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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 134 KB, 268x700, tumblr_llo6eorj451qia00to1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6498000 No.6498000 [Reply] [Original]

What are your unpopular lolita opinions? I really, really like shapeless dresses. The kind you wear with out a petticoat that give you absolutely no figure. Whenever a brand comes out with one, I always seem to hear girls raging over how unflattering it must be. I also think girls can look very cute without a petticoat. Pic somewhat related, flat skirt hnnnnggggg.

>> No.6498011
File: 46 KB, 640x480, secret_shop_shoes_9807_-_black_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really, really dislike the way tea party shoes and a lot of lolita-specific shoes look in general. Dunno why, but I've always found them cheap and tacky looking, even the brand ones. I do like IW shoes, though.

>> No.6498019

I really, really really dislike headbows. The ones that are a big bow on a fabric-covered thin headband that you're supposed to perch between your bangs and the rest of your hair. I don't think anyone looks good with them and they just look stupid and incongruous. I wish lolitas wore dresses with plain hairs or hair pinned up in olden styles.

>> No.6498026

This. I really dislike the round balloon-nose most lolita shoes have. It just doesn't look feminine to me and the pile of bows doesn't fix it either.

>> No.6498030

I really like princess sleeves and raschel lace.

>> No.6498033

I'm not sure how unpopular of an opinion this is, but there is really nothing about old school lolita that is appealing to me. If the fashion hadn't evolved into what it is now I never would have gotten into lolita.

>> No.6498055

short socks over tights/stockings
so tacky

>> No.6498059

I like that too - the straight silhouetted little sailor girl look always appealed to me, and I think that can be adapted into lolita

>> No.6498061

not like japanese schoolgirl, but more like Madeline and drop waist dresses.

>> No.6498067

I also adore drop waist dresses!

I hate lolita shoes, especially the kind with a platform and too many ribbons. Teaparties are alright but if I got the opportunity to burn all the offbrand rocking horse shoes in the world I would do it.

>> No.6498084

I hate ankle socks and I hate those painting dresses that are all the rage now.

>> No.6498089
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>> No.6498112

I completely agree and find it very difficult to find shoes I like that I can wear with lolita. Most look cheap and plasticy and the round shape is dreadful. A bunch of straps and bows look kind of ita to me, though I appreciate that they can be done well.

>> No.6498125

I really hate to wear JSK with blouses. I think blouse+JSK combo really looks retarded.

>> No.6498132

I really dislike rocking horse shoes, i just can't stand how they look like, even if they compliment the coord. And I agree with >>6498011 so I have to suck it up and use them because they have a better quality.

>> No.6498130

I completely agree, I think oldschool lolita looks really tacky and just... out of date? The fashion has evolved just like mainstream fashion does.

>> No.6498137

I find most fandom inspired lolita coordinates extremely tacky

>> No.6498153

I think prints are damn ugly(especially AP's) and making the fashion look like childplay.

>> No.6498172

I don't understand why local comms need moderators.

>> No.6498177

Because someone need to remove possible spam and ban creepers?

>> No.6498179

And powertrip at meets.

>> No.6498193

I absolutely love old lady floral prints. Anything that looks like it could be hanging up in your grandma's house is just gorgeous.

>> No.6498202

I totally agree with you on this one. Tea parties, especially, are beyond fug.

I hate bows. Headbows, bows attached to dresses, on shoes, on bags, as a decorative motif--hate 'em. Ruffles, pintucks, lace, scalloped hems, bands of ruching, pleats, and more lace please? Love. But bows can fuck right off.

>> No.6498238

I love love love giant platform shoes, the kind that you see in manga with goffic roris that are two feet high with straps everywhere. Bubble toes, bat wings, I adore them ever so much. Giant boots that lace up, too. Big shoes make lolitas look tiny and adorable, and are just too much fun to pass up.

>> No.6498279

You smell like Chicago.

>> No.6498286

animal/toy prints
I hate them with a burning passion.

>> No.6498297

I hate those shoes with the angel wings on the side. I think Dakota wore them once.
They look like they're made of gum.

I also don't like printed stockings/socks.

>> No.6498301
File: 40 KB, 640x480, 1328189468952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate pink. Especially on girls over 14. It's a bad color and looks bad on most skin types.

>> No.6498311

Me too. It's ita as fuck but I just want to wear my giant visual kei boots and stmp about in my frilly dresses.
I'm scared of a lot of AP prints because they would make me look like an age player.

>> No.6498335

That's not how fashion works.

>> No.6498337
File: 22 KB, 300x400, 192920020019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Meta's tacky prints

>> No.6498340

jesus christ how horrifying

>> No.6498343

Everyone seems to hate the "Gothic Aristocrat Vampire Romance" thin on Moitie prints but I love it, it's admittedly tacky but to me it's fun.

>> No.6498348
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I've been saving this one.

>> No.6498353

That's one of my favorite meta prints. I have the skirt. It's one of my favorite items.

>> No.6498354
File: 103 KB, 533x799, 1345949697669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate dark makeup. Don't do it. Just don't.
I feel just the opposite! To each their own, I guess.

>> No.6498357

I agree when there's a collar. I hate collars in general but when you're wearing a dress and then all of a sudden there's this massive fucking collar that isn't part of the dress it just looks ridiculous.

>> No.6498359
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From my comm. This is why we need mods.

>> No.6498363
File: 36 KB, 300x400, 108105030019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lucky! I love march of the dunk but I never see it for sale.

I've been hunting down this piece for years, too, with no luck! my goal is to have a Meta wardrobe, I freakin' love them.

>> No.6498370
File: 68 KB, 894x335, dreamskirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unf Meta's tacky shit. I covet pic related with all of my being. I have it in white and blue but this one is my ultimate lolita dream piece. Dat buttflap.

>> No.6498371
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Though now with that typo, I want to see a Meta basketball print. C'mon Meta! You gave us typewriting squirrels, give us sports!

>> No.6498374

I think dresses that are slightly "too short" look really cute

>> No.6498376
File: 97 KB, 720x960, IMG_32402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I absolutely hate bonnets. They give the instant "derp" factor to an outfit.
Pic related. I love Sapphira so much, she's my biggest lolita inspiration but the bonnet just takes away all of her elegance.

>> No.6498378

Agreed 100%.

Also I don't think lolita clothing is that tiny. It's small, yes, but not unreasonably so, and you don't have to be an anorexic midget in order to fit into it like so many people imply. In fact I fit into more brand pieces at 38-31" than I do now at 31-23".

>> No.6498395

Agreed! Especially with a higher waistline, it makes your legs look so much longer and elegant.
I used to think bonnets were so stupid and immature but now I'm chewing my own arm off for wanting one.

>> No.6498402
File: 90 KB, 250x334, tumblr_mcyw25Rioq1rd3bgro1_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think the candy violet chemise dress is THAT bad, especially since she only charged $175. The only thing I disliked was that she shooped the fabric of the stock photo so much that it was hard to tell that the fabric itself was super sheer

>> No.6498413

lol, I'm >>6498011 and I love rhs, especially the narrower, pointier version Bodyline has. But tea parties and bubble-toed shoes... eagh.

Also, I freaking hate AP's Misty Sky. I don't think I've ever seen it coordinated well and it just looks silly and unflattering on every single person who's worn it and it's just a really stupid-looking print.

>> No.6498420

I hate hate HATE florals & completely solid colored dresses. I'm not fond of classic in general bc it looks grannyish.

I'm not fond of sweet bc it looks to childish.

I generally don't like the age complexs in lolita.

>> No.6498427

I love that print. Yet, I agree it doesn't suit lolita fashion. I would love to see it in an otome coord, though. A fairy-kei one could look great as well.

>> No.6498433
File: 188 KB, 700x358, toy_parade_one_piece_bk_11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll never understand why people get so angry when normalfags call lolita childplay, but they'll still wear prints with things like kiddie toys on them.
Yes, I'm looking at you Toy Parade.

And who could even deny that some of these look like things you'd find on nursery wallpaper?

>> No.6498435


>> No.6498456

There's a difference between childish and child/ageplay, though? I mean you presumably wouldn't go up to a woman wearing a Disney t-shirt and flouncy skirt and go OMG R U AN AGEPLAY FETISHIST!?!

>> No.6498458

I agree so, so hard about headbows not looking good on anyone. If you don't have massive hime bump hair, just don't even try.

I guess the only one I have that hasn't been mentioned yet is empire waisted dresses. They look good on absolutely no one. Not sure how unpopular an opinion that is, though.

>> No.6498462

God this, a friend of mine and I were talking about an online comm at a meet and she just kept going, "Oh, well I mod it, well I mod it, well I'm a mod" without dropping her user or anything. It just really rubbed me the wrong way

>> No.6498463

Well no, but that's because it's not culturally shunned to appreciate Disney to begin with.

But if it were, say, baby Mickey and Minnie mouse in their diapers on a pastel shirt? And it's on an older adult? Yep. That's a bit freaky.

>> No.6498471


They do have a point though. Ffs that print has building blocks, a pull-along elephant toy, and a rocking horse if you completely ignore the stuffed animal aspects.
That's a world of different imagery than wearing a Disney tee with Snow White on it.

>> No.6498494

Oh man, so much this. I have so much trouble finding lolita blouses that I like because they always have this huge horrid collar (or the sleeves are too short, or a million other little things that I just can't stand). Thank go for boleros and cardigans.

>> No.6498508

I hate puff sleeves and how they are everywhere. Cos they look so cute but on me its like shit!

>> No.6498521

huh, without that weird strap those would be perfect for a luka cosplay

>> No.6498523

I hate giant pigtail wigs no matter what color they are.

>> No.6498524

If i'm making a dress, I'd rather just go without lace entirely sometimes than use the cheap shit at JoAnn's.
And I think a lot of newer sweet prints are just ugly.
I really do love Meta though. So sad I missed out on Typewriting Squirrels.

>> No.6498526

And I think "split" wigs look ridiculous.

>> No.6498531

With regard to replicas, I don't get why people say "there are so many other options: indie, other brand pieces, custom handmade..." Well yes, but they don't make that specific print, and obviously if someone is buying a REPLICA they don't care about the "status" of a print, chances are they want that print and nothing else will do. I don't give two shits about the replica debate outside of this but it really irks me because people who are anti-replica don't seem to understand why people want specific print replicas in the first place.

>> No.6498538

This, except I do know there's people who exist who lie about their replicas being real and want people to fawn over them.

I however bought my replica because I love the print. And unfortunately it's so old now that nobody ever sells it, it's so valued that nobody would want to sell it, and even then I probably couldn't get the colorway I want in the cut I want it in.
And I'm sure anything I'd get would have been worn more than twice. I have a problem with paying mint prices for used clothes.

>> No.6498539

Me too. I used to think they were kind of cute, but now I think they are so overused and poorly styled. They're the worst in crazy colors, but even natural ones frequently look bad.

For that matter, I don't really like pastel/crazy color wigs in general. Some people can work them into a coordinate well, but the majority can't.

>> No.6498541
File: 56 KB, 960x640, 544500_323692531055111_568609678_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with this. There aren't many indie shops that do original prints. If they do, it's nothing like what say, AP has as far as cutesy sweet stuff goes... aside from a couple of tao bao shops, but they don't offer custom sizing as far as I know. There's plenty of nice things if you're going for classic or gothic, especially on TaoBao or various indie designers. But when it comes to sweet, which is the most popular, there's little to nothing outside of say that one japanese carousel print that everyone uses.

Personally, I started out with replicas but I started leaning more toward owning brand simply because the quality is much better. I don't wear Lolita everyday and I felt quality over quantity was a better choice. Probably wouldn't mind owning OoJia's Sugary Carnival for instances where I wouldn't want to mess up brand though.

>> No.6498558

The two sweet prints released on taobao were both offered custom size IIRC. Even Infanta, who never do custom sizes on a regular basis, accepted it for a fee as long as you ordered during the reservation period.
But just wait and see. More new shops are churning out sweet prints and I'm sure there will be a wider variety in the future.

>> No.6498561

I recently did a taobao order with a friend who bought the DoL SC and it really looks like shit compared to brand pieces that I own. I guess it makes sense in some instances for people to buy replicas but she can fit into brand, she owns brand and literally dropped $1000 on a bunch of new AP and there was someone selling her SC in our comm in the same colorway my friend wanted and she bought the replica instead.

This sort of thing just really really bugs me for some reason.

>> No.6498562

But the thing is, it isn't just sweet prints. For example, AP's Melty Chocolate. If you covet Melty Chocolate, you covet *Melty Chocolate,* not another dessert print, not a similarly colored and styled sweet print, not IW's chocolate print, not even Kisyoyo's Little Chocolate. Nothing else will do.

>> No.6498569

Melty Chocolate is the reason my heart beats, you're right on the chocolate money there. I don't know why the replicas aren't still being made, the demand still seems pretty high.

>> No.6498570

I don't understand why anyone likens anything sweet lolita related to ageplay, The most popular clothing to wear as an ageplayer are jean rompers, tshirts with cute motifs on them, diapers, and feetie pajamas.
Prints like Toy Parade and Toy Fantasy may be "childish" but they are not "ageplay".

I mean who the fuck wants to have sex or play around in an uncomfortable and extremely expensive dress?

>> No.6498571

I'd color while wearing Toy Fantasy. The only reason I like any of those prints is because I think they'd be great for age play.

>> No.6498578

So? Then you don't get it! That's what I don't understand, there are plenty of things in other hobbies that people covet but cannot have and they deal, they don't get a chinese ripoff because it isn't the same and people who do that end up regretting it. The feeling of having the real thing is 100x better. You can't replace honey with sugar.

>> No.6498596

You mean the Anglomania Wing shoes from Vivienne Westwood, they are made from PVC.

>> No.6498600

But having something is often better than nothing?
Let's not get in to a big replica debate here. I understand you'd rather have the real thing or nothing at all, but I'd prefer a little something to help me feel a little closer to my dream. Each to their own.

>> No.6498608
File: 50 KB, 500x667, 1353724736357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people don't buy knockoffs of anything else!
You're so naive, heh.
Know when you go to the grocery store and buy store brand and not name brand? Same concept, sugar tits. You're paying less money for almost the same quality.

>> No.6498614

obvious same fag. The insult you're looking for here is ageplay, not "childplay"

>> No.6498616
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>> No.6498617

Um. (>>6498433) here and no. Stop arguing with yourself.

>> No.6498621

Hobbies, can you read? I'm pretty sure that a star trek fan would rather have the actual dvd box set than an cheap chinese rip off. Also the food comparison is really stupid you can't make ~replica food~ and the quality of cheap food is just that, cheap, ever read the ingredients? I'm assuming you're a land whale who really wants to look like a fat fucking baby made of cotton candy so you have to buy fakes since Japan doesn't want blimps wearing their pretty clothes.

>> No.6498618
File: 315 KB, 720x720, 1324534321425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, it's really not, "sugar tits".

>> No.6498619

You actually had a point, and I totally agree with your example, too bad it was drowned out with your excessive use of condescending language. Fuck off.

>> No.6498623

Whatever sis

>> No.6498625

Oh, I didn't know that grocery stores stole the EXACT same logo and packaging artwork as name brands, badly xeroxed it onto a container, and put their shitty product inside.
And if you think replica prints are the same quality, then go on ahead wearing badly printed wrinkly ugly crap.

>> No.6498630

The only falacy I have ever found with this argument is that the generic brands almost always taste shitty and bland compared to the real brand name foods. Like real cheerios taste worlds fucking better than the knock offs. The generic macaroni and cheese tastes like nasty cardboard and fake plastic compared to the real kraft mac and cheese.

Its the same with lolita. You pay less.... you get a far shittier but presumably "comparable" product.

>> No.6498631
File: 169 KB, 900x896, 1351725963941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not knowing that the "shitty product" often comes from the same food manufacturer as brand name products

Oh, you poor, buttsavaged girls in your blind rage.

>ablooblooing about my 'condescending language' when you condescend on replica wearers all the time

>> No.6498633

Then tell me, why does it taste shitter, and not look quite the same?

>> No.6498635
File: 331 KB, 512x312, H8ERSGONEH8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh God, and then the replica rages destroyed a perfectly good thread.

Back to unpopular opinions, please. There's clearly nothing unpopular about any replica-related opinions or none of you would be talking.

Le't talk about colours. I think I'm bored of most conventional colourways.

>> No.6498637

And also, I didn't "bloo bloo" about your condescending attitude. I'm just being honest about what I think. It's no secret that replicas aren't good quality. And if you try to argue that they're /exactly/ the same as brand, well, you're just not right..... Sugar tits.

>> No.6498640

Placebo effect for the most part actually.
They did a test like this with brand names of water once.
They took the brand name waters and served them to test tasters who said that they were better when it was only faucet tapwater, and when served the tapwater that was actually brand water they said it wasn't as good.

>> No.6498643

>ablooblooing about my 'condescending language' when you condescend on replica wearers all the time

Lol that was me, and i've never been condescending towards replica wearers, since I don't give a fuck. Though after seeing how retarded the other girls in this thread are (Seriously, sometimes food brand manufactuers actually own the shittier off-brand products you can buy just to eliminate competition, so it's all the same thing you ignorant cunts) I don't actually blame your use of condescending language.

>> No.6498644

I'm not arguing they're exactly the same as brand.
I don't know why you're adding that conjecture to my original statement there, sugarcube.
I merely said that people buy knockoffs all the time and they're relatively close if not almost the same (in the case of food).

>> No.6498646

But the brand name and generic don't even look alike most the time. The generic cheerios look all weird and puffy compared to the real ones. And they taste like dirt.

I could see what you're saying with water, but, with other stuff it's not always the same.

>> No.6498647
File: 74 KB, 479x435, 1337321697492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>attacking the 'tone' and not the facts
Typical female logic when hearing something they don't like.

>> No.6498650

I'm sorry, but replicas are not even almost the same quality as brand. End of story goodbye.

>> No.6498651

I don't care how many of you are the same or different people, please take this elsewhere. Start a replica thread or something, this has strayed too far.

Just because anon said something to you doesn't mean you need to answer back.

>> No.6498656

Nice try, but I >>6498643 already addressed that here. Please try and keep up with the thread. Funny how your post offered no input towards anything whatever, accept attacking the "logic" of my post.

>> No.6498658

God you're an unbelievable bitch sometimes.
That's not what I said to begin with, so yes, good day sunshine.

>> No.6498657

Sorry you don't have friends.

>> No.6498663

Okay, my unpopular opinons?
I hate people who use the word ita to describe somthing that they personally don't like.
I also hate people who complain about other people confusing them with ageplayers because "sweet lolitas are destroying this fashion!!!1!"
I also don't care for wearing dresses without a petticoat in order to make them look more "mature". If it was made to be worn with a petti, chances are it looks like shit without one.

>> No.6498666

That might not be what you said to begin with, but it's where you ended up sunshine

>> No.6498667

Me too. As much as I love burgundy, black, and dark green (Gothic/Classic Lolita here) I like it when less popular colors like yellow/gold and purple are represented. And don't even get me started on Sweet colorways...

>> No.6498664

I love fatties in lolita because they make me look ten times better in comparison. I don't know how unpopular this is but most of what I see is ranting about how fatties should get the fuck out of lolita and I want them to stay forever. Also some of the best deals I've gotten on damaged brand are from fatties damaging seams that I just fix.

>> No.6498670
File: 16 KB, 300x300, bp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Insecure people need to gtfo of lolita
>mfw I remember this isn't an unpopular opinion

>> No.6498671

It's okay babyboo, I'll let you have the last word. It must be important to tripfags like yourself <3

>> No.6498672

Yep, this. Lolita requires confidence to pull off.

>> No.6498673


>> No.6498674

Purple seems to be really rare.
Like, not ugly goth purple, but a rare victorian deep purple or dusty lilacs.
Even in sweet, lilac is normally just an accompaniment colour.

I think people are wising up to sizing, everything I ever bought off comms was from girls who couldn't fit their purchases but i don't much of that now.

>> No.6498679

It might be because a vivid purple can be overwhelming if there's too much of it. I'd like to see what brands could come up with in a deep purple though, could be really pretty.

>> No.6498680

Ugh this. And it's stupid because so many girls think they're being confident when they're actually being insecure.
>I like it when fatties dress in lolita because I think I look better in comparison ^_^

>> No.6498681


I desperately want to see a plum and gold dress.
I prayed quietly with all my might that Gloria would've been released in plum and gold, but to no avail. Not surprised though.

>> No.6498683


>> No.6498687

bananna split

>> No.6498688

A deep plum is definitely what I had in mind. I'm not much of a purple fan myself, but it would be awesome to have the option.

>> No.6498692

i'm not too fond of natural hair in coords - it always looks too... flat and doesn't balance the extravagance of the rest of the outfit

unless you have rapunzel-tier flowing tresses, use a wig

>> No.6498691

I'm not >>6498671, but you're such a joke. I'm actually laughing here. Worrying about winning a debate on a chan? lol. It's pretty funny.

>> No.6498693

I was hoping for a forest green

>> No.6498694

>still trying to revive a dead argument and derail the thread more
Not much on the agenda today, eh?

>> No.6498696

Not really. Nope.

>> No.6498697

Oh and btw I'm the anon HB was arguing with, and I still don't care about it. Let it go.

>> No.6498698

Dude. I was joking. Settle down, shit.

>> No.6498702

Oh that would be so gorgeous! Call me lazy but gold is hard to hand make well, I love gold embroidery but unless you can get an embroidery machine that shit has to be bought.
And off topic, where'd your tumblr go?

>> No.6498703

Honestly what the fuck is your problem? Are you trying to derail this whole thread with your inflammatory endearment bullshit?

Honestly lolita does wonders for my security and self-esteem. It helps me feel pretty and when I feel pretty I'm more productive in other areas of my life as well. Not to say everyone in lolita is insecure, but I think a lot of people flock to lolita for similar reasons.

>> No.6498705

AP Gloria or AatP Gloria? Either one would have been amazing in dark green.

>> No.6498708

Well this is the thing, I have no problems with people wanting to feel pretty in elegant and expensive clothes. I have no qualms against girls getting dolled up for photos.

But when they start to get nasty and pick on other girls or compare themselves to them, then I think that rides on the tail of being majorly insecure.

>> No.6498709
File: 25 KB, 300x300, img-thing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unless I'm just not looking hard enough, I wish a larger variety of brands would release more empire waist/baby doll styled dresses. I'm built like an upside down triangle, so unless the waistline is high or it's like pic related, I know I'm going to look weird. Unfortunately the only brands that seem to consistently release things with higher waists are sweet brands, and I usually only like about 20% of their stock.

>> No.6498712

Wait, you're going to get on my case for "inflammatory endearments"? You must have missed the sugar tits part.

>> No.6498713

Gloria, but yes, both!

>> No.6498727

unrelated but i dont see a lolita general
so, dryel? can it be used with lolita clothes without damage?

>> No.6498730

The irony in these posts is painful. Jesus christ ladies, take your own advice.

>> No.6498742 [DELETED] 

General here

Or if you get some serious stains, you'll feel better here.

>> No.6498747

General here

Or if you get some serious stains, you'll feel better here.

>> No.6498748
File: 938 KB, 500x339, tumblr_m94krfBGZq1qdc388o1_r1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats not a lolita general tho

>> No.6498752


I don't know *anything* about sewing or stuff, but I always imagined metallics were tough to work with.

It's still there! I just removed the hyphen because hyphens mess with the tagging system.

>> No.6498754

Just because the same company makes them doesn't mean it's the same quality, they use lower quality goods to make them, that's why they are cheaper, they just repackage them because people are stupid and most brands don't want you to know. A company that sells an organic free range beef lasagna for $15 doesn't want people to know that they also sell a shitty one with D grade pet food for $4

>> No.6498756

>comparing waters to msg filled soup vs healthier soup made with sea salt.

oh okay.

>> No.6498762

thanks! thought the thread was deleted because i was getting an error message every time i posted.

>> No.6498771
File: 54 KB, 250x333, m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish more brands would come out with more traditional European style dresses, rather than just adding traditional elements to it. I want some based on German national clothing, as well as medieval garb.

>> No.6498778
File: 135 KB, 266x350, kawaiimedievalshirt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know, some of the more time period stuff makes me worry I'll look like a renaissance fair goer.
God forbid I'd look like someone from an obscure geeky clothing hobby rather than an obscure weeby clothing hobby.

>> No.6498780
File: 101 KB, 201x216, 1332864592891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are all lolitas this stupid? /ck/ here.

>> No.6498781
File: 107 KB, 482x1096, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm imagining a lolified, shorter, maybe more full skirted side less surcoat. Worn over a cute non print dress! Man, so cute!

>> No.6498784

/cgl/ has a lot of stupid people.

>> No.6498789

Go away replica anon. No your dresses aren't brand quality

>> No.6498803

/cgl/ is an infamously stupid board.

>> No.6498808
File: 32 KB, 500x391, deal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think my MMM replicas are pretty on par with the actual brand.
All I see about real MMM is cheap chiffon, print screens, and slightly above-average construction.
The biggest difference is people pay the extra $300 more than what it's worth.
Come at me, sis.
>cue the shitstorm of everyone telling me why I shouldn't actually be satisfied with my product because I didn't pay to be special~

>> No.6498836

How would you know if you've never had the real thing?

>> No.6498842

You're right. Clearly I'm a hermit who has never been outside to have seen the light of day or interact with lolitas who do own MMM. You caught me anon, a golden star for you.

>> No.6498868

lol wut

Signed, a fourth year fashion student

>> No.6498880
File: 262 KB, 853x1280, TK-2011-08-06-003-001-Harajuku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't really think it ever reminded me of 'ageplay', I guess because I think of the fetishist who use diapers and sit in highchairs, playing with kiddie toy when I hear 'ageplay'. On that note though, I never really got into buying lolita once I started making money, because I don't want to wear candy, pastry, or kiddie toy overly sweet prints. I don't like them.

Is gothic lolita dead, does it still exist in forms other then lace monsters and black and white? :( [Picture not really what I'm going for.)

>> No.6498889

That's not an unpopular opinion....

>> No.6498894

gothic lolita, see: Moitie, Atelier Pierrot, Atelier Boz, Alice Auaa, BPN, h.NAOTO, Alice & the Pirates

>> No.6498895

The majority of girls who wear replicas act like the only lolita options are brand and replica. I'd have enough to afford Puppet Circus if I had a dollar for every time I saw someone try to justify illegal replicas with "well, not e eryone can afford a $300 dress, how else can I be a lolita?"

>> No.6498898
File: 103 KB, 960x720, sc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is something that is annoying me this morning.
>People who 'review' their new replica outfit and don't even have the original and it's the first outfit they've even owned
How can you even review something when you have nothing else to compare it to? Sure, people may be interested in how DoL's Sugary Carnival looks, but there are plenty of great reviews of comparisons between different replica brands and the actual brand WITH ACTUAL FUCKING QUALITY PHOTOS.
It's just like Rabbit777 all over again, giving off all this advice and acting like a superior lolita who knows everything and is the hub of information...yet can't actually dress in lolita to save her life. These kinds of people are pathetic.
Pic related, another shit-tastic post on Cosloli Club's page.

>> No.6498897

I agree (31"/25). My main complaint is that most brand is too big for me; there's only so much corset lacing and waist ties will do when the cut of a bodice is simply too large. I actually think since I started wearing lolita I've gotten lazy and fatter, because it's not that fitted and hides all the areas I gain weight in (legs, thighs, lower stomach)

>> No.6498905

God I am so much fatter since I started wearing so many petticoats and shirred dresses. My skinny lolita privilege has warped my body image to Kate Moss, but my skinny jeans aren't being so friendly.

>> No.6498921

>implying people give a shit about "illegal" stuff
No, people just don't like it when other girls have similar to what they do but for a cheaper price than what they paid. "Illegality" is just a convenient argument to disguise their spite behind.

>> No.6498928

I think bonnets can look good with everything but sweet.

>> No.6498932

>i only own one replica and I've never owned brand because I'm 150lbs over weight and they're the best ever even if the words look really blurry and it's poorly made shit but fuck you because you're an elitist whore and can't take my sexy burger king body.


>> No.6498988

Yeah. I still fit Moitie and my lower legs look skinny poking out from a huge poofy skirt, but in normal clothes I'm like...tree trunk thighs/wide ass (not even a decent butt, just wide ><) and tiny torso.

>> No.6498996

Lolita IS normal. God.

>> No.6499016

Are you retarded? If I wanted thr cheap ass inferior version of an AP print, I would just buy it. There's no bitterness here, just rage at how people try to justify art theft.

You prefer replicas? Fine, but just don't try to act like you're not in the moral wrong for supporting this shit. Own up to it instead of trying to make bullshit excuses that have been debunked time and time again. Then at least you'll be worthy of some respect.

>> No.6499018

To be honest, the replica I own (which is the only piece I own) is comfy and has good enough quality for everyday wear and it isn't shiny or obviously cheap looking. In fact, it's pretty much on par with my ordinary clothes in quality.

I feel like brand is on a level of quality so high and wonderful, that it would be superfluous to me.

unpopular opinion? y/n

>> No.6499020

We need some sort of super skinny brand to become really high status.
We might get better again.

That said I do have this one Bodyline skirt that i have to suck it in for, but I wouldn't be scared in to losing weight for because all the cardigans and blouses and stuff hide muffintop,

>> No.6499025

I think that's an unpopular opinion, I own brand and I know that it is better than replicas, because I've bought a replica just to compare the two.

>> No.6499031

More and more I'm starting to realize that brand is up there with couture, and I don't think I'm the type of person who would want to wear that. I think I prefer my cheap, lower-quality poofy dresses.

>> No.6499033

>Can't even sell replicas on the most popular western sales site
>Can usually sell originals (depending on the print) for more than retail value
>Brand is far superior quality (I've seen pretty much every AP replica and its original in person, I can assure you anyone who says otherwise is in denial)
>implying we were forced to buy a luxury dress and didn't have the option of the replica

Yup, the anti side totally has more reason to be bitter.

>> No.6499035

Is it the black chiffon one with the corset lacing or the piano key border one? Those are like...the only two lolita items that remotely inspire me to lose some weight. The only thing I've ever bought too small is a blouse from taobao that I got in size S without checking the shoulder width measurements, which means although I can wear it I can't really move my arms.

Moitié is always thought of to be some skinny chick's brand, but the stuff I own from them isn't all that small. I guess we need to all into gyaru.

>> No.6499038


brb loling forever

>> No.6499043

why am i a country hick uguu

>> No.6499055

You're right, being too fat or poor for something does give you the right to be more bitter. C:

>> No.6499076

>some bitch whining about morality on 4chan
I love these arguments, they're the best :)
Do continue as to why you deserve to be the morality judge, I'm sure you're as pristine as PT's virginal pussy.

>> No.6499082

>some other bitch that doesn't feel like they're whining about morality on 4chan because fuck u eletist bitchis11!!@@

>> No.6499080

Still not an excuse for art theft. Fatty's not entitled to a dress. Bitches need to start jogging and save their pennies like the rest of us, and the girls with big tits need to stop acting like skirts don't exist

>> No.6499084

... You do realize couture is tens of thousands of dollars right?

>> No.6499085

>thinking fatties are entitled to a dress just because they outsmarted you and found a way to fit into a print they wanted and spend less money
Your tears are delicious.

>> No.6499088

>implying I've said the word "elitist bitches" anywhere
Dat projection. Tee hee <3

>> No.6499092
File: 22 KB, 395x387, 1310581732227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I'm fat, own one replica, and am currently about to have a beer and sit on my fat ass some more
How mad does my lifestyle make you?
Tell me again how my business is so relevant to your life for you to be so angry.
Your opinion is very important to me.

>> No.6499099

Outsmarted? No one outsmarted anyone. If you can fit the original you can obviously fit a replica, so if replicas were so good we would all buy them instead since they're so cheap.

I'm someone who has brand and offbrand and indie brand stuff. And you know what, I buy brand when I can afford it, I buy cheaper things when I can afford them but I don't buy replicas because they fucking look like trash. Not because OMG elitist burando whore!
If replicas were good quality I would buy them and so would other people, but guess what, they're not, they're cheap shit from China.
The only people who care so much about defending replicas are fatties, selfish brats or people who can't understand that everyone doesn't get what they want. But it's fine because secretly everyone is laughing at you and your cheap slave labor screenprint knockoffs.

>> No.6499102

Have fun being coddled by society even though everyone wants you to lose your limbs or die of a heart attack.

>> No.6499105

I actually didn't ;-;

>captcha: which PubiFa

>> No.6499113

I sold my real Milky Planet for $140 more than what I paid for it. You can't even sell your replicas on the sales comm and most of the other popular outlets for selling lolita have anti-counterfiet rules, so all it would take to get your sale delted is someone reporting it. So, financially, I'd say you're not outsmarting anyone.

Also, why do you keep acting like buying brand is something we're forced to do? I've known about replicas for six years, I could have bought one anytime I wanted, but choose not to because I actually have respect for the companies they rip off.

>> No.6499118

Your use of emoticons screams underage newfag.

>> No.6499121 [DELETED] 

Sweet Heart Biscuit, or something. But that's only with the smaller hook done up and the waist ties tied so that the shirring doesn't stretch. Shirring fucking er'where in this fashion.

I need a push but trying to get gyaru stick legs would be a suicide shove, I know most western gyaru don't have them, but the ones that do must endure serious ice cream deficiency.

>> No.6499123

It makes me feel better about myself because it remonds me how lucky I am to be skinny and have brand instead of being a pig in a cheap knock-off.

>> No.6499130

Honestly, as long as they aren't trying to make themselves sound like they know everything about lolita, and are being honest, I don't see a problem, especially if they have nice, detailed pictures and people can decide for themselves if they want it or not

>> No.6499134

Fruits Parlor, or could been one of the plain pink ones. But that's only with the smaller hook done up and the waist ties tied so that the shirring doesn't stretch. Shirring fucking er'where in this fashion.

I need a push but trying to get gyaru stick legs would be a suicide shove, I know most western gyaru don't have them, but the ones that do must endure serious ice cream deficiency.

>> No.6499142

Uh back to unpopular opinions:

I think classic is just as easy to coordinate as sweet. I think gothic is easiest; there's less to work with and the themes are always incredibly similar.

I think busy prints can look really interesting( at least when coordinated nicely, usually in a simple way)

75% of coordination advice given on cgl is no bueno. I would never take coordination tips from an anon because they might have shitty outfits and there's no way to tell.

>> No.6499144

Respect for the companies is what it really boils down to in the end. Most of the major ones have made it clear they are not okay with replicas and they hurt buisiness.

>> No.6499145

Well, the most brands release dresses that indeed are ' tens of thousands of dollars' once a while, just saying.

>> No.6499153

I like the replica I got and I think people who say all of them look like shit are just being inflammatory cunts.
((Sage because that's not really as unpopular as I think it is sometimes))

>> No.6499155

I actually think goth is the hardest when you're first starting out. Most super ita things are found in goth, after all.

>> No.6499159

simple is a good way to go for gothic

>> No.6499161

I don't think they look like shit, they're just not as quality as the originals.

>> No.6499163

I've never seen any lolita dress go for that much. Three grand tops for Iron Gate is the highest.

>> No.6499174

Not really. The couture shit AP did that one time for that one fashion show wasn't really available to buy. Most times they're 100,000yen/1200$ tops

>> No.6499185
File: 52 KB, 480x640, coord1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Iron Gate is cheap trash compared to Baby/AP's special dresses.

>> No.6499190

How much? Caps or link?

>> No.6499198

Like, 1200$ but you can't buy it anymore. They're made to order and almost never come up on auction.

>> No.6499200

136302 Princess Cornelia's Decoration Ribbon One Piece Dress - $1,000 +tax (¥89,250)


>> No.6499202

I think Baby's border prints look like shit 99% of the time.

>> No.6499204

This. I love BTSSB's special dresses, especially the ones that are sold only at their tea parties. They're beautiful.

>> No.6499208

I've seen Iron Gate go for nearly $3000.

>> No.6499211

But at least you can find them on auctions.

>> No.6499212

But we're not talking about iron gate? I'm not seeing your point

>> No.6499213


>> No.6499215

also, that's because people are crazy as fuck. Not because it is actually worth that much or because MMM wanted it that way (though i'm sure if they released one, people would be all over it like they do for the btssb special dresses)

>> No.6499218

I laugh at the girls who buy replicas and then go and gush about it, saying how beautiful the print is, and how good the construction is and yadda yadda, when they've got zero experience with real brand. Dem girls, bro. Which is why I got my secret santa this year some actual brand items on the cheap, as she's new to lolita and already has some crappy cheap looking shit and I want her to be able to appreciate the finer details of brand.

>> No.6499222

Yeah. Plus Iron Gate pales in comparisson to those Baby/AatP dresses detail-wise.

... I guess that's my unpopular opinion: I don't get what's so great about Iron Gate.

>> No.6499225

I would love to have Iron Gate, but $1200 to have that shitty elegant vampire rubbish scrawled on the bottom...not happening. $3000 is out of the question. Now if Moite could just release the same beautiful gothic prints without the text, I would happily fork out the same amount of money and rub one out over the dress occasionally. That's the dream.

>> No.6499234
File: 21 KB, 500x334, 1333865922622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate the term "coord."

I think the concept of a lolita specific hairstyle, music, make up, etc. is stupid.

>> No.6499236
File: 62 KB, 313x428, bookmw2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Word. It only looks cool if you don't speak English. For the rest of us, it's as elegant as some text lifted from a toothbrush ad.

>> No.6499240

Wearing everything from the same series looks tacky.

>> No.6499241

Unpopular opinions...? I like "granny style" classic. I love sitting there doing crochetting in my floral dress. I love the whole antique aesthetic, compared to this new print era where it's girls trying to collect each new print rather than selecting dresses they like and can coord in lots of various ways. These days dresses are made into sets, so the imagination is taken away. Making a coord these days is so much easier when you've got AP and Baby making sets for you. There's no variety anymore or any challenge. Lolita is no longer about expressing yourself like it originated as, but just as an *elite* fashion that not everyone can afford and makes everyone so *cool* and whatever you want to call it. "Rules are meant to be broken" is the catchcry of girls showing a bit of knee. Sorry, but I fell for this fashion for the modesty, to feel pretty without having people ogle my boobs or judge the shape of my ass. If you're not wearing a blouse or your skirt is too short, yes, you are a slut and you don't appreciate lolita. Fuck you.
That's my unpopular opinion.

>> No.6499245

>The only people who care so much about defending replicas are fatties, selfish brats or people who can't understand that everyone doesn't get what they want. But it's fine because secretly everyone is laughing at you and your cheap slave labor screenprint knockoffs.

Woah there. Maybe people don't want to spend $300 on a dress that has a cheaper replica. People know it isn't always good quality, but in the end a dress is a dress, and it's their money. If you're going to laugh at them for spending $70 on the same print you have, even with cheaper quality material, you are a stuck up bitch.
Sage for continuing replicas debate.

>> No.6499248

I don't have anything against Iron Gate, I like simple dresses, but I don't get why people will pay so much for it.
I don't really get Dreamy Horoscope either, it's cute as something Fairy Kei or otherwise but few suit the cut and then I can't help that the shininess makes it look like underwear and yet people go crazy for it.
It's a babydoll I would gladly wear on a special night, but not for that price.

>> No.6499254
File: 907 KB, 684x599, 1335034784852.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As much as I want to experiment with bonnets, I feel like my face will never be able to pull them off, so I'll end up looking derpy like that, at least until I get the maxillofacial surgery done.

Anyway, my "unpopular" opinion is that I think
that there needs to be more (full sized) hats in lolita. Bows are cute, but everyone wears them and the outfits eventually get boring to look at.

Also, it would be nice if meet ups that are centered around food weren't typically tea or sweets related, or even around Japanese cuisine. It just seems very commonplace just because the fashion came from Japan/inspired from European period clothing. :/

Man, I just need to find some people wiling to grab a steak and bar hop. It's pretty lonely where I'm at.

Ha, I'm not the anon you're replying to, but because of your comment, I have a small reason to be glad to be a lone lolita. Most of the girls seem nice, but with the area and membership being so big, Chicago just seems to be prone to drama (or someone instigating it online).

>> No.6499263

Girls that think it's so cool when their boyfriends "support" their fashion. Sorry, but if your boyfriend thinks there's something wrong with you wearing what you fucking what, ditch his fucking ass. "Support" your fashion as if it's something that needs approval? Fuck you, I wear what I want.
My boyfriend likes lolita. I sleep with him in it so every time I buy something new, he just associate's the news with good happy feelings.

>> No.6499264

Ditto. I feel like it's gotten harder to come up with interesting outfits out of one dress or skirt because brands tend to pump out matching sets that are hard to mix well with off brand/other brands. It doesn't help that brands tend to use a specific color palette (I tried to match Baby's off white with AP's and failed).

>> No.6499267

You sound like an annoying cunt.

>> No.6499268

I am totally reading this weirdly. So you sleep with your boyfriend, while he's wearing lolita? Or you sleep/coitus in lolita?

>> No.6499283

Yeah, half asleep. Probably worded that weird. I put it on, have sex with him whilst I am wearing it. Mind you, it's only ever once because I'm not risking any of those love juices getting anywhere on the clothing.

>> No.6499288

chiyaki_ayumi makes an iron gate-type print skirt. I have one and it's really nice; I'm not a fan of religious iconography so I'll probably never own MMM but I love the aesthetic. She has an Etsy store under "Princess Pearl Designs" (I'd give a link, but 4chan thinks it's spam), though she doesn't have any iron gates up at the moment.

>> No.6499293

I like hildekitten's outfits. Sometimes there's a miss, but I like the overall aesthetic and creativity. I'd also say I don't like teaparties, but apparently that's not such an unpopular opinion.

>> No.6499302
File: 179 KB, 500x894, avinastar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm scared of those wigs with huge pigtails, especially if they're artificially colored.

>> No.6499303

Woah, wtf, wrong picture. Oh well. In spite of not wearing OTT anything and disliking those kinds of wigs (which are typically worn in ott sweet), I wish I could see more people experimenting with ott like this...and with their natural hair.

Whatever happened to this girl?

>> No.6499304

hi hildekitten

>> No.6499305

Now you're saying you've only ever had sex once in lolita because of the mess, but before you were all about doing it to train your boyfriend in to liking it or something.

My was such a fetishist, he loved my sweet immature coords a bit too much. Mr Now just thinks of them like jeans or something. I don't know which to prefer.

>> No.6499306

why are the ribbons on her bloomers hanging down
tie that shit, bitch. dat aint kawaii

>> No.6499308

Sometimes I wish I were a black girl or very pale, just so I can wear pastels well, even outside of lolita - there are so many stores pumping pastels this season and I'm sucker for this color palette.

>> No.6499311

I dunno. Artistic choice? (lol, I hear this excuse every time in the theater department). She's long left lolita, unfortunately, and I believe that this is an old photo of her when she started.

I know I can't stop people from doing what they love, but sometimes I wish that most brolitas and older lolitas would avoid pastels. Some things just aren't flattering to begin with and sometimes things eventually stop looking good.

>> No.6499319

No more times than once in one dress. I won't wear it a second time and have sex. Just the once. He'll have to wait until I buy a new one.

>> No.6499329


I started lolita because my boyfriend was a fetishist, but now I have a closet full of lolita and he won't touch me anymore in case he ruins something while we have sex.

I think this whole lolita thing backfired

>> No.6499341

you know.... bodyline is cheap for a reason

>> No.6499350
File: 33 KB, 160x160, w67890.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry, but that's hilarious.

Maybe you can get into ero-lolita?

>> No.6499351

>I always seem to hear girls raging over how unflattering it must be

Whenever I hear this I shrug them off as jealous fatties who are too lazy to take care of their health and stay /fit/.

It's only unflattering if your a slob.

>> No.6499359

Uh, I always thought lolita was pretty flattering, especially on plus size girls with well-defined waists. It hides their stomachs and hips and all that

And I always though that the flared/poofy skirts emphasized the waist as well, on everyone

>> No.6499364

Actually, she still wears lolita but I shall say no more than that since she is a friend.

>> No.6499371

Does that mean you only have sex when you get a new dress and never just normally?

>> No.6499376

I guess I found my unpopular opinion then: I fucking love when bloomers are peeking out from under dresses, loose ribbons and all.

>> No.6499382

Oh wow, that's pretty awesome. It's nice to know that there are still people out there who wear the style but don't see the need to be (very) involved in the (online) community. I guess it's comparable to celebrities who stay away from the limelight/manage a private life.

>> No.6499383


>> No.6499394

The double plus morbidly obese are still mad, though, because it looks even worse on them than their usual Walmart-procured sausage casings.

>> No.6499406

Lace gloves with lolita. They are almost always cheap cheap cheap costumey and they bug me to no end.

>> No.6499430

I hate girls who complain about people looking at them/taking photos in public/talking to them and asking what they are wearing. You're wearing an attention grabbing fashion, deal with getting attention. If you're shy then why the fuck are you wearing lolita in public to start with?

I also hate that people expect me to be a super nice sweetheart all the time just because I'm wearing a lolita. I think being a lifestyle lolita or trying to have a 'lolita' personality is kinda stupid and I feel like the girls who say they are lolitas inside regardless of not actually wearing the fashion are just delusional.

>> No.6499459

Gothic is too visual kei/chuunibyou for me.
OTT sweet and lots of AP prints are too childish and look silly imo.
Lolita is about looking elegant.

>> No.6499472

Even after years of browsing this board and reading about lolita, I still see it as a fetish and compareable to wearing a fursuit

>> No.6499501
File: 89 KB, 560x444, 1261085728234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>love juices

You aren't writing yaoi fanfiction here, dear.

>> No.6499535


>wearing poofy dresses

>invariably a fetish

u wot m8?

>> No.6499542

I hate casual lolita. It looks plain and ugly to me. Like they didn't even try. I've very rarely seen it look good.

>> No.6499557
File: 58 KB, 460x587, asos-collection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm starting not to like the traditional peter pan collar blouses either. I've been sticking to chiffon blouses with neckties.

>> No.6499562

I take my head-eating bows off of headbands and put them on barrettes to wear on the back of my head because it's so much prettier that way and I don't know why more people don't.

Also while I dislike the principle of having my photo taken without permission, I kind of like it in real life. It's sort of flattering, in a creepy roundabout way. Same with catcalls as long as they don't get too sexual or invasive.

Sometimes I wish everyone dressed in lolita all the time so I wouldn't stand out and get attention for it. The feelings of confidence and motivation I get when wearing lolita are well worth the attention, of course, but I'm really introverted and talking to people I don't know is just unpleasant for me because I get uncomfortable and mentally zapped.

>> No.6499593

Most positive things have at least a small downside and it's stupid to pretend like that downside doesn't exist. Take college, for example. Most people want to go to college, it's a positive thing, it's a chance to pursue a personal interest further than you could in high school, it's a way to explore your independence and expand your work ethic, etc. But homework and writing papers sucks. It's stupid to pretend it doesn't and it's still worth complaining about with people who share your sentiment. I've never seen anyone put the unpleasant attention they received in lolita on par with, say, oppression or war or anything more than an annoying first-world problem that happens to be a downside of something they otherwise love.

>> No.6499633

I hate Lolita's over 25. Especially ones who are always buying Lolita and have these huge wardrobes that they probably never wear. Leave the cute stuff to younger people

>> No.6499640

Obviously you can deal with attention if youre wearing it outside in the first place.

You dont think its off-putting for some random fucking stranger to take your picture without permission for god knows what purpose? As a human being you shouldnt have to deal with people being rude to you because the narrow realm they think in doesnt include poofy dresses.

But i do wish some of those lolis that complain would learn how to say 'fuck off' and go about their business.

>> No.6499642

Most lolitas under 20 don't even have the money to buy lolita

>> No.6499649

Or maybe the older ones monopolize and drive up market value :/

>> No.6499653
File: 50 KB, 160x160, 70328.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone dressed in lolita all the time
The world would be so damn beautiful.

>> No.6499656

I don't think you know how it works.

>> No.6499748

I'm bored of brolitajenny wank. It's not that interesting.

>> No.6499754

Same, I think the idea was that it was going to be interesting but it ended before it could.
Could someone go on to fetlife or something and find us someone new?

>> No.6499761

or horribly ita as fuck

>> No.6499764

fetlife is a goldmine but I don't like poking fun at people who aren't making fools of themselves in places where it matters or bothers anyone

>> No.6499774

I do. Anything public is fair game for making fun.

>> No.6499787
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i can smell your jealousy/brand entitlement from here

>> No.6499901

I hate Lolita's whose only coord advice is "wear classic"

I'm not a big fan of huge square collars. Reminds me of pilgrim costumes for thanksgiving

>> No.6499907

Wow I never knew showing a bit of knee constituted being a slut :/

My unpopular opinion: I fucking hate snobby classic lolitas

>> No.6499960


part of the lolita in their 20s illuminati, just so you know, we have secret meetings with AP and Moitie to drive up the cost of the dresses so you can't afford them.

>> No.6499970

because it's by the time you're 25 that you can afford to buy lolita dresses two or three times a month you moron. Most lolitas are older

>> No.6500035

>You're wearing an attention grabbing fashion
Anything that isn't jeans and a t-shirt is going to turn some heads in our present society, and the further away from that standard you get, the more attention it will attract. I'll agree it can be annoying to have a few people in the middle of a crowd of strangers take a photo of you or with you, but it's not going to ruin my day and I don't understand some of my lolita friends that get their tits in a bunch over it and respond to anyone getting near them by cursing or flipping them off. I'd rather take two seconds to indulge a curious stranger, or evade them as well as I can, than wasting my energy screeching obscenities at them.

>> No.6500037


I did chortle.

>> No.6500040


Does anyone remember that time we trolled frances into thinking you had to be a satanist to be a lolita?

>> No.6500066

>thinking "Frances" was ever real
Stop it faggot. Nobody ever thought that was real except for idiots and the people who faked samefagged responses to it.

>> No.6500077

The person pretending to be Frances is apparently!

They are still vigilantly running her facebook

I still find it hilarious

Calm down you... you... you sweet little person, you!

>> No.6500091

My unpopular opinions:

1. "Sweet" dresses are shaped horribly and they're really unflattering.
2. Most prints are really stupid. I've seen better on spoonflower.
3. I wish there were more colors (more green and blue variations, but in general just more) though this seems to be a relatively popular opinion here.
4. I kind of like some shiny fabrics...really nice satin, for instance.
5. I hate the way most girls pose with their toes touching and knees out, it looks stupid and it's not kawaii.
6. I think natural hair looks way better than a wig, as long as it is styled well.
7. I think fat girls with good outfits look good in lolita, they look like giant dolls.

>> No.6500109

1. I'll give you that one.
2. Not unpopular
3. Not unpopular
4. I didn't think this was that unpopular
5. Definitely not unpopular
6. Not unpopular
7. You've hit the money on this one, I think fat girls just look fat in lolita or out of it.

>> No.6500124

I like mini hats! I think they look great if you style your hair nicely when you wear them. However 90% of the ones I see people wear these days are those cheap ones you buy at cons that look like toilet paper rolls stuck on your head. I see hand made ones that look like that too and I can't help but wonder.... Please pay attention to proportions jfc

>> No.6500126

"Frances" stopped being funny about four years ago.

Seriously, daily frances threads, and the troll asking the same inane questions over and over. The daily pantyhose thread that someone thought was really clever( hint: repeating the same joke over and over wont make it funny). Wait...... "Frances" was never funny. But one dedicated weirdo must have thought so, and wanted to convince everyone else of the same.

>> No.6500134

The fact that someone is so dedicated to this is what makes it funny

>> No.6500139

Maybe, yeah. But not in a way that makes you laugh.

At least in my opinion.

>> No.6500166

Well the post on EGL got me thinking...

I loathe how my local community has moved onto facebook. I feel like there's more drama, more lolita/btb secrets, more cliques, and more negativity. I was really hesitant on adding lolitas to my FB because unlike other girls, my life DOES NOT revolve around lolita and its "lifestyle." When I started adding girls in my local comm, I've had people talk shit about me going to clubs and parties, drinking, dressing in slutty clothes, how I don't deserve my brand, w/e. I wish we could have stuck with livejournal where it doesn't have to invade personal lives. I am not ashamed of what I do, but I wish girls would stop judging me.

>in b4 get a separate fb account

>> No.6500174

I have a policy of not adding people I don't know and it's been well-received and I think it's prevented a lot of things like this. If I receive a friend request from a lolita I don't know, I usually pop them a message stating that policy and that I'll add them once we meet and befriend one another at a meetup. I've never had a problem and we always end up being friendly enough when we meet that I'm happy to add them.

>> No.6500201

All the lolitas that ask to add me get filtered into a group that doesn't see any status updates and only 5% of my pictures. They also ONLY see my lolita outfits, never any personal pictures. No one seems to pick on me or even notice, so I think that's a good way to handle it /shrug. Or just not add them at all.

>> No.6500216

That's actually really smart, I'm going to start doing this/

>> No.6500221

I do this as well.

>> No.6500236

UGH I wish I had done this from the beginning. I joined the FB community almost a year ago and it's been a fucking mess since then.

>> No.6500241

have you seen the facebook? the posts are seriously entertaining

Theyre awful but somehow enjoyable

>> No.6500246

I fucking hate facebook. Will never get a personal one, ever.

That said, it also means my interactions with my comm are somewhat limited, but I've grown used to it and don't really mind being a lone lolita, so I mostly go to bigger meets like ones at conventions.

I really miss LJ-based comms, though.

>> No.6500252
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...I just don't post anything on my Facebook that I would regret someone getting ahold of or seeing.

So no slutty pictures.
No pictures of me with booze or weed or whatever.
No melodramatic statuses about my life.
No huge personal opinions or offensive pictures that I know would stir shit with other lolitas or even my irl friends.
No attention whore statuses.
Some of my folders are only accessible by certain people. Some people I don't know well are blocked from seeing some statuses.

It also helps to not have added over 500 "friends." And I'll never understand the people who have close to 1,000 or more.
If people would just have common sense...

>> No.6500253

I miss Got Lolita :(

>> No.6500268

I don't know why people do that sort of thing to being with. A girl I know posted a status about going to a sex toy party, and all I could think was "Do you really think everyone on your friends list wanted to know that?"

>> No.6500275

Maybe a majority of her friends like/don't care for sex toys and it's affiliates.

>> No.6500277

People make mistakes. I myself have been tempted to post an attention grubbing status or two. So I understand when people think some things are acceptable when it's actually slightly weird and disturbing from an outside perspective.

I just don't get it when it happens everyday. And I know people who do this everyday.
I want to tell some of them that it's okay to not post on FB everyday.

>> No.6500278

Sweet lolita nowadays just pisses me off. It's too much shit going on and it gives me a damn heache to look at all that crazy shit--and that's just the crazy ass hair. Old school sweet will always be infinately more visually appealing. Wear what you like, but hey it's just my opinion.

>> No.6500308

I just figure some people don't have those important filters others have.They just can't seem to at it and ask "is this appropriate? Who's going to be seeing this? Will it matter in a day or even a year?" etc.

Man, if only I had a penny for every time I said "fuck it" and hit the delete button.

>> No.6500344

>Man, if only I had a penny for every time I said "fuck it" and hit the delete button

Oh god, same here. It's as if people never learned to "look before they leap"

>> No.6500347

I've definitely done that before. I have a tendency to start writing things, and then delete them halfway through because I realize it's painfully clear I'm saying it for some sort of validation, and not because it's relevant in any way.

>> No.6500488

Sort of going by what the other girls said about the whole facebook thing, I hate how its demonized to participate it 'normal, indecent, slutty' things and be in lolita. Like, a lot of girls in my main comm talk bad about girls who party and like to wear short skirts or anything like that. They're all the sort of 'socially awkward kid' kind so they just always view people like that almost like 'evil' and not worthy of being a lolita. I hate it. I hate how I always have to make up some shit about what I did on the weekend, or have to hold in my opinion when discussing things like marijuana because if I told the truth then i'd be an evil, slutty, unkawaii prostitute unworthy of all the brand.

Its like bitch you know what, yeah, I'm wearing AP right now, and last night I was wearing a miniskirt and smoking a joint before going to a party. If that's a problem then fuck off.

>> No.6500524

These stories are so strange to me. Where do you live, exactly?

I'm from the San Francisco community, and maybe I've just missed the gossip, but I've never heard of stuff like that happening.

>> No.6500541

I smoke weed. I just never have a reason to tell anyone that I do or make a status about it.
Sure, I wear revealing things as well but I'm usually not taking pictures of it or uploading it to Facebook either.

I think the only time people have a problem with it is if it's obvious the person is only doing these things for attention.
But you don't have to be in lolita for that to happen.
Nobody cares that a person that brags about how they smoked ten joints today, or wore the littlest skirt out to the bar on the weekend.
That's not a lolita-isolated thing to me. In general people find that annoying.

>> No.6500544


Someone posted some Sherlock ones that were off the chain, but for the most part I agree.

I make the odd exception for some prints, but even then I prefer to get the skirt version because I feel a JSK or OP would just be too much. I'd be happy with just a wardrobe of gorgeous black dresses.

>> No.6500551
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>>Gloria in plum and gold
>>mfw I imagine this

>> No.6500552

I would want the shit out of this. Just saiyan.

>> No.6500565

Id rather not say exactly where but im on the east coast. A lot of the girls are from more conservative areas so that might be it.
Its not that I want to brag about it but its akward when one girl talks aboit how she hates partying and essentially looks down on anyone who does it , it gets awkward. The make these broad generalizations about people who do certain things. If I went off about how all people who like japanese culture are annoying fat weebs they would all be offended. But its totally ok to make the same assumptions about other people? Its just incredibly annoying.

I dont want to brag or anything, I dont think its something to brag about. But when these girls say things that are kind of offensive about what I do with my spare time, its kind of annoying that I cant even defend it without being deemed and unkawaii drunken slut.

>> No.6500571
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Pic related is thirty (give or take a few years) and has a huge, glorious wardrobe that she apparently wears all the time.

You on the other hand are platinum mad.

>> No.6500665

And... when you're 30, have a well paying job and the money to actually buy lolita I assume you're just going to stop because you want to save it all for everyone under 25, hmm? Not everyone wrinkles, dries up, and decides to regulate themselves to knitting and scrapbooking when they hit 30, you know? It doesn't work that way, and if it does for you, I'm very sorry.

>> No.6500674

Not exactly. While I'm fine with seeing people of all ages, shapes and sizes wearing the fashion. Some people, I wouldn't want to see in it because it would ruin it and make it trashy. Just pick any random picture from people of walmart and imagine them attempting the fashion.

>> No.6500675

Then you look like an asshole for it. They keep to themselves and aren't on tumblr/egl/here/the secrets and fetlife really isn't public, since you have to make an account to see anything. It's bad and you should feel bad.

>> No.6500702

Oh god I do this all the time. Yesterday my cat pooped, peed, and vomited in my car and I almost put a rage status on FB but then remembered that I hate it when my friends who are parents talk about the bodily functions of their kids and just x'd right the fuck out.

>> No.6500737

Clearly that filter of yours doesn't apply to /cgl/. Hail.
But yeah, I'd probably get more attention if I didn't self-manage so well. Typing things out sort of makes me feel better, so I don't have to press the post button.

>> No.6500881

Going along with that, I hate the whole 'if you're not a Lolita or dress modestly, you're a whore' attitude. I'm not a Lolita, but I've noticed that lots of girls look down on other girls if they dress in a way that shows some skin or is tight or something.

>> No.6500899

I really like rickrack.

Also I hate that most people think you have to wear an OTT pastel wig to be a sweet lolita. I think natural hair looks much better. And I love really short hair with lolita too.

>> No.6500963

I'm trying to sort this now.
How do they only see some of your photos? Did you ban them from seeing all of the photos and then add the photos you want to see to the list feed separately?
It would be better if on your status updates/ individual photos there was a drop down menu where you could hide it from certain groups.

I'm not sure I want to cut all of these people out of my life, but some of them are too young to even go out clubbing, so they really don't need to see my drunk shots.

>> No.6501113

I think there's very few people whose filter applies to cgl, and most of them say far worse shit than I do.

Anyways, it's just like writing a letter you never send, it gets stuff off your chest, it's cathartic.

>> No.6501225

There is a drop down menu....you have to go to "custom" and hide it from that list of people.

>> No.6501288

Apparently an unpopular opinion is to share when things are being released. I see why though, instead of a new girl having a shot at it some bitch gets it first.

>> No.6502590

Unless you have really ugly knees, I like knee socks. Though that only appears to be an unpopular opinion on /cgl/.

>> No.6502626

Circle lenses look like shit on 99% of people. They look obviously fake and gross, not kawaii uguu.

People who buy circle lenses and wigs for lolita before they have an actual outfit get all of my rage.

>> No.6503177

>People who buy circle lenses and wigs for lolita before they have an actual outfit get all of my rage.
UGH SO TRUE. I hate that people get those before even a fucking petticoat.

>> No.6503620

Ugh god, I hate that too. They look down on anyone who doesn't dress like a pure maiden.


>> No.6505461

I've noticed the opposite, actually. It seems like most lolitas have jumped on this "omgslutshaming!!!!!!!111" bandwagon so you can't say shit in lolita comms anymore that way.