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File: 90 KB, 600x500, plus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6553528 No.6553528 [Reply] [Original]

Plus size lolita thread! The good, the bad, and the more good because it does my soul good to see large people who don't dress poorly.

>> No.6553557
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>inb4 hatetrain
I just really like her and her general fashion. She does really well for her size and she comes off as really likable to me.

>> No.6553568
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I have a couple

>> No.6553576
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>> No.6553588
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>> No.6553594
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>> No.6553606

I love her so much, she's so creative and seems like she'd be a lot of fun to hang out with.

>> No.6553609
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>> No.6553611


>> No.6553614
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here's the bad
you can't see her but it's always the fat ones who are dumb except for czol and crystal_moon

>> No.6553632

I didn't see what the problem was until
Hahah, nope.

>> No.6553640

How does she fit in that? Is it really forgiving in size?

>> No.6553641
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>> No.6553643

Cute outfit, her tiny feet always throw me off though.

>> No.6553644
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>> No.6553648
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>> No.6553651 [DELETED] 

The girl on the left is what I hate about replicas. The people making them don't know how to get the proportions right in bigger sizes than within like 1 inch of the original. So I'm afraid to buy.

>> No.6553659

The problem with the dress on the girl on the left is what I hate about replicas. The people making them don't know how to get the proportions right in bigger sizes than within like 1 inch of the original. So I'm afraid to buy one. (I'm a bit smaller than her though.)
Whatev, I'll just get brand stuff that comes in my size and keep learning to sew.
The girl on the right looks really cute.

>> No.6553665
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don't. the fabric is paperthin, looks like crap, measurements are off, and everyone will judge you for it. this is from experience.

>> No.6553683

I thought it was the L-XL deal and the complete inability to perform a simple search.

>> No.6553687

Pinkzombies fit in it.

>> No.6553727

hi! It's my dress, she borrowed it from me!
Yes, the shirring goes quite large. I believe she removed the shirring when I let her borrow it. She also owns the black jsk which fits her just fine.

>> No.6553743

Sometimes I really wish AP would be more standard with their sizing. I own 3 back shirred JSKs and one fits as comfortably as pajamas, one is a little on the snug side, and another loafs on me like nobody's business but if I wear it with a bolero or cardigan it's fine. Though I can imagine how loose the more comfortable JSK would be on an itty bitty tiny person though. I suppose that's what happens when you try to cater to more a wider demographic (no pun intended)

>> No.6553749

I'm a very top sided person (big arms, big breasts, broad shoulders) so I don't think I'd fit the lolita fashion very well.
These women give me hope.

>> No.6553758

I'm the same. Large bust, broad shoulders, big arms (whether I work out or not, I get very muscly arms or big flabby arms), its just a matter of knowing what works for you and choosing items that flatter you better. Babydolls are a no-no, but I'll wear shorter sweeter JSKs with a corset to push my bustline up a little bit and define my waist. Boleros work great too. Tights especially and OTK socks are great when your boobs hike the hemline up higher. Getting things commissioned is the best though.

>> No.6553760

That is because they don't bother making new patterns for each size they just change how the dress is gathered <- shitty idea

>> No.6553782
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>> No.6553786
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>> No.6553794
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>> No.6553802

Any one that you guys would suggest commissioning for big girls?

>> No.6553855
File: 257 KB, 852x1136, 015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a bad one. She couldn't even get it over her breasts and its a high waisted dress.

>> No.6553862

Lady Sloth, although I do think she is going to start charging more for plus size. There are people that do commissions but stop at certian measurements (about mid-range when it comes to plus size, or more like 18-20 / 115 cm bust / 100cm waist) Mystery Garden does this. English Charm offers larger sizes (and also realizes that bigger people vary in how their weight is distributed). I wouldn't go for anything custom-sized on fan+friend, but if you're on the lower end of plus-size they might have some items that fit you in their standard sizing. There's also OoJia (she also does non-print original commissions) but she doesn't grade her patterns properly. So you'll want to get really accurate measurements bust, waist, length, but also bodice length, skirt length, etc that way you don't end up with a short wide bodice. Her construction isn't as detailed and nice as what you'd get from some of the good indie seamstresses, but it's not in any danger of falling apart.

>> No.6553867


I know her irl, her coords are always awesome and she's cool.

>> No.6553902
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Another bad one

>> No.6553910

she looks lovely on the tumbnail, but that wig just no. and makeup, please wear some

>> No.6553915
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>> No.6553927
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Get it girl.

>> No.6553948

>borrowed something
>altered it beyond repair

Good god. I hope she asked you.

>> No.6553956


What's her name again? I actually love her.

>> No.6553958
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>> No.6553965


I love her tiny feet! They're so adorable and almost bizarre.

>> No.6553992

Shirring isn't very hard to replace. Rip the seam out over the channel carefully and put more elastic back in and resew it. But it would definitely effect the resale value more than anything. As long as the person asked and she was okay with it, and doesn't intend on parting with the piece I see no harm in it. It's their business after all.

>> No.6554005

Her blog: http://www.cupcakesclothes.com/

I love them because they seem so cartoony and adorable.

>> No.6554047

she didn't alter anything. She just removed the shirring *ribbon*. That will give you an extra few cms if you do.
I should have specified! Sorry!

>> No.6554487

wtf are talking about, she looks good.

>> No.6554504

Why would people hate her?

>> No.6554517

Because she's fat, and to some people that makes you literally Hitler.

>> No.6554521

She looks very cute overall, but her skintone along with those pastels look very strange. Maybe it's just the filtering, though;

>> No.6554530

There used to be a lot of btb secrets posted about her, and people would mock her for her weight and say shit like "hurr you look bigger than the street, didn't think that was possible xD lolz."

Just generic insecure people.
If she was poorly dressed I think it would be one thing, but the girl's got fashion sense and pulls off a lot of her outfits. She's also not a shitty person. There's just nothing to pick on.

>> No.6554538

This girl >>6553782
used to constantly have shit posted on her here. People just hate fatties sometimes.

>> No.6554562

Because some people just hate. Some skinny people hate fat people, some fat people hate skinny people. It's a really sad thing because so much is assumed. Not all fat people eat like disgusting pigs and some skinny people do. I just wish everyone would come together and accept one another.

>> No.6554869

It's easier to pull others down to make yourself better rather than actually working on improving yourself (rather than by learning to dress better or just being a better person in general). That's all it comes down to. I give more props to the people being torn apart and doing what they enjoy rather than those writing stupid anonymous comments and making secrets. Those people grew a pair and do what they enjoy despite the obstacles they face. Those other people? Nope.

I don't care if a person has to resort to replicas because they are just too big to fit into anything and they only want AP prints, or if they are so tiny that they can fit unshirred dresses and they still hang off their bodies rather loosely. It doesn't matter to me and is none of my business.

>> No.6555011 [DELETED] 

oh god, I know who this is.
she's gained so much weight. she used to be tiny and adorable...I admired her when I was first getting into lolita, even though sweet isn't my cup of tea.
she's really let herself go from the looks of it. this is so depressing. brb gym.

>> No.6555064

YUP! She's really an awesome chick who was put on blast here (in the past) for no good reason.

Also, the girl pictured by OP is very sweet as well.

>> No.6555144

No use dispelling myths on 4chan really, but bullying and gossiping behavior very rarely stems from insecurity; in fact, especially with bullying and shaming behavior in particular, the perpetrator often has very high self-esteem and therefore feels more at-liberty to share his or her judgments and put others down.

The more you know!

>> No.6555147

Honestly? Not really. I'm sure it's that way for some people, but for many it's just entertainment.

>> No.6555184

bump for more cuties<3 Any more goth or classic?

>> No.6555207

Guy here, fat people never look good.

Lose weight fatty and stop being a lazy slob.

>> No.6555240
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>> No.6555242
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>> No.6555243
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>> No.6555244
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>> No.6555247

Look at all the fat people.
They look like wedding cakes.

Ain't nothing elegant about these chicks.

>> No.6555245
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>> No.6555248
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>> No.6555253
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God damn, every one of these monstrosities is ita as shit.

>> No.6555257

Yeah, I have to admit while I love that MAM has a plus size line... they're all kind of ugly

>> No.6555262

MAM stuff is just tacky in general, even the standard size items. Although this
isn't bad for a typical "Alice" type look.

>> No.6555391


If that shade of blue didn't wash me out like all get-out, I'd buy that dress in a heartbeat.

And she's just so cute.

>> No.6555401

>Be fat
>People tell you to buy MAM for stuff that fits
>Everything is hideous

>> No.6555409

>the perpetrator often has very high self-esteem and therefore feels more at-liberty to share his or her judgments and put others down

Lol, so they're immature then.
So they're either insecure or extremely immature.

>> No.6555411

I think this coat is cute but that's about it.


>> No.6555485

It's also not like other brands quality wise. I bought a kuro/gothic jumperskirt and it was unlined and more or less Bodyline quality with nicer lace.

>> No.6555512

Do you have any pictures of her before?
sage for offtopic

>> No.6555526

Wow I love this look

>> No.6555528
File: 165 KB, 640x960, DSC_1031026551_n_副本.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some self posting

>> No.6555537

Oh and I'm just so surprised how shitty this coord is too. Fatties self posting never ends well.

>> No.6555539

girl, you need some socks, not nude tights

>> No.6555576

its not bad just unpolished
wear tights or otks shorten up that cardi and do a little something more with hair
c'mon guys you know its not that bad

>> No.6555577

I think it's cute.
And I'm sick of people thinking you need socks or colored tights for everything. Fuck.

>> No.6555587

the shoes don't go at all,and you need some socks. I understand that socks made for tiny azns will KILL your legs but do it anyway. do it for fashion.

>> No.6555777

It's a nice casual coord if you're not trying to draw too much attention to yourself and you just want to go out in your Lolita stuff. Ain't nothing wrong with that. I think the shoes are cute.

>> No.6556101

Tips and links for someone plus sized looking to get into Lolita? Do's and Don'ts?

>> No.6556130

Fuck the haters, you look adorable. And those shoes are bitchin'.

AP has lots of back-shirred pieces that will fit a variety of sizes. Bodyline carries plus-sizes in many of their styles as well, just make sure to look at reviews before buying anything - their quality is hit or miss. FanPlusFriend is also hit or miss, but their quality is decent as long as your stick to their standard sizing (which, blessedly, includes plus sizes). Lots of Taobao brands do custom sizing, but you'd have to ask someone more knowledgeable than me for specific stores.

-Find a skilled tailor who can adjust lolita items to fit you.
-Toss it/sell it if it doesn't fit you. You'll feel so much better in clothes that fit you comfortably. Clothes that weren't designed with you in mind are not worth your money.
-Check out EGL_Plus, which has a lot of info on size-friendly brand pieces and tips for altering items.

-Listen to haters. If you feel beautiful, then shine on you crazy diamond.

>> No.6556222
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More bad.

>> No.6556230

Cardigans and Boleros are your friend! If there's a dress you really love and can't bear to part with, but are close to fitting into, putting a bolero or cardigan over it can make a world of difference.

Belts can work great too, but I've never personally incorporated one into a coord yet (can't seem to find a suitable one).

Invest in a good steel boned corset (underbust or overbust). Don't tightlace, but enough to give your waist a bit of definition. It's super helpful with sweet styles and shirring. Shirring (especially full shirring) will make you lumpy. Shapewear can help a bit too. I prefer my corset though.

High heels are great for stubbier legs. Flats are okay, but I prefer low heels. (Because anything over 2.5" on me is a recipe for disaster.)

OTK socks or Tights! If you wear brand and have a large bust, it's going to pull the hem of your skirt up too high and there will be a very awkward gap between your knees and where the skirt starts. Tights or OTK's break that up and look fantastic. If you have very chubby legs, look for vertical stripe socks or tights.

Dark colors are excellent, but if you love a certain colorway, go for it. I look at least 30lbs lighter in black/classic combo than pastel sweet.

You'll need snaps for your blouses unless they magically fit or you intend on wearing them under JSKs only.

As for sizing goes, everything differs. I'm finding that I have a lot more brand options at 104 cm bust / 89 cm waist. When I started I was 109 cm bust and 97cm waist. Most of my closet is brand now. But my 3 AP back-shirred dresses all fit differently. One is cozy, the next is snug and another is super-tight and I need to lose another 10-15lbs before I can wear it without a cardigan.

Don't trust amateur measurements, and sometimes even official measurements are off.

Buying a dress you can eventually fit into can be a great motivator if you want to lose weight. (And you'll feel so proud of yourself once you can finally put it on!)

>> No.6556302

Oh dear god apart from the two on the right they all look the same.
also why are they /all/ fat and all around the same weight? Other meetup pics I've seen have skinny/chubby/fat mix, is this some sort of conspiracy?

>> No.6556304

The wigs don't help the situation as they're all pretty much styled the same but in different colors.

>> No.6556320

GLW and ham everywhere

>> No.6556322

-Wear clothes that fit. Lolita should not fit you like a spandex suit
-Related to this, know your measurements! Bust and waist are the bare minimum, but knowing arm circumference, shoulder width, and your front body length (i.e. if you need extra length on items for them to curve around larger boobs)
-Check the length of items, especially if you've got large boobs. A dress that is knee length on someone 5' 2"/100lb with an A cup is NOT going to be knee length on someone 5'2"/180lb with D cups.
-Get things custom sized
-Wear things that flatter you. For example, if you know empire line dresses make you look preggers, don't wear them, or if you know you look short in tea-length skirts, also don't wear them, if high collars make your neck non-existent or puff sleeves make your arms look fat ...etc. Think about prints as well - tiny floral prints on larger girls can look ridiculously small but larger brocades look fantastic.
-Your research. There are several Japanese lolita brands that will do fairly large sizing - Chantilly, Maxicimam's Lovely Size line, some of Baby the Stars Shine Bright/Alice and the Pirates stuff, some Angelic Pretty, Dangerous Nude, Innocent World, Putumayo...then there are places like Anna House and Fan+Friend that do custom sizing, and taobao brands like Kidsyoyo.

-Assume that because something fits that it will be flattering.
-Buy something that's too small because it might fit soon, unless you know where you lose weight and are already committed to doing so. Everyone's fat is distributed differently. If you have big boobs that don't really change much with weight, you may be disappointed when you lose 5" off your waist and 1" off your boobs when the blouse you bought was 2" too small in the bust but fitted you in the waist

>> No.6556326

A few of them could actually be pretty if they had dressed better and knew how to style a wig.

>> No.6556340

The one on the right in the hime wig is fine, of course I can't see her outfit but she looks pretty enough and the wig looks good.
Some of these girls cut their fringes so high though, it works alright on some but I really think it makes people with round faces look even worse.

>> No.6556376

Oh shit that 'ham' should be in all caps. As in Hot Assed Mess

>> No.6556454

I feel like many of these ladies could benefit from some aristo pieces.

>> No.6556628
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>> No.6556634

Every single one of them is wearing GLW. Holy shit.

>> No.6556633
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>> No.6556636
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>> No.6556637
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>> No.6556639
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>> No.6556642
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>> No.6556648
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>> No.6556654

ew fatties in brand

>> No.6556660

Who is this? She's really lovely... And I love Jewel Ribbon.

>> No.6556669
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>>6554504 Why would people hate her?

Because there is 30 lbs overweight, there is 60-80 lbs overweight and then there is 'how do you even get that big?' She is way too big and people think that is their business for some reason.

>> No.6556675


If this is the same woman I remember then DAMNNNNN she has improved. I think she lost a few stones too.

>> No.6556784

I don't hate her, but I don't look at her and think she's adorable or anything. I imagine that is what I'd look like if I stacked on more weight and I think I'm fat enough.

>> No.6556789

As a chubby chaser I would be all over that.

>> No.6556792

One of her tits is bigger than my head.
I need to take a few moments to absorb this...

>> No.6556969

Her tits look shooped though

>> No.6557361
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>> No.6557362
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>> No.6557363
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>> No.6557419


I love her jsk, it's ver Jetj, but it can't be cause their size 2 is very small.
Does anyone know who made this?

>> No.6557421

I think it's by Lady Sloth

>> No.6557423


I love her, I see her pics all the time.
It's nice to see a good fatty in gothic for a change.
I think she's very pretty.

>> No.6557424


thanks, i'll check them out.

>> No.6557426


I think this is really cute, but I think your sweater is a bit too large or not buttoned in the right place for this, I suppose. I really want to unbutton the top most buttoned button, and then button the button underneath the bottom most buttoned button. I'm not sure if that makes sense, and I think I said the word button far too many times.

>> No.6557428

Honestly I don't get the hate. I get disgust, I get aversion, but hating someone that has done nothing to garner animosity or anything other than aversion due to her appearance is just uncalled for. I'm pretty intolerant of fatness in and of itself but I could never hate someone for that reason.

>> No.6557433

Funny you should mention that coat because this girl >>6553782 just got it and I saw it in person last weekend. She was saying it was the least ita out of all their coats and it is pretty nice looking.

>> No.6558042
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>> No.6558052

What's the max bust on the fully shirred Jewel Ribbon?

>> No.6558083

Do you want the absolute max or when it stops looking good?

>> No.6558103

Actually, both would be very helpful.

>> No.6558141

>implying they were actually going to answer you and weren't just trying to be a snarky cunt as usual

>> No.6558159

You never know. As a plus size girl I accept there is a difference between "fits" and "looks good" and I'm also willing to alter brand to look better on me so it's good to know how much I'd have to work with.

>> No.6558162

...which is my point. They're not going to answer you because they were just being snarky and don't actually know what they're talking about.

>> No.6558176

She is way cute! I'm not sure how I feel about the belt, though. I'm no fashion expert. I think it looks good, but I've heard people bitch about it.
She has an adorable face, that's for sure.

>> No.6558187

Sorry, my point was that "you never know if someone on here is being a snarky bitch or actually helpful." I'd rather respond to a troll and get nothing than not respond and miss out on measurements just in case they aren't a cunt.

>> No.6558213
File: 44 KB, 480x640, chocolate and biscuit op back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For both the full shirred and the back shirred version I'd say about 40inches for bust and the waist maybe 32-35inches max for waist for it to fit good.
For actual fit though you're not going to get much more from just the back shirred version, but the full shirred probably has about 5 more inches of give, though the waist goes about the same size... You're probably going to look pretty marshmallowy though if you're measurements are high. Also if you're tall go for the full shirred version as the straps are elastic so you can pull down the dress easily.

Though I can't believe everyone thinking I wasn't going to answer or be snarky though... It's pretty rude to assume things like that.

>> No.6558222

>Though I can't believe everyone thinking I wasn't going to answer or be snarky though
Took you long enough that's for sure.

>> No.6558234

Because I went to go measure both items then compared them with other pieces that were similar from AP . Sorry if I wanted to give the person an actual answer and not some BS estimate.

>> No.6558379


those stupid face piercings!

>> No.6558381

As the person who asked, thanks very much for answering and even going to measure. It's really appreciated!

I'd prefer, even on cgl, not to assume every response is snarky (I mean, unless it's really obvious that it is). There are helpful nice people here too.

Anyway, this is bad news for me - I'd heard AP was getting bigger, and since I'm losing weight that maybe we'd meet in the middle, but I'm not there yet. I've lost 30 pounds since I started in the fashion but my bust has only lost a couple inches. No AP for me still, maybe one day...

>> No.6558422

Jewel ribbon (back shirred version) is about the same size as the wonder party rerelease. I'm 104 bust 92 cm underbust and its extremely comfortable on me and a lot of extra room. I have one jsk where my underbust is 2 cm over the max waist. It's snug but it doesnt look terrible.

>> No.6560806


>> No.6566099
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>> No.6566102
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>> No.6567989
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>> No.6568582

This would be a lot nicer if the dresses had been ironed. Spoils EVERYTHING

>> No.6568593

kind of OT, but do you think tossing cotton printed (think AP cotton prints) into the dryer on the 'no wrinkle' selection is good for getting wrinkles out of LOTS of clothes? I am trying to put together a wardrobe post and I have stuff in my closet I haven't worn in a long time, so lots of things have wrinkles... trying to think of an easy way to get them out without having to iron every single dress

>> No.6568602

I don't think the no wrinkle-option actually dewrinkles things... I say hang them in the bathroom when you take a hot shower and some of the worst wrinkles should go away.

>> No.6568605

She made it herself. She wrote that in one of the German comms.

>> No.6568627

>Not all fat people eat like disgusting pigs and some skinny people do.

nope doesnt work like that dont make excuses.

>> No.6568657
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>doesnt work like that
Excuse you, I'm quite skinny (or skinnyfat, I guess) but eat like a disgusting pig and sit on my ass all day. My gastrointestinal tract must be metaphysically connected to that of some poor sob who eats healthy but stays fat, because I can (and have) literally eat one full 200g bar of chocolate per day for a week and not gain an ounce of weight.
Person receiving my adipose tissue, if you're in this thread, I'm sorry.

>> No.6568685
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Get a steamer! I bought a $20 little travel steamer and it works wonders. An Iron works great for the bottom of the dresses, but I find the steamer works great where it's difficult to iron (where the skirt meets the bodice and it's heavilly gathered) or things that don't take well to ironing.

Portion sizing and moderation. I've lost about 20lbs and I still have chocolate, sweets, and junk food on occasion, but I stay under 1600 calories on days where I do that (usually it's 1200-1400). Once in awhile, I'll have a day where I eat a lot, but those are special occasions. It takes several days/weeks of eating lots of calories to put on a lot of weight. 3500 calories = 1 pound.

>> No.6568690

the person you are responding to, i have no idea what you are trying to say by this.
unless your eating a good 1000 over required calories you wont see weight gain that fast.

>> No.6568693

Truth about fat and skinny and eating habits:

1- Some skinny people eat a lot (and I DO mean a lot, it's not this "You think you eat a lot but you really don't" shit) and stay skinny. That is due to metabolism, poor calorie absorption, being an ectomorph and other factors.
This is RARE.

2- Some fat people eat normal amounts (NORMAL, not small) of food, and it sometimes IS healthy food and sometimes they also exercise on top of that but still stay chubby at best. This is for similar reasons as the example above.

Nobody is saying all fatties are disgusting pigs who eat all day. Some do have a condition that makes them that way. But _this is not common_. Most are actually eating a lot more than they think they are eating and think they fall into "I have a condition!" category when they don't.

Ok? Ok. Glad we got that out of the way.
Back to posting fatties doing it right.

>> No.6568733

who is this? she's gorgeous, holy shit. tumblr?

>> No.6568749

not the case, fat people in fact have a higher metabolic rate then skinnier people, even a thyroid will not add that much weight which is extremly rare 0.6%.

>> No.6568892


>> No.6568927

Ugh. She's just too cute. I hope that if I ever gain weight i look just like her.

>> No.6568938

Thank you very much.

>> No.6568943
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>> No.6568946

She's a really sweet person too. Her girlfriend is a great dresser too, but she's leaving lolita.

>> No.6568950
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>> No.6568951
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No plus-size thread is complete without Fumiko <3

>> No.6568982

oh god she's adorable
anyone know her tumblr?

>> No.6569385

What's some of her gf's coords look like?

>> No.6569478
File: 103 KB, 397x600, tumblr_mcbjmvQrOi1qcg7u1o4_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here's a pic of them together. Nicole's not plus-sized, though, so she doesn't really belong in this thread.

>> No.6569504


Oh, they're just the cutest couple~

>> No.6569506


Now that's a well dressed couple.

>> No.6573439
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>> No.6573478

>tfw no qt3.14 black lolita gf to coordinate with

>> No.6573489

I freaking love this girl too.
only thing that bothers me, is the thought of what she is inevitably doing to her health. Like, I don't want to see anything bad happen to her, because she is such a rare gem.

>> No.6578483

>Going to Hawaii and not visiting this cafe while staying on the same island as the cafe.

How did I not know of this place, is this really the only one in the U.S?

>> No.6578495

Not really Lolita. Too much boobage. Pretty girl though

>> No.6578546

Whoever runs the gorgeouspluslolita tumblr post some pretty ita crap sometimes, I wish she had a better eye

>> No.6579180

I'll ask in this thread since nobody responded in Lolita General. Does anyone know any good sources for boleros in plus sizes? I especially need brown, lavender, and mint. I checked the taoabo shops that do custom size but nobody seemed to have any in stock.

>> No.6579335

Oo Jia makes boleros

If you don't like her, I'm pretty sure just about any indie seamstress could make some for you, you could just post a WTC on the various communities

>> No.6579362

I believe Lady Sloth does them.