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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 60 KB, 500x667, elegantgothlolita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6566673 No.6566673 [Reply] [Original]

Specifically for those who wear lolita.

>How long has it been since you began wearing lolita?
>How often do you wear lolita?
>Where do wear lolita? Or where do you NOT wear lolita?
>Name one or two of your favorite pieces.

Thank you kindly for your time.

>> No.6566737

>How long has it been since you began wearing lolita?
This summer, so about 6 months.
>How often do you wear lolita?
Once or twice a month to meets in my local comm.
>Where do wear lolita? Or where do you NOT wear lolita?
Downtown, in crowds, sometimes to parties, meets outdoors or in restaurants/coffee shops, malls, etc. I don't wear it to class or uni-related "professional" events.
>Name one or two of your favorite pieces.
My Meta dusty rose sundress is my favorite summer piece since it's so light, Bodyline's carousel jsk is really comfortable for parties and con raves/dances, my old school IW BxW dress is perfect for winter, a black fully shirred Meta OP with a bustle is the most comfortable thing ever and it looks really elegant. I think I just love everything in my wardrobe, I don't have that many pieces but the things I do have are things I really enjoy wearing and coordinating.

>> No.6566770

>How long has it been since you began wearing lolita?
Maybe three to four months, it's very recent.

>How often do you wear lolita?
As often as I can, usually when I go out shopping for stuff that isn't food or house-related things.
Generally when I go out to just wander about the city, it's nice.

>Where do wear lolita? Or where do you NOT wear lolita?
I do not even think of wearing lolita to school, when I am out with a family member or to work if the place I work at doesn't call for it at all.

>Name one or two of your favorite pieces.
Right now it would be Chess Story's Starry Angel JSK.

>> No.6566800

>How long has it been since you began wearing lolita?
A little over 2 years.

>How often do you wear lolita?
Almost every day that I go out somewhere that isn't just running errands.

>Where do wear lolita? Or where do you NOT wear lolita?
Classes, out with friends, to dinner..

I don't wear it when I'm just sitting around at home, when I know I'll be getting particularly messy (like doing stuff outdoors-y), when I'm running around doing errands (ie groceries).

>Name one or two of your favorite pieces.
VM Chiffon Doll. I save it for special occasions but I love to just fawn over it in my closet, too.

>> No.6566823

>How long has it been since you began wearing lolita?
A little over five years.

>How often do you wear lolita?
Sporadically, a few times a month. Used to be a few times a week.

>Where do wear lolita? Or where do you NOT wear lolita?
I wear it pretty much anywhere, as long as I feel I'd be comfortable at the end of the day and there's a low chance of it getting wrecked. I wouldn't wear it volunteering or to Pillow Fight, but I'd still wear it to work or if I'm just going shopping on my own. Just toned down.

>Name one or two of your favorite pieces.
Meta's Antique Bouquet OP in pink and A&P's Tarot Card JSK in navy.

>> No.6566829

>How long has it been since you began wearing lolita?
2.5 years
>How often do you wear lolita?
Usually about once a week, but in the holidays it varies. I go to college and then I wear it about once a week but when I'm at home I have the most horrible seating positions and it's just too uncomfortable to wear it.
>Where do wear lolita? Or where do you NOT wear lolita?
I wear Lolita to college, to go out to the big city nearby, meets, the opera/ballet, dinner, etc etc. I don't wear it when I go to the smaller city nearby because that's just asking for trouble. I also don't wear it when I have presentations or exams at school.
>Name one or two of your favorite pieces.
I love about everything equally I guess. Cinderella Jewellery is my wardrobe's prize dress though.

>> No.6566837

pretty pissed at the local con's maid cafe. changed the uniforms to be only black x white.

oh, its not like I blew $60 on a maid dress just to volunteer for you. oh wait its a pink dress. GUESS THAT LEAVES ME OUT THEN

so pissed. not like I was looking foward to this or anything. the pastel uniforms were so much cuter.. why would they change that?

>> No.6566841

>How long has it been since you began wearing lolita?
About 5-6 years

>How often do you wear lolita?
As of late, once a month.

>Where do wear lolita? Or where do you NOT wear lolita?
Going out with friends/other lolitas, and when I can afford to, I'll wear it at conventions...as long as the activities aren't strenuous or impractical, I'll wear the fashion. I wish I could wear it to my classes, but I do a lot of hands on/messy work or work that involves a lot of moving around in.

>Name one or two of your favorite pieces.
I'm actually not in love with what I have in my wardrobe. I really miss my Glitter Trump set.

>> No.6567009

>How long has it been since you began wearing lolita?
I started six or so years ago but it wasn't any good. I stopped when I realised how stupid i looked, but now that there are clearer 'rules' and a bigger following I started back maybe a year ago.
>How often do you wear lolita?
Two or three times a month.
>Where do wear lolita? Or where do you NOT wear lolita?
Apart from meets, usually just when I feel like it. Mostly on days when I know I'll be at lectures or researching all day, or when I'm going out to do something nice like to a cafe or cinema.
>Name one or two of your favorite pieces.
Melty Chocolate and Lotta.

>> No.6567107

>How long has it been since you began wearing lolita?
About 7 months give or take.
>How often do you wear lolita?
A few times a month if I'm lucky.
>Where do wear lolita? Or where do you NOT wear lolita?
I wear it mostly to conventions and meetups. I'll incorporate Lolita items into everyday wear, but I tone it down. I wouldn't wear a full lolita coordinate, petticoat and all out shopping or running errands.
>Name one or two of your favorite pieces.
Wonder Party and Toy Parade release JSKs are my favorites in my wardrobe right now.

>> No.6568527

>How long has it been since you began wearing lolita?
Not very long, only a few months. Been lurking for a couple years though
>How often do you wear lolita?
I've only worn it a few times, still building up my wardrobe.
>Where do wear lolita? Or where do you NOT wear lolita?
At meets with my local loli group or cons (usually in the city). I don't wear it to uni as it's impractical and takes AGES to get ready. And definitely not to work.
>Name one or two of your favorite pieces.
My AP Triple Tart JSK in lavender. I haven't seen much of this dress at all but I love it lots. Also polkadot chocolate JSK or OP in mint which I am yet to aquire

>> No.6568529

>How long has it been since you began wearing lolita?
5 years now, I think, maybe 6.

>How often do you wear lolita?
For a while I was wearing it at least 5 times a week. Then I moved and got out of the habit. Fora while it was nothing. Right now it's more like one or two.

>Where do wear lolita? Or where do you NOT wear lolita?
Everywhere, pretty much. Had the luxury to wear it to work, too.

>Name one or two of your favorite pieces.
All of my favorites are boring pieces, heh. I like old-style sweet and classic ones. Probably my favorite is a gorgeous minty Mary Mag OP, but it's a little more fancy than my daily wear. Along with the AP Birdcage OP, too.

>> No.6568532

>How long has it been since you began wearing lolita?
9 months
>How often do you wear lolita?
once a week
>Where do wear lolita? Or where do you NOT wear lolita?
shopping, conventions, events, parties, dining, etc.
>Name one or two of your favorite pieces.
AP's Cat Tea Party JSK in pink and JetJ's Le Monde De L'ange skirt in black/navy

>> No.6568539

>How long has it been since you began wearing lolita?
10 years

>How often do you wear lolita?
I used to wear it daily, now it's maybe once a week.

>Where do wear lolita? Or where do you NOT wear lolita?
I wear it anywhere but I would probably not wear it to an interview.

>Name one or two of your favorite pieces.
Jane Marple logoprint JSK and Jane Marple violin skirt.

>> No.6568541

>How long has it been since you began wearing lolita?
2 and a half years

>How often do you wear lolita?
Only maybe once or twice a month, and usually just for the afternoon at home. Just don't have the time :(

>Where do wear lolita? Or where do you NOT wear lolita?
Wear it at home to sit around or throw something on when I'm messing with my other clothes. Occasionally go to a meet.

>Name one or two of your favorite pieces.
Out of what I own? AP Pure Doll OP and all of my Meta sailor stuff. I love sailor but it feels a little ridiculous to wear it out, if anything can be accused of looking ageplay, I think sailor has a better claim than sweet to be honest. So, just wear it at home, alone.

>> No.6568543
File: 17 KB, 225x300, IW crown rose velveteen - 205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How long has it been since you began wearing lolita?
Almost 3 years.
>How often do you wear lolita?
I took a break from lolita for like 6 months because I lost interest, but I didn't sell any of my clothes because I wasn't ready to give up completely. I've recently become interested again and started wearing outfits at least once a week.
>Where do wear lolita? Or where do you NOT wear lolita?
Out to do errands, to school (community college), to the mall, on dates with my boyfriend sometimes, to conventions. I don't wear it to family get-togethers or when I hang out with non-lolita friends (I don't want to make them uncomfortable).
>Name one or two of your favorite pieces.
It's hard to pick favorites because I love all the dresses I own. I guess my favorite would be pic related.

>> No.6568598

>How long has it been since you began wearing lolita?

10 years

>How often do you wear lolita?

1-4 times a week, depending on what I'm doing.

>Where do wear lolita? Or where do you NOT wear lolita?

Wear lolita: meets, running errands, working from home.
Don't wear: family events (don't need the drama), professional events, anytime I need to be active or running around a lot.

>Name one or two of your favorite pieces.

Juliette et Justine's La Bibliotheque OP, amazing in every way.

>> No.6568688

>How long has it been since you began wearing lolita?
Approximately 8 years; since 2004 (more seriously since 2006)
>How often do you wear lolita?
Around once a week-ish. Depends on the month and the number of meetups.
>Where do wear lolita? Or where do you NOT wear lolita?
I wear it to meetups, fashion-oriented events, and the occasional date night/party.
>Name one or two of your favorite pieces.
A/P Dance of the Black Cats JSK in black, A/P End of Immortal Eden JSK in green.

>> No.6569748

>How long has it been since you began wearing lolita?
4 years or so.
>How often do you wear lolita?
At least once or twice a week.
>Where do you wear lolita? Or where do you NOT wear lolita?
My wardrobe is 40% work clothes, 50% lolita, and 10% "other" stuff. Lolita makes up the main portion of my non-work or casual wear, so I wear it whenever it doesn't matter too much what style of clothing I'm wearing e.g. house parties, grocery shopping, dinners out. I also wear my lolita items in non lolita ways since if I paid that much for it, I may as well wear it. Obviously I don't wear full on OTT sweet lolita to work.
>Name one or two of your favourite pieces.
In my wardrobe: Moitie Lace Flock Chiffon JSK
That I want: Meta Melody Cat/Cat Border JSK

>> No.6569819
File: 62 KB, 333x250, ap_skirt_wonderparty_color.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How long has it been since you began wearing lolita?
I bought my first piece in spring 2006, but I feel like I really started wearing it spring 2007.

>How often do you wear lolita?
Not so often anymore, maybe twice a month.

>Where do wear lolita? Or where do you NOT wear lolita?
Wherever I feel like it, but usually just to meets and cons nowadays. I used to wear it to class or whatever, but it got tiring. I still will wear otome to class though.

>Name one or two of your favorite pieces.
My AP Wonder Party skirt in pink x sax is my ultimate favorite. I adore the print and want the black bustier jsk too.

>> No.6569829
File: 100 KB, 280x373, ap_jsk_twinklecarnivalswitching_color2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How long has it been since you began wearing lolita?
Been wearing it since I was young but only really started wearing it daily when I was roughly 14 years of age.

>How often do you wear lolita?
Daily but I keep my best pieces for special occasions.

>Where do wear lolita? Or where do you NOT wear lolita?
I where it everywhere and anywhere. However I do tend to change the type of lolita I wear depending on the place. Example if I was to do grocery shopping I'd wear bodyline, but if I was to go to a meal out or an event, I'd wear a brand piece like BTSSB, AP or Meta

>Name one or two of your favorite pieces.

My favorite piece is Twinkle Carnival in White by Angelic Pretty but my second close favorite is Brilliant Princess in white/blue by Metamorphose

>> No.6569853
File: 129 KB, 238x319, Screen Shot 2013-01-21 at 6.10.08 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How long has it been since you began wearing lolita?
A little over two years.

>How often do you wear lolita?
Usually only a couple times a month, for meetups or fancier occasions, but I'll occasionally wear something casual to uni or something.

>Where do you wear lolita? Or where do you NOT wear lolita?
As I said, meetups or dressy events like plays, parties or a nice dinner. I think of them like my dress clothes, for special occasions.

>Name one or two of your favorite pieces.
My Holy Queen and Divine Cross jsks, and this wonderful Bodyline skirt I have that goes with EVERYTHING. I wear it all the time.

>> No.6569872

>How long has it been since you began wearing lolita?
10 years.
>How often do you wear lolita?
A few times a month.
>Where do wear lolita? Or where do you NOT wear lolita?
I wear it whenever/where ever I feel like it, except for when it isn't practical like when I'm travelling.
>Name one or two of your favorite pieces.
Chantilly Phantom Carousel in black and gold, and my blue Juliette et Justine La Course de L'Aristocrate OP.

>> No.6569951
File: 37 KB, 250x333, 08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How long has it been since you began wearing lolita?
About a year.

>How often do you wear lolita?
Not often. I wear it whenever I need to be eye catching but sometimes just for fun.

>Where do wear lolita? Or where do you NOT wear lolita?
Wherever. Just not funerals or weddings (wore a Lolita dress to a wedding once but without a dress so it was something different)

>Name one or two of your favorite pieces.
IW Ophelia JSK (I have it in black but I'm dying for it in red) and Royal Library JSK

>> No.6570001

>How long has it been since you began wearing lolita?
around 5 years now

>How often do you wear lolita?
For a while I was wearing it at least 5 times a week. Then I moved and got out of the habit. Fora while it was nothing. Right now it's more like one or two.

>Where do wear lolita? Or where do you NOT wear lolita?
Almost every day. I work for myself so I have the luxury. NEVER around my family though.

>Name one or two of your favorite pieces.
right now, JetJ Carte de la verite (Tarot card) and my AP Fancy Melody OP

>> No.6570039
File: 79 KB, 720x599, 601644_3778188341740_1641541860_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How long has it been since you began wearing lolita?
tried to wear it a few times in like 2007 or 2008, then stopped. but started wearing it again semi-regularly in 2011

>How often do you wear lolita?
a few times a month.

>Where do wear lolita? Or where do you NOT wear lolita?
meetups, sometimes on my days off to do errands or whatever. never wore it to school, but i think i might wear this on Wednesday (first day of the semester for me - taking mostly art history classes so this would be appropriate)!

>Name one or two of your favorite pieces.
in my own wardrobe, Masquerade Theater. in my wishlist, Poison de l'amour Juliette JSK.

>> No.6570308
File: 25 KB, 300x300, img-thing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How long has it been since you began wearing lolita?
I want to say that it's been a year, going on 2 years now.

>How often do you wear lolita?
As often as I can. I treat them like nice every day clothing.

>Where do wear lolita? Or where do you NOT wear lolita?
I normally wear toned down lolita to work, but if we're doing something special I dress up a bit more. I don't wear lolita if I know I'm going some place dirty, or I know it's going to get in the way of what I'll be doing.

>Name one or two of your favorite pieces.
Melty Chocolate, and whatever the name of pic related is. It's one of the most comfortable pieces I own, and I've been using it as a house dress lately.

>> No.6570808
File: 171 KB, 269x346, Acanthus JSK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How long has it been since you began wearing lolita?
4 months
>How often do you wear lolita?
Once a week. Hoping to get that up to 3 times a week.
>Where do wear lolita? Or where do you NOT wear lolita?
I wear my stuff to meet-ups, uni club events and sometime to uni classes.
>Name one or two of your favorite pieces.
My IW Acanthus JSK. That thing is beautiful and I was lucky enough to score it in a LP.

>> No.6570831

Dude, why did you copy my answers and then modify them slightly? That's fucking weird.

See >>6568529

>> No.6570846

>How long has it been since you began wearing lolita?
A year, I think. I've been interested in the fashion for years but didn't take it seriously until now.
>How often do you wear lolita?
Once or twice a week. My style crosses Otome and Mori fairly often, so I'm really more about owning versatile pieces.
>Where do wear lolita? Or where do you NOT wear lolita?
Classes, fancier days, any time when it's reasonable to wear something nice. Definately not at work, curreny job requires a uniform.
>Name one or two of your favorite pieces.
MM's Ekaterina OP and Meta's Pinktuck JSK. I adore everything I own, but Ekaterina will always be my favorite and Meta is amazingly comfortable.

>> No.6570858

>How long has it been since you began wearing lolita?
4 years ago, but something horrible happened to a lot of pieces I used to own.

>How often do you wear lolita?
I make time to wear it once a week, twice on a special occasion, but building my wardrobe up again has been difficult and it makes me a bit depressed. I used to wear it every day.

>Where do wear lolita? Or where do you NOT wear lolita?
I don't wear it hiking or on an outside outing unless it's a picnic or some such. Pretty much anywhere I wouldn't want good clothes getting dirty.

>Name one or two of your favorite pieces.
Victorian Maiden Rococo Bouquet JSK and my Innocent World Birdcage JSK(along with that amazing neck corset thing)

Also if anyone asks I can explain what happened to my wardrobe.

>> No.6570866

I'm curious!

On a side note though why didn't you just say what happened up front? It's obvious that people might ask, you even acknowledged that in the last sentence.

>> No.6570879

I'm not >>6570858
but I'm pretty sure I threw most of my wardrobe in the donate bin by accident when I moved cross-country.

At least 5 grand, MIA....

Crossing my fingers it's buried in my mom's basement and I wasn't honestly stupid enough to store my shit in plastic trash bags....

>> No.6570891

Didn't want to type it out and seem like I wanted tons of sympathy.

Anyway, a few years ago I was living with my boyfriend and his really close friend. His friend's girlfriend would hang out alot but turns out she was a huge overbearing bitch, she thought I wanted to fuck her boyfriend when she really wanted to fuck mine(guess she thought everyone was like her) Well, anyway, we lived in a small town so there weren't lolitas other than me, though I traveled to the city for a meetup every once in a while, but she took an interest in it. She was pretty well off and she got into gothic lolita really quickly with plenty of money to blow on moitie. We had been pretty alright friends until she started acting like a huge bitch to me and in general for no reason but she still hung out a bit.

Then one day apparently while I was at work she tried to seduce/fuck my boyfriend to no avail and she stormed out and then the drama started. She got her boyfriend on mine saying he tried to seduce her. And basically while they were outside arguing and distracted she locked herself into the apartment and literally started trashing everything inside. My stuff, my boyfriend's and even her boyfriends stuff. Shit like my high school year book and family gifts.

She called the police afterwards saying there was a huge fight upstairs that broke out and blaming my and her boyfriend on it which ended up in us getting kicked out of the small apartment complex even though no charges were filed, but friendships were ruined.

And the worst part is that he is still with her after all of that crap.

I ended up moving to a bigger city once I got my new job and needless to say I've been a bit put off from meeting other lolitas, so I basically stay to myself in that regard. It's really troubling because it's not so much the dresses or the items I miss, it's the fond memories I held with them. All ruined by someone so immature.

>> No.6570893

Some family members recently binned some of my stuff despite me telling them to leave it alone. I was pissed purely because of the principle of it all (don't touch people's stuff when they tell you not too.) I was just lucky that none of it was valuable.
I hope your stuff turns up anon!

>> No.6570902

holy shit

I would of murdered her right then and there with my cold hands. Is there a reason why would didn't ever press charges?

>> No.6570916

The cops basically believed her over everyone else(small town rich bitch privilege) so it was more of charges from my boyfriend against hers or vice versa. I did get revenge on her in a way, she tried to street race me once and ended up crashing her car and breaking her collarbone.

>> No.6570919
File: 10 KB, 194x259, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How long has it been since you began wearing lolita?
3 years

>How often do you wear lolita?
Once a week or more if its around an event. I never planned on wearing it this much but eventually I started buying less & less casual clothes..

>Where do wear lolita? Or where do you NOT wear lolita?
Everywhere except to bars & clubs. Once I wore AP to a gay bar & my dress got touched on constantly. I was too flattered by the praises I tried to not let on how booze dampened fingers grazing my $400 dress irritated me.

>Name one or two of your favorite pieces.
Dance of the Black Cats from AatP & Jewel Ribbon by AP both in black. I just feel very comfortable in them.

>> No.6570930

>How long?
6.5 years
>How often?
Right now it's too cold to be practical, so I only wear it once every other week. Spring through autumn, I wear it 2-3 times per week.
Wherever. Out shopping, to class and work, to meetups, on dates or out with friends. I don't wear it if I'm going to get dirty or if it's really rainy.
>Favorite pieces
Favorite pieces in my closet are my two Victorian Maiden Rococo Bouquet OPs and my Innocent World embroidered jsk.

>> No.6570963

>How long has it been since you began wearing lolita?
2001, upon visiting Japan. started buying a lot from 2006 onwards
>How often do you wear otome/lolita?
6 out of 7
>Where do wear lolita/otome? work, going out, nearly anywhere Or where do you NOT wear lolita/otome? the workplace
>Name one or two of your favorite pieces.
ETC gingerbread JSK, JM winnie the pooh JSK

>> No.6571274

>How long has it been since you began wearing lolita?
10+ years
>How often do you wear lolita?
>Where do wear lolita? Or where do you NOT wear lolita?
Almost everywhere, at home, going out (including to the shop, etc). I don't wear Lolita at inappropriate moments like funerals, business/work , etc.
>Name one or two of your favorite pieces.
Aatp's Vampire Requiem and Surface Spell Shadow & Void jsk.

>> No.6571309

>How long has it been since you began wearing lolita?
2-3 years

>How often do you wear lolita?
it varies. i may wear it up to twice a week, or once in 2 months.

>Where do you wear lolita?
shopping, movies, going out, meets, whatevers
>where do you NOT wear lolita?
somebody's wedding, school, work, if i am lazy and not wanting to dress up. i don't wear lolita to cons.

>Name one or two of your favorite pieces.
chantilly's un chateau secret robe

>> No.6571314

>How long has it been since you began wearing lolita?
a bit over 2 years
>How often do you wear lolita?
not as often as I like- but usually about one or twice a month. More often in nicer weather, or if I have more free time.
>Where do wear lolita?
I wear lolita to dinner out with my boyfriend, to anime and steampunk conventions, to occasional meetups, to go see a movie etc.
Or where do you NOT wear lolita?
I don't wear it around the house, the majority of it can't be worn to work (I wear casual pieces without a petti and a blouse.), or when meeting people who knew me before lolita, but aren't close enough to know about me wearing it now.
>Name one or two of your favorite pieces.
oh man. This is a hard one! I would probably say IW's Antique book JSK, specifically in Bordeaux. It was my first brand purchase and I love it even when it's a pain to coordinate sometimes. My favorite sweet piece currently is my A La Carte white JSK, mostly because it's super easy to coordinate.

>> No.6571327

>How long has it been since you began wearing lolita? About 5 months now. I'm pretty new.
>How often do you wear lolita? Couple times a month.
>Where do wear lolita? Or where do you NOT wear lolita? To work, outings with family, meetups and dates with my boyfriend.
>Name one or two of your favorite pieces. Dream sky and St. Claire

>> No.6571428

>How long has it been since you began wearing lolita?
About 8 years.
>How often do you wear lolita?
Not very often anymore, the last year I've hardly worn it at all but now I'm wearing it more again.
>Where do wear lolita? Or where do you NOT wear lolita?
Events pretty much. And meetups.
>Name one or two of your favorite pieces.
Meta's Vintage Cherry in yellow and this super old floral bodyline dress that is the best thing they ever did.