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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6415337 No.6415337[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why are vaginas so gross looking?

Do you ever dislike your vagina?

Thread on /a/ got me thinking so I figured I'd ask you all since you'd all probably be the wisest on the subject.

>> No.6415343

A penis isn't exactly kawaii uguu either.
It's a one-eyed snake, and sometimes it's on the verge of shedding.

Sex organs are meant to be used, not seen.

>> No.6415349

I am aware of that but it doesn't answer my question.

>> No.6415368

I actually think a penis looks very elegant.

>> No.6415370


>Why are vaginas so gross looking?
Very rarely do you stare at it while you're fucking it. Biology didn't take porn into account.

>Do you ever dislike your vagina?
Aside from the previous statements, not really.
I'm pretty happy that it's not one of the grosser ones, though.

>> No.6415372
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Then why is porn so popular? Checkmate sluts.

>> No.6415376

What would you consider grosser? Meat flaps?

>> No.6415388

A penis can be elegant, or it can be a symbol of virility, there's been examples in history where the penis has been immortalized in an aesthetically pretty way, be it soft or hard.
It's hard to do the same with a vagina.
Maybe the very external part, it meshes well with a feminine shape and good legs, it completes a flow starting from the navel and ending into pretty feet, but exposing it too much reveals how ugly to look at it usually is.
Heck, an anus is most of the times more aesthetically pleasing.

>> No.6415390

Because usually you're imagining the sensations.
Does anyone simply go, "Damn, that's a nice vagina,", or do they imagine that they are fucking that vagina?

>> No.6415396

Meat curtains or the labia minora spilling out.

>> No.6415398

I remember watching porn with a friend once and he blurted out that a girl had the perfect pussy he'd ever seen. I don't know if he imagined it too though.

>> No.6415408

Vaginas are gorgeous!

Not meat curtains of course (I once dated a girl whose puss lips looked like she could pick up an apple with them or take flight like a giant pink bat) and super hairy is pretty nasty too imho. By and large though, most pussies are pretty. Neat and clean is important.

>> No.6415418

i'd like to also add, that when a girl isn't self conscious about her puss, its even hotter. straddle his face and start bucking till you get off, he will love it

>> No.6415437

you're gay

>> No.6415447

So, um. Are puffy vulvas an actual thing?

>> No.6415448

You mean, like, the mounds?

>> No.6415455

I think I have a nice vag, I mean it's clean and small and neatly organized, if you know what I mean. My only complaint is because I'm Asian it's not that cute pink color like white girls have.

>> No.6415459

Oh man, this brings up the worst feels.
I'm so terrified to let a man see my genitals.

>> No.6415466
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>tfw when innie, puffy, tight pussy

My only problem is that when I shave I get those annoying little ingrown hairs, but I've never had a complaint.

Wish it could be a bit pinker too, like a light pink. My inside area looks like a darkish red/pink/purple combo.

>> No.6415470


>I am a straight male.
not that person. But, I also love the look of a pussy. I would suck/lick/tease a woman's pussy if she straddled my head. That's hot.

>> No.6415475

Mine is an outie, but my clit is tiny as hell. Even when I'm turned on, you can't see it unless you lift the hood. I had to explain this to my boyfriend.

Actually, protip: Your boyfriend will never find the little man in the boat even with a map. Just fucking show him where it is.

>> No.6415474

Don't worry about it anon. If it makes you feel better neither my current bf nor the guy I used to mess around with had a problem with mine, and I'm on the meatcurtainy side.
>inb4 slut

>> No.6415478

lemme see it bb

>> No.6415480

I don't know what you mean I can only assume that you don't have any skin spilling out as stated in previous posts. SO the color is an actual concern, that is interesting.

>> No.6415489
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Kawaii penis

>> No.6415495

Gotta stop shaving against the grain before shaving with the grain.

>> No.6415504
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The vagina itself? Like, the actual vaginal canal? No duh it's a fucking canal of flesh they all look like a pink slimy cave.

Or are you talking about the entire muff, labia and clit and all? Some can look nice, I guess. The ones that look the grossest are definitely the ones that belong to those who don't take care of them. It's a part of your body, and like any part of your body if you don't wash it and treat it properly of course it's going to get nasty. Exfoliate the folicles, trim the hair if necessary and you don't wanna shave/wax, remember to pull back the hood and gently run body-temperature water over the skin near the clit to wash away dead skin, moisturize the skin on shaved/waxed skin on your vulva and inner thigh with a non-scented hypoallergenic lotion (not on the mucus membrane, retard), just basic hygene.

I don't like my *vaginal canal* because of how shallow it is. The average depth for an aroused vagina is about 5.5" if I recall correctly-coincidentally, the same as the average length of a penis. However, mine is shorter than that, and it causes my fiance to constantly bump against my cervix during sex. This sounds hot, but it just makes me feel like I 'm experiencing period cramps after awhile. So we can't do many positions that allow very deep penetration like doggy style often, which is a shame because that's my favorite.

>> No.6415505
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That is strangely cute

>> No.6415514

Are you me? I have a low uterus and cervix so I'm shallow as well. I can't do doggy much either because of the pain.

>> No.6415519

I feel sorry for whatever man you end up with

>> No.6415518

I have a little dick do you think we would get along fine?

>> No.6415528

You girls are ruthless.

>> No.6415531

If only I was a girl..

>> No.6415552
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supa sassy

>> No.6415563

I don't know, the phallus is smooth and natural, the vagina looks like a roast beef monster.

>> No.6415598

Cut vs uncut.

Is there a preference to the dick type?

>humble /v/irgin here, please respond.

>> No.6415595
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>This thread
Oh god, a taste of /cgl/ really wasn't a troll image.

>> No.6415614

Talking about vaginas is gross? Are you 13 perhaps?

Uncut, because I know that the guy is enjoying it more.
Of course the guy needs to have very good hygiene

>> No.6415618
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That reminds me of the time my boyfriend first saw my vulva.

He pulled down my panties, ready to eat me out, cocked his head and squinted his eyes while spreading my inner labia. His eyes lit up and he said "aw it looks like one of those sea butterflies!" He likes to play with them when eating me out, but I'm very self-conscious of them.

>You will never have perfect inner labia ever

>> No.6415626

A dick is a dick, this is surely sooo~~oo
and vag will be vag either waaaayyyyy

>> No.6415643

I prefer cut because of how it looks even though I know it's not as pleasurable for the guy.

I don't have labia minora myself for whatever reason genetics decided and I think it looks a lot nicer than vags that do have them.

>> No.6415658

To me the vagina doesn't really look like anything special unless the inner lips are sticking out or something as off-putting as that.
It's like a butt, but smaller and cuter.

What I don't understand is men finding the phallus "smooth and natural" and visually pleasing when it almost always is disgusting, hairy and veiny. You can't even pull it in to hide it.

>> No.6415670
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>> No.6415704

But you do realize that for most girls the inner lips stick out a little bit?

>> No.6415708
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>> No.6415715
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>> No.6415755

Uncut. I like the way the head pops out when it gets hard, and how the head is shiny and soft. I bet it's a lot easier to jack off too. Sadly, my bf is cut.

>> No.6415767

Does sex with cut vs uncut feel different, or are we talking purely aesthetics? I've only fucked cut men, so I don't have a point of comparison...

>> No.6415769

In other countries, stretched out inner labia are considered appealing.

>> No.6415770

Cut. Uncut is just nasty.

>> No.6415771


I've never been with a guy who was uncut, so I can only say cut is p cool.

>> No.6415772

It's just a different method. My bf is cut, and it requires more lube. Or spit or whatever. On the plus side, it feels *really* good. And he never gets any sort of infection.

>> No.6415776


Sex with cut men is like fucking a dry, wooden plank.

Sex with uncut men is 10/10.

>> No.6415779

As long as we're on the subject, if for some reason I'm ever on good enough drugs to get pregnant and keep it (Asperger Syndrome plus depression and anxiety - not a stellar combo) I don't think I'd circumcise any son I had. Not over any particular objection to it, it's just...I wouldn't pierce or tattoo my kid. My boyfriend is uncut (Eastern European), so hygiene is a non issue. If he decides that he'd rather be cut, more power to him, I just don't feel like it's my decision.

Also, we'd explain to him that some people are cut and some are uncut. Apparently the bf was kind of self concious in school, because he didn't realise what the difference was. It wasn't until I met him and identified him as uncut that it clicked.

>> No.6415789

Huh. Really? My bf is cut but it isn't like that for me. Maybe I just get like, extremely wet or something.

>> No.6415793

You have no reference to how bad it is compared to uncut.

>> No.6415796

Sounds like I wouldn't be able to feel anything.

>> No.6415801


well uncut man don't need any lube
and where did you get that infection stuff from?
no halfway hygienic uncut guy has infections.... just saying


>> No.6416077

How the fuck do you not have labia minora?

>> No.6416168

maybe its a guy who thinks he is a girl

>> No.6416227

Jumping in here to say that I only have one. Vaginas are highly varied so it's not odd to imagine that someone wouldn't have them.

>> No.6416273
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Vaginas aren't what's gross.

It's the ingrown hairs and the purple meat curtains.

>> No.6416296

Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if your pussy wasn't as dry as the sierra desert.

>> No.6416305

One time I taped googly eyes onto my penis to surprise my girl. She broke up with me after that.

>> No.6416316

Wow that sucks because I did the same shit and she ended up naming my penis Master Hugeworth

>> No.6416320
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If she couldn't handle googly eyes then she wasn't worth it.

>> No.6416346

Why don't you go ask /a/ then and keep this garbage off /cgl/.

>> No.6416348
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>> No.6416373

what a bitch. too soon, mebbe?

>> No.6416377

Someone is on their period.

>> No.6416383

I hear that stuff attracts bears...

>> No.6416389 [DELETED] 
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Vaginas are gross.

Sorry gals, you didn't not win anything by having a slit in your body that discharges all sorts of nasty stuff.

>> No.6416392

this is why traps will always be superior to filthy women

>> No.6416407

No, my vagina is really cute. I'm grateful.

>you didn't not win anything
lol, but we did. Check my female privilege. I could have a gross pussy and still have more relative value than 90% of men.

>> No.6416412
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>> No.6416413

how do you know if you are tight, loose or normal?
like, i've only ever felt inside my own, so nothing to compare to...

>> No.6416415
File: 200 KB, 551x612, 15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vaginas arent gross until you open them up like they do in porn. Then you are literally looking INTO the human body like a surgeon and it creeps me out. But most women even if they looked in a mirror cannot see into themselves like that.

So, all I see is just the outside of it. Which looks like nothing. There's nothing there, it's just two little lips and nothing else. If I open my legs and try to see whats in there I can see my clitoris, but that's about it. Which that just looks at little funny.

Vaginas are different though. Mine is the type that's all neat with everything tucked inside. Some women have those umm bigger flaps that hang out. I think that would look strange to me and I might fiddle with them once a year in curiosity if I had them.

The only time I dislike my vagina is during periods because it's way too painful. Any other time I'm actually thankful for it. I think it'd be too distracting to have a penis and bits flubbing around like that when I ran.

>> No.6416421

not to employers

>> No.6416429

>I think it'd be too distracting to have a penis and bits flubbing around like that when I ran.
Awkward boners are the bane of my existence.

>> No.6416442
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>gg subs
>not watching superior URW

>> No.6416449

and yet, /cgl/ always wonders why the fuck the other boards hate us.

Stay classy, girls.

>> No.6416456

>hating another board over a vagina discussion
all of my what

>> No.6416463
File: 199 KB, 551x525, 1331460972489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They dislike cgl for the prostitution/cheating stories/panty selling discussions, not because they have and talk about their vaginas when asked.

>> No.6416465

Pretty sure most boards are intimidated by you I wouldn't say hate though.

>> No.6416474


>> No.6416485

>that feel after eating out a vagina and then you sit on your computer and exhale to smell your breath and it smells worse than a rotting corpse.

>> No.6416496

Did you smell your breath before hand as a control?

>> No.6416510

Yes, I've done it several times.

>tfw you kiss a family member and think about how you've eaten out a girl with the same mouth you are kissing them with.

>> No.6416513

>implying having a nice pussy can makes up for being a pretentious cunt.

>> No.6416515
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I hope you're lying.

>> No.6416521

check the source son, god damn

>> No.6416532

My breath is considerable different no lie. I put my entire tongue into it.

Well she didn't have any infections far as I know.

>> No.6416538
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>> No.6416536


Even one's diet can change how it smells/tastes down there. She may not have any infections, but she could be not be taking care of her body in another way.

>> No.6416542

exactly and if its that bad carry some mints. Of course you could always pop a few before and then after ;)

>> No.6416549

I don't care if I smell it on my mouth. It's when it stinks up the entire room and I have run out of febreeze that it bugs me.

>> No.6416556

Or you could just shove a couple mints up your vagoo before hand.

>> No.6416561

>the entire room
dude... wtf is wrong with your girls shit? Is she washing with durian fruit extract?!

>> No.6416565

I can't say for sure. She's the only girl I ever been with so I assumed it was normal. Also doesn't help that she just lies there with her vagina pointing in the air for a while.

>> No.6416567

are rounded, fatty, mound vaginas a thing?

>> No.6416584


>> No.6416589

Yeah, it sounds like she doesn't wash enough/didn't wash for quite a few hours, her ph balance is off, or you're going down with smelly hands or after your sick has been in her. Which you don't do.
>only girl I've been with
>all vaginas must smell like the beast from hell
Really anon?

>> No.6416596

Nah, it shouldn't be like that. If it bugs you that much say something. Just be cool about it, of course it'll be a little embarrassing for her but its better if you say something.

>> No.6416605

>your sick
Your what?

(Different anon, just.. a little confused.)

>> No.6416602
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This entire thread..I don't even..
Unless they are incredibly unkempt or have huge meat flaps, vaginas themselves are not gross.
If it is attached to an overall horrible human-being then no, do not want.

>> No.6416611

Do women really stick yogurt in their vaginas during yeast infections?

>> No.6416615

probably meant stick

>> No.6416618

Hahaha whaaat?
I go up to the store and get me some medication for that shit. It's a syringe of stuff that looks like yogurt but it certainly isn't.
Either that or a little capsule. It depends.

>> No.6416629

I guess I'm ok with it. I wish my clit was smaller though. It's not huge or freakish. It just seems, from the hordes of pics I've looked up, to be larger than average.It will stick out a bit sometimes.

>> No.6416633

Pics of pornstars or average women? Because pornstars get surgery.
Mine's not huge or freakish either, but it did bother me for a while. Then I looked up the average ones and honestly I feel lots better...

>> No.6416641
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>there's nothing there.

Look, enlarged labia minora. women now have labia plasty to fix their large labia minora

>> No.6416642
File: 172 KB, 456x500, lily sip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes all women have a bit of a vaginal odor exactly how all men have a bit of a musk scent around their pubic area, you're right in the sense that that's perfectly normal. BUT! If her odor is VERY strong then that means she might have an infection. Infections can be caused by all sorts of things. Wearing pants/panties that are too tight, sex, not wiping down the vulva and up the anus-wiping in a down direction from the anus can spread germs to the vagina...there are many many ways she of you could have accidentally caused an imbalance, so I suggest asking her when the last time she's talked to her personal doctor. Maybe set up a date that both of you go to your doctors if you're not feeling comfortable with telling her that you think somethings wrong.

Again, body odor is normal. No amount of soap or perfumes will ever get rid of a bodys natural scent, or at least not for very long. But anything that's about to burn your eyebrows off is the bodys way of warning.

>> No.6416644

A large clit is actually a plus. It's nothing like large ugly lips.

>> No.6416646

And here I thought guys were only insecure about their genitals... Chalk one up to naivety.


>> No.6416650

Man here
Meat curtains are disgusting, no exceptions. and they usually retain smell.
Hairy vagina's are also gross. Only exception is if the hair is near the groin area in a trimmed fashion, not inside the vagina.
Also no overly freakish features(a clit thats the size of an eyeball, etc.)

and for the love of all things holy it cant smell like a goddamn fish market.

>> No.6416651

That bottom left one is the most common and damn I feel sorry for girls who have that it's so ugly. Anyone in this thread have it?

>> No.6416655

Thank you for being insightful, but you girls have already freaked me out I'm probably gonna break up with her in the morning. I don't wanna get sick or something.

>> No.6416661

They all feel relatively the same. Obviously circumference can vary a little but it doesn't cause a huge difference in sensation. My current gf is absolutely tiny (5' 90lb.) and her vagina quite petit, but it really feels no different.

Captcha: small hernyhot

>> No.6416662

>All men have a bit of mus scent around their pubic area

Speak for yourself, my dick has 0 smell whatsoever. Unless I worked out earlier or something then theres no smell at all.

>> No.6416663
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your comment was on my front page

what the fuck is going on in here?

from /v/

>> No.6416664

Oh god, don't do that just because her vagina smells. It's perfectly fixable, just talk to her about it. And I doubt you'll get sick from it.

>> No.6416666

bring them over here I'm sure we will have a party.

>> No.6416665

You need an elaborate system of mirrors so you can go exploring.

>> No.6416668

I have them and I hate it so much. I hate it so much I can't even stomach to have any sort of sexual contact with another person without constantly thinking about how ugly I am from it. If I had the money for a labiaplasty, I would do it in a heartbeat just so I can feel normal.

>> No.6416671

Do you atleast have a boyfriend?

>> No.6416672

How many mints should I shove in there? Do you use like mentos sized ones or tic-tacs?

>> No.6416670

She could have even gotten it from being an unfortunate person with some bad timing.

Before and after a period, women can get a yeast infection even if they're very clean. Hormones fuck with the PH and then the yeast (which is always there just under control) decides it's a wonderful time to populate. And then the yeast infection happens.

This has happened to me before, and it sucks. But it seems changing my diet helped me with some issues I didn't know I had, which fixed the hormonal imbalance.

>> No.6416675

That's cause you're desensitized, dump bass.
Ask a girl to sniff your cock next time you get the chance, and she'll confirm you have a scent.

Source: I have a dick. It is amazing.

>> No.6416676

Bullshit. Unless youre doing nothing all day then thats bullshit.

>> No.6416677

I really shouldn't be surprised that so many women in this thread are being overly critical over their vaginas. But I am.

>> No.6416678
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>have endometriosis
>will be talking to friends and suddenly double over in pain from vag pains
Anyone else with this and know how to make the pain loosen a bit?

>> No.6416680

Really? What about labia minora that are a tad.. I guess, stretched out?

...I was stupid as a kid and now I'm sort of stuck with them sticking out a little bit.

>> No.6416681

It's been like that for months and all she eats are salads and only drinks water. I don't want children with birth defects if anything is wrong down there. I gotta get out before I waste anymore time on a rotten vagina.

>> No.6416682

Yes, and he doesn't seem to mind them or just chooses not to talk to me about how ugly they are.

>> No.6416688
File: 85 KB, 222x497, lily explanation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An infection in the vagina isn't anything that can be ahh given to the male. She doesn't have an STD, she just has a normal infection. Like having a cold or a fever. Her doctor will probably help her figure out what she did wrong and inform her of ways to prevent it from happening again, then treat her and her odor should be gone within a few days. This is if she has a simple infection which of course I don't know for sure.

It's also possible that she just isnt bathing properly. If she showers everyday then she really shouldnt smell too bad. Reusing used panties is also bad as well as putting soap directly into the vagina and using douches. If she has poor hygiene skills then that could also be to blame for her powerful odor. You should honestly just talk to her about it. One can't fix something they don't know is wrong.

>> No.6416686
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>> No.6416687


There is a slight scent to it but it's not bad. Just different.

>> No.6416693

actually thats true especially if you are circumsized and make sure to shake off all the drops off pee from your dick.

Yeha I think it's hot to suck on a big clit. As for large labia minora that you can spread like a pterodactyls wings no I dont like that.

>> No.6416694

... I meant for you to take. I say before because it can increase stimulation from the mint on your breath. Ever lick a spot and softly blow on it while your down there? Kinda the same thing. I say after to alleviate the odor in your mouth lol

>> No.6416697

>I don't wanna get sick or something.
Wow, seriously?

You won't get sick.

>> No.6416702

I think a ghost is just cunt punting you from the ethereal realm.

>> No.6416703

I was actually pretty excited especially since 6666 and I was asking for a shitstorm from /v/ made me feel grimdark.

>> No.6416701

nope, I guess it's because I trim my hair down there on a regular basis. But there really is no smell at all. I can tell when there is.

>> No.6416710


If she had a yeast infection though it would more than likely be at least somewhat painful for her, and she'd probably know. Plus sex itself would be kinda painful, plus the cottage cheese discharge.

>> No.6416711

this. Maybe some native american placed some wild voodoo curse on you?

>> No.6416715

Haha. No it is not true. My bf is circumcised and shortly after a shower, after that soap scent has faded, it's back. There is and always will be a slight scent.

How do you even know, anon? Do you smell your own dick? Boxers? Hand after you've been touching it? Did you get someone to smell it for you?

>> No.6416714

No one is perfect until you fall in love with them. Get over it.

>> No.6416716

>the cottage cheese discharge
I remember a time when my gf showed me her vag during an infection. It's amazing how easily an infected vagina can stink up an entire room like nothing else.

>> No.6416721

Good point. I just don't smell it.

>> No.6416722
File: 10 KB, 231x251, 1347945238531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You, sweet woman, have enlightened me this evening. I thank you.

>> No.6416723

Actually! Yeast infections can me given to the male.

I have pictures to prove it if you want.

>> No.6416725

Mine don't and the pictures I see don't have that either, and we're not talking about 2D here.

I like to believe that other women can do something about it, isn't it painful to have them rub against underwear/clothes all the time?

In Africa?

>> No.6416728

I'm just gonna move on, I'm too disgusted right now to even see her the same. Thanks though you've been a great help to me, that means something.

>> No.6416729

I like having a noticeable clit. It's really easy to find and stimulate. I had a girlfriend with a tiny clit before. You couldn't even see the thing. I felt so embarrassed, because I couldn't find it until she told me where it was.

>> No.6416733

Right, because it is your scent. You are used to how you smell. And that's fine, everyone is like this.
I'm sure your farts or sweat stink don't bother you as much as anyone else's, even if someone told you yours were worse.

>> No.6416734


>> No.6416735


It's not as easy for men to get yeast infections. Besides that, the symptoms themselves are a lot less than what a woman generally experiences.
I would still like photos however.

>> No.6416736

It doesnt matter. If you walk around heat is going to be generated and youre going to perspire. Its a basic bodily function. Now unless youre wearing basketball shorts 24/7, use a talcum powder or just dont move around, youre going to smell. Yes shaving makes the smell less noticeable youre not going to completely eliminate it.

>> No.6416739

Im a guy... This is the last time I come over from /fit/...

>> No.6416741


>some people told me some gross stuff on the internet so now im going to break up with my gf and not give it any further thought because its icky

>> No.6416743

You summed it up real nice. I guess I was just looking for a reason to break up with her. I guess her smelly vagina is gonna be it. Can't wait to see how she reacts.

>> No.6416746
File: 10 KB, 342x227, yeast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not as easy, but they can definitely get them from unprotected sex with a girlfriend that has one.
Here is one picture.

>> No.6416750
File: 11 KB, 346x206, yeast3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And last one.

>> No.6416747
File: 12 KB, 341x240, yeast2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another wonderful picture.

>> No.6416749

Meant dick, on a phone.

>> No.6416751
File: 174 KB, 485x625, 626.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're moving on that easily then you don't care for her anyway and that's why you're leaving. You were looking for an excuse and now you've partially found it. The flaw turned scapegoat. Didn't you say she's the only woman you've been with sexually? Why would you want to leave your first so easily?

And right before I hit send I saw this. That's a shame though. It's really a silly reason, but if you'd like to go such a childish route then that's on you I suppose.

>> No.6416752

You know, I think he's a troll.

>> No.6416753

Why do these images make my pussy wet?

>> No.6416755

Cause you're gross?

>> No.6416756

There's another girl I like who I have a chance with actually. We were going to fuck but I told her I wasn't going to because I had a girlfriend. Now I can be with her guilt free.

>> No.6416759

There are people who legitimately think like this. I dont blame him, I would leave too if her vaj was causing an ENTIRE fucking room to stink. She should be grateful that h's even doing oral on her.

>> No.6416760


Troll detector going off

Beep boop boop beep boop boop

>> No.6416761


Better sooner than later I suppose. It's probably best you stop wasting her and your time anyhow.

>> No.6416764

Except that it's something that can be fixed in less than a week, even if he wasn't exaggerating. (Either that or he had his nose in there and that was why he thought the room stank)

If he can't wait a few days to have sex, then god damn that boy is a slut and he doesn't deserve her anyways.

>> No.6416766

This is basically me thought process. It's fucking disgusting when I think about it. There were times when we would spend time making love and in the morning after she had gone I'd be sitting there and I could still smell her. That's why I started investing in febreeze. It isn't fair and as you've all stated it isn't normal so fuck that she's gone.

That sounds like something that comes in handy.

>> No.6416767

>Why would you want to leave your first so easily?
Because how guys see their first is vastly different from how girls see them.
When I broke up with my first I didnt care. You also dont know how long OP has been with her. You can definitely fall out of love, as I did. For guys sex is just that... sex.

>> No.6416770


>boy is a slut
I'm a man. Get over it.

Finally someone who understands.

>> No.6416773


Out of pure curiosity, why did you feel it was a better idea to ignore it and not speak to her about it and instead invest in things to cover up the issue?

>> No.6416776
File: 223 KB, 590x333, Girls Watching Me Undress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't lump all guys together, broskis.
I still remember my first. She was real cool.

fite me hatters

>> No.6416781

I didn't want to sabotage us having sex, febreeze was the easy way out.

Nobody is lumping your candy ass pussy boy shit with anything.

>Girls Watching Me Undress.png
you sad sack of shit

>> No.6416780

If you can get over it so easily, then it wasn't love. It was lust or puppy-dog love at best. You were lusting after each other, and that faded. As it does with everyone.
For a few months they're the best person in the world, and suddenly that goes away and you start to see faults. That's when you get to decide if you can live with them, or if they're dealbreakers. You also get to see if they are someone you could seriously hang out with minus the sex, as that isn't the priority anymore.

Sad to hear that you didn't care about your first, though. But if you couldn't be with her after the initial feelings faded, that's fine. No reason to stay with someone because you don't want to hurt them or something. Ends up making it hell for both of you.

>> No.6416783

Odo-ban is better. It's not so perfume-y but it gets rid of odors very well. We use it on my brother's football gear, and it works soooo much better than febreeze did.

>> No.6416789

You still remember your first, sure. Obviously other anon remembers his first.

But he didn't care.

>> No.6416784

One day, one of these threads will show up, and people will use it as a chance to have an honest discussion with the opposite sex instead of just trolling.

It has to happen eventually.

>> No.6416787


That's a pretty honest way to think of things. I wish more people were able to see this. I know far too many people who instantly believe they're in love for life after dating for less than 2 months.

>> No.6416791
File: 28 KB, 467x601, Kayo Satoh - thinks thats pretty funny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your hat only makes me head warmer.

>> No.6416792

I remember my first too and she is cool as well. I even take her out as a friend from time to time when shes down from school. Were friends but I dont love her like I did.
It hurt more knowing I didnt love her like I did than I was leaving my first. In all honesty that was the last thing on my mind.

>> No.6416795

Nice psychoanalysis there doctor strangelove but you really don't know anything about us other than what I've posted and none of that hits anywhere close to home with how I'm feeling about her right now.

>> No.6416796

You don't really know OPs story though. You have no clue of the situation or the build-up that's lead to this point to where hes looking for a reason to leave.

>> No.6416800

I've always hated the way vaginas look, but that goes for all of them, not just mine.

>> No.6416803

The important part of his statement was that you can't make a claim like
>For guys sex is just that... sex.
Because it's as asinine as casting any other broad statement like that.

>> No.6416804

They are, but it's just.. It's sort of a taste of it, I guess. Think of it as "love lite" or something.
Also, it makes you think the other person is equivalent to Adonis/Venus for a while.
I guess that's where people get stuck, and they probably haven't gotten past that into the deeper sort of love yet.
You know once you get there. And they will (hopefully) learn, as well.

>> No.6416806


so are you high or just really, really stupid?

>> No.6416807


I find it horribly fascinating to be honest.

>> No.6416813

I have, too. I grabbed a hand mirror one day and looked down there.. It's scary looking.
I was very embarrassed about it for a long time. My boyfriend wanted to do oral for me as well, and I would freak out for the longest time.

It's still embarrassing, but he tells me he likes it, so... I don't know. Maybe he's just being nice? I really think it looks weird...

>> No.6416815

>looking for a reason to leave

He already had a reason, though:
- He has a chance with another girl.
different anon btw

>> No.6416817

He might be more concerned with trying to please you than anything else.

>> No.6416821

Im the same person. Maybe I should use a trip. >>6416803
I'm sorry if the honest truth offends you. Sure it means something when you're with someone you love but you ask most guys and they'll tell you there really isn't a whole lot of emotional ties when it comes down to it. Men, generally, don't have the same emotional connection with their first as women do. However, this isnt an absolute.

>> No.6416822

You are extremely naive. There are people who have fallen in love and spent well over a decade together. They start a family. They earn a reputation. Then one day, one of two in this lovely couple meets with a temptation, a person that makes their jaw drop. In their mind they know it's lust but they have been in love with their significant other for decades. And yet one day a situation presents itself where the person comes and meets their lust, at that moment they are prepared to throw away their reputation, their love, the respect of their children, the trust they've built together that feels unbreakable to them both. In that split second they throw it all away. What is the power of love to lust? It isn't that black and white. You don't know shit about me.

>> No.6416829

Actually, men don't have the same emotional connection with sex in general that women do.
During sex, a hormone is released that makes the woman "connected" to the man. This is the same hormone that is released during childbirth, that first feeling of motherly love and a connection to the newborn. It's to make sure that they don't say "fuck this shit" and throw the baby out the window after the first night.
The same goes for the mate during intercourse. There is a bond that is formed, and it is stronger for the female. First or not.

>> No.6416832

So it's the truth, if we ignore all the people who do feel a legitimate emotional attachment to their first and we take your anecdotal evidence as fact. Perfectly reasonable.

Casting broad generalizations like that is always retarded. Always.

>> No.6416836

Wasn't talking about you. If you'll look over at the comment I was responding to and in that context, I was talking about their friends who "fall in love with someone in less than 2 months".

Although if you would like to vent, go right on ahead. If you are trying to piss me off, I'm sorry to tell you that it isn't working.

>> No.6416842

Ive known men who have become overly attached to their first. I'm not disagreeing however.

>> No.6416848

I would like to add to the second part of my response. Feelings of love are different from views on sex.

>> No.6416847


this post

And I'm not trying to make you mad I don't give a fuck about what your emotions are. Just know that you don't know anything about love only the generic shit that you think people take for granted.

>> No.6416849

So that means men don't feel any emotional attachment to their first? Just because they don't develop an emotional attachment in the same way doesn't mean it isn't there.

>> No.6416851

>men who have become overly attached to their first
They were probably just clingy in general, or had an emotional connection and something went wrong somehow.

>> No.6416852

I'm breaking up with my gf because of her vagina. There is obviously an emotional bond, it's bullshit if anyone says otherwise. I wouldn't call it an attachment though.

>> No.6416855

>Just know that you don't know anything about love
You obviously don't know anything about me.

You sure sound mad though. If you want to talk about it, I'm right here.

>> No.6416856

I'm just speaking against the generalization, not to your personal situation.

>> No.6416857

Then the bond was never strong to begin with. Leaving her over an odor that can easily be fixed is the same as leaving her because she caught a cold. It's silly. Either be a man and talk to her about it or be a punkass bitch and take off running into the night with your tail tucked firmly between your stubby little legs. Literally all you have to do is have 1 conversation with her, but that's too much to ask? Accept it dude. You never cared about her.

>> No.6416866

I obviously don't know anything about you and that fact is irrelevant. Because what I know is that your statements on love are naive. Yes I am mad, are you going to mock me for feeling emotions? Go ahead. I just hope you never feel anger.

>> No.6416870

Straw man argument. The level of connection is not as intense for a man as for a women. Do not confuse views of sex with views of a relationship with another individual. One can supplement the other, but genuine feeling is derived from more than just sex.

>> No.6416871

I wasn't mocking you. I was pointing out that you legitimately sounded upset and I was telling you that if you need to vent at me, then that is fine. It is a genuine offer. I will sit here and read whatever you post at me.

Not everyone on the internet is a complete jackass, you know.

>> No.6416872

Alright well you know you're right so it's pointless you probably won't change his mind.

I'm gonna tell her without holding and punches that I'm leaving her because of her vagina smell. If I never cared about her, I would admit it.

>> No.6416874

Your original statement was that "To guys it's just sex." just because the emotional attachment isn't as intense doesn't mean it's not there.

>> No.6416875

>I'm leaving her because of her vagina smell
Ouch. Honestly, that's worse than saying you don't care about her.

>> No.6416877

I'm done talking to you.

I'm not gonna lie to her. That way she can fix it.

>> No.6416882

>I'm done talking to you.
That's fine. Farewell, anon.
Hope everything goes well.

>> No.6416883

>I'm not gonna lie to her. That way she can fix it.
Yeeeahhh, I'm going to say if you cared about her you wouldn't hurt her like that. But whatevs, man.

>> No.6416891

Sex is just sex. If anything those feelings of attachment are derived from the man realizing he has established a legitimate relationship with that person. Ive had plenty of friends whose first times were one night stands but had little to no attachment to the girl they slept with. However if you account for first time girlfriends its a completely different story.

>> No.6416893

I am hurting her like that because I care about her. I don't want her to have a smelly vagina for the rest of her life.

>> No.6416897

Haha sure you do.

10/10, man. That was a superb trolling.

>> No.6416899

Your tears are delicious.

>> No.6416903

But the problem isn't you telling her, the problem is you telling her and leaving her because of it.

I don't understand how people can be willing to HAVE sex but completely against TALKING about sex to the very person they're sleeping with. You're the same as a person who whines about having a spouse who "isnt good in bed" but when asked if you ever told the spouse what you liked responded "no". You don't get to bitch when you never put in any effort and expected everything to be easily handed to you 100% perfectly. A major part of sex is communication. If one doesnt know, then they can't help. If you don't tell her she smells then she can't fix it because she doesnt know, she can't read your unfortunately simple mind. Telling her as you're running out the door is probably the most hurtful thing you could possibly do to her. You hoarded this fault instead of sharing it with her, then threw it in her face as you left. That's such a bitch move.

>> No.6416907


>> No.6416908


Who cares, he'll probably end up with some derpbag anyway.

>> No.6416909

I've often wondered what you /cgl/-ladies take on the waifufags on /a/ was, It's been a point of intellectual curiosity for awhile.

>> No.6416910

When you start your post so philosophically like that with "sex is just sex" it leads me to believe that your post will further enlighten me. What you are trying to say is that the emotional bonds that are established by man and woman from their first time having sex are on different levels. Which is true. What isn't true is that all men and all women experience the same level of emotional bond that pertains to each respective gender during sex.

>> No.6416912


>> No.6416917

You're a fuckin jerk. Just admit it lol.
In fact, now that I think about it, your girlfriend must be pretty retarded if she ended up with a sleaze like you. Girls who go for jerks are stupid-everyone knows that.

Don't ever let me catch you pulling the Nice Guy card anon.

>> No.6416921

Oh my, how could something so obvious never cross my mind? Simply by communicating to others I can resolve a a problem? I'm gonna go easy on you and assume that you missed some posts. Don't bother replying anymore.

>> No.6416919

Wrong. See
More specifically
>Men, generally, don't have the same emotional connection with their first as women do. However, this isnt an absolute.
>However, this isnt an absolute.

>> No.6416922
File: 83 KB, 500x454, husbando.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Judging by my trip and the file name you should know how I feel.

>> No.6416926


As if she won't meet a man who actually has the balls to talk to her about her issue rather pretending it doesn't exist so he can get laid. Not only are you a jerk, but you're actually trying to make it seem like you're doing her a favor which is a laugh.

>> No.6416924
File: 54 KB, 475x542, dont-feed-the-troll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hey, everyone! Yeah, you retards!

>> No.6416929
File: 37 KB, 876x640, 1326331826710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's cute.
Unless it crosses into Komejii territory. Then that's just plain fucking creepy.

>> No.6416928

>They're pretty cool guys.
Alrighty, that's a start.

Hey now, I just asked a question, and at least I saged.

>> No.6416931

Fuck. Sorry, didn't mean to stick you in there, sweet /a/non.

>> No.6416932

...or >>6416922 either.

Time for bed, as I obviously can't post anymore.

>> No.6416935

I think you guys are sweet~

>> No.6416936

No fucks were given in the making of my argument. I spent the last few months discussing politics with practically everyone I came into contact with. Nothing can upset me now.

>> No.6416937

What good would admitting that I am a jerk do? So you're trying to use my soon to be ex to get to me? She will always be superior to whatever woman your feeble mind and soul ever manages to attract. I know this because of your mentality where you seriously still think women are attracted to jerks.

So then you're wrong because it is an absolute. Both genders react to emotions differently.

>> No.6416939

Alright. I'm also curious about how women would feel about being treated in the way some of them describe in the threads with more discussion, such as http://archive.foolz.us/a/thread/73970180/

>> No.6416947

Look at you so high up on your throne laughing down at other people's problems. You're worse than me if you can laugh at others misfortune.

>> No.6416952

I bet all you did was ask sharp questions to the average working man to give yourself a boost. You sad sack of shit.

>> No.6416960

Misconstruing the context of what was mentioned. Argument invalid. Please go back and try again.

>> No.6416956

>Both genders react to emotions differently.

React to emotions? Aren't emotions a reaction? Have you ever come to a point in your life where you went "I'm happy ... AND I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO FEEL ABOUT THAT?"

>> No.6416957

Awww~ What I've read of it so far has been really sweet. They remind me a lot of my boyfriend. I'm really missing him right now but these are helping a little.

>> No.6416965

Trolls are coming out in force tonight! We in there!
If sharp questions consist of basic knowledge to ones candidates policies and track-record then sure. I love being a smug bastard.

>> No.6416962
File: 23 KB, 507x344, 1326331203954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I be honest? And really freaking lame right now? That story about waking up together made me tear up. That's so cute. Ugh. Now I'm sad and pitiful looking. To me personally, I found a few of those postings to be really really cute. I think having a favorite character is fun-I mean I have a collection of my favorite character that spans from figures to even a blanket so maybe my opinion counts a little less but. Yeah. ..and then the thread promptly goes to shit, but other than that it was cute.

>> No.6416975

And at the end of the day, you can go home knowing that John Moron's vote is worth exactly as little as yours. Except there are more of him, so you lose.

>> No.6416980

>implying he isn't John Moron.

>> No.6416979

Hmm, I didn't think I'd get that sort of reaction, a lot of people get creeped out by them.

There's more,

They were linked in that thread, if you didn't see them.

>> No.6416984

Nah, Anon is John Moron's brother Steve Holyshitthatguyisdumb.

>> No.6416985

And so is the greatness of Democracy. Nothing new by me. Whether your candidate wins or loses doesn't matter, if you are that disgruntled by failure how do you get through life?

>> No.6416986 [DELETED] 

I think my vagina is reasonably okay. No massive bits of labia dangling everywhere at least. However, i do have issues with my uneven boobs. That shit sucks

>> No.6416989

I always just vote for whoever is going to win.

>> No.6416995

Please, please your words are too kind. >>6416989
Better to vote than not at all.

>> No.6416992

Stop advertising your shitty website here.
>He thinks this is a democracy.
Confirmed for being worse than John Moron and Steve what's his name.

Welcome to the thread, thank you for staying on subject.

>> No.6416993


Politics: able to threadjack; even from vagina.

>> No.6416999

That's fucking hilarious a girl was just talking about her vagina a second ago.>>6416986
Then she read the thread and said fuck it, it's too late for my vagina.

>> No.6417002

Oh im sorry I thought this was 'Murrica
Youve got my vote for funniest thing said in this thread.

>> No.6417005

itt mad anally devassated romneyturds repubelicant conservatards

>> No.6417010

Why be mad? Things happen.

>> No.6417013

This thread was meant for vagina discussion and now you've all gone and ruined it. Look, >>6416999
She got triples and she erased her post because of you, she wasn't able to express her vagina.

>> No.6417017
File: 21 KB, 520x332, 1326331571447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gentle Waifufags are so sweet I can't even stand it. I want someone who likes doing cute things like that whyy god whyyy can I never find that

Adorable threads though, great moments in there.

>> No.6417022

I guess I can see someone being creeped out, considering the way they're thinking about it. "They're writing stories about 2D women! That don't exist! He thinks about someone who isn't real all day! ARGH THIS IS CREEPY!"

A lot of these remind me of how my boyfriend and I either are, or were at some point. Maybe that's why I'm not creeped out - as I'm reading, I'm thinking about us and I'm not stuck on the other stuff.

>> No.6417023

pretty sure someone posted quads previously

>> No.6417026

The ones you linked are incredibly sweet. Can you guys have actual girlfriends, though? I think that you guys could make some girls very happy.

>> No.6417027

You would likely never be able to talk to the type of guys that post in those threads because they are likely very shy in person.

My outlook has always been that some of them seem way too nice.

>> No.6417033
File: 215 KB, 839x720, 1324170717369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I understand. I'm unfortunately like that as well. Which is probably why I'm on 4chan myself. Circle of life, etc.

But waifu's are ok to me for sure. It's just another way of daydreaming about love to me. Whether it's a real person or a fictional person doesn't matter. Feelings are feelings.

>> No.6417035

>My outlook has always been that some of them seem way too nice.
Like creepy serial killer nice?

>> No.6417043

Well said.

More like "How do some of these people live with others? If they treat them anything like they treat each other.

>> No.6417045

PSSSSST. just passing by.
America is a constitutional republic which works on the electoral system. Which is essentially 'i win majority in a state, I win entire state' thing. Which means a candidate who wins the popular vote can, and has, lose the election.
We are not a democracy.

>> No.6417050

Ah. Makes sense.

>> No.6417057

A unique group of surprisingly loving people, if nothing else.

>> No.6417062

Partially correct. I don't know why I need to keep reminding people of this, but the president is not the only elected office in the US nor does the president create laws.

All of congress is elected democratically... which is why the US is (also) a representative DEMOCRACY.

>> No.6417069

This is true. I assumed we were just referring to the president. But governors, senators, and congressmen/women are all elected in a democratic process. Through this, they are the ones to push things through into law.
Which can be stopped or encouraged by the president, who you may or may not have given the popular vote to.
So, very fair point, Anon.
(I'm just tired of the WE'RE A DEMOCRACY posts. Because it's not true.)
(and I'm drunk rambling, sorry.)

>> No.6417078

How drunk are you so far?

>> No.6417082

How did this thread go from
>Why are vaginas so gross looking?
>the president is not the only elected office in the US nor does the president create laws
>/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL
of all places?

What the fuck guys, got to bed.

>> No.6417085

Ehh, I'm not sure anymore. I've been drinking straight vodka for some 4 hours now. I'm just tired and mostly perfectly coherent, if a bit chatty. I had enough sense not to get on /cgl/ when I was missing half of the keys I needed to be understood.

(but if it means anything, I'm too hazy to remember my own trip code.)

>> No.6417091

I was sort of hoping you would have covered all of the different ways the discussion in this thread went, I guess I can't win them all.

>> No.6417098
File: 107 KB, 198x199, 1317835541986.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck that, I'm not reading this thread.

>> No.6417101

There's some funny shit, and a few cute stories. I suggest reading from the bottom up, It'll make for a more interesting conversation.

>> No.6417110

I can tell you.
It went from:
>Vaginas are nasty
>Vaginas are pretty!
>Hey let's get together, anon
>Cut dicks vs uncut dicks
>My vagina is cute! In general they are okay!
>Eating out stinky vaginas (troll starts here)
>Normal slight scent of penis/vagina
>Troll says he's breaking up with girlfriend and telling her its because of her vag, everyone flips their shit
>Men can get yeast infections, too! Here let me show you pics!
>Troll is found out
>/a/ and their waifus

And now we're here.

>> No.6417111

Ooh. Where are the cute stories?

>> No.6417114

See >>6416979 >>6416939

>> No.6417128

A lot of them probably have some issues that would make it very hard for them to get in to relationships in the first place.

>> No.6417242

I don't like my vagina.. Mostly because of my pubic hair. It's so dark and... It's so much...
Ever watched asian porn?
And fuck it, I am not even asian

>> No.6417805

You could always trim, shave, or wax your pubic hair anon. Personally, I prefer shaving. Trimming was a hassle and I don't like pain, so I wouldn't want to wax. Shaving is convenient, because you can just do it in the shower.

>> No.6417830

How do you permanently remove your vag hair? I'd like it all gone pronto.

>> No.6417906


The best sex I've ever had with an an uncut guy, and his dick smelled amazing. Like, just great. I can't explain it. He definitely had 10/10 hygiene.

>> No.6417916

>This thread

Now I'm paranoid my vag is all horrible and gross. My bf says he likes it, but now I'm scared ;_;

>> No.6417921


Does it smell odd when you're going down on her? Like fish?


>> No.6417932

>tfw my vagina looks like 2d vagina... just labia majora with everything else inside.

>> No.6417961
File: 85 KB, 490x386, 1342553285728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My vagina looks okay I would give it a 6 out of 10, it used to be so pretty but then I discovered masturbating with the showerhead and things down there changed but it's more the outside view that changed my pussy itself is still very tight, it's just my lips that have become a lil bit bigger.

But still no regrets would do again.

>> No.6418119

>Troll is found out
Your tears are delicious.

>> No.6418125

How do you see where you shave in the shower?

>> No.6418149

well I might as well ask seeing how I'm curious
how do you feel about veiny dicks?

like when I'm hard there is a pretty big vein that goes does the center

>> No.6418159

My boyfriend has a big vein down the center of his dick, I think it's hot. But too much vein can be kind of gross.

>> No.6418179

Se/a/gull from earlier in the thread. I've never seen a 3D dick but I find them incredibly hot when drawn in 2D stuff.

>> No.6418182

Are tiny penises really mocked and big ones craved?

>> No.6418196

I wouldn't say big ones are craved...average to large, perhaps. But yes, we laugh at tiny penises.

>> No.6418205

>more relative value than 90% of men

Agreed. Though that said, as a physically beautiful man, the world is my oyster

>> No.6418293


Does porn influence your opinions on what constitutes "big" and "average"? Mine is dwarfed by the salamis porno dudes are packing, and yet is still like 2 inches bigger than the supposed "average"

What would you say the cutoff point is for feeling cocky about dong-size?