, Classical Puppets on TaoBao makes nice ones, as well.

>> No.6571048

Most people recommend Victorian girl dress on ebay. They sell pettis in a heap of sizes, the teen one (I think they tend to list it as 15-16yrs) is a good fit for me and has an adjustable waist.

>> No.6571052

Thirding victorian girl dress, they are quite short pettis (17" as opposed to like...19" for my Classical Puppets one) so if you're taller, Malco Modes or Classical Puppets could be better. The teen size waistband goes up to at least 100cm so don't worry about getting it on over hips and the adjustable elastic can be taken out if you're slightly over the max waist.

>> No.6571065


Such quick responses, thank you! I promised myself I wouldn't even begin to think of wigs/accessories until I purchased a good petticoat.

>> No.6571069
File: 52 KB, 640x960, 61972_10152085089354460_343670871_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to buy brand but I'm extremely tall
I'd have my hands all over this dress (pic related)
if I wasn't such a fucking giant.

what can a 6 foot tall gal do to fit into brand without looking like a freak?

>> No.6571072

forgot to mention: I want to buy off of bodyline, but do all of their dresses eat pettis? I only have 3 dresses from there that do, but not all of the dresses eat up petticoats, right?

>> No.6571075

Tasteful underskirts for one. Choosing things that aren't already high-waisted for another. The girls I know who are particularly tall go for long cuts from IW or for skirts, which they can wear a bit lower.

Also, tights or OTKs. Skip the knee highs.

>> No.6571087

Buy items that fit and are longer in the torso (I had an amazing drop-waisted long excentrique dress which I gave to my 5' 9" cousin because it made me look super short and she looked fantastic in it), or resign yourself to wearing long skirts and custom-made blouses. IW, JetJ, and VM often do long/tea length items. Resign yourself to only short-sleeved brand OPs because really, those long sleeves are designed for someone 165cm tall with average/short arms, so unless you have like...tiny t rex length arms they will be awkwardly 3/4 length. Give AP a miss since most of their stuff is high-waisted and short even on their teeny 5" models.

What petti are you using and define: eats pettis. Do you mean that the dresses are not full enough to accomodate your petticoat (i.e. look overstuffed) or that they flatten them? All my bodyline has been super lightweight and my major problem is that there isn't enough fullness in the skirt to accommodate the petticoat combination I like to use for most items (classical puppets A-line under a classical puppets bell-shape)

>> No.6571115

the petticoat that I got (as a gift) was a pretty full petticoat, that looks great with my offbrand dresses, but when I wear it with bodyline it just.. is sad and overstuffed.

>> No.6571124

Good to hear you're on the right path.
Just a heads up though that wigs aren't really neccesary in most cases, they obviously have their benefits but not every outfit needs a matching wig.

>> No.6571137

Unfortunately most of them are like that because they cheap out on material.

>> No.6571156

Hoping someone can help me out here.

I just bought this dress http://www.bodyline.co.jp/bodyline/showoduct2.asp?id=5509&pageNumber=1&pageSt=stop_2&noSubType=N secondhand, and it's missing the sailor corset. It still fits, but the underbust of the dress is about two inches below my actual underbust area. Is there a way to like, pull the dress up or something? Or do i need to get it taken in...

>> No.6571160

I usually dislike replicas as it comes off as cheap or tacky to me, not that I'm rich or believe in showing off money...But I think there is nothing cuter than a fattychan wearing an AP print of cakes and icecream and things, even if it has to be a replica. As long as it fits them well. I just find it so fucking adorable. I don't find it looks as cute on a girl who looks like she hasn't eaten a cake in a while.

>> No.6571164
File: 33 KB, 260x309, trex-loli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made me think of this

>> No.6571655

back to page one with thee

>> No.6571754

I've been considering getting a dress from fanplusfriend. how are they with custom sizing?

>> No.6571771

don't do it
what dress?

>> No.6571770

Hit and miss

>> No.6571773

I want a print of this dinosaur.

It's adorable.

>> No.6571790
File: 126 KB, 330x495, Victorian_Gothic_Lolita_Jacquard_Outfit_Knee_Length_CT00150_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one.

>don't do it
may I ask why?

>> No.6571819

They're hit and miss when it comes to sizing, sometimes they're right on target and sometimes they're way off.

Personally I really like their items and have only been disappointed with quality once out of several items I have, but some people have gotten rather missized things from them, which is why there's an air of caution when buying from them.

That dress should be fine, I think. What does it say the materials are? The only thing I'd be slightly wary of is the lace on the sleeves.

>> No.6571875

I see...
when It comes to custom clothes and me its absolutely essential that they get the sizing right. all I want is a dress like this.

>> No.6571878

Go with Anna House then.

>> No.6571883

derp, did not see that it had to be a dress like that. Anna House might still do a custom design though since they used to do heaps of hime-ish dresses.

>> No.6571888

The sizing is usually off when the person isn't good at measuring, some people always think they have to measure extremely thight or loose.

>> No.6571897

I agree, I think oftentimes it's the fault of the measurer. I ordered from them when I was a newbie lolita and measured my waist wrong, and they made it perfectly but to that wrong measurement, so I think that's what the issue often is.

>> No.6571959
File: 14 KB, 280x373, ZvmID.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could someone who has a brand dress with lace on the hem take a picture of the inside for me? I'm going to attach lace to a dress I'm making and I'm curious about what the "proper" way is.

>> No.6571969

It's pretty simple. You pin the lace facing the top side of the fabric (so, right 'side' of lace to right side of garment) upside down... So it's pointing Up towards the bodice. The distance will be whatever you want your hem to be plus however much of the lane you want to be hidden. Then you fold the hem up and iron it where you've decided the line is for the amount of lace you want showing. Then you blind hem. taa-daaa. I just got that from looking at my jewel ribbon skirt hem.

>> No.6571976

Sorry you'll want your hem line to be the allotted hem you want plus however much lace you want hidden (or you could have the entire width of the hem be the lace amount hidden plus whatever is left over... so you want 2 inches hem and a 1/4 inch lace hidden, so you'd sew the lace on the 1 3/4 mark then fold and iron on the 2 inch mark... DOES THIS MAKE ANY SENSE, GOD). Then that's where you fold and then iron... does that make sense? It's hard to explain it over just showing you on a machine :(

>> No.6571990

It makes sense, unfortunately I have a straight stitch industrial machine so I'll have to do a narrow hem instead. Thanks for taking the time to explain it!

>> No.6572007

suuuuuuure do you want pictures? I can... go... get... them... I'm so tired anon.

>> No.6572014

oh and my hem width allowances are just examples, I don't know industry standards and I know lots of people do them different than others. I just pulled those out of my butthole.

>> No.6572121

Not always. I have had a friend who ordered custom twice, first time it was perfect and second time they screwed up everything, including sleeve length which was somehow miles too long. When she measured the bust/waist they'd made it to the measurements instead of leaving ease unlike the last time.

>> No.6572284

I bought bloomers from them and they managed to fuck up the elastic in the waistband... It was twisted so wasn't that comfortable to wear.

>> No.6572343

All right guys, I've got another problem. I just reread her terms of service, and it mentions that she isn't responsible for damaged or missing packages. I've already filed a dispute. What should I do?

>> No.6572348
File: 1.06 MB, 1088x600, annahouse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I've got the mission to compose an entire sweet outfit for an exhibition. My budget is $307 incl. shipping to Sweden, and I want it to be a good representation of sweet lolita. I found these pieces on Anna House, but I'm unsure about the skirt, it just seems a bit ita to me? Opinions and suggestions please. Sorry for crappy collage.

>> No.6572356

Depends really.. If the item was tracked they should be able to claim insurance on the item (only up to the value on the customs item).. In the UK if something goes missing the most you can claim for is £46, except with special services where the insurance covers £250/500.

>> No.6572354

socks? accessories?

>> No.6572370

Yeah, right now I'm just focusing on the main pieces. Socks and accessories are pretty easy to find, and they're not really the focus of the outfit. But I guess white lace-topped socks might look nice? I don't want it to be too boring, but at the same time I want it to be pretty typical sweet .

>> No.6572379
File: 489 KB, 500x692, df_small.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need some advice.

I'm thinking of pairing this with a little bit of silver jewelry. A small simple silver necklace with a pendant (a locket, or shooting star, bear, rabbit, moon, etc), a silver charm bracelet, and silver ring.

What do you guys think? The dress is already very very sweet so I don't really want to wear plastic with it.

In addition, besides the pendant shapes I listed, what would be creative themes/motifs? The print also has clouds, windows, ice cream, small unicorns/mice, and rainbows.

>> No.6572383

imo those shoes are meh. i think maturer taobao shoes would be cuter. or pink booties

>> No.6572385

So I have a question I'm sure you ladies get a lot.
Is it horribly ita if I want to wear animal ears with a coord? It would be white ones (nice ones, not those ugly shitty ones from the drugstore or whatever) with whimsical vanilla-chan, and the jewelry would be kitten themed as well.

>> No.6572398

*white cat ones

>> No.6572413

If everything is cat themed and the ears are pretty small, it sounds cute. Do your make up and look very pretty to pull it off, though.

>> No.6572437

She's shipping from Sweden to the US, but there's no tracking.

>> No.6572695

I think it would look super cute with a silver necklace with a dangly star, similar to the little falling stars in the print. Props for not wearing plastic with it!

>> No.6572803

Fuck what her 'terms' say, it's your money. Paypal is the one with the power here, not her, and I HIGHLY doubt they're going to honor her terms if you push the claim.

When it's for a small item that isn't tracked, like $20 or under, I wouldn't bother, but for that much money and there's no tracking? Just push through the claim.

>> No.6572805


>> No.6572835

Only problem is... What if the buyer honestly shipped out the item, and it has been lost? What is the right thing to do? Refund half so both people receive half? I think when I sell stuff now I'll only ship expensive stuff shipped, and if people want to risk untracked/no insurance then I'll have the payment as gift.. But then I'd still receive neutral/negative feedback anyway so that wouldnt work. Plus the seller could be lying if it's untracked to get money out of me.

>> No.6572861

Yeah, that's the tough part. Honestly you can ask for a half-refund, but one of you is going to get screwed over otherwise, and you'd rather it not be you, right? And you can still leave neutral/negative yourself for her, so it won't be just her leaving the bad feedback.

Don't let yourself get guilted into being screwed over. And yes, you should always insist on tracking for expensive items.

>> No.6572891

This might be a stupid question but how much of a size difference do the laces on the back of lolita dresses make? If I lace them tightly how many cms do they take in?

I have so many dream dresses but all of them are just a couple of cms too big.

>> No.6572904

corset lacing can take in as much as 3-4 inches, but that's laced completely up, which is going to give a lump in the cloth in the back and probably make the bodice sit oddly.

>> No.6572915

If you're just a couple cm off, you're absolutely fine.
I can get things to look pretty decent on my 30" bust/24" waist with lacing.

>> No.6572920

Did you ask her for proof of shipment, like a scan or photo of her receipt from when she mailed it?
Because if she really did mail it and it got lost, it's not technically her fault so long as you knew the shipping was un-tracked. If you voluntarily get un-tracked shipping, that's the chance you're taking to save 20 bucks.

>> No.6572928

Why is it so hard to find good examples of punk lolita

Is there anyone out there who regularly wears the style and does it right?

>> No.6572936


>> No.6573013


Thank you, that's really helpful to know! Guess I'll just go for it and see how they fit.

>> No.6573706

It was on angelicpoodle though, not the egl comm sales, so I don't think I could leave her feedback anyway.

>> No.6573711

In that case, she wouldn't be able to leave you bad feedback either, so if she can't pony up proof of shipping, chargeback.

>> No.6573740

All right. Thank you all for your advice.

>> No.6573776
File: 241 KB, 900x675, IMG_1807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have one.
Basically, what >>6571969 said. But here's a picture showing it!

>> No.6573779

I am looking into getting myself a new tea pot. Anyone know some good places to search for some cute ones?

>> No.6573822

Antique stores. Google. Do you even lift?

>> No.6573819

Seconding >>6572936
Most supposedly "punk lolitas" think that it is punk to throw on a plaid skirt and put zero effort into their appearance.

>> No.6573849

Am I weird for thinking this was a little girls hand holding a pair of panties ?

That's what I got from the thumbnail, I came before I enlarged the picture.

>> No.6573854


How much do you want to spend and what style are you looking for? Like >>6573822 mentioned, antique stores are the obvious place to start, but depending on your area the selection might be a bit poor.

If you know a china brand you like, try ebay.

>> No.6573857

Nope, thought that too

>> No.6573867

I see, so I'm better off just going to an actually store then? Alright, I'm going to be in LA a week from now. I haven't really ever been before, would LA be a good place to look for antique shops?

>> No.6573874

Well then. I'm glad you came looking at a pair of hands belonging to a fat 30 year old. Learn to control your wiener.

>> No.6574559

I'm the woth anon that dislikes AP. I mean I'm a sweet lolita and I just don't like AP. I prefer BABY and some Meta prints. Don't go hating someone and calling them a 'spcial snowflake' just because they dont like something. They never said A style is better than B style. In all honesty the only AP stuff I actually like is their footwear. Oh look at me I'm the special snowflake holla. No. I just like what I like.

>> No.6574628

And telling us what you like is somehow important for us to know? Tell us more about how you're so special and have to take the time to let us know what stuff you like.

>> No.6574642

yet you felt the need to let us all know. gtfo

>> No.6574671

Different anon also coming to thank you, this really helps when looking for something to buy and knowing what dresses do fit my fat.

I've been lurking lolita as a whole for around 3 years now, and still the only actual lolita pieces I have are a BL skirt and pair of shoes. Really hoping this is the year I can put together a coordinate.

>> No.6576132

So I have a little problem. Up until last night I thought my boyfriend was ok with lolita. Not the biggest fan, but he'd look at dresses and stuff with me and would say he enjoyed doing so.
But last night when we were with friends I was looking at dresses and he started making fun of me. We got in a big fight, and he revealed that he actually thinks it's really weird that I "like to dress like little girls" as he put it. Somehow he has got the notion in his head that because it's named lolita, its promoting the sexualization of little girls (by the way, when it was first named lolita the girls calling it that never knew the meaning of the word besides that it had connotations of being cute). I tried showing him facts, showed him classic and gothic style dresses to prove lolita isn't just about looking like a little girl, it's about being ultra girly and feminine. He wouldn't listen.
Lolita is the closest thing I have to a hobby, and it's near and dear to my heart. It would be one thing if he had been honest from the beginning and just told me he doesn't like it and left it at that. But I'm not sure I like having a boyfriend who secretly judges me for it and laughs at me for it with his friends. And now? Now he's back to claiming he likes looking at dresses with me.
Sorry for the rant, I guess what I'm trying to get at here is how does /cgl/ deal with boyfriends who don't like lolita?

>> No.6576143

Wow. I'd honestly be extremely fucking pissed off. Tbh I'd consider dumping my boyfriend if he treated me like that. Laughing at me in front of his friends is my #1 peeve, and a red flag in my book.

>> No.6576147

as posted in the coord thread:
disregard haters, acquire frills

>> No.6576149


>> No.6576151

Ok, so you can't make your SO like something you like. And you shouldn't try to. However, if they are going to actively go out of their way to make fun of your hobbies and hurt your feelings? gtfo, not worth your time. If you can respect things that he does that you personally don't care for, he should do the same to you. (by the way you didn't need to add the part about 'lolita' no one here needs/cares about that tidbit, k?)

>> No.6576161

>laughs at me for it with his friends
If he does that with any topic, lolita or otherwise, just dump his ass. Any guy who pulls the "I love you and your uniqueness!" in public, but mocks you with/for the entertainment of his friends is heading down the path of being an emotionally manipulative and abusive asshole.

>> No.6576165

>in public
In private, that is. That sort of two-facedness is immature at best and can be indicative of worse issues to come.

>> No.6576166

Well, good to know I wasn't mad for nothing. The friends in question (both guys) made me feel stupid for arguing with him about it. But if he had a unique hobby and I started insulting him, wouldn't he react the same?
Argh, I feel dumb for wanting to break up with him over lolita, but I just can't tolerate my boyfriend of all people making me feel bad for it.

>> No.6576173

It's not about lolita. It's about him not understand that you guys are not going to have everything in common and common respect for your hobbies/interests that he may not like. He is putting you down in front of friends, that's not something you tolerate.

>> No.6576180

That's a much better way of viewing it, thank you.
Thanks for all your input guys, it's helped me a lot!

>> No.6576183

lol you ageplay cunt

>> No.6576185

I'd hold it out, and if he does this sort of thing a couple more times then it's more of a legimate excuse. My ex boyfriend would sometimes tease me, got to the point where it was too regular and annoying (one time he made fun of how I orgasmed with one of his best friends while I was there, great for my self confidence being kinda shy)... You'll feel SO MUCH HAPPIER if this behaviour continues and you break up. Even if you can't find someone who appreciates lolita, they may be happy on more casual days when you are dressed cutely with poofy skirts. :) Or in my current boyfriend's case, wearing 'doll' like dresses turns him on a lot as it's playing on the idea of innocence and coyness in his head. '-'

>> No.6576236

Different skirt. Is it impossible to look around on the comm sales?

I think it would look cute with white socks with some sort of detailing and some sort of bow/handbag that matches the shoes,

>> No.6576243


Agreed as well. What you describe are baby steps to manipulating you and belittling you. Don't stand for that shit! Total support from me here.

>> No.6576251
File: 53 KB, 750x254, Screen Shot 2013-01-23 at 10.54.17 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do I wear with these two? Everything I'm putting together in my head is too boring or too ita. I don't even know why I want this skirt. I just really like chandeliers.

>> No.6576255

Find a guy who likes lolita.
Like me.

>> No.6576310

Personally, as a seller, I think it would be REALLY awful of you to violate the seller's terms of sale. Sometimes items get lost, it happens, but you agreed to her terms when you purchased your item. Sure, you could get your money back through paypal, but I think that would be incredibly unethical.

>> No.6576386

coming as both a buyer and a seller, i'd still get my money back. if i was selling something and it was worth any decent amount of money i would put insurance on it. especially because it's part of covering your ass when it comes to situations like the above

no tracking? no insurance? that's the fault of the seller. ESPECIALLY if it is an international sale. either you absorb the price of a more expensive shipping option or you raise the total price in relation to it. if you don't want to make terms like that, don't sell international. shit happens. i understand. that's why you have to safeguard against it.

>> No.6576416

I agree as well. It sounds like he's not willing to listen to reason, which is a BAD sign in a relationship. He doesn't have to like your hobbies, but as long as they aren't harmful hobbies like drowning kittens, he also shouldn't be putting you down about them.

Just to play devil's advocate here...if you are into AP sweet pastel prints he may have a point about your fashion style looking childish and be uncomfortable with that, however this doesn't justify his actions.

I have had partners who liked it (first boyfriend got me into it because 'you would look cute wearing this', when cute was the last thing I wanted to be) and partners who were ambivalent, but they would never put me down about it and they would always listen if I was trying to make a valid point.

Put it this way. Is he into computer games? You could almost say that computer games are for children and adults who live at home in their basements and never grow up. Is that true? Absolutely not, but it is a stereotype that some people still believe, that computer games are for kids and teenagers and uni students with 'nothing better to do'.

To further the metaphor, I imagine if you were a gamer, liked to play games, and thought your partner didn't mind it and then they suddenly told you they 'thought it was weird you like to do stuff that's really for little kids' you would be really pissed off. I also think if they then refused to listen to your points that some games are R16-18, aimed at an older audience, and that lots of people who are perfectly well-rounded adults play these games without being immature or child-like, that this could be upsetting as well. This is exactly what's happened to you.

Pretending to listen and then lying to keep the peace is a bit of a red flag for future communication about important stuff like comittment/living together/marriage/kids, not sure if you're at that stage but yeah. Red flag the fuck out if he can't understand this.

>> No.6576439

I'm after some cute lace up boots with small, chunky heels that are comfy enough for day to day wear in either black or choc brown.
I'd prefer them to be matte as well.
Any suggestions?

>> No.6576435

I don't think it's the lolita that's the issue. You're not considering breaking up because it's lolita, you're considering it because he's been lying to you about something you feel strongly about and for making fun of you when he knows you like it. It could be anything really, it just happens to be the clothes you wear. I mean, if it's a one-time thing, don't dump him because of it, but you should really talk to him about it.

>> No.6576463

Budget? Fluevogs are amazing but expensive.

>> No.6576472

Sorry, should have added some more detail!
Max about $150 US. I'm willing to pay a bit more for quality though.

Just checked out that site though and that stuff is amazing albeit a little pricey for me!

>> No.6576509

Do they need to be real leather or is fake ok?

>> No.6576516

To be honest for anything with heels I've switched to buying from brands more known for comfy shoes like Hush Puppies. Their current sale section looks like it'd be in budget and possibly have some styles that you'd like.

>> No.6576520

Punk Lolita is really hard to pull off well. You have to make sure you take into account all the lolita elements not just throw on a lacy blouse with a plaid skirt and call it a day. I'd honestly try to take inspiration from Kera and G&L bible street snaps if you want examples it's extreamly hard to find westerners who do it well.

>> No.6576523

Any material except suede!

Thanks for the tip anon! (same goes to the other anons as well)

>> No.6576907

Poor fattychan, no boleros for you.

>> No.6577023

Rectangle headdresses worn on hair without bangs - can it be done or should I just shell out for some clip in ones? Pics appreciated since I can't find any.

>> No.6577047

It'll be very hard to make it look right. idk, I suppose it can be done but you'll have to be lucky. Headdresses are the most tricky headwear imo. Didn't find any pics without bangs in my saved pictures, sorry ;:(

>> No.6577048

Thanks for the input. I'm trying to figure out how it could work, and so far all I can think of is that it could maaaaybe work with poofy hime hair but otherwise nada. I can make them look okay with my bangs at the moment, but I'm intending to grow them out.

>> No.6577053
File: 111 KB, 500x744, tumblr_m2werz5t1w1rs9rqxo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went through my pictures again and this is the closest thing to a rectangle headdress I could find..

>> No.6577054

Thank you for looking. I think I'll just go with the clip in bangs, since I can get them to work for me with bangs.

>> No.6577079

Does anyone know the hem circumference of the average Victorian Maiden dress/skirt?

>> No.6577138

another thing you could do is make "fake" bangs. You just part your hair on the side and sweep it across your forehead and pin. it should look rounded and not like a comb-over. I used to do this before I finally decided I wanted bangs. It's super cute too if you pin where you have a victory roll.

>> No.6577198

a bunch of seagulls were talking about pixie_late / Tania several hours ago before the thread got deleted by the janitors.

Any more juicy bits on that? Is she really is a bitch like people say or was it baseless accusations?

>> No.6577205

She comes on here and shitposts. I know she shitposted me because of what she had said. It was only something her and I knew about. Being worshipped by GLW has changed her a lot.

>> No.6577316

Can you not? So this thread doesn't get deleted too?

>> No.6577722

She used to self post here a few years back too.

>> No.6577732

I fucking love your headband and I'd fucking love that collab. I'd pay so much monies for it!!!

>> No.6577914

she once bitched about me on cgl about something really tiny and I knew it was her because she was the only person who knew it.
Then next time I met her she was all smiles and 'OH HEY !!!! ^-^'

She's a fake ass bitchy bitch and if you think she's nice you just havent been fucked over yet.

>> No.6577942

Read for yourself.

>> No.6578175

Boyfriend problem anon here, what you guys told me gave me the confidence to confront him about it. I'm glad I did, we had a long talk. I made him actually look at information regarding lolita, and he admitted he was wrong and should have listened to me. He also apologized for teasing me, to him he was just giving me shit like he does with his guy friends. "Sometimes I forget that you're special, and deserve to be treated as such."

>> No.6578183

hmmm ok... You made it sound like he was actively going out of his way to be mean, not just buddy buddy teasing...

>> No.6578195

To me, he was going out of his way to be mean. And he definately insulted the fashion and me for wearing it. But he also said he didn't realize lolita was so important to me, and that when people give him shit for things important to him it doesn't really bother him so he assumed I was the same.
I'm still not saying what he did was ok, or that I entirely forgive him. He's on thin ice and if this happens again, we're through. But he did apologize sincerely and admit he was wrong, so he deserves at least another chance.

>> No.6578201

still sounds like a dumb loser imo

>> No.6578211

he still sounds like an ass
if youve been dating <2 months, id dump him

>> No.6578224

Nah, we've been dating almost a year. He's usually super sweet and loving, but lately he's been more distant, not listening, doing stupid stuff like this. I've talked about it with him and he said he'd change, and he has a bit, but shit like this still happens sometimes. But he knows full well that if he fucks up again, we're done.

>> No.6578260

how old are ya'll, like 17? :\

>> No.6578269 [DELETED] 

We're both 21, sad isn't it?

>> No.6578273

We're both 21, sad isn't it?

>> No.6578283


This. Im sick of reading all this. Talk to your high school counselors. I wish my relationship problems were this simple.

>> No.6578280
File: 11 KB, 411x241, TZfr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah ah ah~

I caught you, Sandwich. :3 Ya scamp.

>> No.6578295

Does she trip here a lot? Never heard of her

>> No.6578293

Haaaa you caught me. I posted in one thread with my trip and forgot to take it back off. I really don't like tripfagging anymore...

>> No.6578305

Sandwich here, I used to trip here a lot like 2 years ago? Now I just anon unless it's a Fanime thread

>> No.6578395

I sent an order through the shopping cart to Baby. When I didn't hear from them, I sent an email asking about the order. They responded by telling me to wait "AT LEAST SEVEN DAYS" and that orders are processed by when they are received. It had been six days since my order when I contacted them. I have since waited for further information, but have received nothing.

It's been four days and I don't know at this point if I should contact them again or not. I have a feeling that they're going to be just as snotty with me and if the items I ordered are sold out now, I'll be really pissed.

>> No.6578416

Then just don't read it. Some of us are actually willing to help our fellow lolitas with their problems, even if they are silly relationship squabbles.

>> No.6578423

They will not contact you, never invoice you, and then ban you for not paying in time.

I love BABY, but sadly that scenario is not at all uncommon.

>> No.6578427

Fuckit. Emailing them again, then. This is the second time I've had this issue in as many months and at least the fourth time in the past year. I'm really starting to believe I should just order from them through a fucking shopping service.

>> No.6578494

Ugh. Stuff like this makes me wish I was a lesbian. Then I could just have a cute lolita girlfriend

>> No.6578506

because a girl can't be just as big as a douchebag as a boy? grow up

>> No.6578508

Oh. Right.

>> No.6578507

I ordered something from IW sale some days ago, and after several days they send me a confirmation email saying that the item I want is out of stock and I should let them know if I want something else. I do want something else in their sale, but the question is, should I go through the order form again or should I just reply to their confirmation email? Sorry for the noob question.

>> No.6578555

I'm having a similar problem, but with Innocent World. It's been over a week since I ordered and got my confirmation email and I still haven't received my invoice. I'm not really sure how to contact them to ask about it. The english site doesn't seem to have a proper link to contact info. I just want to pay for my dream dress.

>> No.6578559

In your automated email at the bottom: Email: info-e@innocent-w.jp

That's the English info email for enquiries as well as invoices.

>> No.6578563

Just reply directly, yup!

>> No.6578573

I feel like the biggest dumbass on the planet for not noticing that. Thank you for replying, though.

>> No.6578574

Thank you, anon! I should go send them the email now.

>> No.6578621

>tfw you spend ages on doing a post for the comm sales, and forgot to add a LJ cut until after you posted it...

AGHHHHHHH now I'll have to wait 4 hours for it to get rejected

>> No.6578983
File: 62 KB, 500x397, tumblr_mbrkxvjVl11r2iqvxo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw this one tumblr and it made me realize that a) there's a glimmer of hope for me and my apple-shaped body and b) I should probably wear more dresses because of it.
What are other cuts/shapes of dresses within lolita that are flattering to apple-shaped & bigger people?

>> No.6579003

I can tell my guy friend really likes lolita (Girls in lolita, that is. He'd never dress up). He's always making offhand comments about how cute it is. I'd love to take him to a meetup to meet cute loli girls because he's desperately single, but he's sort of embarrassed that he likes it. What can I say to convince him?
Also, CA bay area anons, do you have any pictures from meets?

>> No.6579027
File: 406 KB, 2000x1503, dessertour.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres one from the dessert tour, there are a lot more lolitas in the bay area though.

>> No.6579053

I only see about 4 in this pic I would call lolita

>> No.6579062

Being an ita doesn't mean you're not lolita. Or are you one of those who thinks "you're not lolita!!!1!" is some kind of perfect insult?

>> No.6579065

and you can only see like 5 people's outfits because they're smushed together for the photo. Doesn't look like a bad group aside from that creepy broli on the right... I wish he wouldn't come to meets.

>> No.6579086

This, and the crazy nipplesweater chick in the back

>> No.6579136

Is that a Meta dress on the large girl in brown? I don't understand how she's fitting in it if the site says it won't even fit me at 42" bust.

>> No.6579137

she got so hilariously buttmad in a loli coordinate thread, maybe that's why she fucked off?

>> No.6579156

Actually that sort of was the reason. I was having a bad day and was in a shit mood, but I admit now that I was wrong and a bitch. Now I'm kind of embarrassed to post with my trip since I made such a fool of myself...

>> No.6579173

Don't take him to a Bay Area meet. I don't go to meets to meet single desperate guys, and if he's not participating or already attached that's not okay.

>> No.6579188

Ok, good to know. I'll make loli friends THEN introduce him.

>> No.6579186

The girls gathered in the middle are wonderful people. I wish Gwen and Melissa would stop fucking coming to meets. Or, at least not come to some of them, HOW MUCH TIME do you have to be able to go to every single fucking meet, geez.

>> No.6579191

hey at least you admitted you were wrong, that's more than what most people do.

>> No.6579194

Hm, I don't live anywhere near this community, but apparently the brolita is actually a trans-woman(?). It's a shame that she isn't passable (I can only assume that she started so late), but I still don't think that should hinder this lolita to dressing and making up well (seriously, with all the brand this person has?!) - I've seen better brolitas who identify as male.

>> No.6579206

I'm looking at an ETC dress and it translates to size 'F' ? What size is this? It only has a measurement from the strap to the bottom of the hem on the listing.

>> No.6579212

i know the tall lolita in the light blonde wig is also a broli... compare and contrast

>> No.6579215

The issue isn't that he is trans. The issue is that he's given tons of advice one how to improve his looks, lots and lots of feedback, but always shows up to meets looking like he put no effort into dressing or even combing his hair. Furthermore, he attends every single meet and doesn't say anything, just follows people around without joining into conversation. On FB, he tries to meet up with people (like, joining in on small groups of friends) and trying to get rides to places.

So it's not being unpassable as a woman that's the issue.

>> No.6579219

Oh hey, confirmed for truth. I meant to edit my post saying that if I had as much money to buy brand as Melissa does (I'm assuming that these aren't borrowed pieces), I probably would invest more money into doing what I can to look passable ..It might be too late for hormone therapy, but at least try waxing or electrolysis for that 5 o clock shadow, or something.

Man, where's that What Not to Wear bitch.

btw, I don't mean to pry, but how are Gwen and Melissa like at meets, behavior wise? Is it just their appearance that makes the others (including yourself) uncomfortable?


>> No.6579226

i'm glad i'm not the only one that feels that way! i felt bad because his coords arent good but i dont want to be associated with someone like that...

>> No.6579227

Holy shit my internet is so bad. Thanks for getting back with me. I'm sorry to hear that, anon. I imagine it must be frustrating and awkward as fuck.

>> No.6579236

I haven't had a lot of contact with either, but Gwen seems friendly but really awkward- her husband (?) is annoying though. Melissa is just silent and always lurking in the background even when I went out of my way to be friendly and introduce my self.

>> No.6579244

Melissa doesn't have all that much brand, he's always complaining about how he has not money! I think his wardrobe is mostly Bodyline, with some Baby. He also complains about not having money to go to meets (yet goes to every one, wtf)

Behaviour-wise, Gwen's very nice in person, so despite dressing horribly it was a shock when she blew up on FB and BtB. Now I personally just tiptoe around her. She always brings her husband/boyfriendperson to meets, and while he look like he would be a creeper he's actually quite nice, just eats some food, helps take pictures, and wanders off when he gets bored.

Melissa is really quiet and doesn't say much, just interjects in conversations at random intervals. I think that's why he comes off as creepy, or at least extremely socially awkward. He's very talkative on FB, though, and comments on the comm page a lot.

>> No.6579265

Didn't want to start a new thread, but I just saw this on YouTube.


Apparently, LadyLolitaJenny has the impression that lolitas are 'anti-sex'. 'Period'.

>> No.6579262


Print replicas get a worse reception than simple design replicas, because they are reproducing original artwork.

Honestly, weight is not a good reason for buying a replica if you're really far over the actual garment size. The replica makers do not alter the pattern or add much extra fabric for larger sizes. So they look like shit.

>> No.6579279

I think all lolitas are anti-sex with him, does that count?

>> No.6579289
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>> No.6579305


I don't think he understands that when lolitas say they don't 'fetishize the fashion', they don't mean 'OMFG I DON'T HAVE SEX EVER EVER NEVER'.

>> No.6579353

omg he's back


>> No.6579371

they are all standard japanese size M, their stuff runs a little smaller than other brands though

>> No.6579373

Oh ok great! Thanks!

>> No.6579423


>> No.6579441

How long did it take you to build up your wardrobe?

I want to get into lolita, but I feel like it would take me about 3 years to get a decent wardrobe unless I handmade almost everything. I assume it takes less time if you're building up a classic or gothic wardrobe? I plan on sticking to gothic with little or no prints, just because I can most likely get away with wearing it to work.

>> No.6579485

Depends on how often you want to wear it... if you're only wearing lolita a couple times a month you can easily get away with one blouse and a couple skirts and just toss in a second hand petti and offbrand accessories to change up the outfit. That would only take a month or so... if you want to wear it every day? Depends on how much variety you want?

>> No.6579529
File: 694 KB, 912x414, gleeloli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So uh...

I was watching Glee because I hate myself

And this happened

>> No.6579539

welcome to 5 years ago

>> No.6579541

no that's brand new, dude. like on tonight.

>> No.6579540

yep I saw that too. at least it's better than everyone freaking out over Tina's like, slightly lolita outfit

>> No.6579546

I'm making fun of you because people posted a snippet of it like 2 or 3 weeks ago. Sigh. Why do I have to explain myself.

>> No.6579550

I saw that and laughed a little when I realized I knew which bodyline dress that is.

>> No.6579553

That's not me youre replying to, but I dont watch cable or anything, I basically just torrent everything so I wasn't keeping up with clips


>> No.6579640

It really depends! I've got about half of what I think of as average, (about 10 jsks, 6 skirts, 5 blouses) and it's been half a year. But I don't think of anyone's wardobe as every being "complete", so even if you had a few things (maybe 2-3 dresses, a few skirts and blouses, decent outerwear, shoes and accessories) I'd call that a wearable wardrobe. You could get all of that in one Taobao or Lucky Pack order.

>> No.6579762

What was more amusing was watching her dance to an acoustic version of Baby Got Back.

>> No.6579809

Apples do better in slightly higher waisted dresses, which lolita pretty much is anyway if you aren't in the sub-5' 3" range. Anything that finishes on the bottom of your ribcage as opposed to your tummy will make you look slimmer, and A line > cupcake as cupcake pettis have more poof around the middle.

It depends what you define as being a decent lolita wardrobe, how much money you make, and what items you are looking for. If you are only wearing it to meet ups, having 1 or 2 fancy dresses and outfits to go with them is fine, if you wear it to work or as your casual wear then you'll probably want more. Style doesn't really influence how long it takes to build up a lolita wardrobe, classic and gothic pieces can be as difficult to find as some sweet pieces. It is easier if you want plain colour items and aren't too picky about style though.

Personally, I still don't think mine is complete but it is definitely adequate for my purposes. I wear lolita as my non-work clothes as well as for meets and occasions (like, I'll come home, shower, and wear lolita to sit in my room and go on the internet all evening, or change to go to the post office) and also own some lolita items that I can wear to work. I own about 25 dresses/10 skirts/a whole bunch of blouses and other items, and have been acquiring them since 2009. However most of my wardrobe has been sold on since then as my style changed, so my current wardrobe is mainly 2012 purchases. I am fortunate in that my job allows me to pretty much buy whatever I fancy whenever I fancy it, although I'm still a tight arse and would much rather have 5 5000 yen dresses from mbok/CC/fururun than buy new. I've got at least half a dozen dresses I would like to own and can't find to buy and a few other items I think I should own to make my wardrobe more complete, so to me it's a work in process but 'decent' for my purposes. It's a conglomerate of classic/gothic/sweet items but I prefer gothic overall.

>> No.6579816

Glee would only spend like $30 on a dress for their cast's wardrobe.

>> No.6579973

i don't get why no one is mentioning that god awful hat she's wearing.

>> No.6580513

to the front page with you lolita general!

>> No.6580573

We've seen so much worse on tv that honestly this isn't bad compared.

>> No.6581343

I know some lolitas liked the famous h&m dress... There's a couple of ebay right now
ebay co uk/itm/Grey-H-M-vintage-style-Prom-Dressize-36-ten-10-black-floral-print-layed-/350700281019?pt=UK_Women_s_Dresses&sh=item51a75d9cbb&_uhb=
ebay com /itm/H-M-1950s-vintage-style-flocked-pay-dress-mad-men-/321059201216?pt=AU_Wons_Clothing_2&hash=item4ac09ea0c0 - I think this is the cream version

>> No.6581870

Does anyone own Angelic Pretty Tea Parties in size S? I wanted to order a pair but I am not sure if they will fit US size 5. Any advice will be very much appreciated.

>> No.6581875

not sure how many damn times we have to say this. Measure your foot by standing on a piece of paper and tracing your larger foot (do not let the pencil angle in or out, straight down). Measure the length and post it here, we will tell you what size to get.

>> No.6581877

>in cm

>> No.6581878

I did measure it, it is 22.
I got japanese shoes in size 22,5 once and they were more than one size bigger than I need. So I assumed sizing depends on the brand too, despite they all use what is supposed to be mm measurements.

>> No.6581880

Are you sure you measured it and didn't just go to a shoe size converter (first result on google 22cm = us size 5)? Are you sure? Because you would think you would have posted the CM first and not your US vanity shoe size since that isn't in any way indicative of your actual foot size in terms of japanese shoes.

>> No.6581881

Yes I am sure. As I mentioned before, I already ordered some Japanese shoes so I had to measure my foot.
I gave my US size just for reference. Probably because that's what I'm most used to. Not the best idea though, I can see now.

>> No.6581894

hmmm, I'm going to tell you that you're probably going to have to add some stuffing? I know a couple people with 21.5cm feet and S is big.

>> No.6581911

Well shoes that are 22.5 are for 22.5cm foot with some allowance, so if you'd bought boots they would likely have been quite big to allow for socks etc.
Did you measure the insole of shoes that fit you and the shoes that you bought as well? Sometimes that can help determine not just your shoe size but whether the shoes you bought run large...

>> No.6582007
File: 8 KB, 300x168, hmph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to post in this thread and you guys better give me more than a few ambiguous namby pamby replies.

Petticoat reviews
>How many do you own
>Which do you own
>Your favorite
>What brand it's from
>How long you've had it
>How much it cost

And finally

>Know where I can get a petticoat that won't eat my wallet whole?

>> No.6582009

How about you use google

People have been doing taobao petti reviews for years now

Fucking do the research we are not your slaves

>> No.6582012

>you guys better give me


>> No.6582013

I already went on google.

All I was able to find was a few videos that didn't give me any info that I wanted and some outdated livejournal posts.

Just fucking help me, jeez.

>> No.6582016

Oh, I'm sorry, was I not polite enough for you?

Pretty please help me, princess~?

>> No.6582019

It's not even that old

>> No.6582021

the hole you're digging... It's just, like, super deep man.

>> No.6582023

Not quoted anon but when you are asking people to do you a favor from the goodness of their hearts, you should at least treat them like people.

Anyway, I have a huge delicious amazing one I made myself, it's a really simple thing to do - I can barely sew a straight line and it turned out fine. It's cheaper as well and saves you a lot of trouble and time looking for a place that sells good ones.

>> No.6582037

>It's cheaper as well and saves you a lot of trouble and time looking for a place that sells good ones.
Wish I had a sewing machine, but getting one would send me on yet another goose chase. I can't into sewing, either, it seems. I am retarded and just want some firsthand reviews from you guys.

As for treating people like people, I did earlier, but that got me absolutely nowhere. What must I do to get an answer out of you people?

Thanks for trying to help. Not exactly what I was looking for, but at least you did something.

>> No.6582041

>What must I do to get an answer out of you people?

You can start off by at least trying to find the answers yourself, considering it's the most asked question in the history of lolita. Don't be a lazy fuck.

>> No.6582045

have some advice in the same spirit as your request

>classical puppets bell-shaped/A line/daily A line, 2x victoriangirldress in their largest size and second largest size.
>Favourite classical puppets A line
>had the victoriangirldress ones nearly a year, they've pilled a bit on the lining but kept the majority of their poof, classical puppets not even a month but they're holding up pretty well to the standard abuse my pettis get put through (stuffed in a drawer/yanked out of said drawer/squished under velvet)
>Cost go fucking look them up yourselves, they're in stock online - classical puppets will vary depending on which SS you use.
>Neither will eat your wallet unless you're a total poorfag
>and also, if you're a fatty, both the classical puppets and victoriangirldress larger size will stretch to 100cm waistband, but won't give as much poof proportionally if your waist is fatter.

and performance wise, just look at some fucking reviews online, you can google the names of those pettis.

>> No.6582049
File: 47 KB, 250x333, SugarCakeJSK-pinkxbeige.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, I need some "what to wear/what not to wear" advice. I have the figure and general facial shape of a skinny 16 year old boy; upside down triangle, broad straight shoulders, small waist and hips...basically everything that works against wearing lolita. So far I've found that high waisted JSK's look nice on me, but is that really all I can wear? I love a lot of IW's stuff, but sadly after buying one of my dream dresses ( pic related ) it just looks so awful on me. I'm trying to figure out how to make it still work for me, but I just feel like it's not going to happen and it's been kind of a punch to my self-esteem.

>> No.6582053

give us a picture of you wearing the dress. I will bet you... like 10 dollars.... that it looks fine. If you have a plain face you're going to need to play up your hair/haircut/haircolor to help you out imo and of course clever make-up.

>> No.6582054

you're pretty aspie if you can't understand why stamping your foot and huffing around /cgl/ isn't getting you answers

>> No.6582059

>What must I do to get an answer out of you people?
Try being polite. Like, actually polite. So far you haven't at all. You've demanded answers rather than asking nicely.
>you guys better give me
>Just fucking help me, jeez
Then you're all sarcastic when people aren't jumping up to help you. Being demanding is not treating people like people. It's treating people like your personal researchers, which we are not. I have seen this question asked so many times on /cgl/ and when people ask nicely, even though we have given the answer time and time again, people will help.

>> No.6582082


In therory your body shape should look good with a lot of lolita, small waist and big poof to balance your shoulders. Probably help if you showed a picture. And sorry to hear your dream dress didn't look right. If it's any consolation a lot of IW stuff looks funky in the bodice on me too.

>> No.6582087

If it's your dream dress, maybe consider going to a tailor and having it altered to fit your body better?

>> No.6582556
File: 298 KB, 322x516, something is off.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a photo as requested.

No way man, I need that 10 for gas and fast food. I do have a lot of make-up to work with, and shorter wigs and cuts that frame my face have been great in that aspect.

>IW stuff looks funky in the bodice
Which I think is my problem here. I have mostly AP, and the waist line's on those dresses are higher up. Then there's this thing.
Thanks. I'm just miffed because I bought a set to go with it, but hey what can ya do.

I think what I'd need to have done is have the waistline raised up, and I just don't think there is enough material to do that properly. If it was AP, I'd at least have some more material to work with, but who knows, I could be wrong.

>> No.6582565

It's not the dress, it's the blouse's sleeves. They are too small and too far up and makes your shoulders look broader because of that.

>> No.6582569

It really doesn't look that bad. I was expecting something a lot worse from what you were saying. I still think you should take it to a tailor and speak to them. They can take a look at the dress and see if it's possible to make the alterations you want. The only things I would say you need is to have the bodice shortened and the straps lengthened slightly.

>> No.6582572

That dress fits you perfectly! The blouse does not. It is too small for your shoulders and that's what looks off. You look cute though blouse aside.

>> No.6582599

Yeah, I mostly just threw it on to have something to wear underneath it. I've worn it with a few other dresses and it hasn't looked too bad. But I have a lot of other tops, so I can see if mixing and matching a few with it will look better.

Well it mostly feels worse to me. The bodice fits pretty snug, and I think the top comes up way too high. I'll take it to the lady around the corner and see if she can do anything about it though.

Thanks to everyone for their input, by the way! My only other question now is, is there anything else I can wear for my body type?

>> No.6582607

Thank you! I'm glad it at least doesn't look as bad as I feel it did. I still feel weird in it, but that's probably because of other reasons haha.

>> No.6582680

Wow.. that sucks. Best of luck.

>> No.6582681

After that post I have more respect for you.

>> No.6582697

Thanks anons, I'm glad I could redeem myself somewhat c:

>> No.6582911

Ugh. Thank fuck. I just got my invoice last night (Saturday, 9pm their time), which means that they were seriously backed up. Everything was still in stock.

>> No.6582920

Are there waist ties? If you have ties on it it appears they are tied too tightly (notice the indentation on your left(my right) side of your waist). You need some breathing room for sitting and what not, so I would loosen up the ties if there are any. If it is just shirred then the wearing ease will come with some use. I do not think this dress looks bad at all. So I get to keep mah 10 dollas! The blouse is not a good cut as others have said. I am however pretty jelly of the tone of your arms, they are really pretty and strong looking.

>> No.6583750

Best place to find Lief Gardenberries print? Does Lief ever show up on mbok or y!japan?

>> No.6583752

>other than egl_comm_sales and fb

Does Lief ever show up on the second hand japanese sites (to add to the question)?

>> No.6583756
File: 64 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mh8e53JcUl1rebkb6o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello! I'm a cosplayer and I'm thinking of getting into lolita.
What are some mistakes you've made when starting out that you wish you could go back and tell yourself not to do?

My main question is: What kind of fabric is appropriate for lolita style dresses?

>> No.6583785

Shit. at least buy some bodyline or something from taobao or something first. Brand is best though.

>> No.6583792

costume construction and garment construction are very very different. Go with >>6583785 before attempting anything yourself.

>> No.6583794

Lief is not a Japanesse brand and they advertised on EGL so idk why they would be more frequent in Japan. Your best bet is egl where the items were sold and advertised.

>> No.6583796

Do not treat it as a costume. Treat it like a fashion.

>> No.6583804
File: 45 KB, 330x495, DR00113_06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I know that they're different of course! I've seen the horrible guts of my costumes... I wouldn't ever dream of making the guts of an actual dress look like that.

I own a F+F JSK from a while back, would you suggest I try to make a coord out of that before making my own dresses?
What would be the goal, to familiarize myself with the style, to see how their dresses are constructed? (In which case I should maybe look into the construction quality of F+F dresses)

pic related

>> No.6583814

I realize it is not a japanese brand... which is why I was asking if it might show up on japanese sites (since it would be an obvious answer if it were japanese) on the off chance that Japanese lolis would have been interested in the brand as well? Dunno, seemed like a legit question to me.

>> No.6583825

I would not really use FF as your example of what lolita is.
especially that, see-through satin ribbon wielding almost pass.
Seriously, go on EGL comm sales, pick up some cheep second hand brand.
Take note of the colors of brand items in what ever style you like. When you are starting out stick to them. Make something that works before experimenting.
If it is in the quilting section, PUT IT DOWN.

>> No.6583840

What am I trying to achieve here, though? I don't really understand what the benefit of buying first is. Is it to develop a sense of style, or to get a feel for how the dresses are supposed to be made, or what?
I know that F+F isn't very good quality, and that JSK isn't the sort of thing I'm aiming to make, but depending on the goal it may have worked.

God quilting fabric. I made a few costumes for a friend of mine and every time she INSISTED on using quilter's cotton because it was cheaper. She was so happy with the results, but I could barely even look at my own work it looked so terrible. Don't even get me started.

>> No.6583873

It is just, looking at pictures does not get you a good grasp of what the fashen is.

It is like, you want to cook some fancy dinner, and you are good at baking.
So you look at some pictures of chicken online, and then decide you can cook a full 4 course meal after all you have really been doing is baking cookies and muffins.

Does that make any seance?

I guess to sum it up, you need to buy lolita first to truly understand the fashion, it is a little bit of style and a little bit of understanding quality, but hell this is just my advice from experience so take it how you like.

>> No.6583876

Fuck all the typos. Bed with me.

>> No.6583920
File: 223 KB, 640x408, gosurori-sewing-mooks-from-japan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It allows you to examine the garments and get a feel for the proportions and tailoring techniques you'll need. I tried sewing before buying and the resulting garments were really ... wrong. Not badly sewn, because I knew how to sew, just not even vaguely lolita.

If you're dead-set on not buying anything first, at least get some really specific lolita patterns to work with instead of winging it. Use patterns from the GLB (some recent ones have had nice JSK patterns from Innocent World and Juliet et Justine) or one of the various lolita sewing mooks.

>> No.6583927

I see, that makes sense. I'll definitely keep a lookout for lolita specific patterns.

If I was to buy first, would I have to buy brand to get the point across, or would a decent cheap dress work just as well, as long as I'm putting thought and effort and research into it?

>> No.6583959

Is it generally acceptable to wear dressed up otome outfits to lolita events, as long as you're not trying to pretend that it's lolita?

>> No.6584010

I wear mostly aristocrat, with some gothic and occasional classic. But I'm tall, broad-shouldered, and big-boobed, so honestly, brand just. does. not. fit. Even when I can get into it, it's cut for women much shorter than me, and the proportions are totally unflattering.

Fortunately for me, I'm not all that into prints. Stripes, checks, tartan, and a little bit of brocade are fine, but mostly I like solids.

So I sew pretty much everything, and it's taken me three years to get a decent wardrobe together. The consolation is that everything fits perfectly and I can use all the details I love while avoiding the ones I hate (mainly bows--I have no idea why, but I loathe them). I also look better in half- or 3/4 length sleeves than short or full-length ones, and either long skirts or ones just below knee length, so being able to make things exactly as I want them is awesome.

There are still things I could really use, especially for summer, but I haven't worn the same outfit twice for several months, now. Plus, when I open my closet I now see a bunch of amazing clothes that I never thought I'd get around to making. So it's pretty damned gratifying.

>> No.6584082

Depends on how knowledgeable your local comm is. I showed up in otome to a casual meetup and then had some new girl try to tell me how to "improve my outfit" and give me beginner tips because she assumed I was just not quite following lolita rules.

>> No.6584095

Anyone have a good source for buying those two?

>> No.6584140

I found one on eBay for a decent price, direct from Japan. Otherwise, it depends on where you live. Kinokuniya carries the first volume, but I haven't seen the second.

I'd say go for one of Bodyline's nicer pieces or possibly something from a TaoBao brand. You don't have to pay a lot, but you want to get something that fits the style of what you want to make so that you can get an idea of how to go about doing it yourself (meaning, if you're going sweet, go for something specifically from a sweet brand; if you're doing mostly A-line and classic, go for something similar).

>> No.6584142

Vol 1:

Vol 2:

>> No.6584215

I disagree, mainly because if you have a fairly good grasp of pattern making and the lolita silhouette you don't need to fork out for anything before you make a dress or skirt. The patterns and techniques are pretty piss easy in the grand scheme of things unless you're a total beginner with sewing - most dresses are either a princess seamed bodice with rectangle/partial circle/trapezoid skirt with a hem circumference of at least 3x your waist (I prefer 3X hip, but it depends on your waist-hip differential) or 200cm, whichever is smaller since there's like a minimum amount of hem needed to achieve poof OR entirely princess seamed with hem flare of about the same diameter.

Fabric wise, it's more a matter of quality than fabric content or even weave - most of the time I look for something with a decent weight and drape, and use cottons rather than polyester blends though. Quilting cottons can be nice because of the patterns but please, please line them.

>> No.6586557

Do you guys know of any other Japanese in store shopping services? I need someone who can find something in Closet Child or any other secondhand brand stores.

I've already contacted m_miu (never replied), roseaire (never replied either), estplantations, yunni sweet like candy, and ashleyrose.

>> No.6586617

There's a couple of new ones advertising on comm_sales so you could take a chance with them.