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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 78 KB, 500x750, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6542614 No.6542614 [Reply] [Original]

Do you need stick thin legs to wear a sallopette?i really want one but Im afraid itll be too short and leggy. I assume the reason some coords look more risque than others is the height though.

what kind of Petti do you wear underneath? I'm afraid all of mine would be too long but in most pics I've seen girls are still wearing one, is it just a small tutu skirt in that case?

>> No.6542619

You don't need to have any particular body feature to wear anything. People can wear whatever the hell they want.

Now will it better if you had thinner legs? Not necessarily. I would suggest if you have thicker legs to go with tights when wearing a salopette instead of kneesocks. or regular socks as it can make you look a bit stubby. If you're worried about a petti then just go with a smaller tutu skirt. You certainly don't need the poof that a regular cupcake or a-line petti can give.

>> No.6542626

One of those short chiffon pettis that you see alot in fairy kei gives just the right poof. Otherwise the salopette can look flat and shapeless.

>> No.6542638
File: 170 KB, 439x750, tumblr_m63aj2JvV91roe88uo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No petti or a light HT type petti. Stick thin, no. But make sure you fit the salopette or try to trade it for something more flattering.

Pic related, someone who shouldn't own a salopette.

>> No.6542672

I've got the Academy Tartan salopette in red coming and I really hope I look okay. I don't have much of a bust, but I'm still worried that the salopette will look dumb on me.

>> No.6542679

I see a whale wearing a dress I have to man the harpoons.

>> No.6542683

Hey OP, I'm wanting to get a salopette as well, but I have thick ass thighs and hips. inb4 fatty I'm 5'9 and 124lb, anyways, I think I'll just say fuck it all and get one.

>> No.6542689

She's the reason I'm afraid to wear one, the girl doesn't look like she's super fat or anything Thad just so unflattering

>> No.6542699

I feel like it's the tattoos that make it look more unflattering than it is. They're distracting. She should've worn tights.

>> No.6542715


If you're like 5'9, I doubt you'll find a brand salopette that isn't ridiculously short. I hear a lot of taller girls lamenting their inability to wear salopettes simply because they never even go down past their buttcheeks.

>> No.6542726

I'm 5'4'' I only own one brand dress and its an okay length for me so I assume I'll be okay.

I might get an oo jia one before I splurge on a brand one, especially since she's open to doing different styles for prints.

>> No.6542724

maybe her body in general is not super fat, but omfg that legs are.

>> No.6542727

Depending on how your body is structured (boobs, long torso, etc.), salopette will generally hit your height mid-thigh. I'm 5'3" and that's where my salopette falls.

>> No.6542732


Salopettes look weird when you have big boobs or are fat since they don't fit right. You don't have to be a twig like OP's pic but this girl is a bit too chubby and way too bust heavy for that salopette. Also avoid knee or OTK socks unless you have twig legs.

>> No.6542737
File: 120 KB, 595x571, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what I'm looking for I think paired with matching bloomers it might not matter if its a little short

>> No.6542740
File: 628 KB, 495x675, aaron paul.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope those socks aren't brand. Short skirts just aren't made for fat people and I wouldn't buy expensive clothes that are made for smaller girls if I was that fat. If she's planning on slimming down sometime it's wasteful to stretch out such nice clothes. Just lose the weight then wear 'em. The clothes would look so much better if she was smaller.

>> No.6542761
File: 1.81 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're socks, they cost 30$, chill out.

Brand socks don't look great on thicker calves though, they turn into kawaii sausages

>> No.6542768

OT but I love her wig. Anyone know where I can find something with just that short stip of color?

>> No.6542775

The retarded thing about brand socks is a lot of times the print that's woven in horizontally doesn't stretch but the rest of the sock does so it gets all stupid looking if your legs have any sort of shape.

>> No.6542787

I have that issue with patterned socks from places like sourpuss but I have 3 baby/AAtP socks and I have that problem with none of them. I have kinda big calves and normally otk socks don't work for me so it was a big surprise

>> No.6542812

>chill out
>socks, they cost 30$

see, now you made yourself sound like an entitled brat.

But yeah, light colored socks will definitely emphasize her lumpy calves.

If you have muscular calves you mean? I've had muscle develop over fat (either that or my calves magically doubled in size?) when I ran regularly which kind of ruined my hopes of getting nice slender legs. I have no idea how to avoid it or why it happened. :( guess I'll never have nice legs.

>> No.6542827

My calves aren't especially big, it's more like the non-stretchy part kind of starts to separate from the background because the stretch is running in opposing directions. After a while you get those little threads sticking out all over.
Also I had a pair once where the design running around the ankle had literally no stretch whatsoever and I couldn't get it over my heel (totally blanked out on the name of the series, but the design was like layers of strawberries and cake).

>> No.6542831

Pretty sure that's the new Lockshop wig, maybe?

>> No.6542851

>little threads sticking out all over
Oh god, i hate it when that happens. I've tried washing socks inside out but that would still happen.

>> No.6542871
File: 33 KB, 180x320, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you new here? Go on sock dreams, check out American Apparel. Apart from cheap throw away tights decorative socks can be pricey.
This is a luxury fashion, if 30$ seems like too much you might want to get a new hobby

Also, speaking of bs Lolita prices: did anyone notice the single dreamy sky hair scrunchy costs more than a pair of socks? That's some crap right there, they should at least give you a set for pig tails

>> No.6542883


I always wish they'd give you a pair of scrunchies because I think they make cute wristcuffs. /ita

>> No.6542890
File: 38 KB, 202x694, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, it's just a dollar. Still that's a dayum lot for some spare fabric and bit of elastic

>> No.6542900

I'm sold. I want in on this.

>> No.6542918

well they should be alright, unless you're a 150lbs+ landwhale, in which case you should gtfo lolita in general.
what's more problematic in most cases are the boobs. they look damn ridiculous if you have just a hint of boobage depending on what cut it has.

>> No.6542958

>150 lb

Apparantly you live in magical prissy anorexialand where no one is taller than 5'0?

>> No.6542990
File: 93 KB, 331x424, 1319696160352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>150+ landwhale

>> No.6543009

Your fat builds on top of your muscle. That's why the difference between a "bloated" looking bodybuilder off-season and a "shredded" looking bodybuilder on-season is the difference in fat percentage. Difference areas of the body accumulate fat differently

>> No.6543024

I already do that with scrunchies, it looks great on casual outfits.

>> No.6543033

Big tits and chubby everything else does not work with this kind of look. It would be like giving someone whose apple shaped with rolls a tight tube top. It's doing worse than no favours

>> No.6543046

>implying apple shaped people can wear anything outside sweatpants and hoodies
You're funny.

>> No.6543068

Not the same anon, but unless you're about 5'5+ and 'carry it well', 150lbs is pretty heavy, not land whale, but heavy. Fuck when I was younger(14/15) and 5'7(5'8 now) I weight almost that much and looked like a chubby sausage. Since I've lost the weight I'm somewhere in between a pear and an hourglass, I star looking hefty again if I end up weighing more than 124lbs(if it's fat that is, but let's be honest, most women aren't gaining 10+lbs of muscle)

>> No.6543072

The best case for big apple shapes is to just wear a nice pair of pants, a shirt with a seam under the bust, and a black jacket. They'll still look like a tent, but at least they can be fashionable tents.

>> No.6543070

Who is the person in this image?

>> No.6543075

Salopette means overalls in French

>> No.6543078

I should add *pretty heavy UNLESS you're fairly fit and so most of that is muscle, but that isn't the case for the general population

>> No.6543079

I was chubby at 150 and I'm 5'8, but calling that a landwhale is ridiculous.

>> No.6543082


Same thing

>> No.6543084

Libra what do you look like? I'm curious.

>> No.6543088

Oh I know its pretty heavy for anything under like, 5'5". But over that its not too bad, and especially if you have muscle or have a larger bone structure. I would call it chubby to fat, but def not landwhale.

I know me for example, the lowest I ever got was 135 at 5'7" and I was WAY too thin for my tastes, but I also lift - 145/150 is really where I look best. But I also lift heavy & carry a decent amount of muscle.

....All that said, I would never buy a salopette. they seem to be made for teeny girls.

>> No.6543090

>yellow toes
>bald so i have to wear a wig

When I do go out I wear the tightest clothing even though it doesn't fit me.

>> No.6543103

>chubby to fat, but def not landwhale.

We call that denial

>> No.6543106

We call that I would break you, you annoying tripfag

>200lb deadlift for reps. Suck it.

>> No.6543111

>200lb deadlift

You want a trophy or some cake?

>> No.6543119

can the trophy be made of cake

>> No.6543123
File: 716 KB, 849x625, Screen shot 2013-01-09 at 9.26.06 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all of these women are 5'4 and 150lbs
Some fit
Some not
Some with good proportions
Some who are fit enough to not be flabby

>> No.6543128

135 at 5'7" too thin? Really? I'm 120 at 5'9" and I'd easily say I'm at the low end of chubby. I guess it depends on body type and preference, but 150 at pretty much most feasible heights would be landwhale, imo.

>> No.6543129
File: 1.10 MB, 1902x1889, frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beggars can't be choosers

so much cottage cheese

>> No.6543131

Seriously. Like, my hipbones were sticking out, it was gross.

Muscle + bone structure make a surprising difference when it comes to weight. Like, my underbust will always be 30cm, no matter what I do, because that is how big my ribcage is.

But of course, a lot of people here don't want to acknowledge that, so they just scream fatty

>> No.6543133

>120 at 5'9

Great drop about 5lbs and add some definition and you will look great. 150? I take out the harpoons

>> No.6543136

>implying they didn't lie about their weight

>> No.6543138

120 at 5'9 is nowhere near chubby. Not even the low end.

>> No.6543147

in other words, unless you're really fit, you're at the very least chubby, even if given a few inches of height.
Body shape and muscle mass definitely come into play for how well you can pull off being a bit overweight/high end of what you should be off. Though even with a good shape, you're still going to look pretty chunky if you're bodyfat% is still quite high

>> No.6543148

>120 at 5'9 is nowhere near chubby. Not even the low end.

Depends on the country you are form but U.S/Canada/U.K/Australia all have high averages when it comes to weight.

>> No.6543144

>hipbones sticking out
I don't think you're on the right board.

>> No.6543150

Oh right, I forgot, /cgl is the official pro-ana board.

...oh wait, no its not.

>> No.6543152

Some of these girls look like liars.
I'm 5'4 and about 225, and some of these lying little shits have my body. Especially the first one, I'd guess her more at 180. Some of them look quite healthy though. But I do sense some lying here.

>> No.6543153

I hate stick legs. Everyone has always got to be too fat or too thin. No one is normal weight anymore.

>> No.6543158

I have a really short torso at 5'8 and 116-120, even on days where I'm bloated I don't look chubby, not skinny or noticeably thin mind you, but far from chubby. I also probably have a large frame and am not very fit. So I think you're not exactly seeing yourself for what you look like or have a skewd perception. At most you're slim/average.

As for the other person, she said she lifts, so I wouldn't be surprised if she started to look a bit too thin at a lower weight

>> No.6543159

I'm 200lbs and 5'7" and look like that. But I don't take gross pictures of my fat and post it on the internet.

>> No.6543162

considering it's from a body gallery where they block out their faces that has no comment box, I very much doubt that.
Lying about their body shape, definitely, almost all of them listed themselves as hourglass(the ones on the top)

being 150 isn't going to make the 'typical' woman look very good

>> No.6543182

I say do it. Quite frankly there isn't a lot of images out there for overweight and obese girls to go by. It's kind of sucky as a matter of fact. Just blur out your face or recognizable features about your room and you should be fine.
As long as you accept the fact that you're overweight and aren't in denial about it, very few people are going to push it in your face au contraire to how cgl sometimes acts.

>> No.6543190

I've got the trifecta
>heavy frame

I also have a recognisable body, scars and hair. I might post it when I lose more weight, though it would certainly stop my friends telling me I'm not fat.

>> No.6543191

Seconding this. I know /cgl/ is full of assholes, but while I wouldn't say I find fat rolls particularly appealing, I'm not sickened by them or any of the outrageous responses you keep hearing about hear. It's just fat. Kinda floppy and gross, but it's not some huge deal. And I think it's good for people to understand what others' bodies look like, it keeps people's goals more realistic, and helps people to also make goals for their particular body type by looking for others with similar shapes, bone structure, etc.

>> No.6543235

I don't care what country you're from, that height and weight isn't chubby anywhere

>> No.6543807

Danchelle, a Dutch Lolita.

>> No.6544005


I'm 5'9 and ~125 and my ass is greeting the world in one even without bending over.

>> No.6544009


I'm 5'9 125 and have a 24.5 inch waist, even if someone was not muscular (which I am) it wouldn't be fat AT ALL.

>> No.6544023


At that weight/height you are not fat and also not chubby.
I think that person who posted that comment is either ignorant or trolling.

>> No.6544029 [DELETED] 
File: 117 KB, 500x375, 534fgfg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get on my level, bro.

>> No.6544030


Oh wait...just saw it was Libra that made that comment, I'm definitely going with ignorant then.

>> No.6544035

a 30cm underbust is impossible unless you are five years old. 30in maybe?

>> No.6544048

how about some pictures

>> No.6544049
File: 21 KB, 200x200, you look great.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 5'5 and about 135lbs

I don't think I'm fat or anything but I'm just really weirdly proportioned?

Clothes on, I look fine, but clothes off it seems like my torso is really squished together and no matter how much I exercise my core I can't get that smooth hourglass look.


>> No.6544052


It's just because of your weight and body type, if you lose some fat it will become more normal. Exercising your core alone won't do that.

>> No.6544055

You read it wrong because I was referring to the 150lbs mark and how some countries they see it as a average.

>> No.6544057

You were looking for the word chunky

>> No.6544067

Thanks! It seems like all my height is in my legs. My stomach is as flat as it's probably going to get (without looking malnourished haha) but it's those last few lbs to shave off the sides that are the hardest.

>> No.6544072

I feel you on this. All of my height is in my legs and I have a very short torso. Honestly,there is hardly and space between my ribcage and pelvis.

>> No.6544105

I'm her friend; it's not a wig.

>> No.6544127


I love Dita Von Teese and Jesse Pinkman. This is an awesome photo.

>> No.6544130


Over 150 lbs is verging on landwhale, especially if you're a shorty.

>> No.6544132

Yeah, just a typo. It happens, I didn't feel like deleting my post to fix it

>> No.6544142

All look pretty thick to me. I def wouldnt call them landwhales though.

>> No.6544145

Fat doesn't gather in the same areas for every person. A combination of eating healthy and regular exercise and the fat will start to go. You just have to keep at it.

>> No.6544175
File: 98 KB, 500x667, 1334201341667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


DO NOT focus only one exercise that targets one part of the body. It will not work. Genetics will decide where you lose weight first not the type of exercise you do, so you best bet is to do something like high energy cardio at first. Then after shedding the excess weight, do the targeted exercises.
I've seen enough videos of surgeries to know that fat accumulates just under the skin layer but I still do not understand how i'm not losing fat after running combined with a diet consisting of mostly protein. I''ve been told keeping carb intake under 10mgs per day will force your body to burn more fat but adhering to that kind of diet is tough.

>> No.6544178

What styles does one wear when they're fit but have grossly oversized breasts?

>> No.6544181

does anyone know this girls measurements?
how did she get so thin?

>> No.6544188
File: 180 KB, 500x656, you are what you eat2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>DO NOT focus *on only one


>fat accumulates only under the skin layer

this is only true if you're not too overweight/obese.

I also don't like meat much so can anyone recommend protein that doesn't come from meat like quinoa?

I'd think something that' goes over the bust (to flatten it)? Like a corset-type top or something?

>> No.6544191

that's probably her body type anon, if your frame isn't as thin as hers you'll never look like that.

>> No.6544192

You want to eat right? Only bananas, bell peppers, mangos, grapes, kiwis, apples.

>> No.6544198

They're lying. The girl on the way left and the girls on the way right have to either be short (which they don't appear to be) or lying. They look closer to 170+. If they were fit muscle could give some leeway but they're too flabby for 150.

>> No.6544200
File: 428 KB, 1200x1589, food info.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's probably her body type anon, if your frame isn't as thin as hers you'll never look like that.
>bananas, bell peppers, mangos, grapes, kiwis, apples.

All those contain too many carbs/sugars to be consumed while in conjunction to exercise.

Also here's some interesting info.

>> No.6544214
File: 428 KB, 1200x1589, food info.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bananas, bell peppers, mangos, grapes, kiwis, apples.

All those contain too many carbs/sugars to be consumed while in conjunction to exercise.

Also here's some interesting info.

>> No.6544222

it is simular
i wanted to know how close we were/if i could get closer to that

>> No.6544226

How to get legs like these?

>> No.6544228


some people just can't. you have to have pretty long legs, especially naturally long thigh bones, and genes that mean you can't put on much muscle or fat on your legs.

usually apple shaped people do it easiest, because they put their weight on on their middle. of course, apple is the ugliest body shape and only looks good if they're skinny as fuck.

>> No.6544227

>too many carbs/sugars

Yet somehow the people who are bodybuilding or cutting consume only fruits, vegetables, and a variety of smoothie cocktails.

>> No.6544233

You're confusing trying to shed fat with body building. They're not the same thing. Do you even reading comprehension?

>> No.6544238

You want to shed fat? Stop eating such fatty things? Not a very difficult thing to understand. Also toning is a bit different than the conventional body building.

>> No.6544251

>Stop eating such fatty things?

I did. But sources of protein that aren't from animals or animal by-products almost always contain pesky carbs. And seeing as your body's main source of energy is carbs...

>> No.6544253

I'm not sure about that apple shaped thing but I'm starting to think it's just tall people.

>> No.6544257
File: 207 KB, 800x601, 1330371011168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exercise/diet religiously until you're slim enough then. You'll need to do both if you want to tone up.

go on livestrong.com and read some articles to get you started.

>> No.6544259
File: 56 KB, 600x600, 3xKuQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


nah it's not just tall people. I have a friend who's like 5" 1, and her legs are super thin. so cute <3

>> No.6544263

also quick fact.
>Quinoa has a low glycemic index of 35 compared to other carbohydrates such as white rice, which has a glycemic index of 90, and corn with a value of 65. Glycemic index is a measure of how rapidly an ingested food raises the plasma glucose level. Foods with high glycemic index values can raise the plasma glucose very rapidly and set the stage for body fat gain and development of chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes.

>> No.6544264


>> No.6544278

What do you eat?

>> No.6544295
File: 79 KB, 538x720, her.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is the only picture I have of her where you can see her legs.

>> No.6544302

She looks child sized in general lucky her,

>> No.6544306


Yeah, she's 18 in that picture. Crazy cute.

>> No.6544307

and this, ladies, is why you should disregard Libra immediately, as usual.

>> No.6544308

> toning

Look at this bitch, thinking she knows anything about building muscle

>> No.6544312

>how do I get my legs that thin?
Don't eat well and don't exercise.
Seriously, just don't move.

>> No.6544316

What do you mean by don't eat well?

>> No.6544325

Like, don't eat anything. And if you do make sure it's in tiny portions and is something like celery. Just don't eat anything and don't move.
You're trying to get your muscles to atrophy, because super thin legs like that have a severe lack of muscle definition. The only way to accomplish this is to eat very little protein, carbs, and fats and to not let those muscles get any sort of movement.

>> No.6544326

Why would you want stick legs tho
They look spidery and weird

I like having thighs that are squishy and those dresses are so trashy anyway. The whole fad of being as tiny as humanly possible is so weird. Having no definition to your body just doesn't look good if you're trying to re-create it from a completely different body type.

The girls in the pictures with the twig legs, probably naturally have twig legs so it doesn't look as distorted as it would on someone with larger body type.

You guys are starting to sound like those chicks who want those thigh valleys and starve themselves to achieve it.

>> No.6544329

Oh and you'll probably feel sick and tired as fuck all the time, but at least you'll have your doe legs.

>> No.6544332


Oh please, we've always been like this.

>> No.6544334
File: 124 KB, 950x894, libra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure Libra is a guy, you know.
And not a thin one at that.

Anyone that wants to look good, just needs to eat healthy and exercises. All this mumbo jumbo just detracts from that one true fact.

>> No.6544343
File: 348 KB, 500x669, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this girl is an avid runner though, and check out her legs. ??? I dont know what to believe!!!

>> No.6544345


She looks a little like someone dying of tuberculosis.

>> No.6544354

whole grain oats, leafy greens ( with clementines, for improved iron absorption), beans,soy milk and rice. I only use truvia as a sweetener. There was a point where I ate a ton of fruits high in vitamin A for health reasons.

It's very tough to get used to a strict diet when you're so used to tastier simple carbs.

>> No.6544357
File: 361 KB, 500x667, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well yeah but mostly my point was her legs are tiny tiny but she runs a whole lot, which everyone says will make legs bigger and thicker.

>> No.6544361

>avid runner
Ahah...yeah. "Avid runner" how so? A few laps around the school track or an actual athlete? And how do you know this?

>> No.6544363


I guess she doesn't eat much protein. Doesn't matter how much you exercise, if you don't eat enough protein you don't build up really.

You will, however, get the unfortunate side effect of looking ill all the time.

>> No.6544367

>how are her legs still tiny?
She's most likely been small her whole life and if what you say is true about being an avid runner, then she's been running for years. Cardio doesn't really build a lot of muscle to begin with. It's more of a calorie burner, and hence people who do a lot of cardio tend not to have a lot of body fat. However, since people posting in this thread probably have bigger muscles and aren't cardio bunnies, this isn't a very practical example.

>> No.6544377

interesting crotch bulge she's got going on there. not only that, but her shoulders/collarbone are well muscled, and hands are fairly veiny.

being MtF would certainly explain her twig legs

>> No.6544379

nah, she was a fatty when she was younger. I see what you mean though, THANKS FOR INFO

>> No.6544381

It's just called being skinny.

>> No.6544382

cus I stalk her

>> No.6544385
File: 42 KB, 409x487, WAT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the flying fuck how did no one notice this heap of skin death?!

>> No.6544386

>fatty when she was younger
>she's been running for years
And you're weird. Stop stalking girls.

>> No.6544388

That's what happens when you lose weight very rapidly, you get loose skin. Honestly I suspect an eating disorder. Most people who run are pretty lean, but they're not that gaunt.

>> No.6544393

It really makes me feel uncomfortable that I can see her hip bones... She's a pretty girl, but she looks so sick.

>> No.6544394

And I'm not really sure what you're trying to say, she was fat when she was at the end of middle school and younger and started running in like high school probably, so...

PS it was a joke you can find this stuff just by browsing her blog for a few minutes

>> No.6544396
File: 2.69 MB, 1201x1800, niggers lo res.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even skinny girls have hips and thighs. just because you are skinny does not mean you automatically obtain a masculine body.

>> No.6544397
File: 358 KB, 853x1280, 1355684371092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6544401

>all females have this same very feminine body type
anyway there are pics of her as a little girl, so I'm pretty sure you're wrong pal

>> No.6544403

She's only slim on her top half she's a massive pear and not really that skinny,

>> No.6544408

I'm 5'6 & 1/2 and 147-150lb. and I'm a 27 in Levi Jeans.
Would you consider a 4 a landwhale?

>> No.6544409

All she really has is wide set hips and a big butt, her thighs aren't big

>> No.6544411
File: 254 KB, 1074x716, 1355795687890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i never said that all girls have the same feminine body type. in fact, the opposite--there are a wide variety of body types. i am just arguing against >>6544381, and trying to explain that her figure is not the only way to look skinny.

>> No.6544413

>not skinny

never change, /cgl/

>> No.6544418


You say that like it's a bad thing. Her body is pretty much perfect.

>> No.6544420

Unless you carry your weight absolutely terribly, or you're all fat, I'm having trouble believing this.

I'm 5'6, and when I played soccer, I would gain 15 pounds, bringing myself up to 120, and I still looked like a twig.

>> No.6544421


>> No.6544422

>Her body is pretty much perfect.

That's pretty subjective. Her body isn't really doing anything for me.

>> No.6544425

>tfw actually very underweight

>> No.6544426

/cgl/ - eating disorder general

>> No.6544433


When you type >tfw, you're meant to include a reaction face, genius.

>> No.6544437


They don't think it be like it is but it do.

>> No.6544441

No you aren't I meant it as in 'that feel when'. Congrats, it must suck having to try and be right on the internet all of the time.

>> No.6544445

Ha, look at this fag.

>> No.6544447


>> No.6544450
File: 2.17 MB, 2448x3264, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feel free to judge for yourself, but I definitely find myself easily at the low end of chubby. I don't have a full size mirror, sorry.

>> No.6544456

youre either not 5'9" or not 120lbs
I've got your body with a flatter stomach at 135lbs at 5'6"
it's startling me

>> No.6544455

hi Ophelia. i hope you die of that eating disorder of yours. bye.

>> No.6544458


Fuck off.

>> No.6544460
File: 223 KB, 590x333, 1342821677705.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There's some serious editing going on with your legs, Jesus Christ. You've made yourself look deformed.

If you actually are deformed I apologize.

>> No.6544465

It's true, sorry. I live a nearly completely sedentary life.

>> No.6544468

I don't believe she edited it. She looks like she just has a thick waist and skinny legs, pretty classic ruler shape imo

>> No.6544469

If you don't mind animal by products, I recommend Greek yogurt. I'm a lacto-ova vegetarian and I have to keep up with my iron and protein intake and Greek yogurt is my really quick fix.
Athenos has 23g in a 1 cup serving:

>> No.6544472

I'm posting straight from my phone.

I accept your apology.

>> No.6544471


But her calves compared to her thighs. Dat ain't right.

>> No.6544481
File: 27 KB, 480x468, ps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related. No amount of barfing or starving can land you perfectly airbrushed skin and liquified body parts, ladies.

>because phone pictures cannot be uploaded and edited
You make a poor case for yourself as always.
And you get what's coming to you for being a narcissistic bitch.
>please stop self-posting on r9k

>> No.6544483
File: 960 KB, 500x281, pgpq1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Maybe it's just the angle?

>> No.6544492
File: 4 KB, 286x228, john.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit guys
Everyone gets fat in different places, she must be apple as hell though for those stats

>> No.6544493

I think you've got me confused for another anon. I've never self posted before, much less on r9k. I don't know how else to convince you of no editing, bud.
>narcissistic bitch
>calling myself chubby

>> No.6544496

>posting nudes of yourself online
>in a thread dedicated to skinny legs
>not being a narcissist and not looking for asspats
Let's add delusional to your list as well.

>> No.6544499

>one photo in underwear
>as a reply to people saying they have a hard time thinking that weight/height could be chubby
if you want, I guess.

>> No.6544502

>one photo in underwear
>I'm not a narcissist u gies!
>N-n-no really, believe me I was only trying to help
..uh huh.

>> No.6544504

You're top heavy. All your fat is in your stomach, that's all. So you're not chubby, just really-really-really unfit

>> No.6544508

>mfw you have the same bedsheets as me
>mfw that moment of 'who is this random bitch taking saucy photos in my room' before I realised

>> No.6544516


What makes you think she's really unfit?

>> No.6544518

And that's why I'm anorexic

Thank you

>> No.6544522

>if your frame isn't as thin as hers you'll never look like that.

Anorexic people beg to differ.

>> No.6544527


If you're delicate enough that comments on the internet not even directed at you can make you anorexic, then you deserve it.

And something else would have probably set you up anyway. Like genetic pre-disposition, controlling parents, childhood abuse, reluctance to accept adult responsibility, perfectionism, reduced blood flow to the hypothalamus, high levels of serotonin, anxiety, body dysmorphia, over sensitivity etc

>> No.6544528

Anyone that brags about anorexia deserves to starve and die
I'm happy for you

>> No.6544533

Her stomach, a stomach of a fit person wouldn't look like that. She has zero ab muscle, which is why it's so pudgy looking even though she's got thin legs and arms. If she was fit her stomach wouldn't be that fat, the muscles would work as a internal girdle and hold all the fat more attractively.

>> No.6544657

Anyone who says with running you'll get big legs, oh so wrong. It's very hard for girls to put on muscle unless you take testrone. Most things are genetic, Id love to have stick thin legs but instead I have stick thin arms and very low body fat.. Upper body. Genetics are stupid.

I go to the gym 3 days a week, I do about 15-20 minutes of cardio and for an hour I do quite abit of weights (i have been for a year)I have never gotten bigger.

>> No.6544666

you gotta do squats for bigger legs.

>> No.6544794

Dude, the only reason you're posting that photo and calling yourself chubby is so you can hear people say "oh no you're not, you're fine tee hee hee!!!1!!!"

If you really cared about posting the picture to show an accurate representation, then you wouldn't be doing the ass pop tits out pose. For real.

>> No.6545772

Actually, squats dosent just work out legs. It won't make your legs bigger, it'll make your legs more defined an also helps work out dat ass.

>> No.6545790


I've been biking since last summer and my legs have done nothing but shrink.

>> No.6545820

Even your calves? And is it possible for me to lose weight and still keep the ass?
The weight is mostly on my upper arms and legs. The fat rest on my legs and arms like little sacks hanging down, it's like really wierd. Like at the weight I gain just goes to those places and stays

>> No.6545827

Seconded. And tbh gaining muscle mass from running is really hard. If you just look at professional marathon runners, even the men don't generally have legs that are considered big. Most of them are quite skinny, actually.

It is possible for women to gain muscle mass by going to gym but it is really hard and will require a lot of work and dedication (and eating right things). A few times a week to keep fit won't do that, even with heavier weights.

>> No.6546208


This. I've been lifting heavy for about 8 months and haven't gotten bigger so running sure as hell won't make you bigger.

>> No.6546213

yep, my calves are thinner and more defined looking.
It's hard to say for sure where you will keep and lose the weight, but there are exercises you can do to target your butt. Elliptical machines are great for cardio and a nice booty.

>> No.6546232

Serious biking does give you big legs. Have you guys never seen those women who are really into spin class? I met one with calves way larger than her thighs.

Also, running can make you gain muscle noticeably. While I was training for a half marathon, I lost a little weight, so my thighs got smaller, but my calves got way bigger, harder, and cut. I went from 98lbs to 93lbs, but I was a lot more muscular. I also did p90x 6 days a week and had noticeable biceps from doing chin up s and stuff.

Girls can't bulk up like guys can, but girls can get pretty cut and muscular in their own way. I only recently started lifting again, and my thighs are getting rock hard. Im starting to train for a triathlon, so it's only a matter of weeks before my calves are huge again.

>> No.6546317


I'm 5'9" as well and I have a salopette but it sure does cover my ass and a bit more, it's about mid thigh. (It's an AP salopette)

>> No.6546362

Okay, just checked again, it is a bit shorter than mid-thigh, but then again I also wear a petti under, not super poofy but still a little poof. But there is no butcheeks peeking out at least!
I think it all depends on your leg vs top ratio.

>> No.6546519

obviously if they're trying to gain a lot of muscle they can, but just riding a bike or running won't give you huge legs.

>> No.6548117

5'8 Australian, 125 pounds. Very skinny.
You have to y lying about that waist

>> No.6548128

>I like having thighs that are squishy
I bet you have a flabby arse

>> No.6548154

5'4, 180-190 lb here, and I'd do it. It would be helpful for me to able to actually see my body and how my fat is distributed compared to all the pictures I see on here.

>> No.6550072

I'm not anorexic because a random comment on the internet hit my self esteem, but because of the content of that comment. It IS true and I've thought that ever since I hit puberty.

Every pants ever look like shit, every top that is not baggy does too. Skinny is the only way an apple shape can look OK.

On the bright side, at least I'm not a V. Now that's disgusting.

>> No.6550108

Different anon here. It's very possible that she is telling the truth about her waist measurement. I'm extremely muscular and I also have a 24" waist (and visible sixpack abs) at 5'3.5" and 125lbs. My measurements are 35-24-36 and my body fat % is probably lower than most of the anorexics in this thread from eating clean and lifting 5 days a week. Of course I resemble a Chun Li-style build moreso than the body of a starving person, (20" thighs at the quads, huge bubble butt, yay squats) but the point still stands.

>> No.6550164


Not lying about waist, however I have been lifting weights for 2 years so I have a lower bf% at that weight than the vast majority of women would

>> No.6550221

>>6550108 here. Me too! I'm at 13%. Ripped as fuark. In the last three months I've had two places offer me sponsorships to compete as a figure model. Still thinking about it. I'm a trainer so it would be a suitable activity to bring in more clients.

>> No.6550258

I have much jealousy of your proportionality. unless I became super thin or got implants, I'm pear shaped forever because 31" bust & weights/karate/triathlon.

>> No.6550552

I'm an anorexiafag and some of you guys have fucked up ideas of fat vs. skinny even to me.

>> No.6550575

Thank you! Pear shape is super sexy though, I bet your hips and thighs are epic. It's so nice to see another athletic anon posting here and being proud of her muscles and fitness. <3

>> No.6550765

>see, now you made yourself sound like an entitled brat.
Um, no, now she's made herself sound like she knows what lolita actually is. Generally all AP socks are $30.

>> No.6550779

And they're all fat landwhales.

>> No.6550780

This pretty much. 30 bucks for socks sounds outrageous if you are not a lolita, but this whole "omg I hope these are not brand cause they will be stretched" thing is a total noob's attitude. If someone pays 30 bucks for socks they better wear the shit out of them and enjoy them, at the end of the day they are socks, meant to be worn, walked in, washed, get grubby and eventually ruined like all socks. So what if they get stretched a bit, big deal.

>> No.6551401

I actually feel like my thighs never look as defined/muscly as I think they should in comparison to what I use them for, just like...kinda fat thighs with a tiny bit of quad definition above my knee when I tense. But my body fat% is up a bit at the moment because of eating lots of crap, so we'll see what happens in a month or so.

>> No.6555574


Looks like the girls that were in the Medical clinic I was sent so, they were in the eating order ward.

They all looked like models, but you'd just see them walking constantly after every meal, just keep circling the block til their friends told one of the nurses and they had to bring htem back inside.

>> No.6555594

I think what you meant to say is
>I have image issues and a warped sense of what constitutes a landwhale.

>> No.6555613

I bet you say that to everyone who points out you're fat.

>> No.6555618


So when someone is fat we call them land whales. Do you see something jiggling? That's fat

>> No.6555620

Anyone who's skinny is going to look like them. Naturally or not, ED or not.

Stop bullshitting and saying it like she's so skinny she's on the verge of death, because she clearly is not.

>> No.6555631

Oh, I'm so sorry..

>> No.6555668

Dropped your trip there Libra, and no. Landwhales tend to be on the far end of fat and into obesity. Stop using vocab that you don't know how to use in proper context.

>> No.6555735
File: 2.69 MB, 360x203, 1333072412424.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow has this turned into weight thread cause you know what i need to /rant/

i am 129 lbs at 5'5 and I am such a goddamn apple shape I JUST WANT TO LOSE MY WAIST FAT ITS STILL AT 36 INCHES AND I HATE IT.

>> No.6555843

straight height and weight wise I seem like a fucking whale. Why do I look SO different than people who post saying they're my height and weight? I don't want to be stuck up, but I'm so much skinnier AND have a better ass than everyone who's claiming they're my height and weight :/ Maybe I'm just crazy.

>> No.6555882

I think I have an eating disorder
I'm 5'3 and 105lbs--which is normal weight, average even-- but I haven't had my period in 7months and I'm addicted to laxatives. Am I the only one addicted to laxatives? I know they can seriously fk me up, but its so addicted to see the number decrease.

>> No.6556005

Honestly, get off the laxatives, eat more leafy greens and do some exercise; I know it's addictive to watch the numbers go down, but it's more important to be healthy which means eating sensibly and exercising sensibly, with the goal being health rather than numbers on a scale. You're probably losing essential salts/minerals, especially magnesium and potassium. You won't notice it because your body compensates massively until they get so low it can't compensate any more...and then, if you don't kill yourself from a fatal arrhythmia, you can still fuck yourself up big time.

>> No.6556014

also, please go see someone about getting help. Even if you don't have a definable 'eating disorder', your attitude towards weight and laxatives is definitely disordered, and you're not 'normal-average', you're underweight for your height unless you happen to be Asian (as there's a lower reference range for them due to higher body fat % at any given weight compared to Caucasians/other ethnicities)

>> No.6556021

This. You are fucking your heart up so bad. I was lucky enough that laxatives didn't appeal to me too much at my worst--they will fuck you up in ugly ways.

The good: It's a much easier addiction to kick than a lot of things. Lots of water and leafy greens like anon suggested. At first this will make you feel bloated. Hold out for a whole day. If you survive it without taking laxatives, you're going to love it. You will shit like 3 pounds.

If you still feel uncomfortable doing just water, try some teas that are known for having a laxative effect. I wouldn't suggest coffee.

>> No.6556053

>underweight for 5'3
not really, it's 6lbs difference. It's not a point of 'you need to gain weight' more like 'you could gain weight' But most people fluctuate between this
Being asian would have nothing to do with it, the only difference with Asians is the way bodyfat is stored. Asians tend to have more fat that outlines the organs than fat that rests on top of the muscles. Added to the fact that most Asians gain weight around the belly area, Asian people should keep a close-ish eye on their body fat%

>> No.6559637
File: 1.91 MB, 329x319, Nam dog.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.6559641
File: 278 KB, 577x469, Consider the Following BRS Figma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 154lb and a 6'1 dude, I can certainly imagine a girl of the same weight at the very least being on the chubby side. I agree though; 'land-whale' should be reserved for obese girls. 'Ham-beast' is more fitting for girls that are overweight but not obese.

>> No.6559649

None of those are at an optimal physique.

>> No.6559662
File: 2.67 MB, 400x225, laugh spit drink.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
